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Mark-up Procedure for Use of Respirators in Iodine Atmosphere
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/04/1979
From: Limfalh D
TASK-TF, TASK-TMR PROC-790504, NUDOCS 8001170764
Download: ML20125D894 (3)


9 2(00 Proceduren tur the t'nu of Rervirators in Iodine Atmosphere 1.

An evaluation has bec.n performed relntive to using respirators, ecluippnd with charcoal canisters,.in nemonphere enntaluing radluiudine.

This evalustiuu was based upon a revicu of avniinhin iniurmation un canister /

tr.ank eflectiveness and guidelines have been entahlInhed, with USNKU concurrance. to insure the health and safety of our employees and contractues.

The following rules apply when prnttu:Llun iunturz are to be util hnd with full face remplrators in atmosphern enntainiug radio-iodine:

a) A prornetion factor (P.F.) of 50 shall be used.

b) A new MSA modn) OfP.T caninter nhall be placed on each MSA full face respirator used during rhn nbil. and uhall be used no morr thnn nnu

  • *shif L.

5 c) 'the maximum airborne leve] permitted fnr unn of this prucedure is f N lu~

C.l~ / io <./o n.

d) A pnrnon in limited Lu 20 MPC-hi.:s jn any seven ennnecutive days (with protectinn factorn applied).

This lw subj ec t to (c) bt'inw.

MFC-he logs shall be maint.nined.


In the event an individual approaches 20 MFC-bru and a review of whole body counts does ont shnu (16 UiEreasing Aevel; the MPC hr. 30r. may be

" zeroed" and can start over 7 A.

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\\# Lhe RWP.

This sample shall havc henn taken la the proximate area to he worlied (i.e., an air sample taken immediernly innidu Lhe Auxiliary Building door would not qualify as the basis for vnrk ir n ducsy heat vault).

Stay times shall be computed based on t.hin air sauple's rasulta and shal) not exceed 20 cumulative M'C-hours per nuven consecutive days.

Continuous air samples shall bn raken durinE the work period in the iremedinen work area, the results of which shall be used in conjunction with the time worked and the protcerion factor in order to establish the actual MPC-hours to which the perennnel were exposed.

g) Prior to entry the individuni nhall be subjected to a challengn stmunphere (Tsuam 1 acetate--commonly known as banana oil) by an individuil trained n this test. St. 0.B."y.fl W

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,v y p7 h) A whole body count is required on,eech, individun1 who has used a charcoal equipped respirator in an atmosphere containing radiolodine greater than MPC either at the end cf the work shift or at the beginning of the next work shifL.

A whole body count is required prior to a person being allowed to return Lu work in an ares requiring the subjnct rc.spirnrury prornnLion.

Prior Lu Lhu whole body r.ount, Lhe individual r.hnll nhownr to, removu any exLurnal contamination.

Thn following nerinn levn1n are to bu unud:

N (1) ( 70 nCi, thn individuni nhall be nilowud to go hack to work.

(2) > 70 nci, thn individun1 shall he rentrinted I' rum going hnck ik to work in arnan whern charcon1 nquipped runpiratorn nrn j


.,5 required uninnn it is dnrnrminnd that thn nonenmination in bf external.

The individual may work in air fed respiratory f,,

equipment however.

A form, similar to attachmeat (s) will be provided to the individual at the completion of the whole body count and shall be presented to the HP control point prior to work.

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1) Masks shall be malatained la acevrdance with Reg. Guide 8.15} tiasks may be returned to service lj; they read less than 0.2 mrad /hr. and Jem, than 1000d/m per 100 cm of been gamma nontamination.


Pornunnul mainLuinlug wholu body muu1Loring records shall track thnmn individuals to ancurtai_n thu effectivuness of the protection factors used.


The above requirements have been ennnervat ivnly nut.shiluhed and based upon a


review of the program, c:ay be raodified under scporate cover.

<AMr D. Limroth DL/cr enc.

. h~b A>JJ J 79 pproved:

J. Collins USNRC 1

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Whole Body Count Results for Individu,.1m Using, Charcoal FILLud Canister 3.

Name SSN 2.

Date Performed Helg.eson..

RMC jndtinin initials 3.


'~/7 Less than 70 nCL -upproved to taturn to work


' Greater than 70 nci


Internal suspeernd or unknown-not permitted to work in area vith charcus2 fitLud respirator.

Whole Body count requtrud within 24 hrs.


Comments l



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