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RO 80-03/1P:makeup Pump Discharge Check Valves MU-V-734A/C Found W/Damages Locking Devices on Valve Seat Holddown Bolts.Cause Unstated.Matls Analysis on Failed safety-related Crane Tilting Disc Check Valves Being Conducted
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/11/1980
From: Toole R
NUDOCS 8003130152
Download: ML20126B477 (1)




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817 Odd 4n4 I l'ebrua ry 11,1900 flr l'oyce 11 Grier, Director Off1te of Insper Lion and I'nf orrement keyion 1 lhn ied e Hegul.1 t o ry ( Our.sii M. lon

(,'l l Park livenue King of Prutsia, PA 19406 Subj et.t :

1.lcensee Fvent.l'eport No. HO-03/lr

Dear !1r. Gi-ier:

f(e: 1.icensee DPR-50 Docket 50-289 This telecopy 19 to confinn t he conversation between Mr, A. Tasano, liegion 1 NRC and R. Toole, Manager - Uni t //1, at 1630 hours0.0189 days <br />0.453 hours <br />0.0027 weeks <br />6.20215e-4 months <br /> on I-ebruary 8,1980.

Makeup pump discharge check valves Mil-V-73A/C were inspected and were found in have damaged locking devices on the valve seat holddown holts.

The valve seat and flapper were in an operable condition, but the spot holddown holts were loose.

There is, therefore, the pose.ibility that the internals could move f rran their installed position and become an obstruction, partially blocking the mal:eup (high pressure injection) flow.

A materials analysis is underway on failed safety-related frane tilting disc check valves.

This is considered to he reportable by Technical Specification 6.9.2.A (9).

This problem was discovered upon inspectinn by a site engineer during the course of design change maintenance to correct potential prnblems with vertically installed tilting disc check valves as identified in MRC IE Circular rI73-16.

This condition was not recogni7ed as a potentially generic prompt report until late Wednesday afternoon, February 6, 1980, when the second valve, MU-V73A.

was f ound to exhlhi t s imilar sea t hold.down problems.

Due to administrative uversight, thir, report was made one day late.



. Toole Manager - Unit (f1 RJT:VPO:dk j

c r. :

Mr. John T. Collins, Deputy Director NRC/lMI Tech. Support Staf f 11 S. NRC P. O. Dox 311 Middintown, PA 17057 vo:nwn,en I c we c.c.usare m u Menne u 04 w.. ;'unic:. remem 8003)sofgg

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