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Requests That Proprietary Presentation Matls from 950410 & 11 Meetings on AP600 Hydrogen Topics & 950410 Meeting on AP600 PCS Test & Analysis Program Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 04/18/1995
From: Liparulo N
To: Quay T
Shared Package
ML20046D700 List:
AW-95-812, NUDOCS 9505020435
Download: ML20082S234 (113)




. N 3 C,

Box 355 - i>

' Westinghouse Energy Systems Pinsburgh Pemsykania 15230-0355 ,

Electric Corporation AW-95-812 '

i April 18,1995 I Document Control Desk IJ.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,


[  !




Dear Mr. Quay:


The application for withholding is submitted by Westinghouse Electric Corporation (" Westinghouse") ,

pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations. It i contains commercial strategic information proprietary to Westinghouse and customarily held m j confidence. j I

The proprietary material for which withholding is being requested is identified in the proprietary j version of the subject report, in conformance with 10CFR Section 2.790, Affidavit AW-95-812

( accompanies this application for withholding setting forth the basis on which the identified proprietary j i

information may be withheld from public disclosure.

3 Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that the subject information which is proprietary to  ;

t Westinghouse be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10CFR Section 2.790 of the ,

Commission's regulations. j g

Cotrespondence with respect to this application for withholding or the accompanying affidavit should }

' reference AW-95-812 and should be addressed to the undersigned. {

e Very truly yours, i


I 0 ~ // Y , I j

[ N. J. Liparuto, Manager l Nuclear Safety Regulatory And Licensing Activities i, _ _

l /nja 1 4 ec: Kevin Bohrer NRC 12H5 l i

2377A 9505020435 950418 i PDR ADOCK 05200003 p PDR

[ ., l

, , )



AW-95-812 i p-h i

i i


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SS 7 L~


-i l

1 Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Brian A. McIntyre, who, being by l

me duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of Westinghouse Electric Corporation (" Westinghouse") and that the averments of fact set fonh  !

in this Affidavit are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief:

i A a Brian A. McIntyre, Man z f

- Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing -!

i Sworn to and subscribed .l before me this // day l i' of .1995 7

i Notary Public  !

tuatalseal Ibse Mano Payne,tactary PWlic i urrme:a Doro#;4ghony My Conrreon ExpresNov.4,1 Morfter, Pennsylvania Assooanon at Nolanes 2ns4 i




(1) I am Manager, Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing, in the Advanced Technology Business Area, of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and as such, I have been specifically delegated .

i the function of reviewing the proprietary information sought to be withheld from public disclosure in connection with nuclear power plant licensing and rulemaking proceedings, and am authorized to apply for its withholding on behalf of the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit.

I (2) I am making this Af6 davit in conformance with the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations and in conjunction with the Westinghouse application for withholding accompanying this Affidavit.

i (3) I have personal knowledge of the criteria and procedures utilized by the Westinghouse Energy i

Systems Business Unit in designating information as a trade secret, privileged or as confidential commercial or financial information.

(4) Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure should be withheld.

(i) The information sought to be withheld from public disclosure is owned and has been held in confidence by Westinghouse.

! (ii) The information is of a type customarily held in confidence by Westinghouse and not customarily disclosed to the public. Westinghouse has a rational basis for determining the types of information customarily held in confidence by it and, in that connection, utilizes a system to determine when and whether to hold certain types of information in confidence. The application of that system and the substance of that system l '

constitutes Westinghouse policy and provides the rational basis required.

t Under that system, information is held in confidence if it falls in one or more of l several types, the release of which might result in the loss of an existing or potential competitive advantage, as follows:


f. ~



(a) The information reveals the distir.guishing aspects of a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.) where prevention of its use by any of Westinghouse's competitors without license from Westinghouse constitutes a -

competitive economic advantage over other companies.

(b) It consists of supporting data, including test data, relative to a process (or f component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application of which data secures a competitive economic advantage, e.g., by optimization or improved marketability. i (c) Its use by a competitor would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive positio : in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of qua'ity, or licensing a similar product.

(d) It reveals cost or price information, production capacities, budget levels, or commercial strategies of Westinghouse, its customers or suppliers.

(e) It reveals aspects of past, present, or future Westinghouse or customer funded development plans and programs of potential commercial value to i


(f) It contains patentable ideas, for which patent protection may be desirable.

I i There are sound policy reasons behind the Westinghouse system which include the following:

(a) The use of such information by Westinghouse gives Westinghouse a competitive advantage over its competitors. It is, therefore, withheld from disclosure to protect the Westinghouse competitive position.

(b) It is information which is marketable in many ways. The extent to which such t

information is available to competitors diminishes the Westinghouse ability to sell products and services involving the use of the information.


!) -

AW-95-812 t.

! (c) Use by our competitor would put Westinghouse at a competitive disadvantage ,

by reducing his expenditure of resources at our expense.

(d) Each component of proprietary information pertinent to a particular

  • competitive advantage is potentially as valuable as the total competitive i advantage. If competitors acquire components of proprietary information, any one component may be the key to the entire puzzle, thereby depriving Westinghouse of a competitive advantage.

(e) Unrestricted disclosure would jeopardize the position of prominence of Westinghouse in the world market, and thereby give a market advantage to the competition of those countries.

(f) The Westinghouse capacity to invest corporate assets in research and ,

development depends upon the success in obtaining and maintaining a competitive advantage.

I (iii) The information is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence and, under the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790, it is to be received in confidence by the t Commission.

l (iv) The information sought to be protected is not available in public sources or available information has not been previously employed in the same original manner or method to the best of our knowledge and belief.

(v) Enclosed is Letter NTD-NRC-95-4439, April 18,1995 being transmitted by I Westinghouse Electric Corporation (,W) letter and Application for Withholding t

Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, N. J. Liparulo (W), to Mr. T. R. Quay, Office of NRR. The proprietary information as submitted for use by e

Westinghouse Electric Corporation is in response to questions concerning the AP600 l

! plant and the associated design certification application and is expected to be r

l applicable in other licensee submittals in response to certain NRC requirements for t I justification of licensing advanced nuclear power plant designs.

I 4

2.I75 %


g ..



AW-95-812 _  !

l l

This information is part of that which will enable Westinghouse to:

L l (a) Demonstrate the design and safety of the AP600 Passive Safety Systems.

(b) Establish applicable verification testing methods.

(c) Design Advanced Nuclear Power Plants that meet NRC requirements.

t I

(d) Establish technical and licensing approaches for ae AP600 that will ultimately result in a certified design.

(e) Assist customers in obtaining NRC approval for future plants.


! Further this information has substantial commercial value as follows:

(a) Westinghouse plans to sell the use of similar infom1ation to its customers for

[ purposes of meeting NRC requirements for advanced plant licenses.

.l t

(b) Westinghouse can sell support and defense of the technology to its customers  :

l k in the licensing process.

I i

l Public disclosure of this proprietary information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Westinghouse because it would enhance the ability of j competitors to provide similar advanced nuclear power designs and licensing defense i

services for commercial power reactors without commensurate expenses. Also, public i disclosure of the information would enable others to use the information to meet NRC t l

requirements for licensing documentation without purchasing the right to use the information.

! 1 i The development of the technology described in part by the information is the result of applying the results of many years of experience in an intensive Westinghouse effort and the expenditure of a considerable sum of money.


y  ;

} ,

AW-95-812 In order for competitors of Westinghouse to duplicate this information, similar technical programs would have to be performed and a significant manpower effort, having the requisite talent and experience, would have to be expended for developing l analytical methods and receiving NRC approval for those methods.

Further the deponent sayeth not.


i i

i 2TsA i

k I

Enclosure 2 to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC-95-4439 e


um i i1

n-mill AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program

1. Review AP800 Design Features
3. s
2. Identify Key g

-to o Represent Key ModoNed Phenomena N/

4. compare to Existing om m
5. Identify and Obtain Needed Test Data
6. Perform Validadon
7. Perform Plant Analysis u:\1846w-2a.wpt.1b432495 Page1

I AP600 PCS Test and Analysis Program

1. Review AP900 Design Features b 3. Select Analysis
2. Identify Key l

! to be TM m M y n

, _w-i

_ _ _ _ __t Key Phenomena i



4. Compare to Existing De h i
s. Idenmyand Obtain Needed Test Data
6. Perform Validation
7. Perform Plant Analysis uAie4ew-2a.wpt.tbo32ess Page 2

! ny-mi WGOTHIC LST Modeling Methods

. Modeling Methodology l


. LST Data Usage for Code Validation

. Key WGOTHIC Input Parameters and Noding Basis I

s u.\1848e2a wpt.lb432495 Page 3

Modeling Methodology I

~ PCS Water Conservathrely Delayed to 660 sec.


Faster Runting Lumped parameter


2 .

a ~

g 0.6 -


  1. g Expected Results from o More accurate B Distributed Parameter 0.4 -

0.2 -

Blowdown m Transition PCS Longterm Cooling (Free volume) (Internal Heat Sinks) (PCS heat transfer)

, . . . . ....i . . . . ....i . . ......i . . . . ....i . . . . . . .

I 10 100 1.000 10.000 I(m.tum Time (sec) u.\l848w-2a wpf.1b432495 Page 4

Modeling Methodology **!!!

. Lumped parameter will be used for LOCA pressure response analysis.

. Distributed parameter will be used through the peak pressure calculations while the containment most nearly approaches containment design pressure.

. Noding corresponding to the LST models will be used for the plant analysis.

uT1848w-2a.wpf.1b-032696 Pages

[P'5'A LST Data Usage for Code Validation l

I u.\1848w-2a 032495 PageG

pu-mnd LST Data Usage for Code Validation '

Large-scale tests to be run with WGOTHIC lumped parameter and distributed parameter models have 13 different steady-state conditions:

212.1 A, B, C 214.1 A, B 216.1 A, B 219.1 A,B,C 222.1 222.4 A, B These large-scale tests have been selected that address code validation for the parameters with the largest effect on vessel pressure, as shown in the ,

l scaling analysis and the test data.

Address important phenomena as identified in the PIRT u:\1848w-2a.wpf:1b432495 Page 7

LST Data Usage for Code Validation Test Parameters Test Numbers Containment pressure is a primary function of:

Steam source flow rate and 219.1C : 212.1 A,B,C orientation 222.1 : 212.1 A,B,C 222.1 : 222.4A,B External water flow rate / coverage 219.1 A,B : 219.1C 216.1 A:216.1B 212.1B : 216.1 A,B Steam and noncondensable partial 219.1 A : 219.1B 222.4B : 222.1 pressures Containment pressure is a secondary function of:

External air flow rate characteristics 214.1 A : 214.1 B i

u \t848w-2a.wpf.Ib432495 PageH


" aangl LST Data Usage for Code Validation l

I Run & Test Number Description l ms (ib/s) PCS (%) Characteristics

~ a, 6 l RC048-212.1 A, B, C 3 steady-state P, RC044-214.1 A, B , free / forced air RC046-216.1 A, B k PCS quadrant I

!. RC057-219.1 A, B. C He, dry / wet PCS RC061-222.1 blowdown RC066-222.4A, B blowdown, 3-in. pipe 6 ft. above deck-up

RC062-220.1 blowdown, blind test Notes

ms = steam mass flow rate (Ib/s)

PCS = PCS water coverage (%)

P, = vessel pressure He = helium The table illustrates the actual steam flow and PCS coverage in the tests.

u.\1846w-2a.wpl.1b-032495 Page 9

jj n=hq PCS PHENOMENA IDENTIFICATION AND RANKING TABLE FOR AP600 LOCA AND MSLB Component Phenomena Rank Test Module Volume Multi-component compressible gases H Buoyancy H Jet-plume mixing /entrainment H Steam source superheating M Flow field stability / stratification H Module Surface Uquid film heat transfer M LR3 uid film stability / coverage H All the phenomena are addressed by Liquid film subcooling M the following:

Free convection heat transfer M Forced convection heat transfer L 212.1 A,B,C: 214.1 A,B; 216.1 A,B; Radiation heat transfer L 219.1 A,B,C; 222.1; 222.4 A,B Free convection mass transfer H Forced convection mass transfer H '

Module Solids One-dimensional transient conduction heat transfer H Two or three-dimensional conduction L Inter-Module Convection M Conduction H Form and friction losses H u\1848w-2a.wpf.1b432495 Pagetu

LST Data Usage for Code Validation 1 Conclusions Tests have been selected for comparison to the WGOTHIC code:

Cover the range of parameters with the largest effect on vessel pressure as shown in the test results Address important phenomena as identified in the PIRT Will be used to validate the LST lumped parameter and distributed parameter models -

u:\1848w-2a wpt.1b432495 Page 11

p-mg Key input Parameter and Noding Basis uT1848w-2a.wpf.lb43249s Page 12

!! 5=513_

Key input Parameters input Examples Design Data Geometry Flow areas Volumes Protection system configuration Noding Selection Type (lumped / distributed parameter)

Size Number Locations Connections Accident Boundary Conditions Mass and energy releases Equipment assumptions initial Conditions Pressure Temperature Humidity .

Ambient conditions Model/ Correlation Seiection and Uchida condensation correlation input Friction factors Channel correlations for external heat and mass transfer Flat plate correlations for intemal shell heat and mass transfer l uT1848w-2a.wpt.1b432495 Page la

j-m-ng Noding Methodology for Distributed Parameter Model u.\l848w-2a.wpf.1b432499 Page 14

i ll" ammsj Noding Methodology il LST Noding Development Process Baseline LST Lumped Parameter - WCAP-13246, Rev. 0

- 41 lumped parameter volumes (1/4 symmetry) 4 =>=>=>**=>=>=+=>=>=>=+=>:::+=>=+=>=>=+=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>

4 Baseline LST Distributed Parameter Noding Studies (Dry tests) 4

- 168 distributed parameter cells,15 lumped parameter volumes (1/4 symmetry) 4 4

4 4

. 4 Phase 2 and 3 Distributed Parameter 4

- 550 distributed parameter cells,18 lumped parameter volumes (1/2 symmetry) 4 4

  • 4 Phase 2 and 3 Lumped Parameter

-93 lumped parameter volumes Phase 2 and 3 Optimized Distributed Parameter

- 375 distributed parameter cells,18 lumped parameter volumes (1/2 symmetry)

To be discussed today u\tS48w-2a.wgAlb432495 Page 15

g-y1 d'

Noding Methodology for Distributed Parameter Model "I

. Did noding studies on Baseline LST (dry tests)

. Applied knowledge to build the 550 distributed parameter cell deck with detailed noding to capture important effects

. Simplify noding without distorting the ability to model the most important effects (375 distributed parameter deck) uT1848w-2a.wpl.1b-032495 Page 16

p=amm Noding Methodology for Distributed Parameter Model _

. The vessel is divided into subvolumes using the distributed parameter formulation (~550 distributed parameter cells).

. The air annulus is modeled with the lumped parameter formulation.

. The large-scale test is symmetrical about the 0 - 180 line. The model takes advantage of the symmetry.

u \1848w-2a wpt:1b432495 Page 17

s-,o Noding Methodology for Distributed Parameter Model i

. Detailed noding around the jet In the vertical and radial direction to model entrainment into jet In the radial direction to model jet expansion

. Relatively small nodes along the wall to provide a " local" bulk

velocity, temperature, and pressure for the PCS heat and mass
transfer correlations t

, . Use facility geometry and internal equipment location to determine noding The specific location of several of the subvolume boundaries are determined based on location of walls, equipment,.etc. For example, subvolume boundaries were determined based on the steam generator box walls, the steam generator model height,

the intemal gutter height, etc.

l . Remaining noding was determined to provide enough detail to capture gradients and flow field u.\1848w-2awpl:1b432495 Page la


Noding Methodology for Distributed Parameter Model 1


-%,g3 Noding Diagram of Distributed Parameter LST u \1848w-2a.wpl:lb432495 Page 19


Noding Methodology for Distributed Parameter Model F


-(4,c Distritmted Parameter Noding u.\1848w-2a wpt:1b432495 Page 20

m-nll ACRS Themral-Hydraulics Subcommittee Meeting on AP600 PCS --




John Butler Phone: 412-374-5268 Westinghouse Electric Corporation Contains Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 Information uT1846w4.wpf Ib432595

i l

!!m= mig l WGOTHIC LST Code Validation Results 1  :

. Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST (550 cell model)

Base case Sensitivity to explore mixing effects

. Optimized Distributed Parameter LST Model (375 cell model)

. Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST

. Modeling Conclusions Relative to AP600 -

cu s4ew-2b wpt. ib-os24ss Page 22

WGOTHIC LST Code Validation Results The distributed parameter and lumped parameter comparisons will be made to LST 212.1 Test Characteristics

. Three steam flow rate levels, reaching a steady-state pressure with each flow rate.

. Forced convection in air annulus.

- Exterior water coverage for the first and second steady-state periods was 100% wet. For third steady-state period, the water coverage was 95%.

uT1848w-2b.wpt.Ib432495 Page 23

!!== iii.

Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 (550 cell model) 4 u u s4ew-2b wpt. tb432495 Page 24

Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

. Global Comparisons Vessel pressure Condensate flow rate (Total heat transfer) l Excess PCS water flow rate (Total evaporation) l

. Local Comparisons Noncondensable concentrations -

Velocity inside vessel AT through vessel wall Rake temperatures u.\1848w 2b wpf:lb432495 Page 25

li liimmillill l Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 _


. Global Comparisons Vessel pressure Condensate flow rate Excess PCS water flow rate u-\1848w 2b.wpf.lb43249s Page 26


" filmilli!l Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

--(n,g esu uT1848w-2b.wpf:1b432495 Page 27

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 m>

U \j 848W-2b WpI.Ib-032495

WESilNGH00SE PROPRIEiARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1


9 u \1848w-2b.wpf:1b-032495

Hi!!!:lllll. "'

'5 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 1 Global Comparison Conclusions Good agreement between the code and measurements L

u.\184ew-2b.wpf.1b432495 Page 30

ii" n-mjjj Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

- Local Comparisons Noncondensable concentrations Velocity inside vessel AT through vessel wall Rake temperatures l

l l

l uT1846w 2b wpf;1b43249s Page 31


!!""""yl' Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 s,q c. ,

L u \lB48w-2b.wpf:1b432495 Page 32

WESilNGHOUSE PROPR!ETARY Cl ASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1  !*"li

~! 9, /.,


l i

I u.\1848w-2b.wpf.1b432495 Page 33

l l

l Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 [!!!M5l]

1 l Noncondensable Comparison Conclusions

. Good agreement between measured and predicted

. Shows the code is modeling plume entrainment and mixing u \1848w-2b wpf:1b432495 Page 34

WESilNGH00SE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 I!!"""'ill Velocity Meter Measurements

_ m,6) 7

. Dome - 42" - 165 anemometer read an average velocity of _ _


_ jw

. A - 90 anemometer read an average velocity of - [ft./s cw

. Dome - 42" - 345 anemometer read an average velocity of ,ft./s _

. D - 180 and E - 30 anemometers have either failed or the velocities are below the sensor threshold u uS48w-2c.wpf.1b432495 Page 35

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 Ii ***ill

- (9

'C) l l


l i

1 -

l Subdivided Noding u:\1848w-2c.mpi:1b432495 Page 3G

WESi!NGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 li>""*8



uT1848w-2c.wpt:1b432495 Page 37

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1  ! "1

_ c, C )

o u\1848w-2c.wpt:1b432495 Page 30

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETMY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

-(q JC}

u \1848w 2c wpl:1b-032495 Page 39

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 H""""ll t

_ f, ' /

se u.u s4ew-2ca.wptib-032495 Page 40

i l


Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 P""""




[9 ,

4 uT1848w-2ca wpf:1b432495 Page 41


l Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 I!!"""1 l


l E, < )

4 s

4w u\1948w-2ca wpf-1b432495 page 42 M__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 lif " "

- c, . ,

w u:\1848w-2ca.wptib432495 Page 43

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 "-  !!!

-m c )

u \1848w-2ca wpf.1b-032495 Page 44

WESilNGH00SE PROPRIET ARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparisons to LST 212.1

  • Vessel Velocity


cities are consistent with the measured wall The predicted velocities of velg/s 1t.

. 3 The model predicts the plume entrainment and mixing u \1848w-2ca wpf.1b-032495 Page 45

WESTINGliOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

- 6 ,, ,

u.\tS48w-2dwpt:1b432495 Page 46 i

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1


- ,1, )

1 uT1846w-2dwpf:1b432595 Page 47

WESilNGH0'JSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 l


u:\1848w-2dwptib432595 Page 48

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WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CtASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 -


,1, )

~ w ui1848w-2dwpf.1b432595 Page 49

WESilNGH00SE PROPRIETARY Ct ASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

- (h i, ,

i l uussew-2d wptib432595 Page 50 l . .

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1




uT1846w-2dwpf:1b432595 Page 51

WESilNGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

~ '? J, ,>

J uT1848w 2dwpt.1bc2595 Page 52

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1


') /g l

l u:\1848w-2d.wpf:1b432595 Page 53

WESilf8GHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 e


N uA1848w-2dwpf.1b432596 Page 54

Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 Average Wall Temperature Difference, Elevation D0-21 This elevation is in between the two water distributer J-tube rings.

It is not a valid point to model as 100% wet (or 95% wet for third steady-state).

Represents small fraction of vessel surface area (<2%) and over prediction has a negligible impact on overall results.

9 u;\1849w-2dwpt:1b 03259s Page 55

Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 ,


- ] la I N .. )

/ l \

L ,f h-- + _.:-,6 m ( 3_g _'

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Water Film Distributor u.uesew-2dwpub432ses Page 56

a 7 5



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_s Distrtuted Parameter Comparison to LST-Internal Rake l

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e uA1848w-2dwpt.1b432595 Page 58

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Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 180*

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Cross Section Orientation Convention uA1846w-2dwpf.1b432595 Page 59


Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 l -


w nM u.ua4aw-2. wpt ab432596 Page 60

MSTEHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

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WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

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WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

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WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY ClA33 2 Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1


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Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 Internal Rake Temperature Conclusions Agreement is good between measurements and predictions.

Predicted temperature in upper dome too hot as a result of modeling DO-21 as 100% wet (95% wet for third steady state).

This has negligible impact on overall results. It is only a local disturbance.

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Distributed Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 Summary

. Global Comparisons Show good agreement for total energy transferred Illustrate that the primary parameter, vessel pressure, is predicted well 6 Local Comparisons Show good agreement for many independent parameters Supports vessel pressure results (i.e., getting vessel pressure

agreement for the right reasons) u-\l848w-2f wptib432595 Page 79

Distributed Parameter LST Sensitivity (550 cell model) u \is4ew-2gwpt.tb432595 Page 80

Distributed Parameter LST Sensitivity Exploring Mixing Effects with Distributed Parameter Model To Address Nonprototypicality identified in Scaling, a Flow Path was Modeled Between the Steam Generator and Dead-Ended Compartment in the LST Base Case Distributed Parameter Model u.\1848w-2g wptib432595 Page 81

Distributed Parameter LST Sensitivity

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WESilHC"iOUSE PROFRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter LST Sensitivity

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WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter LST Sensitivity

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WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Distributed Parameter LST Sensitivity

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Di.;tributed Parameter LST Sensitivity Modeiing a Path Between the Steam Generator Compartment and the Dead-Ended Compartment:

  • Represented a configuration more like the plant
  • Mixed noncondensables from below the deck Penalize the heat and mass transfer in the vessel Calculated pressure is increased u:us4ew-29 wpt:ib432595 Page 90

. _ __ _ _ m Optimized Distributed Parameter Model (375 cell model) a .

u \l848w-2h.wpf. lb432595 PageS4


Optimized Distributed Parameter Model 1

. Noding of 550 cell distributed parameter model has been selectively reduced so the flow field is not distorted

. The optimized noding will be used to model the selected Phase 2 and 3 large-scale tests

. A similar AP600 distributed parameter model is being used to assess peak containment pressure u31848w-2h.wpi.'lb432595 Page 92

w Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST u.\1848w-2tt wpt.1b432595 Page 93

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST (9. c) t Elevation Noding Diagram of LST Lumped Parameter Model u.unewawptmosases p,9,g

WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST fo,gg I

m Plan View of LST Vessel Lumped Parameter Noding from Operating Deck to Upper Internal Gutter u\1848w-2ttwpt.lb432595 Page 95


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WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 l



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Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

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2 WESTINGHOUSE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 -


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Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 -

  • While vessel pressure is only overpredicted by 6% at steady state, the model is calculating over-mixing of the noncondensables in the vessel.
  • The velocity predictions a!cng the wall are too high. The predicted velocities are 5-8 ft./s. The measurements show the velocities are 1-3 ft/s along the vessel wall.

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Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST The lumped parameter model's tendency to over entrain and numerically drive circulation results in two competing effects: l Over mixing of noncondensables in the vessel l Over predicting the velocity l The competing effects result in a slight over prediction in vessel pressure.  ;

To reduce the competing effect, only free convection is used to model heat and mass transfer inside the vessel. This conservatively biases the results.  !

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WESTINGH00SE PROPRIETARY CLASS 2 Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1

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Lumped Parameter Comparison to LST 212.1 Conclusions '

. Free convection will be used to model heat and mass transfer inside the containment vessel

. This conservatively biases the LST results

. A similar AP600 lumped parameter model with forced convection neglected inside the vessel will be used to assess long term containment cooling uA1848w-2h.wpf;1b432595 Page 103


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WGOTHIC LST Code Validation Results Conclusions Relative to AP600

- Maximize the strengths of the distributed and lumped parameter

! models -

- Use the most accurate tool, distributed parameter, for the peak pressure calculations while the containment most nearly approaches containment design pressure for LOCA

- Use the lumped parameter for long term LOCA Faster running time Sufficient representation of the AP600 conditions: we,Il mixed and dominated by free convection uT1848w-2h.wpf.1b-032595 Page 105

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