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Forwards Listing of Commitments Completed During First Refueling Outage Including,Dcrdr Per TMI Action Item I.D.1, Insp of Svc Water Sys Lining,Implementation of Thimble Tube Insp Program & Flow Test of Reactor Water Makeup Valve
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/1991
From: Feigenbaum T
TASK-1.D.1, TASK-TM GL-90-06, GL-90-6, NYN-91180, NUDOCS 9111120258
Download: ML20079P166 (13)


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New Hampshire J -

Ted C. Feigenbaum he$ dent anci

} (hit't (st-(Utive Of ficer N Y N.91180 Nos ember 4,1991 United States Nuclear Regulatory Comrssion Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Document Control " sk ite f e re nces: (a) Facility Operating 1.nense No. NPI' 86, Docket No. 50-443 (b) New ilampshire Yankee i.etter NYN 91155 dated September 24, 1991,

' Completion of License Condition 2.C.(3), iluman Factors Enginecting',

T. C. Feigenbaum to USNitC.


Notification of Completion of First itefueling Outage Commitments Gentlemen:

New llampshire Yankee (NilY) provides in the Enclosure notification of the completion of actions committed to be taken during the first ref ueling outage. A summary of each required action and the completion at tisity is provided in the Enclosure. The referenced documentation is available for review at Seabrook Station.

All ::etions related to rc gulatory commarnents acquired or scheduled to be taken by NilY during the first refueling outage are complete, implementation on ite ns 1 through 19 of the Enclosure is complete and no f urther action by NilY is required. New llampshire Yankee action on item 20, Generie Letter 90 06, cannot be completed until the NitC issues the Tcchnical Specifications requested by NilY License Amendment itequest 91 ON.

The Seabrook Station Facility Operating License, N P F- 86, contains two License Conditions, C.(3)(a) and C.(3)(b), regarding human factors engineering that were completed prior to startup from the first refueling outage. NilY notified the NitC, on September 24, 1991 [ Reference (b)], of completion of these conditions. New llampshire Yankee requests that these License Conditions be removed concurrent with the next Amendment to f acility Operating 1.icense No. NPF40.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Mr. Terry L liarpster, Director of Licensing Services, at (603) 474-952), extension 2765.

to ex 140 Very truly yours, vva

-o yh 4/W% ~

on' Ted C Feige nt i tm NO M

TCF:J M P/ss

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-M Enclosure

-o om a.

New Hampshire Yankee Division of Public Service Company of New Hampshire

>I 'f e.o. Box 300

  • seobrook, NH 03874
  • Telephone (603) 474 9521 120000
    • United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission November 4,1991 Attention: Document Control Desk l' age two ec: Mr. Thomas T. Martin Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission Region 1 473 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19400 Mr. Gordon II. lidison, Sr. Project Manager Project Directorete 13 Division of Reactor Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Noel Dudicy NRC Senior Resident inspector P.O. Ilox 1149 Seabrook, Nil 03874 l-i I

4 New Ilampsliite Yankee r

November 4,1991 i

ENCI.OSUlt!! TO NYN 41180

<. Completed Commitments Firit Refueline Outace 1, Detailed Control Room Design Review, TMI Action item 1.D.I.

Action Reauired -

A, Complete a final evaluation of the Control Room Environment Ormperature, humidity, airflow, acoustic noise and auditory signal's) after commercial operation is achieved and submit a report to the NRC for confirmatory review.

D. Complete the installation of design changes to resolve iluman Factors Engineering Deficiencies (llEDs) nelated to Control Room indicators, recorders -

and environment, Commitment Reference .  ;

i NUREG 0896 Supplement No. 4, ' Safety Evale: tion Report Related to the Operation of Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2', dated May 1986. l i

Completion Statui -

1 A, . The final evaluation and report was submitted to the NRC on May 31, 1991, (NYN.91087). The NRC responded and stated that TMI Action item 1.D ', ,

Control Room Design Review is fully implemented and closed (USNRC Letter  !

dated June 5,1991, G. IL Edison to T. C. Feigenbaum).

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action is required by NilY.

II, The remaining lluman Factors Engineering Deficiene;cs (llEDs) were completed  ;

by the implementation of two Design Coordination Reports (DCRs). The DCRs j are available for review at Seabrook Station. l Implementation of this item is complete and no further action is required liy ,


2, Accident Monitoring inttrumentation - Regulatory Guide 1.97.  !

Action Reouired -

1 Install and make. operational, environmentally qualified accident monitoring I instrumentation for accumulator tank pressure and containment sump water temperature.

- Commitment Reference -

Public Service Company of New llampshire (PSNii) letter SBN 1098 dated June 6 l 1986, ' Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Review and Compliance with Regulatory -

Guide 1.97', J. DeVincentis' to USNRC, N11Y letter NYN 90138 dated July 13, 1990, "Respon;c to Generic Letter 90-04*, T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC, and NUREG.0896, 1-

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. Supplement No. 9,

  • Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operations of Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2' dated htarch 1990.

Cornoletion Status - l Environmentally qualified accident monitoring instiumentation for accumulator tank pressure and containment sump water temperature was installed and made operational by the implementation of two Design Coordination Report: (DCRs). The DCRs are available for review at Seabrook Station, implementation of this item is complete and no further action is required by NilY.

Completion of t_his action completes the implementation of Generie Safety issue No.

67.3.3.(A017) at Seabrook Station as committed in the response to Gencile letter 90-04.

3._ Service Water System Lining Inspection Action Reaulted .

Perform- an inspection of the Service Water System lining and apprise the NRC Resident inspectors of the results.


Commitment Reference -

Public Service Company of New llampshire (PSN11) letter SBN 1214 dated October l

15, 1986, "'ervice Water System Lining inspectior.; Additional Information', J. I DeVincentis to USNRC, 1 Completion Status -  !

1 The Service Water System lining inspection was completed and the result 2 were made i available to the Resident inspector and are available for review at Seabrook Station.  !

The inspection results were reviewed by a Region I inspector during the week of l September 23 27, 1991, it is anticipated that the review will be-documented in NRC. l l spection Report No. 9132.

tmplementation of this item is complete and no action is required by NIIY.

4. Thimble Tube Thinning in Westinghouse Reactors, NRC Bulletin No. 88 09,-


- Action Required - Implement a thimble tube' inspection program, p_ommitment Reference -

1NHY letter : NYN 90010 dated- January 11. - 1990 'information - Regarding- Incore Instrumentation Thimble Thinning", T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

2 E



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>. Comnletion Status -

The thimble tube inspection program was implemented during the refueling outage.

A report was. provided to the NRC in NilY letter NYN 9.168 dated October 18, 1991

  • Completion of incore Instrumentation Thimble Initial inspections'. T.C.

Feigenbaum to USNRC. Additionally, the inspection results were reviewed by a Region i Inspector the week of September 23 27, 1991. It is anticipated that the review will be documented in NRC Inspection Report No. 91-29.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action is required by NilY.

5. Flow Test of Reactor Water hiakeup Valve Rh1W-V30.

Action Reuuired -

Conduct a flow test of RhtW V30 to validate calculations and ensure that minimum flow requirements are satisfied.

Commitment Reference -

NRC Inspection Report '30 04, Unresolved item 90-04 01.

Comoletion ctatur -

i New llampshire Yankee completed an Engineering Evaluation and conducted a flew test of Reactor Water Makeup Valve RMW V30. The Engineering Evaluation and the acceptable _ flow test results were made available to the Resident inspector and are available for review at Seabrook Station. The Resident inspectoi't, review and closure of this item is _ documented in NRC Inspection Report No. 9122.

Implementation of this item is complete-und no further action by NilY is r; ,ed.

6. Lor,s of Decay licat Removal NRC Generic Letter 8817. ,

Action Required -

Complete the hardware related program enhancements and provide a wide _ range extension- for the shutdown reactor. vessel level _ transmitter and a narrow = range hot leg level indication for mid loop operation.

Commitment Reference .

NilY letter NYN 89012, dated February 3,1989, ' Response to Generic Letter 8817",

G. S. Thomas to USNRC, and NilY letter NYN 90138 dated July 13, .1990, ' Response to Generie Letter'_90-04', T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

Completion Status -

The wide range extension for the. shutdown reactor vessel level transmitter and the narrow range hot leg level indication _for mid loop operation were implemented by 3


Design Coordination Reports (DCR). The DCRs are available for review at Scabrook Station. Additionally, the implementation of the narrow range hot leg level DCR was reviewed by a Region 1 inspector the week of September 23 27, 1991. It is anticipated that the review results will be documented in NRC Inspection Repoit No. 91-29.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

Completion of this action completes the implementation of Gencric Safety issue No.

99 (L817) as committed in the response o Generic Letter 90-04.

7. Erosion / Corrosion Induced pipe Wall Thinning - NRC Generic Letter 89 08.

Action Required -

Develop and implement an erosion / corrosion monitoring system considering the effects of two phase flow in carbon steel piping.

Commitment Reference -

NRC Generic Letter 89-08, ' Erosion / Corrosion Induced pipe Wall Thinning" and NilY Letter NYN-89095, dated July 24,1989, " Response to Generic Letter 89 08", T. C.

Feigenbaum to USNRC.

Completion Status -

The crosion/ corrosion monitoring programs for one phase and two phase flow were developed in a Repetitive Task Sheet (RTS) and a Procedure addressing Erosion / Corrosion Monitoring for Two Phase ,':ystems, respectively. The programs were implernented during the refueling outage by a Work Request, The RTS, procedure and Work Request are available for review at Seabrook Station. The erosion / corrosion program was reviewed by a Region I inspector during the week of September 9 13, 1991. The results of the review are docurnental in Inspection Report 91-27.

Implementation of this item is complete and not further action by NilY is required.

8. Steam Generator Set Point Program Deletion - Corrective Action for LERs 90 018 and 90-022.

Action Reauired -

Implement a design change to delete the steam generator set point program and add a log circuit to the steam generator level channels.

Commitment References -

Licensee Event Report 90-018, " Reactor Trip Due to Low Electrohydraulic Control Oil Pressure Signal *, and Licensee Event Report 90 022, " Reactor Trip Due to Loss of Voltage on the Electrohydraulic 24 Volt DC Bus.'

4 l

.. . Completion Status -

The steam generator set point program was deleted and the lag channel was added to the steam generator level channels by the ineptementation of a Design Coordination Report (DCR), The DCR is available for review at Seabrook Station, implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

9. Physical Security Plan Upgrade Action Reouirei -

Complete Physical Security plan design enhancements associated with the C11A west air intake and the Service Water System Piping.

-Commitment Reference -

NHY letter NYN-89166, dated December 12,1989, *Scabrook Station Security issues' T. C. Felgenbaum to USNRC.

Completion States -

The modification to the CBA west air intake and the Service Water _ System piping were completed by the= implementation of two Design Coordination Reports (DCRs).

The DCRs are available for review at Seabrook Station. The DCRs were reviewed by _a Region I inspector during the week of September 3 6, 1991. The inspection review is documented in NRC Inspection Report No.91-026.

Completion Status -

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by N11Y is required, l

.10. Service Water Systems, Generic Letter 8913 and Generic Letter 90 04.

Action Reouired -

Complete additional studies and reviews of the Primary Component Cooling Watet

.(PCCW) System design and related procedures, practice and training.

Dmmitment Reference -

Nt:+ Hampshire Yankee letter NYN 90037 dated February 9, 1990, " Response to Generic Letter 8913', T. C. Felgenbaum to USNRC. - New llampshire Yankee lettcr NYN 90138, dated July 13, 1990, _

  • Response ' to Generic _ Lettri 90 04', T. C.

Feigenbaum to USNRC. New llampshire Yankec letter NYN 90176 dated September 24, 1990, " Supplementary . Response to Generic Letter 8913 and 90 04', T. C.

_ Feigenbaum to USNRC.

1 5

g i

completion Status -

4 The required studies and resiews were (ompleted. Notification of the completion was provided to the NRC in NilY Letter NYN 91169, dated, October 18, 1991,

' Supplemental Respense to Generic Letter 89-13 and 90 04", T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required. 1

11. Inaccurate Motor Operated Velve Indication .

Action Reauired -

Eliminate the use of single rotor / dual function limits switches for indication in safety related motor operated valves.


L'ommitment_ Reference -

NilY letter NYN-90073 dated March 15,1990,

  • Response to I, ate-Filed Allegations *,

T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

Comoletion Status -

The use of single rotor / dual function limit switches for indication was climinated in safety related motor operated valves by the implementation of a Design Coordination Report (DCR). The DCR is available for review at Seabrook Station.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

12. Full Stroke Excreise of 8 Safety injection System Check Valves Action Reouired -

Complete a full stroke exercise of 8 Safety lajection System check valves in accordance with Inservice Test Program Relief Request No. V 49.

Commitment Reference -

NilY Letter NYN 89175, dated December 27,1989, *lnservice Testing Program (IST),

Revision 1, Changes", T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

Comotetion Sjatus -

The full stroke exercise of the Safety injection System check valves was completed by the ECCS Check Valves Full Flow Verification While Defueled procedure and implemented by Repetitive Task Sheet (RTS). The procedure and RTS are available for review at Seabrook Station.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.




, 13. Emergency Operating Procedures Revision Action Required -

Revise the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) to conform to the revised EOP Writers Guide.

Commitment Reference -



NRC Inspection Report 90 84, open items 90 84 01 and 90-84-02. ,

I i Comoletion Status -

The EOP Writers Guide was expanded and the EOPs were revised to conform to the EOP Writers Guide. The Writers Guide and the EOPs were reviewed by a Region 1 License Examiner the weck of October 21 25, 1991. h 3s anticipated the results of the NRC review will be provided in Insp ction Repon 91-31. The EOP Writera Guide and the EOP6 are available for review at hi> rook Scri on. t

. Implementation of this item is complete and no furthei action by NilY is required.

14 Polar Crane Bolt inspection l Action Required -

Inspect the Polar Crane bolts as identified by a Whiting Corporation 10 CFR 21 notification dated September 12, 1990.

Commitment Reference -

Whiting Corporation 10 CFR 21 notification dated September 12,1990 as documented in NRC Inspection Report 90 24.

Comoletion Status -

The Polar Crane bolts were inspected and one bolt was replaced by a Work Request. -

The Work - Request is available for review 'at Seabrook- Station. NRC ' review and closure of this item is documented in Inspection Report 9122.' ,

implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NHY is required.

15. hiissing Radiographic H cords Action Reauired -

Implement the ' Program for the Reverification of Pullman liiggins Field Weld ,

Records" and re radiograph or repair / replace any welds that do not meet code secord requirements.

7 L.


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. - Commitment Reference .

NRC Inspection Report 90 24, Unresolved item 90-24 02 and NilY lettet NYN 91076 dated May 13,1991,

  • Transmittal of the Program Description for the Reverification of Pullman liiggins Field Weld Records' T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

q Completion Status -

The required actions were completed by the implementation of the " Program for the Reverification of Pullman-liiggins Field Weld Records' and the " Pullman liiggins Weld Reinterpretation Program." The reports of these activities were submitted to the NRC in NilY letter NYN.91134, dated August 31,1991, ' Final Status Report for the Licensee Program for the Reverincation of Pullman.iliggins Field Weld Records", T.

C. Feigenbaum to USNRC; and NHY Letter NYN 91151, dated September 17, 1991,

" Additional Reply to Notice of Violation (NRC Inspection Report $0-443/9112) and _

Radiograph Reinterpretation Program Completion R e po r t*, T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

16. -Main Steam isolation Valve Actuator Replacement Action Reouired ..

Replace the Unit 1 Main Steam isolation Valve (MSIV) actuators witt, modified actuators.

Commitn ent Reference -

NRC Inspection Report 9012.

Completion Status .

The Unit 1 MSIV actuators were replaced with modified actuators by the implementation of a Design Coordination Report (DCR). The DCR is available- for review at Scabraak Station. NRC review of the MSIV actuator replacement is documented in inspection Report No. 91-22.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

17. Cable Tie Mounting Base inspection Action Reouired -

Inspect electrical equipment cabinets to verify that the proper cable tie mounting bases are used in the installation of field wiring.

Commitment Reference .

NRC Inspection Report 83 20.-


_ _ _ - _ _ _ - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - -

Comoletion Stntus -

The inspection of the electrical equipment cabinets was performed and acquired repairs were completed by Wo:L Requests. Inspection of these activities is documented on Quality Assurance inspection Reports (OAIRs). The Work flequests and QAIRs are available for review at Seabrook Station.

Iniplementation af this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

18. Feedwater Check Valve inspection and Modification Action Reauired -

Perform a visual inspection of tne four Feedwater System check valves' capserews to determine if there has been any failure or clongation of the capscicws. Modify the check valves to inerense the strength of the dash plate and retainer ring assembly.

Commitment Reference - l Licensee Event Report 91-004 00, "Feedwatu Check Valve llolting Failures" and NilY letter NYN 91103 -dated July 1,1991, *Feedwater Check Valves", T. C Peigenbaum J to USNRC.  ;

Comotetion Status - 4 The check valves were inspected according to Work Requests and no failure or clongation was notedc The check valve modification was implemented by a Design Coordination Report (DCR). The Work Requests and DCR are available for review at Seabrook Station. An NRC Region I inspector reviewed the DCR implementation the. week of September 23 27 ~ 1991. It is anticipated that the review will be documented in NRC Inspection Report No. 9129.

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

19. License Condition 2.C.(3), iluman Factors Engineering, (Section 18, SSFR 7)', TMI Action Plan item 1.D 2. i 1

Action Reuuired -

(a) Perform system : availability calculations including Reactor Vessel Level Indication System and Radiation Data Management System and provide a report to the staff.

(b) Perform system load test under heavily loaded plant conditions and provide a report of the evaluation to the staff.

- Commitment ~ Reference -

Facility Operating License NPF-86, License Condition 2.C.(3).


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fem pletion ' St;w, -

The system availability calculations were completed and the system load test was i pe r for med. The calculation and load test results were reported to the NitC in NilY letter NYN 91155 dated September 24,1991,

  • Completion of License Condition 2.C.(3),  ;

llurnan Factors Engineering". T. C. Feigenbaum to USNitC, .

Implementation of this item is complete and no further action by NilY is required.

20. - POltV and Overpressure Protection System lleliability, Generic Letter 90 06 and  !

Generic issues 70 and 94. C Action lleauired -  ;

Develcp and submit revised Technical Specifications to address Power Operated llelief ,

Valves (PORVs) and Overptc56ure Protection Systems as describeu in Generic Letter 90 06.  ;

- Commitment 11eference -  !

i Generic Letter 90 06, Resolution of Generie fre ge 70. ' Power Operated Itellef Valve and Illock Valve R eliabilit v* and Generic 1 94. " Additional Low-Temnerature Overoressure Protection for Licht Water Rennf and NiiY Letter NYN 90217. dated December 21,-1990, ' Response to Generic Letter 90 06", T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC. ,

fompletion Status -

The' requested Technical Specification changes were submitted to the NRC as NiiY


License Amendment Request 9108 by NilY letter NYN 91167, dated October 16, 1991, " License Amendment Request 9108; improvements in PORV and Overpressure

- Protection System Availability, Generic Letter 90 06*, T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC.

Implementation of Generic Letter 90-06 is complete and no further action by NilY

-is required,

- Implementation of Generic issue 70 and Generic lasue 94, are not complete. NilY ,

i will complete implementation of these Generic issues after the NRC issues the revised Technical Specifications.

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