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Teleconference with National Marine Fisheries Service Regarding Incidental Take of Atlantic Sturgeon at Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 May 4, 2020 TELECONFERENCE DATE April 23, 2020 PARTICIPANTS U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Briana Grange, Conservation Biologist & ESA Consultation Coordinator National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Julie Crocker, Endangered Fish Recovery Branch Chief Lynn Lankshear, Atlantic Sturgeon Coordinator PSEG Nuclear, LLC (PSEG)
Kenneth Strait, Biological Programs Manager David Mannai, Senior Director Regulatory Operations and Nuclear Oversight BACKGROUND In 2014, and as clarified in 2018, NMFS issued a biological opinion that allows for the impingement or collection at the trash bars of a total of 61 dead Atlantic sturgeon, of which 18 may be dead due to impingement at Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 (Salem).
Salem has exceeded the allowable take of dead Atlantic sturgeon causal to plant operations.
The teleconference was scheduled to discuss sturgeon capture trends, PSEG research initiatives, and the need for NRC to reinitiate formal consultation.
TELECONFERENCE NOTES PSEG described recent Atlantic sturgeon capture trends at Salem.
o Sturgeon are typically present from November through April each year.
o PSEG has observed more sturgeon this year. Individuals appear to be lingering in the area for longer. For instance, on April 2, 2020, PSEG collected ~20 Atlantic sturgeon from in front of the trash bars. PSEG also collected 2 individuals this week.
o Local research biologists believe that the individuals captured in 2020 are from the 2017 cohort, which was particularly large.
PSEG described its current research initiatives and efforts to explore technologies that could help minimize future take.
o PSEG has completed a sonar survey of the nearfield river region to obtain sturgeon abundance and distribution data. Initial results indicate that sturgeon are scattered throughout the region and are not aggregating near the intake. The report on this survey is being finalized and should be available within the next several weeks.
o PSEG is exploring real time sonar imaging of the intake. Such technology could assist operators in identifying whether sturgeon are present before initiating trash raking.
Water turbulence and the intake configuration have precluded good imaging thus far, but PSEG may be able to conduct another pilot test next week.
o PSEG will be engaging an engineering firm to evaluate different intake technologies (e.g., modified trash rake, modified trash bars, alternate raking procedures, permanent sonar devices, and other longer range options) that could help minimize future take.
NMFS described results of initial genetic testing of Atlantic sturgeon fin clips collected at Salem.
o Results indicate that not all sturgeon were Delaware River natives. Some sturgeon were from the Hudson River, and other rivers were detected as well.
o Sub-adults from other rivers may be entering non-natal estuaries to over-winter.
o Further genetic testing is underway and will provide more information.
The parties discussed the lacerations and other injury patterns on recently collected sturgeon carcasses.
o PSEG explained that the cause of mortality is difficult to discern. Individuals with obvious puncture wounds or contusions can be attributed to interactions with the trash rakes. Otherwise, PSEG errs on the side of declaring injuries and mortalities causal.
o NMFS has engaged a marine mammal stranding expert to explore whether seal predation may be a factor. Recurring gatherings of sturgeon would attract seals.
Seals tend to thrash their prey around, which may account for the collection of partial carcasses and some of the other observed injury patterns.
NRC and NMFS discussed reinitiation of consultation.
o NRC expressed that it understands reinitiation of formal consultation is necessary because the incidental take limit has been exceeded.
o NMFS recommended that the reinitiation request and biological assessment address what has changed since the 2014 biological opinion. For instance, have operations changed in a manner that is affecting sturgeon differently? Is there new information on the species that indicates that the previous take estimates were wrong? Are the 2020 sturgeon numbers an anomaly or can we expect to see increased numbers in future years as well?
o PSEG reiterated that it will be looking at operational changes that could reduce impacts to sturgeon as part of the engineering firms intake technology assessment.
For instance, what would be the effect of reducing the frequency of trash raking or making raking contingent upon some other trigger?
The NMFS and PSDEG were provided an opportunity to review and comment on this teleconference summary prior to its finalization.
o NMFS noted that during the last consultation, the agencies were not aware that raking could cause injury or mortality. Thus, weekly raking may no longer be a best practice or a good means of monitoring future take. This is a factor that NMFS can consider during the new consultation.
FOLLOW UP ACTIONS NRC will prepare a teleconference summary; send an email to NMFS stating that it intends to reinitiate consultation; and begin preparing the reinitiation request.
NMFS will share the initial results of genetic fin clip testing with the NRC.
NMFS will discuss internally whether there is an avenue to pursue analysis of sturgeon carcasses to obtain additional information on seal predation and the stomach contents of sturgeon collected at Salems trash rakes.
PSEG will continue to adhere to the reasonable and prudent measures (RPMs) and terms and conditions (T&Cs) of the 2014 biological opinion.
PSEG will continue to provide fin clips to NMFS, in accordance with the biological opinion. If NMFS is able to perform carcass testing in the future, PSEG will coordinate with NMFS to transport carcasses to NMFS for such testing.
PSEG will provide a copy of the sonar study report, once finalized, to the NRC and NMFS.
Docket Nos.: 50-272 and 50-311 ADAMS Accession No. ML20125A165