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Special Rept SR-95-002-00 on 951011,ABB C-E Identified Leaking Plug Due to build-up of Boric Acided Crystals Around OD of Plug.Leaking Plug Removed by Tig Relaxation & Replaced/Another Rolled Mechanical Plug
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/23/1995
From: Keuter D
SR-95-002-00, SR-95-2, W3F1-95-0174, W3F1-95-174, NUDOCS 9510260091
Download: ML20093L842 (4)



. = Entergy ggyp-:*auac.

%tlOnS xaiona.LA 70000 Tel 504 464 3120 D. R. Keuter General Manager Plant Operations

'I Y3Y1-9b-0174 A4.05 PR October 23, 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.



Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 Reporting of Special Report Gentlemen:

Attached is Special Report Number SR-95-002-00 for Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3.

This Special Report is submitted per 10CFR50.36(c)(2) and Technical Specifications and 6.9.2.

Very truly yours,


1J Q D.R. Keuter General Manager Plant Operations DRK/DFL/tjs Attachment cc:

L.J. Callan, NRC Region IV C.P. Patel, NRC-NRR G.L. Florreich J.T. Wheelock - INP0 Records Center R.B. McGehee N.S. Reynolds NRC Resident Inspectors Office Administrator - LRPD 9.600bb


9510260091 951o23 l

PDR ADDCK 05000382



SR-95-002-00 Steam Generator Eddy Current Examination j

(7th Refueling)

On October 11, 1995, Waterford 3 completed a 20% inservice eddy current bobbin coil full length examination of each Steam Generator (S/G) and

.1 100% hot leg top of the tubesheet. This report is submitted in accordance with Technical Specification (TS), which requires reporting the number of tubes plugged in each S/G within 15 days of completing Inservice Inspection (ISI) of S/G tubes pursuant to TS 6.9.2.

A follow-up report will be submitted in accordance with TS by October 11, 1996.

The total number of tubes which have been plugged in each S/G are shown



S/G #1 S/G #2 Manufacturina/Preservice 6

20 Batwina (Preventive Pluaaina) 149 149 1

First Refueling 0

Second Refuelina 3

0 Third Refuelina 10 9

Fourth Refuelina

- Preventive Plugging as a result 4

5 of ECT

- Batwing Preventive Plugging 156 156 Fifth Refuelina 4

5 i

i 1

- ~

-SPECIAL REPORT SR-95-002-00 Steam Generator Eddy Current Examination (7th Refueling) 4 S/G #1 S/G#2 Sixth Refuelina

. Preventive Plugging as a result 1

2 of ECT

- 40% Thru-Wall Indications 2

0 Seventh Refuelina

. Preventive Plugging as a result 6

3 of ECT

- > 40% thru-wall indications 2


- Single circumferential indications 6


- S/G #1 cold leg leaking plug replaced


t The total number of tubes which have been plugged in each S/G:

S/G #1 S/Gil Total:

349 351

  • S/G #1 cold leg Row 41, Line 89 removed and replaced with a ABB-CE rolled' mechanical plug. ABB-CE identified the leaking plug due to the build-up of boric acid crystals around the OD of the plug.

The CE leaking rolled mechanical plug was installed as a preventive measure August 1985 prior to commercial operation. The ABB-CE rolling process was suspect shortly after installation which caused Waterford 3 to re-roll 149 CE plugs per channel head in each S/G (12/86).

As evident by boric acid build-up, the ABB-CE leaking plug was removed by TIG relaxation and replaced with another rolled mechanical plug.

CR-95-0895 was written on October 3,1995 to evaluate root cause of plug failure.

2 E

i SPECIAL REPORT SR-95-002-00 4

Steam Generator Eddy Current Examination (7th Refueling) l t

j In compliance with Waterford 3's response to Generic Letter 95-03, Waterford 3 utilized the "Plus Point" coil probe to identify a total of seven hot leg top of'the tubesheet small (</= 20% thru-wall, OD

' initiated) single circumferential indications. The results of completing a 100% hot leg top of the tubesheet plus point coil inspection of both S/Gs has identified the following indications:

Sinale Circumferential Indications S/G #1 S/G #2 6

1 4

i t


4 b

1 3