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Rev 6 to Procedure Lts 300-4, Unit 1/2 Integrated Primary Containment Leak Rate Test
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle, 05000000
Issue date: 10/31/1983
Shared Package
ML20090L631 List:
FOIA-84-51 LTS-300-4, NUDOCS 8405250385
Download: ML20090L648 (200)


e u Sa lle.

,, These documents for training purposes only. '

.- They are gcontrolled. They are not authorized for plant operation or maintenance use. Current revisions are available in Central File or Satellite files for use in Oper. or Maint. activities. .

LTS 3oo-4 --

, , 9n 6

. Octoccr 31, 1983 1




A. PURPOSE This test procedure is intended to estaol ish detailed steps to De followed in determining the Primary Containment Leakage Rate.

1. LaSalle County Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, Final Safety Anal ysi s Report, Chapter 6.
2. Sargent and Lunoy, Inc. Drawings:
a. M-55 (M-116), Main Steam, Sneets 2, 7 and 8.
o. M-57 (M-118), Feedwater.
c. M-66, Drywell Instrument Nitrogen, Sheet 1, 2 ano 7 (Sheets 3, 4 and 7).
d. M-75, Clean Concensate Storage, Sneet 2 (Sneet 4).
e. M-82, Service Air, Sheet 3 and 6 (Sheet 5 and 6).
f. M-86 (M-133), Primary Containment Chilled water Coolers.
g. M-90 (M-136), Reactor Building Closeo Cooling water, Sheet 2.
n. M-91 (M-137), Reactor Builcing Equipment Orains, Sheet 4.
i. M-92 (M-138), Primary Containment Vent and Purge, Sheets 1 and 2.

J. M-93 (M-139), Nuclear Boiler and Reac-tor Recirculating, Shests 1 througn 5.

k. M-94 (M-140), Low Pressure Core Spray.

8405250385 840409 PDR FOIA COGOL84-51 PDR j

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 ,

.0ctooer 31, 1983 2

1. M-95 (M-141). High Precsure Core Spray.
m. M-96 (M-142), Residual Heat Removal System, Sheets 1 through 4.
n. M-97 (M-143), Reactor Water Cleanup, Sheet 1.
o. M-98 (M-144), Fuel Pool Cooling Filter and Deminerali, zing, Sneet 1.
p. M-99 (M-145), Standoy Liquid Control.
q. M-101 (M-147), Reactor Core Isolation Cool ant, Sheets 1 and 2.
r. M-130, Containment Comoustiole Gas Control, Sheet 1 (Sneet 2).
s. M-156 (M-158), Containment Monitoring, Sheets 1, 2 and 4.
t. M-780 (M-781), Containment Penetration Schedule.
u. M-1300 (M-1301), Containment Instrument Penetration Scheoule, Sheets 1 and 2.
v. M-2055 (M-2116), Main Steam CEID, Sheets 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 23.
w. M-2066, Drywell Pneumatics CEID, Sheet 1 (Sneet 2).
x. M-2093 (M-2139), Reactor Recirculating CEID, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8.
y. M-2094 (M-2140), Low Pressure Core Spray CEID, Sheet 1.
z. M-2095 (M-2141), High Pressure Core Spray CGID, Sheet 1.

aa. M-2096 (M-2142), Residual Heat Removal System CEID, Sheets 4 and 5. .

ab. M-2097 (M-2143), Reactor water Cleanup CEID, Sheets 1 and 2.

ac. M-2101 (M-2147), Reactor Core Isolation Coolant, Sheet 1.

LTS 300-4 ~

, Revision 6 Octooer 31, 1983 3

ad. 1E-1-4233AA/A8/AC/AD (IE-2-4233AA/AB/AC/AD),

Integrated Leak Rate Test, Schematic.

ae. 1E-1-4654 (IE-2-4654), Integrated Leak Rate Test wiring Diagram.

af. 1E-1-3520,8,H and R (LE-2-3520,8,H and R),

! Junction Box Locations.

ag. 1E-1-3523 (IE-2-3523), Junction Box Locations.

ah. 1E-1-3530,0 (IE-2-3530,D), Junction Box Locations.

al. 1E-1-3570 (IE-2-3570), Junction Box Locations.

aj. 1E-1-3575 (IE-2-3575), Junction Box Locations.

ak. 1E-1-3580 (IE-2-3580), Junction Box Locations.

al. 5-321 (S-821), Inside Developed Elevation.

am. S-322 (5-822), Containment Penetration Scnedule.

an. S-323 (S-823), Penetration Sections and Details.

ao. 5-324 (5-824), Penetration Sections and Details, Sheet 2.

ap. S-325 (S-825), Reactor Containment Liner Plate ,

Cross Section.

aq. 5-326 (S-826), Liner Plate Sections and Details, Sneet 1.

ar. S-328 (S-828), Liner Plate Sections and Details, Sheet 3.

as. S-329 (5-829), Liner Plate Sections and Details, Sheet 4.

at. S-332 (S-832), Inside Developed Elevation -

South Half.

au. 5-333, (S-833), Inside Developed Elevation -

North Hal f.

av. 1E-1-4220AK (LE-2-4220AK) Residual Heat Removal Schematic Diagram.

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 -

=Octooer 31, 1983 ,

i aw. 1E-1-4221AD (IE-2-4221AD) Low Pressure Core Spray' Schematic Diagram.

ax. 1E-1-4222AB (IE-2-4222AB) High Pressure Core Spray Schematic Diagram.

ay. LE-0-4482AA ILRT Air Compressor Power Feea.

l az. 1E-2-4344AG Int./ Ext. wiring diagram, 4160V Swgr. 242x.

3. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors.
4. ANSI N45.4-1972 - Marcn 16, 1972, Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structure for Nuclear Reactors.
5. ASME Section XI, Articles IWV-2000 and IwV-3000.
6. ANSI /ANS 56.8, " Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements".
7. Bechtel Corp. Topical Report BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1, Novemoer 1972, Testing Criteria For Integratec Leakage Rate OF Primary Containment Structures For Nuclear Power Reactors.
8. EPRI NP-2726. Project 1390-1, Final Report Novemoer 1982, Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing Improvements.


I l 9. Manual No. 0000414629, January 30, 1979, volumetrics -

' Integrated Leak Rate Measurement System.

10. Station procedures:
a. LTS-100-9, Feeawater and RwCU Return Isolation Valves Local Leak Rate Test Preparation.

D. LOP-VQ-03, Purge of Reactor Building using Primary anc Secondary Containment Purge.

c. LOP-LP-01, Filling, Venting and Draining the Low Pressure Core Spray System.


d. LOP-HP-01, Filling, Venting and Preparation of High Pressure Core Spray System for Stanooy Operation.

a e

LTS 300-4 Revision o

' October 31, 1983 5

e. LOP-RI-01, Filling, Venting and Oraining of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System.
f. LOP-RH-01, Filling and Venting the Residual Heat Removal System.
g. LOP-VQ-04, Shutdown of Primary and Seconoary Containment Purge System.
n. LOP-IN-02, Drywell Pneumatic System Shutcown.
i. LTS 100-37, Feeawater and RWCU Return valves Leak Rate Test Completion.

J. LOP-CM-01, Startup, Operation, and Shutdown of the Primary Containment Atmosphere Monitoring System (PCAMS) and tne Post Loss of Coolant Accident Containment Atmosphere Monitoring System (LCAMS).

K. LOP-IN-01, Drywell Pneumatic System Startup and Operation.

1. LOP-LP-02, Preparation for Standoy Operation of the Low Pressure Core Spray System.
m. LOP-HP-03, Preparation for Standby Operation of the High Pressure Core Spray System.
n. LOP-RH-11, Preparation for Standby Operation l

of the Low Pressure Coolant Injection System.

o. LOP-RI-05, Preparation for Standby Operation i

of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System.

p. LOP-RR-03, Startup, Operation and Snutdown of Reactor Recirc. Hydraulic Power Plant.
q. LOP-RO-01, Filling, Venting and Startup of Control Rod Orive System.
r. LOP-RO-05, Control Rod Drive System Snutcown.
s. LOP-VP-03, Shutdown of the Primary Containment Cnill Water System.
t. LOP-VP-02, Startuo and Operation of Primary Containment Cnill dater System.


.w. .- - . - - . , , - . - . - , - . , , - ,,- , ,

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 -

'Octooer 31, 1983

' 6

u. LAP-820-4 Temporary Procedure changes.
v. LTS-300-10, Drywel l Fl oor Bypass Leakage Test.
w. LTS-600-3, Primary Containment Inspection.
x. LTP-100-3 Techn ical Staff Surveillance Routing.
11. Letter from R. H. PolloCK to T. E. Watts dated Feoruary 2, 1982, "Drywell Free Volume" (Attacnment AF).


1. A signed and dated events log must ce initiated at the start of the test by tne responsiole Technical Staff Engineer and will oe kept up to date oy the cognizant engineer on snift.
2. A familiarization of all involved Technical Staff personnel,of all regulations, standards, and procedures appl ying to the IPCLRT including, but not limiteo to, those listed in REFERENCES.
3. All local h ak gg g tgs, oJ M vgs, sggis, and penetrations gi ing orimarY E2ntainmeng snouid oe completed oefore tgg IPCLRT cag ogg[n. If a Type 3 or C test cannot De performed prior to tne IPCLRT, or a valve is under repair due to excessive leaxage, tne penetration may be Diocked and tne Local Lean Rate Test performed after the IPCLRT and adood to the measured IPCLRT leak rate.

M Mcal leak rate tests mysg gg gng grior 3o and after g g ggggig work gging g202 SE 202. E$ggtrati_on l gg associaggg isolation gglyg. In tne special case of double gasketed seals, local leak rate tests must ce done prior to opening the seal and after closing the seal.

4. All pre-test checkof f sheets must ne completed and returned to the responsiole Technical Staff Engineer prior to the start of this test. (Attacnments F, G, H. I, and Z).

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 -

' October 31, 1983 7

  • M.E The work to De performed in these checkof f sheets i involves various departments within the station.

It also involves items which may be scheduled months or more in advance of the test. It is the responsibility of the cognizant Technical Staff

  • Engineer to scneoule the items and cooroinate the work so as to facilitate the execution of tne IPCLRT.
5. All instruments to De used for tne IPCLRT will oe callorated over the full range of expecteo use prior to their placement in the primary containment for each test. The calibration must De in accoraance with CECO Quality Procedures. Instruments for tne Type A test must De callorated or checked within 6 months of the test and traceable to the NBS.

Calibration sheets must ce availaole before the start of the test (This does not incluoe Control Room Instruments useo during tne ILRT).

6. The pressure suppression enamber water level as monitored on instrument numbers 1(2) CM029 or 1(2)

CM031 should indicate approximatel y 0 0 feet on -

panel 1(2)FM13J. (This is equivalent to 699 ft.

11 inches).

7. The reactor vessel water level as monitorea on level indicator 1(2) LI-821-N605 on panel 1(2)H13-P602 (Shutoown Range) and should be aoove the main steam lines (108 incnes).
8. Shutdown cooling will os placed in continuous operation 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to the commencement of pressurization. (RHR 8 is the preferred Shutdown Cooling loop, since the A Orywell Spray neader will oe used forpressurizatfon) Reactor water temgerature should be less than 140 F and vary less than 5 F

- during the test to minimize drywell Air temperature changes. RHR Hx Water inlet temperature data will be obtained throughout the test period. (Temperature recorder 1(2)E12-R601 on panel 1(2)H13-P60,1).

9. Equipment list

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 "Octooer 31, 1983 8

a. Volumetrics Data Aquisition Console (C3PO) t
u. Volumetrics Mul tipl exer (R202)
c. RTDs (30)
d. Dewcell s (10)
e. Rotometer (0-400 SCFH or Larger)
f. Precision Pressure Gauges (2)
g. Barometer
10. All valves and penetrations associated witn tne PCILRT (Refer to Valve Line-up) should De tagged warning that movement of tnat valve cannot ce cone without the permission of the STE in cnarge. The STE should, if necessary, then follows tne steps outlined in LAP-820-4 (to temporary change snis procedure) to reflect ano document any ano all valve changes. When testing is not actually in progress, the STE may authorize temporary deviaticn from tne prescribed ilne ups. Documentation of tnis, and verification that such deviations are returneo to tne prescribed line up shall os documentea in ene Events Log.


f 1. All personnel not directly involved in tne leaxage test will oe pronioited access oeyona estaolisnea Darriers in the reactor ouilding. warning signs l

' will be posted at convenient locations around the periphery of the test areas to enforce tnis i


2. All station radiation protection and safety practices and rules will be strictl y f ollowed for this test.
3. All requests for equipment out-of-service (For tne Unit under test) for repairs auring the test must be evaluated with respect to the fact that the primary containment will ne under approxisately (Pa) 39 6 psig and isolated. The Test Engineer snould De consulted on all requests.

+. At no time auring the perioa of pressurization, at test pressure, or depressurization of the arywall

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 -

  • Octooer 31, 1983 9

and pressure suppression containment will travel of

, the reactor building crane ce allowed over tne reactor cavity area.


5. The rate of pressurization ano depressurization shall not exceed 10 psi per hour, on an hourly casis.


l 1. Tne maximum peak accicent pressure is calculated to l

De (Pa) 39.6 psig. The integrated leak rate test will be conoucted at a pressure of at least (Pa) 39.6 psig. (T.S.).

2. The method selectea for conducting this Type A test is the aosolute pressure-temperature metnod. Tne intention of a Type A test is to measure the primary reactor containment overall leakage rate after the containment construction nas been completed and is ready for operation and at periodic intervals .


3. Successful completion of tnis test will ontain all the data necessary to demonstrate the integrity of the primary containment consistent witn all station, license, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements. The containment statistically averageo leak rate (L ) sna11 be less than L .754 L or 0.476*/ day,589.3SCFH), after the kea(k rate $ of the penetrations not vented curing tne test are added to the statistically averaged leak rate.
4. Drywell pressurization snali ne discontinued if leakage above the maximum allowaole rate is oovious or the drywell pressure cannot ce increased. Repairs will be made and the test restarted.


! SQlf astsIs stI=_intains determimgg. 11 1Dgtus iggk1211.

gggg 113R213 a isA!L telsC.476%/ sualdayas (L,)  !

l 21.9111D19 10.101 ISED21541 12151115A112G1' j.1

!511122 LSEEL112 la 1Di .hf!fs* -

5. if ing 3g11113erminateg (either oy depressurization or oy suspension of cata aquisition), or if the test 90es to normal completion and the calculated leak rate is aoove 0 474/ day (L ). 1Dgg g R192Lla911 j Occurrengg Report mM og Ls,gggg. (TS)
m 1 > ::L ~.,.,~. ;:; , p - m . .

.-; . , , ,.m; y .. s w t y a: a c ..

m ..: .. x , <

t ,,r: a ..a y *. w m; LTS 300-4 Revision 6 .

  • 0ctooer 3L, 1983 10
6. During the period oetween the completion of one Type ,

A and the initiation of the containment inspection for tne subsequent Type A tests, repairs or adjustments shall be made to components whose leakage exceecs that specified in the Technical Specifications as soon as practical after identification.

7. If curing the Type A test, including the supplemental induced leakage test, potentiall y excessive leakage paths are icentified onich will interfere with satisf actory completion of the test, or whicn result in the Type A test not meeting the acceptance criteria, the Type A test shall oe terminated and the leakage througn such patns shall De measurea using local leakage testing methods. Repairs and/or adjustments to equipment shall De made ano a Type A test performea. The corrective action and tne change in leakage rate determined from the tests and overall integratea leakage determined from tne

- local leak and Type A t6sts snall oe included in the report suomitted to tne NRC.

8. C_,1,,os,u r e g contai nme nt ,1,,s.2h.13 00 %.a_1.Y.2 s f or tne UP2 A. 521.1.s,D,a),,,1 o,g, accomol,j,,s.ned. 2X n2 gal gggr at ion ano without ang prel i mi nary exe rc ' t i ng gg aa lustments.

In the event tnat a valve cannot ce closea oy normal means, the method used shall be documentea in tne I events log and local lean rate tests performed following closure by normal means. Repairs of malfunctioning or leaking valves shall oe maua as necessary. Inf ormation on any valve closure mal function or valve leakage that requires corrective action before the test, shal l De included in tne report submitted to the NRC. (TS)

9. The containment te'st conditions shall stabilize for a minimum of four (4) nours, and until the change in the average volume weignted primary containment temperature averaged over the last hour does not deviate by more than 0.5 F per hour from the average rate of change of the average volume weighted l containment temperature averaged over the last 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> with tne primary containment at at 1 east 39 6 l

+ 1.0, -0 psig prior to the start of the leakage rate test (see Attachment 0). It may os cesiracle to allow the stabilization period to continue after tnis criteria is met to provide cetter test data when tne actual leak test oegins.

LTS 300-4 Revision 6


' ' October 31, 1983 11

10. All vented systems shall ne drained of water or other fluids to the. extent necessary to assure exposure of the system containment isolation valves to containment air test pressure and to assure snat they will De subjected to the post-accident differential pressure. Systems that are required


to maintain the plant in a safe condition during the test shall be operaole in their normal mode, and need not be vented. Systems that are normally filleo with water and. operating under post-accident conditions, such as the containmer.M heat removal system, need not De vented.

The following systems will De in tne configuration specified:

  • a. RBCCW - lined up for normal operation. Isolation valves closed, and system filled.
o. RHR - Two loops lined up in low-pressure coolant injection standoy mode. Suppression chamoer spray system isolation valves closed, system filled. Drywell spray isolated. RPV neaa spray isolated; test lines and minimum flow lines isolated. One loop placed in snutdown cooling.
c. HPCS and LPCS - lines filled and isolated.
d. RCIC - Lines filled and isolated. Steam supply isolated and filled.
e. RWCU - Suction lines filled and i sol atea.

Return line isolated, drained and vented.

f. SBLC - lines filled and isolated.
g. CR0 - system lined up in scram condition.

P. umps 'o f f .

n. Rx Recirculation - System filled.
i. RPV - Vented, filled above the main steam lines.

All instrumentation to the vessel or drywell will be opened.

J. Neutron Monitoring System - TIPS will be full y witnorawn and the ball valves closed.

l l

LTS 300-4 '

- Revision 6 .

=0ctober 31, 1983

  • 12
k. Floor and Equipment Drains - Sumps filled to low water level. Isolation valves closed.
1. Clean Condensate System drained and vented.

Isolation valves closed. Spool piece removed and blind flange installed.

m. PCCW - System lined up for normal operation.

Isolation valves closed and lines filled.

n. Main Steam - I s o'l a ted , filled with water.
o. Feedwater - Isolated, drained and vented.
p. Service air - System in normal conaition.

Isolation val ves' closed. Spool piece removeo and blind fl ange i nstal l ed.

q. Containment Monitoring as follows:
1) Post LOCA Monitor-Isolation valves open, sample pump off.
2) Drywell Humidity - Isolation valves closed, sample pump off.
3) Orywell - Suppression Pool Air Monitor-Isolation valves closed.
r. Post - LOCA Hydrogen Control - Unit 1(2) System lined up for Unit 1(2) operation, isolation valves open. Unit 2(1) system isolated.
s. Primary Containment Instrument Air - All accumulators vented inside drywell, system vented outsice drywell. Isolation valves closed.
t. Primary Containment Vent and Purge - Valves closed.

!191E The initiation of the following system on'nign drywell pres 5ure will oe dcfeated during tne performance of this test.


LTS 300-4

- Revision d .

  • Octooer 31, 1983 13
c. RHR 8/C
d. PCIS Groups 2 & 4.
11. Results of the supplerental induced leakage test are acceptacle proviced that tne difference oetween the supplemental test data and the Type A test cata is within 0.25 La (See Actachment C)

+ 0.25 La = 0.159t per oay = + 96.4 SCFH

a. If results are not within +0.25 La, the reason snail be determineo, corrective action taken,


and a successful supplemental test performeo.

12. A general inspection of the accessinle interior ano exterior surfaces of tne primary ' containment structure ano components shall ne performeo prior to any Type 4 test to uncover any evioence of structural deterioration whicn may affect eitner the containment structural integrity or leak tigntness (LTS-o00-3).

If tnere is evioence of structural deterioration, Type A tests shall not De performed until corrective action is taken. Such structural deter ioration and corrective actions taken snall ne reportec as part of the test report. (T.S. 4.6.1 5.C.1)

13. The Integrated Primary ~ Containment Leak Rate Test will consist of seven pnases. Eacn phase will nave a definite starting ano ending point and is so cefinea because of the different types of activities tnat will occur in each.
a. The preparation phase.

D. The pressurization phase.

c. The leakage rate at 39 6 PSIG phase.
d. The incuced leakage phase. l
e. The depressurization phase.
f. The low pressure oypass leakage rate pnase (if applicable).

-m , _ _ _ _ ___ _

LTS 300-4 Revision o

=0ctooer 31, 1983 14

g. Tne cleanup phase.

!!OJT,g During this survelliance test, any operation tnat is not controlled from the contral room (i.e. , manual valve operation, racking of oreakers, etc.) which could render safety-related equipment inoperaole, shall De verified and documented oy a second person.

This verification shal.1 ne performed as the test progresses to assure tnat only tne piece of equipment being tested has oeen affected and that the recuncent equipment has not oeen rendered inoperaole.

If verification was required aoove, then those operations restoring tne correct alignment of sne equipment shall De verified and documented by a second person. The verification snail be performed prior to tne performance of surveillance testing on redundent equipment.

NOTE 1he signed and dated events log started oy tne responsiole Technical Staff Engineer will ne kept up to date at all times oy the cognizant engineer on shift and uodated at least once per snift.

14. Technical Specification 3.5 2 is being satisfied oy HPCS with suction from CY, and the RHR loop kept in shutdown cooling. LPCS and the other two RHR loops cannot be considered operaole until the water leg pumps are restarted, system filled, and valves realigned.
15. If any periodic Type A test fails to meet 0.75 La, the test schedule for suosequent Type A tests shall oe reviewed and approved by the Commission. If two consecutive Type A tests fail to meet 0.75 La, a Type A test shall be per formed at least every 18 months until two consecutive Type A tests meet 0.75 La, at which time the normal test schedule may os resumed. (TS). If any scnedule changes are required oy this, a change to tne survelliance sche'oule f requency must be made to reflect this change.

LTS 300-4

- Revision o .

Octooer 31, 1983 15 F. PROCEOURE

1. Test Preparation.
a. Prior to sealing tne drywell and pressure suppression chamber for pressurization, tne following pre-test sign-of f sneets must ce compl eted:

ATTACHMEMI DEPARTME_NT F Mecnanical Maintenanco G Operations H Instrument Mechanics I

Technical Staff I Electrical Maintenance Complete Attacnment I.

2. Pressurization.

Begin pressurizing the drywell and suppression a.


D. At approximately 169 psig a SCRAM will occur.

After the system is at approximatley 2 psig, inspect all appropriate penetrations ano valves f or excessive leaxage while the containment is pressurizing. Special attention should De paio to the Drywell Suppression Pool vacuum Breaker lines, the Unit 1 (2) Hydrogen Recomoiner, and drywell and Suppression pool pressure instruments.

c. If sources of leaxage are founo or the primary containment instrumentation indicates excessive leakage, the leaks should os documented and this leakage should be estimated. If repairs are required and cannot ce acnieved without depressurization, tne drywell and pressure suppression containment snould oe ventea to facilitate repairs.

- - - - - - - - - _____________-_____________J

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 -

  • 0ctooer 31, 1983 16

!!91E The results of the local leak rate test or the estimated leakage rate from all Ig2a112g leaks must ce totaled and acced to the results of the leak rate calculation to determine a leakage rate at tne oeginning of tne test. If this resultant leak rate is aoove L (289.3 SCFH), a Reportaole Occurence Report musc ce initiated.

  • !!QlE b The test pressure shall oe equal to or greater tnan

= Pa (39 6 psig) to start, out shall not ce permitteo to fall to less than Pa (39.6 psig) for the curation of the test. The test pressure is estaolished relative to the Rx ouilding barometric pressure.

c. When a pressure of approxi.nately 40.5 psig is ootained in the primary containment, close 1(2)E12-F017A, RHR Orywell Spray A Downstream Isolation Valve. Record oarometric pressure on Attachment W.
e. The pressurization is complete when the average volume weighted containment temperature averaged over that last nour does not deviate oy more than 0.5 F/nr from the average rate of change of the average volume weighted containment temperature averaged over the last 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />s+1.0, with the primary containment at least Pa (39.6

-0 psig). Temperature staoilization may require additional pressurization until oalance is achieved. A minimum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> is required for staollization. Start plot of containment volume weighted temperature (See Attachment D, Section L). Fill out Attachment W.

f. When staollization is complete, vent the air supply neader by opening header vent valve OSA036 and have maintenance remove the air supply spool piece and reinstall the .fl ange and air test valves. Verify that the air test valves 1(2)E12-F010A and 1(2)E12-F392A are

-- closed. Complete AttaCnment W.

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 +

' October 31, 1983 17 NB A continuous monitoring of the containment penetrations should be maintained during the pressurization phase.

If any leaks are found, an estimate of tne leakage rate must ce made before any repairs are attempteo.

3. Leak Rate at Pa (39.6 psig).
a. Take and recora tne following data approximately every ten minutes:
1) Time and date. (Attacnments P & Q).
2) Absolute pressure of the primary containment c (Data Aquisition Console).
3) Dryoulo temperatures inside the crywell and pressure suppression enamcer (Data Aquisition Console).
4) Dew point temperatures insioe the drywell and pressure suppression cnamcer (Data Aquisition C3nsole).
o. Monitor the following and record on Attacnment P approximately once per hour:
1) Amolent temperature and pressure of the reactor ouilding. (Data Acquisition Console).
2) Reactor vessel temperature (Attacnment P).
3) Reactor water level (Attachment P).

4.) Suppression Pool water level (Attachment P).

5) RHR Hx Inlet temperature ( Attachment P) .
c. Calculate, using the hand method (an 'exampl e of which is in Attachment D) or with the aid of a computer or calculator, the fcilowing information:

LTS 300-4 Revision 6

' Octooer 31, 1963

- 18

1) Contained dry air mass (Ibs).
2) Average volume weighted dew point temperature in the containment. ( R)
3) Absolute dry air pressure in the containment.


4) Average containment volume weignted temperature. ( F)
5) Measured percent leakage (point to point)

(%/ day).

6) Measured percent leakage (total time)

(t/ day).

7) Average temperature oy volume.
8) Average dewpoint temperature.

.- 9) Recoro results on Attachment G, if computer not in use. Tne computer will provide printout of these calculated parameters.

NjQ The total time and point to point leak rates are not useo to determine an acceptaole leakage rate.

However, they are useful in spotting gross cnanges due to sensor malfunctions, etc.

39I.E Leakage rate measurements must ce made at an average containment pressure (over the time period of the test) of at least Pa (39.6 psig). Data taking shall continue until sufficient time data (at least 20 sets of data points) is accumulated and statistically analyzed so that a leakage rate and upper conficence limit can ce accurately determined. The test must last at least 8 nours. .

d. From the third 10 minute data set through the end of the test, the mass versus time will be linear least squares fitted and the 95% upper confidence limit computeo. The result is called the statistically averaged leak rate (Lg) (See

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 .

,0ctober 31, 1983 19 e - Attachment E for hand method of calculation).

Record both on Attachment Q.

- e. The following information may be plotted as a function of time throughout the test:

1) volume weighted temperature.
2) volume weighted vapor pressure.
3) Total pressure.
4) Dry air pressure.
5) Dry air mass.
6) Point to point measured leak rate.
7) Total time measured leak rate.
8) Statistically averagea leak rate.
9) 95% upper confidence limit.
10) Average subvolume temperature.

Average subvolume vapor pressure. (Plotting 11) is at the discretion of the Test Engineer.)

f. Compare tne statistically averaged leak rate to L (0.476%/ day). If the leaxage rate T

approaches L T, every effort should De made to find the source of leakage and repairs made to stop it. The leak test shoula then be restarted.

g. When the 95% upper confidence limit of the statistically averaged leak rate plus tne unvented penetrations leak rate (Attachment R) result on Attachment is less than T and plot, th L[n, record begin section F.4, induced leak rate verification.
h. Veri f y that the final ISG (Instrument Selection Guide) is less than 0.25 La.
4. Induced Leak Rate Phase.

Phase 4 is the induced leakage portion of the IPCLRT.

Curing this teste a deliberate leak of known magni tude

LTS 300-4

, Revision 6 Octooer 31, 1983 20 will be superimposed on the leakage rate al ready calculated during the leak rate phase. This will provide reassurance against any uncertainties associated with the performance of the leax rate test. Tnis leak should oe Detween 0.75 La and 1 25 La (Detween 289.3 and 482.1 SCFH). The new leakage rate is then calculated and should approx imatel y equal the statistically averaged leakage rate plus the induced leakage rate. This phase then acts as a verification of the-accuracy of the data ootained in phase 3.

a. Request the Radiation Protection Department to ootain a drywell air sample prior to tne beginning of the test since air flow will os vented directly to the reactor ouilding.

ele Several Valves on tne Valve Line-Up may nave to De opened, note the val ve movement in tna Log to cocument this.

D. Set up a pressure corrected flow rate on the flowmeter of between 289.5 SCFH and 482 SCFH, after a stanilization period of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, record the same data as in the integrated test for at least half tne integrated time for short auration testing or four (4) additional hours for tne 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> test. In addition, record the flow rate as measured oy the flowmeter.

MIE Using a pressure gauge and equation K (Attacnment 0), calculate the flow actually induced on tne containment. During the verification test tne containment pressure may decrease to less than Pa (39.6 psig).

c. If the induced leakage can ne detected by an increase in the calculated leak rate, this pnase of the test may De terminated after half the integrated time for short auration testing or four (+) additional hours for theThe 24flow hourrate test of data have been ootained.

should oe such that tne leak rate f rom tne containment is increased oy a factor approximately equal to the induced leak rate.

LTS 300-4 Revision 6

'Octooer 31, 1983 21 de If the induced leakage cannot be detected af ter half the integrated time for short duration testing or four (4) additional hours for the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> test, an evaluation of the possible cause should then De investigated, corrective actions taken, and the induced leakage phase restarted following repressurization to Pa (39.6 psig).

If the results of tne leakage measurements ootained prior to tne introouction of tne superimposed agree within 0.25 L the accuracy of tne containment fea(0.1595/ cay),

xage measuring system is verifieo anc the leakage rate resul ts validated. Record results on Attacnment O.

Induced leakage successfully detected.

NR At this point tne Type A test is considered complete ano additional activities may De performea taxing into account that the primary containment is unoer pressure.

5. Depressurization.

Phase 5, the depressurization phase, can Degin witn the end of the successful completion of the induced leakage phase.

a. Isolate the induced leak rate flowseter.
1) Outain a drywell air sample prior to starting purge of primary containment.

O. If the Air Sample is satisfactory, start Vent and Purge Train for Unit tested in accordance with LOP-VQ-03.

Ng The rate of depressurization must not exceed 10 psig per hour on an hourl y oasi s.

c. Open Vent and Purge Drywell Outlet Outocaro Isolation Bypass valve 1(2)VQ068 at panel 1(2)PM06J.

LTS 300-4

  • Revision 6

=0ctooer 31, 1983 22

d. Open Vent and Purge Suppression Pool Outlet Outboard Isolation Valve 1(2)VQ040 at panel 1(2)PMO6J.
e. Close SBGT Reactor Building Suction Valves IVG001 and 2VG001.
f. Open Vent and Purge Orywell Suction Incoaro Isolation Bypass Valve 1(2)v0035 at panel 1(2)PM06J.
g. Open Vent and Purge Suppression Pool Suction Incoard Isolation Bypass Valve 1(2)VQO32 at panel 1(2)PM06J.
n. Open 1(2)VQ041, Reactor Building Return Air (

Riser Damper.

i. Close 1(2)VQO3Y, Cleanup Phase Separator Area Damper.
j. To increase the containment depressurization rate open 1(2)VQO36 Vent and Purge Orywell Outlet Outboard Isol ation Valve, and tnen manuall y crack open 1(2)VQO34 Vent and Purge Drywell Outlet Incoard Isolation Valve.
k. When the containment pressure has Deen reouced to the required pressure ( mactor Building or Dypass leakage pressure) close the following valves at panel 1(2)PM06J:
1) 1 ( 2 )V QO 36, Vent ano Purge Drywell Outidt Outboard Isolation Valve.
2) 1(2)VQ040, Vent and Purge Suppression Pool Outlet Outocard Isolation valve.
3) 1(2)VQ068, Vent and Purge Orywell Outl et Bypass Val ve.
1. Remove the Olocks and verify that the following drywell to suppression pool vacuum Dr,eakers close:
1) 1(2)PC001A.

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 "Octooer 31, 1983 23

2) 1(2)PC0018.
3) 1(2)PC001C.
4) 1(2)PC001D.
m. When the Containment has been dapressurized to the pressure required, stop Vent and Purge Train in accoraance with LGP-vQ-04.
n. LTS-300-10 may now oe performea if desirea.
o. With the approval of tne Radiation Protection Department, the first sucsequent drywell entry will be Dy Technical Staff personnel. The purpose of this entry is to note any deviation
  • from original position of any i ns trume ntat i on used for the test. Any aeviations founa will ne noted ano accountea for in tne log oook.
p. Only af ter the Tecnn ical Staff inspection will l other activities oc allowed inside the primary containment.
6. Cleanup Phase.
a. Following the test, tne following post-test sign-off sheets must us completed:

ATTACBMENT DEPARTMENT L Mechanical Maintenance M Operations N Instrument Maintenance 0 Techn ical Staff AA Electrical Maintenance D. Upon completion of tnis procedure route the following Attacnments; ,

F.G.H.I.J(AG),K,L M,N,0,P,R TeveW,Z,AA,AB,AC,AE (Attachment Q if used) in accordance with LTP-100-3.

l l


LTS 300-4 Revision 6 -

  • Octooer 31, 1983


1. None.


1.,0,c Containment Leakage Rates.
2. 4 6.1.5.C.1 Containment surfaces.
3. 3/4.5.2., ECCS Systems - Snutoown.
4. 3/4.5.3., Suppression Cnamber.

5 4 6.2 1.d.1,2 Depressurization Systems.

6. 4 6.6 1.d.1,2 Pr imar y Conta i nment Atmospnere Control.


---2._ .. ._ -  ;..

LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 A october 31, 1983 A T 1 A D H M 7.: W T 25 C O M P R E S S O R, A R R A N G E M E N T .


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LTS-300-4 I Revision 6 l cctober 31, 1983 l 26 ATTACHMENT B ,

' DEFINITIONS A. Maximum Allowable Leak Rate A(L ) at pressure Pa (39.6 psig)

L, = 0.635% of containment volume per day

= 0.00635 x 394,638 ft3 /24 hr

= 2506 ft3 /24 hr

= 104.4 ft3 /hr

= 104*4( ~39.6 1T. 7

+ 14.7) = 385.7 SCFH B. Maximum Allowable Operational Leak Rate (L T ) at oressure PA (39.6 psig)

LT = 0.75 LA

= 0.75 (.635%/ day)

= 0.476%/ day

= 289.3 SCFH C. Maximum Allowable Total Type "B" and "C" tests (L;)

L; = 0.60 LA

= 0.60 (.635%/ day)

=.0.381%/ day

- 231.4 SCFH D. Induced Leak Rate Acceptance Criteria L, = flowmeter leak rate (%/ day)


L = Induced measured leak rate (%/ day) c ,

L, = statistically averaged leak rate (%/ day) lL,-L,-L,l$0.25L g 0.25 (.6355/ day) 0.159%/ day 96.43 SCFH

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 27 ATTACHMENT C E. Conversion Factors R = F + 459.69 SCFH = SCFH/60 SCFH = (SCFM) (60) 1 Foot of Water = 0.4335 psi 1 Gallon = 231 in 3 0F = 1.8(OC) + 320 C = ( F - 32 ) (0.556)

PSIA = PSIG + 14.7 1 inch Hg = 0.4912 PSI bu ' ' ' _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. . . - . - - . - . . . . . . .. . - . . . = . . . . . . . . . . . .

x. . .~fT*. 4%%G.G';h 5= :.i: :.%.y.GfK: .

.%,r.. = d.W ..:gmGs:: -

If - - - -

'!.Ts-soo-4 ii.-! .

- - - Revision 6

. October 31, 1983 i O.: ATTACHMNT D

I e


  • A. Average temperature by volumes -


  • 1

' Tave,j = T1 E N .

!=l 1

t *

. g Wheres Tave,j = average.abse2iuta temperature in the jth sutwelume (*A) j . .

TT,1 = The.absolut temperature of the f th AfD in the jth

  • subwelues ( ) .
  • = number of ATO's la the jth suaveluse

.- NJ Igggg,a number et sekveksene

  • l- '

I f Tave, j = 0, er* *W1 *- 0, sheet l

.t fave,J = Tave, 3+1 for 1 4. j 4 NVOL-1 Tave, j . e Tave,3-l for j e NVoL .

4 .
8. Average dowpolat temperature by welues

,l., '

Q l '

ET.a1 I}! UT spe,3 sg,, y , uBJ l,

f -

1 .

Whores DTave,j = Average Dangelat Temperature la the jth subweluxe (*F) f.

.e.The 0mpeln1 Temperature of the Ith descell In t'ne jth

  • .i'.

STI, j setwelume ("F) -

l .

= Nueber of demselIs la tha jth subvelune -

11 0 ]

'l  :

I i .

F thee l.!

l If Ofave,, J. -

'./ 0 er'Wii= .0, e

Ufave,j ** Ofave, j + 1 for 1.4. j 4. MVOL-l


' ofaw, I = Tave, j for j = xvot .

.tl. '

." If ofave, j y Ta w , j theaf,9fave, j

  • Tave, j -

I i i

> 8 See also.Sectfini 0 for'additt&nellinforestions-t *

,  ! ji .

- - c. Average containment values,wighted toeperature _

l .i; . wei. .

. t= ,I (vrj)Tave, j j=l

.g 3

.. Whores 'VFJ = volume weighting factor of the jth subvelume

< %s Average containment volume weignted temperature (*F)

. T =

% g

LTS-300-4 Revi Ion 6 Octoler 3,1, 1983 29 ATTACHMENT D (Cont'd) l ILRT CALCULATIONS D. Average containment volume weighted dewpoint temperature NVOL DT = (VFJ) (DTave, j)


J=1 Where: DT = Average containment volume weighted dewpoint temperature (OF)

DTave. J = Average dewpoint' temocrature of the J th subvolume (OF)

E. Average containment volume weighted vapor pressure p ,

(218.1,67) (14.696) v e (EXPON in 10) used for DT >30 F o


3 EXPON = X(A + ZX + CX_~)

DT ( I + DX)

DT = Average containment volume weighted dewooint temperature C n w ston)


273.16 + DT(CF)

1.8 A = 3.2437814

-3 Z = 5.86826 x 10 C - 1.1702379 X 10-8

-3 0 - 2.1878462 X 10 X = 647.27 - DT From Keenan and Keyes, " Thermodynamic Properties of Steam" 0

For DT (c.300F A look up table will be used with values at every 10 F using interpolation in between.

F. Primary Containment absolute total air pressure (psla)

P = P1 + P2 2


Where P1, P2 = X COUNTS + C1,2 M,C Constants determined during calibration Counts = Pressure Gauge Output

LTS 300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 10 ATTACHMENT D (Cont'd)

IRLT CALCULATIONS G. Primary Containment absolute dry air pressure P = Pt - Pv Where: P = Primary Containment absolute dry air pressure (psig)

Pt = Primary Containment absolute total air pressure (psla)

H. Mass of Contained air (Ibs)

PV W = g ideal gas law 3

Where V = Primary Containment free air volume (ft ) which consists of:

a. Drywell free volume = 229,538 (f t3 ) (FSAR value)
b. Suop. Pool free volume = 165,100 (ft3 ) (FSAR value)

(Water Level at 26.5 ft.)

V = 394,638 ft 3 R = Gas constant for air

= 53.35 ft Ibf/lbm R W = Mass of contained air (Ibs) ,

NW = Molecular weight of air = 28.97 144 PV W "

53.35 (T + 459.67)


The Suppression Pool volume changes 447.0 ft /in.

The Reactor Vessel volume changes 29.3 3ft /In. (Good only to Rx vessel flange

'at 215.5")

1. Measured leak rate Lp = W, - W; (2400_) %/ day .

(Total) W.

ti (W;., -WI) (2400) %/ day L (Point) =

ti - t;-. W ; ..

LTS 300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 31 ATTACHMENT D (Cont'd)


Lp = Measured leak rate including the MSlV (%/ day)

W; = Mass of contained air at time .t = 0 (ibs)

WI = Hass of contained air at time t = ti hrs (Ibs) tl = Test Duration at the Ith data set (hrs) ti-1 = Test Duration at the (1-1) data set (hrs)

NOTE The total time and point to point measured leak rates are used to observe transient conditions only. They are not to be compared to any test requirements.

J. Volume weighting factors

' Where: VFJ

= volume weighting factor for the Jth subvolume 3


= volume of the Jth subvolums (f t )

yrj . _VOLJ NVOL Y VOLJ J=1 K. Induced Leak Rate Flow (Thermal Mass Flow Meter)

Lo = A + Flow *6 Where:

Lo = Induced. Flowneter flowrate (SCFM)

A, 8 = Constants determined during calibration Flow = Flcuneter output (m'/) .

(Rotomete r) (p, g)

Lo = Lm Pc = Cal. Pressure (psla)

(Pc Tm)

Tm = Inlet Temo. ( R)

Lm = Measured Flow '

Tc = Cal . Temp' ( R)

Pm = Test Pressure (psla)

LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 32 ATTACHMENT D (Cont'd) ,

T IRLT CALCULATIONS L. Stabilization Criteria The primary containment atmosphere is considered temperature stabilized when the following criteria is' met:

t t-4 -

(T -

T g) ~

. 0.5 F/hr 4

Where: T = Average volume weighted contrinment temperature at time t T -4 = Average volume weighted containment temperature 4 hrs. previous Tg-1 = Average volume weighted containment temocrature I hr. orevious M. Conversion from SCFH, or SCFM to WeightVday

"* *Y - gI Weight 4/ day = 100% X SCFH

--* '*) { 70 + 459.6FR,

\54.296ps ta / \394,638 f t>

= SCFH X 3.11X10 ( Y + 4'9.69) 5

= SCFM X 1.86X10"O ( Y + 459.69)

N Where:Y=g k=1 N = Number of data sets to be averaged N. Instrument Select son Guide (SG) Calculation (See ANSI - N56.8 Appendix G for sample calculation) g ISG " + s. eo o 2 p + 2 'T -

+ 2('Pv h l

g .

. p T ( Py ) _

Whe re:

t = Test duration (hours) l P = Containment atmosphere total absolute pressure (ps-la) l l P = Containment atmosphere partial pressure of water vapor (psla)

T = Containment atmosphere weighted average absolute dry bulb temperature f - -

l 5 e= E 2 -E 2 N = Number of operable sensors l

N l

LTS 300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 33 ATTACHMENT D (Cont'd)

' O. Data Rejection Criteria (Reasonable Limits Check.)

1. If a sensor, in the opinion of the Test Engineer, is out of range, it will be ignored (i.e.. set =0) and the number of operable RTD's or the subvolume will be reduced by one. The sensor should be considered out of range if it is evident that the sensor has malfunctioned.

Should the number of sensors In a subvolume become equal to zero, the temperature or dewpoint higher number subvolume will be used for the temperature or dewpoint of the sbuvolume.

NOTE For the 8 th subvolume the 7th subvolume temperature will be used.

The actual ' volume weighting factors will not be changed. Loss of sensors will be docunented on Data Sheet 12.7 (For the 8th subvolume the dewpoint will be set equal to the temperature) .

2. If a pressure gauge is out of the rance of 14 <P(psla) <50 the pressure gauge will be ignored (set =0) .


Requirements of Attachment 1.19 will be met.

NOTE All Data should be recalculated with bad element (s) deleted.


.----,a - - - - - -,- , -, , , - - , - -,,r~------- ,~,------e.--- -e,- ---y- - - - , - - - - , - -- - ,


l LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 34 ATTACHMENT D (Cont'd) 3 4

P. Statistical Uncertainties in order to calculate the 95% confidence limits of the statistically averaged leak rate, the standard deviation of the least squares slope and the Student's T-Distribution function are used as follows:

" FN I (W;)2 (I W;) -A g= 1 g(N-2) L N 1 (tg)2 . (g g )2 .!

UCL = Ls + ((TE) (2400)

B Where TE = 1.6449(df) + 3.5283 + 0.85602/(df)

(df) + 1.2209 - 1.5163/(df)

N = number of data sets tl = test duration at the Ith_ data set W; = contained dry air mass at the Ith_ data set v = standard deviation of least squares slooe TE = value of the single-sided T-Distribution function with df degrees of freedom L, = calculated leak rate in %/ day UCL = 95% upper confidence limit B = contained dry air mass at time t-0 (Intercept of least square line df = N-2 m

i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _

p LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 35 ATTACHMENT E


LINEAR LEAST SQUARES FITTING OF THE IPCLRT DATA The method of "Least Squares" is a statistical procedure for finding the best fitting regression line for a set of measured data. The criterion for the best fitting line to a set of data points is that the sum of the squares of the deviations of the observed points from the line must be a minimum. When this criterion is met, a unique best fitting line is obtained based on all of the data points in the IPCLRT. The value of the leak rate based on the regression is called the statistically averaged leak rate.

Since it is assumed that the leak rate is contant during the testing period, a plot of the measured contained dry air mass versus time would ideally yield a straight line with a negative slope (assuming a non-zero leak rate) .

Obviously, sampling techniques and test conditions are not perfect and conse-quently they deviate from the ideal straight line situation.

Based on this statistical process, the calculated leak rate is obtained from the equation 9 = At+B where W = contained dry air mass at time t (Ibs)

B = calculated contained dry air mass at time t=0 (Ibs)

A = calculated leak rate t = test duration B

o e

Condensed Air Mass (Ibs Dry)

Test Duration (hrs)

The values of the constants A and B such that the regression line is best fitting to the IPCLRT data area A = (N

___3 (t!)(W;)) -((It;)(IW )I) = Z((t;-t)(W-W)} _

i  ; t =_1 t_i.

[NI(t;)2 _ ( g g,)2] E (ti - t)A B = y W, - A lt;

= (EW )(Iti) - (SW;ty)(f.t;)


W=gWg N N(i tl 2) . (g,gg}2 N NOTE
For reduction of round off errors, the second equations are used in computer program.

By definition, leakage out of the primary containment is considered positive leakage; therefore, the statistically averaged leak rate in weight percent per day is given by (weight %/ day)

L, = (-A)(2400)/B

-- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J

LTS-300-4 R;visicn 6

.0ctober 31, 1983 36 ATTACHMENT F e

IPCLRT MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT SIGN-OFF SHEET Dry, cooled air shall be supplied by air compressors to the drywell spray header A through line 1(2)RH72BA. Install Compressor air manifold as suggested by Attachment A and remove blind flanges and Install temporary spool pieces to connect air supply header to the drywell spray header.

Verffled _,,,,_, _ , , _ _

2. Secure the following suppression pool to drywell vacuum breaker valves '

in the open position:

(Position lights 1(2)ZL-PC001,2,3,4, A/B located on panel 1(2)H13-P601:

A. 1 (2)PC001 A B. 1(2)PC0018 C. 1 (2)PC001C D. 1(2)PC001D Verified _ _ , , _ ,

3. Remove the spool olece and attach blind flanges on the following headers:

A. Service air to drywell B. Clean condensate to drywell Verifled _ _ _ _ _


1. Reactor recirculation loop, System A water filled. Rx Rect re. Pumo 1(2)t33-C001 A off. Take out-of-service.

i Ve r l f l ed,,, , , , ,, ,, _ ,,_ _ _

2. Reactor recirculation loop, System B water filled. Rx Rect re. Pumo 1(2)S33-C0018 off. Take out-of-service.

Verifled _ ,,,_ , ,, _ , , ,

3. Verify that the service air pipl.ig Inside the drywell is depressurized. .

Leave one air connection station valve open, and out-of-service.

Ve r f f l ed_ , _ , _ _ _

4. The drywell equipment drain sump shall be pumped down to its lowest level.


5. The drywell floor drafn sump shall be cumped down to its lowest level.

Verifled _ ,,,_ , _ ,,,,,_ _

6. Place the handswitches for the following pumps in the STOP position, and take sump pump breakers out-of-service.
a. Drywell equipment drain sump pump 1(2)RE02PA at panel 1(2)PM16J
b. Drywell equipment drain sump pump 1(2)RE02PB at canal 1(2)PM16J
c. DryweiI fIoor draln sump pump 1(2)RF01PA at panei 1(2)PM16J
d. Drywell floor drain sump pump 1(2)RF0lP8 at panel 1(2)PM16J Verified ,, _ _ _ _
7. To insure that the Internal vessel atmosphere is vented unrestricted to the drywell and the Interconnected nrossure suppression pool, OPEN 1(2)t21-F001 and 1(2)B21-F002 Rx Vessel Head Vent Valves to vent pressu vessel to the gland seal leak off reservoir.

Ve r i f ied,,, __

8. Fill with water all RHR piping between PlaceRHR lsolation valves and the RHR RHR pumps not used for shutdown pumps in accordance with LOP-RN-01. Take C RHR Pump out-of-
cooling in pull-to-lock at panel 1(2)H13-P601.

i service.

Vertfled _ ,_ _

l l

i i

i LTS-300-4 R;visicn 6 October 31, 1983 38 ATTACHMENT G (Cont'd)


9. Fill with water all LPCS and 'HPCS piping between the pumps and the isola-tion valves In accordance with LOP-LP-01 and LOP-HP-01. Place a caution card on the LPCS pump and suction valve 1(2)E21-F001 requlr Ing system to be filled and vented prior to starting pump.

Verified _ , __ __

10. Flll with water all RCIC condensate piping between the RCIC pump and the Isolation valves in accordance with LOP-RI-01.

Verifled _ _ __

11 Stop the following waterleg pumps: ,

s. RCIC (Take out-of-service)
b. LPCS/RHRA (Install a caution card stating the the Suppression Pool Suction Valve 1(2)E21-F001 is closed.)
c. RHR 8/C (Take out-of-service)

Verifled_ _ _ _ __

12. Check,that the TIP detectors are in their shletds with each TIP delve tagged out-of-service.

Verified _ _ __

13. Stop the following Containment Monitoring Sample Pumps at panel 1(2)PM13J:
a. Drywell Humidity A 1(2)CM02PA
b. Drywell Humidity 8 1(2)CM02PS
c. Drywell Air Sample 1(2)CM04P ,

Vertfled _

14 Drain the feedwater return lines in accordance with LTS 100-9.

Verlfled _ _ _ _ _

15. Drain the drywell clean condensate piping by:
a. Remove the pipe cap and attach a drain hose to the connection on the flange. Run hose to local drain. .

LTS-300-4 R3 vision 6 Octobe r 31, 1983 39

b. Open the following valves: .
1) 1(2)MCO27, Clean Condensate to Orywell Upstream Stop Valve.
2) 1(2)MC033, Clean Condensate to Drywell Downstream Stop Valve.

c.* Inside the drywell open a clean condensate station valve at the 796' level, and take it out-of-service.

d. hhen the volume is complete drained remove the drain hose and close valves 1(2)MC027 and 1(2)MC033.

Ve r i fi ed,_ _ _ _

16 Shutdown the Drywell Pneumatic System in accordance with LOP-lN-02 and take the compressors out-of-service.

Verified i

17. Shutdown Rx Recire. Flow Contol Valve Hydraulic Units in accordance with LOP-RR-03.

18 Shutdown RWCU System in accordance with LOP-RT-03.

Verified __

19. Shutdown the CRD System in accordance with LOP-RD-05.

Ve ri f i ed_ __ _

Lineup manual valves in accordance with Attachment J. (AG) 20.

Ve ri fied _

21. Lineup control room valves for IPLCRT in accordance with Attachment K.

Ve r i f i e d_, _, _

22. Place the rollowing Post-LOCA Sample systems in 0FF at panel 1(2)PM13J:
a. System A
b. System B Ve ri fied_ __
23. At panel 1(2)PM13J open the following valves:
l. a. f(2)CM022A,1(2)CM025A i

LTS-300-4 Rsvisten 6 October 31, 1983 40

b. 1 (2)CM021B ,1 (2)CM026B t

Verified 24 Stop Primary Containment Ventilation System and PCCW System in accordance wi th LOP-VP-02 and LOP-VP-03.

Verified __

25. Verify that 1(2)E12-F016A RHR Drywell Spray A Upstream Isolation Valve is closed, and take out of service.


26. Take two of the following RHR Injection Valves 00S. 00 NOT take 005 the injec-tion valve on the RHR loop in shutdown cooling. This pump's LPCI mode is required by Technical Specification 3.5.2.
a. 1(2)E12-F042A
b. 1(2)E12-F0428
c. l(2)E12-F042C Verified _
27. Immediately prior to pressurizing the primary containment, make a general announcement over the plant public address system stating that the IPCLRT is about to begin. This accouncement will be made at the direction of the cognizant Tech. Staff Engineer. Pressurization will be through valve OSA037.

Ve ri f i ed__, _

- - - - - - - ____-_______________ ___ __ _ _ _ l

LTS-300-4 R2 vision 6 October 31, 1983 41 ATTACHMENT H


IPCLRT INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE SIGN-OFF SHEET 1 Attach the high pressure tubing for dryweII pressure measuring and for the induced leak rate flowmeter from the Drywell to Suppression Pool Vacuum Breaker lines to flow measuring device.

Verified __ __

2. Connect all instruments and their associated readout devices to their leads, inside and outside the primary containment. The locations for all temperature sensing and humidity sensing devices will be supolled by the cognizant Tech. Staff Engineer, ins t rument ilnes will penetrate primary containment through electrical penetration E-20.

Ve ri fied

3. Verify proper operation of all Instruments and readout devices to be used during the IPCLRT. Give a copy of all calibration data sheets to the e responsible Tech. Staff Engineer.

Veri fied _

4 Obtain and supply to the responsible Tech. Staff Engineer instrument error and readability error for all instruments and readout devices to be used in the IPCLRT.

Veri fied __ __

5. Remove the pipe cap and open the test connection on each of the following instruments to allow the drywell pneumatics suction and discharge to be vented.
a. 1(2)PI-INO27
b. 1(2)PDI-IN002 (high side)
c. 1(2)PS-IN014
d. 1(2)PS-lN015 Ve ri fied .
6. Open the bypass valve and the high and low inlet valves to the DPS at the following panels:

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 42 ATTACHMENT H (Cont'd)

a. 1(2)PL78J


Ve ri fled l

b. l(2)PL79J Ve ri fled l
7. Remove the pipe caps and open both the test connectjen valves on the DPS at the following panels:
a. 1(2)PL78J
b. 1(2)PL79J Ve ri fled e 8 Remove the pipe cap and open both the grab sample valves at panel 1(2)PL79J.

Verified 9 Verify that the following Instruments of the specified locations are valved in and have the test connection cap / plug installed:

a. 1(2)C71-N004 on p'anel 1(2)H22-P004 Ve ri fied l
b. 1(2)C71-N002A on panel 1(2)H22-P004 Verf fled l
c. 1(2)821-N047A on panel 1(2)H22-P004 Vert fled l
d. 1(2)821-N047C on panel 1(2)H22-P004 Vertfled l e, 1(2)B21-N0488 on panel 1(2)H22-P027 Ve rifled l
f. l(2)B21-N0480 on panel 1(2)H22-P027 Vertfled l
g. 1(2)C71-N0028 on panei I(2)H22-P027 Verified' l
h. 1(2)B21-N048A on panel 1(2)H22-P026 Verified -


1. 1(2)B21-N048C on panel 1(2)H22-P026 Verifled l J. 1(2)C71-N002D on panel 1(2)H22-P026 Verified ~


k. 1(2)S21-N0478 on panel 1(2)H22-P005 Verlfled ~


1. 1(2)S21-N0470 on panel 1(2)H22-P005 Verified -
m. 1(2)C71-N002C on panel 1(2)H22-P005 Verffled l
n. 1(2)833-NO36A locally mounted Veri fied l
0. 1(2)B33-NO368 locally mounted Verifled

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 43 ATTACHMENT H (Cont'd)

p. 1(2)PT-CM081 locally mounted Vertfled l
q. 1(2)PT-CM027 locally mounted
r. 1(2)PT-CM029 locally mounted Ve ri fied _


, s. 1(2)PT-CM028 locally mounted Verlfled I

t. 1(2)PT-CM031 locally mounted Verlfled l
u. 1(2)PT-CM056 locally mounted-Ve ri fied I
v. 1(2)PT-CMOSS locally mounted .

Veri fled I

w. 1(2)CT-CM030 locally mounted y ,,, g
x. 1(2)LI-CliC30 locally mounted Verified l
y. 1(2)LT-CM-32 locally mounted ,

Vertfled l on. .

LTS-300-4 R3vislen 6 October 31, 1983 44 ATTACHMENT I IPCLRT TECHNICAL STAFF SIGN-0FF $HEET ,

1. Verify that quellfled Instrumentation (including thermometric, barometric and humidity measuring devices) which meet all necessary standards for use in the IPCLRT Is available. See C.8 and Attachment AC Verlfled __
2. Obtain the instrument accuracles for all Instruments and readout devices to be used in the IPCLRT. Perform an 15G (Instrument Selection Gulde) to

. verify that the accuracy of the collected data is consistent with the magnitude of the specified leakage rate. This analysis must be done prior to the use of any Instrumentation in the primary containment for the test.

(See Attachment 0 for a sample calculation).

Vertfled ___

3. Arrange with the Instrument Mechanics and 0A0 for the calibration of all Instruments to be used in the IPCLRT. Record calibration data on Attachment AC.

Verifled _ __ __

4. Arrange for the availability of the air compressors for use in oressurizing the containment.

Veri fied _

5.' Examine LLRT results for all tests and verify that all Technical specifica-tion limits have been met prior to the start of the IPCLRT.

Verffled _

6. Arrange with the instrument Mechanics for placement of the callbrated in-strumentation in the primary containment and its connection to readout devices outside the primary containment. Verify the location and opera-bility status of the Instrumentation. (See Attachments 5 and V). RTDs and dowcells may be placed within a 10 foot diameter volume of the location specified on Attachment S).

Veri fied __

7. Verify the availability of absolute barometers for theThese recordingdevices ofneed atmos-only pheric changes onsite and in the reactor building.

be of such accuracy that they will Indicate gross barometric variations for correlation to test results. .

Verified __

LTS-300-4 R;vislen 6 Octobe r 31, 1983 45 ATTACHMENT I (Cont'd)


8. Ensure that the air compressors, piping, manifolds and connections to the penetrations are Installed by the Maintenance Department as required in Attachment F.

Verffled __

9. Af ter installation of the air compressors, etc. , verify proper installation and function of the equipment.

Verifled_ __

10. Conduct a thorough examination of the drywell and pressure suppression containment to remove any pressurized vessels, gas pressure cylinders ,

sealed or semi-sealed containers, and anything which, In the judgment, of the Test Director, could be damaged by the pressure test atmosphere or have a direct bearing on the results of the leakage rate measurement.

Ve ri fled _

11. Verify valve lineup, Attachment J(8), prior to starting this test.


__.m.____.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ . - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . - _ _ -

i LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 46 ATTACHMENT I (Cont'd) .


12. Close the Inner personnel airlock door and the outer door. Provide a restraint to the outer handwheels to prevent accidental operating and install an Out-of-Service card in this locatloo, Veri fied ._
14. Initiate a dated log of events and pertinent observations. This too must be maintained for the duration of the IPCLRT.

Verffled ,, _

15. Ensure the followf 39 penetrations are closed and secured:

LOCATION DESCRIPTION ELEV AZIMUTH 744'-4t" 220 Equipment Access Hatch Control Rod Drive Removal Hatch 741'-9" 38 Personnel Access Airlock 745'-3" 117 Emergency Personnel Access Hatch 714'-0" 29 714'-0" 208 Emergency Personnel Access Hatch Drywell Head 819"-8 3/4" NA Verffled_ , _

16. Verify that a Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association (NEL-PIA) representative is notified approximately one week prior to pressurization.

Notification and verification should be made through the insurance Administration & Claims Department, ext. 3151 Veri fled _ _


l t

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 47




17. Record on Attachment R the leak rates for each of the following penetrations not vented during the ILRT:
a. M-16 RSCCW Supply
b. M-17 RBCCW Return
c. M-25 PCCW A Supply
d. M-26 PCCW B Supply
e. M-27 PCCW A Return
f. M-28 PCCW B Return r
g. M-30 RWCU Suction
h. M-36 Reci rc. Loop Sample I. M-96 Orywell Equipment Sump J. M-97 Drywell Floor Sump
k. M-98 Drywell Equipment Sump Coo 1Ing
1. M-22 inboard MSIV Drain
m. M-7 RHR Shutdown Coolino suction
n. M-15 RCIC Steam Supply
o. ECCS/RCIC injection Lines
p. Hydrogen Recombiner U-2 (U-1)

Ve ri fied__


LTS-300-4 Revision 6 Octobe r 31, 1983 48 ATTACHMENT I (Cont'd)

18. Af ter installation of the ILRT Instrumentation, the ILRT measurement .

system shall be checked, in situ, at one or more points for each sensor

= using a standard traceable to the NSB. The calibration check shall be performed for each sensor and the readout taken shall be read from the same display to be used for the ILRT. This check shall be performed not more than 6 months prior to the ILRT. Calibration checks shall meet the criteria listed on Attachment AD.

Ve ri fied_ _

19. The Instrument Selection Guide (ISG) st 311 not exceed 0.25 La at the start and at the end of the test. The ISG is a function of instrumentation sensitivity, number of Instruments and test duration. Therefore, loss of sensor will increase the ISG. If such an increase causes the ISG to exceed 0.25 La, the test , duration shall be increased to reduce the ISG to 0.25 La or less unless the sensor malfunction can be corrected and the sensor re-turned to service. (See Attachment D, Section N). No RTD shall have a volume fraction greater than 10%. Three dewcells shall be in operation during the test. At least one pressure sensor shall be in operation during the test. Verify that proper number of sensors operation and that the initial ISG is less than 0.25 La.

Ve rified ,,,,,___ _,

20. All ILRT Compressor permits processed 1 month before ILRT, and the State of Illinois Transportation authorities informed of the ILRT Compressor movement date.

Ve ri fied_

21. Verify the following Attachments have been completed:




F Mechanical Maintenance ,,__ _


G Operations ,,,_, ,


H Instrument Maintenance.


Z Electrical Maintenance


I Technical Staff _ _ _ , _ _ , , _ _ ,

- - * - , , . - - ~ - . . _ _

LTS-300-4 l Ravision 6 Octobar ~31, 1983 49 ATTACHMENT I (Cont'd)


M 1 The actual water level of the Suppression Pool, drywell sumps, and the reactor must be taken into account in the final calculations to be done af ter the test completion. However, these levels are expected to remain constant throughout the test.

22. Record initial drywell sump levels on Attachment AE.

Ve ri f ied__ _ _ __ _

23 If the Floor Bypass Test is to be performed, plug all floor cable holes.

Verified 24 Verify that the equations used in the computer programs used for the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Test have been verified to correspond to equations in this procedure.

Verified _ _

25. Verify that the NRC has been informed as to which type of Leakape Test wiIi be performed.
1) 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or
2) short duration.

Verifled_ __

26. Verify LTS-600-3, Primary Containment inspection has been completed.

Verifled _ __ ,_

l f

a 1


-- - - , . - - - + - - -

.y_. _ . _ , , , , - _ _ - . . - - , , . ,,_..-c, _-.._-_,,,_,,,._..---.w3,-_,.y

,ye. ,,,._-,. m  %-,-,,_,_c,___,-,--,--, - - , - - -

Operator - ATTACillENT J LTS-300-4 Tmt Engineer ' Revisim_, 6 D"te ILRT Hechanical Checklist 'Date October 1983 Page 50 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1833-F059 Recirc. Sample Stop D.W. Bu B RR Pump Ope n _


1E21-F051 LPCS Injection Stop D/W 778' 1200 Ope n 1E21-F321 LPCS Injection Test Tap D/W 778' 1200 Closed IE21-F322 L!'CS Injection Test Tap D/W 778' 1200 Closed Pipe Cap Installed _,

IE22-F038 , HFCS Injection Stop D/W 790' 2400 Open 1E22-F347 HPCS Test Tap D/W 790' 2400 Closed IE22-F348 HPCS Test Tap D/W 790' 2400 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1821-F011A Feediater Manual Stop D/W 00 Up Ladder by Closed MSIV's 1821-F011B Feeduster Manual Stop D/W 00 Up Ladder by Closed MSIV 's IE12-F0904 A RHR Shutdows cooling Discharge D/W 740' 900 Open Header Manuel Stop 1E12-F3254 Test Tap D/W 740' 900 Closed 0 NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • 1 Operrtor ATTACillENT J LTS-300-4 Revicion 6 Test Engineer ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Fate Page 51 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number 1E124326A Test Tap DN 740' 900 Closed 1E1240921 LPCI In.)ection Stop A DN 796' 1400 Open Test Tap DN 796' 1400 Closed IE124321A Pipe Cap Installed Test Tap DN 796' 1400 Closed 1E1243221 1E124377A Test Tap DN 796' 1400 Closed Pipe Cap Installed IE124378A Test Tap DN 796' 1400 Closed <

DN 796' 315o Open 1E124092B LPCI In.)ection Stop B 1E124321B Test Tap DN 796' 3150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1E124322B Test Tap DN 796' 3150 closed 1E124377B Test Tap D N 796' 3150 closed Pipe Cap Installed 6 M FORTHER ENTWES

  • Operator ATTAQO1ENT J LTS-300-4 Test Emaineer Revici o 6 -

Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 52 INITIAL VALVE LINEllP NANUAL-UNIT 1 valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks

~ .

1E1243788. Test Tap D/W 7%' 3150 Closed IE1240905 B RHR Shutdoun Cooling Discharge DN 740' 2500 Open Header Manuel Stop 1E124325B Test Tap DN 740' 250c Closed IE1243268 Test Tap D W 740' 2500 Closed Pipe Gap Installed IE124020 Shutdown Cooling Section Stop DN 740' 2000 Open 1E124092C LPCI Injection Stop C DN 7%' 350 Open IE124371C Test Tap D/W 7%' 350 closed Pipe Cap Installed E124378C Test Tap DN 796' 35o Closed IE124321C Test Tap DN 7%' 350 Closed E124322C Test Tap DN 7%' 350 Closed IE124323 Test Tap DM 740' 2000 Closed 6 h FLNETIER I.00lN

Optreter ATTACillEllT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rsvisien ;6 D*te ILRT Hechanical Check 11st Date October 1983 Page 53 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1E 12-F 324 , Test Top D/W i40' 2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installef IC41-F008 SBif Injection Stop D/W 778' 2000 Open l

1C41-F312 Test Tap D/W 778' 2000 Closed 1C41-F313 Test Tap D/W 778' 2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed I

1FM016A Test Tap D/W 00 Up Ladder by Open 11SIV 's Pipe Cap Installed l

1FWO17A Test Tap D/W 00 Up Ladder by Ope n i It31V 's 1FW016B Test Tap D/W 00 Up Ladder by open

!!SIV 's Pipe Cap Removed _

1FWO17B Test Tap D/W 00 Up Ladder by open _ ,

113IV 's ,

IB33-F014A Recire. Pump A Seal Supply Inboard D/W 740' Open _



! 1B33-F014B Recire Pump B Seal Supply Inboard D/W 740' 2600 Open

  • Opers te r ATTACitIENT J LTS-300-4 Tcct Engineer Rsvicien 6 Dcte ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1963 Page sis INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 '


Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks


1821-F 484 A Test Tap D/W 740' Bottom of FW Closed Check Valve 1821-F484B Test Tap D/W 740' Bottom of FW Closed Check Valve IB21-F 485A Test Tap D/W 740' Bottom of FW Closed Check Valve 1821-F485B Test Tap D/t .

' ilottom of FW Closed Check Valve l

IIN129 Dryell Pneumatic ADS Supply North D/W 740' 900 Ope n Stop IIN130 Dryell Pneumatic ADS Supply South D/W 760' 2000 Ope n Stop 1WR188 Test Tap D/W 740' 1800 Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

i l 1HR189 Test Tap D/W 778' 2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

1E51-F357 RCIC Steam Supply Line Drain D/W 740' 1600 Closed l

1IH093A Inboard MSIV A Accumulator Vent D/W 740' Oo Open Pipe Cap Removed i

IIN093B Inboard HSIV B Accumulator Vent D/W 740' Oo Open

. Pipe Cap Removed 4

  • Operator ATTACillENT J LTS-300-4 Rr. vision 6 Te t Engineer Dste ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 55 l

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks IIN093C Inboard HSIV C Accumulator Vent D/W 740' 00 Ope n Pipe Cap Removed IIN093D Inboard HSIV D Acetanulator Vent D/W 740' 00 Open IIN098A lERV A Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 3450 Open Pipe Cap Removed IIN098B HSRV B Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 15o Open

! Pipe Cap Removec' i

IIN098C HSRV C Acetsnulator Vent D/W 778' 3450 open 11N098D flSRV D Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 150 Open 4

I IIN098E HSRV E Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 2700 Open 1 Pipe Cap Renoved 1

, IIN098F HSRV F Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 900 Open Pipe Cap Removed 3 o NO FURTHER ENTRIES +'


Operstor ATTACit1EIIT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer * "

Drte ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 56 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number IIN0983 . HSRV G Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 345o Ope n Pipe Cap Removed IIN09811 IGRV H Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 3450 open IIN098J FERV J Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 15o Open IIN098K HSRV K Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 90o Open IIN098L HSRV L Accumulator Vent D/5! 778' 2700 Open g

IIN098H IGRV H Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 90o Open l

lERV N At:cumulator Vent D/W 778' 270o Open 1IN098N tGRV P Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 150 Open 11N098P Pipe Cap Removed IGRV R Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 270o Open IIN098R p g l


  • Optrator ATTACIIIEllT J LTS-300-4 Rsvisien 6 Tect Engineer ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Dete Page 57 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Humber .

D/W 778' 900 Open /

11N098S HSRV S Accumulator Vent Pipe Cap Removed i

IGRV U Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 3450 Open IIN098U Pipe Cap Removed IGRV V Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 15o Open IIN098V Pipe Cap Removed ADS /MSRV R Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 2400 Open IIN091A Pipe Cap Removed ADS /tGRV E Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 2400 Open IIN091B Pipe Cap Removed ADS /MSRV U Acctsnulator Vent D/W 778' 2400 Open IIN091C Pipe Cap Removed ADS /MSRV C Accumulator Vent D/W 7788 2400 Open 11N091D Pipe Cap Removed t

D/W 778' 1200 Open IIN095A ADS /HSRV D Accumulator Vent Pipe Cap Removed o NO iORTHER 5NTRIES

  • Operster ATIAcitlElli J LTS-300-4 Tant Engineer Rsvision 6 Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 58 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1I11095B ADS /MSRV V Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 1200 Open Pipe Cap Removed IIN095C ADS /MSRV S Accumulator Vent D/W 778' 1200 Open Pipe Gap Removed 4

IVQ066 Test Tap RB 807' by FC Pumps Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1G33-F037 Test Tap RB 807' RWCU Valve Open Isle 1G33-F038 Test Tap RB 807' RWCU Valve Open Isle Pipe Cap Installed IVQ060 Hitrogen Inerting Pressure Control RB 786' B RWCU Hx Room Open Root Valve 1821-F362 Ex Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 3400 Open 1FC153 Test Tap RB 786' 2700 in Open Ove rhead Verify 1 (2 )fCO25 Clsd Pipe Cap Removed 1FC154 Test Tap RB 786' 2700'in Open Ove rhead Pipe Cap Removed o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • Opsrstor ATTACII1EtiT J LTS-300-4 Rtvisicn 6 Test Engineer ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Dste Page 59 i

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number ,

1 e

IFC114 Condensate to Bellows Upstream RB 7868 2700 in Closed l Overhead

. Isolation 7

IFC113 Condensate to Bellows Downstream RB 786' 2700 Overhead Closed Isolation Closed i

1FC115 Bellows Drain Upstream Isolation RB 786' 2700 Ove rhead i

1FC086 Bel'. . ..s Drain Downstream Isolation RB 786' 2700 Overhead Closed 1

IllG010 Test Tap RB 786' 2200 Closed Pipe Cap Installed _

l 2 111G-V 1 Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter RB 786' on Recombiner Open High Presswe Leg Root Valve Skid 1HG-V2 Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter RB 786' SE Corner - Open i

Low Presswe Leg Root Valve (on Recombiner Skid)

Recombiner Inlet Total Flow RB 786 ' SE Corner-(on Open 1HG-V 3

' Transmitter High Pressure Leg Root Recombiner Skid)

Valve j 1HG-V 4 Recombiner Inlet Total Flow RB 786' SE Corner-(on Ope n j Transmitter Low Pressure Leg Root Recombiner Skid)

j Valve 1B21-F 360 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 2130 Open Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 213o Open f 1B21-F356 .


  • Oparator ATTAcillEttr J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rsvision 6 Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 60 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1CM072B . Test Tap RB 786' 2100 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1WR170 RBCCW Test Tap RD 786' 2100 Closed ICil072A Test Tap RB 786' 1050 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1B21-F375 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 1050 Open Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 1050 Open 1821 4 371 1HG011 Test Tap RB 786' 900 Closed Pipe Cap Installed Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 170 Open IB21-F377 IE12-F056C Test Tap RB 761 '-50 Above Closed Grating 1E 12-F057C Test Tap RB 761 '-50 Above Closed Grating Pipe Cap Installed 1E12-F056B Test Tap RB 761 ' 00 on Grating Closed

, s

  • Operator ATTACit1EliT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer RGvician 6 Dete ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 61 IllITIAL VALVE LIllEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve fiumber Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1E12-F057B Test Tap RB 761 ' 00 on Grating Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1E12-F010B Test Tap Ril 761' 330o Closed i 1E12-F392B Test Tap RB 761' 330o Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1821-F358 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761' 3200 Open l

1 1821-F342C ADS /lGRV C Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 Open Root IB21-F342R ADS /HSRV R Aceta. Press. Switch Inst. RB 7 61 ' 3200 Open Root l

l' 1821-F342E ADS /IERV E Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 Open Root i

) 1821-F342U ADS /IERV U Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 Open Root i

l 1B21-F342D ADS /lGRV D Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 open _

Root i 1B21-F342S ADS /lGRV S Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 Open

! Root 1

1B21-F342V ADS /lGRV V Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 Open l Roet 0 NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • 7 Optrrtor ATTACillEllT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revisicn 6 Dste ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 62 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP 11ANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1B21-F36tl Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761 ' 2030 Ope n 1821-F354 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761 ' 2100 Open IE22-F021 IIPCS Test Tap Dy llPCS Inject Valve Closed 761' 1E22-F022 IIPCS Test Tap By I!PCS Inject Valve closed 761' Pipe Cap Installed 11N116 ADS South Side Supply Pressure High RB 761' by CRD PCV Open Root Valve 11N126 Test Tap RB 761' by CRD PCV Closed Pipe Cap Installed IIN089 Drywell Pneumatic N2 Supply South Stop RB 761' by CRD PCV Open 1821-F414A RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root RB 761' by CRD PCV Open 1B21-F414B RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root RB 761' by CRD PCV Open IC41-F027 Test Tap RB 761' 2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1C41-F026 Test Tap RB 761' 2000 Closed f


  • i .

Operator ' ATTACIRIEllT J' ' LTS-300-4 Tint Enginesr Rsvisicn 6 Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 63 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-41 NIT 1 i Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1 ,

IC41-F308. Test Tap RB 761 '-2 00o Closed 1C41-F309 Test Tap RB 761 '-2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1

1CH036 Containment Honitoring sample Points RB 761 ' 1800 Open l Crosstie to Continuous Air Honitoring j ICH071 Containment Honitoring. Sample Points RB 761' 1800 Open _,_

l Inlet Valve i

1Ci1035 Containment Continuous Air ibnitor RB 761' 1800 Open Inlet Valve IE12-F056A Test Tap RB 761 '-1650 C1osed l

i e

! 1E12-F057A Test Tap RB 761 '-1650 closed Pipe Cap Installed j

ICt1079 Test Tap RB 761 ' 1550 Closed Pipe Cap Installed

, ICH078 Test Tap RB 761 ' 1550 Closed i

Pipe Cap Installed i

1E21-F013 Test Tap By LPCs Inject. Valve Closed j 761'

  • Optreter ATTACIBlEllT J~ LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rsvision 6 Dtte ILRT 11cchanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 64 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP llANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Humber Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1E21-F014 Test Tap By LPCS Inject, Valve Closed 7 61' Pipe cap Installed __

I B21-F369 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761' 105o Ope n 1821-F373 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761' 63o open 1G33-F002 Test Tap Above WCU Pump Room Closed 1G33-F003 Test Tap Above WCU Pump Rom Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1E32-F302A Inboard Hain Steam Line Press. Root A HSIV Rom Open 1E32-F302E Inboard Main Steam Line Press. Root B HSIV Room Open 1E32-F302J Inboard Main Steam Line Press. Root C HSIV Rom Open IE32-F302N Inboard Main Steam Line Press. Root D HSIV Room Open 1021-F508A WCU Return Stop A HSIV Rom Open l

! 1821-F5088 WCU Return Stop B llSIV Room Open o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • Operator ' ATTACitlEllT J LTS-300-4 Trnt Engineer R:; vision 6 Drte ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 65 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks j Valve Number 1821-F025A Test Tap 11SIV Room Closed t

IB21-F026A Test Tap HSIV Rom Closed Pipe Cap Installed t

1821-F025B Test Tap HSIV Room Closed I

t 1821-F026B Test Tap IGIV Room Closed j Pipe Cap Installed IB21-F025C Test Tap IGIV Room Closed l


I 1B21-F026C Test Tap 11SIV Room Closed Pipe Gap Installed l

k .

1 IB21-F025D Test Tap itSIV Room Closed 1D21-F026D Test Tap FGIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

Test Tap 11SIV Room Closed IB21-F017 Test Tap IISIV Room Closed 1821-F018 Pipe Cap Installed i



  • l.

-Operrtor ATTACit1ENT J LTS-300-4

, Test Engineer Rsvisien 6 1

Drte ILRT Hechanical Checklist- Date October 1983 Page 66 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks ~

Valve Number ,, .

IFWO67B Test Tap IEIV Room Open l.

1FWO688 Test Tap HSIV Rom Open Pipe Cap Removed i

I IB21-F038A Test Tap HSIV Room Closed 4

IB21-F039A Test Tap 11SIV Rom Closed Pipe Cap Installed l

i I,

1821-F038B Test Tap HSIV Room Closed f

( ,

1821-F039B Test Tap HSIV Room closed Pipe Cap Installed i

I 1821-F482A Test Tap IGIV Room Closed  :

1821-F4834 Test Tap 11SIV Room Closed ,

1 Pipe Cap Installed I

1821-F4 82B Test Tap HSIV Room Closed j

4 l ID21-F483B Test Tap 11SIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed

]  !

1 - >


  • Operr ta r ATTAClltEIIT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rcvioisn 6 Date ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 - ,

Page. 67 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP ttANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks IB214030A Test Tap 11SIV Ro m Closed 1B214031A Test Tap HSIV Rom Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1B214030B Test Tap 11SIV Room Closed 18214031B Test Tap itSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1FWO69A Test Tap HSIV Rom Closed IFWO70A Test Tap itSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed IFWO69B Test Tap itSIV Room closed 1FWO70B Test Tap HSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed Test Tap HSIV Room Open IFWO67A HSIV Room Open- Pipe Cap Removed

.1FWO68A Test Tap i



i l

Operator ATTACII1EllT J- LTS-300 Revision 6 Tost Engineer ILRT 11echanical Checklist Date October 1983 Date Page 66 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number IVQ065 . Test Tap RB 740' Outside 11SIV Closed Room Pipe Cap Installed _

IPC005C Test Tap Dy IGIV Room Door Ope n 1PC006C Test Tap By IGIV Room Door Open IPC007C Test Tap By lEIV Room Door Closed 1FC008C Test Tao By tEIV Room Door Closed ~

Pipe Cap Installed IPC002C Drywell to SP VB Isolation By Door to HSIV Rom Open Drywell Hi Pressure Isolation RB 740' 3150 open IB21-F366 IB21-F456 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open 1821-F458 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open IB21-F460 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open ,

1821-F462 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • Operater l- ATl AClllEllT J LTS-300-4 Tart Engineer Rsviaicn 6 Dete ILRT liechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 69 i

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int R ema rks I

1821-F 464A. Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open j

IB21-F464B Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open i

1821-F466 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open ,,,

i 1B21-F468 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open

{ 1821-F470 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open I 1021-F472 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open l 1B21-F474A Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open 1

1 l 1821-F4748 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open j 1833-F016A Recire. Pump A Seal Supply Outboard RB 740' East of TIP Open j Stop Room 1B33-F016B Recire. Pump B Seal Supply Outboard RB 740' East of TIP Open j Stop Room i

IB33-F008A Recire. Pump A Seal Supply Flow Ind. RB 740' East of TIP Open Stop Room o NO FURTHER ENTRIES
  • 4

Operrtor ATTACillENT J LTS-300-4 Tast Engineer Revision 6 ,

Date ILRT Hechanic al- Checklist Date October 1983 Page 70 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT .1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks IB33-F0088 Recirc. Pump B Seal Supply Flow Ind. RB 740' East of TIP Ope n Stop Room IINO30 TIP Indexer Purge Air Stop RB 740' by TIP Drives Ope n IE12-F318 RHR B/C Inj. Integrity Inst. Root RB 740'-2010 Open IE12-F320 RHR B/C Inj. Integrity Inst. Root RB 740 '-2010 Open IE12-F340 RHR Pump B Return to Fuel Pool RB 740' by Equip. Closed Hatch on East Wall of _

R.b. ,

IB 33-F021 Test Tap RB 740' by Equip. Closed Hatch IB33-F022 Test Tap RB 740' by Equip. Closed Hatch Pipe Cap Installed l IE12-F058B Test Tap RB 740' SE Corner Room Closed IE12-F059B Test Tap RB 740' SE Corner Room Closed Pipe Gap Installed

IB21-F368 Drywell Hi Pressure Isolation RB 740' 2050 Open i
  • l

Operrt+r ATTAClllEllT J LTS-300-4 i

Test Engineer Revision 6 D':te ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page '71 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP llANUAL-41 NIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1WR171 RBCQi Test Tap RB 740'-East Side Closed IPC002A Drywell to SP VB Isolation By D/ll E.1uip. Hatch Open IPC002B Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 740' 1600 Open 1PC005A Test Tap By D.W. Equip. Ilatch Closed I

1PC006A Test Tap By D.W. Equip. Hatch Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

IPC007A Test Tap Dy D.W. Equip. Hatch Open l IPC008A Test Tap By Drywell Equip. Open j llatch 1PC005D Test Tap RB 740' 1600 Closed 1PC006B Test Tap RB 740 ' 1600 Closed i

IPC007D Test Tap RB 740' 1600 Closed i

1PC0080 Test Tap g RB 740' 1600 Closed


  • i

Operr tor ATTACII1ENT J LTS-300-4 '

Revision 6 Trst Engineer i

D"te ILRT tiechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 72 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Reamrks Valve Number IMCO27 Clean Condensate to D.W. Upstream Stop RB 740' East Side Closed IMC033 Clean Condensate tc, D.W. Downstream RB 740' East Side Closed Stop 1SA042 Service Air to D.W. Upstream Stop RB 740 ' East Side Closed ISA046 Service Air to D.W. Upstream Stop RB 740 ' East Side Closed l

l I


  • i 1

1 t

1 4

5 4 '

9 Operrtor ATTAClBIENT J . LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revision 6 Dite ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 73 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number ,


  • Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Rom Closed IE12-F062 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1E51-F072 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed.

1E51-F073 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed IE12-F001 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed 1E12-F002 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed IB21-F436 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop RB 740' 1050 Open Jet Purp Instrumentation Stop RB 740' 1050 Open IB21-F438 1B21-F440 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop RB 740' 1050 Open IB21-F442 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 105o open IB21-F444A Jew Pimp Instrumentation Stop R.D. 740' 1050 Open o NO FURTHER ENTRIES .*

Operrtor ATTA CI51ENT J LTS-300-4 T st Engineer Revision 6 Dnte ILRT llechanical Checklist Da te October 1983 Page 74 INITIA'. VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 -

Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number IB21-F444B Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Ope n 1821 4 446 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open IB21-F448 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open 1B21-F450 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740 ' 1050 Open 1821-F452 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open IB21-F454A Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open 1821-F454B Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open IB21-F343 dp Transmitter 1(2)B21-R005 Root R.B. 740' 950 Open 1I11119 Drywell Pneumatic Discharge Downstream R.B. 740' by Open Stop Valve Compr essor IIN128 Drywell Pneumatic Discharge Upstream R.B. 740' by Open Stop Valve Compressor 111112 4 Test Tap R.B. 740' TIP Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed IIN123 Test Tap Rn 740' by Compressor Closed

, _ Pipe Cap Installed

Opercter ATTACIBlEflT J LTS-300 81 Test Engineer Revision 6 Dnte ILRT Ikchanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 75 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Hemarks IIN122 Test Tap RB 740' by Compressor Closed Pipe Cap Installed IIN127 Test Tap RB 7 tion by IN Receiver Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1821-F2412A RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root RB 7110' by IN Open Compr essor 1B21-F412B RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root R.B. 7810' by IN Open Compr essor IINO32 Drywell Pneumatic Disc. Reg. Dypass By Inst. N2 Compressor Open 1E12-F316 RilR A Inj. Integrity Inst. Root - RB 7140 '-88o Open IIN086 Drywell Pneumatic Dryer Purge Vent By Inst. N2 Compressor Open Pipe Cap Removed IIN 121 Test Tap Ril 7110' by Compressor Closed Pipe Cap Installed IIN120 Test Tap RB 7110' by Compressor Closed o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • Operrtor ATTACit1ENT J LTS-300-4 .

Test Engineer Revision 6 Drte ILRT Ilechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 76 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 t

h Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Re marks 1B21-F379 Drywell Hi Presstre Isolation RB 740' 950 Ope n IB21-F381 Drywell Hi Pressure Isolation RB 740' 800 Open 1PC005D Test Tap By CRD Removal llatch Closed IPC006D Test Tap By CRD Removal Hatch Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1PC007D Test Tap Dy CRD Remoyal llatch Closed 1PC008D Test Tap Dy CRD Rerroval llatch Closed Plpe Gap Installed 1E21-F303 LPCS/RHR Dif f. Press. Inst. Root RB 740' by IN Open Compr essor 1G33-F311A RWCU Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710 ' N.W. Corner . Open __

Ove rhead l

1G33-F311B IniCU Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710 ' N.W. Corner Open Overhead

IIN117 ADS North Side Supply Pressure liigh RB 761' by CRD Open

! Root Valve IPC002D Drywell to SP VB Isolation By CRD Removal ifatch Open 740'

  • Operater ATTACII1EllT J LTS-300-4 Revision 6 Test Engineer D.cte ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 77 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number IE51-F034 Test Tap RB 740' NW Corner Room Closed 1E51-F035 Test Tap RB 740' IM Corner Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1E12-F058A Test Tap RB 740' NW Corner Room Closed 1E12-F059A Test Tap RB 740' NW Corner Room Closed Pipe Gap Installed 1RF018 Test Tap RB 710' D/W Sump Pump Closed Room Pipe Cap Installed 1RE053 Test Tap RB 710 ' D/W Stanp Pump Closed -

Room Pipe Cap Installed Test Tap RB 710' D/W Sump Pump Closed f 1RE054 Room Pipe Gap Installed j IE22-F303 HPCS/Rx Vessel Dif f. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710'-3000 by IA Open Receiver l

Inboard MSIV A Accumulator Pressure RB 710' 2880 Open j 1B21-F329A l

Root RB 710' 2880 Open l IB21-F329B Inboard HSIV B Accumulator Pressure i Root

ATTACII1ENT J LTS-300-4 Operator Revision 6 Tant Engineer ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Dvte Page 70 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number Valve Description 1821-F 329C Inboard HSIV C Accumulator Presstre RB 710' 2880 Open Root I

1B21-F 329D Inboard MSIV D Accumulator Pressure RB 710' 2880 Ope n Root Main Steam Line A Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 2810 Open 1821-F 321A i

RB 710'-2810 Open 1821-F322A Hain Steam Line A Flow' Inst. Root RB 710'-2810 Open 1B21-F321B Hain Steam Line B Flow Inst. Root i

RB 710 '-2810 Open 1B21-F3228 liain Steam I.ine B Flow Inst. Root i

R.D. 710' 2770 Open 1821-F345 Dottom Head Drain Flow Inst. Root R.G. 710' 2770 Open dp Transmitter 1(2)B21-NO32 Root Jet 1821-F349

' Pump Instrumentation Stop RB 710' 3150 Open 1821-F347 dp Transaitter 1(2)B21-N009 Root  !'

f r

RB 710' 2770 Open i IB21-F321C Main Steam Line C Flow Inst Root RB 710' 2770 Open j

! IB21-F322C Hein Steam Line C Flow Inst. Root i ,,


Operntor ATTACit1ENT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revision - 6 Drte ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 1


.; Valve Numtbr Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks j 1821-F 321D 11ain Steam Line D Inst. Root RB 710' 2770 Open i

i IB21-F322D Hain Steam Line D Inst. Root RB 710' 2770 Open 1833-F312A Recire. Pisap B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 Open Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 Open 1B33-F310A t

1 1833-F324A Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 Open I Recire. Pump B Suction riow Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 Open j IB33-F324B l r 1

1B33-F3008 Recire. Pump D Suction Pressure Stop Rx Bid g 710'-2650 Open


1 IVQ063 Test Tap RB 710' Above DN Stanp Closed Pumps Pipe Cap Installed 7 t

l 4

1 1E12-F394A Shutdown Cooling Suction Hi Flow Inst. RB 710' 2610 Open i Stop High 4

I 1E12-F3948 Shutdown Cooling Suction Hi Flow Inst. RB 710' 2610 Open Stop Low IB33-F314C Reaire. Pump B Diff. Press. Inst. Stop R0;7lO' 2650 Open

,e j '


  • NO FURfHEll $NMild$ I

O per* tor ATTACit1EHT J LTS-300-4 Tast Engineer Revision 6 D-te ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 80 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks IB33-F 314D' Recirc. Pump B Diff. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 Ope n 1833-F3168 Recire. Pump B Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 2610 Open Inst. Stop 1833-F318B Eecirc. Pump B Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 2610 Open Inst. Stop 1833-F304A Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop Rx Bld g 710'-2610 Open 1B33-F306A Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop Rx Bld g 710'-2610 Open 1B33-F322A Recirc. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop Rx Bld g 710'-2610 Open 1833-F322B Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop Rx Bld g 710'-2610 Open 1G33-F308 Rx Bottom Head Drain Flow Inst. Root RB 710 ' Above J.P. Open Panel South 1HG020 H2 Recombiner Loop Seal Drain RB 7108 by B RHR Hx closed __

Room 1HG021 H2 Recombiner Loop Seal Drain RB 710' by B RHR Hz Closed Roan ICH011 Suppression Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 710' 2100 Open 1PC003A Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 710' 2100 Open o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • I

Oparater ATTAClllEllT J LTS-300-4 R visien 6 Test Engineer i'

Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 81 i INITIAL : VALVE LINEUP HANUAL UNIT 1 -

Valve Description Location Position Int .

R emarks Valve NumbeY

! 1PC003B Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 710' 1600 Open iCH073A Test Tap RB 710' 1550 Closed Pipe Cap Installed t

ICH073B Test Tap RB 710' 1550 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1CH077 Test Tap RB 710' 1550 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1

ICH080 Test Tap RB 710' 1550 Closed

' Pipe Cap Installed I

i Shutdown Cooling Suct?on Hi Flow Inst. RB 710 '-990 Open 1E12-F355A

! Stop High IE12-F3558 Shutdown Cooling Suction Hi Flow Inst. RB 710 '-990 Open Stop Low 1833-F314A Recire. Pump A Diff. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710' 950 Open Recire. Pump A Diff. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710' 950 Open

IB33-F314B Recire. Pump A Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 950 Open I 1B33-F316A



  • Optrator ATTACillEllT- J .. LTS-300 e Ravicien 6 Test Engineer ILRT tiechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Dtte Page 82 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int -

Remarks Valve Numbdr 1B33-F 318A. Rectre. Pump A Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 950 Open Inst. Stop IB33-F3084B Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Ope n Recirc. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Open IB33-F306B Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Open IB33-F323A Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Open 1833-F323B Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 95o Open 1B33-F3128 Recirc. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 950 Open 1B33-F310B Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 950 Cpen 1B33-F325A Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 950 Open 1833-F3250 1833-F300A Recire. Pump A Suction Pressure Stop Rx Bldg 710'-990 Open IVQ067 Test Tap RB 710' 900 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 6 ND FURTHER eNfRIES

  • Opersttor ATTACillF.!1T J LTS-300-4 Rsvicicn 6 Tect Engineer ILRT' 11echanical Checklist Date October 1983 D-te Page 03' i

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 1 Location Position Int - Remarks Valve Number Valve Description 1E12-F302 Su ppression Pool Cleanup Return to A RilR lix Room Closed Suppression Pool IB21-F323A liain Steam Line A Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-410 Open Hain Steam Line A Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-410 Open IB21-F324A IB21-F323B Hain Steam Line B Flow Inst. Root RB 710 '-410 Open Hain Steam Line B Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-410 Open 1821-F324B Hain Steam Line C Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 380 open 1821-F323C Hain Steam Line C Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 380 open IB21-F324C Hain Steam Line D Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 38o open 1B21-F323D Hain Steam Line D Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 380 Open 1821-F324D Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 710' 300 Open IPC003D Supp. Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 710' 300 Open

! 1CH003 1E22-F328 IIPCS Supp Pool High Water Level Inst. RB 6981' 3200 Open Stop 4


  • Operettr ATTACIIIENT J LTS-300-4 '

Trst Engineer Revision 6 ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Drte Page 84 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP (1ANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve tiumber IIPCS Supp. Pool High Water Level Inst. RB 694 ' 3200 Open 1E22-F 329 Stop IllG014 Test Tap RB 694 ' 2100 Closed Pipe Gap In; plled Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 2100 Open 1Ct1043 Stop Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 2100 Open 1C11044 Stop Suppression Pool Level sight Glass RB 694' 2100 Open 1C11045 Stop Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 2100 Open 1CH046 Stop RB 694 ' Outside B RilR Closed 1E12-F405 Test Tap Pipe Cap Installed Hx Room i

Test Tap RB 694' Outside B RilR Closed 1E12-F406 IIx Room RilR Hin. Flow Stop C RB 694 '-North B RilR lix Open 1E12-F018C 694 ' B RilR lix Room Closed 1E51-F349 Test Tap s Test Tap 6948 11 RilR Hx Itoom Closed IE51-F350 Pipe Cap Installed


  • Operrter ATTACit1ENT J LTS-300-4 Tant Engineer Rsvisi:n - 6 Drte ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 85' INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 i

Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int -


! 1E51-F081 Test Tap RB 694' 1150 closed Pipe Cap Installed IE51-F083 Test Tap RB 694' 1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed l

IE51-FCBS Test Tap RB 694 ' 1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1E51-F055 Test Tap RB 694' 1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1E51-F337 Test Tap R8 694' 1150 Closed l

8 d

IE51-F338 Test Tap RB 694 '-1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

1E51-F041 Test Tap RB 694 '-1150 Closed ,

l l

1E12-F102 RHR Vacuum Breakers Stop RB 694' 1150 by RCIC Open i

1E12-F018A RHR Min. Flow Stop A RB 694 ' Outside A RHR Open l

Hx Room l ,

1 e

  • i

Operrt r ATTAcittENT J LTS-300-4 Tert Ena,ineer Revision 6 Drte ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 86 Page INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int

  • Remarks 1HG015 Test Tap RB 710' 45o NE by Closed Trackway Plpe Gap Installed ICH039 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694 ' 200 Open Stop ICM040 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694 ' 200 Open Stop 1CH041 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694 ' 200 Ope.~


, 1CM042 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694 ' 200 Open ,

I Stop 1E12-F341 RHR Pump B Suction From Fuel Pool RB 673' 2300 Closed f ICM009 Suppression Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 681' 215o Open 1

1 1E12-F0188 RHR Min. Flow Stop B 6 94 '-S.W. Corner of B Open RHR Hx Room 1 1E12-F3908 Test Tap By B RHR Pump Closed 1

Pipe Cap Installed l

1E12-F3918 Test Tap By B RHR Pump Closed IE12-F365B Test Tap By B RHR Punp Closed o NO FURTilER ENTRIES * . - . _ _ _

ATTACit1Elff J LTS-300-4 Operntor '

R; vision 6 T m t Engineer Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Drte ILRT Page 87 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks Valve Numbet IE12-F366B Test Tap By B RHR Pump Closed Pipe Cap Installed Test Tap By C RilR Ptsap Closed 1E12-F390C Pipe Cap Installed ,

Test Tap By C RHR Pump Closed IE12-F391C IE12-F366C Test Tap By C RHR Ptanp Closed Pipe Cap Installed Test Tap By C RHR Ptunp Closed 1E12-F365C IE51-F052 Test Tap RB 673' By RCIC Pump Closed Pipe Cup Installed IE51-F053 Test Tap RB 673' By RCIC Pump Closed LPCS Min. Flow Dypass Stop By LPCS Pump Open 1E21-F052 Test Tap (Min Flow A RHR Line) By RHR A Pump Closed _

1E12-F390A Pipe Cap Installed IE12-F391A Test Tap (Min Flow A RHR Line) By RHR A Pump Closed

  • Operrtor ATTACillENT J LTS-300-4 Tmt Engineer Rsvisien 6 D^te ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 80 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1


Valve Description L) cation Position Int -

Remarks Valve Number 1E12-F365A Test Tap (Min. Flow A RHR Line) By RilR A Pump Closed IE12-F366A Test Tap (Min. Flow A RHR Line) By RHR A Ptsap Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1CM001 Supp. Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 681' 320 Open 2HG-V I Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter U-2 Recombiner Skid Open High Presswe Leg Root Valve 2HG-V 2 Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter U-2 Recombiner Skid Open Low Presstre Leg Root Valve Recombiner Inlet Total Flow 761' RB Recombiner Open 2HG-V3 Transmitter High Pressure Leg Root Scid Valve 2HG-V 4 . Recombiner Inlet Total Flow 761' RB Recambiner Open Transmitter Low Pressure Leg Root Skid Valve Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 710' SE Corner Closed 2HG019 Drain Loop Seal Fill Valve 2HG022 Ilydrogen Recombiner Loop Seal Stop U-2 RB 710' Outside Closed RHR Hx Room 2HG024A Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 710' Outside Open Drain Loop Seal Level Switch Low Root RHR B Hx Room Valve h UU FURTHFR ENTRIES

  • Operrtor ATTACillENT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rsvisi:n 6-i D-te ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 09


Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int

  • Remarks i


' 2HG024B . Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 710' Outside Open _

Drain loop Seal Level Switch Low Root RHR B Hx Room j Valve 2HG020 Recambiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 694' SE Corner Closed l

Drain Imop Seal Drain Stop Valve 2HG021 Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 694' SE Corner Closed

! Drain loop Seal Drain Stop Valve 1

l 1B33-F075A A Rx. Recirc. Pump Cavity Seal Leakoff W 740' North of A RR Closed Pump

) IB33-F075B B Rx. Recire. Pump Cavity Seal Leakoff W 740' East of B RR Closed i Ptap 1821-F545 EFCV 2b21-F365 Test Tap 756', 3150 Closed


l 1821-F546 EFCV 2B21-F365 Test Tap 756', 315o Closed

, 1821-F547 EFCV 2B21-F367 Test Tap 756', 205o Closed i

i IB21-F548 EFCV 2B21-F367 Test Tap 756', 205o Cl08'd p g g,%

i i

} IB21-F551 EFCV 2B21-F380 Test Tap 755' 970 Closed ripe cap Installed j

1 l c Nd 'FU'RiHER ENTRIES M i

Operntor ATTACIHENT J LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rsvicien 6 J

Dnte ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 t

Page 90

.i i INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks i

IB21-F552 EFCV 2B21-F380 Test Tap 755' .970 closed i F1pe Gap Installed i

I i


! 1B21-F549 EFCV 2B21-F382 Test Tap 757' 80o Closed

, 1B21-F550 EFCV 2B21-F382 Test Tap 757'. 800 Closed ~

i ripe cap Installed i

1 l ICM099 EFCV 2CM002 Test Tap 681'. 32o Closed 4

i I

ICM100 EFCV 2CH002 Test Tap 681'. 320 Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

ICH095 EFCV 2CM004 Test Tap 723'. 25o Closed l

i I ICM096 EFCV 2CM004 Test Tap 723'. 250 Closed i Pipe Cap Installed i

ICM097 .EFCV 2CH010 Test Tap 681'. 215o Closed ,


  • Operrterr ATTACillENT J LTS-300-4 R&vician 6 _.

Test Engineer ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 D"te Page 91 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 1 Valve Description Location Position Int

  • Remarks Valve Number 1CH098 EFCV 2CH010 Test Tap 681', 2150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed ICM093 EFCV 2CM012 Test Tap 725', 207o Closed 1CM094 EFCV 2CH012 Test Tap 275', 207o Closed Pipe Cap Installed IE22-F388 EFCV 2E22-F341 Test Tap 701', 345o Closed 1E22-F389 EFCV 2E22-F341 Test Tap 701', 345o Closed _

Pipe Cap Installed 1E22-F390 EFCV 2E22-F342 Test Tap 698', 345o Closed IE22-F391 EFCV 2E22-F342 Test Tap 698', 345o Closed Pipe Cap Installed 0 Nb FURIHNR ENTRi$S 4 .-

ATTACiflENT J LTS-300-4 Cperrtor R;visir.n 6 Tcat Engineer ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983

! D'te Page 92 4


Remarks Valve Number Valve Description IVQ069 EFCV 2VQ 061 794', 17o Closed 795'. 170 Closed IVQ070 EFCV 2VQ061 Pipe Cap Installed 1


  • i i



l i

i i

i s

i l


Operrtor 5 ATTACIRIE!!T ..K LTS-300-4 R; vision 6 Tmt Engineer . , ,

Drte ILRT Mechanicta Checklist ' Date October 1983' (System) Page 93 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOM '

Valve N'N+- Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1(2)B214022R MSIV Inboard - A 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)B214022B MSIV Inboard - B 1 (2 )H13-P601 Closed t

1(2)B214022C MSIV Inboard - C 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)B214022D MSIV Inboard - D 1(2)ll13-P601 Closed 1(2)B214028A MSIV Outboard - A 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)B214028B MSIV Outboard - B 1(2)H13-P601 Closed _

1(2)B214028C MSIV outboard - C 1 (2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)B214028D MSIV Cutboard - D 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)B214067A Outboard MSIV Drain Upstream Stop - A 1(2)H13-P601 Closed i

1(2)B2140678 Outboard MSIV Drain Upstream Stop - B 1(2 )H13-P601 Closed l 1(2)B214067C . Outboard MSIV Drain Upstream Stop - C 1 (2 )H13-P601 ~. Closed i 1(2)B214067D Outboard MSIV Drain Upstream Stop - D 1(2 )H13-P601 Closed o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • I i

Operrtor ATTACII1EllT K LTS-300-4 Revicita 6 Trst Engineer Fate ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 (System) Page 3%

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOM Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks Valve Number 1(2)B21-F016 Hein Steam Drain - Inboard 1(2)fl13-P601 Closed 1(2)B21-F019 Mein Steam Drain - Outhoard 1(2)E32-F001 A MSIV Leakage Control Stop A 1(2 )H13-P601 Closed e 21 1(2)E32-F001E MSIV Leakage Control Stop B 1(2)ll13-P601 Closed

, 2E


1(2)E32-F001J MSIV Leskage Control Stop C 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 2J 1(2)E32-F001N MSIV Leakage Contol Stop D 1(2)H13-P601 Closed

, 2N 1(2)E32-F003A MSIV Leakage Control Discharge to 1(2)H13-P 601 Closed Steam Tunnel A 1(2)E32-F003E MSIV Leakage Control Discharge to 1(2)il13-P601 Closed Steam Tunnel B 1(2)E32-F003J MSIV Leakage Control Discharge to 1(2 )H 13-P601 Closed Steam Tunnel C 1(2)E32-F003N MSIV Leakage Control Discharge to 1(2)ll13-P601 Closed Steam Tunnel D 1(2)B21-F065A Feedwater Outboard Stop A 1(2 )ll13-P 601 Closed 1(2)B21-F065B Feedwater outboard Stop B 1(2)ll13-P601 Closed o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • Operrtor ATTACN1ENT K LTS-300-4 R;vigira 6 Test Engineer __

D-te ILRT tiechanical Checklist Date October 1983 (System) Page 95 INITIAL VALilE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOH Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1(2)IN017 - Drywell Pheumatic Discharge Stop 1(2 )Pfl13J Closed 1(2)INO31 TIP Purge Supply Stop 1(2)R113J Closed 1(2)IN001A Drywell Pneumatic Suction Upstream 1(2)R113J Closed 1(2)IN001B Drywell Pneumatic Suction Donestream 1(2)PM13J Closed 1(2)IN074 Drywell Pneumatic Dryer Purge 1(2)PH13J Closed Downstream 1(2)IN075 Drywell Pneumatic Dryer Purge 1(2)R113J Closed Downstream 1(2)VP063A, PCCW Outboard A Isolation 1(2)Rt06J Closed 53A 1(2)VP0638 PCCW Outboard B Isolation 1(2)R106J Closed 53B 1(2)VP113A, PCW Inboard A Isolation 1(2)R106J Closed 114A 1(2)VP1138 PCCW Inboard B Isolation 1(2)R106J Closed

114B I

I 1(2)WR029, 40 RBCCW Outboard Isolation 1 (2)ll13-P601 Closed I 1(2)WR179, RBCCW Inboard Isolation 4 1(2 )H13-P601 Closed j 180 0 NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • __ _

Operetor ATTACillENT 1: LTS-300-4 Teet Engineer Revision 6 D-te ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 (System) Page 96 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOH 4

Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number 1(2)RE029 Drywell Equipment Sump Cooling 1(2)PHIM Closed Upstream 1(2)RE026 Drywell Equipment Sump Cooling 1(2)Pfl16J Closed Downstream i

1(2)RE024 Drywell Equipment Drain Upstream 1(2)PH 16J Closed Isolation

! 1(2)RE025 Drywell Equipment Drain Downstressa 1(2)PH16J Closed I Isolation 1(2)RF012 Drywell Floor Drain Upstream Isolation 1(2)PH16J Closed 1(2)RF013 Drywell Floor Drain Downstream 1(2)PH16J Closed


! Isolation i .

1(2)VQO34 Vent and Purge Drywell Discharge 1(2)PH06J Closed Upstream Isolation i 1(2)VQO35 Vent and Purge Drywell Discharge 1 (2)PH06J Closed Upstream Isolation Dypass 1(2)VQO36 Vent and Purge Drywell Discharge 1(2)PH06J Closed l

Downstream Isolation
1(2)VQO32 Vent and Purge Suppression Pool 1(2)PH06J Closed Discharge Upstream Isolation Dypass 1(2)VQO31 Vent and Purge Suppression Pool 1(2)PH06J Closed

) Discharge Upstream Isolation

  • Cperrter ATTACillENT K- LTS-300-4 Rr,visisn 6 Tott Engineer l
Dnte ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 (System) Page 97



Valve Description Location Position Int

  • R emarks Valve Number 4

1(2)VQ040 Vent and Purge Suppression Pool 1(2)PH06J Closed l

j Discharge Downstream Isolation 1(2)VQO30 Vent and Purge Drywell Inlet 1(2)PH063 Closed j Downstream Isolation 1(2)VQO29 Vent and Purge Drywell Inlet Upstream 1(2 )PH06J Closed i Isolation 1(2)VQO27 Vent and Purge Suppression Pool 1(2)PH06J Closed l

Downstream Isolation ,


1(2)VQO26 Vent and Purge Suppression Pool 1(2)PH06J Closed Upstream Isolation 1(2)B33-F019 Recire. Sample Inboard Isolation 1(2 )H 13-P601 Closed j 1(2)B334020 Recirc. Sample Outboard Isolation 1 (2 )H13-P601 Closed I

Rx Vessel Vent Upstream Stop 1(2)H13-P602 Open 1(2)B21-FC01 Rx Vessel Vent Downstream Stop -1(2)H13-P602 Open 1(2)B21-F002 i

1(2 )E21-F005 LPCS Injection Isolation 1(2)ll13-P601 Closed 1 1(2)E21-F001 LPCS Pump Suction Isolation 1(2 )H13-P601 Closed Install Caution Card i

  • ATTACIRfENT K LTS-300-4 Cper.-tor Revisien 6 Test Engineer ILRT Nechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Date Page 98 (System)


  • R emarks I Valve Number Valve Description l

LPCS Test Line 1(2)H 13-P601 Closed 1(2)E21-F012 1(2)H13-P601 Close1 1(2)E21-F011 LPCS Min. Flow Isolation 1

HPCS Injection Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed I 1(2)E22-F004 HPCS Test to S.P. Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed

! 1(2)E22-F023 DryWil Pneumatic North ADS Supply 1(2)PH13J Closed I

1(2)IN101 Drywell Pneumatic South ADS Supply 1(2)PM13J Closed

! 1(2)IN100 HPCS Test to C.S.T. Upstream Stop 1(2 )H13-P601 Closed

! 1(2)E22-F010 i

I HPCS Test to C.S.T. Downstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed f 1(2)E22-F011 HPCS Min. Flow Bypass Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed

1(2)E22-F012 HPCS Suction From S.P. Isolation 1(2 )fl13-P601 Closed 1(2)E22-F015 1

1(2)H13-P601 Open 1(2)E12-F017A Drywell Spray A Downstream Isolation o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • f

ATTACIMENT - K LTS-300-4 Operator l Revision 6 Test Engineer ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Date Page 99 (System)

INITIAL VALilE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOM Yalve Description Location Position Int Remories V alve N =_ ' -- r 1(2)E12-F0164 Dryuell Spray A Upstream Isolation 1(2)H134601 Closed Ru Vessel Head Spray Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F023 1(2)E12-F042A LPCI Injection A Isolation 1(2)fl134601 Closed 1(2)E12-F053t Shutdossi Cooling Return A Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed Throttled if used for S/D cooling 1(2)E12-F027A Suppression Pool Spray A Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0644 RIS Punp Min. Flow Bypass A Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F024A RHR Test Line A Isolation 1(2)E12-F011A Steam condensing to Suppression Pool A 1 (2 )H13-P601 Closed Isolation 1(2)E12-F017B Drywell Spray B Dounstream Isolation 1(2)fl13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0168 Drywell Spray B Upstream Isolation 1 (2)H13-P601 - Closed 1(2)E12-F042B LPCI Injection B Isolation 1(21H13-P601 Closed 0 NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • Operator . ATTACIRfENT K LTS-300-4 Revision 6

, Test Emaineer l Pete ILET Mechanical Check 21st Date October 1983

-(System) Page 100 i



i Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Reserks I

1(2)E12-f 0538 Shutdeum Cooling Retwn B Isolation 1(2)H134601 Closed Throttled if Used ror s/p coo 11aa li '

l l 1(2)E1240275 Suppression Pool Spray B Isolation 1(2)M13-P601 Closed I

! 1(2)E12400ae RIE Pump Suetion B Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed l

i i 1(2)E1240645 RHR Pump Min. Flou Bypass 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E1240994 Shutdoun Cooling Check Bypass A 1(2)H13-P601 Closed ,

i 1(2)E1240998 Shutdoest Cooling Check Bypass B 1(2)H13-P601 Closed i

1(2)E1240248 RHR Test Line B Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed j -

i 1(2)E12401 B Steam Condensing To Suppression Pool B 1(2)H13-P601 Closed

{ Isolation I

1(2)E124042C LPCI Injection C Isolation 1 (2)H13-P601 Closed l

4 1(2)E124021 LPCI Test Line C Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed l


1(2)E124008 Shutdoem Cooling Suction Outboard 1(2 )H13-P601 open 1 Isolatten i


  • i

Oper" tor ATTACIMENT K LTS-300-4 Revision 6 Test Enaineer Date ILRT Mechanical Qaecklist Date October 1983 (System) Page 101 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOM Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve number 1(2)E124009 Shutdom Cooling Suetion Inboard 1(2)H13-P601 Open Isolation 1(2)E124004C RM Ptamp Suetion C Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E124064C RM Piasp Min. Flou C Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0494 RHR Drain A Upstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0404 RHR Drain A Domstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0604 Rim Process Sample A Upstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E124075A Rim Process Sample A Domstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0744 Rim Hz Vent A Upstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E1240734 RIut Hz Vent A Domstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F06tB RIE Process Sample B Upstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0758 Rim Process Sample B Domstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed s


Operator ATTACIt1ENT K LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revision 6 Date ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 (System) Page 102 INITIAL VAlllE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOM Valve Description Locatico Fosition Int Remarks Valve Numtdr _

1(2)E12-F0498 RHR Drain A Upstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F040B RHR Drain & Downstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E1240748 RINt Hz Vent B Upstream Stop 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0731 Rim vent Hz Vent B Downstream Stop 1 (2 )H'13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F0524 RCIC Steam to RHa Hz A Stop 1(2)H13 '601 Closed 1(2)E12-F052B RCIC Stems to RHR Hz B Stop 1 (2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)G33-F040 RWCU Return Isolation 1(2)H13-P602 Closed 1(2)G33-F001 RWCU Suction Isolation Inboard 1(2)H13-P602 Closed 1(2)G33-F004 RWCU Suction Isolation Outboard 1(2)H13-P602 Closed 1(2)G33-F042 RWCU Return From Hz 1(2)H13-P602 Closed 1(2)ESI-F076 Steam to RCIC Inboard Bypass Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed s


  • Cper-tor ATTACIMENT K LTS-300-4 Revision 6 1 Tmt Engineer l

ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 ,

j Date (System) Page 103 i INITIAL VALVE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOH Yalve Description Location Position Int Remarks 4

Valve Numt r i

1(2)E51-F063 Steam to RCIC Inboard Isolation 1(2)H 13-P601 Closed l

Steam to RCIC Outboard Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed

, 1(2 )E51-F008 1(2)E51-F064 Steam to RHR Outboard Isolation 1 (2)H13-P601 Closed I

i 1(2)E51-F068 RCIC Turbine Discharge Isolation 1(2)H13-P601 Closed



1(2)E51-f086 RCIC Exhaust Vac. Breaker Upstream 1(2)H13-P601 Closed l Isolation i

1(2)E51-F080 RCIC Exhaust Vac. Breaker Downstream 1(2)H13-P601 Closed l

Isolation l

1 i 1(2)E51-F069 RCIC Cond. Vac. Pump Discharge 1(2)H13-P601 Closed Isolation 1(2 )E51-F013 RCIC Injection Stop Isolation 1 (2)H13-P601 Closed

1(2)E51-F019 RCIC Test Line Isolation 1(2 )ll13-P601 Closed 1(2 )E51-F031 RCIC Pump Suction From Suppression 1(2)H13-P601 Closed


, Pool Stop I

i i 1(2)CH020A, Drywell Humidity Inboard Isolation A 1(2)PH13J Closed l IVA ,

  • Operrtor ATTAcit1ENT K LTS-300-4 Tect Engineer Revision 6 D'te ILRT Mechanical Check 11st' Date October 1983 (System) Page 104

-INITIAL VALVE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOtt Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1(2)E51-F010 RCIC Pump Suction From CST Stop 1(2 )H 13-P601 Closed 1(2)CM0188, Drywell Humidity Outboard Isolation B 1(2)PH13J Closed 19B 1 (2 )CM027. Primary Containment Sample Inboard 1(2)PM13J Closed

29. 34 Isolation 1(2)CM028 Primary Containment Sample Outboard 1(2)PM13J Closed
30. 33 Isolation 1(2)CM031 Primary Containment Sample Isolation 1(2)PM13J Closed 1(2)CM032 Primary Containment Sample Isolation 1(2)PM13J Closed 1(2 )HG01 A, Containment H2 Control Unit 1 1(2)R116J Open 2A. SA, 6A Isolation 1(2)HGOIB, Containeent H2 Control Unit 2 1(2)PM16J Open
28. SB. 6B Isolation 1(2)B21-F032A Feedwater Return A Outboard Check 1(2)H13-P601 Closed Valve 1(2)B21-F0320 Feedwater Return B Outboard Check 1 (2)ll13-P601 Closed Valve 1HG009, Unit 1 Recombiner IPM16J Unit 1 IllG003. (Unit 2) 1HG018 Drywell o NO FURTHER ENTRIES
  • Operrtor . ATTACIMENT K LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revision 6 Drte ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 105 (System)

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP - CONTROL ROOH Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1(2)VQ041 -

Vent and Purge Suction For Rx Building 1 (2)PH06J Open Air Riser 1(2)VQO37 Vent and Purge Suction Upstream 1(2)PH06J Closed Isolation 1(2)VQO38 Vent and Purge Suction Downstream 1(2)PH06J Closed Isolation 2HG009 U-2 Hydrogen Recombiner 2PH16J Unit 1 2HG003 (Unit 2) 2HG018 Drywell 1HG-HV-10 Hydrogen Recombiner 1 dater Inlet Stop IPA 12J Closed 1HG-FV-1 Hydrogen Recombiner Gas Inlet Stop IIN16J Open 1HG-FV-2 Hydrogen Recombiner Recire. Valve IPA 12J Closed 1(2)E12-F026B RHR B to RCIC Pump Suction 1(2)H13-P601 Closed 1(2)E12-F093 Fuel Pool Emergency Hakeup to RHR 1(2)H13-P601 Closed Downstream 1(2 )E12-F094 Fuel Pool Emergency Hakeup to RHR 1(2 )H13-P601- Closed Upstream 1(2)VQ042 Drywell Nitrogen Fill Line Isol Valve 1(2)PH06J Closed

  • Operntor ATTACIMENT K LTS-300-4 Tmt Engineer Revision 6 D-te ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983


Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1

d 1(2)VQ043 Supp rool Nitrogen Fill Line Isol 1(2)PM06J Closed j Valve


i 1(2)VQ047 Drywell Nitrogen Makeup Inb Isol Valve 1(2)PMD6J Closed


1(2)VQ048 Drywell Nitrogen Makeup Outh Isol 1(2)PM06J Closed l Valve j

i 1(2)VQ050 Sapp Pool N2 Makeup Inb Isol Valve 1(2)PM06J Closed l

i 1(2)VQ051 Supp Pbol N2 Makeup outh Isol Valve 1(2)PM06J Closed l i 1

i i 1(2)E12-F0064 RHR A Shutdows Cooling Suction 1(2)H13-P601 Open ,

i 1(2)E12-F0068 RHR B Shutdows Cooling Suction 1(2)H13-P601 Open


l '

4 1(2)E51-F091 RCIC Valve Bypass 1(2)H13-P601 Closed i


  • I L

LTS-300-4 R3visicn 6 October 31, 1983 107




1. Close all hatches opened after the ILRT.

Verlfled,_ , _, _ _,_,

Remove the air compressor manifold and store for future use. Replace 2.

blind flange on air header outside the Unit I reactor buildina.

Ve ri f led _ , , , _ __ _ __ ,_

3. Remove pressurizatien header spool place inside the Unit I reactor building.

Verified __ _ , ,

e t




1. Put the primary containment valves back in the pre-test configuration by completing Attachment AB.

Ve ri fied_ _

2. Secure the compressors used for Primary Containment pressurization.

Verlfled _ ,_

3. Close the Clean Condensate Station Valve lef t open prior to pressurization and remove the out-of-service. Verified 4 Close the Service Air Station Valve left open prior to pressurization.and remove the out-of-service.

Ve rified S. Fill and vent the following systems in accordance with specified procedure.

a. RCIC: LO P- RI -01 Ve ri fl ed, _
b. LPCS; LOP-LO-01
c. HPCS; LOP-HP-01 Verlfled _ _ , . _ ,
d. RHR A, 8, & C; LOP-Rit 01 Verifled _
6. Fill the feedwater return lines in accordance with LTS 100-37.

Ve ri fied_ , ___

7. Place the following systems in standby In accordance with the spect fled procedureI
a. RCIC, LOP-Al-05 Veri fied _ _ _
b. LPCS, LOP-LP-02
c. HPCS, LOP-HP-03
d. RHR, LOP-RH-11 (except for loop in Verified,_


shutdown coollng)

e. Reci rc. Flow Control Hydraulles , LOP-RR-03 Vert fled __


LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 109 ATTACHMENT M (Cont.)

~ ~


IPCLRT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT POST-TEST SIGN-OFF SHEET J 8 Startup the following systems in accordance with specified procedure-  !

a. CRD, LOP-RD-01 h

Verified _ _ __ _

b. RWCU, LOP-RT-02 Ve ri fied_ __
c. Drywell Pneuraatics, LOP-IN-01 LOP-lN-01 E (02E )


Veri fied

d. PCCW, LOP-VP-02 Verified _ _ _
  • Place the handswitch for the following pumos in the AUTO position, and remove out-of-service.
3. Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Pump 1(2)RE02PA at panel 1(2)PMI6J Ve ri f ied_ __
b. Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Pump 1(2)RE02PB at panel 1(2)PM16J Veri fied __


c. Drywell Floor Drain Sump Pump 1(2)RF01PA at panel 1(2)PM16J f-Verified _ _

t d. Drywell Floor Drain Sump Pump 1(2)RF01PB at panel 1(2)PM16J i

Ve ri fied

10. Start the Primary Containment Atmosphere Monitoring System and place the l

j Post-LOCA_ Containment Monitoring System in standby in accordance with

! LOP-CM-01.

Veri fied ___

I 11. Return the TIP System to service.

l Verified _ _


1. Deleted
2. Remove all test Instrumentation from the drywell and suppression pool and store for future use.

Veri fied

3. Replace the pipe caps and close the test connection valves on the following instruments :
a. 1(2)PI-INO27
b. 1(2)PDl-IN002
c. 1(2)PS-IN014
d. 1(2)PS-IN015 Veri fied l
4. Remove the lines from the test taps on vacuum breaker lines and replace pipe plugs.

Ve ri fied l

1' i

l i

l l

l l



1. Note any deviation f rom the original position of instrumentation used for the test. Record any deviations in log.

Veri fied _

2. Wrify proper and complete removal of all equipment and instrumentation utilized for the test.


3. Verify the post-test valve lineup, Attachment AB.

Ve ri fied _

4. Verify that any hatches opened for the IPCLRT are local leak rate tested af ter primary containment integrity is reinstalled and prior to unit startup.

Verified ___,,

5. Verify that the total Type B and C leakage is still less than 0.60 LA.

Ve ri fied_ __

6. Verify that the ILRT leak rate is still less than L t Veri fied ___
7. Verify that the following attachments have been completed:

Attachment Department Veri ficat ion


L Mechanical Maintenance Ope rations /



N instrument Maintenance ,


AA Electrical Maintenance _ _ , _ , , , , , , _ _ _ -


0 Technical Staff -_


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LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 116 ATTACHMENT R ,


1. M-16 RBCCW Supply _


2. M-17 RBCCW Return SCFH
3. M-25 PCCW A Supply SCFH.
4. M-26 PCCW 8 Supply SCFH
5. M-27 PCCW A Return SCFH
6. M-28 PCCW 8 Return SCFH
7. M-30 RWCU Suction SCRI
8. M-36 Recirc. Loop Sample SCFM
9. 'M-96 Drywell Equipment Sump 1


10. M-97 Drywell Floor Sump


11. M-98 Drywell Equipment Sump Cooling ,_


12. M-22 inboard MSIV Drain SCFH l
13. M-7 RHR Shutdown Cooling Suction __

__ SCFH 14 M-15 RCIC Steam Supply _


15. ECCS/RCIC Worst Division SC FH-
16. Unit 2(1) H Recombiner l

Calculate conversion factor (See Attachment D, Section M)



T= F

%/ day Total X 3.11 x 10-6(T + 459.69) =

l l

l l

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 117

~ *


ATTACHMENT R LEAK RATES OF PENETRATIONS NOT VENTED DURING ILRT The leakage rate of the Isolation Valves associated with the ECCS/RCIC loops for each ECCS Olvision must be entered below and the largest leakage (per division) shall be added to the Leak Rates of Penetrations not vented during the ILRT (Page 1).

1. Division 1 i SCFH
a. M-29 1 (2)E51-F013 SCFH
b. M-13 1 (2)E12-F042A t_ SCFH
c. M-10 1 (2)E21-F005 _


d. M-8 1(2)E12-F053 A , , , , ,,
2. Division 2 .


a. M-14 1(2)E12-F0428 __ __,


b. M-12 f (2)E12-F042C SCFH
c. M-9 1(2)E12-F0538

_,, _J:, SCFH TOTAL _

3. Division 3 i SC FN
a. M-11 1 (2) E22-F004 i SCFH TOTAL

---,----m.,_ . . - - - _ . - - , . _ _ - - , -----..-y.e-

. - , y-- , , , ,r-, -

LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 jj6 ATTACHMENT S ILRT SENSOR PHYSICAL LOCATION - .

LOCATION CHANNEL INSTALLED RTD CABLE ELEV. AZIM RADIUS SUBVOLUME NA. NO. EPN 0 14 1 10 1 30 TE-CT021 822 10 11 TE-CT022 826 180 1 2 31 7 6 12 3 34 TE-CT025 730 90 270 7 6 13 4 35 TE-CT026 730 12 2 14 28 TE-CT019 804 115 5

804 295 12 2 15 6 29 TE-CT020 0 16 3 16 26 TE-CT017 811 7

183 14 3 17 8 27 TE-CT018 815 20 3 18 25 TE-CT016' 808 270 9

25 3 19 10 24 TE-CT015 797 90 21 4 20 TE-CT014 791 90 11 23 28 4 21 TE-CT013 785 0 12 22 16 4 22 TE-CT027 791 270 13 36 180 24 4 . 23 14 38 TE-CT029 785 5 24 777 270 31 15 21 TE-CT012 180 20 5 25 16 20 TE-CT011 772

l LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 J19 ATTACHNENT S ILRT SENSOR PHYSICAL LOCATION



36 5 26 TE-CT010 767 90 17 19 0 25 5 27 18 18 TE-CT009 762 25 7' '28 TE-CT008 758 270 19 17 180 31 7 29 20 16 TE-CT007 754 20 7 30 TE-CT006 750 90 21 15 36 7 31 746 0 22 14 TE-CT005 0 5 6 32 32 TE-CT023 743 23 180 5 6 33 24 33 TE-CT024 743 39-S 8 34 TE-CT001 708 13 25 10 39-8 8 35 TE-CT003 708 195 26 12 20 8 36 TE-CT030 708 78 27 39 39-8 8 37 724 108 28 11 TE-CT002 20 8 38 TE-CT028 724 78 29 37 8 39 724 287 38-9 30 13 TE-CT004 ^

e 9

,r , , , - - - - - - -, ,-.,...--,-s.-,,.

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 ATTACHMENT S 120 ILRT SENSOR PHYSICAL LOCATION -

DC CABLE LOCATION CHANNEL INSTALLED NO. NOS. EPN ELEV. AZlM RADIUS SUBVOLUME 1 45-55 ME-CT036 826 0 5 1 40 822 180 14 3 41 2 44-54 ME-CT035 803 180 21 3 42 3 46-56 ME-CT037 791 0 21 4 43 4 43-53 ME-CT034 773 180 20 5 44 5 42-52 ME-CT033 6 48-58 ME-CT039 763 0 30 5 45 l

746 270 5 6 46 7 47-57 ME-CT038 752 0 25 7 47 8 .41-51 ME-CT032 708 195 39-8 8 48 9 40-50 ME-CT031 ME-CT040 724 78 22 8 49 l 10 49-59 e

- -- p 4 q --g--. ,-%-. , . ,sm.-, _ ,y-_ w--m., --, ,._w2 _-__________m__ _.-_ _ . - - - . - -_ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

LTS 50-4 ATTACittENT S Revi sicn 6 October 31, 1983 J 2J .


15'-10 "

f' .



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l Elevation view of containment and subvolume locations g .

I k i '


f LTS .50-4 .

- Revislon 6  !

October 31, 1983



j . )

.i .

1 I .

,1  :

l r

TE-CTO21 Elev. 822 ft,

. Rad. 14 ft 08 HK-CT036, Elev. 826 ft, Bad. 5 ft i

TE-CT022, Elev. 826 ft,

  • Rad. 10 ft 270* ,

908 .

.. -( .

18 0

  • i l.

I .

. I r  !,

ll l


- i.

@ Temperature Sensor i . . @ Bumidity Sensor i

  • i

' Plan view of Sensor Locations, Subvoluna 1 l -

c. .

l r .

t ,


  • ~

t .

?I '

i .

LTS- D 0-4


,j RevIdai 6 Octobe r 31, 1983


= -


( . .

e e

i 1

.I 1l

. i i


TE-Cr020, Elev. 004 ft, i Rad. 12 ft 7 in.

i O* s.

' TE-cr019, Elev. 804 ft, 29 Rad. 12 ft 7 in.

f l 270* , 90*




I I .

I .

n ..

l W

I -

, 3 i

Plan View of Sensor Locations, Subvolume 2

i. I t i.

l-l1 ll i . .

e. ts ..

t m " =m--,o--r-w-.-- , . - - , . . - - , _ _ _ , , , , __

L TS- 300.-4 R:;vIslen 6 October 31, 1983

,' 12.4


>e ,


>t . ,

!i )

>' J ii pi e


i TE-CT016. Elev. 808 ft, IT-CT017, Elev. 811 ft, l l

Rad. 20 ft Rad. 16 ft Q*




~~ TE-CT015, Elev. 797 ft,

'! Rad. 25 ft

,j - /


' 'i

! i pp -

908 .

I HE-CT035, Elev. 812 ft, Rad. 14 ft

'. TE-CT018, Elev. 815 ft, Rad. 14 ft 18 0

  • I ME-CT037, Elev. 803 ft, Rad. 21 f:


  • l Plan View of Sensor Locations, Subvolume 3 1

4 i

j .

C -

t I

,m y.  % _..p . _ --- ,, --e_c-- - - - - , _ - - - - - - ,% v. ._,,w - e.,me-,--y---,.,--m._.w.,,w,__ %m-# -.--*- - -,,-- ---

i LTS-100-4

, Revision 6 October 31, 1983 J25 .



i i


- =

TE-CT027. Elev. 791 ft,

' Y Rad. 16 ft s

1- TE-Cr013, new. 785 f t, Rad. 28 ft m

  • IE-CT034. Elev. 791 f t,
e .

Ra. n ft i, - .

TE-CIO14. Elev. 791 ft, I

Rad. 21 ft 27CP 90*

-t- v j



.a . ..

l 18 0

  • TE-C2029, Elev. 785 fe.

Rad. 24 ft



!I s Plan view of Sensor Locations, Subvolume &

l. .


  • e e
  • 9 g
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. . . '~~.. - - . . _ . .. . . .

l LTS-300-4 I.

- Revision 6 1~ e October 31, 1983 ATTACHMENT S 126

.. /-




i. !.

j TE-CT012, n av. 777 ft, .

Rad. 31 ft

  • - - - ME-CT039. Elev. 763 ft,
  • Rad. 30 ft TE-CT009, new. 762 ft, O . / 'd ' *

- T TE-CT010. Elev.

' 767 ft,

[ *

[ Ead. 36 ft 270* f. 90* s .

- v i L t

I - .

, i l.'

TE-Croll, Elev. 772 ft,

Rad. 20 ft Pl i
li HE-CT033, Elev. 773 ft, l

/gge Rad. 20 fe

' i-ij' II

.i Plan View of Sensor Locations, Subwolume 5 t -


? - .


h. .


a 1

g 9



'll _._. ... _

- - , + ~ -w -e wr-rnwww m, --w r,wm,em--.--=-ww --o --w-,---,,n+-o------.--m--v-m,--v------r--w,-rv---~vs,,.w--,-,,,-- ---v=.- ww w m e,-wm n.w

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 8



- t i .


.TE-Cr026, new. 730 ft, Rad. 7 ft .

ME-CT038, new. 746 ft, Rad. 5 ft j .

TE-CT023, n ew. 743 ft, 4

Rad. 5 f t -

s 'O* -


.TE-C 025, use. 730 f t.


- . Rad. 7 ft i!

270* I . 90*

- - f.- -

.- p:, , . . . . - - . . . . . . -- ..-. .

TE-CT024 new. 743 ft,

! Rad. 5 ft --

. . ABD*



l i .

.i .

. Plan Vier of Sensor Locations, Subvoltans 6.


i - .

I .


) .

I . . _

m ,

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I  :. . *.

. .r- . .i l .

.. O e.

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- Oe a m e

" O^


. Revision 6

.3 October 31, 1983


m 2 i . . .

s I

TE-CT008, Elev. 758.ft,' -

End 25 ft. . .

TE-CT005, Elev. 746 ft, Ead. 36 ft O* .

ME-CIO32, Elev. 752 ft, gy Rad. 25 ft ,.

. .t s .. , . .


( . . ..

.TE-Cr006, Elev. 750 ft, Rad. 20 ft



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'TE-CI007, Elev. 754 ft,

,l i 18 0 * \ End. 31 fe


.l t


l .


I .

Flan View of Sensor Locations, Subvolume 7 l I, .-

,i, l .

t I

Q '*'


, . g,. . ... . , . <-  :?. *. -

'1 .

!I - .


  • . -.w .+

, , - - , . - - . - - - - - ----.--.-,-,.n,- , , . - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - , - , - - - - - , . - ~ . - . - -

I LTS-300-4

! Revision 6 i October 31, 1983 ATTACHMElT S 129 l


} TE-CT004, nov 724 ft,

} .TE CT001, n ew. 708 fc,

) - Rad. 38-9 in. -

Rad. 39-8 in. .

!i o- .

TE-C.T028. Elev. 724 f t, O' Rad. 20 ft M -CT040, new. 724 ft, Rad. 22fe

( ,,

,4 7 TE-C2030, new. 708 ft J

Rad. 20 fe i .

i I t


li! 270 q 7 l1 I i  ! ~-

!, l

{, ..

  • L...-....,, -



' S TE-CT002, new. 724 ft,

'* I '

Rad. 39 ft 8 in.

I i e

/19fP m-CT031, um 7 a ft, j

- ISO \* Rad. 39 ft 8 in.

l' .

TE-CT003, nev. 708 ft, Rad. 39 ft 8 in. .

Plan View of Sensor Locations, Subvolume 8 O,

4 e


_ e , y_---_yw-- , _ ,m_ gpm9 p-v,,.-w,y--y--,we,,,,, -,s.%p,e-w,------.m, - - - , --=

.u. . ... . . . . . . . . .

f t.Ts-300-4 Re sion 6

' ATTACHMENT S October 31, 1983 110

,- /



RhD's Dev-calls Precision Pressure Gages i, . _

i I .

4 $

.1 condi ioning Conditioning j

i Ampl1 iers Amoliffirs ' .

4 i

- A -Ioo Data Logger t

i I

4 1

!; p .

l a IIR-RS-232

  • Interface


__ (3 .

t U

Back Up Prime 1 - - - - - - - - - Prirns 2 Computer Computer l ,

i f .- p i


I t i I f i f

i t f f,

- - CRT Mag' net ic Magnetic

b. and *

.,.s ce Plottee p,$,,,,

Tape - e t'



("t. Computer controlled data acquisition and U data processing system

g. .

. . . . .__.. .. ._. . . ... _. ..._ ~ . -

y - - -- , ,--w,. - - ,- . w ,v .-w-.-,---,,,,.,,,-w,---,--,- ---,y,.--,,,e.

LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 131 ATTACHNENT T -

(LRT LEAK RATE DATA SHEET TOTAL PRl_ MARY C_0NTAI_N_ME_NT_ ,L,EA_K_ _RA_TE CALCULAT l_0_N Statistically averaged leak rate (Ls)  %/ day 1.

2. Sum of leak rates from penetrations not vented

%/ day during the ILRT (From Attachment R)

%/ day

3. Total Primary Containment Leak Rate (1 + 2)


%/ day

4. 95% Upper Confidence Limit 6.
5. Sum of leak rates from penetrations not vented

%/ day during the ILRT (From Attachment R)

6. Total Primary Containment 95% Upper Confidence

%/ day Limits (4 + 5) if 6 is less than 0.476%/ day . Lt, then test acceptable.


' Test Acceptable



LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 132 ATTACHMENT U INDUCED LEAK RATE DATA SHEET

%/ day 1 Induced leak rate measured (Lc)

_ _SC FM

2. Flow meter leak rate (Lo) .




3. Flowmeter inlet pressure F
4. Average Temperature (See Attachment D, Section M)

%/ day

5. Lo x f. 86 X 10-0 (T + 459.69)
6. Statistically averaged leak rate (Ls) t/ day

%/ day

7. Di fference 1 -(6 t 5)= _

if absolute value of 6 is less than 0.25 La - 0.159%/ day test acceptable


Test Acceptable l

NOTE: Refer to Attachment D, item K for flow meter calculation.

l l

l l

l l-


t 1

LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 133 E


  • SUBV0LUME LOCATIONS AND VOLUMES SUBV0LUME LOCATION VOLUME ft3 (wt. factor) 1 Drywell Head Area Above 818'-6" 4,070 (0.01031) 2 Annulus Between Rx Vessel and Shield 6,890 (0.01746) 3 Between Elev. 818'-6" and 7968-6" 16,300 (0.04130) 4 Between Elev. 7968-6" and 777'-11" 37.997 (0.09628) 5 Between Elev. 777'-11" and 759'-6" 55,497 (0.14063) 6 CRD Area & Sump Area 7,090 (0.01797) 7 Between Elev. 759'-6" and 734'-0" 101,694 (0.25769) 8 Sunoression Pool 165.100 (0.41836)

TOTAL 394,638 (1.00000) l NOTE l

I The volumes specified here are used only for the calculation of volume l

l weighting factors. The total volume shown here is within 1% of the FSAR volume.

l l

l O .

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Revision 6 October 31. 1983

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LTS-300-4 Revision 6

- October 31, 1983 135 ATTACHMENT W STABILIZATION DATA Barometric Pressure,(Af ter pressurization) _

_ _ __Psla Containment Pressure (after pressurization) ps19 Containment initial Temperature (Tg -4) _


Containment Temperature (T -1)

F Containment final Temperatu re (Tg) ,

F/h r(6 0. 5 F/hr)

Stabilization Finald T psig Containment Stabilization Pressure Barometric pressure (af ter stabli tzation) psia Test Pressurization complete, supply air spool piece is removed, flanges installed.


ITest Engineerl NOTE: Refer to Attachment D, item L for stabilization calculation.


LTS-300-4 Revision 6 October 31, 1983 136 ATTACHMENT Z - .

ILRT ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE PRE-TEST SIGN-OFF SHEET Perform the following in accordance with LAP-240-4,

1. Lif t the lead from terminal 7 of relay 1(2)E22A-K24 in panel
  • 1(2)H13-P625 to prevent HPCS initiation from drywell pressure.

! /

- 2. Install the following jumpers to prevent high drywell pressure (and low water level) initiation of secondary containment isolation (Bypasses Groups 2 and 4)


a. Between terminals BB-10 and BB-8 at pane,1 1(2)H13-P609 I - /
b. Between terminals EE-24 and EE-28 at panel 1(2)H13-P609 I /

3 Lift the following leads at panel 1(2)H13-P629 to defeat the high drywell . pressure initiation of Division 1 ECCS systems -


a.88-105 I /

88-106 / /


4. Lift the following leads at panef 1(2)H13-P618 to defeat the high drywell pressure initiation of Division 2 ECCS systems (RHR B and C)
a. AA-31 /


b. AA-33

'I /

5. Lift the following leads at specified terminals at panet 1(2)PM16J to' prevent overranging of drywell pressure indicators / recorders
a. At terminal TBS-5 to defeat 1(2)PI-CM027
b. At terminal TB6-25 to defeat 1(2)PR-CM027
c. At terminal TB11-24 to defeat 1(2)PR-CM028

/ /

- ~ ~ ~ - - - - . ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

LTS-300-4 Ravision 6 October 31, 1983 i37 ATTACHMENT AA

  • IRLT ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE POST TEST SICN-OFF SHEET Perform the followir.g in accordance with LAP-240-4 1 Replace the lead to terminal 7 of relay --1(2)E22A-K24 in panel

~ 1(2)H13-P625 to allow HPCS Initiation from drywell pressure. '

/ /

' 2. Remove the following jumpers to allow high drywell pressure (and low water level) Initiation of seccndary containment isolation (bypassed


Groups 2 and 4)

.a. Between terminals 88-10, and BB-8 at panet 1(2)H13-P609

< - t .

/ - /

b. .Between terminals EE-24 and EE-28 at panel 1(2)H13-P609

. _l _

' 3, . Replace the following leads at panel 1(2)H13-P629 to defeat the high drywell pressure initiation of Division 1 ECCS systems, (LPCS/RHR A1.

a. BB-105 /

/ __ _

.b. BB-106 ..





4. Replace the following leads at panel 1(2)H13-P618 to defeat the high drywell pressure initiation of Division 2 ECCS systems (RHR:8 and C).
a. AA-31 ' / _


b. AA-33 '


__ _/

5. Replace the followlng leads at s'pecified terminals at panel 1(2)PH161J:


a. .At terminal TB5-5 ,
b. At terminal:TES-25 .


c. At terminal TB11-24 / /

1 t+


., 4 l ,,

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Operr.t r ATTACII1ENT AB LTS- 300 'I Tcst Engineer Revision 6 ILRT Hechanical Checklist- Date October 1983 Dete Page 138 FINAL VALVE LINEUP


Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number 1(2)WR029, 180 RBCCW Outboard Isolation 1(2 )H 13-P601 Open l

1(2)WR179, RBCCW Inboard Isolation 1(2 )ll13-P601 open ._

180 1(2)SA001 Service Air to Drywell Test Tap Closed Install Pipe Cap 1(2)CH072 Clean Condensate Drywell Drain Closed i

1 1(2)IN086 Drywell Pneumatic Dryer Purge Vent closed 3

Install Pipe Cap a

l 1(2)IN093A Inboard MSIV A Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

t 1(2)IN093B Inboard MSIV B Accumulator Vent Closed


i i

1(2)IN093C Inboard HSIV C Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

i 1(2)IN093D Inboard MSIV D Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed


  • Operrtor ATTACIIIEllT AB LTS- 300 h Test Engineer I' "

D*te ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 139 FINAL VALVE LINEUP Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number 1(2)IN098A HSRV A Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1(2)IN0988 HSRV B Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe cap Installed 1(2)IN098C HSRV C Accumulator Vent Closed 1(2)IN098D HSRV D Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Gap Installed 1 (2)IN098E HSRV E Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Gap Installed i

1(2)IN098F HSRV F Accumulator Vent Closed 1 (2)IN098G HSRV G Accumulator Vent closed 1(2)IN09811 MSRV H Accumulator Vent Closed j

Pipe Gap Installed

i j 1(2 )IN098J MSRV J Accumulator Vent Closed Pip cap Installed
  • Opere ter .. ATTACIB1ENT AB LTS- 300 as R sion 6 T:st Engineer D-te ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 140 FINAL VALVE LINEUP t

Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number 1(2)IN098( MSRV K Accumulator Vent Closed i

i 1(2)IN098L HSRV L Accumulator Vent Closed j - Pipe Cap Installed i


! 1(2)IN098H HSRV H Accumulator Vent Closed

' Pipe Cap Installed 1(2)IN098N HSRV N Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Gap Installed


1(2)IN098P HSRV P Accumulator Vent Closed s 1(2)IN098R HSRV R Accumulator Vent Closed l

1 i 1(2)IN098S HSRV S Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed


I i

1(2)IN098U HSRV U Accumulator Vent closed l

i 1(2)IN098V HSRV V Accumulator Vent closed Pipe Cap Installed i

  • Operrter . ATTACIR1ENT AB LTS- 300-4 Test Engineer R;vinisn 6- ,_

Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date+ October 1983 Page 141 FINAL VALVE LINEUP Valve Num r Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 1(2)IN091 A ADS /MSRV R Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed --

1 4

1(2)IN091B ADS /MSRV E Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1(2)IN091C ADS /ERV U Accumulator Vent M' Closed P1pe Gap Installed j

1(2)IN091D ADS /MSRV C Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe cap Installed




1(2)IN095A ADS /MSRV D Acetmulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1(2)IN095B ADS /MSRV V Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1(2)IN095C ADS /MSRV S Accumulator Vent Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1(2)RE024 Drywell Equipment Sump Upstream 1(2) Pit 16J Auto Isolation 1(2)RE025 Drywell Equipment Sump Downstream 1(2)PH16J Auto Isolation

. f NMI'1ck tiNikp a

Operrtor ATTAcit1ENT AB LTS- 300-4 Tsst Engineer Revision 6 Date ILET ,

'Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 142 FINAL VALVE LINEUP i

, Valve Number Valve Description Lecation Position Int Remarks

! 1(2)RE026 Drywell Equipment Sump Cooling 1(2)PH16J Auto Do mstream I 1(2)RE029 Drywell Equipment Sump Cooling 1(2)PH16J Auto Upstream 1(2)RF012 Drywell Floor Sump Upstream Isolation 1(2)PH16J Auto 1(2)RF013 Drywell Floor Sump Domstream 1(2)Pfl16J Auto Isolation i

1(2)B33-F075A A Rx. Recire. Pump Cavity Seal Leakorr Open Valve 1

4 1(2)B33-F075B B Rx. Recire. Pump Cavity Seal Leakoff Open Valve ,




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LTS-300-4 d Revision 6

.$ October 31, i983

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ENGINEEMS t.TS-300-4 ss sast moanosstatst Revision 6 smicaoo. 6unoiseseos vs6senons sia see. nose 3ctober 31, 1983


0 _


! Pehruary 2, 1982

'! Project Nos. 4266/4267-00

,_--ith Edisbn Company

..LaSalle County Station - Units 1 and 2 Drywell Pres volume


0 * ..

. Mr. T. E. Watts .

Project Engineer . -

c. = --ith Edison Company l ,

. P. O. Box 767 Chicago, "tiaais 50690 . ,

( 'v

Dear Mr. Matts:

i '

We have completed reviewing the drywell free volu The original

. additional pipe sor,~.t.s and. e'~411ary steel.231,198 ca. ft. The i

l i.

calculation of the drywell free volume wasaddition 229,538 ca. ft. of these ite I

1,660 ca. ft. for a total drywell free volume ofWe feel that this decrease la .7 .

which is a decrease in .74. -

l i

in drywell free voituae is negligible. .

Tours very truly,


1 L I; Pollock unchanical Project Engineer -

- BIPs -

E Zn cate Copies:

3. L shelton -

i E. L Peffer * -


j D. C. Baan - ' -

i W. G. Schwerts - .

! 3. L Weaver .

! 3. obersnel * -
  • l '

G. I. Zwarich *

' " Pile 32.5 ,-

L i

O .


@O Y i  ! :! .

. - . -,--,.,-,e - - , , _ - _ , . - , . , - - - - ,,,, . . , - , _

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Operrt r ATTACittENT AG LTS-300-4 Tcst Engineer Revision 6 Dete ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 149 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-4INIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2B33-F059 Rectre. Sample Stop D.W. Bx B RR Pump Open

  • Di sch.

2E21-F051 LPCS Injection Stop D/W 778' 1200 Open 2E21-F321 LPCS Injection Test Tap D/W 778' 1200 Closed LPCS Injection Test Tap D/W 778' 1200 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E21-F322 HPCS Injection Stop D/W 790' 2400 Open 2E22-F038 ilPCS Test Tap D/W 790' 2400 Closed 2E22-F347 D/W 790' 2400 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E22-F348 HPCS Test Tap 2B21-F011A Feedwater Manual Stop D/W 00 Up Ladder by C'.ased MSIV's 2B21-F'011B Feedwater ihnual a, ,

P/W 00


  • Operrtor ATTACit1ENT AG LTS-300-4 Trst Engineer Revision 6 Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 150 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2E 12-F092A - LPCI Injection Stop A D/W 796' 1400 Open 2E12-F321A Test Tap D/W 796' 1400 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F322A Test Tap D/W 796' 1400 Closed 2E12-F377A Test Tap D/W 796' 1400 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F378A Test Tap D/W 796' 1400 Closed 2E12-F092B LPCI Injection Stop B D/W 796' 315o Open Test Tap D/W 796' 3150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F321B 2E12-F322B Test Tap D/W 796' 3150 Closed 2E12-F377B Test Tap D/W 796' 3150 Closed Pipe cap Installed 2E12-F378B Test Tap D/W 796' 3150 Closed 2E12-F0908 B RHR Shutdown Cooling Discharge D/W 740' 2500 Open Header Hanual Stop 2E12-F3258 . Test Tap D/W 740' 2500 Closed ,
  • Cperntor ATTACIMENT AG LTS-300-4 Test Engineer R;vicitn 6 Dvte ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 151 INITIAL VAlilE LINEUP HANUAL-41 NIT 2 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks -

Valve Number .

D/W 740' 2500 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F326B Test Tap 2E12-F020 Shutdown Cooling Suction Stop D/W 740' 2000 Open 2E12-F092C LPCI Injection Stop C D/W 796' 350 Open Test Tap D/W 796' 350 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F377C 2E12-F378C Test Tap D/W 796' 350 Closed 2E12-F321C Test Tap D/W 796' 350 Closed 2E12-F322C Test Tap D/W 796' 350 Closed 2E12-F323 Test Tap D/W 740' 2000 Closed Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F324 Test Tap D/W 740' 2000 2C41-F008 SBlf Injection Stop D/W 778' 2000 Open 2C41-F312 Test Tap D/W 778' 2000 Closed

  • Operstor ATTAClllENT AG LTS-300-4 R1 vision 6 Trst Engineer Drte ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 152 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 i Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks ,

Test Tap D/W 778' 2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2C41-F313 D/W 00 Up Ladder by Open Pipe Cap Installed 2FW016A Test Tap MSIV's

. 2FWO17A Test Tap D/W 00 Up Ladder by Open

'j HSIV's Test Tap D/W 00 Up Ladder by Open Pipe Cap Removed

2FW016B i

HSIV's i

> 2FWO17B Test Tap D/W Oo Up Ladder by Open MSIV's 2B33-F014A Recire. Pump A Seal Supply Inboard D/W 740' Open Stop Recirc. Ptsup B Seal Supply Inboard D/W 740' 2600 Open

, 2B33-F0148

, Stop i 2821-F484A Test Tap D/W 740' Bottom of FW Closed Check Valve I 2B21-F484B Test Tap D/W 740' Bottom of FW Closed Check Valve 2B21-F485A Test Tap D/W 740' Bottom of FW Closed Check Valve 2B21-F485B Test Tap D/W 740' Bottom of FW Closed


Check Valve I

21N129 Drywell Pneumatic ADS Supply North D/W 775' 105o Open Stop i .


- -_ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ =

Operr:ter ATTACillENT AG LTS-300- 4 Test Engineer Ravicion 6 Dtte ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 I Page 153 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks

! Valve Number ,

i i

2IN130 , Drywell Pnetmatic ADS Supply South D/W 755' 112o Open i Stop Test Tap D/W 740' 1800 Closed Pipe Cap Installed

! 2WR188 i

D/W 778' 2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2WR189 Test Tap i

I 2E51-F357 RCIC Steam Supply Line Drain D/W 740' 1600 Closed Int,oard MSIV A Acetmulator Vent D/W 744' 00 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN093A D/W 744' 150 Open Pipe Cap Removed l 21N093B Inboard MSIV B Accumulator Vent i

i D/W 744' 325o Open Pipe Cap Removed

. 2IN093C Inboard MSIV C Accumulator Vent i

I D/W 744' Oo Open Pipe Cap Removed l 2IN093D Inboard MSIV D Accumulator Vent i

D/W 780' 3500 Open Pipe Cap Removed

2IN098A MSRV A Accumulator Vent D/W 780' 100 . Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN0988 MSRV B Accumulator Vent D/W 780' 3500 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN098C MSRV C Accumulator Vent i

D/W 780' 100 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN098D MSRV D Accumulator Vent i

  • Operrtor ATTACIIIENT AG LTS-300-4 Trrt Engineer Rsvisien 6 Dete ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 154 ..

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number .

D/W 783' 900 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN0985 MSRV S Accumulator Vent D/W 782' 3500 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN0980 MSRV U AccumulatEr Vent D/W 782' 150 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN098V MSRV V Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 2250 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN091A ADS /MSRV R Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 230o Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN091B ADS /MSRV E Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 2350 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN091C ADS /IERV U Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 2400 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN091D ADS /MSRV C Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 1200 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN095A ADS /MSRV D Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 1200 Open Pipe Cap Removed 21N0958 ADS /MSRV V Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 1250 Open Pipe cap Removed 2IN095C ADS /MSRV S Accumulator Vent RB 807' by FC Pumps Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2VQ066 Test Tap Test Tap RB 807 ' RWCU Valve Open 2G33-F037 Isle o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • j Operetok ATTACit1ENT AG LTS-300-4 _

i R:visica 6 _,

Test Engineer Date ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 .


i Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks

, s .

16RV E Accessulator Vent D/W 782' 2700 Open Pipe Cap Removed 21N098E t

MSRV F Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 900 Open Pipe Cap Removed

} 2IN098F_

16RV G Accumulator Vent D/W 782' 3500 open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN098G I

21N098H MSRV H Accumulator Vent D/W 78'0' 3500 Open Pipe Cap Removed j

i 21WO98J MSRV J Accumulator Vent D/W 780' 100 Open Pipe Cap Removed I

MSRV K Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 900 Open Pipe Cap Removed 2IN098K .

i IERV L Accumulator Vent D/W 782' 2700 Open Pipe Cap Removed

PIN 098L I

i MSRV H Accumulator Vent D/W 783' 900 Open Pipe Cap Removed j 2IN0981 I Pipe Cap Removed 2IN098N MSRV N Accianulator Vent D/W 784' 2700 Open HSRV P Accumulator Vent D/W 782' 150 Open Pipe Cap Removed j 2IN098P l

ttSRV R Accumulator . 3 D/W 784' 2700 Open Pipe Cap Removed j 21N098R I ,


  • 1

Operrtor ATTACittINT AG LTS-300-4 RIvicien 6 Test Engineer Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 156 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2G33-F038 , Test Tap RB 807' RWCU Valve Open Pipe Cap Installed Isle 2VQ060 Hitrogen Inerting Pressure Control RB 786' B IWCU Hx Roon Open Root Valve 2B21-F362 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 3400 Open Test Tap RB 786' 2700 in Open Verify 1(2)FCO25 Clsd 2FC153 Overhead Pipe Cap Removed 2FC154 Test Tap RB 786' 2700 in Open Pipe Cap Removed Overhead 2FC114 Condensate to Bellows Upstream RB 786' 2700 in Closed Isolation Overhead 2FC113 Condensate to Bellows Downstress RB 786' 2700 Overhead Closed Isolation 2FC115 Bellows Drain Upstream Isolation RB 786' 2700 Overhead Closed 2FC086 Bellows Drain Downstream Isolation RB 786' 2700 Overhead Closed alG010 Test Tap RB 786' 2200 Closed ' Pipe Cap Installed alG-V 1 Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter RB 786' on Recombiner Open High Presstre Leg Root Valve Scid

  • Operrtor ATTACitiENT AG LTS-300-4' Tmt Engineer Revisien 6 Drte ILR7 Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 157 INITIAL VALilE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Description Location Position ' Int Remarks Valve Number 2HG-V 2 Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter RB 786' SE Corner - Open

. Low Pressure Leg Root Valve .(on Recombiner Skid) i 2HG-V3 Recombiner Inlet Total Flow RB 786' SE Corner-(on Open Transmitter High Pressure Leg Root Recombiner Skid)

Valve 2HG-V 4 Recombiner Inlet Total Flow RB 786' SE Corner-(On Open Transmitter Low Pressure Leg Root Recombiner Skid) i i

Valve 2821-F360 Rx vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 2130 Open 2B21-F356 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 2130 Open RB 786' 2100 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2CM072B Test Tap 2WR170 RBCCW Test Tap RB 786' 2100 Closed l

Closed Pipe Cap Installed ._

2CH072A Test Tap RB 786' 1050 2B21-F375 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 105o open Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 786' 105o Open 2B21-F371 RB 786' 900 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2HG011 Test Tap ,


Operrtor ATTAcitlENT AG LTS-300-4 R;visies 6 Tast Engineer Dnte ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 158 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2821-F377 Rx Vessel Instrumer.tation Isolation RB 786' 170 Open 2E12-F056C Test Tap RB 761 '-50 Above Closed-Grating 2E12-F057C Test Tap RB 761'-50 Above Closed Pipe Cap Installed Grating 2E12-F056B Test Tap RB 761 ' 0o on Grating Closed RB 761' 00 on Grating Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F057B Test Tap 1212-F010B Test Tap RB 761' 3300 Closed Test Tap RB 761' 3300 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F392B 2B21-F358 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761' 3200 Open 2B21-F342C ADS /MSRV C Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 Open Root 2B21-F342R ADS /MSRV R Acetsn. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 open Root 2B21-F342E ADS /MSRV E Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200. Open Root 2B21-F342U ADS /MSRV U Acessa. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 3200 open Root o NO F'URTHER ENThins

  • Operrtor ATTACIHENT AG LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rsvician 6 _

Drte ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 _



Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks l 2821-F342D , ADS /MSRV D Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761' 320o Open j Root

) 2821-F342S ADS /MSRV S Accum. Press. Switch Inst. RB 761 ' 3200 Open i Root 2B21-F342V ADS /MSRV V Accum. Press. Seitch Inst. RB 761' 320o Open

! Root l

l 2B21-F364 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761' 2030 Open I

!, 2B21-F354 Rx Vessel Instrumenta .on Isolation RB 761' 2100 Open I 2E22-F021 IIPCS Test Tap By HPCS Inject Valve Closed 4

7 61 '

2E22-F022 HPCS Test Tap By HPCS Inject Valve Closed Pipe Cap Installed l

761' l:.

l 2IN116 ADS South Side Supply Pressure High RB 761' by CRD PCV Open Root Valve i 2IN126 Test Tap RB 761' by CRD PCV Closed Pipe Cap In .;talled 1

2IN089 Drywell Pneumatic N2 Supply South Stop RB 761' by CRD PCV Open 2B21-F414A RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root RB 761' by CRD PCV Open l

i 2B21-F414B RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root RB 761' by CRD PCV Open i


  • Operrtor . ATTACil1ENT AG LTS-300 Test Engineer R; vision 6 Date ILRT liechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 160 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 4

Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2C41-F027 Test Tap RB 761' 2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2C41-F026 Test Tap RB 761' 2000 Closed l

1 2C41-F308 Test Tap RB 761'-2000 Closed Test Tap RB 761 '-2000 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2C41-F309 i

2CH036 Containment Monitoring Sample Points RB 761' 1800 Open


Crosstie to Continuous Air Monitoring i 2CH071 Containment Monitoring Sample Points RB 761' 1800 Open j Inlet Valve I

2CH035 Containment Continuous Air Honitor RB 7618 1800 Open Inlet Valve i

l 2E12-F056A Test Tap RB 761 '-1650 Closed i

RB 7618-1650 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F057A Test Tap RB 761' 1550 Closed Pipe cap Installed 2CH079 Test Tap 4

2CH078 Test Tap RB 761' 1550 closed Pipe Cap Installed i


  • rperrtor ATTAClHENT AG LTS-300-4 Tet Ergineer R& vision 6


Drte ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 161 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 2


Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks I

4 2E21-F013 Test Tap By LPCS Inject. Valve Closed i 761' 1

! 2E21-F014 Test Tap By LFCS Inject. Valve Closed Pipe Cap Installed 761' f 2B21-F369 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761' 105o Open l 2B21-F373 Rx Vessel Instrumentation Isolation RB 761' 63o open t 2G33-F002 Test Tap Above WCU Pmp Room Closed Test Tap Above WCU Pump Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed

! 2G33-F003 i

i 1

2E32-F302A Inboard Hein Steam Line Press. Root A MSIV Room Open 4

2E32-F302E Inboard Main Steam Line Press. Root B HSIV Room open l 2E32-F302J Inboard Main Steam Line Press. Root C MSIV Room Open i

i 2E32-F302N Inboard Main Steam Line Press. Root D HSIV Room Open j s 2B21-F508A WCU Return Stop A MSIV Room Open 2B21-F508B WCU Retwn Stop B MSIV Room Open


  • Operrtor ATTACII1ENT AG LTS-300-4 Rsvigirn 6 Trst Engineer D*te ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 ,

162 Page INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2821-F025A. Test Tap HSIV Room Closed 2B21-F026A Test Tap HSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B21-F0258 Test Tap MSIV Room closed 1 2B21-F0268 Test Tap HSIV Roca Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B21-F025C Test Tap HSIV Room Closed HSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B21-F026C Test Tap 2B21-F025D Test Tap HSIV Room Closed 2B21-F026D Test Tap MSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B21-F017 Test Tap HSIV Room Closed 2B21-F018 Test Tap MSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2FWO67B Test Tap HSIV Room Open i

MSIV hoom Open Pipe Cap Removed 2FWO688 ,, Test Tap ,

1 i


Operetor ATTACl91ErfT AG LTS-300- 4 Test Engineer R;vigica 6 D-te ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October-1983


page 163  ;

INITIAL VAL 11E LINEUP 11ANUAL-4)MIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2B214038A Test Tap MSIV Roem closed t MSIV Room C16 sed Pipe Cap Installed 2B214039A Test Tap 2B214038B Test Tap MSIV Room Closed 2B214039B Test Tap MSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed ~

2B214482A Test Tap MSIV 4oom closed 2B214483A Test Tap MSIV Room closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B214482B Test Tap MSIV Room closed a

Test Tap MSIV Roan Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B2144835 2B214030A Test Tap MSIV Room Closed Test Tap MSIV Room closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B214031A 2B214030B Test Tap MSIV Room Closed 0 NO RJRTHER ENTRIES

  • m

Cperrtor ATTACit1ENT AG LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revisi:n 6 D-te ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 164 1

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HA'f DAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int R emarks 2B21-F031B Test Tap HSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 1

2FWO694 Test Tap HSIV Room Closed 2FWO704 Test Tap HSIV Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2FWO69B Test Tap HSIV Room Closed i

! 2FWO70B Test Tap hSIV Room Closed Pipe cap Installed 2FWO67A Test Tap HSIV Room Open 1

I a 2FWO68A Test Tap HSIV Room Open Pipe Cap Removed i

I 2VQ065 Test Tap RB 740' Outside HSIV Closed Pipe Cap Installed Room i

! 2PC005C Test Tap By HSIV Room Door Open

2PC006C Test Tap By HSIV Room Door Open 2PC007C Test Tap By HSIV Room Door Closed


2PC008C Test Tap By HSIV Room Door Closed Pipe Cap Installed i


  • Operater ATTACit1ENT AG LTS-300-4 Tast Engineer R1 vision 6 Drte ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 165 I


INITIAL VALVE ua" T 11ANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks ~

2PC002C , Drywell to SP VB Isolation By Door to HSIV Room Open __

2B21-F366 Drywell Hi Pressure Isolation RB 740' 315o Open ,

2B21-F456 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open 2B21-F458 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open 2B21-F460 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open s

2B21-F462 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open I 2B21-F464A Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open _

1 2B21-F464B Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open 2B21-F466 Jet Pump Instruanentation Stop In TIP Room. Open 2B21-F468 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open 2B21-F470 Je t. Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open l

2B21-F472 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open l

i i

  • __

e Operstor . ATTACIRIENT AG LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Rsvisien 6 ,

Date ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 ,

Page 166 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks I

2B21-F474A Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open i

2B21-F474B Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop In TIP Room Open 2B33-F016A Recire. Pump A Seal Supply Outboard RB 740' East of TIP Open Stop Room

2B33-F016B Recire. Pump B Seal Supply Outboard RB 740' East of TIP Open Stop Room 2B33-F008A Rectre. Pump A Seal Supply Flow Ind. RB 740' East of TIP Open Stop Room 2B33-F0088 Recire. Pump B Seal Supply Flow Ind. RB 740' East of TIP Open Stop Room i

2INO30 TIP Indexer Purge Air Stop RB 740' by TIP Drives Open 2E12-F318 RHR B/C Inj. Integrity Inst. Root RB 740'-2010 Open 2E12-F320 RHR bio Inj. Integrity Inst. Root RB 740 '-2010 Open i 2HG024A Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point RB 740' by Equip. Open Drain Loop Seal Level Switch Low Root fla tch Valve ,

1 2ilG024B Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point RB 740' by Equip. Open j Drain loop Seal Level Switch Low Root llatch

Operrtor ATTACillENT AG. LTS-300-4 Tart Enginwr Rsvinien '6 Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 167 I

INITIAL V4LVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number Valve 2E12-F340 RHR Pump B Return to Fuel Pool- RB 740' by Equip. Closed


Hatch on East Wall of R. B .

2HG019 Recombiner Discharge Line Loop Seal RH 740' by Equip. Closed Fill Valve Hatch i

2HG022 H2 Recombiner Loop Seal Stop RB 740' by Equip. Closed Hatch


2B33-F021 Test Tap RB 740' by Equip. Closed

. Hatch i

RB 740' by Equip. Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B33-F022 Test Tap Hatch 2E 12-F0589 Test Tap RB 740' SE Corner Room Closed RB 740' SE Corner Room closed Pipe cap Installed

! 2E12-F059B Test Tap i

Drywell Hi Pressiare Isolation RB 740' 205o open l 2B21-F368

! 2WR171 RBCCW Test Tap RB 740'-East Side Closed i

2PC002A Drywell to SP VB Isolation By D/W Equip. Hatch open i

Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 740' 1600 Open 2PC002B __

\ e


- - ~~ .- .

e l Operrter + ATTACillENT AG LTS-300-4 f

' Rsvicien 6 Test Engineer l

ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 l Dete l

' Page 168 l

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks Valve Number 2PC005A , Test Tap By D.W. Equip. Hatch Closed By D.W. Equip. Hatch Closed Pipe Cap Installed

! 2PC0064 Test Tap j

2PC007A Test Tap By D.W. Equip. Hatch Open 2PC008A Test Tap By Drywell Equip. Open ~

i Hatch 2PC005B Test Tap RB 740' 1600 Closed f

1 RB 740' 1600 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2PC006B Test Tap l

Test Tap RB 7408 1600 Closed

! 2PC007B lr RB 740' 1600 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2PC008B Test Tap f

2HCO27 Clean Condensate to D.W. Upstream Stop RB 740' East Side Closed 2HCO33 Clean Condensate to D.W. Downstrean RB 740 ' East Side Closed _

Stop l

2SA042 Service Air to D.W. Upstream Stop RB 740 ' East, Side Closed 2SA046 Service Air to D.W. Upstream Stop RB 749' East Side Closed o NO FURTHER ENTRIES

  • Oper.ttor ATTAcilllEllT AG LTS-300-4 _

Tsst Engineer Rsvisien 6 ,

Date ILRT Ilechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 169 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Numher Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks i 2E12-F061 , Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F062 2E51-F072 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed i Pipe Cap Install.ed

, 2E51-F073 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed 2

i i 2E12-F001 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed I

) 2E12-F002 Test Tap RB 740' NE Corner Room Closed l

2B21-F436 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop RB 740' 1050 Open

"! 2B21-F438 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop RB 740' 1050 Open 6

1 2B21-F440 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop RB 740' 105o open i

j 2B21-F442 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 140' P5o open 2B21-F444A Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open l 2B21-F444B Jct Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open l' .


  • Operator ATTACillEllr AG LTS-300-4 l

l Tset Engineer RLvision 6 Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 170 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP tlANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int , Remarks

! 2B21-F446

  • Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 105o Ope n i 2B21-F448 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 105o Open 1

2B21-F450 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 1050 Open 1

j 2B21-F452 Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 105o Open 2B21-F454A Jet Pump Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 105o Open i

2B21-F454B Jet Pumn Instrumentation Stop R.B. 740' 105o open 5 2B21-F343 dp Transmitter 1(2)B21-R005 Root R.B. 740' 950 Open

?IN119 Drywell Pneumatic Discharge Domstream R.R. 740' by open Stop Valve Compr essor l

2IN128 Drywell Pneumatic Discharge Upstrean R.B. 740' by Open i Stop Valve t~mpr essor 1

4 21N124 Test Tap R.B. 740' by Closed Pipe cap Installed j

Compr essor Test Tap RB 740' by Compressor Closed Pipe Cap Installed 4

2IN123 l

2IN122 Test Tap RB 740' by Compressor Closed Pipe Cap Installed l


Operrtor 'ATTACillENT AG LTS-300-4 ,

Test Engineer Rsvisien 6'

, Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 171 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 l

Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int

  • Remarks I

i Test Tap RB 740' by IN Receiver Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2IN127 t

2B21-F412A RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root RB 740' by IN Open Compreaaor l!

2B21-F412B RCIC Steam Supply Flow Inst. Root R.B. 740' by IN Open

' Compressor 2INO32 Drywell Pneumatic Disc. Reg. Bypass By Inst. N2 Compressor Open 4

1 2E12-F316 RHR A Inj. Integrity Inst. Root RB 740'-880 Open 2IN086 Drywell Pneumatic Dryer Purge Vent By Inst. d2 Compressor Open Pipe Cap Removed f

i 2IN121 Test Tap RB 740' by Compressor Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2IN120 Test Tap RB 740' by Compressor Closed 4


! 2B21-F379 Drywell Hi Pressure Isolation RB 740' 95o Open i

2B21-F381 Drywell Hi Pressure Isolation RB 740' 800 Open

i i

2PC005D Test Tap Dy CRD Removal Hatch Closed f


  • i Operster ATTACillENT AG LTS-300-4 Tert Engitimr ,

Rsvision 6 Date ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 172 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks 2PC006D . Test Tap By CRD Removal Hatch Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2PC007D Test Tap By CRD Removal Hatch Closed 2PC008D Test Tap By CRD Removal Hatch Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E21-F303 LPCS/RHR Diff. Press. Inst. Root RB 740' by IN Open Compressor 2G33-F311A WCU Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 740' N.W. Corner Open Overhead i

2G33-F3118 RWCU Suction Flow Stop RB 740' N.W. Corner Open

! Overhead 2IN117 ADS North Side Supply Pressure High RB 740' by CRD Repair Open Root Valve Room i 2PC002D Drywell to SP VB Isolation By CRD Removal Hatch Open 740' l

t 2E51-f034 Test Tap RB 740' NW Corner Room Closed RB 740' IN Corner Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E51-F035 Test Tap 2E12-F058A Test Tap RB 740' PM Corner Room Closed Test Tap RB 740' t&J Corner Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F059A

  • Operstor ATTACillENT AG LTS-300-4 Tect Enginrr Rsvision 6 . . ,

Date ILRT Ikchanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 173 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks Test Tap RB 710' D/W Sump Pump Closed Pipe Cep Installed 2RF018 Room Test Tap RB 710' D/W Sump Pump Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2RE053 Room Test Tap RB 710' D/W Sump Pump Closed Pipe cap Installed 2RE054 Room 1

2E22-F303 HPCS/Rx Vessel Diff. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710'-3000 by IA Open Receiver i

2B21-F 329A Inboard MSIV A Accumulator Pressure RB 710' 2880 Open Root 2B21-F329B Inboard MSIV B Accumulator Pressure RB 710' 2880 Open Root 2821-F 329C Inboard MSIV C Accumulator Pressure RB 710' 2880 Open Root 2B21-F329D Inboard MSIV D Accumulator Pressure RB 710' 2880 Open Root 4

! 2B21-F321A Main Steam Line A Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 2810 Open i

2B21-F322A Main Steam Line A Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-2810 Open i

2B21-F321B Main Steam Line B Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-2810 Open i

2B21-F322B Hain Steam Line B Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-2810 Open

  • Operrtor ATTACititur AG L fS-300-4 Text Enginear RIvisicn 6 Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 171 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Nuuther Valve Description Location Position Int Remarks 2B21-F345 Bottom Head Drain Flow Inst. Root R.B. 710' 2770 Open 2821-F349 dp Transmitter 1(2)B21-NO32 Root Jet R.B. 710 ' 2770 Open Pump Instrumentation Stop 2B21-F347 dp Transmitter 1(2)B21-N009 Root RB 710' 3150 Open 2B21-F321C Main Steam Line C Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 2770 Open 2B21-F322C Main Steam Line C Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 2770 Open 2B21-F321D Hain Steam Line D Inst. Root RB 710' 2770 Open 2B21-F322D Main Steam Line D Inst. Root RB 710' 2770 Open 1
2B33-F312A Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 265o Open 2B33-F310A Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 265o Open 2B33-F324A Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 open 2B33-F324B Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 open O NO FURTHER ENTMEs e

Operrtor - ATTACJIIENT AG LTS-300-4 '

Tast Engineer Ravinien 6 Dste ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date' October 1983 Page 1 78; i'

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Numtier Valve Description Location Position Int

  • Remarks i

2B33-F 300B. Recirc. Pump B Suction Presstre Stop Rx Bldg 710'-2650 Ope n t

2VQ063 Test Tap RB 710 ' Above D/W Stnp Closed Pipe Cap Installed -

Pumps ,

t 2E12-F394A Shutdown Cooling Suction Hi Flow Inst. RB 710' 2610 Open Stop High 2E12-F394B Shutdown Cooling Suction Hi Flow Inst. RB 710' 2610 Open Stop Low l 2B33-F314C Recire. Pump B Dif f. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 Open _

Recire. Pump B Dif f. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710' 2650 Open 2B33-F314D Recirc. Pump B Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 2610 Open 2B33-F316B

! Inst. Stop Recirc. Pump B Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 2610 Open 2B33-F318B l

Inst. Stop

  • l 2B33-F304A Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop Rx Bld g 710'-261o Open 2B33-F306A Recirc. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop Rx Bld g 710'-261o Open 2B33-F322A Recirc. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop Rx Bldg 710'-261o Open 2B33-F322B Recire. " ump A Suction Flow Inst. . top Rx Bldg 710'-2610 Open
  • Operater ATTACillENT. AG LTS-300 88 _;

Test Engineer Rsvisien' 6' .,

Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 _,

Page 176 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Niember Valve Description Location Position Int Remaras 2G33-F308 Rx Botton Head Drain Flow Inst. Root RD 710' Above J.P. Open Panel South _

2HG020 H2 Recombiner Loop Seal Drain RB 710' by B RHR Hz Closed Room 2HG021 H2 Recombiner Loop Seal Drain RB 710' by B RHR Hx Closed Room 2CH011 Suppression Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 710' 2100 Open 2PC003A Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 710' 2100 Open 2PC003B Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 710' 1600 Open 2CH073A Test Tap RB 710' 1550 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2CH073B Test Tap RB 710' 155o Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2CH077 Test Tap RB 710' 1550 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2CH080 Test Tap RB 710' 1550 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F355A Shutdown Cooling Suction 111 Flow Inst. RD 710 '-990 Open Stop High 2E12-F355B Shutdown Cooling Suction Hi Flow Inst. RD 710 '-990 Open Stop Low

  • Operater ATTACit1ENT AG LTS-300-4 Text Engintsr Rzvicien 6 Date ILRT Hechanica1' Checklist Date October 1983 Page I77 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 i Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks i

1j 2B33-F314A Recire. Ptap A Dif f. Press. Inst. Stop RB 710' 95o Open l 2B33-F314B Recire. Pump A Dif f. Press. Inst. .' top RB 710' 95o Open l

2B33-F316A Recire. Pump A Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 95o open i

i Inst. Stop 2B33-F318A Recire. Pump A Seal Cavity Press. RB 710' 950 Open

Inst. Stop f 2B33-F304B Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Open ,

2B33-F306B Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Open

, 2B33-F323A Recirc. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Open l

j j 2B33-F3238 Recire. Pump A Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 990 Open l 2B33-F312B Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 95o Open 1

2B33-F310B Rectro. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 950 Open 2B33-F325A Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 950 Open I


  • O pers tor ATTACII1EllT AG LTS-300-4 Test Engineer R visien 6 Date ILRT l'.echanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page.178 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2


Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int

  • R emarks 4

2B33-F325B Recire. Pump B Suction Flow Inst. Stop RB 710' 95o Open 2B33-F300A Recirc Pump A Suction Pressure Stop Rx Bldg 710'-990 Open 2VQ067 Test Tap RB 710' 90o Closed ,

Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F302 Suppression Pool Cleanup Return to A RilR lix Room Closed Suppression Pool 2B21-F323A Main Steam Line A Flow Inst. Root RB 710 '-41o Open 2B21-F324A Main Steam Line A Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-410 Open 2B21-F323B Hain Steam Line B Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-410 Open 2B21-F324B Hain Steam Line B Flow Inst. Root RB 710'-41o Open 2B21-F323C Main Steam Line C Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 38o Open 4 2B21-F324C Hain Steam Line C Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 38o open 2B21-F323D Hain Steam Line D Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 38o Open 2821-F324D Hain Steam Line D Flow Inst. Root RB 710' 38o Open



Operttor '

ATTACit1ENT. AG LTS-300-4 ,

R;visien 6 Test Engineer Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date- October 1983 Page I79 l



Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int '

Remarks i

2PC003D Drywell to SP VB Isolation RB 710' 300 open I

i 2CH003 Supp. Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 710' 30o Open


2E22-F328 HPCS Supp. Pool High Water Level Inst. RB 694' 3200 open Stop 1E22-F329 HPCS Supp. Pool High . Water Level Inst. RB 694' 3200 Open i

Stop i

Test Tap RB 694' 2100 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2H0014 2CH043 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694 ' 2100 Open 1 Stop

2CH044 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 2100 Open Stop l

i l

2CH045 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 6918 ' 2100 Open '

Stop 2CH046 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 2100 Open Stop ,

2E12-F405 Test Tap RB 694 ' Outside B RHR Closed Pipe Cap Installed Hz Room 2E12-F406 Test Tap RB 694' Outside B RHR Closed Hx Room 2E12-F018C RHR. Hin. Flow Step C RB'694 '-North B RHR Hx Open


  • Operr.ts r ATTACit!ENT AG LTS-300-4 Tect Engineer Rr,vicicn 6 ._ ,

Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 .

Page 180 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks 2E51-F349 Test Tap 694 ' B RHR Hx Roose closed 694 ' B RHR Hx Room Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E51-F350 Test Tap Test Tap RB 694' 1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E51-F081 Test Tap RB 694' 1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E51-F083 2E51-F085 Test Tap RB 694' 1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed RB 694' 1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E51-F055 Test Tap 2E51-F337 Test Tap RB 694' 1150 Closed i

! RB 694 '-1150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E51-F338 Test Tap 2E51-F041 Test Tap RB 694 '-1150 Closed 2E12-F102 RHR Vacuum Dreakers Stop RB 694' 1150 by RCIC Open 2E12-F018A R!!R Min. Flow Stop A RB 694 ' Outside A RHR Open Hx Rcan .


  • Operrter - ATTACit1ENT AG LTS-300 Test Enginter Rsvision 6 Date ILRT tiechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 181 i INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 i

Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks Test Tap RB 694' 450 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2HG015 .

i 1

4 2Ct1039 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 20o Open 4

Stop k

l 2CH040 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 200 Open Stop 2CH041 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 200 Open Stop 1

1 2CH042 Suppression Pool Level Sight Glass RB 694' 200 Open

! Stop

) 2E12-F341 RHR Pump B Suction From Fuel Pool RB 673' 2300 Closed i

! 2CH009 Suppression Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 681' 2150 Open

2E12-F018B RilR Hin. Flow Stop D 694 '-S.W. Corner of B Open RHR Hx Room By B RHR Pump Closeo Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F390B Test Tap _

2E12-F3918 Test Tap By B RilR Pump Closed 2E12-F365B Test Tap By B RilR Pianp Closed By B RHR Pump Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F366B Test Tan o NO FURTHER ENTRIES * ,

Operater ATTAClflENT AG LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revision 6 Date ILRT Mechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 182 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP MANUAL-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . R emarks


i 2E12-F390C Teat Tap By C RilR Pump Closed P1pe Cap Installed i

2E12-F391C Test Tap By C RHR Pump Closed 1.

[ 2E12-F366C Test Tap By C RHR Pump Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-f365C Test Tap By C RHR Pump Closed 2E51-F052 Test Tap RB 673' By RCIC Pump Closed Pipe Cap Installed i

E 2E51-F053 Test Tap RB 673 ' By RCIC Pump Closed i-I i 2E21-F052 LPCS Min. Flow Bypass Stop By LPCS Pump Open 2E12-F3904 Test Tap (Min Flow A RHR Line) By RHR A Pump Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F391A Test Tap (Min Flow A RHR Line) By RHR A Pump Closed ,

2E12-F365A Test Tap (Min. Flow A RHR Line) By RilR A Pump Closed Test Tap (Min. Flow A RHR Line) By RHR A Pump Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E12-F366A 2CM001 Supp. Pool Level Inst. Stop RB 681' 32o open

  • O perate r ATTACillENT AG LTS-300-4 Tart Enginerr Rivinicn 6 __.

Date ILRT Hechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page IO3 INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-UNIT 2 -

4 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . R emarks 4

2HG-V I Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter U-2 Recombiner Skid Open ,

High Pressure Leg Root Valve -

2HG-V 2 Recombiner Inlet Gas Flow Transmitter U-2 Recombiner Skid Open Low Pressure Leg Root Valve 2HG-V3 Recombiner Inlet Total Flow 761 ' RB Recombiner Open Transmitter High Pressure Leg Root Skid Valve

! 2HG-V 4 Recombiner Inlet Total Flow 761' RB Recombiner Open Transmitter Low Pressure Leg Reot Skid Valve j 2HG019 Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 710' SE Corner Closed i

Drain Loop Seal Fill Valve i

! 2HG022 Hydrogen Recombiner Loop Seal Stop U-2 RB 710' Outside Closed RHR B Hx Room l

l 1 2HG024A Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U,2 RB 710' Outside Open Drain loop Seal Level Switch Low Root RHR B Hx Room Valve l Recombiner' Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 710' Outside Open 2HG024B Drain Loop Seal Level Switch Low Root RHR B lix Room Valve 2HG020 Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 694' SE Corner Closed Drain loop Seal Drain Stop Valve 2HG021 Recombiner Discharge Line Low Point U-2 RB 694' SE Corner Closed Drain Loop Seal Drain Stcp Valve ,

2B33-F075A A Rx. Recire. Pump Cavity Seal Leakoff DW 740' North of A RR Closed Valve Pump I

  • upu ,

Tert Enginrr RLvicien 6 Date ILRT  !!echanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page ION INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUt,L-UNIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int R emarks [

2B33-F075B B Rx. Recric. Pump Cavity Seal Leakoff Di 740' East of B RR Closed

. Valve Pump 2B21-F545 EFCV 2B21-F365 Test Tap 756'. 3150 Closed 2B21-F546 EFCV 2B21-F365 Test Tap 756', 3150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B21-F547 EFCV 2B21-F367 Test Tap . 756', 2050 closed 2821-F548 EFCV 2B21-F367 Test Tap 756', 205o Closed Pipe Cap Installe ' , _

2821-F551 EFCV 2B21-F380 Test Tap 755', 970 Closed 2B21-F552 EFCV 2B21-F380 Test Tap 755', 97o Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2B21-F549 EFCV 2B21-F382 Test Tap 757', 800 Closed 2D21-F550 EFCV 2B21-F382 Test Tap 757', 800 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2CH099 EFCV 2CH002 Test Tap 681'. 32o Closed 2CH100 EFCV 2CH002 Test Tap 681'. 32 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2CH095 EFCV 2CH004 Test Tap 723', 250 Closed

  • O perator ATTACillEllT AG -

LTS-300-4 Test Engineer Revision 6 Date ILRT llechanical Checklist Date October 1983 Page 185 (Final)

INITIAL VALVE LINEUP HANUAL-(INIT 2 Valve Number Valve Description Location Position Int . Remarks 2CH096 EFCV 2CH004 Test Tap 723'. 250 Closed Pipe C ? Installed 2CH097 EFCV 2CH010 Test Tap 681', 2150 Closed 2C11098 EFCV 2CH010 Test Tap 681', 2150 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2CH093 EFCV 2CH012 Test Tap 725', 2070 Closed 2CI1094 EFCV 2CH012 Test Tap 725' 2070 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E22-F388 EFCV 2E22-F341 Test Tap 701' 3450 Closed j

2E22-F389 EFCV 2E22-F341 Test Tap 701'. 345o Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2E22-F390 EFCV 2E22-F342 Test Tap 698', 345o Closed 2E22-F391 EFCV 2E22-F342 Test Tap 698', 345o Closed Pipe Cap Installed 2VQ069 EFCV 2VQ061 794', 170 Closed 2VQ070 EFCV 2VQ061 794', 170 Closed Pipe Cap Installed 0 NO F

Edward M. Gogol 154 Linden G;er.cce IL 6CC22 l'

(?lb E!!-! M j..

January 6, 1994 ADDENDUM to PETITION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF Docket hes.: STN 5C-454/455 and 50-373/374 EREEDOM OF INFORMATION Mr. Hare d R. Tenter., Direc:cr ACT REQUEST c Suelear Eeactcr Eegulaticn pf. ceJ.}. . uc{ lear necu.atery Q{p gl i en :C 20555 Qg,Qlg K L Lear Mr. Ienten:

I as in receipt of your letter dated Dec. 16, 1983, regarding your denial of my Fetition for Emergency Relief regarding the hazardous and illegal situation -

which now prevails concerning Integrated Leak Rate Testing at U.S. nuclear power plants in general, and in particular at the LaSalle County, Byren, and ,

D.C. Cook reactors.

Ycu cer.tinue tc ignere the fac: :na: cne of the nati:n's tcp authori es en contairnen: leak rate testing has extensive first-hand knew;eige cf -he flaws and defects in teth the theery and practice of these critically i=portant tests. Dr. Eey:blatt has proved that flaws incerpcrated in and/cr allowed by the current methodology allow centainments to be passed as having a leak rate


in acccrdance with the technical s;ecificatiens when in fact the leak rate is many ti=es higher, i

You further centinue to ignore the fact that such cursory caterials as I have

  • been able to obtain regarding the spring 1952 ILE! at LaSalle 1, are consistent with LaSalle l's actual leak rate being higher than reported. You offer no evidence to rebut this fact, and you have ignored =y request to have all LaSalle ILRT documentation released to the public.

You state in your letter that the NEC has in its pessessien three inspection reports which allow you to " find that the licensee's Centainment Integrated Leak Eate Tests fer icth the LsSalle County Units 1 and 2 seet the current regulatory requirements contrary to the allegatiens in ycur petitions." You further state that "ILET records de in fact exist and are being so retained at LaSalle County and Eyren."

The fact tna; you claim these things, however, dces no: =ake thec so. I have repeatedly requested - as 1cng ago as last July 7 - that all documentation relating to ILRT tests at LaSalle and Byron be made public. I mean all documentation, right down to the individual pressure and temperature sensor measurements, and justification of all assumptions made, including discarding of data points, temperature stabilization times, assign =ent of weighting coefficients, etc. It is only with such complete documentation that any meaningful review of the validity of any ILET test can be done.

8818A-i A f

--seen v v

  • o6 - 840106 PDR ADOCK 05000373 v0i g PDR 11 0


. . = *


Iccket Nos.: SIN 5C-454/455 and 50-373/374


If the NEC does have there caterials in its ;cssessien, there can te nc justification for not releasing them to the public. If the NEC does not have these caterials, it is difficult to see how it can claim that it has satisfied i itself that the test " result" is valid. And if the NEC does have these caterials in its possession, and continues to refuse, fer :cre than six conths, to release the=, the public can hardly be bla ed for cencluding that the NEC really does have setething te hide, and that I;ET :+ctr are res11:. and truly nc ccod.

This cannot te an i=possible, or even difficult to fulfill, re quest. We are not talking about many individual ILET's, ner cf an extremely large nt=ter of measuring instruments, nor of data ;cints, ner cf calculatiene and writ:en documents. Furthermore, you must have already asse: bled this documentation in order to be able to respond te my petition.


b. the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC 552A;
c. the Atomic Energy Act; and
d. the U.S. Constitutien I hereby repeat my de:and that the NEC release te the public ccpies of an- and all docurents in its ;cesession regarding all leak rate tests done a: LaFalle, i Byron and Cook, especially any documen; which can help justify any conclusion that the leak rate tests dcne at LaSalle 1 and 2 and at Eyret are valid. In '

order to enable full public access to this :sterial, copies should he'sent both to the two local PDE's as well as the regicnal FDR in Glen Ellyn. And a copy should be sent to me, so that I may obtain the scientific evaluation of these ILET's by Ir. Keytblatt and other independent scientists.

  • l This request includes all documentation, right down to the individual pressure cnd temperature sensor measurements, and justification of all assumptions made, including discarding of data points, temperature stabilization tites, ,j cssignment of weighting coefficients, etc. g If the NEC does not have any of such decuments in its pcssessien, then I renew  ;

my request that the NEC recuire Commonwealth Edison to provide the N?.C with i ,

copies of such material, and that the NEC likewise make this :sterial public. ~

Sincerely, p ,;~-c-~/t j' .

Edward M. Gogol cc. Chairman Nunzio Palladino Region 3 Director James Keppler l Congressman Sidney Yates j 881SA-2 -

