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Rev 0 to Procedure QTS-VT-100, Visual Exam Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1989
Shared Package
ML20247B932 List:
QTS-VT-100, NUDOCS 8909150307
Download: ML20247E533 (6)


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Memphis 11esting Services, inc. -




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QTS-VT-100, 08/17/04 N/A T ~ ~ '~ p Rev.0 '.


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QTS _-VT-100 k.,emphis Testung Services, Inc. .

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. VISUAL: EXAMINATION PROCEDURE 1.0 SCOPE-This procedure describes the requirements for the


visual examination of welded components such .as listed below:

1.1 Full penetration butt welds

1. 2 ' Fillet welds .

'l.3 Welds on welded supports 2.0 REFEREUCES-2.1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) '

- Boiler and Pressure vessel Code

' 2.1.1 Section V, Nondestructive Examination, ~

1983 Edition

> 2.1.2 Section XI, Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1983 Edition 2.1.3 QTS-300, Training, Qualification and Certification 3.0 PERSONNEL REQUIREME:iTS Services 3.1 Personnel certified to i Memphia Testine Inc. certification program and meetihg the require-ments of paragraph 3.2 below, shall be deemed qualified.

3.2 Personnel shall receive additional documented training on components representative of those to '

be inspected when required. .


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No. OTS-VT-100 all + Mamphia 1koting Servicac, Inc. 3 af .s ..


3.3 Visual examination personnel shall have an annual visual acuity examination to assure natural or corrected near vision acuity sufficient to be able to read 3-1 letters on. standard Jaeger test.

1 t.ype charts for near vision or equivalent methods.

A far distance acui'ty examination such as. Snellen test at 20 feet. Natural or corrected'far distance aculty shall be a snellen fraction of 20/30 as a minimum.




4.1 - Visual- examinations that require i: lean surfaces -

for valid interpretation shall be preceded by-appropriate cleaning prpcasses.

4.2 Cleaning processes'are not covered under the pro-cadure.

4.3 In general, satisfactory results may be.obtained when the surface is in the as-welded condition.

4.4 Prior to visual examination the surface and all adjacent areas within at least 1 inch shall be dry and free of dirt, grease, scale, welding flux, weld spattar, oil or other matter that could obscure surface examination.

5.0 EXAMINATION AREAS Examination areas should be the weld under examination and 1/2 inch of each side.

6.0 VISUAL EXAMINATION METHODS 6.1 Direct Visual Examination Direct visual examination may be performed when access is sufficient to place tho' eye within 24 inches of the surface to be examined and at an angle not_less than 30 degrees to the surface to be examined. Mirrors may be used to improve the angle of vision and aids 'such as magnifying lens may be used to assist the examination.

Lighting shall be sufficient to resolve a 1/32 inch line vu a neutral gray card that proceduras an 184 reflectance.

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f,1 No. QTS-VT-100

Memphis 1ksting Services, Inc. a _

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- l 6.1 Remote Visual Examination Where access does not permit dittect visual examination, .

remota. visual examinations may be performed, pro-vided resolution capability is aquivalent to that obtained by direct visual examination. Visual aids  ;

such as mirrors, telescopes, borescopes, fibre '

optics or other suitable instruments may be used..

L 7.0.-EXAMINATION The visual examination shall be perforined to determine

[ the general condition of the weld and adjacent areas.

5.0 RECORDS' 8.1 A visual examination data sheet sha7,1_be prepared

- for all components examined. This shall include the following information as a min:. mums A. Examiner and level B. Datal of examination C. Procedure Number and Revision D. Type.of visual examination (direct / remote)

E. Illumination used.

F. Direct viscal aids if used G. Remote visual equipment H. Identification of Component I. Examination results J. Location and size of any indications 9.0 EVALUATION 9.1 Discontinuities at the surface shall be indicated.

Imperfections such as may occur from machining marks, surface conditions, may produce similar indications which are nonrelevant to the direction of unacceptable discontinuities. -



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No. OTS-VT-100

  • Memphis flesting Services, Inc. ,

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9.2 Any indication which is believed to be nonrele-vant shall be regarded as a defect and shall be re-examinedito verify whether or not actual. defects are present.

9.3 Linear indications are those indications in which the length is .more than 3 times the width.- Indi-cations with major dimensions greater than 1/16th inch shall'be considered relevant.

9.4: The fo11osing relevant indications are unacceptable:

. A. lAny cracks or linear. indications B. -Rounded indications with dimensions greater than 3/16th inch.

C. Four or more rounded indications in a line sep& 1/16th inch or less edge to_ edge.

D. s Ten.or more rounded indications (such that would

' result from porosity on the surface of'the

-weld) in any 6 square inch of surface.-

E. Arc strikes and weld spatter.

10.0 PROCEDURE RESTRICTIONS 10.1 Examinations performed in accordance with this

. procedure will not be considered valid if combi-nations of lighting,. access, and angle of vision is not-adequate to resolve a-fine line of 1/32 inch or less in width, or some other artificial flaw locared on the surface' or stailar surface to that to be examined. The line or artificial flaw shall be placed in the least discernable location on the area examined, to prove the procedure.

11.0 Procedure Requalifications 11.1 Requalifications of this procedure shall be required:

A. For direct visual examinations at distances greater than 24 inches. -


No. QTS-VT-100 Memphie Tksting Services, Inc.


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B. For direct visual examinations at angles less than 30 degrees to the surface to be examined.

C. The requirements of 10.0 of this procedure are.

not met.

11.1 Substituting one equipment manufacturer's equipment for another, or changes in the details of test arrangement, will not require procedure requali-fication.


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