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Forwards Draft Suppl 1 to Fes.Requests Comment
Person / Time
Site: 05000514, 05000515
Issue date: 11/21/1979
From: Ballard R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Galler S
Shared Package
ML20125B558 List:
RTR-NUREG-75-025, RTR-NUREG-75-25 NUDOCS 7911300176
Download: ML20125B555 (6)



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l Distribution: I oqr Docket File


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  • OELD-R. W. Froelich NOV 211979 f S'I Docket Nos.: 50-514 50-515 Dr. Sidney R. Galler ,

U. S. Department of Commerce 14th & Constitution,.NW, Room 3425 Washington, D. C. 20230

Dear Dr. Galler:

I am forwarding for your review and comment the draft environmental impact documentation identified in the enclosure to this letter. .

The Draft Environmental Statement was prepared by my staff in '

accordance with the statement of general policy and procedure on implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as set forth in the Commission's regulations,10 CFR Part 51. The i statement has today been sent to the Environmental Protection Agency and notice of its availability is being forwarded to the Office of

_ _ _ the Federal Register for publication. Comments will be due within

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45 days af ter publication in the Federal Register of the Environm'ntal e Protection Agency's listing notifying the public of issuance of the impact statement.

  • Since rely, r?&t WaY (b!/48

. R nald L. Ballard, Chief

  • Environmental Projects Branch 1 Division of Site Safety and Environmc:,tal Analysis 7


List of Documents Transmitted 90001;20 SIMILAR LETTERS SENT TO THOSE ON THE ATTACHED LIST.

DSE: EP-1 7 9113 00 / ~/h MSlater i 11/ /79  ?

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LIST OF DOCUMENTS TRANSMITIED Name of Facility: Pebble Springs Nuclear Plant (Units 1 & 2)

Applicant: Portland General Electric Company, et al .

Docket Number (s): 50-614 & 50-515 Documents Transmitted: Draft Supplement (No. 1) to the Final Environmental Statement issued November 21, 1979 Comments due to NRC: January 14, 1980 90001.21

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DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Dr. Sidney R. Galler (10-6) Dr. Robert J. Stern (20-6)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Acting Director l for Environmental Affairs NEPA Affairs Division U. S. Department of Commerce U. S. Department of Energy (MS E-201) 14th & Constitution, NW., Rm 3425 Washington, D. C. 20545 Washington, D. C. 20230 Mr. Norton Savage (5-5)

Chief, Environmental Assessment Economic Regulatory Administration Office (3-3) Power Supply & Reliability Div.

National Marine Fisheries U. S. Department of Energy (RG-752)

Service (F-34) 1726 M Street, NW, Rm 850 Page Building No.1, Rm 280 Washington, D. C. 20036 2001 Wisconsin Ave., NW Washington, D. C. 20235 Mr. Robert Ochinero, Director National Oceanographic Data Cent (er3-3)

Environmental Data Service Mr. Joseph Canny (letter only)

Page Building No. 1, D-7, Rm 428 Office of Environmental Affairs 2001 Wisconsin Avenue, NW U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C. 20235 400 7th Street, SW, Rm 9422 l Washington, D. C. 20590 l DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mr. Bruce Blanchard, Director (18) cc: CAPT William R. Riedel (4)

Office of Environmental Projects Water Resources Coordinator Review, RM 4239 W/S 73 USCG, Rm 7306 U. S. Department of the Interior 400 7th Street, SW 18th & C Streets, NW Washington, D. C. 20590 Washington, D.C. 20240 Mr. Lee Santman, Director (l) cc w/o encl: Ebuf Materials Transportation Bureau ATTN: J. Nalevanko Chief, Division of Ecological Services, Bureau of Sport U. S. Department of Transportation 2100 Second Street, SW Fisheries & Wildlife Washington, D. C. 20590 U. S. Dept. of the Interior Washington, D.C. 20240 DOT Regional Office Secretarial Representation.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION U. S. Department of Transportation AND WELFARE (5-2)

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Region X Office Mana U. S.gement Analysis 3112 Federal Building '

Department of and Systems Health, Education 915 Second Avenue and Welfare, Room 514E - Seattle, WA 98174 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D. C. 20201 ___________________________________________

Chief, Standards & Regulations Branch Distribution for:

Division of Compliance (HFX-460) Docket Nos. og Bureau of Radiological Health Department of Health, Education NUREG-Published:

90001acc 5600YishersLane Draft Supplement to FES Pebble Springs Rockville, Maryland 20857 50-514 and 50-515 75/025, Supplement 1 November 1979

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.% Director, Eastern Environmental SS Mr. Thomas Shecke11.5 (5-5)

U. S. Environmental Protection As,ency Radiation Facility (1-1)

C2 Office of Federal Activities U. S. Environmental Protection Agency xH Rm 2119, WSM P. O. Box 3009 401 M Street, S.W. "'" Montgomery, Alabama 36109 77f!]

e Washington, D. C. 20460 Eis Chief, Federal Coordination Branch 45M NRC Liaison (1 -1 ) (AW-471)

TM Office of Federal Activities (A-104) Office of Noise Abatement & Control U. S. Environmental Protection Agency MS Environmental Protection Agency (

753 Rm 2119, WSM Room 1116, Crystal Mall #2 T 401 M Street, SW Arlington, Virginia 20460 m: Washington, D. C. 20460 O2 Chief, Environmental Impact 5.5 Director, Technical Assessment Review Section /MRB (MD-14) (1 -1 )

_elf f Division (AW-459) (2-1 ) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency u Office of Radiation Programs Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711

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U. S. Environmental Protection TJ Agency 6-:3 Crystal Mall #2 EPA Regional Office (5-5)

-E. Arlington, Virginia 20460 EIS Coordinator

~4 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

. :.* Director, Environmental Research 4!$ Lab (1-0)

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region X Office

",...; :3 6201 Congdon Boulevard 1200 6th Avenue g- -.

Duluth, Minnesota 55804 Seattle, WA 98101

=rcri Director, Environmental c.. . c.- Research Lab (1-0)

M$ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 9M South Ferry Road iQ,; Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 Director, Environmental Research 90001;23


'W Lab (1-0)

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency it: 200 SW 35th Street

'2s Corvallis, Oregon 97330 -


-d' Director, Las Vegas Radiation d Operations U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1-1) i" P. O. Box 15027

'% Las Vegas, Nevada 89114 1$3 Y

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kms Mr. Barry Flam, Acting Coordinator Environmental Quality Activities Mr. Robert Garvey Executive Director Cta Office of the Secretary U. S. Department of Agriculture Advisory Council on Historic )

4.E Administration Building, Rm 359A Preservation, Suite 536 g 1522 K Street, NW I

b.3 Washington, D. C. 20250 Washington, D. C. 20005 My Mfi Mr. Carl W. Carlson ep?ff Assistant Administrator cc:

j$ Soil, Water and Air Sciences State Historic Preservation Officer

.== a Agricultural Research Service State Parks Superintendent' id U. S. Department of Agriculture 525 Trade Street, S.E.

g Washington, D. C. 20250 Salem, OR 97310 15!j Mr. Melvin E. Cotner, Director

..V N: Natural Resource Economics Division Economics, Statistics, and DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN M[ Cooperative Service DEVELOPMENT, Regional Office

'($ ;y U. S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D. C. 20250 Regional Administrator Department of Housing and g-3 Urban Development Mr. Joseph R. Binder, Environmental Jfs Engineer, Power Supply, Management & Engineering Div.

d.shs 1321 Second Avenue qq Rural Electrification Administration Seattle, WA 98101 South Building, Rm 3323 g"gg- U. S. Department of Agriculture 3 Washington, D. C. 20250 cc w/o encl: Nd ,

$m . Mr. Richard H. Broun g Soil Conservation Service Environmental Clearance Officer g (State office) .U.'S.-Department ~of Housing ard State Conservationist, USDA 33 g Federal Office Building Urban Development 451 7th Street, SW, Rm 7258 1220 S.W. 3rd Avenue Washington, D. C. 20410

...g;: Portland, OR 97209 m

y; Forest Service BEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY g (RegionorStateOffice) '


..:.,a Forest Service, USDA U.S. Department of the Army Pacific Northwest Region Portland District

@f g 319 S.W. Pine. Street Corps of Engineers

-? ; Portland, OR 97208 P. O. Box 2946, Portland, OR 97208

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, 483 Pacific Northwest River Basin Commission .

' Q P. O. Box 908.

1 Columbia River 1

  • @F Vancover, WA 98660 ,
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,'TM The Honorable Foster Odom l i?! Major l

.;p N City of Arlington 4_

gg Arlington, OR 07812 j 4:.:54 LOCAL OFFICIAL (1)

Nyd The Honorable Leo Barnett l J# Gilliam County Judge CLEARINGHOUSES l

%p$ P.O. Box 644 State (10) 7 Condon, OR 97823 x=:.,

53 % State Clearinghouse dd ADJOINING STATES (1) Federal Aid Coordinator 1

Intergovernmental Relations Division Mr. Nicholas D. Lewis txecutive Department


+WM' Chairman, Ene.r9y Facility 240 Cottage Street, S.E.

n: :a Site Evaluat wn Council Salem, OR 97310 820 East Fifth Street Regional or Metropolitan (1)

Olympia, WA 08504 AM}

  1. .{ East Central Oregon EC.T lis Association of Count 1es 7:a P. O. Box 339 dyl 920 S.W. Frazier ld STATE OFFICIALS Pendleton, OR 97801 S-3 5.0 Mr. Donald W. Goda"d Administrator, Siting and Regulation

'. '7.lLi H) Oregon Department of Energy

$;i' Room 111, Labor and Industries Bldg.

4.i Salem, OR 97314 2E%j 7/ ) Mr. Frank Lynn, Director

,v ..; Oregon Department of Energy pp2 528 Cottage Street, N.E.



.2?'2-t c 1:i Attorney General Mr. Michael Elder


'M9 Department of Justice State Office Bldg.

Energy Conservation Organization 1059 Hilyard Street Salem, OR 97310 Eugene, OR 97401 7h@

. n .-

...} Mr. Rahles J. Epping M.:4 2633 S.W. Tichner Dirve

  1. n Portland, OR 97201

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'E.5 Bonneville Power Administration Mi.M Attn: Mr. R. Eastvedt A;$ 1002 N.E. Halladay Street Portland, OR 97208

  1. a

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'7~ U.S. Department of the Interior b ~. Fish and Wildlife Service

.gj Attn: Mr. R. Kahler Martinson 500 N.E. Multnoneah Street Jq Portland, OR 97372 m

wq G 9000b25


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  • Dr. Philip F. Gustafson, Manager Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (1)

Environmental Statement Project 101616th Street, NW. , Suite 850

@j$]l Washington, D. C. 20036 ee Argonne National Laboratory w.di Building 11 ATTN: Liz Hannon ism 9700 South Cass Avenue DE)

WM! Argonne, Illinois 60439 2G?d i:_-s

  • Dr. H. E. Zittel, Manager P Environmental Sciences Dak Ridge National Laboratory


m P. O. Box X wker Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 ('4 )

J e: Dr.R.F. Foster (2)

G Senior Staff Advisor Battelle Memorial Institute Esis E-5 Pacific Northwest Laboratory P. O. Box 999 (M&SQ Richland, Washington 99352 m

.. .g;;

2.;;d.4 Mr. S. I. Auerbach 7;.r3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory

.i.~c: P. O. Box X Mi- Oak Ridge Tennessee 37830 n M ' . ,1



'1 V U I r t u' g3 Mr. Thomas D. Wolsko (2)

.;gai; Energy & Environmental Systems Division Jy Argonne National Laboratory, Building 12 pig 9700 South Cass Avenue

.QM ,.n Argonne, Illinois 60439

?:k0 Mr. J. Golden, W-54 n

2 04 The MITRE Corporation W Westgate Research Park McLean, Virginia 22101 (DESonly)

%:w 4,y 45% Librarian

@3 ThermaiReacto afety Group M Brookhave ational Laboratory .


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.c ;. Build 130

^y.7 Upt , Long Island, NY 11973 (FESonly) rma D

%A e *0riginating Lab receives

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'12 copies; other Lab gets 4.

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ACRS (16) 7 . . . - . -