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Special Operating Procedure R-2-79-22 to Simulate Operation of Air Operated Condensate Polisher Valves W/Water in Instrument Air Line to Polisher Main Control Panel
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1979
TASK-TF, TASK-TMR PROC-790609, SOP-R-2-79-22, NUDOCS 7911090519
Download: ML20125B462 (9)


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J & d& M '.v. j \\' .s AP 1001 Three f.' lite Island PJuc! car Station SIDE 1 Figure 1001-8 Special Operating Piocedure SO P Nol?-J4.9-.22 (F torn SOP t.og Indcul NOTC: Insie uctions and pu.dehnes in AP 1001 y must be f ollow,d when c o rnpf eting t his f or m. O3IC. ~_~.O. M 9 aw cl h of&cles, Sac;- Sh/ber On /r* N'Af em Are Gr><n.-Ld W her < &W.aat[r _Ledhe inbytm/ pr n m,)]. 1. TitIe rrs c' Tr '7' & r' b d " n clc n seclc AW< e r' 2. Purpose rintiud, nu,nos, o, soe, 'n simdu/ 7% cpuschn c.f d4c. ins /r~ru-n7' Mr N"c b W<- pu /irAc<fc' o-raan ya./>ct hpl2 m-fex ra, y%e cm/rpl fwd. 3. Attach procedure to this f orm written according to the f ollowing format. A. Limitations and Precautions 1. Nuclear Saf ety Ne MdNeb 2. Environmental Safety 3. Personnel Saf ety i 4. Equiprnent Protection y B. Prerequisites C. Procedure Generated by fidx&i->gpa,77n, ?[ Date. & - 3 _7:2 4. S. D ura tion of S O P - sn ii n, no iong., in.n 90 d y,,,om ine,,,,cii., o,,, oi In, so n o, r,> o, roi n,io. _ hien,,,, occ u,. <,,,1. (a) SOP will be cancelled by incorporation into existing or new permanent procedure subrnitted by _ O @e-~p dcrd'<en O (b) SDP is not valid af ter o aoe o, < ums,.ns, h m h ui...u,, in so, o... ...< o.d> G. (a) is the procedure N uclear Saf oty Related? If "yes", complete N uclear Saf e$y Evaluation. 2 or ina ro,m> Yes O No@ (b) Does the practdure allect Environmental Prottction? YesO No E5I~ If "yes", complete Environmental Evaluation. 2 o< iba r o,m> . YesO Nold (c) Does the procedure affect radiation exposure to personnel?. NOT E: H en anso.,i ar e "no". in, c h.,9e rnay be soprow d by the that s upr e v;sor. H eny o v e 56o ns er f A ni We r ed " y e 1 **, the change must be a ppr ov ed by :he St a t i 3 n Cup.< s nie ndent /Unst S u per ini e nde nt. 7. Review and Affr oval Approved - Shilt Supervisor 8r M _.M. n. b Reviewed - list members of PORC coni cted A,_d'7'r *, u<k blo.~. k8 6 t I'# N" }.YIObc ! ' h bb' - I $h!'"~" h! .. ~.... - Approved-Station Superintendcnt/ Unit Superi[emient [.[v, v h hc.yf//> _. / r 8. SDP is Cancelled Sh.f t std.c rvisof /Shif t f ore rNn Oste --a -....-._.-.-..!h) T f.# b i -a-e..-

e "E V A LU ATIO N" 74%v. y SIDE 2 AP.1001 Three Mite Island Nuclear Station SD P N o. 8-f7-?9-2 2-Figure 1001-8 Nucitar Saf ety/ Environmental Impact Evaluation "d &( W'& y,.},,y c,f62,.]wscc/c Rs lishc c Con /ra / A 7e S s ~~<n f +x W S m b-' I" S ' Ir'S !.r."" Y 7'~ 7,7;'b) G 5

1. Titie -.Jj<Ac 2.

Nuclear Saf ety Evaluation Does this SOP: x.

  • (a) increase the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of YesC no[

qquipment important to saf ety?.

  • (b) criate the possibility for an accident or malfunction ci a different type than any evaluated yes O ncd f previously in the saf ety analysis report?.
  • (c) reduce the margin of saf ety as defined in the basis for any technical specification?

yes O no d ,,,,,on,.....,,.' At tac h addsieurtal pages if s ectuer ed.) Details of Evaluation e _ny.n,,,s,o,hno rcAr L d. (fQ 7h sfm b yas.1 / -n dw <=/.~~J,~4m ~,0 73 n-n - sc~ h S) Tjia. y G "-" h 5. L e.-nhas pg. b dd 4 L Wsci r in "Y "l' "V'". &>nbprab yvll sib 4-i3 77 - far (e) Th< Evaluation BygfM,,- ag / g ate 4-9-29 3. En /ironmental (mi act Evaluati,n Does this SOP; (a) possibly inv significant environmental yesO noO / b= vf,ignificant adArte ef fect a the environment?. yesO noO .c a significant envirqa nental matter or questio not rdviously reviewed and ... yes no O enluated by the N.Rf[... Detail Evaluation 7 9 7 Date Evaluation By

  • NOTf : If these o venions ar e "yes", the chane;c must s c<.eive rt n c. a r p< oval.

If this s wim it rMck, 4. 8 eVIeW FORC reveew or evaluat;on is rWuis ed ong when reaw, led by the Station Sup,rintendent/ Unit Superintendent. the TORC must consist of two of f si e rne enhers.) t 1. 7. Of f Se e f.* embers PonC Chair rnon S,grature Date i m-b6w Ss (<jff. U"A 0 kn/x Stanc,n Superinie dent / Unit Su < int er. dent Date n L j ~ 4

4 1 ',( %-e en 4 .... A... bm i d Pec-es hns - j t n c 4 ~. -s~ a f :. .,x-~.


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asr SID A'P 1001 Three Mile Island Nuclear Station SO P No. N ' N "22.- Special Operating Procedure C. 4 l'igure 1001-8 (F rom SOP Log indom) 1 NOTE Instructions and guidelines in AP 1001 Unit No. c2 a 't anust be foHowed when completing Date $/[S/f$ this f or m. s 1 cl 't

1. Title na Gnbm

. 8 },*s bw A rlre{ A,> fusd r,.n/ g-.( q J f,j y & g ,,t2.-->nf u To 'ML. Ins f~-cd Me 5~ff p N -bk., a hA G ' r of"bd m

2. - Purpose canciude nu,nos.Ye s Pi


    • 4 y /,,phy v.e th s e-N2. qc.< e

-7;,. 6,,,, a e u ~ -e r-Te, & To lr " t' err l n 1 r-R" poMa %an eso6/ pd

3.. Attach procedure to this f orm written according to the following format.

A. Limitations and Precautions 1. Nuclear Saf ety gu gggd ( 2. Environmental Safety 3. Personnel Saf ety 4. Equipment Protection ? B. Prerequisites C. Procedure h

4. Generated by,_Si. Z /cs.M a s,,, w % ate 4-er - 71

( ~. - - 5. D uration of S0 P - Shan de no ions r inan so days e,on. the eifecii.e ease os ihe sop or tai or <bt daio. - whichev., occurs riret. M SDP will be cancelled by incorporation into existing or new permanent C yacedure submitted by 't0P i: not valid af ter C o"e#/c b o d O (fill in circumstances which will result in SOP being cancelled) 6.- (a) is the.go_cedure Nuclear Safety Related? Yes O Nog if "yes", complete N uclear Saf ety Evaluation. tSide 2 of inis rarm>............... ^ (b) Does the procedure af fect Environmental Protection? Yes O NoU If "yes", complete Environmental Evaluation. tside 2 of ibis ro,mi YesO Nog (c) Does the procedure af f ect radiation exposure to personnel?................... NOT E: If all answ. s ar e "no*' the change may be approved by the shif t Sur ce visor. If any questions ar e a ns wes ed "yes", the change mus t be appsowed by the Station Sur orintendent/!) nit Superintencient. 7. Review and Approval ppioved - Shilt Supervisor of PORC on ((4 OMfal_ S /6 9 fn#fgf/ l Reviewed, List Yembera 6 6 bed [ihoL%& W6M' WA f yy, y? A /n U WX. WG f Approved Station Suptrintendent/ Unit Superinterhent d. ?f,. v r ~ M '.<' T. 0 8. SOP is Cancelled 9 */ Oate l Sh;tt Supervisor /Chif t f oreman ...WC3 r -.,e-v.: \\ ~ [..


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~ 8I AP-1001 Three Mile Island Nuc! car Station SOP No. I'-a 7NV ) - Figure 1001-8 Nuclear Saf ety/ Environmental Impact Evaluation g ,i "o ' " 0 7 " b 6jG' M Alf M ~~

1. Title NyjeJa g

.c>~ b.r in ~KL. in.s-lr m < h.';e s y/y. y 2. Nuclear Safetv Evaluation Does this SOP: g

  • (a) increase the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of

...... yes O nq [ equipmen:importari to safety?......

  • (b) c)tgte the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated yes O ne, g previously in the saf ety analysis report?.
  • {c) reduce the rnargin of saf ety as defined in the basis for any technicbl specification?

yes O no g D e tails o f E valua ti o n u. ni,,n,,,,,,,,'.,,,,o,so, o,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, n, y,,,,,,,,,,, y,,, n, y o ;,,o. 3 5o kg ra-h- ), jf. ! d ll (~c'-) 7 5 < d y.s l w i3 -/'r -rr. /:sh- - M/l ~!>d-&& cl.s c e y Iec%'-

  • b >~ s.s/W: -l=- "Y->

~7/~ 7< yy m o.,,4,_eJ g, / A ~~ A.,4 rm + A J *t p T. c'7sc, ",<) ' In en o i f if34 ~ 9 - P"f d-sn l / .~t"-4* Ca-) n a s n < son ~s n ~I Evaluation By dT.,/ dde p ate 4 - y 7 <> 3. Envirenxntal impact Evaluation ( Does this SOP: ........... yes O no M (a) possibly involve a significant envirc mentalimpact?. m r.t?, ... yesO nog-

  • (l.)

have a significant ad. cts (ME:*i cr. Ib. 'v I /

  • (c) involve a significant c 'ivirar' -
m. : -'

i question not previously revitwed and nc}.N evaluated by the N.R.'C. !. ........,. y es J Dttails of Evaluation l W . - ~ h \\ i'j ~ Evaluation By Date

  • NOT E-if t hese q uertions ar e ves". the thenge,nust r e< cive N,R C. a rysto wel.

I;s u;,ed c,niv ut.en,w,.e by the nei;on sun <iniene.nt/unii sunrintendent. If ts;i,evie ti me de. 4. Review (rose,cv e-o. a iusii the POHC >usI c irdis I rwt o rf-sit e. rYt.e< s.) ~ ~ ~ ' 1. ( 2 OffSfef.'eb) A PO R C Cha ir n.a n S.s ro t ur e Dat e S. App oval ) D' -j -.'7 $ /' Sia s.c n S upv niendent/ Unit Su;-rint e nda nt Cate ... ~,,., s

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==e* -. w... - -... -. _.... - -.. _ v i. -. g -..... - - - - _.._. -... s4 gy w --.- =

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mie, em,y a.,

ir.- e ene, ee.ds. e.i e 9 4, .e-eg.a. .e. w 4= e .-P es.-. e s-w .i I O -+*_. +. s. e =. s e e-.e- -me, . -.- e ~ <-..== e. n-.eD m e-

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