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Forwards Response to 840716 Request for Addl Info Re Automatic Depressurization Sys Accumulators,Per NUREG-0737, Item II.K.3.28.Accumulator Check Valves Will Be Replaced W/Environmentally Qualified Valves Per 840217 Commitment
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/04/1984
From: Bayne J
To: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.K.3.28, TASK-TM JPN-84-58, NUDOCS 8409100156
Download: ML20096F627 (2)



123 Main Street Whne Plains, New York 10001

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4# Authority "*"-~

September 4, 1984 JPN-84-58 Director.of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

' Attention: Mr. Domenic'B. Vassallo Operating Reactors Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing


James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-333 Qualification of ADS Accumulators

-NUREG-0737 Item II.K.3.28


1. NRC letter, D. B. Vassallo to J. P. Bayne, dated July 16, 1984 regarding the same subject.

Dear Sir:

In Enclosure 1 to Reference 1, you requested additional.

information regarding the qualification of the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) accumulators at the Authority's i FitzPatrick plant. Our response to your request is included as an attachment to this-letter.

Please contact Mr. J1 A. Gray, Jr. of my staff if you have any additional questions.

~Very truly yours, J. . Bayn rst Executive Vice President Chief Operations Officer State of New York County 6f Westchester LSubscribed and.' Sworn to before

' me this # @ : , , dayoffl.,/9// 8409100156 840904

, ' ) PDR ADOCK 05000333 pyg

/ Q P A YA - f. NA _ / OTAR EUX DONNg

( Notaryt Public PUBlic, State of tiew Yort k I fio. 60-6569985

, ualdfled in Westchester Coun #

Y cc: Office of the Resident Inspe f3Pires March so,29 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l

P.O. Box 136 (

Lycoming, New York '13093 j

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,e:c Attachment to JPN-84-58

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'Responsefto'NRC Request for Additional Information1 dated N . 4' July;16,11984 Regarding-Qualification.of ADS Accumulators

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,(NUREG-0,737' Item II.K!3.28).

.-Ql. Your: letter;offFebruary:17,_1984 indicated that the; accumulator

..^ ^, .1 system wasicapable of actuating the" ADS ~ valves'for periods of up.

"i - .to*4-1/3Thours.following"an accident.' Based on the requirements:

.f gof 1NUREG-0737' Item II.K.3.28, it/is necessary to demonstrate

~ '

'.that the ADS valves, accumulators,-and associated equipment and

? instrumentation meet the requirements the plant-lFSAR'and 1 are capable of performing ~their. functions-during'and'

~following exposure to hostile environments, taking no credit for snon-safety-related_ equipment or instrumentation. Additionally, .

-air;(or nitrogen) leakage through the valves must be' accounted

.forito assure that enough. inventory of-compressed gas is

'available to' cycle-the, ADS valves. If:this cannot be demonstrated, fit must be shown that the accumulator design is-

- ~

fstill> acceptable. If reliance on back-up systems to recharge Ltheia~ccumulators is necessary for long term operation, (for Linstance, feed and bleed if shutdown cooling mode of RHR not

available)! clarify 11f the_back-up system is environmentallyfand 2 fseismically' qualified;or that compensating' measures are provided

-for long-term operation.(i.e. procedures for manual' action,

' additional air or. nitrogen on hand, hardware foreconnections readily available or' installed, bases that. sufficient: time exist

for the: required manual actions). Since this system isca parti of the emergency core cooling system, cit must function forJthe c- long-term c period'of 100 days following an accident or ~

fjustification be provided.'forJtheitime specified for 1ongiterm Loperation..

3-s You T areyrequireditofaddressfin detaill(a) how you meet;this long-term capability.~ requirement _of 100 days _'


accidentfor'(b) the justification as'to why 4-1/3 hours or less

.is suffi~cient.long-term capability for your-plant, or (c) ..


,provideLa commitment and-schedule for upgrading to the.100 day long-term capability requirement.

/Ali The, Authority will upgrade the FitzPatrick ADS to function -for a o ,

_ period of 100; days following a postulated' accident.

An engineering study to determine the most effective means to

. , -provide thisnlong-term' capability will be the first phase of

-this? project'. :The Authority will select a modification-for Jimplementationibased'on the result of this study.- Since_the extent and' scope ~of this modification is unknown at this time, a s - firm: schedule cannot be established. The Authority expects to *

. ^

install:those portions of the modification requiring drywell or

torus entrymto be completed during the 1986 refueling outage g ~(currently scheduled for the fourth quarter of 1986).- The 0 . balance of the modification will be completed 6 months after the

< - tend"of this outage (approximately June 1987).

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- o-Q2. To insure.that'an acceptable ileakage test is always current, please specify the interval for this periodic test. To be acceptable to the staff, the interval between tests should not exceed the~ interval between refueling outages. A1 statement indicating that a leakage. test is

. performed-once per operating cycle is not specific enough.

A statement that specifies a particular point in the operating cycle such-as " preceding every startup following a refueling outage," or a statement such as "the leakage test will be performed at least once every 20 months is considered acceptable.

(Twenty months is'used as an example;' actual period depends u on' normal ~ refueling cycle plus margin.)

A2..A test of ADS accumulators check valves will be performed before the first startup after each refueling outage to assure that' leakage from these valves are within acceptable limits.

.Q3. Your letter of-February 17, 1984 indicatesfthat the existing ADS check valves are to be replaced because their environmental ~~ qualification.cannot be confirmed. .You.are

requested to-confirm-that the replacement valves are environmentally qualified.

A3. The ADS accumulator check valves will be replaced with environmentally qualified valves in accordance with our commitments as described in our February 17, 1984-(JPN-84-13) letter.

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