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Safety Evaluation Re Environ Qualification of safety-related Electrical Equipment.Equipment,Required to Mitigate LOCA Following Accident in Harsh Environ,Found Acceptable Except as Noted in Section 3
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/1981
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20126L210 List:
IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, TAC-06325, TAC-42502, TAC-6325, NUDOCS 8106010753
Download: ML20126L212 (41)


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?'~ ...s CONTENTS Page 1 Introduction ............................................... 1 2 8ackground........................................... ..... 1 2.1 Purpose ........ ................................ ..... 2 2.2 Scope.................'................................. 2 3 Staff Evaluation ........................................... 2 3.1 Completeness of. Safety-Related Equipment .............. 2

3. 2 Service Conditions .................................... 3 3.3 Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity Conditions Inside Containment ................... .............. 4 3.4 Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity Concitions Outside Containment ............................... ... 4 3.5 -Submergence .... ................................. ... 5 3.6 Chemical Spray ........................... ............ 5 3.7 Aging ...... ................................... ...... 5 3.8 Radiation (Inside and Outside Containment). .... .. ... 5 a Qualification of Equipment .. .............................. 6 4.1 Equipment' Requiring Immediate Corrective Action . . ... 7 4.2 Equipment Requiring Additional Information and/or Corrective Action ... .. ... .. . .. .................. 7 4.3 Equipment Considered Acceptable or Conditionally Acceptacle ............. ..... .. ........ . .. .... 9 5 .0eferred Requirements ... .............. ........ ... ...... 9 6 Conclusions ................................................ 9 APPENDIX A Equipment Requiring Immediate Corrective Action

. APPENDIX 3 Equipment Requiring Additional Information and/or Corrective Action AP3ENDIX C Equipment-Considered Acceptacle or Conditionally Acceptacle 1

APoENDIX 0 Safety-Related Systems List Attachment 1 Letter from the Foxcoro Company dated March 12, 1981, regarding the deficiencies in Model E11 and E13 transmitters 1

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. ment in nuclear facilities must be cacaole of performing its safety-related function under environmental conditions associated with all normal, abnormal, and accident plant operation. In order to ensure compliance with the cri-teria' the NRC staff required all licensees of coerating reactors to .suomit a reevaluation-of the qualification of safety-related electrical equipment wnich may be exposed to a harsn environment.

2 BACKCRCLhD On ' February 8,1979, the NRC Office of Inspeccion ana Enforcement (IE) issued' to all licensees of coerating plants (excect those included in the systematic evaluation program (SEP)) IE Bulletin IES 79-01, " Environmental Qualification of Class IE Equipment." This bulletin, together with IE Circular 78-08 (issued on May 31, 1978), required the licensees ~to perform reviews to assess '

the adequacy of their environmental qualification programs.

Suosequently, Commission Memorandum and Order CLI-80-21 (issued on s!ay 23, 1980) states.tnat the 00R guidelines and portions s' NUREG-0588 (wnica were issued on January 14, 1980, as enclosures a anc 5 ta IE3-79-013) form the requirements' that licensees must meet regarding environmental qualification of

. safety-related electrical equipment in order to satisfy those asoects of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, General Oesign Criterion (GDC)-4 This order 2150 requires the staff to complete safety evaluatics reports (5ERs) for til ocarating plants by February 1, 1981. In addition, this order requires that tne licensees have qualified safety'related equipment installed in their plants oy, June 30, 1982.

Sucolaments to IES79-013 were issued for further clarification ano def'nition of. the. staf f's needs. 7hese supolements were issued on Feoruary 29, Sectemoer 30, and October 24, 1980.

In addition, the staff issued orders datec August 29,1980 (amenced in September 1930) and Octooer 24, 1980 to all licensees. The August order required that tne licensees crovide a recort, by Novemce- 1, 1980, documenting the qualification of safety-related electrical equipment. The October order requirea tne estaolishment of a central file loca-icn for the maintenance 1of all equipment qualification records. The central file was mandated to Os-estaolisned by Cecemoer 1, 1980. 7ae order also required that all safety-related electrical ecuipment ce qualifisc cy June 30, 1982. In 1

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response, the licensee submitted information througr letters dated March 7, April 25, May 19, and September 5,1980 and January 13, 1981.

2.1 Purcose.

The purpose of this SER is to identify equipment whose qualification program does not provide sufficient assurance that the equioment is _cacable of performing the design function in hostile environments. The staff position relating to any identified deficiencies is provided in this report.

2.2 Scoce i The scope.of this recort is limited to an evaluation of the equipment wnich must function in order to mitigate tne consequences ,of a loss-of-coolant

, accident (LOCA) or a high-energy-line-break (HEL3) accicent, inside or outside containment, .hile subjected to the hostile environments associated with these accidents.

1' 3 STAFF EVALUATION The staff evaluation of tne licensee's response. included an onsite inspection of selected Class IE equipment and an examination of the licensee's report for completeness and acceptaoility. The criteria described in the 00R guidelines and in NUREG-0$88, in part, were used as a basis for the staf f evaluation of the acequacy of the licensee's qualification program, 5

The NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement performed (1) a preliminary -

evaluation of tne licensee's response, documented in a tecnnical evaluation recort (TER) and (2) an onsite verification inspection (Acril 15-13 and

-Octooer 27-31, 1980) of selected safety-related electrical ecuipment. The safety injection system was insoected.- The inscection verified procer installation of equipment, overall interface integrity, and manufacturers' nameolate data. The manufacturer's name'anc model numoer from tne nameolate dats were C0mpared to information given in the C0mponent Evaluation Work Sheets (CES) of tne licensee's report. The first and second site inspections are documented in recorts IE 50-344/80-08 and 324/30-27, respectively. No deficiencies were noted. For this review, the documents referenced acove have been factored into the overall staff evaluation. ,

3.1 Comoleteness of Safety-Related Ecuie.nent In accordance witn IE3 79-013, tne licensee das directad to (1) estaotisn a list of systems and scufoment that are required to mitigate a LCCA anc an HEL3 and (2) identify comoonents_ neecec to perform tne function of safety-relatec display information, post-accicent samoling and monitoring, anc raciation monitoring.

The staff develooed a generic master list tased upon a review of piant safety analyses and emergency procedures. The instrumentation selected incluces o,arameters to tonitor overall plant performance as . ell as to monitor One :er-tormance of the systems on the list. The systems list was estaoiisned On the casis of tne functions that must be ;erformec for accident mitigation (without

. regard to location of equipment relative to nostile environments).


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The list of. safety-related systems provided by the licensee was reviewed against the staff-developed master list. '

Based on 'the licensee's submittal, the staff has concluded that the information on safety-related systems included in the submittal is insufficient to verify

, that those systems are all the systems required to achieve or succort: (1) emergency reactor shutdown, (2) containment isolation, (3) reactor core coo'ing, (4) containment heat removal, (5) care residual heat removal, and (5) prevertion of significant release of radioactive material to the environment. The stard

tacknowledges the licensee's-ef fort to include only those safety-related systems' located in a potentially harsh environment. However, this review escaires the listing of all safety-related systems, both-inside and outside potentiaity harsh environments. .The list of safety-related systems submitted by the licensee is included in Appendix-0, 1

Otsplay . instrumentation which provides information for the reactor coerators to aid them in the safe nandling of the plant was not specifica1!y identif'ad by the ifcensee. A comolete list of all display instrumentation mentioned 'n the LOCA and HEL3 emergency' procedures must be provided. Equipment cuali"-

cation information in the form of ' summary sheets should be provided for all components ofLthe disolay instrumentation exposed to harsh-environments.

Instrumentation wnich is not considered to be safety related but which is

mentioned in the emergency procedure should acpear on the list. For these instruments,-(1) fustification should be provicea for not considering the instrument safety related and (2) assurance should be~provided that its subsequent failure will not mislead the operator or adversely af fect tne . r mitigation of the consequences'of the accident. The environmental qualifi-cation of post-accident samoling and monitoring and raciation monitoring ecuipment is closely related to the review of the TMI Lessons-Learned mocif'ca-tions and will be performed in conjunction witn tnat review. -

The licensee identified 416 items of equipment whien were assessed by .tne staff.

3. 2 Se'rvice Conditions 1

Commission Memorandum and Orcer CLI-80-21 requires that the 00R guicelines and the "For Comment" NUREG-0588 are to ce used as the criteria for establishing the adequacy of the safety-related electrical equipment envirormentil quali-fication program. These documents provide the cotion of estaolishing a counoing cressure and temperature condition based on clant-scecific analysis identif'sc in the licensee's Final Safety Analysis Recort (FSAR) or based on generic profiles using tne metnocs identified in nese documents.

On this basis, the staff nas assumed, unless otherwise noted, that the ana!ysis i - Ifor developing the environmental envelopes, relative to tne temoerature, pressure, and the containment spray caustics, has been performed in accorcance uita tne requirements stated aoove. The staf f nas revieweo the qualification documenta-

. tion to ensure tnat the qualification specifications envelope the conoitions

-, estaolisned by the licensee. During this review,. the staf f assumed that for


plants designed and equipped with an automatic containment spray system onica satisfies tne single-f ailure criterion, the main-steam-line-creak (MSL3) 3 i

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environmental conditions are enveloped by the large-break-LOCA environmental conditions. The staff assumed, and requires the licensee to verify, that the containment spray system is not subjected to a disabling single component failure and therefore satisfies the requirements of Section 4.2.1 of the 00R guidelines.

Equipment submergence has also bean addressed where the possibility exists that flooding of equipment may result from HEL3s.

3.3 Temoerature. Pressure, and Humidity Conditions *nside Containment The licensee nas pecvided the results of accident analyses as follows:

Max Temo (*F) Max Press (osig) Humidity (0 uGCA 296 50 100 MSLB not proviced not provided 100 The staff has concluded tnat the ninimum temoerature profile used in the specifications for equicment qualification purposes snould include a margin to account for higner-than-average temperatures in tne upcer regions of the ,

containment that can exist due to stratification, escecially following a postulated MSL3. Use of tne steam saturation temperature corresponding to the total building pressure (partial pressure of steam plus partial pressure of air) versus time will provide an acceptacle margin for eitner a costulated LOCA or MSL3, wnicnever is controlling, as to potential adverse environmental effects on eqai: ment.

The licensee's scecified temcerature (service condition) of 236* coes not satisfy One acove recuirement. A saturation temcerature car esconding to the grassure profile (307*F peak temcerature at 50 psig) snould e used instead.

The licensae should update his ecuipment summary taoles to reflect tais :nange.

If there is any equipment tna; coes not meet the staf f position, ne licensee must provide either justification that the equicment will :erform its intanced function uncer the specified conditions or propose corrective action.

3.4 Temeerature. 3ressure, and Humidity Conditions Gutside Containment The licensee has provided the temoerature, pressure, and numidity associated with an HEL3 autside containment, as 4 ell as acclicacia radiation levels asso-ciated with equipment in :ne aroximity of recirculatirg fluid lines. The following areas outsice containment nave een addressac:

(1) Auxiliary building (2) Main stea:n succort structure between tur:ine and containment building (3) Outsice area :etween containment ouilding and main steam succort structure (a) Picing senetration area between fuel cui' ding, contairment cuilding, and auxiliary cuilding.

The staff nas serified that tne carameters identified by tne licensee for the MSL3 are scceptacle.


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1 3.5 Sucmergence  !

The maximum submergence levels have been established and assessed by tne )

licensee. Unless otherwi.e noted, the staff assumed for this review tnat the '

methocology employed by the licensee is in accordance with the aaprocriate l criteria as established by Commission Memorandum and Order CLI-80-21. I The licensee stated that all equipment required for post-LCCA/MSL3 long-term I coerat :n cas either been relocated above flood level, or replaced by equicment i

quali'iad for submergence, or is scheduled for replacement by squioment qualified for suo argence. However, the licensee's value was not reported 'a his sucmit-tals. :n view of tne fact that maximum flood level inside containment cannot be es a:lished by One review of licensee submittals, submergen 3 will be consice ed as an open item for this evaluation. Comoonents naving the potsntial to ce .suomerged can be exemot from submergence qualification if tne licensee can pro,ide an assessment of the failure moces associated with these components.

The licansee should also provice assurance that the subsequent f ailure of :nis comoonent will not adversely affec*. any other safety functions or misle 1 an coerator. Additionally, tne licensee snould discuss coerating time, across the scec: rum of events, in relation to the time of submergence. If One resul s of the licensee's assessment are acceptacle, tnen these comoonents may be exemot from tne suomergence parameter of qualification.

It is not clear from the information submitted tnat suomergence of safety-related electrical equipment outside of containment was addressed. The licensee should address this 3rea more specifically in the 30-day response arld upgrade the CE5 as accropriate.

  • 3.6 Chemical soray The licensee's FSAR value for the enemical concentration is not mentioned in nis suomittals; however, the pH value quoted in ne TER for spray inside containment is 4.9-10.0. Therefore, for the purpose of tnis review, One effects of cnemical spray will be ccnsicered unresolved. The staff will review the licensee's response snen it is suomitted anc discuss tne resolution in a supplemental report.
3. ? Acing Section 7 of the 00R guidelines does not require a cualified life to be estab-lisned 'or all safety ' .ated electrical equipment. However, the following actions are requirec:

(1) Ma<e a cetailed comoarison of existing equicment and .ne materials icenti-fied in Apoent / C of the 00R guidelines. The first supplement to IE3-79-013 requires licensees to utilize the table in Accencix C and icentify any aca;tional materials as tne result of neir af' ort.

(2) Establisn an ongoing program to review surveillance anc maint1 nance records to icentify potential age-related cegradations.

(3) Estaclish comoonent maintenance and reolacement scnedules anicn include considerations of aging cnaracter'stics of the installed components.


., ' 4 The licensee identified a numoer of equipment items for which a specified qualified life was established (for examole, 5 years,15 years, or 40 years).

In its assessment of these submittals, the staff did not review the adequacy of the methodology cor the basis used to arrive at these values; the staff has 1 assumed that the established values sre based on state-of-the-art technology l and are acceptable.

1 For this review, however, the staff requires that the licensee submit supple-mental information to verify and identify tne degree of conformance to the above requirements. The response should include all tne equipment identified

~as required to maintain functional operability in harsh environments.

l^ The licensee indicated that this pnase of the response is outstancing and hat the review is in prtgress. The staff will review the licensee's resconse unen it is submitted and discuss its evaluation in a suoplemental recort.

3.8 Radiation (Inside and Outside Containment)

The licensee has provided values for the radiation levels postulated to exist I following a LOCA. The application anc :nethodology employed to determine these values were presented to the licensee as part of the NRC staff criteria con-tained in tne 00R guideilnes, in NUREG-0588, and in tne guidance provided in IES-79-018, Suopic Int 2, Therefore, for this review, the staff has assumed that, unless-otherwise noted, the values provided nave bean determinec in accordance with the prescribed criteria. The staff review determined that the i

values to wnich equipment was qualified enveloped the requirements identified by the licensee.

The 'value required by the licensee indice containment is an integrated dose'of

2. 2 x 107 rads These values do not envelope the 00R guiceline requirements and therefore are not acceptat 4. Tne radiation service condition proviced oy the licensee is lower than provided in tne guidelines for gamma ana beta radiation. The licensee is recasted to eitner provice justification for using the lower service conditicq or use tne guidelines for octn gamma and ceta raciation. If the former option is cnosen, then the analysis--including tne basis, assumptions, anc a sample calculation--should te provided.

A required value outside containment of 2.1 x 107 rads has been used by the

licensee to specify limiting radiation levels in areas containing re' circulating reactor ceolant in tne auxiliary Duilding. This value apcears to consider the radiation levels influenced by the source term methocology associated with post-LOCA recirculation fluid lines, and
s therefore accactacle.

1 4 QUALIF! CATION OF EQUIPMENT The following subsections present tne staff's assessment, casec on tne ifcensee's i

suomittal, of tne cualification status of safety-relatec electrical equioment.

The staff has separated the safety-r, n.1 equipment into tnree categories:

(1) equipment requiring immediate corre nive action, (2) ecujoment reoufring additional .ualification information and/or correc ive action, and (3) equio-ment consi .erea acceptsole if One staff's concern identifiac in 5ection 3.7 is i satisfac urily resolvad.

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In its assessment of the licensee's submittal, the NRC staff Gio not review l the methodology employed to determine the values established by the licensee.  !

However, in reviewing the data sheets, the staff made a determiration as to the stated conditions presented by the licensee. Additionally, .he staff has not completed its review of supoorting documentation referenced oy the licen-see (for example, test reports). It is expected that wnen the review of test recorts is complete, the environmental qualification data bank estaclished by the staff will provide the means to cross reference each suctu ting document  !

to the referencing !icensee. I

'f supporting documents are found to ce unacceptable, the licarsee will De required to take additional corrective actions to eitner estro::sh qualifi-cation or replace the item (s) of concern. This effort will eg"n in early l 1981.

! An appendix for each subsection of this report provides a list ol' equipment for which additiona', information and/or corrective action is required. 'dhe re l


accropriate, a reference is provided in the appendices to icentify deficiencies. l It snould be noted, as in the Commission Memorandum and Orcer, . at the deficien- l cies identified do not necessarily mean that ecuipment is uncuaiified. However, they are c?use 'or concern and may require further case-by-case avaluation.

4.1 Eouiement Recuirino Immediate Corrective Action l

Appendix A identifies equipment (if any) in this category. The licensee was asked to review the facility's safety-related electrical ecuiccent. The l


licensee's review of this equipment, in accordance witn.One recuirements of IES79-013, has identified several types of. equi ment 'see Apoencix A) wnere reasonaole assurance does not exist tnat the equi; ment will not fail when it is excosed to the environmental canaitions postulated in IE3 79-013. There-fore, a licensee event report (LER 30-22) was sucmitted by tne licensee to the NRC on October 31, 1980. The 1icensee stated tnat tne occurrence was l caused by changes in tne criteria f' anvi ronmen t!.i ;ualification of safety-l related electrical equipment from .jan FSAR to those recuired oy IE3 79-013,

! and nas no effect on eitner plant puolic safety. The immediate corrective action taken by the licensee was to perform a safety evaluation to ensure that Muipment failure would not preclude the performance of safety- elated functions, c; documented in Enclosure a of the licensee's suomittal of Sectemcer 9,1980.

I loe permanent corrective action taken will be replacement or acaif f fation of ecuipment to meet tne qualification criteria of IES79-013 cefore June 30, 1982. In acdit on, the staff has not identi fied any safety-related electrical d

ecuicment =hicn is not sole to perdarm its intenced safety func. ion curing the time in snica it must operate.

4.2 Ecuicment Recuirino Adaitional Information anc/or Correct ive Action Accendix 3 identifies ecuipment in this category, inclucing a taculati:n of f deficiencies. The deficiencies are noted by a letter relating to tne legena I (icentified celow), indicating that the information proviced is not suf ficient for tne qualification parameter or condition.

Legend. ,

R - radiation T - temperature QT ' qualification time  ;

RT - required time j P pressure i H - humidity j CS -Lchemical spray j

- material-aging evaluation; replacement schedule; ongoing equipment

.A surveillance a - submergence M- - margin a IL - HEL3 evaluation outside containment not completec QM ~ qualification method '

RPN - equipment relocation.'or replacement; adequate schedule ut provided EXN - exempted equipment justification inadequate SEN - separate-ef fects quailfication justification inadequate ,

QI qualification information being developed l RPS - equipment relocation or replacement schedule provided As noted in Section 4, .these deficiencies do not necessarily mean that the equipment is unqualified. However, the deficiencies are cause for concern and require further case-by-case evaluation. The staff has determined that an acceptable o' asis to exempt equipment from qualification, in whole or part can

.be established provided the following can be established and verified by tne l i.censee:

-(1) Equipment does not perform essential safety functions 'in the harsh environ-ment, and equipment f ailure in the harsn environment will not imoact t safetyrrelated functions or mislead an operator.

1 0- (2a) Ecufpment performs its function before its exposure to the harsn enviror-( . ment, and tne adequacy for the time margin proviced is adecuately justi"ed, and (2b) Subsiquent failure of the equioment as a result of the harsh environment i coes not degrace other safety functions or mislead the operator.

l (3) The safety-related functirn can be accomplished by some other designated equipment that nas oeen adequately qualified and satisfies tne single-failure critarion.

I (4) Equipment will not be sucjected to a narsn environment as a result of tne costulated. accident.

'The licensee is, therefore, required to supotement the information presented by providing resolutions to the deficiencies icentified; these resolutions

'snould incluce a description of the corrective action, senedules for its K completion (as apolicaole), and so fortn. The staff will review :ne licensee's fj -

response, when it is submitted, and discuss the resolution ir, a sucolemental

' report.


It should be noted that in cases where testing is being conducted, a condition may arise which results in a determination by the licensee that the equipment does not satisfy the qualification test requirements. For tnat equipment, the licensee will be required to provide the proposed corrective action, on a timely basis, to ensure that qualification can be established by June 30, 1982.

4.3 Ecuioment Considered Acceatable or Conditionally Accectacle Based on the staff review of the licensee's submittal, the staff identified the equipment in Appendix C as (1) acceptable on the basis that the qualif f-cation program adequately enveloped the specific environmental plant parameters, or (2) conditionally acceptacle subject to the satisf actory resolution of the staff concern icentified in Section 3.7.

For the equipment identified as conditionally acceptacle, tne staff determineo that the licensee did not clearly (1) state that an equipment material evaluation was conductec to ensure that no known materials susceptible to degradation because of aging nave been used, (2) establish an ongoing program to review the plant surveillance and main-tenance records in order to identify equioment degradation wnica may be age related, and/or (3) cropose a maintenance program and reolacement schedule for equioment ,

identified in item 1 or equipment that is qualified for less taan the life of tne plant.

The licensee is, therefore, required to sucplement the information presentec for equipment in :nis category before full acceptance of tnis equioment can ce establisned. The staff will review the licensee's rescansa wnen it is suo-mitteo ar.d discuss the resolution in a supplemental report.

5 DEFERRED REQUIREMENTS IES79-018, Suoplement 3 has relaxed the time constraints for the sucmission of the information associated with cold shutdown ecuioment and TMI lessons-learned modifications. The staff nas required tnat tnis information ce provided by Feoruary 1,1981. The staff will provice a sucolemental safety evaluation addressing these concerns.

5 CONCLU$ IONS The staf f nas cetermined that tne licensee's listing of safety'-related systems ano associated electrical souioment wnose acility to function in a narsh environment following an accident is recuired to mitigate a LCCA or HEL3 is comolete and acceptacle, except as notea in Section 3 af this recort. The staff nas also determinec tnat the environmental service conditions to ce met by the electrical ecuipment in the narsh accident environment are aporopriate, 9

t except as noted in Section 3 of this report. Outstanding information identified in Section 3 should be provided within 90 days of receipt of this SER.

The staff has reviewed the qualification of safety-related electrical equip-ment to the extent defined by this SER and has found no outstanding items which would require immediate corrective action to ensure the safety of plant operation. However, the staff has determined that many items of safety-related electrical equipment identified by the licensee for tnis review do not have adequate documentation to ensure tnat they are capaole of withstanding the harsh environmental service conditions. This review was based on a comparison

.of the qualification values with tne specified environmental values required '

by the design, wnich were provided in the licensee's summary sheets.

.5ubsection 4.2 identified deficiencies tnat must be resolved to estaolf sn the qualification of the equipment; the staff requires that the information lack-ing in this category be provided within 90 days of receipt of tnis SER.

Within this period, the licensee should either provide documentari of the missing qualification information which demonstrates that such eq '

meets the 00R guidelines or NUREG-0588 or commit to a corrective action , qualiff-cation, replacement, relocation, and so forth) consistent with the r9euirements to establish qualification oy June 30, 1982. If the latter option is cnosen, the licensee must provide justification for operation until sucn corrective action is complete.

Subsection 4.3 identified acceptance and conditional acceptance based on noted i deficiencies. Where additional information is required, the licensee should respond within 90 days of receipt of this SER by providing assurance that

. these concerns will be utisfactorily resolved by June 30, 1982.

The staff issued to tne licensee Section 3 and 4 of this report and requested, under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(f), tnat tne licensee review tne ceficien-cies enumerated and one ramifications thereof to determine snether safe coeration of the facility would ce impacted in consideration of the deficiencies. The licensee has completed a preliminary review of tne idantified ceficiencies and has determined that, after due consideration of tne deficiencies and their ramifMations, continuec safe operation would not be adversely affected.

Sased on these considerations, the staff concluces that conformance with tne above requirements and satisfactory completion of the corrective ac. ions by June 30, 1982 will ensure ct:apitance with the Commission Memorandum ana Order of May 23,1980. The stsff furtner concludes . hat there is reasonaale assurance of continued safe operation of this facility pencing comoletion of

these corrective actions. This conclusion is based on the following:

(1) that tnere are no outstanding items wnich aculd require immeciate correc-tive action to assure safety of plant operation (2) some of the items found deficient have oeen or are being replacec or relocated, thus improving the facility's caoacility to function " allowing a LOCA or HEL3 10

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,(3)' qualifiedthe harsh result f.1vironmental from conditions low probability events; for which events this .niyt which equipmant must be reasonably be anticipated during this very limited period would lead to less demanding service conditions for this equipment.

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c jy APPENDIX'A r Equipment Requiring Immediate Corrective Action

'(Category 4.1)

,, y LEGEN0:

.0esignation for Oeficiency


-R - Radiation T - Temoerature QT - Qualification time RT - Required time P'- Pressure i

, H - Humidity j CS - Chemical' spray '

A -~ Material aging evaluation, replacement' schedule, ongoing equipment surveillance '


_ r M - Margin.

I -'HEL3 evaluation outside containment not completed  ;

QM - Qualification method "

RPN-~ Equipment relocation or replacement, adecuate schedule not provided EXN -'Exempteo' equi,pment justification.: inadequate SEN - Separate. effects qualification justification inadequate [

-QI - Qualification information oeing developed  !

.RPS rEquipment relocation'or replacement schedule provided 1 Equipment Descriction Manufacturer Model No.- Comconent No. Oeficiency i

Differential Pres-  !

i sure Transmitter Barton 384 FT970A QT,T,P ,R , A,QM,RPS  ;

i i' Differential Pres-  ;

sure Transmitter 3arton 384 FT9708 QT,T,P,R,A,qM,RPS Differential Pres-  !

sure Transmitter Barton 384 FT971A QT,T,P,R,A,qM,RPS i

Offferential Pres-sure Transmitter 3arton 384 FT9713 QT,7,P,R,A,qM,RPS Differential Pres-sure Transmitter Barton 384 FT913 QT,T,?,R,A,QM,RPS i

Differential Pres-sure-Trarsmitter 3arton 384 FT922 QT,7,9,R,A,QM,RPS A-1 i

e l

APPENDIX A (Continued)

Equipment-Description Manufacturer Model No. Comconent No. Deficiency 1 Level Transmitter Barton 384 LT547 QT,T,P,CS,R,A,GM,RPS Flow Transmitter Barton 384 FT542 T,P,CS,R,A,QM,RPS Pressure Barton 345 PT419 QT,T,P,H,R,A,GM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 345 PT925 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 345- PT515 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Transmitter Pressure. Barton 345 PT525 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS

~ Transmitter Pressure- -Barton 345 PT535 QT,7,P,H,R,A,0M,RPS Transmitter Pressure Sarton 345 PT545 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 389 ?T403 '

T,P,H,CS,A,5,QM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 393 PT2080 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 393 PT2081 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 393 PT2082 QT,T,P,H,R,A,GM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 393 ?T2083 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Transmitter Pressure Barton 393 ?T458 QT,T,?,H,CS,R,A,QM,RPS Transmitter RTO Surns 30R-302 TE504 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS RTO Burns POR-302 T5505 QT,T,?,H,R,A,QM,RPS Limit Switen NAMCO 32400X 251782 QT,T,?,H,R,A,0M,RPS Limit Switen NAMCO 02400X ZS1793 QT,T,P,H,R,A,GM,RPS A-2


a l



l APPENDIX A (Continued)

Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Comoonent No. Deficiency Limit Switch NAMCO 02400X Z58880 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Limit Switen NAMCO 02400X 258888 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Limit Switch. 'NAMCO 02400X Z52256 -QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Limit Switcn NAMCO 02400X ZS2276 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM,RPS Limit Switch NAMCO 02400X ZS2295 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QH,RPS Limit Switch- NAMCO 02400X ZS2297 QT,T,P,H,R,A,0M,RPS t Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-00 M08700A QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve-Motor Operated Limitorque SM8-00 N087008 QT,T,P,A,QM**~

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SM8-00 M08716A QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve , ,

Motor. Operated 'Limitorque SM8-00 M087168 QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-00 M08804A QT,T,?,A,QM**

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-00 M088048 QT,T,P,A,QM""


. Motor Operated Limitorque SM8-00 'M08809A QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve- , l Motor Operated 'Limitorque SMB-00 M088098 QT,T,P,A,qM**

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-00 M08811A QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SM8-00 M088118 QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor Ooerated Limitorque SM8-0 M01120 QT,T,P,A,qM**

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SM8-0 M0112E QT, T, P , A ,QM** i Valve l Note: ^^ Replace orakes with Limitorcue 58 conversion kit by June 1982.


. 1

, , . . - - - . . - , . . . - - _ . . _ - _ . . . . . _ _ . _ - . _ . . . , - . . . _ . . , ~ . . . _ . . . . . . . , _ . . . . - - _ - -




s J

APPENDIX A (Continued)

Equipment j Descriotion Manufacturer' Model No. Comoonent No. Deficiency Motor Operated Limitorque SM8-00 M08924 QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor Operated. Limitorque SMB-0 M08806~ T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor Operated 'Limitorque SMB-00 M08807A T,P,A,QM**


Motor Operated Limitorque. SM8-00 M088078 T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-4 M08808A T,P,A,QM**

i Valve Motor.0perated Limitorque SMS-4 M088088 T,P,A,qM**

Valve Motor. Operated _ Limitorque SMB-4 M08808C T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor Operated - Limitorque SMB-4 M088080 T,P,A,QM"*

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque $M8-00 M08923A T,P,A,GM**

Valve Motor Operated. Limitorque SMB-3 M010002 T,P,CS R,M,A**

Valve Motor Operated 'Limitorque $M8-3 M010003 T,P,CS,A,R,QI**

Valve- ,

Motor Operated. Limitorque 5M8-00 M010005 T,P,A,GM**

Valve Motor Operatec Limitorque SMB-00 M010006 T,P,A,QM""

Valve Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-00 M010007 QT,T,P,CS,R,A,QI**


. Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-00 M010008 QT,T,P,CS,1,A,QI"*


. Motor Operated Limitorque SMS-00 M010009 QT,T,P,CS,R,A,QI**

Valve Note: **Reciace o'reaks with Limitorque $8 conversion <it 'ay June 1982.


1 1

l APPENDIX A (Continued)

Equipment Oescriction Manufacturer Model No. Comoonent No. Deficiency Motor, Operated- Limitorque SM8-00 M010010 QT,T,P,CS,R,A,QI"*

Valve-Motor Operated limitorque SMB-00 -M010011 QT,T,P,A,QM"* l Valve:

Motor Operated Limitorque SM8-00 M010012 QT,T,P,A,QM**


( .

. Motor Operated Limitorque SMB-2 M02052A QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve  ;

Motor.0peratec Limitorque SMB-1 M020538 QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor 0perated Limitorque SMB-2 M020528 QT,T,P,A,QM**

Valve Motor.0perated Limitorque -5MB M02053A QT,T,?,A,qM""

Valve- .


1 Note: -" Replace ora <es with Limitorque SB conversion kit by June 1982. ,

A-5 l

l 1

l l

l l



-Equipment. Requiring Additional Information and/or Corrective Action' (Category 4.2)-


Designation :for Deficiency

R - Radiation

'T - Temperature QT - Qualification time RT - Required time .

P - Pressure H - Humidity CS - Chemical spray A'- Material aging evaluation, replacement schedule, ongoing equipment surveillance 5 - Submergence M'- Margin I - HEL3 evaluation outside containment not completed

'QM - Qualification method RPN - Equipment relocation or replacement, adeouate schedule not provided EXN - Exempted' equipment justification inadequate SEN - Separate effects qualification justification inadequate QI - Qualification information being ceveloped R?S - Equipment relocation or reclacement senecule.provided Equipment Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-0 M08801A QT,A Motor Operated Yalve Limitorque SMB-0 M088013 .QT,A Motor Operated Valve Limi torque SMB-0 M09802A QT,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-0 M088023 QT,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M0329A A,T,CS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMS-00 M03296 A,T,CS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMS-00 M03300 A,T,CS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMS-00 M03301A A,T,CS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M033013 A,T,03 Motor Coerated valve Limitorque SMB-00 M03302A A,T,CS B-1


~ l l

l APPENDIX B (continued)

Equipment Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Motor Operated Valve. Limitorque SMB-00 M033028 A,T,CS Motor Operated Valve Limi torque SMB-00 M03305A A,T,CS Motor Operated Yalve Limitorque SMB-00 M033058 A,T,CS Motor'0perated Valve Limitorque SM8-00 M033068 A,T,CS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M03309A A,T,CS  !

Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-00 M033098 A,7,CS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-00 M033108 A,T,CS,QI Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMS-00 M03313A A,T,CS Motor Operated. Valve Limitorque SMS-00 M033138 A,T,CS Motor Operated Valve timitorque SMB-00 M03314A A,T,CS

. Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M033148 A,T,CS I

Motor. Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-00 M02050A A,QM

-Motor Operated /alve Limitorque SMB-00 M020508 A,QM Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-00 M08000A A,P,CS,QM Motor Operatec S4lve Limitorque SM8-00 M080008 A,P,CS,QM Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M03299 T,CS,A >

Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M03320 T,CS,A Motor Goersted Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M03347  ?,CS,CM,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M010013  ?,CS,QM,A Motor Goerated. Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M010015 P,CS,QM,A Motor Operated Vaive Limitorque SM8-000 Md2218 CS,QM,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMS-COO M02228 CS,QM,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-CCO M02238 CS,QM,A

-Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M02248 CS,QM,A 8-2

,. . . . , , - , , - - . - - . ,, -- - , - , , , ..-....,...,,m.,,,...~

. - . , . . - ..~ .- -.- - - - - . -

..g APPENDIX,8 (continued).  :

Equipment Component Description' l

Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency  ;

. Motor Operated Valve ' Limitbrque SMB-000 M03210A QT,A,M Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M032108 QT,A,M i lMotorOperatedValve ' Limitorque sM8-000 M05663 QT,A,M Motor. Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M05672 P,CS,QM,A  ;

Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M05673 P,CS,QM,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SN8-000 M05674 P,CS,QM,QI.

Motor- Operated . Valve ' - Limitorque SM8-000 M05675 QT,A,M,A i Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M05676 QT,A,M,A i Motor Operated S/alve Limitorque SMB-000 M05677 QT,A,M,A

Motor Operated i /alve . Limitorque' -SMB-000 M05678 QT,A,M,A

( Motor Operated Valve - Limitorque SMB-000 M05651A P,CS,QM,A Motor Ooerated Valve .Limitorque SMB-COO M056518 P,CS,QM,A i Motor Ooerated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M05651C P,CS,qM,A l l

Motor Operated Valve' Limitorque SMB-000g - M056510 P,CS,QM,A Motor _ Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M05671 QT,A,M Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M05654 .P,CS,QM,A Motor Cperated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M05656 P,CS,qM,A  ;

Motor Coerated Valve Limitorque SMS-000 M05658 P,CS,qM,A 'l Motor Ocarated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M04005 P,CS,QM,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M05660 P,CS,QM,A

, LMotor Ooerated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M04180 P,CS,QM,A I Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-000 M04300 P,CS,QM,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque 5M8-3 M02069A QT,T,P,H,A,qM,QI Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-3 M020698 QT,T,P,H,A,qM,QI .

8-3 f


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, --,---.,v-, . ---.,--r- ,,.,-.- ,.-.--

APPEN0tX B (continued)

Equipment ,


, Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-3 M08812 P,CS,QM,A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMS-3 M08835 QT,A,M


Motor 0perated Valve - Limitorque SMS-2 M08701 T,QT,CS,M,A

. Motor Operated Valve Limitorque 5M8-2 M08703 T,QT,M,A Splices Raychem .WCSF-N -

CS,A Feedthrougn Conax N11001-33 -

T,P,H,CS,A Cable Okonite 350MCM,5KV, A13 QT,P,H,A EP  ;

Terminal-Block GE E3-5 AT3409 QT,H,A (

i Terminal 31ock - GE ES-5 AT3440 QT,H,A Terminal Block GE E3-5 AT3d25 QT,H,A  ;

Terminal Block GE EB-5 AT3460 QT,H,A Limit Switch NAMCO EA17011302 258814 H,A,qM,P Limit Switch ' NAMCO EA170 258152 H,A,QM,?

Limit-5 witch NAMCO EA170 Z58811A H,A,QM,P Limit Switch NAMCO EA170 IS88113 H,A,QM,P Limit Switch NAMCO EA17011302 Z58813 'H,A,QM,P ,

1 Limit $sitch NAMCO EA17011302 Z58883 H,A,QM,P Limit Switch NAMCO EA17011302 Z58964 ri , A , QM , P i Limit Switch NAMCO EA17011302 Z58028 H,A,QM,?

I Instrument Cable Rockcestos 2C,#16,600V, (D2 QT,P,H,A,QM,R,i XLPE


l 1

Pressure & Differential

?ressure Transmitters Barton 764 LI517 CS,A,QM,H

~ Pressure 1 Offferential Pressure Transmitters Barton 764 LT513 C5,A,QM,H 3-4 l


, ,- - ,_...,,_.m-,.,-- .-m_-, . - - , , , , - , , , , . . _ , , . . . _ , . . . , . . - . - - - . , , , , _ . , ~ . . - . _

. _- - _ _ . . _ . . _ . _~ _ _ _ __ .

APPENDIX 8 (continued)

Equipment' .

Component-Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency-Pressure & Differential Pressure Transmitters Barton 764 LT519 CS,A,QM,H Pressure & Differential Pressure Transmitters Barton 764 LT528 CS.A,QM,H Pressure & Differential Pressure. Transmitters Barton 764 LT529 CS,A,QM,H Pressure & Oifferential Pressure Transmitters' Barton 764 LT537 CS,A,QM,H Pressure & Differential'

- Pressure Transmitters Barton 764 LT538 CS,A,QM,H

. Pressure & Differential Pressure. Transmitters 8arton 764 'LT339 CS,A,QM,H Pressure & Differential

  • Pressure Transmitters Barton 764 LT54'8 CS,A,QM,d Pressure & Differential  !

Pressure Transmitters- Barton' 764 LT549 CS,A,QM,H Pressure & Differential

- Pressure Transmitters Barton 389 PT403 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,5 Pressure & Differential Pressure Transmitters 8arton 763 PT455 H,CS,A,QM i Pressure & Offferential  !

Pressure Transmitters Barton 763 ?T456 H,CS,A,QM I Pressure & Cifferential-

, Pressure Transmitters Barton 763 ?T157 H,CS,A,qM RTO _ Rosemount 176KF TE410A H,CS,A RTO Rosemount .76KF TE4108 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 175KF 7E411A H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE4118 H,CS,A l RTO' Rosemount 176KF TE413A H,CS,A i

8-5 i

f w4,. , -

.,,-,,,,,+,,m-,--,, -,4,. , +-,.-.--.m., ,--..---,,-,-#.-,,w+-e,.4.,w*m,-. ,~---,*-,%..w-,..-----. .....~....,m-.

4 4 v

APPENDIX 8 (continued)

_ Equipment' Component Description Hanufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency RTO Rosemount 176KF TE4138 H,CS,A i

RTO Rosemount 176KF TE420A H,CS,A i

RTO Rosemount- 176KF TE4208 H,CS,A RTO . Rosemount 176KF TE421A H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE4218 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE423A H,CS,A .

RTO- Rosemount 176KF TE4238 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE430A H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE4308 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount , II6KF - TE431A H,C3,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE4313 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE433A H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE4338 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE440A H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF T24408 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE441A -H,CS,A RTO hsemount 176KF TE4413 H,CS,A RTO Rosemount 176KF TE443A H,CS,A RTD Rosemount 176KF TE4438 H,CS,A Motor Allis-Chalmers Type GV MP204A T,QT,P,H,A,0M Motor Allis-Chalmers Type GV MP2048 T,QT,P,H,A,QM Solenoid valves ASCO NP931654E SV8149A P,H,CS,A Solenoid Valves ASCO NP831654E SV8149Al P,H,CS,A Solenoid Valves ASCO NPS31654E 5981498 P,H,CS,A i




-y- **e *g-e g erwt w ,v.we't' t'*-v'ev'*- -vve-F't*--"**v'*t - ' vv v= v '-* ev*~wwM9 w e ' e-s* -t s t w- m " M w e*-ww**~-Ft- --*==********8-aa'* '-***w'-- * *--J- ' -* - ---- - *' *-*'

. _ . . .-. .- . . .__ - - ~

v, ,

f APPENDIX 8 (continued)

. Equipment- Component Description -Manufacturer. Model No. .th). Deficiency

'Scienoid Valv's e ASCC NP831654E SV814981 P,H,CS,A Solenoid Valves' _ASCO' NP831654E SV8149C P,H,CS,A

. Solenoid Valves ASCC NP831654E SV8149C1  ?,H,CS,A Solenoid Valves ASCO NP831654E SV455AA P,H,CS,A <

Solenoid Valves ASCO NP831654E- SV455AB P,H,CS,A Solenoid Valves ASCO .NP83165aE SV456A P,H,CS,A Solenoid Valves ASCC NPS31654E SV4568 P,H,CS,A Solenoid Valves ASCO NP831654E SV8026 P,H,CS,A Power Cables General Cable 2C,#14,600V,EP N02 R,CS A Power. Cables Ger.eral Cable 20,#14,600V,EP NO2 CS,A, Power Cables General Cable 5C,#14,500V,EP NOS CS,A,qM,5

. Power Cables General Cable 7C,#14,500V,EP N07 CS,A,QM,5 Power Cables General Cable 9C,#14,500V,EP N09 CS,A,QM,5 Power Cables General Cable IC,#4/0,500V,EP POS CS,A,QM,5

, Power. Cables ~ General Cable 1C,#1/0,600V,EP P07 'R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,GM,5 Power Cables General Cable 3C,#8,500Y,E? ?15 CS,A Power Cables General Caole 3C,#8,500V,EP P15 CS,A,QM,5 Power Caoles General Cable 3C,#10,500V,5? D15 CS,A,QM,5 Power Caoles General Caole 3C,#12,500V,EP P17 CS,A,GM,S Power Cables General Caole 3C,16,600V,E? P13 CS,A,qM,5 Power Caoles General Cable 20,112,500V,5? ?20 R,T,QT,?,H CS, A,;M,5 i 1

l 5-7

, . , - , , , , _ . . . ., _ _ _ _ - . _ . . . , _ . . _ , , . . . . _ , _ . . _ , - - . . _ _ . . . - ~ . _ . , . , . . . _ . - , _ . _ . - _ . _ _ - .

1 APPENDIX B (continued)

Equipinent - Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Cable American Wire 2C/S,#16,300V, IO2 P,CS,A,Qh,$,M

& Cable EP Cable American Wire dC/S,#16,300V, 104 P,CS,A,QM,$,M

& Cable EP Cable American Wire 2C/S,#16,300V, 502 P,CS,A QM,S,M

& Cable EP Cable American Wire 2C/S,#16,300V, ZO2 P,CS,A,QM,5,M

& Cable E?

Cable American Wire AC/S#16,300V, Z04 P,CS,A,QM,S,M

& Cable EP Limit Switen NAMCO EA180 ZS8701 H,CS,A

' Limit. Switch NANCO EA180 ZS8702 H,CS,A Limit Switch. NAMCO EA180 ZS8026 H,CS,A Limit Switch NAMCO EA180 ZS8871 H,CS,4 limit. Switch NAMCO EA180' ZS455A H,CS,A Limit Switen NAMCO EA180 Z5456 H,CS,A Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLS8300864RF SV8870A A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLS8300864RF SV88708 A,QM 1


Solenoid Valves ASCO WPL38300864RF SV8871 CS,A,QM Solenoid" Valves ASCO WPL38300864RF SV8875A CS,A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLB8300864RF SV88758 CS,A,QM l

. 1 Solenoid Valves ASCO WPL3830086dRF SV8875C CS,A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLB830086 ARF SV88750 CS,A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLS8300864RF SV8877A CS,A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLS8300864RF SV88778 CS,A,qM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLS8300064RF SV8877C CS,A,QM 3-3 I

, , . _ . _ . , , . _ . , . . . _ . . . , _ . . . . _ . _ . , - , _ . . . _ - _ - . . . _ _ _ ~ _ ___ _ . .

i t l

APPENDIX B (continued)

' Equipment .

Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency

? Solenoid Valves- ASCO WPL88300864RF SV88770 CS,A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO' WPL88300864RF SV8878A CS,A,QM

' Solenoid Valves ASCO WPLS8300864RF SV88788' CS,A,QM i- ,

Solenoid Valves

'ASCO WPL88300864RF SV8878C CS,A,QM Solenoid Vahes - ASCO' WPLS8300864RF SV88780 CS,A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPL88300864RF SV8879A CS,A,QM Solenoid. Valves. ASCO. WPL8830006d F SV88798 CS,A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPL88300864RF SV8879C CS,A,QM

, Solenoid Valves ASCO WPL88300864RF SV88790 CS,A,qM Solenoid Valves 'ASCO WPtB8300864RF SV8881 CS,A,QM Solenoidl/alves *ASCO' WPLS8300864RF SV8883 A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO WPL88300864RF SV8964 A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO FT80033 SV22978 A,R,qM Solenoid Valves ASCO- FT831J654 SV8880 A,QM Solenoid Valves .ASCO FI831654 SV8152 A ,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO HT80073 SV2297A .A,R,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO HT8033 SV1783 A,QM Solenoid' Valves ASCO HT3320A36 SV2295A A,R,QM Solenoid Valves ,0 HT8320A36 SV22958 A,R,QM 3

. . l Solenoid Valves ASCO 8320A90HT SV1782 A ,qM j

Solenoid valves ASCO LS831054 SV8888 A,QM l l

l Solenoid Valves ASCO L8831654 SV8033 A,qM g Solenoid Valves ASCO 8316C35HT SV10001 A,R,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO 8316C35HT SV10004 A,QM

8-9 1-

. q

__ _ . _ _ , ._ . . . . _ _._________...___._..__..._.._.._a

APPENDIX 8 (continued)

Equipment Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Solenoid Valves ASCO '8316C3SHT SV10014 A,qM Solenoid Valves ASCO 8316C3SHT -5V10015 A,QM Solenoid Valves ASCO 8602826 SV4006 A,qM Solenoid Valves ASCO FT8320101 SV8028 A,qM Solenoid Valves ASCO HT8302828RU .SV4000 A,qM Solenoid Valves ASCO 8302C2GRU SV4181 QT,T,P,H,CS, R,A,5,QM

. Solenoid Valves ASCO 8302C2GRU SV4301 QT,T,P,H,CS, R,A,5,qM Level, Transmitter Fisher & Porter 1302493 LT2069A A ,QT , T , P ,H ,qM ,

QI,RPS Level. Transmitter Fisher & Porter 1302493 LT20698 A,QT,7,P,H,QM, QI,RPS a Level Transmitter Ffsher & Porter 1082495 FT3043C A,H,QT,QM,RP

' Level' Transmi tter - Fisher & Portar 1082495 FT30430 A,H,QT,QM,RP Penetrations Amphenol N/A AZO 1 A,QT,T,P,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN Penetrations Ampnenol N/A AZO 3 A,QT,T,P,H,CS,

-QM,QI,RPN Penetrations Amonenol N/A AZOS ,A,QT,T,P,H,CS,

j. QM,QI.RPN Penetrations Amonenol N/A AZ06 A,QT,T,?,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN i
j. Penetrations > Amphenol N/A AZ07 A,QT,T,P,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN Penetrations Amphenol N/A 8Z01 A,QT,7,P,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN Penetrations Amonenol N/A 8Z03 A,QT,T,?,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN 8-10

, ,-, , - . . - , . , . . . . . , , . _ . , . . - , . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . _ . . _ . . _ . _ , . . . . - . . ~ . . . . - . . _ . . . . . . _ _ , _ , . . _ . _ _ . _ ~ . . ,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ._ _ _ _= ._ . ._ .-

1 1

APPENDIX B (continued)

Equipment' Component Description

~ Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency-Penetrations Amphenol' -N/A SZOS. A,QT,T,P,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN Penetrations Amphenol .N/A 8Z07 A,QT,T,P,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN Penetrations Amphenol N/A CZ07 A,QT,T,P,H,CS,

! QM,QI,RPN Penetrations Amphenol N/A OZ07- A,QT,T,P,H,CS, QM,QI,RPN

. Level Switch Fisher & Porter LS38365 LS2074 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,S,QM,RPS Level. Switch. Fisner & Porter LS38365 LS2075 QT,7,P,H,CS,R, A,5,qM,RPS

-I/P. Converter. . F i s che r, ' 546 FY606 QT,7,P,H,R,A,QM, QI,RPS I/P Converter Fischer $46 FY607 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM, QI,RPS

Flow Indicating Sarton 288A FIS3004A1 QT,7,P,H,R,A,QM, Switen QI,RPS Flow Indicating '

Barton 288A FIS3004A2 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM, Switen QI,RPS Flow Indicating Barton 288A FIS300481 JQT , T , P , H , R , A ,QM ,

Switch QI,RPS Flow Indicating Barton 288A FIS300482 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM, Switen QI,RPS Flow Indicating 3arton. 288A FIS3004C1 QT,T,?,H,R,A,QM,

, Switch QI,RPS

. Flow Indicating 3arton 238A FIS3004C2 07,T,P,H,R,A,QM, Switen QI,RPS

. Flow Indicating Barton 288A FIS300401 QT,7,?,H,R,A,qM, Switch Q I ., R P S

' Flow Indicating Barton 288A FIS300402 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM, Switen QI,RPS 3-11

APPENDIX 8 (continued)

Equipment Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency

" Pressure Transmitter Foxboro E130H LT459 T,P,H,CS,A,QM, QI,RPS R

-" Pressure Transmitter Foxboro E130H LT460 T,?,H,CS,A,QM, QI,RPS,R

" Pressure-Transmitter Foxboro E130H LT461 T,?,H,CS,A,QM, QI,RPS,R RTO Burns. POR-320 TE463 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,ROS RTO Burns POR-320 TE464 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,qM,QI,RPS RTO Burns POR-320 TE465 QT,T,P,H,CS,R.

A,qM,QI,RPS RTO Surns POR-320 TE466 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A QM,QI,RPS Acoustic Monitor TEC 500 5E1189A QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI Acoustic Monitor TEC 500 5E11898 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI Acoustic Monitor TEC 500 SE1189C QT,T,?,H,CS,R, ,


Radiation Monitor Victoreen 847-1 RE5101 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM, l

.QI,RPS Radiation Monitor Victoreen 847-1 RE5102 QT,T,P,H,R,A,QM, QI,RPS Hydrogen Recemoiner Westingnouse Electric RE318A QT,P,H,CS,A,qI, RPS Hydrogen Recombiner We:tingneuse Electric RE3188 QT,P,H,CS,A,QI, RPS 3 -Fan Motor Westinghouse Type $80P MV251A QT,7,P,H,A,QM, i


l "See Attacnment 1: Foxboro letter (3/12/81), " Potential Deficiency Affecting Foxboro Transmittars," for corrective action.

i 8-12

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APPENDIX 8 (continued)

Equipment- .

Component Description Manufacturer -

Model No. No. Deficiency I-4 Fan Motor' Westinghouse Type 580P MV2518 QT,T,P,H,A,QM, QI,RPS

. Fan Motor - Westinghouse Type 580F MV252A- QT,T,P,H,A,QM,

. QI,RPS Fan-Motor' Westinghouse Type 580P MV2528 QT,T,P,H,A,QM, QI,RPS Fan Motor Westinghouse Type SBOP MV253A QT,T,P,H,A,qM, QI,RPS

. Fan Motor ' Westingnouse Type $80P MV2538 QT,T,P,H,A,QM, QI,RPS Fan Motor Westinghouse Type 580P MV254A QT,T,?,H,A,QM, QI,RPS Fan Motor Westinghouse

  • Type 580P MV2548 QT,T,P,H,A,qM, QI,RPS Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV2216A QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence' 125434W SV22168 ' 07,T,P,H,R,A, t,QI,RPS Solenoid Valves- R.G.Laurence 125434W SV2216C QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS I

Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence - 125434W SV22160 .QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV2236A QT,T,?,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV22368 QT,7,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV2236C QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI RPS  ;

Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV22360 QT,T,?,H,R,A,  !


. i Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 12543W SV2256A QT,7,P,H,R,A,  !


5-13 r 1

,-r- g , ,, ----e e g- --v w ,, .,e~,e y, 4, v,ew-,,,.,,-ww--,w,,~,vw., ,v., ,v., e-y,,,,wer,,,%,- ,.,,,emy,-,,-..,*%..e-.m.,......,,-%,~4-#.r. ,

  • r APPENDIX B (continued)

Equipment _


. Oescription Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency

. Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV22568 QT,7,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV2256C QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid Yalves' R.G.Laurence 125434W SV22560 QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV2276A QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS

Solenoid Valves R.G.Laurence. 125434W SV22768 QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS 3

Solennid Valves. R.G.Laurence 125434W SV2276C QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Solenoid. Valves R.G.Laurence 125434W SV22760 QT,T,?,H,R,A, QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board GE EB-5 078465 7,P,H,CS,R,A, QI Terminal Board Square 0 329 AT3203 QT,T,P,H,05,R, A,QM,QI,RPS.

Terminal-Board Square 0 329 AT3204 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 829 ATS205 QT,T,?,H,05,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 828 AT3206 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 328 AT3207 QT,T,P.H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 829 AT3208 QT,T,P,H,CS,R,

'A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 828 AT3209 QT T,P,H,CS,R, ,


Terminal Board Souare 0 323 ATB210 QT,T,?,H,CS.R, 3


3-14 4

. .\

, . - . , , , e, - ,- e ,, ...,..,n.,,_,,,,-,..e., w , ,nn n, .,,.~.,-,.n,.,-, -,,,,e-.e.- , , , . . . - . , , , , _ , + , . . - . . , _ _ . ,...,,..,.,~-,.m,.,,..w,n.,,.,. m..

. 1 l

APPEWOIX 8 (continued) l l

Equipment Component  ;

., Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Terminal Board- Square 0 328 BTB203 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board. Square 0 329 ST3204 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 828 B78205 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board -Square 0 823 BTB206 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,qM,QI,RPS Terminal. Board Square 0 828 BTB207 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 328 BIB 208 QT,T,P,H,C5,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Ter" Board Square O S28 ST3209 QT,T,P,H,CS,R,

. . A,QM,QI,RPS -

' Terminal Board Square 0 328 BT3210 QT,T,P,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 328 CTB203 QT,T,?,H,CS,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 328 CTS 204 QT,T,P,H,C5,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 328 CTB205 QT,T,P,H,C5,R,

'A,0M,QI,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 328 CTB206 QT,T,P,H,C5,R, A,0M,QI,RPS Terminal Boarc Square 0 323 0T3203 QT,T,?,H,C5,R, A,QM,0!,RPS Terminal Board Square 0 328 073204 QT,T,P,H,C5,R, A,QM,0I,RPS Terminal ' card Square 0 328 0T8205 07,7,P,H,C5,R, A,QM,QI,RPS Terminal Board Scuare 0 328 DT3206 QT,T,P,H,05,R, A,QM,QI,9PS 3-15

7 I

' APPENDIX 3 (continued) l Equipment Component '

Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Motor Westinghouse- Type HSDP MP202A QT,T,P,H,A, ,

QM,QI* i Motor Westinghouse Type HSDP MP2028 QT,T,P,H,A, ,

QM,QI* l


Motor Westinghouse Type HSDP MP205A QT,T,P,H,A, )

QM,QI" Motor Westinghouse Type HSDP MP2053 QT,T,P,H,A, QM,QI* .

1 Motor- Westinghouse Type HSDP MP203A QT,T,P,H,A, QM,QI*

Motor Westinghouse Type HSOP MP2038 QT,T,P,H,A, .

QM,QI" l Motor' Reliance Se' ries 2000 M220A QT,T,P,H,C5,A, QM,QI" Motor Reliance Series 2000 M2208 GT,T,P,H,C5,A, QM,QI*

Motor Reliance Series 2000 M201A QT,T,P,H,CS,A, QM,QI*

j Motor Reliance Series 2000 M2018 QT,T,P,H,CS,A, QM,QI*

Motor Reliance Series 2000 M202A QT,T,P,H,C5,A, "QM,QI*

Motor Reliance series 2000 M2023 QT,T,P,H,05,A, QM,QI" )

l Motor Reliance series 2000 M203A QT,T,P,K,CS,A, l

( CM,QI" l

Note: 9epiace lubricant and insulation sith qualified ones by June 1932.


j. 3-16

l l

l l

l APPENDIX 8 (continued) l l

Equipment Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency ,

I Motor Reliance series 2000 M2038 QT,T,P,H,CS,A, l QM,QI" l Motor Reliance series 2000 M204A QT,T,P,H,CS,A, QM,QI*

Motor Reliance series 2000 M2048 QT,T,P,H,CS,A, QM,QI" Motor Operated '!alve Limitorque SMB-00 C'/3004A1 QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,RPS l

Motor Operated Valve Limitoraue SMB-00 CV3004A2 QT,T,?,H,R,A, QM,RPS Motor Operatec Valve Limitorcue 3MB-00 CV300481 QT,T,P,H,R,A, QM,RPS Motor Operated Valve Limitorcue SMB-00 CV300482 QT,7,P,h,R.A, QM,RPS Motor Operated '/alve Lfmitorque $M8-00 CV300aCl Q T , T .. ? , H , R , A ,


Motor Ooeratec Valve Limitorque SM8-00 CV3004C2 QT,T,P,H,R,A,  !

QM,RPS l Motor Ooerated Valve Limitorcue SMB-00 CV300a01 QT,T,?,H,R,A, QM,RPS l

l l

Motor Goeratec Valve Limitorque SM8-00 CV300a02 'QT,T,P,H,R,A, ,

QM,RPS l Motor Oceratec Valve Limitorque SM8-00 M03306A T,CS,A,RPS,QI Motor Ccerated Valve Limitorcue SM8-00 M03310A T,CS,A,RPS,QI Motor Coerated Valve Limitor;ue SMB-2 408702 T,CS,A,RPS.QI Motor Coerated Valve Limitorque $MS-000 903293 T,P,R,M,A,QI, RPS Note: 9epiace luoricant anc insu!ation witn cualif f ed ones oy Jur.e 1932.

3-17 l


e APPENDIX B (continued)

Equipment Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Motor Operated Valve Limitarque SMS-000 M03298A T,P,R,M.A,QI, RPS Motor Operated Valve Limitoroue SM8-000 M032988 T,P,R,M,A,QI, RPS Motor Operated Valve Limitoroue SMB-000 M03298C T,P,R,M,A,QI, RPS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M032980 T,P,R,M,A,QI, RPS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M08112 T,P,CS,R,M,A,QI, RPS Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M05653 T,P,CS,R,M,A, QI,RPS Level Transmittar Barton 764 LI527 T,P,H,CS,A,QM, QI Flow Transmitter Barton 754 FT512 7,P,H,CS,A,QM, QI low Transmitter Sarton 754 FT513 T,?,H,05,A,GM, QI Flow Transmitter Barton 764 FT522 7,P,H,CS,A,QM, 01 Flow Transmitter Barton 764 FT523 T,P,H,CS,A,GM,

-Q I

low Transmitter Barton 754 FT532 T,P,H,CS,A,0M, GI Flow Transmitter 3arton 754 FT533 T,3,H,CS A,0M, QI

" low Transmitter Barton 754 FT543 T,?,H,C5,A,;M, QI Tace Scot:n 23 N/A 07,T,P,H,R, A,GM,QI 3-18

APPENDIX 8 (continued)

Equipment Component-Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency

. Tape Scotch 70 N/A QT,T,P,H R,A,0M,QI Flow Transmitter Barton 384 FT917 QT,T,?,H,QM R,A,QI,RPS Pressure Transmitter Barton 345 PT947 QT,T,P,H,R, A,QM,RPS I

I i

1 i


,. -._ _ _ .- _ _.. _ .- _ _. _... - .-... .. .. _.- _ ..-.._ _ . _ .. _ . - . _ . . ~ -...~ -_- ...._--.

4 APPENDIX C Equipment Considered Acceptable or Conditionally Acceptacle (Category 4.3)

Equipment Component Description Manufacturer Model No. No. Deficiency Motor Goerated Valve Limitorque SMS-0 M08803A A Motor Operated Valve Limitorcue SMB-0 M088038 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque $MS-00 M03290 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque 3M8-00 M03291 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M03292 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-00 M03346 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M01128 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M0112C A Motor Operateo Valve Limitorque SMS-00 M08100 A, Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M08105 A Motor Ocerated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M08106 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMS-00 M08110 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M08111 A Motor Operatec Valve Limitorque SMB-00 M08813 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque SM8-00 908814 A Motor Operated Valve Limitorque 5MS-00 M08321A A Motor Oceratec Valve Limitorque 3MB-00 M088213 A Motor Caerated Valve Limitorque SMB-000 M02056A A Motor Operated Valve Limitorcue 3MB-000 M020568 A C-1 1


.i .

l APPENDIX 0 Safety-Related Systems List System Generic (components common to many systems)

Coraponent Cooling Water System Heating and Ventilating Fuel and Reactor Auxiliary Buildings Feedwater System RHR System Chemical and Volume Control System Safety Injection Sys*.em Engineered Safeguarcs Actuating System Primary Containment Heating and Ventilating Containment Containment Spray System Steam Generators RCS, Including Pressuri:er Primary Makeuo Water System Clean Racwaste System Ofrty Racwaste System Gaseous Radwaste System Process Sampling System Radiation Monitoring System Reactor Nonnuclear !nstrumentation Main Steam System 0-1

. ._, __ _ _____. ~ , . _ _

ATTACHMENT 1 Foxboro. MA 02035 U.S A The Foxboro Company (s w 3.eno 12 March 1981


Potential Deficiency Affecting Foxboro Transmitters, Model Numbers N-Ell, N-E13 or Ell, E13 with suf fix Codes /MCA, /MCA/RRW, or /MCA/RR Gentlemen:

Our records indicate that you have received one or more of the Foxboro model nu=bered transmitters listed above. This letter is to notify you that two deficiencies have been discovered in some of these transmitters which may exist in the units shipped to you. The transmitters in question operate at a signal level of 10-50mA. Similar modc: numbered units operating at 4-20mA are not affected.

The first issue involves the possible use of incorrect insulating sleeving on transistor and zener diode lead wires in the amplifier. The second issue involves the use of a specific vendor's capacitor which is not hermetically sealed (although claimed to be so). As a result, the capacitor electrolyte can leak under adverse service conditions, specifically heat and time. The failure mode is a decrease in resistance across the capacitor resulting in electrical leakage. The transmitter operation can be affected by limiting the output to something less than full value which, in time, can degrade to no output at all.

Insulating Sleeving - Radiation resistant sleeving consisting of a silicone coated glass fiber braid has been substituted by a teflon sleeving in some transmitters. Tests have shown that teflon vill become brittle and deteriorate with a substantial integrated radiation dose. Foxboro testing has demonstrated that the teflon sleeving used in these devices will vithstand an integrated dose of 10 megarads with no noticeable deterioration. Tests to 200 megarads produce the brittle conditions which can result in the teflon flaking from the wires.

Based on these tests, operating plants not expected to exceed an integrated dose of 10 megarads have no potential problem and no action is required.

1 Where the integrated dose rate could exceed 10 megarads, then units in service should be inspected to deter =ine if the proper insulating materini has been used. This can be accomplished by opening the transmitter in accord: ace with l Foxboro }bster Instruction MI 20-145. The amplifier cover must be removed


exposing the a=plifier assembly. .At one end of the assembly, a transistor and a zener diode are mounted in the' base casting which serves as a heat sink. The insulating material in question is a sleeving slipped over the lead sites from these two co=ponents. The proper material is white and heavy looking. Positive l'OXBORQ M

i l


n .*

Page 2 12 tbrch 1981


identification can be made by inspecting one end of the material to establish that the outer material covers an inner braid. Teflon, if used, will be a single layer material and could be either clear or white.

If improper insulation is present, then the corrective action is to replace the-a=plifier (Foxboro P/N N0148PW) . Replacement amplifiers can be purchased from you. local Foxboro Sales or Service Representatives. If you prefer to have Foxboro Service Personnel inspect the equipment and, if necessary, replace the a=plifier, this can be arranged at standard service rates.

Capacitor - The capacitor degradation problem was discovered over time thr'ough tracking f ailure situations. Internal corrective action has been taken to remove the vendor involved from the qualified vendor list and to purge all stock

'of capacitors from this vendor. Degradation of this capacitor is a function of time and service conditions with heat being a primary contributor. This phenomenon was observed in recent tests of transmitters using these capacitors. The capacitor in question is manuf actured by Cornell-Duebilier and can be specifically identified by a type number in the form TX-65-XXXX as well as a monogram in a box followed by a *date code, e.g. l CDZ 0874 l . It is assigned Foxboro part number N0141MF.

To determine if this capacitor is present requires a visual inspection of the

' amplifier which can be accomplished as described above for the insulating sleeving inspection. The recoc= ended corrective action should the above described capaciter be present is to replace the amplifier (Foxboro P/N N0148PW) although is is possible to replace the capacitor with a Foxboro provided substitute. Use of Foxboro Service personnel to perform the inspection and replacement, if necessary, can be arranged at standard service rates as described above.

Due to lack of knowledge of specific application, redundancy, and the like, Foxboro cannot determine if the NRC reporting requirements of 10CFR Part 21 a;e applicable.

This determination is the responsibility of the user and any such reporting would be made by them af ter completing their evaluation of the situation.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the undersigned directly.

l Very truly yours, THE FOZ30R0 COMPANY William Calder, nager Corporate Quality Assurance joy 120381 Enclosure MI 20-145 POXBORO i

- . - , . . - . - - - , - - - - - - - , , - . . . - . - . . -