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Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes to Relocate Fire Protection Requirements
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/1998
Shared Package
ML20202C895 List:
NUDOCS 9802130069
Download: ML20202C897 (9)


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ATTACHMENT B Marked Up Operating Licenses and Technical Specifications >

9902130069 990202 PDR ADOCK 05000373 P PDR ;.

04/17/82 j *

  • Lic n:o Ha. HPF-11 (b) A prelube pump, powered from a reliable direct current power supply, be installed in the system to operate in parallel with the engine-driven lube oil pump, or an alternative acceptable to the NRC shall be installed to preclude dry-starting of the diesel-engine.

(c) Controls and monitoring instrumentation be removed from the engine and engine skid, except instruments qualified for this location. The non-qualified control and monitoring instruments shall be installed on a free i standing floor mounted panel and located on a vibration free floor area. If the floor is not vibration free, the panel shall be equipped with vibration mounts.

(22) Direct Current Power Svat=== fSection B.3.1.2. RER) 2 Prior to startup af ter the first refueling outage for the 125 and 250-volt direct current systems for Divisions 1 and 2 and

the 125-volt Division 3 direct current system, the following additional instrumentation shall be provided in the control rooms (1) Battery current (ammeter-charge / discharge), (2)

Battery charger output voltage (voltmeter), (3) Battery charger output current (ammeter), (4) Battery high discharge rate alarm, and (5) Battery charger trouble alarm. In the interim,

. the licensee shall implement approved procedures to monitor battery current, battery charger output voltage, and batter 4

) charger output current at the local panels at least once per eight hour shift.

(23) Reactor containment Elmetrical Penetrations (Section R.4.1. EER)

Prior to startup after the first refuellag outage, a redundant fault current device (circuit breakers or fuses) shall be provided on each penetrating circuit that would limit a fault current surge to be less than the surge for which the penetration is qualified except for low energy (milliamps) instrument systems.

(24) Eggaration of Class 1E and Non Class 1E Cable Trava (Section R.4.6.1. SER. SSER 81. SSER 82) i Prior to startup after the first refueling outage, the licensee

shall provide adequate separation or barriers between' Class 1E j and adjacent non-Class 1E able trays.

(25) rire Pretection Procram (Section 9.5. EER. SSER 82. SSER 33)

(a) The licensee shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the approved fire protection plan. In j addition, the licensee shall maintain the fire protection program set forth in Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50, except i

-) 0011k for the following deviations:

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INSERT A The licensee shall implement and maintain all provisions of the approved Fire Protection

. Program as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report for LaSalle County Station, and as '

approved in NUREG-0519," Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of LaSalle County ,

. Station, Units 1 and 2," dated March 1981; Supplement 2 dated February 1982; Supplement 3

- dated April 1982; Supplement 5 dated August 1983; Supp'ement 7 dated December 1983; Supplement 8 dated March 1984; and SERs for the following:

LaSalle Unit 1 License Amendment 1, dated June 18,1982; LaSalle Unit 1 License Amendment 18, dated August 8,1984;

LaSalle Unit 1 License Amendment 23, dated May 22,1985; LaSalle Unit 1 License Amendment 44, dated June 20,1986; LaSalle Unit 1 License Amendment [ Number to be provided by the NRC], dated (Date to be provided by the NRC]; and NRC Evaluation of the Consequences of Postulated Failures of I Hour Fire Rated Darmatt KM-1 Fire Barrier under Seismic Loading at LaSalle County Station, dated March 29,1996.

The licensee may make changes to the approved Fire Protection Program without prior approval of the Commission only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and main'.ain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.



, , 9- 04/10/89 Lic02so t,b. NPT-11  !

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(1) Hydrostatic hose tests in accordance with NEPA 1962-1979, and l l

(ii) No automatic fire detection systems in areas 2K/3K and 554. j (b) Prior to initial criticality, the licensee shall install a 1-hour rated barrier on all four sides of a partially / .

I protected power cable paa and a general sprinkler system, both located in the diesel- generator corridor. I (c) Prior to startup after the first refuellag outage, the licensee shall provide fire protection systems in fire f areas 2C/3C, 4C3 and 6E.

(d) Prior to startup after the first refueling outage, the licensee with respect to fire doors shall implement one of the followings (1) Perform an engineering review of the manuf ac-turer's certified doors and door frames by a l

l nationally recognised laboratory to certify that l

I the door and door frames provide the required fire resistance rating, or

) (11) Test a replicate "as installed" door assembly by a nationally recognised laboratory to determine the door rating, or (111) Replace manuf acturer's labeled doors and door frames with UL rated items.

L (e) Prior to startup after the first refueling outage, the licensee shall demonstrate the adequacy of its fire protection for record storage.

Am. 14 (26) DELETED 5/05/83 ^

(27) Industrimi security (section 13.6. Era, ssra 83)

Am. 65 CECO shall fully implement and maintain in effect all-4/10/89 provisions of the Convaission approved physical security, guard training and qualification, and safeguards contingency plans including amendments made pursuant to provisions of the Miscellaneous Amendments and Search Requirements revisions to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and 27822) and to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CTR 50.54(p). The plans, which contain 0011k



1. At least one licensed Reactor Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the reactor is in OPERATIONAL. CONDITION 1, 2 or 3, at least one licensed Senior

-) -

' Reactor. Operator who has been designated by the Shift Supervisor to_

_ assume the control room direction responsibility shall be in-the Control Room.

2. A radiation protection technician
  • shall be on site when fuel is-in-the reactor.
3. All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be obser.ved and directly supervised by either a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurrent responsibilities during this operation.
4. [A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite-( at all times *. The Fire Brigade shall not include the Shift Supervisor, the Station Control Room Engineer and the 2'other members 1 M- Med - of the shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit and any person (emergency nel required for other essential functions during a fire

, 5. The Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG) shall function to l examine unit operating characteristics,-NRC issuances, industry advisories, Licensee Event Reports and other sources of plant design and operating experience information, including _ plants of similar '

design, which may indicate areas for improving unit-safety.. The ISEG l shall be composed of at least three, dedicated, full-time engineers

.} '

of multi-disciplines. located on site and- shall be augmented on a -

part-time basis ~ by personnel; from other parts of the Commonwealth Edison Company organization to provide expertise not represented in the group. The ISEG shall be' responsible for maintaining l surveillance of unit activities to provide independent verificationt that these activities are performed correctly and that human errors are reduced as much as practical. The ISEG shall make detailed recommendations for revised-procedures,nequipment modifications, l maintenance activities, operations activities or other means of improving unit safety to the Site. Quality Verification Director and the Station Manager. l_

6. The Station Control Room Engineer (SCRE) may serve as the Shift Technical Advisor (STA) during abnormal operating and accident con-ditions. During these conditions, the SCRE or.other on duty STA shall-provide technical support to the Shift Supervisor in the areas of thermal hydraulics, reactor engineering and plant analysis with regard to the safe operation of the unit.


  • The radiation protection tech;@:iadnd Fire Brigade compositi3may be less -

than the minimum requirementf for Cperiod or time not to exceed two hours in order to accommodate unexpe,cted absence provided immediate action is taken to '

fill the required positionV.

  1. Not responsible for sign-off feature.

LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-2 Amendment No. 107

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Prior to startay after the faret refueling, the licensee shall have made enemitments .eceeptable to the NBC regarding the

. ym&delines of section 5.1.2 through 5.1.8 et 30385 4611. ,

1 (15).. Fine eve *==*t== h -- =m [ ea- e e. ===. - an. ==== an.' '


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(a) '2he liesmese shall amistaia la effect all previelene of the syyteved fire precseties program.

[ (b) Prior to initial criticality, the licensee shan replace -*

the 3 diesel fire pump engine and pertens a test la asserdense with Sections u -2.3, 11-3.3 and 11-2.5 of BrPA-20/1983. .

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(eM. Prior ta initial criticality,. the nesseee'shan revise - '


. j,?! ./.O.E'with6 Sectieur 11.3 of EFF&-20/19831, :pi.M tho' fire pre 4 and be esadostos en -


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. .- N %p nameseo shan replace eyyrosa.otea no foot .2 i

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  • 3 ,,seen with sis-inch-y&ye to offeetleely redese the fristles


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,. - (f)', Fries to seemedia,five pereest power, the 11eemsee shall

. ' . . provide a history of the deviatises ebeerved la operaties

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fise 'the fire protetties. This emelysis will imelade a

, demeriyttee of the surveillance preeedares for the service

. .. a' '. ~. yemy system whom mood as e fire protecties water

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. p ?sery3y, med om evaluat.1em of limitatione en the service

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INSERT B The licensee shall implement and maintain all provisions of the approved Fire Protection Program as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report for LaSalle County Station, and as -

approved in NUREG-0519, " Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of LaSalle Ccunty.

Station, Units 1 and 2," dated March 1981; Supplement 2 dated February 1982; Supplement 3

dated April 1982; Supplement 5 dated August 1983; Supplement 7 dated December 1983; l Supplement 8 dated March 1984; and SERs for the following

LaSalle Unit 2 License Amendment 11, dated May 22,1985; LaSalle Unit 2 License Amendment 14, dated October 2,- 1985; LaSalle Unit 2 License Amendment / Number to be provided by the NRC/, dated /Dete to be providedby theNRC/; and NRC Evaluation of the Consequences of Postulated Failures of I liour Fire Rated Darmatt KM Fire Barrier under Seismic Loading at LaSalle County Station, dated March 29,1996.

The licensee may make_ changes to the approved Fire Protection Program without prior approval-of the Commission only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and ;

maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire,

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(h) Prior to eseeeding five pereest power, the 11eensee shall j provide a surveillaeee program for NBC staff eyyteval to oueure operability,of the fire emmyers. This prefrem will Amelado a periodie operability test of a sm yle peyelaties of accessible dampars.

. ., - (1)' Prior to escoedia ,five pereest youer, the 11eeeeee shall

  • aseere, la a mammer, acceptahls to the NaC staff, that a

- fire is a simple fire some will met reem1t la the a-..e-_^. opening of all three high/ low peesoure interiaeo valves between the remeter oore isolaties ' "

eseling and resideal heat removal systems.

(}) Prior to startup after the first refuellag estage, the 11eemsee shall provide the sayyressies peel level and

. , J., f T temperetare semitering lastrumentaties at the remote

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/,;. *(w<.,.$ abetdeus panel think are electrically leelsted from the

  • g g' c . v omstrel room, ese asesre the instrumentaties ese oyerable *
  1. ~. ~'.Fwith . the accessary surveillance procederse- la plass. . ,

. ;(k)- Prior te startuy after the first refuelimy estage, the

  • l '. . . ,
s. T. ',.11eeeeee shall assure, is a mammer esseytable to the NBC-

' . staff, that a fire la any slagle sees will act affect ths' *

. .[;T;[ eestrol of, the' fast oil transfer yunge for diesel

. g. , , i , w.- ~ 'i * ~*

.) ,:. , ~ ..? y . generators."U" .1.1r '" ' and "3A".

V ]gg g , :_:.1 -- --te..r --es n .s. ewe. - es. ---- en) ,

ha. 44 .s ,

4/10/89 CBCs shall fully Amplemsst and malatain la effect all provisions of the Commissies ayyteved physisal soeurity, guard

. taminimy ame qua11Eleation, and saieguards __-a ,__ i plans lasledimp amendmesta made paremmat to provisions of the Mises11ameens Amendknesta med Search Beguirements revisions to it CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and 27833) and to the motherity of 10

.CF3 30.90 and le CFR 50.54(p). The plans, which emetais safefmares laternation protected under 1C CFR 73.21, are ,

~ .


.. entitled "LaSalle County Esclear Staties,Seenrity Plaa," with

. 7. revisions submitted through June 1, 19883 "LaSalle Coasty

.Busteeim. Power Statita Security Perseemel Traialog and

. u .$*{] ,. D OmmHfisetiam Plaa," with revisions sendtted through Ju s


  • l ,, #

r amS;"LaSalle

  • Ceesty Emelear Power Staties SaieTeares ,

^ ],*' ' _ ^ e .

, ,.** , Plas,* witar revieless submitted through February 14,

. .c.. T '1984..",'Chmage made la accordance with 10 CFR 73.55 shall be a,lene.t.d ta -eerden.e via e ..h le set iorth .ersia.

(13) t=eet-1 v..e n _ - am t .:n 1 am m e**. ---- tar 1 The lieessee shall eenduct the laitial.startup test program (met forth is Secties 14 of the licenset's Flaal Safety

  • Analysis Report, as enweded) without maeing medir'. cations of this progree malese each modifications are la accordance with 1

} provisions of 10 CFR Secties 50.59. la addities, the licensee 0011k .



1. At least one licensed Reactor Operator shall be in tne control room

) *

'when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the reactor is in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, 2 or 3, at.least one licensed Senior '

Reactor Operator who has been designated by the Shift-Supervisor to assume the control room direction responsibility shall be in the Control Room.

2. A radiation protection technician
  • shall be on site when fuel is-in the reactor.. .

3.- All CORE ALTERATIONS- shall be observed and.directly supervised by either a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator p Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurrent responsibilities (

during this operation.

4. A site Fire Brigade of at least-5 members shall' be maintained onsite at all times *. The Fire Brigade shall' not include the Shift Supervisor, the Station Control Room Engineer and the 2 other members of the mininum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit:and Mded . any. personnel required for other essential functions during a fire emergency.

j 5.- The Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG) shall function to l examine unit operating characteristics, NRC issuances, industry advisories, Licensee Event Reports and other sources of plant design and operating experience information, . including plants of similar design, which may indicate areas for_ improving _ unit safety. -The ISEG


shall be composed of at least three, dedicated, full-time engineers of l

multi-disci >1ines located on site and shall be augmented on a part-time _ basis sy personnel from other parts of. the Commonwealth Edison Company organization to provide expertise not represented in the group. The ISEG shall be responsible for maintaining surveillance l of unit activities to provide independent verification # that these activities are performed correctly and that human errors are reduced as much as practical. The ISEG shall. make detailed recommendations l for revised procedures, equipment modifications,-maintenance activi-ties, operations activities or other means-of improving unit safety to the Site Quality Verification Director and-the Station Manager. l

6. The Station Control Room Engineer (SCRE) may serve as the Shift Technical Advisor (STA) during abnormal operating and accident condi-tions. During these conditions, the SCRE or other on duty STA shall-provide technical support to the Shift Supervisor in the areas of thermal hydraulics, reactor engineering -and plant analysis with regard to the safe operation of the un t.
  • The radiation protection tec i ion


ian nd Firt Bricade comoosittoibmay be less than the minimum requirenant fora [periodoftimenottoexceedtwohoursin order to accommodate unexpe ed absence provided immediate action is taken to fill the required position. .

- #Not responsible for sign-off feature.

i LA SALLE - UNIT 2 6-2 Amendment No.-93 l J
