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Rev 1.8 to ODCM, Annex,Chapters 10,11,12 & App F
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1996
PROC-960630-02, PROC-960630-2, NUDOCS 9608060337
Download: ML20116F397 (150)


3 X244 ALL Dammat Cmkot Ded '

! Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station Pl-137 l ( W- M-smi. DC 20555 July 15, 1996 l l

Attached is a revision to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, l Quad Cities Annex, Chapters 10, 11,and 12, and Appendix F. '

Please update your manual as follows:


1 Quad Cities Chapter 10, Revision 1.0  !

Quad Cities Chapter 11, Revision 1.0 i Quad Cities Chapter 12, Revision 1.0 l

Quad Cities Appendix F, Revision 1.0 i l

Insert:  !

l Quad Cities Chapter 10, Revision 1.8 Quad Cities Chapter 11, Revision 1.8 {

i Quad Cities Chapter 12, Revision 1.8  !

Quad Cities Appendix F, Revision 1.8 l l Please sign.below indicating your manual has been updated and [

that your controlled copy number is correct. l L  !

1 Name Date l t i

l Return to:

i Comed I Central Files 1400 Opus Place i Downers Grove, IL 60515

-or-I Central Files l 4th Floor  !

Downers Grove I i

i f ( j 9609060337 960630 DR ADOCK 05000254 PDR 1


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QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 '



-l l

=! 10-1 1.8 l 10-li 1.8 10-iii 1.8 10-iv 1.8 10-v 1.8 10-1 1.8 10-2 1.8 10-3 1.8 10-4 1.8 10-5 1.8 10-6 1.8 10-7 1.8 10-8 1.8 10-9 1.8 10-10 1.8 10-11 1.8 10-12 1.8 10-13 1.8 10-14 1.8 O


O 10-1

l f



1. System Descriptica.. . . . . 1
1. Condenser Offgas Trectment System.. . . 1
2. Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System.. 1
2. Radiation Monitors.. 1

, 1. Plant Chimney Monitor. .


2. Reactor Building Vent Stack Effluent Monitor.. .. 2
3. Reactor Building Ventilation Monitors.. . 2
4. Condenser Air Ejector Monitors.. . . 2
3. Alarm and Trip Setpoints. .


1. Setpoint Calculation.. . 3
1. Reactor Building Vent Stack Monitors. . . . . '3
2. Condenser Air Ejector Monitors.. .. . . 3 1 3. Plant Chimney Radiation Monitor. .. 3 l 2. Release Limits. .. 3
3. Release Mixture.. . 4 l 4. Conversion Factors . . 4
5. HVAC Flow Rates.. . .. 5
4. Allocation of Effluents from Common Release Points. 5 l S. Dose Projections.. .. . . 5 l

l O


3 QUAD CITIES Rsvision 18


NUMBER PAGE 10.2 LIQUID RELEASES... .. ... . . ... .. . . . . 6

1. System Description.. . . . . . . .. . 6
1. River Discharge Tank.. . . . . . 6  !
2. Radiation Monitors... . .

. .. . 6

1. Liquid Radwaste Emuent Monitor.. . .. . . . 6
2. Service Water Effluent Monitors. .. . . . . . . . . 6
3. Alarm and Trip Setpoints. . . .. . .. . . 6
1. Setpoint Calculations.. . . . . . .. . . . . 6
1. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor.. . . . 6 l
2. Service Water Effluent Monitors. . ... . . 7
2. Discharge Flow Rates.. . . . .. . .. . . . ,8
1. Release Tank Discharge Flow Rate... .. . . . . . . . ... 8 l 3. Release Limits... .

. . . . . . .. 8

4. Release Mixture.. . .. . .. ... . .. 9
5. Conversion Factors . . . . . . . . 9
6. Liquid Dilution Flow Rates. . . . . . . .. . . . 9
4. Allocation of Effluents from Common Release Points. .. . . . 9 S. Projected Concentrations for Releases.


1 l

l l

k 10-iii L

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 )

j June 1996 LIST OF TABLES  :

i i

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- None - \

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O 10-iv

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i .  !

QUAD CITIES Revision 18 l

June 1996 I



! NUMBER PAGE 10-1 Simplified Gaseous Radwaste and i

Gaseous Effluent Flow Diagram 10-11 I 10-2 Simplified Liquid Radwaste Processing Diagram 10-12


i 10-3 Simplified Liquid Effluent Flow Diagram 10-13 i 10-4 Simphfied Solid Radwaste Processing Diagram 10-14 i

I l

t l

O l l

l l

l I.


!O l

10-v i l

\ l

i. _ _ - i

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 18 Juns 1996 CHAPTER 10 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT TREATMENT AND MONITORING 10.1 AIRBORNE RELEASES 10.1.1 System Description A simplified gaseous radwaste and gaseous effluent flow diagram is provided in Figure 10-1.

Each airbome release point is classified as stack, vent, or ground level in accordance with  !

the definitions in Section 4.1.4 and the results in Table A-1 of Appendix A. The principal release points for potentially radioactive airbome effluents and their classifications are as l follows 1

The ventilation chimney (a stack release point). )

The reactor building ventilation stack (a vent release point). Condenser Offgas Treatment System f

The condenser offgas treatment system is designed and installed to reduce radioactive' gaseous effluents by collecting non-condensable off-gases from the condenser and providing for holdup to reduce the total radioactivity by radiodecay prior to release to the


environment. The daughter products are retained by charcoal and HEPA filters. The '

system is described in Section of the Quad Cities UFSAR. Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System Ventilation exhaust treatment systems are designed and installed to reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form in selected effluent streams by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal adsorbers and/or HEPA fiiters prior to release to the environment. Such a system is not considered to have any effect l on noble gas effluents. The ventilation exhaust treatment systems are shown in Figure 1 10-1.

Engineered safety features atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be ventilation exhaust treatment system components.

10.1.2 Radiation Monitors Plant Chimney Monitor Monitors 1(2)-1730A/B continuously monitor the final effluent from the chimney.

The monitor system has isokinetic sampling, gaseous grab sampling, iodine and particulate sampling, and tntium samp!ing capability.

O 10-1

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 Juna 1996 g The chimney effluent is also monitored by a separate particulate, iodine, and noble gas g' (SPING-4) system and a Victoreen system. The SPINGMetoreen system has high range


capabilities to deal with accident conditions including postaccident sampling capability.

The Victoreen sampling system automatically begins taking samples after a high signal has been received on the SPING-4 low range noble gas monitor. Output from the SPING/Victoreen system is obtainable in the control room.

i No automatic isolation or control functions are performed by these monitors. Pertinent information on these monitors is provided in the Quad Cities UFSAR Section Reactor Building Vent Stack Effluent Monitor The combined re 3ctor building ventilation is also monitored by a SPING-4. This monitor has high range capabilities to deal with accident conditions. The SPING-4 noble gas detectors have ranges that envelope the range for the reactor building vent effluent tnp point.

The vent stack monitor has isokinetic sampling and iodine and particulate sampling capability.

No automatic isolation or control functions are performed by this monitor.

N ent information on this monitor is provided in the Quad Cities UFSAR Section i t ' ? 4. ' Reactor Building Ventilation Monitors Monitors 1(2)-1735A/B continuously monitor the effluent from the Unit 1(2) reactor building. On high high alarm, the monitors automatically initiate closure of valves A01(2)A-5741, A01(2)B-5741, A01(2)A-5742, and A01(2)B-5742 thus isolating the Unit 1(2) reactor building, and initiate startup of the Unit 1(2) standby gas treatment system, and isolates control room HVAC.

i in addition to the above monitors, there is continuous iodine and particulate sampling of the reactor building exhaust.

Pertinent information on these monitors is provided in Quad Cities UFSAR Section , I l Condenser Air Ejector Monitors


l Monitors 1(2)-1733A/B continuously monitor gross gamma activity downstream of the '

steam jet air ejector and prior to release to the main chimney.

On high high alarm the monitors automatically activate an interval timer which in turn initiates closure of air operated valve A01(2)-5406, thus terminating the release.

In addition, monitors 1(2)-1741 continuously monitor the final offgas effluent prior to entering the chimney, and monitors 1(2)-1738 continuously monitor gross gamma activity downstream of the steam jet air ejector. No control device is initiated by these monitors



QUAD CIT,ES Rs* n1.8 Ju e 1996 Pertinent information on these monitors is fcund in Quad Cities UFSAR Sections and

10.1.3 Alarm and Trip Setpoints Setpoint Calculations Reactor Building Vesit Stack Monitors The satpoint for tte reactor building vent stack monitor is consentatively set at 2 mr/hr abovo background The reactor building ventilation stack release rate, Qu, at 2 mr/hr is calculated to be 14 400 Ci/sec. Q.,is then substituted into Equations 10-1 and 10-2 to determine Q.. Condenser Air Ejector Monitors The high-high trip setpoint is established at $100 Ci/sec per MWt (=2.5E5 Ci/sec) and the high alarm is established at 550 Ci/sec per Mwt (=1.25ES Ci/sec). Plant Chimney Padiation Monitor The setpoints for the plant chimney radiation monitor are conservatively set at 10,000 '

Ci/sec and 20,000 pCi/sec (high and high-high alarms respectively).

At this level the combined release from chimney and vent is approximately 10% of the RETS limit. This is determined by solving Equations 10-1 and 10-2 below. Release Limits Alarm and trip setpoints of gaseous effluent monitors are established to ensure that the release rate limits of RETS are not exceeded. The release limit Q. is found by solving Equations 10-1 and 10-2.

(1.11) I {f, [Q S, + Q V,) } < 500 mrem /yr (10 i i I {I., f, [ (X/Q), Q. exp (-AR/3600u,) + (X/Q),0 exp (-AR/3600u,)] (10 -2

+ (1.11)(f)[Q S.+ Q V,]} < 3000 mrem /yr The summations are over noble gas radionuclides 1.

f, Fractional Radionuclide Composition The release rate of noble gas radionuclide i divided by the total release rate of all noble gas radionuclides.

O 10-3

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juna 1996 O. Total Allowed Release Rate, Stack Release [pCi/sec) l The total Allowed release rate of all noble gas radionuclides released as stack releases.

Q. Total Allowed Release Rate, Vent Release

[ Ci/sec]

The total allowed release rate of all noble gas radionuclides released as vent releases.

The remaining parameters in Equation 10-1 heve the same definitions as in Equation A-8 of Appendix A. The remaining parameters in Equation 10-2 have the same definition as in

- Equation A-9 of Appendix A.

Equation 10-1 is based on Equation A-8 of Appendix A and the RETS restriction on whole body dose rate (500 mrom/yr) due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents (see Section A.1.3.1 of Appendix A). Equation 10-2 is based on Equation A-9 of Appendix A and the RETS restriction on skin dose rate (3000 mrom/yr) due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents (see Section A.1.3.2 of Appendix A).

The value of Equation 10-1 (2.3 x 10' pCi/sec) is used as the limiting noble gas release rate.

Calibration methods and surveillance frequency for the monitors will be conducted as specified in the RETS. Release Mixture


in the determination of alarm and trip set points the radioactivity mixture in the exhaust air is assumed to be the same as the analysis of a representative sample of noble gases collected at the recombiner during the calendar quarter in which the monitor is recalibrated. Conversion Factors The conversion factors used to establish gaseous effluent monitor setpoints are obtared as follows.

Reactor building vent effluent monitor.

The monitor setpoint is established at 2 mr/hr above background. For the purpose of setpont determination it is assumed that the background is 1 mr at There is sufficient conservatism in the setpoint calculation to accommodate routine variations in the background. However, the isotopic analysis in Sect.on is used to confirm that the setpoint is conservative.

Condenser air ejector monitor.

The isotopic analysis in Section and the flow and monitor reading at the time of the analysis are used to establish the conversion factor.


( . ..

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 Juns 1996 Plant chimriey monitor.

Calibration of the plant chimney monitor consists of recirculating an amount of off-gas (see through the noble gas monitors and a Marinelli beaker. .

After readings have stabilized, the Marinelli beaker is removed and gamma l isotopic analysis performed. The efficiency is determined from a plot of average gamma energy of the off-gas sample and net monitor readings.

i HVAC Flow Rates I l

The HVAC exhaust flow rates may be obtained from the process computers, indication in the control room, or fan combinations. Setpoints were calculated using '

the following values:

Chimney Air Flow. . 350,000 cfm Combined Reactor Vent * (1 fan) . . 48,000 cfm Combined Reactor Vent * (2 fans) . .

. 96.000 cfm

  • per unit 10.1.4 Allocation of Effluents from Common Release Points Radioactive gaseous effluents released from the main chimney are comprised of contributions from both units. Under normal operating conditions, it is difficult to allocate the radioactivity between units due to fuel performance, in-plant leakage, power history, and other variables. Consequently, allocation is normally made evenly between the units. During extended unit shutdowns or periods of known differences.

the apportionment is adjusted accordingly. The allocation of effluents is estimated on a monthly basis.

10.1.5 Dose Projections Because the gaseous releases are continuous, the doses are routinely calculated in accordance with the RETS.

O 10-5

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 June 1996 10.2 LIQUID RELEASES 10.2.1 System Description Simplified liquid radwaste and liquid effluent flow diagrams are provided in Figures 10-2 and 10-3.

The liquid radwaste treatment system is designed and installed to reduce radioactive liquid effluents by collecting the liquids, providing for retention or holdup, and providing for treatment by domineralizer for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment. The system is described in Section 11.2 of the Quad Cities UFSAR. River Discharge Tank There is one river discharge tank (65,000 gallons capacity) which receives water for discharge to the Mississippi River. This is the only release path in use. -

10.2.2 Radiation Monitors Liquid Radweste Effluent Monitor Monitor 1/2-1799-01 is used to monitor all releases from the river discharge tank. On high alarm the release is terminated manually, Pertinent informaton on the monitor and associated control devices is provided in Quad Cities UFSAR Sectons 11.5.2 and 11.5.3. Service Water Effluent Monitors Monitors 1(2)-1799-01 continuously monitor the service water effluent. No control device is initiated by these monitors.

Pertinent information on these monitors is provided in Quad Cities UFSAR 11.5.3.

i i

10.2.3 Alarm and Trip Setpoints Setpoint Calculations j

Alarm and trip setpoints of liquid effluent monitors at the principal release points are established to ensure that the limits of RETS are not exceeded in the unrestricted i area.

j Currently these setpoints are based on the most conservative releases during the previous 18 months. If it is determined that this is no longer conservative, the setpoints are reevaluated. Liquid Radweste Effluent Monitor The monitor setpoint is found by solving equation 10-3 for the total isotopic activity.

O 10-6

QUAD CITIES RLvision 18 Jun31996 l P $ (K) x [I C[ / I (C[ /10*DWC,)] x [(0.5 F*,vo + F'.) /F',n ,)'+ B (10 - 3)

P Release Setpoint [ cpm]

C[ Concentration of radionuclide iin [ Ci/ml]

the release tank.

F',n., Maximum Release Tank Discharge Flow Rate [gpm]

The flow rate from the radwaste discharge tank.

K Calibration constant [ cpm / Ci/ml]

DWC, Derived Water Concentration of radionuclide i [ Ci/ml]

From Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10CFR20.1001-20.2402.

10' Multiplier granted in Technical Specifications applied to the DWC l

F*,vo Average dilution flow of initial dilution (gpm]

stream B Background Count Rate [ cpm] Service Water Effluent Monitors -

The monitor setpoint is found by solving equation 10-4.

l P s (K) x [I C i/ I(C /10*DWC)]

i x [(F"4vo + F',n ,) / F',n ,] + B 3 (10 4)

C, Concentration of radionuclide i in service water if there is no detectable activity then IC/I(C/10*DWC,)is assumed 4

to be 1 x 10 Ci/ml.

F',n., Maximum discharge rate of service water for one unit. (gpm)

All other terms are as defined in equation 10-3.

  • The 10 multiplier may not be used prior to Technical Specification approval.

O 10-7

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 June 1996 Discharge Flow Rates Release Tank Discharge Flow Rate Prior to each batch release, a grab sample is obtained.

The results of the analysis of the sample determine the discharge rate of each batch as follows: i F',n , = 0.1 (0.5 F* / E (C, /10*DWC i)) (10-5)

The summation is over radionuclides i.  ;

0.1 Reduction factor for conservatism.

i F',n , Maximum Permitted Discharge Flow Rate (gpm]

l The maximum permitted flow rate from the radwaste discharge tank.

d F Dilution Flow (gpm)

C, Concentrabon of Radionuclide i in the Release Tank (pCi/ml]

The concentration of radioactivity in the radwaste discharge tank based on measurements of a sample drawn from the tank.

i DWC i Derived Water Concentration of radionuclide i ( Ci/ml]

!- From Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10CFR20.1001-20.2402.

l 10' Multiplier granted in Technical Specifications applied to the DWC Release Limits f

Release limits are determined from RETS. Calculated maximum permissible discharge rates are divided by 10 and dilution flows are divided by 2 to ensure that

releases are well below applicable limits. (The factor of 2 used in the dilution flows accounts for discharging the RDT tank to the south diffuser pipe).
  • The 10 multiplier may not be used prior to Technical Specification approval.

1 i

iO 10-8 1

-,.,,..n -- , , , . , . . , - -

QUAD CITIES R:; vision 18 Juna 1996 Release Mixture For the liquid radwaste effluent monitor the release mixture used for the setpoint determination is the radionuclide mix identified in the grab sample isotopic analysis plus four additional radionuclides. The additional radionuclides are H-3, Fe-55, Sr-89, and Sr-90. The quantities to be added are determined using scaling factors derived from station release data for the previous six months. Conversion Factors The readout for the liquid radwaste effluent monitor is in CPM. The calibration constant is based on the detector sensitivity to Cs-137. Liquid Dilution Flow Rates The dilution flow is determined using Equation 10-6 below.

= ic F* (N" x F" + N" x F" - F e) (10-6) 8 F = Dilution flow (gpm]

N" = Number of circulating water pumps on.

F" = 157000 gpm Flow with one circulating water pump on.

N" = Number of service water pumps on F" = 13800 gpm Flow with one service water pump on i

F ce = Deicing flow 10.2.4 Allocation of Effluents from Common Release Points Radioactive liquid effluent released from the release tank is comprised of contributions from both units.

Allocation of waste is achieved by comparing the pump timer totals for each unit's floor drain and equipment drain pumps to the amount of waste sent to the river discharge tank from the floor drain and waste collector storage tanks. Liquid effluems from laundry and chemical waste are allocated evenly between units. During extended unit shutdown or periods of significant plant input differences, the apportionment is adjusted accordingly. The allocation of the effluents is made on a l monthly basis.

10.2.5 Projected Concentrations for Releases If total DWC is greater than 25, the projected dose due to liquid effluent releases is calculated. Otherwise, the releases from the previous month are used to estimate the prcjected dose for the coming month using the methodology in Section A.2 of Appendix A. (See Section A.2.1 of Appendix A).



QUAD CITIES Ravision 1.8 June 1996 10.3 SOLIDIFICATION OF WASTE / PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM The process control program (PCP) contains the sampling, analysis, and formulation determination by which solidification of radioactive wastes from liquid systems is ensured.

Figure 10-4 is a simplified diagram of solid radwaste processing.

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] QUAD CmES Revision 18


June 1996

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  • l l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 Juna 1996 CHAPTER 11 (d

Quad Cities Annex Index PAGE REVISION 11-1 1.8 11-ii 1.8 11-1 1.8 11-2 1.8 11-3 1.8 11-4 1.8 11-5 1.8 11-6 1.8 l

11-7 1.8 11-8 1.8 11-9 1.8 11-10 1.8 11-11 1.8 11-12 1.8 11-13 1.8 11-14 1.8 11-15 1.8 11-16 O 11-17 11-18 1.8 1.8 1.8 11-19 1.8 l 11-20 1.8 11-21 1.8 11-22 1.8 i

!O 11-i f


[ QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 JunD 1996 CHAPTER 11 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Table of Contents PAGE Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 11-1 l

l List of Tables i NUMBER IIILE PAGE l

11-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 11-2 l 11-ia Uniform Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 11-9.

11-2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples 11-16 11-3 Practical Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) for Standard Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program 11-17 List of Figures NUMBER IJILE EAGE 11-1 Fixed Air Sampling Sites and Outer Ring TLD Locations 11-20 11-2 Inner Ring TLD Locations 11-21 11-3 Milk, Fish, Water, and Sediment Sample Locations 11-22 f

9 11-ii

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 Juna 1996 l

CHAPTER 11 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program l The radiological environmental monitoring program for the environs around Quad Cities Station is l presented in Table 11-1. Figures 11-1 through 11-3 show sampling locations and monitoring locations.

The reporting levels for radioactivity concentrations in environmental samples are given in Table 112.

The practical lower limits of detection for this program are given in Table 11-3. l l The Quad Cities Technical Specification are currently in the process of being upgraded. And, as part of  ;

l the upgrade, the specifications which govem the Quad Cities Radiological Environmental Monitoring l Program (REMP) are being removed from the Technical Specifications and relocated within the Quad j l Cities Chapter 11 and 12 of the ODCM. After this approval, Quad Cities Station will simply determine l the date to begin implementation of the Uniform Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program which l is specifically described in Chapter 9 of ODCM and detailed in this Chapter within Table 11-1a. Similar l

l to the existing REMP, UREMP utilizes supplemental tables which describe reporting levels and LLDs


l that are located in Chapter 9 and figures generally denoting Quad Cities Station sample locations are


l contained herein. I Dg i i

1 l

I i

l t


l QUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samoling or Monitoring Locations

  • Collection Frecuency of Analysis i
1. Airbome a. Onsite and Near Field" Continuous sampier Particulate Samoler operation with particu-Q-01 Onsite No.1 0.5 mi N (0.8 km A) late filter collection Gross beta analysis Q-02 Onsite No. 2 0.5 mi ENE (0.8 km D) weekly and radioiodine following filter Q-03 Onsite No. 3 0.6 mi S (1.0 km J) canister collechon change' Q-04 Nitrin 1.5 mi NE (2.4 km C) biweekly
  • Q-05 Saddle Club 1.8 mi S (2.9 km J)

Q-06 Fairbanks 1.8 mi NNW (2.9 km R)

Radsiodine Canister:

1-131 analysis biweekly Samoling Train:

Test and maintenance weekly

b. Far Field" Continuous sampler Particulate Samoler:

operation with particu-Q-07 Clinton 9.0 mi NE (14.5 km C) late filter exchange Gross beta when Q-08 Sikkema Farm 7.0 mi ENE (11.3 km D) weekly and radioiodine analyses are made**

, Q49 Erie 13.0 mi ESE (20.9 km F) canister exchange beweekly*

e -

d' e .

l CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 ,

Table 11-1 (Cont'd)  ;

Radiological Environmental Monitonng Program Exposure Pathway Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samohna or Monitonna Locations

  • Collechon Freauency of Analysis


Q-10 Hillsdale 10.0 mi SE (16.1 km G) Radiciodine Canister.

Q-11 Port Byron 8.0 mi S (12.9 km J) i Q-12 Bettendorf 13.0 mi SW (20.9 km L) 1-131 when analyses i Q-13 Princeton 4.8 mi SW (7.7 km L) are made' [

l Q-14 Pioneer Village 11.0 mi W (17.7 km N) t Q-15 DeWitt 13.0 mi WNW (20.9 km P) Samolina Train:  ;

Q-16 Low Moor 6.0 mi NNW (9.7 km R)

Test and maintenance weekly

2. Direct a. At Air Samoler Sites
  • Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly  !

Radsabon Same location as fixed air sampling locations in item 1.

b. Inner Rind Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly Q-101-1, 0.7 mi N (1.1 km A)

Q-101-2, 0.7 mi N (1.1 km A) '

Q-102-1, 1.7 mi NNE (2.7 km B)

Q-102-2, 1.7 mi NNE (2.7 km B) f Q-103-1, 1.2 mi NE (1.9 km C)

Q-103-2, 1.2 mi NE (1.9 km C) r Q-104-1, 1.1 mi ENE (1.8 km D)

Q-104-2, 1.0 mi ENE (1.6 km D) l Q-105-1, 0.8 mi E (1.3 km E)

Q-105-2, 0.8 mi E (1.3 km E) ,


l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1 (Cont'd)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samoling or Monitoring Locations

  • Collection Freauency of Analysis
2. Direct Q-106-1, 0.7 mi ESE (1.1 km F)

Radiation Q-106-2, 0.7 mi ESE (1.1 km F)

(Cont'd) Q-107-1, 0.7 mi SE (1.1 km G)

Q-107-2, 0.7 mi SE (1.2 km G) l Q-108-1, 0.9 mi SSE (1.4 km H)

Q-108-2, 0.9 mi SSE (1.4 km H)

Q-109-1, 0.9 mi S (1.4 km J)

Q-109-2, 0.9 mi S (1.4 km J)

Q-111-1, 2.6 mi SW (4.2 km L)

Q-111-2, 2.6 mi SW (4.2 km L)

Q-112-1, 2.4 mi WSW (3.9 km M)

Q-112-2, 2.4 mi WSW (3.9 km M)

Q-113-1, 2.5 mi W (4.0 km N)

Q-113-2, 2.5 mi W (4.0 km N)

Q-114-1, 2.6 mi WNW (4.2 km P)

Q-114-2, 2.6 mi WNW (4.2 km P) l Q-115-1, 2.0 mi NW (3.2 km Q)

Q-115-2, 2.3 mi NW (3.7 km Q)

Q-116-1, 2.2 mi NNW (3.5 km R)

Q-116-2, 2.2 mi NNW (3.5 km R)

c. Outer Ring' Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly Q-201-1, 4.0 mi N (6.4 km A)

Q-201-2, 4.0 mi N (6.4 km A)

Q-202-1, 4.4 mi NNE (7.1 km B)

Q-202-2, 5.0 mi NNE (8.0 km B)

Q-203-1, 4.5 mi NE (7.2 km C)

Q-203-2, 5.0 mi NE (8.0 km C)

O e 6 e .

m O



Revision 1.8

  • June 1996 Table 11-1 (Cont'd)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samohna or Mondonna Lamtms* Collechon Freauency of Analvsis

2. Direct Q-204-1, 4.5 mi ENE (7.2 km D) l Radiation Q-204-2, 4.0 mi ENE (6.4 km D)

(Cont'd) Q-205-1, 4.5 mi E (7.2 km E) l Q-205-4, 4.5 mi E (7.2 km E)

Q-206-1, 4.8 mi ESE (7.7 km F)

Q-206-2, 4.8 mi ESE (7.7 km F)

Q-207-1, 4.8 mi SE (7.7 km G) l Q-207-4, 4.8 mi SE (7.7 km G) j Q-208-1, 4.4 mi SSE (7.1 km H)  ;

l Q-208-2, 5.0 mi SSE (8.0 km H)

Q-209-1, 4.8 mi S {

(7.7 km J) i l Q-209-4, 4.8 mi S (7.7 km J) '

Q-210-1, 4.4 mi SSW (7.1 km K)

Q-210-4, 4.4 mi SSW (7.1 km K)

Q-211-1, 4.5 mi SW (7.2 km L)  !

Q-211-2, 4.5 mi SW (7.2 km L)

Q-212-1, 5.1 mi WSW (8.2 km M)

Q-212-2, 4.5 mi WSW (7.2 km M)

Q-213-1, 4.3 mi W (6.9 km N)

Q-213-2, 5.2 mi W (8.4 km N)

Q-214-1, 4.8 mi NW (7.7 km P)

Q-214-2, 4.8 mi W (7.7 km P)

Q-215-1, 4.8 mi W (7.7 km Q)

Q-215-2, 4.0 mi NW (6.4 km Q)

Q-216-1, 4.5 mi NNW (7.2 km R)

Q-216-2, 4.5 mi NNW (7.2 km R) 11-5

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1 (Cont'd)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samoling or Monitcring Locations' Collection Frecuency of Analysis

3. Waterbome"
a. Public Water Q-19 East Moline Water Works,16.0 mi SSW Weekly collection Gamma isotopic (25.8 km K) composited monthly analysis monthly Q-20 Davenport Water Works,18.0 mi SSW (29.0 km L)
b. Cooling Water Q-21 Intake Canal,0.1 mi W (0.2 km N) Weekly Gross beta analysis Q-22 Discharge Canal, 0.1 mi SW (0.2 km L) weekly
c. Shoreline Q-27 Albany, Upstream on Mississippi River, Annually Gamma isotopic Sediments
  • 5.5 mi NE (8.8 km C) analysis annually Q-28 Cordova, Downstream on Mississippi River, 3.3 mi SSW (5.3 km K)
4. logestion"
a. Mdh' Q-18 Musal Dairy, 6.0 mi WSW (9.6 km M) Weekly: May to October 1-131 analysis on l Q-26 Bill Stanley Dairy,3.5 mi ESE Monthly: November to Apnl each sample (7.7 km F)
b. Eisti Q-24 Pool #14 of Miss. River, Semiannually Gamma isotopic on l 0.5 mi SW (0.8 Km L) edible portions of each sample.
5. Land Use Census
a. Milch Animals 1. Site boundary to 2 miles Annually during grazing Enumeration by a season door-to-door or equivalent counting technique.

O e 6 e .

bl Q CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 -

Table 11-1 (Cont'd)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samoling or Monitoring Locations

  • Collechon Freauency of Analysis
5. Land Use Census 2. 2 to 5 miles Annually during grazing season Enumeraton by using iCont'd) referenced informaton from county agricultural agencies or other reliable sources.
3. At dairies listed in item 4.a. Annually during grazing season Inquire as to feeding practices: a. Pasture only.
b. Feed and chop only.
c. Pasture and feed, if both, ask farmer to estimate fraction of food from pasture:

<25%, 25-50%,

50-75%, or >75%.


l QUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1 (Cont'd)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Sampling or Tp and Fugary and/or Samole Samoling or Mon:toring Locations

  • Collection Freauency of Analysis
b. Nearest Resident in all 16 sectors up to 5 miles. Annually Dacrb<txraney or other rehable method.

1 l

i See Table D-16 of Appendix D for definitions of sector codes used with kilometer distances.

See Figure 11-1.

Bnveekly means every two weeks.

A gamma isotopic analysis shall be performed wherever the gross beta concentration in a sample exceeds by five times (5x) the average concentration of the preceding calendar quarter for the sample location.

Far field samples are analyzed when near field results are inconsistent with previous measurements and radioactivity is confirmed as having l its origin in airbome effluents released from the station or at the discretion of the Health Physics Support Director.

See Figure 11-2.

Upstream shoreline sediment monitoring location is not required, serves as control only.

See Figure 11-3.

l' Milk samples are required from two monitoring locations only.

The fish monitonng location is not identified exactly on the map, the point. Q-24, represents the area of the station discharge, Pool #14.

e d' e .



lO O QEad Cities O

Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1a Uniform Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway l Sampling or l Type and Frequency and/or Samole -

Samole or Monitorino Locahon Collechon Freauency I of Analysis l

l I

e i 1. Airbome l Continuous sampler ' RadWine Canisters.

l operation with sample Radoodine and a. Indicators-Near Field l collechon weekly, or more l I-131 analysis weekly on Parbculates l . frequently if required by i near field and control I Q-01 Onsite No.1 0.5 mi N l dust loading. ' samples'.

(0.8 km A)

Q-02 Onsite No. 2 0.5 mi ENE (0.8 km D)  !

Q-03 Onsite No. 3 0.6 mi S (1.0 km J) l  ! Particulate Samoler

  • Q-04 Nitrin 1.5 mi NE (2.4 km C) l l l Gross beta analysis
l l following weekly filter l l ' change2and gamma

! b. Indicators-Far Field l isotopic analysis

  • quarterly l l , on composite filters by I *Q-05 Saddle Club 1.8 mi S (2.9 km J)  ! I location on near field and l *Q-06 Fairbanks 1.8 mi NNW (2.9 km R) l I control samples.

I Q-13 Princeton 4.8 mi SW (7.7 km L)  !

Q-16 Low Moor 6.0 mi NNW (9.7 km R) l l

c. Control l l l l Q-7 Clinton 9.0 mi NE (14.5 km C) l l 1

1 These air samplers are planned for relocation . The relocation of air samples will be implemented to minimize missed sample time.


I l Quad Cities Revision 1.8 June 1996 Tab!s 11-1a (Con't)

Uniform Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program I

l Exposure Pathway Sampling or l Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samole or Monitorina Location l Collection Freauency l of Analysis

! I

2. Direct Radiation a. Indicators-Inner Ring
  • Quarterly Gamma dose on each TLD Q-101-1, 0.7 mi N (1.1 km A) quarterly Q-101-2, 0.7 mi N I (1.1 km A)

Q-102-1, 1.7 mi NNE (2.7 km B)

Q-102-2, 1.7 mi NNE (2.7 km B) j Q-103-1, 1.2 mi NE (1.9 km C) l l , Q-103-2, 1.2 mi NE (1.9 km C) l t Q-104-1, 1.1 mi ENE (1.8 km D) l ,

j O-104-2, 1.0 mi ENE (1.6 km D) '

' Q-105-1, 02 mi E l

(1.3 km E) l Q-105-2, 0.8 mi E (1.3 km E) ,

e Q-106-1, 0.7 mi ESE (1.1 km F)  ! .

O-106-2, 0.7 mi ESE (1.1 km F)

Q-107-1, 0.7 mi SE (1.1 km G) g 0-107-2, 0.7 mi SE (1.2 km G)

Q-108-1, 0.9 mi SSE l

Q-108-2, 0.9 mi SSE (1.4 km H) l' g l (1.4 km H) i  !

Q-109-1, 0.9 mi S (1.4 km J) l l Q-109-2, 0.9 mi S (1.4 km J) l l Q-111-1, 2.6 mi SW (4.2 km L)  ! l Q-111-2, 2.6 mi SW (4.2 km L) l 0-112-1, 2.4 mi WSW (3.9 km M) l g l Q-112-2, 2.4 mi WSW (3.9 km M) ,3 l Q-113-1, 2.5 mi W (4.0 km N) l l

l Q-113-2, 2.5 mi W (4.0 km N) '

l 1 Q-114-1, 2.6 mi WNW (4.2 km P) l l Q-114-2, 2.6 mi WNW (4.2 km P)  !

Q-115-1, 2.3 mi NW (3.7 km Q) e Q-115-2, 2.0 mi NW (3.2 km Q) l g ,

Q-116-1, 2.2 mi NNW (3.5 km R)  !  !

l Q-116-2, 2 2 mi NNW (3 5 km R)  !  !

,! * = inner Ring TLDs are not placed within sector K l.

t>ecause of the rive at this range e 6 e .

Quad Cities l Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1a (Con't)

Uniform Radiological Environmental leonstoring Program j t

Exposure Pathway  ! Sampling or  ! Type and Frequency and/or Sample Samole or Monitorinc i e=tian Collechen Freauency  ! of Analysis l

2. Direct Radiation b. Indicators-Outer Ring I (Cont'd) Q-201-1, 4.0 mi N (6.4 km A) l Q-201-2, 4.0 mi N l (6.4 km A) l Q-202-1, 4.4 mi NNE (7.1 km B) l Q-202-2, 5.0 mi NNE (8.0 km B) l Q-203-1, 4.5 mi NE (7.2 km C) l  !

Q-203-2, 5.0 rni NE (8.0 km C)  !

Q-204-1, 4.5 mi ENE (7.2 km D) l l Q-204-2, 4.0 mi ENE (6.4 km D) l l I Q-205-1, 4.5 mi E (7.2 km E) i l l Q-205-4, 4.5 mi E (7.2 km E) l

! Q-206-1, 4.8 mi ESE le (7.7 km F) l l Q-206-2, 4.8 mi ESE (7.7 km F) l l' l Q-207-1, 4.8 mi SE (7.7 km G)  !

I Q-207-4, 4.8 mi SE (7.7 km G) l Q-208-1, 4.4 mi SSE -

l Q-208-2, 5.0 mi SSE (7.1 km H) l l l (8.0 km H) l 3

Q-209-1, 4.8 mi S (7.7 km J) l Q-209-4, 4.8 mi S (7.7 km J) , l Q-210-1, 4.4 mi SSW (7.1 km K) l l

Q-210-4, 4.4 mi SSW (7.1 km K) l  !

Q-211-1, 4.5 mi SW (7.2 km L) l Q-211-2, 4.5 mi SW (7.2 km L) l Q-212-1, 5.1 mi WSW (8.2 km M) I

. Q-212-2, 4.5 mi WSW (7.2 km M) l l Q-213-1, 4.3 mi W (6.9 km N)  !  !

Q-213-2, 5.2 mi W (8.4 km N) l l Q-214-1, 4.8 mi NW (7.7 km P) l l l t  ; Q-214-2 4.8 mi W (7.7 km P)  !  !

l Q-215-1 48m W (7 7 km Q) ,1

Q2h2 4 0 m. NW (6 4 km Q) ,. l
o.- 1 4. r. t. J. .I 2 km Rp l l


. . 4- . r.t. /. .. J m H;  ;  ;


l Quad Cities Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1a (Con't)

Uniform Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway l Sampling or l Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samole or Monitorino Location Collection Freauency of Analysis

2. Direct Radiation c. Other (Cont'd)

Indicators l ,

I i

l One at each of the airbome location given in part 1.a and 1.b. l ,

l  ;

Q-301-1, Public Observation Tower l

l 1 I

d. Controls l l l

. l l One at each airborne control location given in part 1.c. l

3. Waterbome j j  !

l  ! l

a. Ground /Well j a. Indicators ' Quarterly l Gamma isotopic' and l l tntium analysis quarterly.

! Q-35, McMillan We!! 1.5 mi S (2.4 km J)  ! .

! Q-36, Cordova Well 3.3 mi SSW (5.3 km K) l l

! I

b. Drinkina Water 5 a. Indicator l Weekly grab sample l Gross beta and gamma l  ; l isotopic analysis
  • on L

g There are no drinking water pathways within 6.2 mi l monthly composite; tritium e downstream of Station. I l analysis on quarterly I composite.

c. Surface Water a. Indicator Weekly grab sample Gross beta and gamma
l isotopic analysis' on Q-33 Cordova,4.0 mi SSW (6.4 km K) l ' monthly composite; intium

,! l analysis on quarterly

; , composite.

9 9 9

n -

lO O,--

Quad Cities U

Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1a (Con 1)

Uniform Radiological Environenental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway I Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Sample Samole or Monitorino Location Collection Freauency of Analysis i i

3. Waterbome (Con 1) l l l 1
d. Control a. Control Weekly grab sample l Gross beta and gamma isotopic analysis' on Q-34 Camanche 4.6 NNE (7.4 km C) monthly composite; tritium l l analysis on quarterly l g l composite.
e. Sediments l a. Indcators l Semiannually l Gamma isotopic analysis'

!  !  ! semaannually.

! Q-28 Cordova, Downstream on Mississippi  !

River 3.3 mi SSW (5.3 km K) l l

4. Ingestion l l l l l l
a. Mills I' a. Indcators l Biweekly: May through I Gamma isotopic' and 1-131 l October or monthly: analysis
  • beweekly May Q-18 Musal Dairy,6.0 mi WSW (8.9 km M)  ! November through April g through October, monthly l Q-26 Bill Stanley Dairy,3.5 mi ESE (4.8 km F) l l November through Apnl.

I I i There are no other dairies within 6.2 miles.

l l l 1 I

b. Controls l i

l There are no control dairies within 9.3 to 18.6 l l miles.  !

l 11-13

l Quad Cities Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table 11-1a (Con 1) l Uniform Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway I Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samole or Monitorino Location Collection Frecuency of Analysis s

b. Eish a. Indicator Two times annually l Gamma isotopic analysis *

!  ! on edible portions O-24 Pool #14 of Miss. River,0.5 mi SW(0.8 km L)

b. C onttpl ,

. i .

l Q-29 Missippi River-Upstream 1.0 mi N (1.6 km A)

I . .


c. Food Products a. Indicators l Three times annually. l Gamma isotopic analysis
  • l l on edible portions.

l Two sample locations from each of the four major l l quandrants within 6.2 mi.

l g i  !

l Sample locations for food products may vary based I on availability and therefore are not required to be identified here but shall be taken. l g

b. Controls Two samples grown within 9.3 to 18.6 mi. l l e - -- - -

94 9 -- -

f I

Quid Cities Rsvision 1.8 Juna 19r,6 Table 11-1a (Con't)

Uniform Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1 Far field samples are analyzed when near field results are incorsistent with previous measurements and radioactivity is confirmed as having its origin in airbome effluents released from the station, or at the discretion of the Health Physics Support Director. 3 2 Airbome particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay, if gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis shall be performed on the individual samples.

3 Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the station. '

i l l l 4 l-131 analysis means the analytical separation and counting procedure are specific for this  !

I radionuclide, j

l 5 No drinking water pathway exists within 6.2 miles downstream of station discharge; therefore, no i sampling is required. l O

i I


!O 11-15 l


Quad Cities Revision 1.8 Juna 1996

) TABLE 112 NOTE: This table is superceded upon UREMP Implementation. See Chapter 9 for UREMP O

reporting levels.


I Analysis Water Airbome Particulate Fish Milk Food Products (pCi/l) or Gases (pCi/m3) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/l) (pCi/kg, wet)

H-3 2 x 10'(a)

Mn-54 1 x 10 8 3 x 10' Fe-59 4 x 10' 1 x 10' Co-58 1 x 10' 3 x 10' Co-60 3 x 10 2 1 x 10' Zn-65 3 x 10 2 2 x 10' 2

Zr-Nb-95 4 x 10 (b) 1-131 2 0.9 3 1 x 10; i I

Cs-134 1 x 108 30 10 60 1 x 10' Cs-137 50 20 1 x 10' 70 2 x 10' 2

Ba-La-140 2x10(b) 3 x 10'  !

l (a) For drinking water samples. This is 40CFR Part 141 value.

(b) Total for parent and daughter.

O 11-16

Quad Cities Rsvision 1.8 Juna 1996 TABLE 113 O NOTE: This table is superceded upon UREMP Implementation. See Chapter 9 for UREMP LLDs.


FOR STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM LLDA' Sample Media Analysis (4.66a) Units Airbome " Particulate" Gross Beta + 0.01 pCi/m' Gamma Isotopic 0.01 pCi/m2 Airborne 1-131 .

lodine 131 0.10 pCi/m' Milk /Public Water 1-131 5' pCill Cs-134 10 pCi/l Cs-137 10 a pCill Tritium 200 pCi/l Gross Beta + 5 pCi/l Gamma Isotopic 20 pCill/nuclide Sediment Gross Beta + 2 pCi/g dry Gamma Isotopic 0.2 pCi/g dry Fish Tissue 1-131 Thyroid 0.1 pCi/g wet Cs-134,137 0.1 pCi/g wet Gross Beta + 1.0 pCilg wet l Gamma Isotopic 0.2 pCi/g wet 0.5 pCi/l on milk samples collected during the pasture season.

+ Referenced to Cs-137 a 5.0 pCi/l on milk samples O


Qu:d Cities Rcvision 1.8 Jun31996 TABLE 11-3 (Cont'd)



1. Other radionuclides which are measurable and identifiable by gamma ray spectrometry, together with the nuclides indicated in Table 11-3, shall also be identified and reported when an actual analysis is performed on a sample. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses shall not be reported as being present at the LLD level for that nuclide.
2. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a real signal. For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation).

4.66 . (S,)


(A) . (E) . (V) . (2.22) . (Y) . (exp (-Aat)) . (t)

LLD The a priod lower limit of detection for a blank sample or background analysis as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume).

S, The square root of the background count or of'a blank sample count; it is the estimated standard error of a background count or a blank sample count as appropriate (in units of counts).

E The counting efficiency (as counts per dishtegration).


A The number of gamma-rays emitted per di3tintegration for gamma-ray radionuclide j analysis (A = 1.0 for gross alpha and tritium measurements). '

V The sample size (in units of mass or volume).

2.22 The number of disintegrations per minute per picoeurie.

Y The fractional radiochemical yield when applicable (otherwise Y = 1.0).

A The radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide (in units of reciprocal minutes).

at The elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and the start time of l

counting (at = 0.0 for environmental samples and for gross alpha measurements). '

t The duration of the count (in units of minutes).

O 11-18

Quad Cities Rcvision 1.8 !

Juna 1996 j i

I  !

l Table 11-3 (Cont'd)  ;

i .

l PRACTICAL LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD) l STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM l The value of S, used in the calculation of the LLD for a detection system shall be based on an actual observed background count or a blank sample count (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified

( theoretically predicted value. Typical values of E, V, Y, t, and at shall be used in the calculation.

1 For gamma ray radionuclide analyses the background counts are determined from the total counts in the channels which are within plus or minus one FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of the gamma-ray photopeak energy normally used for the quantitative analysis for that radionuclide. Typical values of the FWHM shall be used in the calculation.

The LLD for all measurements is defined as an a priod (before the fact) limit representing the capability I

of a measurement system and not as an a Postenori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

i 9

I i l l l


l i

l O




l .

l Quad Cities Revision 1.8 June 1996 l

1 f

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4 Quid Citie. Rsvision 1.8 June 1996 i

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I j l Quid Cities Revision 1.8 'l June 1996 l

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f I

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QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 CHAPTER 12 O Quad Cities Annex SPECIAL NOTE Until removal of the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications has been approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the requirements of the Technical Specifications shall take precedence over this chapter, should any differences occur.

t O

EPSPRoJ/odem/ quad /12r1-8f 12-i

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juns 1996 CHAPTER 12 Quad Cities Annex Index PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 12 -i 1.8 12-27 1.8 12 - li 1.8 12 28 1.8 12 - iii 1.8 12-29 1.8 12 - iv 1.8 12-30 1.8 12 - 1 1.8 12-31 1.8 12 - 2 1.8 12-32 1.8 12 - 3 1.8 12-33 1.8 12 - 4 1.8 12-34 1.8 12 - 5 1.8 12-35 1.8 12 - 6 1.8 12-36 1.8 12 - 7 1.8 12-37 1.8 12 - 8 1.8 12-38 1.8 12 - 9 1.8 12-39 1.8 12 - 10 1.8 12-40 1.8 12 - 11 1.8 12-41 1.8 12 - 12 1.8 12-42 1.8 12 - 13 1.8 12-43 1.8 12 - 14 1.8 12-44 1.8 12 - 15 1.8 12-45 1.8 12 - 16 1.8 12-46 1.8 12 - 17 1.8 12-47 1.8 12 - 18 1.8 12-48 1.8 12 - 19 1.8 12-49 1.8 12 - 20 1.8 12-50 1.8 12 - 21 1.8 12-51 1.8 12 - 22 1.8 12-52 1.8 12 - 23 1.8 12-53 1.8 12 - 24 1.8 12-54 1.8 12 - 25 1.8 12 - 26 1.8 O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri 8f 12-ii

. QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 l Juna 1996 CHAPTER 12 A



1. Radioactive Liquid Effluent Instrumentation 12-9
2. Radioactive Gaseous Effluent instrumentation 12-12 12.3 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 12-17 l
1. Concentration 12-17 ,
2. Dose 12-21 1
3. Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment System 12-23 l


1. Dose Rate 12-24 '

\ 2. Dose-Noble Gas 12-27 l

3. Dose-lodine-131 and 133, Tritium and Radionuclides in Particulate Form 12-29 i
4. Off-Gas System 12-31
5. Total Dose 12-34
6. Dose Limits for Members of the Public 12-36 12.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 12-37 l 1. Monitoring Program 12-37
2. Land Use Census 12-41
3. Interlaboratory Comparison Program 12-42
4. M6nitoring Program-UREMP 12-46
5. Land Use Census-UREMP 12-47
6. Intertaboratory Comparison Program-UREMP 12-48 l 12.6 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 12-49
1. Radioactive Effluent Release Report 12-49
2. Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 12-50
3. Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report-UREMP 12-52
4. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) 12-53
5. Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems 12-54 O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-lii



LIST OF TABLES NUMBER TITLE PAGE 12.0-1 Effluent Compliance Matrix 12-2 12.0-2 REMP Compliance Matrix 12-3 12.1-1 Surveillance Frequency Notation 12-7 12.1-2 Operational Modes 12-8 12.2-1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 12-10 12.2-2 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentatien Surveillance Requirements 12-11 12.2-3 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 12-13 12.2-4 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements {

12-15 j l

12.3-1 Allowable Concentration (AC) of Dissolved or Entrained Noble Gases l Release from the Site to Unrestricted Areas in Liquid Waste 12-18 12.3-2 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 12-19 I

12.4-1 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 12-25  !

I 12.5-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 12-39 12.5-2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental l

Samples 12-40 l 12.5-3 Practical Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) for Standard Environmental 12-43 Radiological Monitoring Program O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r1-8f 12-iv

QUAD CITIES Ravision 1.8 June 1996 l

12.0 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT TECHNICAL STANDARDS Chapter 12 of the Quad Cities Station ODCM is a compilation of the various regulatory requirements, surveillance and bases, commitments and/or components of the radiological effluent and environmental monitoring programs for Quad Cities Station. To assist in the understanding of the relationship between effluent regulations, ODCM equations, RETS  :

(Chapter 12 section) and related Technical Specification requirements, Table 12.0-1 is a matrix which relates these various components. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program fundamental requirements are contained within this chapter, with Quad Cities specific information in Chapter 11 and with a supplemental matrix in Table 12.0-2.

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EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-1 l


QUAD CITIES R vision 1.8 June 1996 Table 12.0-1 EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE MATRIX Regulation Dose Component Limit ODCM RETS Technical Equation Specification


10 CFR 50 1. Gamma air dose and beta air dose A-1 12.4.2 6.8.D.4.h Appendix ! due to airbome radioactivity in effluent A-2 plume.

a. Whole body and skin dose due to A-6 N/A N/A airbome radioactivity in effluent A-7 plume are reported only if certain gamma and beta air dose criteria are exceeded.
2. CDE for all organs and all four age A-13 12.4.3 6.8.D.4.1 groups due to iodines and particulates in effluent plume. All pathways are considered.
3. CDE for all organs and all four age A-29 12.3.2 6.8.D.4.d groups due to radioactivity in liquid effluents.

10 CFR 20 1. TEDE, totaling all deep dose A-38 12.4.6 6.8.D.4.c equivalent components (direct, ground and plume shine) and committed effective dose equivalents (all pathways, both airbome and liquid-bome). CDE evaluation is made for adult only using FGR 11 data base.

40 CFR 190 1. Whole body dose (DDE) due to direct A-35 12.4.5 6.8.D.4.j (now by dose, ground and plume shine from all reference, sources at a station.

also part of 10 CFR 20) 2. Organ doses (CDE) to an adult due to A-13 all pathways.

Technical 1. " Instantaneous" whole body (DDE), A-8 12.4.1 6.8.D.4.g Specifications skin (SDE), and organ (CDE) dose A-9 rates to an adult due to radioactivity in A-28 airbome effluents. For the organ dose, only inhalation is considered.

2. " Instantaneous" concentration limits A-32 12.3.1 6.8.D.4.b for liquid effluents.

Technical 1. Radiological Effluent Release Report NA 12.6.2 6.9.A.4 Specifications l ( * )= Updateo Technical Specification references.

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-2

J QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 June 1996 Table 12.0 2 d REMP Compliance Matrix Regulation Component RETS Technical Specificationf) 10CFR50 Implement environmental monitoring program. 12.5.1 N/A Appendix 1 Section IV.B.2 and Technical I Specifications  :

10CFR50 Land Use Census 12.5.2 N/A l t Appendix 1 I Section IV.B.3 J and

! Technical Specifications Technical Intertaboratory Comparison Program 12.5.3 N/A Specifications 10CFR50 Radiological Environmental Operating Report 12.6.1 6.9.A.3 Appendix I 1 Section IV.B.2 O' and Technical Specifications l C) = Updated Technical Specifications references.

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O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-3

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 I 12.1 DEFINITIONS O I

1. Channel Calibration - A Channel Calibration shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the Channel output such that it responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the Channel monitors. The Channel Calibration shall encompass the entire Channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip functions, and shall include the Channel Functional Test. The Channel Calibration may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping or total Channel steps such that the entire Channel is calibrated.
2. Channel Check - A Channel Check shall be the qualitative assessment of Channel behavior  ;

during operation by observation. This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the Channel indication and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from  !

independent instrument Channels measuring the same parameter,

3. Channel Furiction Test - A Channel Functional Test shall be:
a. Analog Channels - the injection of a simulated signal into the Channel as close to the sensor as practicable to venfy Operability including alarm and/or trip functions and Channel failure trips.
b. Bistable Channels - the injection of a simulated signal into the sensor to verify Operability including alarm and/or trip functions.

The Channel Functional Test may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping or  ;

total Channel steps such that the entire Channel is tested.

4. Dose Eauivalent 1-131 - Dose Equivalent 1-131 is that concentration of l-131 (microcunel gram) l which alone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity and isotopic mixture of I-131, j I-132, I-133,1-134, and l-135 actually present. The thyroid dose conversion factors used for i this calculation shall be those listed in Table Ill of TID-14844, " Calculation of Distance Factors l

For Power and Test Reactor Sites." l

5. Frecuenev - Table 12.1-1 provides the definitions of various frequencies for which surveolance, sampling, etc. are performed unless defined otherwise. (The bases to Upgraded Tecnnical Specification 4.0.B provides clarifications to this requirement.)
6. Immediate - Immediate means that the required action will be initiated as soon as practicacte considering the safe operation of the unit and the importance of the required action.
7. Memberfs) of the Public - Member (s) of the Public means any individual except when that individual is receiving an occupational dose.
8. Mode-Reactor modes are described in Table 12.1-2.
9. Occucational Dose-Occupational dose means the dose received by an individual in the course of employment in which the individual's assigned duties involve exposure to radiation and/or to radioactive material from licensed and unlicensed sources of radiation.

whether in the possession of the licensee or other person. Occupational dose does not EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-4 l


QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 include dose from background radiation, as a patient from medical practices, from voluntary participation in medical research programs, or as a member of the public.


Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) - The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring Alarm / Trip Setpoints, and in the conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Sections 12-5 and (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Radioactive Effluent Release Reports and in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports required by Sections and

11. Ooerable - Ooarability - A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be Operable or have Operability when it is capable of performing its specified function (s).

Implicit in this definition shall be the assumption that is necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency electrical power sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support function (s).

12. Ooerating - Operating means that a system, subsystem, train, component or device is performing its intended functions in its required manner.

(N 13. Ooerating Cvele - Operating Cycle is the interval between the end of one Refueling

( Outage for a particular unit and the end of the next subsequent Refueling Outage for the same unit.

14. Process Control Procram (PCP) - The Process Control Program shall contain the current formulas, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10CFR Parts 20,61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements goveming the disposal of solid radioactive waste.
15. Protective Instrumenwinn Definitions - Protective instrumentation definitions are as follows
a. Channel- A Channelis an arrangement of a sensor and associated components used to evaluate plant variables and produce discrete outputs used in logic. A Channel terminates and loses its identity where individual Channel outputs are combined in a logic,
b. Trio System - A Trip System means an arrangement of instrument Channel inp signals and auxiliary equipment required to initiate action to accomplish a protect:ve trip function. A Trip System may require one or more instrument Channel trip signals related to one or more plant parameters in order to initiate Trip System action. Initiation of Protective Action may require the tripping of a single Trip System l or the coincident tripping of two Trip Systems.


EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r18f 12-5

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996

c. Protective Action - An action initiated by the protection system when a limit is reached. A Protective Action can be at the Channel or system level.
d. Protective Function - A system protective action which results form the Protective Action of the Channels monitoring a particular plant condition.
16. Rated Thermal Power - Rated Thermal Power means a steady- state power level of 2511 thermal megawatts.
17. Reactor Power Ooeration - Reactor Power Operation is any operation with the mode switch in the Startup/ Hot Standby or Run position with the reactor critical and above 1% Rated Thermal Power.
18. Reactor Vessel Pressure - Reactor Vessel Pressures listed in the Technical Specifications, unless otherwise indicated, are those measured by the reactor vessel steam space detector.
19. Refuelino Outaae - Refueling Outage is the period of time between the shutdown of the unit prior to a refueling and startup of the plant subsequent to that refueling. For the purpose of designating frequency of testing and surveillance, a Refueling Outage shall mean a regularly scheduled Refueling Outage; however, where such outages occur within 8 months of the completion of the previous Refueling Outage, the required surveillance testing need not be performed until the next regularly scheduled outage.
20. Site Boundarv - Site Boundary shall be that line beyond which the land is neither owned. nor leased, nor otherwise controlled by the licensee.
21. Unrestricted Area - Unrestricted Area means an area, access to which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee.

1 l 22. Source Check - Source Check is the qualitative assessment of instrument response when the sensor is exposed to a radioactive source.

l l 23. Definitions Related to Estimatina Dose to the Public Usino the Anoendix 1 Comouter Proaram:

a. Actual- Refers to using known release data to project the dose to the pubhc for e previous month. This data is stored in the database and used to demonstrate compliance with the reporting requirements of Chapter 12.
b. Projected - Refers to using known release data from the previous month or estimated release data to forecast a future dose to the public. This data is t1QI incorporated into the database.

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l EPSPROJ/odenvgund/12r1-8f 12-6 l


  • S (Shiftly) At least once per scheduled shift D (Daily) At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> W (Weeldy) At least once per 7 days M, (Monthly) At least once per 31 days Q (Quarterfy) At least once per 92 days SA (Semiannually) At least once per 184 days A (Annually) At least once per 366 days E (Sesquiannually) At least once per 18 months (550 days) -

S/U (Startup) Prior to reactor startup O NA (Not Applicable) Not Applicable f

Each Surveillance Requirement shall be performed within the specified time interval with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the surveillance interval. The bases to Upgraded Technical Specification 4 0 B provides clanfications to this statement. These definitions do not apply to tre Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Seebon 12.5).

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EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r18f 12-7

4 QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 l


1. POWER OPERATION Run Any temperature
2. STARTUP Startup/ Hot Standby Any temperature
3. HOT SHUTDOWN Shutdown (") > 212*F
4. COLD SHUTDOWN Shutdown" s 212*F
  • Shutdown or Refuel'") 5140*F TABLE NOTATIONS (a) The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Run or Startup/ Hot Standby position to test the switch interlock functions provided the control rods are verified to remain fully inserted by a second licensed operator or other technically qualified individual.

(b) The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod drive is being removed from the reactor pressure vessei per Technical Specification 3.10.1.

(c) Fuel in the reactor vessel with one or more vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or with the head removed.

(d) See Technical Specification Special Test Exceptions 3.12.A and 3.12.B.

(e) The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod is being recoupled or withdrawn provided the one-rod out interlock is OPERABLE.

(f) When there is no fuel in the reactor vessel, the reactor is considered not to be in any OPERATIONAL MODE. The reactor mode switch may then be in any position or may be inoperable.

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r1-8f 12-8

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 I


i 12.2.1 Radioactive Liauid Effluent Instrumentation Ooerability Reauirements l 12.2.1.A The effluent monitoring instrumentation shown in Table 12.2-1 shall be OPERABLE with alarm setpoints set to ensure that the limits of 12.3.1.A are not exceeded. The alarm setpoints shall be determined in accordance with the ODCM.

Acolicability: Applies to radioactive effluents from the plant.


1. With a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrument alarm / trip setpoint less conservative than required, without delay suspend the release of radioactive liquid effluents monitored by the affected instrument, or declare the instrument inoperable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.
2. With one or more radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instruments INOPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 12.2-1. Exert best efforts to retum the instr'ument to {

operable status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain in the next Radioactive l

Effluent Release Report why the inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.

3. In the event a limiting condition for operation and associated action requirements O cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in excess of those addressed in the specifications, provide a 30-day written report to the NRC and no changes are required in the operational condition of the plant, and this does not prevent the plant from entry into an operational mode.

Surveillance Reauirements Each radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrument shown in Table 12.2-2 shalt te demonstrated operable by performance of the given source check, instrument check.  !

calibration, and functional test operations at the frequencies shown in Table 12 2-2 i i

Apphcability' Applies to the periodic measurements of radioactive effluents.

Bases 12.2.1.C The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor the release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during releases. The alarm setpoints for the instruments are provided to ensure that the alarms will occur prior to exceeding tha limits of RETS and 10 CFR 20.



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(Q EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-9


of Operable Total No.

Channels of Channels Parameter ActionD1 1 1 Service Water A Effluent Gross Activity Monitor 1 1 Liquid Radwaste C Effluent Flow Rate Monitor 1 1 Liquid Radwaste B Effluent Gross Activity Monitor

[1] Notes Action A- With less than the minimum number of operable channels, releases via this pathway may continue, provided that at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> grab samples are collected and analyzed for beta or gamma activity at an LLD of less than or equal to 10# pCi/ml.

Action B: With less than the minimum number of operable channels, effluent releases via this pathway may continue, provided that prior to initiating a release, at least 2 independent samples are analyzed in accordance with Section 12.3.A.1, and at least 2 members of the facility staff independently verify the release calculation and discharge valving. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.

Action C: With less than the minimum number of operable channels, releases via this pathway may continue, provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during actual releases. Pump curves may be utilized to estimate flow.

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-10


Instrument Check (1) Calibration (1)(3) Test (1)(2) Check (1) l Liquid Radwaste Effluent D E O(7) (5)(6)

Gross Activity Monitor Service Water Effluent D E O(7) (5)

Gross Activity Monitor Liquid Radwaste Effluent (4) E NA NA Flow Rate Monitor -


(1) D= once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> l Q= once per 92 days l E= once per 18 months (550 days) l (2) The Instrument Functional Test shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation

' \ occurs, if any of the following conditions exist, where applicable,

a. Instrument indicates levels above the alarm setpoints.
b. Circuit failure.
c. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
d. Instrument controls not set in OPERATE mode.

(3) Calibration shall include performance of a functional test.

(4) Instrument Check to verify flow during periods of release.

(5) Calibration shall include performance of a source check.

(6) Source check shall consist of observing instrument response during a discharge.

(7) Functional test may be performed by using trip check and test circuitry associated with the monitor chassis.


O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-11 f

4 OUAD CITIES Revision 1.0 Jun31996 12.2 INSTRUMENTATION 12.2.2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Instrumentation Ooerability Recuirement 12.2.2.A The effluent monitoring instrumentation shown in Table 12.2-3 shall be OPERABLE with alarm / trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of Section 12.4 are not exceeded. The alarm / trip setpoints shall be determined in accordance with the ODCM.

Aeolicability: As shown in Table 12.2-1.


1. With a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrument alarm / trip set point less conservative than required, without delay suspend the release of radioactive gaseous effluents monitored by the affected instrument, or declare the instrument inoperable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.
2. With one or more radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instruments inoperable, take the action shown in Table 12.2-3. Exert best efforts to retum the instrument to operable status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain in the next Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report why the inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner. This is in lieu of an LER.
3. In the event a limiting condition for operation and associated action requirement cannot be satisfied because circumstances in excess of those addressed in the specifications, provide a 30-day written report to the NRC and no changes are required in the operational condition of the plant, and this does not prevent the plant from entry into an operational mode.

Surveillance Reauirements 12.2.2.B Each radioactive gaseous radiation monitoring instrument in Table 12.2-4 i shall be demonstrated operable by perfomiance of the given source l check, instrument check, calibration, and functional test operations at the l frequency shown in Table 12.2-4. i Bases 12.2.2.C The radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor the release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents during releases.

The alarm setpoints for the instruments are provided to ensure that the alarms will occur prior to exceeding the limits of RETS and 10 CFR 20.

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EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-12 l

f QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juns 1996 l 1

TABLE 12.2-3



of Operable Total No.

Channels") of Channels Parameter Action (2) 1 2 SJAE Radiation Monitors D 1 2 Main Chimney Noble A Gas Activity Monitor 1 1 Main Chimney lodine C  ;

Sampler i

1 1 Main Chimney C i Particulate Sampler 1 1 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent B l Sampler i Flow Rate Monitor 1 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent C lodine Sampler 1 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent C O Particulate Sampler i

1 1 Main Chimney Sampler B i Flow Rate Monitor 1 1 Main Chimney Flow B Rate Monitor 1 2 Reactor Bldg. Vent E Noble Gas Monitor


1 1 Main Chimney F High Range Noble Gas Monitor Notes (1) For SJAE monitors, applicable during SJAE operation. For other instrumentation, applicable at all times.

(2) Action A- With the number of operable channels less than the minimum requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue, provided grab samples are taken at least once per 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shift and these samples are analyzed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-13

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juna 1996 TABLE 12.2-3 (Con't)

RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Action B: With the number of operable channels less than the minimum required, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Action C: With less than the minimum channels operable, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided samples are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment, as required in Table 12.4-1.

Action D: With less than the minimum channels operable, gases from the main condenser off gas system may be released to the environment for up to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> provided at least one chimney monitor is operable; otherwise, be in STARTUP in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Action E: With less than the minimum channels operable, immediately suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.

Action F: With less than the minimum channels operable, initiate the preplanned altemate method of monitoring the appropriate parameter (s) within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, and:

(1) either restore the inoperable channel (s) to operable status within 7 days of the event,or (2) prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission within 30 days following the event outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to operable status.

O' EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12rt-8f 12-14

r QUAD CITIES RIvision 1.8 Juna 1996 TABLE 12.2-4 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTAT!ON SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Instrument Calibra- Functional Source instrument Mode (2) CheckI1) tion (1)(4) TestI1)(3) Check (1)

Main Chimney Noble Gas B D E Q M Activity Monitor

! Main Chimney Sampler 8 D E Q"I NA Flow Rate Monitor

Reactor Bldg. Vent Sampler B D E Q83 NA Flow Rate Monitor Main Chimney Flow Rate B D E Q NA Monitor Reactor Bldg Vent B D E Q Q Activity Monitor i

SJAE A D E Q E Main Chimney lodine and B Dl53 NA NA NA Particulate Sampler


\ Reactor Bldg. Vent lodine B D153 NA NA NA and Particulate Sampler i

Main Chimney High Range B Dl'1 E Q M Noble Gas Monitor Notes (1) D= once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> M= once per 31 days Q= once per 92 days E= once per 18 months (550 days) l (2) A= during SJAE operation B= at all times l

1 (3) The Instrument Functional Test shall also demor' strate that control room alarm annunciation occurs, if any of the following conditions exist, where applicable:

a. Instrument indicates levels above the alarm setpoint
b. Circuit failure
c. Instrument indicates a downscale failure
d. Instrument controls not set in OPERATE mode iO EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-15

- _ - ~

4 QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 Jun31996 TABLE 12.2-4 (cont'd)


(5) instrument check to verify operability of the instrument; that the instrument is in place and functioning properly.

(6) Functional test shall be performed on local switches providing low flow alarm.

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EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12rt-8f 12-16

QUAD CITIES R& vision 1.8 Jun21996 12.3 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 12.3.1 ConcentraGon Anarnhilieu Rannirarnante 12.3.1.A. The concentration of radioactive ma'erial released from the site to unrestricted areas (at or beyond the f.ite boundary, see Quad Cities Station ODCM Annex, Appendix F, Figure F-9 shall be limited to 10' times the concentrations specified in Appendix B, Tabit 2, Column 2 to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2402 with the Table 12.3-1 values repres m: ting tM ATs for noble gases Apphcabilrty At all tine Action.

With the concentration of radioactive material released from the site to unrestricted areas exceeding the above limits, without delay decrease the release rate of radioactive materials and/or increase the dilution flow rate to restore the concentration to within the above limits.

Surveillance Requirements The concentration of radioactive material in unrestncted areas shall be determined to be within the prescribed limits by obtaining the representative samples in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in  ;

Table 12.3-2. The sample analysis results will be used with the calculational O

methods in the ODCM to determine that the concentratior.s are within the limits of Specification 12.3.A.

Bases l

12.3.1.C This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid waste effluents from the site to unrestricted areas will be less than 10' times the concentration levels specified in Appendix B, Table 2.

Column 2 to 10CFR20.1001 - 20.2402. The concentration limit for noble gases was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the Intemational Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publicabon 2.

'The 10 multiplier may not be used prior to Technical Specification approval.

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EPSPROJ/odmVquad/ 12-17



NUCLlDE AC(uci/mt)*

d Kr-85m 2x10 d

Kr-85 5x10 l Kr-87 4x10 4 Kr-88 9x10 4 Ar-41 7x104 d

Xe-131m 7x10 d

i Xe-133m 5x10 1

Xe-133 6x10d d

Xe-135m 2x10 Xe-135 2x10 d

  • Computed from Equation 20 of ICRP Publication 2 (1959), adjusted for infinite cloud submersion in wat:r, and R = 0.01 rem / wee,k, density = 1.0 g/cc and Pw/Pt = 1.0.

i O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12rt 8f 12-18


  • FREQUENCY (LLD) (pCi/ml)

A. Prior to Each Batch Prior to Each Batch Principal Gamma 5x10 Emitters

  • l-131 4 1x10 Prior to Each Batch M Gross Alpha 1x10 Batch Waster Composite
  • Release Tanks H-3 1x10

Prior to Each Batch Q Fe-55 1x10' Composite

Prior to One Batch /M M Dissolved & Entrained 1x10' Gases'(Gamma Emitters)

) 8. M'(Grab Sample) M* l-131 x10 4

Plant Continuous Principle Gamma 5x10

Releases Emitters

  • Dissolved and 1x10' Entrained Gases' (Gamma Emitters)

H-3 1 x10 '

Gross Alpha 1x10 ~

Q* (Grab Sample) O' Sr-89, Sr-90 5x10*

Fe-55 1x10' O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-19 I -_.

QUAD CITIES Rcvision 1.8 Juna 1996 TABLE 12-3-2 (Continued)


a. The LLD is defined in Notation A of Table 12.5-3.
b. A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid samples is proportional to the quantity  !
of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.
c. If the alarm setpoint of the service water effluent monitor as determined in the ODCM is exceeded, the frequency of analysis shall be increased to daily until the condition no longer exists.
d. A batch rebase is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume. Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated then thoroughly mixed to assure representative sampling. A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volume; e.g.,

from a volume or system that has an input flow during the release.

e. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively are the following radionuclides: Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-60, Zn-65, Co-58, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144. Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable by gamma ray spectrometry together with the above nuclides, shall be also identified and reported when the actual analysis is performed on a sample. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses shall not be reported as being present at the LLD level for that nuclide.
f. The dissolved and entrained gases (gamma emitters) for which the LLD specification applies exclusively are the following radionuclides: Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138. Other dissolved and entrained gases (gamma emitters) which are measurable and identifiable by gamma-ray spectrometry, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported when an actual analysis is performed on a sample. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses shall not be reported as being present at the LLD level for tNe nuclide.

i O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r14f 12-20

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juna 1996 12.3 LIQUID EFFLUENTS I

12.3.2 Dose rinarmhilihr Emaniramante 12.3.2.A The dose or dose commitment above background to a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas (at or beyond the site boundary) from the site shall be limited to the following:

1. During any calendar quarter:

(a) Less than or equal to 3 mrom to the whole body.

(b) Less than or equal to 10 mrom to any organ.

Apphcability At all times

2. During any calendar year:
  • (a) Less than or equal to 6 mrom to the wnole body.

(b) Less than or equal to 20 mrom to any organ.


1. With the calculated dose from the release of radioachve materials in liquid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days a Special Report which identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective acbons taken and the proposed acbons to be taken to ensure that future releases are in compliance with 12.3.2.A. This is in lieu of a Licensee Event Report.
2. With the calculated dose from the release of radioachve materials in liquio effluents exceeding the limits of Specification 12.3.2.A., prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission within 30 days an limit the subsequent releases such that the dose or dose commitment to a metree<

of the public from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to less than or equal to 25 mrom to the total body or any organ (except thyroid, which s limited to less than or squal to 75 mrom) over 12 consecutive months.

This Special Report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radiation exposures to all members of the public from all uranium fuel q cycle sources (including all effluent pathways and direct radiation) are r ess j than the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. Otherwise obtain a variance from e Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. The radiation exposure analysis contained in the Special Report shall use methods prescribed in the ODCM. This report is in lieu of a Licensee Event Report.

3. With the projected annual whole body or any intamal organ dose computed at the nearest downstream community water system is equal to or exceeds 2 mrom from all radioactrve materials released in liquid effluents from the Station, prepare and submit a Special Report within 30 l

days to the operator of the community water system. The report is prepared to assist the operator in meeting the requirements of 40 CFR 141: EPA Primary Drinking Water Standards. A copy of this report wil! be i sent to the NRC. This is in lieu of a Licensee Event Report.

EPSPROJ/odcm/ quad /12ri 8f 12-21

QUAD CITIES RLvision 1.8 Jun31996 12.3 LfOUID EFFLUENTS 12.3.2 Dose (Cont.)

Surveillance Requirements 12.3.2.B.1. The dose contributions from measured quantities of radioactive material shall be determined by calculation at least once per 31 days and a cumulative summation of these total body and organ doses shall be maintained for each calendar quarter.

12.3.2.B.2 Doses computed at the nearest community water system will consider only the drinking water pathway end shall be projected using the methods prescribed in the ODCM at least once per 92 days.

Bases 12.3.2.C This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections ll.A.

Ill.A and IV.A of Appendix 1,10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Section ll.A of Appendix 1. The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix l to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable". The dose calculations in the ODCM implement the requirements in Section Ill.A of Appendi.x 1 that conformance with the guides of Appendix 1 be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113, " Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of implementing Appendix I", April 1977.

NUREG4113 provides methods for dose calculations consistent with Reg ,

Guide 1.109 and 1.113.



EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-22 l

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juns 1996 12.3 LIOulD EFFLUENTS 12.3.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Operability Requirements 12.3.3.A At all times during processing prior to discharge to the environs, process and control equipment provided to reduce the amount or concentration of radioactive materials shall be operated when the projected dose due to liquid effluent releases to unrestricted areas (see Appendix F, Figure F-1), when 1 averaged over 31 days, exceeds 0.13 mrem to the total body or 0.42 mrem to any organ l Action

1. If liquid waste has to be or is being discharged without treatment as required above, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, a report which includes the following information:
a. Identification of the defective equipment.
b. Cause of the defective equipment.
c. Action (s) taken to restore the equipment to an operating status.
d. Length of time the above requirements were not satisfied.
e. Volume and curie content of the waste discharged which was not processed by the inoperable equipment but which required processing.
f. Action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence of equipment failures.
2. In the event a limited and/or associated acbon requirements identified in Sections 12.3.3.A cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in excess of those addressed in this Section, no changes are required in the operational condition of the plant, and this does not prevent the plant from entry into an operational mode.

Surveillance Requirements 12.3.3.B Doses due to liquid releases to unrestricted areas (at or beyond the site boundary) shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with ODCM.

Bases 12.3.3.C The operability of the liquid radweste treatment system ensures that this system will be available for use whenever liquid effluents require treatment prior to  ;

release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of '

this system be used when specified provides assurance that the releases of radioachve materials in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable". This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part i 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and l design objective Sechon 11.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.  !

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-et 12-23

I QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.0 Jun01996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.1 Dose Rate Operability Requirements 12.4.1.A The dose rate in unrestricted areas (at or beyond the site boundary, see Quad Cities Station ODCM Annex, Appendix F, Figure F-1) due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to the following:

1. For Noble Gases:

(a) Less than 500 mrem / year to the whole body.

(b) Less than 3000 mrem / year to the skin.

2. For iodine-131, for iodine 133, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days less than 1500 mrem / year.

Action if the dose rates exceed the above limits, without delay decrease the release rates to bring the dose rates within the limits, and to provide prompt notification to the Commission (12.6)

Surveillance Requirements 12.4.1.B The dose rates due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents frcm the site shall be determined to be within the prescribed limits by obtaining representative samples in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in Table 12.4-1. The dose rates are calculated using methods prescribed in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).

Bases 12.4.1.C This specification is provided to ensure that the dose at the unrestricted area boundary from gaseous effluents from the units on the site will be within the annual dose limits of 10CFR20. These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of an individual in an unrestricted area to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in Appendix B, Table 2 of 10CFR20. The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding gamma and beta dose rates above background to an individual 1 at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary to less than or equal to a dose rate of 500 mrem / year to the total body or to not less than or equal to a dose rate of 3000 mrem / year to the skin. These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding thyroid dose rate above background via the inhalation pathway to not less than or equal to a dose rate of 1500 mrem / year. For purposes of calculating doses resulting from airbome releases the main


chimney is considered to be an elevated release point, aiid the reactor vent stack is considered to be a mixed mode release point EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-24



A. Main Chimney M M" Principal Gamma 1x10" Reactor Bldg. Grab Sample Emitters

8. All Release Continuous (d) W l-131 1x10a2 l Types as Listed Charcoal i in A Above Sample 1-133 1x10""

Continuous (d) W Principal Gamma Particulate Emitters

  • 1 x10'"

Sample (1-131, others)  !

Continuous (d) Q SR-89 1 x10'"

Composite l

Particulate SR-90 1 x10'" l Sample l l I Continuous (d) M Gross Alpha 1 x10'"

Composite ]

Particulate Sample C. ' Main Chimney Continuous (d) Noble Gas Noble Gases 1x10' Monitor D. Reactor Bldg. Continuous (d) Noble Gas Noble Gases 1x10' Vent Stack Monitor O i EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri 8f 12-25

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.0 Juna 1996 TABLE 12.4-1 (Continued)


The lower limit of detection (LLD) is defined in Notation A of Table 12.5-3.


Sampling and analyses shall also be performed following shutdown, startup, or a thermal power change exceeding 20 percent of rated thermal power in i hour unless (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT l-131 concentration in the primary coolant has not increased more than a factor of 5, and (2) the noble gas activity monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased by more than a factor of 3.

c. Samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and the analyses completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after removal from the sampler. Sampling shall also be performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following each shutdown, startup, or thermal power level change exceeding 20% of rated thermal power in one hour. This requirement does not apply if (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUlVALENT l-131 concentration in the primary coolant has not increased more than a factor of 5, and (2) the noble gas activity monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased by more than a factor of 3. When samples collected for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are analyzed, the corresponding LLD's may be increased by a factor of 10.
d. The ratio of sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known.
e. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively are the following radionuclides: Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138 for gaseous emissions, and Mn-54, Fe-59, Co40, Zn-65, Co-58, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144 for particulate emissions. Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable by gamma ray spectrometry, together with the above nuclides, shall be also identified and reported when an actual analysis is performed on a sample. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses shall not be reported as being present at the LLD level for that nuclide.

l O. 1 EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12rt-8f 12 26 l

QUAD CITIES Ravision 1.8 June 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.2 Dose - Noble Gases Operability Requirements 12.4.2.A The air dose in unrestricted areas (at or beyond the site boundary) due to Noble Gases released in gaseous effluents from the unit shall be limited to the

, following:

1. For gamma radiation:

(a) Less than or equal to 5 mrad during any calendar quarter.

(b) Less than or equal to 10 mrad during any calendar year.

2. For Beta radiation:

(a) Less than or equal to 10 mrad during any calendar quarter.

, (b) Less than or equal to 20 mrad during any calendar year.


1. With the calculated air dose from radioachve noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, a Special Report which identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to ensure that future releases are in compliance with 12.4.2.A.

This is in lieu of a Licensee Event Report.

2. With the calculated air dose from radioachve noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding the limits of Specification 12.4.2.A. prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission within 30 days and limit the subsequent releases such that the doses or dose commitment to a member of the pub!ic from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to less than or equal to 25 mrom to the total body or any organ (except thyroid, which is limited to less than or equal to 75 mrom) over 12 consecutive months. This Special Report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radiation exposure to all members of the public from all uranium fuel cycle sources (including all effluent pathways and direct radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. Otherwise, obtain a variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. The radiation exposure analysis contained in the Special Report shall use the methods prescribed in the ODCM. This report is in lieu of a Licensee Event Report.

Surveillance Requirements 12.4.2.B The air dose due to releases of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the prescribed limits by obtaining representative samples in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in sections A and L of Table 12.4-1. The allocation of effluents between units having shared enuent control systems and the air doses are determined using methods pres:ribed in the ODCM at least once every 31 days.

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r1-8f 12-27

- - . - -_~ . . .

QUAD CITIES R; vision 1.8 i Jun31996 '

12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.2 Dose - Noble Gases (Cont.)

Bases 12.4.2.C This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections 11.8, lil.A and IV.A of Appendix 1,10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Section 11.B of Appendix 1. The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix 1 to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section Ill.A of Appendix 1 that conformance with the guides of Appendix I is to be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through the appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The dose calculations established in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radicactive noble gases in gaseous effluents will be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1," Revision 1. October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111. " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors", Revision 1, July 1977. The ODCM equations provide for determining the air doses at the unrestricted boundary based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. NUREG-0133 provides methods for dose calculations consistent with Regulatory Guides 1.109 and 1.111.

O EPSPROJ/odenVquad/12ri-8f 12-28

QUAD CITIES Rcvision 1.8 June 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.3 Dose - Radioiodine - 131 and 133, Tritium and Radionuclides in Particulate Form Operability Requirements 12.4.3.A The dose to a member of the public in unrestricted areas (at or beyond the site boundary) from iodine-131, lodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released from the unit shall be limited to the following:

1. Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter.

l 2. Less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ during any calendar year.

( Aoolimhuitv: At all times

l Action.

l l

1. With the calculated dose from the release of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater )

than 8 days in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits,


prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, a Special Report which identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit and defines the '

corrective actions taken and the proposed acbons to be taken to ensure  ;

l that future releases are in compliance with 12.4.3.A This is in lieu of a

! Licensee Event Report.

2. With the calculated dose from the release of iodine-131, lodine-133, {

tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater i i than 8 days in gaseous effluents exceeding the limits of Section  ;

i 12.4.3.A, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission I l within 30 days and limit subsequent releases such that the dose or '

l dose commitment to a member of the public from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to less than or equal to 25 mrom to the total body or organ (except the thyroid, which is limited to less than or equal to 75 mrem) over 12 consecutive months. This Special Report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radiation exposures to all members of the public from all uranium fuel cycle sources (including all l effluent pathways and direct radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part i

190 Standard. Otherwise, obtain a variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. The radiation exposure analysis contained in the Special Report shall use l the methods prescnbod in the ODCM. This report is in lieu of a l Licensee Event Report.

>O EPSPROJ/odcm/ quad /12ri-8f 12-29 i i

QUAD CITIES R;; vision 1.0 Juna 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.3 Dose - Radioiodine - 131 and 133, Tritium and Radionuclides in Particulate Form (Cont.)

Surveillance Requirements 12.4.3.B.1 The dose to a member of the public due to releases of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be determined to be within the presenbed limits by obtaining representative samples in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in Table 12.4-1.

12.4.3.B.2 For radionuclides not determined in each batch or weekly composite, the dose contribution to the current calendar quarter cumulative summation may be estimated by assuming an average monthly concentration based on the previous monthly or quarterly composite analyses. However, for reporting purposes, the calculated dose contributions shall be based on the actual composite analyses when possible. The allocation of effluents between units having shared effluent control systems and the doses are determined using the methods prescribed in the ODCM at least once every 31 days.

Bases 12.4.3.C This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections ll.C, Ill.A and IV.A of Appendix 1,10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Conditions for Operation are the guides set forth in Section li.C of Appendix 1. The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section Iv.A of Appendix 1 to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonable achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in the surveillance requirements implements the requirements in Section Ill.A of Appendix 1 that conformance with the guides of Appendix l be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substaritially underestimated. The ODCM calculational methods approved ey NRC for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject materials are required to be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routme Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance witn 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guce

,1.111, " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors.-

Revision 1, July 1977. These equations also provide for determining the acNa doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

The release rate specifications for radiolodine, radioactive material in partculate form and radionuclides other than noble gases are dependent on the existing radionuclide pathways to man, in the unrestricted area. The pathways which were examined in the development of these specifications were: 1) individual inhalation of airbome radionuclides,2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man and 3) deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals graze with consumption of the milk by man O

EPSPROJ/odem/ Quad /12ri-8f 12-30

QUAD CITIES Ravision 1.8 Juna 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.4 Off-Gas System Operabihty Requirement 12.4.4.A At all times during processing for discharge to the environs, process and control equipment provided to reduce the amount or concentration of radioactive materials shall be operated.

A. .ee.:W and Ar+ian:

The above specification shall not apply for the Off-Gas Charcoal Adsorber Beds below 30 percent of rated thermal power.

1. The release rate of the sum of the activities from the noble gases measured at the main condenser air ejector shall be limited to less than or equal to 100 microcuries/sec per MWt (after 30 minutes decay) at all times. With the release rate of the sum of the activities from noble gases at the main condenser air ejector exceeding 100 microcuries/sec per MWt (after 30 minutes decay), restore, the release rate to within its limits within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, or be in at least STARTUP with the main steam isolation valves closed within the next 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.
2. With all charcoal beds bypassed for more than 7 days in a calendar quarter while operating above 30 percent of rated thermal power, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days a special report which includes the following information:
a. Identification of the defective equipment.
b. Cause of the defective equipment.
c. Action (s) taken to restore the equipment to an operating status
d. Length of time the above requirments were not satisfied.
e. Volume and curie content of the waste discharged which was not processed by the inoperable equipment but which requaec processing.  ;
f. Action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence of equipment failures
3. In the event a limit and/or associated action requirement identified in ,

Section 12.4.4.A cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in l excess of those addressed in this Sechon, no changes are required n the operational condition of the plant, and this does not prevent the plant from entry into an operational mode.

Surveillance Requirements I 12.4.4.B.1 Doses due to treated gases released to unrestricted areas at or beyond the s.te boundary shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the ODCM.

12.4.4.B.2 The radioachvity rate of noble gases at (near) the outlet of the main condenser air ejector shall be continuously monitored in accordance with Specification 12.2.2.A. The release rate of the sum of the activities from noble gases from the main condenser air ejector shall be determined to be within the limits of EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r18f 12-31

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Jun31996 i

Specification 12.4.4.A at the following frequencies by performing an isotope analysis of a representative sample of gases taken at the recombiner outlet, or

  • at the air ejector outlet if the recombiner is bypassed.
a. At least once per 31 days.
b. Within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> following an increase, as indicated by the main condenser air ejector noble gas actrvity monitor, of greater than 50%,

after factoring out increases due to changes in thermal power level and i

offgas flow, in the nominal steady-state fission gas release from the primary coolant.

l l

l 9'

1 i

l l

l O'

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r14f 12-32

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.4 Off-Gas System (Cont.)

Aname 12.4.4.C The requirement that the appropriate portions of these systems be used, when specified, provides reescrable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonable achievable".

This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10CFR50, and the design objectives given in Section 11.0 of Appendix l to 10CFR50. The specified limits goveming the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections 11.3 and 11.0 of Appendix 1, 10CFR50, for gaseous effluents.

O  !

l O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r14f 12-33

QUAD CITIES Rcvision 1.8 Junn 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.5 Total Dose


Operability Requirements I 12.4.5.A The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to less than or equal to 25 mrems to the whole body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or  ;

equal to 75 mrems. l Acoliemhilitv: At all times. <

l Action 1 1

1. With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits of Sections 12.3.2, '

12.4.2, or 12.4.3, calculations should be made including direct radiation contributions from the units and from outside storage tanks to determine whether the above limits of Section 12.4.5.A have been exceeded. If such is the case, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that defines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent releases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above -

limits and includes the schedule for achieving conformance with the above limits. This Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR 20.2203, shall include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release (s) covered by this report. It shall also desenbe levels of radiation and concentration of radioactive material involved.

and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations. If the i estimated dose (s) exceeds the above limits, and if the release condition  !

resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until ,

staff action on the request is comp!ete.

I Surveillance Requirements ) Cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluents shall be I determined in accordance with Sections 12.3.2,12.4.2, and 12.4.3, and in j accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. l Cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation from the units and from radwaste storage tanks shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. This requirement is applicable only under conditions set forth in ACTION 1 of Section 12.4.5.A.

O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-34

QUAD CITIES Ravision 1.8 Juna 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.5 Total Dose (Cont.)

Bases 12.4.5.C This section is provided to meet the dose limitations of 40 CFR Part 190 that have been incorporated into 10 CFR Part 20 by 46 FR 18525. The section requires the preparation and submittal of a Speaal Report whenever the calculated doses due to releases of radioachvity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources exceed 25 mroms to the whole body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 mroms. For sites containing up to four reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR Part 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives of Appendix 1, and if direct radiation doses from the reactor units and outside j storage tanks are kept small. The Special Report will describe a course of achon that should result in the limitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF i THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR Part 190 limits. For the purposes of the Speaal Report, it may be assumed that the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the -

exception that dose contributions from other nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 km must be cons & red. If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is estimated to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190, the Special Report with a request for a variance (provided the release conditions resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 have not already been corrected), in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 190.11 and 10 CFR O 20.2203, is considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190 until NRC staff action is completed. The variance only relates to the limits of 40 CFR Part 190, and does not apply in any way to the other requirements for dose limitation of 10 CFR Part 20, as addressed in Sechons 12.3.1 and 12.4.1. An individualis not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that is part of the nuclear fuel cycle.

l 1

O i l

EPSPROJ/odemiquad/12ri-8f 12-35

m QUAD CITIES Rsvision 18 Juna 1996 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 12.4.6 Dose Limits for Members of the Public Ooerability Reauirements i

i 12.4.6.A The licensee shall conduct operations such that the TEDE to individual '

MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC does not exceed 100 mrem in a year. In addition, the dose in any unrestricted area from extemal sources does not exceed 2 mrem l in any one hour. The Effluents Program shallimplement monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents lit accordance with 10CFR20.1302 and with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.

Aeolicability: At all times. '

I Action  :

1. 'If the calculated dose from the release or exposure of radiation meets or exceeds the 100 mrem / year limit for the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, prepare and submit a report to the Commission in accordance with 10CFR20.2203.
2. If the dose in any unrestricted area from extemal sources of radiation meets or exceeds the 2 mrem in ar'y one hour limit for the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, prepare and submit a report to the Commission in accordance with 10CFR20.2203.

Surveillance Reauirements 12.4.6.B Calculate the TEDE to individual MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC annually to determine compliance with the 100 mrem / year limit in accordance with the ODCM. In addition, evaluate and/or determine if direct radiation exposures exceed 2 mrem in any hour in unrestricted areas.

Bases 12.4.6.C This section applies to direct exposure of radioactive materials as well as radioactive materials released in gaseous and liquid effluents.10CFR20.1301 sets forth the 100 mrem / year dose limit to members of the public; 2 mrem in any one hour limit in the unrestricted area; and reiterates that the licensee is also required to meet the 40CFR190 standards.10CFR20.1302 provides options to determine compliance to 10CFR20.1301. Compliance to the above operability requirement is based on 10CFR20,40CFR190 and Quad Cities Station Technical Specifications.

O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri 8f 12-36


l 12.5.1 Monitoring Program (If UREMP has been implemented, see 12.5.4 for requirements.)

Operability Requirements 12.5.1.A - The environmental monitoring program given in Table 12.5-1 shall be conducted except as specified below.

Applicabihty At all times 8GhML

1. With the radiological environmental monitoring program not being conducted as specified in Table 12.5-1, prepare and submit to the Commission, in the Annual Radiological Operating Report, a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, contractor omission which is corrected as soon as discovered, malfuncbon of sampling equipment, or if a person who pasticipates in the program goes out of, business. If the equipment malfunctions, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as possible. If a person supplying samples goes out of busine a replacement will be found as soon as possible. All deviations ' e #e sampling schedule shall be described in the annual rept
2. With the level of radioactivity in an environmental sampling medium at


' one or more of the locations specified in the ODCM exceeding the limits of Table 12.5-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days from the end of the affected calendar quarter, a Special Report which includes an evaluation of any release conditions, environmental factors or other aspects which caused the limits of Table 12.5-2 to be exceeded. This report is not required if the measured level of radioachvity was not the result of plant effluents; however, in such an event the condition shall  !

be reported and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

  • 3. With milk samples unavailable from one or more of the sample locations required by Table 12.5-1, identify locations for obtaining replacement samples and add them to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days. The locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deleted from the monitoring program. In lieu of a Licensee Event Report, identify the cause of the unavailability of samples and identify the new location (s) for obtaining replacement samples in the Annual Radiological Environment Operating report and also include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new location (s).

4 EPSPROJ/odem/qued/12ri-8t 12-37

1 l

j QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8  !

Juna 1996 i 12.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM j 12.5.1 Monitoririg Program (Cont.)(If UREMP has been implemented, see 12.5.4 for requirements.)

Surveillance Requirements 12.5.1.B.1 The radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table 12.5-1 from the locations specified in the ODCM, and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table 12.5-3.

12.5.1.B.2 The results of analyses performed on radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be summarized in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

Bases 12.5.1.C The radiological monitoring program required by this specification provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides, which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station operation. This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways. Program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.

The detection capabilities required by Table 12.5-3 are state-of-the-art for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories. The specified lower limits of detection for 1-131 in water, milk and other food products correspond to approximately one-quarter of the Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50 design objective dose-equivalent of 15 mrem / year for atmospheric releases and 10 mrem / year for liquid releases to the most sensitive organ and individual.

They are based on the assumptions given in Regulatory Guide 1.109,

" Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", October 1977, except the change for an infant consuming 330 liter / year of drinking water instead of 510 liters / year.

i O

EPSPROJ/odcm/ quad /12ri-8f 12-38

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 June 1996 TABLE 12.51 NOTE: This table is superseded upon UREMP Implementation. See Chapter 9 for UREMP sampling parameters.

RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Minimum Number of Samples Sampling and Col- Type and Frequency and/or Sample and Samole Lc--*.as* lection Freauency of Analvsis

a. Particulates 16 locations Continuous opera- Gross beta and tion of sampler gamma Isotopic as for a week specified in ODCM.
b. Radioiodine 16 locations Continuous opera- l-131 as speci-tion of sampler fied in ODCM.

for two weeks

2. DIRECT RADIATION Forty Locations Quarterly (Minimum of two TLDs per packet)


a. Public Water 2 Locations Monthly composite Gamma Isotopic  !'

of weekly collec- analysis of each ted samples composite sample

b. Sediment I i downstream location Annually Gamma Isotopic '

in receiving body of analysis of each water sample

c. Plant Cooling Intake, Discharge Weekly composite Gross Beta analy-Water sis of each sample
a. Milk 2 Locations At least once 1-131 analysis of weekly when ani- each sample animals are on pasture; at least once per month at other times.
b. Fish 1 location in receiv- Semi-annually Gamma Isotopic ing body of water analysis on edible portions Oample locations are described in the ODCM V

EPSPROJ/odcm/ quad /12rt-et 12-39

QUAD CITIES R: vision 1.8

, Juna 1996 i l

TABLE 12.5-2 l

NOTE: This table is superseded upon UREMP Implementation. See Chapter 9 for UREMP reporting levels.

REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES Reporting Levels Analysis Water Airbome Particulate Fish Milk Food Products (pCi/l) or Gases (pCi/m') (pCl/Kg, wet) (pCi/l) (pCi/Kg, wet) 4 H-3 2 x 10 (a)

Mn-54 1 x 10' 3 x 10*

Fe-59 4 x 102 1 x 10*

Co-58 1 x 10' 3 x 10' Co-60 3 x 102 1 x 10' Zn-65 3 x 102 2 x 10' Zr-Nb-95 4 x 102 1-131 2 0.9 3 1 x *O' Cs-134 30 10 1 x 10 60 1 *:

Cs-137 50 20 1 x 10' 70 2i

Ba-La-140 2 x 102 3 x 102 a) for drinking water samples. This is 40 CFR Part 141 value.

O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12r14f 12-40

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 12.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM l 12.5.2 Land Use Census (If UREMP has been implemented, see 12.5.5 for requirements.)

Operability Requirements 12.5.2.A The land use census shall be conducted at least once per twelve months between the dates of June 1 and October 1 by a door-to-door survey, aerial <

survey, road survey, or by consulting local agriculture authonties.

12.5.2.A.1 A census of nearest residences of animals producing milk for human consumption shall be conducted annually (during the grazing season for animals) to determine their location and number with respect to the site. The nearest residence ir, sach of the 16 meteorological sectors shall also be determined within a distance of five miles. The census shall be conducted under the following conditions:

1. - Within a 2-mile radius from the plant site, enumeration of animals and


nearest residences by a door-to-door or equivalent counting technique.

2. Within a 5-mile radius, enumeration of animals by using referenced information from county agricultural agents or other reliable sources.


1. With a land use census identifying location (s) of animals which yield (s) g an ODCM calculated dose or dose commitment greater than the values currently being calculated in Specification 12.4.3, the new location (s) shall be added to the radiological environmental monitoring program with 30 days, if possible.

The sampling location, having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) may be deleted from & S monitoring program after October 31 of the year in which this land ase census was conducted.

Surveillance Requirerr.ents 12.5.2.B The results of the land use census shall be included in the Annual Radiologo Environmental Operating Report.

j Bases l

12.5.2.C This specification is provided to ensure that changes in the use of unrestricted areas are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census. This census satisfies the requirements of Seebon IV.B.3 of Appendix i to 10 CFR Part 50.

O  !

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12rt af 12-41

1 1


QUAD CITIES Rtvision 1.8 Juna 1996 12.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM j 12.5.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program (If UREMP has been implemented, see 12.5.6 for requirements.)

Operability Rcerements 12.5.3.A Radiological analyses r,nall be performed on samples representative of those in Table 12.5-1, supplir.d as a part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program .


1. With analyses not being performed as required, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.
2. In the event a limit and/or associated actions requirements identified in Sections 12.5.A and 12.5.B cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in excess of those addressed in these Sections, no I changes are required in the operational condition of the plant, and this l does not prevent the plant from entry into an operational mode.

Surveillance Requirements 12.5.3.B The results of the analyses performed as part of the required crosscheck program shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. The analyses shall be done in accordance with Section 5.3.1 and Chapter 11. '

Bases j 12.5.3.C The requirement for participation in the intertaboratory comparison crosscheck program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive materialin environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are reasonably valid.

i O

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri.8f 12-42

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 June 1996 TABLE 12.5-3 l

v NOTE: This table is superseded upon UREMP Implementation. See Chapter 9 for UREMP LLDs/MDCs.



Airbome " Particulate" Gross Beta + 0.01 pClim8 Gamma Isotopic 0.01 pCi/m*

Airbome 1-131 l'Aine 131 0.10 pCl/m' Milk /Public Water 1-131 5' pCill Cs-134 10 pCi/l Cs-137 10 a pCill Tritium 200 pCl/l Gross Beta + 5 pCill Gamma Isotopic 20 pCi/l/nuclide Sediment Gross Beta +  ? pCi/g dry Gamma Isotopic 0.2 pCilg dry p Fish Tissue 1-131 Thyroid 0.1 pCi/g wet Q Cs-134,137 Gross Beta +

0.1 1.0 pCi/g wet pCi/g wet Gamma Isotopic 0.2 pCilg wet j 0.5 pCi/l on milk samples collected during the pasture season.

+ Referenced to Cs-137 6 5.0 pCill on milk samples j

l I

1 EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-43

F QUAD CITIES RGvision 18 June 1996 TABLE 12.5-3 (Continued)


FOR STA NDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM TABLE NOTATION A. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in the sample that will be detected with 95 percent probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" sequel.

For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation) 4.66.s, LLD =

A E - V 2.22 - Y exp (-A a t) ' t Where: '

LLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection for a blank sample or background analysis as  !

defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume). I s, is the square root of the background count or of a blank sample count; is the estimated standard error of a background count or a blank sample count as appropriate (in units of counts). l E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration).

A is the number of gamma rays emitted per disintegration for gamma ray radionuclide analysis (A=1.0 for gross alpha and tntium measurements).

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume).

2.22 is the number of disintegrations per minute per picoeurie.

Y is the fractional radio-chemical yield when applicable (otherwise Y = 1.0).

l A is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide (in units of reciprocal minutes).

at is the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and the start time of  ;

counting. (at = 0.0 for environmental samples and for gross alpha measurements).

t is the duration of the count (in units of minutes).

O EPsPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-44

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juna 1996 TABLE 12.5-3 (Continued)


FOR STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM TABLE NOTATION The value of "s,"i used in the calculation of the LLD for a detection system shall be based on an actual observed background count or a blank sample count (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicted value. Typical values of "E", "V", "Y", "t", and "at" shall be used in the calculation.

For gamma ray radionuclide analyses the background counts are determined from the total counts in the channels which are within plus or minus one FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of the gamma ray photopeak energy normally used for the quantitative analysis for that radionuclide. Typical values of the FWHM shall be used in the calculation.

The LLD for all measurements is defined as an "a priori" (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an "a posteriori"(after the fact) limit for a particular sample measurement.

B. Other radionuclides which are measurable and identifiable by gamma-ray spectrometry, together with the nuclides indicated in Table 12.5-2, shall also be identified and reported when an actual analysis is performed on a sample. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses shall not be reported as being present at the LLD level for that nuclide.

O l

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O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-45

i a

QUAD CITIES Rsvision 18 June 1996 l 12.5.4 Monitorino Procram (If UREMP has not been implemented, see Section 12.5.1.)

Ooerability Recuirements Gl 12.5.4.A The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program shall be conducted as j specified in Table 9.1-1 of Chapter 9 and Chapter 11.

Ano!icability: At all times.

Action i

1. With the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program not being I conducted as specified in Table 9.1-1 of Chapter 9 and Chapter 11, see Chapter 9 for required actions.

Surveillance Recuirements 12.5.4.B Ths radiological environmental monitoring program samples shall be collected pursuant to Table 9.1-1 of Chapter 9 and Chapter 11. See Chapter 9 for detailed surveillance requirements.

Bases 12.5.4.C The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program required by this specification provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC resulting from the station operation. See Chapter 9 for detailed information. In addition, this requirement is stated in Technical Specifications.

l l

O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12rt-8f 12-46

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 l 12.5.5 Land Use Cen*"= (If UREMP has not been implemented, see Section 12.5.2.)

Operability Raouirements 12.5.5. A. A Land Use Census to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of Oa census.

Anpleability At all timet%

Action l 1. See Section 9.2 o.' Chapter 9 for more details.

Surveillance Raouirements l 12.5.5.B See Section 9.2 of Chapter 9 for more details.

Bases 12.5.5.C See Section 9.2 of Chapter 9 for required surveillances and Technical Specifications for more bases details.


EPSPROJ/odcm/ quad /12ri-8f 12-47

4 QUAD CITIES R ; vision 1.8 June 1996 l 12.5.6 Interfaboratory Comoarison Pro 9 Cam (if UREMP has not been implemented, see Section 12.5.3.)

Ooerability Reauirements 12.5.6.A Participation in an Intertaboratory Comparison Program to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurement of radioactive materials in the environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring.

Acolicabilitv: At all times.

Action l 1. See Section 9.2 of Chapter 9 for required actions.

Surveillance Reauirements l 12.5.6.B See Section 9.2 of Chapter 9 for surveillance requirements.

Bases 12.5.6.C See Section 9.2 of Chapter 9 for more information. In addition, this requirement is stated in Technical Specifications.

O i

O' EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-48

l QUAD CITIES Rivirion 1.8 '

June 1996 l 12.6 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be kept in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for at least 5 years:

Records and penodic checks, inspechon and/or calibrations performed to verify that the surveillance requirements (see Sechon 6.4 of the Technical Specifications) are being met (all equipment failing to meet surveillance requirements and the corrective action taken shall be recorded);

Records of radioactive shipments; Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be recorded in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for the life of the plant Records of offsite environmental monitoring surveys; Records of radioactivity in liquid and gaseous wastes released to the environment; Records of reviews performed for changes made to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.

.12.6.1 Radioactive Effluent Release Report .

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous 12 months of operation shall be submitted prior to April 1 of each year. The report shallinclude a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The matenal provided shall be (1) consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and PCP and (2) in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and Section IV.B.1 of Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50.

The Radioachve Effluent Release Reports shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, " Measuring Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarteriy basis follow;ng the format of Appendix B thereof The Radioachve Effluent Release Reports shall include a list and description of unplanned releases from the site to areas beyond the site boundary of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting penod The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include any changes made dunng the reporting penod to the PCP, as well as any major changes to Liquid, Gaseous or Solid Radwaste Treatment Systems, pursuant to Sechon 12.6.3.

"A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sechons that are common to all units at the stabon; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioachve material from each unit.

tEPSPROJ/odenVquad/12rt-at 12-4g

i QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8  !

June 1996 The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall also include the following: an explanation as to why the inoperability of liquid or gaseous effluent monitoring '

instrumentation was not corrected within the specified time and description of the '

events leading to liquid holdup tanks or gas storage tanks exceeding the limits of  !

Technical Specifications. I 1

12.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (If UREMP has been '

implemented, see 12.6.3 for requirements.)

An annual report containing the data taken in the standard radiological monitoring  !

program (Table 12.5-1) shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year. The content of the report shall include:


a. Results of all environmental measurements summarized in the format of the l Regulatory Guide 4.8 Table 1 (December 1975). (Individual sample results will I be retained at the Station). In the event that some results are not available for I inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for missing results. Summaries, interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results are to be provided.


b. An assessment of the monitoring results and radiation dose via the principal


pathways of exposure resulting from plant emissions of radioactivity including l the maximum noble gas gamma and beta air doses in the unrestricted area.

l The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).

c. Results of the census to determine the locations of nearest residences and of i nearby animals producing milk for human consumption (Table 12.5-1).
d. The reason for the emission if the nearest dairy to the station is not in the monitoring program (Table 12.5-1).
e. An annual summary of meteorological conditions concurrent with the releases of gaseous effluents in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind spees wind direction, and atmospheric stability.
f. The results of the Interiaboratory Comparison Program described in Secton 12.5.C.3.
g. The results of the 40 CFR 190 uranium fuel cycle dose analysis for each .

calendar year.  !

h. A summary of the monitoring program, including maps showing sampling l locations and tables giving distance and direction of sampling locations from *e  ;

Station. I

3. If a confirmed measured radionuclide concentration in an environmental sampling medium averaged over any calendar quarter sampling period exceeds the reporting level given in Table 12.5-2 and if the radioactivity is attnbutable to plant operation. a written report shall be submitted to the Administrator of the NRC Regional Office. witn a copy to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, within 30 days from the eno of the quarter.

EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12rt-8f 12-50


QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 June 1996 12.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (Con't)



When more than one of the radionuclides in Table 12.5-2 are detected in the medium, the reporting level shall have been exceeded if A 11 R.L. I where C, is the average quarterly concentration of the i* radionuclide in the medium and RL is the reporting level of radionuclide 1.

l l


If radionuclides other than those in Table 12.5-2 are detected and are due to j plant effluents, a reporting level is exceeded if the potential annual dose to an l individual is equal to or greater than the design objective doses of 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1. l

c. This report shall include an evaluation of any release conditions, environmental factors, or other aspects necessary to explain the anomalous effect.

i l

1 l


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EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12t14f 12-51 l



l QUAD CITIES Rcvision 1.8 j l June 1996 l l

l 12.6 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 12.6.3 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (if UREMP has not been implemented, see Section 12.6.2.)

Operabilitv Reauirements 12.6.3.A Routine Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the Units during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year.

Aeolicability: At all times.


1. See Section 9.4 of Chapter 9 for information.

Surveillance Reauirements See Section 9.2 of Chapter 9 for more information.

Bases 12.6.3.C See Section 9.2 of Chapter 9 for more information and Technical Specification

O l

O EPSPROJ/odem/ quad /12ri-8f 12-52


! QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 j June 1996 i

12.6.4 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) l The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring Alarm / Trip Setpoints, and in the conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs described in sechons 12.2-12.5 and (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Radioactive Effluent Release Reports and in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports required by secbons 12.6.2.

The ODCM shall be subject to review and approval by the Commission prior to implementation.

Changes to the ODCM:

1. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by Specification 6.5.B.14(Upgraded Specification 6.14.A). This documentation shall contain:
a. Sufficient information to support the change together with the ,

appropnate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and

b. A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190,10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
2. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the Onsite Review and investigative Function and the approval of the Plant Manager on the date specified by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
3. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM or updated pages, if tne Commisssion retains a controlled copy if an entire copy of the ODCM is submitted, it shall be submitted as a part of or concurrent with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the penod of the l report in which any change to the ODCM was made effective. Each change shas be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicabng the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g.,

month / year) the change was implemented.


] EPSPROJ/odcmiquad/12r14f 12-53 l

c l



A. Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems may be made l provided:

1. The change is reported in the Monthly Operating Report for the period in which the evaluation was reviewed by the onsite review function. The discussion of each change shall contain:
a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10CFR50.59;
b. Sufficient detailed information to support the reason for the change;
c. A detailed description of the equipment, components, and process involved and the interfaces with other plant systems;
d. An evaluation of the change which shows the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and (or quantity of solid waste that differ from those previously predicted in the license application and amendments);
e. A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste to the actual releases for the period in which the changes were made;
f. An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of the change; and
g. Documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the onsite review function.
2. The change shall become effective upon review and acceptance by onsite review function.

l l

9 EPSPROJ/odem/qued/12ri-8f 12-54

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 Juns 1996 APPENDIX F Quad Cities Annex Index PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION F-1 1.8 F-36 1.8 F-ii 1.8 F-37 1.8 F-iii 1.8 F-38 1.8 F-iv 1.8 F-39 1.8 l

F-1 1.8 F-40 1.8 '

F-2 1.8 F-41 1.8 F-3 1.8 F-42 1.8 F-4 1.8 F-43 1.8 l F-5 1.8 F-44 1.8  !

F-6 1.8 F-45 1.8 l F7 1.8 F-46 1.8 F-8 1.8 F-47 1.8 '

F-9 1.8 F-48 1.8 F-10 1.8 F-49 1.8 F-11 1.8 F-12 1.8 F-13 1.8 F-14 1.8 F-15 1.8 h U F-16 F-17 1.8 1.8 F-18 1.8 F-19 1.8 F-20 1.8 F-21 1.8 F-22 1.8 F-23 1.8 F-24 1.8 F-25 1.8 F-26 1.8 1 F-27 1.8 '

F-28 1.8 F-29 1.8 F-30 1.8 F-31 1.8 F-32 1.8 F-33 1.8 F-34 1.8 I F-35 1.8 l

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1 ESP 0J/odcrMquadtt-Of F-i



. O ESP 0J/odcm/quadt1-Of F.ii

l QUAD CITIES Rsvision 18 June 1996 APPENDlX F LIST OF TABLES NUMBER TITLE PAGE F-1 Aquatic Environment Dose Parameters F-2 F-2 Station Characteristics F-3 F-3 Critical Ranges F-4 F-4 Average Wind Speeds F-5 F-5 X/Q and D/Q Maxima at or Beyond the Unrestricted Area Boundary F-6 F-Sa X/Q and D/Q Maxima At or Beyond the Restricted Area Boundary F-7 F-6 D/O at the Nearest Milk Cow and Meat Animal Locations Within 5 Miles F-8 F-7 Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Selected Nuclides F-9 F-7a Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Selected Nuclides F-24 F-8 Parameters for Calculation of N-16 Skyshine Radiation from Quad Cities F 39 O Supplemental Tables

~O A Elevated Level Joint Frequency Distribution Table Summary - 296 Foot Elevation Data FC

-Summary Table of Percent by Direction and Class

-Summary Table of Percent by Direction and Speed

-Summary Table of Percent by Speed and Class B Mixed Mode Joint Frequency Distribution Table Summary - 196 Foot Elevation Data F4/

-Summary Table of Percent by Direction and Class

-Summary Table of Percent by Direction and Speed

-Summary Table of Percent by Speed and Class C Ground Level Joint Frequency Distribution Table Summary - 33 Foot Elevation Dam F46

-Summary Table of Percent by Direction and Class

-Summary Table of Percent by Direction and Speed

-Summary Table of Percent by Speed and Class O .

espor ru t :;-ar F-iii i 1

... . - . _. - . . . ____~

l QUAD CITIES Revision 18 June 1996 APPENDIX F LIST of FIGURES NUMBER TITLE PAGE F-1 Unrestricted Area Boundary F-48 F2 Restricted Area Boundary F.49 O

t O

ESPO.WodcrWquant1-Of l


l QUAD CITIES Rcvision 1.8 Juna 1996 APPENDlX F STATION-SPECIFIC DATA FOR QUAD CITIES UNITS 1 and 2 F.1 INTRODUCTION This appendix contains data relevant to the Quad Cities site. Included are a diagram of the unrestricted l area boundary and tables of values of parameters used in offsite dose assessment.


1. Sargent & Lundy, Arialysis and Technology Division, Quad Cities Calculation No. ATD-0148, l Revision 0,1 and 2.
2. Sargent & Lundy, "N-16 Skyshine Ground Level Dose from Quad Cities Turbine Systems and Piping," Revision O.
3. " Quad Cities Public Water Supply" letter from B.S. Ferguson (NSEP) to G. Wassenhove U.S.

Army Corps of Engineers, February 16,1989.

O 4. ' Verification of Environmental Parameters used for Commonwealth Edison Company's Offsite V Dose Calculations", NUTECH Engineering Group,1992.

5. " Verification of Environmental Parameters used for Commonwealth Edison Company's Offsite Dose Calculations", NUS Corporation,1988.


O .

ESPO.ModcrWound#t-Of F.1

l QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 Juna 1996 Table F 1 Aquatic Environment Dose Parameters General information' 1

Existence of irrigation not mentioned in Quad Cities Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), UFSAR, or i Plant Design Analysis. I Recreation includes one or more of the following: boating, water skiiing, swimming and sport fishing.

The station liquid discharge flows into the Mississippi River. Mississippi River Lock and Dam Number 14 is located between the station discharge and the E. Moline intake (see Figure 12 of the Quad Cities Unit 1 Plant Design Analysis, Volume ll, and Figure 2.4.1 of the Quad Cities Safety Analysis Report.)

Water and Fish Inaestion Parameters Parameter" Value 1/M*,1/M' 1.0 F*,cfs 5.75E4 F', cfs 5.75E3 t', hr" 24.0 t", hr' 8.0 0

Limits on Radioactivity in Unorotected Outdoor Tanks Not Applicable (See Section A.2.4 of Appendix A)

Quad Cities Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (USFAR) updated through Amendment 5 (9-3-87)

Section 1.5.2 and Quad Cities Plant Design Analysis, Section 4.4 The parameters are defined in Section A.2.1 of Appendix A.

t'(hr) = 24 hr (all stations) for the fish ingestion pathway t" (hr) = 8 hr (Distance to the nearest public potable water intake E. Moline, is 16 miles; flow rate of 2 mph is assumed) l

. O E5POJfodcmiqua64t1-ef F.2 i


l QUAD CITIES Rsvision 1.8 June 1996

[ Table F 2 Station Characteristics Station: Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Location: Cordova, Illinois Characteristics of Elevated Release Point

1) Release Height = 94.49 m* 2) Diameter = 3.35 m
3) Exit Speed = 16_0 m s 4) Heat Content = _6fLkCa1 s'*

Characteristics of Vent Stack Release Point

1) Release Height = 48.5 m' 2) Diameter = 2 74 m
3) Exit Speed = 14 8 m s

Characteristics of Ground Level Release

1) Release Height = 0 m
2) Building Factor (D) = 43.4 m* l Meterological Data A 296 ft Tower is Located 1523 m SSE.of Elevated Release Point Tower Data Used in Calculations Wind Speed and Differential Release Point Direction Temoerature l Elevated 296 ft 296-33 ft Vent 196 ft 196-33 ft Ground 33 ft 196-33 ft 1

Used in calculating the meteorological and dose factors in Tables F-5, F-6, and F7. See Sections

% B.3 through B.6 of Appendix B.

Espo.edemtruedet-of F-3

l QUAD CITIES R:; vision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-3 Critical Ranges Unrestricted Area Restricted Area Nearest Dairy Farm Boundary

  • Boundary
  • Nearest Resident' within 5 Miles' Direction (m) (m) (m) (m)

N 864 219 800 None NNE 1029 224 1200 None NE 1212 265 2000 None ENE 1367 393 2000 None E 1170 867 3600 None ESE 1170 924 4800 5600 SE 1189 1010 4000 None SSE 1422 1059 1600 None S 1198 762 1200 None SSVV 2140 335 4800 None SVV 1372 232 4800 None WS'N 823 189 3200 None VV 713 189 3600 None WNW 713 183 3600 None NVV 823 210 3600 None NNW 1481 224 2800 None Nearest land in unrestricted area. Used in calculating the meteorological dose factors in Tables F -

and F-7. See Sections B.3 through B.6 of Appendix B.

  • The distances are rounded to the nearest conservative 100 meters.

Used in calculating the D/Q values in Table F-6. The distances are rounded to the nearest conservative 100 meters. A default value of 8000 meters is used when there are no dairies withm S miles.

ESPO.ModctWquetHM-ef F.4

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996

[D Table F-4 V Average Wind Speeds Average Wind Speed (m/sec)*

Downwind Direction Elevated

  • Mixed Mode Ground Level' N 6.9 5.0 2.6 NNE 6.2 4.6 2.8 NE 5.3 3.7 2.4 ENE 6.0 4.4 2.8 E 6.9 5.0 3.2


ESE 7.1 5.2 3.7 SE 6.5 4.9 3.6 SSE 5.7 4.5 3.5 S 5.6 4.4 3.4 SSW 5.6 4.4 3.3 SW 5.8 4.6 3.0 0 WSW W

6.0 6.1 4.7 4.8 3.4 3.1 WNW 6.0 4.5 2.6 NW 5.9 4.4 2.4 NNW 6.5 4.7 2.5 Based on Quad Cities site meteorological data, January 1978 through December 1987 data for ground level and mixed mode release analysis and 1982-1987 data for elevated releases.

Calculated in Reference 1 of Section F.2 using formulas in Section 8.1.3 of Appendix B.

l O .

ESPO W L..,- ^  ; af F.5

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-5 X/Q and D/Q Maxima at or Beyond the Unrestricted Area Boundary Downwind Elevated (Stock) Release Nined flode(Vent) Reteese Greted Level Reteese Direction Radius X/G Radtt.s D/B Radius X/o D/o Radius X/G 0/0 (meters) (sec/m**3) (meters) (1/w'*2) (meters) (sec/mF*3) (1/sF*2) (meters) (sec/sF*3) (1/m**2)

N 4400. 1.344E-08 864. 9.643E-10 864. 3.427E-07 2.869E-09 864. 3.817E-06 1.105E-08 INIE 4023. 1.703E-08 1029. 1.407E-09 1029. 2.219E-07 3.049E-09 1029. 2.597E-06 1.052E-08 NE 4828. 1.28?E-08 1212. 7.019E-10 1212. 1.321E-07 1.299E-09 1212. 2.249E-06 6.701E-09 ENE 4400. 1.091E-08 1367. 6.723E-10 1367. 1.213E-07 1.319E-09 1367. 1.446E-06 4.806E-09 E 3600. 1.513E-08 1170. 1.139E-09 1170. 2.215E-07 2.811E-09 1170. 2.212E-06 9.318E-09 ESE 3600. 2.126E-08 1170. 1.536E-09 1170. 2.332E-07 3.437E-09 1170. 2.094E-06 1.047E-08 SE 4023. 1.758E-08 1189. 1.082E-09 1189. 1.439E-07 2.384E-09 1189. 1.255E-06 6.450E-09 SSE 4023. 1.259E-08 1422. 6.915E-10 1422. 8.279E-08 1.167E-09 1422. 6.885E-07 3.222E-09 s 4400. 1.005E-08 1500. 4.437E-10 1198. 6.887E-08 9.516E-10 1198. 8.3T1E-07 3.350E-09 ssu 4400. 8.621E-09 2140. 3.110E-10 2140. 5.104E-08 4.693E-10 2140. 4.296E-07 1.380E-09 su 4400. 1.102E-08 1500. 4.856E-10 1372. 1.006E-07 1.116E-09 1372. 1.224E-06 3.856E-09 Wsw 4400. 1.123E-08 1500. 4.674E-10 823. 2.158E-07 2.298E-09 823. 2.968E-06 1.093E-08 W 4828. 1.139E-08 1500. 4.704E-10 713. 3.445E-07 2.737E-09 713. 5.271E-06 1.522E-08 WNW 4828. 9.486E-09 1500. 4.025E-10 713. 5.025E-07 2.816E-09 713. 7.554E-06 1.788E-08 NW 4828. 9.752E-09 823. 5.475E-10 823. 2.98iE-07 2.009E-09 323. 4.739E-06 1.144E-08 isNW 4400. 1.045E-08 1481. 6.127E-10 1481. 1.712E-07 1.202E-09 1481. 1.928E-06 4.543E-09 ouAD CITIES SITE NETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 i

Note: Based on Reference 2 of Sechon F.2 and the formulas in Sechons B.3 and B.4 of Appendix B.

X/O is used for beta air, beta sidn, and inhalation dose pathways. See Sechons A.1.2. A.1.3, and A1.4.2 of Appendix A D/O is used for produce and leafy vegetable pathways. See Section A.1.4 of Appendix A.

Radius is the approximate distance from medpoint between gaseous effluent release points to location of highest X/O or D/Q at or beyond the unrestricted area txondary (UAB)

ES undfrf-8f F h


l O QUAD &S 9 Revision 1.

June 1996 =

Tatde F-Sa XIQ and DlQ Maxima at or Beyond the Restricted Area Boundary Doesiwind Elevated (Stock) Reteese NImed Mode (vent) Reteese Growed Levet Reteese Direction Radius X/0. ' Radius 9/0 Redius X/G 0/0 Radius X/e D/0 (meters) (sec/eF*3) (meters) (1/m**2) (meters) (sec/sF*3) (1/m**2) (meters) (sec/aF*3) (1/uP*2)

N 4400 1.344E-08 420. 1.244E-09 219. 3.171E-06 1.3TFE-08 219. 3.908E-05 8.926E-08 umE 480. 2.173E-08 420. 2.103E-09 224. 2.086E-06 1.548E-08 224. 3.155E-05 1.096E-07 NE 4828. 1.287E-08 420. 1.006E-09 265. 1.070E-06 6.653E-09 265. 2.583E-05 7.200E-08 ENE 4400, 1.091E-08 420. 1.010E-09 393. 5.774E-07 5.329E-09 393. 9.932E-06 3.539E-08 E 3600. 1.513E-08 867. 1.319E-09 867. 3.073E-07 3.999E-09 867. 3.485E-06 1.525E-08 Est 3600. 2.126E-08 924. 1.688E-09 924. 2.949E-07 4.507E-09 924. 2.997E-06 1.544E-08 SE 4023. 1.758E-08 1010. 1.126E-09 1010. 1.657E-07 2.875E-09 1010. 1.611E-06 8.445E-09 ssE 4023. 1.259E-08 1059. 7.178E-10 1059. 1.024E-07 1.611E-09 1059. 1.000E-06 5.287E-09 s 4400. 1.005E-08 1500. 4.437E-10 762. 1.070E-07 1.511E-09 762. 1.672E-06 7.035E-09 Ssv 4400. 8.621E-09 420. 4.004E-10 335. 4.092E-07 3.719E-09 335. 7.714E-06 2.774E-08 su 4400. 1.102E-08 1500. 4.856E-10 232. 1.173E 06 7.186E-09 232. 2.231E-05 6.181E-08 vsu 4400. 1.123E-08 1500. 4.674E-10 189. 2.260E-06 1.271E-08 189. 3.588E-05 1.002E-07 W 4828. 1.139E-08 1500. 4.734E-10 189. 3.196E-06 1.355E-08 189. 5.242E-05 1.109E-07 tmW 4828. 9.486E-09 420. 4.079E-10 183. 5.215E-06 1.491E-08 183. 8.197E-05 1.362E-07 W 4828. 9.752E-09 420. 6.595E-10 210. 2.909E-06 1.002E-08 210. 5.006E-05 9.064E-08 NW 4400. 1.045E-08 420. 1.027E-09 224. 3.092E-06 1.192E-08 224. 4.464E-05 8.717E-08 eum0 CITIES SITE METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ESPOJ/odcm!qusMrt-M p.7

l QUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-6 DlQ at the Nearest Milk Cow and Meat Animal Locations within 5 miles Downwind Nearest Milk Cow D/Q(1/m"2) Nearest Meat Animal D/Q(1/m"2)

Direction Radius Elevated Mixed Ground Radius Elevated Mixed Ground (meters) Release Release Release (meters) Release Release Release N 8000 1.019E-10 1.079E-10 2.350E-10 4000 2.024E-10 3.355E-10 8.079E-10 NNE 8000 1.354E-10 1.475E-10 2.977E-10 5600 2.357E-10 2.662E-10 5.642E-10 NE 8000 9.339E-11 9.377E-11 2.488E-10 8000 9.339E-11 9.377E-11 2.488E-10 ENE 8000 9.066E-11 9.792E-11 2.187E-10 4800 1.946E-10 2.262E-10 5.451E-10 E 8000 1.364E-10 1.620E-10 3.260E-10 4800 2.934E-10 3.775E-10 8.126E-10 ESE 5600 3.436E-10 3.656E-10 6.942E-10 4800 4.243E-10 4.692E-10 9.129E-10 SE 8000 1.542E-10 1.454E-10 2.319E-10 7600 1.680E-10 1.587E-10 2.544E-10 SSE 8000 1.026E-10 9.303E-11 1.567E-10 4000 2.748E-10 2.840E-10 5.391E-10 S 8000 7.650E-11 6.524E-11 1.220E-10 2400 3.247E-10 4.141 E-10 1.023E-09 SSW 8000 6.616E-11 6.303E-11 1.351E-10 8000 6.616E-11 6.303E-11 1.351E-10 SW 8000 8.419E-11 8.742E-11 1.766E-10 4000 2.227E-10 2.662E-10 6.071E-10 WSW 8000 8.454E-11 1.002E-10 2.146E-10 4800 1.799E-10 2.317E-10 5.348E-10 W 8000 8.206E-11 9 5"E-11 2.374E-10 3600 2.429E-10 3.461E-10 9.823E-10 WNW 8000 6.761E-11 8, 2.788E-10 5600 1.173E-10 1.585E-10 5.28eE-10 NW 8000 7.046E-11 7.7t . m 46 2.249E-10 6400 1.007E-10 1.131E-10 3.357E-10 4 NNW 8000 7.938E-11 9.082E-11 2.369E-10 3600 2.444E-10 3.316E-10 9.803E-10 Quad Cities Site Meteorological Data 1/78 - 12/87 Note. Based on Reference 2 of Section F 2 and the formulas in Section B 4 of Appendix B.

EsWodcrWquadtfrt 8f e F

e .


> QUA S Revision b June 1996 .

Table F-7 Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Kr-83m i

Dourselruf threstricted Elevated (Stock) Release Mined Mode (Vent) Release Gramd Levet Retenee Strection Aree Sound Radius S 58AR Radius V VSAR 8edliss G GBAR (meters) (seters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uti/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(sci /sec)

N 864. 864. 1.193E-06 8.998E-07 864. 4.094E-05 3.08FE-05 864. 3.885E-04 2.929E-04 NME 1029. 1029. 1.785E-06 1.346E-06 1029. 2.796E-05 2.108E-05 1029. 2.651E-04 1.999E-04 NE 1212. 1212. 9.747E-07 7.349E-07 1212. 1.639E-05 1.236E-05 1212. 2.162E-04 1.630E-04 ENE 1367. 1367. 9.035E-07 6.812E-07 1367. 1.409E-05 1.063E-05 1M7. 1.373E-04 1.036E-04 E 1170. 1170. 1.378E-06 1.039E-06 1170. 2.602E-05 1.962E 05 1170. 2.220E-04 1.674E-04 ESE 1170. 1170. 1.775E-06 1.338E-06 1170. 2.752E-05 2.075E-05 1170. 2.113E-04 1.593E-04 SE 1189. 1189. 1.286E-06 9.695E-07 1189. 1.748E-05 1.318E-05 1189. 1.248E-04 9.407E-05

$$E 1422. 1422. 9.303E-07 7.014E-07 1422. 9.663E-06 7.286E-06 1422. 6.648E-05 5.012E-05 S 1198. 1198. 4.932E-07 3.719E-07 1198. 8.591E-06 4.478E-06 1198. 8.157E-05 6.150E-05 Ssu 2140. 2140. 6.664E-07 5.025E-07 2140. 5.469E-06 4.124E-06 2140. 3.670E-05 2.767E-05 su 1372. 1372. 6.134E-07 4.625E-07 1372. 1.175E-05 8.862E-06 1372. 1.164E-04 8.775E-05 WSW 823. 823. 4.376E-07 3.300E-07 823. 2.665E-05 2.010E-05 823. 3.016E-04 2.274E-04 W 713. 713. 4.936E-07 3.722E-07 713. 4.059E-05 3.060E-05 713. 5.263E-04 3.968E-04 WWW 713. 713. 4.839E-07 3.648E-07 713. 5.484E-05 4.135E-05 713. 7.361E-04 5.550E-04 NW 823. 823. 8.023E-07 6.049E-07 823. 3.493E-05 2.634E-05 823. 4.707E-04 3.549E-04 unu 1481. 1481. 9.575E 07 7.220E-07 1481. 1.950E-05 1.470E-05 1481. 1.814E-04 1.368E-04 euAD CITIES SITE ETEOROLOGICAL DA1A 1/78 - 12/87 4

Note: Based on References 1 and 2 of Section F.2 and the formulas in Sechons B.5 and B.6 of Appendix B.

a ESPOJ/odcrWquad1rt-8f F.g

t l

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 l

, Table F.7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Kr-85m Doneuvind threstricted' Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nimed Mode (Vent) Reteeee Groind Level Reteeee Direction Aree Boemd Radius S $8AR Redlus V VSAR Radius G ESAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(tCl/sec)

! u 864. 864. 1.266E-04 1.225E-04 864. 4.908E-04 4.728E-04 864. 2.089E-83 2.000E-03

! NME 1029. 1029. 1.322E-04 1.278E-04 1029. 4.358E-04 4.204E-04 1929. 1.591E-03 1.525E-03 l NE 1212. 1212. 8.448E-05 8.172E-05 1212. 2.793E-04 2.696E-04 1212. 1.383E-03 1.326E-03 ENE 1367. 1367. 5.783E-05 5.593E-05 1367. 2.056E-04 1.983E-04 1367. 9.249E-04 8.872E-06 E 1170. 1170. 8.118E-05 7.850E-05 1170. 3.300E-04 3.187E-04 1170. 1.393E-03 1.336E-03 ESE 1170. 1170. 1.067E-04 1.032E-04 1170. 3.662E-04 3.530E-04 1170. 1.337E-03 1.282E-03 SE 1189. 1189. 9.118E-05 8.820E-05 1189. 2.618E-04 2.525E-04 1189. 8.091E-04 T.76E-04 SSE 1422. 1422. 5.797E-05 5.606E-05 1422. 1.518E-04 1.464E-04 1422. 4.523E-04 4.340E-04 S 1198. 1198. 5.611E-05 5.428E-05 1198. 1.469E-04 1.417E-04 1198. 5.192E-04 4.978E-04 SSW 2140. 2140. 3.024E-05 2.924E-05 2140. 7.862E-05 7.579E-05 2140. 2.775E-04 2.663E-04 SW 1372. 1372. 5.402E-05 5.226E-05 1372. 1.69?E-04 1.636E-04 1372. 7.514E-04 7.204E-06 WSW 823. 823. 8.767E-05 8.484E-05 823. 3.499E-04 3.372E-04 823. 1.633E-03 1.564E-03 W 713. 713. 1.112E-04 1.076E-04 713. 4.644E-04 4.473E-04 713. 2.573E-03 2.461E-03 WWW 713. 713. 1.000E-04 9.678E-05 713. 5.046E-04 4.854E-04 713. 3.454E-03 3.302E-03 NW 823. 823. 9.794E-05 9.476E-05 823. 3.993E-04 3.846E-04 823. 2.406E-03 2.302E-03 NuW 1481. 1481. 6.223E-05 6.018E-05 1481. 2.449E-04 2.360E-04 1481. 1.147E-03 1.099E-03 eum0 CITIES SITE NETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 1


~ .

m l QUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.,8 ,

June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Aree Boundary for Kr45 Doomwind threstricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Mixed Mode (Varit) Release Grossed Level Reteese Direction Area Soned Radius S SSAR Radius V VSAR Radius G GBAR (meters) (seters) (ared/yr)/(uCl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCl/sec)

N 864. 864. 1.753E-06 1.695E-06 864. 5.814E-06 5.622E-06 864 2.347E-05 2.269E-05 NME 1029. 1029. 1.834E-06 1.773E-06 1029. 5.237E-06 5.064E-06 1029. 1.792E-05 1.733E-05 NE 1212. 1212. 1.185E-06 1.146E-06 1212. 3.399E-06 3.28FE-06 1212. 1.595E-05 1.542E-95 ENE 1367. 1367. 8.083E-07 7.817E-07 1367. 2.4T3E-06 2.391E-06 1367. 1.072E-05 1.037E-05 E 1170. 1170. 1.116E-06 1.079E-06 1170. 3.908E-06 3.TF9E-06 1170. 1.578E-05 1.525E-05 ESE 1170. 1170. 1.461E-06 1.413E-06 1170. 4.335E-06 4.192E-06 1170. 1.510E-05 1.460E-05 SE 1189. 1189. 1.259E-06 1.217E-06 1189. 3.118E-06 3.015E-06 1189. 9.186E-06 8.883E-06 SSE 1422. 1422. 8.057E-07 7.791E-07 1422. 1.829E-M 1.769E-06 1422. 5.211E-06 5.039E-06 5 1198. 1198. 7.916E-07 7.655E-07 1198. 1.774E-06 1.716E-06 1198. 5.956E-06 5.760E-06 SSW 2140. 2140. 4.230E-07 4.090E-07 2140. 9.632E-07 9.314E-07 2140. 3.375E-06 3.264E-06 SW 1372. 1372. 7.572E-07 7.322E-07 1372. 2.039E-06 1.971E-06 1372. 8.743E-06 8.454E-06 WSW 823. 823. 1.239E-06 1.198E-06 823. 4.157E-06 4.020E-06 823. 1.828E-05 1.768E-05 W 713. 713. 1.570E-06 1.519E-06 713. 5.481E-06 5.300E-06 713. 2.847E-05 2.753E-05 WNW 713. 713. 1.414E-06 1.367E-06 713. 5.906E-06 5.711E-06 713. 3.816E-05 3.690E-05 MW 823. 823. 1.372E-06 1.327E-06 823. 4.734E-06 4.578E-06 823. 2.700E-05 2.610E-05 NNW 1481. 1481. 8.575E-07 8.292E-07 1481. 2.931E-06 2.834E-06 1481. 1.350E-05 1.305E-05 0040 CITIES SITE METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ESPOJ/odcmiquaddrt-81 F.11 s-

_ _ . __ _ . . _ ., ~

l QUAD CITIES Revison 18 l June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Kr-87 Doesvind unrestricted Elevated (Stock) Reisese Nimed Mode (Vent) 8elease Gromd Level Release Direction Area 80e d Radius S SSAR Radius V V8AR Radius G G8AR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(tti/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (merers) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec)

N 864. 864. 6.162E-04 5.987E-04 864. 1.698E-03 1.649E-03 864. 5.800E-03 5.639E-03 NME 1029. 1029. 6.389E-04 6.207E-04 1029. 1.557E-03 1.512E-03 1029. 4.500E-03 4.377E-03 NE 1212. 1212, 4.118E-04 4.001E-04 1212. 9.907E-04 9.622E-04 1212. 3.742E-03 3.633E-03 ENE 1367. 1367. 2.753E-04 2.675E-04 1367. 7.128E-04 6.923E-04 1367. 2.504E-03 2.432E-03 E 1170. 1170. 3.853E-04 3.743E-04 1170. 1.146E-03 1.113E-03 1170. 3.929E-03 3.815E-03 ESE 1170. 1170. 5.023E-04 4.880E-04 1170. 1.270E-03 1.234E-03 1170. 3.806E-03 3.695E-03 SE 1189. 1189. 4.324E-04 4.201E-04 1189. 9.253E-04 8.986E-04 1189. 2.291E-03 2.225E-03 SSE 1422. 1422. 2.723E-04 2.646E-04 1422. 5.290E-04 5.137E-04 1422. 1.256E-03 1.220E-03 S 1198. 1198. 2.704E-04 2.628E-04 1198. 5.202E-04 5.052E-04 1198. 1.424E-03 1.383E-03 SSW 2140. 2140. 1.354E-04 1.315E-04 2140. 2.615E-04 2.540E-04 2140. 7.068E-04 6.863E-04 SW 1372. 1372. 2.581E-04 2.507E-04 1372. 5.872E-04 5.702E-04 1372. 2.001E-03 1.943E-03 WSW 823. 823. 4.379E-04 4.255E-04 823. 1.238E-03 1.202E-03 823. 4.588E-03 4.454E-03 W 713. 713. 5.602E-04 5.443E-04 713. 1.632E-03 1.585E-03 713. 7.313E-03 7.101E-03 nmu 713. 713. 5.039E-04 4.896E-04 713. 1.729E-03 1.679E-03 713. 9.810E-03 9.525E-03 NW 823. 823. 4.859E-04 4.721E-04 823. 1.388E-03 1.348E-03 823. 6.654E-03 6.461E-03 NNW 1481. 1481. 2.903E-04 2.820E-04 1481. 8.192E-04 7.955E-04 1481. 2.955E-03 2.869E-03 ouAD CITIES SITE METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 OJ/odcm/ quad /fvt-81 12


k .

l' QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 ,

June 1996

' Taide F-7 (Continued)

Itaximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Kr-48 Deeensind unrestricted Elevated (Stock) Release 8 timed Itede(Went) Reteeee Greimd Levet Reteese -

Direction Area Seimd Radius S SBAR Radius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (seters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(icl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec)

N 864. 864. 1.596E-03 1.551E-03 864. 4.220E-03 4.106E-03 864 1.481E-02 1.438E-02 NME 1929. 1029. 1.665E-03 1.621E-03 1029. 3.885E-03 3.779E-03 1029. 1.14 M-02 1.111E-02 NE 1212. 1212. 1.083E-03 1.054E-03 1212. 2.515E-83 2.447E-03 1212. 9.828E-03 9.548E-03 ENE 1367. 1367. 7.271E-06 7.078E-04 1367. 1.005E 93 1.754E-03 1367 6.599E-03 6.411E-03 E 1170. 1170. 1.002E 03 9.755E-06 1170 2.853E-03 2.775E-03 1170. 1.001E-02 9.720E-03 ESE 1170. 1170. 1.301E-03 1.266E-03 1170. 3.165E-83 3.078E-03 1170. 9.639E-03 9.364E-03 SE 1189. 1189. 1.124E-03 1.096E-03 1189. 2.307E-03 2.244E-03 1189. 5.837E-03 5.671E-03 ssE 1422. 1422. 7.148E-06 6.957E-04 1422, 1.340E-03 1.303E-03 1422. 3.258E-03 3.165E-03 s 1198. 1198. 7.126E-04 6.93?E-04 1198. 1.312E-03 1.276E-03 1198. 3.701E-03 3.596E-03 sSW 2140. 2140. 3.636E-06 3.539E-04 2140. 6.814E-06 6.628E-06 2140. 1.963E-03 1.900E-03 su 1372. 1372. 6.786E-06 6.606E-06 1372. 1.485E-03 1.444E-03 1372. 5.31M-93 5.161E-03 usW 823. 823. 1.144E-03 1.114E-03 823. 3.068E-03 2.904E-03 823. 1.140E-02 1.127E-02 W 713. 713. 1.459E-03 1.420E-03 713. 4.024E-03 3.91 M-03 713. 1.827E-02 1.774E-02 Wuv 713. 713. 1.31M-03 1.278E-03 713. 4.274E-05 4.156E-03 713. 2.451E-02 2.379E-02

W 823. 823. 1.265E-03 1.231E-03 823 3.452E-03 3.357E-03 823. 1.699E-02 1.650E-02 suni 1431. 1481. 7.588E-04 7.386E-04 1481. 2.08M-03 2.026E-03 1481. 8.020E-03 7.791E-03 auRD CITIES SITE IETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/37 ESPOJ/odcm/quedltttt-89 F-13

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)


Maximum CWsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestncted Area Boundary for Kr-89 ,

Domwirut unrestricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nined Mode (Vent) Release Gromd Lovet Reteese Direction Aree Som d Radius S SSAR Radius V VSAR Radius G GSAR

! (asters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uci/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec)

N 864. 864. 7.380E-04 7.172E-04 864. 1.425E-03 1.385E-03 864. 2.034E-03 1.976E-03 NME 1929. 1029. 6.261E-04 6.085E-06 1029. 1.149E-03 1.116E-C7 1029. 1.603E-03 1.557E-03 NE 1212. 1212. 3.167E-04 3.078E-06 1212. 5.081E-04 4.936E-04 1212. 7.823E-04 7.598E-06 ENE 1367. 1367. 2.047E-04 1.989E-04 1367. 3.701E-04 3.595E-06 1367. 5.059E *4 4.914E-04 E 1170. 1170. 3.698E-04 3.594E-04 1170. 8.126E-04 7.894E-04 1170. 1.3102-03 1.273E-03 ESE 1170. 1170. 5.044E-04 4.904E-04 1170. 9.740E-04 9.462E-04 1170. 1.566E-03 1.522E-03 SE 1189. 1189. 4.116E-04 4.000E-04 1189. 6.659E-04 6.469E-04 1189. 9.264E-04 8.998E-04 SSE 1422. 1422. 2.003E-04 1.946E-06 1422. 2.810E-04 2.730E-04 1422. 3.822E-04 3.712E-06 5 1198. 1198. 2.189E-04 2.127E-06 1198. 3.175E-06 3.084E-04 1198. 4.622E-04 4.490E-04 8 i

SSW 2140. 2140. 5.751E-05 5.588E-05 2160. 7.519E-05 7.304E-05 2140. 8.761E-05 8.510E-05 SW 1372. 1372. 1.914E-04 1.860E-04 13T2. 3.241E-04 3.149E 04 1372. 4.441E-04 4.313E-04  ;

WSW 823. 823. 4.790E-04 4.655E-04 823. 1.113E-03 1.081E-03 823. 2.203E-03 2.140E 03 W 713, 713. 6.760E-04 6.569E-06 713. 1.569E-03 1.524E-03 113. 3.460E-03 3.361E-03 WNW 713. 713. 6.075E-06 5.904E-04 713. 1.513E-03 1.470E-03 713. 4.161E-03 4.041E-03 NW 823. 823. 5.447E-04 5.293E-04 823. 1.114E-03 1.082E-03 823. 2.198E-03 2.135E-03 NNW 1481. 1481. 2.270E-06 2.206E-06 1481. 3.806E-04 3.697E-06 1481. 3.958E-04 3.844E-04 euap CITIES SITE ETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 G


i i

  • l e

5J/odcm/ quad!ft1-81 e14 .;


QL CITIES J l RevisI6n 18 f June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Kr-90 Daunwind unrestricted Elevated (Stacit) Release Nined Nede(Vent) Reloese Gromd Levet Reteese Direction Aree See d Radius S SSAR Radius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCf/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec)

  • N 864. 864. 1.025E-04 9.947E-05 864. 1.001E-04 9.715E 05 864. 3.226E-05 3.120E-05  !

NME 1029. 1029. 4.953E-05 4.807E-05 1029. 4.309E 05 4.181E-05 1029. 1.549E-05 1.502E-05 f NE 1212. 1212. 1.210E-05 1.174E-05 1212. 7.167E-06 6.953E-06 1212. 2.958E-06 2.869E-06 ENE 1367. 1367. 8.572E-06 8.320E-06 1367. 7.121E-06 6.900E-06 1367. 3.357E-06 3.255E-06 t E 1170. 1170. 2.876E-05 2.792E-05 1170. 3.061E-05 2.970E-05 1170. 1.687E-05 1.636E-05 -

ESE 1179. 1170. 4.141E-05 4.019E-05 1170. 3.846E-05 3.731E-05 1170. 2.748E-05 2.665E-05 I SE 1189. 1189. 2.685E-05 2.606E-05 1189. 2.120E-05 2.056E-05 1189. 1.306E-05 1.267E-05 [

SSE 1422. 1422. 5.661E-06 5.494E-06 1422. 4.092E-06 3.970E-06 1422. 2.460E-06 2.385E-06 i S 1198. 1198. 9.811E-06 9.523E-06 1198. T.891E-06 7.656E-06 1198. 6.776E-06 6.571E-06 i Ssu 2140. 2140. 5.194E-07 5.040E-07 2140. 2.996E-07 2.907E-07 2140. 1.827E-07 1.772E-07 f SW 1372. 1372. 6.788E-06 6.588E-06 1372. 6.147E-06 5.963E-06 1372. 3.347E-06 3.246E-06 ,

WsW 823. 823. 5.697E-05 5.530E-05 823. 8.16?E-05 7.923E-05 823. 8.406E-05 8.151E-05 W 713. 713. 1.054E-04 1.023E-04 713. 1.550E-04 1.504E-04 713. 1.486E-04 1.441E-04 WWW 713. 713. 9.367E-05 9.092E-05 713. 1.286E-04 1.247E-04 713. 1.211E-04 1.174E-04 NW 823. 823. 6.316E-05 6.131E-05 823. 6.467E-05 6.275E-05 823. 3.606E-05 3.497E-05 NuW 1481. 1481. 8.234E-06 7.992E-06 1481. 6.106E-06 5.924E-06 1481. 1.127E-06 1.093E-06 cump ClilES SITE NETEOROLDEICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ESPOJ/odcm/ quad 1fv t-81 F-15

l QUAD CITIES Revmon 1.8 i June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Xe-131m Doesmind unrestricted Elevated (Stack) Retesee Mined Mode (Vent) Reteese Gretsid Level Reteese Direction Area Botsid Radius S SSAR Redlus V VSAR Radius G GBAR (meters) (meters) (arad/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (arad/yr)/(tCl/sec) (meters) (arad/yr)/(uci/sec)

N 864. 864. 3.647E-06 3.327E-06 864. 4.40FE-05 3.544E-05 864. 3.834E-04 2.985E-04 NME 1029. 1029. 4.237E-06 3.790E-06 1029. 3.179E-05 2.595E-05 1029. 2.633E-04 2.057E-04 NE 1212. 1212. 2.58?E-06 2.338E 06 1212. 1.947E-05 1.596E-05 1212. 2.279E-04 1.782E-06 ENE 1367. 1367. 1.965E-06 1.747E 06 1367. 1.602E-05 1.302E-05 1367. 1.466E-04 1.149E-04 E 1170. 1170. 2.839E-06 2.511E 06 1170. 2.800E-05 2.266E-05 1170. 2.237E-04 1.750E-04 ESE 1170. 1170. 3.680E-06 3.262E-06 1170. 2.99?E-05 2.426E-05 1170. 2.118E-04 1.657E-04 i SE 1189. 1189. 2.%7E-06 2.654E 06 1189. 1.963E-05 1.599E-OS 1189. 1.267E-04 9.918E-05 ssE 1422. 1422. 1.993E-06 1.769E 06 1422. 1.114E-05 9.095E-06 1422. 6.993E-05 5.482E-05 5 1198. 1198. 1.599E-06 1.463E-06 1196. 1.013E-05 8.309E-06 1198. 8.492E-05 6.642E-05 sSW 2140. 2140. 1.206E-06 1.050E 06 2140. 6.337E-06 5.144E-06 2140. 4.359E-05 3.422E-05 SW 1372. 1372. 1.650E-06 1.493E 06 1372. 1.332E-05 1.082E-05 13T2. 1.252E-04 9.792E-05 Wsu S23. 823. 2.220E-06 2.075E-06 823. 2.888E-05 2.335E-05 823. 2.959E-04 2.304E-04 W 713. 713. 2.761E-06 2.589E 06 713. 4.243E-05 3.4L7E-05 713. 4.991E-04 3.87?E-04 WW 713. 713. 2.521E-06 2.357E 06 713 5.524E-05 4.391E-05 713. 6.941E-04 5.386E-04 NW 823. 823. 2.732E-06 2.507E 06 823. 3.710E-05 2.97?E-05 823. 4.622E-04 3.593E-04 uuW 1481. 1481. 2.099E-06 1.868E 06 1481. 2.18&E-05 1.759E-05 1481. 1.999E-04 1.561E-04 euAD CITIES SITE METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 go_ _, g.,e g

i -JD CITIE3 R 1.8 June 1996 .

Table F-7 (Continued)

Maxinem Offsete Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestncled Area Boundary for Xe-133m Denemind threstricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nined Mode (vent) Release Ground Levet 8eteese Direction Aree Seemd Redinas s SBAR Radius V WAR Radius G GAAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uti/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uti/sec)

N 864 864. 1.8ME-05 1.812E-05 464. 1.039E-06 9.305E-05 464. 6.441E-06 5.482E-04 NME 1029 1029. 2.025E-05 1.92aE-05 1029. 8.483E-05 7.710E-05 1029. 4.614E-04 3.957E-04 NE 1212. 1212. 1.285E-05 1.226E-f.5 1212. 5.369E-05 4.897E-05 1212. 4.83X -06 3.465E-06 ENE 1367 1347. 9.011E-06 8.562E ~J6 1367. 4.123E-05 3.73M-05 1367 2.642E-06 2.2TFE-06 E 1179. 1170. 1.267E-P5 1.202E-05 1170. 6.835E-05 6.147E-05 1170. 3.977E-06 3.419E-06 ESE 1170. 1170. 1.660E-051.576E 05 1170. 7.460E-05 6.727E-05 1170 3.783E-04 3.255E-04 SE 1189 1189. 1.402E-05 1.334E-05 1189.. 5.149E-05 4.671E-05 1189. 2.278E-06 1.962E-06 SSE 1422. 1422. 9.051E-06 8.59'E-06 1422. 2.975E-05 2.706E-05 1422. 1.270E-06 1.096E-04 5 1198. 1198. 8.431E-06 8.074E-06 1198. 2.808E-05 2.563E-05 1198. 1.505E-06 1.29M-04 SSW 2140 2140. 4.938E-06 4.658E-06 2140. 1.61M-05 1.459E-05 2140, 8.011E-05 6.932E-05 SW 1372. 13T2. 8.224E-06 7.852E-06 13T2. 3.41M-05 3.088E-05 1372. 2.212E-04 1.900E-04 Wsu 823. 823. 1.283E 05 1.234E-05 823. 7.137E-05 6.430E-05 823. 4.990E-04 4.250E-04 W 713. 713. 1.619E-05 1.558E-05 713. 9.876E-05 8.83M-05 713. 8.170E-06 6.918E-04 WNW 713. 713. 1.461E-05 1.405E-05 713. 1.166E-04 1.029E-06 713. 1.121E-03 9.465E-06 MW 823. 823. 1.457E-05 1.396E-05 823. 8.573E-05 7.661E-05 823. 7.625E-04 6.468E-06 NNW 1481. 1481. 9.664E-06 9.184E-06 1481. 5.202E-05 4.667E-05 1481. 3.480E-06 2.982E-04 euA0 CITIES SITE NETE000 LOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 1

i ESPOJ/odem/quedift1-81 F-17

l QUAD CITIE3 Revson 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Xe-133 i

Donewirui unrestricted Elevated (Steck) Reteeee Nined Mode (Vent) Release Grossuf Levet Reteese Direction Aree Seemd Radius S SSAR Radius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) m 864. 864. 1.741E-05 1.678E 05 '864. 1.161E-04 1.068E-04 864 7.126E-04 6.300E-04 uuE 1029. 1029. 1.886E-05 1.810E-05 1029. 9.49M-05 8.825E-05 1029. 5.171E-04 4.609E-04 WE 1212. 1212. 1.186E-05 1.140E-05 1212. 5.974E-05 5.567E-05 1212. 4.541E-04 4.054E-04 EuE 1367. 1367. 8.561E-06 8.203E-06 1367. 4.602E-05 4.266E-05 1367. 2.989E-04 2.675E-04 E 1170. 1170. 1.214E-05 1.162E-05 1170. 7.658E-05 7.06M-05 1170. 4.478E-04 4.000E-04 t ESE 1170. 1170. 1.606E-05 1.538E-05 1170. 8.356E-05 T.724E-05 1170. 4.264E-04 3.811E-04 SE 1189. 1189. 1.340E-05 1.286E-05 1189. 5.757E-05 5.344E-05 1189. 2.572E-04 2.301E-04 SSE 1422. 1422. 8.767E-06 8.399E-06 1422. 3.309E-05 3.076E-05 1422. 1.438E-04 1.289E-04 S 1198. 1198. 7.778E-06 7.503E-06 1198. 3.131E-05 2.919E-05 1198. 1.695E-04 1.51 M -04 SSW 2140. 2140. 4.975E-06 4.743E-06 2140. 1.790E-05 1.65FE-05 2140. 9.11M-05 8.184E-05 SW 1372. 1372. 7.778E-06 7.444E-06 1372. 3.80M-05 3.523E-05 1372. 2.491E-04 2.224E-04 Wsv 823. 823. 1.135E-05 1.099E-05 823, 7.956E-05 7.348E-05 823. 5.527E-04 4.896E-04 W 713. 713. 1.419E-05 1.375E-05 713. 1.096E-04 1.006E-04 713. 8.936E-04 7.872E-04 WWW 713. 713. 1.281E-05 1.241E-05 713. 1.283E-04 1.166E-04 713. 1.218E-03 1.070E-03 uu 823. 823. 1.300E-05 1.262E-05 823. 9.513E-05 8.731E-05 823. 8.374E-04 7.389E-04 unu 1481. 1481. 9.317E-06 8.932E 06 1481. 5.833E-05 5.372E-05 1481. 3.907E-04 3.480E-04 euA0 CITIES SITE BETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 O

OJ/odcm/ quad'tri-8f -18

w l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 ,

June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Xe-135m Doesusind Urrestricted Eleveted(Steck) Release Mined Mode (Vent) Release Grossuf Levet Release Otraction Aree Bened Radius S 50AR Radius V VSAR 2edius G GOAA (asters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(LCl/sec) (seters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) u 864. 864. 2.899E-06 2.80X-06 864. 8.530E-06 8.236E-04 8E. 2.453E-03 2.363E-03 INIE 1029. 1029. 2.87?E-04 2.781E-06 1029. 7.665E-04 7.304E-06 1029. 1.941E-03 1.870E-03 NE 1212. 1212. 1.756E-06 1.697E-06 1212. 4.447E-04 4.296E-04 1212. 1.382E-03 1.332E-03 EME 1367. 1367. 1.163E-04 1.125E-06 1367. 3.21?E-06 3.107E-06 1367. 9.117E-04 8.789E-06 E 1170. 1170. 1.761E-04 1.683E-04 1170. 5.632E-04 5.430E-06 1170. 1.662E-03 1.602E-83 ESE 1170. 1170. 2.300E-06 2.231E-06 1170. 6.317E-06 6.100E-06 1170. 1.681E 03 1.620E-03 SE 1189. 1189. 1.959E-06 1.894E-06 1189. 4.536E-06 4.38?f-04 1189. 1.00M-03 9.670E-06 SSE 1422. 1422. 1.166E-06 1.127E-04 1422. 2.390E-06 2.316E-06 1422. 5.006E-04 4.901E-06 5 1198. ~1198. 1.163E-04 1.124E-06 1198. 2.42M-F 2.340E-06 1198. 5.714E-04 5.50?E-04 SSW 2140. 2140. 5.156E-05 4.984E-05 2140. 1.020E-M 9.925E-05 2140. 2.160E-06 2.082E-06 SW 1372. ~272. 1.099E-04 1.063E-06 1372. 2.682r-06 2.590E-04 1372. 7.263E-06 T.000E-06 WSW 823. 823. 1.979E-04 1.914E-04 823. 6.3LE-04 6.118E-04 823. 2.055E-03 1.979E-03 W 713. 713. 2.585E-04 2.499E-04 713. 8.524E-04 8.229E-06 713. 3.381E-03 3.255E-03 WuW 713. 713. 2.323E-04 2.246E-06 713. 8.874E-04 8.564E-06 713. 4.500E-03 4.332E-03

, NW 823. 823. 2.22?E-04 2.153E-06 823. 6.913E-04 6.674E-04 823. 2.772E-03 2.670E-03 NuW 1481. 1481. 1.264E-06 1.222E-06 1481. 3.575E-06 3.452E-04 1481. 9.461E-06 9.117E-06 eun0 CITIES SITE IE1EOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 t

4 t

ESPOJ/odem/quadtfrt-81 F.19 i

i CUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued) l Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dee Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Xe-135 l

l l

Downstrut unrestricted Elevated (Stock) Reteeee Nimed Mode (Vent) Reteese Gromd Level Reteese Direction Aree somd Redius S SSAR Radius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uti/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec)

N 864. 864. 1.787E-04 1.729E-04 864. 6.779E-04 6.555E-04 864. 2-851E-03 2.75M-03 NME 1029. 1029. 1.867E-04 1.807E-04 1029. 6.045E-04 5.847E-04 1029. 2.\78E-03 2.103E-03 NE 1212. 1212. 1.196E-04 1.158E-04 1212. 3.894E-04 3.766E 04 1212. 1.917E-03 1.851E-03 ENE 1367. 1367. 8.192E-05 T.928E-05 1367. 2.860E-M 2.766E-04 1367. 1.2'J5E-03 1.242E-03 1 E 1170. 1170. 1.145E-04 1.100E-04 1170. 4.571E-04 4.420E-04 1170. 1.'/13E-03 1.848E-03 i ESE 1170. 1170. 1.504E-04 1.456E-04 1170. 5.067E-04 4.t00E-04 1170;  ?.83X-03 1.771E-03 -

l sE 1189. 1189. 1.28?E-04 1.246E-04 1189. 3.627E-04 3.100E-04 1189. 1.11M-03 1.075E-03 l SSE 1422. 1422. 8.204E-05 7.939E-05 1422. 2.113E-04 2.MEE-04 1422. 6.264E-04 6.052E-04 l 5 1198. 1198. 7.961E-05 7.705E-05 1198. 2.044E-04 1.977E-04 1198. 7.175E-04 6.931E-04 l Ssu 2140. 21M. . 204t-us *.145E-05 2140. 1.103E-04 1.067E-04 2140. 3.945E-04 3.812E-04 l SW 1372. 1372. 7.655E-05 7.405t 05 1372. 2.359E-04 2.282E-04 1372. 1.046E-03 1.010E-03 Wsu 823. 823. 1.242E-04 1.202E-34 823. 4.83 M-04 4.674E-04 823. 2.225E-03 2.149E-03 W 713. 713. 1.573E-04 1.512E-M 713. 6.395E-04 6.18M-04 713. 3.478E-03 3.358E-03 WuW 713. 713. 1.415E-04 1.370E-04 713. 6.923E-04 6.693E-04 713. 4.660E-03 4.490E-03 NW 823. 823. 1.384E-04 1.340E-04 823. 5.510E-04 5.328E-04 823. 3.27?E-03 3.164E-03 uuW 1481. 1481. 8.796E-05 8.512E-05 1481. 3.406E-04 3.29X-04 1481. 1.605E-03 1.550E-03 l euAo CITIES SITE IETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 l

l l

f I

l e

-20 OOJ/odem/quadtfrt-8f .

l QUdD CITIE3 Revision 1.8 ~

June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Xe-137 Dessasind unrestricted Elevated (Stock) Release Rised stede(Vent) Reteese Grourul Level Reteese Direction Area Beemd Radius S 584R Redius V WOAR Radius G GSAA (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (asters) (ared/yr)/(utt/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec)

N 864. 864. 9.587E-05 9.200E-05 866. 2.169E-06 2.100E SM. 3.650E-M 3.532E-M IulE 1029. 1929. 8.396E-05 8.127E-05 1029. 1.789E-04 1.731E-M 1029. 2.883E- M 2.739E-M NE 1212. 1212. 4.408E-05 4.265E-05 1212. 8.327E-05 S.059E-05 1212. 1.508E-M 1.457E-06 ENE 1367. 1M7. 2.876E-05 2.786E-05 1367. 6.062E-05 5.866E-05 1367. 9.706E-05 9.392E-05 E 1170. 1170. 5.014E-05 4.854E-05 1170. 1.280E-M 1.239E-06 1170. 2.375E-M 2.290E-M ESE 1170. 1170. 4.821E-05 6.643E-05 1170. 1.517E- M 1.468E- M 1170. 2.747E-06 2.658E- M SE 1189. 1189. 5.604E-05 5.425E-05 1189. 1.064E-M 1.010E-04 1189. 1.631E-06 1.573E-06 SsE 1422. 1422. 2.842E-05 2.751E-05 1422. 4.591E-05 4.443E-05 1422. 4.975E-05 6.749E-05 5 1198. 1198. 3.027E-05 2.930E-05 1198. 5 066E-05 4.901E-05 1198. 8.267E-05 7.999E-05 SSW 2140. 2140, 8.925E-06 8.639E-06 2140. 1.344E-05 1.301E-05 2148. 1.753E-05 1.696E-05 su 13T2. 1372. 2.697E-05 2.611E-05 1372. 5.261E-05 5.091E-05 1372. 8.334E-05 8.066E-05 Wsu 823. 823, 6.236E-05 6.037E-05 823. 1.682E-04 1.62SE-04 823. 3.760E-04 3.630E-06 W 713. 713. 8.655E-05 8.378E-05 713. 2.349E-06 2.274E-06 713. 5.968E-04 5.775E-06 WuW 713. 713. 7.777E-05 7.529E-05 713. 2.290E-04 2.224E-06 713. 7.354E-06 7.115E-06 MW 823. 823. 7.090E-05 6.863E-05 823. 1.705E-04 1.650E-06 823. 3.973E-06 3.845E-04 <

INAf 1481. 1481. 3. W E-05 3.090E-05 1481. 6.290E-05 6.095E-05 1441. 7.935E-05 7.67BE-05 f euAO CITIES SITE DETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ,

i 1

4 i

l l

i i

i t

ESPOJ/odcm/quaditt1-8f F-21

c_--__ . _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7 (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Xe-138 i i

Doesusind unrestricted Eleveted(Stock) Reteese Mixed Nede(Vent) Reimse Gromd Level Reteese Direction Area 8e md Radius S SSAR Radius V VIAR Radius G ESAR e (asters) (noters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) l i

k 864 864. 7.602E-04 7.388E-04 864. 1.909E-03 1.854E-03 864. 5.007E-03 4.860E-03 NuE 1029. 1029. 7.527E-04 7.315E-04 1029. 1.728E-03 1.679E 03 1029. 3.991E-03 3.874E-03 NE 1212. 1212. 4.600E-04 4.471E-04 1212. 1.005E-03 9.759E-04 1212. 2.814E-03 2.731E-03 ENE 1367. 1347. 3.014E-04 2.929E-04 1367. 7.202E-04 6.995E-04 1247. 1.859E-83 1.804E-03 E 1170 1175. 4.505E-04 4.378E-04 1170. 1.258E-03 1.222E-03 11?O. 3.418E-03 3.318E-03 .

ESE 1170. 1170. 5.943E-04 5.775E-04 1170. 1.414E-03 1.373E-03 1170. 3.473E-03 3.371E-03 SE 1189. 1189. 5.059E-04 4.916E-04 1189. 1.022E-03 9.929E-04 1189. 2.076E-03 2.015E-03 SSE 1422. 1422. 2.995E-04 2.910E-04 1422. 5.384E-04 5.229E-04 1422. 1.049E-03 1.018E-03 s 1198. 1198. 3.027E-04 2.941E-04 1198. 5.469E-04 5.312E-04 1198. 1.174E-03 1.139E-03 '

f SsW 2140. 2140. 1.297E-04 1.260E-04 2140. 2.269E-04 2.204E-04 2140. 4.390E-04 4.262E-04 sW 13T2. 1372. 2.843E-04 2.763E-04 1372. 6.005E-04 5.832E-04 1372. 1.480E-03 1.436E-03 WsW 823. 823. 5.252E-04 5.104E-04 823. 1.428E-03 1.387E-03 823. 4.220E-03 4.095E-03 ,

W 713. 713. 6.885E-04 6.691E-04 713. 1.914E-03 1.859E-03 713. 6.917E-03 6.712E-03 Wuu 713. 713. 6.188E-04 6.014E-04 713. 1.974E-03 1.917E-03 713. 9.182E-03 8.910E-03 uu 823. 823. 5.894E-04 5.728E-04 823. 1.550E-03 1.505E-03 823. 5.640E-03 5.474E-03 uuW 1481. 1441. 3.244E-04 3.152E-04 1481. 7.909E-04 7.681E-04 1441. 1.903E-03 1.847E-03 auhD CITIES SITE NETEOR0 LOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 e

i t

- - - . _ _ _ _ _ - _. _ _ _ _____----______-I

l QUAD S Revision 1.6 June 1996 -

Table F-7 (Continued)

RAaximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Unrestricted Area Boundary for Ar.41 ,

Denmuirud unrestricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nimed Medo(vent)'Reteese creursi Level Retenee Oirection Aree Sound Redius S SSAR Redius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (aradryr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec)

N SM. SM. 9.169E-04 8.875E-06 SM. 2.639E-03 2.555E-03 SM. 9.453E-03 9.150E-03 NME 1029. 1029. 9.534E- M 9.229E-06 1029. 2.410E-03 2.333E-03 1029. 7.295E-03 7.061E-03 NE 1212. 1212. 6.143E-06 5.M7E-04 1212. 1.545E-03 1.496E-03 1212. 6.170E-03 5.973E-03 ENE 1347. 1367. 4.130E-04 3.990E-06 1367 1.116E-03 1.000E-03 1367. 4.131E-03 3.999E-03 i l

E 1170. 1170. 5.748E-06 5.564E-06 1170. 1.782E-03 1.725E-03 1170. 6.371E-03 6.167E-03 ESE 1170. 1170. 7.496E-06 7.254E-04 1170. 1.976E-03 1.913E-03 1170. 6.148E-03 5.951E-03 ,

SE 1189. 1189. 6.447E-06 6.261E-06 1189. 1.435E-03 1.389E-03 1189. 3.710E-05 3.591E-03 sSE 1622. 1422. 4.090E-06 3.959E-06 1422. 8.282E-04 8.017E-04 1422. 2.052E-03 1.986E-03 5 1198. 1198. 4.060E-06 3.910E-04 1198. 8.103E-06 7.863E-06 1198. 2.334E-03 2.259E-03 ssu 2140. 2140. 2.070E-06 2.006E-06 2140. 4.157E-04 4.024E-06 2140. 1.195E-03 1.157E-03 SW 1372. 1372. 3.864E-04 3.740E-04 1372. 9.192E-04 8.89E -04 1372. 3.318E-03 3.212E-03 WSW 823. 823. 6.506E-06 6.296E-06 823. 1.917E-03 1.856E-03 823. 7.433E-03 7.196E-03 W 713. 713. 8.303E-06 8.037E-06 713, 2.525E-03 2.445E-05 713. 1.179E-02 1.141E-02 WNW 713. 713. 7.474E-04 7.235E-06 713. 2.609E-03 2.603E 03 713. 1.583E-02 1.532E-02 MW 823. 823. 7.219E-04 6.900E-04 823. 2.157E-03 2.000E-03 823. 1.035E-02 1.050E-02 NuW 1481. 1481. 4.362E-04 4.222E-06 1481. 1.291E-03 1.249E-03 1481. 4.963E-03 4.805E-03 auAD CITIES SITE IETEGROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ESPOJVodenvguadtf-8f F-23

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 l

June 1996 Table F-7a Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Kr-83m Mixed leade(Vwit) Release Groned Levet Reteese Doeswirui Restricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Redius G GSAR Direction Area Sound Radius S SSAR Redius V VBAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters)(ared/yr)/(uci/sec)

N 219. 219. 6.431E-07 4.849E-07 219. 2.757E-04 2.079E-04 219. 3.034E-03 2.288E-03 NME 224. 224. 7.975E 07 6.013E-07 224. 2.140E-04 1.613E-04 224. 2.773E-03 2.091E-03 NE 265. 265. 5.110E-97 3.853E-07 265. 1.165E-04 8.782E-05 265. 2.348E-03 1.770E-03 ENE 393. 393. 1.005E-06 7.57BE-07 393. 6.930E-05 5.22SE-05 393. 1.021E-03 T.696E-04 E 867. %7. 1.516E-06 1.143E-06 867. 3.734E-05 2.816E-05 867. 3.636E-04 2.742E-04 ESE 924 924. 1.867E-06 1.408E-06 924. 3.596E-05 2.711E-05 924. 3.118E-04 2.351E-04 SE t*:'d. 1010. 1.300E-06 9.866E-07 1010. 2.064E-05 1.556E-05 1010. 1.640E-04 1.236E-04 SSE 1059. 1059. G.754E-07 6.600E-07 1059. 1.272E-05 9.592E-06 1059. 1.089E-04 8.211E-05

$ 762. 762. 4.368E-07 3.294E-07 762. 1.388E-05 1.046E-05 762. 1.725E-04 1.300E-04 SSW 335. 335. 3.150E-07 2.375E-07 335. 4.659E-05 3.513E-05 335. 7.271E-04 5.483E-04 SW 232. 232. 3.086E-07 2.327E-07 232. 1.135E-04 8.558E-05 232. 1.838E-03 1.386E-03 WSW 189. 189. 3.671E-07 2.768E-07 189. 1.991E-04 1.502E-04 189. 2.710E-03 2.043E-03 W 189. 189. 4.298E-07 3.241E-07 189. 2.498E-04 1.884E-04 189. 3.612E-03 2.723E-03 WNW 183. 183. 3.928E-07 2.962E-07 183. 3.557E-04 2.682E-04 183. 5.159E-03 3.890E-03 NW 210. 210. 4.184E 07 3.155E-07 210. 2.310E-04 1.742E-04 210. 3.537E-03 2.667E-03 NNW 224. 224. 4.846E-07 3.654E-07 224. 2.580E-04 1.945E-04 224. 3.330E-03 2.511E-03 eumD CITIES SITE IETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 Note Based on Hetcee%e i or ,,, i . , . . a e . t . m . . . . . .i Mtons O $ and B 6 of Appendix B o

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 -

June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Kr-85m Doiswind Restricted Elevated (Stock) Release Mised Mode (Vent) Release Groted Level Release Direction Aree Reimd Radius S SBAR Radius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (asters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uti/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec)

N 219. 219. 4.678E-04 4.520E-06 219. 2.202E-03 2.117E-03 219. 1.154E-02 1.100E-02 NME 224. 224. 5.607E-04 5.42M-06 224. 2.271E-03 2.187E-03 224. 1.119E-02 1.068E-02 NE 265. 265. 3.522E-04 3.409E-06 265. 1.370E-03 1.320E-03 265. 9.701E-03 9.261E-03 ENE 393. 393. 1.84M-04 1.784E-06 393. 7.728E-06 7.443E-06 393. 4.697E-03 4.490E-03 E 867. 867. 1.074E-04 1.038E-04 867. 4.558E-04 4.391E-04 867. 2.075E-03 1.988E-03 ESE 924. 924. 1.327E-06 1.283E-04 924. 4.697E-06 4.527E-04 924. 1.831E-03 1.754E-03 SE 1010. 1010. 1.058E-04 1.023E-04 1010. 3.100E-04 2.990E-04 1010. 1.000E-03 9.667E-04 55E 1059. 1059. T.523E-05 7.27BE-05 1059. 2.050E-04 1.977E-06 1059. 6.733E-04 6.454E-04 s 762. 762. 8.422E-05 8.150E-05 762. 2.332E-04 2.250E-04 762. 9.467E-06 9.066E-04 ssu 335. 335. 1.614E-06 1.562E-06 335. 5.473E-04 5.2TX-06 .J5. 3.128E-03 2.987E-03 SW 232. 232. 2.814E-06 2.723E-04 232. 1.105E-03 1.064E-03 232. 7.183E-03 6.852E-03 WSW 189. 189. 3.592E-04 3.477E-04 189. 1.696E-03 1.629E-G3 189. 1.012E-02 9.646E-03 W 189. 189. 4.016E-04 3.888E-04 189. 1.938E-03 1.863E-03 189. 1.299E-02 1.238E-02 WuW 183. 183. 3.732E-04 3.613E-04 183. 2.246E-03 ?.155E-03 183. 1.797E-02 1.711E-02 MW 210. 210. 3.616E-04 3.500E-04 210. 1.766E-03 . 697E-03 210. 1.297E-02 1.236E-02 NNW 224. 224. 3.668E-04 3.551E-04 224. 1.932E-03 1.856E-03 224. 1.251E-02 1.192E-02 eumD CITIES SITE NETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ESPOJtodem/quadtfr t-8f F-25

l l QUAD CITIE3 Revisen 1.8 June 1996 l


! Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Kr-85 Doeswind Restricted Elevated (Stock) Release Mixed Mode (Vent) Reteese Grotmd Level telease Direction Area Sound Radius S SSAR Radius V VSAR Radius G GSAR (eeters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uci/sec) i N 219. 219. 6.596E-06 6.379E-06 219. 2.551E-05 2.467E-05 219. 1.241E-04 1.200E-04 l NME 224. 224. 7.986E-06 7.72E-06 224. 2.675E-05 2.587E-05 224. 1.201E-04 1.162E-04

NE 265. 265. 5.068E-06 4.900E-06 265. 1.637E-05 1.583E-05 265. 1.047E-04 1.012E-04

! ENE 393. 393. 2.629E-06 2.542E-06 393. 9.149E-06 8.847E-06 393. 5.100E-05 4.939E-05 l E 867. 867. 1.483E-06 1.434E-06 867. 5.373E-06 5.196E-06 867. 2.311E-05 2.235E-05

! ESE 924. 924. 1.823E-06 1.763E-06 924. 5.557E-06 5.374E-06 924. 2.041E-05 1.973E-05 SE 1010. 1010. 1.464E-06 1.415E-06 1010. 3.696E-06 3.574E-06 1010. 1.134E-05 1.096E-05 SSE 1059. 1059. 1.050E-06 1.016E-06 1059. 2.466E-06 2.384E-06 1059. 7.598E-06 7.347E-06 S 762. 762. 1.194E-06 1.155E-06 762. 2.800E-06 2.715E-06 762. 1.056E-05 1.021E-05 Ssu 335. 335. 2.320E-06 2.243E-06 335. 6.504E-06 6.290E-06 335. 3.389E-05 3.277E-05 SW 232. 232. 4.038E-06 3.905E-06 232. 1.301E-05 1.258E-05 232. 7.734E-05 T.479E-05 WsW 189. 189. 5.147E-06 4.977E-06 189. 1.978E-05 1.913E 05 189. 1.086E-04 1.050E-04 W 189. 189. 5.740E-06 5.551E-06 189. 2.251E-05 2.176E-05 189. 1.394E-04 1.348E-04 WNW 183. 183. 5.334E-06 5.158E-06 183. 2.578E-05 2.493E-05 183. 1.927E-04 1.864E-04 ,

NW 210. 210. 5.158E-06 4.988E-06 210. 2.051E-05 1.983E-05 210. 1.396E-04 1.350E-04 l NNW 224. 224. 5.197E-06 5.025E-06 224. 2.234E-05 2.160E-05 224. 1.347E-04 1.303E-04 euAD clTIES SITE BETEOROLOGlcAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 i Jf0dCin/ quad /fft-8f G

\ s l QUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.8

  • June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Kr-87 Denmwivut Restricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nimed Mode (Vent) Reteese Grossed Level Releese Direction Areet-Senaul Redius 5 SSAR Radius V VSAR Radius G GBAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCI/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCI/sec) u 219. 219. 2.415E-03 2.346E-03 219. 7.757E-03 7.533E-03 219. 3.450E-02 3.350E-02 l NME 224. 224. 2.968E-03 2.864E-03 224. 8.289E-03 8.050E 03 224. 3.368E-02 3.270E-02 NE 265. 265. 1.888E-03 1.834E-03 265. 5.102E-03 4.955E-03 265. 2.884E-02 2.800E-02 ENE 393. 393. 9.666E-04 9.391E-04 393. 2.802E-03 2.721E-05 393. 1.382E-02 1.342E-02 E 867. 867. 5.225E-04 5.076E-04 867. 1.601E-03 1.555E-03 867. 5.968E-03 5.796E-03 ESE 924. 924. 6.370E-06 6.188E-04 924. 1.650E-03 1.603E-03 924. 5.283E-03 5.129E-03 SE 1010. 1010. 5.090E-04 4.965E-04 1010. 1.107E-03 1.075E-03 1010. 2.886E-03 2.802E-03 55E 1059. 1059. 3.643E-06 3.539E-06 1059. 7.290E-04 7.000E-06 1059. 1.911E-03 1.856E-03 s 762. 762. 4.232E-04 4.112E-04 762. 8.482E-04 8.237E-04 762. 2.691E-03 2.613E 03 ssW 335. 335. 8.550E-04 8.30?E-06 335. 2.001E-03 1.943E-03 335. 9.243E-03 8.974E-03 SW 232. 232. 1.501E-03 1.459E-03 232. 4.021E-03 3.90$E-03 232. 2.143E-02 2.081E-02 Wsu 189. 189. 1.909E-03 1.855E-03 189. 6.096E-03 5.920E-03 189. 3.060E-02 2.952E-02 W 189. 189. 2.129E-03 2.068E-03 189. 6.890E-03 6.699E-03 189. 3.912E-02 3.790E-02 WWW 183. 183. 1.976E-03 1.920E-03 183. 7.817E-03 7.592E-03 183. 5.420E-02 5.262E-02 kW 210. 210. 1.900E-03 1.853E-03 210. 6.257E-03 6.076E-03 210. 3.878E-02 3.765E-02 uuW 224. 224. 1.909E-03 1.855E-03 224. 6.787E-03 6.591E-03 224. 3.727E-02 3.619E-02 eump CITIES SITE SETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 4

ESPOJ/odcm/ quad lftt 8f F-27

l l

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 l

l Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Kr-88 Denmwiruf Restricted Elevated (Stock) Release Mixed Mode (Vent) Release Ground Level Reteese

! Direction Aree Sound Redius S 38AR Redlue V V8AR Radius G GBAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uci/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(scl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec)

N 219. 219. 6.197E-03 6.C33E-03 219. 1.878E-02 1.826E-02 219. 8.281E-02 8.036E-02 NME 224. 224. 7.596E-03 7.395E-03 224. 2.013E-02 1.958E-02 224. 8.040E-02 7.803E-02 i

NE 265. 265. 4.891E-03 4.761E-03 265. 1.250E-02 1.215E-02 265. 6.946E-02 6.742E-02 ENE 393. 393. 2.512E-03 2.445E-03 393. 6.861E-03 6.673E-03 393. 3.360E-02 3.262E-02 E 867. 867. 1.354E-03 1.318E-03 867. 3.952E-03 3.844E-03 867. 1.491E-02 1.448E-02 ESE 924. 924. 1.646E-03 1.602E-03 924. 4.083E-03 3.971E-03 924. 1.318E-02 1.200E-02 SE 1010. 1010. 1.321E-03 1.286E-03 1010. 2.747E-03 2.672E-03 1010. 7.268E-03 7.061E-03 SSE 1059, 1059. 9.514E-04 9.262E-04 1059. 1.828E-03 1.779E-03 1059. 4.843E-03 4.705E-03 S 762. 762. 1.107E-03 1.078E-03 762. 2.109E-03 2.052E-03 762. 6.758E-03 6.563E-03 Ssu 335. 335. 2.223E-03 2.164E-03 335. 4.901E-03 4.767E-03 335. 2.238E-02 2.172E-02 su 232. 232. 3.884E-03 3.782E-03 232. 9.782E-03 9.512E-03 232. 5.149E-02 4.997E-02 Wsw 189. 189. 4.927E-03 4.797E-03 189 1.477E-02 1.436E-02 189. 7.270E-02 7.054E-02 W 189. 189. 5.494E-03 5.348E-03 189. 1.669E-02 1.622E-02 189. 9.350E-02 9.072E-02 WNW 183. 183. 5.096E-03 4.%1E-03 183.

  • 1.889E-02 1.836E-02 183. 1.295E-01 1.257E-01 MW 210. 210. 4.917E-03 4.787E-03 210. 1.517E-02 1.475E-02 210. 9.319E-02 9.042E-02 NNW 224. 224. 4.908E-03 4.778E-03 224. 1.644E-02 1.598E-02 224. 8.972E-02 8.706E-02 euAD CITIES SITE 8ETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 i

e OJ/odcnn/qnnadtfrt-81 -28 t

l QUAD CITIES Revson 1.8 ~

June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Kr-89 Denswind Restricted Elevated (stock) Reteeee Nimed Mode (Vent) Reteese Gretsid Level Reteese Direction Area sound Radius 5 saAR Radius V VBAR Radius G GBAR (meters) (meters) tared /yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(tEl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCI/sec) u 219. 219. 4.468E-03 4.343E-03 219. 1.234E-02 1.199E-02 219. 3.852E-02 3.741E-02 MME 224. 224. 5.294E-03 5.145E-03 224. 1.371E-02 1.332E-02 224. 4.217E-02 4.096E-02 NE 265. 265. 3.186E-03 3.096E-03 265. 7.526E-03 7.311E-03 265. 2.90?E-02 2.824E-02 ENE 393. 393. 1.463E-03 1.421E-03 393. 3.687E-03 3.582E-03 393. 1.142E-02 1.109E-02 E 867. 867. 6.059E-04 5.888E-04 867. 1.457E-03 1.415E-03 867. 2.884E-03 2.801E-03 ESE 924. 924. 7.398E-04 7.189E-04 924. 1.526E-03 1.483E-03 924. 2.824E-03 2.743E-03 sE 1010. 1010. 5.412E-04 5.260E-04 1010. 9.216E-04 8.953E-04 1010. 1.409E-03 1.369E-03 ssE 1059. 1059. 3.421E-04 3.324E-04 1059. 5.267E-04 5.11?E-04 1059. 8.474E-04 8.231E-04 s 762. 762. 4.708E-04 4.575E-04 762. 7.716E-04 7.496E-04 762. 1.441E-03 1.399E-03 ssu 335. 335. 1.328E-03 1.291E-03 335. 2.813E-03 2.733E-03 335. 8.950E-03 8.692E-03 SW 232. 232. 2.630E-03 2.556E-03 232. 6.447E-03 6.263E-03 232. 2.394E-02 2.325E-02 WsW 189. 189. 3.460E-03 3.362E-03 189. 1.036E-02 1.007E-02 189. 3.848E-02 3.737E-02 W 189. 189. 3.883E-03 3.773E-03 189. 1.158E-02 1.125E-02 189. 4.850E-02 4.710E-02 WuW 183. 183. 3.624E-03 3.523E-03 183. 1.268E-02 1.232E-02 183. 6.720E-02 6.527E-02 NW 210. 210. 3.446E-03 3.349E-03 210. 9.860E-03 9.578E-03 210. 4.213E-02 4.092E-02 NNW 224. 224. 3.469E-03 3.371E-03 224. 1.052E-02 1.022E-02 224. 3.886E-02 3.775E-02 eumo CITIES SITE IETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 I

EsPOJ/micm/quadtfr1-89 F-29

l l l QUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Kr-90 l

l Dounwind Restricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nined Mode (Vent) Reteese Growed Level Reteese Direction Aree Bound Radius S S8AR Radius V VGAR Radius G GaAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uti/sec} (aeters) (ared/yr)/(LCi/sec)

N 219. 219. 2.813E-03 2.730E-03 219. 5.516E-03 5.351E-03 219. 8.230E-03 7.977E-03 buE 224. 224, 2.979E-03 2.892E-03 224. 5.985E-03 5.807E-03 224. 1.051E-02 1.019E-02 NE 265. 265. 1.390E-03 1.349E-r' 265. 2.265E-03 2.197E-03 265. 4.467E-03 4.330E-03 EME 393. 393. 4.894E-04 4.751E

  • 393. 8.252E-04 8.005E-04 393. 1.12E -03 1.094E-03 E 867. 867. 8.39FE-05 8.151E i 867. 1.075E-04 1.043E-04 867. 7.851E-05 7.612E-05 ESE 924. 924. 9.702E-05 9.416E N3 924. 1.066E-04 1.034E-04 924. 9.321E-05 9.038E-05 SE 1010. 1010. 5.060E-05 4.911f J5 1010. 4.494E-05 4.360E-05 1010. 3.214E-05 3.117E-05 SSE 1059. 1059. 2.124E-05 2.061f.-05 1059. 1.841E-05 1.786E-05 1059. 1.452E-05 1.408E-05 S 762. 762. 5.625E-05 5.460E-05 762. 5.725E-05 5.555E-05 762. 6.452E-05 6.256E-05 SSW 335. 335. 4.803E-04 4.663E-04 335. 7.966E-04 7.728E-04 335. 1.528E-03 1.481E-03 SW 232. 232. 1.374E-03 1.334E-03 232. 2.739E-03 2.657E-03 232. 5.711E-03 5.536E-03' WSW 189. 189. 2.114E-03 2.052E-03 189. 5.336E-03 5.177E-03 189. 1.282E-02 1.242E-02 W 189. 189. 2.413E-03 2.342E-03 189. 5.761E-03 5.589E-03 189. 1.337E-02 1.296E-02 WNW 183. 183. 2.295E-03 2.228E-03 183. 5.876E-03 5.700E-03 183. 1.633E-02 1.582E-02 MW 210. 210. 2.006E-03 1.948E-03 210. 4.131E-03 4.000E-03 210. 8.487E-03 8.226E-03 NuW 224. 224. 2.057E-03 1.997E-03 224. 4.283E-03 4.155E-03 224. 7.350E-03 7.124E-03 euAD CITIES SITE E TEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 0.Itodcmiquadttet-si -30



l sD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Tat >Ie F-7a (Continued)

Maximum ONsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Xe-131m Deesmind Restricted Elevated (Stock) Retenee Itined Mode (Vent) Reteese Greemd Level Reteese Direction Aree sound Radius 5 SSAR Redius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ist/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) i N 219. 219. 1.062E-05 9.981E-06 219. 2.625E-06 2.076Er06 219. 2.654E-03 2.051E-03 l NME 224. 224. 1.252E-05 1.198E-05 224. 2.14 M -04 1.718E-04 224. 2.425E-03 1.876E-03 NE 265. 265. 7.875E-06 7.538E-06 265. 1.202E-04 9.671E-05 265. 2.00M-03 1.612E-03 ENE 393. 395. 4.703E-06 4.384E-06 393. 7.093E-05 5.69M-05 393. 9.278E-06 7.200E-06 E 86T. 867. 3.490E-06 3.120E-06 867. 3.954E-05 3.186E-05 867. 3.51EE-06 2.746E-06 ESE 924. 924. 4.296E-06 3.863E-06 924. 3.871E-05 3.131E-05 924. 3.029E-06 2.366E-06 SE 1010. 1010. 3.290E-06 2.966E-06 1010. 2.310E-05 1.881E-05 1010. 1.626E-06 1.271E-06 ssE 1059. 1059. 2.305E-06 2.082E-06 1059. 1.443E-05 1.196E-05 1059. 1.091E-06 8.534E-05 s 762. 762. 2.145E-06 2.003E-06 762. 1.607E-05 1.317E-05 762. 1.675E-04 1.305E-06 ssW 335. 335. 3.679E-06 3.50eE-06 335. 4.81M-05 3.873E-05 335. 6.527E-04 5.056E-06 su 232. 232. 6.212E-06 5.962E-06 232. 1.120E-04 8.931E-05 232. 1.615E-03 1.248E-03 WSW 189. 189. 7.900E-06 7.594E-06 189. 1.900E-06 1.513E-06 189. 2.355E-03 1.819E-03 W 189. 189. 8.855E-06 8.500E-06 189. 2.355E-06 1.861E-04 189. 3.12M-03 2.410E-03 WNW 183. 183. 8.22M-06 7.895E-06 183. 3.251E-04 2.549E-06 183. 4.444E-03 3.427E-03 NW 210. 210- 7.990E-06 7.672E-06 210. 2.181E-06 1.722E-06 210. 3.085E-03 2.381E-03 NNW 224. 24. E.159E-06 7.817E-06 224. 2.629E-06 1.916E-06 224. 2.919E-03 2.255E-03 aumD CITIES SITE IETEOROLDEICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 I

2 ESPOJ/odcm/ quad /fr1-8f f.31 9 -

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 Juree 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Xe-133m )

Doestsind Restricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nimed Mode (Vent) Reteese Groumf Level Release Direction Area Soted Radius S $8AR Radius V V8AR Radius G GBAR (meters) (meters) (arad/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (erad/yr)/(uti/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(ssi/sec)

N 219, 219. 6.658E-05 6.434E-05 219. 5.277E-04 4.625E-04 219. 4.053E-03 3.384E-03 NME 224. 224. 7.985E-05 7.715E-05 224. 4.8T/E-06 4.348E-06 224. 3.778E-03 3.168E-03 NE 265. 265. 5.019E-05 4.850E-05 265. 2.852E-06 2.557E-06 265. 3.261E-03 2.T37E-03 ENE 393. 393. 2.690E-05 2.586E-05 393. 1.642E-06 1.467E-04 393. 1.501E-03 1.268E-03 E 867. 867. 1.646E-05 1.566E-05 867. 9.481E-05 8.511E-05 867. 6.083E-04 5.203E-06 ESE 924. 924. 2.032E-05 1.934E-05 924. 9.575E-05 8.628E-05 924. 5.291E-04 4.534E-04 SE 1010. 1010. 1.609E-05 1.534E-05 1010. 6.073E-05 5.510E-05 1010. 2.878E-06 2.472E-06 ssE 1059. 1059. 1.143E-05 1.091E-05 1059. 3.962E-05 3.606E-05 1059. 1.930E-04 1.658E-04 l s 762. 762. 1.234E-05 1.18?E-05 762. 4.437E-05 4.067E-05 762. 2.848E-06 2.429E-04 i ssu 335. 335. 2.311E-05 2.231E-05 335. 1.142E-04 1.023E-04 335. 1.033E-03 8.694E-04  !

su 232. 232. 4.001E-05 3.868E-05 232. 2.450E-04 2.173E-04 232. 2.486E-03 2.079E-03 Wsu 189. 189. 5.105E-05 4.935E-05 189. 3.945E-04 3.472E-04 189. 3.580E-03 2.986E-03 W 189. 189. 5.708E-05 5.518E-05 189. 4.687E-04 4.101E-04 189. 4.695E-03 3.908E-03 WmW 183. 183. 5.304E-05 5.127E-05 183. 5.955E-04 5.143E-04 183. 6.617E-03 5.496E-03 mW 210. 210. 5.142E-05 4.970E-05 210. 4.300E-04 3.766E-06 210. 4.658E-03 3.881E-03 muu 224. 224. 5.221E-05 5.065E-05 224. 4.756E-04 4.152E-04 224. 4.437E-03 3.701E-03 OuAD CITIES SITE IETEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 e

s u_____. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .


l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 '

June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Xe-133 Doeswind Restricted Eleveted(Stock) Release Mixed Nede(Vent) Release Greasul Level Release I Direction Aree Saeed Radius S $8AR Redius V VSAR Radius G E8AR (meters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uti/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec)

N 219. 219. 5.703E-05 5.546E-05 219. 5.688E-04 5.135E-04 219. 4.269E-03 3.706E-03 NME 224. 224. 6.743E-05 6.556E-05 224. 5.290E-04 4.848E-04 224. 4.024E-03 3.509E-03 NE 265. 265. 4.182E-05 4.065E-05 265. 3.000E-04 2.829E-04 265. 3.486E-03 3.043E-03 EME 393. 393. 2.317E-05 2.242E-05 393. 1.799E-04 1.650E-04 393. 1.631E-03 1.43M-03 E 867. 867. 1.536E-05 1.473E-05 867. 1.062E-04 9.783E-05 867. 6.789E-04 6.037E-06 ESE 924. 924. 1.920E-05 1.843E-05 924. 1.974E-04 9.924E-05 924. 5.924E-04 5.276E-04 SE 1010. 1010. 1.509E-05 1.451E-05 1010. 6.799E-05 6.313E-05 1010. 3.236E-04 2.888E-04 SSE 1059. 1059. 1.062E-05 1.022E-05 1059. 4.413E-05 4.107E-05 1059. 2.169E-04 1.936E-04 -

S 762. 762. 1.084E-05 1.050E-05 762. 4.943E-05 4.607E-05 762. 3.163E-04 2.805E-04 Ssu 335. 335. 1.936E-05 1.881E-05 335. 1.245E-04 1.144E-04 335. 1.111E-03 9.723E-04 su 232. 232. 3.329E-05 3.238E-05 232. 2.642E-04 2.407E-04 232. 2.632E-03 2.289E-03 WSW 189. 189 4.249E-05 4.133E-05 189. 4.234E-04 3.833E-04 189. 3.761E-03 3.261E-03 .

W 189. 189. 4.774E-05 4.643E-05 189. 5.008E-04 4.512E-04 189. 4.89?E-03 4.235E-03 umW 183. 183. 4.433E-05 4.312E-05 183. 6.291E-04 5.606E-04 183. 6.857E-03 5.916E-03 NW 210. 210. 4.319E-05 4.201E-05 210. 4.604E-04 4.145E-04 210. 4.873E-03 4.219E-03 NNW 224. 224. 4.440E-05 4.318E-05 224. 5.100E-04 4.58BE-04 224. 4.661E-03 4.042E-03 eJAD CITIES SITE METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ESt'OJ/odcm/quadtfrt-81 f.33

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)


Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Xe-135m Oceewind Restricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Nined Mode (Vent) Reteese Ground Level Release Direction Aree posed Radius S SSAR Redius V WBAR Redius G GSAR (aeters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCl/sec) (asters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) (meters) (mrod/yr)/(ucl/sec)

N 219. 219. 1.214E-03 1.174E-03 219. 4.549E-03 4.389E-03 219. 2.009E-02 1.932E-02 NME 224. 224. 1.459E-03 1.410E-03 224. 4.840E-03 4.672E-03 224. 2.021E-02 1.944E-02 NE 2f5. 265. 9.144E-04 8.842E-04 265. 2.869E-03 2.770E-03 265. 1.633E-02 1.571E-02 ENE 393. 393. 4.590E-04 4.438E-04 393. 1.556E-03 1.502E-03 393. 7.406E-03 7.129E-03 E 867. 867. 2.433E-04 2.352E-04 867. 8.314E-04 8.02?E-04 867. 2.784E-03 2.682E-03 ESE 924. 924. 2.992E-04 2.893E-04 924. 8.543E-04 8.249E-04 924. 2.504E-03 2.412E-03 SE 1010. 1010. 2.344E-04 2.267E-04 1010. 5.597E-04 5.405E-04 1010. 1.326E-03 1.278E-03 SSE 1059. 1059. 1.624E-04 1.570E-04 1059. 3.536E-04 3.415E-04 1059. 8.534E-04 8.225E-04 S 762. 762. 1.912E-04 1.849E-04 762. 4.304E-04 4.157E-34 762. 1.244E-03 1.199E-03 Ssu 335. 335. 4.057E-04 3.923E-04 335. 1.118E-03 1.079E-03 335. 5.101E-03 4.910E-03 SW 232. 232. 7.328E-04 7.086E-04 232. 2.329E-03 2.248E-03 232. 1.240E-02 1.193E-02 WSW 189. 189. 9.402E-04 9.092E-04 189. 3.601E-03 3.475E-03 189. 1.81?E-02 1.748E-02 W 189. 189. 1.051E-03 1.016E-03 189. 4.093E-03 3.948E-03 189. 2.348E-02 2.258E-02 i WNW 183. 183. 9.772E-04 9.450E-04 183. 4.652E-03 4.485E-03 183. 3.266E-02 3.140E-02 NW 210. 210. 9.436E-04 9.124E-04 210. 3.659E-03 3.530E-03 210. 2.248E-02 2.162E-02 NNW 224. 224. 9.519E-04 9.205E-04 224. 3.971E-03 3.830E-03 224. 2.134E-02 2.052E-02 i



r i


-34 60J/odcm/quadiftt-81 .

- - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ ___ _ = _

l QUA 3 Revison .w l June 1996 . ,

i l

l l

Table F-7a (Continued) l e

~ f Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Xe-135  !

l l

Denmuirus Restricted Eteweted(Stock) Reteese Nimed Nede(Vent) Reteese Growuf Levet Reteese l Direction Aree Sound Radius S SSAR Radius V WBAR Radius C GBAR (seters) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uci/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uci/sec) (aefers) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec) u 219. 219. 6.602E-04 6.390E-06 219. 2.996E-03 2.896E-03 219. 1.52M-02 1.471E-02 NNE 224. 224. 7.921E-06 7.667E-06 224. 3.110E-05 3.007E-03 224. 1.681E-02 1.429E-82 NE 265. 265. 4.981E-04 4.821E 06 265. 1.883E-03 1.820E-03 265. 1.299E-02 1.244E-82 ENE 393. 393. 2.606E-04 2.522E-06 393. 1.061E-03 1.026E-03 393. 6.2S?E-03 6.069E-03 E 867. 867. 1.513E-04 1.465E-06 867. 6.281E-04 6.074E-04 867. 2.82M-03 2.727E-03 ESE 924. 926. 1.870E-06 1.809E-06 924. 6.486E-04 6.272E-04 924. 2.49 M -83 2.40AE-03 i SE 1010. 1010. 1.493E-04 1.445E-04 1010. 4.291E-06 4.150E-06 1010. 1.379E-03 1.332E-03 SSE 1059. 1059. 1.064E-04 1.030E-06 1059. 2.867E-04 2.753E-04 1959. 9.226E-04 8.912E-06 s 762. 762. 1.193E-04 1.155E-06 762. 3.23M-06 3.128E-04 762. 1.2ARE-83 1.J44E-03 SSW 335. 335. 2.286E-06 2.211E-06 335. 7.52M -06 7.275E-04 335. 4.170E 83 4.025E-03 SW 232. 232. 3.978E-04 3.850E-04 232. 1.511E-03 1.641E-03 232. 9.511E-03 9.177E-03 WSW 189. 189. 5.078E-04 4.915E-06 189. 2.300E-03 2.231E-03 189. 1.335E-02 1.2SEE-02 W 189. 189. 5.676E-04 5.49M-04 189. 2.634E-03 2.546E-03 189. 1.710E-02 1.650E-02 unu 183. 183. 5.276E-04 5.105E-06 183. 3.034E-03 2.931E-03 183. 2.361E-02 2.277E-02 MW 210. 210. 5.110E-04 4.966E-04 210. 2.401E-03 2.320E-03 210. 1.712E-02 1.651E-02 NuW 224. 224. 5.180E-04 5.014E-04 224. 2.626E-03 2.536E-03 224. 1.65M-02 1.595E-02 euRO CITIES SITE NETEGROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 ESPOJ/odcorVquadW1-8f F-35

.. ... - . _ . ~ . . - .- _ . _ _ -. - .-

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)


Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Xe-137 Doesosind Restricted Elevated (Steck) Release Mixed Mode (Vent) Relsese Ground Lmt Release Direction Aree Sound Radius S SSAR Radius V VBAR Radius G G8AR (meters) (aeters) (ared/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (mrad /yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uCl/sec)

N 219. 219. 5.305E-04 5.135E-04 219. 1.716E-03 1.661E-03 219. 5.932E-03 5.740E-03 NME 224. 224. 6.272E-04 6.071E-04 224. 1.882E-03 1.821E-03 224. 6.409E-03 6.201E-03 NE 265. 265. 3.789E-04 3.668E-04 265. 1.042E-03 1.00fE-03 255. 4.545E-03 4.397E-03 -

ENE 393. 393. 1.781E-04 1.724E-04 393. 5.246E-04 5.077E-04 393. 1.836E-03 1.776E-03 E 867. 867. 7.904E-05 7.651E-05 867. 2.211E-04 2.140E-04 867. 4.987E-04 4.825E-04 +

ESE 924. 924. 9.700E-05 9.389E-05 924. 2.310E-04 2.235E-04 924. 4.796E-04 4.638E-04 SE 1010. 1010. 7.200E-05 6.970E-05 1010. 1.412E-04 1.367E-04 1010. 2.422E-04 2.343E-04

$5E 1059. 1059. 4.623E-05 4.475E-05 1059. 8.205E-05 7.941E-05 1059. 1.473E-04 1.425E-04 5 762. 762. 6.100E-05 5.905E-05 762. 1.156E-04 1.119E-04 762. 2.425E-04 2.347E-04

, SSW 335. 335. 1.602E-04 1.551E-04 335. 3.946E-04 3.819E-04 335. 1.398E-03 1.353E-03 I SW 232. 232. 3.111E-04 3.011E-04 232. 8.877E-04 8.591E-04 232. 3.675E-03 3.556E-03 WSW 189. 189. 4.072E-04 3.942E-04 189. 1.420E-03 1.375E-03 189. 5.804E-03 5.616E-03 W 189. 189. 4.573E-04 4.427E-04 189. 1.597E-03 1.545E-03 189. 7.377E-03 7.137E-03 WNW 183. 183. 4.265E-04 4.128E-04 183. 1.768E-03 1.710E-03 183. 1.024E-02 9.911E-03 NW 210. 210. 4.075E-04 3.944E 04 210. 1.371E-03 1.327E-03 210. 6.515E-03 6.303E-03 NNW 224. 224. 4.118E-04 3.986E-04 224. 1.471E-03 1.423E-03 224. 6.038E-03 5.842E-03 eun0 CITIES SITE fETEOR0 LOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 t;

e O


l QUAD ES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Xe-138 Dowwind Restricted Elevated (Stock) Reteese Mised Mode (vent) Reteese Greed Level Reteese Direction Area 8ee d Radius 5 SSAR Radius V V8AR Redlue G GSAR (eeters) (meters) (ered/yr)/(uCI/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(tKl/sec) (meters) (ered/yr)/(uct/sec)

N 219. 219. 3.270E-03 3.178E-03 219. 1.021E-02 9.910E-03 219. 4.15nE-02 4.035E-02 NME 224, 224. 3.963E-03 3.852E-03 224. 1.104E-02 1.072E-02 224. 4.199E-02 4.074E-02 NE 265. 265. 2.510E-03 2.439E-03 265. 6.600E-03 6.418E-03 265. 3.378E-02 3.277E-02 ENE 393. 393. 1.248E-03 1.213E-03 393. 3.539E-03 3.438E-03 393. 1.530E-02 1.484E-02 E 867. 867. 6.389E-04 6.209E-04 867. 1.867E-03 1.813E-03 867. 5.743E-03 5.574E-03 ESE 924. 924. 7.796E-04 7.576E-04 924. 1.919E-03 1.863E 03 924. 5.180E-03 5.028E-03 SE 1010. 1010. 6.106E-04 5.934E-04 1010. 1.265E-03 1.229E-03 1010. 2.748E-03 2.667E-03 SSE 1059. 1059. 4.239E-04 4.119E-04 1059. 7.997E-04 7.767E-04 1059. 1.765E-03 1.713E-03 5 762. 762. 5.089E-04 4.946E-04 762. 9.819E-04 9.530E-04 762. 2.564E-03 2.489E-03 ssu 335. 335. 1.106E-03 1.075E-03 335. 2.550E-03 2.477E-03 335. 1.055E-02 1.024E-02 su 232. 232. 2.005E-03 1.949E-03 232. 5.305E-03 5.152E-03 232. 2.566E-02 2.490E-02 Wsw 189. 189. 2.567E-03 2.494E-03 189. 8.156E-03 7.920E-03 189. 3.770E-02 3.657E 02 W 189. 189. 2.866E-03 2.785E-03 189. 9.21?E-03 8.950E-03 189. 4.871E-02 4.725E-02 nasu 133. 183. 2.663E-03 2.589E-03 183. 1.03?E-02 1.007E-02 183. 6.775E-02 6.573E-02 MW 210. 210. 2.568E-03 2.495E-03 210. 8.229E-03 7.991E-03 210. 4.651E-02 4.512E-02 NNW 224. 224, 2.574E-03 2.501E-03 224. 8.896E-03 8.638E-03 224. 4.411E-02 4.279E-02 OUA0 CITIES SITE METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87 l



I ESPOJVodemfquadtfr1-8f F-37

t t

QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 ,

l June 1996 '

Table F-7a (Continued)

Maximum Offsite Finite Plume Gamma Dose Factors Based on 1 cm Depth at the Restricted Area Boundary for Ar-41 Denswind Restricted Elevated (stock) Reteese Nimed leado(Vent) Reteese Greed Level Reteese Direction Area Sound Radius s star Radius V VBAR Radius G GSAR (meters) (seters) (ared/yr)/(uci/sec) (meters) tered/yr)/(ucl/sec) (meters) (ared/yr)/(uct/sec)

N 219. 219. 3.559E-03 3.445E-03 219. 1.194E-02 1.156E-02 219. 5.45M-02 5.282E-02 uuE 224. 224. 4.337E-03 4.190E-03 224. 1.270E-02 1.229E-02 224. 5.30?E-02 5.137E-02 NE 265. 265. 2.774E-03 2.685E-03 265. 7.812E-03 7.562E-03 265. 4.566E-02 4.420E-02 ENE 393. 393. 1.426E-03 1.300E-05 393. 4.305E-03 4.167E-03 393. 2.197E-02 2.126E-02 E 867. 867. 7.769E-04 7.520E-04 867. 2.47aE-03 2.390E-03 367. 9.500E-03 9.281E-03 EsE 924. 924. 9.47EE-04 9.174E-04 924. 2.556E-03 2.474E-03 924. 8.4 TIE-03 8.205E-03 sE 1010. 1010. 7.575E-04 7.332E-04 1010. 1.712E-03 1.657E-03 1010. 4.649E-03 4.500E-03 ssE 1059. 1059. 5.420E-04 5.255E-04 1959. 1.134E-03 1.09?E-03 1059. 3.009E-03 2.990E-03 s 762. 762. 6.20$f-04 6.083E-04 762. 1.309E-03 1.268E-03 762. 4.341E-03 4.202E-03 ssW 335. 335, 1.260E-03 1.219E-03 335. 3.072E-03 2.974E-05 335. 1.467E-02 1.420E-02 SW 232. 232. 2.206E-03 2.136E-03 232. 6.168E-03 5.971E-03 232. 3.391E-02 3.252E-02 WsW 189. 189. 2.800E-03 2.718E-03 189. 9.356E-03 9.056E-03 189. 4.800E-02 4.646E-02 W 189. 189. 3.129E-03 3.029E-03 189. 1.060E-02 1.026E-02 189. 6.176E-82 5.979E-82 WuW 183. 183. 2.907E-03 2.814E-03 183. 1.206E-02 1.167E-02 183. S.559E-02 8.205E-02 NW 210. 210. 2.806E-03 2.716E-03 210. 9.630E-03 9.321E-03 210. 6.140E-02 5.944E-82 muu 224. 224. 2.812E-03 2.722E-03 224. 1.045E-02 1.012E-02 224. 5.906E-02 5.717E-02 eune CITIES SITE NETEOROLOGlcAL DATA 1/78 - 12/87


m _____ ____

ESPO6mfquad1M-St F.6 e .

4 l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 l

/ Table F 8 Parameters for Calculations of N 16 Skyshine Radiation From Quad Cities Location Activity Occupancy Occupancy Shielding Distance Number Hours Factor Factor R.  !

k OH,* OF. SF. (m) l 1 Living at home 8616 0.9836 0.7 800* 1 (nearest resident)  ;

i 2 Fishing 36 0.00410 1.0 233'  !

3 Fishing 51 0.00586 1.0 344' 4 Fishing 31 0.00351 1.0 361' 5 Fishing 26 0.00293 1.0 680*  !

l M,,s 5' K = 3.80E-05 mrem /(MWe-hr)-

O  !

These parameters are used to obtain an initial estimate of skyshine dose to the maximally exposed l member of the public using Equation A-34 in Appendix A. If desired, more realistic parameters cooks be used in place of these to refine the estimate. For example, one could determine whether the nearest resident really fishes the specified number of hours at the specified location.

The amount of time in a year that a maximally exposed fisherman would spend fishing near the W is estimated as 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> per week for 8 months per year. This yields an estimate of-

[12 hours / week} [(8 months /yr)/(12 months /yr)] x [52 weeks /yr) = 416 hours0.00481 days <br />0.116 hours <br />6.878307e-4 weeks <br />1.58288e-4 months <br /> /yr The remaining time is assumed to be spent at the nearest residence.

Distance to nearest residence (See Table F-3).

Estimated from drawings of the site.

The OF is the quotient of the number of hours a location is occupied and the number of hours in a year. Thus OH,/8760 hours = OF rounded to the 0.01 digit. )

Multiplication factor for hydrogen addition. Refer to equation A-34 of Appendix A.

O -

I espo2 : ' C : _^ . ;-of F-39

l QUAD CITIES Revision 1.8 June 1996 Supplemental Table A Elevated Level Joint Frequency Distribution Table Summary 296 FOOT Elevation Data Summary Table of Percent try Ofrection and Class i

Ctese N 900E NE ENE E E5E SE SSE 5 $5W SW W5W W tsSt NW NP8W Total A .076 .064 .045 .031 .OSS .064 .164 .192 .236 .574 .211 .2'29 .457 .571

.360 .179 3.541 8 .000 .075 .073 .000 .050 .004 .129 .ISS .249 .385 .183 .199 .273 .324 .218 .158 2.890 i C .147 .136 .185 .155 .151 .151 .tSS .343 .391 .529 .312 .281 .478 .SSS .440 .309 4.832 l D 2.472 2.905 2.729 2.803 2.669 2.152 2.062 2.103 2.755 3.314 2.830 2.527 3.654 5.503 4.501 3.027 47.000 29.457 l

E t.175 1.004 1.363 1.533 1.992 1.851 1.775 2.139 3.191 3.193 2.229 1.520 1.773 1.916 1.871 1.219 F .287 .267 .324 .324 .601 .315 .936 .979 1.128 1.010 .593 .365 .352 .469 397 .353 9.200 G .042 .069 .000 .083 .117 .tSS .400 .517 .574 .482 .294 .136 .itt .087 .076 .045 3.273 Total 4.260 3.720 4.778 4.999 5.666 5.OSS 5.634 S.454 S.445 9.487 S.453 5.258 7.087 9.536 7.864 5.291 100.000 Sumanary Table or Percent by Otrection and Speed Speed N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE 5 SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 70tet

.45 .000 .009 .000 .005 .083 .007 .005 .002 .004 .005 .000 .006 .001 .000 .003 .005 .082 1.05 .021 .025 .025 .035 .029 .023 .029 .028 .022 .032 .038 .038 .041 038 .031 .031 .485 c 2.05 .302 .982 .196 .192 .218 .199 .220 .190 .206 .325 .397 .299 .221 .239 .193 .188 3.850 3.05 .428 .365 .451 .407 .449 .406 .453 .304 .434 .787 .752 .473 .478 .500 489 .393 7.632 4.05 .552 .561 .627 .543 .624 .598 .598 .000 .843 1.138 .997 .589 .563 .638 .500 . Set 10.634 1 5.05 .484 .849 .752 .722 .503 .664 .756 .759 .831 1.264 1.130 .574 .692 .385 .977 .301 13.043 S.05 .712 .502 .725 .749 .939 .782 .913 .987 1.229 f.443 1.130 .St2 .948 1.248 1. 199 1.029 15.369 8.05 1.143 .796 1.190 1.247 1.481 1.595 1.714 2.013 2.538 2.518 9.459 1.341 2.022 2.883 2.324 1.494 27.676 10.05 .363 .314 .548 . Sit .853 .671 .793 .979 1.544 1.250 .464 .588 1.254 1.804 1.347 .514 13.897 l 13.05 .149 .173 .218 .324 .375 .245 .141 440 .SSS .596 .144 .321 .853 1.078 .568 .136 S.428 18.00 .OIS .042 .035 .054 .006 .028 .013 .004 .123 .125 .042 .ite .212 .218 .062 .089 1.276 99.00 .001 .001 .000 .000 .001 .000 .000 .001 .003 .004 .000 .003 .012 009 .000 .000 .037 Total 4.280 3.720 4.778 4.999 5.SSS 5.066 5.634 S.454 S.445 9.487 S.453 5.258 7.097 9.536 7.864 5.291 100.000 NOTE Wind direchons in tatues are presented in wind from and not " wind to" direction I

e o ESPO.WodcrWquad&1-8f 74b .


l QUAD S Revision 1.8


June 1996 Supplemental Table A -Continued Elevated Level Joint Frequency Dietributen Table Summary 296 FOOT Elevation Data Summary Table of Percent by Speed and Class Class A B C D E F G Speed

.45 .000 .006 .003 . Ole .038 .019 .007 1.05 .003 .006 .006 .158 . 170 .009 .053 2.05 .066 .045 .119 1.992 1.012 .478 .237 3.05 .176 .185 .300 3.840 1.925 .777 .422 4.05 .299 .299 .522 5.012 2.924 1.105 .484 5.05 .399 .362 .796 5.799 3.931 1.367 .498 8.05 .57f .400 .736 6.891 4.835 1.596 .532 S.05 .998 750 1.272 12.230 8.759 2.859 .84f 10.05 .See .399 .661 7.034 4.032 .004 .ISS 13.05 .391 .214 .395 3.787 1.557 .f00 .083 18.00 .005 .056 .101 .753 .274 .007 .000 99.00 .006 .009 .004 .012 .006 .000 .000 ESPOJhnicrWquadirl-8f F-41

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E l o p 12345SS0309 o l C T S 1119 T

l QU ITIE3 g, June 1996 .

l Supplemental Tatde B - Continued


Mixed Joint Frequency Distribut On TatWe Summaries 196 Foot Elevation Data Sumunery Table of Percent try Speed and Claes Close A B *C D E F G Speed

.45 .000' .000 .000 .023 .056 .014 .039 0.05 .002 .002 .008 .249 .307 .166 .224 2.05 .089 .050 184 2.SSO t.744 .785 .837 3.05 .358 .100 .684 4.459 3.666 1.724 1.378 4.05 .794 .331 .869 5.305 5.832 2. 3tn 1.464 5.05 .885 .309 .724 5.544 6.119 2.367 f.317 6.05 .850 .190 .640 4.731 4.847 1.458 .699 8.05 1.026 .281 .610 5.969 5.482 .655 .216 10.05 .459 .102 .267 2.423 9.798 .096 .020 13.05 .089 .014 .077 .636 .411 .004 .000 18.00 .001 .000 .000 .018 .015 .000 .000 99.00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 ESPOJ/odcarvquaMr 18t p.43

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. S

- E l

l . QUAD CITIE3 Revision 1.8 June 1996 S v p n.t.iTabl8 C t

Ground LGvel Joint FrequSncy Distribubon Tabl8 Summary 33 FO0t Elevation i

Summary Table of Percent ty Direction end Close Ctese N SSIE NE ENE E E5E SE 55E 5 SSW SW WSW W WNW NW 900W Total A .180 .485 .133 .tSS .133 .224 .243 .352 .363 .856 .294 .247 .556 .539 .586 .303 5.2o0 8 .058 .058 .071 .048 . 044 .095 .093 .079 .087 .222 .122 .083 .164 .100 .168 .085 1.658 C .tSt .189 .195 .201 .187 .195 .211 .220 .267 .527 .350 .313 .454 .527 .342 .253 4.582 0 1.014 t.SSS 1.984 2.403 2.094 1.814 1.586 1.537 1.562 2.410 2.476 2.451 3.540 4.726 2.898 2.124 38.786 E .948 1.011 1.561 2.128 2.275 2.129 1.985 2.335 2.585 3.085 2.739 2.277 3.197 3.168 1.953 1.169 34.543 i' F .255 .383 .631 .574 .SS3 1.222 1.005 1.175 1.018 .718 .491 .403 .619 .564 .296 .227 10.523 S .008 .951 .205 .279 .SSS 1.841 .SS3 .691 .457 .212 .241 .t26 .265 .175 .082 .068 6.628 i Totet 3.291 3.644 4.763 5.788 S.402 7.519 S.085 S.389 6.337 S.030 6.712 5.900 S.795 9.879 S.255 4.229 100.000 Summary Table of Percent by Ofrectton and Speed .


.45 .047 .055 .OSS .009 .003 .095 .132 .148 .115 .070 .123 .083 .073 .068 .054 .039 1.358 i 1.05 .214 .257 .417 .4t9 .723 .991 .SSO .898 .730 .593 .782 .583 .504 .394 .214 .172 S.753 2.05 .912 .713 1.138 1.109 1.829 2.537 1.909 f.965 1.824 f.789 2.096 1.700 1.987 1.618 .987 .663 24.241 i 3.05 .713 .825 1.061 1.281 1.341 f.609 1.443 1.476 1.801 2.434 2.038 f.534 2.336 2.005 1.285 .935 23.996  ;

4.05 .624 .701 .875 1.103 .983 .381 .925 ,.985 1.081 1.814 1.041 .974 1.629 1.905 1.395 .974 17.860 5.08 .489 .473 .578 .719 .607 .595 .429 .48i .576 .SS1 .452 .493 9.OSS 1.S17 1.034 .751 11.259 ,

6.08 .265 .323 .317 .471 .454 446 .257 .278 .305 .299 .124 .296 .432 f.988 .717 .437 6.806 i S.05 .243 .205 .238 .504 .481 .296 .102 .t53 .t24 .133 .037 .133 .413 .910 *504

. .228 4.723 i 10.05 .056 .085 .056 .091 .073 .084 .012 .008 .010 .015 .089 .091 .114 .170 .068 .027 .956 13.05 .006 .000 .000 .002 .029 .006 .004 .000 .000 .000 .000 .014 .035 .002 .000 .004 .120 18.00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .300 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .006 .000 .000 .000 .006 I 99.00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Totet 3.299 3.944 4.763 5.788 S.402 7.519 6.065 S.389 S.337 S.030 S.712 5.900 S.795 9.879 S.285 4.229 800.000 NOTE Wind direchons in tabies are presentea in ~ wind trorn anc not " wind to" direction.

ESPOJ/occnWqua41rt.81 e e F.46 e



l iTIES Revi June 1996 ,

Supplemental Table C - Continued

. Ground Level Joint Frequency Distribution Table Summary 33 Foot Elevation Data Susunory Table of Percent by Speed and Class Class A B C D E F G Speed

.45 .000 .000 .002 .056 .299 .375 .626  ;

1.05 .041 .042 .054 .902 2.390 2.569 2.786 2.D5 .439 .158 .553 5.844 9.138 5.363 2.747 -

3.05 1.285 .481 1.321 8.821 9.831 1.773 .404 4.05 1.544 .462 1.109 8.235 6.180 .307 .023 5.05 1.012 .255 .765 5.683 3.435 .097 .012 6.05 .618 .182 .388 3.856 f.721 .017 .025 8.05 .313 .089 .328 2.755 1.215 .017 .006 10.05 .027 .017 .058 .556 .294 .004 .000 13.05 .002 .002 .004 .077 .035 .000 .000 18.00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .006 .000 .000 99.00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 ESPOJ/odenVquadtrt 81 F47


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