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Proposed Tech Specs Table 3.7-1, Primary Containment Isolation Valves
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Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/1991
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ML20085D528 List:
NUDOCS 9110160260
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-4 New Yo'rk Power Authority JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Docket No.50-333 9110160260 911010 PDR ADOCK 05000333 P- PDR

JAFNPP 4.7 (cont'd) 3.7 (cont'd)

c. Secondary containment capability to maintain a 1/4 in. of water vacuum under calm wind conditions with l a filter train flow rate of not more than 6.000 cfm, '

shall be demonstrated at each refueling outage prior to refueling.

O. Primary Containment isolation Valves D. Primary Cont.ainment isolailon Valves

1. The pnmary cordainment isolation vatves surveillance shat!

Whenever primary containment integrity is required por be performed as foitows-1.

3.7_A.2, containment isolation 'ralves and all instrument lirw l a. At least once por opwating cycle, the operable excess flow check valves shall be operable, axcept as isola *Jon valves that are powor operated and Wed in 3.7.D.2. The containment vent and purge l

valves shall be limited to opening angkm less than or equal automauca!!y initiated sha:1 be tested for sirnufated automate initiation vx! for closure time. l to that t.pecrfied below-Maximum Opening Angie b. At least once per operating cycle, the instrument line Valva Number excess flou check valves sha!! be tested for proper 27AOV-111 40" 40" operation.


c. At least once per quarter:

g 27AOV-115 50 (1.) All normally open poworoperated isolation 27AOV-116 50" valves (excrv for the main stream line and 27AOV-117 50' Rsactor Buieng Closed 1.oop Cooling 27AOV-118 50" Water System (RBCLCWS) power-operated isolation valves) shall be fully closed and reopened i

l Amendment No. JB4, 185

JAFNPP 3.7 (cont'd) 4.7 (cont *d)

(2.) . With the reactor at reduced power level, trip main steam isolation valves and verify closure time.

d. At least twice per week, the main steam line power-operated isolation valves shall be exercised by partial closure and subsequent reoponing.
e. The RBCLCWS isolation valves sha!! be fully clored and reopened any time the reactor is in the cold condition exceeding 48 toars,if the valves have not -
2. Wtth one or more of the contalr'enent isolation valves h My M W r Wing inoperable, maintain at least one isolation valve operable in each affected penetration that is open and:

92 $

2. Whenever a containment isolation valve is inoperable, the
a. Restore the inoperable valve (s) to operabie status position of at least one other valve in each tine having an wWn.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />; or g g,yg ggg g
b. Isolate each affected penetration within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> by use of at least one deactivated automatic valve secured in the closed position. Isolation valves closed to satisfy these requirements may be reopened on an intermittent basis under administrative control; or c, Isolate ea::h affected penstration VAthin 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> by uss of at least one closed manual valve or a blind flCDQe-
3. If Specifications 3.7.D.1 or 3.7.D2 cannot be met, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in cold condition within 24 hrs.

Amendment No.1/, JS4, 186

JAFNPP 4.7 BASES (cont'd)

For Reactor Coctant System temperatures less that 212*F, the by in-place testing with DOP as testing medium.

pm to a W -

The test interval for filter efficiency was selected to minimize . 3 2 W M s W on W M plugeing of the fi!!crs. In addition, retention capacity in terms pressdah of u re WW W We d h of thi!!igrams ' of iodino per gram of charcoal wi;l oe P demonstrated. This will be done by testing the charcoaf once a The pnmary co-dairnTsit ischiion valves are highly rdiab*e, year, unless fitter efficiency seriously deteriora:es. Since shelf '

have low service requirement, and most tre norma.!y closed.

lives greater than 6 yr. have been derresLated, the test The initiating sensors and associated trip channds are also intervalis reasonable.

to hwe W q@W h MamaSc Wu D. Primary Containment isolation Valves The test interva! of once per cyde for automatic The large pipes comprisi% a portion of the Reactor Coolant initiation results in a falare probability of 1.1 X 10 that a Ene will not isolate. More frequent testing for valve l System, whose failure could resu!t in uncovering the reactor i core, are supplied with automat;c isolation va!ves (except those l lines needed for Eireguricy Core Cooling Systems operation i l or containment cociing). Valve closure times are adequate to prevent loss of more coolant from the circumferential of any of these lines outside the corfeinment than from a steam l line rupture. Therefore, isolation valve closure times are sufficient io prevent uncovering the core. l l

In order to assure that the doses that may result " rom a stream line break to not exceed the 10CFR100 guidelines, it is necessary that no fuci rod perforation resulting from the accident occur prior to cicsure of the main steam line isolation valves. Analyses indicate that fuel rod cladding perforations would be avoided for r*ain steam vale closure times, including instrument delay, asiong a 10.5 sec. 196 Amer 6Tsit No.

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New York Power Authority JAMES A FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Dc, set No. 50-333 i i

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JPYS 89 027 (MEW 8T6N 1) .

l. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED CHANGE l The proposed chango to tho James A. FitzPatrick Technical Specifict:tions dolotos Tablo .

3.71 (ontitlod,

  • Primary Containment Isolation Valvos" on pagos 108 throu0h 209) along with the associated notes and any roloroncos to this tablo, ,

This safoty ovaluation and associated ioplacomont pagos suporsodo and replace thoso ,

includod with the Authority's prior app!! cation (Reforonco 1). The roquestod chango has boon rovlsed to rofloct the guidanco includod in NRC Generic Lotfor 91-08 (Rotorenco 2).

Rotorencos to the updated final sofoty analysis report (UFSAR) havo boon ollminated from LCOs and SRs (Umiting Conditions for Operations and Survoillanco Roqulromonts) as suggotted in the Genotic Lettor. UFSAR reforoncos addod to tho Danos by tho earlier application soctions havo boon iotalnod.

Specifically, this amondmont proposos tho following changos to the FitzPatrick Tochnical Specifications:

1. Table 3.71 and its associated notes currently occupy twolvo pagos extonding from pago 198 to 209. All twolvo pagos have boon roplaced with a singlo pago boaring tho words *PAGES 190 THROUGH 209 HAVE BEEN DELETED.* A noto on tho bottom of the pa00 will afort the roador that tho *Noxt pago is 210 *

- Thoso twolvo pages previously containod the following:

Pagos 100 through 209. Tablo 3.71,

i  !

l: Pago 207 " Notes for Tablo 3.71, Isolation Signal Codos,' listod and doscribed the isolation signal codos.

l l Pagos 208 and 203.

  • Notes fur Tablo 3.71,* listed fittoon explanatory notes associated with Tablo 3.71.
2. In Soction 3.2 on pago 55 the phraso,
  • Details of valvo grouping and toqulrod closing tlmos aro glvon in Specification 3.7* has boon revised to road, *Dotalls of valvo grouping are glvon in the JAF FSAR Section 7.3.* The phraso
  • assuming a GO second valvo closing timo* and tho sontonco following tho phraso havo both boon coletod.

L 3. In Soction 3.2 on pago 56 the phraso, 'Soo Specification 3.7 for isolation valvo closuro group

  • has boon revised to road, *Dotalls of tho isolation valvo group aro given In tho Pago1 I
  • P-n++-a pw-c+"'- 9 t--b gr a t1r'"'Ww7yW-wr y-T'y7T-r"--14pr"M'm =N4'M'r1w--'w is'Tw'9mw'9'-Dr*9 w"rygw we' 4-ew *e'w"Tt'=-"r'"F'rur- www%64'- w rw W4w"'n ervr pwww-4'T8mfv#F*v'F'-FW- v'"PfgrrvwTPg m t--

ATTACHMENT 11 to JPN 91-056 JAF FSAR Section 7.3.* Tho phraso, 'it causos isolation of Groups B and 3* has boon replacod with *it causos isolation of Groups B and C.*

4. Tablo 3.71 has boon dolotod itom the Ust of Tablos on pago vi.
5. In Section 3.7,D.1 on pago 185, the phraso, "specified in Tablo 3.71* has boon dolotod. Tho next sontonco has boon dolotod.
6. In Soction 3.7.D.2 on pago 180, the phraso,
  • listed in Tablo 3.71* has boon dolotod.
7. In Soction 4.7.D.1.a on pago 185, the phraso, *hs specified in Tablo 3.71* has boon i dolotod. '


8. In S3ction 4.7.D.2 on pago 180, the phraso *llstod in Tablo 3.71* has boor, dolotod. i
9. A referenco to tho tablo of containment isolation valvos in the updated JAF FSAR Soction 7.3 has boon added to Basos 3.7 and 4.7 (on pagos 192 and 197 respectively), j
10. In Bases 4.7.D on pago 190, the phraso, *Tho closuro timo specified hotoln aro ..." has boon replaced with *Valvo closuro timos ato ..."
11. In Basos 4.7.D on pago 19G, the phraso 'Thoroforo, this isolation valvo closure timo is cufficient..." has boon replacod with "Thornfore, isolation valvo closuro timos aro j sufficient..." i
11. PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED CHANGE The purpose of this change is to reduco tho administrativo rosourcos roquired by both tho NRC and the Authority to maintain an accurato and up to dato tablo of containment isolation l valves. The ollmination of lists of compononts has boon Identiflod as a gonoric improvemont l by both industry and NRC programs. NRC Genoric Lottor 9108 (Reforonco 2) providos guidance for preparing a request for a lleonso amendmont to romovo component lists from Technical Specifications. Soction 1 of Enclosuro 1 to GL 91-08 providos specific guidanco

' on romoving tablos of containmont isolation valvos.

Rather than preparing and submitting a Technical Spocification amendmont roquost for cach Tablo 3.71 altoration, tho Authority will maintain tho tablo of containment isolation valvos in a plant proceduro that is subject to the chango control proceduros in tho j

Administrativo Controls Sectiori of the Technical Specifications. This will assuro that tho tablo is controlled without tho administrativo burdon o' an oporating licenso amondmont.

1 In addition, FSAR Tablo 7.31, entitled ' Process Piping Ponotrating Primary Containmont,'

was includod in the FSAR updato issuod in July 1986 (Reference 1).

Pago 2

ATTACHMENT 11 to JPN 9t 05G Tablo 4.7 2 ontitlod, ' Exception to Typo C Tosts," (pagos 211,212,213,21Da, and 213b) lists for Typo C tests excoptions for cortain containment ponotrations and containment isolation vah as. This tablo is not dolotod as part of this amondment application and will bo retalnod as part of the Technical Spocifications.

Changos to pago 1DG doloto an erroneous roforenco to a list of containment isolation valvo closuro timoa in Basos 4.7.D. Valvo clocuro timos wero doloted from the tablo of containmont isolation valvos (Tablo 3.71) in Amendmont 150 (Referenco 9) when tho tablo was extensively rovised and updated, Ill. EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES Tho dolotion of tho tablo of containment isolation vatvos is putoly administrativo in naturo and will not degrado sofoty. This amondmont does not attor or removo any operability or survoillanco requiromonts currontly in the FitzPattick Technical Spocifications.

This chango implomonts tho guidanco includod in Enclosuro 1 to NRC Gonoric Lottor 91-08

("Romoval of Componont Usts From Technical Spocifications") for tomoving tho list of containmont isolation valvos from the FitzPatrick Technical Specifications. Spocifically, reforoncos to the updated final safoty analysis report havo boon ollminated from LCOs and Survoillanco Roqulromonts as suggestod in tho Gonoric Lottoi. UFSAR rofotoncos havo boon rotalnod in Basos sections as proposed in Rotorenco 1. i l

Tho chango control provisions for plant proceduros in tho Administrativo Controls Section of tho FitzPatrick Tochnical Specifications and 10 CFR 50 contains adoquato toqulromonts app!Icabl0 to containmont isolation valvos to assure tho safo operation of the FitzPatrick plant whether or not a list of containmont isolation valvos is includod in the Technical Spocifications.

Section G.8 'Proceduros' of the FitzPatrick Technical Specifications includos provisions for the control of plant procodutos. Soction 6.8(B) afroady toquires that proceduros affacting nucloar sofoty bo reviewod by (Plant Operating Roview Committoo) PORC and approvod by the Rosident Manager prior to implomontation.

Both 10 CFR 50.59, "Changos, tests and experiments' and 10 CFR 50.71(o), "Maintenanco of records, making of reports" already contain provisions which require the Authority to inform tho NRC of changos to the plant.10 CFR 50.59 permits the Authority to:

  • (l) mako changos in tho facility as describod in tho safety analysis report, (ii) make changos in the proceduros as

, described in iho safoty analysis report, untoss the proposed l chango, test or experimon' involves a chango in the technical spocifications incorporated in tho licenso or an unroviowod safoty question."

l Pago 3 l

ATTACHMENT ll to JPN 91-05G 10 CFR 50.59 roquires that the Authority annually submit tc the NRC 'a roport containing a brief description of such changos, tests or experimonts, including a summary of tho safety i ovaluation of each.' This part also toquires that tho Authority comploto a safoty evaluation  ;

for cach chango to assuro that the chango doos not involvo an 'unroviewod safoty quostion.' 10 CFR 50.59(a)(2) definos throo critoria to be appliod to dotormho if a chango

  • Involves an unrovlowed safoty question.'

10 CFR 50.71(o) requires the Authority to to/ iso the CitzPatdek FSAR cach year 'to assuro that tho information includod in tho FSAR cudains the latest matorial developod.'

Thoso provlsions provido adequato assurance that changos to tho plant that tosult In I changos to this tablo will bo ovaluated by the Authority and reportod to tho NRC as requirod.

Changos to Basos 4.7.D (on pago 100) doloto an erronoous rotorenco to a list of containment isolation valvo closuro timos. Thoso changos are purely administrativo and will mako Basos 4.7.D consistent with changos roviewod and approvod by tho NRC staff as part of Amendmont 150 (Reforonco 9) to the FitzPatrick Technical Spocifications.

IV. EVALUATION OF SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION Operation of tho James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant in accordanco with this proposed amondmont would not involvo a significant hazards considuration, as definod in 10 CFR 50.92, sinco the proposed changos would not:

1. Involvo a significant Increaso in the probability of an accident or consequenco previously evaluated. Changos to the list of containmont isolation valvos will bo controllod by incorporeting the list in a plant procoduro subject to the provisions of Section 6.8(B) of the Technical Specifications. Tho rotocation of this information from tho Technical Spocifications is putoly an administrativo chcngo, it will have no offoct on how the plant is maintalnod or operated nor does it altor the plant's design. Fodoral regulations 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR 50.71 a!roady contain provisions that require the Authority 19 comploto a safety evaluation of any changes to the plant and to report thoso changes annually.

Changos to Basos 4.7.D aro purely administrativo in nature and havo no offect on the probability or consoquences of an accident.

2. crosto tno possibility of a now or difforont kind of accident from thoso proviously evaluated. The rolocation of the containment isolation valvo tablu and changes to the bases do not involvo a modification to the plant or a chango in the procoduros used for plant operation.

- 3. Involvo a significant reduction in the marfn of safety. A similar table will bo included in a plant proceduto subject to the chango control provisions for plant proceduros in the Administrativo Controls Section of the FitzPatrick Tochnical SpecificationA Tho list of containment isolation valvo closure timos was removed as part of a prior amendmont. This amendment does not alter any Pago 4

ATTACHMENT 11 to JPN 01-05G oporability or survollianco requirements curtontly in th ; 1 s ~,-. Technical Specifications.

V. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED CH ANGE implornontation of the proposod changos will not impact the ALARA or Firo Protcetion Programs at the FitzPatrick plant, nor will the changos impact tho environment.

VI. CONCLUSION Thoso changos, as proposod, do not constituto an unrovlowed safety question as definod in 10 CFR 50.59. That is, they:

a. will not increaso the probability of occurronco or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipmont important to safoiy praviously ovaluated in the satoty analysis report;
b. will not croato the possibility of an accident or malfunction of a difforont typo from any ovaluatod proviously in tho safoty analysis toport;
c. will not reduco tho margin of safoty as dofinod iri the basis for any technical spocification; and
d. Involvo no significant hazards considoration, as defined in 10 CFR 50.92.



1. NYPA lottor, J. C. Brons to USNRC, dated January 10,1991. (JPN 91002) regarding
  • Proposed Changes to the Technical Specifications rogarding the Dolellori of Tablo 3.71, Primary Containmont isolation Valves (JPTS 89-027)."
2. NRC Gonoric Lottor 9108, dated May 6,1991, *Romoval of Component Usts from Technical Spocifications."
3. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to H. R. Donton, dated July 22,1980, (JPN BG-032) regarding 1986 annual FSAR updain.
4. NYPA lottor, J. C. Brons to H. R. Dor, ton, dated November 15,1985, (JPN 85-083, IPN 85-000) togarding NYPA ondorsomont of technical spocification rolorm activitics.
5. NRC Tochn! cal Specifications improvement Project Final Repod, *Rncommendations 1or improving Technical Specifications,* dated September 30,1985.

G. Atomic Industrial Forum, *Tochnical Spocifications Improvomonts," Subcommittoo on Tochnical Specification improvements, dated October 1,1985.

] 7. NRC lottor, T. V Wambach to D. C. Sholton, dated April 13,1990, regarding tho dolotion of Tablo 3.0.2, Contalnment Isolation Valvos in its entirety from tho Davis-Bosso Technical Specifications.

8. NRC lotter, H. Silver to W. S. Wilgus, dated May 22,1989, rogarding the dolotion of the Containmont isolation Valvo Tablo from tho Crystal River Unit 3 Technical Specifications.
9. NRC lottor, D. E. LaBarge to J. C. Brons, datod February 13,1990, rogarding issuanco of Amendment 150 to the FitzPatrick Technical Specificatlor ) (TAC 733G1).

Pago 6 1


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