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Amend 3 to Rev 2 to Procedure ISI-205, Manual Ultrasonic Exam of Full Penetration Circumferential & Longitudinal Butt Welds
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Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/19/1979
From: Lefebvre B
Shared Package
ML20198Q932 List:
ISI-205-A-03, ISI-205-A-3, NUDOCS 8606090443
Download: ML20198R066 (20)


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- =_

1 1, .

" l Uestinghouse Nuclear Services Division .Page 1_ of Inspection Services J l L*cstinghcuse Electric Corporation

P.'O. iiox 2728 ,

Pittsburgh, PA 15230 ,

j ..

1 PROCEDU.".E 'AMEljP$Eili

< /


Procec'ure Hu rbor ISI ".M s Revision !!u
aber/Date 2 4-29-77 1

! -s Amendmant llumber 3 lei 9-79


Procedure. Title Ma6ual Ultrasenic examiriation of full tenetration

'circt'a.ferential and longitudinhl butt welds.

1 t

} I . I Cl!A!E ACTION .

l ,

1. ' Delete craendment #2 (changes incorporated hce in as Ittms 3 thru 4.
2. Change paragraph 2.3 to read as follows: .

2.3 Personnel performin'; examinatiers to this procedure shall be certificd to at lust Level fi 1;f a ' procedure prepared in


accordance with SUT-lC-1A, its supple 7ents and cppendices a.t j i applicable f or the UDE method covered herein, e:: cept as mcy i be tr.odified by ASK Se: tion XI. Certification and recertifi' cation l

shall be Ly enminatica only and Yisual ac u i ty shall Le bastd i l on standard J-1 letters or equivalent. -Level-I and/or Level I Trainees or.both nay be canloyed as assistants.

3. - Add paiagraph 2.8lto read as folicws:

' 2.8 Excmined Greas shnll be dry wiped to remove excess couplant.


4. Change paragraph 5.2 to read as follcws:

5.2 ' Weld and PAZ - Straight Deam Examination u

! j 5.2.1 A calibrated straight beam examination shall be perforned wherevc

-it is not practical to conduct the requircd rngle beam exeminatic of the weld and heat' affecy.ed zcne' (i!AZ) frcm botn sides of the

'ueld; and, iff the weld crown is flat enough to make sat.isfactory

! c3

  • e . .

i SOk contact. '

08 "O

5.2.2 The crea' to be exczined shall be ' he t weld metal and the ad.iacent i -

l baso mterial on the restricted side of the weld to the Fx. tent I $g ' "

allowed by the geoptric, configuration. Scans shall overlap' at

-90 least te'i per cent. -

Oc Oy .

> 0 e 5.2.'3 Calibration shall..bc in accorda'nca uith 4.3.

On -

Approved, b n 4 3). 9 '.'u./A "f' tf / '

/".J. 1.tfohvre, !.evel III i 'go-a. _L .

W NSD- ad~



CIRCU FERE!1TIAL Af1D LU .hTUDIf!AL CUTT WELDS 1.0 SCOPE This 'piecedure is applicable to, and describes requirements for manual ultrasonic excraination of full penetration circumferential and lorgitudinal butt weltis in piping (.25" to 6". thick) and vessels (less than 21/2" thick) titat are formed by extrudinq, castino, forcino or rolled plate. This procedure is in accordance with ASME Section XI, and'is applicable to the editicn and cdc'enda snecified in the Examination Program, in accordance with OPS-P50-101. Technical contents are I ased on the l',SME Code, including Section XI IWA-2240 when dictatcd due te code omissions and to-iicplcnent upgraded tech-nalogy or good practice. Procedura 0FS-flSD-101, i'rcscrvice and Inservice Examination Data Rcrorting is considered part of this procedure to be used as applicable.

1 I

l 2.0 GEtiERAL REQUIREPEriTS 2.1 Ultrasonic ficw detectinn instruments shall be of the pulse echo type with an A-ic"P p"csentation and shall be qu%1ified

! to the requircmonts c 7 N50-ISI-10 at the beginning of each l period of extei.ded use. Qealifications may be valid for a perioc not to exceed three nonths.

i 2.2 Tiensducers shall be in accordance with Ttble 1. The bean angles shall be within i 2" of nominal. Refracted longitudinal e: aves through 45" nuy i:e used if materials are difficult to penetrate or have a high rate of sound dispersion, as in castings. Other frequencies and/or angles ray be used if a required to conduct the examinations or investigations.

I Transducers shall be capable of providing the applicable calibraticns as reqlired herein.

2.3 Operators perfencing escainations to this procedure will be qualified to Level IT in accordance with SitT-TC-1A, its supplcment and appendices as applicable for ultrasonic.testina.

Level I operators may be employed as assistants.

2.4 The area to be exaained and contacted by the search unit shall be checked to ensurc~ that ic is free of dirt, loose scale, nachining or grinding particles, ecid spatter or other loose.

foreign matter that would-impair the free n:ovement of the search unit or affect the examination. If such conditions are detected, they will be rectified prior to conductinq the examination.

REYfSED i EFFECTIVE Aoril 29, 1977

_ _nATE May P.G. 1975 - PAM l 0F_10 ,

D r.TE ,

m stu.woux ronn mn .-r. ica


nE v.

(?! NSD 2 l PROCEDURE 151-205 2.5 A suitable liquid, seui-liquid, or paste couplant medium, such as unter, oil, glycerin, or grecse shall be applied to.the test surface. Couplants used to help ensure the transmission of ultrasonic beams shall centain not trore than one percent (1%)

by weight, or residual sulphur and halogens.

2.6 The identity.and location of welds to be examined shall be specified in the Examination Program Plan (Ref. OP3-flSD-101).

Unless oi.herwise spccified in the Examination Froqram Plan the

area te be examined shall include the weld and the adjacent accessible base material for a distance of 1 T or 1", whichever is greater.

l 1

l 2.7 Generally the examinations conducted in accordr.nce with this 1 procedure will be done from the 0.D. surface. When examinatiens i or evaluations are to be conducted from cn I.D. surface, calibration must be accomplished on the I.D. of the appropriate calibration block and noted on the report.

3.0 CAllBRATION BLOCLS 3.1 For piping of 20" di.wel:ar or less, caliimation blocks shall be similar to specifications (rnterial, diameter and thickness) of one of the base noterials in the asscmbly, if exantinations

(L are conducted from both sides, or sinilcr to, the specifications l of the bcse material on the one side -if examinations are to be conducted on cna side of the weld only. The blocks shall contain at least I.D. end 0.D. notches to a depth of 10",

(+.f.05"/ .010") of the nominal .cll thicknass and a minimum of 1" long.

l 3.2 For vessels and pipes greater thcn 20" diameter, a calibration bicek of similar rrotallurgical structure cr equivalent P-number-grouping shall be used. The calibration block may be either flct or of essentiolly the some curvature as the item being examined. The blocks rray contain notches or drillcd holes.

3.3 For vessel diameters of 20" or.less a curved calibration block of essentially the same curvature and metallurgical structure or equivalent P-nuder secuping, shall be used. The vessel diameter shall be within the range of .9 to 1.5 times the calibration block diameter. The blocks may contain notches or drilled holes.

3.4 Thickness of cu-ved calibration olocks shall be within 1/4" for examination thickness of 1" cr less, and within 1/2" for exanination thickness over 1". Thickness of flat calibration blocks shall be within 3/8" for exanination thickness of 1" or less and within 1/2" for examination thickness over 1".

REVISED EF F ECTIVE DATE May 2C, 1975 p,c 2 ci: 10 cATE April 29, 1977 WLS13f M60VSC F Of tM f r.C PA 1014 3

( _.

l [W~ NSD f HEV.

2 lPROCEDUREISI-205 j, -_ -

i j 3.5 Calibration blocks greater than .8" thick shall contain drilled i holes for establishing a DAC when 1/2 ncde examination is used, 3.6 Calibration blocks for excmining the base metal underneath i

{ welded sepport attachments to the main run pipe may contain

0.D. notches only, t

I 3.7 As is practical the finish on the surfaces of the calibration blocks shall be representative of the examination areas.

4 3.3 Design of the calibration blocks and reflectors shall be j

c=ntially as depicted in Figures 1 through 4. Additional reficctors nn:/ be installed provided they do not interfere I with establishing 'M primary referencc.

i i l 3.9 Uhen drilled hole reflectom are used, the hole diameter shall i i te in accordance with the follcming cril.eria

1 it1TERIAL TilILKf!ESS (tl ll0LE DIAf'ETER (d) f Up to 1" Incl. 3/32" Over 1" thru 2" 1/8" l Over 27 thru 4" 3/16" l Over 4" thru 6" 1/4" i


, a.1 Prior to conducting examinations, the complete system to be j utilized shall be calibrated on the applicable calibraticn

block, for the examinations to be conducted. The system is j dafined as; the ultrmnic instrur.cnt (and battery pack, if ,

j a?plicable), cable (s). transducer, couplant, and any other

apparatus, instrumeni. or circuit cmployed between the instrument
and the calibration block surface. Once calibration. 'ias been 3 established, anV cinnge to any part of the system will require at least a verification of tbc calibration.

i 4.1.1 Adjust the instet.>cnt gain such that 30 db are in i (approxinai.cly mid range 6f.the amplifier) prior to

!- starting any calibration on notch or hole reflectors.

i '

4.1.2 Select the transducer and calibrated sweep length in-accordance with fable 1.

4.1.3 Select the calibration block from Fiaures 1 through 4 -

1 and the data frca the Exanination Program.

i .

! 4.2 Straight beam calibration for base matal examination shall be i

in accordance with a.3 or 5.1.2.

i l

EFFECllVE HEVISED nan 11ay 2r.,1975 par.r. 3 n,. 10 onye Apr'il 29, 1977' i _

w.iu,nouse e onu osa m iou


r m

l. .

. - ~

' E nEV.

(W s NSD '

PROCEDimE ISI-205 2 i

i 4.3 Straight beam calibration for weld metal and HAZ shall be l

accomplished as follcas, using the applicable calibration block j  ; from Figures 1 through 4.

a. Welds less than .0," thich

, ilie signal mplitude fro;. the 1/2 T hole shall be set at i 80 pcrcent of full s:rcen. A DAC curve is not required. -

! b. 1.' elds .0" thick and creater The signal amplitude fran 1/4 T hole shall be set at 80 ,

percent of full scretn. Mark the amplitude of both the 1/4 T and 3/4 T holes to establish a DAC.

) i c. R. C. Pi .e i Cr.libration Block =

j i TEii~ETc;iial wplitTcT' Trcn thc 3/4 T hole shall be set at j l 20 percent of full screen. Itark the amplitude of this

hole and the 1/4 T and 1/2 T holes to establish a DAC. If i the 1/4 T or 1/2 T signals go beyond FSil, record their amplitude at 802 + (X) -D!!.

I 4.4 For anole beam calibration, ute reflecticos from notches, I c' rilled holes or corners, ud adjust the instrument sv;eep controls to display at least the minimum nwber of full node points along evenly spaced incrcnents across tne sweep. The spacing shall be such thct the calibrated sticep occupies 60%


' to 901 of the full sweep length.

l {

'4.4.1 Adjust the peaked signal from the primary reference I sensitivity position of the applicable calibration reficetcr, as indicated in figures 5 and 6, to 807 l

FSil (Full Screen licight).


! 4.4.2 Decrease the prinary reference amplitude by 6 db to check the vertical linearity of the sysica. The resulting j signc1 n plitWe nust be within 35% to 25% of FSH. If

the signal talls nutside of this rangc. sush ccntrols as reject, clipping, damping, filtering etc. shall be 4 adjusted such that this check can be acconplished i satisfactorily. If ad.instment of the controls fails

' to provide a satisfactnry check, the transducer and/cr cable shall be changed and the calibration repeated.

I If the systc;a continues to fall outside of the acceptable l

range, the instrur:cnt shall be changed. Once the adjust-

! mont of controls that affect linearity is established, they shall remain fixed for the period of the exaninations.

i 4

EFFCCTIVE May 26. 1975 4 10 "LVISED April 29, 1977 DATE P A G..c 0F D Al l.

4 WE3fif 4GIIOU5F Fonit 74GD PA 1014 h 1

1 ,-- '


~ I!SD PROCEDUl:E ISI-205 tie 7

4.4.3 Return the primary reference signal to C05 FSH and without changing the gain control, determine the peak indication auplitude from the remaining applicable

reflector positions construct a distance inamplitude the examination reg) ion curve (DAC on theandscreen by a line connecting each of the peaked points. The i DAC may be extrapolated at eitber end for a distance i of 1/2 T.

i Whcn calibrating for half node examination of

! centriftgally cast piping an additional DAC i curve shc11 be established in accordance with l 4.4.3 by utilizina the 1/4 "T" hole as the priuary reference reflector.

4.4.4 Where the primary teference sensitivity is established j frca a notch reflector, sianals f roa the 1/4 T and 3/4 T holes may be used to establish the slope of the DAC when 1/2 node examination is used. Alternatively, the next i

two notch reflector positions may be used to extrapolate

- the DAC slope to cover the examination range. Heles shall not be used to establish a DAC for examinations requiring a calibration block of less than .8" thick.

4.4.5 Calibration fer e:nmination directions 7 and 8 shall be based on one full node examination ut,ilizing the applicable #

calibration paints c3 indicated in Figures 5 and 6.

2 4.5 Calibration Verificat *on i

4.5.1 C111bratica shall be verified at the beninning of each i day of e/aminatico, ar.d at the end of each examination j category or avery four hoirs, whichever is less, and uith any change in e n nination personnel.

i j 4.5.2 A DECI'. EASE in sensitivity of more than 2 DB shall require

recalibratica and re-e
: amination of all items examined
since the previon acceptable calibration or check. An
INCitEASE in sensitivity of trare than 2 DB shall require I recalibration and re-examinaticn and data correction of 1 all indications reported since the previous acceptable calibration or check.

t I

4.5.3 If any point on the DAC curve has moved on the sweep lina more than 10% of the sweep division reading, correct the sucep range calibration and note the correction in the l examination recor d. If recordable reflectors are noted

- on the data sheets, those data sheets shall be voided, a

! new calibration shall be recorded, and the voided exam-i inction areas shell be re-examined.

I r,n 5 uF 10 April 29, 1977

$' liay 26,1975 mrme.noux rom ema n mu I



ilSD R5V.


4.6 Transfer Transfer will not be performed on cast pire or where clad surfaces

. or 1/2 node examinations are involved. When a transfer is considered necessary, it shall be achieved by utilizing two angle beam scarch units connected to operate in a pitch-catch mode.

! Transfer shall be performed in an examination area previously

scannad by straight bean and found to be free of indications.

Transfer shall be acccmplished as fo11cws:

l 4.6.1 flote the calibration CB value.

1 4.6.2 Place the search units on the calibration block so as to

) ebtain a peaked first full node signal and adjust the DB

control to set this indication at L0 percent anp11tude.

i  ?!cte the DB value as A.

4.G.3 Rcpeat 4.6.2 on the examinaticn crea and note this DS i value as B.

1 I 4.0.4 Determine the difference between A and B. If B is less I tr.ah A, increast the calibration sensitivity by this

difference. If B is more than A, decrease the calibration 2 serisi tivity by the di f ference.


! 5.0 ETdlll1AT10fis .

1 .

. 5.1 Dasa flotal Straioht Germ Examination

! 5.1.1 Prior to performing am1te beam e::aminat.icns the base reacerial through which the, angle beam will pass j (Ref: Fig's 7 & 8) shall be completely scanned with a l straight beam search unit to detect reflectors which night affect the interpretation of the results of the

' angle becm examination. This examination is to be done preservic:: only. -

5.1. 2 The sensitivity of the instrument shall be adjusted at a -

location free of indications so that the first back reflection from the far side of 1he plate will be 50 to 80 percent of

full screen height. 1he censitivity as adjusted above shall be continuously n
cnitored during the examination and adjusted i as necessary to maintain it within the stated amplitude.

l '

5.1.3 Arcas containinj indications (principally laminar) that l will affect angle beam examinations snall bc noted, cnnsidered during that examination, and reported on the g data sheet.


} l 5.1. 4 1he above sensitivity calibration shall be compared to the l I calibrai.lon standard to be used for angle beam examination f

to determine the necd for transfer. If the back surface EFFECTIVE [tay 26,197$ - 6 10 REvl5ED DAT.:

April 29,1977 l gTE _

PAbt of

m r.,x,,,oux m m m o,.u m i

h MSD kEi pROCEttlRE ISI-205 2 signals from the part and the standard can both be contained within the 50 to 80 parcent range, angle been transfer is not r equired. Transfer will not be accomplished when a half


node exaraination is used.

5.1. 5 Alternatively, the base metal excnination may be conducted concurrently and at the sar..e calibration as described in 4.3.

, 5.2 Wold Metal - Straioht Dean Exarainations .

! 5.2.1 A calibrated straight bean c anination of the wbid and HAZ i shall be performed when an angle beam examination can be nade fron only cre side.of the wald, and, if the weld crown is flat enough to rcake satisfactory transducer contact.

5.2.1 The area of examination shall be the weld metal and the greater of 1 T or 1" of base metal on cither side of the weld utilizing adjacent scans with at least a 10 percent ovcriap.

i j 5.2.3 Calibration checks shall be as indicated in 4.5.

l 5.3 Angle Demr - Rafled or . Para 11_ctl to the Pold ,

5.3.1 As is practical, an angle beam. exanination shall be conducted fron both sides of the weld so that at least one full node passes through the weld and heat affected 8 zone, and through the required amount of base metal on each side of the weld (Ref. Fig's 7 & 8). Such conditions as access ! imitations, wc16 ce joint configuration, and

' base or ueld nettl attenuation determinc practicality.

When one full nada is iropractical, and in the case of cast materialr or clad surfaces, a 1/2 node examination may be per formed. The scua pattern shall start at one edge of the arts to be e::amined with the ultrasonic search Unit. transmitting an angle beam perpendicular to the t;nld. The search unit shall be moved towards and aucy fro.n the weld such that the calibrated beam passes through the whole area of the weld and base netal to be excmined. Concurrent with this scan, the search unit shall be angled 15' right and 15 left and prooressively indexed along the length of the weld such that the whole scan pattern follcus a "saw-tcoth" pattern. The

" pitch" of the "saw-tooth" shall be such that on each pass the ultrasonic beam covers at least 10 percent of the aree covered by the previous adjccent pass. The weld and required amount of adjacent base metal is to be fully examined by EFFEC 11VE 7 10 CEVISED April 29,1977 May 26, 1975 pgrpi op oAtt

_oATE 4




PROCEDUPE ISI-205 "Y this procedure. When practical, the examinatien shall be accomplished frou both sides of the v. eld.

This relates to examination directions 2 and 5 in OPS-fiSD-101.

5.4 Anale Bean - Reflectors Transverse to the Ueld 5.4.1 Welds having high or uneven reinforccment shall be ground flat for at least 90% of the weld width pricr to performing the examination in 5.4.2.

5.4.2 The search unit shall be placed on one edge (i.e., the lesser of 1/2T or l from the edge of the weld) of the inspection area directing the angle beam into the material parallel to the weld axis. From this position, the search unit shall bc ir.oved parallel to the weld and indexed toward the opposite side of the weld such that the next scan will cover at least 10 percent of the area covered by the previous adjacent scan. Parallel scans shall be repeated in this mnner until the opposite side of the weld and base metal is reached and examined. This relates to exanination directions 7 and B as described in OPS-ilS0-101. Direction 7 will f e ac;complished when calibration is for one full l w>de or vcc path. Directions 7 and 8 will be accomplished r 7

when calibration is for 1/2 node or vpc path.

l 5.5 Extent of Exanination 5.5.1 The volune subject to exanination and e:: tent of scan length shall be in accordance with Figures 7 and 8.

5.5.2 Branch Connection Welds Butt welded branch connection wolds shall be examined by scanning both transverse and parallel to the weld according to 5.3 and 5.4. The examinaticn volumes are shown in Figure 9.

5.6 Exaninations utilizing more than one CAC curve shall be accorrplished once for each crrve.

5.7 Rate of search unit mavement shall not exceed 6" Der second.

5.8 When possible, scanning sensitivity shall be at least twice the calibration or reference sensitivity.

6.0 IfWESTIGATI0ri Ai10 RECORDIrlG OF IllDICAT10?15 6.1 All indications exceeding 20% of the primary reference OAC (40% of scanninj DAC) shall be investigated to determine maximum response location and type of indication. Indications are generally categorized as flaw, geomatric, or metallurgical.

Ne U*' May 26, 1975 8 April 29, 1977 pct or 10 s WL'3flNr,siognt pon*A ggD PA 3034

~ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __


-W) llSD

- PROCEDURE TSI-205 2 6.2 All flaw indications which produce a response greater than 75 percent of the primary response reference level DAC curve will be investigated to the extent the examiner can characterize and rcport data relevant to the shape, orientation, location, and possible source of the indication producing area.

6.2.1 Reflector length shall be detenained by positioning the search unit such that the sound bem is directed perpen-dicular to the long axis cf the discontinuity and by moving the transducer parallel with this axis in each direction from the position of maximun' signal emplitude.

l The cxtremities of the discontinuity shall be defined as the points where the signal amplitudss drop to 50% of the calibrated DAC line. The size and location of reportable indications shall be recorded and reported in accordance with the requiret.:cnts of procedure OPS-flSD-101.

6.3 Indications which are pcsitively detennined to result from the geometric configuration of the component and that exceed the recording level for flaws shall be acknowledged by recording the length at:d location, i.e. geo. , from 17S" to 270 .

6.4 Indications resulting frca the metallurgical structure within the ueterial shall be investigated and considered whcn assessing the effectiveness of the examinations. Restrictions or variations to che examination due to the metalluigical structure shall be reported.

6.5 Investigation and reporting of indications shall be perfonned at the reference frequency and sensitivity. Other frequancies, e sizes or be m angles may be used as an aid in investigating or interpreting examination results.

7.0 EXA!1[MATION RESULTS AND LOCUM2NTATI0il 7.1 All data relative to the examinations and rcroctable indications shall be reported in accordance uith instruction OPS-f;SD-101.

nLVISED ErFLCTIVE May 26, 1975 pmit 9 0F 1g_ DME Spril 29,1977 nut WE'It it.filt')U3C FOftM N3D l' A 101 A

, l PROCEDURE ISI-205 2*

l' 4 ' TABLE 1 I





.250" to .400 1/4" 2.25 4S' 3T 1T 1T j .400" to 1.000 1/2" 2.25 45 ST 1T IT' i 1.000" to 1.200 3/4" 2.25 45 3T IT 1T 1.200" cnd Gieater 1" 2.25 45 3T 1T 1T 4


. liain Ccolant Pipe 2" +

t Forged 1" 1.0 41' or 45 IT 1T 1T f

Centrifugally Cast 1" 1.0 IT 1T 41 1T i

1 l /' ,

i;0TES: 1) When it is necessary to exanine pipe or components having a

. cicdded surf ace, calibration shall be limited to IT and only j half nodo cyaminai: ion with a flush ground weld will be used.

1 i

2) Other trannd:,cers mey be used where metallurgical charactor-

. istics impede effective use of the above listed angic beams.

j Ref. 2.2 and 6.4.

1 i

! STRAIGilT DEAM E'/fl11NAT10fl i S1ZE 111N. HAX. ItAX. FREO.

l tiain Coolant Pipe 1" 1.25" 2.25 i All other to 12" Dia. 1/4" 1/2" 5.0 1

12" Dia. and greater 1/4" '1" 5.0


ET EcHVE May 26, 1975 pm 10 op 10 NE April 29, 1977 WLOflNGet(AJOC FOTW hiD f* A 1014

___ ___ a



PROCEDURE 151-205 I'eV. 2 FIGURE 1

, A 3 ' O. E F 0.0.



CIT's % '

s (T I

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oM n,,%e, a.s

c t - x_s.s N'y/ y, t.. 3


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y j\ ,/y\;l~q~~ N/ / '9)fN/3 ,/4T n

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,/\,,./, 'N N s' I / /

,/ 1 1/2" N, ~ '

'n A - 1

---..-.--..-..I" -- -

I I 4?


, 'i ll L's g

4 J ~~- -

O . J r1

)i i M

.-.-,.......-....Q .


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. l '4

) 4 5 g f ., y , p 'i,rjy i u c t' F

._n._' fi _ _ _rl';;p. .231wlr

.0201,  ; -

- - f- '- -

2 .244 4 - - - - -


,l' b 3

,.438f.0,4 .0138 - - - - -  ;-

i 6"i - 33' - 12.7 '.6.7 4 .5 31 l .0531 120

.719i.0719 90' 9",3/32 18' 15" 8.7 11.0

__J,. D . 6 7 ,',

O i .005: 0906 60" 9;3/32 18' 11 6.7 8.5 8" 1/G" 17' 9' 5.3 6.5

,- 10'1.000!.1000 60" 4.5 5.5 5

12 1.125'.1125 60 9" 1/3" 17" B*

14 1.2LO .1250 60* 12" 7" 4.1 5.2 A-A 13" 1/8";{17'l 4.1 .5.0 14 1.406 .14N 60 1/8" 17' 7" Drill holcs perpendicular to 16 .844*.0814 60" 9" 3/2E 17# 7' ! 3.6 4.0 nidius at centerline of hole. 6 .432' .0432 9'l' 9' - - - 8.7,10.0 i 1/2" thru 3" only 2-0.0. ""i "

jnotches. 4" only notches j I

. . . ~ . .. ~. . _ . - =- . - . . - . . . . . ~ - - - - ~ . . . . . . - - . . .


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4 l

} ~- 0 0. -

,g j -q , o DIA T ,

o A D a

i r

! o o .200 8.6 95

! y l.02896.6 u .322 :.0322 7.2 355 1.0365 S.3 5.8

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.405 .0406 S.$ 4.8

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54E1Cll SilEET acets 7E77 U tiSTillGliOUS E El.ECTRIC CO RI'OI! Allott ROCEI)URE IS!-205,Rev.2

' fjSITIATIVE Of;LY" 3/16" dia. chord line FIGURc " 3 holedrilledthru(3) 6' p- ..' l.

~-- g* 1/4 r '

i 7'i 1/2T- ---

- - = *. - - - -l /


/4T k [_,

_ .. . -- - 7 T 1 ____ _ . . . . _ _ .r l

V l_

. _...l~_--__-~~

_ _ f .r . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . .

f V f i Radius T = Thickness C.C. Pipo lloles to Le perpendicular to radius and to center line i


< g , r)p- >


3!Ai -m- - =.=... :

4 ._ - - _.

8.00" i

1/2r -- :-b _ _. .. _ f_ _ _. _ _ _ .

i 4,50" 1/4i '. , , ,,

-3. 00

  • l.50" )

V v V " _

6' P.




" ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY" I'ROCE0l!RE 151-2C5, Rev.2 FIGURE 4 Flat Calibrction Block for "T" of 1" or t.ess U g

' I 1

-e- --r .,

j jf ,I, L_r _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . ___ _ . ._ .. L _ ._ J t

+1v a y v. - > 1 -t ..

I g -)-

1 11  ;

i i

il  !

i, 2" l

l i!

l li !l

b. . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . . . _ . _ LL. _. _ . _2 f__

2" Lcng 1/8" flat cnd mill nott!ics 10% T <!cep x 1/4" tcx, width.

i Drill and rean hole 2" lcog a 3/32" in diameter.

= - _ - . . . . . . . . . .. .

Flat tellt:ra' on Bicck For "T" over throat;h 2" V

b. - l 1 ti s,

r; ,

. i, i T 5

I , .( _ _ l_._$_.

-i 1 '_ -_ . ... . . _ .t ' b_ 1

. .. l i

i f

-w i q.e . ...

-g -_ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , -

l a

1 lt -

ll ll 2" 11 l'

11 l i

. II __ - . _ _ l T 2" Long 1/8" flat end mill notch.s 2% T deep x 1/4" max width.

l Orill and ream two holes 2" len:1 and 1/8" in dictaeter.

vn. i mt.nou;,t. . . . . FROCEDURE ISI-205_Bev_ 2 r FIGURE 5

<A$ -. - . . . . . . - -

l s N

/ N N 3


- q{ s s, "T" over 1" I

's s



_ V__ , _ . _ _




for "T" over 1" using j j half node c::tmination 1

N[ j

/ y Primary set at reference 80%

l ~

i [ '!

-1 L.

l CO _@ For'T" @
. - . . . . _ _ cver l'r using

' fu node examination

  1. E L ._ ___. .[f.]hybhs ,

v I/ Yp ie s se es s /s u Cd N / s / s "T", < over 1"

' s ls s N ,, / s' ,N l ,,

}" 's /s \ /

,, g #

-)3 l


3 -_ _V


k . ... hX _

1 i

! ( .


  • Typ all Fiqures. \ N Primary refercnce f When Pes 1 tion (1)soundrath set at 80%

distent.c cacceds 2;' primary



' ref eren;c fiev be estabihhed

"" j- f^l M' l

at this posif. ion.


- For wall thickness 4* 1" and less f

3/32" Dia. \ .],4_.. .-

OICs (h I, ' V\

"T" up to 1" 1/2 T 'sg' ,


_ I%h('/ /s g /

e a

r f u v_ _


  • Use other positions as necessary, N
typical all figures. g- , Primary reference 1

set at 80.

l TYPICAL ULTRA 50filC cal.ItttAT10li


THAfl 20 llilllES @ @


~ - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



naj r tjo<te

~) i =Under .8"

' .. . . . _J

. . .J Y. ___ __ .. _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _


, d) 80% ., @ s3 O,@3 j ,I s

to g >. . p. 7,. 4 .c . _

g i N j

,' j \ g i

N' e N '



' Half flodo '\ .V T= .8" and Over JV

/ \-?/ s

'L-_- . . . . - - . . .

Posit hns 2, 3 used to catablish OAC only.

I ,

s 1) ., ? , 3) .

_.,c. jb p. .C. . .. ._

's ', /

' N


/ /

o i Xs s

,/s s , Full tiode 'T . 8" and

,; I Over

, /

  • - .2< . 2.'- -3

. . . 12 - .

,' 1) JJ G C K' F.S.ll.

, . . . yr. .

y 3 .-. ya . - . . .

3' 5

/ <

,' R.c. Pipe  !



C' l A DAC shall be es'cablhhcd bi ad.iustin,i position 3 to 80;;

and a seconr! DAC shall be establi:,hed by adjusting position 1 to 8072 (Ref. and 5.3.1) i j

l l


we.u u.u nouat. n.~*- -

- ~ FI;00EDUDE 151-205, Rev.2 Ref. 2.6 AflGLE DE/Ji SCNJ LEfiGTti -

.o T y 4 s


+p- -  :. .

! l

,5 s

i -r-~ i


Itf l l) \ / T

) \ d(N#'-?-N.4/ / 41 JREASUBJLCTTOEXNIlf1AT10fl L

For full node coverage ute 4T calibretion wiien practical.


, y' -

Ar,gle team scan length shall be as follows:

HMERIAL I41till)U t SCNI tilftlli'il SCAft 111tilf ttil SCAll TiiiCRFESS, LENGTH 45" lENGTil 60* LEtIGTil 70*

.200 to .400 1.25" 1.75" 3.75"

.400 to 1.000 3.00" 5.75" 9.50" 1.000 to 1.E00 4.00" 7.00" 11.25"

. 1.200 to 1.500 5.00" 8.75" 14.00" 1.500 and Greater 1.1 X 31 1.9 X 3T 3.1 x 3T l

Straight beam scan length shall be in accordance with the above as detemined by the beam angle being used. (Ref. 5.1.1)


1 ..

.......~.. ..,.. ... , .. ...

w e.s r i e n , n ou t,s. : u m .. ~ . - Ph0CEDURE ISI-10j a .v.2

!- i l ,-

ST RAIGHT BENi SCN! ,_ _ _._

2 y


y I

  • _q_


" Q' 3 '

{'*5 1_ \,

l t ,

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7> ;.j_ /

<b <

\ s li \ s X / / N I l I

l _

'I I


j 4.._

j 1

4  ;

from ecch side

! For angle tecm length, add the following f [. I of the weld fusion line. .


,111tilMuf t SCAtt itift!!!F.1 SCR1 HitllMitt SCR4 HATERIAL LEli",Til 60* LEf:GTH 70" THICKilESS LEliGill 45

! 1.00" 1.75" 2.50"

.200" to .400" l

2.25" 4.00" 6.25"

! 400 to 1.000" 2.75" 4.75" 7.50" i 1.000' to 1.200" l' J.25" 5.75" 9.25" 1.200" to 1.500"

  • i 1.1 X 2T 1.9 X 2T 3.1 X2T ,

l 1.500" and Greater I Str. light been scan length shall be in accordanco stith the above

- as detennined by the bear:1 aitjie being used.

l, .


  • Raf. 2.6  !

' IIALF fiODC EXAltillA110!1 '

I f!GURE 0 h


5KE1Cll $11EET ronu 20571 W ESTlHGilOUS E ELECTillC CORPOR ATlull PROCEDURE ISI-205,Rev.2 i%

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