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Forwards Design Basis Closure Rept in Response to Requirements of GL 89-10 & Suppls
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/1996
From: Bruce
Shared Package
ML20096E023 List:
GL-89-10, NUDOCS 9601190399
Download: ML20096E048 (2)


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North North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation P.O. Box 300 -

d Atlantic Seesroet, Na c3874 (603) 474-9521 The Northeast Utilities System January 1,1996 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention : Document Control Desk


(a) Facility Operating License No. NPF-86, Docket No. 50-443


(b) NAESCO Letter NYN-94106 dated September 16,1994," Generic Letter 89-10, Safety Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance"


Generic Letter 89-10, Design Basis Closure Report Gentlemen:

In . _ .. . ...m.i.detter NYN-94106, [ Reference (b)] orth Atlantic Energy Service Corporation l

(North Atlantic) committed'to compgte the activities required to address Generic Letter 89-10 (GL),

through Supplement 6 by-;L w..gkaonD Refueling Outage'4 and provide a closure report within 30 days of the completion of 4RCT4. Attached is the North Atlantic Design Basis Closure Report in response to the requirements of GL 89-10 and Supplements. The Report provides the bases for North (Atlantic's closure of the design-basis verification phase of GL 89-10 and describes the long te being taken by Seabrook Station to ensure that the Motor Operated Valve Program is maintained as a living program.

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. James M. Peschel, Regulatory Compliance Manager, at (603) 474-9521, extension 3772.

k Very truly yours, 9 -

9 -

TCF:TGP/sm '

O Enclosure f Lt W 9601190399 960115 PDR ADOCK 05000443 P PDR

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission January 1,1996 Auention: Document Control Desk Pagetwo STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE 1 Rockingham, ss. DATE

'Ihen personally appeared before me, the above-named T

/ h f Lt Y

. eigenbaum, being duly sworn, did state =

that he is Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer of the North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation that he '

is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing information in the name and on the behalf of North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation and that the statements therein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

I Susan J. Messer, Notary Public My Commission Expires: December 22,1998  ;

cc: Mr. Thomas T. Martin Regional Administrator . i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  :

Region 1 475 Allendale Road +

King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Albert W. De Agazio, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorate 1-4 Division of Reactor Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. John B. Macdonald NRC Senior Resident Inspector i P.O. Box 1149 Seabrook,NH 03874


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North At: antic January 11,1996 ENCLOSURE 1 TO NYN.

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