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Potentially Significant Const Deficiency Rept Re Defective Capstan Springs in Itt Grinnel Shock Arrestors.Initially Reported on 831024.Condition Does Not Warrant Coming Offline to Replace Springs.Next Rept by 840429
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 02/29/1984
From: Martin T
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Murley T
NUDOCS 8403150108
Download: ML20081D008 (2)



I-5'o-154 So-155 Thomas J. Martin Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Plaza Newark, N.J. 07101 201/4304316 Vsce President Engineering and Construction February 29, 1984 Dr. Thomas E.

Murley U.

S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region I i

631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406

Dear Dr. Murley:

POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCY DEFECTIVE CAPSTAN SPRINGS IN SHOCK ARRESTORS HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION On October 24, 1983, a verbal report was made to Region I, Office of Inspection and Enforcement representative, Mr. E. M.

Kelly, advising of a potentially significant construction deficiency concerning defective capstan springs in mechanical shock arrestors supplied by ITT Grinnell.

An interim report was sent to your office on November 23, 1983.

The following interim report is provided in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.55(e).

Our initial plans called for the removal and replacement of the suspect capstan springs on the affected shock arrestors.

This work was to be done at Pacific Scientific's facility or at the jobsite under the direction of ITT Grinnell.

Subsequent correspondence from Pacific Scientific, however, indicated that the mechanical shock arrestors met their design specification and warranty, thereby implying that the shock arrestors are suitable for use "as-is".

Consequently, Bechtel Power Corporation, our Architect / Engineer, requested clarification from ITT Grinnell.

On February 23, 1984, Bechtel informed us that Pacific Scientific's intent had been to advise operating plants that the condition does

-not warrant coming off-line to replace the suspect capstan springs.



ADOCK 05000354 PDR p


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Dr. T. F Murley 2

2/29/84 5

Bechtel is presently developing a shipping schedule with the vendor to return the shock arrestors for examination and potential replace-ment of the capstan springs.

The supplier indicated that operating plants will have priority in inspection and rework effort.

By April 29, 1984, we will inform you of our progress regarding the hardware and provide you with a date for our final report.

Very truly yours, i

j cc:

Office of Inspection and Enforcement l

Division of Reactor Construction Inspection Washington, D.


20555 NRC Resident Inspector - Hope Creek P. O. Box 241 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Records Center Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 1100 circle 75 Parkway, Suite 1500 Atlanta, GA 30339



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