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Rev 13 to Chemistry Manual Procedure CMP 1, Primary-to-Secondary Leak Rate
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Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1992
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ML20126B698 List:
CMP-1, NUDOCS 9212220187
Download: ML20126B723 (16)



Portland General Electric Company Trojan Nuclear Plant Level 1. Controlled Distributien Maintained by Derument Cen'rcl Do nolJemove this dccument for f,Wd work.



Responsible Department: Chemistry-Approved By: '


Procedure Manager Date: /2, J/91 Effective Date: /2 7 !NM


ZNDM.710 9212220187 921217 PDR O ADOCK 05000344 PM


TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTENT . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . 3

, 2.0 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . = . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . 3 2.1 Leakage Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Blowdown Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Leakage Quantification . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4 2.4 Leak Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 5

3. TOOLS / EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5.0 PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 6 5.1 Calculation Frequency and Actions . . . . . . . . . 6 l Gaseous Leakrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.2 5.3 Iodine Leakrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.4 Tritium Leakrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
  • 5.5 Leak Localization Using I-131 . . . - . . . . . . . 11 5.6 Leak Localization-Using Main Steam . . . . . . . 13 5.7 Nitrogen-16 Monitor (PRM-26) Alarm or Failure . . 14 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 15


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8.0 RECORDS . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 l

CMP 1 )

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1.1 This procedure specifies primary-to-secondary leakrco determination methodology to comply with Trojan Technical Specification (TTS) and Table 3.3-13, Action 28. Other me.thods are included for comparison.

1.2 This' procedure provides primary-to-secondary leaktate calculation frequency based upon the leaktate and/or Nitrogen-16 monitor (PRM-26) status.

1.3 This procedure explains' enhanced leakrate monitoring required when primary-to-secondary leakrate reaches specific values.

1.4 These leakrate determination methods are applicable only during Mode 1, as these calculations rely on the existence of radioactive nuclides.

2.0 DISCUSSION 2.1 Leakaoe Limits The tubes of the steam generators (S/Gs) act as a barrier

  • for releas,e of reactor coolant radioactive gases to the environment during Plant operation. The leakage from the primary system into the secondary system is limited by TTS to 400 gpd total from all S/Gs, and 130 gpd from any one S/G when in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Justification for Continued Operation (JCO) 90-02, Revision 3, is more restrictive. It limits primary-to-secondary leaktate to 80 Gal / Day /S.G.

Off-Normal Instruction (ONI) 3-12 is most restrictive, requiring a Plant shutdown if the leakrate' exceeds 50 GFD/SG.

2.2 Blowdown Effects Tritium and radioactive gases can not be used to identify the source of the leak because they are volatile in the secondary system. Nonv'olatile radioactive species such as iodine.or sodium dissolved in the reactor coolant will concentrate in the S/G's liquid phase during primary leakage. However, these nuclides will be carried in the blowdown to the condenser. This causes cross-contamination of the S/Gs so that non-leaking S/Gs may also contain detectable concentrations of the nonvolatile isotopes. The individual blowdown rates of the S/Gs have a significant affect on the nuclide concentration, so must be considered when determining individual.leakrates.

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I 2.3 Leakrate Ouantification ..

l 4

2.3.1 Quantification of primary-to-secondary leakage in a l S/G is accomplished by radiochemical measurements either from samples at the air ejector off-gas, or samples taken from the blowdown, or main steam.

For a leakrate determination, tritium and gaseous isotopes are best for quantifying the leak, because they are volatized in the S/G. . Tritium is uniformly distributed throughout the condensate and feed system, and gaseous isotopes are removed by the air ejectors. Decay may be neglected for those isotopes since tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, and because gases have such a short residence time in the secondary system.

2.3.2 hodine131hasan8-dayhalf-life. '

Since it builds up in the S/G water, it gives a good indication of-primary-to-secondary system leakrate. A full iodine balance of the secondary system must take into consideration both main steam and feedwater concentrations, but to a first approximation these concentrations are equal so can be neglected.

Iodine in the S/G is very dependent on the blowdown rate, so accu' racy of this method is determined by the blowdown accuracy. , .


2.3.3 The' gaseous isotopes generally *lused for leak' rate -

calculation are Xe-133, Xe-135, and Ar-41. Tritium-is used for a backup method, but because of the


counting delay time to determine a leakrate, it is not used routinely. The leakrate determined from each of these isotopes varies with respect to each other due to sampling and coudttng errors. Since Xe-133 usually has'one of the highest

  • concentrations in the reactor coolant and the condenser off-gas, and due to the long half-life,

. the statistical accuracy of its determination is l greatest. THEREFORE, XE-133 LEAKRATES ARE USED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH TTS The other leakrates are determined for comparison. '

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2.3.4 Following power changes, all isotopes experience transient conditions between the reactor coolant and secondary water. This causes inaccurate leakrate determination until equilibrium concentrations can be reestablished. Iodine concentrations will vary depending on fuel defects, but will stay in closer correlation between primary and secondary water than Xe-133 since the iodine concentration is more dependent on S/G blowdown than decay. The dependency on blowdown means that the S/G concentration will follow the reactor coolant clo'ser since it is less decay dependent during the early stages of the transient. However, iodine leakrate values lag the zenon leakrate -

values during sudden changes in '

primary-to-secondary leakage, so iodine can not be used for compliance with TTS and JCO 90-02,.

Revision 3. -

2.4 Leak Localization '

2.4.1 For determining leakrate distribution among the S/Gs for compliance with TTS or JCO 90-02 limits, calculate the Iodine 131 leaktates. Normalize these leakrates with the most recent Xe-133 .

leakrate to determine individual leakage in a S/G. ., ,

2.4.2 During periods when leaktates exceed 10 gpd, Plant .

Chemistry Management will work with Plant System Engineering to correlate leakrate determined by ,

Chemistry analysis with PRM-26 indicated values.

PRM-26 algorithm setpoints can only be changed as -

directed by Chemistry Management. The algorithm .

settings (Average (AV), U-Bend (BE), Hot Leg Bottom (HB), and Cold Leg Bottom (CB)] and PRM-26 leakrates will be recorded on Form C-282.

2.4.3 During periods of very small leakage, i.e., less than 10 gpd, identification of the leaking S/G can be more difficult, but as a leakrate increases, the S/G can be more easily identified. In addition, PRM-26 (N-16 Channels) may provide assistance in identification of leaking S/G. Main steam samples that have been concentrated on resin are an

  • excellent indicator of the individual leaking S/G, but they are dependent on the individual carry-over characteristics and S/G water level. Because of both fluctuations of actual leakage and uncertainties in each method of leak localization, the accumulation of indications is better than any single factor.

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None. '


5.1 Calculation Frecuency and Actions l 5.1.1 Unless otherwise directed by Chemistry Management -

[ or the Shift Manager, the primary-to-secondary leakrate should be determined according to the following. schedule:


! Leakrate Freongncy or Action

>l GPD (total leakage) Trend and compare calculated and PRM-26 leakrates on Log C-282.
110 GPD (total leakage) Calculate leakrate once per week.

>10 GPD,(total leakage) Calculate leakrate once per day.,

! >S0 GFD.(any one S/G)

Plant shutdown required.

! Other Indic'ators Frecuency or Action

! PRM-26 (any N-16 Calculate leakrate once per day.a j channel) . inoperable .


PRM-26 Alert (10 GPD) Calculate leakrate once per day.

< PRM-26 High (25 GPD) Calculate leakrate once per day, i

l PRM-25 Hi-Hi (50 GPD) Plant shutdown required.

! PRM-26 leakrate Notify Chemistry Management.

differs from .

l calculated by >5 GPD -

! PRM-6 inoperable .Take grab sample, analyze for i gross = activity, and calculate leakrate at least once per

24. hours.

PRM 6A or 6B inoperable Calculate leakrate once per 8

, AND leakrate increases hours.

more than 10 GPD in
24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (TTS Table 3.3-13, l Action 28) -
  • When reactor power exceeds 50%. -

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4 NOTE.5.2 A more accurate-determination of leakrate may be made using isotope precursor, and blowdown corrections. If this is necessary, the calculations will be made under the direction

- of Chemistry Manacement.

S '. 2 Gaseous Leakrate NOTE 5.2.1 .

Do not use PRM-6 sample return lines for obtaining condenser offgas grab samples as this may not be a representative samole.

5.2.1 Draw a' gas sample from the condenser off-gas near' PRM-6. .

5.2.2 the off-gas flow from the rotameter.

5.2.3 Count the gas sample as soon as possible so that the shorter lived isotopes can be detected.

NOTE 5.2.4

  • Obtain a new Reactor Coolant System (RCS) stripped gas activity if a major change in either'leakrate, RCS activity, or reactor power has occurred, or if a TTS'or JCC 90-02 limit is exceeded.

5.2.4 Ensure reactor coolant stripped gas activity has been counted within the last week.


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NOTE 5.2.5 1 Isotopes to Use in Order of Preference:


Xe-133 Xe-135 AR-41 5.2.5' Calculate leakrate using two different isotopes (if detected) and record on Form C-282. .

Leakrate by gaseous activities.

4 .

Gal. - Min' 4 '

(AGAE) (FAE) (1.08 x 10 3 )

L= Ft - Day (AGRCS)

L = Leakrate'("GFD)

(AGAE) = Air Ejector Gaseous Isotope Activity -

(pCi/cc) 4 3

(FAE) = Air Ejector Flow Rate (ft / min) ,

(AGRCS) = RCS Gaseous Isotope Activity (pCi/cc)


(1.08 x 10 4 Gal.--Day Min (7.48 gal./ft3) (1,440 min / day)


Ft3 )

5.3 Iodine Leakrate 5.3.1 Leakrate with S/G blowdown to ttje condenser.


i a. Draw samples on all'S/Gs.

b. Count the S/G samples using the Gamma Analyzer.

NOTE 5.3.1.c Count RCS activity immediately if a major change in either leakrate, RCS activity or power change has occurred, or if a TTS or JCO 90-02 limit is exceeded. -

c. Ensure reactor coolant iodine activity has been counted within the last 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

. CMP 1 ,

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S NOTE 5.3.1.d Other nonvolatile isotopes can be used for this calculation if present (i.e., I-133, I-135, Na-24, Cs-134, Cs-137, Cs-138. etc.).

d. Calculate the leakrate as follows and record on Form C-282:

Leaktate by iodine balance.

{ , (E-A S/G) (B1 + A Mgfg) (1440 min / day)

ARCS L = Leakrate (GPD) .

i EAS/G = Summation Iodine 131 activities.(pCi/cc) of all S/G ARCS = Reactor coclant Iodine 131 activity (pCi/cc)

B1 = Blowdown rate of each S/G (gpm)

A= .693 - 6.0E-5/ min for I-131 Tif2

,MS/G = Volume of water in one S/G in gallons.

(17,400 gallons 'at 100 percent. For.

other reactor powers, use S/G curves corrected for temperaturess)

.5.3.2 Iobine leakrate with S/G blowdown to the river, a._ Draw sample of combined S/G blowdown prior to processing through the S/G blowdown r demineraliter.

b. Count the S/G blowdown sample using the gamma p analyzer.

NOTE 5.3.2.c Obtain a new RCS activity if a major change in either-leakrate, RCS activity or reactor power has occurred, or if a TTS or JCO 90-02 limit is exceeded.

c. Ensure reactor coolant activity has been
  • counted within the last 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

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j Step 5.3.2_(continued) ,


d. Calculate the leakrate as follows and record on )

j Form C-282.

Leakrate by iodine balance.

b"AS/G B/D(BT+ 4AMS/G)(1440 min / day)


- L = Leaktate (GFD) .

l AS/G B/D - S/G Iodine Blowdown- 131 Ac$ivity (pCi/cc) a i

ARCS = Iodine Reactor131 Coolant Activity 4

! . (pC1/cc)

BT = Total S/G. Blowdown (gpm) i i A ='.693 - 6.0E-5/ min for I-131 l_ Tl/2 Mgfg = Total volume of water in-one S/G in

, gallons. (17,400 gallons at 100 percent.

For other reactor powers, use S/G )

curves corrected for temperatures.)


l 5.4 Tritium Leakrate 5.4.1 Measure the feedwater tritium - record time of l sample and tritium value, i

i 5.4.2 About 24-hours following the first feedwater

( sample, measure feedwater'and RCS-tritium levels. '

Record sample times and values._ ,

j ,

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m-- w. 1 -, - , - ,, ,.-.a.m.rm w,c-u, .- w-l,'.....n, -,.,l,, -

n ~ - - - ,,.,.w ,,n-.- aw , , ,+w,-,, r-.-,,.-,- , - ne- - ,-e

, i l

e 5.4.3 Calculate the leakrate es follows and record on Form C-282.

Leakrate by tritium with S/G blowdown to condenser.

Gal. - Hr 3 , (Tp -T)g (6.2 x 10 6 Day )

(TRCS) (T)

Ty - Final Feedwater Tritium (pCi/ml)

Ti - Initial;Feedwater Tritium (pCi/ml)

'TRCS ", Reactor Coolant' tritium (pCi/ml)


T*= Time between feedwater tritium samples

( h.r ) .

Gal. - Hr HL_,

6 (6.2 x 10 Day -) - (260,000 gal.) (24 Day)

(260,000 gals.) - Volume of secondary-water.

Leakra.te by Tritium with S/G Blowdown to the River 6 Gal - Hr

-(3.9 x 10 )B (Tp - Ti e ) (6.2'x 106 )

L- T

.(TRCS) (T)

B - Average Total, Blowdown Rete (gpm) ,

(3.9 x 10-6) , 1 260,000 gals.

5.5 Leak Localization Usino I-131 NOTE 5.5.1 PRM-26 gives' individual S/G-leaktates..- The leakrates calculated in Section 5.4 should be compared to PRM-26 reading for consistency. Chemistry Management.should be notified'if there'are differences of.more-than 5 gpd between the calculated and PRM-26 leakrates.

I 5.5.1 , Draw samples on-all S/G.

5.5.2 Count the S/G samples using the gamma analyzer.

CMP 1 Revision 13 Page 11 of'16

. . . , , v.. , - , . . , - -

I i

\ ,

i d

l NOTE 5.5.3 Obtain a new RCS activity if a major change in eithet * )

, leaktate, RCS activity or reactor power has occurred, or if

! a TTS or__JCO 90-02 limit is_excagdad.

3 .

I 5.5.0 Ensure reactor coolant activity has been counted j within the last 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

I Compate the concentrations and number.of nuclides

5.5.4 i p' resent to determine a ro. ugh estimate of '

compa'rativ'e leaktates . . ,


j 5.5.5 Calculate the individsel'leakrates, of all S/Gs and

record on Form C-286. .


1 f

Lgjg = AS/G (BS/G + 'AMS/G) (1440 min / day) ,

. ARCS .

LS/G = Leakrate from one S/G' i

, ARCS = Reactor coolant iodine 13) activity j (pCi/cc)

Bgfg - Blowdown rate of one S/G (gpm) '

4 1 = .693 = 6.0E-5/ Min for I-131

! T1/2 ,

I i

M S/G = Volume of water in one S/G in gallons. "

(17,400 gallons at 100 percent. For 4 other reactor powers use S/G curves corrected for temperatures.)

.5.6 Norm 3 i :e the leakrates determined in Step 5.5.5 by subt 4.uting the calculated leakrate into Step 5.6.6 instead of individual activities, and i then u m the most recent Xe-133 leakrate to detero4 1.e leakage distribution.., ,'

. i NOTE 5.5.7 Several nonvolatile iuotopes can be used f,or this calculation if present in all S/Gs (i.e., I-131, I-133, 1-135, Ha-24, Cs-134. Os-137. Cs-138. etc.).

5.5.7 Back-up method of determining individual leakrates is to use a single S/G nuclide concentration and calculate the normalized leakrates using the method of Step 5.6.6 below.

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i I

i 5.6 kgak Localization Usino Main Steam lt j 5.6.1 prepare resin tubes with approximately 50cc of H0H -


I i' l 5.6.2 Flush equal quantities of main steam sample water -

' through each resin tube. This is accomplished by i measuring the resin tube effluent flow and timing l or by catching and beasuring the total effluent.  ;

! 5.6.3 Transfer the resin to a 65 ml poly bottle with ,  !


- demineralized water. Add 1 ml of Concentrated -

4 Hydrochloric Acid and top off the bottle with  ;

domineralized water. Mix well.

I 5.6.4 Count the resin samp'les, correcting for total i . volume processed.

5.6.5 Compare the co'ncentrations and number of nuclidos . ,

present to determine a rough actimate of '

comparative leakrates. ,

$.6.6 Calculate the individual leaktate,9 of all S/Gs and' l record on Form C-286. . ,

i . -


a. Normalize the activities by dividing all ,
activities by the smallest activity.-


^ MEA u QA A

I . MSL east AMS A = from Activit f one isotope ie -

' the A main steam sam (ple., 1-131)- .

AMS t e'ast - Activity of one isotope (i.e. 1-131) .

from either A, B, C, or D main i steam sample, which ever was least.

i QA = Quotient for 'A" Main Steam l

h- Og _ Quotient for "B" Main Steam, etc.

b. Total all quotient. ,


. Q T"O+O+OC A B +'90 .

2 d

' NOTE: One factor will equal one.

J l

l 4

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. . . . . . . - - - , ...m-,.- -

  1. m-.. , , , , _ , , , . . _- ,,__.,,..,,_,,,m, _,..---.,,m .. .,, __g

Step 5.6.6 (continued) ,,

c. Determine Icak fraction f. );

f=L .

g, .

f = Normalized leak fraction.

4 L = Total Xe-133 leakrate (GPD)

d. Determine individual leakrates.

Lp = f04 5

L3 =,Leakrate for "A" S/G.

5.7 Nitrocen-16 Monitor (PRM-26) Alarm or Failure NOTE 5.7.1 PRM-26 is c,onsidered inoperable.-below 50% reactor power, but .

enhanced primary-to-secondary leaktate monitoring is NOT reauiredi 5.7.1 PRM-26 Ino'perable (any N-16 channel). .

a. Perform daily primary-to-secondary leaktate analysis and calculation.


5.7.2 PRM-26 Alert (10 gpd leakrate).

a. Perform daily primary-to-secondary leaktate analysis and calculation.

5.7.3 PRM-26 High (25 gpd leakrate),

a. Perform daily primary-to-secondary leaktate ,

analysis and calculation.

5.7.4 - PRM-26 High-High (50 gpd leakrate). -

a. Plant, shutdown required.

CMP 1 I Revision 13 Page 14 of 16

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  • _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ~ . - _ _ . . _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ . ~ . _ _ _ . . _ .


6.1 TTS limits t,otal primary-to-secondary leakage i through all steam generators to 400 gpd and through any i one steam generator to 130 gpd.  ;

6.2 Action b. of TTS requires, if l'eakage exceeds limits shown in 6.1, reduce the leakage rate to within limits within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> or be it. cold shutdown within the '

next 26 hours3.009259e-4 days <br />0.00722 hours <br />4.298942e-5 weeks <br />9.893e-6 months <br />.

6.3 JCf - '3-12, R'eviaidn 3, requires a prompt shutdown if total lei sye exceeds 80 gpd.

6i4 ONI 3-12 requires a prompt shutdown if leakage exceeds

  • 50 gpd.


7.1 Commitanata None. .

Standards. Regulations, and Guidellnes 7.2 L

7.1.1 _TTS, Reactor Coolant System Operational -

Le'akage. ,

7.1.2 TTS Table 3.3-13, Action 28, Radioactive Gaseous e Process and Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation.

7.1.3 JCO 90-02,. Revision 3, Steam Generator PWSCC at Tube Sheet Transition, July 31, 1991. {

7.1.4 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Submittal, Steam Generator Tube Integrity Safety-Analysis Report for Tube Support Plate Intersections, December 15, 1991. ,

1 7.1.5 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Bulletin 88-02, Rapidly Propagating Fatigue Cracks in Steam i Generator Tubes, February 5, 1988.

7.3 Procedures 7.3.1 ONI 12, High-Activity Radiation Monitoring.

7.3.2 ONI 3-12, Steam GeneratorfTube Leak..

7.3.3 ONI 3, Plant Effluent Radiation Monitoring System Failure.

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j 7.4 Calgtt1A.t11ut:1 ,

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1 7.5 Snttree llonwnentai None.

8.O RECORDS 4 8.1 The following records are generated then reviewed by Chemistry Management:

i j 8.1.1 C-251, RCS Coolant Activity.

, 8.1.2 C'-282, Condenser Off-Gas Activity, j 8.1.3 C-286,, Steam Generator. ,

j 8.1.4 C-380, Leakrate Determination Sheet.

8.2 Forms C-251, C-266, and C-282 are Quality Assurance records and shall be handled in accordance with Trojan Plant Procedure (TPP) 18-4, Nuclear Division Quality '

i Assurance Records Management Program. '

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