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Forwards List of Open Issues Under Consideration for Implementation of Generic Ltr 84-08,per NRC 850213 Request. Resolution of Issues W/O Submittal to NRC for Review Under Backfit Procedure Desired
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 03/12/1985
From: Woolever E
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
2NRC-5-044, 2NRC-5-44, GL-84-08, GL-84-8, NUDOCS 8503180170
Download: ML20112A119 (2)





'Af ouquesne uct este)9234 960 Nuclear Construction Division Robinson Plaza, Building 2. Suite 210 elecon W 2) 787-2629 P.ttsburgh, PA 15205 March 12, 1985 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 ATTENTION: Mr. Harold R. Denton Of fice of 5 mlear Reactor Regulation


Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-412 Additional Backfit issues Centlemen:

Your February 13, 1985, letter to John M. Arthur requested us to identify those issues known by DLC at this time which we have under consider-ation for implementation of Generic Letter 84-08. We have attached a list of open issues which a e presently being discussed with your staf f. Wa hope to resolve these issues without the necessity to submit them for review under the 84-08 backfit procedure.


By m .g. .

E. (/. Woolever Vice President GLB/wjs Attachment cc: Mr. G. W. Knighton, Chief (w/a)

Mr. T. H. Novak, Assistant Director (w/a)

Mr. B. K. Singh, Project lianager (w/a)

Mr. H. L. Thompson. Director (w/a)

Mr. G. Walton, NRC Resident inspector (w/a) 8503180170 850312 A

PDR ADOCK 05000412 PDR


Backfit Issues Primary / Secondary Stresses - The applicable ASME codes for BVPS-2 do not require consideration of seismic anchor motion and thermal expansion as sources of primary stresses. They have not been considered as such on BVPS-2 and appropriate technical justification has been provided to the NRC. This item is a new interpretation of 10CFR50.55(a) A SME c ode requirements.

Soil-Structure Int eract ion - NRR would like free field ground sur f ace motion to be applied at the foundation of plant structures, neglecting ef fects of soil surrounding the below-ground portions of buildings. This would not only result in significant seismic reanalysis in some cases will result in underconservatism and conflicts with GDC 2.

Seismic Design Response Spectra - The spectra used to design BVPS-2 were approved by NRR at the PSAR stage. Although the spectra have been shown to meet current NRC guidance as well, the NRC has not given approval and continues to request further justifications. Since DLC has demonstrated conformance with the underlying requirements of the SRP and since the scaf f position in the CP SER was to accept the seismic design response s pe ct ra , additional analyses requested of DLC would be interpreted as a changi in staff position and would constitute a backfit.


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