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Rev 0-00 to Program Development Manual 6200-ADM-2682.01, Training & Educ Dept Training Sys Development Process
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1985
Shared Package
ML20125E669 List:
05496, 5496, 6200-ADM-2682.0, NUDOCS 8506130201
Download: ML20126A021 (24)



' ~ P NT MANUAL LgP 6200-ADF-2682.01

,* nevi. ion no.

Title Training & Tduca't' o1 Department " raining System 0 -00 Development Process Responsible Office Applicability / Scope All Training & Education Department Personnel Educational Development This document is important to safety 0 YesONo Effective Date 04/15/85 Revision List of Effective page.Pages Revision Paaes W 2.0 0-00 0-00 E4-1 E4-2

- 0-00 0-00

- . 3.0 0-00 4.0 0-00

  • 5.0 0-00 6.0 0-00 97 7.0 0-00 8.0 0-00 9.0 0-00 10.0 0-00 11.0 0-00 Q 12.0 0-00 13.0 0-00 14.0 0-00 15.0 0- D 16.0 0-00 17.0 0-00 18.0 0-00 0-00 '

19.0 O El-1 0-00 s%

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l APP'ov'd DDM M((o _

Director, Training & Education Jgg

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0p y 9 p0 g f NuAt .200-ADn-2682.0i Tith TSD h 5 SS 0 0 l TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE

- - 1.0 PURPOSE 4.0 2.0 APPLICABILITY / SCOPE O 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 TSD Process .0 3.2 User Groups Q 5.0 3.3 Needs Analysis 5.0 3.4 Job Analysis 5.0 3.5 Task Analy 5.0 3.6 Training i D 6.0 3.7 Training d 7.0 3.8 Program Des ions 7.0

. 3.9 Lesson Plans 8.0 3.10 Trainee Text Mate 8.0 3.11 Evaluation 8.0 3.11.1 -

ring De am t 8.0 3.11.2 l uation 9.0 3.11.3 -

te Evaluati i training) 9.0

3. Inf ructor Evd @ 9.0 3 Trainee E k On The Job 9.0 Program E 10.0

) Course Ev on 10.0 ing Advisory Council 10.0 3.1: chnical Content Review and Interface Process 11.0 l 3.1L On-the-Job Training (0JT) 11.0 l

4.0 PROCEDURE 11.0 4.1 Training Advisory Council 11.0 4.2 Technical Content Review and Interface 12.0 g 4.3 Needs Analysis 12.0

" 4.3.1 Request for Training 12.0


4.3.2 Program Development Team / Project Coordinator 12.0

- 4.3.3 TSD Process for New Programs 13.0 4.3.4 Process for Revising Existing Programs 13.0 l A000105011 02 2.0 054%


$@ UAL 6200-ADM-2682.01 Revision No Title TSO PROCESS 0-00 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

.P, ag 4.4 Job and Task Analysis (JTA) 13.0 4.4.1 JTA for Job Position Training 13.0

. .. 4.4.2 Analysis for the Specialty Course 14.0 4.4.3 Planning and Organizing for Development 14.0 4.4.4 Program Development File 14 0 4.S Training Standards 4.5.1 Review / Approval of Training Standard ,

4.5.2 Training Standards & INPO Accreditation hiib 1.

4.6 Program Description 4.7 5.0 4.8 Instructional Process O Lesson Plans 15.0 4.8.1 Variation sehanForma 15.0 4.8.2 Lesson eline 16.0 Matching T 16.0 4.9 4.9.1 Mat fl Ex rials to ing Matt al gt iv 16.0 eri 16.0 4.9.2 Revis n f Existin 16.0 4.9.3 Prepa ion of Guideli I 4,10 Trainee Examinatio l 16.0 s/Progra 16.0 ,

4.11 Pilot Sessions f 17.0 4.12 Student Eval t' fn Trai i Back on 17.0 4.13 Evaluation 17.0 4.14 Instru n 17.0 4.15 Form r -E aluation ation 17.0 4.16 Couf 17.0 4.17 A 17.0 l 5.0 NSIS ITIES Director, Training and Education 17.0 5.1 18.0 i 5.2 Manager, Educational Development Managers, Plant and Corporate Training 18.0 5.3 18.0 5.4 User Groups l 19.0 l


i 19.0 ,


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I a-I, A00010%011 8 3.0 05491


' - Nuclear n m t-TH INING & EDUCATION DEPARTMENT r3 /~yndcssIWMvn adha'hTAuturAl sonn anu une n, "5 "

Tim VVI 1 3)V "3 I ~~'

Revision No.

TSD PROCESS 0 00 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to establish and describe the process used for developing training programs by the GPU Nuclear Corporation's Training and Education Department and for specified programs developed for the departs.ent by vendors.

2.0 APPLICABILITY / SCOPE 2.1 This procedure applies to all persons assigned to t Nuclear Training and Education Department. It is reco gp training programs developed by o er GPU Nuclear div ss U (w this process. Q 2.2 Documents d for to th factye date of this procedure shall be- t nto compi ce he TSD process at such time as the prog . s requi e 4 s bmitted . INPO for accreditation.

2.3 The Director of fDU3 a d Educja n mappt a particular program, or s ithin a fv6 ram, from being developed in accor i the TSD p ,

3.0 DEFINj[I.DS3, 36 T ing System Developmen '

(TSD) process is the systematic approach (b program development. It is a step-by-step approach to training program development which incorporates the specialized techniques of modern instuctional technology. See Exhibit 1 TSD Process.

Exhibit 2 shows GPU Nuclear's TSD Model. Exhibit 3 shows the full g program development process which makes up TSD. Exhibit 4 shows the

- j organization of the procedures and guidelines of the TSD process.

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A000106011 02 4.0 0549G

' ' N la T Oy"^R

' '"'"' ' E UCATION DEPARTMENT N'EV M @ UAL 6200-ADM-2682.0'.

Title TS 7P M E'd ' " ' I Revisien No 0-00 The steps in this overall process and their locations in the procedure are:


4. 1 Training advisory council 4.1
4. 2 Technical content review and interface 4.2
4. 3 Request for Training (needs analysis) 4.3
4. 4 Job and task analysis l 4.4
4. 5 Training analysis 2 4
4. 6 Training standards '
4. 7 Program description ( 7
4. 8 Instructional ss l


4. 9 Lesson F1 4.9 4.10 Traine a rials I

4.10 4.11 Tr adationsl D 4.11 4.11-4.16 luation 4.11-4.16 3.2 User departmen -

t departa '

$ utilizes the services of the Trai in ation Dga tm t train its personnel.


O I .

Thes steps are covered by separate guidelines which can be found in the Program Development Manual. The other steps are covered by separate procedures, g2 Training analysis is treated broadly in the Task Analysis and Training -

{ Standard Guidelines.

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1 A000106(# 11 02 l

5.0 0549G t

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"' TSD PROCESS 0 00' 3.3 Needs analysis - The needs analysis is a process which reviews job performance problems and/or conuiltments to assess the relative urgency of developing or revising training programs. It also  !

assigns program development prio:ities. The development 'of a ,

comprehensive curriculum for all jobs cannot be undertaken simultaneously within reasonable resource limits. Therefore, it is necessary to make a comparative assessment of the needs for new and revised programs. .

3.2.1 The GPUN Training licy and Training) b ress the needs analysis hn relation f ssues of personnel .

3.2.2 Needs sis is gen;p ly 611 ted through completing a

- RequesMor Trai fri )

3.4 Job analysis 1 - of ev ting det regarding the tasks and condi o . It pr - bjective-data base of job-relate r U n from w in programs are developed, b up w the job 1 performed.

3. Ta analysis is the process which examines individual tasks to ,

etermine the required steps (generally called action steps), cues, !1 and skills. It also involves evaluating tasks on the basis of task importance factors such as: task performance and task knowledge  !

levels, mental and physical difficulty, operational and safety related importance, frequency of performance, and the relative t

" Task analysis data I number of job incumbents who perform the task.

@ are then evaluated to decide which tasks must be included in the E initial and/or ongoing training programs. This last step is l generally considered to be a part of task analysis, n-I

- A000106011 82 6.0 0549G

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...m, n, Revision No.

  • TSD PROCESS 0 00 3.6 Training analysis is the process that takes the results of task analysis and determines which tasks, skills, and knowledge require actual training. It is also the process where each task.and its action steps are analyzed to determine what knowledge is required by the trainee in order to safely and effectively perform that task.


Many tasks in a job are so simple or routine that formal training is not needed. Other tasks are so complex, or the importa of proper performance is so high, that formal training is ne Q 3.7 A training standard i ument which li raining requirements as b a position or ectives]

specialty cour . ining s nady .

proved by the user group in .

o ith the Ma age ite Training. The collection o a 1 the indi 1 f i ing standards for each program

- forms the complete Cor r ning St dl}d document. The l trainingstandar,h er a gene ocument or a generic with i site-speci fi e .

3.8 Pro r


rp ons provi ' ge a t need-to-know information to t % st or as wel yjd else with a special interest in the a e)t It is divided t several sections and typically includes j tifti following: Table of Contents, Introduction, Program Structure, Instructor Training Qualification Information, Program Prerequisites, Trainee Attendance And Evaluation Requirements.

Training Documentation Training Schedule, Program Maintenance, and Program / Course Preparation Checklists or Procedures.

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" A000105011 82 7.0 0549G


. - TRAIN 1NG & EDUCATION DEPARTMENT p@D R Q V @ NUAL 6200-ADM-2682.01 T'* '

TSD PROCESS IOO 3.9 Lesson Plans are teaching guides which are composed of the terminal and major enabling objectives, a semi-narrative or outline format, and the instructor's activities. Lesson Plans should contain a concise sumary of the essential information to be presented to the trainee.

3.10 Trainee text materials include: trainee texts, traine orkbooks or.

laboratory manuals, and reference materials. In a sense it may be necessary in the course of developing te t develop slides, transparencies dio or video tape 3.11 Evaluation is t , f analyzi fonsa ion about the program /c Ictor, and ee sh ch enables the Training Departmen kedecisioqs90 r e the quality'and effectivenes f the t.a' fp ere are eral levels of evaluation: ,

3.11.1 e during ve 4 e - The first phase of o am evalu t c ducted during the development f a new ii - ram. This phase provides a quality c to function to ensure that each program document or component is at an adequate level of quality '

to assure the success of the overall development f process. Two illustrations of this type of evaluation j are: review comittee assessments and completion of l Lesson Plan checklists.

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.. s200-Aon- m 2.0, NucJeg g m e="gvp g ag f Nun 3 "'*'""

TS M M E35 0-00 3.11.2' Pilot evaluation - The second phase evaluates a " pilot" session of a newly developed training program given to a sample of typical trainees. This trial run determines the ability of the program to bring trainees. to mastery of the objectives and identifies any adjustments needed in content, structure, or sequence. In those cases where a tradition pilot cannot be run, a careful

/ch ::t e : should be made of the first ofMng.

3 k.

3.11.3 Trainee evaluation (while in trair, . hird phase of eval ocuses on the 6* erformance while in 1 in . nis eval e s that periodic s madeanq p eedback is provided to

' c 1~ically . vol ing personnel to include trainee e supervisor.

l 3.11.4 Ins u{t a untion is h a th phase of It focu nstructor's performance pa . o h This evaluation identifies

% affects cti the stren nesses of the instructing staff.


! 7. Trainee on th job evaluation is the fifth phase of j l evaluation. It focuses on the capability of the former i trainee to perform on the job. The evaluation determines whether the training is relevant to the  !

actual job and whether the trainee is capable of j required performance after training. l I E k

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TU. TSD M M fSI 0-00 j i

3.11.6 Program evaluation is the sixth phase of the evaluation. It is the responsibility of both the f L Training and Education Department and User Group h Management to assure that the programs remain in step with the latest procedures, technology, and g regulations. The results of these job performance-oriented evaluations are fed back to the responsible personnel for planning of prot revisions.

(k -I 3.11.7 Course evaluat. ion is another phas e on. There  ;;j are situa fy where small co s GET or First Aid ni 7 need to va e. The formal m a ation i tr tN.i designed for the ti n of lar e by programs and is not opriate fo e e iTuation of these small B independe Need ma so exist to evaluate on1 in a la ning program. The _g tion pr , a plified version of the rogram ti ocess. Course evaluation h been des crease the evaluation options available g aining and Education Department.

3.1 ining Advisory Council is a select group of individuals primarily from outside of the Training and Education Department. They are selected from segments of the GPU Nuclear Corporation collectively to advise the Director of Training and Education. This advice centers on broad matters pertaining to the improvement of training _

! programs. i 5 .

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8 A000105011 82 10.0 0549G {j di 1-l l

y TRAINING Number I Nuc/M eope&

, EDUCATION rsp A9' e v aaUA1. DEPARTMENT 6200-ADM-2682.01 5

"" wv8 1 'F- -

I Revnion No TSD PROCESS 0-00 2 I _=

3.13 Technical content review process is a quality control function set up within each site training organization to ensure the validity of l )

the technical content of a course or program. All major technical training programs shall be reviewed by a technical content review process. The review process will involve key personnel from the . -

. , , ,

  • Training Department, the plant, and/or support divisions as [

appropriate. ,


. P 3.14 On-the-Job Training (0JT) - DJT is an integral overall ,

j training process. OJT s a formalized pro o 1 ing which is I


systematically der Of Job / Task a - ii eeds analysis !I I C utilizing the stems Dev 1 nt ) approach to  : _

training ss also u approved job '

descrip cation t loped by the Human Resources .

Department the ap H depar nt(s). OJT is that training which is st d (from structional standpoint) by ,

the trainee on 9 d focuse n ap tion, integration, and motor skil . t vides a t s tion for the trainee from <

the ironment i k e rkplace by providing an  : .

op rt to apply i -

earned skills and knowledges and to i ~$

a e ew job skil owledge while actually working under g

6 trolled conditions. t provides an opportunity for the trainee '

to benefit from the extensive background and experience which is held by the job supervisors in a formal, structured manner.

1 3.15 Guideline - a document which provides information for general -



consideration in performing a task. It is not intended to establish requirements.




  • J 4.1 A Training Advisory Council shall be established in accordance with -

6200-ADM-2682.02, Training Advisory Council Procedure.  ;

O -5 A000105011 8; -.

11.0 0549G


TRAINING A EDUCATION DEPARTMENT NucJeprw p R g g v g0 g g y NUAL 6200-ADM-2682.'01

, m TSDM RY 3 i3 IV V

I Revision No.

0-00 4.2 Within each site training organization or each major training program, a technical content review and interface process shall be established in accordance with 6200-ADM-2682.03, Technical Content Review And Interface Process Procedure.

4. 3 Periodically, individuals from the field, as well as within the training organization, recognize performance problems for which training may be a possible solution. Or, corporate itsents, outside regulatory requirements, etc., might be that may have an impact on new or existing training p se observations /commi can be brought ton of those individuals withi ing or ce functions who have the responsibi luate e cance and respond accordin 1 b

" 4.3.1 If it s deternti ere is rformance problem, trainin '

commitment y ., nalysis shall be perfo rdance wi 2 -

682.04, Request for Tr i 4 I tRe Manager je aining determines that the roblem/commi F4 found to be a major training need, requiring either a new course / program or significant '

modification to an existing one, then a program development team is formed in cooperation with the Educational Development section. He should appoint a member of his staff to become Project Coordinator. Under certain circumstances the Project Coordinator may be appointed from the Educational Department f section. (The term project coordinator is used in this 5

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A000105011 82 12.0 0549G

Number N in" TRAINING A EDUCATION DEPARTMENT W jR W EYEtpPENTd4ANUAL 6200-ADM-26a? 01 5 Revision No.

g TSD PROCESS 0-00 procedure as a descriptive title since this individual's actual title may vary according to that person's position within the organization).

4.3.3 If no training program or course exists to address this

. problem and training has been identified as the root cause for the problem, then a new training program or cour should be developed in accordance with the TSD Process ed in this procedure.

4.3.4 If a program current 1 -

O t s found not to be ification( all e made to the effectiv app Q

b d uments (t' h aly) s, training standard, less ans, train ex rials and examinations) to corr the co (%

4.4 The Project a hall ensu that first step in the develo s to co lysis of what is required.

Most at will dv will fall into two categories:

a r trainin n ual for a job position or a lty course or like GET. The Project Coordinator in unction with the Manager, Educational Development or the  !

Educational Development Coordinator shall decide in which category '!

the program belongs and' choose one of the following options:

4.4.1 If the needed program is for qualifying an individual a job  !

g position then a JOB and TASK ANALYSIS shall be performed. The  :

{ job and task analysis shall be done in accordance with the Task Analysis Guideline found in the TSD Program Development f


a i  !

8 AOOO105011 82 13.0 0549G


    • UVI T I )V' -

5 L/ VUI l Revision No.

TSD PROCESS 0-00 4.4.2 If it is a specialty training course, then reference documents governing the skills or functions shall be identifled. These shall be researched to enable the program developers to locate potential training requirements.

' ~

4.4.3 The Project Coordinator should ensure that a time line/ action plan is completed at the start of the development work. This time line/ action plan will: identiff the crit program development steps that must be accomplished p the course or program, the estimated time f to be completed and fy the person ( e) responsible for comp 1 tep. Th hall include which mate us b reviewe hnical content review pr de cf bed in 00 03, Technical Content

' rocedure.

Revie d Interf c_

4.4.4 The Proj (b ( or shall c eat development file for keep rtant doc r ning to the development 4.5 o ect Coordina 1 ensure that identified training j rements are inc1 in a training standard for the course or j rogram in accordance with 6200-ADM-2682.05, Training Standard .!

procedure. Further guidance can be found in the Training Standard Format and Guideline found in the TSD Program Development Manual.

l 4.5.1 The Project Coordinator shall submit the completed training U standard to the appropriate individual (s) for review and/or 2 approval .



' AOOO105011 8; 14.0 0549G

Ti 61 7 Nuclear ex t' NNING & EDUCATION DEPARTMENT w$0M@l g VK M 1jlANUAL w,,e, 6200-ADM-2682.0' Title VVl TSD PROCESS O '

W V VI I Revision No. l 0-00 4.5.2 A training program may be submitted for INP0 Accreditation before and separate training standard document is developed, if Training Control Record forms (TCR) exist for all lessons that are taught. A training standard shall be developed prior to the second submittal of the program for accreditation.

,. 4.6 The Project Coordinator shall ensure that Program Descriptions are developed in accordance with 6200-ADM-2682.06, Progr Description Procedure. -

4.7 Instructors should b miliar with the uctional processes to prepare for th ?iety of 1 ge r butes, styles, and training situ go fore Lesso - d trainee text materials are deve M rogram dev eam should review the materia s C he Instruc al ss Guideline found in the TSD Program De opment 1 - materia h this guideline is taught in both the Basi st r Course - r a propriate Advanced

  • Instructor r nn ules).

4.8 Lesse Sn O all be wr f 1 lessons and/or training les t are tau . T lesson plans shall be written in r ance with the f ed format described in 6200-ADM-2682.07, Lesson Plan Procedure. The two column lesson plan is the preferred ,

format for the Training and Education Department's lesson plans.

4.8.1 Any use of other lesson plan formats shall first be approved g

by the Manager of Site Training. '

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TSD PROCESS 0-00 4.8.2 For more quidance in writing lesson plans, instructors should refer to the Lesson Plan Format and Guideline found in the TSD Program Development Manual.

4.9 Trainee materials and training materials shall be developed to match the course objectives and lesson plans.

4.9.1 As a part of program review and evaluations g materials or lesson plans should be rev re that they do indeed the objectives the exist als do not adequately 4.9.2 If it is pubr e) and lesso me tives, $then these materials ,

shal dified t ing into conformance.

4.9.3 Trainee te te shall be 1 ped in accordance with '

the i the Pre 3ti n rainee Texts in the TSD Pr pment Ma d .

4.10 e ee g inations er written, oral or performance or ,

n ination there . he construction of these evaluation l truments, processes, or test question bank items shall bet developed in accordance with the Guideline For Examination e Construction found in the TSO Program Development Manual. I t

4.11 Newly developed programs or courses should be evaluated viaja pilot '

g session or at the very least when the program or course is offered l E to trainees for the first time. This evaluation will be doie in h accordance with 6200-ADM-2682.08, Pilot Session [or First-T me h Offering] Implementation - Evaluation Process. '

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l g TRAINING & EDUCATION DEPARTMENT y @ 0% % Q V M NUAL 6200-ADM-2682.01 l

Title TSD PROCESS .oi ~

l i

l 4.12 Student evaluation shall be done for the student on his/her training performance while he/she is in training accordance with  ;

6200-ADM-2682.09, Student Performance Evaluation Procedure. The frequency of these evaluations is determined by the Manager of Site Training for particular programs / courses.

4.13 Evaluation of the trainee after he or she has returned the job after completing training shall be done in accorda 6200-ADM-2682.10 Evaluation of the Trainee Back b Procedure.

4.14 Instructor eval ti s 11 be con i ccordance with 6200-ADM- I tructor Ev g o ocedure.

4.15 Formal prog am evalua if e accom phed using the Technical Review Process an G clear Pr Evaluation Instrument.

This shall b 9 0 ordance ih ro es 6200-ADM-2682.03, Technica iew and erf ocess; 6200-ADM-2682.11, GPU am Evalu to s ocess.

4. ourses that re periodic evaluation should be evaluated id4ccordance with 6200-ADM-2682.12, Course Evaluation.

4.17 The development and imp 1'ementation of On-The-Job Training shall be done in accordance with 6200-ADM-2605.02, On-the-Job Training.  ;


E i 2 5.1 Director, Training and Education is responsible for approving this f procedure and for assuring adherence to its requirements.

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A000105011 82 17.0 0549G

Number Nuc r '


  • vi1 8 6C 'S" * " ' Revision No.

Title 0-00 TSD PROCESS 5.2 Manager, Educational Development is responsible for developing and updating this procedure and for assisting the Plant and Corporate Training Departments in its implementation.

5.3 Managers, Plant and Corporate Training, are responsible for implementing this procedure and for complying with its requirements.

5.4 User groups are responsible for providing manpower and other appropriate resources for conducting task analysis and training analysis. They are also responsible for reviewing and approving appropriate training documents as specified in each pr am's Program Description.


6.1 GPU Nuclear Corporat[ nQ r ining Polic 6.2 GPU Nuclear Cor raining P 6.3 Training a partment' gram Development Manual 6.4 Training Advd ry Counc - -

-2682.02 6.5 Technical Content ew ess, 6200 1682.03 6.6 Request for 200-ADM-2 4 V 6.7 Traini dat , 6200-AD 05 6.8 m e ription, M- 06 Plans, 6200-AD 6 .07 I s

6.1h ilot Evaluation, 6200-ADM-2682.08 Instructor Evaluation, 6'200-ADM-2607.01 5 6.11 6.12 Student Performance Evaluation, 6200-ADM-2682.09  !,

6.13 Evaluation of the Trainee Back on the Job, 6200-ADM-2682.10 y .

e .

E 6.14 Program Evaluation for Process, 6200-ADM-2682.11  !

l 7

j, 6.15 Course Evaluation, 6200-ADM-2682.12  ;

i 6.16 On-the-Job Training, 6200-ADM-2605.02 f

! AOOO105011 82 18.0 0549G



.200.A0M.2. 2.oi NucJm(

. PyomggEvgopEgTyuAt

  • TSDMRUf,:55 13IV' iV
  • V3 I Revision No.

Title 0-00 7.0 Attachments 7.1 Exhibit 1. Training Systems Development.

7.2 Exhibit 2, GPUN Training Systems Development Model.

7.3 Exhibit 3, Program Development Process.

7.4 Exhibit 4. Guideline and Procedure Organization.

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