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Forwards Methodology Used to Reduce Meteorology Data & Info Re Exclusion Area Boundary (Eab) Changes,Per 850115 Meeting & 0118 Telcon.Rearrangement of Eab Should Close Out Open Items 26,28 & 29.Next FSAR Amend Will Include Eab Changes
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 02/01/1985
From: Woolever E
To: Knighton G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
2NRC-5-015, 2NRC-5-15, NUDOCS 8502050150
Download: ML20101R956 (8)


. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


'Af Nuclear Construction Div6sion 2Nlggp),3,,

(412)923 1960 Telecopy (4f 2) TsT 2629 Robinson Plaza, sullding 2, Suite 210 Pittsburgh, PA 1620s February 1, 1985 United States Neclear Regulatory Conunission Washington, DC 20555 ATTENTION: Mr. George W. Knighton, Chief Licensing Branch 3 Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-412 BV-2 Meteorological Data Reduction Methodology Exclusion Area Boundary Changes and Open Items 26, 28, and 29 Gentlemen:

As discussed in a meeting with the staf f on January 15,1985, and in a subsequent phone call on January 18, 1985, the methodology used to reduce Meteorology Data (Attachment 1) and the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) changes (A tt achment 2) are enclosed. The meteorological data reduction methodology was used to digitize the 1976 and 1977 atrip chart wir.d speed data. The EAB for BV-2 will be increased to a 2000 f t. radius centered on Unit I contain-ment with an additional area extending to the North Shore of the Ohio River in the Northwest and North Northwest sectors. This increase in the EAB will ef fectively reduce x/q values and associated doses to individuals at the EAB to less than part 10CFR100 guidelines. This rearrangement of the EAB should then, after staff review, close out Open Items 26 (x/q), 28 (Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant DBA), and 29 (Radiological Consequences of Control Rod Ejection DBA). The EAB changes will be incorporated into the next FSAR amendment.

If you have any questions, please contact T. J. Zog1mann at (412) 787-5141.


By i E . i/J . Woo le v u r Vlee President TJZ/wja At tachme nt cc: Mr. B. K. Singh, Project Manager (w/t.)

Mr. G. Walton, NRC Resident Inspector (w/a)


19 TTKhmter /.


  • BVPS-2 METEOROLOGICAL DATA REDUCTION METHODOLOGY The onsite meteorological data base used in the design basis accident X/Q calculations consists of 35-f t wind speed and wind direction and 150-35 f t AT fo r the years 1976-1980. Within this period, the data for the years 1976 and 1977 were recorded on analog strip charts and the data for 1978-1980 were recorded by computer using an analog to digital converter. Therefore, the data base is a mixture of analog and digital data.

The wind speed data for the years 1976 and 1977 were originally reduced manually by examining 15 minutes of analog trace centered on each hour and estimating the sverage wind speed by eye using the equal area method (as much trace above as below a straight line). Upon examining the 1976 and 1977 wind speed data, a very strong bias toward 0.5 mph increments introduced by this

" eyeball" reduction technique was detected, although the data were reported to the nearest 0.1 mph. In order to remove this bias and obtain a more accurate and obje ctive data base, a vendor (ENVIR0 DATA CORP.) was subcontracted to electronically digitize the strip charts using a full hour (or at le a s t 15 minutes, whichever was greater) of analog trace. Before sending the strip charts to the vendor, an experienced meteorologist examined each strip chart for missing analog data and indications of bad traces wh ich should not be digitized.

After the strip chart s were edited for missing and bad wind spe ed traces, a detailed scope of work was prepared for the vendor to electronically digitize the strip charts. This scope of work included the following require-ments which were adhered to by the vendor:

' the analog strip charts were digitized to an accuracy of 10.1 mph

  • data reduction and compilation were in accordance with R.G.1.23 and SRP 2.3.2, Rev. 1
  • hourly averages for continuous trace were determined using a minimum of 12 points per hour equally spaced across the hour, and more points were read when values changed rapidly
  • hourly averages were computed only if at least 15 minutes of reliable data were available
  • a minimum of 14 percent of all data on a chart was redigitized as an indicator of ac cur acy , such that a difference of 10.5 percent of full scale between the mean daily average wind s peeds required a complete redigitization of that chart
  • a written Quality Assurance (QA) program was submitted prior to the start of work The electronically-digltised data bass produced by Envirodata contains 140 fewer valid wind speeds than the manually-reduced data. There are several f actors that explain the dif ference in the number of valid wind speeds appear-ing in the two data bases. In some cases, a valid !nd speed trace appears within but not centered on the hour, such that the manual reduction technique recorded the wind speed as missing and the electronic digitization procedure In provided a value based on at least 15 minutas of trace within the hour.

.other cases, a wind speed trace is missing between exact hours (e.g., between hours 10:00 and 11:00) but appears just af ter the exact hour (11:00) such that the manual method applied that portion of the trace to , hour 11 while the However, the primary reason electronic method recorded no value for hour 11.

for fewer wind speeds in the electronically-digitized data base is that the original- data base contains substituted extrapolated wind speeds from higher tower levels for missing data at 35 f t or substituted control room chart data when missing on the tower chart recorder. Making data substitutions during the electronic digitization process was not cons idered because the data recovery for that year was already acceptable at 90 percent.

The digital portion of the BVPS-2 meteorological data base was produced by . a computerized data processing system which collects and reduces data on a real-time basis. This system utilizes a Digital The Equipment Corporation PDP-8/E meteorological data were averaged 12-bit minicomputer for this . purpose .

for four 15-minute samples each hour with the sampling rate for each parameter approximately four times per second. Standard statistical equations were used to compute the 15-minute average values from- the instantaneous values, wh ich were then averaged to obtain hourly values.

In ad di tion , port ions of the 1980 digital wind speed data which were missing' had later been filled in with analog strip chart data using the eyeball reduction technique. These periods of analog data, which amounted to approximately four days, were also electronically digitized by Envirodata Corp.

to remove the human bias in the recorded wind speeds.

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svockawr 2, BVPS-2 FSAR CHAPTER 2

' THE SITE 2.1 GEOGRAPHY AND DEMOGRAPHY 2.1.1 Site Location and Description Specification of Location

.The Beaver Valley Power ' Station (BVPS) is located in Shippingport

. Borough, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, on the south bank of the Ohio River. The site is approximately 1 mile southeast of Midland, Pennsylvania, 5 miles east of East Liverpool, Ohio. and approximately 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The coordinates of E the Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 2 (BVPS-2) reactor containment j are -40 degrees 37 minutes 23 seconds north and 80 degrees 25 minutes ,

5'l seconds west; the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates are '

'548,010 meters east and 4,496,890 meters north. Figure 2.1-1 shows the general site location. Site Area Map p

The 'BVPS site contains approximately.501 acres including 26 acres of right-of-way. .Approximately 479.5 acres are owned by the Duquesne Light Company (DLC) and 21.5 acres are owned jointly by the Central

' Area Power Coordinating Group (CAPCO) pool members as tenants-in-common without right- of partition. Immediately to the west of the BVPS-2 reactor location, and also onsite, are Beaver Valley Power -

Station - Unit 1 (BVPS-1) and the Shippingport Atomic Power Station' (SAPS). The SAPS is managed by DLC for the Division ,of Naval Reactors, U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE). The SAPS terminated operations october 1, 1982'and is scheduled for decommissioning by the' USDOE.. The SAPS area .is leased by DLC to the USDOE. The e Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has a right-of-way across the eastern end of the site on' which a portion of Pennsylvania l Route 168,' including the. southerly approach to the' Shippingport Bridge, is located. Local site topography, site boundary, and exclusion area are s h wn on Figure 2.1-2, and the general ' site plan is shown on Figure 1.2-1.

y ' Boundaries far Establishing Effluent Release Limits 2,000 s&L TheA sclusion area is defined by aWfoot radius around t he containment building and extending in part to the north shore g ~ BVPS of the Ohio River (Figure 2.1-2). The exclusion area provides the basis for the Technical Specification limits.on gaseous effluents and meets the requirements of 10 CFR 100. The BVPS-2 gaseous releases

'will occyr at the containment building, at the BVPS-1 cooling tower, and at the auxiliary building and turbine building ventilation vents.

The shortest distance to the site boundary from the BVPS-2 2.1-1 July 1983 Amendment 2


.. )

containment building is approximately 1,500 feet. The nearest occupied residence is located approximately 2,323 feet from the centerpoint._ of the BVPS-1,and BVPS-2 reactor containment locations.

Within;the. site boundary there is a residence located on a 1 acre parcel ,nott. owned by DLC (Figure 2.1-2). The residence is located approximately 4,000 feet SSW of the BVPS-2 containment.

Boundaries for establishing effluent release limits are defined and controlled as required by 10 CFR 20 to ensure that individuals are

, protected from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials. The

- description of the restricted area boundary required by this section should be understood to_ be that presently approved for use in the Radiological Control Manual established for BVPS. The Radiological control Manual describes how access to any areas required under this )


section is controlled for radiation protection purposes, including monitoring of access to these areas.

' 2.1.2-; Exclusion Area Authority and control y ,-,. __

"1 y,% _ . Authority

.g_ I ,

A 150 foot radius - around the BVPSHf)containmentbuildingandan


extension to,the north shore .of the Ohio River constitutes the 9995-1 exclusion area (Figure 2.1-2) as defined by 10 CFR 100.3(a). The Dravo- Corporation, owner of Phillis Island which is located approximately .400 feet off the shoreline from BVPS,' agreed in 1955 .

"C'St" not' to_ use or permit = the use of the land for any structure, place, or- ff'hi

& ;d area where. the public at large can assemble. An updated agreement, fs

/J~~- binding on Dravo Corporation or'on any future purchaser or leasee

extended the expiration date to 2010 and further delineates and

. restricts the uses which can be made.of the island.-

The Applicant owns all other land within the exclusion area, a, including the mineral rights to it and SAPS, which is leased from the Applicant by the USDOE.

A Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) right-of-way on the site is approximately.400 feet from the BVPS-2 containment at 'its closest point. The line is controlled- by DLC and its use is limited to servicing SAPS and BVPS-1 and BVPS-2. The' Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has- a right-of-way across the . eastern end of the.

property on which a portion of Pennsylvania Route 168, the southerly approach to the Shippingport-Bridge, is located. . Route 168 from the south follows along the northeast and east corner .of the site and, crossing the.Shippingport Bridge, joins St;te Highway 68. Control of Activities Unrelated to Plant Operation As required by.10 CFR 100.3(a) and-as discussed in the BVPS Emergency.

- Preparedness Plan referenced in Section 13.3, the Applicant has control of removal of personnel and property from the exclusion area.

-Amendment 2 2.1-2. July 1983' 7*mq=rreF'dy " grPTm+>M*gr$ TF3 WW-We 3 9"W"" NMN'hP W *FC5*P4"N'*8N'"W--



. i, TABLE 2.3-38 0.5 PERCENT SECTOR-DEPENDENT 0- TO 2-HOUR x/Q VALUES l AT THE EXCLUSION AREA BOUNDARY 0- to 2-Hour X/Q Downwind Sector Downwind Distance *(meters) (x 103 sec/m3) 0.88 I N 457 NNE 457 0.50 NE 457 0.33 ENE 457 0.26 E 457 0 4 ESE i 490 0.23 ,lo SE 550 .18 SSE ~- I 45 bl5 0.28 .t i S 69s (OTiD .t &

SSW rss SW 780 ((n 0.75) sal.3.ts 0

WSW ( 457) 7 / O I 1.01) ,4y W M GIO- 6~401.45 1.40 WNW 558 NW 547 1.44 NNW 547 1.06 0-R '

547 1.44 l Worst (NW) k /./d l 5% overall site X /Q value NOTE:

j 1 of 1 mber 198 hendment ,

BVPS-2 FSAR TABLE 2.3-38a .

l FIFTY PERCENT SECTOR-DEPENDENT 0- TO 2-HOUR y/Q VALUES i AT THE EXCLUSION AREA BOUNDARY 0- to 2-Hour aX/9 Downwind Sector Downwind Distance *(meters) (x 10' sec/m )

l N 457 2.88 .



NNE 457 1.67 NE' 457 1.40 ENE 457' 1.12 SE 3f # 90 .Ao SE 457. 5 50 1.03 t .71, SSE 457 /, /S 1.60 07 S 457 695 0.82 .V/

SSW 457 755 0.17 ,o/

SW 457 7BO 2.14

.. WSW 457 7/O 2.49 k.56

/, /S W _480 /o/O J 4.78} S.2/

WNW 558 8. 1 NW 547 9.41 9,9/ ,..

NNW 547 5.03 1, ;.

[ Worst (NW) 647 9.91 50% overall site /,3/

y/Q value NOTE:


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