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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test, Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station Unit II for Period 920401-06
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1992
Shared Package
ML20099H044 List:
NUDOCS 9208180105
Download: ML20099H052 (78)




TABLE OF CONTENIS PAGE TABLE'AND FIGURES'INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ......... 4 A. IEST PREPARATIONS A.1 Type A Test Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A.2 Type A Test Instrumentation. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 4 A.2.a. Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 A.2.b. Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 8

.A.2.c. Vapor Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A.2.d. Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A 3 Type A Test Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 9 A.4 Type A Test Pressurization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 10 B. TEST.BETH00 B.1' Basic Technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 B.2 Supplemental Verification Test . . . . . . . .... . . 13 B.3 Instrument Error Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 C. SE00ENCE OF EVENTS C.1 Test Preparation Chronology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 C.2 Test Pressurization and~ Stabilization Chronology . . . . . 15 C.3 Measured Leak Rate Phase Chronology. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 C.4 Retest Preparation Chronology, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 C.b Retest Pressurization and' Stabilization Chronology . . . . 16 C.6 Retest.Heasured Leak Rate Phase Chronology . . . . . . . . 16 C.7 Induced Leakage Phase Chronology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 C.8 Depressurization Phase Chronology. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

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1 laBLE_DT CONTENTS LCDUIlHUED1 EAGE D. TYPE A' TEST DATA D.1-Heasured Leak Rate Phase Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 D.2 Induced Leakage Phase Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 E. IEST__ CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 F. TYPE A TEST RESULTS F.1 Measured Leak Rate Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 F.2 Induced Leakage Test Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 F.3 Pre-Operational Results vs.. Test Results. . . . . . . . . . 34 f.4 Type A Test ' nalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 F.5 Evaluation of Instrument failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 F.6 As-Found-Type A Test Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 APPENDIX A TYPE B AND C TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 APPENDIX.B: TEST CORRECTION FOR-SUMP LEVEL CHANGES . . . . . . 45 APPENDIX'C:  : COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 APPENDIX D INSTRUMENT ERROR ANALYSIS . . . . . . - . . . . 62

. APPENDIX E- BN-TOP-1. REV. 1-ERRAIA ............. 68 APPENDIX F- TYPE A TEST RESULTS USING MASS-PLOT. . . . . . .. 73 METHOD (ANS/ ANSI _56.8) ncs w. -

P JABLES AND FIGURES _.IFJ)f.X P. AGE TABLE 1 Instrument Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

. TABLE 2 Sensor Physical Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

-TABLE 3 Heasured Leak Rate Phase-Test . Its. , . . . . . . . 19

-TABLE 4 Induced leakage Phase Test Results . . . . . . . . . . 20 FIGURE 1 Idealized View of Drywell and Torus. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Used to Calculate Free Air Volumes FIGURE 2 Measurement System Schematic Arrangement . . . . . . . 11 FIGURE 3 Measured Leak Rate Phase - Graph of Calculated . . . . 21 Leak Rate and Upper Confidence. Limit FIGURE 4 Measured Leak Rate Phase - Graph of .........22 Dry Air Pressure FIGURE 5 Measured Leak Rate Phase - Graph of Volume . . . . . . 23

-Weighted Average Containment Vapor Pressure FIGURE 6 Heasured-LeakLRate Phase .- Graph of Volume . . ... . . 24

-Heighted Average Containment Temperature FIGURE '7 -Induced Leakage Phase - Graph of Calculated. . . . . . 25 Leak Rate FIGURE 8 Induced Leakage Phase - Graph of Volume. . . . . . . , . 26 Heighted Average Containment Temperature FIGURE 9 Inder.ed Leakage Phase - Graph of Volume. . . . . . . . 27 Heighted Average Containment Vapor Pressure-FIGURE 10 Induced Leakage Phase'- Graph of . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Dry. Air Pressure


FIGURE 11 Graph of Reactor Water Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

-Through Testing Period FIGURE-12 Graph of Torus Hater Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

'Through Testing Period l-l n.m m E _ . . _ _ . . _ ~-. _


11tIR00Um0N This report presents-the test method and results of the Integrated. Primary Containment Leak Rate Test (IPCLRT) successfully performed on April 1 - 6, 1992 at Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station, Unit Two. The test was performed in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, and-the Quad-Cities Unit Two Technical Specifications.

For the seventh time at Quad Cities.a short duration test (less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> was conducted using the general test method outlined in BN-TOP-1, Revision 1 (Bechtel Corporation Topical Report) dated November 1, 1972. The first short duration test was conducted on Unit One in December, 1982.

Using the above test method, the total primary containment integrated leak rate was calculated to be 0.1764 wt %/ day at a test pressure greater than 48 PSIG. The calculated leak rate was within the 0.750 wt %/ day acceptance criteria (75% of L).

A The associated upper 95% confidence limit was 0.2458 wt %/ day.

The supplemental induced leakage test result was calculated to be 1.0593 wt

- %/ day. This value should compare with the sum of the measured leak rate phase result (0.1764 wt %/ day) and the induced leak of 8.5 SCFM (1.0339 wt %/ day). The calculated leak rate of.1.0593 wt %/ day lies within the allowable tolerance band of 1.2103-wt %/ day 1 0.250 w' %/ day.

SECTION A - TEST PREPARATIONS A.1 Iyoe A Test Procedure The IPCLRT was performed in ac ordance with Quad-Cities Procedures QCTS 500-1 Rev. O, QCTS 500-2 through -6, and procedure QCTP 500-3. Approved temporary procedure 7699 was written in conjunction with the test. Procedure 7699 was written to revise the operations pretest checklist. This temporary procedure corrected _ typographical errors identified in the line-up.

i These procedures were written to comply with 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, ANS/ ANSI N45.4-1972, and Quad-Cities Unit Two Technical Specifications, and to reflect the Commission's approval of a short duration test using the BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1 Topical Report as a general _ test' method.

A.2 Iyge A Test Instrumentation Table One shows the specifications for the instrumentation utilized in the i IPCLRT. Table Two lists the physical _ locations of the temperature and humidity l _ sensors'within the primary containment. Figure 1 is an idealized view of the l~ drywell.and suppression chamber used to calculate the primary containment free air l subvolumes._' Instrumentation calibrations were performed using NBS traceable

! standards. Quad Cities procedure QCTS 500-2 was used to perform the calibration.

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. Pressure - 10141-2 r0.015% Rdg.

Gauges (21 Volumetrics 0.4 - 100 PSIA


PPM-1000 10255-2 10.005% F.S. 0.001% F.S.

SEE TABLE-Thermistors (30) Volumetrics 418905000 Two 50' - 135'F 0.25'T 0.01*F SEE Lithium TABLE

  • Dewcells (10) .Volumetrics Chloride TWO 93-212*F 0.25'r 0.01*F ,

Pall Trinity .,

Thermocouple Micro- 14-T-2H 0-600'F t2.0*F .1*F ,

Fischer floweter & Porter 10A35555 8405A0348A1 1.15-11.10 scfm t.111 scfm l


Indicator 5551113CAA LT 1.-6468 GEMAC 3AAA 0-60" H 2O


4 i

TECH 364 i

s TABLE TH0 SENSOR PHYSICAL LOCATIONS IliERMISIIILNQt SERIALNV6sEB SUDYOLUME ELEVAIJ0ti AZlMUIli' 1 11 1 670'0" 180' 2 16 1 670'0" 0' 3 21 2 657'0" 20' 4 8 2 657'0" 197*

5 12 3 639'0" 70' 6 19 3 639'0" 255' 7 22 4(Annular Ring) 643'0" 55' 8 15 4 615'0" 225' 9 23 5 620'0" 5' 10 10533-12 5 620'0" 100*

11 00 5 620'0" 220' 12 7 6 608'0" 40' 13 10533-9 6 608'0" 130' 14 18 6 608'0" 220' 15 9 6 608'0" 310' 16 10602-26 7 598'0" 70' 17 10602-21 7 598'0" 160*

18 10602-4 7 598'0" 250' 19 10602-35 7 598'0" 340*

20 10602-15 8 587'0" 10' 21 10602-34 8 587'0" 100' 22 11340-12 8 587'0" 190' 23 10602-17 8 587'0" 280' 24 10602-19 9(CR0 Space) 595'0" 170' 25 10602-24 9(CRD Space)) 580'0" 170' 26 10602-31 10(Torus) 570'0 70*

27 10602-18 10(Torus) 578'C" 140' 28 10602-16 10(Torus) 578'0" 210' 29 17 10(Torus) 57P'0" 280' 30 6 10(Torus) 578 3" 350' Theimocouple (inlet to 11(Rx Vessel) clean-up HX)

DEHCELLJ02 SERIALHUMBER SUBYOLUME ELEVAIl01i AllBUIB 1 1050292 1 670'0" 180' 2 1000292 2,3,4 653'0" 90' 3 1070292 2,3,4 653'0" 270' 4 0930292 5 620'0" 0*

5 0990292 6 605'0" 45' 6 0980292 7 600'0" 220' 7 0960292 8,9 591'0" 0' 8 0900292 8,9 591'0" 202' 9 0870292 10 578'0" 90*

10 0910292 10 578'0" 270*

Thernoccuple (Saturated) 11 --- ---

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Idea 113ed Vied of Drywell and Torus Used to Calculate free Volumes

- 37'0" x 36'.- a _ 6, , , ,. .

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A.2.a. legenture The location of the 30 thermistor's was chosen to avoid conflict with local temperature variations and thermal influence from metal structures. A temperature survey of the containment was previously performed to verify that the sensor locations were representative of average subvolume conditions.

The Thermistors are hermetically sealed, glass encapsulated units manufactured by YSI Inc. These sensors have a recommended operating range ,

between -110 and 390 degrees F. -A stability of better than 0.018 degrees F )

per ten months can be expected when the Units are stored at or below 212  !

dtgrees F. Interchangeable Thermistors, model 41890500 were chosen. YS!  !

certifies each sensor to follow the same Resistance verses Temperature curve within 0.1 degrees F over the range of 50 to 135 degrees f.

Each sensor is connected to a signal conditioning card. The Thermistor resistance is converted by this card to a known voltage. The voltage output from the to 4 is a f unction of the resistance. The Thermistor's change in resistance a temperature is very nonlinear.

Therefore, the variation of output voltage with temperature is nonlinear.

In order to allow direct reading of temperature values from the DAS, two sixth order polynominal curve fits are programmed into the DAS's EPROMs. As recommended in ANS 56.8, D e DAS output and display has a resolution of 0.0' degrees F.

A.2.b. Ereiture Two Volumetrics PPM-1000 Precision Pressure Monitors were uttilzed to measure total _ containment pressure. Each precision pressure gauge was calibrated from 0.4-100.0 PSIA. Primary containment pressure was sensed by the pressure gauges in parallel through a tygon tube connected to pressure taps associated with the Unit Two CAM return to drywell penetration.

Each instrument contains a pressure-sensing element that delivers an electrical frequency (in the applied pressure) to a microprocessor circuit. The microprocessor corrects the signal for nonlinearity, offset, scaling, and temperature effects and displays the. corrected pressure value on a 5-1/2 digit LED readout, m,4 m L

. -_- . - . - . _ - - --__ - _-. - - --- - -- --- - ~_- - -

The sensor is the vibrating cylinder type. The cylinder is a vibrating mechanical system, A vacuum reference in maintained on the outside of the cylluder. The pressure differential across the wall creates stress on the )

wall varying the natural resonant frequency of vibration. The resonant  !

frequency depends upon the physical properties of the element such as mass, stress, elasticity, dimensions and temperature. The cylinder is made from a special nickel tron alloy, and closely controlled manaufacturing techniques eliminate mass, dimension, and elasticity effects. Temperature is measured using a calibrated diode and corrected by the microprocessor.

The sensor's electronic circuit conditions the frequency wave and sends it to the pulse rate converter board which counts the period. The period is sent in a 16-bit word to the microprocessor controlled panel meter (HPH). ,

The sensor's temperature sensing diode voltage is converted to a 15-bit digital signal using the analog-to-digital converter in the MPM. The pressure is calculated by the HPH and displayed in appropriate units on the 5-1/2 digit seven-segment LED display.

Each PPH-1000 was calibrated from 0.40-100.0 PSIA oy Volumetrics on January 29, 1992.

A.2.c. Yapor Pres.sure Ten lithium chloride dewcells were used to detarmine the partial pressure due to water vapor in the containment. The dewcells were calibrated by Volumetrics on February 25, 1992.

A,2.d. Llow A rotameter flowmeter, Fischer-Porter serial number 8405A0348A1, was used for the flow measurement during the induced leakage phase of the IPCLRT. The

, flowmeter was calibrated by Fischer-Porter on December 3, 1991, to wtthin 117.

of full scale (0.9 - 11.4 SCFH) using NBS traceable standards, to st:,iard atmospheric conditions.

Plant personnel continuously monitored the flow during the induced leakage phase and corrected any minor deviations from the induced flow rate of 8.5 SCFM by adjusting a 3/8" needle valve on the flowmeter inlet. The floy meter outlet was unrestricted and vented to the atmosphere.

A.3 Iyne A Teit HeaSutement The IPCLRT was performed utilizing a direct interface with the station prime computer. This system consists of a Data Acquisition System (DAS) and a multiplexer in containment.

Upon initiation of dqta scquisition cycle, the DAS reads the selected OPERATE node of single, continuous, or interval, and either block or sequentia'; scan. Once the system has determined wh'ch channels to scan (user-defined), it addresses the analog scanner to sila:t the first channel for sampling' This address information (three BCD & f.ts from the Printer / Scanner Interface Card) is transmitted at RS-232C voltage levels.

t ncs a.

i The scanner selects the channel and routes the analog signal to the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) housed in the DAS. After a relay stabilizing time of approximately ten milliseconds, the Central Processing Card (CPU) initiates the ADC. Although the ADC is capable of 20 conversions per second, the actual scan rate is 10 per second because the CPU has numerous other functions to perform.

Upon conversion request, the ADC resets and selects a 0.lV or 1.0V full scale conversion factor as designated by the CPU. The CPU is then interrupted by the ADC to read the converted data and the ADC status word. The status word indicates the polarity of the input voltage and if it was an overrange.

The data is stored in a buffer in RAM. The CPU addresses the scanner for data from the next channel, and the acquisition process continues until all the data from the channels programmed to be scanned is stored in the buffer.

Numerical calculation of the raw data may now begin. The CPU selects the most recent data entry from the buffer and divides it by 65536, the full scale count value of the ADC, to obtain the voltage value. The CPU checks the channel's format byte to determine the channel's assigned engineering unit (0-15). That unit's associated slope and intercept values (m and b) are user-accessible in CMOS RAM). The slope (m) is multiplied by the voltage value (x), then added to the intercept (b) to obtain the final data value (y).

The final data value is printed out on all enabled outputs. The printout includes the channel number, the final data, the assigned engineering unit, and the channel header. Digital input data, headers, date, and time are also printed out.

The PRIME computer was used to compute and print the leak rate data using either the ANSI /ANS mass plot method (ANSI /ANS 56.8), a total time method based on ANSI /ANS n45.4, or the BN-TOP-1 method. Key parameters, such as total time measure leak rate, volume weighted dry air pressure and temperature, and absolute pressure were monitored using a Tektronix 4208 terminal. Plant personnel also plotted a large number of other parameters, including reactor water level and tecperature, dry air mass, volume weighted partial pressures and temperature, total time leak rate, statistically averaged leak rate and UCL, and all sensor outputs in engineering units. In all cases, data was plotted hourly and computer summaries were obtained at 10 minute time intervals. The plotting of data and the computer printed summaries of data allowed rapid identification of any problems as they might develop. Figure 2 shows a schematic of the data acquisition system.

A.4 Iype A Test Preslutization Two PTS 1500 CFM diesel drive, oil-free air compressors were used to pressurize the primary containment. The compressors were physically located outside the Reactor Building. The compressed air was piped using flexible metal hose to the Reactor Building, through an existing four inch fire header penetr '1on, and piped to a temporary spool piece that, when installed, allows; the pressurization of the drywell through the "A" containment spray header. The inboard, containment spray isolation valve, MO-2-1001-26A was open during pressurization. Once the containment was pressurized, the M0-2-1001-26A valve was closed and the spool piece was removed and replaced with a blind flange.

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FIGURE 2 ucu m - II -


SECIl0tLD -JISLELOD B.1 Dasiclechnique The absolute method of leak rate determination was used. The absolute method uses the ideal gas laws to calculate the measured leak rate, as defined in ANSI N45.4-1972. The inputs to the measured leak rates calculation include subvolume weighted containment temperature, subvolume weighted vapor pressure, and total absolute air pressure.

As required by the Commission in order to perform a short duration test (measured leak rate phase of less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />), the measured leak rate was statistically analyzed using the principles outlined in BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1. A least squares regression line for the measured total time leak rate versus time since the start of the test is calculated after each new data set is scanned. The calculated leak rate at a point in time, tg is th leak rate on the regression line at the time tg.

The use of a regression line in the BN-TOP-1, Rev 1 report is different from the way it is used in the ANS1/ANS 56.8 standard. The latter standard uses the slope of the regression line for dry air mass as a function of time to derive a statistically averaged leak rate. In contrast, BN-TCP-1, Rev. 1 calculates a regression line for the measured leak rate, which is a function of the change in dry air mass. For the ANSI /ANS calculations one would expect to always see a negative slope for the regression line, because the dry air mass is decreasing over time due to leakage from the containment. For the regression line computed in the BN-10P-1, Rev. 1 method the ideal slope is zero, since you presume that the leakage from the containment is constant over time. Since it is impossible to instantaneously and perfectly measure the containment leakage, the slope of the regression line will be positive or negative depending on the scatter in the measured leak rate values obtained early in the test. Since the measured leak rate is a total time calculation, the values computed early in the test will scatter much more than the values computed after a few hours of testing.

The computer printouts titled " Leak Rate Based on Total Time Calculations" attached to the BN-TOP-1, Rev. I topical report are misleading in that the column titled " Calculated Leak Rate" actually has printed out the regression line values (based on all the measured leak rate data computed from the data sets received up until the last time listed on the priatout). The calculated leak rate as a function of time (t )i can only be calculated from data available up untti that point in time, tg. This is significant in that the calculated leak rate may be decreasing over time, despite a substantial positt*.'e slope in the last computed regression line. Extrapolation of the regression line is not required by the BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1 criteria to terminate a short duration test. What is required is that the calculated leak rate be decreasing over time or that an increasing calculated leak rate be extrapolated to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The distinction between the regression line values and the calculated leak rate as a function of time is made in Section 6.4 of BN-TOP-1, Rev.1. Calculated leak rates, as a function of time, are correctly printed out in the " Trends Based on Total Time Calculations" computer printouts in Appendix B of BN-TOP-1, S v. 1.

TECH 3M -l2-

Associated with each calculated leak rate is statistically derived upper l confidence limit. Just as the calculated leak rate in BN-TOP-1, Rev. I and I the statistically averaged leak rate in the ANS!/ANS standards are not the same (and do not necessarily yield nearly equal values), the upper confidence Ilmit calculations are greatly different. In the BN-TOP-1, Rev. I topical report the upper confidence limit is defined as the calculated leak rate plus the product of the two sided 97.5% T-distribution value (as opposed to the one-sided t-distribution used in the ANS/ ANSI standard) and the standard deviation of the measured leak rate data about the computed regression line (which has no relationship to the value computed in the ANSI /ANS standards).

l There are two important conclusions that can b1 derived from data analyzed .

using the BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1 method: 1) the upper confidence limit for the same measured leak rate data can be substantially greater than the value calculated ,

using the ANSI /ANS method, and 2) the upper confidence limit does not converge to the calculated leak rate nearly as quickly as usually observed in the latter method as the number of data sets becomes large. With this in mind, the upper confidence limit can become the critical parameter for concluding a short duration test, even when the measured leak rate seems to be well under the maximum allowable leak rate. A graphical comparison of the two methods can be made by referring to figure 3 for the BN-TOP-1 in Appendix F for the statistically-averaged leak rate and upper confidence limit based on ANSI /ANS 56.8-1981. This data supports the contention of many that BN-TOP-1, while it may not give the best estimate of containment leakage, is a conservative method of testing. The ANSI /ANS 56.8 data contained in Appendix F is provided for information only. The reported test results are based on BN-TOP-1, only.

B.2 SupplementaLXettf_LCiticILIn.t The supplemental verification test superimposes a known leak of approxi-mately the same magnitude as LA (8.16 SCFM or 1.0 wt */./ day as defined in Ter'nical Specifications). The degree of detectability of the combined leak rate (containment calculated leak rate plus the superimposed, induced leak rate) provides a basis for resolving any uncertainty associated with measured leak rate phase of the test. The allowed error band is i 25% of LA '

There are no references to the use of upper confidence limits to evaluate the acceptability of the induced leakage phase of the IPCLRT in the ANS/ ANSI standcjs.

B.3 InsitumeAt_EntoLAnlysis Instrument error analysis was not performed. iror explanation and justification see Appendix D.

It is extremely important during a short duration test to quickly identify a failed sensor and in real time back the spurious data out of the calculated volume weighted containment temperature and vapor pressure. Failure to do so l can cause the upper confidence limit value to place a short duration test in

jeopardy. It has been the station's experience that sensor failures should be

, removed from all data collected, not just subsequent to the apparent failure, L in order to minimize the discontinuity in computed values that are related to I the sensor failure (not any real change in containment conditions). For this l test, one instrument failure was encountered before the start of the test, and was removed from data collection prior to the start of the test.

- TECH 364 1' L

SEC.U 0_N C - SEQUDiCE Of EVENTS C.1 lesLP_rentatio1LChronology The pretest preparation phase and containment inspection was completed on April 1, 1992 with no apparent structural deterioration being observed.

Major preliminary steps included:

1) Blocking open three pairs of drywell to suppression chamber vacuum breakers. i
2) Installation of all IPCLRT test equipment in the suppression chamber.
3) Completion of all repairs and installations in the drywell affecting primary containment.
4) Venting of the reactor vessel to the drywell by opening the manual I head vent line to the drywell equipment drain sump.
5) Installation of the IPCLRT data acquisition system including computer programs, instrument console, locating instruments in the drywell, and associated wiring.
6) Completion of the pre-test valve line-up.

This test was conducted at the end of the refuel outage to test the containment in an "As Left" condition with repairs and adjustments. The Station has an exemption to 10CFR50, Appendix J requirements to allow performing the test at the end of the refuel outage.

l l- nes m 1

C.2 le s.t_Eteiiurhation AntitAb i l i z a t i on_Ch.tonology DAII 11ME EViliT l 4-1-92 1214 Began pressurizing containment.

. 1430 HSIV room snooped. No leaks observed.

1535 Top of Torus, Reactor Building basement, RHR, Core Spray, and HPCI rooms snooped.

No leaks found.

1809 Pressurization complete.

2010 All accessible penetrations in Reactor Building snooped. No leaks observed.

2020 Channel 48 (Dewtell #9) and Thermister

  1. 15 locked out. The sensor output these channels were not representative of the output from other sensors in the same area.

2335 Containment temperature stable, changing less than 0.5 degrees per hour for last 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. Reactor water level change less than 1.25 inches per hour for last hour. Reactor water temperature change less than 2 degrees F per hour for last hour. All stabilization criteria satisfied.

C.3 MeaiureLLeaLRate Phase Chronology 4-1-92 2335 Began measured phase. Base data set

  1. 67.

4-2-92 0030 Transformer 22 was inadvertantly deluged by fire suppression system resulting in loss of power to ILRT equipment and portions of Unit 2. Test suspended while plant status determined and conditions stabilized.

0400 Operations department decision to abort test and begin containment depressurization due to Transformer 22 deluge, u 2130 Containment depressurization complete.

C.4 Re.te s t . PreparA11on__ Chronology 4-3-92 1100 ILRT preparations resumed. DAS L channcis previously locked out (15 and

48) were sepaired and reinstated, nem C.5 Rele1LEtenut11ation and Stabillution Chronology DAIE IlBE _ EVENT 4-4-92 1812 Pretest preparation complete and containmer.t pressurization began.

2045 Snooped Reactor Building basement and corner rooms. No leaks found.

2050 Top of torus snooped. No leaks observed.

2130 Snooped Reactor Building penetrations, no leaks observed.

4-5-92 0039 Pressurization complete.

0200 to 0300 Time change for daylight savings time.

0500 Dewcell channel #48 locked out.

Reading inaccurately. Prior to start of measured phase.

1043 All stabilization criteria satisfied.

-C.6 Retest - Beas_ureLLeALRatt_fhase Chronology 1043 Began measured phase. Base data set

  1. 252.

1716 Terminated measured leak rato phase at 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> 33 minutes, base data set

  1. 291. Calculated leak rate was 0.1764 wt%/ day and decreasing over time. _The BN-TOP-1 upper confidence limit was 0.2458 wt%/ day.

C.7 Induced LeAhage Phase Chronology 4-5-92 1726 Valved in flowmeter at 8.5 SCFM and began induced phase stabilization with base data set-#292.

1826 Following the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> stabilization required by BN-TOP-1, the. induced phase of the test was began with base data set #298.

2206 Terminated induced phase at data set

  1. 320, calculated leak rate of 1.0593 wt%/ day.

- nenu Li

h C.8 Duranutization_EbAs e_ Chrono.ingy DALE lItiE EV[NT 4-5-92 2355 Began depressurization using procedure for venting through the Standby Gas Treatment System.

4-5-92 1030 Depressurization complete.  ;

1300 Technical Staff personnel entered I drywell. No apparent structural damage and instruments still in place.  :


i i


r 0

4 nca m - . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ , _ . . _ , _ _ . _ _ . . , . _ - _ -

._._, _ __- _ .- __ _a . - _ . . . . , . _ . . .=


i D.1 tieasEtLLeah Rate._fhne_ DATA '!

A summary of the computed data using the BN-TOP-1, Rev. I test method for a short duration test can be found in Table 3. Graphic results of the test are found i in figures 3-7. For comparison purposes only, the statistically averaged leak rate l and upper confidence limit using the ANS/ ANSI 56.8-1981 standard are graphed in i figure F-1. A summary of the computed data using the ANS/ ANSI standard is found in Appendix F. ,

D.2 InduulleAhage_.2hMLDAta i A summary of the computed data for the Induced Leakage Phase of the IPCLRT is '

found in Table 4. The calculated leak rate and upper confidence limit using the Mass BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1 method are shown in Figure 7. Containment conditions during the Induced Leakage Phase are presented graphically in Figures 8-10.


-L i

t I.

s new=4 I

.-,.--._-._.a=.=.---.. - - . - - - - - . - , .- _-= -.-..=-,-__ _ - -_-,,.-...- _ _._,-. -- --~. ~.,

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252 09:46:18- 0.000 84.0 66.7122 --- --- ---

253 09:56:18 0.167 84.0 66.7104 0.0439 --- ---

254 10:06:18 0.333 84.0 66.7084 0.1183 --- ---

255 10:16:18 0.500 84.0 66.7056 0.2193 0.2149 0.3191 256 10:26:18 0.667 84.0 66.7026 0.1986 0.2298 0.4354 1 257 10:36:18 0.833 84.0 66.7030 0.1487 0.2037 0.4376  :

258 10:46:04 1.000 84.0 66.6981 0.2501 0.2419 0.4191-  !

259 10:56:18 1.167 84.0 E6.6988 0.1674 0.2242 0.4043 260 11:06:18. 1.333 84,0 66.6962 0.2017 0.2265 0.3858 261- 11:16:18 1.500 84.0 66.6958 0.1605 0.2119 0.3683 262 11:26:18 '1.667 84.0 66.6943 0.1686 0.2042 0.3513 263 -11:36:18 1.833 84.0 66.6933 0.1743 0.2002 0.3377 264 11:46:18 2.000 83.9 66.6942 0.1210 0.1814 0.3212 265 11:56:18 -2.167 84.0 66.6909 0.1704 0.1806 0.3116 266 12:06:18 2.333 83.9 66.6865 0.2116 0.1905 0.3150 -

267 12:16:18 2.500 84.0 66.6868 0.1834 0.1914 0.3095 268 12:26:18 2.667 83.9 66.6815 0.2277 0.2021 0.3159 269 12:36:18 2.833 83.9 66.6775 0.2031 0.2054 0.3141 270 12:46:18 3.000 83.9 66.6785 0.1778 0.2028 0.3083 271 12:56:18 3.167 83.9 66.6789 0.1762 0.2003 0.3029 272 13:06:18 3.333 83.9 66.6814 0.1506 0.1933 0.2955 273 13:16:18: 3.500 83.9 66.6794 0.1658 0.1902 0.2899 274 13:26:18- 3.667 84.0 66.6786 0.1813 0.1901 0.2867 275 13:36:18 3.833 84.0 66.6790 0.1700 0.1881 0.2824 276 .2:46:18 _ _4.000 84.0 66.6795' O.1638 0.1854 0.2777 277- 13:56:18- 4.167 84.0 66.6764 0.1871 0.1866 0.2764 278 '14:06:18 4.-333 84.0 66.6768 0.1761 0.1860 0.2736 279 14:16:18' 4.500 84.0 66.6763 0.1712 0.1847 0.2705 280 14:26:18' 4.667 84.0 66.6758 0.1743 0.1841 0.2679 281 14:36:18 4.833 84.0 66.6748 0.1840 0.1847 0.2667 e 282 14:46:18 5.000 84.0 66.6746 0.1785 0.1846 0.2649 283 14:56:18 5.167 84.0 66.6767 0.1574 0.1819 10.2612 284: 15:06:18 5.333 84.0 66.6734 0.1719 0.1812 0.2590 .

285 15:16:18 5.500 84.0 66.6736 0.1685 0.1801 0.2566-286 15:26:18 5.667 84.0 66.6724 0.1732 0.1797 0.2549 287 15:36:18- 5.833- 84.0 66.6720 0.1688 0.1789 0.2528 288 15:46:18 6.000 84.0 66.6708 0.1700 0.1782 0.2509 289 15:56:18 - 6.167- 84.0 66.6706 0.1713- 0.1778 0.2493 290 :16:06:18 - 6.333- 84,1 66.6694 0.1717 0.1774 0.2478

=291 -16:16:18 6.500 84.1 66.6696 0.1651 0.1764 0.2458 i

umm - 19

[ A

- - - - - < v n--.. , , , - - gw ~- .,..,/-,,,y,ww + , - -,n, ,n ,,a,,...w_--,-,-N,, ..n ,. N,,,-4e--,+....-,-na-,, e,-.,,e-,- ,,-w,


-298 17:26:18 0.000 84.1 66.6376 --- --- ---

299 17:36:18 0.167 84.1 66.6339 0.7274 --- ---

300 17:46:18 0.333 84.1 66.6267 1.0444 --- - - -

301 17:56:18 0.500 84.1 66.6218 1.1168 1.1575 2.1223 302 18:06:18 0.667 84.1 66.6159 1.1189 1.1889 1.7641 ~

303 18:16:18 0.833 84.1 66.6114 1.0459 1.1531 1.6778 304 18:26:18 1.000 84.1 66.6062 1.0632 1.1398 1.5769 305 18:36:18 1.167 84.1 66.6008 1.0790 1.1374 1.5115 306. 18:46:18- 1.333 84.1 66.5957 1.0600 1.1265 1.4635 307 18:56:18 1.500 84,1 66.5909 1.0737 1.1233 1.4285 308 19:06:18 1.667 84.1 66.5849 1.0872 1.1250 1.4039 309 -19:16:18 1.833 84.1 66.5796 1.0595 1.1168 1.3793-310 19:26:18 2.000 84.1 66.5746 1.0528 1.1083 1.3572-311 19:36:18 2.167 84.1 66.5692 1.0518 1.1013 1.3379 312- 19:46:18 2.333 84.1 66.5645 1.0290 1.0897 1.3179 313 19:56:18 2.500 84.1 66.5600 1.0277 1.0801 1.2999

-314 20:06:18 2.667 84.1 66.5537 1.0451 1.0763 1.2866 315 20:16:18 -2.833- 84.1 66.5497 1.0195 1.0675 1.2712 316 20:26:18 3.000- 84.1 66.5426 1.0519 1.0670 1.2624 317 20:36:18 3.167 84.1 66.5371 1.0463 1.0653 1.2536 318 20:46:18 3.333 84.1 66.5307 1.0512 1.0648 1.2465 319 20:56:18 3.500 84,1 66.5271 1.0312 1.0607 1.2372 320 21:06:18 3.667 84.1 66.5208 1.0433 1.0593 1.2304 nenu .


s 1.00 --1.00 l

0.80 -

- 0.80 l

8 0.00

'O.60 5


n. E cu H H 0.40 -

'O.40 0.20 -

w -~ --

"0.20 0.00

- 0.00

-c.:0 . - 0.:0 0.33 1.23 2.13 3.03 3.93 +.8 3 5.73 s.83 HOURS

GNO1405-0.0 FIGURE 3 nema .. .


l l

l CONTAINMENT ORY AIR PRESSURE VS TIME Normal Teet 48.7.200 66.7200

&B. 7 t (>0 , ~ 66.7100

\ \

66.7000 -

' 66.7D00 xv 48.6G00 g " 66.6000 -

IC E 66.8500 -

p ,



% A e5.6700 "

66.0700 60.0000 -66.0600 60.6509 l 66.d'00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 7.00 HOURS SOFTWARE ID NUMBER: GNO1405-0.0 FIGURE 4 new 3u . - - - . - . --

- ..- _=. =_ -.-_ - .. ._ - - -. . ._


l l

I l


o.421o .-  :

0.4210 l

1 o.41a0 --

"0.4160 o.4 50 --

o.4150 a 0.41:0 --

m u ..

e v#A 0.41:0 g


/^Q i '

,,j' 0.4000 0.4000 -

-0.4050 0.4030 -


0. 000 ,

0 00 1.00 2.00 3.00 +.c o' 5.00 #8' HOURS SOFTWARE ID' NUMBER: GNO1400-0.0 FIGURE 5 re c" "* . _ .- -. .--.


-54.1000 84.0500 - 84.0500 84.0000 " -84.0000


"- 83.9500

- U~ . " as.n500 a w ,e is / Mi as.sooo as.sooo 63,8500 83.8500 83.5000

- -53.8000 83.7500 63.7500 1.00 2.00 .1.00 +.0 0 5.00 7.00 HOURS 1 SOFTWARE ID NUMBER: G NO 1405-0.0 FIGURE 6 l

t aca = [




CALCULAT[D LCAk RATC VerlflC0ilon Test i UPPRR AND LOWER SOUNOS Target Leck Rote t.50 130  :  :

1.40 -

" 1.40 1.J0 "

't.30 35 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . , .a n  % _

t.:o "

1.10 1.00 1.00 o.go "

0.90  ! O.80 c.33 o.9J f .53 2.13 L73 2 33 3.g3 4.53 HOURS

, SOFTWARE -10 NUMBER: G N O 1405-0.0 FIGURE'7 i

" c" * - 2 5 --

l -

+g--1 -31.s.g -g -m sp riw-* ,-.-y w ,e.y ,,- y ,rwW -----~vye*. -ww--. -w-.-p r w +-e+c -


' 84.2100

$42i00 ,

801800 .. ~ 84.1600 84.1500 .- 84.1500 L


. -84.1200 U


-84.0D00 84 0000



64.0C00 64.0500 84.0300


, 64.0000 O 00 0.60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 HOURS SOFTWARE ID NUMBCA: G N O 1405- 0.0 FIGURE 8 TECH 364 - 2h -


O.4210 0.4190 "

0.4100 _

0.4170 -

0.4170 g 0.4150 "0.4150 g E E 0.4130 A ,# /, "0.4130 0.4110 "\


0.4110 0.4000 '0.40P0 0.4070 -

O.4070 0.00 0.80 1.20 1.80 2 40 3.00 3.60 4.20 HOURS

, SOFTWARE ID NUMBER: GNO1405-0.0 FIGURE 9 neu n. . _ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .



&G.6500 -

66.4500 N

46.8000 -

66.0000 48.5500 '66.5500 46.5000 '

. 66.5000 60.4500 - "

63.4500 66,4000 "

'fS.4000 '

40.3500 l 66.3500 0.00 0.60 1.20 1.80 L40 3.00 3.60 4.20 HOURS SOFTWARE ID NUMBER: G N O 1405 -0.0 l

l I

1 FIGURE 10 acu m - ... . . - - - - . . . - , . - , . - - . _ . .- . - . _ . --


. 98.00 98.00 ,

-96.00 ~ 96.00 l t " 0 4.0D 94 00

" 92 00 92.00 E!! i E

" 90.0D 90.00 65,00- - 88.0D 80.00 50.00 .

' ' 64,00 64,00

.$.40 7.20 9.00 10.80 12.60 0.00 1.80 .3.60 HOURS SOFTWARE 10 NUMBER: GNO1405-0.0 FIGURE 11

( ~.

ncH a* j L




-0.4900 . ,

-0.5300 - "-05300

-0.5500 - -0.5$00

-0.5800 m

-0.3300 '#

/\ /

9 .e

-0.8100 -0.6100


-0.8400 --


-0.8700 -


-0.7000 3.60 6.40 7.20 9.00 10.60 12.60 0.00 1.40 HOURS SOFTWARE ID NUMBER: GNO1405-0.0 i


l 1

neu m SECHOLL-JESLCALCULAIl0NS Calculations for the IPCLRT are based on the BN-TOP-1,Rev.1 test method and are found in the functional requirements specification CECO Generic ILRT computer code software ID No. GN1405-0.0, Document ID No. ILRT-FRS-0.0. A reproduction of the BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1 method can be found in Appendix C. In ,

preparing for the first Quad Cities short duration test using BN-TOP-1, Rev. I a number of editorial errors and ambiguous statements 1., the topical report were identified. These errors are presented in Appendix E and are editorial in nature only. The Station has made no attempt to improve or deviate from the methodology outlined in the topical report.

Section 2.3 of BN-TOP-1, Rev. I gives the test duration criteria for a short duration test. By station procedure some of these duration criteria have been made more conservative and in some cases these changes may be required by regulations.

A. " Containment Atmosphere Stabilization" Once the containment la at test pressure the containment atmosphere shall be allowed to stabilize for about four hours (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> required by Quad Cities procedure and actual stabilization: 9 hrs, 3 min).

The atmosphere is considered stabilized when:

1. The rate of change of average temperature is less than 1.0'F/ hour averaged over the last two hours.

DAllLSEJ*. 6YEmCOMIAMtiENT TEBP2 Al 252 84.0 246 84.1 0.10 240 84.1 DJD average 0,05'F/ hour

  • Approximate time interval between data sets is 10 minutes, or
2. "Ths rate of change of temperature changes less than 0.5'F/ hour / hour averaged over the last two hours."

(Not required if A.1 satisfied).

B. Data Recording and Analysis 3

1. "The Trend Report based on Total Time calculations shall indicate that the magnitude of the calculated Irak rate is tending to stabilize at a value less than the maximum allowable leak rate

-(L A }** "'

By Quad Cities procedure the calculated leak rate must be less than 0.75 LA . The attual value was 0.1764 L A

, stable, and decreasing (no extrapolation required).

l- And l neem i .

L________-, _ - _ , . , .- __ _.- . - _ _ _ . _ _ _

l l


2. "The end of the test upper 95% confidence limit for the calculhted leak rate based on total time calculations shall be less than the maximum allowable leak rate".

By Quad Cities procedure the upper confidence limit must be less than 0.75 LA . The actual value was 0.2458 LA, ABd

3. "The mean of the measured leak rates based on Total Time calculations over the la'$ five hours of the test or last 20 data points, whichever provides the most data, shal'. be less than the maximum allowable leak rate."

By Quad Cities procedure this average must be less than 0.75 LA . The actual value was 0.1779 LA for the last five hours.


4. " Data shall be recorded at approximately equal intervals and in no case at intervals greater than one hour."

At Quad Cities data scans are automatically performed on 10 minute intervals.


5. "At least twenty (20) data points shall be provided for proper statistical analysis "

There were 39 data sets taken for this test.


6. "In no case shall the minimum test duration be less than six (6) hours."

Quad Cities' procedure limits a short duration test to a minimum of six (6) hours. The data taken during this test supports the argument that a shorter duration test can be conducted. All of the above termination criteria were satisfied in six (6.0) hours.

SECIlQN F - IYfLA TEST RESilLIS F.1 MeAingd_LeAILRitte_ItsLRESMLt1 Based on the data obtained during the short duration test, the following results were determined: (LA - 1.0 wt %/ day)

1) Calculated leak rate equals 0.1764 wt %/ day and declining steadily over time (<0.7500 wt %/ day),

nem ._ __ ._

2) Upper confidence limit equals 0.2458 wt %/ day and declining (<.750 wt

%/ day).

3) Hean of the measured leak rates for the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (37 data sets) equals .1779 wt %/ day (<0.750 wt %/ Jay).
4) Data sets were accumulated at approximately 10 minute time intervals and no intervals exceeded one hour.
5) There were 39 data sets accumulated in 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> measured phase.

-6) The minimum test duration (by procedure) of 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> was siccessfully accomplished (1 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />).  ;

f.2 Indne.d_LeAase__leit_RentLt1 A leak rate of 8.5 scfm (1.0339 wt %/ day) was induced on the primary containment for this phase of the test. The leak rates during this phase of the test were as follows. .

BN-TOP-1 Calculated Leak Rate 0.1764 0.1764 (Heasured Leak Rate Phase)

Induced Leak (8.5 scfm) 1.0339 1.0339 Allowed Error Band 10J500 _0 0 1500 1.4603 0.9603 BN-10P-1 Calculated leak Rate 1.0593 wt %/ day (Induced Leak Rate Phase)

Tne induced phase of the test has duration criteria given in Section 2.3.C of BN-TOP-1. The test duration requirements are listed below and were satisfied by the test procedure and the data analy:ss:

1. Containment atmospheric conditions shall be allowed to stabilize for '

about one hour after superimposing the known leak. (actual; I hour).

2. - The verification test duration shall be apprnximately equal to half the integrated leak rate test duration. (actual: 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, 40 minutes for a 6.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> test).
3. Results'of-this verification test shall be acceptable provided the correlation between t verification test data ~and the integrated leak rate test data demer.= La en agreement within plus or minus 25-percent. (actual: :ce.results above),

neu L- 2 _ _ . _ - _ .__ . , .

F.3 Ett Opertt.lontl_Relutti Xi_leit_Aeluiti Past IPCLRT. reports have compared the results of each test with the pre-operational IPCLRT, performed April 20-21, 1971. Over the last 16 years, different test equipment, sensor locations and number of sensors, test methods, and test duration have been used. This test yielded results that compare favorably with recent tests and demonstrate that there has been no substantial deterioration in containment integrity.


IESLDAIA __Dt0VRS) _ __1BL 10E-J) LEAK RATE (AMSIIAMS1 August, 1971 24 Not Available 0.1112.

1976 24 Not Available 0.327 1980 24 Not Available 0.449 1983 24 Not Available 0.464 _

r ebruary, 1984 24 Not Available 0.385 May, 1985 24 .3670 0.4071 October, 1986 8 .3225 0.3294 c June, 1988 6 .4155 0.4141 Apri1, 1990 6 .3344 0.3435 April, 1992 6 .1764 0.1689 F.4 I1PE A TEST PENR llES During the type A test, there were a number of systems that were not drained and vented outside the containment. The isolation valves for these systems or penetrations were not " challenged" by the type A test. Even though these systems would not be drained and vented during a DBA event, historically, penalties t<>r these systems have been added to the type A test results.

AS LEFT BIRIRUM PATHHAY LEAKAGE SCfL HT%/ DAY Feedwater A & G 1.6 0.00327 RBCCH (Return) 0.44 0.00090 Core Spray A & B 2.8 0.00572 RHR A & B 18.55 0.03789 TIPS 3.42 0.00699 07 Analyzer 2.1 0.00429 RBCCW (Supply) 0.4 0.00082 L'AD 2.2 0.00449 HPCI (Stean' xhaust) 5.8 0.01185 Clean Demin 0.4 0.00082 dBLC 9.0 0.01838 Totals 46.71 0.0954 This penalty increases the type A test result to 0.2718 wt1/ day with on upper confidence limit of 0.3412 wt%/ day.

F.5 EVALUAILQN OF IMSTRUMENT FAILURES Prior to the start of the test one sensor was locked out due to failure. Dewtell number 9 was locked out on 04-05-92 at 0500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br />. There were no instrument failures during the test.

TECH 364 _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ - - _ - - - _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . - _ _ - . - . - - - _ - - . - _ _ _

F.6 AS FOUND TYPE A TESLRESRIS The following table summarizes the results of all type B and C testing, as well as the IPCLRT results to arrive at an "As found" type A test result.

This is considered a passing "As Found" type A test. However, per 10CFR50,

-Appendix J, which requires an accelerated testing schedule be maintained until the performance of two consecutive passing "As Found" tests, the present schedule of performing a type A test every refuel outage must be mr'^' ined.


(3) All Type C lests 162.28 76.04 s (Except MSIV's)

(4) All Type B Tests 28.39 32.07 TOTAL (2 + 3 + 4) 210.43 120.79 (1) Type A Test Integrated t

Leak Rate Test) - 0.1764 wt %/ day (2) Upper Confidence Limit of Type A Test Result - 0.2458 wt %/ day (3) Correction for Unvented Volumes During Type A Test - 0.0954 wt %/ day (4) Correction for Repairs Prior to Type A Test - 0.2143 wt%/ day b-. (As Found - As left)**

Total (2 + 3 + 4) - 0.5555 wt%/ day Leak Rate at 25 PSIG converts to Leak Rate at 48 PSIG using conversion ratio of 1.73. REFERENCE Leaking Characteristics of Steel Containment Vessels & the Analysis of Leakage Rate Determination, Division of Safety Standards, A.E.C. TID-20583, May 1964, pg. 76.

TECH m .

t E

i AEPINQ1X_A TYPE B AND C TESTS Presented herin are the results of-local leak rate tests conducted on all penetrations, double-gasketed seals, and isolation valves-since the previous IPCLRT jin April 1990. Total leakage for~ double gasketed_ seals _and total leakage for all-

. penetrations:and. isolation valves following. repairs satisfied the-Technical

. Specification limits.


--TECH 34 l-

OTS 100-S1 REFUEL OUTAGE LOCAL UNIT 2- W' Revision 8 TEST 6iiiECf0R A d d & _ _

OPERAllflG Et40. a6]

IECll STAFF SUPV/'#4Wegma 4, t





l<///f Z l f /7 l PATHWAY B MSlV l A0 203-1B,2B 2, 6 1 5,'/ 7 l'/ /f2 l 5~,/f l 2,4 l </e/12 l 3,20 l /, 4 3,20 i f /7 l 0 MSIV l A0 203-10,2C l l ///f t l 1.,20 l /, 4 l f, ,R 0 MSIV l'/'/r2 l I.97 l 3.6 l 59f j '4 /f z l f f f l 7, O l t l A0 :'03-1D,2D l //7/f zl/7.S~g l M 22 I 58/ l L TOTAL Nf'Z/M,22 l /0,J F l Fftzl 0,4 f ] c2/5 } 0,25' l TOTAL 7,.U///16_f TOTAL CORRECTED * /f.74/fl.77 TOTAL CORRECTED * /J. t#/M f/

MSL ORAIN l MO 220-1,2 PRIMARY SAMPLE l '/232 l /2 3 l /4 l /0 7 1342/rz l 0,'/7 l l A0 220-44,45 o, f*7 A FEEDWATER l35/t l 40

/ l d l 4o l /'Aff r l 40 0, z r- l C,f l4o


l CV 220-58A,62A l '/'4/f.2l 0 l


'Z o &

8 FEEDWATER l CV 220-5BB E2B l 'N/12 l /. 2 l

0, 9 l

l# /^/f 2 l 6/l /, 2 l 2, 7 l

l l d, 8 A DW SPRAY l MO 1001-23A,26A l2/.tr/f2l f' 4 l 0, 3' f', 2 A RilR RETURN l #/

1 /r 5 2.l (o l 3 l 6 j '/2-dil 4 l l l MO 1001-29A l /'*/rtl /,F 1 3 1 4 l

] 48 /, F AF A TORUS C00LlHG SPRAY l MO 1001-34,36,37A l #/3'/rr 1 2,8 l 1

2, 8 lId*/f t ! A F l 1 /, P



/, V l 12/.tf/rz] '/, 2 l 2, /

l MO 1001-238,26B l #/"/72 l 2,f l ] </, 2 l


/. 2 l 2, F l 2/27f,,l go l 2, o l MO 1001-29B j go g l/#eJ/s t l d' 5' l 6. f l 4, I~

l 2Aff,, l g, o j g, o B TORUS COOLING / SPRAY l MO 1001-34,36,37Q_ #/ l 'J/fz l /. 7f l l g, o g SHU100nN C00Ll!4G C. 9 1 /,7i' l,2/3f/r2l 2 ,F /, V 2, F l MO 1001-47,50 l'df/rz l /, 6 l l l l o, 9 /, 6

' "^

l l3/Vfz l # 5' l .2, ;L4' l M f' l WROVED ' # ' ' "^


' 3 7' E # ' ~ ' ' '

hPR I 219901 l l l l l l lM7 l 3 7,9 7 l

10/0168s O.C.O.S.R. _ - - _ _ _

a . _ ,


VALVE (S)/ MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM DESCRIPil0il PENETRATION DATE TOTAL PATHWAY PATHWAY DATE TOTAL PATHWAY PATH #AY lSBLC l l CV 1101-15, 16 l I2 Nz. [ 3/.O l  ?, o M l l'/27r 2 l / 7. o [ f. o l fo, o j, CLEANUPbuCTION l MO 1201-2,5 l'/7/rt l /'/, f 4 l X Vf l 'F f4 1 34'/f2l /s F l 0, 9 1, /, F l RCICSTEAhSUPPLY l MO 1301-16,17 l ////f z l C / l o, 2 l o, F lf8~dtl0,F7l o. 2 y l o, F7 l lRCIC STEAM EXHAUST l CV 1301-41 l #/2/rz l /,Z. l /2 l /A l '///f r l /2 l -/ A l / 2, l

lRCIC VAC. PUMP EX. l CV 1301-40 l '/.Vf s. l /, f5' l /, F5~ l /, fr l f2//2l /, ff l /, F 5' l /, 7f l

A CORE SPRAY l MO 1402-24A, 25A lO*/rzl67f l 2, f l J, O lI2VerlSW l ,2, V l 5,0 l lB CORE SPRAY l MO 1402-248, 258 l I//rz l 4F l 0, ,t l 0, V l #/#If2l 6 4 l CL F l E2 l.

iDW/ TORUS PURGE SUPPLY l A0 1601-21,22,55,56l 2//f/12-1 137fo l 3' 3 P# l /37/,7 'l #/*Ir21 7,0 l l' O l LO l DW/ TORUS PURGE EXHAUST l A0 1601-23,24,60, l @l N l3/,t l l l l Wl ll l 61,62,63 l l l l l l l l l lA TORUS /RB VACUUM BREAKER l A0 1601-20A, l l l 2/f 3,7 l l l l{

l CV 1601-31A l l

7 y ll l q ll 3/zy 2l 7 l

g l

g7 g

4 1000S RB VACUUM BREAKER l A0 1601-208' l2/ l [ l

/, 5~ l2f l l

/* V l /, f~ ll l CV 1601-318 l Y11 l 2. 9l f, y l l !9z l 2* 7 l [ [

l i

UW/ TORUS PURGE l A0 1601-57,58,59 l Y'#If 2 l 2 f 2- l /< f l .2 1, 7 W l#!##/fJ l f, 2 l 6, 8 J,7 l l DWFDS j A0 2001-3,4 12/s/92l 00 l 1', / l M l #/'J/r2 l 0,9 8 l o,W l o, FF l

DWEDS l A0 2001-15, 16 l */*'/12- l 2* I l /,2 / l ,2 , f~~ l 24/,,l 2. S~ ] /, ,Lr l 2, 5~ l lIPCI STEAM SUPPLY l MO 2301-4.5 lI'/r Z l 3, O l /, f l 7O _

l V2'jrl SS~ l A > 5' l .7, O I ilPCI STEAM EXHAUST l CV 2301-45 ['/ /42 l 6, 8 l C. F l 0, L l3/uftl 0,fe l o, F l 0, V j{\ i HPCI DRAIN POT EXHAUST l CV 2301-34 l'/5/ ) z l J3 l 3, 3 l 3,3 l'/e/e l 5," V l 5f l 57 ll HBCCW SUPPLY j MO 3702, CV 3799-31lI'#/< 2 l 3,/ j_O,7 l J, 7 l'/>'f z l /. o l 0, 9 l 0, 6 l HBCCW RETURN l MO 3703, 3706 l #/'*/rz l O# l 5'O, o l OC l3df/rz l 2, /F l o,FF l /, 7 l APPROVED l l l OD l l g gggg. PAGE TOTAL l f1A l l /0 7,6 9l l 00 l NA l 10,'f'f ll if3,'f R ll g9,0G ll 10/0168s f

O.C.O.S.R.(i)t o2)A/, .,, ,1/Ae

""/~^ f%/r""/r n asj,,,,,f,,

~f" * ,ff g *ito1-

! &2.1,s

'3 tt 4''*>'9

er 21, JY (1) ^.L/~1 o's tAe les* *-fy"e fr#

_ _ _ _ _ 1 I




OTS 100-S1 Revision 8 VALVE (S)/ AS FOUND (SCFH)


PENETRAT1014 MAXlMUM DATE TOTAL PATHWAY MINIMUM MAXIMUM CLEAN DEMIN PATHWAY DATE TOTAL PATHWAY PATHWAY l 4399-45, CV 4399-461 #/"/9 t l 68,f __l 6, V SERVICE AIR l 6o 1343/rtI /, 4 1 0, 9 i /, 2 l 4699-46, CV 4699-471'NIfz 120,f I C, F 1 ,2 C. o l 2/2,f,, g f, y $ g, y l

DW PNEUMATIC l A0 4720, 4721 g f, o l I8M' A l 0,7 1 0, V O, F g

DW INSTRUMENT AIR l l '/3[' 11 C, f l 0, f l CV 4799-155, 156 l 0, 7 l #/'Yr1 l 3, 7 l /,f 2, F l 10RUS INSTRUMENT AIR I

IMI/r21 ,2, F l /, .I l /, f

_ l CV 4799-158, 159 ll/7/rz10,9 0, 9 l 0 2ANALYZER l l Ce 9 i#//7/7 21 8, F d, f l A0 8801A, 8802A l I o, F l'4/f 2 i O. S l 0 2ANALYZER l C. V l O, F lid /re 1 o,7 0, V l A0 88018, 88028 l f4f , I d,8 l Ce 9 l l t' # l 0 2ANALY2ER l 0, V lftf2l0,F l 0, V l l A0 88010, 8802C l'/c/fz l 6,7 de V l 0 2ANALYZEli l (> < f' lO,f l '/'Mr l 0, & l C. f' l l A0 88010, 8802D l'h/trl0,8 0, P l

d, V

! 0 ANALYZER 2 l A0 8803, 8804 l _

i O, V I ft/c z[ 0, F l 6, fe l ##

l 'M/r z l 2, / l DRYWELL MHTICULATE l 0, I l /, 4 i #!#/f7l 2,/ l C. T l 4g 1 l l SAMPLE LINES l g l # 7' l l l t/ l l l TIP BALL VALVE ILINES 88038-V-1/2"-ill 'N l l l

l E

l l

l 733-1 1 IF/f z l d, V i O, 7 1 d, 9 lI'*/r zl 0, 4 l l 1 TIP BALL VALVE l 733-2 l 0, 6 0, 6 ifY/3 z l /, O l /'6 1 /, 8 l l

lN#/r: 1 0,Jf l 4,yy i O./Tr l llP BALL VALVE l 733-3 1 I44' 2 l 6, '/ l 0, f Id'f IlP BALL VALVE l 733-4 l I'#/fzl o,2/ l 0 ,2,/ l 0, 2 / l IYMt z l 0, '/ l C, f l 0, V TIP BALL VALVE l 733-5 l #/*4 zl O, f'7 i O ,f' 7 1 6, 9 f j #/'//rz i O,9 l d, 9 l_ 4, #/ } f'*/rzl A 7 l TIP PURGE CHECK l_700-743 1Y'//r I l 2, 2. ,2,2.

l A7 l /, 7 l l 2, 7.

CAM l SO 2499-1A,2A l '/'/9 Zl O, Y_ l de 2 l

l '/27/rc l G DV l 6,Ot' t I d,O /

l CAM l Os V l #M'[2 ] d. y l d, ,Z S, y l SO 2499-1B,2B #/

l'[$tj 6. '/ l 0, 2 l l C, y j 241/y2l O. Oy j c,o 2 l CAM l l SO 2499-3A,4A l'd/9 2 l 8 f I C,2 l 0, O F l

' CAM l SO 2499-38,4B l #/,/7 2.

l C, '/

l#MN l 61 l 8,,Z l

0, I l

TPPROVED l Ce Y l 6,1 l 6, Y l #/'f/rel O,7 O. P 4F l l l l PAGE TOTAL l '~~

l t 1, 2 l ~

l l ~ l 10/0168s LPR 1219901 l_ NA  ! l l l HA l l l 7, G'f ll 2 L % ll O.C.O.S.R.


{ PEllE1 RATION DATE TOTAL PATHWAY PATHWAY DATE TOTAL PATHWAY PATHWAY I ACAD l A0 2599-2A,23A l #/e f/r2 l /, 2 l 0, / l /, / l #/'f/r r l /, 2 0, /

l l /, / l l RCAD l A0 2599-28,230 l '/'r/,gl o, 6'l 0, / l 0, i' l#/PJrl

/ 0, 6 l Os / l d, f-l ACAD l A0 2599-3A,24A lY'r/y z l 4 I' l 0, / l /, y d l ' r4 l /, C l 0, / l 4 'i' l ACAD l A0 2599-38,248 l I'f/f t j 0,53' l 0, / l 0, f'T l'/'Ver l C 5~f l O, / l 0 ,f'5 ' l l ACAN l A0 2599-4A,5A l#MFjal S5' l /, 5~ l J0 l#/>/f 2 l f; 6 l 4, /

ACAb l Sf' l l A0 2599-48.5B l'//1/1z l n ? 2, 9e f', F /, 7 7, f l l l#/2 % 2 l P 2 1 l l EQUIPMENT llATCH l X-1 l #/'/12 l de 5' l On 2 l de V l>'M'/f

  • l 0,0f l 0,o A l 0,4F l DW ACCESS llATCH '

l X-4 l #31/1 2l 8,5# l 8. 2- d, '/# l#/,'/f2l 0,b/ l l 6, / 7 l O. 8f l CRD HATCil l X-6 l '/'/f 2 l de Y l d2 l 6, P lI/u/y2l 4.oyd l0,oA l o, o / l TIP PEllETRAT10ff l X-35A l ////72 l S. V l 0, 2 l 0,9 l #/fd' : l 0, '/ l 0, 2 l 0, f l TIP PEllETRAtl0fl l X-358 l'/V/r z l 0,9 l O, 2 l 0, f i f/r 2 l 0, 9 l 0, 2 l 0,7 l IIP PEfiEIRAT10fl l X-35C l //f/fz l O s V l 4, 2 l 0, y l fr/y z l 0, V l c7, 2 l 0, y l TIP PENE1 RAT 10fl l X-35D j Iff'r 2 l O, V l O. 2 l 0, 9 l '/V/ r, [ #, F l O, 2 l 0, F [

LIP PEHEIRAllOrl l X-35E l '/f/'r2 l 6, '/' l 4, Z l d>, F l 'A/'r2 l #,f' l d', 2 lOF 11P pef 4ETRAT10f4 i l X-35F l//P/f zl 0 , f l 6, 2 l 0, 7 l[f/'r z l 0, F l S, 2- l 0, I l TIP PENElRAIION l X-35G l//f/721 0, f l 0, Z l O, V l ff'/f zl 0, F l d, 2 l 0, f# l 10HUS IIAICH l X-200A l #/'/f z l 8,9 l de 2 l Os F l [J7M rl 0,0f' l d,02 l 0,0f# l 10RUS HATCH lX-2008 l '/'/f1. l 0, '/ j 0,2 l 0, Y j((>d.zl#,F l 0,,1 l##

DRYWELL HEAD l l ---- l '/'[f z l 4 7 l C. 7 l /, 7 ll/1'/r2 l O.0 Y l Oro J. l 0,0f' SilEAR LUG INSP. IIATCil l l_SL-1 l #//f/12 l 8. '/ l _O, 2. O, 5# l [ h 'f.2 ] O , I l O'2 l 0,I l l SilEER l_UG lllSP. IIAICll }_SL-2 j '/tv/52. l C, 5/ l 0, R l 0, f' l '/,y/r2 [ 0, J# l 0, 2 l 0, F l

SilEAR LUG lilSP. IIAICH l SL-3 j '/f/r 2. l f f l 2,75' l f, f l Nf/r 2. l T. 5' l ,2, 7 f l 5,' 5' l

APPROVED l l l l l l l PAGE TOTAL l g yfl l 11A l l l l NA l l 10/0168s l l Q.C.O.S.R.

1 l

2 i

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VALVE (S)/ MitilMUM MAXIMUM MittlMUM MAXIMUM DESCRIPiloti pef 4ETRAT 10tl DATE TOTAL PATHWAY PAlllWAY DATE TOTAL PATilWAY PATilWAY MECil. dEt1EIRAT1011 l X-36 l #/d @//o #1 A d e kr' /' #" i i i l >- l l Y'/f Il O,2fl O, / 3 l 0.25-l N/r1l 0,Jf'l O. /3 l O. 2 f l MECil. PEllETRAT10N l X-47 l MECil. FENETRAT10ll l X-17 l '/a 4,,Adc<llA*ne/r=#ht -i i i i ?l MECil. FEllETRAT10N l X-16A l '/,/f 2 l /, o l d, f~ l AO l '/'/12 l 0,/ l de of I di / l MECil. PEttETRATIOil l X-16B l '4h z l 6, 7 l 0, JT l d, 7 l '/e/s z l d, / l 0, o f l 6, / l ELECTRICAL PENEIRATION l X-100A t.4 J. o,. /q l 'Ver l i i i i l l <j l ELECTRICAL PENETRAT10tl l X-1008 l % '/> rl d , F l 0, 2 l d, y , l */2tJ2 l d, 9 l 0, 2. I o, F I l

ELECTRICAL PENETRAT10fl / zl l */f l X-100C 4. F l 0, 2 l O.f l '// Vfz l 0. 7 l 02 l 0, f' l

ELECTRICAL PEi4ETRAT10ft lX-100D l A% l l l l l l l [

j (UNIT ONE ONLY) l l l l l #dF/f 2 l 0, '/ l C. A l l l l l 'l

' ELECTRICAL PENETRAT10N l X-100E l 0, F l #/'f/r z l d, F l d,.2 l 0. V [

ELECTRICAL PENEIRATION l X-100F l Y*8/t t l 0,o V l 6.0 2. l o. oy l'/2V,2, l 4. 0 p l 0, o A.

l aof l ELECTRICAL PENEIRATION l X-100G l '/2% 2l 0,0 f l #,0 2. I d, o f l N'Az] 0,oF l d,01 l 0.of l ELECTRICAL PENEIRAll0N l X-101A l 2/27/t2l 6, y l 0,2 l 0, f lY2%2l 0,7 l 0,. 2. l O# l ELECTRICAL PENETRAT10N l X-1018 l #/27/f.z l d, 7 l S, 2 F l 0, 5~

l##fr2 l 0, f l 0,2$' l 0, I l ELECTRICAL PENETRAI10fl l X-101D l //2f/r2l 0.of' l 0,02. l d, o f l nt/ l o.oy l 0,0 2. l o,df l ELECTRICAL PENETHAT10N l X-102A u i caly j j i l l l j i 7l l ELECIRICAL PENETRATION l X- 1028 l f2'/r2 l 4, 7 l 6. F 4, E lI*Vrz l 4,9 l 0, F ELECIRICAL PENEIRAll0N l#/#f/72l 4,o V l 0,02 l

l N 7f zl 0,of' l l 0, 9 ll l X-103 l deof 4, 4 2.

lOoyl f

ELECTRICAL PENETRATION lX-104A la/,qj l l l lt/ l l l l (Utill TWO ONLY) #'I '

l #'

l l l l

  1. ' 2 l l l l l APPROVED I I --  ! 2,7/ I M/ I I I

/.%  ! '3,U I PAGE TOTAL l NA l l l l NA l l l l I APR 121990 i

10/0168s Q.C.O.S.R. .__- .- #


  1. LEAK RATE TEST SUIMARY' Revision 8' '




lY#'d21 O<f I


'O, l ' l ' d, I \

Y 8'/f 4l ~ O, '/ \ ' O,2 - 1 o, f -

.ELECTRibAL PENETRA'Il0N- "l:X-104C l l /# '*/t si O V 'l 0,2 i O, 9# -lI'Yr2 l O< P l o. 2 l o, f .

. ELECTRICAL PENEIRATION lX-104D l lf .l .l .] l//f2 j. j.

(UNIT TWO'ONLY) 'l l j,75l 0,f'l OR l 0, F - l #- l 0, F l ' O, 2-

-l O< 5#


ELECTRICAL PENETRATION l l-l' X-104'F' l#/87/ ,sl 0,o '/ l 0 o R l o,o y j '/*t/r z l a op . I 0,0 2.

l 0,of l ELECTRICAL PENETRAT10N lX-105A l #/A'3Jl S '/ l 0, A l ' O, f' lO/t3. l 0,J71 0, Jo l' O,J P


l 1


.I l

I l .

I l

l' y l

L ELECTRICAL PENETRATION l X-105C /Trz l 0, F l O,1 l 0, 5' l'//F/rr l 0, F l a A. l . 0, F l



l 9 ll l l l j_ l l

l 7l l

lX-106A l2f j l l l2' 7 l l j . o, y (UNIT 1WO ONLY) l _l

[ l l l -l l l l ELECTRICAL {PENE1 RATION lX-1068 l

JUNIT . TWO Of1LY) l% l l l l A/2 l l l l ' * ~ l l l

' ELECTRICAL PENEIRATION l X-107A l l l l' l l l_

l #//f/r2.1 0, F l 0, 2- 1 0, f' l'//12 1 0, F l 0, 2- ] O, 3' l ELECTRICAL PENETRATION lX-107B ' l l //2 l l l } //zy

Julili 1WO ONLY) l l l l

[ l 2 l v.0 9 l 0,o 2- l 0, #F g

z g S , d '/ g # ,

  • 2 .g 8, #f fTORUSPENETRAT10N g l X-227A - lI/2/7 2 l 0, $# l 0. 2. 0, 9 l TORUS PENETRAT10N l l '/2/r a l O, $# - l 0, 2. l O, ft l X-227B l /f/t:1 d,/ l 0, o ( l
  1. / 0, /

l'//f/n l 0,/ 'l O, o JF' 1 0, /


'A'10RUSLEVELFLANGES"' l ---- 'lI27/rs. l S, 9 [ 0, W l O.7 l j'/2f4' 2l O 7 . l 0, Pf' . l 0, 7 l APPROVED I I I PAGE' TOTAL l NA 2,rflI s,ft I I

- I 2,f 7 I l APR I 21990i l l l NA l l l" f ,/ 7 lI 10/0168s Q.C.O.S A . -_ .__

fI  :






' Revision 8:








l #/'F/f a l /.O ' l TOTAL" PATHWAY- PATHWAY-O* C l 4d' l #/

  1. F/ A#

SIW/lRM PURGE g, ll---- 1d/2,f 'l: 'l- \.

l o. J' l~~/.O l.

(UNil TWO ONLY) l l #/.i,3 - l ~ 11 - l. l-l *I #A A 11 O' S ' I # l l




'l##/'*/t /l di f 7: l' 7'f'V l 44 2 7 - lY'/f A.1/3. 6 1 H2/0 2 h40NITORING SYSTEM lL--- # '* " # 4, F 7 - j ' /J. 7f , . l[

'(TOTAL)- ' d pa,$ e /

l'/8hl1 #* D l_ 9'#;_

l 8' ? ' ' l Y '/f 2j, d' I j l'?__ i d' I - -

l j'/s/, t. ( ~e. 6 ' l O, / -


ritet Ed -st kw pre.kres; ' A~ Met- t'*s VI h #A e - "A

'l d, f lEf/r 'l 3<f-l /, F l' Je f '[...

l *>/s f k<s _ g42ffrx l 0,5 f o,' 2.g ; l e,3K ) .


%, pe o vo lses n.s {.,(fed. Q2Lif PAGE TOTAL l NA l '

/, m /./"V-1-1s g e'h. g l f' k l 7ef 7 ' l NA' l -

l //M l 2 /,/ 6 l.

I l m l l <y? l l l l TEST TOTAL + l' l-

-l NA l l **l NA l l 7

l l

  • To determine the corrected leakage of the MSIVs (as if they had been tested at 48 PSIG), mulIiply by.1.73.

, **When the maximum pathway leakage exceeds 0.6 La (293.75 SCFH), write an LER immedia .

+The test the sum of all page totals in the checklist (exclude MSlVs from all test totals).


'OTS 150-8, " Determination of Total Containment Leak Rate " .

APPROVED APR I 21990i (final) 10/0168s Q.C.O.S.R.

u 4 4 A a 4 42.--- ,$r-a eme4-4 - sema- AMm._A.ea 2. a-- A.m .A 4- a.s#6_




p 4 y -

9 .,, 9,-,,y q'w, -

,w, y --y-.F

l The total time measure leak rate, given by the functional requirements specification CECO Generic ILRT Computer Code, Document ID No. GN01405-0.0, DocumentIDNo.ILRT-FRS-0.0(geeAppendixC), assumes that the containment free air space is 280,327.5 ft at a water level in the reactor of 35", torus water level is zero, and that any changa in reactor water level is due to a water leakage from the containment changing the free air volume. If the water leakage is from the containment and due to the operation of the shutdown cooling mode of RHR to maintain reactor water temperature, this leakage would not be representative of accident conditions when shutdown cooling would be isolated.

During the stabilization phase of the test considerable effort ' ant into reducing the rate of level decline to approximately 0.05 inches / hour that was experienced during the test. Since the leakage could not be reduced further and level indication for the suppression pool indicated that most of the water leaving the reactor was not entering the suppression pool, but leaving containment, the comp"ter program option for including the vessel level in the leak rate calculation was selected.

A hand calculation, using a complete water balance, is included in this Appendix to show that the leak rate reported is not significantly affected by a more detailed analysis, including changing subvolume free air space due to water leaking from the reactor vessel to the drywell sumps and suppression pool.

To perform a leak rate calculation with a changing containment free air space, the dry air mass for each containment subvolume is calculated using the following equation:

Hg - 2.6995 X Pg X Vg (Tg + 459.69) where P3 - dry air pressure in i th subvolume, V3 - free air space in the i th subvolume, and T - average temperature in the i th subvolume.

The total contalament dry air mass is given by the sum of the dry air masses for all of the subvolumes.

11 Ht , y pi 1-1 nm m . _ . . -

Ihe computed leak rate will be the total time leak rate and is given by:

Lt , g XBt _ y.

H H' where H' - dry air mass of the containment at the start of the test.

Ht - dry air mass of the containment at time t, H - duration of the test from start-to time t in hours, and Lt - total time leak rate ai time t.

There are 3 subvolumes to consider in evaluating the effects of water leakage from the vessel: the vessel itself (subvolume 11), the suppression

-pool (subvolume 10), and the subvolume for the drywell equipment drain sump (DHEDS) and the.drywell floor drain sump (DHFDS) (subvolume 9). Any water leaking from the vessel in excess of that added to the sumps and suppression

-pool will be assumed _to have leaked from the containment through the shutdown cooling mode of RHR.

Over a 90 hour0.00104 days <br />0.025 hours <br />1.488095e-4 weeks <br />3.4245e-5 months <br /> time period starting prior to the test and ending following

. completion of the test, 100 gallons of water leaked into the sumps. The sumps are assumed to have filled at a constant rate during this time period and each sump holds 1,200 gallons and is 42 inches deep.

Rate of water leakage into; sumps: 1.111 gal./hr.

Rate of free air volume change: .152 ft 3/hr.

The following table gives the extrapolated values of the subvolume free air spaces using the above data:

f_ HOUR TEST SUBV0LUME NO.-(t) Vi t-0 Vj t-6 l' 10,550 10,550

2. 9,596 9,596 3 10,990 10,990 4 3,783 3,783 5 24,125 24,125 6 32,265 32,265 17 27,618 27,618 8 26,071 26,071 9* 9,489.6 9,488.7 10* 119,775 119,767 11 * - 5.047 5.130 neu m -, . .

V 9 - 9,489.6 - (free air volume change over test duration) 3 V10 - 119,268 - 863.75 (Lt ) x torus level (in) in Vjj - 6,571.0 - 25 (level - 35)

Using the subvolume vapor pressure, subvolume temperature, and the subvolume free air space, the dry air mass for each subvolume can now be calculated. The following table gives the necessary data 'or the start of the test (Data Set No. 252).


DRY AIR SUBVOLUME SUBVOLUME VAPOR PRESSURE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE DRY AIR MASS NO. (PSI) . .RSJ A) *F (1bs. cgisl 1 .281 66.840 89.4 3466.80 2 .379 66.742 99.3 3092.92 3 .379 66.742 98.3 3548.57 4 .379 66.742 98.2 1221.72 5 .382 66.739 96.8 7810.39 6 .377 66.744 92.1 10535.46 7 .387 66.734 88.4 9077.60 8 .376 66.745 80.8 8691.05 9 .376 66.745 81.9 3157.03 10 .400 66.721 74.5 40384.65 11 1.747 65.374 J2L1 1533.57 11 H*-EHj - 92,519,76 i-1 -

The following table gives the necessary data for the end of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> test (Data Set No. 291).

DRY AIR SU8 VOLUME SUBVOLUME VAPOR PRESSURE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE DRY AIR MASS NO. (PSI) (PSIA) *F (1bs. mass) 1 .294 66.787 92.3 3445.85 2 .386 66.695 100.8 3082.47 3 .386 66.695 99.3 3539.73 4 .386 66.695 98.9 1219.33 5 .388 66.693 97.5 7795.21 6 .385 66.696 92.6 10518.35 7 .394 66.687 88.5 9069.55 8 .383 66.698 80.4 8691.36 9 .383 66.698 81.7 3155.68 10 .391 66.690 73.8 40416.15 11 121.3 15d6B llLA 1545.1Q H6- 92,478.78 nes se4 Eg The leak rate for the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> test is:

L6-- 2400 X 92.478.78 - 9L31925 6.5 92,519.76 L6 - 0.1636 wt % / d v (compared to 0.1651 computed ignoring sump level changes)

The above calculations show that the leakage from the reactor vessel did i not significantly affect the reported leak rate. The difference between the leak rates computed using a complete correction for free air volume changes due to water leakage and the values computed ignoring the changes is less than _



Trem _--_------- - _ - - _ - - _ - - - - - - --- - a

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. nem .

_ . - . _ _ . _ .-__....-_)

-.. _ -~. . - - . _ _ . . _ ___ . _. .


Calculations ~ perfomed by the software.are outlined below:

D _.1 - Average _ temperature of subvolume #1 (Tq) .

. The average of all RTD temps in subvolume #1 1 N-Tj . - I Tj,j N -j.

where N .-The number of RTDs in subvolume #1 .

0.2 Average dew temperature of subvolume #1 (Dj)

. .The average of all dew cell dew temps in subvolume si 1 N of . - I Di,j N j.1 -

where N = The number. of-RTDs 'In subvolume #1

.D.3- ' Total corrected pressure #1, (P1 ) ,

C:1 First correction factor-for raw pressure #1,-(from program initialization data met).

M1 _ Second correction factor for raw pressure #1, (from progra-initialization data set).

L -Pr) Raw pressure #1. from SUFFILE.

Pj . C 1-.. Mj,Pri/1000, for_5 digit pressure-transmitters P_.C1 1 + M]' Pri /10000, for 6 digit pressure transmitters

-D.4- Total corrected pressure #2, (Pg)

C2  : First correction factor for raw pressure #2,_ (from program initialization data: set.

M2' Second-correction factor for raw pressure s2, (from program-initialization data set.

o Prg Raw' pressure 12, from BUFFILE.

P2*C2*N2 _Pr2/1000, for 5 digit pressure transmitters P2*C2+H2 Pr2/10000, for 6 digit pressure transmitters l

mam - 51 -

-n-4y---- .f- -

my '

s -- ~ r my c


.D.S Whole Containment Volume Heighted Average Temperature, (Tc)

Approximate N Netnod Te . I ft Tj 11 1

Exact N f)

Nethod I 11 Tj where: fj. The volume fraction of.the ith subvolume N . The total # of subvolumes in containment 0.6 Average Vapor Pressure of Subvolume I, (Curve fit of ASHE steam tables.) (Pvj) .

Pvt . C.01529125 + p.0016l3476 D1 7 (Dj)3 (Di )

-- 2.28128 1.44734X X + 7.081828 X 10II (Dj)5 10-10 9 i (D )d + 3.03544.X 10-D.7 Whole Containment Average Vapor Pressure, (Pve)


  • N Method Pvc. I- ft Pvj 11


Exact N ft Pvg Method Pvc . Te I 1 '1 Tj N . The total of subvolumes in containment f i. Volume fraction of the ith subvolume D.8 Nhole Containment Average Dew Temperature. (Dc)

.\pproximate N Method De = I fi D-i 11

. Exact Methor The whole containment' average vapor. pressure.

(Pve ) calculated with the exact method is used to find Dg. An initial value of De is guessed and used with the equation in-D.6 to calculate Py g.

This value is then compared to the known value frem

-D.7. A new value of De is guessed and the process is repeated until a vafue of De is found that results in a-calculated value of Pvc that is within .0001 psia of'the value from 0.7.

ncu s**

D.9 Average to'tal contal'nment pressure,(P)

P . ( P g

  • Pg ) ! 2 Average total contr.inment dry air pressure, (Pd )

Pd . P - Pvg D.10 Total Containment dry air mass (H)

Pg Vc Type 1: M=

R Tc where: R . Perfect gas constant, Ve . Total containment free volume.

Type 2: Type 2 dry air mass accounts for changes in Reactor Vessel level. .

For uncorrected dry air mass, (Type 1) the below d'*initions apply.


. I Vi and ft . Vj/Ve Ve 11 where V{ is the user entered free volume in subvolume 1.

For corrected dry air mass, (Type 2) the same definitions for Ve and fj apply, except that one of the V is is corrected for changes in vessel level. If k is the subvolume number of the correctec subvolume then:

Vg . Yk o - a(C - b) a is the number of cubic feet of free volume per inch of vessel level, b is the base level of the reactor vessel, in inches.

C is the actual water level in the reactor vessel. in inches.

Vt o is the volume of the subvolume k when C ecuals b.

The volume fractions (ft ) are then calculated with the corrected volume, and all other calculations are subsequently performed as previously specified for Type 1 dry air mass.

TECH 364 l

D.11 Leakrate C'alculations using Mass-Plot Method:

This method assumes that the leakage rste is constant during ,

the testing period, a-plot of the measured contained dry air mass versus time would ideally yield a straight line with a negative slope.

Based on the least squares fit to the data obtained, the calcula.ed containment leakage rate is obtained from the ecuation:

M . At + 8 M . containment dry air mass at time t (1bs.)

Where B . calculated dry air mass at time t.0 (Ibs.)

A calculated-leakage rate (1bs/hr) t = time in,terval since start of test (hours)

B n

(Ibs) t (hours)

The values of the constants- A and B such that the line is linear least squares- best fitted to the . leak rate data are:

NI(tj)(Hj) - (Iti) (I Mj)


NI(ti)2 . (Iti-)2--

IMg -



. __ _ _ _ . _ _ ~ . _. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...__. ~._

By definition, leakage out of the contai.iment is considered positive leakage. Therefore, the M;6:stically averaged least scuares containment leakage rate in weight percent per day is given by:

L( ') (2400)/8 (weight 1/ day)

In order to calculate the 951 confidence Ilmit of the least squares averaged leak rate, the standard deviation of the least souares slope anc-the student's T-01stribution function are used as

-follows: ,


l- NI(H! )2 - (IM1 )2 /2 (2400) (weight ;


~AI --

a = 74

,(N-2) NICtj)2 - (Itj)2 ,,,

8 UCL = L + e (T) ,

1.6449(N-2) + 3.5283 + 0.85602/(N-2) where- T- .

(N-2) + 1.2209 - 1.5162/(N-2)

N =- Number of data sets (hours)-

.tl = : test duration at the i th data set .

(weight;/ day) e .- = standard deviation of.least squares slope T - Value of-the single-sided T-Olstribution function with 2 degrees of freedom L = calculated leak rate in weight 1/ day (1/ day)

UCL = 95 upper confidence 11mit 8

<-- calculated containment dry air- mass at time t.0 (1bs.)

0.12= Point to Point Calculations This method calculates the rate of change with respect to time of dry air mass using the Point to Point Method.


V ite"

  • p


I For every data set. the rate of change of dry air mass.between the most recent. (ti) and the previous time (ti.1) is calculated using  ;

the two' point method shown below. ..



I-I' Mi= lti-ti.1) I

.Then the least square fit of the point to 90 int leakrates is calculated as described for dry air masses in section 0.11 0.13 Total-Time Calculations This methnd calculates the rate of change with respect to time of dry air mass using the Total Time Method-Initially, a reference time (tr) is chosen. For every data set

-the rate of change of dry air mass betwen. ty and the most recent time, t3 is calculated using the two point method shown below.

. 2400 Mi a (1 " NI 'H')

(tete Then the least scurres fit and 957, UCL of the Total Time leakrates are calculated as shown below:

I At I(tt)2 - I tt I At tg N I (tt)2 - (I tt)2

( N Al -I'tjIA) t N I (tt)2 - (I tt)2 L= 8 + At-1.6449(N-2) + 3.5283 + 0.85602/(N-2)

(N-2) + 1.2209 - 1.5162/(N-2)

Note:.N is the number of data sets minus one.

new s.4 _g_

b 7,

I (tp - I (tt) / N)2 N I (t{)2 -(It{ )2 / N

/ /

/ /

a .,/

F j

/- I (A )2 - 8 I A - A I At ti 1

-\/ N t/

-UCL . L Ta Notei This ecuation is calculated for information only from the start of the test up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, then it becomes the official leakrates for future times.

D.14 BN-TOP-1 ,

_This method calculates the rate of change with-respect to the time of- dry air mass using the Total Time Method.

-Initially, a rtference time (tr).is chosen. For every data set

'the_ rate of change of the data-ites between tr and the most_recent time. (1 )1 is' calculated using the two point method shown below:

-. 2400 Mg . -(1 - M t/Mr)

(tt - tr)

.Then the least squares fit of the Total Time leatrates and the BN-TOP-1c951 UCLs are calculated as shown below,

( I.At I(tt)2 -

~I tt I At :tt)

N I (ti)4 .( I t{ )f Note: 'N is the-number'of-cata sets minus one.

I s


- new s.4 _g,



( N I tt A1 -

I tt IAt)

  • ~~

N I (tt)2 - (I tg)2 L. B + At 2.37226 2.8225 T . 1.95996 (N - 2)2 (N - 2) 1 (tp - I (tt) / N)2

i. I<_.

N I (tt)2 - (I tt)2 /N

/ /


/ F

/ I (Hg)2 - B I At - A I At tg e n,/ j

\/ N \/

UCL . L Te ,

Note: This ecuation is calculated for information only from the start of the test up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, then it becomes the official leaktates for future times.

0.15 Temperature stabilization checking per ANSI 56.8-1981 Ti Heighted average containment air temperature at hour i.

Ti .n Rate of change of weighted average containment air temperature over an n t.our period at hour i, using a two point backwards difference method, Ti - Tj.n i t .n .

"c"'"  : _ _ - _ _ - . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ .

-21.lis the-AN'SI 56.8-1981 Temperature stabilization criteria at hour i.

Zi . - l Tj ,4 - 71 ,1--l. I must be 2. 4 Per ANSI 56.3-1981, 2 must be less than or equal to 0.5 0F/hr


NOTE: If the data sampling interval is less than one hour, then:

Option #1 Use d.ta collected at hourly intervals Option #2_ Use average of data collected in previou hour for that hour's data.

D.16 Calculation:of Instrument-Selection Guide, (ISG) f-ISG'. 2400 /-Z (ep/p)2 + 2 (er /I)# + l (8d 0)Z -. /

t \/ N p Nr Nd where: t is --the testL cime',- in- hours - i p is' test pressure, psia T is1the volume: weighed average containment temperature. OR r _Np is?the number of. pressure transmitters

- Mr is the number of RTDs .

Nd is the. number of, dew cells-

-ep is~the combined pressure transmitters' error, psia

!- -the combined RTDs' error, OR l ed is the combined dew cells' error, OR t

l ep = \/ (Sp)2 ,iRP, +1RSp )2 where: Sp'is the sensitivity of a pressure transmitter RP p Lis the repeatability of ALprtssure-transmitter-L R$p is.the resolution of pressure transmitter l

l I


' er=. ~/ -

.\/_(Sry2 , (Rpr + RSr)2-where: the sensitivity of an RTD.

.RPr is the. repeatability c' an RTD R$p is:the resolution-of an RTD

- reena , - ..- - ,. - - . - - - .. - - . . - , .-,


' tg =


ATd I d 'l (Sd)2 , (gpd + RSd)2 where: So is the-sensitivity of a dew cell RP is the repeatability of a dew cell RS is the resolution of a dew cell


APy change in vapor pressure ,

ATE I d change in saturation temperature The above ratio is from ASHE steam tables and evaluated at the containment's saturation temperature at that time.

D.17 BN-TOP-1 Temperature Stabiltration Criteria Calculation A. The rate of change of temperature is less than 1 'F/Hr averaged over the last two hours.

Ki . lTj Tj.1l K2 . lTi .) - T i -2l Kt and K2 must both be less than I to meet the criteria A.

B. Jhe rate of change of temperature changes less than 0.5 F/ hour / hour averaged over the last two hours.

K1 - (Ti - Tj_1)/(ti - ti.1)

K2 i ( (KT1-2)/(tl.1 ti-2)l

- K2 )/(t) - ti_1) 2 must be less than 0.5 to meet the criteria listed in B.

D.18 Reactor Vessel Free Volume Mass Calculation As shown in section D.10. the free volume of the Reactor Vessel subvolume e is given by the below. equation.

V, . V,o - a (c-b)

- The dry air mass in subvolume e can then be written as:

Mc . 144 (P-Pve) Vr/RTc


Where: He is tP- dry air mass in sabvolume e, (Ibm) i the gas constant of air (CR) 5 is the average, temperature.of subvolume e,

Py, is the average vapor pressure of subvolume c. (pisa)

P is the average containment pressure. (psia)

V, is-the free air volume in subvolume c.


TECH 3e4 1

D.19 forus Tres Volume' Calculation .

Free volume calculations of'the Torus rely upon narrow range Torus water level inputs, These range between plus anc minus five Inches. It is assumed that the Torus subvolume free air volume is that subvolume's volume when the Torus level equals zero. The user may-enter three crPtants to mc.,el the variation of Torus air volume .

with water level.  !

l The equations 'for Torus free volume in subvolume t are given:

3 V t " V to - (al + bL cL ])when V t " V to + (-al + bl2 -cL when L1L10 0

The dry air mass in subvolume t can then be written as:

Ht . 144 (P Pvt} Vt/RTt Where: Mt is the dry air eass in subvolume t, (lbm)

P is the average containment pressure, (psia) bt is the average vapor pressure of subvolu;ae t (pisa) 3 Vt is the free volume i.. subvolume t. (f t )

R is the gas constant of air Tt is the average temperature in subvolume t (OR)

L is the Torus level, (inches) a,b c are Torus level constants Vt o is'the free volume in subvolume T when L equals zero, taken from standard free volume inputs. (ft3)

E.-0UTPUTS E.1 OUTPUT DEVICE TYPES: The below output devices shall be supported.

There are no special constraints on output device locations.

PRINTERS: PRIME High Speed Line Printer.

Os:IDATA 2410 08:IDATA 93 LA120 PLOTTERS: Hewlet Packard- 7475A 8.5 ' X 11" Hewlet Packard 75BSA B.5"-X 11" Newlet_Packard 7585A 11" X 17" CRTs:

Wyse Hy75 View Point 60 Amper Dialogue 80 & B1 PRIME PT200 R amTech -6200 GRAPHICS TERMINALS: 6211 RamTech Tektronix 4107 Tektroni 4208 Telt enix a014 TECH N . gj _


INSTRUMENT ERROR ANALYSIS na m . - . . --_-____ _____ ___ _ __________ -

1 July 8, 1992 To: D. Hyman D. Schumacher S. Gupta J. Kuznicki R. Salmi H. King Dubjects Calculation Of The Instrument Selection Guide For ILRT Instrumentation Systems 10CFR50-Appendix J specifies that all Type A tests be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the American National Standard N45.4-1972. Section 6.4 of that standard requires that the combined precision of all instro.ents used to perfora a Type A test be such that the accuracy L1 the collected data is consistent with the magnitude of the specified leakage rate.

The Instrument Selection Guide,(ISG) formulation defined in Appendix G of the 1987 Standard, ANSI /ANS-56.8 is an acceptable means of determining the ability of the Type A test instrumentation system to measure the integrated leakage rate of a primary reactor containment system. This rather long formulation is labor intensive to calculate either by hand or by computer.

Section 5.4 of NO Directive NOD-TS.13 specifies that all CECO plants shall use a standardized instrumentation system for Type A testing. Attachment A lists the resolutions, repeatabilities, and sensitivities which may be expected when the standardized system is used. Also listed are the recommended minimum numbers of each type of sensor.

It is shown in Attachment B, that if the standard Type A test instrumentation specifications and the minimum sensor numbers are met, then the ANS-56.8 ISG acceptance criteria is always satisfied. This eliminates the need to demonstrate by calculation in station procedures that the ISG acceptance criteria is meet.

l l

l h The requirement to calculate Type A Test instrumentation system 18G values may be eliminated from the IIJtT procedures of each Ceco station. Instead, the instrumentation requirements listed in Attachment A need be included. This letter along with the attachments may be referenco as the basis for that procedure change.


[' l Jim Clover Production Services Dept.

LL L J. Drunner Tec nical Staff Support Superintendent G. Vanderheyden R. Shields M. Strait R. Walsh P. Johnson J. Brunner W. T'Niemi I


I 1


Pressure Transmitters: Resolution 0.0001 psi Repeatability 0.001 psi Sensitivity 0.0001 psi Minimum Number 1 Temperature channels: Resolvtion 0.01 'F Re,$satability 0 . 0 '< 'F '

Sensitivity 0.01 'F Minimum Number 15 Dew Temperature Channels: Resolution 0.01 'F Repeatability 0.1 'F Sensitivity 0.1 'F ,

Minimum Number 5 4

Instrument Parameter Defintions From ANSI /kNB 56.8-1ffl Repeatability: The capability of the measurement system to reproduce a given reading from a constant source.

Resolution: The least unit discernible on the display mechanism.

sensitivity: The capability of a measurement system to respond to change in the measured parameter.

l 1.

, ATTACHMENT B INSTRUMENT SELECTION CUIDE CALCULATIONS FOR ILRT INSTRUMENTATION "These calculations are based upon the equations lated in Appendtr G of ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987*

Pressure Transmitter Parameters Temperature Parameters Dew Ternpen.ture Parameters SensitMty Sp := 0.0001 pel SensitMty Sr := 0.01 F SensWty Sd := 0.1 F Repeatt.bility RPp = 0.001 psi Repeatability RPr =0.02 F Repentability RPd = 0.1 F Resolution RSp := 0.0001 psi Resolution RSr := 0.01 F Resolution RSd := 0.01 F Number Np : 1 Number Nr :15 Number Nd : 5 Pressure P := 44. psig Temperature T := 95 F dew Temp Td := 95. F TEST DURATION t := 8 4

Pressure Error Calculation Measureraent System Error Pmw := RPp + RSp Pmse = 0.0011

" 8P Prossure Error Pe:= Pe = 0.0011 3

Np Temperature Measurement Error Measurement System Error Tmse: RPr+ RSr Tmse = 0.03 2

Temperature Error Te :: Tm + Srf Te = 0.0082 Nr8 Dew Temperature Measurement Error Measurement System Error Tdmse :RPd4 RSd Tdmse = 0.11 Calculate the vapor pressure rate of change with dew temp from steam tables A := 0.0886717535 D :: 22.452 C :: 490.59 Z::b A exp D.


Z = 0.041 dTd .

(Td- 32 + C),

Measurement System Error Dmse := Z-(RPd+ RSd) Dmse = 0.0045 Dew Temperature Error De := # De = 0.0027 Nd" t

1 l



Pressus Ettor Term PE =2- PE = 7.0813 10

,(P + 14.7),

I Te Temperature Error Term TE := 2 111 = 4.3336 10

,(T + 459.68),

Dew Temperature Error Term DTE::2 DTE -4.3179 10"

,(P + 14.7),

1S0:= 0.(PE+ TE+ DTE)'3 ISO = 0.0222 t

ANSI /ANS 50.8 requires that the ISG be less than 025La to be acceptable STATION La 0.25La DRESDEN 1.6 0,4 ZION 0.1 0.025 BYRON 0.1 0.025 BRAIDWOOD 0.1 0.025 QU/O CmES 1.0 025 LASALLE 0.635 0.156 ,


  • =

i l

l l

APPENDIX E BN-TOP-1, REV. 1 ERRATA new w _ - _ _ - _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _- -

APPEND 8X E BN-TOP-1, RIV. 1 ERAATA The Cossuasion has approved short duration testing for the IPCLRT provided the Station uses the general test method outlined in the BN TCP-1, Rev. I topical report. The prs. mary dif ference between that method and the ones previously used is in the statistical analysis of the seasured leak rate data.

Without making any judsmants concerning the validity of this test method, certain errors to the editing of the mathematical erpressions were discovered.

The intent here is not to change the test ethod, but rather to clarify the method in a mathematically precise sanner that allows its tarplementation. The errors are listed below.

EOUATION 3A, SECTION 6.2 Reads: Lg=A+8tg Should Read: Lg=Ag+Sg t g Reason: The calculated leak rate (L ) at time t g

is computed 3

using the equations regression 6 and 7). line constants equation A ,gThesummationsikaskn(ce 6 are n

defined as I e I. where n is the number of data sets up untti ist The regression line constants change each tree a

.iue t newdaba. set is receive (.. The calculated leak rate is not a linear function of time.

PARAGRAPH TOLI.0VING EQ. 3A, SEC* ION 6.2 Reads: The deviation of the sessured leak rate (N) from the calculated leak rats (L) is shown graphically on figure A.I to Appendix A and is expressed as:

Deviation a M - L(

Should Read: The deviation of the sessured leak rate (M g) f rom the regressten line (N ) is shown graphically on figure A.1 in Appendix A and ts erpress}das:

Den ation = M g -N g where Ng = A,

  • B,
  • tg, A,8 m Regression line constants coarputed f rom all data p p sets avatlable from the start of the test to tse last data set at time t ,


L a time from the start of the test to the tth data set.

nona . . . . _ . . . . . . , . . . . . .

Reason: The calculated leak rate as a function of stae during the test is based os a regressten line.

The regression line coastaats A g and B , are changing as each additional data set is received.

Iquaties 3A is used later is the test to courpute the upper confidesca limit as a functica of ttne.

For the purpose of this calculation, it is the deviation from the last computed regressten line at tras t that is taportant.

p EQUATION 4, SECTION 6.2 Reads: 55Q = I (Mg - Lg )2 Should Readt 55Q = I (M g -

Ng )8 ,

Reason Same As'Above EQUATION $, SECTION 6.2 Reads: 55Q = I [ M g -

(A + 8tg )]8 should Read: 55Q = I ( M g -


  • 3p
  • t )]s g Reason: Same As Above EQUATION ABOVE EQUATION 6, SECTION 6.2


Reads: 5m (E l (i~

1(t g - t)3 Should Read: Sg* I(*i


}( i ~

- I( tg - - t)3 Reason: changes over time tas Regression a function ofline t-) as constaat each AI,dditional data set is recetved. SIrof"t" left out of denostnator.

Susanation signs omitted.

EQUATION 6, SECTION 6.2 Reads: l ' s "_ _ *i i


( "i} ( i}

a it g3 - (1 tg)3 L

Should Read: 8i =" *i i ~( i} ( i L a It g ' - (I t g)3 Reason: Same As Above nw m i

. . . _ _ . _ __ . . _ . _ . _ . _.- .._m_. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ._. - . _ _

EQUAff0N 7, SECT 7oli6J Reads: A=E-3i Should Read: A g=E-B g E

Reason: Same As Above EQUAT10N to, sEC7 tog 6 3 Reads: A=( i) II Ei )

  • II t ) (I tt M() i aIt g3 - (I e ja s.II N ) II "i )
  • II t ) II ti M) t Should Read:

A i i g

nit 3g - (I c )3 Reason: Same As Above EQUATION 13. SECTION 4.3 Reads: a2es2 [g ,1, *


  • EN )

(tg - t)8 Should Read: a3=s2 [g 1 (t, - M )

Z (tg - T)2 where t a tii from the start of the test of the last data P set for which the standard dersation of the seasured leak rates-(M ts beingcomputed);fromtheregressionline(N*i th Eg= time from the start of the test of the i data set; a = number of data sets to time tp; a

Z s 1  ; and ist T s- 1 1t g.

Reason: Appears to be error in editing of the report.

Report dose a poor job of defining variables.

itcou 71 -


. Reads: a=  : ( 1 + "1

  • I*p * ' ) l (tg - t)3 aa s ( 1 + 1" + I*p ~ N j )

Should Read:

I (t g -


Reason: Same As Above EQUATION 15, SECTION 6.3 Reads: Confidence Limit a L

  • 7 Should Read: Confidence Limits a L27xa where L = calculated leak rate at time t ,

T= T distribution valus based on n, the number of data sets received up until time t ;

p aa standard deviaties of measured leak rate values (M ) about the regression lias based on data from th start of tAs test until tune t p Reason: Same As Above

  • EQUATION 16, SECTION 6.3 Rsads: UCL = L + T UCL = L + T
  • a  :

Should Read:

Reason: Same As Above EQUATION 17, SECTION 6.3 Reads:- LCL = L - T Should Readt- LCL s L - T

  • a Reason: Same As Above TECH 3H - 72

L i



- nou m . . .- --_.;_- ..._..:.


253 096 09:56:18 0.167 0.92353547E+05 --- ---

254 096 10:06:18 0.333 0.92352312E+05 0.1183E+00 0.4857E+00 255 096 10:16:18 0.500 0.92349609E+05 0.2167E+00 0.3928E+00 256 096 10:26:18 0.667 0.92348734E+05 0.2203E+00 0.3018E+00 ,

257 096 10:36:18 0.833 0.92349062E+05 0.1826E400 0.2496E+00 258 096 10:46:18. 1.000- 0.92344203E405 0.2307E400 0.3024E400 259 096 10:56:18 1.167 0.92346312E+05 0.2041E+00 0.2636E+00 260- 096 11:06:18 1.333 0.92343484E405 0.2075E+00 0.2526E+00 i 261 096 11:16:18 1.500- 0.92344562E+05 0.1887E+00 0.2294E+00 262 096 11:26:18 1.667 0.92343015E+05 0.1809E+00 .0.2?47E+00 263 096 11:36:18 1.833 0.92341531E+05 0.1783E+00 0.2062E+00 264 096-11:46:18 2.000 0.92344515E+05 0.1555E400 0.1888E+00 265 096 11:56:18 2.167 0.92339625E+05 0.1585E+00 0.1870E+00 266- 096 12:06:18 2.333 0.92334828E+05 0.1753E+00 0.2051E+00

~267 096=12:16:18 2.500 0.92336187E+05 0.1779E400 0.2040E+00 268 :096 12:26:18 -2.667 0.92330469E+05 0.1937E+00 0.2216E+00 269 096'12:36:18 2.833- 0.92331687E+05 0.1980E+00 0.2231E+00 270; 096 12:46:18 3.000 0.92333297E+05 0.1941E+00 0.2168E+00 i 271 096 12:56:18 3.167 0.92332359E+05 0.1905E+00 0.2112E+00 272 096 13:06:18 3.333 0.92334515E+05 0.1810E+00 0.2019E+00 273 096-13:16:18 3.500 0.92331500E+05 0.1773E+00 0.1966E+00 274' 096 13:24: 18 3.667 0.92328250E+05 0.1781E400 0.1957E+00 275. 096 13:36:18 3.833 0.92328750E+05 0.1761E+00 0.1923E+00 276. 096 13:46:18 4.000 0.92328609E+05 0.1732E+00 0.1883E+00 277- 096 13;56:18 4.167 0.92323828E+05 0.1757E+00 0.1899E+00 278 096 14:06:18 4.333 0.92324468E+05 0.1756E+00 0.1887E+00 279 096 14:16:18 4.500 0.92324187E+05- 0.1745E+00 0.1867E+00 280 096-14:26:18 4.667 0.92322531E+05 0.1742E+00 0.1856E+00 281 096 14:36:18 4.833 0.92319609E+05 0.1757E+00 0.1865E+00 282 096 14:46:18 5.000 0.92319484E+05 0.1761E+00 0.1861E+00 283 096 14:56:18 5.167 0.92322531E+05 0.1727E+00 0.1826E+00 284 096 15:06:18- 5.333 0.92318547E+05 0.1722E400 0.1816E+00 285 .096 15:16:18 5.500- 0.92318172E+05 0.1713E+00. 0.1801E+00 286 096 15:26:18 5.667 0.92316062E+05 0.1713E+00 0.1796E+00-287' 096 15:36:18- 5.833 0.92315937E+05' O.1705E+00 0.1784E+00 288 096 15:46:18 -6.000 0.92314578E+05 0,1701E+00 0.1776E+00 289- 096 15:56:18' 6.167 .0.92313187E+05 0.1699E+00 0.1770E+00 l 290 096-16:06:18 6.'333 0.92311984E+05 0.1699E+00- 0.1766E+00 l 291 096 16:16:18- 6.500 0.92312531E+05 0.1689E+00 0.1753E+00 g

b new m . _ .- -- ~ _ , - , , _ _ - .. _ _ , _ _ ,

i i


299 096 17:36:18 0.167 0.92266687E405 --- ---

300 096 17:46:18 0.333 0.92257953E+05 0.1045E+00 0.2608E+01 301 096 17:56:18 0.500 0.92249875E+05 0.1141E+00 0.1433E+01 302 096 18:06:18 0.667 0.92242672E+05 0.1157E+00 0.1294E+01 303 096 18:16:18 0.833 0.92237828E+05 0.1104E+00 0.1208E+01 304 096 18:26:18 1.000 0.92230469E+05 0.1090E+00 0.1162E+01 305 - 096 18:36:18 1.167 0.92222953E+05 0.1091E+00 0.1143E+01 306 096 18:46:18 1.333 0.92217000E+05 -0.1081E+00 0.1121E+01 307 096 18:56:18 1.500 0.92209422E405 0.1081E+00 0.1113E+01 .

308 096 19:06:18 1.667 0.92201687E+05 0.1087E+00 0.1113E+01 309 096 19:16:18 1.833 0.92196656E+05 0.1079E+00 0.1102E+01 310 096 19:26:18 2.000 0.92190390E+05 0.1071E+00 0.1092E+01 311. 096 19:36:18 2.167 0.92183734E+05 0.1064E+00 0.1084E+01 312 096 19:46:18_ 2.333 0.92179031E+05 0.1052E+00 0.1073E+01 313 096-19:56:18 2.500 0.92172562E+05 0.1043E+00 0.1063E+01

314 096 20:06:18 2.667 0.92164203E+05 0.1042E+00 0.1060E+01 315 096 20:16:18 2.833 0.92160281E+05 0.iO34E+00 0.1051E+01 316 096 20:26:18 '3.000 0.92150015E+05 0.1037E+00 0.1053E+01

-317 096 20:36:18 3.167 0.92143969E+05 0.1037E+00 0.1052E+01 318 096 20:46:18 3.333 0.92136625E+05 0.1039E+00 0.1053E+01 319 096 20:56:18 3.500 0.92132578E+05 0.1036E+00 0.1049E+01 320 096 21:06:18 3.667 0.92124281E+05 0.1037E+00 0.1048E+01 4

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l i

MASS PLOT LEAKRATES VS TIME CALCULAftti LEAK PATE Normol Toet 99 % UPPER CONflDENCE UMIT Allotved Leck Rote 1.00 l 1.00 ,

0.80 -

0.00 0.60 --

0.60 25 -- -

25.i 0.40 0.40 6


6 c.

CO tre N

0.20 .__. -

--['v _

0.20 1

0.00 -


-0.2C --

-- D.20

-0.40 .  !  : -0,40

, 0.33 1.33 2.33 3.33 +.3 3 5.33 8.33 7.33 HOURS

, SOFTWARE ID NUMBER: G N O 'l 40 5 -0.0 I

L FIGURE 1 reen m .

- - . - , . -. - . - . e . . - . r -e . , , - -, n.. , .~, -,


'  ; , 1.50 1.50

-1.40 1.40 1.30 1.30

> E 6 uo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

1.~0 5

E5 c.

a. H H

1.10 1.10 ,

1.00 1.00 .

'O.90 ,

0.00 O.80 0.80 2J 3' 2.83 3.33 3.83 0.33 0.83 1.33 1.83 HOURS e


D FIGURE 2 nca m 1

_ . _ .