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Provides Requested Status of Items in Encl,Including Several Other Key Items Westinghouse Transmitted
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 07/26/1996
From: Mcintyre B
To: Grimes B
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9608060297
Download: ML20116F266 (4)


7 Westinghouse Energy Systems Ba 355 Electric Corporation Potsburgh Pennsylvania 15230 0355 DCP/NRC0560 July 26,1996 Mr. Brian Grimes Acting Director gp g 3, Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555



Dear Mr. Grimes:

In response to your May 29,1996 letter to Mr Bruschi, Westinghouse has reviewed the list of material provided in the enclosure. The Attachment to this letter provides the requested status of items in that enclosure, including several other key items that Westinghouse has transmitted or will transmit to the NRC as a part of the AP600 design certification review.

During the AP600 Senior management meeting on May 8,1996, the staff expressed a concern that Westinghouse was removing material from the AP600 SSAR that had previously been submitted for staff review. Some of this material was beyond the requirements of the standard review plan. In addition, a significant amount of the material removed from the SSAR was in response to the NRC request to eliminate proprietary information in the SSAR. The staff indicated this had the possibility of causing the staff to re-review some areas to verify that the conclusions reached in the DSER were still valid. Westinghouse agreed that information the staff requires to reach a safety conclusion would be resubmitted in the SSAR.

The May 29,1996 letter indicates that this is not sufficient. In practice, during the weekly phone calls with the Plant Systems branch, Westinghouse has agreed to add several items back into the SSAR at the staff's request. The Plant Systems branch staff participating in the phone calls have not indicated any problems with the sufficiency of this approach. Therefore, Westinghouse and our program sponsors believe that it is preferable to have only the information in the SSAR that the staff required to make the safety determination and not have extraneous information contained in the SSAR, which will eventually become Tier 2 of the design control document. Discussions with other branches do not indicated that they have any problems with this approach. As noted in the minutes from the May 8,1996 senior management meeting, Westinghouse recognizes the possibility that this approach may result in extra review effort on the staff's part.


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2m L. Q 9600060297 960726 g PDR ADOCK 05200003 g A PDR  ;

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DCP/NRC0560 July 26,1996


A's discussed at the July 17,1996 senior management meeting, Westinghouse will provide the j NRC staff with a current copy of the AP600 Open Item Tracking System (OITS) database that provides the Westinghouse status of the open items in the AP600 design certification review and j the roadmap to where the open items have been closed out. This update was provided on July j 19, 1996. It is expected that the submittal of Revision 9 of the SSAR on July 31,1996 will formally close out several hundred open items. A comprehensive OITS update will be provided 1 in early August to reflect the SSAR Revision 9 submittal. We will also include a status of the issue specific submittals with that submittal.


1 This SSAR revision and the roadmap will allow us to focus on closing the few remaining open

items and will permit the staff to go forward with developing the AP600 final safety evaluation

! report. ,

f Recognizing that there may be some hard spots, we are prepared to discuss work-arounds, i prioritization, and key issues as the specifics are identified.

i I will contact you to further discuss review priorities and the approaches to be employed to j achieve our mutual goals.

l Brian A. McIntyre, Manager l Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing .

i /nja j cc: 11. J. Bruschi - E W. T. Russell - NRC l

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Key Westinghouse Submittal Status -

Taak Description Due Date submitted MRC S/29/96 Status W 7/26/96 Status .

Revisim 5 to the SSAR 2/29/96 2/29/96 Chapter 15 suhn4tted without he appendices containing the accident evaluation models were removed from the SSAR (Revision 51 in necident evaluation models support of DSER Open Item 1.1-1 and reduces the amou-a of proprietary information contained in the SSAR.

(subsequently sutaitted by W The accident evaluation models were reissued, without chang *, in a topacal report on March 20 (996. This letter dated March 20, 19967.

  • redistribution
  • of previously auteitted information does not constitute a submittal slippage.

Also, Chapter 1 % was not updated to provide correct Chapter 15A was not scheduled for revision in SSAR Revision 5 due to the ongoing discussions between NRC source term information. staff, ACRS and Westinghouse on the revision to 10 CFR Part 100 which affect the source term models in (Sutaitted in Rev. 7) Chapter 15A. Upon completion of these discussions a revision was issued.

Revision 5 of the SSAR included sections 1.1 1.3. 2.1-2.5, 2A, 2B, 2C. 3.5, 3.9 3.1G 3C, 3D, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1-5.4. 6.0, 6.2. 6.3, 6 4. 6.6 7.1-7.4, 7.6, 7.7 9.1, 10.1. 10.2, 15.1-15.8, and 17.1-17 3 Revtskon 6 to the SSAR 3/29/96 4 2/9G Missing chapter 16.2 (PAP) Revision 6 of the SSAR included sections 3.4. 4.2, 6.2, 6.5, 8.3 9.2, 10.4 and 11.2-11.5 (outmitted in rev 7 see belowl Revision ' to t he SSAR 4/30/96 Revision 7 cf the SSAR ircluded sections 1.2, 1.6-1.9. 1A, 2A, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 3.6-3.10, 3A. 3B, 3E, 3 F, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 7.2, 7.3, 7.5. 8.2. 8.3. 9.1, 7.3 9.4, 9.5, 10.3, 11.1-11.3, 12.2-12.4, 13.1-13.6 15A. 16 2 and 17 1-17.3 Revasion s to the SSAR 6.21/96 Revision 8 of the SSAR included sections 2A. 3.2. 1.9. 3.11, 95, 9A. 11.2, 11 3 Revision 9 to the SSAR 7/31/96 devision 9 of the SSAR will include revisim. to the following sections: 1.9, lA, 3.7 3.9, 5.2. 5.4, 7.2, 9.2, 10 4, 11.1-11.4, 12.4. 13. 14 15 1. 42.2. 15.3 15.4. 15 7 16.1. 18.1-19.12

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westinghouse infermation 3/29/96 3/27/96 Still need supporting flow Flow test da'a was obtained for revised grid design included in Revision 6 of the SSAR. h is data has for resolutica of Yantage (partiali test data been evalustr $ and confirmation has been obtained that the DNB correlation is applicable to the revised su issues grid design. Data evaluatien was sutwitted on June 21. 1996. All Chapter 4 suini t t els compl et ed .

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gee 7 4 1metegggatatism and Cemkteli Instrumentation Serpoint 4/30/96 5/9r96 All Chapter 7 sutwittals completed.


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  • W 'eN opesettoms

- A vulnerability Analysis Not a schedule item in Vulner eility analysis was sutaitted 7/8/96.

Westinghouse letters.

however, needed to support review of 8/95 Security Design Report Chapter 16 E 1mitial Test Program Dr a f t abstracts ter the 3/29/96 4/16/96 Meeting held 4/18/96 with Schedule called f or sutmittal of ptsased draf t sutaittal of Chapter 14 sections. Meetings end discussions startup. const ruct ion ard (partiell estinghouse. Wree systems with NRC staff have identified the need for sutmittal of complete Chapter 14 tys. phased sutnittal) and preyrational test for preop phase provided. have provided needed clarification on scope and content. A draft of chapter 14 was sutmitted July 15, program

  • New schedule for remaining 1996. Final Chapter 14 revision to be incorporated into SSAR Revision 9 (July 31, 1996).

items not establish *d.

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Rettetility Assurance 3/29/96 5/1/96 Sutaitted in Revision 7 to NRC coeunents on SSAR section 16.2 received in July 1, 1996 letter.

Pr g ram ISSAR 16 27 the SSAR.

Technical Specification 4/30/96 5<3/96 Does not contain Technical Specifications scheduled for completion by July 31, 1996 (SSAR Revision 9).

Appsoach Paper (partiall justification on uring 3.0.3 l es safe shutdnwn end state.


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^ Chapter $$'= Emman'fa-tors Engimmering' ,

OER Report sutsattal 4/12/96 5/14/96 Draft Feport Draft suteitted and discussed at 5/22/96 meeting with staff. Sutwittal of final OER report tied to receipt of NRC review comunents which were due mid July. Final Chapter 18 revision scheduled for July 31.

1996 (SSAR Revision 91.

W*stanghouse Response to 4/12/96 Issues under discussion. Final Chapter 18 revision scheduled for July 31, 1996 (SSAR Revision 96. Supporting tepical reports to be Remaining ct. 14 Pn issued by August 30, 1996 I t er.s

s Test Descripties Due Date S M tted NRC 5/29/96 States W 7/26/94 status g g, u,; m a m , w g g ,-

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  • W.NHC sgree on acceptoble 3/29/96 Westinghouse proposal resolution path for IVR discussed with staff on 5/3/96- E.z-vessel analysis e approach agreed too with the exception of hydrogen.

Discuselons continuing in this area.

Sutma t EUE Peport on in- 4/9/96 Not sutari t t ed, Report for Report to be issuad by DOE in July 1996.

vessel Steam Explosions peer teview to be issued by DOE mad $le of Juna Fire Risk Analysts 5/3/96 Not sulmitted. Report At-power fire risk analysis nutmitted June 14, 1996 Shutdown fire risk analysis scheduled for August 15, delayed. at power portion due 1996 end of June, Shutdown portion expected and of July, ppa PPA Revision 7 issued June 28, 1996 and included level 1 at-power and shutdown FRA chapters, the sensitivity analysis chapter, and the internal fire at-power analysis chapter. Revision 8 is scheduled for August 10. 1996.

Chapter 31

  • 9est Pasgrams '

PRMR Test Report Revision 4/15/96 R v rt delayed, 8/31/96 Scheduled for 8/31/96.

tentative new schedule sealing Closure poport 5.9/96 Report delayed, new schedule Scope and content of report expanded following discussions with NRC staf f and ACRS. Report incorporating not established expanded scope scheduled for suteittal by August 15, 1996 wee 31 - -

19?Nt19tP Benchmar ks & G2 4/30/96 Benchmark delayed due to Ceeparisons to level swell tests scheduled for suteittal by September 17, 1996. Benchmark calculations unforeseen results. scheduled for sutmittal by December 2. 1996. Final VLV report scheduled for December, 1996.

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Mistng and itt r at i f tcat ion 4/15/96 Not sutmitted Report sutaitted July 1, 1996. D- cal Applications Peport scheduled for sutmittal by August 31, 1996.

Deset t (1stft Agriteet icca PPrt Char *etI wat er coverage tDraft 4/30 96 L 15/96 Report sulmitted May 15, 1996 Final Applications Report scheduled fer suinittal by August 31, 1996 Appi teat torts Depor t Charter 1

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Sute s t Pilot ITAAC li29 96 New tarJet date mid$le of Three pilot ITAAC submitted June 4, 1996. Remaining ITAAC scheduled for sutmittal August 31, 1996.

May. Three systems to be Preliminary comunents on priot ITAAC provided in letter dated June 2"P, 1996.

supplied (Normal RHR, PCS, an s . nnn-lE tr 1H1

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Diest an-7 h tNse response to 4/24/96 Not sutmitted Pemponses scheduled for surmittal by er15/96.

pess twe aut xat alyt ie s ecolut tner sequests for a.iis t tonsi informatton

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