ML20126L218 | |
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Site: | Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png |
Issue date: | 11/07/1980 |
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ML20126L210 | List: |
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IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, TAC-06325, TAC-42502, TAC-6325, NUDOCS 8106010760 | |
Download: ML20126L218 (80) | |
CCCKET NO : 50-344 LICENSE NO: NPF-1 LICEt:SEE: DORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC C0t>PANY c1 e , e .en. b5ki.5N$",bR!G$y3-oer-ti 9f!hI
'iEST!.'GFOUSE, ?WR (3411 :WT/ll30 .'!WE t(ET)
PREPARED EY ( [, 'A /M. 7, /9%
/J. O. Elin, ~eactor inscec:or d.V L/ Date 5fgnec Ad /. (-
APPROVEJ EY D . ,"l % c -d o! /.' br /- 7m
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R. T. Occcs , Gnlef, ?.eac;ce Engineering Ja n P.gnec succort Section RV 6306010
1 1
. 1
- 1 CONTENTS Sectic.a Title )
I 1.1 General Issue Background 1.2 S ecific Issue Sackground
'.3 Pur:ose . Scoce 2.0 EVALUAT!0N OF HA2.SH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION AT TROJAN 2.. ! Identification of Safety Related Electri:al E;uitment Recuired to Function in a Harsn Environment (Master List)
2.2 Accicen
Environment Definition (service concition ;;rofiles) 2.2(a) Insice Containment (LOCA/MSLB) 2.2(b) Outsice Containment (HEL3/RECIRC.) 2.3 Ecui: ment /Com enent Evaluation Workshee Peview 2.3(a) Ecuitmen: Gualified for Plan: Life ' d . 2.2(b) Ecui: ment Qualifiec witn Restrictions 2.2(c'; Ecuiement Listed but Exemot from Oualification 2.3(d) Ecutamen; witn Unresolved Qualifica:icn 2.3(e) Ecui: ment No: Qualified 3.0 SUt"'A RY
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- 1. MTRCDUCTICM 1.1 General !ssue Backcround Fundamental to NRC regulation of nuclear pcwer react 0rs is the crinciole that safety sys-*ns must cerform their intended function in soite of :ne envircrrent which may result frem costulated accidents. Confor~ation that these systems will remain functional uncer pos ulated accicent conditions constitutes environmental cuali#ication. The current legal *ecuirements for cualification are 'cune on Ceneral Cesian Criteria 1 anc a of Accendix A, 10 CFR 50; Criterion III and XI of Accendix S,10 CFR 50; and 10 CFR 50.55a (h). These are general recuirements restatinc the scincicle that licensees should nave environmentally cualified esui: ment.
The " C has used a varie:v of metnocs to assure tha: :nese ceneral
- le ai recuiremen:s are me: for electrical safety ecui: men: (Class 1E).
- n ne cices: siants, cualifica-icn was casec on :ne fac: tna:
ele::rtesi conconen:s were of nicn incustrial cuality. For :ne newer clan:s a- er 1971, cualification was jucged en :ne basis of
- EEE- 3-1971. Ma recula: cry guice was ever issuec aco:-ing :ne 1^71 '.EEE-323 s ancara, nowever, many clants referencec IEEE-3E3-1971 in :neir licensino su: missions :: :ne Commission. IEEE-323-1971
- rias eri- en as a trial use s accara; a cocument
- na: criefly anc
- rea:lv descricea now o cualify any ecuicment, electrical or c:r s e. This : accarc did no specify :ne accident conditions
.-!ni:n elec rical -cuipment mus meet. There were no specific re:uirements to r.: sin ain cc:ument files anc no s ecific recuirements .
- Orcarn nc cargin, aging, and 0:ner needed ecui; ment scecifications.
cr ne net.est ;; ant: wnose Safety Evalua-icn Reports were issued a' er July 1,1374, -he Comission issuec Reguia: cry Guide 1.E9 wnicn in ecs: res:ects a::::ed the most recent standard, IEEE-323-1974 In 1977, - e JRC staff instituted One Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP) to te er-'ine One degree to wnich the older ocerating nuclear plants cevia:ec free curran licensing criteria. The sucject of electrical ecui: men: envir:nmen 01 qualification was selectec for ac:eleratec l evalua:i:n as : art of this regran. In December,1977 the NRC issued l a general ist:ar to all SE: :lants recuesting :nat licensees initiate reviews :: determine the acecuacy of existing ecui: men: cualification c0curen:3 'cn. The review of SE: licensee rescenses indicated certair de#iciencies, witnin tne scoce of the ecui: ment addressed, zucc as inacecuate definitien of nostile environments, and lack of ccm lete sunocrting documentation. On "av 21,1?73 :he MC issuec !E Circular 70-CE "Invironmental Oualif t: aron of Eafety-Pelated Electrical Ecui: ment a: Nuclear Ocwer Plants" wnien requi ed all licensees to examine installed safety-related electrical ecuicment, and assure accrecriate documentatien , of it's cualification to # unction under Oostulated accident conditicas.
On February 8,1979 the NRC issued IE Bulletin 79-01 which was inter ded to raise the threshold of IE Circular 73-08 to the level of a Bulletin; i.e., action requiring a licensee response. This bulletin recuired a comolete re-review of ecuicment environmental cualification as described in IE Circular 78-08 witnin 120 days . of receiot of the bulletin for coeratine facilities. It recuired i that ne licensee crovide written evidence of the cualification l cf electrical ecui: ment recuired to function under accident I cenditions includine (1) Ccmoonent descri tion, (2) descriatien of ! the accident envircnment, (3) the envirce:aent to which the com:enent is cualified, (a) the nanner of cualification including test methods, anc (5) identificatien of the scecific succortirg cualification docuren ta ti o n. As cart of tne program to reevaluate the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical ecui ment ne NRC staff cevelooed more d.efinitive criteria. The Division of Coerating Reac ces' " Guidelines
#:r Evaluatine Envircnmental Qualifica:icn of Class 1E Electrical Ecui: ment in Oceratina Reactors" (000. Guidelines) were comoletec in . ':cvem:er, 1979. The 00R guidelines were intencec as a screening
- evice c caten : nose ecuionent items wnich mign: nave cualification i rc:lems in ooeratina reactors. In aedition, for reac: Ors uncer !
'icensine review, :ne URC staff has issuec NUREG-0538 " Interim ~ :a" 3csition on Environmen:al Qualifica:icn of Safety-Rela ec Ele: rical Ecuioment."
On January la,1980, :ne NRC issuee !E Bulletin 79-018 wnien ex:ancec the scoce of IE Culletin 7901 and reauested acditional
- infer ation gn environmental qualification of class lE electrical ecui: ment at ocerating fa'cilities, exclucing :ne 12 facilities . uncercoing Systematic Evaluation Program (SE?) review. This bulletin sta:ec tha One guicelines and criteria to be used in evaluating tne acecuacy of class !E ecui: men: cuali'ication would
- e :ne COR guidelines ;roviced as enclosure a to one Bulletin.
The intent was to evaluate :he cualification of all electrical sa'ety-related scui: ment su: ject to harsh environments during cos:ula:ed accidents in operating plants pursuant o ne CCR guidelines. Any orablems arising from this review were to be resolvec using NUREG 0533 as a guide. The DCR guicelines and
':'J.EG-0583 su:stantially improve upon the IEEE-323-1971 standard i
anc crovide a level of confidence essentially ecuivalent to that i wnicn would be achieved from the a:clication of !EEE-323-197a and "eculatory Guide 1.39.
' e Nuclear 3egulatory Commissicn, by order (C'.:-80-21), cirected en "ay 27, 1930 that ne COR Guicelines and NUREG C583 form re recuirements wnich licensees and acclicants must meet in orcer to satisfy those aspects of 10 CFR 50, Accencix A, Meneral Cesign Criteria (GCC) a, which relate to environmental cualification of safety related ele: rical ecui: ment.
} Licensees of coerating reactors were to comoly witn
- nese recuirements so that the acclicable ecuiccent in all coerating plants shall meet the CCR guidelines or NUREG-0588. The NRC staff
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I 3
- 1 was directed to ccm lete its review of environmental cualification l cased on licensee resconses to !! Bulletin 79-018 and publish .
safety evaluation recorts on each coerating facility by February 1, l 1981. 3y June 30,1982 all safety-related electrical equicment in ' all coerating plants shall be cualified to the 00R guidelines or MUREC-0538. In orcer to c0 moly with this directive, the Nuclear Regulatory Ccmmission, Operating Reactors Branch, Division of Licensing issued 00 all ocerating reactors, on August 29, 1930, an orcer for modification of license to orovide that "information which fully and c0rol etely resconds to the. . . (IE5-79018) . . .shall be submitted. . . not later than November 1,1920." 1.2. 5:ecific Issue Backcround IE Bulletin 79018 of January 14,1980, " Environmental Oualification of Class 1E Ecuicment", recuired submission within 25 days of (1) A "" aster List" of all engineered safety feature systems recuirec-i :c functicn uncer costulatec accicent conditions, (2) written evidence of environnental cualification of class 1E electrical ecui: ment to function curine LOCA concitions ano (3) service , cencitien crofiles for Less of Coolan: Accicent (LOCA),."ain 4 Steam Line Breaks insice con:ainmen: (MSLS), anc Hign Energy Line
.5 rear.s cu:sice con:ainmen: WELB). IE5-79015 also recuirec fur ner evalua:icns to ce mace ano sucmt: ec witnin 90 days of :ne '
bulletin issue cate. Tnese evaia: ions incluceo (4) wri :en evicence of environmentai cualification of all safe y relatec electrical ecuipment,.co:n insice and outsice containment, o m esr environments per tne COR Guidelines anc (5) an evalua-ion of seuf ement iocation witn resoect to expectec accident flooc levels. rascense :o :nese recuirements, Por land General Elec:ric Comcany su:mi::ec informa: ion ser aining o :ne Trojan facility on "aren 7, 1300 (45 day response submittal). Furtner updates of infer a-fon were mada by letters on April 25, 1980 anc May 19, 1980. The licensee's final su mittal of information requirec ay IES-79018 was mace on -e :em:er 5, 1930 (90 day resconse). This suomittal was crovicec in acc rcance with the recorting requirements of tne Order for Mocification of License, dated August 29, 1930. The licensees' su:mittal of Seo emcer 5,1930 pr:vides the basis for tnis technical evaluaticn report. 1.3 Purcose This recor was su:mittec in accorcance with TI 2515/d1 for use as an inout :: the Safety Evaluation Recor: (SER) on cualification of Class 1E electrical ecuiement installed in potentially narsh environments areas of the Tr0jan facility. The objective was to review the licensee's Sectem er 5,1930 su:mittal and to verify that ne li:ensee has acecuately evaluated safety related electrical ecui: ment at the Trojan facility fer environmental cualification per the DCR Guidelines. Comconents detailed in the licensee's submi-tal were itemized in five cateaories; (1) ecuipment cualified for plant life, (2) ecutement qualified with restrictions, (3) ecuicment exemot from cualifica: ion, (a) ecuicment wnose
- cualifica
- icn is unresolved, and (5) ecuipmen not cualified.
- n eacn case reference is made to the ccmconents descriction and function alone with the licensee's clans or schedule for qualificaticn or re lacement and justification for continued operation.
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.1. 4 Sc00e The scoce of this recort is limited to that ecuicrent that must function in order to mitigate the consequences of a loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) cr a Main Steam Line or High Energy Line Break (MSL3/HELB), and whose environment is adversely affected by those - ,
accidents or the recirculation of fluid frem inside containment to
outside containment to accenolish long-term cooling following a LOCA. .or
- this reason, cuali#icatien ascects not included within
- ne scoce of nis evaluation are:
. Seismic cualification. . Ecui: ment cratection acainst natural thenomena.
. Equipment coeration service conditions (for examcle vibration, voltage, and frecuency deviatiens). .- Ecuicment execsure to weatner. . Ecui: men cualifica: ten for " mild" environments.
This re: ort inclucec the folicwing service concitien cri:eria as definec in :ne 00R guidelines: Inside Con ainment
. Loss of Coolan: Accicent (LOCA).
l . "ain Steam Line Break (MSL3). l nutside Containmen:
. Hign Energy Line Lreak (HEL3). . /reas wnere fluids are recirculated from insice con ainment
- o acc mclisn long-:erm emergency core cooling fciicwing a LCCA.
The specific :arameters reviewed for conformance witn COR guidelines were:
- . Tem erature.
. Pressure. . Radiation. . Chenical Scray. . Humidity. . Su': mergence. . Aging. . 0:erating Tire.
The sr.coor-ing cualf'ication tests re: orts were not reviewed as cart of tnis recor: but are listec in Attachment 1 o this recort. This listicq was precared frem infernation sucolied on tne comocnent evaluasien worksheets submitted as cart of the sectemcer 5,1930
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l l 1 1 1 1 2.0 Evaluacien of Harsh Environment Oualification at TP.CJAN ) This section cetails the environnental cualification program and eouiement cualification status of TP.0%'AM Nuclear Generating Station inaccordance with IIS-79018 based on the licensee's infor ation suenittal of See em:er 5,1980, and a site visit by regional ins:ection oersonnel en Oct:cer 27-31, 1920 (Insceccion Pecort 50-341/50-27). Several modi'ications to tne Sec ember 5,1930 subnittal were discussed during tne site visi anc are incor: orated in this recort. 9
6-2,1 Mentification of Safety Related Electrical Ecuicment Recuired to Func lon in a harsn Environment (Master List) The licensee enciesed rt 'ision K of their IEB-79013 " Master List" of systems and cecconent:. recuired to function while subjected to the defined harsh environments with the 90 day resconse submittal of Sectember 5,1930. The stees the licensee recorted as having been taken tc ensure a comolete and accurate Master List were:
- a. Areas of the clant that could be subject to harsh accident environment were defined.
- b. The olant circuit schedule was reviewed to identify Class lE equi ment in :nese areas.
c.' The list generated was reviewed to identify the post LOCA/HEL5 function of item. Cnly ecuitment with a ces: LCCA/HEL3 safety fun::icn and su:Je:: to a harsn
environment by the accicent it is intendec to mitigate was includec on :ne Master List.
- d. Pl an emergency procecures were reviewee :o identify tne eeuiement usec oy ocera: ors in res:onse to a LCCA or HEL3.
Se safety function of ecuicment icentified by this review, anc not alreacy on :ne list, was evaluatec to ceternine the i.cac: of eacn comoonent's failure. Ecui: ment wnose failure 00uie significantly hincer tne ocerators' ac:icent resconse was accec to :ne Master List.
- e. Scneme crawings for all valves on tne Master Lis: were eneckec to iden:ifv stem meunted limit switenes associated with Master Lis .
'talves arc :o de ermine the safety-related function, if any, for nese switches. Any stem counted limit switch whose failure could sericusly impair response to an accident was included on tne Mas er List.
- f. Plant status panel incuts subject to acciden: environments were reviewec. Stem mounted limit switches whose failure would deny ocera: Ors infer ation critical to tneir accident resocnse were included on the Master List.
- c. The circuit schecule was reviewed Oc determine tne cable tyces used for recresentative " aster List items.
<. In orcer c verify ecui: ment mocel numbers, location, and identify the installed configuration of ecuicment, an extensive clant waik:cwn was concucted. Model numoers and serial nucoers were recorded from all reacily accessible nameolates. In cases where ac:ess Oc ecuir en was extraordinarily cifficult, an attemot to lcok at tre ecuitment from a distance was mace to confirm manufacture and model num er by instection. At least one of eacn ecdel of ecuioment in Containment was coened for inscection by :ne licensee to identi'y how cables enter the unit, and to determine if the item was vented
- 1 or sealed. :n cases where the ranufacturer su: plied a terminal box with his ccmoonent, at least one of each kind of box was opened to cbtained the same sort of information and to deterr.ine how the terminations were made. The cenduit configuration in each ccmoonent was I noted by the licensee, and any associated cull boxes were coened to check for ter inations witnin the bcx. Notes i were also taken on the c0nstruction of the cull box. *!cs ecuienent locations were confirned only in terms of
- ne :uilding or roon they are located in and generai Olan elevation. However, for ecui: ment subject to floccing, easure ents were taken by One licensee to determine eleva-icn cre exactly.
Scecific criteria and- procedures acclied at each of tnese steos is cresented by ne licensee in PGE-1025, " Basis
- - f:r !E Sulletin oesconse". In acdition to demonstrating c:nsis ency witn :ne recuirements of I25-79013, tnis d:cument also crovices justification for nose items - in iucec in :ne IEE-7901 res:ense of June 12, 1979 tnat are ac on revision A of :na Master List. (Sin:e IE5-79015 was res rie:sc o ecuicmen :na mus coera:e in :r.e cefinec narsa environments c et:ica a a LOCA or HEL3 wnile ne -esconse to 155-7901 in:1ucec all Class 1E ecui: ment iden :fiec by Becn:ei, :nere are cifferences ce: ween :ne we resocnsasi.
Me 5:fety injec:ec 5ys:em (3:3) Tisting'was reviewec by an
":C recional cased inscec:ce during a site visit on acril 16-15, '??O . :nscection Recor- 50-:: /30-03). Ocen items icentifiec sere anc ciesec curing an inscec-icn on Octo:er 27-31, ~331 (Inscec icn T,e:ce- 50-3;;/30-27). The NRC resicent inscec:or ter#:rmec fur-her revisw cf ne Master Lis to cefine covious emissions. "cne were nc ed.
The licensee's "as:er List was accited to :rovide a list of i
- ceconen: ypes er models recuiring harsh environment qualification at T:0JAU. This list is provided in Attachment 2.
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2.2 Accident Invironnent Definition (Service Condition Profiles) For the ourcoses of the 79-01S Resconse, a harsh environment location was defined as an area that would be subject to significantly higher than normal levels of temperature, pressure, chemical s ray, humidity, or radiation as a result of a LOCA or HELE. By review of FSAR Chacter 3.11 and PGE-1004 " Trojan Nuclear Plant Analysis of Pipe System Breaks Outside Containment", these areas were determined to be:
- 1. All areas of Containment following a LOCA or an in-Containment
- 2. Main s eam su: ort structure following an ex-Containment steam or feecwater line creak, except for areas immediately coen to :ne outside.
- 2. Auxiliary Building below 45 feet elevation following a LOCA.
~ ' . ? icing Oene: ration area felicwing a LOCA. -
5 ecifically no: considerec were line creaks in the auxiliary fee:wa:er cumo rooms, as :ne recuncan trains are secaratec from eacn c ner as weil as from :ne effec:s of a main steam or feec-water line creax. 2.2(a) *nside Con ainment (LOCA/MSLEt The accident environnent cefinec in FSAR Section 3.11 is usec in :ne evalua-icn of eouipmen- inside containment. Ne re--ai environ en was cefinec as: C
~e cera ure 120 F Max Fressure 15 sia Humicity 535 Chemical Scray Mone
- aciation i X 10 7Rad over 40 Years The LCCA/MSL2 Envircrment was cefined as:
em erature FSAR figure 3.11-2 (235 F max) r essure FSAR figure 3.11-1 '50 psig max)
"umidity 1005 Chemical Scray pH 4.9 ,10.0 Cacia-icn 2.1 X ;0' R T 2 X 10" R 4 Fo the e:ui: ent 1:cated in :ne Cor ainment Dutidirg with c: erat'ng tires 10ncer nan :re time :eriod covered by the temcerature and oressure curves i t was assumed na tre containment environment wcuid remain at ne final valves Of tnese curves' indefinitely.
.o. i The aressure and tamnerature conditions are considered to bound main steam line break condi:icns #:r centainment, as discussed in the licensee's resco1se to the original IE-7901 bulletin on June 12, 1979, and the Bechtel Feoor " Containment and Safety F. elated E uiemen Transient Temeerature Analysis )
following a Main Staam Line 3reak", June 1975. This analysis in summary states: "A Main Stream Line Break (MSL3) accicent inside Containment results in suterneated vacer conditions that could result in a higher Centainment temoerature than if a LCCA were :: ake olace. However, in general, lower levels of Containrert ceak cressure will result. A suoerheat condition (with corresconding high Containment atmos:here temcerature) I should nave no significant e#fect on electrical ecui: ment temceratures because the ecutemen surface tem: era ure snculd closely fo11cw ne Containment saturation temoerature, wnten is substantially lower than the ceak vaoor tem: era ure during
- ne sucerneat enase of :ne accident. The reason for :nis is trat enercy transfer frem the Containren atmos:nere to nea; sinv.s-is sign 1fican; only wren ne sink surface is c0cler nan tne saturation .emoerature so na: concensation can ec:ur. If
. :he ecui:nen: surface temoerature were :o Oecome nigner tnan satura-ion, :nen :ne low energy transfer meenanism of convecti:n would govern nea: transfer. Since :ne Containmen ceaK oressure is at a maximum follow 1nc -he cesign casis LCCA, tne Containment satura:icn temcerature for a c'5L3 a :icent is no nigner : nan neule :e ne case for a LOCA. It is On nese cases :na: One 'vars: case environment for Containmen moun:ec eoui: men; was s:aci#iec o resul; fec= :ne cesign casis L CA."
as of te:temoer 5, '.35C, all ccm:anents whien nad teen r2:uirec to fun::icn while su:mergec'had een reioca:ec 1:cvs sucmergence 1-veis. 'o . 1: ems are now recuirec :o 0:erate /.di'. 3 s a: merge:. In scra cases acui: men- inside ::ntainmen nas no ceen tes ac : tne ful; :H range definec in :ne enemical s: ray environman:. Curir; the Cc:::er 27-31,195C ins:ecti:n :ne licensee made :ho folicwing sta: ament witn res ect :c cualification of ecuipment inside containmen :o enemical spray: de wors: case :nemical scray concitions used for envie:nmental cualift:stion are beric acid, OH 4.2 and sndtum Pycr0xide ;H 10.5. These ocunds were es:ablishad :: enveloce conditiens resulting from ei:ne- a reac:Or coolant system pipe ruc ure or k containrent s: cay. The acidic ccmoonen wculd resul; cnly ' rem a breken reacter coolant systen cipe curing and irmediately af ter baron injection.
- or ini: case, scre degree of cra:ection agains
- ne acidi: scray environmen; is afforded by the anysical secaration of One PCS locos. Of the ecui: rent urcer corsideration oy 79.C13, the following have nc been tes ec under boric acid conditions but could be sucjected to a low pH environment.
,- , ' 10-l o
1 l 1
- 1. Reactor coolant cump cooling water isolation valves. l l
I 2. -Terminal biccks for RTOs.
- 3. Pressuri:er safety valve ;osition indication. l 1
4.- Pressuri:er relief valve solenoids and position ] incication. ! l Dressuri:er block valves anc cosition indication. I 5. Items 1 and 2 are located near their resoective reactor coolant pumas. Failure of a ecmoonent associated with
,- the ructured RCS loco will not adversely affect the ability of the plant ;c resconc to cesign basis accident. Ecui men
! associatec witn the ir act locos would be afforded some 3 Orc: action cue to :ne secara:icn distance between loces, tnerefore, :ne c0meonents are not ex:ected to exoerience a streno acic environmen:. Adcitionally, :ne ecui: ment in cuestion are nousec in metal enclosures nat protect :ne vital car:s frem cirec affects of tne acicic scray. he remaininc items are located in tne cressurizer enclosure. They all function. :o relieve ne cressurizer to the pressurl:er relief tank or to ' detec: that relief is :axino c', ce. In :nese cases, if a :reax occurs u: stream of relief or safety valve,
- nese ccm:enents canno ac: to mitigate One effects Of :ne crar.e. A treak cownstream is not a' loss of coolant avant as :ne leas can be isolated. Qualification of 1: cms 3 througn 5 for acid spray, therefore, is not recuirec.
Ecui: ment outside of :nese areas would only be subjected
- to one cacic containment scray with cH between 3
- o 10.5 as outlined in Section of the FSAR. t Iouipeent in this category has either been tested in a basic scray environment or has been analy:ed for the
- ray af#ects. In some cases, scray testing was not cone at pH level as severe of most basic possible containment sprcy. Nevertheless, this ecui: ment is considered to be cualified for its acclication since materials known to be reactive witn the enemical scray nave not been used in Containment and no failures resulted from tne ex osure of the ecui: men :o the very hign :H (usually ;H 9 or above) conditions na these
- items were subjected to in their res
- ective test programs.
. . 11-2.2 (b) Outside Containment lu?L9/ Fluid :ecirculatien)
The areas defined as subject to :rsh environments outsice the Containment Suilding were the "ai- Steam Su: pert Structure and tne Auxiliary Suilding. The fce ai Envircnment for these areas was defined as: Temoerature 50U F 115UF (104UF Aux. Bldg.) cressure 15 :sia Humicity 005 - 1005 Chemical Soray 1:ne - Radiaticn a X 10"R over 10 yrs.
'i n Auxilairy Building)
For the Auxiliary Builcine the a :dcen; environment was cefined as: Temceratura ~0U F - 104 UF - Pressure ia u ,.,- 4 s. <. .... . 15. 5 cs,
--v -s. .
isu e-e, Chemicai Scray ::are -y e ,:
- aciation . 2 :',10*R*' 2 X 10*R"for ecui:ren in : n ac witn reac:Or colan:
E: 10'E*for ecui: men; in areas c:n aining recircula-ing reac:Or
- ian:
. X 10*R*for nallways ceicw 45' eleva:icn . Jackcrounc for areas a:ove 45' nc: . c:ntaining recircula irg reactor
- lant er waste gas ,
ti:ncugn Ti-;; scutrec aview agaias- FSAR recuirements, mucn of :7.e Auxiliary Building scui: men: c verec ty the " aster Lis: was aisc ecui: ment that wa cressac :y :ne snielding a na . s , s r ec u i r ac; ,ay
. ' ~ r ro..,,-- ic, O s. , s ac.n i nese:.cases, cac4si:ns ::
reclace or moci#; ecui:mont was tased u:cn :ne radiation cases ex
- ,en ec,e:ec i ss harsh as a- r: of the ':'JREG 0573 scurce term rather than
.s.r recuirement.
For :ne main staam sco: Ort structure, :ne HEL3 Environment was de#inec as: U Temoera ura 225 F Pressure 2.3 osig Humidity 100t Chemicai Scray None Raciation Background "his was based en an analysis containec in PGE 1004 The c:ncitions defined:y:nisanalysisaresnowninPGE-j025 figures 3.3and3.4 These pr: files sh w transient peaks of 242 F and 10 PS!3 cressure, 1 decaying witnin i second to the above conditions, i Since One main steam su:ccr: structure is largely Ocen to tne ; atmos:nere, it was assumed that tne steady-state temoeratures and I cressures arrived by by PGE 1004 would continue for abou: I hour before conditions returnec to normal . This was considered to be conservative. 1 j l - - , . , ---,,,n,-- , . . - - . _ . . . -- .-- ., , , . -- - - . , . , . , - - - . - - . - - , ---.
. . 12 2.3 Ecuicment/comoonent Evaluation Worksheet Review The licensee's submittal of Se tember 5,1980 contained 426 ecuipment/ccmoonent environmental cualification worksheets which detailed, in accordance with IE5-79013 oualification recuirements -
and cualification suoporting documentation for ccmconents subject to harsh environments. This submittal also contained as enclosures an "Open Item Resolution Plan Summary" and a "Tecnnical Evaluation Succorting Continued Oceration Pending Qualification". These sucmittals were reviewed and itemized in five categories: (a) Ecui: rent Qualified for Plant Life. (b)- Equiement' Qualified with Restrictions. (c) Ecuipment Exemot from Qualification. (c)- Ecui: ment wnese Oualification is Unresolved. (e) Ecui: ment not Qualified. The ecuiement in eacn category was reviewec with One licensee during a regional casec inscection on Oc o:er 27-31, 1920 (Inscec-ion Recor: 50-344/30-27). Licensee clarifications anc modifica-ions mace curing enat insoection are incorcoratec in tnis listing. w I l 1 1 1 l l
< . 13 2.3(a) Ecui: rent Cualified for Plant Life Review of the licensee's Se::em:er 5,1930 submittal and modifications to that submittal dis Ussed durir.g the October 27-31, 1980 site visit (Ins ection Reece: 30-32a/20-2'), disclosed the following cerconen s wecse cuali#icatier meets all acclicable recuirements of the 00R auidelines or NURE-30533. (7 Items)
W S 6 s l l 1 l l l 1 6 i - - , , - - - - . - , , _ ~ _ . _ . , . . _ _ _ , _., . __ , _ , , , , , __ . . . , _ _ ,
. . . . ~ . - -- -.- - - , . - _ _ . . - . . . - , . .- - 14-
. unc-ion: 'Various (see worksheet pages) (containment, "SSS, Aux'.)
Test Recort: Limitorcue Recort 50003, Limitoroue Recort 600193, Limitoroue Recort 600456, and Limitoroue Recort 600376A as acclica'cle
?e#erence: .Comconent worksheet (Rev. K) pages:
SMB-0: 164, 165, 166, 167, 163 and 169. SMB-00: 33, 39, 20, 42, 43, 49, 50, 51, 52,
- 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 140, 141, 144, 145, la6, 147, 118, 177, 178, 179, 130, 263, 264, 294, 295.
- S"E-000: 48, 66, 63, 69, 70, 97, 98, 99, 100, 113, lid, 237, 238, 239, 240, 212, 9 4. ., , 2 ? A , ?. a :. , *.:.0. , 1/
. 0 , O.. c.a , 1.o.'< , ? o..o .
229, 291, 292, 293, 312, 313, 316 and 313. n SM5-3: 123, 131, SM5-2: 117, 119
- o. . : : t. . :_
.. . :_ . .e.~ y r.u:n. , u..c e. .e, -unction: Concuctor (Con ainment) ,
est Recor : Raycnem Recert =FC-4033-3 (1/75.)
Ccr.conent worksneet (Rev. K), page 21 , - 3. . EE3IMROUGH. CC':AX , .1Il001 -33
- unction: Environmental seal. (Containment)
Tes- Recort: Conax Recort IPSa09. Caference: Corconen worksheet (Rev. K), page 22. 4 . c . m. . :_ . .+ v. mm. . e.3 .: :_ .i. .. "C.n. ..
, : ~u. . :.: ~
unction: Conductor (Aux). Tes- Recort: IEEE Pacer GSTP651.
Ccmoonent Worksneet (Rev. K), cage 23, i i ri--r-.-*-er-w=re e-s.-,-, ,e-- .--w*,-+--e-mw,---w---ww-im,-ew-,*- -..-we-,~=.-e-..--.-+-wi**-+...=,w_ _- .e w...---=-,.-e. w.-* .-._*--www e-e_ u -
e f
. 3. .e.. i e N- ,I..., o. nCK. v G ...5-0 EunctiCn: Connections (hX.) Tes: Reccet: Connecticut Yi (ee Decort dated 3/16/78. Re#erence: C:mocnen: .scrksr,se: foev. K), cages 101, 102,
-~: .w, .nc pa.r g .., ..,.-,..i C . n .., :41,n, .,c0 . ~ .. e cr.e.3 4 .. i. ..r. .. .: unction: '!arious (see ccm:enen: orksneet) ('ux.)
Test Recort: AC.'tE - Cleveland Recor: Model EA 170 3/17/73. 0.ef erence: COnconent worksneet (Rev. K), : ages 139, 151,
. . e , .: 4 1, ; 'i. d , 2 'i i , . 9. '. c. .a nd .' l l ,. e..: . :... .- .c ..e....e.v.
- z .
. C a^ "t . ' '. '~=. . = .
Fun:-i cn : C ncuc Or (Aux.). Tes 'ecort: :arre ?.ock:es:cus Reger: "Qualifica:icn f frewail II: class lE Electric Cacies"
...f._ .i . o : .cm:enen wor (snee; pev, ,,s,, 5 ..e erence: ;3 age 2. . -. - m.- - . . . . _ . - , , - . _ -- - . , _ _ . ~ - , _ . 4.,,m_.- . _ _ . - . - _ . - ,._,y
, . _. . ~ . _ _ - ._ . . . _ - _ _ . _ __ . .. . . - _ . _ _ _ _ -ic-i
, 2.3(b) Ecuinment Oualified with Restrictions Review of the licensee's Sectember 5,1980 submittal and m.odifications to that submittal discussed during the Octo:er 27-31,-1930 site visit (Insoection Recort 50-344/80-27), disclosed the felicwing cceconents cualified to the 00R guidelines with certain exceptions such as ecutement oualifi-cation for service li'e less than clant life (40 years) er ecui:eent recuirino cocificati:r.s to neet cualification , recuirements sucn as relocation Or snielcino. :or these ccm enents the licensee's senecule for resolution as
- detailed in the "Ocen Item Resolution- clans (submitted
- witn Sectemcer 5,1980 resconse), is sumarized. (11 items) F J i 1 8 v t
I 17 o .
unction: RCS anc cressuri:er pressure indication, RFA isolatien valve interlock, steam generator 1 level indication and RPS/ESSFAS inouts.
. Probl em: Thermal age. testing incemolete.
Resolution: Cuali'v cer *EEE 323-197a by July, 1931. Es a:iish neriodic reolacement intervals basec en results of oualification tests by
.anuary, 1932. . Basis for Operation: .Yanual initiation of RPS/ESFAS and/or autcmatic trios avallaole. Althcugn ecmoonent nas not been tested for design basis accident conditions af ter accelerated aging fcr i
- ne cesien life, common moce failure of all c:m:enents as a result of a harsn environment is
. unlikely as ace-related failures normally occur 4 -cver a fairly large: band of time. It is ne ex:ec ec :nat ne cs:-accicen- emeerature
- nci-ions will comoress nis failure canc suf#iciently to cause failure of all recurcan:
c:. Oonents of tnis type curtng :ne course of :ne ac:icent. Tes: ?.ecer:: ' es-ingnouse letter NS-TMA-213a 12/21/79. Mes-ingnouse letter _FOR-80-25 2/29/30.
- eference: Oc 00nent wore, sheet (Rev K), pages 273, 2,7a,
.,., .-.,, ..o., o.ev , o..o 0 ,= 6o o 1, ;.e.., , c.o a , ..:-,
a-- I'5, 356, anc 357.
- 0
- en'Itam Fesolutien, page 10.
Tacn. Eval. Sup. Continued Ops., item 10.
- 9. . .
o . ,. . : U .: :n. .e,,,J u. i- . - t~-v e 0. ..: Function: '!aricus (see com:onent workshee:) Containment). Preblen: The RT:'s are meunted in wells within RCS
- ci
- ing.
ae total radia:ian dose receivec m.ay i be greater : nan the 1 X 10" rad cualfication dose, recuiring ceriodic replacemen: of One cceconent. Resolu:fon: Reclaceren: schedule to be determinec by Acrii, 1931. 4 Tes Pecort: 'l CAP ?!57
- eference: 00moonen: workshee: (Rev. K) pages 359, 360, 361, 362, 253, 364, 355, 366, 367, 363, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 373, 379, 380, 331, and 322.
l l
- 3. " 0 TOR ALLIS-CHALMERS GV Function: Containment soray cumo motors ( Aux.)
Problem: Qualification testing demonstrates a minimum cualified life of 27 years. Resolution: Particioate in Allis-Chalmers test program. j Test ~ecort: Siemans-Allis Recort Order d8-90200.
Conconent worksheet (Rev. K), cages 271 and 272. 0:en " ten Resciution, oage 19. Tech. Eval . Suo. Continued Ops. , Item 19. 4 SCLENOIO VALVES. ASCO. SERIES NP i func-icn: 1PE3165aE containmen- isolation valve solenoids (cen:aincen-); cressurizer oilc coeratec relief
- valve solenoid.
3rcolem: flinimum cualified life demonstra:ec to be 3 years a- 120 F. (installed 6/80). Resolution: (a) Jetermine if age cualification can ce extencec. (b) Ceveico a replacement schecule by Acril, 1981. (1st reciacement now olannec for 193a refueling outage) Tes- ce :or : Aute. atic Switen Comoany Recor- A0321673H12 3/73.
Cemcorent worksneet (Rev. K), pages 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 152, 300, 301, 302, 303, and 320. Ocen Item Resolution, cage 21. Tech. Eval . Suo. Continued Ops , Iter, 21. l 1 I J
aa -
.a b b __i r_.a-,.. - w:,,,,4 .+ ,,p _ . _ .-.
- 6. CAELE. A'1ERICAN wtoE & CABLE. VARIOUS 300V. EP Function: Concuctor-(centainment).
P~roclem: Testing demonstrated minirum qualified life of 25 years.
- esciution: Obtain cualification data from alants comitted te 'EEE 323-197a, or carticicate in 20 year life 2s ti ng .
Test Aecer : :!EL Recer: =F-C3a63.
.!EL Recor =F-C3125 American insulated wire tes i 6/14/73 QA reel 8A frame 706 ceference:
Comoonent worksneet (Rev. K) cages,1, 2,17, l? and 20. Coen Itam Resclu-ion, cage 31.
.. Tsen. Eval . Suc. Continued Ocs, Item 31.
_. . :.....r. 4 -r ,. 0 . :.,,1, n
.ardeus (see comconen: worksnee:) on ainment)
Problea: :califiec for four year life. Resclu:icn: "aveloce Aeolacemen; senecule cy Acril, 1981.
-as: .2ecor:: ::."E-Cleveland Recor: on Nocei EA130 3/3/73. A"00 Stucy esti,mation of EAlSO qualifiec life.
- eference: Oceconent ',,ceksnee: (Rev. K), pages 137, 138, 160, 215, 308 and 309.
I-I l i l' i ' I f 4 i I
- 3. SOLEMOIO VALVES. ASCO. VARIOUS Function: Various (See cceconent worksneet) (Containment, Aux)
Problem: Aging can cause failure in a non-safe ~ mode. Resolution: Periccic reolacement seneduled to be determined by Acril, 1931. Test Reoort: Westinghouse letter MS-CE-59. 0.eference: C0ctonent worksneet'(Rev. K), cages:
. WPL38300864F - 133, 189, 190*, 191*, 192*, 193*,
19d*, 195*, 195*, 197*, 198*, 199*, 200*, 201*, 202*, 203*, 20a*, 205*,
- 20$*, 20S*, 209, 211 i . FT30033 ' - 422 FT331J55 -
207 '
??33155a -
159 HT3CC73 - 121 M72033 - 132 HT3320A35 - 119, 420 2320A9CHT - 131 L533105a - 210 L2231554 - 310
. 2315C35HT - 255, 257, 258, 259 2502B25 -
- T3320101 -
321 . HT330232SRU - 314 2302C20RU - 317, 319
*Mo e: .These ecmponen:s are loca ed inside containment. Qualification is by analysis only. The licensee states:
All A300 non-NP solenoid valves on the 79-013 master list control air-operatec valves that t.:tain their desired safety position ucon loss of air. The Westinghouse analysis referenced as the cualification document demons rates tha: for design basis accident conditions the only crecible failure mode is in a cosition wnien vents the air c:erator thus : lacing the associated valve in its safe state. Therefore, during a loss-of-coolant accident or hign-energy line break, any given ASCO.non-NP solenoid valve can only act in one of two ways. It can cerform its function by going to the vent osition wnen called ucen by the engineered-safety 'es ure actuation system signal, or it can fail prior to receivin; the ESFAS signal, thus Olacing the-associated salve in the safe condition prior to , < receivirn safety system actuation. Since cremature actuation of the associated valves will not acversely effect the plant's acility to rescend :o a L^^a or HEL3, it is fel: :nat the referenced a: a;ysis adecuately quali#ies t e 23C0 non-NP solenoid valves for their Class IE service in Trojan. w,-,r--w,-ee-,- ,er ge r -www , v y us etus---,ce-w-t**e--ee'=srv+te-** eve-**--wee eP*w4r--P'--m*"W1-e-=ywt***Y-*-FWit""+****--W-fw-'T'v-+C9 T'P W--T Y g ~My yw a,- c - s y w w+-, w s*
n. ct-
- 9. LE'!EL TRAflSMITTER, FISCHER PORTER 1332493 Function: LT2069A and LT20693 sodium hydroxide tank level transmitters (AUX.).
Pr:blem: Oualification testing did not address thermal aging. Resolution: Perform analvsis te determine if materials used are susceotable to thermal degradation by January, 1931. If necessary, reclace witn transm1 ters cualified to IEEE 323-1971 by June, 1981. Test Recort: Fischer Porter Recort DP82224-1, RPe001.10/22/73. e ference: con =enent worksnee: (Rev. X), pages 261 and 262. Ocen Itan Pesolution, cage 3. Te:n. Eval . Su:. Continued. Cos. , item 3.
- 10. -FL3! TRA?:5.*'!TTER. F!SCHER ?ORTER 1032a95 Fun:-icn: ~~~0e3,C anc FT30:30 Aux. feecwa er flow Transmitters
.e e / .
4 1
- rcolem: Tes:ing cic no: address nermal aging.
?esolution: Reciace wi:n Rosemount Model 1153 by June 1982 -
cer HUREG 0573. Develoce a raciacemen-scnecule cy April, 1982. Tes- Recor : . CAP 7210-L.
00mocnent workshee: (Rev. K), eages 95 and 96. Ocen I:en :esolution, page 1. Tecn. Eval . Sup. Continued 0;s. , Item 1.
- e- e e+ ,,-ws ..w-,-,-n,,,...--m.,,,y,,,.,%. , *-, e ,,ey,,,-,,y_.-o, ,-4%,c,., ,w ,yw ,g,w.,,,,,,,-,y,%,-,e,w,.,ve.,,_.,-w,,...,,w.,we,,,,y , - - , f- #, , - . -9w,,ng-,,-w,
a4 +4ai - - L da < A nw a-a +i -d.aE . -. . 22
- 11. DEMETRATIONS, AMPHENGL Function: Electrical connection (containment).
Problem: Testing did not address thermal aging or sufficiently enveloce recuired coeratir; times as defined by the licensee for tre , 79013 review (see caragra h 2.2(a)), ' however FSAR recuirements met. Resolution: Perform further investigatien/ testing.:, June, 1931. Recair or re: lace 'y c June, 1982. Basis for Operation: Materials of construction are not exce:tse to be suscectible to thermal degredati: . Testine demonstrates FSAR recuirements "Or ocerating time. Test Re: ort: Am:henol Recort 123-1235 3/23/72. t
Comconent worksneet (Ref. K), eages 24, 25, 25, 27, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 3a, 35, 35 anc 37. Coen Item Resolution, cage 23. Tech. Eval . Sup. Continued Ops. , Irem 25. h 1 5 e 5
Yvr' M'*1wv4"e'**-*"N**-t'F7-rv'-v^w'-'vv"-*N"'s-'NT'wr+w' w*#'*'**'re+r-&e---*"="""'="~'*-**- "'we*"==='e*"-'" e*-' '" - - * ' "-
. . 1 1
2.3(c) Ecui: ment Listed but' Exemot From Oualification In tne Sectember i,1980 submittal, the licensee did not list any ecuicment itens in this category. It is noted, however, 4 that the licensee did not include ecuiement subject to line breaks in the auxiliary feedwater c'ino reons, as these redundant trains are se:arated from each cther as well as the effects c#.a , - main stea.m or 'se&ater break. A e 9 e % i e e e d
. ,rer% -..-,e-e,-,,, v,.m-7,...,..--,v.,,e.,-,,,-,%yy.,.....,,,,,,,w.,,. ,,,,,,,~,,,,,..,y_.,-,,,.,,.,,,.,,,,.,,..,,y,.......,m.,_,.,y.,-,_, . , , - , ..J,,_,.,...,,.
. . -2a-2.3(:) Ecuiorent with t!nresolved Ouali'ication Review of the licensee's ' September 5,:1980 submitts1_ and modificatiens to that submittal discussed during the October-27-31, 1930 site visit (Inspection Reaort 50-344/80-27), - disclosed -he 'ollowing comconents whose cualification to 00R guidelines was ince.901ete. "or tnese ceroonents the licensee's schedule 'or. cuali'ication as detailed in the "Coen Item Resolution Dians" and basis for continued coeration as stated ing"Tecnnical Evaluation Suecorting Continued Oceration Pending Oualifica: ion..." (both submitted with the Sectember 5,1980 resconse'), are surrarizec. (18 iters).
t 9
.- 5 t 4 6
m i T 4 9-I t
..--.....,.d.--.--,...-.__..,..,_.-_._.........-.-r. -.-..m,_..-_,._,%~-,.,.... ,-,-.~.,,.,--.r-...,-..-m.--,-----,
-- -. .= - . . - . _ . _ . . 23 +
.: unction: Con ainment sumo level indication. (Containment)
Problem: :'o envircemental testing has been performed. Resciution: Install cualifiec level transmitters cer NURE3 0573 by Acril,1981. Basis f r Oceration: C0moonent "une-ion is indication cnly.
Cemeenent evaluation worksheet (Rev. K), cages 109 and 110. a.
. r i o -- ~o.u. r.:. . :.=. . r e. e.:. . w: . . . :unc-icn: 7? and FY607 RHR flow contrei (!/p conver er must no: cause ficw con rol valve to close scuricusly) (Aux.'.
Oro len: 'uali'ication testing 'or tnermal aging anc luxtif ary cuilcing racia: ion environment nas nct
- een cerformec.
Resciu-ion: ina*ysis :o cetermine if c0cconent is construc ec of ateriais suscepticle to cegraca-jon as a r2 suit of tnermai aging or .irraciation, or 0 de ernine if all crecible fatiure moces are ac::::acie by Cecem:er 1980. Evalua-ion.
;::sataoility of disa:iing con reller curing
- !sr c: era:icn by Fe:ruary, 1931. Deplacement i
- y .-arii 1331.
Casis #ce C; era:icn: '!en:Or s ates 00mocnen; manufacturec of ma arials acerceriate for :astulated ac icen environmen . value failure is in safe (open) :esition; manuai
' low control possible by otner valves.
Tes- ?ecort: "ene itsted. Peference: Com enen <orv.sneet (Rev. K), pages 107 anc 1C3.
^ pen :tcm Resciution, : age J.
Tecn. Eval . Suc. Can-inued Ocs. , Item A. l l-
. . 26
- 3. FLOW INDICATING SWITCH. BARTON 288A Function: Aux. feedwater ficw switches (MSSS).
Problem: No cualification information. Resolution: Obtain cualification data frem Barten by January,1981, or replace with cualified switch by June, 1982. Basis for Oceration: The ecui: ment is located in a rocm that does not contain a high energy line or is crone to submersion. H0 wever, since the recm communicates with the main steam and feecwater line area via a small overneac hatch ocening, the temoerature and cressure curves for that acrtion of ne main steam line succer: structure were conservatively acclied. ' In event Of an HEL3 in :nis area, newever, steam is ex:ectec to vent tnrougn :ne ocen o of the main steam line
su: or: structure witnou affecting .he lower cor:icn of ne cuildina. Also, -he effects of an HELS will largely ce continec Oc one ccecar ment of the main steam line succer: s ruc ure and is not li'<ely :0 af#ect ecuicment in the c:ner :nree comcartments (?G E-1001) . Therefore, it is ex ected tna: these ccmoonents will not see the narsn environmen: Oresently assumec for evaluation cursoses. Confirmatory analysis is currently underway to sue:cr :nis conclusion. es- Pecort: "one listed. eference: Ocmcenent worksneet (Rev. K), : ages 37, SS, 59, 90, 91, 92, 93 and 94. Ocen Item ?.esolu:icn, page 5 Tech. Eval . Sup. Continued. Cos. , Item 5. i f s a-- = - - -dter--.we w a--w =e.* mir- ,,, aves , w e-e rw + v , -e--a-a--mme-%ew+w e t e-* um s-w w e--* *
- Y w m t *- e- a -w w w w w '-r-- -
r -- w w = er v a v wv v Y'twerw w m- w v' a e - r-w w =Wt v===-ww*rvm*w~'y---'"**'e e
-Function: Pressuri:er lovel indication and ESFAS incu: (containment)
Problem: Instrument contains materials known to be suscectible to thermal age degradation, however cuali#iec life is unknown. Pesolution: Analysis to determine i' reolacement :f a limited numcer of ecmoonent carts can eliminate age decradable material and re: lace these carts cy "ay,1931. Industry tes: :rogram to cualify Foxterc :ransmi: ers to IEEE-323-197c by January, 1982. B2 sis for Oceration: Although ecmoonent has not been testec for
;esien casts accicent conditions af ter acceleratec aginc for tre cesicn life, . cceron moce failure of all ccm:enents as a resui: cf'a harsn environment is unlikely as ace-rela e failures normally cccur over a fairly large banc of time. It is no:
2xcec ec :nat ne cost-accicen: tem:erature cen:1 tons will ccmcress :nis failure canc suf'iciently to cause failure of ali recuncant c:erenents of tnis tyce curing :he course of tne ccident. est Recor:: ,
"0A 341.
- sfe ence: .':m:enen worksnee: (Rev. '), : ages 350, 351 anc 352.
en Item Resolution, page 11. Tecn. Eval. Suc. Continuec Ops., Item 11
.. c. r. o. . :.: r. e_ . .... . . ... . . n..i a~. S .:n:....o en func-ion: PSV and PCRV tailpipe temperature (centainment).
Oreclem: Cualification testing has not been performed. Pesolu:fon: Analysis of failure modes and ef#ects and material susce:tibility to '.CCA failure by January 1981. Reclacement i' necessary by June 19C2. Casis fcr 0;eration: Comconent function is indication only. Test Recort- f:ene. waference: Cerconen: worksheet (Rev. K), eages 304, 3C5, 306 and 307. Ocen Item Resolution : age 13. Tecn. Eval . Su . Continued Cos. , Iten 13.
. . l l
- 6. ACCUSTIC MONITCP.S TEC 500 Function: Pressuri:er Safety Valve and PORV position cetection (containment).
.?reblem: Cualification testing has not yet been l Cerformed. l oarticipate in TEC tes program and erform !
- esolution:
necessary modifications by. June,1982. Establish
- ericcic replacement crogram by June, 1982.
Basis for Oceration: Com:enent-function is indication only. Test Recort: None.
Ocm:enen: worksnee: (Rev. K), cages 296, 297, 298 and 299.
- 0:en : tem Resolution, oage 15.
Tech. Evai . Su:. Continued Gos. , Item 15
- 7. 110:1T:0'l MONIT00 VICTOREEM 317-1 Func icn: Auxiliary Euilding area raciation monitors (emergency procecures refer to use of tnese cetec:ces to icentify ECOS leaks) (Aux.)
3r::lem: Qualification testing for thermal aging anc rac4ation has not been perforned. Tesolu:icn: Ser#crm analysis fer age degracaole or raaiesensitive matarials by Decem er,1980. Ins cil shielding as recuirec ty Fec, 1931. Reclace with IEEE 323-1971 cualified device by June, 1932. Basis for Operation: Cceponent function is indica:icn only. Tes: Pecor:: ::ene.
Componen; aorkshee: (Rev. X), cages 321 and 325. Open I:en P.esolution, page 16 Tech. Eval . Sup Centinued Ops. Item 16. l
. . . m. . .
- 3. HYORn3EN ECC"2tHE?S. WEST!!!GHOUSE runc-icn: Containrent Hydrogen Centrol (containment).
Problem: la) Internal cablinC not subjected to thermal age test. (b) Cuali'ication of solice to field cable unkncwn. Resciution: Ser'erm analysis of ca:le raterial b.v January,1931. Esclace if necessary by acril, 1982. 31s;5 ?cr 00 era-icn: Hydr 0 gen '!ent system Oer# oms recundant or c0ccensurate function. Test Recort: WCAP 77C96 Oe'erence: ". -:enen: worksneet (Rev. X), cages 225 anc 227.
".:en : tem Resclu-ion, ace 17. ~ -
e:n. Eval. Suo. Ocn-inuec Cos, item 17.
- r
.. :f. t . "r~w. e t I . e . w. .r u.n". e. .- 3 e.+n e iun -icS: IC"~ anc containmen; scray cumo rocm air coolers .ux.J. *criec: "ualifica:icn #cr acing and aux cuilcing raciatien as F.ct oeen cerformec. -esc.iu tion: .a." sis of 0 evaiuate suscept... .
0 E"ing or raciation camage ay January i rc ,.iciit:y
- .:' ace if necessary Oy June, 1332.
2 asis for C era-icn: ~ cme naturai ccnvection rocm cooling available
'-110.<ing mot:r failure; building ven:ilatien
- 13o available if reem cocrs are manually cpened.
Tes: tecor : ::ene.
"eference: Cecocr.en: '.lornsnee: (Rev. K), pages 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, ~5, 77 and 73. ^nen It m Resclu icn, :: age 10.
Tecn. Eval. Suc. C0ntinuec Cps, Item 13. l l l l t l l l l t l l { l l I
- . ....-...-,.-.,,.,-.m..e. v.,---#w, ,--,-w,,,,,. w ,-w e .--,e. -,.r.,w....c,,,-,w,w,,,,,--,, w,~,e-se,.mm-y--- e,y,--y ,
~ 10. 50LEN0IO VALVES, R.G. LAURENCE 12543AW/11011dW Function: Steam line isolation valve solenoids (MSSS) l Problem: Solenoid valves have not been tested to demonstrate coerability'in the main steam ,
succort structure environment during.HEL3. I Resolution: Test or reciace by June, 1982. Basis for Ooeratien: Redundant or commensurate function in non-safety relatec turoine stoo and control valves and safety related check valves. The ecuioment is located in a reem that does ' not contain a high energy line or is prone to submersion. However, since :ne room communicates with the main steam and feecwater line area via a small overnead hatch ocening, the temoerature anc cressure curves for that cortion of tne main
steam line succor structure were conservatively acclied. In event of an HEL3 in this area, hcwever, steam is excectec to ven; througn tne ocen too of :ne main s eam line succor: structure wi nou affecting :ne lower cor-ion of t'e n builcing. Also, the effects of an HEL3 will largely oe confined to one comoar: ment of tne main steam line succort structure and is not likely to i affect ecuicment in che other three compart-rents (:GE-100d). Therefore, it is exoected - tnat -hese comoonents will not see the narsh environment presently assumed for evaluation eurocses. Confirmatory analysis is currently uncerway to support this conclusion. Tes: Recort: "cne. . e ference: Comoonent worksheet (Rev. K), pages 403, 404 405, 406, 407, 403, 409, 410, all, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, and 413 Ocen Item Resolution, cage 20. Tech. Eval . Suc. Continued Ops. , Item 20. d
,w w v <w<,-v-,,- u m-, ,.m m,e- w ,m .. <m ,w,n ,. ,,w,,-- . .-w,,,,c,,,,,,wwe ,m,,,c,yww.,,,--wn-m., .-,,wm.3,--.,,-.-y<m,w--,-, .m.7-,e.. ee,, v-,v--- ,- - m . . . , , - . - ,
- 1
, .. -31 j l
i 1 l
- 11. TERMIMAL ?.0AROS SOUARE 0, 323 I Function: Peacter coolant system RTO terminations (centainment).
Problem: Enviroerental cualification testing has not ,
- een cerformed.
Resolutien: Reciace with terminal blocks cualified to IEEE 323-1974 by Acril 1982. Sasis or 0:eration: Materdal and constructien accear similar : cuailfiec terminations. Test Report: None. F.eference: 00m:enen: wor (sn e,r e (Rev. K), cages 235, 325,
_ e. e. . 2ee.,
. ,.v. . a31, a,2, . ,,=,
333, ,. a 4, ...
. 335. 337, 333, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 301, 345, ~46, 347, 3a3 and 349. ~
- en Item Resolution, page 33.
73:n. Eval . Su:. Continuec Ops. , Item 23. 4 t .e -. c - -. e_ e. . .e e. c. . :.y p u r."igi.. :. 7.c. i :. . ; n. :.1
. _. s 3 9.1 i. :.10 :.1.
Function: Field eirine to :enetration connectors for
- i. cwer range 7 tux moni cring system (containment).
3rcel em: I.1vironmental cualification :es-ing was no
- een : err'ormec on these i; ems.
oesciu-icn: !a; rirlex WC3F-N sleaving arounc connec: Ors
- y 2:ril, 1981.
(b) Par-ici: ate in qualification test program. Basis for Operation: 'tes: likely failure moces will initiate safety function. Tes: Recor : .one. Def2rence: C0moonen worksneet (Rev. K), cages 321 and 323. Open Itan 3.esolution, cage 29. Tech. Eval. Sup. Continued C s, Item 29. I l I I
, + ,,*w_.--.-w,.,., , , - _ . , . . ~ , - . , ,.-v.%,.,_+,, .,em_....,,_,,y,,-_.=,. .,.p,,,m._,_m..,,,m.g.,,., ,.._.,.y,,,,7,
- 13. MOTOR. ME5TINGHOUSE. HSDP Function: RHR pump (Aux.) centrifugal charging pumo (Aux.)
SIS cumo (Aux.). Oroblem: 1) Oualification of lubrication system in cuestien, {2) Envircnmental cualification of insulation on s co or terminations -is in cuestion. Aesclu-icn: (1) Evaluate acolicability of lubricants; reclace wi n cualifisc lubricants by June,1932. (2) Reclace wita cualified insulation cy June, 1932. Basis for Coeration: (1) Vendor indicates lubricants will survive radiation environment (no test recor s). (2) Terminatiens are crotec ec in terminal boxes. Test Re er:: HCAP 5754
'dCAD 2329 ?.ef erence: enent horxsneet (Rev. X), cages 129, 130, 151, u,, ,-, .;- anc ,a:.
Caen item Resciu-icn, cages 25 and 27. Tecn. Eval. Suo. Con-inuec Ops, items 25 anc 27. i*. '!CTC: .ELIANCE. 5E:!E3 2000 Function: Cont. Cocling Fan (Contair. men:). Pr clem: (1) Cualification of lubrication sys em in cues-icn. (2) Environmen al cualification of insulation on mot:r termina:10ns is in questien. Resclu:icn: (1) Evaluate acclica:ility of lubricants; replace witn cualified lubricants by June,1982. (2) Reclace witn cualified insulation by June,1932. Easds 'or Coeraticn: (1) Vender indicates lubricants will surviva racia: ion envircnment (no tes recorts) (2) Terminations are protected in terminal bcxes. Tes: .'enort: Joy Recor: en Fan '!odel d50-30-120.
Cecconent worksnee (:.ev. K), cages 22c, 225, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 23d, 235 and 236. Coen I;am Resciution, cages 25 and 27. Tecn. Eval. Suo. Continued Oos, Items 26 and 27.
. . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . _ . _ . . . ~ . - . _ , - . _ _ . - _ , _ _ , _ , . , _ , , , , _ _ - , _ - . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _
. , 1 1
i 1
- 15. YOTOR 00ERATED Val'!E, LIMITORnUE SMB-00. SMS-000. SMS-3 unction: Comconent cooling water (isolation l valve for spare containment air cooler; ECCS recirculation (sume isolation valve);
- est accident H2analysis (containment)
Problem: Uncer:ainty about installed ccmoonent serial num0ers on these four comoonents did not allow identification of acclicable est re: orts. Resolu:fon: All c ner similarly a : lied c:erators are a: rcariately qualified. There is a discrecancy between snos order numcer anc recorded serial nuccer tnat does not allow an affirma-ive
- juccement in tnese cases until tney can be i ins:ec:ec a nex snutecwn (A:ril, 1931). - 3 asis for Oceration: There are recuncan air coolers: ECOS recircula-ion .culd fail in safe (ocen) cosi icn; anc nere is a recuncan: H2 analysis icwcatn.
Test :e:or:- .'nhnown Deferenc,e: worksneet (Rev. K), cages 61, ill,112,
-> anc c .i Coen I:em REsclu-icn, page 22.
Tecn. ' val . Suo. Continueo 00s. , item 22.
- 15. 40 CR ??? RATE: ';.% DIES. I"ITC? CUE SMS-C0 Func-icn: ux faecwater iscia-ion. ("SSS)
?rc:lem: Mccula ronic :osi: ion centrollec coerators.
Cen:rol circuitry and cc: ors have no been tes ec for main steam su: ort structure MELS environment. l Resolution: Reciace cr cocify by June,1932. Basis fer Coera:fon: 'lalves are normally coen and would fail as is. The equi ment is located in a room inat does not c ntain a high energy line or is crone to su mersion. However, since :ne rocm ccmnunicates witn the main steam and feedwa:er line area via a small overhead haten ocening, :ne temoerature anc cres ure curves #cr tha: cortion of -he main steam line su: cort structure were conservatively accited, in event of an HELS in :nis area, newever, stear is ex:ected te vent througn the c en :co of :ne main steam line succort strue:ure witnou affecting the lower ;ortion of the t erer er w---- -- .---- . _ __ ,__ _ _ ___ _
l . . 35-building. Also, the effects of an HEL? will largely be confined to one ccecartment of the main - I steam line succort structure and is not likely to affect ecuipment in the other three comoartments (PGE-1004). Therefore, it is ex:ected that these ccmconents will not see the harsh environment oresently assumed for evaluation our:oses. Confirmatory analysis is currently underway to succort his conclusion. Test Recert: . lone listed.
Cemeenent worksheet (Rev. K), pages 79, 80, 81, (8) 82,83, Sa, 85 and 86.
- 0:en Item Resolution, : ace 23.
Tecn. Eval . Su . Continued 0:s, Item 23. 77 . MO 03 0?ERATED YALVES L!NITC?OUE 593-00. SMS-000. S99-2. SMS-3. Function: Various (see ref.) (containment). Protism: Raciatien cualifica-ion of me: Ors uncer ain, c erators otnerwise qualified. Fesolution: Cbtain cualifica:icn information or re iace by April, 1982. Sasis for C eration: All mo:Or nameola:es indica:e Class RH or P.ADCLI insulation. 'iender incicates they are nr0caoly cual!#ied. Test P.e:cet: Limit 0rcue Re: ort =600198 Limitercue Re: ort =6CC375A Limitorcue Re;0r: $600456 Peference: Cemconen: worksneet (Rev. X), pages 56, 60, 118 Coen I: a Resolutien, cage 24 Tech. Eval. Suc. Continued C:s., Item 24.
- - . .. _ _ _ _ _. =-- .=.
- 15. "0700 CoERATE0 VALVES. '_:MITOROVE SMB-000 Function: Cantainment air cool. flow reg.
Proolen: llc documentation to suoport qualification to cen ainment environment. Res0lu-ion: (1) Evaluate coerators to determine if cualification test recorts for contain-ment cuali#ied coeraters can be aoplied
- y June 1931.
1 J21 Re lace with oce*ators cuali#ied #or
- n ainment service by June 1982.
Basis for Ooeration: ) Operators are either normally in safet.
- osition or attain safety position ear >
in accident.
'2) Cocumen ation available that cemonstrates c:eracility in less harsn steam env'ronments. ' ) 0: era crs similar to limitorcues qualified 'Or c:eration in containment accident envirenment. ' 3 .:ce coerators not-normally in safety
- csition, tne coerators in tne recuncant train are qualified for accicent envircnment.
Tes: Secar : Lici:cr;ue Repor: B0003. Oe'erence: "enconent Worxsneet (Rev. K) tages ai, ;;, 45, 45, 47, 149 and 290.
. _ . . . _ . _ . . . ~ _ . . _ . . _ - . - . _ _ ....___ _ . _.,,,___. _.. _ .. _ ,... . - . . . _ . _ . . . - _ . _ , _ , . , . , , . . - . _ . -
.- 4 1 l
l 2.3(e) Ecuiement flot Oualified 1 The following equipment was' found to be not cualified for it's recuired harsh environment service review of the , cocconent evaluation worksheets submitted with the licensee's ! Sectem:er 5, 1930 resconse and discussion with the licensee I durin9 tne October '27-31,1980 site visi: (Inspection Recort 50-311/20-27). The licensee's schedule for reclacement as stated in-the "Ocen Item Resolution Plans" and basis for continued 0:eration as stated in the " Technical Evaluation Su::ce-ing Continued Oceration Pending Qualification...", to:n su:aitted with the Sects .cer 5,1920 resconse, are sum.ari:e for eacn cecoonent. (8 Items) e s i l l l i I I i l> . . _ _ . . _ . . . . _ , . _ . . . _ _ , _ . . _ , _ . . . , _ _ _ . , _ . _ _ , _ , _ , . _ .
- 1. OMON!TE. Tc!AX CARLE. F:'!. EP unction: :cwer canne flux monitoring and reac:ce trip.
Proolen: 'n ernal insulation relts at design basis ac icent tem eratures. . Resolu icn: (a) 2eolace with cualified cable by Pay,1982. (51 Analysis :: deconstrate that insulation will nc :e af#ectec during the short time ceriod
'30 sec) recuired for coeration.
5 asis for 0:eration: "as Or :acle 'ailure race of ca:1e 'shcr-) will resul- in initiatien of safety function. Tes: Recort: None. 9eference: .::ntonen: evaluation worksnee- (Rev. K), age 18.
~.:en I em Resolution, Page 30. - ~
ach. Eval. Su:. Centinuec 00s., Item 30 _ I?. : Mone..;.nu. clear ins rumentation no sucjec- ,c, 0 .::-< sul,. recuiremen s :er su:cieren answer 12.
.arious (see ref.s;s containmen:, Aux.) .- u n:- 4 :n :
3rc:.en: , O, _es-inc cemonstra:es.:na in-containment
- arsmitter will not ocerate for tne time recuirec Oy IE3 79-013.
lt; nuali'ication esting nas no- been :erf:rmec fcr aging er Auxiliary Builcing racia-icn environment. Sar;0n 384's have survived
.estinc :0 2 :' 10'0, however, i- is not clear :na: suf#icien; similarity exists to accly test results here.
i Eesciution: (a) Reciace Con:ainment Transmitters with 3ar en 75 s by Acril, 1981. () Serform analysis to cetermine if ou side 00ntainmen: transmitters nave materials ina .ould be susce:-ible :o :nermal aging or ractation degradaticn in tne Aux. Building envir0ncent by McVember, 1980. Evaluate thernal aging anc radiatien exacsure hist:ry of Containmen: units to catermine if cualifica icn can be basec ucon ocerating ex:erience. Re lace witn transmitters ualifiec to IEEE 323-7a by June, 1932. _ - . _ - - . - , . - . _ _ . _ . . , , _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ - - , . _ _ _ . . . _ . - . _ , _ , - . . , . _ ~ _ _ _ . _ _ _
39 s Basis for Operation: (1) For transmitters ecunted in the Auxiliary building (flow indication for RHR, SIS, and charging pumps) there is indirect means such as RCS pressure and temperature provide flew indication. (2) For S/G 1evel transmitters redundant informa-tion is provided via Barton 763/764 qualified except for aging. a
*(3) Steam flew transmitters: For inside containment main steam line breaks (MSLB) )
alternative tric function is crevided by steam line high cifferential cressure tric and containmert high cressure trip both located outsice containment.
Comocnent evaluatten worksheet (Rev. K), pages 103, 100, 105, 106, 162, 163, 276*, 282*, 383", 384*, 385*, 3S6*, 387*, 388*, 3S9* and 390* Coen Item Resciution, page 7. ' Tecn. Eval . Suc.- Continued Ocs. , Item 7. LER: 80022 (Attaccment a)
*"cte: . Installed in containment (S/G 1evel anc steam ficw).
- 3. FFESSURE TRANSMITTERS. BARTCN 3a5 Function: Steam line pressure incicatien and ESFAS incut
("SSS). SIS pressure indication, and charging pdec oressure indication (Aux.). Problem: Cualification test recerts.scecifically acclicable to this model are not available and qualification does net appear pessible. Resolution: Reciace with transmitters cualified to IEEE-323-1974 by June, 1982. Basis for Operation: Manual initiation of ESFAS anc/or autcmatic trips available. Other means available for ficw indication en SIS and charging pumes.
\ For ecui; ment meunted in MSSS structure it is located in a rect that does not contain a high energy line or is prone to submersion.
However, since the roem communicates with the main steam and feedwater line area via a small everhead hatch coening, the temperature and pressure curves for that cortion of the main steam line succert structure were conservatively acclied in event of an HELS in this area, hcweve , steam is excected te vent through the ocen tcp of the main steam line succort structure withcut affecting the icwer cortien of the building. Also, the effects of an HELS i l l
. - _ . - . . . _ _ - . . . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ . . . . _ _ . , . ~ . _ . . - ~ . . . _ . . , _ , . _ , , _ . . . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ , ._ , . . . ~ . _ . - . , _ , _ _ . --
.ao- '<iill largely be confined to one comaartment of main steam line succort structure and is not likely to affect ecuicment in the other three ccmeartments (DGE-1004). Therefore, it is excected that these ccmconents will not see , -he narsh environment cresently assumed for evaluation curcoses. Confirmatory analysis is currently underway to succort tnis conclusion.
7es- i.eccet: "cne
Cem enen worKsneet (Rev. K), pages 136, 187, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 395, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401 and 402.
*oen Item Sesolutien, : ace 6.
Te:n. Eval. Suc. Continuec. Cos, Item 6. LIR- 30-22 (Attacnment a)
.. :::: e. s.e. n r e* u.s.e r.-re.:. . 2.: .f . C."e '.-e c.
Tunc:icn: :~103 RCS wide range cressure (containmen:). 3rcol em: Invironmental cualification tes;ing for tnis s:scific mocel nas not ceen cerformec anc cualification coes not accear cossiele. esolution: ~.3: lace witn BARTOI: Mocel 763 dy Acril 1931. Casis f:r C: era:1cn: Ocm:cnen function is incication only. Recuncan- '
" ' tressure incica-ion anc in ericck crovicec .! :A T'" 753 cressure transmi: ers cualifiec excec: for aging. , Tes: 2ecor:: ':ene.
Se'erence: Comconent worksneet (Rev. K), page 353. C:en item Resolution, page 2. Tecn. Eval . Suc. Continued Ops. , !:em 5 LER: 80-22 (Attachment ;) 6
41 J s
Function: PT458 oressurizer cressure (containment) containment oressure (Aux.). Pro:len: Environrental cuali#ication testino for this seecific model has not been cerforced and cualification does not accear cessible. Fesolution: Re: lace ?Ta58 (containment) w1:9 BARTOM 763 by Acril 1981. ceolace containment oressure transmi::ers with c:semount 1153's cer NUREG 0578 by Acril, 1981. Basis for Coeration: Pedundant pressuri:er pressure indication and
- S/ESFAS incuts rovidec by BARTON 763. Manual actuation availacle for containment scray
- systen.
Test decort: UCAP 77a4 and Wes:ingnouse letter NC-CE-692. eference: Com:enen: workshee: (Rev. K), sages 220, 221, 222, 223 and 353.
- Ocen I
- en Resciution, page 9.
Tecn. Eval . Suc. Continued Ops. , I:em 9. LER: 20-12 (A :acement a)
- 6. ?TC 000.':S. POR-302 Function: 9FR heat excnanger outlet tencerature (Aux.).
Pr:Olem: Contains na:erial known to be susceptible to radiation damage. Pesolu; ion: Reclace by June, 1992. Sasis for Operation: Comconent function is indication only. Al ternate cualified ecui: ment (RCS and CCWS temoerature) cerforms redundant or commensurate function. Test tecort: None. Oeference: Cocoonent worksheet (Rev. K), cages 133 and 134 Ocen Item Resolution, page 12. Tech. Eval . Suc. Continued Ops. , ! tem 12. LER: 00-22 (Attachment a) I t l i
.e . - w-r ew - - -r=wm-,--r-e-e-vw-,+++=ww.e--r4-+-+-v e w ,w w-- - -wo
p 4
.4 -
- 7. Lt.'?IT S'.!!TCFES. ?!AMCO 02a00X (EA 170 - SERIES 1001 Function: Yalve seal-in on containment isolation and safety injection sional (Aux.) steanline isclation valve status indication (MSSS).
o orcelen: 'ualification testina has not been cerforced and nualification does not annear oossible. Resolu:fon: ienlace by June,1982, with MAMCO EA170 series 200's or I'120's (cualified con onents). Basis for 0 eration: Mornal and failed valve cosition is safe cositien (closed). Steam line isolation valve is status indication only. Tas: "ecor : :0ce.
Cc. nenen wor (snee: (Rev K), caces 135, 135, 216, 215, 222, 22a, 425, anc 426. c oen Iten'Resolu-ton, Jace la
-?cn Eval . Suc. Continuee 00s. , I:en la
_ID: 80-22 (At acnnent a)
- 2. " T*R "PE? ATE 0 VALVES. LittITOROUE, S?t3-0. SM8-CO. SMS-000. S.'!8-1. ST'B-2.
-Qi3u func:fon: "aricus (containnent, MSSS,, Aux,.)
3re:len: ~; era or orakes can not be cualified
'-- raciation envirencents as siniiarity to ?staa orakes is not claar.
- esolu-icn: 'eclace brakes with ifnitorcue SS conversion kit by June, 13C2.
a Sasis for Cnaration: . Sone o' rakes have survived testina to 2 x 10*R althcuch it is not clear that sufficient similarity exists to ap:1y test results to these units. . ?es: Recor : Franklin Recor- ?-C 3271 Limitorcue Renort 20003 Peference: Cenconent Werksneet (Rev. K), caces 115, 116, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125, 127, 142, 143, 150, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 132, o, w., 2_.6, 4_4s, 4
- 3. , ,4- -s, 2:..s , oc.1, 0.:.s, . - 9:-3, 254, 255, 265, 266, 257 and 262.
Open Iten Resrlution, cace 25. Tecn. Eval . Sun. Continued Cos, : ten 25. LER: 00-22(Attachnenta)
+ 3.0 Suwary Due to the technical evaluation reocrting retuirements imocsed by the Commission Order of May 27, 1980, this evaluation has been based on the licansee's submittal, made in response to IE3-79018 and the order #or mcdificatien of license of August 29, %B0, dated Sectember 5, 1980, and on interviews with licensee eersonnel involvec with the environmental, cualification effert during the week of October 27-31, 1980 (Inspection Pecert 50-341/80-17). The licensee's Sectember 5, 1980 resconse did accear to address all items certinent to the Trejan Plant recuired by IE3-79013 of January la, 1980 anc ; su: elements 2 and 3 to this bulletin of Sectem:er 29, 1930 and October 2t, 1980 res:ectively.
The lit 1see's September 5,1980 submittal included all safety-related cuiceent recuired to mitigate an accident (LCCA, HEL3) anc brin. he,olant to a Het Safe Shutd wn condition. The ct.alificatien-infer-aticn for aeditional ecui: men recuirec
- o acnieve and maintain a Cold Shu-d wn conci-ion will be
- crevicec by tne licensee by February 1, 1981 in accordance with IEE-79015, Sucplement 3, of Cc
- ::er 24, 1930.
The licensee's Sectemoer 5,1930 subrittai included all insta11ec T"! action olan ecuipment. Qualification information for TMI action olan ecuipment no: yet installec will be submittec wi:n the re-imolementa-ion review data er by the imeiementation , date in accorcance with tne recuirements of IE3-7901B, Su cisment 3, of October 24, 1980. A num er of ciant mocifica , ions have been made as a result of l the environmentai acalification review. Equi; ment icentified as being recuired to coerate while submerged has been relocated accve su: mergence levels. The if censee stated during the j Cct::er 27-31, 1980 inscecticn that no items, other than caoles, 1 are recuired to c: era e while submerged. tiew Sar:en 763 and r 764 oressure transmitters and ASCO series llP scienoid valves were installed during the last refueling cutage to replace ecui: ment identified as uncualifted. Further replacements of these ccmcenents will be acccmplished during :ne April, M81 refueling outage. The licensee learned that environmental cualif t:stien tests of f!AMCC EA180 limit switches were net acclicable unless a seal was provided on the electrical cable entry into the switch. Conax scals were cbtaired and installed during tne last refueling cutage. In addition a number of electrical terminations for which environmental cualificatien was in cuestion were reoaired.
.44-A number of ccmconents.with age related failure medes or a qualified life of less than 40 years have been identified.
A program for periodic replacement of these components will be instituted, in accordance with the Quality Assurance recuire-ments of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, by Acril,1981. Also the licensee intends to review '.tdr precedures fer contrel of reolacement parts and imclemen changes as necessary to assure imolementation of environmental cualification recuirements. A consultant, EDS nuclear, had been retained to ccmoile vendor infon ation and evaluate ecuierent cualificatien against MRC criteria. EOS nuclear, at the time of the October 37-31, 1980 inscection was tasked with maintaining files and documents supcorting the environmental cualification of ccmoonents as detailed in the September 5,1980 response. T e inscec:cr reviewed a PGE OA aucit cerformed en May 7 and 8, 1980 to insure that the licensee was monitoring the censultant in tne areas of Document Con r:1 and Ouality Assurance Records. The audit shewed :na: EDS effectively imclemented Oneir rescensibili-ies in -hese areas. The licensee intence to es abitsn a central file system of envircnmental cualification recercs by Cecemcer i,1930 in accercance wien the October 24, 1920 orcer for mcdification of license. The rev1ew of tne licensee's IE3-79018 response cisclosed 18 ccmcenent :ypes witn unresoivec qualification. The licensee l . has crovided a senedule for resciution of coen items and reolacement of the ccmponents is necessary oy June 30, 1982. The licensee also performed a tecnnical evaluation to succort cen-inuec ccera-icns pencing cualification of these items. A surmary of this evalua:icn is crevided in the Septemcer 5,1980 resconse. The review cf the licensee's IEG-7901B resconse also disclosed 2 ccmconent ty;es not cualified for harsh environment service.
- All but ene of these ccmponents were reported in licensee event recer- 00-22. The missing item is cable used in the cower range ecnitoring and reacter trip system, excluded frem this review by IEE-79018, Supolement 2, answer 12. The licensee has provided a schedule for reolacement of these components by June 30, 1982, and has cerformed a technical evaluatien to succort centinued operations cending qualifica:fon of these items.
The licensee plans to make an additional sucmittal of environmental I cualification information curirg December 1980 or January 1981. This submittal will ucdate the See: emeer 5,1980 response and will include information discussed during the October 27-31, 1980 inscection. l I
- - . . - - . - - . . - - - _. - ~
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4.0 ' Refe-ences. Licensee Submittals: 1 TITLE DATE IE3 7901 :esconse June 12,1930 IES 79012 d5 day resconse March 7, 1980 m IES 79013 90 Cay interim resconse Acril 25,1980 IE3 7901S 190 day interin resconse May 19, 1980 2
!~3 79013 ~tnal resconse (oer the order for mccification of license of i ugust 27, 1980)
Sectemcer 5, 1930 _icer.see 9ecerts :
- GE-1025 Basis for IES 79018 Rescense P~E-1004 Trojan nuclear clant analysis cf ci:e system creaks outsice containment ft:C !cseec-icn Recer s: .
Inscection Recor: (50-3 ?/30-03) Acril 16-18, 1930
1stec-icn F.ecer: (50-3da/80-27) Octocer 27-31, 1980 f t t et - w=-tewer-e*,w,evs,---we-w-t-+--~e,e-ww.wew-e,-..- ,-r,-r...%,,,.-,,mwmwww,,,,m,,,.,-,,--me,.3-..--,y-ve,rti,qm----yme.,,vr#,,..m., ,- e w wm -w-emm ,.%. +,-,---ww---mg.i
1 1 i
.*. .: ,. C.W.. ..o,_ 1 l
- .:-. :. :-. ..:: ... . . :. I ve t. e..n . x ge.n ery . .. -n.y.u .a r.y i s e-e e..$A . ;;-1 :'l n 3 ===....- $ \'sl"J 8 ' g e ...,.3.........* . . . - . ;'..m l . Vie i :'.O n 5"y... . Jai;
This table details tne cualification test recorts referencec 'cr-land General Electric Comcany's Sectemcer 5,19 0 submittal in resp, to IES-79013. These reports were extracted from the comconent eva, .f on worksnee:s included with that submittal. 8 O R
1 . . q I s
Ref. No. Test hoort nr Document' Eauicment Item
- 1. F::.L Recor- F-C3463 American Wire i Power and Instrument Cable 2 F::.L 7ecor: F-C3125 American Wire and General Cable Dower and Instrument Caole !
- 3. Arerd:an :nsulated Wire Tes A.merican Wire Ins ruren i 6/1d/73 CA Reel 84 Frame 706 Caole 1 -
3v: ?.c o.ecort eFC 4033-3 Raycnem Solices l e .
- 5. : 2:e Recor: IPS '09 - Conax Feectnrougns 4 :III.: n er 63T?651 Okenite Cable 7.
. . . . e. . c,:c n i F.eoor: 123-1236 4monenoi Penetraticns E. '.'-d rcue .lecr GX13 Limitoroue Motor Ocerated Valve
- 9. Li-' :raue Repor: "500193 Linitorcue Motor Caerated 'laive
- 11. Li-i :rcue Recor: P603376A Limitorcue Motor Goerated '!alve
- 11. .i-i rcue Recor: a600256 Limitorcue Motor Ocerated '!alve
- 12. 'c:0;? 7.'l a-L Fischer-Porter Flow Transmitter
- 13. Cornecticut Yankee Recor: GE Terminal Block Cate: 3/16/73
I Ref. Nc. Test Recort or Docurent Ecuitment Item 14 FIRL Recort C-2623 Bar on Flow Transmitter 9/79
- 15. Nestincnouse Letter NC-CE-692 Bar or Flow and Pressure Transmitter
- 16. WCAP 7744 Barten Flow and Pressure Transmitter
- 17. FIRL Recort F-C 3271 Limitorcue Motor C:erated Valve
- 12. 'it. P 075a
,- Westingnouse Motor
- 19. CA: 7229
., Westinenouse Motor
, 20. estinenouse Let er :15-CE-69
.. ASCO Solenoid Valve
- 21. AC"E-Cievelanc Recor on Mocel EA-130 ,
NA"C0 Limit Swi en Swit:. - 3/3/73 *
- 22. ""'01 Puey Estimation of NAMCO Limit Swi n E*-120 Cualified Life 2/27/30
- 23. AC'E - Cleveland Pe ce: NAMCO Limit Swi :n
- todel EA-170 2/17/73 2a. au tomatic Swit:h Company Report ASCO Sciencid Valve 105 21673H12 3/73
- 25. :cv Recer on Fan .odei =60-30-120 Reliance : Actor l
- 25. AP 77096 Westingccuse H,-
- 27. Fischer Porter Report Dorter CP 2224-1, P.P =001 10/22/73 Level Transmitter i
l l
, __,mc.,_ . - ~ , . , + . . - . , , . . - . . . _ , , _ _ _ . ,,-,,m.. . . . . . . . . _ . - . . . _ . . . _ _ . , _m . . . , _ _ ._ . , , _- . . _ - - - . - . _ -
Ref. No. Test cecert or Document Eauiement Item
- 23. Siemans- Allis Recort Allis Chacmers Motor Orcer 43-90201
- 29. Westinanouse letter NS-TMa-213d 3arton Level Transmitter 12/21/79
- 30. Westinanouse letter .00R-80-25 Barton Level Transmitter o
. ,n.e. / oon
- 31. WCAP 8541 Foxcoro Level Transmitter x,.
.. e :::e sosemount R..w
- 22. CIS.R0 :ock:estous Recor: Cable "Cualification of Firewall III Class 1E electrical ca les 2/1!71" l
. = _ . - . - -. - . , -
i This table details the ccmconent tyces or redels requirina harsh a cuali-{f c= tion,cer cortland General Electric Ccenany's 1930 SepEemoer 5[nvironm l su m ..a .o ,u.790 -- inose C0c?onen: ty:es/r:dels were extracted frca" 'h' a
coroonent evaiuation 'e'orksheets included with that submittal. e 0 9 e v ~ ~ . - - -- - s- - - - - - - _ - - - - - -
1 Ref. *!o. Comconent f1anufacturer Tvoe/f'odel
- 1. Cable AMERICAfl WI?.E Various 300V, EP
- 2. Cable ROCXSESTOUS Various 600V, XLPE 3, Cable GE?!E2.AL CABLE Various, 600V, EP
- a. -
Triax Cable OK0 FLITE 5XV, EP
- 5. Ca:1e C:'OrlITE 3 50 MC.'d , 5KV, EP
- 6. Solices P.AYCHEM WCSF-t1
- 7. Fee:tnreuen CC.'IAX til1001-33
- 2. -t ermi nal ,,, e cei;
, 2 - . e_ o - o-
- 9. Terminal 310ck Square D 823
- 10. Cennec cr AvoHE!:0L 52975-1051/52175-1053
- 11. RTD ROSEidOUNT 176KF
- 12. cenetratien t:3HEfl0L
- 13. Limit Switch flAMCO 02a00X (EA170 100 SER!ES) 1*. Lini: Switch flAMCO EA180 l
l l l l l l l l
.. e Ref o . Cc.~0c nen t "enufacturer Tvoe /5'odel lS. Limit Switch ?:A"C0 EAl70 300 SERIES 1s.e .'0 .C r ^o . Va l '.' a. i. ?. " *. . .a c m. J e.
** a i/. ',' m... . . r. ,a, 0 . u, s ] t, a. i_ .* *.t.f . a.c a.tJ . ca t. i.t p. . ,*s o
- 13. Motor Co. Valve L!MITO?.0V E SMS-000 10 *' ya } V e. l ?',8
. .?. . . a ...
a o. r.I;
- i. .s. . . t '.t 2 . *I 9 r - -
<1 'i.... . .. n. D . e d l 3/ .. '6 .". t. i . e.nLi e. -. .t =. 7 7l. . . , ...., F ,.4, 0 . .vaIVe
- i. ... ..
. . . . .; m,J ;. -... .3. , ,
- 19. ....,.3
. ~ 4 86? ,. ..s .. ..a *-a c c. .e.t e 1 !, 0 .. ' M 4.D .. .... . UUQc ..w, .?. 4 * *0
- e. F .O.rt.. ? r* o"C.r 0 e ri m.S ? .F. a,6.s
- o. ..
g . .O ,w O T* ; i. . .....L.....
. - . .;e. . . . s. ea ad i,
2c. "v. .. e. r r e i . fea-a.. . .a r,a tvs.t. ; - ..e
- u. U aP l
l l l
_ _ _ . . . _ __ . ._ _. ._ m e , Ref. 1:c. -Comconent "anufacturer Tvoo/Model -
- 27. Solenoid Valve ASCO FT831J65d/FT831654~
- 28. Solenoid Valve ASCO LS83105d
- 29. Solenoid Valve ASCO S316C35HT 1
L 30. Solenoid Valve ..ASCO LSS31654
'31. Solenoid Valve ASCO HT330232SRU
- 32. Eclancic Valve 2SC0 8602S26
- 33. Solenoid Valve ASCC 5302C2SRU .<
34 Sciencid Valve - ASCO FT3320101 i 35. Solenoid Vaive ASCO WPLS830036dRF j
- 36. Solencic Valve ASCO FT80033
- 37. Solenoid Valve ASCO fiP33155dE
- 33. Solenoid Valve ASCO HT8033/ HTS 0073 1
- 39. 50lencic Valve ASCC 8320A90HT
- 40. Solenoid 'laive ASCO HT8320A36
- 41. Solenoid Vaive R. G. LA'JRE? ICE 12543dW
, o d
Ref. No. Cerconent Manufacturer Tyce/Model-42 Solenoid 'laive R. G. LAURE.CE M 11011aW
- 43. Flow Switch :AS.TCN 283A aa. .: lev. TransM :er :J.TCM 334 d5. Flow Transmit:er FISCHE ?OoTER 1052495
'6.~ :ressure Transri::er BARTC:: 763 a7. 'sval/.:1:u Transmit er EARTCN 764 as. .eveiTransm1: der F*SCHER FORTER 13:2a93 -s. na.._ , ; .. . 3. . . . :. s :.- m . ac: . . . .. ......_,...,r e.n:.. . si r u, c. 3
- n.
. . .m.... .. .
- ressure ~rar.smi::er E A F.TCN 345 51.
- p ,e~ou-..~3
.: ::o. .p ro..
- 2.
,_ a_ v e i . ,1. ., . . . . . . . . . s. ...
53, '~C C" 3. ." 5 P0F-302 Sur# ace nt. F.TO C';?..S 80R-320
, 54 l
- 55. I/o Converter FISCHER 546 i
l 1 l . , < . , _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ , _ _
- ~ - ' ' ~ - - , , ,
.. o - Ref. No. Comoonen'. Manufacturer Tvoe/Model
- 56. Acoustic Monitor TEC - 500
- 57. H3 Reconbiner- 'lESTIt!GHOUSE
- 58. Radiation Monitor 'lICTCREEN Sd7-1
- 59. Pressure Transmitter Foxbore E130H-ISAM2 ,
e r 4 I G t I ww . -ep< y w v r e wwt e - ww w-tw w- ~-*= c e - w ee w -
.. 6 . a - -- 4e 4 C.;.egl i J ~6...
- .* ";* s ?. f.,* f i
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. r ,3 "6 L . ..p :c ;i i A,w m.i s y v - s.L s s
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These drawings detail areas considered subject to harsh environment conditions as recorted in Portland General Electric Ccepany's September 5, 1920 submittal in resconse to IE3-79018. O e e t
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V w /c- ^ f. ll- (4 C-f . ' ' ~ i4 i~ Lx,t .: Portland General Cienric Compark N/ .%' .,, 4 '# *,7'A .9 ~d Trojan Nuclear Pl ant P.O. Box 439 Q 1,. *$ y/ Rainier, Orc on 97043
\ A t' 'A ~,,5 My 4
i (503) 556 3713 October 31, .r j
, C?Y-1074-80 Mr. R. H. Ingelken, Director Nuclear Regula: cry C :=ission. Region V .'1990 Nor:h California 31vd.
Walnut creek, California 94396-Daar Sir: , In ac::rdance wi:h II Bulle:in 79-013, at: ached is . Licensee Even: Repor: l Nc. 50-21. concerning a si:uation unera several saf a:y-rela:ed elec::1 cal ! co=ponents were ciscovered to be possibly unqualified in accordance with
- he environ =en:21 qualifica:i:n cri:eria of II Eulletin 79-013 fe: intended sartice conci:icas.
Sincerely j
,( +
[ .' 7 W C. ?. Yund: Oeneral Manage
@ r C?YNC?:na A :achsen:s c: LE?, Dis:ribu:i:n lis:
i l i ( i
- . . e e.. -e. 0.s . .s. u t e. 0 rv~e.r. e_n,
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t i
- 1. 'Repor: No.: S0-22
- 2. a. Repor: Ja:e: Oc:ober 31, 1980
- b. Occurrence Da:e: Oc:ober 23, 1930
- 3. Facili:y: Troj an Suelear Plant, ?.0. Box 439, Rainier, Oregon 97043 4 Identification of Occurrence:
Several safe:7-rela:ed electrical componen:s were discovered :o 'oe unqualified in accordance with the environ =en:al qualifica: ion cri:eria of II 3ulle:in 79-013 for in: ended service condi: ions.
- 5. :ensi:1:ns Prior to occurrence:
.The Fl::: vas _n Mode 1 a: 100 percen: of ra:ed pcwer.
! 6. Descr10:icn of Occurrence: 1 i j ' i .As a resul: c: :ne ce: ailed review of :he environ =en:a1 qualifica: ion of safe:y-rela:ec elec: rial equipmen; in accordance wl:h the require =en:s i of II Icile in 79-013, :he following equip =en: was de:ertined :o be ( unqualifici:
- c. :::::n :rans:1::ers (Model Nos. 345, 3S4, 339, and 393) - Qualift:a: ion tes:in; of 334 ::ansmi::e: did n : demons::a:e operabili:y for required
- 1:s. Qualifica: ion :estin; has not been performed for a:ner models and simil :i:y :o qualified :yp's e is insuffician: :o demons:ra:e qualities: ion ::nclusively,
- b. 3 urns P.T;s (?CR-302) - Ma:arial analysic indien:es :hese componen:s >
sri unsui::ble for radis:Lon environmen:.
- c. ::AMCO D24COM lici: sw1:ches - Qualification :esting for HIL3 environmen:
nas not been performed. Material :nalysis indica:es :hese cc ponen:s a:e unsui::ble for r:dictica environ =ca:. i d. 'ini:orque uo:or operator br:kes - ?adi : ion qualification :es:ing has no: been perf o rmed. A1:hou;h similar brakes are qualified, insufficien f iniornation anists :o apply test resul:s :o :hese uni:s.
- 7. Oostena:!cn of t. caren: Cause of Occurrence: ,
This vucurrence was caused by chances in :ho cri:cris for envirennental l qualifica: ion of scie:y-reis:cd electrical equipment required by II Oulic:In 79-013 sad Revised Order for Modifica: ion of License ds:ed Septenace 25, 1980. ( l
. _ . - - - . . - - - _ . . . _ . - - . . - , - - _ . . . , , . _ , . . . ~ . _ . . _-.,_,r,. _ . - , , , . . - . , . . - . . _ _ _ , . , , . . - . . - . . , - - , .
b" *
- N' S. Ansivsis o f Occurrence:
This even: has no effec: on either plan: or public saf e:y. A1: hough
- he equipmen: is. qualified in accordance vi:h the Trojan FSA?, reasonable'. c o s ~. .o . =. v.'. .- e .'..1. . ' . .- * . ' " . ~ . = .. o ' =. ~,.u ' ~, - = n . ~...4 ' .' . . o ~. o c ~. ~.~.
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.. ....4 . o ,.s ,,. - a 4... r Bul., .._.<n ... n . e n ,. ,.:c o s e d . . s.,t.,a.e. . . f .. .
79-013. Pos:ula:ed equipmen: failures vould not preclude the performance o .' s a ' .e . " . =. ' .s. . =. '. ." ". n . . _ '~ ~. . s .
- 9. e.,.....<..e .s-
. . . ..... ....<,n ..., .< ... a _;<, . . , c .._ ,., a...
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. . . c. . 1.s. ... . , ugg . . ,, .. ,,. . :o . g .g.,... .,..,......a.,,,._<-_._..a.44..... .s. , . . . . . . . . .o ,a . 2 . , .o.p..3,,2 .. . ... ..e ...,. pe.:o _an , o.e sade:v.-reis:ed func: ions. (See Incicsure 4 of response :o II 3ulletin 79-015, da:ed 9-5-30.) ~he permanent corree:ive ac:1on :aken vill be replacemen: or codifica: ion of equip =en: :o =ee: the qualifica: ion criteria ,a .. ... ..__e.< ,.,, . . . < c,.0,3 ,r.<.. .. . ... su.e 30, .<~Bn. . y .
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NECFOAM*44 U. S. NUCL$ A4 N(Cy(AfC AY COMMt$33ON tr.m LICENSGE EVENT REPORT EXHIBIT A c:stae. . ne:( l i I t Ii i i, tim ,.,~r en tv. m. ,~,emriem i,o ii. M . I e.u..=:.l -1 :l e l i l@l 0101- lO 1010 i. , ..a ss.~ .... I 0 l o l- 10 l oa l(p.411111111l@l . . ,a s , , .. a ,, w a l Jg con r I, o i ' .' C'*/d II@l 015 I O- .. = m I ,,.....
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;3,;, _ e No. 30-22 : II BU'LETIN 79-013 EVIEI? R.ESULTED IN DISCOVERY OF FOLLOf.?!NG I ia., i SAJE-'Y-REI CID EQUI?!2: T NOT MEETINO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITICATION FOR , #o..: ,.... . . . . .. ..,,, 2. ,.. --e .v .2 x ,.m- ,. .. .. :..e. ,- , , . . .. ..-..c.
- 3 (v. .gr e?- "..O s . 3.'. 8s , 3 3 *' , 3 8. 9 , 3 2. 3 ) . t jet s , f SG2:S RTDs. MAMCO D2aCOX LD'.IT S*.i!TCHES , A'iD L':iITORO*.IE MOTOR OPERATORS. ,
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