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Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Bases for TS Surveillance 4.8.D.5.c
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/1997
Shared Package
ML20135D938 List:
NUDOCS 9703060130
Download: ML20135D946 (4)


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A TTACMHt ENT t SdEST / of 3 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3/4.8 BASES 3/4.8.A Residual Heat Removal Service Water System The residual heat removal service water system, with the ultimate heat sink, provides sufficient .

cooling capacity for continued operation of the residual heat removal system and of other safety-


related equipment, e.g., RHRSW vault coolers and the control room emergency ventilation system refrigeration units, during normsl and accident conditions. The redundant cooling capacity of the system, assuming a single failure, is consistent with the assumptions used in the safety analysis to 'l keep the accident conditions within acceptable limits. Since only one of the four pumps is required i to provide the necessary cooling capacity, a thirty day repair period is allowed for one pump out of {

service. OPERABILITY of this system is also d 3 pendent upon special measures for protection from flooding in the condenser pit area. i I

3/4.8.B Diesel Generator Coclino Water System t The diesel generator cooling water system, with the ultimate heat sink, provides sufficient cooling capacity for continued operation of the diesel generators during normal and accident conditions.

I The cooliag capacity of the system is consistent with the assumptions used in the safety analysis  !

to keep the accident conditions within acceptable limits. OPERABILITY of this system is also i dependent upon special measures for protection from flooding in the condenser pit area.

3/4.8.C Ultimate Heat Sink I

The Mississippi River provides an ultimate heat sink with sufficient cooling capacity to either provide normal cooldown of the units, or to mitigate the effects of accident conditions within ,

acceptable limits for one unit while conducting a normal cooldown on the other unit.

3/4.8.D Control Room Emeroency Ventilation System The control room emergency filtration system maintains habitable conditions for operations personnel during and following all design basis accident conditions. This system, in conjunction with control room design, is based on limiting the radiation exposure to personnel occupying the room to five rem or less whole body, or its equivalent. InsE47 anses L

' MARwP 3H.tir.D The frequency of tests and sample analysis is necessary to show that the HEPA filters and Hsu charcoal adsorbers can perform as evaluated. The control room emergency filthtion system in-place testing procedures are established utilizing applicable sections of ANSI N510-1980 standard.

Operation of the system with the heaters OPERABLE for ten hours a month is sufficient to reduce the buildup of moisture on the adsorbers and HEPA filters. The charcoal adsorber efficiency test procedures allow for the removal of one representative sample cartridge and testing in accordance with the guidelines of ASTM-D-3803-89. The sample is at least two inches in diameter and has a Isngth equivalent to the thickness of the bed. If the iodine removal efficiency test results are O QUAD CITIES - UNITS 1 & 2 B 3/4.81 Amendment Nos. 171 s 167 9703060130 970224  !

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sneer 3 4 3 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3/4.8 i

BASES unacceptable, all adsorbent in the system is replaced. HEPA filter particulate removal efficiency is verified to be at least 99% by in-place testing with a DOP testing medium. l h

i The control room refrigeration control unit (RCU) provides conditioned air for personnel comfort, l

safety and equipment reliability. The testing of the control room RCU system verifies that the i heat-removal capability of the system is sufficient to remove sufficient heat load from the control j room such that the control room air temperature is s 95 'F. The test frequency is appropriate j since significant degradation of the control room RCU system is not expected over this time period.

l 3/4.8.E Flood Protection Flood protection measures are provided to protect the systems and equipment necessary for safe

! shutdown during high water conditions. The equipment necessary to implement the appropriate

! measures, as detailed in plant procedures, is required to be available, but not necessarily onsite, to l implement the procedures in a timely manner. The selected water levels are based on providing 4

timely protection from the design basis flood of the river.

i 3/4.8.F Snubbers

f Mechanical snubbers are provided to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant f system and all other safety-related systems is maintained during and following a seismic event or j other event initiating dynamic loads. Snubbers are classified and grouped by design, manufacturer j and accessibility. A list of individual snubbers with information of snubber location, classification

! or group, and system affected is maintained at the plant. The accessibility of each snubber is determined and documented for each snubber. The determination is based upon the existing

! radiation levels and the expected time to parform a visual inspection in each snubber location as

{ well as other factors associated with accessiblity during plant operation (e.g., temperature, atmosphere, location, etc.), and the recommendations of Reguletory Guides 8.8 and 8.10.

t The visual inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of snubber protection to l the systems. Therefore, the required inspection interval varies with thn number of unacceptable j snubbers found during the previous inspection, the total population or category size for each s snubber type, and the previous inspection interval. A snubber is considered unacceptable if it fails i to satisfy the acceptance criteria of the visualinspection. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly as determined and documented prior to the inspections. The categorization is used as the basis for determining the next inspection interval for that category.

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QUAD CITIES - UNITS 1 & 2 Amendment Nos. 171 & 167 B 3/4.8-2

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, ' ATTACHMENT 2 i- Re-Typed Technical Specification Bases Page i'

l- 3/4.8.D Control Room Emereency Ventilation System l

l The control room emergency filtration system maintains habitable conditions for operations

j. personnel during and following all design basis accident conditicas. This system, in conjunction
with control room design, is based on limiting the radiation exposure to personnel occupying the l
room to five rem or less whole body, or its equivalent. l j Testing of the Control Room Emergency Ventilation system during the pressurization  ;

i mode of operation verifies the integrity of the Control Room and the assumed inleakage j

!. . rates of potentially contaminated air. During the pressurization mode of operation the l Control Room Emergency Ventilation system is designed to slightly pressurize the Control 1 Room to a positive pressure greater than or equal to 0.125"'v.g. with respect to potentially contaminated areas. Potentially contaminated areas adjacent to the Control i' Room include the outside air, Turbine Building, Battery Room, Shift Engineers Office, the j j west stairwell and the adjacent hallway. Although the Cable Spreading Room is adjacent,

) it is not a potentially contaminated area because it is part of the Control Room F mergency

Zone. The Cable Spreading Room is therefore not considered an adjacent area for the j purposes ofperiodic testing.

a f The frequency of tests and sample analysis is necessary to show that the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers can perform as evaluated. The control room emergency filtration system l l . in-place testing procedures are established utilizing applicable sections of ANSI N510-1980 l standard. Operation of the system with the heaters OPERABLE for ten hours a month is 3 sufficient to reduce the buildup of moisture on the adsorbers and HEPA filters. The charcoal  !

adsorber efficiency test procedures allow for the removal of one representative sample cartridge

and testing in accordance with the guidelines of ASTM-D-3803-89. The sample is at least two inches in diameter and has a length equivalent to the thickness of the bed.