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Compilation of Repts Re Entrainment & Impingement Studies at Zion Generating Station 1976 Vols I & II
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1985
RTR-NUREG-1437 AR, NUDOCS 9111110115
Download: ML20079N213 (400)



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PREFACE AUG 1 d 125 O %kg  : p,q g6 The following chronological summary puts into 7ersp2ctive sola of the major environmental studies on Lake Norman and how they wtrs a*tected by interactions with various governmental agencies and a ;hant ii.g construction / operation , schedule. Duke Power Company has worked closely with ma.y federal, state, and local government agencies regarding thermal effects on Lake Norman since the inception of plans for the 13ke in the 1950s. Plans for both the electrical generating facilities and Lake Norman were ^upported by extensive environments studies before any construction began. A study of the then-Catawba River and impoundments upstream and downstream from the proposed Lake Noruan was undertaken by Dr. Charles M. Weiss of the Univer-sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, N.C., during the mid-to-late 1950's. In Q 1959, Duke Power implemented an in-house program for mnnitoring various' water quality parameters. Duke applied to the Federal Power Commission on May 15, 1957 to construct Cowans Ford Dam and Lake Norman that it impounds and received the license on September 17, 1958. Also in 1957, Duke discussed the Lake Norman generating complex with the N.C. Board of Water and Air Resources a.nd their staff (the Office of Water and Air Resources). Long range plans for the use of cooling water at the McGuire site and the related thermal ef fects were reviewed with the Board's-staff in 1960 and again in 1961 In mid-1961, Duke applied again to the Federal Power Commission for a license amendment covering-a fourth thermal power plant site on Lake Norman, and requested permission to


build a low-level intake as a direct result of information obtained by the i enc!corTd.tal studies of the ' ate 1950's. On October 2, 1961, the Commission O l

approved the license amendment, and by 1962 the low-level cooling water intake structure was completed. In 1963, Lake Norman was filled and the Company's weter quality monitoring program was expanded to include the lake watars. Iri addition to continuing its synoptic water quality monitoring of Lake Norman, Duke Power initiated in July 1965, an intensive study of th6 the m l offects of the cooling water discharge of the Company's Marshall Steam Statior b., Lake Norman, about'18 km (13 mi) uplake from McGuire. This study wes cona nued through 1971-and involved the collection of biological, meteorological, physical, and chemical' dati(Jensen 1974). In 1966, fisheries biologists from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission began participating in this study by conducting the fish sampling and evaluation, in the late 1960's, Duke supported research bp Drs; D. R. F. Harleman and W.C. Huber to develop computer models of thermal stratification of reservoirs-(Huber and Harleman 1968), leading to their h adaptation of?a-model'to the Lake Norman electrical generating complex (Ryan andrHhrisman?l973a aiid b).' Concurrently, Duke commissioned Alden Research , Laboratories to build a physical model of Lake Norman to study its hydro-ther-modynamics (Colon and Leavitt 1973). fnteraction with state and federal agencies begaa prior to submission of the Plans, Specifications, and Application to Discharge to the North Carolina Department of Water and Air = Resources (NCDWAR) on October 9, 1970. Studies performed prior to submission of the report concluded that the thermal dis-charge from McGuire was not expected to exceed 90 F (daily average) during i normal years or 95 F (monthly average) during worst case years. These calcu-lations were based on seven years of historical record for Lake Norman. Following negotiations on geographic limits of the mixing zone and how the O 1 4 ii  ;

             . _ _ _ .          .-__________.____.m_.._.                                 . . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ .

t L effluent limits should be applied, the N.C. Board of Water and Air Resources i O issued Certificate 6-A and Discharge Permit No. 1977 on March 4, 1971. This i permit delineated the mixing zone for McGuire and required that the temperature within this mixing zone be maintained below 95 F as a monthly average. In addition, biological and physical studies were required to establish the effect i of the discharge on the environment. Duke contracted Dr. C. M. Weiss on February 9,1971 for an additional -year of aquatic biological studies of Lake Norman as a follow-up to the study to be terminated later that year. This continuation focused on the area of the lake around McGuire (Weiss et al. 1975). , , 4 On March 9. --1971 Duke Power filed the McGuire Environmental Report: Construc-tion Permit Stage with tha U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. This report presented thermal , a predictions similar to those in the application to NCDWAR, results of infrarede thermal imagery aerial mapping, and an interim report antecedent to Jensen (1974). On February 18, 1972, Duke applied to the Federal Power Commission to construct ' an upper-level intake and cooling water discharge for McGuire. On January 16, 1975, the Commission amended the license by adding Article 34. This Article required, in part, that Duke conduct pre- and post-operational studies designed to measure the impact of McGuire on the aquatic ecosystem. l On August 21, 1C72, Duke Power Company-applied to the Mecklenburg County Health ' Department for a permit to discharge from the cooling water system at McGuire. This permit was issued on August 22, 1972, ii) l t

i The AEC responded to the Environmental Report with a draft Environmental g Statement issued in July 1972. The AEC subsequently issued a final Environ-mental Statement in October 1972, related to the construction of McGuire. The Statement called for issuance of a construction permd subject to the following conditions: 1) that Duke maintain the condenser discharge temperature at or below 95 F at all times, 2) that Duke study the projected temperature rise from intake to discharge in relation to gas bubble disease in fishes, and the impact on aquatic organisms due to unit shutdown, 3) that Duke conduct biulogical monit'oring to provide baseline data and to determine construction and operational effects, and 4) that Duke conduct physical and analytical modeling studies of the lake. A construction license for McGuire was issued on February 28, 1973. Commercial operation was projected for 1976 and 1977, respectively, for Units 1 and 2 O On April 12, 1973, Duke Power Company applied to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The summertime monthly average discharge temperature was estimated to be 95 F. In summer and fall 1973, Duke began an intensive sampling program on Lake Norman in the vicinity of McGuire. This study met the needs of the AEC's Final Environmental Statement for pre operational monitorins. It included compre-hensive sampling for many physical and chemical variables, phytoplankton, zooplankton, periphyton, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish. On June 7, 1974, Duke sent the McGuire operating license application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, successor agency to the AEC), including the iv

Environmental Report - Operating License Stage as Amendment 16. This report O included the study by 'Jensen (1974), and was supplemented by Duke's own studies and those of others. Thermal modeling results based on physical and analytical models developed earlier under contract to Duke were also presented. An assumption used in the mathematical model was that McGuire and Marshall operated during the period 1951-1970. The model predicted a total of three months of exceedance of the 95'F limit. It was also determined that the mixing zone limits would not be exceeded. Six revisions to this report were submitted over the next two years, primarily to address additional questions from the NRC staff. Because of a variety of factors in 1973/1974, the McGuire schedule slipped two years, to 1978 for Unit I and 1979 for Unit 2. Duke submitted a Federal Water Pollution Control Act Section 401 certification application for McGuire to the EPA in May 1975. Results of thermal modeling as submitted to the NRC were included. Certification was received on July 22, 1975. With regard to Marshall Steam Station, Duke submitted a 3]G(a) Demonstration to the EPA on June 20, 1975. The demonstration pertained only to Marshall and restated Duke's modeling results regarding interaction between Marshall and - McGuire, that the joint operation of both stations can be supported by Lake Norman. A public hearing was held on July 30, 1975. As a result of the L successful demonstration, the EPA modified Marshall's existing NPDES permit in accordance with the hearing record, effective March 5, 1976. On March 10, 1976, CPA-exempted Marshall from a 316(b) report. Marshall's NPDES permit O V

1 l remained in effect until a new permit became effective September 1, 1 6 . These permits are described in Chapter 11 of this Demonstration.  ; I In October 1975, the NRC published a Draft Environmental Statement for the operational phase of McGuire. The NRC subsequently issued the Final Environ-mental Statement in April 1976. This statement called for issuance of operat-ing licenses subject to the following conditions, among others: conduct the environmental monitoring programs outlined in the Statement; aaintain thermal discharge at or below 95*F as a monthly average; and keep records on impinge-ment and entrainment. During 1976, the schedule for each McGuire unit slipped one year because af design changes required by NRC and late delivery of pipe supports and other components. Unit 2 was delayed an additional year during 1977, to 1981, with h Unit I scheduled for June 1979. After considerable delay, due in large part to thermal concerns, N.C. Depart-ment of Natural Resources and Community Development (NCDNR & CD, successor agency to NCDWAR) issued a draft NPDES permit for ."cGuire. The permit went to public notice November 1, 1977 and became effective March 28, 1978. The expi-ration date was set at December 31, 1982, but the permit remained in effect until a new permit became effective September 1, 1984. These permits are described in Chapter 11 of this Demonstration. On May 25, 1978, Duke met with representatives of NCDNR & CD to discuss plans for conducting the 316(a) requirement of the NP'JES permit, Pake presented a 316(a) study design which was tentatively agreed upon at the meeting. This O vi 1

study design was implemented in June 1978, in order to obtain a full year of baseline data prior to McGuire Unit 1 beginning operations. The NCDNR & CD approved the study design on August 16, 1978, as satisfactorily addressing the l requirements of the McGuire NPDES permit and as being sufficient to determine i the extent, if any, of interaction between McGuire and Marshall. A continuing evaluation of the 316(a) study program and data review were to be accomplished through quarterly meetings between Duke and NCDNR & CD, and transmittals of computer printouts of raw data. The first data / program review meeting was held December 4, 1978, and subsequent meetings were held approximately quarterly i through completion of the 316(a) monitoring, with the last meeting or November ' 15, 1984. By early 1979, the McGuire Unit 1 schedule had slipped to January l 1980, raising the possibility of an interim pre-operational monitoring period , after June 1979. This in fact was instituted in June 1979, to be continued until McGuire Unit 1 was at 5% power, and then discontinued. t Meanwhile, Duke had written a predictive 336(b) report as required by Part l Ill.E(1) of McGuire's NPDES permit. This report described the anticipated effect of the operation of McGuire's intake structures on the aquatic biota. The report concluded that-impacts which might occur were not expected to be detri-mental to tne Lake Norman ecosp tem. Duke Power submitted the report to NCDNR

                                              & CD'on April 10, 1979.                                                The NCD:4R & CD concurred with the report's conclusions on February 1, 1984.

Duke submitted to NCDNR & CD on March 24, 1980, a copy of the report that summarized the baseline year (June 1978 through May 1979) data for the McGuire 316(a) Demonstration. Duke met with NCDNR & CD on January 22, 1981 to present O e summary review of tue report end other pre-operet4eee, wer< coeducted by Deke F vii

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Power on Lake Norman. A major item for discussion was thr need for continued gl monitoring between February 1981, when Unit 1 was project ed to reach 5% power, signaling termination of the interim pre-operational stuoy, and June 3983, when l Unit 2 was scheduled to begin commercial operation. Duke presented a proposal l l at the meeting to conduct such an additional interim study at a reduced level of effort. The NCDNR & CD approved the proposed interim study on March 2, 1981. McGuire Unit l's schedule slipped further and the unit reached 5% power on September 12, '981, at which time the first interim study was terminated and the second begun. On February 17, 1982, another meeting was held to present rssuics cf the interim studies to NCDNR & CD ami N C. Department of Justice representatives. It was agreed that Duke would not prepare a forcal report summarizing the interim studies. Duke also adviseu the attendees that McGuire Unit I was h currently restricted to 50% power because of the discovery of accelerated wear of steam generator tubing, the possibility of a similar restriction on Unit 2, and the effect this would have on the 316(a) Demonstration. At a quarterly meeting on January 19, 1983, Duke proposed to modify the baseline study design to make the operatioral monituring program more responsive to results already obtained and to increase data gathering efficiency and effec-tiveness. A modified study design was developed and discussed with NCDNR & CD on May 5 and May 24, 1983. The NCDNR & CD responded June 8, 1983, requesting several changes. Duke incorporated all of NCCNR & CD's comments and resubmitted the program June 29, 1983; NCDNR & CD accepted it July 1, 1983, and Duke imple-mented the revised program in place of the interim program that same month. l l viii

Duke Power developed a two-volume report summarizing selected data collected on O Lake Norman in the vicinity of McGuire and Marshall during the period 1974 through 1980. A third volume contained microfiche of all these data. The report was transmitted to NCDNR & CD in February 1983 for information. Duke proposed at the October 27, 1983, quarterly meeting that the 319(a) operational year start as of September 1, 1983, rather than when Unit 2 was scheduled to-be commercially operating in March 1984. Th:s Proposal was based on the anticipated McGuire capacity factor from September 1983 through August 1984 being as high or higher than any other twelve-month period over the foreseeable future. The NCDNR & CD concurred on November 28, 1983, with the provision that if the operational capacity fell below that anticipated, NCDNR % CD and Duke would jointly determine any study modifications. The anticipated capacity factor was 65% and'the actual was 66%. Average capacity factor during Q late August 1984 was somewhat lower than expected, but all sampling was completed early in the month when the capacity factor was higher. The NCDNR & CD concluded that circumstances warranted termination of the 316(a) operational year in August 1984 as planned. O ix

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l MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION 316(a) DEMONSTRATION Chapter Table o_f f Contents Page PREFACE i I.







              -DISCHARGE CONFIGURATION                    III-2 OPERATING DATA                             III-3 Capacity Factors                     III-3 Temperatures                         III-4 Flows                                III-5 EFFECT ON OTHER THERMAL DISCHARGES         III-6 IV. PREDICTIVE MODELING AND THERMAL DATA             IV-1 INTRODUCTION ~                             IV-1 HYOR0 THERMAL PHYSICAL MODEL               IV-1 O

V xi

MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION 316(a) DEMONSTRATION 6 Chapter Table of Contents (Cont'd) Page Physical Model Description IV-2 Physical Model Results IV-3 MATHEMATICAL MODEL IV-4 Mathematical Model Description IV-4 Mathematical Model Results IV-5 Discharge Temperatures IV-6 Lake Surface Area IV-6 Lake Shoreline TV-7 McGuire and "arshall Plume Interaction IV-8 MATHEMATICAL MODEL VAL 10ATION IV-8 g Discharge Temperature Validation IV-9 McGuire/ Marshall Plume Size Validation IV-9 Intake Temperature Validation IV-10 THERMAL REGIME IV-11 Materials and Methods IV-11 Results and Discussion IV-13


IV-15 V. WATER QUALITY DATA V-1 MATERIALS AND METHODS V-1 Sampling Locations and Frequency V-1 Field Procedures V-2 Labo atory Procedures V-2 0 xii

MCGulRE NUCLEAR STATION O' 336(a) DEMONSTRATION Chapter Table of Contents (Cont'd) g Data Analysis V-3 RESutTS AND DISCUSSION V-4 0iSjS.hf$ PRSU) V-4 Alkaiinity V-8 pjl V-8 Conductivity V-10 Turbidity V-11 Chloride V-12 (^ Silica V-12 Phosphorus V-13 Ni_trogen V-14 v.;nerals V- 15


V-16 VI. BIOLOGICAL DATA VI-P-1 PHYTOPLANKT N VI-P-1 Materials and Methods VI-P-1 Results and Discussion VI-P-4 Total Abundance VI-P-4 Taxonomic Composition VI-P-5 Summary VI-P-12 xiii

7 3 MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION 316(a) DEMONSTRATION O Chapter Table of Contents (Cont'd) Pg PERIPHYTON VI-Pe-1 Materials and Methods VI-Pe-2 Fleid Procedures VI-Pe-2 Laboratory Procedures VI-Pe-3 Results and Discussion VI-Pe-6 Standing Crop VI-Pe-6 Community Composition VI-Pe-10 Major Taxa VI-Pe-11 Macrophytes Vl*Pe-14 Summary VI-Pe-15 g ZOOPLANKTON VI-Z-1 Materials and Methods VI-Z-1 Results and Discussion VI-Z-3 _ Total Density VI-Z-3 General Taxonomic Struct.ure VI-Z-4 Species Dynamics VI-Z-7 Ecosystem Impacts VI-Z-10 Summary VI-Z-11 BEFTHIC MACR 0 INVERTEBRATES VI-M-1


Materials and Methods VI-H-1 o Results and Discussion VI-M-2 c Sublittoral Locations VI-M-2 Profundal Locations VI-M-6 xiv

MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION 316(a) DEMONSTRATION Chapter Table of Contents (Cont'd) M Summary VI-M 8 FISH VI-F-1 Materials and Methods VI-F-1 Fish Community VI-F-4 Total Starming Crop VI-F-6 Fish Populations VI-F-8 Clupeids VI-F-Cyprinids VI-F-10 Catostomids VI-F-11 Ictalurids VI-F-11 Percichthyids VI F-12 Centrarchids VI-F-14 , Percids VI-F-17 ' Influence of Plant Shutdown VI-F-18 Fish Diseases and Parasites

                          --                                                                                                                                                        VI-F-18 Fish Mortalities                                                                                                                                          VI-F-20 l Summary                                                                                                                                                  -VI-F-21 ,



t O XV

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The engineering and ecological data presented in this document form the basis for Duke Power Company's 316(a) Demonstration for McGuire Nuclear Station. The document summarizes results of physical, chemical, and .iologica! studies designed to evaluate the thermal ef fects of McGuire and, also, the thermal effects of the simultaneous operation of McGuire and Marshall Steam Stations nn Lake Norman. The studies near McGuire were initiated in 1973 and are, to a large extent, continuing to the present, CONCLUSIONS The major conclut. ions and findings vf this documen; and its supporting references are as follows:

1. Results from the extensive aquatic monitoring program show that the effect of the heated dir.charga from McGuire Nuclear Station is such that the protection and propagation of a balanced indigenou; aquatic community in Lake Norman is assured.
2. Discharges from both McGuire Nuclear Station and Marshall Steam Station
remained within the thermal discharge limits specified in their NPDES permits while both stations were operating simultaneously.

3,. Results from the aquatic monitoring program show that the warmest portion of the thermal plume froin McGuire is confined to the Ramsey Creek area of I-I

  ~ , , -  .  ,       . - , . - -           -      --      . - . -

Lake Norman, and the thermal plumes of McGuire and Marshall do not meet or interact. O

4. Results of aquatic monitoring confirm the validity of the mathematical model simulations. Projected thermal discharges from McGuire and Marshall indicate that permit thermal limits can be met under a wide variety of extreme meteorological, hydrological, and operating conditions.
5. No substantial changes in fish species composition occurred between preoperational and operational samples. The abundance and standing crop estimates of specific fish taxa were within or varied slightly from ranges of their respective 9reoperational estimates. The increased abundance of specific fish in the McGuire discharge during the winter coincided with increased water temperatures. Preoperational die-offs of yellow perch and $

1 striped bass appeared to have little impact on the'!r populations, and did I not recur in the operational year.

6. There are no known rare, threatened, or endangered species of fish or other biota in Lake Norman.
7. There was little change in macroinvertebrate density and biomass during the operational year at sublittoral locations, and the community composi-tion showed a pronounced change only in the immediate area of the McGuire discharge. The density and biomass at the profundal mixing-zone location were generally low during the operational year, but this apparently was not due to changes resulting from McGuire operation.

O I-2 L

8. Phytor.lankton densities and chlorophyll a concentrations measured in the O mixing zone during the operational year were within the range observed during the preoperational years. The phytoplankton biovolume decline measured during the operational period relative to the preoperational peried was also noted at contre locations, suggetting that the biovolume i decline trends were not attributable to factors related to McGuire operation.

The declines in diatom and dinoflagellate abundances were not confined to the mixing zone, but were also noted at the control locations. The factors responsible for the declines in diatom and dinoflagellate popula-tions observed during the operational year inside and outside the area affected_by McGuire are unknown.

9. Effects of McGuire's operation on periphyton in the immediate vicinity of 4

Q the discharge during the winter resulted in increased standing crops and higher populations of green and blue green algae. The elevated discharge temperatures apparently advanced and prolonged spring-like conditions which are conducive to growth. The overall effects of the discharge on the periphyton. community were considered (minor), t

10. Changes occuring in the zooplankton community of the mixing zone were generall/ minor in nature. Total densities in the mixing zone during the operational year were within the overall range observed during the pre- ,

operational period, lhe overall taxonomic structure was somewhat different during some months of the operational year due to increased densities of l l rotifers and cladocerans, No such changes were noted for the copepods. The ecological factors governing the appearance of Bosminopsis deitersi, I-3

which had not been observed prior to plant operation, are unknown. The observed changes in the zooplankton community are not expected to adversely e affect the forage base for fish; the nutrient recycling role is not expected to be impaired; and the increased abundance of zooplankton is not expected to significantly reduce the abundance of phytoplankton.

11. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the surface waters of the mixing zone during the operational year were slightly lower than values observed during the preoperational period due to McGuire's influence on localized surface temperatures. Dissolved oxygen concentrations within the water column were lower, and conductivity values in the surface waters were higher, throughout the lake during the operational year due to heavy rainfall and ranoff. Lower pH values in tne discharge and mixing zone during the operational year were related to the withdrawal of hypolimnetic g water and discharge to the surface by McGuire operations. Other water quality parameters were generally within the range of values observed during the preoperational years.
12. The overall study results show that McGuire Nuclear Station can be operated within its specified temperature limits without disrupting the indigenous aquatic community of Lake Norman.

RECOMMENDATION The results of the extensive studies summarized in this 316(a) Demonstration show that the thermal limitation imposed in the State of North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NC0024392 is sufficient to protect the water quality and the indigenous biota of Lake Norman. Therefore, McGuire Nuclear Station should be e allowed to operate within t.he limitation specified in the permit. 1-4

CHAPTER II O. INTRODUCTION LJGALBACKGROUND Under the provisions of the Clean Water Act (the Act), operators of steam electric power generating units must comply with applicable technology-based effluent limitations promulgated by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. These limitations, Effluent Guidelines and Standards, are published at 40 CFR Part 423. In addition, compllance with effluent limita-tions calculated to achieve water quality standards is required under Section 301(b)(1)(c) of-the Act. With respect to the ditcharge of heat, however, an exemption-from any of these limitations is available if the operator can make a accessful demonstration under Section 31'6(a) of the Act. In the State of-O " orth caroii" "eoes Per it "o " coo"392, o"ke eo*er co naar is reautred to submit the results of a 316(a) Demonstration for the two units of McGuire Nuclear Station. , McGuire NPOES Permit Requirements The North Carolina Department of. Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Environmental Management issued NPDES Permit No. NC0024392 for McGuire Nuclear Station, effective March 28, 1978. The permit pe diuti that:

       "The facilities shall-be effectively maintained and opera w 't ai                                   times so as to meet the. temperature standards of 5*F increase abive utural water temperature and a maximum of 90'F measured-as a 24-hou average one foot below the water surface except within a mixing zonc containing an area of no more than 3,500 acres and lying upstream of the Dam and >outh O        of a line originating on the west bank of N.C. Coordinates E-1,416,9i/J.


and N-633,600 and extending south 70 -00' east intersecting the point of land on the eastern shore, but at no time shall the heated waste discharge increase the' temperature of the waters at any point within the Lake in excess of 95 F, as of a monthly average." a The discharge temperature is computed as a monthly arithmetic average of hourly measurements made one foot (0.3 m) below the water surface at the bridge over McGuire'.; condenser cooling water discharge canal. Compliance with lake temperature standards was determined on the basis of monthly arithmetic averages of hourly measurements made one foot (0.3 m) below the water surface at Location 7.6 on the mixing zone boundary and at Location 9.5 in Davidson Creek to represent natural water temperatures (see Figure 5-1 for sampling locations). O The permit also required Duke Power to submit the results of a 316(a) Demonstration or a demonstration of best available technology. Such a demonstration was to include operational effects of McGuire on water quality, fish, periphyton, benthon, phytoplankton, and zooplankton and to address interaction between McGuire and Marshall. These conditions and limitations remained in effect until an amended NPDES permit became effective on September 1, 1984. This document constitutes the required 316(a) Demonstration. Marshall NPDES Permit Requirements The Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, issued NPDES Permit No. NC0004987 for Marshall Steam Station on March 3, 1976. The permit limited the O II-2

i Marshall monthly average discharge temperature to 34.4'C (94"F) during the period of July 1 to October 15, and to 33.3"C (92.0'F) dering the remainder of t the year. It further stated that the Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator h6d determined pursuant to Section 316(a) of the Clean Water Act that the thermal component of the discharge assured the protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish and wildlife in and on the receiving body of water (Lake Norman). These permit conditions and limitations remained in effect until an amended NPDES permit became effective on September 1, 1984. SITE LOCATION - PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The 2360 MW(e) McGuire Nuclear Station is located approximately 27 km (17 mi) north-northwest of Charlotte, North Carolina, in Mecklenburg County (Figure O 2-1). This site <> iocated oa tae sectn shore of take "ormea. w"4ca was formed

     .in 1963 by the construction of Cowans ?ord Dam (Figure 2-2).               The lake was built primarily to provide a source of cooling water for steam electric facilities and for hydroelectric power generation.            The 360 MW(e) Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Staticn is approximately 900 m (1000 yd) west of the McGuire site.       A submerged skimmer weir located in the forebay of Cowans Ford                            p
     ' Hydroelectric Station intake allows passage of the surface waters from Lake                          -

Norman while retaining water below elevation 725 ft (204 m) msl (Figure 2-3). Lake Norman is the source of recirculated condenser cooling water for both McGuire Nuclear Station and the 2030 MW(e) coal-fired, Marshall Steam Station, located on-the west shore of the lake, approximately 18 km (11 mi) north of the

   . dam (Figures 2-2 and 2-4).

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Lake Norman, the largest impoundment within North Carolina, has a surface area of 13,156 ha (32,510 ac) at full pond elevation 231.6 m (760 ft) msl. It has a e shoreline of approximately 840 km (520 mi), a mean depth of 10.3 m (33.7 ft), and a volume of 1.350 x 109 3m (1.094 x 106 ac-ft) (Figure 2-5). A drainage area of roughly 4662 km2 (1800 mi2, yields a mean annual flow of 75.6 cms (2670 cfs) at the dam, resulting in an average theoretical retention time of 207 days. O O 11-4

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                          - Figure 2-3.                Schematic drawing of the Cowans Ford Dam submerged skimmer weir during typical summer conditions.
   ~l    &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .

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                                       '                                                            A     USED CO                            SKIMMER WALL a

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       .: ..... . . ' . . . a Mcosots'stn'wg.... tAkt. , soRuAs                                              .1 ', : , . . , ' ; .,

b; 4;^ %' *: .. .., .: .. .; . . ,:. . o. . . :.... .* g ,: .

       . .+"w
           . . . . .w 'a                                              Lagt goy f f y WW, ,

Figure 2-4 Schenatic drawing of the fiarshall Steam Station skhner wall, intake area, and discharge area during typical sumer conditions. O




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6 5 4 3 2 i O SUPERFICIAL AREA IN THOUSANDS OF12 ACRES 9 87 750 l' 3 22 71 20 89 18 IT IS f$ 14 #3 18 to T- -- 33 32 .M 30 2" 25 27 26 25 24 i 3 l 755 760 m , .._.- - _._.-.- ._ .p . .

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                                                                                                                                                 *v)                                   5 r1                            +                                      700                                800                      900 oo                                                                  300                                                      ,

o STORAG VCtWI !N P XISANDS OF ACRE-TEET Figure 2-5. Lake Noman area and volume curves.

CHAPTER III () PLANT OPERATING DATA UNIT INFORMATION McGuire Nuclear Station has two independent generating units, each rate ' at 1180 MW(e) and powered by a pressurized water reactor for a total net electrical capacity of 2360 MW(e). Units 1 and 2 began commercial operation on December 1, 1981 and March 1, 1984, respectively. The preoperational baseline study was conducted from June 1978 through May 1979. McGuire is an extremely efficient electrical generating station. McGuire Unit I had the best heat rate of any pressurized water reactor in the United States

  .in 1983, and the third best heat rate in 1984; Unit 2 ranked first in 1984.

O Heat rate is a measure of the amount of fuel energy required to produce one net kilowatt-hour ef electrical energy. INTAKE CONFIGURATION The condenser cooling water (CCW) system for McGuire Nuclear Station includes two intake structures (Figure 2-1). The upper level intake, which contains four CCW pumps per unit, is located in a man-made embayment approximately 732 m (800 yd) east of Cowans Ford Dam and withdraws water between 217.9-m (715 ft) and 227.1 m (745 ft) msl (Figure 3-2). The low level intake is located near the base of the dam and draws water between, elevations 199.3 m (654 ft) and 204.2 m (670 ft) msl;(Figure 3-3). This low level structure was built Juring the construction of Cowans Ford Dam. Water may be pumped at a maximum rate of 57 cms (2000 cfs) from the low level intake through three pumps per unit to the forebay of the upper level intake, where it mixes with upper intake water. The mixture is then pumped 111-1

intotheCCWsystemitflowratesuptoamaximumof128 cms (4530cfs)(Table 3-Ig The Nuclear Service Water System also withdraws from the low level intake on a continuous basis during normal plant operation, at a rate of approximately 1.3 cms (44 cfs) for both units. This water is not added to the upper level intake water but it is mixed with the CCW discharge, lhe quantities and sources of coolir.g water used are determined by the tempera-ture of the upper level intake water and the need to regulate the discharge temperature. From lete fall to early spring, surface waters will supply the entire condenser cooling water demand, and only two upper intake CCW pumps are operated per unit. As intake temperatures increase, first three, then all four pumps are employed for each unit. During the warmest months, cooler hypolim-netic water can be drawn through the low level intake, if necessary, to maintain the average monthly discharge temperature specified in the McGuire NPDES permit. h DISCHARGE CONFIGURATION Condenser cooling water from McGuire Nuclear Station is discharged to Lake Norman through a 1-km (0.6 mile) long discharge canal (Figure 3-1). This canal has an average depth of 12.2 rn (40 ft) when Lake Norman is at full pool, Heated effluent from the canal mixes initially with surface waters of the main lake before stabilizing vertically and spreading over the lake surface, ulti-mately dissipating its heat to the atmosphere. The condenser cooling water (CCW) temperature increase from condenser inlet to condenser outlet (AT) is related to flow and intake temperature. During the winter, when upper level intake temperatures are the coolest, CCW ATs reach a maximum of 13,7 C (24.7 F). Condenser cooling water ATs decline to 8.6"C III-2

(15.5 "F) in the summer, when the warmest upper level intake temperatures-Q and highest flows occur (Table 3-1). These CCW ATs reflact McGuire' operating at 100% load. OPERATING DATA McGuire Unit 1_ underwent hot fanctional testing beginning on December 28, 1978. The heat introduced to Lake Norman by this testing was slight (<0.25%), compared to full station load of 6822 MW(t). The first substantial heat rejection (>1%) to the lake occurred at the time of initial electrical generation on September 12, 1981, and for purposes of this report, this date will be considered the time McGuire operations began. McGuire Unit 2 underwe 4 hot functional testing beginning on July 31,^ 1982; initial electrical generation occurred on May 23, 1983. Capacity Factors The. operational year for this 316(a) demonstration was based, in part, upon the projected station capacity factors. -Capacity factor is the net electrical generation divided by the product of hours per period and maximum net dependable capability (MNDC). Generation is expressed in MWh(e), a period is generally a month or year, and MNDC is 2360 MW(e) The capacity factor represents the percentage of maximum generation for which the station is capable during a given period; therefore, it is directly related to heat rejection to Lake


The annual capacity factor for the operational year September 1983 through n August 1984 was projected to be 64.8%, higher than for any other twelve-month O This was based on planned refueling and period over the next several years. III-3

   . other scheduled outages. The actual annual capacity factor for the operational year (66.2%) was slightly higher than projected (Figare 3-4). The highest monthly capacity factor (93%) occurred in June 1984 (Table 3-2).         McGu'i re's monthly capacity factors compare favorably with the United States industry average of about 57% for pressurized water reactors (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1983).

Temperatures McGuire's thermal discharge has never exceeded the 95 F (35 C) monthly average NPDES permit limit. The highest monthly average discharge temperature was 89.0*F (31.7*C) in September 1983 (Table 3-2). Notably, even the highest daily average discharge temperature of 94.3 F (34.6 C) on August 30, 1983 did not' exceed 95 F (35'C) (Figure 3-5). Daily average temperature was computed O es en erithmetic everese of houriy temperetures teken durino e ceiender dev. While the 95 F (35 C) discharge limit was not exceeded, the water quality based limit of 5"F (2.8 C) increase above natural water temperatures was exceeded once. On June 26, 1984, the increase between the McGuire mixing zone boundary (Location 7.6) and background (Location 9.5) was 6.5 F (3.6 C). McGuire's capacity factor on that day was 97.5% and Marshall's was 68.6%. Monthly average temperature differences are shown in Table 3-3. No exceedances of the 90 F (32.2 C) water quality based limit outside McGuire's mixing zone were observed after McGuire's operations began in September 1981. The maximum daily average discharge temperatures during the operational year were generally several degrees higher than the maximum daily average of the O two preceding years for corresponding months (Figure 3-5). The warmer III-4

           , . _ . -       . . . ~ _      ---                 -_       -    -         _-    - --

discharge temperatures resulted from capacity factors exceeding 50% nearly every month _of the operational year, while never exceeding 44% during the two preceding years (Table 3-2). The maximum daily average temperatures at the upper _and lower intakes (Figures 3-6 and 3-7, respectively) during the operational year were generally within, or slightly higher than, maximum daily average temperatures recorded during the two preceding years. Temperature increases at the upper level intako are in part attributable to lateral spreading of the thermal plume in Lake Norman (described in more detail in Chapter IV). The highest monthly average temperature change (AT) from the station intake to the discharge canal was 7.1'C (12.8"F) (Table 3-2). This occurred during February 1984 at'a monthly capacity factor of 77%. Flows = , The majority of McGuire's cooling water came from the upper level intake, ranging up to.126.6 cms (4469 cfs) (Table 3-2). Flows during the first two years _of McGuire's operation were extremely variable, due to such factors as reactor power level, intake temperature, and testing of various station systems. The_ lower intake is used continuously as a source of cooling water for the lower containment of the Reactor Buildings. This flow was about 0.63 cms (22.3 cfs) during Unit 1 operation and about 1.26 cms (44.6 cfs) during two-unit operation. This represents approximately 0.5 to 1.6% of upper level intake III-5

                      .-       .    .       -.               -.        .- - . - ~ .         _--

The lower level intake was also used, up to an average of 13.07 cms O u flow, (461 cfs) per month, for turbine acceptance tests, hot functional testing, and testing other station systems. EFFECT ON OTHER THERMAL DISCHARGES Marshall Steam Station, also located on Lake Norman, has never exceeded its NPDES permit thermal limits (Figure 3-8). This record of compliance nas been

   . achieved while-Marshall has been named the most efficient coal-fired electrical generating station in the United States during six of its fourteen years of four-unit operation (beginning May 1970), and second or third most efficient the remaining years, according to Edison Electric Institute data. Marshall's annual capacity factor during the McGuire 316(a) operational year September 1983 through August 1984 was 56,5%, compared to 58.9% during the baseline year O   auae 1978 tnroe28 Mey 1979 (Fioure 3-9).

Allen and Riverbend Steam Stations are ic:ated on downstream reservoirs, approximately 51 km (32 mi) and 11 km (7 mi), respectively, from McGuire, Neither Allen's nor Riverbend's condenser cooling water discharge exceeded their respective NPDES permit thermal limits since McGuire began operating in September 1981. III-6

. -O. Table'3-1. McGuire Nuclear Station CCW flow rates per Unit based on inlet and- . outlet temperatures at the condenser. Probable Number CCW Flow Rate CCW Temperature of Pumps in use per Unit Increase

  • Season per Unit cms (cfs) _
                                                                                   'C ('F)

Winter 2 40 (1425) 13.7 (24.7) Spring, Fall 3 55 (1930) 10.1 (18.2) Summer. 4 64 (2265) 8.6 (15.5) .i

  • Design value


 \l ~   Table 3-2. McGuire Nuclear Station average monthly coolant parameters and capacity factors, September 1581 through August 1984. The AT shown is the temperature increase from combined station intake to discharge canal.

Temperature ( C) ~ Flow (cms) 5tation Combined Lower Combined Loser Capacity Station Level Discharge Station Level Factor Date Intake Intake Canal AT* Intake Incake (%) 09/81 23.7 14.8 25.5 1.8 46.3 0.00 0 10/81 19.4 14.7 20.1 0.7 46.3 0.00 2 11/81 15.1 15.7 17.4 2.3 41.4 8.49 14 12/81 9.4 10.8 8.6 -0.8 40.7 0.00 1 01/82 6.8 7.5 9. 8 3.0 103.9 0.00 24 02/82 7.0 7.2 9.9 2.9 39.4 13.07 19 03/82 9.4 8. 5 11,1 1.7 35.5 0.38 9 04/82 13.1 11.1 17.6 4.5 40.5 0.00 23 05/82 19.0 12.2 23.2 4.2 48.1 3.80 27 06/82 23.1 12.2 25.9 2.9 50.3 1.30 25 07/82 24.6 12.9 26.3 1.8 46.3 7.07 10 08/82 25.0 14.3 28.1 3.1 53.9 7.61 27 1 09/82 25.1 15.0 29.2 4.1 54.1 0.05 28 10/82 20.9 15 4 24.4 3.5 54.4 0.00 25 7s 11/82 15.6 16.1 16.8 1.2 47.2 0.00 10 i 12/82 12.4 13.0 15.4 3.0 46.7 0.00 t 01/83 9.2 9.7 11.7 2. 5 35.6 0.00 23 16 02/83 7.9 7. 3 9.7 1.8 20.2 0.00 0 03/83 10.4 8. 7 10.9 0. 5 20.2 0.00 0 04/83 12.2 10.7 11.1 -1.2 21.7 0.00 0 05/83 16.6 12.7 17,5 0.9 38.5 0.01 1 06/83 21.8 13.2 27.3 5.6 44.4 0.01 44 07/83 26.1 - 13.6 30.8 5.7 75.1 0.01 37 08/83 27.7 14.0 30.4 2.8 109.1 1.21 34 09/83 27.2 14.7 31.7 4.5 126.6 0.01 70 10/83 21.9 14.7 26.7 4.8 120.9 0.00 65 11/83 16.8 15.1 21.6 4.8 107.4 0.00 66 12/83 12.7 12.2 19.1 6.3 99.9 0.00 71 01/84 7. 9 7.1 14.6 6.7 78.6 0.00 52 02/84 9.1 6.9 16.2 7.1 103.1 0.00 77 03/84 11.8 8.6 16.0 4.2 74.1 0.00 45 04/84 14.5 10.6 17.3 2.8 104.2 0.00 46 05/84 18.2 11.9 23.3 5.1 94.5 0.00 80 06/84 23.1 12.9 29.8 6.7 124.1 0.05 93 07/84 25.8 13.2 31.3 5.6 120.2 1.39 73 08/84 26.6 13.7 30.4 3.8 107.0 0.00 56

        *AT may not equal difference between tabled temperatures of Discharge Canal and Combined Station Intake due to Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion and rounding errors.

(l> III-8

           ..             . -      . .-.      . . - _ . . --               . . ~                                             - - . ~ . - ~ . . ~ . _ _ . -                          - - - . .


              -Table 3-3.      Monthly ayer age tempersture at locations 7.6 and 9.5 and the dif ference
                              .between Location 9.5 to 7.6 (background to McGuire mixing zone boundary).
                                 -Temperature ( C)                                                                                          Temperature (*C)-

Date Loc. 7.6' Loc. 9.5 0,i f f erence, Date Loc. 7.6 -Loc.-9.5 Difference Sep 81 25.8 -25.4 0.4 Mar 8's 10.1 9.7 0.4

               'Oct 81          19.5      19.0                 0.6                                       Apr 83                           13.4-                   12.6          0.8 Nov 81-         15.1      14,3                  0. 8                                     May 83                           20.3                    19.6          0.7 Dec 81          11.3-         8. 2.             3.1                                      Jun 83                           25.3                    25.5         -0.2 Jan 82           5.6       '4.4                 1.2                                      Jul 83                         .29.7                     29.6          0.1 Feb'82           7.1           5.7              1.4                                      Aug 83                           29.0                   29.2          -0.2 Mar 82          10.1          9.6              0.5                                        Sep 83                          27.4                    27.2          0. 2 Apr 82-         14.0      13.5                 0.5                                       Oct 83                           22.0                    21.0          1.0 May 82-         23.0      22.7.                0. 3                                      Nov 83                           17.0                    16.0          1.0 Jun 82          26.0      26.2               -0.2                                         Dec 83                          12.4                    11.5          0.9
        /     :-.Jul 82         28.1      28.5               -0.4                                        Jan 84                             7.5                    6.7          0.8 Aug 82          27.9      27.8                  0.1                                       Feb 84                          10.0                     9.1          0. 9 Sep.82          26.8      25.2                  1. 6                                     Mar 84                           10.7                     9. 9         0.8 Oct 82          23.1      21.0                  2.1                                      Apr 84                           14.2                    13.9          0.3 Nov 82          16.1      16.1                  0.0                                      May 84                           20.1                    18.5          1.6
               .Dec 82 -        12.9      12.3                  0.6                                      Jun 84                           27.7                    27.1          0.6 Jan.83.          8.6           8.2              0.4                                       Jul 84                          27,9                    26.8          1.1 Feb.83           7.5           7.0              0.5                                       Aug 84                          28.7                    28.2          0.5

{ O III-9 i i .- _.- , , - . . , - - . ,: - . _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . . . . - _ . _ . ,

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g 40-o _- l 2 30-s  : 20_ 10_ 0 _ p11. . . . v i n ' ""tr" m r"r""" r"P m""nr"'m"trr"""rt Tr' ' i'rm t i > MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG OCT NOV OEC JAN FEB SEP MONIll


figure 3-4. Comparison of McGuire's capacity factor during each month of the operational year ( with that predicted prior to the start of the ope-ational year (---).

(g O r"N

                                                                                                                                                      ,V-U                                                                     \_/

i 35 McGuire's NPDES thermal discharge limit = 95*F (3PC)

               -                                                                                   s     5l

30 _. k


5 - y 1

4. g o
j i

i 20 d . l


E! f e  : l a  ; qfi N 15 _.~ k


E -


5  : l1 1 H _ l l1 10 _ s _


g Unit I . . . Ini t ial Elect rical Generat ion. .. Uni t 2 IG- 316(a) Ope ra t iona l Yea r -)I


1- & 1510 IN IO [.) I F 3M B A l M i J 5 J B A l SIU l H I Dg J 5 t I f15 A I M I J IJ I A I 5 50 I N I D jJ I F IM I A IM l J IJ I A I 1981 1982 1983 1984 DATE i Figure 3-5. McGuire Nuclear station 24-hr average discharge temperatures measured at. the discharge canal bridge (HPDEf out f all number 001) each day f rom September 12, 1981 through August 31, 1984. i

      -35    _
                ~                                                                                                                                    '

39 '

Y 25 _
s. . #

n u ~

    ,  20 I_

W - l'

a -

g l h 15 _~

I , 8 0 ,e  : $
                                       $l                                                                               r Q.

5 g tinit 1... Initial Electrical Generation... Unit 2 R 316(a) Operational Year--4 l 1 Jr I SiOI NID lJ I F IM I A IH I J IJ I A 5 510 l H IUjJ I F E MI A IM l J IJ I A l blU IN iU lJ l t f r i A f f15 3 IJ4Al 1981 1982 1983 1984 DATE Figure 3-6. McGuire Nuclear Station 24-br average ccanbined station intake temperature each day from 12, 1981 through August 31 1984.  ; 1

I O O D . A i 35 _

                                                                                 '39         ~

1 ._ 'l j 25 . . _ .

o f a _-

o 2g . g _ I 15 _~ a m sa H Sf 10 4


5 ' g - Unit 1. . . Ini t ial Elect rical Generat ion. . . Unit 2 4316(a) Operational Year-il

                                                                                                .L                                                                  4 i s a os rit u ga ir In i AIM IJ e J I A Id 3 01 T4lD lJ l t in B A iM4J IJ B alb 40 5 MID lJ l t IM I A iM 5J IJ I A 5
1981 -1982 1983 1984 4

DATE Figure 3-7. McGuire Nuclear Station 24-1 r liverage low level intake tenperature each day from September 12. 1981 through August. 31, 1984. , i

                                                                                                                                                        .-      .     .                _      ,     .,    .        -   e . .

m) (3


m V 35 - 30 - 25 - { II

  • k 20 -

E 1 E - i N - E 15 - 5 H 10 - McGuire 5 - inittai scCotre


Electrical 316(a) Ceneration Operational _ Unit 1 Unit 2 ,, Year , 0 -


1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 DA1E Figure 3-8. Marshall monthly average discharge temperatures from January 1977 through August 1984.

~ O- O? O , t 100 -


90l .- i r 80 } 70 2 *

  • o -

1 0 7 e

                             -c             *                                                            *                 '*

60 . 8- .; - g' ~ 5 .50 2 .

                     $       2
                                           .e                          .#

e 40.{ p - r y 30 -

n. _


  • u .

t 20 _ i

                             .                                                                                                                             f 1                            _

[ 10 - i



                          ..0-                                               I    ~I        I-   7        I         I          T                          j I            I        I        I      I                                                                                     '

JAN' FEB HAR. APR HAY :JUN JUL AUG SEP GCT NOV DEC MONTH i Figure 3-9. Comparison of Marshall capacity factor each month of the baseline year (open i ' ' circle 0) and operational year (closed circle e) with the maximum (upper line) .i and minimum (lower-line) capacity factor each month from May 1970 when all four .i '

                                                    . generating units at Marshall were comercially operable through August 1983.                          :

[ . CHAPTER IV PREDICTIVE MODELING AND THERMAL DATA INTRODUCTION This chapter addresses the results of extensive physical and mathematical modeling and the characterization of the Lake Norman thermal regime. The modeling was done to determine the lake hydrodynamics and thermal plume characteristics in relation to station operation, to project the areal extent and characteristics of the McGuire Nuclear Statio,3 thermal plume, and to document the extent of interaction between McGuire Nuclear Station and Marshall Steam Station. The characterization of the thermal tegime is based on analysis

 'l]-ofdatadeveloped'aspartofthisdemonstration,histtricaldata,andresults from other studies (Duke Power Company 1980, 1976; Caccia et. al. 1982). The results of these efforts are presented here to illustrate that modeled predictions
        -are confirmed by extensive field thermal measurements and station operational thermal data.

HYDROTHERMAL PHYSICAL MODEL In 1971 Duke Power Company commissioned the Alden Research Laboratories to build a physical model of Lake Norman at their facilities in Holden, Massachu-setts. The main purpose of this mooel was to study the hydrodynamics of Lake Norman and provide insight to the relationships between the hydraulic and heat transfer aspects of the lake. O. IV-1

Physicul Model Description The Lake Norman pnysical model was constructed indoors and covered an area 85 O feet vide by 160 feet long. The lake area modeled' extended from just belos Lookout Shoals Dam to Cowans Ford Dam. Significant features of the Lake Normar generating complex included in the physical model were: 1) the Cowars Ford Hydroelectric Station submerged weir; 2) the low level and upper level intakes for ticGuire Nuclear station; and 3) the intake cove skimmer wall and discharge canal for Marshall Steam Station. Condenser cooling water (CCW) flow rates and ccrresponding CCW AT's (condenser outlet minus inlet temperature) were modeled for each plant, as were the Lookout Shoals and Cowans Ford Hydro flow rates. A layout of the model is shown in Figure 4-1. Scaling ratios for the model were based on Froude number scaling, which stipu-late that the ratio af inertia to gravity forces be identical in both the model $ and prototype. Effects of neglecting viscous forces were mirimized by choosing a scaling factor which assured fully turbulent model flow regimes as determined by Reynolds number. These basic scaling criteria, in conjunction with model size and testing considerations, resulted in a distorted model with scaling ratios as presented in Table 4-1. A total of 600 thermistors was used to gather water surface and profile temperature data throughout the model. Data were collected every 30 seconds model time, which corresponded to 38 minutes prototype time. Intake and discharge temperatures at Marshall and McGuire were among the points monitored. Figure 4-2 shows the thermistor locations in the vicinity of McGuire. 1 i O IV-2

A validation program was conducted with the model to assure that it accurately simulated observed prototype behavior. This was accomplished by using surface temperature data from 20 locations throughout Lake Norman with an intensive study in the vicinity of the Marshall Steam Station discharge canal during 1972. Analysis of the model validation results indicat'ed to Alden and Duke Power Company that the model was performing satisfactorily as designed, and could be u'.ad to model lake temperatures and flow patterns resulting from the operation of >:Guire Nuclear Station. A similar viewpoint wa expressed by the U.S. Atomic Enetiy Commission (1972). The details of the model and its valida-tion program were cresented by Colon and Leavitt (1973). Physical Model Results One of the main objectives of the model testing program was to determine the t i effectiveness of Ramsey Creek Cove (Figure 4-1) as a heat dissipation region for the McGuire thermal discharce. Results indicated that Ramsey Cr eek Cove would be effective. Modeled surface ".mperatures in the cove exceeded niodeled back-ground temperatures in the lake, indicating that McGuire's heated effluent was , being transported by thermal diasity currents throughout Ramsey Creek Cove. Dye tracer injected into the modeled heated discharge confirmed these findings. The physical model was also used to evaluate the potential for recirculation between the McGuire intake and discharge locations. Based on model simulations of various plant operating modes and seasonal conditions, the conclusion was that direct recirculation would be negligible. These tests also provided information concerning isotherm shape and distribution for both Marshal' cnd McGuire. Isotherm patterns predicted by the physical model were used in IV-3

conjunction with mathematical model predictions to obtain affected shoreline information and to determine isotherm placement. e MATHEMATICAL MODEL In addition to the Alden hydrothermal physical model, Lake Norman water temper-atures were simulated using the cooling pond mathematical model developed at Massachusetts Institute nf Technology by Patrick J. Ryan and Donald R. F. Harloman (1973a). Development of this model was partially funded by Duke Power Company. The model was spec.ifically adapted to Lake Norman by Ryan, Harleman, and Duke staff. Mathematical Model Description The two-dimensional Ryan and Harleman cooling medel is an extension of the Huber and Harleman (1968) one-dimensional, " deep reservoir" model. The model h allows the lake surface temperature to vary horizontally while simulating stratification of a deep reservoir. Factors such as discharge canals, discharge entrance mixing, deasity currents, internal diking, and locations of intake and discharge structures are incorporated in the model. In the adapta-tion of the model to Lake Norman, the effects of McGuire Nuclear Station, Marshall Steam Station, Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Station, and inflows from Lookout Shoals were incorporated. Duke Power Company used the model to simulate water temperatures which would have occurred in Lake Norman if Marshall and McGuire had operated during the 34 year period, 1951-1984. The major inputs for the 34 year simulation were as follows: O IV-4

h b n D

1. Daily average dry bulb and dew point temperatures,-wind speed (Char-lotte Airport 1951 to 1975, McGuire Nuclear. Station 1976 to 1984) and solar radiation (Greersbero-High Point Airport 1951 to 1975, McGuire Nuclear Station 1976 to 1984).
2. Marshall and McGuire CCW flow rates and CCW ST's (heat rejected to the condenser cooling water) were varied daily based on intake temperature to simulate actual operation.
       - 3. Lake-Norman surface elevations were varied, monthly using a simulated worst year developed by taking the lowest monthly average lake level wnich actually occurred, for each month, from the period 1965 to 1984 (the lake completed filling in April 1964) (Table 4-2).                                                 ?


4. . Marshall and McGuire capacity factors were set at 90% for both stations all year. By using 90% capacity factors, worst case design operation is reflected in the model predictions. Capacity factors .

are defined as energy produced relative to energy production capability at 100% load. The capacity factors used in this computer simulation reflect a conservative estimate for meeting capacity requirements through the 1980's to the early 2000's.

5. River-inflows and temperatures were varied monthly.

Mathematical Model Results The Ryan and Harleman mathematical model 34 year simulation predicted discharge temperatures for.both McGuire Nuclear Station and Marshall Steam 5tation. IV-5

These monthly average discharge temperatures are presented in Tables 4-3 and 4-4. Figures 4-3 and 4-4 illustrate on an annual cycle the composite range of O monthly average discharge temperatures for McGuire and Marshall, respectively. The discharge temperature referenced in all modeling work of this chapter is the discharge temperature at the condenser outlet, rather than at the NPDES permit thermal compliance point (discharge canal bridge); this contributes further to t'.e conservativeness of the mc/al predictions. Discharge Temperatures McGuire was predicted to have a monthly average discharge temperature of 35 C (95 F) for the summer months of July and August. On two occasions during the 34 years simulated (August 1952 and 1953) the model results indicated that tha McGuire monthly average discharge temperature would reach 35.2 (95.4 F) and 35.4 C (95.7 F), respectively (Table 4-3). During the remaining 32 years, g McGuire's discharge temperature, as predicted by the model, could have been maintained at or below 33 C (95 F). These model simulations assumed that McGuire judiciously utilized the cooler h,polimnetic lake water to maintain a 35 C (95*F'. discharge temperature. However, during extremely warm summers, utilization of the low level intake earlier in the summer to achieve discharge temperatures less than 35 C (95 F) would nossibly result in the late summer peak temperatures exceeding 35 C (95 F). This exceedance has a low probability of occurrence. .ake Surface Area Of the 34 years simulated, the period 1952-1954 resulted in the highest pre-dicted discharge temperatures for both McGuire and Marshall. From these three years, an extreme winter, spring, and summer month were chosen based on predicted O IV-6

m. plume size and discharge temperatures. The operating conditions for these-
 \    .

extreme cases with predicted monthly average intak.3, discharge, and background temperatures for McGuire and Marshall are presented in Table 4-5. Predicted monthly average thermal plume acreages, affected shoreline, and respective percentages of the total Lake Norman surface area and shoreline for both McGuire and Marshall are also given in Table 4-5. Illustrations of the extreme winter, spring, and summer 32.2 C (90 F) ar.d 2.8*C (5 F) above background isotherms f or both McGuire and Marshall are presented in Figures 4-5, 4-6, and-4-7, respectively. The 2.8 C (5 F) excess isotherm area for McGuire was predicted for the extreme winter month of December 1952, to. encompass 1110 ha (2750 ac), or 11% of the Lake Norman surface area (see Table 4-5 footnotes for basis of percentages). For the extremo sprir.g and summer months (April and August 1953), 830 ha (2050 ac) and 620 ha (1530 ac), respectively, were predicted O to exceed the 2.8aC (Sar) excess isothena. This represents 7% and 5%, respec-tiv-ly, of lake surface area. The 32.2 C (90"F) isotherm for McGuire predicted for the extreme summer month of August 1953 encompassed 430 ha (1060 ac), or 4% of the lake surface area. Lake Shoreline-The percentage of shallow areas in Lake Norman affected by elevated tempera-tures resulting from McGuire and Marshall operation can be estimated by assum-ing an equivalence to the percentage of shoreline affected. Appruximately 37 km (23 miles), or 4% of the Lake Norman shoreline was predicted to be affected by the McGuire 2.8 C (5 F) excess isotherm for the extreme winter condition (Table 4-5). Extreme spring and summer 2.8 C (5 F) excess isotherms resulting

from McGuire's operation were predicted to affect 26 km (16 miles) and 22 km O (14 miles), respectively, or approximately 3% of the shoreline. The extreme IV-7

4 summer 32.2 C (90 F) isotherm was projected to encompass 18 km (11 miles), or 2% of the shoreline. Oi ' I McGuire and Marshall Plume Interaction l Cooling waters for McGuire Nuclear Station and Marshall Steam Station are withdrawn from and discharged to take Norman. While each station withdraws cooling waters from distinctly different levels of the lake water column, it was postulated that simultaneous station operation might result in interactica of surface discharge plumes (Duke Power Company 1976). For the extreme winter, 1610 ha (3930 ac), representing 16% of the lake surface area was predicted to exceed background by 2.8 C (5 F) resulting from the operation of both McGuire and Marshall (Table 4-5, Figure 4-5). Approximately 57 km (35 miles), or 6%, of the lake shoreline would be affected. Predicted extreme summer conditions would result in 630 ha (1560 ac), or 6% of the lake area h being affected by wrface temparatures in excess of 32.2 C (90 F), with 26 km (16 miles), or 3% of the lake shoreline affected (Table 4-5, Figure 4-7). Based on these projections and actual field measurements, the thermal plumes from McGuire Nucitar Station and Marshall Steam Station, as defined above, will not interact. MATHEMATICAL MODEL VALIDATION The Ryan and Harleman Mathematical Model was validated by Ryan and Harleman (1973b). This validation only included Marshall's operation. Consequently, validations have been conducted to include both McGuire and Marshall operation from January 3381 through August 1984. O IV-8

p Discharge Temperature Validation V Modeled discharge temperatures were correlated with actu 1 operational values.


The correlation coefficients were 0.971 and 0.976 (significance probability

          <0.000]) for McGuire and Marshall monthly average discharge temperatures, respectively. Table 4-6 and Figure 4-8 depict McGuire's capacity factors and discharge temperatures.                                                                            The predicted discharge temperature was asymptotic to 95 F because station operation was designed to maintain the NPDES permitted temperature. On an average, the model predicts within 1 C of actual values.

Marshall's data are presented in Table 4-7 and Figure 4'4 which illustrate the high correlation of predicted and actua' values with an accuracy of 1 C. McGuire/ Marshall Plume Size Validation Duke Power Company requested two airborne thermal infrared surveys from Intera O Technologies Ltd. (Intera 1984a and 1984b). The surveys represcnted winter and summer plume maps for the operational year. Figures 4-10 and 4-11 illustrate the 2.8 C (5 F) above background winter and summer surface isotherms, respectively, and Table 4-8 summarizes the conditions and plume sizes. The results of the overflight help to further validate the modeled plume si as by comparing actual and modeled data. The 30 C (86 F) survey isotherm covered L% of the lake surface while the model indicated 6% of the lake surface in the 30 C (86 F) isotherm (Table 4-8, Figure 4 4-11). This difference was within the model accuracy for small near-field plumes. The main reason for the difference was due to the nodal area (2% of lake surface) s definition of the model. The model overpredicts the size of small, near-field

       ,    plumes due to the nodal area method of calculation (i.e., an area containing 2%

of the lake surface area) and because mixing and heat dissipation in the discharge i IV-9

cans 1 were not included in the model calculations. Thus, the size of the ;lume g predicted by the model will be greater (mort conservative) tnan the actual surveyed plume, ine 10*C (50"F) winter plume size (Figure 4-10) agrees with the expected accuracies of both near- and f ar-field plumes. The winter plume for McGuire affected 10% of the lake surface based en the aerial survey, and 11% based on model results (Table 4-8, Figure 4-10). The model tended to overestimate, indicating the conservative nature of the model. The results of the winter cnd Summer overflights support the velidity of the model's capabilities to predict surface thermal plume sizes. Intake Temperature Validation Validation of tne intake temperatures on Lake Norman illustrates the model's capability to predict the effects of the heated discharge on the entire water column. Tables 4-9 through 4-11 list the actual operational values versus h the modeled monthly average values for McGuirt's upper level intake, McGuire's low level intake, and Marshall's intake, respectively. McGuire's predicted upper level intake temperatures in Table 4-9 have a correla-tion coefficient of 0.977 (significance probability <0.0001) with actual values. The model tended to overestimate by less tno n.5 C of actual operational values. McCuire's low level hypolimnetic wi'.hdrawal (descr bed in Chapter III) is used

   ;                    primarily to maintain discharge temperatures within NPDES permit limits.      The model predicts low level intake temperatures at McGuire within 2.5'C of the actual values (Table 4-10). Modeled values are underestimated except at the peaks, where the model generally overestimated by 2 C. The correlation coefficient between predicted and actual low level temperatures was 0.715 (P <0.00001).

O 5 IV-10  !

_ _ . - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ . - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l l l l Marshall Steam Station, which also utilizes hypolimnetic water, had a correla- {) tion coefficient between predicted and actual values of 0.972 (P<0.0001) , i (Table 4 11). Modeled Marshall intake temperatures tended to overestimate actual values by less than 0.5 C. - i i THERMAL REGIME The temporal and spatial aspects of the thermal environment of Lake Notinari i have been extensively documented (Caccia et al. 1982). This section of the 310(a) report presents an overview and continuation of these earlier investiga-tions and encompasses the water temperature data of Lake Norman that were-collected prior to, and during, the first year of two unit operation of McGuire. Nuclear Station.

        *( )                        Materials and Methods Water temperatures were measured monthly at 21 locations throughout Lake Norman in conjunction with the water quality program (Figure 5-1, Table 5-1).                                                       A Hydrol:b Surveyor Model 60 (accuracy 1 0.25'C) was employed to measure water colues temperatures in situ (Hydrolab Cor'poration 1973).                                                   Temperature measure-           ;

ments were taken at 1-m intervals throughout the water column extending from the surface (0.3 m) to 1 n above the lake bottom. Calibration of the instru-ment followed procedures recommended by the manufacturer (Hydrolab Corporation 1973) and was perferined before and after each data collection period. The data prosented herein cover the preoperational-(January 1977 through December 1981) and the two-unit operational (September 1983 through August 1984) phases of McGuire's operation. Although Duke Power Company has been col-

          .O                          lecting te:.perature data on Lake Norman since 1963, data before 1977 were IV-11

_ . - . ~ . . , _ . - _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _

not used in this report because of differences in the sampling schedule. Prior to 1977, sampling usually occurred during the third week of the month; beginning in 1977, the sampling schedule was moved to the first week of the month To eliminate any possible bias resulting from differences in the monthly timing of the temperature measurements, only post-1976 data are pre-sentea. Furthermore, since Unit One operations at McGuire began during the edrlj Wl Iller of 1962 and extended into 1983 (See Chapter 111 fur exact dates), the time period January 1977 through December 1981 was selected to represent preoperational conditions. To simplify data analysis, Lake Norman was partitioned into three sections, the McGuire mixing zone, the Marshall zone, and background. These zones encompass approximately 9%, 5%, and 86%, respectively, of the entire surface area of Lake Norman. Sampling locations included in the specific zones were Locations 1.0, h 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, and 7.5 for the McGuire mixing zone; Locations 13.0, 14.0, and 34.0 for the Marshall zone; and Locations 8.0, 11.0, and 15.0 for background (Figure 5-1). Additionally, surface temperature data (0.3 m) from within the discharge regions of McGuire (Location 4.0) and Marshall (Location 14.0) were analyzed to assess " worst-case" conditions. Analysis of the data consisted primarily of calculating the arithmetic monthly mean temperature, by zone and depth, for each of the respective time periods, i.e., preoperational, baseline (June 1578 through May 1970 , and operational. Since the preoperational time period covered more than one year, the maximum and minimum mean monthly temperature profiles, per zone, were also calculated. 1 1 IV-12

Results and Discussion O Water temperatures during January of the operational year were usually well within historic values measured for all three zones in Lake Norman (Figures 4-12 through 4-14). In fact, operational temperatures in the Marshall zone and background approximated minimum values measured over the preoperational period. A similar trend was noted in February, with the exception that temperatures in the McGuire mixing zone were slightly warmer than previously recorded data, especially in the upper 10 m or the ter column. For example, temperatures , ranged from 0.3 C to 5.7"C warmer than historic values, with the greatest differences observed at the surface. Warmer water column temperatures were also noted in March during the operational year. Temperatures in the McGuire mixing zone ranged from 2.4*C to 3.0"C greater throughout the entire water column as compared to maximum preoperational data. In contrast, temperatures O i'1 the Marshall zone and the background section were equal to or only slightly warmer than historic data, with the greatest differences (1.7 C) found in the l bottom waters. Unlike March data, operational temperature profiles measured during April , were, for the most part, very similar to temperature data recorded previously for each zone. Only in the deep regions (215 m) of the various zones, parti-cularly in the McGuire mixing zone, were temperatures warmer than historic values (maximum difference = 0.8*C). Similar conditions, i.e., either cooler or approximately equal operational surface temperatures accompanied by equal or slightly warmer mid and bottom water temperatures, occurred in May. In May, ' operational temperatures of the lowar water column (220 m) ranged from 1.2 C to 2.0'C warmer than previously measured values, with the greatest differences l

      .O                         noted in the McGuire mixing zone, i                                                                                                                                                                               i IV-13.
 ~.w-,_..-.......,,_.,m,,,m._mm.~,.                        _.  , . , , _ . . . , . . . - . - . .              .,,..._,.y.,.        ,,_,_.,,,,_._,,,,-r,,,.,,,,_,_g_m.,

By June, a pattern was established both longitudinally within the reservoir and vertically in the water column that was repeatedly observed throughout the 9 remainder of the summer and into the early fall. Over this time period, operational water column temperatures were either equal to or only slightly wa r iT,e r than maximum historic values in all three area

  • Additionally, dif-ferences in the operational temperatures, as compared to previously recorded data, appeared to illustrate a slight spatial trend, with the McGuire mixing zone exhibiting greater differences than the background zone, which in turn ex-hibited greater changes trian the uplake Marshall zone. As was the case for the spring period, the greatest changes during the summer to early fall time frame were restricted to the lower water column. The maximum summer difference (1.6 C) was recorded in July at a depth of 20 m.

Differences in temperature profiles measured during the tall-winter cooling $ period were similar to those observtd during the late winter cooling and late spring heating periods. During October, temperatures measured under full operations at McGuire were usually within the range of values previously recorded. _ The most notable exception to this ncturred in the surface waters of the McGuire mixing zone, where temperatures were slightly *9rmer (maximum = 3.2 C). In November, operational temperatures in the background and Marsh.5 1 zones were, 1 for the most part, either equal to or slightly cooler than maximum historic temperatures. On the other hand, operational temperatures in the McGuire mixing zone were warmer throughout the entire water column, as compared to previously recorded data, with the greatest differences measured in the upper 10 m (maximum

   = 3.4 C at 2 m).                   December profiles depicted the same general trend as was noted in November, with the background and Marshall zones illustrating operational temperatures within the range of historic values and the McGuire mixing zone                      O IV-14                                            .

______-----___-.___m- . _ _ . _ _

showing slightly warmer water column temperatures. As in November, differences between operational and historic temperatures during December were greatest


at the surface (4.2'C). As anticipated, temperatures in the discharge zone of McGuire were consistently warmer than historic values throughout the McGuire two-unit operational time oeriod (Figure 4-15). Differences from the maximum preoperational values were the greatest during February (12.3'C) and the least during August (0.4*C). Summer { ) temperatures (except August) averaged approximately 4.0*C warmer than histm ic data; however, at no time during the summer did surface water temperaturo [ exceed 33.0*C. In contrast, surface water temperatures measured in the Marshall discharge zone during the operational year were usually well within values measured previously (Figure 4-15). Only during the months of April, June, and O Au9ust were Marshaii discheroe temperatures oreeter (meximem = 2.3 C) then the maximum values measured during the pr operational time period.


Duke Power Company.has performed extensive modeling of the effects of McGuire Nuclear station on Lake Norman and has conducted extensive field water temperature

        &onitoring. Both physical and mathematical models have illustrated the present future thereti and hydraulic _ effects of McGuire Nuclear Station on Lake Norman. Model results were validated by comparing the model results with 4

actual monitoring data. The results of the validation demonstrate that a high degree of confidence can be placed on the predictive capabilities of the model. O IV-15

The key results of the modeling and thermal surveys are as follows:

1. Modeling of extreme operational conditions indicates that future operation of McGuire and Marshall will maintain discharge temperatures below the values allowed in the current NPDES permits.
2. McGuire and Marshall surface plumes will not meet or interact under extreme modeled conditions.
3. Modeled results accurately predict the thermal effects on Lake Norman based on extensive validation of discharge temperatures, intake temperatures, and plume sizes.
4. McGuire Nuclear Station's thermal plume size will remain below 1420 ha h (3500 ac) or 15% of the total lake surface area at minimum historical
 ,      water surface elevation.
5. Ramsey Creek Cove serves as an effective heat dissipation region for McGuire's thermal discharge.
6. Recirculation of McGuire's plume from the discharge to the intake is negligible.
7. Temperature profiles measured during the preoperational and operational phases of McGuire showed minimal changes from historical values throughout the background, the Marshall zone, and the mixing zone of McGuire. Within these zones, the greatest differences from historical values were recorded O


in the surface waters of the McGuire mixing zone during the winter and fall cooling periods. Here, surface temperatures during the operational year were as much as S.7"C warmer than preoperational values. in contrast, winter and fall operational year temperatures in the Marshall zone and the background section were either equal to or cooler than preoperational data.  ; 1 8.- Operational year surface temperatures measured in the discharge zone of McGuire were, on a monthly basis, consistently greater than preoperational data.>The differences were most dramatic (maximum = 12.3*C) during the winter and fall cooling period. On the other hand, surface temperatures measured in the discharge zone of Marshall during the operational year were usually well within historical values. O f' , O IV-17

 - -- ,--. ,__ _ . .             . - . - - - , - _ . _ _ , . - _ . . ~ _ _ _ _.

p O Table 4-1. Lake Nonnan physical model scaling ratios. Model to Parameter Prototype Ratio Horizontal Distance 1/600 Vertical Distance 1/60 Velocity 1/7.74 T irie 1/77.74 Flow Rate 1/272,900 Temperature 1/1 0

i O Table 4-2. Extreme monthly Lake Nornon surface elevations 3 (feet above mean sea level). January 750.0 February 750.0 March 752.5 April 752.5 May 755.0 June- 755.0 July 752.5 August 755.0 September 752.7 October 750.0 November 750.0 December 750.0 1 Lowest monthly average lake level 1965-1984 (Full Pond 760') 0

O. O- O s 1ABLE 4-3 FREDICTED McGUIRE MDMTHLY AVERAGE DISCHARGE TEMPERATURES (*C) t YR JAN TfB NAR APR rdY JUN JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC 1951 23.0 22.7 24.4 25.8 29.3 32.4 35.0 35.0 34.5 30.8 25.6 23.5 ! 1952 24.3 24.4 24.2 25.7 29.0 34.9 35.0 35.2 33.4 28.9 25.1 24.1 ! 1953 23.8 24.4 24.2 26.3 30.7 35.0 35.0 35.4 34.1 30.2 26.0 23.7 ! 1954 22.9 23.8 73.8 26.8 26.4 31.9 35.0 35.0 34.5 30.7 14.5 22.6 t 1955 22.6 22.3 24 6 26.8 30.2 32.7 35.0 35.0 34.0 29.8 25.2 22.6 19 % 20.3 23.6 24.0 25.4 29.4 33.1 35.b 35.0 32.9 28 3 25.6 24.4 1957 23.1 23.9 23.9 25.9 29.6 33.3 35.0 34.5 33.8 27.7 24.8 24.1 l 1958 20.9 20.5 23.6 25.3 28.7 32.8 35.0 35.0 33 5 28.7 26.0 22.3 . 1959 21.1 23.7 24.1 26.4 30.3 33.1 35.0 35.0 33.4 30.3 25.1 23.6 l 1960 22.8 23.1 21.2 25.7 28.1 33.1 35.0 34.9 33.5 29.8 24.7 22.8 1961 21.6 22.2 24.2 24.6 27.8 31.8 35.0 34.7 33.8 29.7 26.8 24.0 1962 21.4 23.4 23.5 25.7 30.6 34.1 35.0 34 9 33.4 30.0 24.5 22.0 1963 21.0 20.6 24.0 27.4 29.1 32.5 34.6 35.0 33.1 29.4 25.5 22.1 1964 20.9 22.8 23.7 25.5 29.3 33.5 34.9 34.6 33.2 27.9 26.1 23.7 1%5 23.5 22.9 23.6 26.4 30.9 33.3 35.0 35.0 34.0 29.0 25.3 *24.2 , 1%6 22.4 21.5 23.7 25.4 28.7 32.2 35.0 35.0 33.4 29.1 25.4 23.9 ! 1967 22.3 23.2 23.9 27.3 28.0 31.5 35.0 34.7 32.3 29.2 24.6 24.7 i 1968 21.1 22.2 23.7 26.5 28.9 32.2 35.0 35.0 33.2 29.8 24.8 22.7  ! 1%9 20.7 22.2 22.6 26.3 29.2 32.7 35.0 34.9 33.3 29.3 24.3 22.1 i i 1970 20.1 22.2 24.2 26.0 29.9 32.9 34.9 34.5 34.4 29.9 26.0 24.3 1971 22.1 21.8 24.1 25.5 28.4 32.2 34.9 34.7 34.2 30.7 26.5 24 0 i 4 1972 24.0 22.2 23.8 25.3 28.1 30.9 34.1 34.8 33.1 28.2 25.4 23.7 l 1973 21.8 22.0 23.8 24.9 27.7 32.7 35.0 34.9 34.3 30.1 25.3 23.2 1974 23.8 24.0 24.3' 25.9 29.2 32.2 34.3 34.1 32.1 27.7 25.6 22.7 1 1975- 23.2 24.0 24.0 25.5 30.0 32.4 34.1 35.0 33.6 30.0 26.3 23.3  ; 1976 21.5 22.9 24.3 26.2 27.9 30.2 33.1 33.4 32.0 28.4 24.3 22.0 l 1977 19.3 20.6 24.3 26.4 28.4 31.7 35.0 35.0 34.0 28.4 25.1 23.2  ; 4 1978 20.0 20.1 22.5 26.2 27.6 32.4 35.0 35.0 34.5 29.3 26.2 23.7 ; 1979 20.6 20.5 24.0 25.9 28.3 30.8 33.3 34.5 32.3 27.6 25.5 24.0 ! 1980 22.2 21.3 22.9 25.6 27.6 31.3 34.7 35.0 34.4 28.9 25.5 23.4 i 1981 20.1 21.6 24.3 26.5 28.1 33.5 35.0 34.4 33.4' 28.7 25.1 22.5 1982 20.0 22.4 24.0 25.5 28.8 32.8 35.0 35.0 33.3 29.0 24.8 24 0 1983 21.7 21.7 24.3 25.0 27.9 31.4 35.0 35.0 33.9 28.6 25.2 23.2 i 1984 20.5 23.3 23.5 24.4 27.2 31.1 34.6 34.6 r h. t f i I

O O . O , J I i TAatE 4-4 i PRfillCTED MAR 5HAtt MONTHLY AVEE. AGE CISCHARGE TEMPERATURES (*C) g JAN TE8 MAR APR MAY JUN JutY AUG SEPT OCT 80V 0EC 1951 19.5 18 3 20.7 22.6 25.1 28.2 30.9 34.3 34.4 30.8 25.7 21.3 1952 20.0 t0.1 21.1 22.8 24.9 27.7 32.3 35.7 33.1 29.6 25.4 21.3 1953 19 5 20.3 21.8 23.2 25.6 28.9 33.2 35.9 33.9 30.7 26.1 21.5 i 1954 19.4 19.3 21.2 23.2 25.0 27.9 30.7 34.0 34.3 30.7 24.4 18,9

1955 18.7 18.0 20.8 23.6 27.0 28.8 31.7 34.5 33.7 30.2 25.1 19.5
1956 17.1 19.6 22.6 24.1 26.7 28.5 31.0 34.2 32.8 29.1 25.6 21.4

] 1957 19.6 21.0 21 G 24.4 26.8 29.1 31.8 33.9 33.1 28.4 24.6 21.0 1958 17.2 16.5 19.4 23.8 27.3 28.6 31.0 34.4 33.1 29.3 25 8 19.1 1 1959 17.5 19.7 21.1 24.7 27.8 29.5 31.7 34.0 33.0 30.2 25.0 19.7 1960 19.1 19.5 17.9 22.5 24.9 27.8 30.7 33.0 32 8 33.5 24.5 20.3 1961 17.7 17.3 21.9 23.5 26.5 28.3 30.4 32.9 32.9 30.3 27.1 21.7 , 1%2 17,4 19.3 20.3 22.4 25.0 28.2 31.2 32.8 32.8 30.2 24.1 18.7 1%3 16.8 17.2 20.4 23.4 25.8 28.3 30.8 32.6 32.7 30.1 25.7 19.3 1964 17.3 19.4 21.7 23.7 26.9 29.2 31.3 32.8 32.4 28.5 26.1 21.7 1965 19.8 18.4 20.0 23.4 25.9 28.6 31.5 33.4 33.3 29.5 25.4 21.2 1966 18.7 17.7 19.8 22.7 24.8 27.3 30.3 32.5 32.5 29.7 25.3 20.9 1%7 18.6 19.7 N. 6 23.1 25.4 28.0 30.4 32.1 31.8 29.8 24.5 21.4 i 1968 17.4 18.2 19.9 23.5 24.8 27.7 30.7 33.6 32.6 39.1 25.2 19.8 4 1%9 17.1 17.8 19.5 23.4 25.0 28.1 31.1 33.4 32.8 29.9 24.4 18.8 1970 16.4 18.3 20.1 22.9 25.3 28.2 31.0 32.6 32.2 30.3 25.7 21.6 1971 18.5 17.8 20.5 23.1 25.4 28.3 30.7 32.2 33.0 11.0 26.4 21.0 , 1972 20.6 18.5 21.1 23.0 2 i. 3 28.1 30.6 31.9 32.2 28.9 24.9 20.8 20.6 23.2 26.4 28.5 31.2 33.4 33.6 30.5 25.1 20.8 1973 18.5 18.2 1974 19.7 20.2 22.1 24.0 26.3 a.6 31.2 32.0 31.7 28.5 25.5 19.1 1 1975 19.8 19.8 21.0 24.8 27.5 21.3 31.3 32.8 32.9 30.4 26 6 21.6 1976 17.8 19.6 21.2 22.6 24.5 27.5 29.6 31.5 31.5 28.7 22.1 18.7 1977 15.7 16.6 20.4 22.3 25 0 27.9 30.7 32.9 33.3 28.8 25.4 20.4 1978 16.6 16.1 18.2 22.7 23.8 26.9 30.4 33.7 34.4 29.8 26.7 21.6 1979 17.4 17. C 19.7 22.1 24.2 27.3 30.0 31.8 31.6 28.6 25.8 21.4 1996 18.3 17.6 18.8 22.5 24.2 27.4 30 1 32.9 34.1 29.7 25 2 20.5

1981 16.4 17.0 18.5 21.8 24.6 27.3 30.9 33.5 32.8 29.4 25.4 19.3 1982 16.5 18.1 19.7 22.4 24.9 27.9 31.0 33.4 32.9 29.8 25.1 21.7 1983 18.3 17.4 20.4 21.8 24.6 27.4 30.3 33.5 33.7 29.5 25.4 21.5 1984 17.3 17.6 20.1 21.7 24.2 27.2 29.5 31.9 .


                                                                   -        Table 4-5 McGuire and Marshall Monthly Average Thersal Data-Predicted McGuiHL NULLLAR 51All0M                                                   MAR 5 HALL hitAR 5iAllDM intreee                Condenser                                    intake        Discharge      condenser                                         2ntake      Dischary Season          Date       Flew           ai          toad 8     Temperature    Temperature         Flow          ai            Load'            Temperature Temperature CM3 (cf s)      "C ("t )        %         "C   ~t        'C   "F          CMi (cfs ,
                                                                                                              "C (7             I               "C ("F)      "C {"F )

Winter Otc. 1952 91 (3200) ITUT/2) 90 . 3) < 5) 37 (1300s a 9) 90 110 ($1) 21 0 (7 ,3 Spring AFR. 1953 115 (4060) 9.5 (17) 90 17.0 (62) 26.0 (79) 51 (1790) 9.5 (17) 90 17.0 (62) 26.0 ( 79) Summer AUG.'1953 128 (4530) 9.0 (16) 90 26.5 (80) 35.5 (%) 65 (2290) 9.5 (17) 90 27.5 (80) 36.0 (97) HtURGLOGICAL MLituRatOu4 CAL Eac6 ground Water Surface River Dry Bulb Dew Foint Cloud 50iar Wind Extreme Temp Elevation Flow Cover Radiation Speed LY/ Cay m/s (aph) a(ft) 'C ('F ) 'C (*F) Season Date *C (*F) CMS (cfs) .% Winter DLC. 1952 11.0 (52) 228.6 (150) 31.9 (1126) 5.4 (41.I) 0.6 (33.1) 60 110 2.0 (4.4) Spring APR. 1953 19.0 (66) 229.4 (752) 56.7 (2003) 15.5 (59.9) 6.5 (43.7) 50 446 3.4 (7.5) Su m r AUG. 1953 29.0 (84) 230.1 (755) 36.1 (1274) 25.2 (77.3) 18.0 (64.5) 40 486 1.8 (4.1)

O O O Table 4-5 (Cont'd) M7 (32.2"E) 150intRM MAR 5ttALL SitAM SiAiibM iGiAL OF EGieiF[KNi5 McGUInt NUCLEAR SisilGN Shore- I laie' Surface I tahe' Shore- I ta6e' 1 Lake' Shore- 1 Lake' Surface  % Lake' lin, Wre E=treme Surface Surface line $ bore Area Surface Area Surface line Shore Area 5e: ' Date Ha  % be  % 1 Ha 1 Wn L Ha L Ks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Winter DEC. 1952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Spring APR. 1953 0 0 i 8 1 630 6 26 3 i 4 18 2 200 2 i Summer AttG. 1953 430 1 l h 57 (2.5"L) AEUd EACP.Gsh liMiikAME 150 int J4 iviAi GF Ei,in H AN75 McGUlkt NIALEAR Si A310M i >%R5 hall 5iiAM Si AiiLN 5hore- I take' Surface 1 Lake' shore- I tabe' Surface  % Labe' here- X Lake' Surface I take' lin, Shcre Entreme Area surface line Shere Area Surface l Date Area Surtsce iine Shore Season 1 Va 1 1 Ha 1 as 1 Ha Ha 1 ss 1610 16 57 6 4 500 5 20 2 1110 11 37 Winter DEC. 1952 3 1 680 8 N 3 830 7 26 3 50 1 5pring A*R. 1953 e 35 4 320 3 13 1 940 620 5 22 3 Summer AUG. 1953 L Baseti on worst case condition from conservative oesign operational data. (See ient) 1953 (11,170 H4); Aug. 1953 (11.1e0 na).

2. Based on following lake surface areas at elevations sunn in Table 4-2 Cac. 1952 (10,500 H4); Apr.
3. Based on total shoreline mileage of 840 6m.

i O O O t i Table 4-8 VALIDATIDM MCGUIRE AND MAR 5 HALL THERMAL PltME58 l McGUIRL MUCLEAR SIAIIOM MAR 5 Hall 5IEAM 53AiIGN l 4 Extreme Condenser Intake Discharge Condenser Inta6e Discharg+ l

Season Date Flow of Lcad Temperature Temperature Flow af lead' Teg erature Temperature l

,  ?

                      . CM5 (cfs)     "C   "_t J        X         "C      "_t_J        "C   "F    i CM5 (cfs)          "C   "i . I         "C QF        'O ("E t Winter    02/02/84   43 (1501)           6T           E5         s      4F                   j           19 (M5)                         54        5T 13        15 (59li        :

Sumer 08/30/84 58 (2032) 8 (15) 98 27 (80) 35 (95) 19 (672) 9 (IT) 61 23 (13) 32 (90) i HE R0 LOGICAL MtitORGLOGICAL Background Water Surface Cowans Ford Dry Bulb Dew Foir,t Cloud Solar Wind Entreme Temp Elevation Flow Cover Radiation Speed Season Date *C (*F) a(Ft) CMS (cfs) *C (*F) *C (*F) (1) LY/ Day m/s (sph) Winter 02/02/84  ? (45) 230 (756) 234 (6247) 4 (40) -3 (26) 0 369 2 (4) 5tuneer 08/30/84 27 (81) 231 (758) 89 (3154) 23 (74) 21 (69) 70 361 2 (4)  ; t i i i i

0 O O 4 l Table 4-8 (Cont'd) McGUIRE MUCLEAR STATION MARSHAtt STEAM STAilom TOTAL OF BOTH PLANTS Survey Model Survey Model Survey Model Extreme Isothere 5urface 1 Lake' Surface a Lake 5c face X Lake' . Surface X Lake Surface Z La6e' Surface 1 Lake i Season *C(*F) Area Surface Area surface Area Surface A.ea Surface Area Serface Area surface Ha 1 Ha 1 Ha 1 Ha 1 Ha 1 Ha 1 i dinter 10 (50) 1181 10 1367 11 160 1 6 72 6 1341 11 2039 17 Summer 30 (86) 12 1 757 6 28 1 183 1 to 1 940 7 , l

1. Daily Average Values, for 2.8'C (5'F) above background isotheres.
2. Based on following lake elevations: - Wir.te- El 756' (12052 Ha); Summer El 758' (12604 Ma).

4 4 b i

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APR AUG OCT NOV DEC ! t i t i 1 ! WONTHLY MAXIMUM = + nEAH(51-84)=


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Figure 4.3. Predicted McGuire monthly acer.gc discharge temperatures from January,1951 through Decend>er,1984.

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  • O Figure 4-8. McGuire discharge temperature model validation from January, 1981 through August,1984


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  • O Figure 4-9. Marshall discharge temperature model validation from January,1981 through August,1984.

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                                                                 ~                                                                    0           to                 20      30 TEMPER ATURE FCI                                TEMPERATURE PC)                            TEMPE R ATURE FC)

Figure 4-12. Maximum (upper ) and minimum (lower ) monthly mean temperature ( C) profiles for locations in the McGuire Nuclear Station mixing zone (Locations 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 5, 5. 0, 6. 0 and 7.5) observed over the time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the corresponding data for the baseline year ( o o ), Jure O 1978-May 1979, and the operational year of McGuire Nuclear Station (e e ), September 1983-August 1984.

f\ JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH _g 10 - 4 - ' fr e. 20 - , -

                                                                         )                                      -

5 30 - 40 ' ' i 1 9 1 ' ' APRIL MAY 0- . - JUNE p E 10 -


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20 30 0 to 20 30 TEMPER ATURE (*C) TEMPER ATURE PC) TEMPERATURE PCI Figure 4-13. Maximum (upper ) and minimum (lower - ) monthly mean temperature (*C) profiles for locations in the Marshall Steam Station zone (Locations 13.0, 14.0, and 34,0) observed over the time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the corresponding data for the baseline year ( o o ), June 1978-May 1979, and the fi kJ operational year of McGuire Nuclear Station ( e e ), September 1983-August 1984.


                                                                                                          *"                                                                                                                                                                           MARCH i 10
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40 ' ' * ' t i i C 10 20 30 i i 0 to 20 30 0 10 20 30 TEM 5 E AATURE (*Cl TE MPE R ATUR E (*C) TEMPER ATURE f*C) Figure 4-14. Maximum (upper ) and minimum (lower -) monthly mean temperature ( C) profiles for 1) cations in the background zone (Locations 8.0,11.0 and 15.0) observed over the time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the corre 3ponding data for the 9 baseline year (o o ), June 1978-May 19D, and the operational year of McGuire Nuclear Station (e o ), September 1983-August 1984.

l /~T N) to:.. 35-Fig, a: , . se- *

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m 4 o N' / i c i. -- 52 e4-_ JAN FC$ NAR A.R MAY gyN gyg Ayg ggp g;7 ggy ggg NONTH Figure 4-15. Maximum (upper ) and minimum (lower ) monthly mean surface (0.3 m) temperatures for locations in the McGuire huclear Station discharge zone (Location 4.0, Figure (a)) and the harshall Steam Station discharge zone (Location 14.0, Figure (b)) observed over

O the time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the corresponding V data for the baseline year ( o o ), June 1978 - May 1979, and the operational year of McGuire Nuclear Station ( e . ), September 1983
                   - August 1984.

i CHAPTER V O WATER QUALITY DATA The physicochemical characteristics of Lake Norman have been extensively documented by previous water quality studies (Perkins and Whisenant 1982; Duke ' Power Company 1976, 1980; Weiss et al. 1975; Jensen et al. 1974). The general water quality of Lake Norman reflects the lithology of the Catawba River basin, and is characterized by near-neutral pH values, low hardness, stable mineral composition, and generally low nutrient and trace metal concentrations. The trophic status of Lake Norman has been described as oligo-mesotrophic by Weiss and Kuenzler (1976). This chapter, describes the physicochemical data of Lake Norman that were =O recorded during the preoperational phase and during-the first year of two-unit operation of McGuire Nuclear Station. The objective of this chapter is to document the vertical, spatial, and temporal variability of dissolved oxygen, and the spatial and temporal variability in chemi?al data of Lake Norman during the.preoperational and operational phases of McGuire Nuclear Station. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sampling Locations and Frequency Twer'.y-one locations were sampled on Lake Norman from 1977 through 1984 (Figure 1 and Table 5-1). This chapter summarizes data at 11 locations (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5, 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) on Lake Norman,'and Location 16.0 below Cowans Ford-Dam,- from 1977 through 1981-(preoperational period) and from September 1983 through August 1984 (operational year). In situ data were O recorded and samples for chemical analyses were collected at the 12 study V-1

                        , _ _ . _                  -_.__           ___-.___    _ _,      .. ,_-             _     _ _ _ _ -- _ I

locations during the first week of every month. Water samples for trace metal determinations were collected quarterly or semiannually at a minimum of four locations. Field Procedures Profile measurements of temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and specific conductance were obtained in-situ using a Hydrolab Surveyor Model 60 water quality analyzer. Profiles were taken at 1-m intervals from surface (0.3 m) to bottom (1 m above sediments) at the 11 reservoir locations, and at the surface at Location 16.0 (below Cowans Ford Dam), from 1977 through 1981. From 1982 through 1984, 00 and temperature were measured at 1-m intervals from surface to bottom, and pH and specific conductance were measured at surface and bottom, or at 10-m intervals from surface to bottom. Calibration procedures recommended by the Hydrolab Corporation (1973) were performed before and af ter h sampling. Methods for the measurement of these variables are presented in Table 5-2. Water samples for laboratory analyses were collected with a diaphragm pump prior to May 1983, and with a vertical Kemmerer bottle beginning in May 1983 to increase collection efficiency. Samples were collected at surface, surface and bottom, or at 10-m intervals from surface to bottom, depending on the depth of the location. Samples were collected in linear polyethylene bottles and preserved on ice or with a preservative (Table 5-2) until analysis could be performed. 4 Laboratory Procedures The analytical methods, preservation techniques, references, and detection limits are listed in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 also documents any changes in analytical techniques that were employed to lower the analytical detection 9 l V-2

I _ limit or to increase laboratory efficiency. All analytical methods used were


approved by the USEPA (1974, 1979, 1983), and all analyses were subjected to quality control procedures recommended by the USEFA (1972). Data Analysis Three geographical regions in Lake Norman, one location below Lake Norman, and three time periods were defined in order to determine whether the operation of McGuire affected the water quality of Lake Norman. The geographical regions

     - include:                                                                                            ,

Below Cowans Ford Dam = Location 16.0 McGuire discharge = Location 4.0 McGuire mixing zone = Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5 O 8acx9eooad zo"e = 'ocatio"s 8 o 11 o. 15 o The three time periods are: McGuire preoperational phase = January 1977 through December 1981 McGuire baseline year = June 1978 through May 1979

             -McGuire operational year                 = September 1983 through August 1984 All analytical determinations that were recorded as less than the detection limit were set equal to the detection limit for statistical calculations.

Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, and minimum and maximum values), as outlined by SAS Institute Inc. (1982), were produced for each month of each year at each of the four geographical regions. Thus, for each monthly lO mean of each year, n = 7 for the mixing zone, n = 3 for the background zone, i V-3

and n = 1 for Location 16.0 and for Location 4.0. Minimum and maximum monthly means for the preoperational period were used to illustrate natural variability O of water quality in Lake Norman, with each minimum or maximum value equal to a monthly mean for one of the five years of preoperational data. Thus, monthly means during the operational year were compared to maximum or minimum monthly means during the 5 year preoperational period. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were calculated for the five years of preoperational da.a to determine if operational means that fell outside of the preoperational range were statis-tically different from the overall preoperational mean. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in Lake Norman during the preoperational and operational periods followed previously observed seasonal patterns (Perkins $ & Whisenant '.982). Highest surface D0 concentrations were observed from January through April, and lowest surface D0 concentrations were observed in August, September, and October (Figures 5-2 through 5-4). Surface 00 concentra-tions were higher than bottom water D0 concentrations during the warmer months, with uniform 00 concentrations throughout the water column from December through April. Preoperational surface 00 concentrations at the discharge location ranged from 12.6 mg 1 1 in February and March, to 6.6 mg 1 1 in September (Figure 5-4 and Table 5-3). Surface 00 concentrations at the discharge location during the operational year ranged from 11.7 mg 1 1 in March to 5.4 mg 1 1 in September. During the operational year, surf ace D0 concentrations in February, March, O V-4


_ August, September, October, and December were. lower than corresponding minimum preoperational values at the discharge location, while D0 concentrations in May

 'ar.d June were higher than maximum preoperational values.        All of the operational
 -year DO concentrations at the discharge location that were outside of the preoperational range were also outside of the preoperational 95% confidence intervals (Table 5-4). At the discharge location, the greater reductions from preoperational monthly surface 00 concentrations during the operational year-occurred in September (1.2 to 2.7 mg 1 2), August (0.4 to 2.1 mg 1 2), and February (0.4 to 1.9 mg.1 1).       Because D0 concentrations are inversely related to temperature, the percent D0 saturation may be used to determine if the waters are above or below the temperature-related saturation levels.         Con-sequently, the percent 00 saturations may be used to assess the influence of temperature on D0 concentrations. -The percent D0 saturation at the discharge location ranged from 79% (November) to 116% (August) during the preoperational period, and from 80% (September) to 128% (June) during the operational year.

i , Only during September of the operational year did the percent D0 saturation fall below the corresponding minimum preoperational value at the discharge location. Preoperational surface D0 concentrations in the mixing zone ranged from 12.7 mg 1 1 in February to 7.3 mg 12 in October (Table 5-3). During the operational year, surface D0 concentrations in the mixing zone ranged from 10.7 mg 1 1 in January _ and _ February, -to 6.3 mg 1 1 in September. Surface D0 concentrations in the mixing zone during the operational year were lower than corresponding minimum preoperational values except during January, June,-and December; most of the_ lower operational year values were also lower than the preoperational-95% confidence intervals (Table 5-4). In the mixing zone, the greater reductions V-5

from preoperational surface 00 concentrations during the operational year occurred in March (1.6 to 2.4 mg 1 3), April (0.5 to 2.3 mg 1 2), February (0.3 to 2.0 mg 1 2), and September (1.'1 to 1.7 mg 1 1). As previously reported (Chapter IV, Figure 4-12), surface water temperatures in the mixing zone during the operational year were generally warmer than corresponding preopera-tional temperatures. The percent D0 saturation in the surface waters of the , mixing zone ranged from 83% (December) to 113% (August) during the preopera-tional period, and from 87% (September and November) to 118% (June) during the operational year (Table 5-3). The percent D0 saturation values in the mixing zone during the operational year were slightly lower in March, August, and September, and slightly higher in January and June, than values observed in corresponding months of the preoperational period. The reductions in percent D0 saturation and D0 concentrations in the mixing zone were probably due to the slightly higher surface water temperatures during the McGuire operational year. h Preoperational surface DO concentrations in the background zone ranged from 12.9 mg 1 1 in March to 6.3 mg 1 1 in October (Figure 5-4 and Table 5-3). Operational year surface D0 concentrations in the background zone ranged from 11.3 mg 1 1 in February to 6.2 mg 1 1 in September. During the operational year, surface D0 concentrations in March, April, September, and November were lower than corresponding minimum preoperational values in the background zone, while D0 concentrations in June and July were higher than corresponding maximum preoperational values. All of the operational year D0 concentrations in the background zone that were not within the preoperational range were also not within the preoperational 95% confidence interval (Table 5-4). In the back-ground zone, the greater reductions from preoperational surf ace D0 concenta-tions during the operational year occurred in March (1.2 to 2.5 mg 1 2), April O l V-6

(0.5 to 2.2 mg 1 i), and September (0.4 to 1.4 mg 12). The percent 00 satura-

  .O  tion in the surface waters of the background zone ra'iged from 77% (October) to
     -123% (July) during the preoperationaf period, and from 84% (September and Octcber) to 122% (July) during the operational year.            The percent D0 saturation values in the background zone during the operational year were slightly lower in March, April, and September, and slightly higher in June, than values observed in corresponding months of the preoperational period.                     Very little difference was observed in percent 00 saturation between the background and mixing zones during the operational year.

Monthly D0 profiles during the operational year indicated some reductions from minimum values observed during the preoperational period. In both the mixing and background zones, 00 concentrations.from 15 m to bottom during the operational year were less than 5.0 mg 1 1 in June and July and less than 2.0 mg 1 2 in August and September (Figures 5-3 and 5-4). In the mixing zone, the operational year 00 concentrations below 15m corresponded to decreases in 00 concentrations of approximately 1.0 to 3.0 mg 1 1 in' June and July, approximately 0.5 to 2.5 mg 1 1 in August, and approximately 0 to 1.5 mg 11 in September. In the background zone, many of the operational year D0 concentrations below 15 m corresponded to minimum preoperational values from June through September. By November, the 00. concentrations throughout the water column were uniform from the surface to 25 m in both the mixing and background. zones with only the bottom-5.m exhibiting 00. concentrations below 2.0 mg 1 1 Dissolved oxygen concentrations in both the mixing'and background zones were uniform from the surface tc bottom from December through April, with D0 concentrations ranging from approximate'y 8.0 to 13.0 mg 1 1 during the preoperational period and from approximately 8.0 to 11 mg 1 1 during the operational year. In both the mixing and background V-7

zones during the operational year, the greatest reduction from preoperationti g D0 profile concentrations occurred in March, with a decrease of approximately 1 to 2 mg 1 1 throughout the water column. Very little difference was observed between D0 profiles in the mixing and background zones during the operational period, indicating that D0 concentrations through the water column were probably influenced to a greater extent by biodegradation of organic material introduced from hesvy rainfall and runoff during the operational year (Table 5-5), than by temperature fluctuations caused by McGuire operations. Alkalinity Total alkalinity values in the surface waters of Lake Norman during the pre-operational period ranged from 7.8 to 15 mg-CACO 3 1 1 (Figure 5-5). Surface alkalinity values at Location 16.0 ranged from 8.0 to 20 mg-CACO 3 1 3 during the preoperational period (Table 5-6). All operational year alkalinity values h were within the preoperational range of values in the background zone, mixing zone, and below Cowans Ford dam, and in most months approximated the baseline year alkalinity values. At the discharge location, only in September of the operational year was the alkalinity concentration lower than the minimum pre-operational value (by 1.0 mg-CACO3 1 1, which is also the analytical sensitivity of the measurement). This slight alkalinity deviation, although outside of the 95% confidence interval associated with the preoperational mean (Table 5-7), would be of little biological importance. P.!! Surface water pH values in Lake Norman exhibited considerable variability during the preoperational period, ranging from a low of 6.4 (August, September and November, discharge; November, background zone) to a high of 8.5 (August, V-8

background zone and discharge)(Figure 5-6). The greatest range of values was g%/ observed in August in all lake zones, probably due to variations in algal uptake of C02 . Location 16.0 pH values ranged from 6.0 to 7.6 (Table 5-6). Operational year surface pH values in the discharge were 0.1 to 0.7 units lower than minimum preoperational values during eight months (March, April, May, June, July, September, November, and December) (Figure 5-6) although the September value fell within the 95% confidence interval (Table 5-7). A similar pattern was observed-in the mixing zone during the operational year. In the mixing zone, the April operational year value, however, was within the pre-operational range, while pH values for the other seven months were outside of the 95% confidence intervals (Table 5-7). Operational year surface pH values in the background zone were 0.1 to 0.7 units lower than minimum preoperational O ve1ues euria9 three =oatas ("ercn, sev. e"e sentember) e"e o 1 to o 4 u"its higher than maximum preoperational values during two months (February and June) (Figure 5-6). None of the five outlying operational year values in the back-ground zone were within the preoperational 95% confidence intervals (Table-5-7). Operational year pH values at Location 16.0 were 0.1 to 0.6 units lower than minimum preoperational values during six months (January, March, May, . July, November, and December), and 1.2 units lower than the minimum preoperational value in September. None of the seven outlying operational year values below Cowans Ford Dam were within the preoperational 95% confidence intervals (Table 5-7). Analysis of 10 m-increment data for pH (Table 5-8) revealed that pH values through the water column at the discharge and mixing zone were more uniform O (less vertically stratified) during the operational year than during the J V-9

l l l preoperational period. Subsurface pH values in the mixing zone during the g operational year were within the preoperational range of values for eight months, were 5,0.4 units higher than maximum preoperational values in August (at 10 m and 20 m), and were $0.4 units lower than minimum preoperational values in September (10 m and bottom), November (20 m) and December (10 m, 20 m and bottom). Surface pH values in the mixing zone during the operational year were more similar to subsurface values than to higher preoperational surface values, especially during periods of stratification. Analysis of subsurface pH data suggests that withdrawal of lower pH water by McGuire's upper level intake (at a depth of 4.5 to 13.7 m) and/or lower level intake (at a depth of 27.4 to 32.3 m), and subsequent discharge to the shallow Location 4.0, may have been responsible for the observed lower pH values in the surface waters of Lake Norman (especially the discharge and mixing zone) and below Cowans Ford Dam. In the background zone during the operational year, 11 of the 36 subsurface pH values were lower, while 5 were higher, than corresponding preoperational values. The variability of subsurface pH values in the back-ground zone (Table 5-8) suggests that physical factors other than McGuire (e.g., turbulence, increased runoff) may be influencing this region of the lake. Conductivity Specific conductance values in the surface waters of Lake Norman ranged from 30 to 59 pmho cm" during the preoperational period, with the greatest variability observed in October, November, and December (Figure 5-7). Specific conductance values at Location 16.0 ranged from 20 to 63 pmho cm 1 during the preoperational pe.iod (Table 5-6). During the operational year, specific conductance values V-10

from January through September were generally equal to or greater than maximum b,m preoperational values in all three lake regions. The greatest difference between maximum preoperational values and operational values occurred in April and was 8 pmho cm 1 in the discharge, 7 pmho cm 1 in the mixing zone, and 6 pmho cm 1 in the background zone (Figure 5-7). The August operational value in the background zone was, however, within the 95% confidence interval associated with the preoperational mean (Table 5-9). Higher rainfall during the operational year (Table 5-5), as compared to the preoperational period, may have been responsible for the higher conductivities observed throughout the lake due to dissolved solids in increased surface runoff and from tributaries. However, other parameters associated with high runoff (turbidity, iron, and manganese) did not increase accordingly. Higher specific conductance values may also have resulted from increased solubility of suspended matter due to slightly warmer surface water temperatures. Turbidity Turbidity values ranged from 2.0 to 68 NTU in the surface waters of Lake Norman during the preoperational period (Figure 5-8). Lowest values were observed in the summer and highest values in the winter and spring. Turbidity values in the surface waters at Location 16.0 ranged from 3.0 to 110 NTU during the preoperational period (Table 5-6). At all study regions, operational year turbidity values were similar to baseline year values and minimum preoperational period values. The 95% confidence intervals encompassed six of the 12 monthly mean operational values that were slightly lower than minimum preoperational values (Table 5-10). Deviations were minor and were within the overall range of values observed in the surface waters. V-11

Chloride Chloride concentrations in the surface waters of Lake Norman ranged from 3.0 to 6.6 mg 1 1 during the preoperational period, with little seasonal variability (Figure 5-9). Chloride concentrations at Location 16.0 ranged from 2.8 to 8.8 mg 1 1 during the preoperational period (Table 5-6). During the operational year, semiannual chloride concentrations were within the range of preopera-tional values at all lake regions. At Location 16.0, the chloride concentration during February of the operational year was 0.1 mg 1 1 higher than the maximum preoperational value (Table 5-6) and did not fall within the 95% confidence interval (Table 5-10), but this deviation was minor. Silica Silica concentrations in the surface waters of Lake Norman ranged from 1.0 to 4.8 mg 1 1 during the preoperational phase (Figure 5-10); low values were h observed in May, June, and July, and high values in November, December, and January. Silica concentrations at Location 16.0 ranged from 2.4 to 5.4 mg 1 1 during the preoperational period (Table 5-6). During January, May, Augu'st, November, and December of the operational year, silica concentrations in the discharge were 0.1 to 0.6 mg 1 1 higher than maximum preoperational values. During January, May, June, August, and November of the operational year, mixing zone silica concentrations were 0.1 to 0.4 mg 1 1 higher than maximum preopera-tional values. Silica concentrations during May, June, and November of the operational year in the background, zone were also higher than maximum preopera-tional values by 0.2 to 0.5 mg 1 1 Silica concentrations at Location 16.0 during the operational year were 0.1 to 0.9 mg 1 1 higher than maximum preopera-tional values in February, May, August, and November (Table 5-6). None of the operational year silica values that were higher than maximum preoperational O 1 1 V-12 i

l values were within the 95% confidence intervals (Table 5-10). The higher silica _ concentrations in the lake may be attributed to the decrease in diatom populations (see Chapter VI), and/or to runoff from heavy rainfall during the operational period (Table 5-5). Phosphorus' Orthophosphate concentrations in the surface waters were generally less than or near the detection limit of 0.005 mg 1 1 at all study areas of Lake Norman (Figure 5-11). Orthophosphate concentrations at Location 16.0 ranged from 0.005 to 0.070 mg 1 1 during the preoperational period (Table 5-6). Highest preoperational values were observed in January, february, March, and October in the lake, and in April and' November at Location 16.0. Operational year ortho-phosphate concentrations exceeded maximum preoperational values by 0.001 to O o oo9 0 1 1 im ae##ery. Merca. an rii. eod oece eer i# the deck 0ro#ed zome. eme by 0.002 to 0.023 mg 1 1 in January and April in the disch;rge, mixing zone, and at Location 16.0. None of the high operational War orthophosphate concen-trations-were within the preoperational 95% confidence intervals. High orthophosphate concentrations are, however, associated with increased runoff and may be attributed to the high rainfall that cccurred during the operational yeari(Table 5-5). Surface total phosphorus concentrations during the preoperational phase ranged from 0.005 to 0.027 mg 1 1 in the mixing zone and discharge, from 0.005 to-u 0.046 mg 1 1 in the background zone, and'from 0.005-to 0.061 mg 1 1 at Location 16.0 (Figure 5-12 and Table 5-6). Operational-year concentrations were higher l than maximum preoperational phase values during September at the background zor,e (by 0.034 mg 1 2), during September and December at the discharge (by 1 l V-13

0.016 mg 12), and during January and September at Location 16.0 (by 0.014 to g . 0.016 mg 3 1) (Figure 5-12 and Table 5-6). Concentrations were slightly lower (by 0.006 mg 1 1) than minimum preoperational values in October at the back-ground zone, the discharge, and Location 16.0. Several of the higher operational year total phosphorus concentrations were within the preoperational 95% con-fidence intervals (Table 5-11), while the other high values were within the range reported in previous studies of Lake Norman (Perkins and Whisenant 1982; Jensen et al. 1974). Nitrogen Nitrate plus nitrite concentrations during the preoperational period ranged from 0.005 to 0.60 mg 1 1 in the surface waters of Lake Norman and at Location 16.0 (Figure 5-13 and Table 5-6). Highest values were generally observed from February through May, and lowest valucs in September and October. Operational year nitrate concentrations were slightly lower than minimum preoperational phase concentrations in October and November in the discharge, in October in the mixing zone, in July in the background zone, and in October at Location " 16.0. Seasonal trends and concentrations of ni+'. ate plus nitrite were similar . in all study areas of Lake Norman during both the preoperational phase and the operational year, and deviations were within or near the preoperational 95% confidence intervals (Table 5-12). Surface ammonia concentrations during the, preop rational phase ranged from the detection limit of 0.006 to 0.64 mg 1 1 in the surface waters of Lake Norman (Figure 5-14), and from 0.006 to 0.96 mg 1 1 at Location 16.0 (Table 5-6). During the operational year, ammonia concentrations were generally less than 0.1 mg 1 1 at all study regions. Operatio.ial year ammonia concentrations were V-14

p slightly lower than the preoperational 95% confidence interval in September at

d the discharge and mixing zone (Table 5-12). At the discharge location, the ammonia concentration during October of the operational year was siightly higher (0.07 mg 1 1) than the maximum preoperational value, and slightly higher than the preoperational 95% confidence interval (Table 5-12). All other operational year ammonia concentrations were similar to baseline year and minimum preoperational values, and were within the preoperational 95% confidence interval.

Minerals Major minerals in Lake Norman were sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Sodium concentrations in the surf ace waters of La'.e s Norman ranged from 3.9 to 5.1 mg 1 1 auring the preoperational period, and from 3.5 to 4.8 mg 1 1 during O the operational year (Table 5-13). During the operational year, sodium concen-trations were slightly higher in February, and lo er in August, than preopera-tional values. Calcium concentrations in the surface waters during the opera-tional year were within the range of values observed throughout the lake during the preoperational period (2.1 '.o 3.0 mg 1 2) (Table 5-13). Surface magnesium concentrations during the operational year were within, or slightly below (by 0.1 mg 1 1), the range of concentrations observed during during the preoperational period (1.0 to 1.3 mg 1 1) (Table 5-13). Surface potassium concentrations during the operational year were either equal to, or 0.1 mg 1 1 less than, the preoperational concentrations of 1.5 to 1.6 mg 1 1 (Table 5-13). Minor constituents in Lake Norman included iron, manganese, and aluminum. Iron concentrations in Lake Norman surface waters ranged from 0.10 to 2.0 mg 1 1 O V during the preoperational period (Table 5-13). During the operational year, V-15

iron concentrations in the surface waters were either eeual to, or 0.1 mg 1 1 g less than, minimum preoperational period concentrations (Table 5-13). Surface manganese concentrations during the operational year were within the range of values observed throughout the lake during the preoperational period (0.01 to 0.15 mg 1 1) (Table 5-13). Aluminum cc entrations in the surface water during the operational year were generally 0.1 mg 1 1 less than preoperational con-centrations of 0.20 to 0.80 mg 1 1 (Table 5-13).


The physicochemical characteristics of Lake Norman reflectad the lithology of the Catawba River basin. Lake Norman is characterized by near-neutral pH values, moderately low alkalinity, generally low nutrient concentrations, and stable mineral composition. Previous Lake Nornian studies reported variation in the physicochemical parameters similar to those observed in the preoperational h phase of this study. During the McGuire operational year, deviations from preoperational period observations were observed in dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and silica. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the background and mixing zones of Lake Norman during the preoperational and operational periods followed previously observed seasonal patterns. Higher surface D0 concentrations throughout Lake Norman occurred in January, February, March, and April, while lower D0 con-centrations occurred in August, September, and Oc.tober of the operational period. Discharge location D0 concentrations were lower during February, March, August, September, October, and December of the operational period than during the preoperational period, while percent D0 saturation levels were generally higher during the operationai period than during the preoperational period. O V-16

( Surface parcent 00 saturation values in the mixing zone were sliChtly lower b March. August, and September of the operational period than in tne preoperaticaal period. During the operational period, as compared to the preonerational period, the 00 web .aost affected by plant operations during March, April, February, and September in the mixing zone. Surface D0 concentrations at the , background zone appeared to te similar to the mixing zone during the operational period. Monthly DC profiles indicated that a reduction in DO concentrations in the water column occurred in the mixing zone from approximately 15 m to bottom , front June through September of the operational year. The D0 concentrations through the water column were uniform from the surface to the bottom from December through April in both the mixing and background zones. Very little O dirrere#ce was eb erved betweea oo pror41e> ia the 4ximo ead deckoro#"o zomes during the operational period. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water i column appeared to be influenced to a greater extent by biodegradation of organic material than by temperature fluctuations. Therefore, the slight reduction in D0 concentrations in the surface waters of the mixing zone was related to the warming of the water during the operational period, while the 00 variations within the water column of the mixing and background zones during the operational period were related to biodegradation of organic nterial resulting from heavy rainfall and runoff during the operational year. Surface alkalinity concentrations during the operational year displayed seasonal trends comparable to preoperational period and ' seline year trends, with all but one operational year value within the preoperational period range of l I O alkalinity values. Surface water pH values were highly variable in Lake Norman I I V-17

during the McGuire operational year, ranging from 0.7 units lower than the g prenperational range, to 0.4 units higher than the preoperational range. Analysis of subsurface pH data suggested that withdrawal of lower pH water by McGuire's upper and lower level intakes, and subsequent discharge to the

t. hallow location 4.0, may have been responsible for the lower pH values in the surface water of the discharge, mixing zone, and below Cowans ford Dam.

Specific conductance values and silica concentrations during several months of the operational year were higher than the corresponding preoperational range of values. Nigh conductivities corresponded to heavy rainfall during the opera-tional year, although slightly warmer temperatures may be influential. Higher u:lica values during the operational year may be due to the decrease in diatcm populations. Surface chloride and turbidity values during the operational year were relatively low, and generally within the range of values observed during h the preoparational period. Orthophosphate and total phosphorus concentrations during the operational year only occasionally exceeded the range of concentrations observed during the preoperational period, but were within the range of values observed in oarlier years. Nitrate plus nitrite and ammonia concentrations showed similar trends throughout Lake Norman durinJ the operational year, with concentrations generally within the range observed during the preoperational phase. Mineral concentra-tions during the operational year were very similar to pr.eoperational phase concentrations. O l V-18

() Table 5-1. Sampling locations and frequency, and types of variables analyzed. Location 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1 1983 1984 1.0 ***4 ***4 ***4 ***4 ***2 ***0 ***0 ***0

1. 2 7770 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0
2. 0 ***2 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***2 ***2 ***2 3.0 ***4 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 4.0 ***2 ***4 ***4 ***4 ***2 ***2 ***2 ***2 4.5 ***4 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 9990 5.0 ***2 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 6.0 ***2 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 7.5- ***2 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0
8. 0 ***4 ***4 ***4 ***4 ***2 ***2 ***2 ***2 8.5 0000 1000 *000 *000 *000 0000 0000 0000 O _.

9.5 0000 *000 *S50 ***0 ***0 0000 0000 0000 11.0 ***2 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 13.0 ***2 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 14.0 ""*4 ***4 ***4 ***4 ***2 ***2 ***2 ***2 15.0 ***4 ***G ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 15.9 0000 7772 5551 0000 0000 0000 6660 9990 16.0 ***4 ***0 ***0 ***0 ***0 0060 6661 ***2 34.0 0000 7770 5550 0000 0000 0000 6660 9s90 50.0 0000 7000 5000 0000 0000 0000 6660 9990 60.0 0000 7000 5000 0000 0000 0000 6000 9000 Each digit in the four-digit code represents a dif ferent group of variables sampled that year as follows: 1st digit physicai variables; 2nd digit - nutrients; 3rd digit - minerals; 4th digit - trace metals. The value of the digit represents the number of times that group of variables was sampled at a location during that year. O. A number is shown even if only one of the variables of a group was sampled. An asterisk (*) indicates a group of variables was sampled more than nine times in a year L

O ~ O i Table 5-2. Analytical methods for chemical and physical constituents, measured on Lake Norman from January 1977 i through August 1984. 4 Verlebles Method' flee Period Preservation Detectlos tielt tielt of Det a.+t* , j I Alballnity, total Electrometric titration to a pfl of 5.18 1/1977-8/1984 4*C 1 *2-C=CO3* j r Aluelous Atomic b orption/HGAr gfg9pp.7/1978 6 pg-1 .g 8 pg-1 ,g ] 0.5% f!MO) ' Atomic absor:*len/DAr gfg979 8/1984 0.2 og-1 0.6 ag l f l Aaveonia Automated sallcylate/nttrepresside' 6/1976-4/1977 4*C .g .g i l Automated phenate' 5/1977-8/198= 0.006 og-N 1 0.009 og-N 1 , I l Calclue Atoele absorption /CA' 1/1975-5/1982 0.5% HM0 0.06 og l',I 3 008og-th 3 Ateelc eelssion/ICF' 6/1982-8/1984 0.005 og-1 0.03 og-1 Chloride Automated ferricyanide' 1/19?T-R/1984' 4*C 0.2 og l'I 0.3 og-l'I g p.n g g. [ ]. Conductance, specific Yeeperature compensated nickel electrode r gfg,7y.gfg9se g ,gg.  ; Iron Atomic absorption /DA' 1/1977-5/1?82 0.5% HM0 3 0.1 v d -1 #

                                                                                                                                        02 og-1 -1 Atoolc eelssion/ICP*                          $/1982-8/1984                       0.003 og-l          0                                   i Magnesfue                      Atoolc absorption /DA                     , 1/1977-5/1982      0.5% HM0 3

MT og W1 ag j [ Atoele emission /ICr* 6/1982-8/1984 0.1 pg-1 0.5 pg l

                                                                                                                               ~I l   Manganese                     Ateele absorption /DA'                         1/1971-5/1982      0.5% HM0 3       0.02 og-)3          0.06 oggl'I                         ;

Ateele emission /ICP* 6/1982-8/1984 0. 7 pg l 4 pg-1 i Mitrate

  • Mitrite Automated cadalue reductions gfg977-8/1984 4*C 0.005 og-U l'I 0.008 og-4-1 l Ortherhosphate Automated ascorbic acid reduction' 1/1977-8/IS84 4*C 0.005 og-P-l'I O.008 og-P-l'I j Onygen, dissolved Temperature comp *nsated polarographic cell' 1/1971-8/1*84 in-sits 0.1 og-1 1

! pH lemperature compensated glass electrod. gfg,77.gfgegg g ,gte 0.1* l 4 , i Phosphores, total Perselfate digestles followed by [ automated ascorbic acid reduction

  • I/1971-8/1984 4*C 0.004 og-P-l'I 0.006 og-P-l'I I Potasslue Ateele absorption /DA 1/1977-6/1984 0.$% HNO 3

0 03 og-l'I 0.06 og l'I Silica Automated molydostlicate' 1/1977-8/1984 4*C 0.2 og-$l+1'I 0.3 og-St-l'I I Sedlue Atomic absorption /OA 8 1/1977-5/1982 0.5% HM0 3 M og- 0.06 v }'g Ateelc colssion/IC3-* 6/19M2-8/1984 0.02 og-1 0.1 og l t Temperature Thermistor thermometers gfg917-8/1984 le-sits 0.1*C*  ! i l j' Turbidity Jackson twrt idity' 1/1971-5/1978 4*C l Nephelometric turbidity r 6/1978-8/1984 1 mitt * , i I

  • e Detection limit and llelt of determination were not determined en tk .e verleblest instead lastrument sensittelty is given.
  • j ' TEA e Graphite furnace; DA e Direct aspiration, flame; ICP
  • Inducttwely coupled argon plasma .


   <.5ga  1979.

t 1 t

i I I en 4 56 1 *.e eH e to ea t its dag esa 2 96 E 16 e 16 s 6e t h*t h***de I 2 de e et e s' 4M 4 66 set es t 441 det iM e 86 g gg swi neseg Z 4 u 6 se e s6 s u a s= e er see - u in a u sn ses us esa au-o as s so-t es e u-a se 1 ni us os s -t 66 twe ie.+=+-4 ) ,,, I eu en au a se a 46 aos en s ws am s e6 e e6 6u imi n>+ao . 2 e se e e4 i 88 set tot et t ses 6et us twe 9 16 2 16 **s a ***e J E e % g te 4 % e se 9 a6 J .e 844 6 46 , del-( J6 ill E e6 III Ett Its les tit-2 m 645-4 de 9 66 e to 3 46-s to .h*t h* **4**.4 j

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O .O O . i s


i l i .! 1 1 j: . Table 54 95% Confidence Intervals for Surface Dissolved Oxygen a 1 f 4 l Monthly mean surface (0.3 m) dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg-1 ) for the preoperational period (1977-1981) t i and ti,e operational year (t.ptember 1983 - August 1984), for the Lake Norman tallrace (Location 16.0), the  ; i McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing tone (Locations 1.0, 2.0,-3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5) and the background Zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0), for those months in which the operational mean was not within the  ! pr9 operational minimum and maximum range. Also indicated are the preoperational 95% confidence intervals and i wnether the operational stean was within the interval.  ! 2 i [, tocatten  %% toalldeme i=>ide i er Prenpceati m I Ieter,a1s OperatlanaI idem.c [ Fara**ter Fone Nath Mean tower tfrter Maan I*t***al , ! Dissolved 16.0 2 12.2 1I. 3 II.I 10.8 fee 3 Onygen 3 II.9 11.5 17. 3 10.4 es-s 9.2 8. 8 9. 7 82 b 7 7. 5 7. I 8.0 66 h I 9 7. 5 6.9 8.1 5.3 Me  ! l 4.0 2 12.0 II.2 12.8 10.7  % j- 3 12.2 11.8 12.6 11.7 Ise a 5 9.7 9.3 10.I 19.3 see F j 6 3.6 8.2 9.0 9.2 as- [ 4 8 7.5 6.8 8.2 62 #se  ! 9 7. 2 6.4 7. 9 5.4 tse i 10 7. 5 7. 0 { 8.0 6.9 Ne & j 12 9.5 8. 8 10.1 8.7 som i [ i Mining 2 12 0 II.2 12.8 10.7 he  ; j 3 12.3 11.9 12.7 10.2 no  ; { 4 10.7 *9 11.6 9.6 #o ,

5 9.6 4
9. , 9. 8 9.5 Ves i 7 8.3 8.0 8. 6 7. 9 tse l 8 7. tr 7.5 8. I F. I no I
9 7. 7 7. 4 80 6.3 se i a 10 7. 6 7. 3 80 7. 2 fee l j 11 8.6 8.2 9.1 7. 7 8se 4

Bac6 ground 3 12.2 11.4 13.0 10.4 fee  ! 4 10.6 98 11.5 97 No I j 6 8.9 85 9.3 94 see * }' 7 8.6 8.0 9.3 9.3 me j 7. 2 { i 9- 6.7 7. 7 6.2 ne r 21 8.3 7.9 8.6 7. 9 ne i., [

                          ,--                   .,, .          -        -  -        -_ -                . - , .. ~.            .,-      -

L 4 O 'O O 4 I' Table 5-5. Average Monthly Rainfall Data Average monthly rainfall (inches) during the preoperational and operational year, and overall average monthly } rainfall for the praoperational period, as recorded at Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, NC. The values listed below correspond to the month prior to that indicateo, for comparison to reservoir chemical i data which are collected during the first week of each month. 1 Oserall Preoperatios.a1 Preoperational Period Average Operational Year I Year ~ 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 j l Jan 5.60 1.97 3.13 1.36 0.83 2.58 7.49 { Feb 2.73 6.80 5.31 4.67 0.45 3.99 4.09 Har 1.48 0.74 7.59 1.31 3.63 2.95 5.90 l Apr 8.45 4.97 3.79 8.76 2.12 5.62 5.89 May 2.05' 2.69 6.47 2.31 0.67 2.84 4.50 Jun 3.16 4.91 4. 54 3.59 4.27 4.09 4.78 Jul 3.12 4.19 4.72 2.27 1.81 3.22 2.95 Aug 0.82 4.03 4.74 2.63 6.61 3.77 5.96 I Sep 2.44 8.11 1.27 1.94 2.67 3.29 3.61 Oct 6.35 1.16 9.69 5.37' 3.42. 5.20 0.74 Nov 4.74 L 18 2.95 1.67 3.94 2.90  ?.43 Dec 4.20 2.81 4.61 3.77 0.87 3.25 4.05 31.29 43.70 52.39 Total 45.14 43.56 58.81 39.65 i . .- . . . . - .- . - - . - - . - __. .- .- ._ - . _-.

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O O O ' ?  ! l Table 5-8. Subsurface pH Data 3 .. l Minimum and maximum monthly mean values during the preoperational period (1977-1981), and monthly mean values , 3 during the operational year (September 1983-August.1984) in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing Zone (Location 5 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background Zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0). i i i 1 i I i t Zone Feriod Depth (m) January February March April Ny J see July Atsgust Septed er October 8sovember cetember Preoperational. i ' toc. 4.0 U.3 6.8-7.1 6.6-7.3 6.8-7.3 6 8-7.2 6.9-7.6 6.8-7.3 6.4-8.5 6.4-8.1 6.6-7.1 6.4-7.2 6.7-7.2 5-6 6.6-6.6 6.8-7.3 6.97.3 6. 8 -6. 9 6. 5-7. 0 6.4-7.2 6.5-7.3 6.2-7.3 6.7-7.9 6.5-6.9 6.4-7.0 6. 9- 7. 0 , loc. 4.0 Operational 0. 3 6.8 7.0 66 6.6 6.2 6.4 6.5 7. 0 6.0 6.7 6.2 6.4 i j i 5-6 - 6.8 6.6 6.7 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.8 -

6. 7 6. 2 64  !

. t t:ining Preoperational 0.J 6.7-7.1 6.7-7.3 6.9-7.2 6.8-7.2 7.1- 7. 7 7.2-7.4 7.2-8.2 6.9-8.5 7. 2 - 7.9 6.7-7.1 6.5-7.2 6.8-7.2 i 6.6-7.0 6.5-7.3 6.8-7.2 6.6-7.3 6.4-6.8 10 6.2-6.4 6.0-6.6 5.8-6.3 6. 0- 7. 2 6. 6- 7. 0 6.4-7.2 6.7-7.2 I l 20 6.4-7.0 6.1-7.3 6.7-7 Z 6.5-7.0 6.3 6.6 6.2-6.3 5. 9- 6. 6 6.0-6.4 6.1-6.6 6.0-6.8 6.4-7.0 6.7-7.1  ! 31-32 6.6-6.8 6.5-7.3 6. 5^ 7. 0 6.4-6.8 6.3-6.4 6.1-6.2 6.0-6.4 5 9-6.6 6.2-6.5 6.3-7.1 6.2-6 9 6.8-6.9 [,

Mining Operational 0.3 6.8 7. 0 6.7 6.8 6. 4 6.9 6.9 7. 4 6.4 6.8 6.4
'                                                                                                                                                                                                        6.6 10           7. 0         6.7             6.8     6.7            6.4       6.2                   6.2         6. 7              5. 8               6.6        6.4      6.4 i                                                            6.6 i

20 7. 0 6.8 66 62 6.2 6.2 6.5 6.1 6_4 63 6.4 l 31-32 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.5 4. 2 6.2 6.2 6.5 6.1 6.6 6.4 6.4 I E Bat 6 ground Preoperational 0.3 6.6-7.6 6.4-7.0 6.7-7.4 6.8-7.2 6.9-8.0 7.3-7.4 7.1-8.3 6.c-8.4 6.5- 7.0

6. 9- 7. 4 6.4-7.1 6.5-7.1 i 10 6. 6-7. 0 6. 4 -7. 0 6. 7-6. 9 6.5-6.7 6.3-6.6 6.2-6.3 5.8-6_3 5.7-6.4 5.9-6.9 6.4-7.0 6.3-7.2 20 6.2-7.0 6.0-7.0 6.5-7.0 6.7-7.1 6.5-6.8 6.2-6.6 6.2-6.2 5.8-6.4 5.9-6.4 6.0-6.6 6.0-6.7 6. 2- 7.1 6.6-7.0 30-31 6.9-6.9 6.9-6.9 6.7-6.S [

6.6-6.6 6.2-t 2 6.1-6.3 5.9-6.1 5.94.4 6.4-7.0 6.5-6.9 6.7-6.7 6.7-7.0 [ Bactgi cund Operational 0. 3 6.9 7.1 6.6 68 6.6 7. 8 7. 9 7. 7 6.2 6.8 6.4 6.6 10 7. 0 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.2 6.7 5.9 6.7 6.2 6.6 20 7. 0 6.6 6.6 6.4 6.2 62 6. 2 6.6 6.1 6.5 64 65 f 30-31 7.1 6.6 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.2 6. 2 6.5 6.2 6. 8 6.6 6.4 i

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4 i-O O O 4 i' u i Table 5-9. 95% Confidence Intervals for Specific Conductance s 1 Monthly mean surface (0.3 m) specific conductance (peho cm ) for the preoperational period (1977-1981) and the operational year (Sep* ember 1983 - August 1984), for the Lake Norman tallrace (Location 16.0), the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5) and the ) background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0), for those months ira which the operational mean was not within the preoperational minimum and maximum range. Also indicated are the preoperational 95% confidence intervals and { whether the operational mean was within the interval. }~ tecation 9% Cent idee.te or las'de Fr+crerattinal i Intervals Oretational Confidente Parameter loac f4ontfe He ae. t enerr 8Mr Mean Interval 5recific 16.0 3 52 48 56 64  % Condw ta* ice 4 43 26 59 Se ves 5 51 42 59 64 j 7 47 el 53 56 see

  • II 45 19 51 SI ves 12 .. 42 78 56 58 to, 40  ? 39 34 44 51 No 3 44 40 48 54 i

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                                                           .C4A N E & a      O .C e

C@ W @ @ W

  • O *M C C k .C C w +e se a3

. . . . . _ . . . _ - . .a . .._.__._._.___.a,__ _ . . _ _ , . - - ..;.__..._..-..,,.,._.._., _ . , _ . _ __ -

O O O 1 Table S-13. Minerals Minimum and maximum monthly mean surface (0.3m) concentratiens during the preoperational period (1977-1981), and monthly mean surface concentrations during the operational , (September 1983-August 1984) in the McGuire j discharge . (Loc 3 tion 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1. 0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0). t

soottM (m-1 ') CAttttM (m-t 8) mcatsite (m 1 *)- PotassitM (n-1 ') j f

l I- Augws t February Awyrst february August j g february Au7ss t february ( Preoperational 3.90 4.85 2.80-2.85 2.20-2.75 1.10-1.20 1.00-1.20 1.50 1.50 i 1.40 ' 3 Operatienal 4.80 3.50 2.40 2.50 1.00 1.10 1.40 o j 1 E 1.09-1.14 0. %- 1.18 1.55 1.55

                                                                                                  ; Preoperational   4 00             5.15   2.3F-2.81     2.14-2.70                                                                               1 p Opera *lonal     4.80             3.51     2.44          2.58         1.04             1.10            1.40             1.41                   i i

hPreoperational 4.1C 4.30 2.35-2.95 2.30-3.05 1.10-1.25 0.95-1.30 1.50 1.50 i t operational 4.80 3.53 2.50 2.63 1.03 1.10 1.40 1.53 a l i 1204 (es-1 ') m t.Mstst (ag-t '] Attetm p ( m t 8) Febrwary . August February Augwst Februa*y August

                                                                                                  $Preopetational  0.20-1.80       0.10-0.45 0.02-0.C5     0.01-0.10      0.20             0.55
Operational 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.c2 0.10 0.40 4, ,

o E 0.10-0.36 0.02-0.05 0.01-0.11 0.20 0.50 y Preoperational 0.23-1.14 , p Operational 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.40 E fFreoperattenal 0.32-1.98 0.12-1.52 0.02-0.07 0.01-0.15 0.20 0.80

                                                                                                   ; Operational     0.13             0.10     0.03          0.12         0.10             0.40 E                                                                                                                                              !

s t

 .g ,


                                              'n                    r           r
                                                ,                           A        .

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                                                                                                                                                  . 4
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10 % i '. 1 OCTOBE R NOVEMBER DECEMBEP 01 = ' i

                                                                                                               *: *                                                 ~

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                                                                                                                                                                    .p 4                      e                                                             e a                    .                           .b i                             e                                                                                     ,
                  $      6-                     A

( +-- . g . 3 . 10- = 0 2 4 6 8 10 10 to 0 2 4 6 8 10 17 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 17 14 DISSOLVED 0xvGEN (mg cl i Diss0LVED OxvGEN img - rI l CIS$0LVED OXYGEN ime fi l Figure 5-2. Maximum (right line) and mini am (lef t line) monthly mean dissolved oxygen profiles in ,ie '4cGuire discharge (Location 4.0) observed during the preonerational period 1977-1981 Also j depicted are the onthly means for the baseline year (0) June 1978-May 1979, and operational phase of McGuire (8) September 1983- August 1984 1... . .. . ..........a

l l JANV AR Y /tBRUARY MARCH 0< n < t a

  • r O

l'  ; , 10' ), , i

                  } 16 '                                                     I L'

i f 20 ' ' t i, b 26 < ' x- L, - C)

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c l.,,) , , 36 < 40- ., - ' JU LY AUGUST SEPTt MBE R 0 7,i!.c.9 5 20 16-n > g f

                                                                                                                                                                      !    sy 25 -                                                                             -

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s. , -

10 - Lt

                   } is.                                                                                -
                                                                                                                                  )i     i                                                        J     I 5 20-          .

D ba O 26 j F  : 30 -' < W j l' _ 35- - - 40- - - 0- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 to 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Di$$OLVEo OXYGEN tmg > r') Ot$50LvtD 0xYGEN tmg

  • l'Il DIS $0LvtD OxYCEN tmg fi )

Figure'5-3. Maximum (right line) and minimum (left line) monthly mean dissolved oxygen profiles in the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5) observed during the preoperational period 1977-1981. Also depicted'are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June 1978-May 1979, and the operational phase of McGuire (e) September 1983-August 1984.



O *i 105 n l' t; d W - a I ggs EE I l m I_ ,0,! D 26 * - 30 =

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ' kI 35a 40-                                                                                                                                                                         -

april, MAY JUNE 6- fI ' l

                                                                                                                                                                              .g t)-!              -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,6 h 10-                                                ,


                  } gg.                                                     I'                                                                      .

l l? I 5 20 p .  ; . C I gg. . 30- a f 3s. . . 40- s, JULY AUGUST $E PTE MBE R o j f g, + 42

'i l
                    $ 25d ! .)


ty  :

f y  : n j# d

 .                  3,:

i;;: 30-M - 1 35- -

                          *0".     .                                                                                                ,,,

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 to 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 to 12 14 Ot$$0LVED oxYCEN tmg r') DISSOLVED OXYGEN tmg C'l DISSOLVED OXYGEN ime ' f') f Figure 5-4. Maximum (right line) and minimum (left line) monthly mean dissolved oxygen profiles in the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June 1978-May 1979, and the operetional phase of McGuire (e) September 1983-August 1984.



                                               .        I m   14 i

[o r u) s 12 io -

                                                              . AV                                                                 .

e V

                                              ! l: h.....
                                              $      1-5      6-JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH
                                            .                                              MIXING ZONE

n 143 o I h hY D'.

  • l'jh kM" U l
                                              <      6-O                                                JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH BACKGROUNO ZONE n  14                  j\

q 8 13 - \ d 12 -

  • g rn,
  • 8 g ig , .

5 J 8

t '1 5 6]

JAN FEB MAR APH MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5-5, Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surf ace (0.3m) total alkalinity concentrations in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June O 1978 - May 1979, and the operational phase of McGuire (*) September 1983 - August 1984.

O V LOCATION 4 0 8.5-8.0-o

                       ': W:W.

p 6.0 - " JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH MIXING ZONE 8.6* l 8.0-O- 7.5 - j g. O e 6 a g 7.0 -

p . . .


                  -f                        ,        .

7.0 - , o 6.5 - e 6.0-JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5-6. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surface (0.3m) pH values in the McGuire discharge (i.ocation 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June 1978 - May 1979, and the / operational phase of McGuire (*) September 1983 - August 1984

               .~-                            LOCATION 4.0 ED j

E ss ; . .... A E * * . . 3 50 3 0 . o ,

                &     45 -L        ,                               ,

5e C

                      '35 l 4


               -                              MIXING ZONE g    60 -

55 3 so. j . ....

  • asV,, f 3 .

t ,  :

                !     do i O     35 $

c 2 30 1 p v b JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG gr

                                                                   ;T NOV DEC MONTH            .
               -                          BACA090VND ZONE g    60 -

R 45 4 b* e 40 - g 35 - 2 30 - 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5-7. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surface (0.3m) specific conductance values in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5) and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational g time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means J for_the baseline year (o) June 1978-May 1979, and the operational phase of McGuire (e) September 1983-August 1984. February 1984 values are absent due to instrument malfunction.

_ . . _ . _ _ _______.; _ . . _ . . _ . . m _. . _ _ l LOCATION 4.0 70-S 60 - E so - D a0-

  • E
  • N ,5 -


                  @            30 -  p-0      ._    t  t         :
                                 ,,      .                                  .       .         =


                   ?           40 -
                   @           30 -              ,

g 20 - , 3 10 m S a j

           .                     OJ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5-8. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surface (0.3m) turbidity values in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5,0, 6.0, 7.5),

and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June 1978 - May 1979, and O the operational phase of McGuire (*) September 1983 - August 1984.



6- [-

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                '. 6-

[ $- w 9 4 0

  • e w - o o o
t 0

3- / -- 2-JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5-9. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surface (0.3m) chloride concentrations in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June 1978-May 1979, and the semi-annual means for the operational phase of McGuire (e) September 1983-August 1984

O LOCATlON 4.0 50 : 1 i l ,

                                                  '* ?                                                     *

t '3.5 - h 3.0 a o , d

  • 2.5 j 0


                                                                          ,                             ' N 9   3.0 i                                                          *
  • g o
  • 2.5 i -


                                           .--   4.5 -7               -,-                                                                                       .

4 4,o_F * - *

  • o 3.54 3.0 d d o
  • 2.5-!

2.0 ; JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH / Figure 5-10. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surface (0.3m) silica concentrations in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Lotztions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June 1978 O - May 1979 rnd the operational phase of McGuire (+) September 1983

                                         - August 1%4 6.-... . . . . .   . . .                                                                                                        . . .    . _ . . . . . .       .m

O LOCATION 4 0 0.021 - A g 0.018 - w[ 0.015 - 6 0.012 - 0 009 - Q 0.006 -$ . 1 _^_

                                                        . s.   ,   ,. w
                                                                            /    ,


                     ,-                                     MixlNG ZONE 0 021 J a.

[ 0.018 - h 0.015 -

                      $ 0.012 -

h 0.009 -m BwwsL  ;  : 'e, . m .m 0 0.003 i O JAN FEP MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH

                     ;-                                BACKGROUND ZONE 0 021 -

A g 0.018 - w o.01s i , . . I 0.012 - 6  %- 9 'll:k  ; u; .  ; . ./ .  ;'o j 0.003 d O JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5-11. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surface (0.3m) orthophosphate concentrations in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational time period 1977-1981. O Also depicted are the monthly means for the baseline year (o) June 1978 - May 1979, and the operational phase of McGuire (+) September 1983 - August 1984. l 1 1

                 . -       -                ..   -                   ...~           _

i 1 LOCATION 4.0 { 0.06 [ 0.05 -.

                     $ 0.04 4                                                         '

x  ; e 9 0.03 -j b 0 02 3 C, 0'01 S ic  ;- -w -

                    $ n.03 a o
                    "          JAN FEB M AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV OEC MONTH i                                    AIXING ZONE

[ 'O.06 [ 0 05 ? e 0 04 - 9 0.03 i 5 m -! / ,\  % - E 0.01 { 8 8AC M

                   $ 0.00 J


                 ~7                              BACKGROUNO ZONE

{ 0.06 - T 0.05 i

                   $ 0.04 4             o      ,

o 0.03 -! b O 0.02 f 8

  • E 0.01 o y l 3
                   < 0.00 4 o

JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV OEC MONTH Figure 5-12. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mtan surface (0.3m) total phosphorus concentrations in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during th9 preoperational time period 1977-1981, Also depicted are the mon,'.hly means for the baseline year (o) June p V. 1978 - May 1979, and the operational phase of McGuira (*) September 1983 - August 1984.

g L] ~

                         ~                             LOCATION 4.0                     i 061 f   0.o.? I W

0.4i h 0.3 - 8

                        !     0.2 b    I                      I   o

{ 0.1

  • j 5 b.0 -

3 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JbL AUG SEP GCT NOV DEC MONTH T MIXING ZONE g 0.6 } [ 0.5 h 0.4 l 5 s . 03 ]

                        ?    0.2 ;     4 w          a
  • g 0.1 3 . . p 5 0.0 2 5 JAN FEB MAR APR M AY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH
                           ,                       BACKGROL'ND ZONE g


                       .F    0.51 0.4i s     osi s         .   ;   o 5     0.2 d 6

O.1 o

                                                             ,      _g 5     0.0 -

ii JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5 13. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower '.ine) monthly mean surface (0.3m; nitrate plus nitrite concentrations in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed during the preoperational time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly ineans for the baseline year (o) June (_) U 1978 - May 1979, and the operational phase of McGuire (*) September 1983 - August 1984.

/9 4 b~ LOCATION 4.0 06


0.5i . 0.4 - E

                       -   0.3 i 5   0.2i                                     e o

4 0 i .

                                            ,   o    _       .          -'  t 0 0 a'                    '   '


                      !<  01 1 I    ^




                    ~_    0.5 ;l Z    0.44 F

0.3i 0.2 / 2 0.1 . .

                                           .            #           o   O   e

{ jo

  • e o 1 .  :

_ s p -- - ' JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH Figure 5-14. Maximum (upper line) and minimum (lower line) monthly mean surface (0.3m) ammonia concentrations in the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0), the McGuire mixing zone (Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5), and the background zone (Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0) observed ciuring the preoperational time period 1977-1981. Also depicted are the monthly means-for the baseline year (o) June 1978 - May 1979, and the operational phase of McGuire (*) t September 1983 - August 1984.

  ,                                                                                            CHAPTER VI BIOLOGICAL DATA PHYTOPLANKTON Phytoplankton generally account for the large majority of autotrophic pro-dection in relatively large, deep, impnunded systems such as Lake Norman (Wetzel 1975), and thus probably represent the major autochthonous source of organic matter for consumption by the heterotrophic components of the aquatic community. The production, abundance, distribution, and taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton community of Lake Norman prior to the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station have been described in detail (Rodriguez 1982; Duke Power Company 1980, 1976; Weiss et al. 1975; Menhinick and Jensen 1974; Smith et al.

1974). The objective of this section is to compare the phytoplankton community (] of Lake Norman observed during station operation to that observed prior to operation, and to assess the impact of any station related changes. Materials and Methods Water samples were collected monthly from January 1978 through August 1984 at the locations listed in Table P-1 and shown in Figure 5-1. Surface composite samples were collected as described below, at all locations, In addition, samples were collected from tattom waters at Locations 1.0, 3.0, 8.0, and 15.9. All samples were analyzed te determine the concentration of chlorophyll a and the density and taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton. At each location sampled, the depth to which 1% of inicident light penetrated was measureJ with a light meter. A van Dorn or Kemmerer non-metallic water O v bettle was used to collect water from the depth of 1% light penetration, f rom !t s VI-P-1

l that depth, and from just beneath the lake surface. These samples were com-g posited and two subsamples cf known volume were withdrawn. One subsample, i generally 950 ml in volume, was preserved with M3 preservative (Meyer 1971) for later identification and enumeration of phytoplankton (population sample). A second subsample, generally 500 m1, was filtered along with 1 ml of a magnesium carbonate suspension onto a glass fiber filter, which was then stored in the dark on ice, for later analysis of chlorophyll a (American Public Health Association et al. 1981). Population samples were allowed to settle undisturbed at the rate of 4 hours per centimeter of subsample depth in the container (Weber 1973). The super-natant was aspirated off, and the remaining concentrate was transferred to a smaller container and again allowed to settle. This process was repeated until the sample was concentrated to a final volume of approximately 5 ml. A subsample h of the final concentrate was pipetted into a Palmer-Maloney cuunting cell (Palmer and Maloney 1954) and examined at 500X 'il at least 100 phytoplankton units were identified and enumerated (American Put' tic Healt'i Association et al. 1981). A phytoplankton unit was defined for diatoms as one cell, and for all other taxa as one cell for unicellular species, one colony for colonial species, and one filament for filamentous species. Up to 30 cells, or in some cases, filaments of each taxon were measured with an ocular micrometer to determine mean dimensions; numbers of cells per colony were also recorded. Formulae for appropriate geometric solids were applied to the mean dimensions to obtain an , estimate of biovolume (pm3 ) for sach taxon. Phytoplankton counts were converted to units ml-1, and multiplied ay biovolume per unit to obtain estimates of pm 3 ml-1, which were then converted to ma 3 m-3 O VI-P-2

Taxonomic identifications were carried out to the lowest practicable taxon. O: Major taxonomic references included Bourrelly (1968, 1972), Cocke (1967), Eddy (1930), Huber-Pestalozzi (1941, 1968), Hustedt (1930), Kim-(1967), Patrick and Reimer (1966), Prescott (1962), Weber (1971), and Whitford and Schumacher  !

     -(1973).      Drs. Larry A. Whitford, Charles W. Reimer, and Gary E. Dillard were
    -retained as taxonomic consultants.

Samples on glass fiber filters were ground in 90% acetone and left on ice in the dark for 15 hours to extract the chlorophyll. Samples were then centri-fuged to remove filter fragments, and analyzed spectrophotometrically prior to and following acidification with hydrochloric acid, to determine the con-centrations of chlorophyll a (Strickland and Parsons 1972). O The dete eaeivzed ia t"$> renort cover tne preoveretioae' 9eriod tro aea"ery

    '1978 through December 1981 (which includes the dasignated baseline year, June 1978 through May 1979), and September 1983 through August 1984 (the designated operational year).                 Chlorophyll a,and taxonomic composition data (densities, biovolumes, and percent composition) for surface waters were averaged over mixing zone locations 1.0, 3.0, 4.5, and 5.0.                     The detection of thermal effects at Location 4.0, at the mouth of the McGuire discharge canal, could potentially have been complicated by the pumping of hypolimnetic water, which in Lake
    -Norman typically maintains lower concentrations of chlorophyll a and a phyto-plankton community which differs in taxonomic structure from that of surface waters.      Thus, data from Location 4.0 were not included in the mixing zone averages.       Location 8.0 was designated as the control location.                       Horizontal variation-in taxonomic composition and abundance precluded the use of locations north of Location 8.0 as control locations.


Results and Discussion g Total Abundance Mean chlorcphyll a concentrations in the mixing zone of McGuire Nuclear Station ranged from 1.1 to 6.1 mg m-3 during the preoperational period (Figure P-1). All mean chlorophyll a concentrations measured in the mixing zone during the operational year fell within this overall range. A comparison of operational concentrations for a given month to the preoperational range of concentrations for that month only (Figure P-1) indicates that operational concentrations exceeded preoperational concentrations only in July, when a mixing zone average chlorophyll a concentration of 4.8 mg m'3 was observed, as compared to the preoperational maximum value of 4.2 mg m-3 A similar slight increase in chlorophyll a concentrations over preoperational lenis (5.4 vs. 4.7 mg.m-a) was observed at the control location in June of the operational year (Figure P-1), suggesting that the slight increase in summer production was not related h to the operation of the station. In any case, an increase in calorophyll a concentrations of such small magnitude, particularly as it was not consistently observed over the summer, does not signal a change in trophic state. In November of the sperational year, the mean chlorophyll a concentration for the mixing zone was 2.4 mg m-3, sligntly below the preoperational minimum of 2.7 mg m 3; however, the operational value was within the 95% confidence limits associated with the preoperational mean for November (Table P-2). Operational chlorophyll a concentrations for all other months fell within the preopera-tional ranges for those months (Figure P-1). Mean total algal densities during the preoperational period in the mixing zone ranged from 408 to 3075 units ml'1 (Figure P-2). All mean densities observed during the operational year were within this overall range (Figure P-2). On a O VI-P-4

month-by-month basis, mean operational density fell outside the preoperational range only in March, when density averaged 611 units ml'1, as compared to a preoperational minimum of 798 units ml~2;-however, the operational value was within the 95% confidence limits associated with the preoperational mean (Table P-2). Mean algal biovolume (Figure P-2) in the mixing zone ranged from 196 to 1905 mm3 m'3 during the preoperational period as a whole. Algal biovolumes for the operational year fell below the overall minimum in January (118 mm3 m-3), April (188 mm3 m-3), and December (154 mm3 m'3). On a month-by-month basis, biovolume measured during the operational year fell below the monthly preoperational minima in July, August, and September, as well as in January, April, and December, as mentioned p eviously. Operational values were below the 95% ON confidence 14mits of the preoPeretienei meens in Jeeuery, auiv. ^uoust, ead December (Table P-2). Similar, somewhat more pronounced declines in total algal biovolume were observed at the control location where operational year biovolumes. fell below the monthly preoperational minima in all months except JJne and October (Figure P-2). This suggests that the declines noted in mixing , zone biovolumes were not attributable to factors related to the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station. Declines in biovolume during midwinter were the result of a-decrease in the abundance of diatoms, while declines in mid-summer were the result of decreased densities of dinoflagellates. These trends wi11 b~e discussed in greater detail in the following section. Taxonomic composition The taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton community at the class level is O plotted for the mixing zone and a control location in Figures P-3 (density) and L VI-P-5 1 l - - - - - - - _ . - , , _ - - - _- __,_ - _ .- - _ _ . - - -

P-4 (biovolume). Percent composition by class and the major taxa within each g class cre listed in Table P-3. All taxa obse"ved in the study are listed in Table P-4. Of the twenty species listed by Palmer (1975) as most tolerant of organic pollution, only two (Scenedesmus quadricauda and Ankistrodesmus falcatus) were commonly observed on Lake Norman. Scenedesmus quadricauda was frequently observed from October through December during both the operational and preopera-tional periods (Table P-3). Ankistrodesmus falcatus was common during January through April from 1978 through 1980, but was not observed in abundance in 1981 or during the operational year. The phytoplankton community of the mixing zone during January and February of the preoperational years was typically co-dominated in terms of density by h diatoms (Melosira italica, M. italica var. tenuissima), cryptophytes (Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas spp.), and. to a lesser extent, chlorophytes (small ioccoids, , Monoraphidium contortum, Ankistrodesmus falcatus) and small flagellates. In terms of biovolume, diatoms (Melosira italica) dominated the community; crypto-phytes (Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas spp.) and dinoflagellates (Peridinium spp.) were also frequently important. In March and April, diatoms (M. italica, M. italica var. tenuissima, Tabellaria fenestrata, Asterionella formosa, small centrics) increased in abundance, dominating the community in both density and biovolume, although cryptophytes (Rhodomonas minuta) continued to be relatively abundant in terms of density. During January through April of the operational year, the above pattern was altered somewhat by a decline in the absolute and relative abundance of diatoms O VI-P-6

(Figure P-5) and a slight increase in the densities of dinoflagellates, speci-fically Gymnodinium spp. (Figure P-6). The decline in diatoms in January and February reflected decreased densities of Melosira italica and M. italica var. tenuissima; densities of small centric and pennate diatoms and Rhizosolenia spp increased somewhat. In March and April, the abundance of diatoms, as a whole, declined. As a result of the above trends, dominance in terms of density shifted to cryptophytes, primarily Rhodomonas minuta, for January through Aprii of the operational year. In terms of biovolume, diatoms and cryptophytes were co-dominant in January and April, while increased densities of Gymnodinium spp. resulted in dinoflagellate dominance in February aad March. O The treads ia texoao ic co nositioa et tae coatroi iocetioa ror aeoverv taro #9a April (Figures P-3 through P-6) were quite similar to those observed in tha mixing zone, at both the class and species levels. This suggests that the variation in taxonomic composition observed during the operational midwinter-to-midspring period was not. related to the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station. The taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities in general is contrclled by a comnlex array of interacting environmental factors such as light regime; temperature; stratification and turbulence; absolute and relative concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, and silica; the abundance of size-selective predators such as~ zooplankton and fish; parasitism; etc. (Round-1981). Which'of these factors were predominant in causing the winter / spring shifts in taxonomic composition at the mixing zone and control locations is unknown. Previo'us studies conducted on Lake Norman (Rodriguez 1982) suggested that physical O factors were perhaps of primary importance in regulating the algal community VI-P-7

during the winter /early spring period. An examination of the physical data does not reveal consistent changes in light (turbidity), temperature, or mixing regime that encompass both the mixing zone and control location (see Chapters IV and V). The relationship of various chemical and physical parhmeters to diatom reletive and absolute abundance was examined by regression analysis (Table P-5). Absolute and relative concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus could not explain more than 6% of the variation in diatom relative and absolute abundance. A regression of soluble silica concentrations with the percent of total algal oiovolume consisting of diatoms yielded an r2 of 0.32. However, soluble silica was present in much higher concentrations than that necessary to limit diatoms (~3 mg.L-1 vs. 5 0.8 mg.L" ; Lund 1955), and the relationship between diatom percent composition and concentrations of soluble silica was inverse in nature. The decline in diatom abundance may have been related to increased predation pressure from threadfin shad and zooplankton. Threadfin h shad, which consume large diatoms such as Melosita, were found in increased densities in the McGuire discharge during the operational year (see Fish section of this chapter), although this was not observed in the control area. In addition, zooplankton appeared to be more abundant during March of the operational year than during the preoperational period, in both the mixing zone and control areas (see Zocplankton section of this chapter). The phytoplankton community of the mixing zone in May of the preoperational period was dominated in terms of density by Rhodomorg minuta, a cryptophyte, although diatoms (Asterionella formosa, Melosira dist m var. alpigena, fj. italica var, tenuissima), small coccoid green algae, small flagellates were also relatively abundant. In terms of biovolume, diatoms and cryptophytes were generally co-dominant. In June, the community was quite diverse: cryptophytes, e VI-P-8

L chlorophytes, diatoms, chrysophytes, and small flapellates in general contri-buted significantly to total algal density, while diatoms, dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, and chrysophytes were all important in terms of biovolume. The

        ;phytoplankton community of the mixing zone during May and June of the opera-tional year was quite similar to that observed in the preoperational period (Table P-3).

In July and August of the preoperational period, the phytoplankton community of the. mixing zone was generally dominated in terms of density by small green algae (coccoids, Cosmarium spp.), although diatoms and small flagellates continued to be relatively abundant as well. In terms of biovolume, dino-flagellates (Peridinium wisconsinense, P. spp.) dominated the community, generally accounting for 50 to 80% of tctal biovolume, although their dinsities-h were quite low (generally less than 5% of total density). During. July and August of the operational year, the above patte'i was altered by a decline in the abundance of dinoflagellates (Figures P-4 and P-6,'. 10 July, the-decline in dinoflagellates, along with slight increases in the abun-dance a' blue green algae (Achanizomenon spp.) and diatoms (small pennates and ceMrics), resulted in a community which was dominated in termt of 'siovolume by diatoms, blue green algae, and, to a lesser extent, green algae. In August, dinoflagellates were the dominant class in terms of biovolume, although they were much less~ abundant than in preoperational years. Substantial declines in the abundance of dinoflagellates in July and August of the operational year, and a somewhat increased biovolume of blue green algae in O July, were observed at the control location as well as in the mixing zone, VI-P-9

again suggesting that the variation in taxonomic composition was not related to the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station. The ecological factors contributing to the drop in dinoflagellate abundance are not known. An examination of the physical / chemical data for July and August reveals no consistent trends in nutrient or temperature data that occurred at both the control and mixing zone locations (see Chapters IV and V). Regression analysis was u.;ed to examine the relationship of the absolute and relative abundance of dinoflagellates to various chemical and physical parameters, including absolute and relative concentrations of nutrients. No parameter tested could explain more than 10% of the variance in dinoflagellate abundance and percent composition (Table P-5). Increased predation pressure could possibly have Deen a factor, in that zooplankton densities in July of the operational year were somewhat higher than during preoperational summers, at both mixing zone and control locations (see Zooplankton section of this chapter). Slight increases in the abundance of D blue green algae in July and August appear to be the continuation of a trend first observed in 1980, during the preoperational period (Figure P-4). In September of the preoperational period, the phytoplankton community of the mixing zone was dominated in terms of density by green algae (coccoids, Cosmarium spp.), although diatoms (small centrics and pennates, Rhizosolenia spp., Synedra spp. ) and, to a lesser extent, small flagellates and Cryptomonas spp. , were also abundant. In terms of biovolume, dinoflagellates (Peridinium wiscon-sinense, P. spp.) dominated the community. In October, the community was quite diverse in teras of density (Table P-3). In terms of biovolume, diatoms (Melosira italica, Rhizcsolenia spp. , Svnedra spp.) were most frequently dominant, although dinoflagellates (Peridinium wisconsinense, P. spp. ) were always abundant and were occasionally dominant. During %ptember and October e VI-P-10

of the operational year, the phytoplankton community was quite similar to that observed during the preoperational years. A slight increase in the biovolume of green algae was observed at both control and mixing zone locations, although not of great enough magnitude to affect the taxonomic structure of the community significantly. Taxonomic structure in November was somewhat variable. Both green algae (coccoids, Monoraphidium contortum, Scenedesmus quadricauda) and diatoms (Melosira italica, M. italica var. tenusissima, Rhizosolenia spp., small centr:cs) were important components of the total density, as were cryptophytes (Cryptomonas spp., Rhodomonas minuta) to a lesser extent. In terms of bio-volume, oiatoms (Melosira italica, Rhizosolenia spp., M. italica var, tenuissima) generally dominated the community. Dinoflagellates and cryptophytes were O occasiome,1x reiet4veiv eb#aeeat. es were bice 9 teem eisee ia 1981-During November of the operational year, diatom abundance declined to slightly below preoperational levels, while densities of cr3ptophytes (Rhodomonas minuta) and, to a lesser extent, blue green algae (Gomphosphaeria lacustris, Anabaena spp.), increased somewhat, continuing a trend first observed in 1980. This led to an operational community dominated in terms of density by crypto-phytes, which accounted for 37% of total density (as compared to <17% preopera-tionally); diatoms, greens, and blue greens also contributed significantly to total density. Diatoms conti ed to dominate the community in terms of bio-volume, aithough to a slightly smaller degree than during the preoperational period. Blue green algae constituted 28% of total biovolume at mixing zone locations, as compared to 23% at the control location; densities and biovolumes O of blue greens were similar in the mixing zone and at the control location. VI-P-11

During December of the preoperational period, the phytoplankton community was g dominated in terms of density by a diverse assemblage including cryptophytes, diatoms, small green algae, and small flagellates (Table P-3). In terms of biovolume, diatoms (Melosira italica, M. italica var. tenuissima, Rhizosolenia spp., M. distans) were dominant; cryptophytes (Cryptomonas spp., Rhodomonas minuta) were also important. The community observed during December of the operational year did not exhibit any changes as compared to the preoperational period. 9 Sucmary The concentrations of ch.orophyll a measured in the mixing zone during the operational year fell within tne overall range obs1rved during the preopera-tional years. On a month-by-month basis, chlorophyll a concentrations for July of the operational year exceeded the upper 95% confidence limit associated with h the preoperational mean by 0.4 mg m-3 A similar slight increase was observed at the control location in June, suggesting that causative f actors were not limited to the mixing zone. An increase in chlorophyll a concentrations of such small magnitude, liniited to one sampling date, does not suggest a change in trophic state. Phytoplankton densitiet for the operational period were also similar to those observed in the preoperational period. Phytoplankton bio-volume declined in the operational year relative to the preoperational period, due to decreased abundances of large diatoms in winter and spring, and dino-flagellates in July and August. Similar declines were observed at the control location, suggesting that these trends were not attributable to factors related to the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station. O VI-P-12

 . __-._.__..._m                        . . _ ,         .- _ ..__ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _                                    .        __

The decline in the abundance of diatoms from January through April of the . O operational year, together with slightly increased densities of dinoflagel-

             - lates, led to-an increased relative abundance of cryptophytes in terms of density and biovolume, and a similarly increased relative abundance of dino-flagellates in terms of biovolume.             Significant decreases in the abundance of dinoflagellates during July and August, together with slight increases in the abundance of diatoms and blue green algae in July, were manifested as a shift
             - in taxonomic composition.
               .                                    During the preoperational period, the midsummer community _was dominated in terms of biovolume by dinoflagellates.                            In July of the operational year, the community was co-dominated by diatoms, blue green algae, and to a lesser extent, green algae.                            In August of the operational year, dinoflagellates were dominant in terms of biovolume, but to a lesser degree than observed during the preoperational period.

These shifts in. taxonomic composition were not confined to the mixing zone, but occurred at the control location as well, again suggesting that variation in-the_ taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton community was not attributable

                 -to tha operation of McGuire Nuclear Station.                           Many interacting ecological parameters affect the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities in general, such as light regime, temperature, stratificat' ion and hydraulic patterns, nutrient availability, the relative abundance of various nutrients, predation by zooplankton and fish, and parasitism.                           The specific factors responsible for the declines in diatom and dinoflagellate populations observed during certain months of the operational year are unknown.                             Examination of the relationships of turbidity, temperature, and the relative and absolute concen-trations of nutrients to diatom and dinoflagellate relative and absolute abundance revealed no strong evidence for causative relationships.                             Increased VI-P-13

densities of zooplankton and fish in the downlake area in spring, and occasion-ally increased densities of zooplankton in the summer of the operational year O suggest that changes in predation pressure may have been of some Significance to the P iYggp3angton i community-O O VI-P-14

   .                 -                        ~               _.                   -


                                                         .       ZONE 6-
                                                 . a n

4'~ o. e v.. 2-J o y' J F M A M J J A S 0 N D a , CONTROL o e 10 - o J - I O g. O "5 ':

                                                   -V      .

E4 .

  • a 2- .

O J F M M J J A S b D MONTH , Figure P-1. Mean concentrations of chlorophyll a in surface waters of the mixing zone of McGuire Nuclear StatTon (mean of Locations 1,3,4.5.5) and at a control locat ion (Locetion 8) . Lines reprasent the maximum and minimum values observed during the preoperational period. Open circles represent data for the designated baseline year (June 1978 through May 1979) . Stars represent data for the operational year (September 1983 through Augut t 1984).

n u CO 0 w & C C E y .C. 'O 4 Ow C se - 1 OmL 0 w a ~Q *c N V 0W g O Gw h Z O a: z 2 ._ [d - 6 e

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -- w -Eum o,                                                                                                           "                  -M    o y                 "                          "M       0              0 -T O                                                                                                                                                                                           > C X Q CO X                                                                                                                              -4                                                          OOm              m
                                                               -                                                                                                                                                                                  -4      --         Er-1                                                                                                              m
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                                                                                                                                                                                               .-i                a                               .m             M W 3       *d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          % se L Q+

m u .m CW ** ' 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            @           Z@
                                                                                                                                                                                "                                           "                                    L se se D
                                                                                                                                                                                               -2                                                  *I       e to C          4 o o v Co
                                                                                                                                                                                               -4                                                  -4     --+hZ w O O Ch @

u .g a .g .= 3 6- 3 e 3: C C

                                                                                                                                                                                    "          "U                                                  "k       5y       u       &
                                                                                                                                                                                       .       _,                                                  -,      'O .u ,_

C 3 0 Cm O O o Q b O b O O b O b O b b O O b O evk O y g a w ,,,, N., M @ W O w @ CO c ~ -

                                                                                                                                                                                                         - N, - ~   -

(lw/ spun) A.LISN3O d o. C 6 3 V U

O Figure P-3 Taxonomic composition, in terms of density, of the phytoplankton community of the surface waters of the mixing zone of McGuire Nuclear Station (mean of Locations 1,3,4.5.5) and at a control location (Location 8). Data are plotted by month, for the preopera-tional period (1978 through 1981) and for the operational year (September 1983 tnrough August 1984). O Key to class abbreviations: BAC Bacillariophyceae CHL Chlorophyceae CHR Chrysophyceae CRP Cryptophyceae DIN Dinophyceae MYX Myxophyceae OTH All other classes, plus unidentifled taxa O

O O- O 1500-r JANUARY 2000- FEBRUARY

y. .


                                                                    ,Y 500-                                      E                           m 0

0 2 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81' 84 U M 1500- 3000-Y JANUARY FEBRUARY CONTROL CONTROL I 1000- 2000-500- +1 1000-

                 \                      F      C4                -

m 0- 0- l 78 79. 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84 l YE.^.3 YEAR LEGEND CLASSgcx og mg _ g 08, " "

  • Figure P-3, page 1 of 6.

O O O , 3000- 3000-APRIL MARCH / (gggj MIXING ZONE MIXING ZONE {f 2000-- 2000-- gy Y " 1000- (@LJ y1000-- \' ! ) \ w w, gj 0 -- 0 84 78 79 80 81 84

 >_                78     79     80      81 z
            ~                                           4000-                  APRIL MARCH CONTROL                                   CONTROL 77 1 3000--

2000- w l N N N N h


0 78 79 80 81 84 l 78 79 80 81 84 YEAR YEAR LEGEND: CLASS $ 8s @g gg """ N Figure P-3, page 2 of 6.


       .:                                                                                                  d 3000-MAY               2000-                   7        JUNE

[ MIXING ZONE g r MIXING ZONE I 00- pggy [4g 2000-

                       @$l 9 53
$9 1000-
h. -

hhi ss

. ii ;b!
                       $         ! .bl
                                                                     ; )!                        -         .M
               .1g         >     .
                                  .j g              4,, q                       M          siini Y          Em

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                                                                                                 .//g 03                         \                               0-           N       \

3 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84 b-u)


4000- ' MAY JUNE CONTROL CONTROL i 3000- l

                                .       :                    2000-2000--               jj        .

g r i k.;  : ~m Isg:si !x[ht 1000- 24 - m sgp@ 5-1000-- $2i hkId iN$ !h'M h?: 0- \ 0 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84 YEAR YEAR LEGEND: CLASS EN $ CM @g EM GPP i figure P-3, page 3 of 6.


                                                       @                                        2000-k  1000-                                                           W 0-                   -

0 ' b 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84 W JULY 4000- AUGUST CONTROL CONTROL ,


2000- 7 M 2000-

                                                                                                        .g 1000--              i 1000-0        '         -                '       -

0 - V 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84 YEAR YEAR ci NB CFP LEGEND: CLASS M eje g gR, Fiqure P-3, page 4 of 6.

O m E8fG 118874a a 5 e N. gJ i 8$ rg

                  $h b E         h sz bhb E     a3 oo 8i                          88                      h M/ 8                         he    #

ei EI M38888888?> 3R888888V4 : ES k.h b $ kk 40 e 6 6 e e  ; e 6 < 8 n 8 m 8 8 8 8 d n " ~ g 6 -u z w a w w Nh M9 b 9 2 5 5 5[ E E-3fIS874 s  !$ 8Ei8V4 s WE W8 E e 8 !E as>- , w (W/ kW/  ? ~ i c. kh a kk $ t


O' e e e e e o e o 8 m 8 m 8 8 8 8 n m - (lW/ spun ) A1!SN30

1 W z h S b bh9 B C O C wN W J b ogh

                        .  .                         f        b        z 0 1                          s
     $T                                   $0 IVA :                   I!!Vzz 85        {

3MBRM//4 e 3EEEB8V/4 rs NbW/ ? kWJ N b s e e- e e o a 6 e a e 5 8 n 8-8 8 8 m 8 8 8 o g U z w e

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a E a O e e e e o o a 6 e e 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 n 8 n 8 m - - - (1W/ spun ) AllSN30

O Figure P-4. Taxonomic composition, in terms of blo 71ume, of the phytoplankton community of the surface waters of the mixing zone of McGuire Nuclear Station (mean of Locations and at a control location (Location 8). Data are plotted by month, for the preopera-tional period (1978 through 1981) and for the operational year (September 1983 through August 1984). O Key to class abbrevlations: BAC Bacillariophyceae CHL Chlorophyceae CHR Chrysophyceae CRP Cryptophyceae DIN Dinophyceae MYX Myxophyceae OTH All other classes, plus unidentified taxa O l l 9



MIXING ZONE (Z ~ 99 3 ~ 3

                                                                               $a            $!

400  % \ W 200- y w\ W  ! l

      =            o                  a9      ,                         g g          gj; g200-                 g\        gg                        1oo-    \

N N N \ o N- N A o 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84 I 3 o 600- 1000-JANUARY FEBRUARY h gg CONTROL CONTROL 9 800__ 400- \

                            \                                                  \
                            \         g       ,      .

600-re N hh 400-

                   \        \ \               \                 200-e h78 hhha 79       80     81       84 e    khahs 78     79     80     81     84 YEAR YEAR LEGEND: CLASS    ggl    ry gi   -M ;",  "5" Figure P-4, page 1 of 6.

O O IO? 1000 ~ MARCH. 800- APRIL :i 800- <  ; 600- 'w 600-- 400- !!""~ y 3 e k78

                                                       $ 3 $ @

79 80. 81 84

                                                                                     "[h      78 79
                                                                                                                 $w;o 80 3 lll 81      84

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CONTROL- COMTRCL 3000-1000-t 2000-i 500-- t i 1000- ]

0- ' " 0- . 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84 LEGEND: CLASS gg =g w" g "S*' Figure P f, i page 2 of 6.


                                                                                                                           .t 600-QMAy                     800-                             JUNE N ' MIXING ZONE                                  ,    ,  MIX!NG ZONE
  • l.00-y ibAs M

600- [ W +n.4 i s WE  : . hkk 2


eg I.00-


b [e 200- g  % E g 200- -

                                                                       -           N ms
                                                                                        ""I            ~,

3 N 0 0 w 78 79 80 81 84 78 79 80 81 84

E -

i D 1 _J t O 1500-g 800- MAY JUNE 2 l CONTROL m CONTROL l 1 500- [ J. 1000- i  ; I.00-h Ms! \ 200- . s - g h h 78 79 h t$ 80 81 k 84 o 78

                                                                                 -h 79 h R 80 384          ;

81 YEAR YEAR  ; LEGEND: CLASS EE EE 555E " * " " Figure P-4, page 3 of 6.

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4 () Table P-1. -Locations on Lake Norman at which water samples were collected monthly for the analysis of chlorophyll a and for the enumeration i and identification of phytoplankton. Time period Locations sampled January 1978-May 1978 3.0, 1.2 -2.0, 3.0, 3.9, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 8.0 June 1978 May 1979 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9. 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.9, 34.0, 50.0, f 60.0 l t June 1979-February 1981 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9. 4.0, 4.5, 5.0. 8.0,- 11.0, 13.0, 34.0 - 4 March 1981 December 1981 1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0. 13.0, 34.0 January .1982-June 1983 1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0,-13.0,  ; 34.0, 15.9 { July 1983-August 1984 1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 8.0,_11.0, 13,0, l 14.0, 15.0, 15.9, 34.0, 50.0, 60.0-  ;

      -((()                                                                                                                                                      :

I 5 1 {'. i O t l

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r-O O O i 1. 4 i' l - Table P-2. - Preoperational mean chlorophyll a concentrations (mg-a-3), densities (units-mi 8) or biovolumes ' ! (mm3 -m 3) in the mixing zone, the 95% confidence limits (CL) associated with those means, and the l operational value, for those months in which the operational value fell outside the preoperational

                  . range'of values.
95% Confidene Limits Operational Within Parameter Month Preoperational mean* Upper- tower value .95% CL?

l j Chlorophyll a_ July 3.2 4.4 2.1 4.8 No Cittorophyll a November 3.1 4 _' 2.1 2.4 Yes i Density March 1430 2417 443 611 Yes l Biovol sme January 384- 530 237 118 No i ! Biovolume Apri1 487 889 84 188 Yes i j Biovolume July .940 1295 586 459 No i l Biovolume August 1288 2055 520 269 No Biovolume September 1170 1781 559 598 Yes i Biovolume December 361 539 183 154 No l i i~

  • Calculated as the mean of the mixing z.,ne average values for each of the 4 preoperational years.

4 I l 1 4 l' i } e

O O O t 1 Table P-3. Taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton community in the thermal mixing zone of McGuire 3 Nuclear Station in 1918, 1979, 1980, 1981 and the operational year'(September 1983 through August 1984). Classes listed are those whose density or biovolume exceeded 10% of total phytoplankton density or biovolume. The value following the class name is the percent which .! that class constituted of total phytoplankton density or biovolume. The value in parentheses represents the actual density (anits mi 8) or biovolume (mm2 -m 3) of that class during that month. To the. right of the class name are listed the most abundant taxa (in terms of density or biovolume) within that class during that month. l Key to Classes: BAC Bacillariophyceae  ; CHL Chlorophyceae , CifR Chrysophyceae i CPP Cryptophyceae d DIN Dinophyceae MYX Myxophyceae , i OTil All other classes plus unidentified i phy toplankton i .; I i c i t i s i f i ? i i }' i i a

O O -


Year Dominants by Density Dominants by Biovolume

. 1978 BAC 33% (460) Hitzschia agnita, Helostra BAC 54% (171) Melosira italica, M. etalica var ) . italica var. tenuissima, M. Italica tenuissima CHL 29% (381) Nannochloris spp. CRP 25% (83) Rhodomenas minuta, Cryptomonas spp. CRP 26% (376) RI.odomonas minuta DIN 12% (28) Peridinium spp. OTH 11% (162) small flagellates l 1919 EAC 64% (670) Melostra italica, M. italica BAC 85% (435) Melosira italica var. tenuissima CRP 14% (150) Rhodomonas minuta CHL 13% (140) Monoraphidium contortum, Ankistrodessus falcatus, coccoids ) 1980 CRP 37% (320) Rhodomonas minuta BAC 40% (123) Melcsira italica ! BAC 27% (229) Helosira italica, M. italica CRP 75% (79) Rhodomonas minula, Cryptomonas spp. var. tenuissima, M. distans "IN 24% (78) Peridinium spp. i CHL 19% (160) Ankistrodesmus falcatus, l Mot:0raphidium contortum, coccoids OTH 13% (110) small flagellates l 1981 BAC 61%.(263) Melosira italica BAC 67% (261) Melosira italica j CRP 22% (95) Rhodomonas minuta Cryptomonas spp. DIN 21% (82) Peridinium spp. i t

1984 CRP 53% (285) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas spp. CRP 38% (45) Rhodomonas minuta. Cryptomonas spp.

BAC 17% (96) unidentified pennates, BAC 34% (39) Rhizosolenia spp., Melostra italica i Rhizosolenia spp MYX 13% (16) Anabaena planktonica

!                                                       OTH 15% (86) small flagellates CHL 12% (69) coccoids, Monoraphidium contortue i.


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y 45 3 2 770 10 0 5 3 39 675 3 b 27 6 2 548 10 8 9 5 83 621 7 65 1 4 321 22 1 ( 2 (( 311 ( s (( ( ( ((( (( ( ( ((( t n  %%  %  %  %%%  %%  %  %  %  %%  %%%  %

       . a. 18              1    3           994                          98           5          3    2       91    176                   1 i

n '43 1 3 2.11 22 2 1 6 11 511 1 L'C PHL m P C PHL PL C H C PH L o HA' R A RT H RH A T A RT RT A H D CB C B COC CC B O B CO COB C r 8 9 0 1 4 O Y a e 7 9 1 7 9 1 3 9 1 8 9 1 8 9 1


v-O- O. OL MARCil - MJXING ZONE Dominants by Density Doninants by Biovolume Year 1978 BAC 52% (1169) Melosira italica, M. italica BAC 87% (742) Melosira italica var. tenuissima CHL 24% (551) Nannochloris spp., Monoraphidium contortus, co:coids, Ankistrodesmus CRP 11% (296) Rhodomonas minuta OTH 10% (218) small flagellates 19I9 BAC 48% (905) Melosira italica, M. Italica BAC 8L% (676) Melosira italica var tenuissima CRP 11% (50) Rhodomonas minuta CRP 30% (337) Rhodomonas minuta CHL 12% (135) Monoraphidium contortum. Ankistrodessus falcatus, coccoids BAC 75% (172) Helosira italica, M. italica f 1980 BAC 43% (502) Cyclottela pseudostelligera, Melostra italica var.. tenuissima, var. tenuissima l M. italica CHL 38% (445) Nannochloris spp., Monoraphidium contortum  ! 1 BAC 60% (484) Tabellaria fenestrata, BAC 83% (387) Tabellaria fenestrata, 1981 Melosira italica l Asterionella formosa, meiosira Italica OTH 17% (140) small flagellates CRP 14% (107) Rhodamonas minuta DIN 4 7% (136) Gymnodinium spp.. . 1984 .CRP 51% (309) khodomonas minuta Peridinium spp. BAC 24% (147) Melosira italica var. BAC 31% (80) Melosira italica M. italica tenuissima, M. italica OTH 10% (64) small flagellates var. tenuissima CR? 16% (40) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas spp.

                                                               ,                                       m

e, V V V APRIL - MIXIPG ZONE Year Dominants by Density Dominants by Biovolume 1978 BAC 'T% (1125) Helosira italica var. 3AC 74% (582) Melosira italica, M. it=7sca, tenuissima, M. italica var. te uissima CHL 32% (933) Nannochloris spp., Ankistrodesmus CFP 18% (97) Rhodccenas minuta, Cryptomonas spp, f alcatus, Monoraphidium contortom CRP IE% (520) Rhodomonas minuta OTH 13% (404; small flagellates 1979 BAC 60% (966) Helosica italica var. BAC 64% (526) Melosira italica. M. italica tenuissima, M. italica var. tenuissima CRP I4% (216) Rhodomonas minuta CHL 14% (215) Monoraphidium contortus, Nannochloris spp., coccoids 1990 BAC 4 7% (622) Melos t ra distans var. BAC 73% (212) Helosira distans var. alpigena, alpigena, Astericnella formosa Aster')nella formosa CRP 22% (294) Rhodomonas minuta CEP III (37) Rhodoconas minuta CHL 20% (263) Nannochloris spp., coccoids, Manoraphidium contorton 1991 B AC 67% (391) Asterionella f ormosa, EAC 92% (246) Tabe'laria fenestrata, Tabe11 aria fenestrata Asterionella formosa, CRP 14% (83) Phodoecnes minuta Meiosira italica T984 CPP 57% (354) Rhodemonas minuta CPP 36% ( 54 ) demonas minuta Cryptemonas spp. BAC 21% (133) Asterioneita formosa, Melosira BAC 32% (52)7 .sira itali :a var. tenuissima, italica var. tenuissima s erionella ferrosa DIN 1% (60hsnodinium spp.

O O O MAY - MIXIt4G ZONE Yeir Dominants by Density Dominants by Biovolume 1978 CRP 56% (1159) Rhodom7nas minuta BAC 43% (159) Asterionella formosa, Melosira BAC 18% (373) Asterionella formosa italica var. tenuissima CHL 23% (269) Nannochloris spp., CRP 42% (154) Rhodomonas minuta 5cenedessus sp. CHR 1G% (39) Hallomonas caudata, M. akrokomos var. paucispina


1979 CRP 37% (1002) Rhodomonas minuta BAC 39% (180) Met 9siri distar.s var. OTH 24% (634) small flagellates alpigena, M. distans SAC 19% (500) Helosira distans var. CRP 37% (156) Rhodomonas minuta alpigena, M. distans OTH 11% (50) sma's flagellates CHL 12% (317) coccoids. Hannochloris spp. Scenedesmus sp. 1960 CRP 49% (1206) Rhodomonas minuta BAC 44% (252) Melosira distans var. BAC 26% (632) Helosira distans var. alpigena, alpigena, Asterionella formosa Asterionella formosa CRP 25% (140) Rhodomonas minuta OTH 15% (366) small flagellates DIN 14% (96) Peridinium spp. CHL 10% (237) Nannochloris spp., coccoids, Scenedesmus sp. BAC 43% (94) Melosira italica, M. italica var. 1981 CEF 35% (213) Rhodemonas minuta tenuissima, Asterionella formosa CHR 24% (244) Ochromonas spp. BAC 23% (138) Melosira italica var. tenuissima, DIN 18% (35) Feridinium rpp. M italica. Asterionella formosa CRP 17% (29) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomanas spp. CHR 25% (25) Ochromonas spp. CHL 12% (73) coccolds CRP 52% (552) Rhodomonas minuta BAC 44% (108) Melosira italica, Rhizosolenia spp. 1984 OTH 16% (168) small flagellates CRP 36% (75) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas spp. BAC 16% (165) Melosira italica, khizosolenia spp., M. italica var. tenuissima, small centrics and pennates CHL 11% (113) small coccoids, Monoraphidium con +ortum

L O O O 4

JUNE - 31 KING ZONE Year Dominants by Density Dominants by Biovolume l '1978 -CRP 50% (703) Rhodomonas minuta LRP #1% (84) Rhodomonas minuta l CHL 19% (262) Nannochloris spp. BAC 30% (66) Melosira distans var. alpigena, OTH 11% (158) small flagellates Melosira italica i

BAC 10% (141) Melostra distans var. alpigena DIN 12% (38).Peridinium spp. i 4 } 1979 '7? 31% (552) Rhodomonas minuta .BAC 46% (169) Melosira distans var. alpigena, i Ldl 26% (469) Nannochloris spp. , Glococystis Melosira italica l planktonica, coccoids CRP 20% (75) Rhodomonas minuta

BAC 22% (385) Melosira distans var. alpigena CHR 15% (56) Malfomonas caudata OTH 11%.(189) small flagellates CHL 10% (35) Gloeocystis p*anktonica, CHR 10% (184) unidentified chrysophytes Mougeotia spp.

l 1980. BAC 28% (557) Rhizosolenia spp., Melosira DIN 43% (330) Feridinium wisconsinense distans war, alpigena, +, mall BAC 31% (239) Rhizosolenia spp. ', pennates }' LHL 24% (469) coccoids, Nannochloris spp.

                 'PP 18% (357) Rhodomonas minata OTH 18% (351) small flagellates CHR 10% (188) Chryso,phaerella solitaria 1                         .

j 1981 CHL .E% (236) coccoids DIN 40% (129) Peridinium pusilluo j CRP 28% (234) Rhodomonas minuta BAC 20% (50) Fragilaria crotonensis, CHR 27% (234) Ochromonas spp. Rhizosolenia spp. , BAC 12% (103) small pennates, Fragilaria CRP 17% (33) Rhodomonas minuta. Cryptomonas spp. ! crotonensis, Rhizosolenia spp. CHR 14% (31) Ochromonas spp. t t i 1984 BAC 32% (295) Fragilaria crotonensiss BAC 44% (168) Fragilaria crotonensis, Melosira small centrics and pennates, italica, Rhizosolenia spp, j Rhizosolenia spp. Attheya rachariasi CRP 30% (277) Rhodomonas minuta DIN 26% (107) Peridinium spp. , P. pusillum j OTH 13% (125) small flagellates CRP 11% (39) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptoconas spp. { CHL 13% (125) coccoids CHR 10% (35) Mallomonas caudata, Ochromonas spp. CHR 10% (95) ochromonas spp., Chrysosphaere11a solitaria

lljJJ' ' 1j'

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l s gs is i u sa a s sa Y l d i o e t c t i cr n c n L e i pz ni c n ii o .i mo U r o o l i er a i . rs m o r umo J c ah tt a r d pt oa t i . l 3 c R ni c i pnl m d nsrd h . ;- o . . er i r seei o ei a o C ri c r . rca 1 M e cms s h csmh al aa a P m R nsR

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                                                                                                                                                                    .s s

t ci a os l e rasia r sdl dg sainpar u nnasa naca g ona m oaa p a an nst o i , nevan nicn a l i nai l 1 na . l noae omrparh ui al mn sel dpoaee no eroo pacm l hl ors h1 oraMf f y cumis cemir moi rt cl d i scmca l oa omosi orosd ot sl l o ol oiott l i l ttl d s o. i n

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                                         ))))                       8             66                  5      9        5                 8        7     84            62       0       61       8 y    2733                       4             18                  7     7          8                2        7     86            41       6       15       3 b      7S55                       1             32                  2     1         1                1         (     21            11       4       41       1 5222                       1             ((                  (     (         (                (               ((            ((       (      . ((      (

s (((( ( t n  %%%%  %  %%  %  %  %  %  %  %%  %%  %  %%  % _ a 6976' 0 43 2 6 6 8 3 49 72 4 12 1 i n 3111 5 11 1 2 2 1 1 31 11 3 31 1 m LRPC L PC H P C L N v. C RP C LP H o HHRA H RA T R A H I ;A HR A HR T D CCCB C CB O C B C D CB CC B CC O r 8 9 0 1 8 O Y a e 7 9 1 7 s 8 9 1 8 9 1 8 9 1

4 i 4 I l4l}il j^ li!I!  ;{' j i! {!  ;]I! liij; j j jjj ,i j j i! j1Ii~

i l O O O i e 1 AUGUST - MIXING 20hE Year Dominants by. Density Dominants by Biovolume , 1978 CHL 51% (792) Nannochloris spp., Cosmarium DIN 68% (562) Peridinium wisconsinense, P. spp. spp., Chlore11a spp., coccoids BAC 15% (129) Melostra italica, Cyclotella stelligera, Rhizosolenia spp. BAC 22%(337) Cyclotella stelligera-

                             - Melosira distans I                               _ _ _
  .979   CHL 62%.(1915) Cosmarium spp., Nannochloris               DIN 19% (1533) Feridinium wisconsinense, P. spp.

spp., coccoids BAC 12% (359) Synedra planktonica, Cyclotella stelligera, Rhizosolenia spp. e CHR 10% (299) unidentified chrysophytes i j 1980 'CHL 41% (278) Cosmarium spp., Mannochloris spp. DIN 73% (750) Peridinium wisconsinense CRP 20% '(137) Cryptomonas spp. HvX 16% (156) Anabaena spp.

BAC 17% (117) Synedra spp., small centrics

~ and pennates, Melostra italica i var. tenuissima

MYX IEE (79) Anabaena spp.

DIN 10% (67) Peridinium pusilium, P. wisconsinense, P. .inconspicuum i

1981 CHL 67% (2046) Cosmarium spp., coccoids DIN 49% (741) "eridinium wisconsinense, P. spp.

i BAC 12% (349) small centrics and pennates, MYX 26% (353) A'abaena spp. i Rhizosolenia spp., Melosira CHL 11% (150) Cosmarium spp. 1 Italica var. tenuissima 1984 GAC 34% (229) small centrics and pennates DIN 36% (97) Gymnodinium st, 'cridin i um CHL 32% (212) coccoids, Cosmarium spp. wisconsinense CHR 1EE (77) Ochromonas spp. BAC 19% (52) small pennates, Meiosira italica, Tabe11 aria fenestrata, i Rhizosolenia spp. , fielosira italica var. tenuissima CHL 17% (45) Staurastrum dejectum, diverse i others MYX 16% (42) Aphanizomenon spp. i i i

    ._.          _     .,--_e         ..             -        .-            - - - -    _     _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                - - . - _ _ _

O O O j SEPTEMBER - MIXING ZONE J' } Year Dominants by Density Dominants by Biovolume 1978 CHL 60% (1257) Nannochloeis spp., Chlorella spp. DIN 75% (983) Peridinium wisconstaense, P. sppT- , OTH 15%. (307) small flagellates, Chrysochromulina spp. BAC 1EE- (223) Cyclotella stelligera,

j. Rhizosolents spp.

i t j' 1979 CHL 59% (966) Nannochloris.spp., Chlorella ?pp. DIN 85% (1364) Peridinium wisconsinense, P. spp. ] BAC 18% (299) Cyclotella stelligera, 4 Synedra planktonica, P.hizosolenia spp. , OTH 11% (173) small flagellates, j Chrysochromulina spp. 1980 CHL 30% (150) Cosmarium spp., coccoids, DIN 86% fl033) Peridinium wisconsinense Coelastrum reticulaten BAC 24% (117) small pennates and centrics, Synedra spp. OTH'15% (72) small flagellates CRP 13% (65) Cryptoconas spp. DIN 22% (56) Peridinium wisconsinense,

.P. pusilium, P. spp.

1981 CHL 36% (431) coccoids, Cosmarium spp. DIN S4% (377) Feridinium spp. BAC 2EE (324) small centrics, Rhizosolenia HYX IS% (110) Anabaena spp. spp., small pennates BAC 13% (81) Rhizosolenia spp. OTH 14% (162) small flagellates CRP 11% (1301 Cryptomonas spp.

  , 1983     CHL 44% (726) coccoids, Cosmarium spp.              DIN 59% (388) Peridinium wisconsinense

] BAC 28% (456) small centrics CHL 17% (93) Coelastrum reticulatum,

OTH 10% (167) small flagellates Characium spp. , Cosmarium spp.


                                                                        , . , , - . ,             _.     :_.   ~.    . -   v

___,,-e-c., y-.


i.  !

Year Dominants by Density Dominants by Biovolume f 1978 CHL 45% (615) Nannochloris spp.. Chlorella DIN 78% (1005) Peridinium wisconsinense. P. spp. j spp., coccoids > BAC 19% -(252) Cyclotella stelligera, BAC 12% (152) Meiosira italica,. Rhizosoienia  : a . Melosira italica spp., Cyclotella stelligera 4 i OTH 18% -(236) small flagellates, i = Chrysochromulina spp. 1979 CHL 47% (1008) Hannochloris spp., coccoids, BAC 48% (354) Attheya zachariasi, Melosira

Chlorella spp. italica, Rhizosolenia spp.,
.       BAC 27% (576) Melosira italica var.                                 spp., Synedra planktonica, M.       i tenuissima, Synedra planktonica,                     italica var. tenuissima            '

< Rhizosolenia spp., Synedra spp. DIN 27% (214) Peridinium wisconsinense, P. spp.,

OTH 12% (246) Chrysochromulina spp., small P. inconspicuum l flagellates 1980 BAC 60% (361) Pelosira italica, small pennates BAC 52% (272) Melosira italica and centrics DIN 31% (179) Peridinium wisconsinense. P. spp.,  !

CRP 15% (92) Cryptomonas spp. P. pusillum j CHL 11% (69) Scenedesmus quadricauda,  ; Micractinium pusilium, diverse

others  ;

i  : I 1981 CliL 35% (345) coccoids, Monoraphidium contorium BAC 55% (194) Melosira italica, Rhizosolenia i BAC 29% (287) Melosira italica, Rhizosolenia spp., Synedra spp. I

;                       spp., Synedra spp., M. italica       DIN 19%   (77) Peridinium spp., P. wisconstnense   t j                        var. tenuissima, Cyc1 stella
stelligera  !

l CHR 12% (125) Ochromonas spp. q OTH 10% (98) small flagellates l CHL 35% (353) coccoids, Scenedesmus quadricauda, BAC 35% (141) Meio-ira ital;ca, Synedra spp., 1983 Monoraphidium contortum, Rhizosoienia spp.

                       .Cosmarium spp., diverse others       DIN 31% (150) Peridinium wistonsinense BAC 33% (342) small centrics, Synedra spp.,          CHL 17%   (69) Golenkinia radiata, Cylindro-       [

l Melosira italica cystis americana, Pediastrum i j CRP 10% (99) Cryptomonas spp. tetras, diverse others i'  ! e


                                                                                                                         'l Year . Dominants by Density                                Dominants by Biovolume 4
,   1978  BAC 39% ,(397) Melosirs italica, Rhizosolenia        BAC 56% (267) Melosira-italica spp., Melosira distans.             DIN 23% (118) Peridinium inconspicuum, P. spp.

4 Synedra spp. CHL 28% (283) coccoids Nrnnochiaris spp_ , Chlore11a spp. , OTH 16% (164) small flagellates, j Chrysochromulina sp. i 1979 CHL 47% (737) Nannochloris spp. , Monoraphidium BAC 54% (250) Melosira italica, Rhizosolenia , contortum, Micractinium pusillum, spp., M. italica var tenuissima Scenedesmus quadricauda var. DIN 16% (86) Peridinium incoaspicuum longispina CHL 1Et (49) Scenedessus quadricauda var. BAC 29% (447) Melosira italica var. tenuissima, longispina, Micractinium pusillum, Rhizosolenia spp., M. distans var. diverse others I alpigena, M. distans, M. italica CRP 10% (41) Cryptomonas spp. 1980 BAC 77% (4581 Melosira italica BAC 80% (412) Melosira italica

CRP 10% (59) Cryptomonas spp.

i 1981 CHL 37% (299) coccoids, Monoraphidium BAC 47% (117) Melosira italica, Rhizosolenia

                         ' contortum, Scenedessus quadricauda                  spp., M. italica var. tenuissima BAC 31%- (255) small pennates and centrics,          MYX 19%   (46) Anabaena spp., Anacystis spp.

Melostra italica, Rhizosolenia CRP 1L% (31) Cryp?cmonas spp. , Rhodomonas a spp., M. italica var. tenuissima minuta. C. ovata CRP 16% (16) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas spp. ) 1983 CRP 37% (321) Rhodomonas minuta BAC 35% (92) Melosira itetica, Synedra spp. j BAC 2EE (161) small centrics, Melosira italica, M. italica var. tenuissima, l var. tenuissima, Synedra spp. Rhizosolenia spp. j CHL 16% (131) small coccoids, Monoraphidium MYX 28% (77) Anabaena spp. i contortum, Scenedesmus CRP 15% (42) Rhodomonas minuta. Cryptomonas quadricauda spp. 1 MYX 15% (127) Gompnosphaeria facus;ris, DIN 12% (37) Peridinium spp., Gymnodinium spp. l Anabaena spp. l


           .O.                                                              O                                                              O i


Year Dominants by Density Domi9 ants by Blovolume

) 1978 BAC 41% (274) Melosira distans M. italica BAC 61? (161) Melosira italica, M. distans, var..'tenuissima M. italica var. tenuissima, CHL 24% (162) Monoraphidium contortum, Rhizosolenia , Hannochloris spp., coccoids- spp. CRP 17% (112) Rhodomonas Minuta. Cryptomonas DIN 14% (39) Gymnodinium spp.

.                               .spp.                                              CRP 12%   (31) Cryptomonas spp. , Rhodomonas minuta 3

1979 CRP 34% (581) Rhodomonas minuta BAC 56% (253) Melosira italica, M. italica var.

 . .            BAC 31% (519) Helosira italica var.                                                   tenuissima, Rhizosolenia spp.,

} tenuissima, M. distans var. M. distans, M. distans var. 4 alpigena, M. italica alpigena I CHL 26%' (443) Nannochloris spp., Honoraphidium .CRP 23% (100) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas j contortum, coccoids, diverse spp. j others 1980 BAC 64% (368) Melosira italica BAC 84% (398) Melosira italica CRP 2B% (158) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas b spp.

1981 CRP 35% (250) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas BAC 55% (154) Melosira italica, M. italica j spp. var. tenu ssima j- BAC 28% (209) Melostra italica,.M. Italica .CRP 22% (54) Cqrptomones spp., Rhodomonas var. tenuissima, small pennates einuta l Clil 20% (138) coccoids, Monoraphidium contortum, Scenedesmus quadricauda,
Micractinium pusilium OTH 13% (95) small flagellates i-1983 CRP 36% .(185) Rhodomonas minuta, Cryptomonas BAC 59% (89) Melosira italica, Rhizosolenia i

spp. spp., M. italica var. tenuissima t BAC,30% (150) Helosira italica, M. italica var. CRP 20% (31) Cryptomonas spp., I tenuissima, small centrics, Rhodomonas minuta Rhizosolenia spp., small pennates l CHL 15% (77) Honoraphidium contortum, i Scenedessus quadricauda, diverse , ,coccoids, Micractinium pusillum i OTH'12% (60) small flagellates i . 4

           ,                 _        ,-.    .   , _ . - - _ - . . .                ._     . _.              ~ . .. .   -

O Table P-4. Phytoplankton taxa observed in the surface waters of Lake Norman at Locations 1, 3, 4.5, 5 and 8, during the time periods January 1978 through December 1981, and September 1983 through August 1984. Also listed are biovolume estimates (pm3 per unit). Chlorophyceae Biovolume (pm3) Acanthosphaera zachariasi Lemmermann 180 Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs 73 A falcatus var. mirabilis-(West and West) G. 5. West 45 A. fusiformis Corda sensu Korshikov 115 { gracilis (Reinsch) Korshikov 16 Arthrodesmus bifidus var. truncatus f. succisa West and West 101 A. incus (Breb.) Hassal1 264 E spp. Ehrenberg 63 Asterococcus _11mneticus G. M. Smith 805 Botryococcus braunii Kuetzing 1310 Carteria spp. Diesing 176 Chlamydomonas spp. Ehrenberg 97 Chlore11a spp. Beyerinck 64 Closteriopsis longissima Lemmermann 2767 p- C. spp. Lemmermann 1923 d DIosterium spp. Nitzsch Coccomonas orbicularis Stein 393 524 Coelastrum cambricum Archer 4192 C. microporIIm Naegeli 382 C iiroboscideum Bohlin 1073 eti a latum (Dang.) Senn 1328 f',phaericumNaegelt y 755

2. spp. Naegeli 419 Gsmarium asphaerosporum var, strigosum Norstedt

30 C. pseudarctoum Norstedt 79-E spp. Corda 83 U smocicdium tuberculatum Prescott 2903 C. spp. Brebisson 2903 Crucigenia crucifera (Wolle). Collins 210 C. quadrata Morren 57 C tetrapedia (Kirch.) West and West 24 h spp. Morren 220 Cylindrocystis americana West and West 18696 Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum Naegeli 704 D. pulchellum Wood 120 C spp. Naegeli 35 ETakathothrix gelatinosa Wille 67 E. viridis (Snow) Printz 330 C spp. Wille 199 Euastrum denticulatum var, rectangulare West and West 528 E. spp. Ehrenberg 157 F ranceia droeseberi (Lemm.) G, M. Smith 93 -O. E ovalfs (france) Lemmermann 128 i

Table P-4. Page 2 of 6 Chlorophyceae Biovnlume (pm3) F. spp. Lemmermann 80 ETococystis gigas (Kuetz.) Lagerheim 1310 G_., planktonica (West and West) Lemmermann 105 h spp. Naegeli 1438 Glototilia protogenica var. pelagica Skuja 195 EoTenkinia radiata (Chodat) Wille 345 Gonio sr;p.') iud ler 524 Kirchneriella contorta (Schmidle) Bohlin 117 L lunaris var. irregularis G. M. Smith 80 K. obesa (W. West) Scnmidle 79 E subsolitaria G 5. West 71 { spp. Schmidle 40 Lagerheimia quadriseta (Lemm.) G. M. Smith 26 L. subsalsa Lemmermann 26 IIIeractinium pusillum Fresenius 74 M. pusillum var. elegans G. M. Smith 250 E pusillum var. l ongi set urn Tiffany and Ahlstrom 152 E spp. Fresenius 22 Monoraphidium contortum Thuret 20 M2 pusillum Priiitz 130 M2 spp. Legnerova 94 Mougeotia sop. (Agardh) Wittrock B48 {g) Nannochloris spp. Naumann Nephrocytium agardhianum Naegeli 11 75 Docystis gloeocystitormis Borge 132

0. parva West and West 96 E pusilla Hansgirg 159
0. submarina Lagerheim 214

[ spp. Haegeli 195 Fandorina morum (Muell. ) Bory 128 Pediastrum biradiatum Meyen 176 P. duplex Meyen 1620 { duplex var. ,qracilimum West and West 1407 P. obtusum Lucks 256 P. tetras (Ehr.) Ralfs 849


P tetras var. tetraedon (Corda) Rabenhorst 881 P. spp. Meyen 868 Planktosphaeria gelatinosa G. M. Smith 87 Polyedriopsis spinulosa Schmidle 419 Quhdrigula 1acustris (Chcd ) G. M. Smith 94 Scenedesmus abundans (Kirch.) Chodat 76

5. abundans var. esymmetrica (Schroed. ) G. M. Smith 75
5. armatus var, bicaudatus (Gugliell-Printz) Chodat 55

{ bijuga (Turp.) Lagerheim 64 h Diiuga var. a!ternans (Reinsch) Hansgirg 205 5, denticulatus Lagerheim 176 h dimorphus (Turp.) Kuetzing 347

5. incrassulatus var. mononae G. M. Smith 176

(~} h quadricauda (Turp.) Brebisson 82 V h quadricauda var. longispina (Chodat) G. M. Smith 151

5. spp. Meyen 32 Ehroederia satigera (Schroeder) Lemmermann 189 l.

O Table P-4. Page 3 of 6 Chlorophyceaq Biovolume (pm3)

5. spp. Lemmermann 48 Selenastrum gracile Reinsch 528
5. mi_nutum (Naeg.) Collins 40
5. westii G. M. Smith 205 52 spp. Reinsch 72 Sphaerpcystis schroeteri Chodat 444 Sphaerozosma granulatum Roy and Biss 644 5taurcstrum americanum (W. and W.) G. M. Smith 131
5. curvatum var. elonaatum G. M. Smith 629
5. cejectum Brebisson 2197
5. lacustre G. M. Smith 5265
                            -5. paradoxum var. cingulum West and West                                                                     265
                            ,5. paradoxum var. parvum W. West                                                                             490
5. tetracerum Ralts 203 E spp. Meyen 335 Utraedron caudatum (Corda) Hansgirg 128 T. limneticum Borge 128 E minimum (A, Braun) Hansgirg 27 T planctonicum G. M. Smith 8188 E regulare var. incus Teiling 111 E trigonum (Naeg.) Hansgirg 149 E trigonum var, gracile (Reinsch) Detoni 149 O. E spp. Kuetzing U trallantos legerheimii Teiling 90 629 Tetrastrum heteracanthum (Nordst.) Chodat 102 Treubaria setigerum (Archer) G. M. Smith 92 coccoic green algae 20 unidentified coccoid green colony 25 unidentified green filament 68 unidentified desmid 51 Bacillariophyceae Biovolume (pm3)

Achnanthes microcephala (Kuetz.) Grunow 92 A minutissima Kuetzing 102

                             & spp. Bory                                                                                                    111 Asterionella formosa Hassall                                                                                  312 Attheya zaChariasi J. Brun                                                                                  1908 Cocconeis spp. Ehrenberg                                                                                    1846 Cyclottila pseudostelligera Hustedt                                                                             12 Cyclotella stellicera Cleve and Grunow                                                                        368 L spp. Kuetziag                                                                                               702 Cymbella spp. Agardh                                                                                        1067 Eunctia zazuminensis (Cabejszekowna) Koerner                                                                  267 Fracilaria crotonensis Kitton                                                                                 750 i4elosira distans (Ehr.) Kuetzing                                                                             270 R. distans var. alpigena Grunow                                                                               327

M. Fanulata (Ehr.) Raifs 688 O M. M. granulata var. angustissima Mueller islandica 0. Muller 297 4421 E~ italica (Ehr.) Kuetzing 1206

                              -M italica var, tenuissima (Grun.) Mueller                                                                     386

O Table P-4 Page 4 of 6 Baci11ariophyceae Biovolume (pm3)

    $ varians Agardh                                    8792 L spp. Agardh                                        407 Navicula notha Wallace                               257 N. spp. Bory                                         408 IIItzschia acicularis (Kuetz.) W. Smith              234 L aJnita Hustedt                                       55 N. spp. Hassall                                   488 FInnularia biceps Gregory                           3622 Rhizosolenia eriensis H. L. Smith 390 L spp. Ehrenberg                                      739 Skeletonema potomas (Weber) G. Hasle                  101 E phanodiscus spp. Ehrenberg                         123 synedra actinastroides Lemmermann                    157 5.-acus Kuetzing                                     429 E acus var, ostenfeldtii Krieger                     429 E delicatissima W. Smith                            3465 E planktonica Hains and SeL .1g                      544 E rumpens Kuetzing                                    132

_ [ ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg 3733

5. spp. Ehrenberg 528 Tabella,ia fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kuetzing 1093 unidentified centric dictoms 36 O unidentified pennate diatoms 159 Chrysophyceae Biovolume (pm3)

Chromulina woroniniana Fisch 28 i L spp. Cienkowsky 117 Chrysophaere11a solitaria Preisig and Takahashi 158 Diceras spp. Rcverdin 74 Dinobryon bavaricum Imhof 327

0. divergens Imhot 411 E pediforme (Lemm.) Steinecke 71 sertularia Ehrenberg 2769

[D 2 sociale Ehrenberg 305 D,., spp. Ehrenberg 327 Kephyrion rubri-klaustri Conrad 151 h spp. Pascher 14 Mallomonas acaroides Perty 1141 M. akrokomos var. paucispina (Naumann) Krieger 128 E caudata Iwanoff- 4266 E elongata Reverdin 5755 [ gobosa Schiller 905 M. pseudocoronata Prescott 1272 [ tonsurata Teiling 354

    & spp. Perty                                          802 Ochromonas crenata Klebs                              113 O_.,, spp. Wyssotzki                                  118 O  Pseudokephyrion schilleri Conrad P. spp. Pascher 27 27 SIelexomonas dichotoma Lackey                         20

__ . . -_ - . . . . _ . ___. _ . _ . . ___.m _ . - _ ._. _ . O Table P-4 P49e b of 6 Chrysophyceae Biovolume (pm3) ' Synura caroliniana Bourrelly 1174

5. spinosa Korshikov 312 E uvella Ehrenberg 1061 1 spp, Ehrenberg 386

{unidentified chrysophytes 76 Haptophyceae Blovolume (pm3) Chrysochromulina parva t.ackey 230 L sp. Lackey 230 Xanthophyceae Biovolume (pm3) Dichotomococcus spp. Korshikov 29 Oph10cytium capitatum var. longispinum (Moebius) Lemmerma'in 208 C ryptophyceae Biovolume (pm3) l Cryptomonas erosa Ehrenberg 398 C. erosa var, reflexa Marsson 345 E marsonii Skuja 844 C phaseolus Skuja 124 J E reflexa $kuja 1667 E spp. Ehrenberg 241 Thodomonas minuta Skuja 107 Myxophyceae Biovolume (pm3) Agmenellum quadriduplicatum Brebisson - 13 A. nelicoidea Bernard 3600 E planktonica Brurnthaler 7640 E scheremetievi #$ e*rkin 4387 E spiroides Klebahi. 3235 E wisconsinense Prescott 977 { spp. Bory 2212 Anacystis cyanea Drouet and Daily 875 A. incerta Drouet and Daily 70 E inontana (Ligntfoot) Drouet and Daily 69 E montana f. minor Drouet and Daily 63 E thermalis (henegh.) Drouet and Daily 134 E spp, Meneghini 176 E hanizomenon flos-aquae (Linnaeus) Ralfs 3456 A. spp. Morren 2355 S hanothece clathrata G. 5. West 26 A. spp. Naegeli 26 Coccochloris sp. Sprengel 70 Coelosphaerium dubium Grunow 1358 C. kuetzingianum Naegeli 14 C naegelianum Unger 472 Dactylococcopsis fascicularj<j 'emmermann 52 Gomphosphaeria p onina Aue L int, 1179 G. lacustiis Chodat 30 { wichurae Drouet and Daily 3537

   . _ . . - . . - - . .       - - - _ . ~ . - . - . . - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ - _
                                                                                  . - _ _ _ . _ . . . - ~               - _ - . . - - - .

O Table P-4. -Page 6 of 6 Myxophyceae Biovolume (pm3) r Lyngbya spp. Agardh 72 Oscillatoria lemmermannii Woloszynska IB3

0. rubescens Decandolle 12186 >

E spp. Vaucher 316 , IIaphidiopsis sp. Fritsch and Rich 63 unidentified blue green colony 21 unidentified blue green filament 191 unidentified coccoid blue green 21 Eunlenophycese Biovolume (pm3)  ; Euglena spp. Ehrenberg 2633 Phacus acumirctus Stokes 817 T. 4013 T~ granulo'sa 1acustris DrezepolskiPlayfair 4075 E spp. Ehrenberg 1978 unidentified euglenophyte 3537 Dinophyceae Biovolume (pm3) Ceratium hirundinella (Muell.) Schrank 16128 Cystodinium spp. Alebs 143

   'O                   Glenodinium gymnodinium Penard G,~

pulvisculus (Ehr.) Stein 12115 1882 G spp. (Ehr.) Stein 90t32 Gmnodinium palustre Schilling 3249 G. spp. Stein 5713 IIemidinium nasutum Stein 2495 Peridinium aciculiferum Lemtrermann 14994 P. cinctum (Muell.) Ehrenberg 24942 E defiandrei Lefevre 14437 E inconspicuum Lemmermann 2033 E lomnickii Woloszynska 17239 E pusilium (Penard) Lemmermann 2132 i~ volzii Lemmermann 13752 E w,'consinense Eddy 32788 { spp. Ehrenberg 12925 unidentified dinoflagellates 2103 Chloromo indophycey Biovolume (pm3) Gonveston am spp. Diesing 5659 Unidentifie* phytuplankton Biovolume (pmi) unidentified flagellates 90 O

_. .______...____-_m .. ______ - . . _ _ . _ . - _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _. l J l Table P-5. Results of regression analyses relating Bacillarlophyceae (diatom) ,

             /~                                                                                     and Dinophyceae (dinoflagellate) absolute and relative abundances to various physical and chemical parameters. Data listed are r2 values. Regressions were based on data collected monthly from January 1978 through August 1964, at Locations 1, 3, 4.5, 5, 8,                                                                                                   !

11,13 and 34 on Lake Norman. Data from March and April were used in diatom egressions. Data from June, July, August and September were used in dinoflagellate regressions. BACILLARIOPHYCEAE (March and April) l i Dependent variable ' Independent Percent Total Percent Total Variable Density Riovolume Density Biovolume Total phosphorus 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.00 Soluble reactive ' phophorus 0.02- O.41 9.00 0.01 Ammonia nitrogen 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.06 7

                                                          *TSIN/SRP                                                                  0.00                     0.00                                 0.00                        0.03 Soluble silica                                                         0.15                     0.16                                 0.33                      -0.32 h                                                Temperature Turbidity 0.05 0.08 0.12 0.10 0.01 0.11 0.03 0.06 OlNOPHYCEAE (June through September)

Dependent Variable Independent Percent Total Percent Total variable Density Biovolume Density Biovolume Total phosphorus 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 Soluble reactive phophorus 0.07 0.06 0.01 0,07 Ammonia nitrogen 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.10

                                                          *TSIN/SRP                                                                  0.07.                   0.06                                  0.05                        0.09 Soluble silica                                                          0.05                    0.01                                  0.01                        0.00 Temperature                                                             0.01                    0.03                                  0.01                        0.05 Turbidity                                                               0.04                    0.02                                  0.00                        0.02

( *TSIN/SRP = ratio of total soluble inorganic nitrogen to soluble reactive phosphorus. l _.. , _ . , _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ , . , , _ , , , _ _ _ _ _ , , _ , _ . , ~ , . . . ~ , . _ , , _ _ . , _ _ , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ . , _ _ _ _ . _ , , . . - . - . , - , _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ , - ,

PERIPHYTON-The term "periphyton" is generally regarded to include the community of all material (algae, bacteria, animals, detritus)'which is attached to submerged substrates (Young 1945; Cole 1983; Wetzel 1983). With few exceptions, in the present chapter the term periphyton is used in the more restricted sense to incluoe only tha algal corrponent of the periphyton community. The contribution of periphyton to the overall production in Lake Norman is estimated to be smalk compared to phytoplankton (Derwort 1982a) since the lake lacks extensive littoral zones. Nevertheless, periphyton communities attached to artificial substrates are useful indicators of changes in water quality at fixed positions, both horizontally and vertically, in the water column (Butcher 1947; Patrick 1957; Collins and Weber 1978). Periphyton communities are

       - affected by a number of environmental factors including light, temperature, nutrient concentration and availability, current, and grazing (Whitford 1963; Roos 1983).      Periphyton production, standing crop, seasonal abundance, and taxonomic composition in Lake- Norman have been discussed in several reports (Weiss 1974; Derwort 1982a; Duke Power Company 1976,1980).                   Macrophyte produc-tien in Lake Norman was also addressed by Derwort (1982b).

The objectives of this section are to: 1) document the community composition and seasonal patterns of periphyton standing crop on artificial substrates in-lower Lake Norman prior to the ooeration of McGuire Nuclear Station and 2) compare this with periphyton abundance and community composition during plant - operation to determine any effects on the periphyton community. O l VI-Pe-1

Materials and Methods g Field Procedures Periphyton in Lake Norman and Mountain Island Lake was sampled at locations and time periods presented in Table Pe-1. Months in all subsequent discussions refer to the month the sampler was exposed and not the month when the samples were retrieved. For example, periphyton samples collected on July 2, 1984 are referred to as June samples (because they had been exposed beginning June 1,

  .984) and not as July samples.

Plexiglass slides suspended horizontally were usta as artificial substrates from the initiation o* sampling in January 1973 through February 1975. Begin-ning in March 1975 eight glass microscope slides (approximately 2.5 x 7.5 cm) placed in a Periphytometer II cartridge and suspended horizontally were used for artificial substrates. The glass slides were positioned vertically (Patrick h et al.19F4) beginning in April 1976 ano continuing throughout the rest of the p>agra, All samplers for routine monitoring were placed at a w pth of 1.5 m , except at the riverine Location 16.0 where the samplers were placed at 0.1 m, and exposed for a period of approximately four weeks (Cooke 1956; Newcomb 1949; Weiss 1974; Wetzel 1964). Gaps in artificial substrate data result mostly from missing samplers due to such factors as cable failure, buoy detachment, or vandalism during the exposure period. Parameters measured for periphyton i,amples are listed in Table Pe-1. Prior to January 1977, only ash-free dry weights were determined from exposed slides. l Beginning in March 1977 and continuing through the end of the study period, chlorophyll concentration, community composition and abundance, and ash-free dry weights were determined. Exposed slides (usually two) to be used for VI-Pe-2

 . ._       . . . _       . _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ . . . _ _ _ .                                        . _ - . _m __ _

community composition analysis were placed in 60-ml, widemouth bottles and preserved in the field with M3 preservative (Meyer 1971). Slides (usually:

      'three) to be used for chlorophyll analysis were plac'ed in darkened _60-ml widemouth bottles and crushed with a stainless steel rod.                                          Ten milliliters of-90% acetone was added to extract the chlorophyll, and the bottles were placed
  • on ice -for return to the laboratory. The' slides (usually three) for ash-free dry weight determination were placed in a metal rack and allowed to air dry.

Laboratory 6*ocedures . Ash-free dry weights were determined as described in Standard Methods (A.P.H.A. et al.1971), with the modification that each slide was- placed in a pre-weighed, numberedf P *ex(R) cylinder rather than scraping the periphyton a crucible. P This technique minimized bandling error. The ash-free dry weights (g m-2)- were Q divided by the length of the exposure period (in days) to obtain the organic

      -accumulation rates (representing accumulated organic mass per unit of time),

and were expressed as milligrams per square meter per day (mg m': d " ). Periphyton to be used for algal composition and abundance was scraped from the two preserved slides with a razor blade or rubber policeman into the 60-m1 sample bottles. Samples were then mixed in a Waring (R) blender to ensure even distribution of organisms (Veber 1973), and the sample volume was measured and recorded. After uniformly resuspending the scraped algae, a 0.1-ml aliquot from each sample was placed in a Palmer-Maloney counting slide (Palmer and Maloney 1954) and examined under 500X (phase contrr,st). All non-diatoms were identified and enumerated at the lowest practicable taxonumic level,' while diatoms were enumerated at the class level only. Non-diatoms were counted as cells (for unicellular forms), colon s (for co enial forms), or 18 pm lengths l VI-P'r3

                                          .       _            _        . -         __      _ _   . ~ .    ~                  .. -

(for filamentous forms). Diatoms were counted as live or dead cells. A minimum of 100 units (cells, filaments, and colonies) was counted, and the O number of fields or transects was noted. Counts of all algae, excluding dead diatom cells, were converted to densities expressed as units per square meter (units m-2), As the taxonomy of diatoms is based on characteristics of the cleaned frustule, each sample was treated using the nitric acid cleaning method of Hohn and Hellerman (1963). The cleaned diatom frustules were then mounted in Hyrax and examined under oil immersion at 1250X (phase contrast). Approximately 200 valves per sample were counted and identified to the lowest practicable taxon. The relative composition of each diatom species to the total number of valves counted was calculated. This proportion was applied to the total density of live diatom cells observed under 500X to obtain the densities of diatom taxa in h units per square neter. Taxonomic keys used for the identi'i ation of algae included Cleve-Euler (1953), rm (e (1967), Hustedt (1930), Kim (1967), Patrick and Reimer (1966, 1975), Prescott (1962), Smith (1950), Taft and Taft (1971), Tiffany and Britton (1952), Van Heurck (1896), Weber (1971), and Whitford and Schumacher (1963). Dr. Larry Whitford, Dr. Charles Reimer, and Dr. Gary Dillarf were retained as consultants to confirm the identifications of algae. The mean biovolume of each species was calculated by applying the average cell dimensions, measured over the period of the study, to the volume formula of an approximate geometric solid. This value was then multiplied by the respective O VI-Pe-4

1 numerical' density to obtain the biovolume in cubic millimeters per square meter O (mm3 m-2), Samples for pigment analyses were held in the dark at <0*C for at least seven days prior to analyses to aid in chlorophyll extraction. Chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically using methods and calculations outlined in Strickland and Parsons (1972). in order to include as much past data as feasible for comparative purposes, data summarized in this section cover the period from June 1977 through August 1984. Periphyton data in Lake Norman prior to June 1977 are presented and discussed by Derwort (1982a). The period from June 1977 through Septerher 1981 is designated as the preoperational period and includes the baseline year (June { 1978 through May 1979). The operational year is September 1983 through August


The number of sampling locations during the operational year included Locations 1.2, 3.0, 4.0, and 8.0. Of these, only Location 4.0 (discharge cove), location 3.0 (mixing zone), and Location 8.0 (control zone) will be discussed in detail.

    'ocations 3.0 and-_4.0 were considered to adequately represent the mixing zone and Location 8.0 to adequately represent a control area.           While both Locations 3.0 and 4.0 technically lie within the' mixing zone of McGuire Nuclear Station, they will be separated for purooses of discussion as they appeared to be affected somewhat differently by station operation.

O VI-Pe-5

1 l Results And Discussion Standing Crop g The standing crop of periphyton in Lake Norman was estimated by several vari-ablec. ash-free dry weight (expressed as organic accumulation rate), chlorophyll a concentrations, total densities, 6nd total biovolumes. Chlorophyll a concen-trations, total densities, and biovolumes represent the algal portion of the periphyton community only, while organic accumulation rater, include all attached matericl (algae, invertebrates, detritus, etc.). During the preoperational period, total ash-free dry weights ranged from 8 to 37 times greater than calculated algal ash-free dry weights due to the presence of organic non-algal material, principally the attached zooplankton Sida crystallina (Derwort 1982a). Therefore, organic accumulation rates may not be a good repr<.sentation of the attached algal component. In addition, biovolumes are generally co.1sidered better estimates of algal standing crop than densities due to the wide range in g cell size of individual species (Vollenweider 1974). For example, biovolumes of algal cells during the study ranged from approximately 1 pm3 (Coccochloris spp.) to over 45,000 pm3 (Peridinium aciculiferum), a range of over four orders of magnitude. Mean organic accumulation rates, chlorophyll a concentrations, total densities, and total biovolumes for all lower lake locations (Locations 1.0, 1.2, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0) by location from June 1977 through August 1984 are presented in Tables Pe-2 through Pe-5. The general seasonal trends in periphyton standing crop variables for the preoperational period (May 1977 through August 1981) are ! minimum values during winter months (January and February), a rapid increase in spring to a maximum (usually May), followed by a decline throughout the summer, with perhaps a small peak in the fall. The overall sen.sonal trends in periphyton O VI-Pe-6

                                                                                                  .- ~ - .    .

1 standing crop are similar to those;found in other lake systems (Hutchinson 0 1975)'and are probably linked to seasonal patterns of light and terrperature. Organic accumulation rates for the preoperational period ranged from 0.3 to 226 mg m 2. day. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0.02 mg m-2 to 33.4 mg m 2 Total densities for the preoperational period ranged from 7.25 x 106 to 2.77 x 1020 units m-2 Total biovolumes ranged from 4.5 to 13,257 mm 3m-2 Ranges of standing crop variables for the entire preoperational period along with values observed during the baselineJear (June 1978 through May 1979) and operational year (September 1983 through August 1984) for Locations 3.0, 4.0, and 8.0 are presented in Figures Pe-1 and Pe-2. While periphyton standing crop variables generally fell within the preoperational range of maximum and minimum, there were a number of exceptions. Operational which fell outside the Q preoperational range were examined to see if they also fell outside of the 95% confidence limits of the preoperational mean (Table Pe-6). Standing crop variables at Location 4.0 during the operational year showed the most notable differences with the preoperational-period, especially during midwinter. All standing crop variables were significantly higher at Location 4.0 during January and February _of the operational year. compared with the preoperational period. Chlorophyll and total biovolume in March were also significantly higher during the operational year at Location 4.0. True chloroplyll concen-trations at Location 4.0 were significantly_ higher throughout almost the entire unstratified period (from November through March) of the operating year. -In January, the month of greatest observed differences, total biovolumes and chlorophyll concentrations were more than 30 times higher than the maximum

        -observed _during the preoperational period (6477 mm 3 m-2 and 4C.8 mg.m2 compared 3

with 208 mm m-2 and 1.21 mg 2m respectively). Total densities were over 10 VI-Pe-7

times higher (6.82 x 109 units m-2 versus 0.66 x 109 units m-2), and organic accumulation rates were about 3 times higher (65.6 mg m-2 day-1 versus 22.0 9 mg m-2 day-1). While chlorophyll and total biovolumes were also higher at the control (Location 8.0) during January of the operational year, the magnitude of change is so much less (Figures Pe-1 and Pe-2) that station effects at Location 4.0 for this month cannot be ruled out. With the exception of higher chlorophyll values in June and lower total densities in September, standing crop variables at Location 4.0 from April through October of the operational year were not significantly different from the preoperational period. Three of four standing crop variables (total biovolumes, chlorophyll, and total densities) were also significantly higher at Location 3.0 during January and February of the operational year, but to a lesser degree than that observed at Location 4.0. Both total biovolumes and chlorophyll concentrations were h significantly higher than the preoperational values at Location 3.0 during April. However, total biovolumes and chlorophyll concentrations were also significantly higher at the control location (Location 8.0) during April of the operational year, so this may not be attributable to plant operations. Both total biovolumes and chlorophyll during November of the operational year at Location 3.0 were higher than during the preoperational period. Operational year chlorophyll values were significantly higher than the preoperational maximum during summer (June, July, and August), although organic accumulation rates were lower than the preoperational minimum during July and August, and total biovolumes were well within the preoperational year range. The unusually high organic accumulation rate observed at location c 0 during August of the operational year is not reflected in the other variables and may O VI-Pe-8

          .be disregarded as representing some non-algal material.               With this and few other exceptions, standing c: p variables at Location 8.0 during the; operational year. stayed at or near the range of values for the preoperational period, and appeared to adequately represent a control.

The large midwinter increase in periphytic algal abundance at Lecation 4.0 (and to a lesser extent at Location 3.0) appears to be due primarily to the increase in water temperature in the immediate vicinity of the McGuire Nuclear Station discharge. Although monthly mean incident solat radiation was slightly higher from December through February of the operational year compared with the preoperational period (Figure Pe-3), the difference was probably not sufficient to produce the high values observed. Surface nutrient concentrations (0.3m depth) at Locations 3.0 and 4.0 were similar to those found during the baseline Q year (Chapter V) and did not appear to have a controlling effect. Current from McGuire Nuclear Station pumping may have had some effect in stimulating peri-phytic algal growth in the immediate vicinity of the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0) due to physiological enrichment (Rather 1952). Increased temperature, nonetheless,. appears to be the major controlling factor-in increased periphyton populations during the winter months. . Temperatures at. Location 4.0 from January, February, and March of the operational year were in the range of 15 to 20 C which are more favorable temperatures for the growth of many attached algal species than the 5 to 10 C range observed during the same months of the baseline year (Whitford 1963). i Temperatures at Location 4.0 during January and February of the operational year _' fell in the range of April and May water temperatures at Location 4.0 0:: during preoperational years (Figure Pe-3), historically the times of highest l

                                                         .VI-Pe-9 l

l E _ _ - ,_ .. - _ __ J

periphyton production. Indeed, the high standing cron measurements observed during January and February at Location 4.0 of the operational year are in the range of the spring peak during the preoperational period. Therefore, it appears that the increased temperatures found in midwinter at Location 4.0 advanced and prolonged the spring peak in periphyton production. Increased temperatures during midwinter (January through March) were also observed at Location 3.0 (5 to 9 C baseline year and 9 to 13 C operational year), and probably accounted for the increased periphyton abundance also observed there. Community Composition A total of 414 algal taxa were identified from artificial substrate samples collected in Lake Norman during the study period, including eight classes and 94 genera (Tables Pe-7 and Pe-8). Class composition of total densities and biovolumes for location 3.0 (mixing zone), Locatior, 4.0 (discharge cove), and h Location 8.0 (control) are presented in Figures Pe-4 and Pe-5. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), with few exceptions, dominated tie periphyton assemblages in lower Lake Norman, generally composing over two-thirds of the total density and over three-fourths of the total biovolume. Green algae (Chlorophyceae) were generally the second most abundant class of periphytic algae,followedbybluegrenyp1gae(Myxophyceae). Other classes of algae generally did not contribute a sianificant portion (less than 2%) to the periphyton community, and will not be discussed separately. Diatoms composed a major portion of the periphyton community nearly every month of the year, with green and blue green algae typically becoming abundant during preoperational years only during the warmer months ( April through September). O VI-Pe-10

Higher populations of green and blue green algae at Locations 3.0 and 4.0 were observed during January and February of the operational year, which was more typical of the commt.r.: ties in late spring and early summer of the preoperational years. Populations of green algae were also~ higher at Location 8.0 during. January of the operational year. Although blue green algae composed a large portien of the total density from January through April at Location 4.0 and during April at Locatico 3.0 of the operational year, they composed only a small portion of the total biovolume, Blue green algae never dominated the periphyton assemblages in the discharge cove during mid-summer of the opera-

     -tional-year.        Temperatures maintained at 35 to 40 C art necessary for periphyton communities to shift dominance to blue green algae (Patrick 1971), and these temperatures were never reached at Location 4.0 (Chapter IV).

O Me$or Texe Major taxa were considered only for the baseline and operational years at Locations 3.0, 4.0, and 8.0. As periphyton taxonomic composition on artificial substrates typically varied little from year to year, the baseline year was considered to adequately represent the preoperational period. Percentages of all. taxa which composed greater than 5% of the total-density or biovolume in any nionth during these periods (along with class total) are presented in Tables Pe-4, Pe-5, and Pe-6. Major taxa are considered those which comprised greater than 10% of the total density or biovolume at any one time and comprised greater than 5% of the total density or biovolume three or more times. fhe 17 major taxa thus chosen include 10 diatom taxa, 3 green algal taxa, and 4 blue green algal taxa. O VI-Pe-11

Achnanthes microcephala, a ubiquitous diatom. species commc, in lentic habitats (Patrick and Reimer 1966), was the major numerical dominant at all locations, O ~~ frequently composing more than 40% of the total density. Due to its small size (128 pm3), it usually comprised a smaller portion of the biovolume. A number of stalked diatoms were major constituents of the periphyton community, espe-cially during cooler months: Cymbella tumida, a large species which occasion-ally comprised a large part of the biovolume, and several species of the genus Gomphonema (G. acuminatum, G. gracile, and G. parvulum). These species are all cosmopolitan (Lowe 1974) and attach themselves to the sub;trates by gelatinous stalks. G. parvulum is a rheophilous form which is commonly abundant in streams. Other major diatom taxa include Anomoeneis vitrea and Navicula notha, both of which were also abundant on natural substrates in Lake Norman (Derwort 1982a). The only centric diatom among major taxa was Melosira varians., a largo (7762 pm3), typically periphytic species which often composed a major portion g of the total biovolume (maximum = 85% at Location 4.0, February 1979) during cooler months (November through April). The remaining major diatom taxa were knedra rumpens, which is also commonly found in phytoplankton, and Tabellaria flocculosa, which was only found in abundance during winter of the baseline year at Location 4.0. There were no major changes in diatom species composition between baseline and operational year. The three green algae considered major taxa were two largt filamentous forms, Mougeotia spp. and Spirogyra spp. , and a small coccoid form, Nannochloris spp. Nannochloris spp., while abundant numerically (11 to 26%) during the summer months of the baseline year at both Locations 3.0 and 4.0, never contributed more than 5% of the total biovolume due to its small size (12 pm3 ). It did not contribute more than 5% of the total density at any time during the operational O VI-Pe-12

                .   -            .. _    -..        _  _   _       _       . _. __ _ ~. _ _
    -year. Spirogyra spp., on the other hand, never comprised more thin 5% of the h  total density, but due to its very large size (4578 pm )3 contributed a substan-tial part of the biovolume on several occasions (e.g., 32% at Location 3.0 in April 1984). Mougeotia spp. was the most abundant green algal taxon observed during the study, often composing more than 5% of both total density and biovolume. Members of this genus are commonly lentic (Prescott 1962), and grow well at temperatures from 10 to 15"C (Whitford and Schumacher 1963).        Mougeotia spp. generally showed an increase at Locations 3.0, 4.0, and 8.0 during the operational year compared with the baseline year (Tables Pe-10, Pe-11, and Pe-12). For example, Mougeotia spp. composed less than 5% of the total standing crop at location 3.0 from October through April of the preoperational year, but composed from 6 to 70% of the total biovolume during the same months of the operational year. At Location 4.0, Mougeotia spp. composed iess than 7% of the Q  total biovolume during January, Februcry., and March of the preoperational year.

Mougeotia spp. increased to compose more than 40% of the total biovolume at Location 4.0 during aanuary, February, and March of the operational year, and accounted for a large part of the total mid-winter increase in biovolumes when compared with the baseline year. Mougeotia spp. also composed from 8 to 54% of the total biovolumes at Location 8.0 during December, January, and February of the operational year, although total biovolumes these months were quite low (Fig. Pe-5). The major blue green algal taxa occurring in lower Lake Norman were all fila-mentous forms: Lyngbya ochracea, Lyngbya spp., Oscillatoria spp., and Phormidium augustatum. Lyngbya ochracea and Lyngbya spp. will ue lumped tcgether for

. purposes of discussion. Of the three taxa, Lyngbya spp. and Phormidium augusta-tum have very small blovolumes, and even where numerically abundant never L


composed more than 5% of the total biovolume during the baseline or operational period at Locations 3.0, 4.0, or 8.0. Oscillatoria spp., due to its somewhat larger size, made up more than 5% of the total biovolume during Aoril of the operationci year at Location 4.0 (8.4%) and during September and October of the preoper&tional year at Location 3.0 (5.6 and 6.6% respectively). Derbities of blue green algae, primarily these three tajor taxa, were higher durir g the winter ano ;drly spring in the discharge cove (Location 4.0) during the opera-tional year compared with the baseline year. Blue green algae composed less than 5% of the total density during January through April at the discharge cove during the baseline yet.r, but composed from 20 to 66% of the total density from January through April of the operational year. (Even when abundant on artificial substrates, mats of blue green algae were not observed at any time in the discharge canal.) Blue green algae did not compose more than 5% of the total density or biovolume at Location 8.0 from December through March of the opera- h tional year. Again, while this is most likely due to the increase in water temperatures in the immediate vicinity of the discharge; it is highly localized and represents an early onset and prolongation of more typically late spring and summer populations. Indeed, populations of blue green algae observed during the summer months (June, July, and August) of the operational year at Locations 3.0, 4.0, and 8.0 were similar to those observed during the summer months of the baseline year (Tables Pe-10 through Pe-12). Macrophytes No formal surveys for macrophyte abundance and distribution were made in Lake Norman during the operational year. However, observations by personnel during I l VI-Pe-14 l

_ __ ~ - _ . . _ __ _ _ . _ _ _ routina sampling throughout the lake revealed no obvious increase in macrophyta abundance subsequent to the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station compared with previous years. Summary

1) A total of 414 pariphytic algal taxa was identified from artificial subs-trates in Lake Norman from Jcne 1977 through August 1984, including eight classes and 94 genera.
2) Periphyton standing crop during tb preoperational period at all lower Lake Norman locations (as measured by chlorophyll, total densities, and biovolumes) generally peaked in spring (March, April, and May) and declined throughout the summer months, with an occasional small observed-in the fall (September through November). Periphyton stant . during midwinter (January and February) in the immediate vicinity of the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0) increased substantially during the operational year, with. values more closely resembling those of late spring during preoperational years. Organic accumula-tion rates did not always follow the trends of the other standing crop variables due to the occasional presence of significant amounts of non-algal matter, and were considered:a less reliable indicator of periphytic algal abundance.
3) Diatoms, with few exceptions, dominated the periphyton assemblages by numbers and biovolume.throughout the entire study period, frequently composing over two-thirds of the total numbers and three-fourths of the biovolumes.

Achnanthes microcephala, e ubiquitous attached species common-in lentic environ-ments, was the overall dominant. Other major taxa of diatoms included Anomoeneis vitrea, Cymbella tumida, several species of the genus Gomphonema, Navicula VI-Pe-15

notha, Synedra rumpens, and Tabellaria flocculosa. No major shifts in diatom g species composition could be determined in the mixing zone following the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station.

4) Green algae, mostly the large filamentous forms Mougeotia spp. and Spirogyra spp., occasionally composed as much as 50% of the total biovolume. Green algae increased substantially over preoperational levels in the McGuire discharge cove (Location 4.0) during winter months of the operational year and to a lesser extent at Locations 3.0 and 8.0, Nannochloris, a small coccoid form, occurred during summer of the baseline year, but was rever a significant portion of the biovolume.
5) Blue green algae, almost eatirely filamentous forms (Lyngbya spp., Oscil-latoria spp., and Phormidium spp.), were often numerically abundant during h warmer months of the preoperational period. With the exception of some Oscil-latoria species, most species were very small and contributed less than 5% of the total biovoluce. Blue green algae were also found in greater abundance in the vicinity of the McGuire discharge (Location 4.0) A ring winter months of the operational year. However, species occurring in the discharge cove during the operational year were similar to those found during summer of the preopera-tional period, indicating merely an acceleration of normal seasonal succession.
6) Effects of the operation of Ik3uire Nuclear Station in the immediate vicinity of the discharge during winter months (increased standing crops and higher populations of green and blue green algae during midwinter) are consi-dered to be due primarily to the increased temperatures advancing and prolong-ing spring-like conditions for growth. Water current may have some undetermined O


      . _   ._.. _ ___        __-..-.__-.. _.__._. _.~       -            _.______ _ ___

effect on the-periphyton community due to physiological enrichment of nutrients, and may possibly. favor the growth of some theophilous forms. Effects, however, were highly localized in the discharge cove and were not observed to nearly the , same degree at Location 3.0 in the mixing zone. Since the species of blue green and other algae found in the discharge cove during the operational year were similar to those found during the preoperational year, the effects of the cperation of McGuire Nuclear Station on the periphyton community were consid-

        .ered to be minor.

t O LO 4 VI-Pe-17

 ,              .-~, -

Table l'e-l. Feriphyton sampilng history for locations in take Morsan and Hnuntain Island Lane. N. C. free January 1973 through August 1994 LOCAil0ers Ltper Type & Orientation Parameters lower take Morsan Upper tale Norman Mt.Istand itse Fraw of Substrate Measured 1.0 1.2 3. 0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 13.0 34.0 14~0 15.9 16.0 Artifical Substrates January 1970-April 1973 Pleziglas, Horizontal AfDW A A A A May 1973-March 1975 " *' A A A A A April 1975-December 1975 Glass. A A A A A January 1976-March 1976 ~

  • A A A A April 1976-December 1976 "


  • A A A A A January 1977-March 1977*

March 1977-August 1977

  • AfDV.cht. A A A A A B Comuni ty Composition Septeeber 1977-April 1978 " " -

A A. A A A A 8 May 1978-June 1979

  • A A A A A A A A A A. B June 1979-Jur.e 1083 A A A A A A B July 1993-August 1984
  • A A A A Natural Substrates July 1974-July 1979 s et ment s Community C C Coscos ition A e Monthly replicates at 1.5 m depth B = Monthly replicates at 0.1 m depth C = Quarterly, no replicates
   * = All periphyten sampling discontinued ouring this period.

AfDel = Ash-free dry weight

O O OL b Table Pe-2. Organic accumulation rates (mg m-2. day-8) of periphyton collected from locations in Lake Norman, NC from June 1977 through August 1984. Year locetlea J49 fE8 Ma APS or Jun M ans 51P GCI aicy pit

1. 0 59.4 94.4 28.2 92.2 %9 29 0 le 4 i 3.2 * * *
  • 29 8 89 3 2. e 1977 30 159 8 106 60 72.0 90 6 41 8 64 7 8.F

, 4. 0 163 9 130 9 91.8 #5 37 4 16 7 20.6

6. 0 130.1 57.8 MS 218 4 61.2 F2.2 18 7 80 PS 131.3 48 9 68 8 25 8 23 7 6.8
1. 0 1. 3 32 27 3 40 2 85 2 74 9 *5 31 15 2 5e 39 3.8 1.2 21 7. 2 43 4 2F 9 95 4 49.4 307 7 220 4 71.1 26 6 11.9 82 1978 30 03 39 14 0 P5 1t2 6 173 8 til 3 84 7 118.3 17.8 12.7 21 7
4. 0 11 54 23 9 29 6 . 61.7 69 9 12 3 35 3 130 4 #5 22.5 44.9 6.0 66 Il e 37 0 49 4 69 4 91 0 129 7 17.3 77 0 IIS 9 le 4 12 8 8.0 P5 80 11 0 16.2 76 0 103 0 88 3!.8 19 8 31 5 12 5 32.4
1. 0 26 el 5 69 64 8 FI 6 140 9 7! 9 le 6 56 48 8 19 4 26.5
1. 2 4.3 78 17 8 40.3 52 0 83 6 55 6 21 6 43 5 58 2 IS 6 14 3 1979 30 17.4 43 8 e6.1 49 8 131 8 47.9 149 6 79 8 32 4 30 4 24 6 30 1 40 15 4 24 2 276.3 99 5 84 9 34 2 80 8 170 1 56 6 61 9 98 18.5 ,

60 11.6 98 22 9 39 2 382.8 las 3 65 6 66 6 %6 (F 7 15 6 16 8 80 56 30.5 '34 44 4 112.3 129 3 57.8 8. 3 48 42.4 2L6 18 5 1.0 *

  • lis 7 MS 145 1 28 4 60 5 15 8 40 2 12 22 29 9 19 5 60 8 s19.1 192 7 55 4 196 4 17.4 23.6 99 26 5 15 % 30 23 6 9e 9F 47.1 122 5 mi lit I lit I as ms 12 3 12.9 40 14 4 16 1 69 3 117.5 130 8 54.5 96 9 171.8 54 3 46 7 27.9 33 9 60 IS O 58 91 57,3 160.5 109 9 116 1 2C 39 109 3 27 6 92 64 L 88 32.5 74 3.2 72.7 137,4 45 3 18 5 13 4 F. 4 98 17 9 24.9 18 13.3 13 4 83 F. 5 ' 26 4 93.3 90 0 103 e 17 8 76 it 8 4.6 12 13 8 71 M5 68- 18 1 115 2 31 7 64 8 24.8 58 41 0 91 1981 30 87 10 2 ** 14 6 36 7 78 0 71 1 72 5 77 42 31 9 38 4.0 22.0 32 3 28 6 38 9 63 5 90 6 59 0 39 8 30 6 30 6 Se 1 94 6.0 92 12 2 65 5.4 13 4 #5 99 2 58 4 126 8 57 5 21 4 28 r 1 80 *9.9 p5 45 2 0.9 44 ia 7. 7 15 2 r31 19 8 23 4 39 s 11.7 >

1.0 11 4.2 65  %.F 60 8 21.5 31,9 13 8 30 1 12 6 li e 12.0 12 m5 e5 4.7 68 8 99 6 24 2 16 1 18 F 21 0 24 12 2 MS 1942 30 40 95 13.7 M5 68 3 88 9 22 8 %4 29 1 88 18 6 9.2 4.0 16 1 31 3 94 2 375 $ 136 I 107 0 Me 95 8 76 9 40 9 26 2 32.7 6.0 ers 48 11 8 36 3 19t 3 10e 4 60 9 71 7 I?8 4 56 1 15 6 79 80 15 m 23 1 49 I 194 8 17 4 33 4 22.3 p5 63 *2 4 38.4 IO 28 29 3 17.4 10e 3 *5 115 3 * * * * *

  • 1i 56 94' 40.1 110 I 159 4 93 9 88 9 21 C 16 II 4 Me 2. 7 1663 30 10 2 96 25.2 151 2 139 4 as 15 9 178 4 15 8 12 9 46 0 07 40 32.7 25 4 37.2 196 8 144 8 1D5 1 47 0 74 7 58.7 25 0 31 4 16.3 68 18 9 15.5 12 5 108 8 65 9 * * * *
  • i 86 3 *
6. 0 2.3 12 1 26 5 wi 2D19 139 8 80 0 M #5 #5 38 14 1.2 8.1 15 9 17.3 105.3 58 8 2a6 0 47 3 35 5 1964 30 12 2 29 9 le 7 84 5 ms 70 1 58 2 15 8 4.0 65.6 139 1 198.7 98 3 122 9 65 3 42 9 35 0 80 27 67 , I4 . 86 9 9a e =5 8: 2 337 I PS = ptssing Seacter
  • hot !ampled

O O O Table Pe-3. True chlorophyll a concentrations (mg m-2) of periphyton collected from locations in Lake, Norman, NC'from June 1977 through August 1984. u., twetse un 78 w .v n m .nm x ats See Oct mov 04 c 1.0 MS 5 55 1.31 3.70 0 34 1 92 0 07 12 - - *

  • e 62 6n O SI 1977 30 1 57 3 95 1 39 2 e2 0 47 3 99 0 20 48 1 00 4 07 1.36 mi 1 87 0 69 0 71 6.0 1 33 1 60 #5 4.70 0 el 5.66 1 05 80 ms 27.30 0 46 2.97 0 74 0.24 0.14 1.0 0.15 0.11 3 16 3.32 13 e6 9 el P5 3 67 2 70 0 56 1 C8 3 10 3.2 0 23 0 30 2 89 4.02 13 H 4 33 3 63 20 47 4.24 1 14 1.87 2 06

, 1978 30 0 35 0 17 1.25 PS 12.40 6 67 6.03 4 21 2.06 1.4e 1 17 6 60 40 0.49 0 13 1.06 4.24 9 39 2.91 1.43 1.17 3% M5 4 01 3 21 6.0 0.17 0 12 1 97 : 4 07 9 56 4 13 3 63 1 12 7.23 4 82 0.32 0.. n 8.0 RS 0 08 0.59 3 68 15 81 15 14 1 14 4 06 3 56 1 49 1.61 1 46 1.0 0 to 0 44 5.17 7 93 9 42 5 71 14 63 0 el 0 61 25 2e le 45 1.37 12 0 05 0 30 3 33 8 15 9.30 6.77 7 ?S 0 93 2 99 1 7. 35 7 35 0 49 1979 30 0 38 0.31 0 87 9 ?2 25 29 7 01 2 09 3 36 1 51 6.90 3.92 0 20 40 0 03 0.20 3.45 21,72 6.55 7 35 11 64 6 09 6 54 21 el 12 et 1. n 60 0 10 0 52 0.48 5.74 11 01 Il 37 7. M 4 03 2 77 6H 4 13 0 83 6.0 0.10 0.54 0.92 1.72 31 14 28.39 3 81 0 30 0.68 9 88 9 07 0 55 1.0 S OS #5 5 39 4 70 2. 75 1.60 6 =6 12 0 44 0 59 4 13 1C.2 le 39 7.46 ' 5 39 4. 36 2 06 2 06 1 49 4 47 1980 30 0 32 0 ?? 0 66 10 0 14 36 M5 6 99 4 36 Mi p5 1,03 2 57 4C 0 43 2.26 10 68 32 64 14 82 4.13 13 44 9 07 17.47 10 11 6 32 8.77 60 0 02 0 05 1.49 8 61 27.78 9 42 5 53 4 el 13 67 4 e2 1 25 e 39 80 1.e4 1.11 0.91 33 44 4 49 1 60 0 60 0 95 2 64 2 40 0 07 6 89 10 0 00 0 02 0 07 0.15 0.73 4 04 0 57 1 12 0 17 0 37 15 06 a 14 12 0 14 0 02 ms 0 17 1.42 5 42 3 39 9 37 0M e es 14 30 e 23 1981 30 0 05 0 52 0 09 15 65 4 34 6 44 0 fts 4 39 0. 78 0 58 e 92 0.64 4.0 1.21 0 29 2.24 3 28 8 25 5.36 2 27 6 52 3 62 6 12 16 46 3.22 6.0 0 05 . 0 19 0 45 0 30 0% #5 2 P9 6 60 3 01 4 25 2 55 0 09 80 0 28 PS 0.30 0 05 0 43 6 14 0 *4 5 Cl 1 95 3 24 10 99 0 87 10 0 93 0M i 10 1 36 2 71 1 13 0 67 0 62 0 25 0 37 4 67 0 53 12 Mi 0 07 1 20 7.77 4 9'r I 10 0 39 1 ce 0 30 0 90 5 77 wi 1992 30- 0 16 0 32 0 71 PS 2.55 T. 4 3 1 09 3 63 0 90 0 5e 11 45 2 21 40 4.93 7.08 15 09 7.50 13 06 6 32 11 75 6 34 5M 6 09 to 37 It $1 60 PS 0 37 1 03 5 95 8 69 9 95 1 47 9 79 3 15 4 02 4 30 0 94 80 0 18 M5 5.20 3 91 21.11 1.77 11 33 1.75 #5 3 24 12 62 5 98 0.19 * * * * , 1.0 G 61 1 31 82 14 M5 1 50 *

  • 1.2 0.25 1 26 1 14 45.69 27 82 7,94 2 24 6 62 I 66 4 43 18 04 0 73 1983 3.0 0 65 1 P9 3 61 66 19 23 95 *5 0 18 5 42 2 97 4 49 8 00 0.36 40 6 41 4 25 9 97 69 38 35 US 2 98 1.49 1.e3 3. 6% 7.e4 13 4e 12.6c 60 0 64  ! 21 1 24 30 23 4 11 2.53 * *
  • 80 2.13 5 34 3 er p5 49 94 e 54 9 . 16 M5 ws mi 1 38 0 30 12 0 83 1 73 3 17 49 29 7.30 26 75 6 29 3 e6 1984 30 1 55 4 6e 2 42 36 55 "5 14 43 11 74 6.91 40 46 83 32 12 42 54 19 37 15 05 9 26 3. 36 3 74 80 1.49 0.63 1 92 42 89 8 47 mi 3 35 3 03 M5
  • Missing Saw l+r
  • Not Saap ted

3 O'

                                                                                                   /                                                   V Table Pe-4         Total densities (units x .109-m-2) of periphyton collected from Iccations. in Lake Norman, NC f rom ' June 1977 through Augtsst 1984.


  • A78 MM JUm JUL ALO $1P OCT mot DEC tear tacetica 10 #5 1.00 1.47 1.84 8 14 0 25 0 01
                                                                                              -          *       *
  • 0 35 1 34 0 03 12 1 04 0.03 1977 30 1 08 1 25 4 el 4 36 0 le 40 4 22 3 11 1 07 PS 0 64 w5 0.11 60 1.79 I 49 P5 5 52 0 49 1 96 0.60 80 P5 e 02 0 17 1 le 9.18 0M 0 el .


                           .10             0 01      0 01     0 29         0.37   le 6    17 0         #5      1 22    2 32    9 99    0 33     0 87 4

12 0 01 0 02 0 31 0 93 17.3 9 40 3 41 3 74 3 93 8 90 1 00 0 73 19^8 30 8 G2 9 02 ,0 29 #5 17.6 30 8 6 24 18 2 1 45 1 76 5.62 1.06

4. 0 0 02 2 02 0 le 1 09 6 54 7 Os 2.20 3 53 4 42 as 1 33 16e ,

60 0. C2 0 C) 0 45 1.19 10 0 17 4 4 52 1.30 16 9 7 41 0 24 2 45 8.0 #5 0 el 0 08 0.49 6 57 26 2 1.57 3 74 2 87 0 75 0 41 0 4e i 0 09 1 40 8 72 21 4 9 82 49 4 1 17 0 47 15 4 3 01 1 24 1.0 C. 21 0 73 1.2 0 05 6 to 0 91 9 94 11 4 9 92 98: 1 19 2M te 2 3.30

                 'P9        30             0 03      9.03      0 32      12 2     25 2     IF 5       21 3     4 74     3 96   6 64    2 36     0 69        !

f 40 0 17 0 12 4.77 12.2 6 43 7 10 9 72 3 60 3 27 8 II 4 04 1 09

                            &O             O le       O D6     0 73         6 76  17.4     11 3        4%       3 ce    1 61   5 55     3 64    0 70 80             0 07       0.13     0 19         3.49  17 4     21 6       U2        a. 94  0 67    7 e4     2 50    0.5         o IO               *          *        *            *   '*         8 06      w5       9 59    0 73    1 68    1 07    8 59 1.2            0 08       w 27     5. 70   . 7.16     13 4       7 69
  • 90 5 34 0 66 1.37 0 79 3 56
                  ; W8 3    30             0 17       0 11     2 37      12 1     21 1      P5         9 64     4 07   #5      m5       1 19    2 19 40             0 08       1.19     6 62       Il 2    17 4       8 el     12,4      8 65    4 59   4 64     2 24    5 52 60             0 04       0 13     2.15         7 44  27 7     11 8        4 27     3 73    5 17   5 30     0 99    0 60        [

80 0 22 0 44 0 82 le 5 21 9 1 94 3 32 1 90 0. 30 2 60 2.21 12.7 - 10 0 05 0 C2 0.19 0 19 1 34 4 28 0 *4 5 65 0. 34 0 31 9 94 0 09 12 0 06 0 01 #5 0 24 2 05 3 50 2 #9 9 77 0 39 1 44 9 16 0.22 0 64 0 02 0.22 7 90 2 60 4 64

  • 49 4 90 0 99 0 53 11 9 0 47 44a1 30 40 0 66 0 le 2 42 2.58 4 21 5M i. 14 6 47 2 et 2 89 9 12 1 22 a

60 0 C8 0 17 0 24 0 52 0 79 M 2 il 8 94 1 96 3 93 4 34 0M J 80 0 04 ms 0 50 0 05 0 17 3 45 0 87 2 38 0 94 2 44 11 6 0.99


0 04 0 04 0 45 3 37 6 69 1 22 1 36 1 46 0 64 0 56 3 Se 0.73 Ie 0 64 0 57 4 29 PS 12 0 06 0.04 8.61 11 9 21 5 1 29 1 22 1 69 0 11 0 18 0.53 #5 9 26 10 2 2 29 3 82 0 75 1 59 6 49 1.e4 1997 30 5 77 7 45 7 46 I 8.D 3 27 4M 11 % 20 5 19 7 15 5 II 5 10 8 3 If 60 ms e 27 0 to 10 6 12 6 15 6 1 49 10 4 2 97 1 73 5 p5 1.21 0 07 #5 3.16 ' 3 85 44 9 7 09 9 01 2 47 P5 0 31 4 09 3 43 80 10 0 13 0 11 0 34 le 7 PS 4 32 0 13 8 20 0.29 9 54 14 1 5 95 8 47 5 49 0 52 1. 30 4 9e 0 33 I2 8 93 0 90 1 92 0 11 1993 '30 6 77 0 30 1 09 . 20 8 14 8 M 0 Si 1 25 1 51 3 54 8 42 to 6 9 62 2 24 3 38 1.le 2.53 3 71 1.57 , 40 0 41 * * * * *

  • j 60 0 71 1 03 0 99 15 2 2 95 1 47 1.58 1 75 Ps 20 9 15 3 3 33 PS #5 "5 0 40 0 11 i

6,0 1 26 12 0 29 0.38 1 39 21 4 6 74 12 6 7 49 I 96 1981 30 8 49 0 83 1.10 Il 9 #5 4 82 6 07 3 43 40 6 92 5.10 7.92 3 88 IS 0 $M 3M 2 45 80 0 45 0 19 6 71 19 I 19 0 ms 3 23 0 $3 i 4 #5

  • Mi$$$4@ $4*COFF
  • 5141 f 68* Att ENRCIed

i Table Pe-5. ' Total biovolumes (mm 3

                                                                     -m-2) of periphyton to11ected from locations in Lake Norman, NC from June 1977 through August 1984.

Test toc at ice J44 F19 MA4 AF, au f pne y a.g 5gp gg t ww mt 10 m 25 0 828 1.2

  • 543 73 el 7 1917 3P 13e 35 3 31 1 76 371 1770 1570 57 773 as 40  %) 1970 69 83 MS 761 #5 Ile 534 332 ** 1600 157 3me 173 0.0 *1 7790 6m 627 *;n 77 13 1.0 5 75 MO 191 23 30 1760 #5  :

29 617 1% 72 755 12 9 e5 447 668 2r30 1549 S ie 569 e50 1978 3,0 12 212 753 200 36 22, #5 7%0 2170 1910 1519 310 aos le7 219 40 13 36 294 36s 1368 res 6.0 5 51 307 7a3 65e lese m 273 677 767 F140 12M7 592  ??O e?94 Ig re 77 55 80 #5 7 215 705 1130 2370 282 523 750 l'5 115 187

1. 0 30 Ill 742 1679 33?O 1776 2459 215 126 3917 1555 316 1.2 24 291 359 7924 1669 1123 775 1979 30 234 537 35ES 9e6 191 16 12 3a0 7092 3617 13e6 2159 779 504 1397 416 221 4.0 120 7*6 38 31 8655 18e3 pe; le 39 75; 7e3 7979 tem 720 60 39 44 243 3714 M63 1791 664 80 664 30* 1103 712 158 49 541 447 304 7433 17e7 2717 318 155 less ses 2 71 1.0 * * *- *
  • F97 PS 1997 39? 714 292 1722 1.2 109 404 2?!* 2093 7773 10e9 12ee les3 1*RO 30 767 519 3e3 s50 MS 122 486 1693 2716 #5 1012 969 #5 85 245 369 4.0 208 6',4 3690 3448 13,157 775 1907 2'347 leap jes7 60 1945 37eo 39 97 472 1130 5568 1775 SM 00 91e 1**1 1769 729 99 MS 7aj 919 5753 3147 M4 e50 75n as Sal Sa7 g390 1.0 44 15 41 M5 725 793 779 1 72 105 59 1934 21 12 34 10 M5 39 35 9 2;P a71 1566 1981 30 18 9 35 77 7 78 21** 32 1815 450 703 9e 5 39 754 **

40 170 94 686 637 7 tm e 60 989 1*27 9 79 2*ef 9W 871 $ lee 3ne 60 23 32 124 78 167 *5 644 ?64 3 1071 471 760 12 80 40  % PO 9 33 799 W- NI 3n6 das 2+14 ye 10 16 99 324 661 999 270 193 t 188 1.2 707 $ 75 169 20 315 395 1*93 7776 178 213 2M 1**? 157 215 1270 #5

3. 0 26 35 1 36 #5 #90 1539 3:$ 54 177 53? 1377 516 40 912 1372 7347 6888 7954 *1 33ee 5 ?;t 3033 759; 75ms ;6s5 60 P5 77 272 1380 1607 3197 605 51 601 328 911 IS6 80 19 ms 493 675 8109 1050 1610 379 95 93 3 79 799 20 29 249 279 11,700 P5 619 * * * * *
  • 12 71 515 Im6 6ase 2063 745 1959 1364 146 1983 30 563 7"9 365 134 316 241 6940 7331 #5 162 73D 645 4.0 324 Ic P0 107 14 % 690 1312 6500 5367 2609 4 31 317 331 619 60 tv7 993 150 sSt 275 7Fv2 689 709 * * * * *
  • 80 180 660 457 R5 3094 Its6 545 M *1 M5 64 77 I2 175 429 1748 5194 1758 7019 3 )*6 6@7 togs 30 484 6% 538 6231 #1 II95 1213 1003 40 6477 5055 6006 17 % 4712 1070 3 35 483 8.0 293 105 5 75 4747 5304 M 495 M9 >

P5 = missin0 Saar tu

  • 5tation met Saarled

ieble l'e-6. Comparison of operational salues of periphyton organic accumulation rates, true chloret h yll a contentrations, total densities, and total elevolumes with preoperational means and 95% confidence Intervals at locations 4.0, 3 0, a~f 8.0 in Late korvan, *C. Organic Accumulation Rates True Chlorophytt a Total Densities Tetal Blevotaces (eg-e~2-day'f) (eg e-a ) (units 2 10' o) (n** a-ry Preop. 95% Conf. Lieits 01 Preep. 95% Conf. Limits _ L1 Preep, 95% Conf. Lleits On Freep 9j% Conf. Lleits 07 Mean N an Mean Mean twer Ltrer y ( Hean Lower Upper Mean Mean Lower M- t_e- r typer tocation 4.0 Jan 13.2 0.0 27.2 65.6* 0.54 0.0- 1.32 46.83* 0.26 0.00 0.69 6.82* 17e 0 fe 6477* Feb 19.5 0.0 37.6 119.1* 0.72 0.0 2.36 32.92* 0.38 0.00 1.25 5.10* 275 0 741 32*%* 4.35 0.0 11.24 42.54* 3.55 0.00

  • 13 7.92 1615 0 414e 6008-Mar .

M.ay 6.77 0.00 18.34 18.0 Jun 4,13 1.13 7.13 9.26* Sep 4.09 2.31 5.88 1.10* 1494 0 3092 331 Oct 48.7 17.9 79.4 25.5 Nov 5.77 0.0 13.39 13.49' 939 0 2476 2507* Dec 3.51 0.0 9.34 12.(0* tocation 3.0 Jan 0.28 0.03 0.52 1.55* 0.04 0.00 0.08 0 49* 15 8 23 f" feb 0.18 0.00 0.37 1.69* 0.04 0.00 0.11 0 83* 50 0 129 655* 0,77 0.00 1.54 2.42* 251 0 523 516 Mar Apr 37.2 0.0 85.8 84.5 11.82 3.59 20.06 36 55* 1867 1541 2192 6239' Jun 5.42 1 32 9.53 14.43* Jul 114.5 78.9 150.2 58.2* 3.95 0.77 7.14 11.74* Aug 82.2 61.0 103.4 k5 8' 3.33 1.96 5.09 6.91* 5.74 2.63 8.86 3.25 Sep 80.4 0.0 189.4 15.8 2.13 0 50 3.75 2.97 3,33 0 00 6.98 0.91 Oct 30.1 0.2 59.9 12.9 Nov 2.53 0.00 5.15 8.00* 265 64 4 66 1930* Dec 18.4 3.2 33.5 0.7* tocation 8.0 Jan 19.1 0. 0 52.4 2. 7 0.12 0.00 0.34 0.45* 45 0 102 293* Mar 0.68 0.21 1.15 1.82* Apr 31.8 0.0 83.6 86.9* 9.72 0.00 35.00- 42.89* 4.13 0. 00 15.17 19.1* May 1685 0 3881 5304* Aug 36.1 0.3 71.9 337.1* Nov 18.9 11.1 26.7 3.8* Dec 15.7 3.2 28.1 1.4*

                                                       ' Month where operational mean fell outside of 95% confidence interval for preoperatienal vetoes                                                                  b

O Table Pe-7. Distribution of taxa among algal classes from periphyton samples collected from artificial substrates in lower Lake Norman, NC from June 1977 through Augu ' 1984. Genera No. Taxa Bacillariophyceae 32 249 Chlorophyceae 37 92 Myxophycere 11 39 Chrysophyceae 7 13 Euglenophyceae 2 7 Dinophyceae 2 7 Crypt ;phyceae 2 6 Haptophyceae 1 1 Total 94 414 O O

1stde Fe4 $0ettet litt of periphytit einee cellected f rom locattons in lose hormeni N; f rtwe June 1977 terciugh N,un s9M . ( Div6sion Chlorophyte C less Chler0Phyceae Otvistoc (neysophyte

  *                                                                                             ('ess $st illar nephyceae A telcetys (tores) talfs                                                                Achaeathes s'f tnis Grun.

A Telc atui vor ett(uteets ( A Draum) C L west

                                            ,                                                           K TiefTG Leie 1 Tij'T atus vee e eeM T E (west and weits G t west                                     I       e. g . crun A Iairetus vet st veiletus (Chod ) tm                                                   I heueiano (,run.

K TZTrc.ij t eae sena korth r pui,ge,q e (cre.) gev. I spp. 1 TheTiitj (Dret, ) Crun retwottesmus tw us 16eet 1 Hass 1. T E LTi}j ae, ef t ruisp tete ' (haea: i em selb[ut[s tiere t

k. hh,%tg ,ge, fut,isyegn (Mesiyonieuat spf A Tom,eieg , ecstste (ost . ) must TrieelIe spo T T_i';T6sici nust.
                  ; bcsteeius peevute haeg                                                              1 F,;;TiieTf t,te, i
                   .celestra comoeit e Archer                                                           1. TTateeli(W, setth) Grun.

g retu uleI m (Dang.) Senn 1 Smith g a m e ,eygulosum ver. coacinaw (bebb ) west and west f1 i TTn,7;T; g n,s e t ,,, s t ., cpy,uet e,ti H e (,re,

                .y escheerespecum einedst.                                                              g       ,g , noi, g, g,,

j a3r y ,*csporua see ten y hoecst r ,;c,n qpn.), gguta,) ge,n

                ,,,, tha.ser E I
  • m be dt r .ing i,sweg

[ se, vooc canotum livedst 1 ,inutensi , ,,, eccc,phans hunt. MauUrew' T sa.oait. Aress tuictue tatis  ; ;elh i e 6ete waitulatum ver. einutum Witte. A. ,pp sPD-fosmott ante sescateve betiary lophora ev,a t,,tj (tuta . ) tuta. Fu g eai tetropois (ktech ) west and west 1 ,.si g ... , peo,guig g aug g ) t u ,, pet. I spo pe' h est. Faree,1c il *Ecy,,, rne ,onet, s,etaas ver, tirerbystes (Dreb ) Cleve Wa75 H ran )'m . r -'h ,,a (t. rue.) aoss CTeoryst_is e6a,p y Leen en t

  • Asteesone113 forsiose Mass.

eesituleta hee 9 G lene i s i.e e t H um (Grun ) Cleve

                    - spo                                                                                '

olenstate pauclertne west and west [ pe6hecis eer, Pett. thermel t s (Leun. ) A Cleve i,.c,se (kuta.) 5 eediate (mec ,'. G I M cose ver, eiptne (gneve) Pete, Lenat,oJJ2'" Elebisoenfe Denary , pg, j *aaetaeaiu= M eer 3eepecipoce==a teuettute (Grun es Cleve) neu y sep ;occon,is TT7vtet'lis wallace wontum sort.1e (Dujet ) Wees. . eleg entui, gne


ie naceiene coatoeta (5thatd. ) Dahl ** 'T itneste (tec ) v. N M. . i s t e l etc e5) *.e t, n kyckecagulever. t, tie s , striterie .eae,i,Lg .([.uu ne .. f"iuta .

                                                           .),z (c e    5.t ty 0 - s.ti,                  ,
                                                                                                               ,,e              . t e n io es ,ius t.

te1eene....einen.vs. .. g g a t - w e ie,e- g n ie, uTr.e > < . Q %_ mtd , ,ei II settf,cee br0 anteet. m  % we  ; n a e ,, t a.s out., es .,

                 > spo                                                                                ] me, s i <e.gaiTToesis vee acepunc t s,t,3 fent.
                                                                                                          , tac ilis ([ne. ) kuu.

G uoeotte sp A L ayceiaa Grun. ea sp a 1 tunate w e setto

                 >     suu.                                                                               ? FITr'Giepsese Geus.

Gnaecoleets app. " . . einute sitee es tsbh. Deooccatum spp, d na v ic ul t tee 9 t s Aursw. Oory 31g sep perve (h beith) Cleve kdtesjrus pdred,ta,tum Oseye,

                                                                                                                ,I G ta Grgg P, eDtusum tucas                                                                               t WtCa (Breb.) L K I~ieteej ([ht ) Ralfs                                                                       , s um inu % Geum.

I.- Iit7es vet tetecedon ((erde) 44bh p turgio$ fe'eg Flaantoaeme opp. spp. i. eleau espnaerie neiettnese C. M 5mith Wnticcia eleas9s Ar !

                                                                                                          > spp.

F evoenoos ionius peei n icase visett ITinew etuadeas tsicch ) Chad Biolone t s e H lej,,5,J e (B Jta. ) Cleve

1. erunnans war, e ty== t e t t e ( Sen roed 1 C. M 5=fth  ; meenia*IIE3,t,3 Tiust-I enundans var. brev ic ouve G. M Leith L otdoace'io ~

heog and Autt. 1 iTEiaMus (laTTTiTJ"  ! sep, 5 C aq.Logip , me.ei i,t rhicsei u3t hve 'nie onets e,_rn_ ele a. s 6en.1 net. ac.eim (Innet h tou ie curvete (nut. *ech i n (, M with . esinua (breb en tvu eebn. h yvya nurs,1 too T_T e .iio3e (seen, ) - it s

                 } brassi6ensis honlin s                                                                                             ne I centiculatus Log.                                                                             ilecg tittTGit    Migule(C . f . Mull . ) tabh.

I dimorphus (lurp ) tut 2, petinelis wee. ej,nol (tuta ) Rehh.

                    . ppc),ensis var. contact. Prest.                                                           p,rpu. nle Grun
                                                                                                             , Tasminensis ((shef ) koern.

1,. quadr cuao*icicauos (luep. auda var. ) Breb spine (Turg. ) Bret. gua,8'es f spp.

1. spo. treene te eeevistetete Grun leie'sasteum etnutum (hoog. ) Collins F capuc ina Deso.

Spyeogyre spp. T. canstruens (f br,) Geum hteurast rum negocenthua Lund. T, construens ver, vento* (the. ) GPun. 5 paradosum Meyen T, trotnaensis Etti. I' punctelet e treb. T int c.ed'is Grun. F y'Tiu'ITIFun C M %*lth I gtestauron ver pub _te (Geun ) hust 5 suoreutietim Cooke and W Mit T p nnete ine E teleacer um l alfs I pMG var. leefet tula (5ChWD. ) H14 i app. T v.uc nec t ee (kuts . ) 6eters

                $Uoericate subsecundue tut

)' b 5 spp.

                 ,e t ree-.a e si 8.t u. u-d. ), T. .aucherie, var, capitenate (Crun ) Petr.

T ses. reuuu,,a e.,-,oes nhra oeio.r f T m i n i., TI~Frun) Hansa s eno.innines var capitate (a Maver) Petr i 7 spo T ran.t.o i ne s ver sa=naica (Raba 1 D*toni Titrastru beterocantnus (hoenst 1 Cnodat F M y T Ilfheaties) Deton4 i= inut ne s e gou T. ;;einGTdi t nust. l weue s ia i nweets c M 'im i t h T sup (i.ceci e oceem uninentIfied rninconnytea*

                                                               .     -          ~,

lat'le fe=$. (CDntinueC) [) # h centiculo Grun V w g nonesa atutinat e (hr-h uin y aj.e (tutt ) Grun o ec *inatus var c neonata (Ebr. ) h is6th . D o f f ine kuti. h filiserois (m. $sith) ithett b of fine tar- insione (Greg ) Ancrews 5 to3 @ Gran 0 e, $u, s,,,it t us ( kuta - ) Rabh h TrustWue ( Aut2 ) Grun t ev it a s *7 hr h h osts uo va, perou,i na n ach.) Grun

        -E      eugu.* .( hr .                                             h       gr a RTE' Hec t a O clevei f etche                                                 h h n
                                                                                                 - Htise ist ,
5. o.e m e tar; 6.m uteut u'ba t e w. sot tri 6 int ric atum Euti, E. TIEcorn ( Ag ) w Smith E. cliva(e m (Lyng ) Auft. E W e'r9 var, tenons (w Setth) Grun.

D- pervulus Lut2 h Iorentiana Geun. E nu lev et um ( Grun . ) ( * .i. I Gys@ var suottlis Grun h sicrocephefe Grun. G. tutac levetus var. ees ir snum (Grun. ) Patt.

6. tergest ine (GrunTTIEe L (13e nuta. ) w. Seith t truenet Itir. k peseates Grun
          & t r um e t um var t apitatum (ter. ) Fate ,                    h p 3 6 te=ns h rumene Grun

( tveritThe. u sps h sinusta var. tabellaria Grun Lycostoma gnc eeli (w $sith) Griff, and henf. h @ ITearts huita Mentis cnis ampnios v s (t hr. ) Grun to t herme n i, var gr Pu lse meivsire empieue (Grun ) C. All. h t rytJ ione t 16 var oed t it s ( Arn- ) A Meyer

          > g e stens (I ne , ) Euti .                                     h
                                                                           ,       yt,lione lla v.

t lev euens is (W. belth) Grun h t'yldionella vor. tittotist (irun.

          > cistens var. el -i ena Grun
          @ c' ewe (thr.                    itis                           k       ws.

M orenulate war, annusttisine c mull, lanula'te suu3ensis (Pent. ) Ross a srtraits Muel. h] grenulate ita6scs (thr=) war huta. enoust issime f. I I%p Gbu

  • I 1"*u^it tar. em@ Mephaia (A Meyer) host M italic 4 mar. tenuis sion (Grun. ) hue l .

[ .arians Ag E. meysi eg y (thr.) h. keith M sp0 - 6p0 ine rs e i on ( t eC u t ere (Grev . ) Ag hopalodia CiDba ((hr. ) O. Mull. 5aeletonema potamos (wouer) hasle m circulare var constrictue (kalf s) V. H. Steuruness enreps Ihr. kavi m la scenmode hunt. h assenenses Po e, b l'N_*"'('"IU" ' D IIIs IIItI I EbI-L p ensi, nust. i sei tu i Grun. h atonut nuts.) Grun- $ suk E g itate gne, Itennanon ucus n traea (ter ) Grun. E car n et, var hunwrue (Grun ) noss ent m e 'e' aut ul* Butz. ) Grun spb. h gec(c'ieiforess Greg es Grev. weirella enoustata Kuta. [] 5 htocerneia 1912. h #n ussis Gstrup 5 l l a* * ' ' s

  • 5*ith lin'e'is var ne l ve t i c a ( g rutin. ) me is t gd i breptele war. dvete (Krass.) Nat. 5
           @,,,  v luinens is (Greg ) tat 16                               [ go a t,4 ads.

h en uinensis war, neotecta (krass. ) Pate. > tenuis Meyer I spp- [h gloinensis war, costeete ( A Mayer) Pate. h e. we .er. catusta Patr. Ivneo'* *1ua kuta.

         - h a ocu itera hust.                                             .,,,, ecy var. ostenfelotti teleg.

h oevgaria Genh%n ampniCepnale Auti. b Qy s ingens i % f oged ,! O*I cetiss1*e W M81th h nemoeros i Must. 5 o,Ilcatissima vae, annustisstaa Grun. A nutteotin Erass. [ filiformis Grun. E lanceulata ( Ag. ) kutt. 5 f i1 Hoeois var. entiis A. Cleve I leteropuartete mallete 1 huv. E lusonensis nust. E parasitica (m. Setth) Hust E minime Grun I punc hella Galf s en kut2 E scoiliens$6 var. einer Patr. $ recians auta.

            & .utice avta.                                                   I r . tie n t auta .

h outica ser, undulata (Mtise ) Grun, l. rumpens var. feedtierts nuta.) Grun, E. notna hallace 1. rumpens var. THeilaciotoes Grun. h paucivisitate Pate. I rumgem ver. eeneom niana Grun. h pellicuina (Greb. es Lut2.) Milse $_ run g war. scotica Grun. h g,upule Autz. 1. socia wellace E popula war, autata (trass.) Must. 1. vin. thtta,) thr.

             & cupule war. rectenouleets (Gres. ) Grun.                      1. E var. rames i (Hert ) Hust.

h r m osa kuta. I se. A E. raoiose war. perva wallace i spp i raciosa var. tenella (treD. en Esta.) Ge w Tade)lerta tswestrata nyngo.) tuts. h rnync hoc ephal t kutt. T, floctulose kotn (Rut 2. )

s. reiv acnocephale war. oeemannit (mallace) Patr. Latoentified centrate diatoms k selina*ie Grun. untaenttfied pennate diatoms i salinarium var. intermedia (Grun. ) Cleve Class Ghrysopnyceae N. schroeteri var. e ncampia Patr. (neomulina spp.

h seeinu)w var. musteot ii Patr. 6inocevon bevariC W )shof E. simula Petr.


s divergens lanof

h. suctilitstaa Cleve I seetulacio (hr.
5. trio *ntu b rass. 5 spp.

E. vicioula (Kuta. ) Kutt. Ipipyuis rai=osa (Lautere.) Mill, and Asmund E vicioule war. restellata nuta. ) Cleve  ; spo h spp sepnytton app. keitfiue Af flne (lnr. ) Pf tti. Geniomones u n nbosa Schiller heio um effiae var nonciceps (Greg ) Cleve

  • tonw ata r let t b hit tscnie ec irvlee n (kuta. ) > senth Reuoverpr'yr ton spp.

h ec.te host. Svovi e wu univentiriea enrysconytea. h enonisie Grun. Class M80tCDnyCede E anguttate (b. $54th) Grun. I'nevwn"*u'ine parve tackey

  • apic uleu (Greg. ) Grun
h. cieusii nantz.

J i dle Pe-8. (Continued) Diviston Cryptophyta Class Cryptophyceae Cytimmas ecosa the. yolt[Gr . y phaseetus skuja sp. knodomonas minde skuja L sp. Pivision Cyanophyta Class hymophyceae Agmenellve ga6*%duplicatue bret>

a. thermele (kuta ) Drouet and Daily Anabaen. spo

A.... , . t i . nee. Drouet aid belly pncerta DroGt ano Laley , A. montana (ttent. ) Drouet and belly A 6DV lanotnrie sp-

                       " n rwt ur t ub l iene t 1C v5 team.
                     .. minor (kuta,) heeg
                       . opp.

Nttocnleets sp.

                       'artylococcopsis rapnidicioes hansg.


                       ,yngt ye ocnratea lbur.
                         . Duetilis e. mest
                         . vers iColOr Gomont

{. spp DSC illatoria smoiouum Godsont G empnipia Ag 6 anoustissime went and West

6. articulate Gard, h.calorinekutl 0 t,rmosa Sory p<

i E. {ce inata menes t i s en.1, c. te. V c. wiencioa Grev. E. hetilissima kutt. D. tenuts Ag. b wo . Enoemioive omniou coment 6 anoustate Aappe I anowstissimum West and West F retrii ( As ) Gomont

5. .eioert ene (Dep. ) Ganant I. spo.

Ipirvitna sueselsa 0 erst 5 app-G loentified coccotd blue greens unipentifie0 filementous blue GreeR5 Division tuglenoun sta Class Euglenoonyceae toutens op. Tracnalomanas hispida (Perty) Stein T. nispina var. copies Deft. T. puleneecima Playf, T. volvocina the.

1. we.

Divtsten Pyrrophyta Class Dinophyceae Ctenonint e opp. Peridinium af1CuliferW tem. P, incontDiCUum team. E. putillum (Fen. ) team. E. wiscons enense lady f.spp. onioent m ea ainoonyc ue a i l t-

Table Pe-9. Full taxa names and biovolumes for major periphyton species abbreviated in taxonomic composition Tables Pe10 through Pe-11. Class Abbreviation Full Taxa Name Biovolume(pm3) Chlorophyceae Moug, spp. Mougeotia spp. 2,449 Nanno, spp. Hannochloris spp. 12 Oed. spp. Dedogonium spp. 1,088 Spiro.spp. Spirogyra spp. 4,578 Stig. spp. Stigeocionium spp. 795 Baci11ariophyceae Ach. _ mic ro._ Achnanthes microcephala 128 Anom.' vit. Anomoeneis vitrea 210' Cycl. stell. Cyclotella stelligera 393 Cym aff. Cymbella affinis 1,352 Cym. min. C. minuta 421 Cym tum. C. tumida 10,970

                              -Cym.- turg.             C turgida                     4,578 Frag. vauch.            Fragilaria vaucheriae 160 Gomp. acum.             Gomphonema acuminatum         4,915 Gomp. grac.             G. gracile                       725 Gomp, par.              G. parvulum                      285 Gomp. trun.             G. truncatum                  2,875 Mel, gran.              Melosira granulata            1,600 Mel._gran       v. ang. M. granulata v. angustissima     541 Mel, it      v. - ten. M. italica v. tenuissima         555

Mr var. M. varians 7,762 N.- crypt. Navicula cryptocephala 146 Nav. notha N. notha 224 Nav, subt. N. subtilissima 110 Syn. amphi. S. amphicephala 954 Syn del. Synedra delicatissima 2,636

                              -Syn. rump.              S. rumpens                       229 Syn. ulna               S. ulna                       4,463 Syn.-spi A              S. sp. A                         267 Tab floc.               Tabellaria flocculosa            648 Myxophyceae-          Lyng. ochr.             Lyngbya ochracea                  18 Lyng. spp.              Lyngbya spp.                      30 Oscil, art.             Oscillatoria articulata          173 Oscil, gem.             O. geminata                       26 Oscil spp.              Oscillatoria spp.-                BB-     '

! Phorm. ang. Phormidium angustissimum 6 Unid. fil. Unidentified filaments 4 n O

O. O O Taele Pe 10. Percenteg* ef total nunbers, and in pneentheses, percentage of tetal bioe ' - of e jee per iphy t it aint tawe ( W $e ; bat e,ce*4*d 5% of total num6ers er biovetwaes) collected f ree artificial s*steates n ~ s eien 4.0 in take 1%re.a. WC oweing tb Isaseline (Ju ne 1978 themogh May 1979) and cretational (Septesber 1981 threegh August 1%. . .. s . 84Citt ArtofmCI At prvyortnCI AE (14t0ROPHYCI AE ' Baseline Operational Baseline Operat iesel 8=se15ne Operetten41 Tana year yese Twa year year Ta-a yeae year Toial 7.9 ( 6.6) 11 6 (59.6) Total 91. 3 (91 m) 65 6 (3#.7) Total - (-) 20. 7 ( - )

            ? beg. spp.        5.6 ( 6.3)    11.5 (49.4)  Ach. oltre.      le.8 ( - )     Im 4 ( -)           tyg srp.        -

(- ) 11.8 ( - ) 96ro. spp. - ( -) - (10.2) Cye. tue. - ( - ) - ( 6 C) twid. fi'. - ( -) 60(-) Comp. grac. - ( - ) 10.1 ( 7.7) JAM Goep. par. 26.? (11.1) 11.6 ( -) i Mel. var. - (21.3} - ( 7. a ) Syn. rump. - ( - ; 17.3 ( -) Syn. vina - ( 8.4) - ( -) Tab. floc. 30. 3 (?? 8) - ( -) Total 9.4 ( -) 14.4 (43.3) Total P3.0 (97.9) 65.5 (55.7) Tetal - (-) 21.0 ( - ) th:g. spp. 6.9 ( -) 12.7 (40.4) Ach. o'cre. 86( - ) 15 5 ( -) tyng spp. - ( ) 9.9 t - ) Cye. t ue. - ( - ) - (11.5) Osril. art. - (- ) 7. 2 ( - ) 1 Grev. grac. - ( - ) 5. 7 ( -) 4 FE8 Gosp. par. 27.4 ( - ) 7.3 ( -) Mel . var. 25 3 (P5. 3) - (19.2) Syn. . usp. - ( - ) 21.7 ( 5.2) Tat. floc. 12.0 ( - ) - ( -) Total 6.0 ( -) 8.2 (41.5) Total 9b8 (97.6) 49. 7 (52.?) Tetal - ( 42.2 ( 5 6) Moug. spp. - ( -) 7.7 (41.5) Ach. eltre. 33.5 ( 5.3) 8. 7 ( -) tyag. Srp- -

                                                                                                                                              !. ? ( - )

Goep. par. 34.9 (12.4) 24. 7 ( ?. 3) Osti1. spp. -

                                                                                                                                            "'*(      -)

Gomp. tron. 5.2 (12.5) - ( 5.S) phore. ang. - ( 2 ( - ) j, MAE Mel. var. - (42.4) - (22,1) Syn. det. - ( 8 4) - ( -) , Syn. eine - ( 9.4) - ( -) lotal 20.2 (56.8) - (36.6) Total 75.0 te2.1) 29 1 (52.1) Tetal - (-) 66.2 (11.9) Moug. spp. 11.8 (41.5) - (26.0) Ach. sitre. 54 6 (18.5) e.8 ( -) tyng. spp. - (-) 32.0 ( - ) Arp Spiro. spp. - ( -) - (10.9) Goep. par. 12.1 ( !.1) 8.2 ( 7.3) Oscli. spp - (-} 30.9

  • 8.4)

Stig. spp. - ( 8.9) -( -) M-1. var. - ( - ) - (26.5) l 4 Total 22.3 (50.8) - (10.6) Total 69 8 (a9 5) 80 4 (87.5) Total 7. 0 ( - ) 28 5 ( - )

  • Moug. spp. 14.5 (39.6) - (10.4) Ach altre. 57.3 (25 2) 28 4 (13.8) tyng spp. -

(-) 18.3 ( - ) j 5tig. spp. - ( 9.9) -( -) Cye. tue. - ( - ) - (12 7) MM Gney. par. - ( - ) 16 4 tit 7) l Syn. rum. - ( - ) 28.0 (24 91 Syn. wina - ( - ) - ( 6.3) Tab. flec. - ( 9.0) - ( -) Total 20.1 ( -) - ( 5.0) Tetal 57.2 (93 9) 84.7 (91.8) 1ctal 22.0 ( - ) 12.9 ( - ) i

;            Manro. spp. 19.1 ( -)         -( -)        Ach. elcre. 40.7 (43 9)     76.6 (73.8)        tyno echr. 6. 7 ( - )        -

(- ) Ance. wit. - ( 5.3) - ( -) tyng spp. - (-) 10.3 ( - ) , JtH Gcap. grac. - ( 5 5) - ( - ) rhore ang. 65(-) - (- ) l Gow par. - ( 5. 0) - ( -) St a w noths - fM 74 - f -)

O O O lebte l'e-10 (continued).

<                         CHl.OROPHYCEAE                             BACitt4A10mvCE Al                              MnOpMyCf AE Basellne       Operational                   B as el lt*    Operational                   Basrline     Operationat Tana            year           year          Tama            year             year           Tama        year          year Total        12.1 ( -)      8.4 (33.9)       Total       62.4 (90 5)    71.5 (61.7)          Total    74.6 ( -1 19.0 ( - )

Mowg. spp. - ( -) - (28.9) Ach. micro. 39.3 (39 5) 54.4 (29.7) tyy echr.  ?? 7 ( -) - ( -) Manno. spp. 11.0 ( -) - ( -) Anom. =1t. - ( 7.6) - (.-) tyng. spp. - ( -) 15.6 ( - t 4 JttY C,-e. e,n - ( 6 7) - ( -) Gcap. ecue. - ( 6.7) - ( -) Gov. grac. - ( -) 5.6 (17.1) na.. crypt. 8.1 ( 9. 0 s - ( -) i I Totat 16.0 ( -) 8.1 (75.7) Total 65.8 (68.7) 59.7 (69.6) Total 16.7 ( -) 37.6 ( -) N ug. Srp. - ( -) - (71.0) Ach. mitre. 72.6 (15.6) 49 0 (34.5) lyag odr. 11.6 ( -) - ( -) Manno. spp. 13.9 ( -) - ( -) Ano.. wit. 11.3 (17 5) - ( .? trag. srp - ( -) 75.3 ( -) AtG Cycl. SteII. - ( 7.7) * ( -) Cy.. a'f. - ( 7.1) - ( -) l Go c. gesc. - ( -) 6.5 (76.1)

;                                                      P.av. notha      d.6 ( 9.7)       - ( -)

Total 10.9 ( -) 7.7 (15.9) Total 77.6 (69.7) 76.4 (87.3) Total 9. 7 ( -) 15.4 ( - ) e Moog. spp. - ( -) - ( 9.1) Ach. mic-o 36.6 (11.4) 44.5 (19.0) t yng. ochr. 6.9 ( -) - ( - ) Manno. spp. 7.1 ( -) - ( -) Aan=. wit. 13.1 ( 6.7) - ( -) tym spp. - ( -) 11.9 ( - ) 51p Goap. tv=. - (11.8) - (10.1) Go= , grac. - ( 5 1) 9.6 (73.1) Ma . nethe 5.? ( -) - ( -) 3yn rump. - ( -) I?.4 (19.7) i Syr.. wina - ( 8.7) k ( -) j iotal MS - ( 5.5) Total 70 4 (91.8) Tetal 26.5 ( - ) i Ach. micro. 47.3 (22.0) tyng spp. MS 19.3 ( - ) 1 OCT &=p . a(ww MS - (16.4) rhore. aag 6. 7 ( - ) Gomp. geer. 10. 7 (.'1. 8) Sy rtry. 10.6 (10.7) r , Total - ( -) 13.7 ( 78.4 ) Stal 97.8 (91 3) 17.7 (18.3) Total - ( - ) 68 4 ( - ) , Moug. spp. - ( -) 11.3 (63.3) Ach. elcro. 14.0 (45 8) - ( -) t y% ser - ( - 1 5?.0 ( - ) , NOV 5piro, spp. - ( -) - (15.0) Gomp. grac. - ( -) 8.1 ( 8.8) ' Gomp. par. 10.7 (14 0) - ( -) Total 6.4 (10.4) - ( -) Total 92.7 189.4) M.1 (M.8) Total - ( -) - ( - ) Nog spp. 5.2 (10.3) - ( -) Ach. elcro. 37.6 (10.3) 8.1 ( -) Cy=. t un. - ( -) - (10.3) j Gomp. acw. - ( & 0) - ( -) DEC  % . grac. 7.6 (13 5) 46.9 (F0.7) Gose. par. 30.3 (71.7) 77.0 (11.3) I Gosp. tres. - ( 7.9) - ( -) Syn. rump. - ( -) 105( -) Tab. floc. 8.9 (11.4) - ( -)

                   $     $     Q#

O O O Table re-11. Percentage of total'numbe . and in peccatheses, percentag- of total blevelua of mejer periphytic alget tawa (these that ==ceeded 5% of total numbers of blowof uses) collected f rom arti f ic ial substrates at location 3.0 in ta6e Nr==*. MC during the basellae (Jw+ 1978 through May 1979) and operatloest (September 1983 threvg5 August 1984) years. CHtoa0PHYCEAE BACPitARICFMVCEA[ pry ggrwq( A( Baseline Operational Baseline Operational Besettne Operational Taxa year year Yaes year yese Tawa year yeer Total - ( -) 11.5 (38.7) Total *S.8 (*5 0) 83.9 (61.0) Total - ( -) - ( -) ( Nug. spp. - ( -) 5.2 (37.5) Ach. micro. 286(62) 48.8 ( 6.7) Go'v. par. 25.5 (14.3) - ( - ) JAM Mel, var. - (26.0) 5.8 (45.2) , Syn. 13.9 ( ? 6) 19.1 ( - ) ! Syn. vina - ( 8 5) - ( - ) 1 Total 5.6 ( -) 7.4 (24.7) Total 33.9 (?9.1) 87.3 (75.1) Tetal - ( -) 5. 3 ( -) Nug, spp. - ( -) - ( 6.8) Acts. encre. 19.0 ( - ) 35.2 ( 5.8) Spiro. spp. - ( -) - (17.7) Go=p par. 11.3 ( - ) - ( - ) . FEB Me l . = a r. 9.9 (67.5) 5.0 (49.3) Syn. rump. 23 2 ( 6.2) 31.0 ( 9.9) Syn. utna - ( 7.4) - ( - ) Total - ( -) - (16.7) Total 98 0 (99 ?) 97.3 (53 1) Total - ( - ) - ( - ) i Mong. spp. - ( -) - (16.7) Ach. mitre. 40.5 ( 5.51 50.5 (13.7) G mp. par. 36_1 (10 9) 17.8 (10 ') Mad Mel. var. 7.5 (62.4) - (23.1) Syn. del. - ( 5.4) - ( - ) Syn. rump. - ( - ) 19.5 ( 9.4) Syn. wina - ( 6.5) - ( - ) i Total - ( -) 8 5 (60.3) Total 92.0 (97 0) 48.5 (37.3) Total - ( -) 42.9 ( -) i Nug . spp. - ( -) 7.7 (50.1) Ach. sicro. '2. 0 (5 3. 7) 14.7 ( - ) tyng spp. - ( -) 38.7 ( - ) Ara ty. tu=. - ( - ) - ( 6.0) i Gomp. par. 16.8 (27.7) 8.4 ( - ) j Syn. rism. - ( - ) 14.0 ( c.5) Total 20.3 (20.0) fetal $6 8 (75.1) Tetsi 22.0 ( -)

!                                       MAY   N ug. spp.       - (16.1)         fG        Ach. elcro.         33 3 (28.1)         F3     t yng . ec he. 84( -)             M 1-                                            Ma,no. spp. 15.5 (   -)                  Nav. nethe          11.1 (16 4)                Pfans ana         5.2 ( -)

Total 26.7 ( 6.0) - (32.0) Total 536(869) 70.3 (65 0) Total 19 1 ( -) 26.1 ( - ) Nanno, spp. 25.7 ( -) - ( -) Ach. slcro. 36.9 (42.9) 51.2 (26.6) tyng. echr. 7. 4 ( -) - ( -) JUN 5piro. spp. - ( -) - (31.7) ty... ein. - (11.5) - ( - ) lyng spp. - ( -) 23 7 ( - ) Gemp. acum. - ( -- ) - (14.8)

.                                                                                         Comp. geet.            - ( - )       - ( 6.1) i                                                                                         Mar. nethe           6.7 (13.6)      - ( - )

Syn. ru=p. - ( - ) 6.0 ( 6.3)

)                                             m - Missing sa.pler i

O O O i 1 ., table re-91 (continued). CH10RDPHYCtAE BACiti, ARIONYCf Ai m 20rm CEAt - Easeline ty rationel Baseline Operational Bewi tne Operatloaat i Ta=a year year To a year year Ta a year year i , Total 22.7 ( -) - ( -) Total 62.5 (90 2) 72.1 (94 2) Total 13.7 ( -) 24.4 ( - )

i. Manno. spp. 20.7 ( -) - ( -) Ach micro 359(309) 515(331) tyng odr. 9.6 ( -) - ( - )

Ance_ wit; - ( 6.2) - ( -) tyng spp. - ( -) 22.1 ( - ) Cye. t un. - ( 7. 4 ) - ( -) xt Cye. torg. - ( 5.7) - ( -) Go m. aco=. - ( -) - (16. 4 ) Gomp. ge ne.. - ( -) 5 2 (18.8) i Mav. crypt. 8.9 ( 8.8) - ( -) P Syn. rep. - ( -) 7.6 (10.3) f Total 23.7 ( 8.0) 9.6 (19.5) Total 55.9 (78 8) 73 4 (79.0) Total 18.4 ( -) 17.1 ( - ) Moug. spp. - ( -) 6.8 (18.6) Ach. elcre. 29.5 (26 0) 45.9 (20.1) tyng. ochr. 81( -) - ( - ) Manno. spp. 21.1 ( -) - ( -) Cyci. stell. - ( 7.6) - ( -) tyng. s m. - ( -) 13.1 ( - ) Cy=. aff. - ( 7.7) - ( -) Gosp. acum. - ( -) - (16.9) AtG Gow , grac. - ( -) 6.1 (15 2) Mav. notha 6.0 ( 9.7) - ( -) Nav. Subt. 7. 3 ( .5) - ( -) Syn. rune. - ( -) 12.1 (14.9) Total 8.6 ( 5.4) 10.9 (48.8) Total 69.3 (76 3) 82 2 (50.7) Total 71.0 ( 7.7) 63( - ) Mvug spp. - ( -) 8.4 (48.3) Ach. elcro. 37.6 (26 0) 41 6 ( 7.5) tyng. oche. 6.6 ( -) - ( - )  ;

Nanno. spp. 6.0 ( -

( -) Anom. wit. 5.5 ( 6.1) - ( -) Oscit. a-t. 6.0 ( 5.6) - ( - ) i Cyc1. stell. - ( 5.4) - ( -) Oscl1. g e. 6.0 ( -) - ( - ) Sir Comp. ecom. - ( -) - (11 6) Gov. gree. - ( -) 13.2 (13.5) Nav. notha -- ( 5.5) - ( -) , Syn. rep. - ( -) 13 8 ( 8.7) ! Total - ( -) - ( 6.6) total 84.7 (89 8) R5 0 (92 0) Tet=8 98(6.8) 10.7 ( - ) Moug. spp. - ( -) - ( 6.4) Ach. sicro. 47.9 (21 7). 40.2 (14.3) tyw, spp - ( -} 9.1 ( - ) , Gomp- acum. - ( -) - (14.2) Osc t ' art. 88(66) - ( - ) t Go m. gent. - ( 6.6 14.0 (29 2) l OC1 Gomp. par. 6.4 ( 7.9) - ( -) } M. I . gr en. - ( 5 9) - ( -) , 4 nav. notha 7.2 ( 7.0) - ( -) t

i. Syn. avbl . - ( 5 e) - ( -)  ;
;                                                        Syn. ru=p.         - (    -)     16 7 (16 2)                                                                          ;

i Syn. sp. A 5.1 ( -) - ( -) i 4 t total - ( -) 5.9 (31.4) Total 96 8 (99.0) 907(684) letal - ( -) - ( - )  ; Moug spp. - ( -) 5.5 (31.2) Ach. olces 78.8 (53.8) 42.7 (10.7) r Comp. ec v=. - ( 6.6) - (13. 0) 4 Gemp grac. - ( -) 16.3 (22.0) , NOV Gosp. par. 6.2 ( 9 4) 16 3 ( 8.7) t - Syn. del. - (12.2) - ( -) j Syn. rwe. - ( -) 93( -)  ; l Total - ( -) 19.1 ( 70.4) Total 98 7 (es.8) 77.1 (29.3) Total - ( -} - ( - ) Moug spp. - ( -) 17.8 (70.3) Ach. elcro. 66.8 (43 1) 30 3 ( -) , MC Comp. ci ac - f - ) 7 e f e, a )

O O O Table t'e-12 rertentage of total nua6ers. and ir parentheses, percentace of total biovale=== of major perip*iytic a' gal te a (those that e=ce*<fef 5% of total numbers or blevoluces) colletted f rom artificial substrates at location 8.0 in late Neman. NC during the t>aseline (Jua. 1978 threvg5 May 1979) and operational (Septembee 1993 through August 1984) years. i C1ft0R0rmCE A[ BAClllARIOPmCIAE Pm 0fHYCEAE Baseline Operational Baseline Operational Baseline Operation 41 Tasa year year Taas year year Tasa yene j ear i Total 7.8 ( -) 5.6 (22.0)' total 85.2 (95.0) 94.2 ( 18.0) Tetal 1.0 ( - ) - (-) Maug. spp. - ( -) - (22.0) Ach. micro. 13.9 ( - ) 12.3 ( -) tyng. spp. 7. 0 ( - ) - (-) Feag. wavch. 10.5 ( -) - ( -) Geop. ac ww. - ( 6,1) - ( -) JAN Gomp. par. 19.4 ( 7.4) 42.1 (18 6) Mel.gran.v.eng 5 I ( - ) - ( -) 88 1. v a r .. 5.1 (53.0) - (43. 2)  ! Syn. ruer. 15. 3 ( F.1) 32.4 (11.8) ,  ! i Total - ( -) - ( 8.3) Total ?6 9 (99 ?) 97.1 (91.7) Total - (-) - (- ) 3 Nug. spp. - ( -) - ( 8.2) Ach. sicro. - ( -) 44.1 (10.7) Go c. acu=. - ( -) - ( 5.0) Go=p. par. - ( -) 6.6 ( -) FE8 Met gran.v.ang 12.0( -) - ( -) Me'.it.v. ten. 20.9 ( -) - ( -) I bei. var. 49.7 (92.9) - (39.3) Syn. rum . - ( -) 33.1 (14.2) Syn. wina - ( -) - ( 8.8) i Total - ( -) 35.9 ( -) Total 945(999) 63.0 (95.4) Total - (- ) - (- ) Nanno. spp. - ( -) 34.3 ( -) A(b. mIceo - ( -) 10.9 ( -)  ; Gosv. par. 19.4 ( -) 18.2 ( 6.4)  ! Mel.gran.v. ane 6. 4 ( -) - ( ) MAR ten. 12.1 ( -) - ( -) j Mel. var. 18.8 (61.5) 5.9 (56. 3) t Syn rump 10.3 ( -) 20.3 ( 6.2) [ Syn. wina. 12.0 (22.7) - ( I F. 9) i I Total - ( -) -( -) Total 94.2 (91.6) 79.8 (97.5) Tetal - (-) 19.2 ( - ) Ach. micro. 64.8 (41.6) 24.2 (12.4) tyno, spp. - (-) 18.3 ( - ) APR Cy. tum. - ( -) - (13.7) , Geoph. par. 21 9 (31.3) 20.1 (22.5) , Syn. rump. - ( -) 30.8 (29.9) intal 8.7 ( -) -( -) Total 66.4 (92.2) 87.6 (97.9) Total 243(- ) 11.6 ( - ) l Ach..aicro. Nanno. spp. 7.7 ( -) -( -) 46.7 (43.6) 33.0 (15.0) tyng. eeve. 12. 7 ( - ) - f- ) Comph. par. - ( 6.1) - ( -) tync srp. 61(- ) 9.2 ( - ) MAY Me t. var. - ( -) - (11.9) feav. nothe 7.8 (12.8) - ( -) Syn. rump. - ( - ) 42.2 (34.6) Syn. wina - ( - ) - (12.0) j Tab. floc. - (14.3) - ( -) e Total 16.1 ( -) Total 53.5 (89.0) Total 29 3 ( 4.9) Nanno. spp. 15.4 ( -) M', Ach. alcro. 35.5 (43 6) tyng ochr. 11.2 ( - ) , Cys min. - ( 5.2) tyng. spp. 54( - ) M5 '

         .NN                                                  Gosv. par.         - ( T.1)                                Phere eng    P6( - )
                                                              .      _ . . ,     .. e,a ei

O O O lable Pe-12 (Continued). 2 Datosomyttaf BAtll t ARiomttr at. Pn0N;rtt at Baseline Operational Baseline verstional Pas fine Opersticaat Tasa year year Tawa year year Tana year year Total 13.7 ( -) - ( -) Total 51.5 (86 5) 54.0 (es 3) Total 32.0 ( -) 42.0 ( 9.4) Nanno, spp. 11.2 ( -) - ( -) Ac ft . eicro. 24 8 (21.2) 24 8 (20 9) ty M. ocht. 31.5 ( -) - ( - )  ; jut v Cy=. ein. 5.0 (14.1) - ( -) tyac spp. - ( -) 32.3 ( 6 4)  ! Cy=. tun. - ( 7.3) - ( -) f'here ang - ( -) 7. 8 ( - ) l Goep. ac w=. - ( - ) - ( 6.3) Mel. var. - ( 8 9) - ( -) Mav. crypt. 5.9 ( 5 B) - ( -)  ! Syn. rump. - ( - ) 14.6 (23.2) Total 15.8 ( -)  ? 9 (14.2) Total 78.6 (95.9) 54.5 (BL5) Total 5.1 ( -) 35.2 ( ) Nanno. spp. 14.2 ( -) - ( -) Ach. elcro. 61.2 (56.4 20.7 ( 6.0) tyg. spp - ( -) 19.9 ( - ) ' 0.d. spp. - ( -) - (12.1) Am. wit. 5.8 ( e.7) - ( -) oscia. spp. - ( -) 8. 7 ( - )

AUG Goeph. scue - ( - ) - (36.2) rhere. am - ( -) 7. 4 ( - )

i Gomph. grec. - ( - ) - ( 6 4) Syn. rump. - ( - ) 17.6 (18.1) Tctai 9.0 ( -) letal 69. 3 (e5.0) Total 20 9 ( -) 88 anno . spp. 5.9 ( -) Ach, estre 26.3 ( 9.4) tyng oc hr. 19.0 ( -) P5 Gomph. grec. - ( 9.9) Sir Mav. cotha. 9.1 ( 5.7) #5 Syn. espel. 6.0 (12.6) i Syn. det. - (12.8) . Syn. mina - (13.3) Total 56( -t M5 Total 88.7 (94.4) Total ', I ( -) Ac h. eicro. 55.0 (32.2) P5 l 4 Gnaph. par. 7.5 ( ? 7) ' l OCT Syn. ewh i . - ( 17. 6) PS Sya. det. - ( 5 6) j Sya. ruper. 7.0 (10.8) Syn. sp. A 9.4 ( 9 5)

i. Total - ( - ) - ( -) Total 95.9 (98.3) 91.1 (98.4) Tetal - ( -) 8.4 ( - )

i Ach sitro. 51.5 (24 0) 72.2 (57.3) tyng ser - f -) 7.9 ( - ) Gneph grac. - ( - ) - ( 6.1) l l Gomph. par. 18.8 (14.3) 6,4 (11.3)

wov met. =ar. - ( 5.e) - ( -) .

syn. awhi . - ( 5 e) - ( -) Syn. det. - (10 9) - ( -) , Syn. rump. 10.8 (12.9) 9.B (l7.9) Total - ( 7.8) 12.9 (54.1) Tetal 95.5 (92.6) e6.6 (45.9) Tetal - { -) - ( - } Mevg. spp. - ( 7.3) 11.6 (54.0) Ach. elces. 30.7 (13.2) 16.9 ( -) Cy=. ein. - ( 5.1) - ( -) Gosp. acum. - ( 5.0) - ( -) , l MC Gn=p. gra*. - ( 5.6) 5.1 ( 5.3) [ i Gnap. par. 43.6 (41.7) 10.9 ( -) Mel. var. - ( - ) - (10.7) Sym. s whi. .- ( 5. 9)

                                                                                              - (

i I ORG ANIC ACCUMMULATION RATES CttLOROPHYLLa (mg m 2 cay' h 4mg m 2, LOCATION 4 0 250 50 - 200 f

  • 40 -

e 150 -


[x 30 -

                                  *                                \

100 -

                                             ;                                             20  -

j 'I', ,/N

                                                              /                                                                         .

, J F M A M J J A 'S O N D J F M A M J J A S O h i LOCATION 3 0 200 40 - q 150 -

                                                     /                                     30  -

V 100 -

                                                         \* 's                             20  -


                                                                ,    \                                                       / \se

e \ ' 50 . / s/N 10 .

                                                                                                                         .e            \    -

i ~'- 8


O 0' J F M A M J J A $ 0 N D J F M A M J J A $ 0 h CONTROL 3'A - 50 - 300 - 200 . 40 - 150 - 30 - 100 - ' 20 - e 50 -

                                             ,                                              10   -
                                                                                   " I                          --'        '      ~

0 O J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N Figure Pe 1. Fcriphyton organic accumulation rates and chlorophyll a concentrations in the McGuire haclear station discharge (Locattor= 4.0), rising rene TLocation 3.0) and at a cor. trol location (Location 6.0) in Lake homar.. K. Lines represent the maximuft and *.inimum ( l O values observed during the pre operation #1 period wnile (ooo) represent the base'ine year (June 1978 through May 1979) and (see) represent the operational year (September 10E3 thrtugh August 1984). l l

101 AL DL N$lilE L 107 til tilOVOLUMLL tuniu = 1010 m 2) (mm m 12 O LOCAtlON 4.0 ** r "' # i 6000 . k 26 - LODO -

  • 20 -

4000 -

                                                                                                                                  ,/,[*>            k I
                                                             -A',                                            3000 1.5  -                                                                                       -

_/ , r

                                              ,.                  ,              ,                                           i
                                                                                                                                                        \           /.

1,0 -

                                             /                      ,                                        2000  -

0.5 - * [. ,'e \/ 1000 - j

                                                                                                                           /                   ~.


                                                             /         N
  • 00 O J F M A M J J A L 0 N D J F M A M J J A 5 O LOCA710N 3 0 3.0 , G000

26 - t:000 2.0 / 4000 , i l ?8 i\ 1L / < 3000 -

                                                                                                                                              / i O                                                    i                                                                                      l

10 -

  • 2000 /
                                                                                                                                                                  'w.s. %,

j/ - 0.0

                                               ,.                   .                    'v'         .

1000 /

                                                                  %,                       bd-                      $

J F M A M J J A 5 O N D J F M A M J J A 5 0 CONT 8tOL 30 - 6000 25 - 5000 Ig I\ 2.0 -

                                                     ,         ,                   I                         4000                        f\
                                                               .                                                                        I 1.6   -

3000 -

                                                                                                                                       /           s
                                                                                                                                                 , \-

1,0 -

                                                                                                       /      2000 0.5
                                                                                        %l'                   1000 OO
                                                              A                     '-~'=*='"                 0 s                             .
                             "- F M A M J J A 5 0 N O J                                                                                         J F M A M J J A 5 0 fi gurt te.2. Periphyton total densittes and biovolns coritentrations in the McCivire Nu: lear Station discharge (Location 4.0), etaing :=e (Location 3.0) and at a control location (Location 8.0) ir Love homan, h;. Lines repraert the p.asime and minime values ot' served during

['y/ the pre. operational period while (coo) represent the baseline year (June 1976 through May 1979) and (see) represent the operational year (Septender 19E3 thecugt August 1984), l

                                       ~.                                                        ,

30- LD; AtlON 40 o e o o f '3 ,

  • e 2,l 6 20-
  • e 0 o

o e o o 10- 3 e e

                              ] J0-       Lo;AliON 30                             e      ,

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  • c 0

30- toNTRou o . e o o

n. g e
         )                                                                                                o
 'xs'                              20-                                                                         e e                                        6 m

t 10-u o n 8 0-600- sot, AR R Aot AttoN e 6 o X b 400- ,/ [ s 'N tn 200- [ [o

                                                     / o                                     \



s , m 0 . . J F M A M J J A 5 0 N D l MONTH

   , ^s       rigure Fe-3. Temneratur es at        .c m centh in t he acGui re Nuc le a r station oisenerge (Location 4.0).
         )                 mi a e ng sane (Location 3.0), ind coatrol location (Location 8.0) m Lake horman. <
       '                   for tne . cope ra t iona l hoo l and ope r a t i ona l () vears.           Aiu 6ncinent solar radiation (lan96evs/ dwi averagea ey nonth.            solic lines reeresen. the rance of preoverational values.

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ZOOPLANKTON Zooplankton typically play an important ecological role in late ecosystems by consuming algae, bacteria, and detritus, recycling nutrients, end providing a food source for larval and adult fish and some benthic organisms. The zoo-plankton community of Lake horman has been studied extensively since the icke ' was impounded (Hamme 1982; Duke Power Conpany 1980, 1476; Weiss et al. 1975; f Davies and Jensen 1974; Meahinick and Jensen 1974). The purpose of this section is to compare the abundance and taxonomic compositicq of zooplankton in Lake Norman prior to the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station to that observed during station operation. i Materials and Methods Zooplankton samples were collected monthly f rota January 1978 through August , 1984 at the locations listed in Table Z-I and shown in Figure o-1. Samples were collected with a 0.5-m diameter oceanographic net with a mesh size of 76 pm. The net was equipped with a calibrated flowmeter. At sampling locations less than 10 m deep, the net was towed frort lake bottom to surface. At loca-tions greater than 10 m detp, the net was towed from lake bottom to surface and from 10 m to surface. Curing the interim monitnring period (January 1991 through June 1983), sampling was limited to bottom to surface tows at all . locations. All samples were collected in replicate from January 1978 through Septemoer 1980 and during the operational year (September 1983 through August

                     -1984). Single tows were collected from October 1980 through August 1983.

l Following collection, samples were rinsed into vials containing 1.0 ml of a 5% , i L phenylephrine hcl solution, added as a relaxant to facilitate rotifer identi-l L LO f4cet4on. Approximeteiy 15 minutes leter, tne semples ere preserved witn e VI-Z-1


i sugar-formalin solution containing rose bengal stain, in the laboratory, g semples were concentrated or diluted to a known volume, which was dependent on the density of zooplankton and other particles in the samples. Two aliquots were withdrawn from each sample and placed in counting chambers. One aliquot was examined at 16x magnification to identify and enumerate Crustacea. The second aliquot was examined at 79x to identify and enumerate rotifers. Initial identifications of newly observed species were made at higher magni'ications as needed. Approximately 100 rotifers and 100 crustaceans were 'dentified and enumerated for each sample. Primary taxoaomic references includeo Ahlstrem (1940, 1943), Brooks (1957, 1959), Edmrioson (1959), Ruttoc--Kolisko (1974), Smirnov (19/4), Voigt (1956), U lson (1959), Wilson and Yeatman (1959), and Yeatman (1944, 1959). Counts were converted to densities of icoplankton organisms per cubic meter. Densities of individual species were multiplied by body weight estimates to cbtain estimates of zooplankton biomass per unit lake volume. Data from Locations 1.0, 3.0, 4.5, and 5.0 were averaged to produce values for zooplankton standing crop and taxonomic composition representative af the thermal mixing zone. Data from Location 4.0, at the mouth of the McGuire s Nuclear Station discharge canal, is not presented. In contrast to other mixing zone 1ccations, location 4.0 is situated in a relatively shallow cove; during the preoperational period, zooplankton density and taxonomic ccmposition at Locatio.1 4.0 were somewhat ditferent from that observed at other mixing zone locations. In addition, the detection of thermal effects at Location 4.0 could potentially have been complicated by the pumping of hypolimnetic water, which in Lake Norman may be characterized by low densities of zooplankton, as compared to epilimnetic waters. Location 8.0 was designated a control location. Due to VI-Z-2

variation in zooplankton composition and abundance between upiake and downlake V areas, locations uplake of Location 8.0 were not used as controls. Discussions of zooplankton abundance and taxonomic composition are based on net tows from 10 m or less to surface. Investigations of the vertical distribution of zooplankton in Lake Norman indicate tMt the majority of zooplankton organisms in the lake are located in the upper 10 m. Data from January 1978 through December 1980 were examined to characterize the preoperational zooplankton community. This time period includes the designated baseline year (June 1978 through May 1979). Data from the designated operational year (September 1983 through August 1964) were used to characterize the operational community. 4 Results and Discussio3 Total Density p) m During the preoperational period, mean total zoopl..qkten densities in the mixing zone ranged from 15,000 to 267 000 orgat. isms per cubic meter. 200-plankton densities ob e ved during the operational year fell within this overall range (Figure Z-1). Densities for specific months of the operational year fell outside of the preoperational range for those months in J1nuary, March, July, and August. The operational values for January, March, and August were all within the 95% confidence limits associated with the preoperational mean densities for those months (Table Z-2). However, density in July of the operational year excceded the upper 95% confidence limit, and was 95% higher than the maximum density observed for July during the preoperational period (as compared to 21% higher at the control location). Because of the relatively small increase in temperature (<l.6 C greater than preoperational maximum) observed in July of the operational year (see Chapter IV), this increase in VI-Z-3 l

0. .

1 zooplankton density was more likely due to food-related factors and/on changes in predation than to temperature, as will be discussed in detail later in this section. General Taxonomic Structure in terms of density (Figures Z-2 and Z-3; Table Z-3), the preoperational zooplankton community was dcminated by rotifers and copepods; cladocerans rarely comprised more than 10% of the totel density. 'a'.ifers and copepods were generally co-dominant from February through July, and in October. Rotifers were somewhat more abundant than copepods during the remaining months, in terms of biomass (Figures Z-4 and Z-5), copepods constituted the largest percentage of the total for the zooplankton community for all months excepc September, when rotifers, copepods, ar.d cladocerans were co-dominant. O During the operational year, some changes in the general taxonomic structure of the community were observed in the mixing zone. For the most part, these changes were of relatively small magnitude. in February and March, rotifers constituted 70% of total zooplankton density, as compared to 36 to 51% for the preoperational period (Figure Z-2; Table Z-3). This shift represented increased densities of ;otifers rather than declining densities of crustaceans (Figure Z-6). Temperatures in the surface waters of the mixing zone in February and March were as much as 5.7 C warmer than during the preoperational period (see Chapter IV). Temperature is perhaps the most important environmental factor governing rates of zooplankton reproduction and development (Wetzel 1975). Becau;e of the nature of rotifer reproduction, which is characterized by (although not limited to) parthenogenesis and a generation time on the order of 9 VI-Z-4 ,

              - - _ _ _ - -          - - - _ _ . - - _ _ - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ - - . - - - _ - - - - _ _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - - - _ _ - - - _ - - - . _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - _ - - _ _ . _ - - - - -                                         J

____.____..-._._..._.7.___._ days (Ruttner-Kolisko 1974), rotifers are apparently able to take advantage of O increased temperature. Cladoceran reproduction is also parthenogenetic to a l large degree, and densities may increase rapidly under favorable conditions (Ruttner-Kolisko 1974; Brooks 1959). Reproduction among copepods, however, is sexua', and generally only 1 to 5 generations per year are produced (Pennak 1978; Wetzel 1975). Thus, in terms of reproduction, copepods are apparently less able to take immediate advantage of short-term changes in environmental conditions. It should be noted, however, that increased rotifer densities in , the mixing zone may represent natural variability in the community, since rotifers commonly constituted more than 65% of total zooplankton density at the control location (Figure Z-3). , In July of the operational year, rotifers accounted Sr 82% of total zooplankton O deasity ia the ixi"9 zome, es co nered to 31 to 465 d#ria9 the preoneretiaa i period. This trend was reflected in the composition of the biomass as well (Figure Z-4); rotifers constituted 37% of total biomass, as compared to 4 to 20% for the preoperational period. The copepods comprised a much smaller percentage of both total density and biomass than in the preoperational period. This change in taxonomic composition during July was the result of increased densities of cladocerans and especially of rotifers; densities o, copepods remained withir the preoperatinnal range of values. A July increase in rotifers j was noted at the control location as well (Figure Z-6), although the magnitude , of the increase at the control location (51,000 rotifers m-3 above the preopera-l tional maxinum) was somewhat les's than in the mixing zone (81,000 rotifers m'3). The temperature in the upper 10 m of the mixing zone in July of the operational year was only slightly (<1.6 C) warmer than during the preoperational period O (see Chapter IV), and was probably not a significant factor in causing the oi- VI-Z-5

observed increases in retifer and claooceran densities. During +.he summer, food supply, the quality of food organisms, and predation by fish and other zooplankton beccme important factors governing population dynamics (Wetzel 1975; Ruttner-Kolisko 1974; Straskraba 1966). Chlorophyll a data indicate that phytoplankton abundance durirg June and July of the operational year was at or above the maximum observed during the preoperational period (see Phytoplankton section of this chapter). Food crganisms in the size range preferred by rotifers (<20 pm, according to Ruttner-Kolisko 1974) were abundant (Rhodomonas minuta, small diatoms, small coccoid green algae). As noted previously, the mode of reproduction of rotifers and cladocerans allows relatively, rapid increases in density under favorable environmental conditions. In Novembcr of the operational year, rotifers constituted 38% of total density in the mixing zone, as compared to 59 to 75% during the preoperational period, h while cladocerans increased to 21%, as comparec' to 3 to 8% preoperationally. Copepods constituted 41%, as compare.d to 20 to 32% preoperationally. This change in taxonomic structure was due primarily to increased densities of Crustacea, especially Cladocera, relative to preoperational levels. No similar increases were noted at the control location (Figure Z-6). Water temperatures in the upper 10 m of the inixing zone were as much as 3.4 C greater than maximum values for the preoperational period (see Chapter IV). During this period of the year, temperature is expected to be a major factor in regulating reproduc-tion and development, and it is probable that the increased temperature was at least partially responsible for increased densities of Cladocera. This pheno-raenon persisted into December (Figure Z-6). The increase ia copeped densities in November was smaller than that of cladocerans relative to preoperational levels. and perhaps represented a delayed, secondary f all peak similar to those O 1 VI-Z-6

observed in the preoperational period. The delay may have been due to warmer temperatures persisting later into the fall. Species Dynamics All zooplankton taxa ob erved in the mixing zone and at the control location from 1978 through 1980 and du*ing the operational year are listed

                                                                                      , along   with biomass estimates, in Table Z-4.

Density and percent composition of species comprising greater than 5% of total dent'ty or biomass are listed in Table Z-All crustacean taxa for ' densities of e least 100 organisms per cubic meter were observed are also 1ist"d in Tabh ' 3; this ensures adequate charac-terization of the adult crustacean commw , embers of which rarely constituted as much as 5% of total density or biom m ally all of the major zooplankton h taxa observed in this study have been reported to be either cosmopolitan , or common in the southeastern United States (Pennek 1978; Ruttner-Kolisko 1974 Brooks 1959; Edmondson 1959; Wilson 1959; Yeatman 1959). Taxonomic structure at the genus / species level was somewhat variable a years during the preoperational period (Table Z-3). This is common in zooplankton communi:ies, in which the abundance and timing of peak densities of individual species may vary considerably from year to year (Pennak 1978; Ruttner-Kolisko 1974). In addition, the detection of seasonal cycles for some cotifers was complicated by ta nnomic difficulties in separating species, as in the genera Keratella and Synchaeta, and by seasonal genetic and morphological y variabilit within species (King 1977; Snell 1977; Wetzel 1975). However, general seasonal trends were evident in the Lake Norman community. VI-Z-7

                                       . _ _ - - - - -                                   ~

Among the rotifers, during the preoperational period in the mixing zone, g Keratella was abundant year-round, generally ranking in the top three rc'ifers Polyarthra vuls.ris was also present in each month, in terms of density. abundance in the rotifer community on a year-round basis, although its maximum Trichocerca absolute and relative abundance occurred from November through April. porcellus_ was a consistently important component of the community during the cold-weather (November through April) period, while Synchaeta was sporadically Conochilus unicornis was consistently important abundant during this period. Ptygura, Polyarthra euryptera, in terms of density during the warmer months. Collotheca and Ploesoma truncatum were present in late sutumer and early f all. and Asplanchna were sporadically abundant during the warmer months. Taxonomic structure among the rotifers exhibited some differences in the mixing zone in the operational year as compared to the preoperational period. Absolute h and relative densities of Keratella declined during the winter, while Trichocerca 1 capercellus was generally more abundant and constituted a larger percentage o total densities during winter and early spring of the operational year than These during preoperational winters and springs (Figure Z-7; Table Z-3). Increased changes were not observed at the control location (Figure Z-7). densities of Trichoce_rca porcellus may have been attributable to higher tempera-tures, as the greatest increases over preoperational densities occurred in February, March, and December, when temperature increases over preoperation values were at a maximum (see Chapter IV). The causes of the decline in abundance of Keratella are unknown, but may include changes in the food supply and/or predation, or possibly a decreased competitive advantage at warmer temperatures. During the summer months, Trichocerca cylindrica and, to a lesser extent, L capucina attained greater maximum absolute and relative VI-Z-8 _ __ ~ ~ - - --__

                                                                                              ..-.-..-.-......-u                                      . -_

abundance during the operational period than had been observed in the preopera-tional period. However, a shift of similar magnitude occurred at the control location as well (Figure Z-7). Among the Ciadocera, Bosmina longirostris was the most abundant species in the preoperational community virtually year-round (Table Z-3). Other common cladocerans included immature Daphnia spp., Daphnia parvula, and Daphnia ambigua, all of which attained peak densities in mid to late sr-ing, as well as Diaphanosoma-leuchtenbergianum and Holopedium gibberum, which peaked in June. Less abundant, but consistently observed, species included Leptodora kindtif and Cerioda @ lacustris. During the operational year, in the mixing zone, Bosmina longirostris attained O uch nioner dea >4 ties ia auir ead a9aia ia "ove ber ad oecember toea hea beea observed in the corresponding months of the preoperational period. Diaphanosoma


leuchtenbergianum and Daphnia catawba attained higher densities in June than had previously been observed, while immature Daphnia, spp. attaineri higher densities in November. These trends occurred to a much lesser extent, or not at all, at the control location (Figure Z-8). Tne factors responsible for increased densities of cladocerans during the operational period have been

              - discussed previously:               temperature is likely the major factor controlling zooplankton production during the colder months, whereas food quantity and
              . quality and predation are of major importance during the summer (Wetzel 1975; Ruttner-Kolisko 1974; Straskraba 1966).                         A substantial increase over preopera-tional levels in the density of Ceriodaphnia lacustris was observed in November of the operational year in the mixing zone, but this trend was observed at the O               control location as well (Figure Z-8).

VI-Z-9 t > (ilewve=--yg & g- .,,s.p.ww g -,w% _ ,

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In addition to increased densities of the species listed above, a species was g observed during the operational year which had not previously been reported from Lake Norman. Bosminopsis deitersi, a cladoceran found in the southern United States (Pennak 1978; Brooks 1959), was observed in abundance (up to 6094 organisms m-3) in the mixing zone in September and October 1983, and in August 1984 (figure Z-8). This species was present in much lower densities (<1200 organisms m-3) at the control location. The ecological factors governing the appearance of this species are unknown. Among the Copepoda, nauplii, cyclopold copepodids, and, to a lesser extent, calanoid copepodids dominated the copepod community numerically on a year-round basis (Table Z-3). Densities of all of the immature forms peaked in spring and attained a smaller, secondary peak in the fall. Among the adult copepods, Cyclops thomag peaked in early or mid spring, while Diaptomus birgei, Diaptomus pallidus, and Mesocyclops edax all attained reak uen:ities in late spring or early summer. Diaptomus mississippiensis and Tropocyclops prasinus peaked in lake summer and/or in the fall. No significant changes in the abunda' ice or seasonal cycle of any copepod taxa were observed in the operational year as compared to the preoperational period (Table Z-3). Ecosystem Impacts Due to the complex nature of the interactions occurring within and among the trophic components of the Lake Norman ecosystem, the significance of the observed minor operational trends in the abundance and taxonomic structure of the zooplankton community to the ecology of Lake Norman is quite difficult to assess. However, the fact that zooplankton density and biomass during the operational year generally either remained at preoperational levels or increased VI-Z-10

l l above preoperational levels (Figures 2-6 and Z-9) tends to indicate that the O forage base for fish either remained about the same or improved somewhat. , Trends in the taxonomic structure of the zooplankton community again-generally reflected increased densities of rotifers and/or cladocerans, rather than declines in the abundance of any taxonomic group. This too would tend to suggest that there should be no detrimental effect on the fish community in terms of the quality of available food. Similarly, the observed trends suggest no impairment of the role of- zooplankton in consuming organic matter (algae, bacteria, detritus) and recycling nutrients. Because grazing by zooplankton tends not to limit algal production (Lehman and Sandgren 1985), increased abundance Of zooplankten probably would not significantly deplete the levels of phytoplankton available for consumption by fish. In fact, chlorophyll a concentrations in the mixing zone during the operational year were similar to O or are ter thaa coaceatratioa, observed duriaa t"> "reoneretio" ' neriod <>ee Phytoplankton section). t Summary


, The changes that occurred in the zooplankton community of the mixing zone during the operational period were generally of a minor nature, and would not be expected to have a detrimental impact on the Lake Norman ecosystem. Total densities of zooplankton in the mixing zone during the operational year were , within the overall range of densities observed during the preoperational period. _On a monthly basis, densities for most operational months were simi_lar to those observed during the preoperational period, with the exception that the operational density for July exceeded the maximum density observed for July of the preoperational period by 95%. This increase was likely the result of the VI-Z-11 o

      ..   --,.-..-_L.------.                                 - . - . - - . . - . - - - - . - - , - - , - - - - - - - - , - ~ . . - - - - - - - - - - - -                -

quantity and quality of available food, plus possible changes in predation patterns; surface water temperature in July increased by less than 1.6 C from the preoperational to the operational period. The overall taxonomic structure of the zooplankton community was somewhat different in February, March, July, and November of the operational year, as compared to the preoperational period. These shifts were due to increased densities of rotifers in February, March, and July, and increased densities of cladocerans in July and November. Densities of copepods remained similar to the preoperational period throunbout the operational year. Due to their mode of reproduction, rotifers and cladocerans may respond rapidly to changing environmental conditions. Increased temperatures in February, March, and November could potentially account for increased reproductive rates and densi-ties of these taxa. Increased densities in July, as stated above, were more h likely attributable to other factors, such as food quality and quantity. At the species level, the rotifer Trichocerca porcellus became a more consis-tently abundant and important component of the zooplankton community during the colder months of the operatioral year, as compared tc the preoperational period, perhaps due to the existence of more favorable temperatures for this species. Concur'ently, the absolute and relative abundance of Keratella spp. declined somewhat The seasonal cycle of the most abundant cladoceran, Bosmina longirostris, changed during the operational year in that higher densities were observed in July and again in November and December than had been observed during corresponding months of the preoperational period. Again, increases in July were probably attributable to such f actors as food supply and possibly changes in predation patterns, while increases during colder months were O VI-Z-12

potentially stimulated by increased temperature. One cladoceran species, Bosminopsis deitersi, which had not been observed prior to plant operation, was observed in abundance in September, October, and August of the operational year in the mixing zone, and at lower densities in the control area. The ecological factors governing the appearance and abundance of this species are unknown. No significant changes in the seasonal cycles or abundance of copepod taxa were observed in he operational year as compared to the preoperational period. O O s O VI-Z-13 b ..

                 =      . . . .              -       . _-        .. _ - -   .          ..  - - -.
    )        -Taole Z-1.        Locations on Lake Normati at which monthly vertical net tows were taken to collect zooplankton.

Time Period- Locations Sampled January -1978-May 1978 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9, 4.0, 4.5 5 0, 6.0, 8.0, 16.0

             -June 1978-May 1979                        1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.9 16.0, 34.0, 50.0, 60.0 June 1979-July 1979                       1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9. 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 16.0 August 1979-July 1980                     1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 14.0, 15.9, 16.0, 34.0 August 1980-December 1980                 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 16.0 J:,nuary 1981-June 1983                   1.0, 1.2, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0 July 1983-August 1984                     1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0,-8.0, 11.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.9, 34.0, 50.0, 60.0 f


l itse O O O. Table Z-2. Preoperational mean zooplankten densities (organisms m 3) in the mixing zone, the 95% confidence limits (CL) associated with these means, and the. operation.I densities for those

                       - months in which the operational value fell.outside the preoperational range of values.

i , 95% Confidence Limits Operational Within Montt3 Preoperational r Mean* Upper tower value- 95% CL January 87741 113275 62207 66581 yes j March 114715 288048 -58618 190962 yes July 53' 105831 795 140312 no August 73768 129651 17885 35285 yes ry l kQ

  • Calculated as the mean cf the mixing zone average values for each of the three operational years.

I F I E i

                                                                                                                              'i 4



i-0; O O s


Table Z-3. Taxoncaic cocposition of'the zooplanktoa community in the th?rmal mixing zone of McGuire Nuclear. Station in-1978, 1979, 1980 and the operational year (September 198?- through August'1984). Tasa listed ' include those whose da :sity or biomass equalled or exceeded 5% of the total zooplanktor#-

                ' density or biomass for the period being examined, plus other microcrustaceans whose density equalled or 04ceeded 100 organisms /m3,to ensure adequate characterization of the adult community.

Table is based on data from'10 m (or less) to surface net tows, averaged over mixing zone locations-1, 3, 4.5 and'5. The value following the taxon name is the average percent which taxon constituted of the total zoonlankton density. 1he valce'in parentheses represents-  ; the average density (organisms /m3 ) of that tawon. JANUARY  ; 1978 ROTIFERA 85% (83654) COPEPODA'9% (8706) CLADOCERA 7% (6561) Trichocera porcellus 42% (41670) nauplii 5% (4634) Bosmina longirostris 6% (6290) Synchaeta spp. 15% (16291) . cyclopold copepodida 2% (2154)' immature Cladocera <1% (144) Polyarthra vulgaris 15% (14922) calanoid copepodida 1% (1441) Keratella.spp. 7% (6563) Diaptomus pallidus <1% (154) Asplanchna.spp. 1% (994) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (145) i 1979 ROTIFERA 77% (E0244) COPEP00A 17% (13456) CLAD 0CERA 6% (5004) t Synchaeta spp. 37% (28907) -nauplii 13% (9971) Bosmina longirostris 6% (4613)  : Polyarthra vulgaris 114% (11279) calanoid copepodida 2%.(1529) Ceriedaphnia lacustris <5% (114)  ! Keratella spp. 11% T8605) cyclopold copepodida 2% (1333) l Asp'anchna spp. 8% (6571). Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (345) , 1980 ROTIFERA 71% (61004) COPEPODA 26% (22232) CLADOCERA 3% (2363)  ! Keratella 'spp. 2E% (23753) nauplii 20% (17379) Bosmina longirostris 2% (1999) Synchaeta spp. 17% (14744) cyclopoid copepodida $% (4353) immature Daphnia spp. s1% (150) Polyarthra vulgreis 17% (14549) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (353) Daphnia parvula <1t (105) 1984 ROTIFERA 71% (4/335) COPEPODA 21% (13891) CTADOCERA 8% (5356). Polyarthra vulgaris 32% (21318) nauplii 16% (10960) Bosmina longirostris 8% (5178)  ; Trichocerca percellus 25% (17128) cyclopoid opepodida 4% (2350) Synchaeta spp. 7% (4692)  ; opocyclops prasinus <1% (293) > { Calanoid copepo'ida d <1% (184) i 4

O O ;O lable Z-3. Page 2 of 12. FEBRUARY 1978 ROTIFERA 51% (14973) COPEPODA 41% (12011) CLAD 0CERA 8% (2250). Trichocerca porcellus 26% (7678) nauplii 19% (5567) Bosmina longirosteis 7% (1936) Keratella spp. 10% (2922) cyclopold copepodi*- 15% (4432) immature Cladocera 1% (228) Polyarthra vulgaris 7% (2038) calanoid copep 4 3 3% (976) Diaptomus pall e (,(5271 Cyclops thomas! (431) 1979 ROTIFERA 42% (23165)- COPEPODA 51% (28112) CLADOCERA 8% (4343) Polyarthra vulgaris 12% (6514) na splii 28% (15297) Bosmina longirostris 6% (3574) Trichocerca porcellus 11% (6251) cyclopoid copepodida 15% (8302) immature Daphnia spp. 1% (353) Keratella spp. 5% (2833) Cyclops thomasi 5% (2972) Daphnia parvula <1% (150) Asplanchna spp. 5% (2614) calanoid copepodida 2% (912) liolopedium gibberum <1% (119) Diaptomus mississippiensis <1% Ceriodaphnia lacustris <17 (112) (266) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (222) Diap'.omus pallidus <1% (142) 1980 ROTIFERA 49% (50282) COPEPODA 45% (46905) CLADOCLRA 6% (6294) Keratella spp. 21% (22090) nauplii 26% (26581) Bosmina longirostris 5% (5027) Polyarthra vulgaris 16% (16542) cyclopold copepodida 16% (16171) immature Daphnia spp. 1% (588) Cyclops thomasi 3% (2961) Daphnia parvula 1% (525) calanoid copepodida 1% (546) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (345) Diaptomus mississippienis <1% (256) 1984 ROTIF[RA 71% (56575) C0FEP00A 26% (20874) CLA00CERA 3% (2098) Trichocerca pc*cellus 46% (36680) nauplii 16% (12952) Bosmina longirostris 2% (1926) Polyarthra vulgaris 13% i10699) cyclopoid copepodida 9% (7056) immature Daphnia spp. <1% (142) Synchaeta spp. 9% (6787) Cyclops thomasi 1% (453) , Tropocyclops prasinus <1%-(314)  :

a. A Nb '

O O O Table Z-3. Page 3 of 12. MARCff COPEPODA 44% (14889) CLAD 0CERA 9% (2971) 1978 20TIFERA 48% (16294) Bosmina longirostris 7% (246o, K= rate 11a spp. 34% (11668) nauplil 20% (6954) Polyarthra vulgaris 5% (1713) cyclopold copepodida 17% (5894) Immature Cladocera 1% (283)- calanoid copepodida 3% (905) Daphnia parvusa 1% (185) Diaptomus pallidus 2% (731) Cyclops thos si 1% (318) COPEPODA 50% (78084) CLADOCERA 7% (11126) 1979 ROTIFERA 43% (66202) Bosmina longirostris 6% (9499) Polyarthra vulgaris 20% (31362) nauplii 38% (59232) immature Daphnia spp. <1% (687) Keratella spp. 12% (18397) cyclopold copepodida 10% (15228) Trichocerca porcellem 6% (9733) Cyclops thomasi 2% (2468) Daphnia parvula <1% (644) calanoid copepodida <1% (468) Holopedium gibberum <1% (132) l Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (467) Leydig?a leydigi <1% (100) f j Diaptomus mississippiensis <1% (221) COPEPODA 60% (93456) CLADOCERA 4% (5558) 1980 ROTIFERA 3G% (5Ls671 Bosmina longirostris 3% (4376) Polyarthra vulg7ris 20% (31500) nauplii 47% (72715) l' Keratella spp. 10% '75774) cyclopoid copepodida 11% (17163) Daphnia parvula 1% (931) Cyclops thomasi 2% (2751) Holopedium gibberum <1% (149) calanoid copepodida <1% (486) immature Daphnia spp. <1% (103) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (218) i Mesocycleps edax <1% (123) COPEPODA 28% (53507) CLADOCERA 3% (4865) 1984 R011FERA C9% (132590) Bosmina longirostris 2% (3981) Polyar+5ia vulgaris 2.1% (43180) nauplii 20% (37709) cyclepoid copepodida 8% (15119) inmature Daphnia spp. <1% (493) Synchaeta spp. 22% ',41'.6'. Daphnia parvula <1% (335) Trichocerca porcellos 17% (32050) Tropocyriops prasinus <1% (421) t _ , .. 7

o - O o. . 4 Table Z-3. Page'4 of'12. AP"It i L 1978 ROTIFER 7 48% (32619) .COPEp0DA 44% (29731) CtADOCERA 8% (5415) Keratell, spp. 16% (10886) cyclopoid copepodida 22% (15083) immature Cladocera 5% (3073)  ; Polyarthra vulgaris.11% (7207) nauplii 15% (103it) Bosmina longirostris 3% (2148) " Synchaeta spp. 9% (6269) calanoid c:repodida 4% (2401) Daphnia ambigua <1% (132)- l Trichocerca 'porce11us 5% (3602) Diaptomus pa'lidus 1% (929) Cyclops thomasi 1% (619) Hesocyclops edax <1% (254) 1979 ROTIFERA 57% (157899) COPEP00A 35% (92280) CLAD 0CERA 6% (16866) Polyarthra vulgaris 24% (64084) nauplii 27% (71525) Bosmina longirostris 4% (10049) Trichocerca porcellus 19% (59985) cyclopold copepodida 7% (17981) immature Daphnia spp. EE (3549) Keratella spp. 8% (21521) Cytlops thomasi 1% (1625) Daphnia parvula UK (1990) Synchaeta spp. 6% (15252) calanoid copepodida <1% (643) Daphnia amb'gua <1% (1001) Hesocyclops edcx <1% (325) Holopedium gibberum <rt (146) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (107) 1980 RuIIFERA 48% (121934) COPEPODA 47% (119068) CLADOCERA 6% (14173) Polyarthra vulgaris 31% (78263) r.aupl i l 34% (86422; Bosmina long*rostris 5% (12456) Keratella spp. 7% (17722) cyclopsid copepodida 11% (29261) Dapnnia parvula <1% (1262) Gastropus spp. 5% (12679) Cyclops thomasi 1% (2415) immature Daphnia spp. <1% (368) calanoid copepodida <1% (621) Hesocyclops edax <1% (174) Diaptomus mississippiensis <1% (174) 1984 ROT 1FERA 55% (83407) COPFPpDA 39% (59391) CLADOCERA 5% (7749) Trichocerca porcelles 21% (31622) nauplii 21% (32171) Bosmina ionair-; iris 3% (5074) Synchaeta spp. 11% (16515) cyclepoid copepedida .6% 1 (24557) Daphnia parvula 1% (1260) Collotheca spp. 7% (9909) calanoid copepodida 1% (1592) immature Gaphnia spp. 1% (785) Polyarthra spp. 6% (9002) Cyclops thomasi <1% (678) Holopediam gibberum <1% (287) Keratella spp. 5% (7087) Hesocyclops edax (1%'(300) Daphnia ambigua <1% (244) Polyarthra vulgaris 4% (6478)

Q O ~h O (d Table Z-3. Page 5 of 12. MAY 1978 ROTIFF.A 33% (48950) COPEPODA 58% (85431) CLAD 0CERA 9% (13169) Trichocerca porcellus 8% (12273) nauplii 31% (45669) immatire Cladocera 7% (10811) Collotheca spp. 8% (11333) calanoid copepodida 16% (23246) Bosmina longirostris 1% (1271) Keratella spp. 7% (10945) cyclopoid copepodida 10% (IC84) Daphnia parvula <1% (711) Diaptomus pallidus 1% (1603) Holopedium gibberum <1% (239)

  • Hesocyclops edax <1% (390) Daphnia ambigua <1% (138)

Diaptomus birgei <1% (137) 1979 ROTIFERA 23% (23233) COPEPODA 72% (73582) CLAD 0CERA 6% (5690) Conochilus unicornis 11% (10851) nauplii 44% (44810) Bosmina longirostris 1% (1518) cyclopoid copepodida 26% (26228) llolopedium gibberum 1% (1456) Mesocyclops edax 1% (1168) Daphnia ambigua 1% (1454) Cyclops thomasi 1% (873) Daphnia parvula 1% (943) calanoid copepodida <1% (349) immature Daphnia spp. <1% (267) Diaptemus pallidus <1% (103) 1980 ROTIFERA 43% (108250) COPEPODA 46% (104527) CLAD 0CERA 6% (12963) Conochilus unicornis 18% (41748) nauplii 30% (668S3) Daphnia jarvula 3% (5820) Keratella spp. 17% (37371) cyclopoid copepodida 16% (35084) 'lolopeJ5 gibberum 1% (2622) Polyarthra vulgaris 5% (12118) calanoid copepodida <1% (1107) Bosmina longirostris 1% (2451) Asplanchna spp. 4% (8332) Cvclops thomasi <1% (906) Daphnia ambigua 1% (1817) Mesocyclops edax <1% (578) Daphnia galeata mendotae '% (112) 1984 ROTIFERA 35% s41469) COPEPODA 59% (69204) CLADOCERA 6% (7289) Polyarthra spp. 20% (23413) cyclopoid copepodida 30% (34973) Bosmina longirostris 3% (3169) Keratella spp. 7% (7857) nauplii 23% (26648) Daphnia ambigua 1% (1560) Trichocerca porcellus 6% (6552) calanoid copepodida 4% (4787) immature Daphnia spp. 1% (1390) Mesecyclops edax 1% (1254) Daphnia parvula <1% (480) Diaptomus birgei 1% (1012) Daphnia catawba <1% (404) Cyc1 cps thomasi <1% (348) Leptodora kindtii <1% (151) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (182) Ceriedaphnia facustris <1% (135) I

o o o Table Z-J. Page 6 of 12. JUNE 1978 ROTIFERA 35% (12168) COPEPODA 50% (17343). CLAD 0CERA 15% (5374) Polyarthra vulgaris 10% (3399) cyclopold copepodida 20% (6949) immature-Cladocera ilt (3791) Synchaeta spp. 5% (1840). nauplii 15%-(5130) Bosmina longirostris 2% (588) Calanoid copepodida 9% t 72)- Holopedium gibberum 1% (449) Diaptomus pallidus 4% (l? ) Daphnia ambigua 1% (422) Mesocyclops edax E% (642) 3

                   '1979 "ROTIFERA 35% (20242)            COPEPODA 42% (24583)             CLAD 0CERA 23% (13662)
1. Keratella spp. 21% (14073) nauplii 2L% (12514) I!clopedium gibberum 14% (8278)

Conochilus unicornis 6% (3331~i cyclopold copepodida 12% (6747) Bosmina longirostris 4% (2614). Mesccyclops edax 6%.(3406) immature Daphnia spp. Z% (1234) calanoid copepodioa Z% (1061) Diap.anosoma leuchtenbergianum 1% , Tropocyclops prasinus 1% (616) (/50) Diaptomus birgei <1% (169) Daphnia 3mbigua <1% (275) Daphnia parvula <lt (190) 4 Daphnia galeata mendotae <1% (135) 4 Ceriodaphnia lacustris <1%-(104) 1980 ROTIFERA 49% (52477) . COPEPODA 44% (47565) CLAD 0CERA 7% (7114) Kerc'.ella spp. 32% (33921) cyclopold copepodida 23% (24232) Bosmina longirostris 4% (4017) , Polyarthra vulgaris 13% (13809) nauplii 18% (18890) Daphnia parvula 1%.(862) , Mesocyclops edax 2% (2136) Daphnic ambigua EE (798) calanoid copepodida 2% (1705) immatura Dap? inia 'spp. <1% (491) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (200) Holopedium gibberum <1% (380) Diaptomus mississippiensis <l% Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum <1% (153) (346) Diapteris pallidus <1% (147) Daphnia galeata mendotae <rt (104) 198a ROTIFERA 43% (37031) COPEPODA 45% (40226) CLAD 0CERA 11% (9650) l Polycethra spp. 29% (25373) nauplii 22% (19079) Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 6% Keratella spp. 6% (5519) cyclopold copepodida 16% (13680) . (5041) calanoid copepodida 6% (5086) Bosmina longirostris 2% (2018)' ! Mesocyclops edax 2% (1610) Daphnia catawba 2% (1424) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (195) immature Daphnia spp. r% (536) l Diaptomus birgei <1% (188) Daphnia ambigua (1% (267) Diaptomus pallidus <1% (164) Daphnia parvula <1% (266) Cyclops thomasi <1% (130)

  ;Ol                                                    O                                                    LO Table Z-3. Page 7 of'12.

JULY 1978 ROTIFERA 45% (13523) COPEPODA 5Z%_(15623) CLAD 0CERA 4% (1117) Polyarthra vulgaris 12% (3595) nauplii 28% (8465) immature Cladocera-Keratella spp. 8% (2297) calanoid copepodida 9% (2862). Bosmina longirostris EE .(243)

                                          .cyclopold copepodida 9% (2823)  Holopedium gibberum Et (196)

Diaptomus pallidus 3% (1052) Mesocyclops edax 1% (293) I 1979 ROTIFERA 46% (33021) C9 PEP 00A 48% ~(34610) CLADOCERA 6% (4164)

Keratella spp. 2'% (14799) nauplii 38% (27230) Bosmina longirostris 5% (3245)

Asplanchna spp. 6% (4319) . cyclopoid copepadida 7% (5088) Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 1% Polyarthra vulgaris'6% (4075) Tropocyclops prasinus 2% (1576) (580) calanoid copepodida 1% (596) Holopedium gibberum <1% (272)  ; 1980 R0!IFERA 31% (17715) COPEPODA 63% (36283) CLADOCERA 7% (3883) Keratella spp. 16% (9073) nauplil 56% (32568) Bosmina longirostris 6% (3386) Conochilus unicornis 6% (3642) cyclopoid copepodida 6% (3219) Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum :1% i calanoid copepodida 1% (387) _ (193) Holopedium gibberum <1% (173)  ; immature Daphnia spp. <1% (109) , CLAD 0CERA 7% (9438)  ; 1984 ROIIFERA 82% (114729) COPEPG7A 12% (16145) Trichocerca cylindrica 28% (39730)nauplil 8% (11213) Bosmina longirostris 6% (8311) -{ Keratella spp. 17% (24168) cyclopoid copepodida 2% (2573) Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum <l% Conochilus unicornis 12% (17389) calanoid copepodida 1% (1774) . (515) Polyarthra spp. 11% (15323) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (539) Holopedium gibberum <1% (343) Trichocera_capucina 8% (11452) immature Daphnia spp. <1% (204)

O O- O Table Z-3. Pag? 8 of 12. AUGtIST - 1978 ROTIFERA 57% (57137) COPEPODA 38% (38098) CLADOCERA 4% (4158) Keratella spp. 27% (26550) nauplii 26% (25880) Bosmina'iongirostris 4% (3644)  ! Ptygura cpp. 12% (11709) calanoid copepodida 6% (6355) ineature Cladotera <1% (436) Conochilus unicornis 11% (11066) cyclopoid coptpodide .% (3620) Diaptomus mississipi.nents 2% (1563) 1ropocyclop- erasinus <1% (392) Mesocyclops edax <1%-(289) 1979 ROTIFERA 73% (42037) COPEP00A 19% (10977) CLADCERA 7% (4262) Ptygura spp. 33% (18771) nauplii 14% (8305) Bosmina longirostris 6% (3666) Conochilus unicornis 15% (8337) calanoid copepodida 3% (1482) Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 1%

  • Polyarthra eoryptera 11% (6020) cyclopoid copepodida 1% (809) (306)

Keratella spp. 6% (3322) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (210) ' Diaptomus pallidus <1% (64) 1980 ROTIFERA 72% (46694) COPEP00A 22% (14002) CLAD 0CERA 6% (3941) Conochilus unicornis .41% (26436) nauplii 20% (12770) Bosmina longirostris 5% (3525) Keratella spp. 9% (5705) e calanoid copepodida 1% (827) Diaphanosoma 16uchter.bergianum <1% Ptygura spp. 6% (3664) cyclopold cop?podida <1% (321) (255) Polyarthra euryptera 5% (3339) Diaptomus mississippiensis <1% Asplanchna spp. 1% (552) (62) , - 1984 ROTIFERA 71% (24943) COPEPODA 13% (4637) CLAD 0CERA 16% (5705) Trichocerca cylindrica 22% (7652) nauplii 11% (3795) Bosminopsis deitersi 9% (3071) Keratella spp. 13% (4606) cyclopoid copepodida 1% (360) Bosmina longirostris 7% (2462) Ploesoma truncatum 10% (3419) ct hnoid copepodida 1% (277) Holopedium gibberum <1% (125) Polyarthra spp. 8% (2663) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (129) Trichocerca capucina 7% (2415) Diaptomus missiesippiensis <1% (61)

t i

I r: Table Z 3. Page 9 of 12. - SEPIEMCER 1978 ROTIFERA 80% (132936) COPEPODA 15% (24983) CLAD 0CERA 6% (9228) Keratella spp. 52%.(86835) nauplii 8% (1d041) Bosmina longirostris 5% (8646) Ploesoma truncatum'10% (16786) cyclopcid copepodida 4% (6644) immature Diaphanosoma spp. <1% Conochilus unicornis 5% (8590) calanoid copepodida 1% (2328) (556) Iropocyclops prasistus 1% (1615) Diaptomus mississippiensis <1% (335) 1979 ROTIFERA 77% (36273) COPEPODA 10% (4736) CLAD 0LERA 13% (5922) Conochilos unicornis 22% (10338) nauplii TE (3314) Bosmina innqirostr is 12% (5763)  ; Ptygura'spp. 19% (8707) cyclopold copepodida 2% (788) Leptodora kindtil <1% (46) Polyarthra euryptera '11% (5124) calanoid.copepodida 1% (316) Keratella spp. 11%-(5012) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (196) Polyarthra vulgaris 5% (2459) Dieptomus mississippiensis <1% C0110theca spp. 5% (2438) (70) Asplanchna spp. 1% (508) 1980 ROTIFERA 87% (39298) COPEF0DA 7% (2975) CLADCCERA 6% (2777) . Conochilus unicornis' 30% (13469) nauplii 5% (2278). Bosmina longirostris 6% (2550)  ! Keratella spp. 21% (9259) cyclopold copepodida 1% fGc) Diaphancsuma leuchtengergianum <1% '{ Ploesoma truncataa 19% (8588) calanoid copepodida <1% (104 (110) Ptygura spp. 5% (2312) Diaptnmus mississippiensis <1% Holopedium gibberam -1% (106) Conochiloides spp. 5% (2134) . (59) Asplanchna spp. 1% (440) 1983 ROIIFERA 78% (44398) COPEPODA 9% (5222) CLAD 0CERA 12% (7055) Conochiloides spp. 21% (12131) nauplii 7% (4129) Bosninopsis deitersi 1Et (6094) t ! Conochilus unicornis 18% (10196) cyclopold copepodida 2% (936) Bosmina longirostris 2% (887) Trichocerca spp. 9% (4884) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (127) Polyarthra vulgaris 8% (4586) Trichocerca cylindrica 7% (4238) Keratella spp. 6% (3520) Ptygura spp. 5% (2654)

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Table Z-3. Page 11 of 12. N3VEMBER 1978 RO11FERA 75% (52312). COPEPODA 20% (13681) CLADOCERA 5% (3406) Polyarttra vulgaris 37% (25703) nauplii 10% (6837) Bosmina longirostris 5% (3126) Keratelna spp. 12% (7988) cyclopold copepodida 6% (4245) Trichocerca porcellus 11% (7500) Tropocyclops prasinus 24,(1460) Polyarthra euryptera 7% (5020) .calanoid copepodida 2% (1067) 1979 R0flFERA 67% (26269) COPEPODA 30% (11834) CLADOCERA 3% (984) Keratella spp. 47% (18247) nn splii 26% (10090) Bosraina longirostris 2% (683) Polyarthra vulgaris 7% (2660) cyclopoid c.apepodida'.3% (1172) Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 1% Asplanchna spp. 1% (470) calanoid copepodida 1% (286) (224) Tropocyclops prasinus <1% (157) Diaptomus mississippiensis <1% (99) 1980 ROTIFERA 59% (23688) COPEPODA 32% (12976) CLAD 0CERA 8% (3315) Polyarthra vulgaris 35% (14073) niuplii 241 (9778) Bosminc longirostris 7% (2796) Kellicottia Bostonensis 8% (3379) calanoid copepodida 5% (2649' immature Daphnia spp. 1% (234) Keratella spp. 8% (3109) cyclopoid copepodids 2% (766) Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum <1% Diaptomus mississippiensis 1% .(192) (237) Mesocyclops edax <1% (96) 1983 $RA38% COPEP00A 41% (21420) CLAD 0CERA 21% (11065) ROT T rit. f [hocercapo(20963) rcellus 12% (6462) naeplii 24% (12573) Bosmina longirostris 16% (8572)

;                                           Polylrthra vulgaris 10% (5183)          calanoid copepodida 7% (3723)    Ceriodaphnia lacustris 2% (1246)

Synchaeta spp. 6% (2975) cyclopoid coperodida 7% (3626) immature Daphnia spp. 2% (950) Keratella spp. 5% (2442) Tropocyclops prasinus 2% (1196) Diaptomus mississippiensis 1% (302) l I

O O O Table Z-3. Page 12 of 12. DECEMBER 1978 ROTIFERA 68% (31958) . COPEPODA 23% (10577) CLAD 0CERA 9% (4257) Po!yarthra vulgaris 24% (11131) nauplii 15% (7137) Bosmina longirostris 8% (3890) Keratella spp. 20% (9190' calanoid copepedida 4% (1645) immature Daphria spp. 1% ( *) . Polyarthra etryptera' 8% (3519) cyclopold copepodida 3% (13741 Conochilus unicornis 5% (2475) Tropocyclops prasinus 1% (296) Synchaeta spp. 5% (2441) Asplanchna spp. 3% (1233) 1979 ROTIFERA 81% (59700) COPEP00A 16% (12056) CEAD0CERA 3% (1911) Polyarthra vulgaris 38% (28103) nauplii 13% 19215) Bosmina longirostric 2% (1771) Keratella spp. 17% (12854) cyclopoid copepodida 3% (1953) Trichocerca porcellus 15% (11300) calanoid copepodida 1% (494) Tropocyclops prasinus < l% (325) 1980 ROTIfERA 59% (18779) COPEP0DA 38% (12028) CLAbOCERA 3% (879) Po;farthra vulgaris 27% (8503) nauplii 30% (9415) Bosmina longirostris 3% (879) Keratella spp. 17% (5428) calanoid copepodida 5% (1701) cyclopoid copepodida 2% (750) Diaptomus mississippiensis <1% (98) Cyclops thceasi <1% (65) 1983 ROTIFERA 70% (470101 COPEPODA 18% (12365) CLAD 0CERA 12% (8670) Trichocerca porcellos 53% (35707) nauplit 13% (9010) Bosmina longirostris 11% (7589) Polyarthra vulgaris 8% (5707) calanoid copepodida 2%-(1544) immature Daphnia spp. <1% (174) cyclopoid copepodida 2%'(1151) Ceriodaphnia lacustris <1% (167) Tropocyclops prasinur 1% (461) Mesocyclops edax <1% (168)

       ~  . ,    .         .      .     .          -. . .   ..- _~        - - - -             . - . _ . -

k Table 2-4. Zonplankton taxa observed in the upper 10m of Lake Norman at locations 1, 3, 4.5, 5 and 8, during the time periods 1978 through 1980, and September 1983 through August 1984 Also-

                         -listed are biomass estimates (pg dry weight per individual) f rom 3-               Horton and Carter (1980).

Taxon Biomass (pg dry weight) CLASS CRUS 1ACEA ORDER CLADOCERA immature Cladocera 0.20 FAMILY B05 MIN 10AE immature Bosmina spp. Baird Bosmina longirostris (O. F. Muller) 0.49 Eosminopsis dettersi Richard 0.20 FAMILY Ch'(00RIDAE Alona circumfibriata Megaid 0.56 Alona guttata Sars 0.49 XTEni quadrangularis (O. F. Muller) 1.20 Alona setulesa Megard 0.56 Chudorus spp. Leach 1.93 Chydorus spha_ericus (O. F. Muller) 0.90 Disparalona acutirostris Birge


0.56 Disparelona rostrata hoch 0.58 Lejdigia le hdici Schoedler 1.56 FAMILY DAPHNIDX1 Ceriodaphnia rop; Dana

 '())-                immature Ceriedanhnia spp. Dana 3.74 3.74 Ceriodaphnia lacustris Birge                                  2.44 Daphnia spp. O. F. Muller                                     6.41 immature- Daphnia spp. O. F. Muller                          6.41 Daphnia ambigua Scourfield                                    2.96 Daphnia catawba Coker                                         8.89 Daphnia Ealeata Sars mendotae Birge                           6.33 Daphnia garvula Fordyce                                       3.13 immature Moina spp. Baird                                    0.71 Moina micrura Kurz                                            0.71 Simocephalus exspinosus ( ..oc h)                            15 86 FAMILY HOLOPEDIDAE Holopedium spp. Zaddach                                       7.99 Holopedium gibberum Zaddach                                   7.99 FAMILY LEPT 000RIDAE Leptodora kindtii (Focke)                                    9.64 FAMIL'IMACROTHRICIDAE
                     -Ilyocryptus sordidus (Lieven)                                2.01 Ilyocryptus spinifer Herrick                                 0.72 FAMILY $1D10AE Diaphanosoma brachyuram (Lieven)                              2.67 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum Fischer                        1.83 Side crystallina (O. F. Muiler)                               5.52 O

I n labic 2-4. Page 2 of 3. Taxon Biomass (pg dry weight) ORDER COPEPODA neuplii 0.16 5UBORDER CALANOIDA calannid copepodida 2.00 FAMILY ClhFTOMIDAE Dioptomus birgei Marsh 13.72 Diaptomus mississippiensis Marsh 7.90 6faptomus pt.llidus Herrick


10.05 SUBORDER CYCLOPolDA cyclopoid copepodida 1.39 FAMILY CYCLOPOIDAE Cyclops thomasi Forbes 6.65 Cvelops vernaTis Fischer 4.79 [$c"cloos agilis (Koch)

                     ~                                       3.18 HesocyEi ps edax (5. A. Forbes)              6.99 Ot thocyclops modestus (Herrick)             4.12
                'lropocyclops presinus (Fischer)             1.02 PARASIllC COPEPODA unidentified parasitic copepoda Ergasilig spp copepodid                     0 82 Ergasilus chautauquaensis Fellows           2.97 PHYLUM ROTlf-ERA g-S             unidentified rotifera                       0.14 s,,r   ORDER BDELLOIDA unidentified bdelloida                      0.03 ORDER COLLOTHECACEAE FAMILY COLLOTHECIDAE Collotheca spp. Harring                     0.03 ORDER FLO5CULARIACEAE
          -FAMILY CONOCHILIDAE Conochiloides spp, Hlava                    0.05 Conochilus spp. Hlava                       0.04 Conochilus unicornis Rousselet              0.03 FAMILY FLOSCUL4RllDAE Ptygura spp. Ehrenberg                      0.04 FAMILY HEXARTHRIDAE Hexarthra spp. Schmarda                     0.02 FAMILY TEstuDINELLIDAE Filinia spp. Bory de St. Vincent            0.06 ORDER PL0lMA FAMILY ASPLANCHNIDAE As                                          6.87 FAMILI~glanchna BkACHIONIDAEspp. Gosse Anuracopsis spp. Lauterborn                 0.003 Brachionus angularis Gosse                  0.06 Bracnionus natulus Muller                   0.14 EuchlanIs~ualpidi_e Myers                   0.50 Kellicottia bostoniensis Rousselet          0.01 Eeratella spp. Bory de St. Vincent           0.0?

() Macrochaetus spp. Perty 0.03

Table Z-4. Page 3 of 3. Taxon Biomass (pg dry weight) Macrochaetus subyuadratus Perty 0.03 1richotria spo. bory de 51. Vincent 0.18 FAMILY GASTROP10AE Chromogaster spp. Lauterborn 0.03 Chromonaster ovalis (Bergenoal) 0.03 Gastropus spp. Imhof 0.10 FAMILY LECANIDAE Lecane spp. Nitzsch 0.03 Lecane hal'iclysta Harring and Myers 0.02 Lecane luna Muller 0.06 Lecane ploenensis (Voight) 0.03 Monostyla spp. Ehrenberg 0.03 Monostyla quadridentata Ehrenberg 0.14 Monostyla stenroosi (Meissnee) 0.03 FAMILY NQTOMMATlDAE Cephalodella spp. Boty de St. Vincent 0.03 FAMILY SYNCHAEilDAE Ploesoma spp. Herrick 0.14 Ploesoma hudsoni Imhof 0.23 Ploesoma truncatum Levander 0.05 Polyarthra spp. Ehrenberg 0.14 Polyarthri euryptera Wierzejski 0.19 () Polyarthra vulgaris Carlin Synenaeta spp. Ehrenberg 0.06 n.10 FAMILY TRICHOCERCIDAE Tricnocerca spp. Lamarck 0.15 1richocerca canucina Wierzejsk" 0.12 Trichocerca cylindrica Imhof 0.15 Trichocerca multicrinis $ delli.stt) e.13 Trichocerca porcellus Gosse G.04 Trichocerca similis Wierzejski 0.03 Trichocerca stylata Gosse 0.03 , i O l l

O 3 m 106-MixtNG ZONE d 4 m 2 x 106-3 , e l

                        <r c                                                                                               -

s b 1 105_ _ g 4 g

  • o 0-3 I I T I y T y y y J F M A M J J A 5 O N D MONTH O " 'o' 1

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Figure Z-1. Total zooplankton densities in the McGul c Nu; lear Station thermal mixing zone (Locations 1,3,4.5,5) and ct a control l o ca t ion (Location 8), based on net tows f rom 10 m or less to the surface. Solid !!nes repre-sent the maximum and minimum densities observed during the presperational period (January 1978 through December 1980) Data fo'r the designated babeline year (June 1978 through May 1979) are represented t;y diamonds. Data for the operational yea- (September 1983 through August 1984) are represented by stars,


t O -O O i I JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH f 20 - 700-l 100 100-150-P'1 80 - lg 00 00 - 100-t Bi:  ?-5 .

         *0                                            *G                    :);                                    9.:

fy , 4:: 50 W .- f.jW 20 3 20 (f:

  • CN, ,  % 9 E 73 79 Bo 84 8 79 84 8 80 84 ,

l x april MAY JUNE I i y 300 300 120 5 100- i ! E o 200 200 - 80 f D 00 - 100 - 100- g 50 . l

                      -$.                                     t            :                         20     !                                                    l O                                             O                                             0                                                                !

l 78 79 80 84 78 79 80 84 78 79 B0 84 f l l Figure Z-2. 7.ooplankton taxonomic composition by month, in terms of ' i ty , in the McGuire Nuclear Station thermal anixing zone for three preoperational vears (1978 through 1980) and for the operat~enal year l'Sep t embe r 1983 through August 1984). Data represent mean densities for 4 mixing zone locations (1,3,4.5,5) . ased on net tows from 10 m or less to take surface. , Legend: M" era M Copepoda @ Cladocera

E: M7 I l l c WE a E E i . w i 3 A ER $ tR w l M EE M EE [ S 8 S 8 ti S R l l l EE M2 M4 8 e M B O iD s e i> ammurae

                                    <                                                                               o ME                                                                             6 12 8        8        8        S        R
  • 8 8 S R i
E E EE KFisif a Ea e 5  %
                                    $                                   6                          R                 5 U

E2 $e O O v i kE N. N I O s s S

                                                                                                -                          c R             2 s        s         =                 i

w ( c .u. . ,0t x sw;4uc6;o) /21sua0

                                                                                                        .,. .- +                   - , ,        -,,--,..-,-,-...w      w,,y,-,e-- -v-,---.m..     - .y ,--,---- ,.., ,-
o o o .

i JANU AR Y FEBRUARY MAR CH > 300 200- 400 .[ i 150- 300-1 100- 200 ! ea o 18 b 74 Kf 80 84 78 79 PO 84 o E 78 79 80 84 g j l . APRIL MAY JUNE - i

  ]    400                                                                                   700 Sno g

! g 300 iso . t g 400-v x 200 330 100 M:

 $     100                                                                                    50 - g             .,.
                                                                                                                       .           i

. 0 - 0 - - 'I 78 79 80 84 78 79 80 84 78 79 PO 84 Figure Z-3 Zooplankton taxoncelc composi tion by, in terms of density, at the control location (Location

8) for three preoperational years (1978 through 1960) and for tha operational year (Septe%er 1953 i through August 1984). Data represent mean densities based on net tows from 10 m or less to take ,

sur fa ce . Legend: M Rottiera M Coperoda M Cladocera t i +

O M e N e W M '8 e E8 w i

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                         . e 50 ,          .
                         .                                        s 0,        ,   ,

J F M A M J J A S O N D ROTIF E RA Figure 2-6. Densities of Rotifera, Copepoda and Cladocera, in the McGuire Nuclear Station thermal mixing zone (Locat ions 1,3,4.5.5) and at a control location (Location B), based on tiet tows from 10 m or less to lake surface. Solid lines represent the maximum and minimum densit ies observed during the preoperat ional period (January 1978 through December 198D). Data for the operational , year (Septembe r 1983 through Augus t 1984) are represented by stars.

O-126 - l MIXING ZONE 100! 75 i

a 60 - ,

e l d 2b : , a

  • n  : e
  • m DJ o , , , . . . . i , , , . .
              =                  J        F    M      A    M      J    J   A            $     0     N     D m



{ 125 -

             @           !                                 /               CONTROL C                                 .

.O 100i 75! e SO E

                    =d            .-                                                           .
e 02 J F M A M J J A S C N D COPEPODA Figure 2-6. Page 2 of 3

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e 9-*

e e "

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N 2 m n. e ..- , , , , , , , . . I J F M A M J J A 5 O N D u 3 {C 40

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J F M A M J .4 A S O N D CLADOCERA Figure 2-6. Page 3 of 3 b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _

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                                                                                    . L.

7 h b k ** J HOf J f ** h h h f) se h 9400s f H Trichocerca porcellus Keratella spp. Tiqure Z-7. Densities of selected rotifers in the McGuire Nuclear Station thermal mixing zone (Locations 1,3,4.5.5) and at a control location (Location 8). based on net tows from 10 m or less to take' surface. Solid lines represent the maximum and minimom densities observed during the preoperational period (January 1978 through December 1980). Data for the operational year (September 1983 through August 1984) are represented by stars.

                                                                   ,-                                                               r

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DIaphanosoma leochtenbergianum Bosmina Iongirostris figure Z-8. Densities of selected cladocerans in the McGuire Nuclear Station. thermal mixing zone (Locations-1,3,4.5.5) and at a control location (tocation 8) based on net tows from 10 m or less to ' surface. Solid lines represent the maximum and minimum densities observed during the precoerational period (January 1978 through December 1980). Data for the operational year (September 19d3 through August:1984) are represented by stars.

- . . . . _ . _ . - - . . - . . _ . .._ . - . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . . _ . ~ .. . . _ - . . . - - _ . . = . . . _ . t g. ra 5 I w . , ., i \ o e

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                                                                                                                                                                           "3 7


A d 12.5 : l MIXING ZONE 10.0 f

  • 7.5 4 s

5.0 s e 2.5 - . m  : \ 3  : g 0.0 2 , , , , , , , , , , , ,

          $                  J    F    M    A        M     J      J      A    5        0           N     O W

ic c j 40 ] CONTROL O  !. Ni 20 k

                       ;                e              e 10 -                                              a
                       ;                     e               a A __ M                                      /
                       !                                                           N                     -

0- . , , . . . . . . . . J F M A M J J A S O N O ROTIF EM A Figure 2-9 Blomass (ma m-3) of Roti fera, Copepoda and Cladocera, in the McGuire Nuclear Station thermal mixing :ene (Locations 1,3,4,5,5) and at a control location (Location 8),' based on net tows from 10 m or less to lake surface. Solid lines represent the maximum and minimum densities observed during the preoperational period (January 1978 through December 1980). Data for the operational year ( Sep t embe r 'O 1983 through August 1984) are represented by stars.

O v 100 -

  • MIKING ZONE 80i 60 2 40 i po q e m  :

2 0:

                                                                                          .          *7 9

w J F M A M J J A s O N o 5 c 100 -

  • C .

C CONTROL O 2 e 80 - - 1 60 - 40 4 i l 20

                                    /                                                .           .   *f 0,            .        .         .       .    ,      ,         ,    , - , -   ,    ,   ,

J F M A M J J A S O N D COPEPODA Figure Z-9. Page 2 of 3, O

f so - l MIXING ZONE 70 i 80 " 4 bO k. 0 30 a a 20 -

  • 10 2 3 . .

0- , , , , , , , ,

         $                 J    F    M     A   M      J    J   A     5    0  N      D w

5 tr c 150 W e - CONTROL 2 O mi < 100 a 75 - l

  • 4 50 ,

4 4 25 - As _

                                                                               =    ,



J F M A M J J A 5 O N D CLADOCERA Figure 2-9 Page 3 of 3. O , 1 i I


 -O Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lakes and reservoirs are comprised of diverse populations which exhibit heterogeneous densities, and spatial and temporal distribution patterns. Many of the factors which influence these
  • patterns are, at best, poorly understood. Perhaps the most obvious overall determinants of invertebrate distribution are the morphometry _of the lake basin (Brinkhurst 1974) and the stratification patterns of the lake (Jonasson 1978).

Co7siderable variation in the distribution of benthic organisms is also attri-


butable to patchiness of the substrate (Wetzel 1975). Other factors which influence the abundance and distribution of benthic invertebrates include quality and availability of food, temperature, and predation (Macan 1961). Previous benthic studies on Lake Norman revealed that chironomids, chaoborids, () and oligochaetes were the dominant macroinvertebrates (Duke Power Company 1976, 1980; Koss et al. 1974). In more recent years, the abundance of Asiatic clams (Corbicula) has increased dramatically and they now form anotner dominant group (Wilda 1982). The objective of this section is to determine wnat effect the - thermal effluent from McGuire Nuclear Station has had on the benthic community of Lake Norman. Materials and Methods Benthic invertebrates were sampled quarterly (January, April, July, and October) during each year of monitoring. Sublittoral (8 to 10 m) collections in the vicinity of McGuire _ Nuclear Station were made at two thermal discharge locations (3.9 and 4.0), two mixing-zone locations (3.0 and 5.0), and one control loca-tion-(8.5). Sublittoral Locations 12.0 and 14.0 were sampled uplake in the O vicinity of Marshall Steam Station, and sublittoral Location 16.0 was sampled VI-M-1

j downriver of Cowans Ford Dam. However, the benthic community is substantially_ latter three locations (Wilda 1982), and no comparison will be drawn between them and the-locations near McGuire Nuclear Station. Profundal (28 to 33 m) collections were made at Location 2.0 in the mixing zone, and at Location 8.0 which served as the control location (for map of locations see Figure 5-1). Three replicate modified Petersen grab samples, each sampling an area of 258 cm2, were collected at all but one location from January 1977 through August 1984; sampling was initiated at Location 3.9 in July 1978. Sediment temperature of-Petersen grab samples was measured at each location with a YSI telethermometer beginning in 1978; a mercury bulb thermometer was used in 1977. All_ samples were sieved in 500 pm mesh wash buckets, and the residue was

h preserved in the field with 70% Et0H containing rose bengal stain. Organisms were sorted from the preserved samples under a 2X illuminated magnifying lers.

They were then counted, weighed by major taxor.omic-group (blotted wet weight to 0.1 mg), and identified using appropriate microscope techniques. The primary - taxonomic keys used in identification of macroinvertebrates included: Brigham et al. (1982), Edmunds et al. (1976), Merritt and Cummins (1978), Pennak (1978), Sacther (unpublished), Wiederholm (1983), and-Wiggins (1977). Results and Discussion Sublittoral Locations Midges (chironomids and chaoborids), Asiatic clams (Corbicula),_ mayflies (Hexagenia), and worms (oligochaetes) usually composed most of the density and biomass at the sublittorel locations throughout the sampling period (Figures O M-1 through M-6). The large proportion of "Others" found in the density in


Y many quarters reflects the collection of many small freshwater polychaetes. Trichopterans, odonates, and megalopterans, also included in "Others", are-relatively large organisms and accounted for most of the biomass for that


There was no substantial change in the dominant taxa during the operational year compared to the preoperational period. Chaoborus composed a greater proportion of the density and biomass during July of the operational year at the mixing zone Locations 3.0 and 5.0 and at the control Location 8.5. Corbicula were relatively more numerous at the discharge locations than at other locations in the operational year, as they were in preceding years. The clams also f composed nearly all of the biomass at the discharge locations in each quarter of the operational year, and in two quarters at the mixing zone locations. ( )I-- They did not account for as much of the biomass at the control location in the operational year, but they had composed nearly all the biomass during two preceding quarters-(October 1978 and July 1979). The biomass of the clams in 4

          . samples was highly variable, and the collection of one or two large individuals                                        .

could increase the sample biomass by several orders of magnitude For this reason, Corbicula biomass is presented separately (Figure M-7); other analyses

          -of total biomass (mg/m2) i~n this chapter exclude Corbicula.

TheEmean densities and biomasses during the operational year were within the

          -minimum and maximum range of the preoperational period (January 1977-through October 1981) at the mixing-zone, discharge, and control locations with four exceptions (Figures M-8 through.M-10). -At the mixing-zone locations, the opera'.sonal' year density in January was lower than the preoperational minimum, .'

(:)' and the operational year biomass in July was higher than the preoperational i


VI-M-3 i

l i

              " maximum (Figure M-8).                        At the discharge locations, the density and biomass in
              -July; of the' operational year were-both higher than the preoperational maximum                                                    ,

(Figure M-9). All the_ aforementioned operational year values which were  ; outside_the historic range were also outside the 95% confidence limits asso-ciated with the preoperational means for the respective quarters. The opera-tional year values for density and biomass at the control location were all within the preoperational range (Figure M-10).  : The operational year differences at the mixing-zone locations were probably not , due to the station's thermal effluent, however, since the sediment temperatures at the mixing-zone and control locations were similar from January 1977 tnrough

              -July 1984 (Figure M-11),                             Three of the four outlying operational _ year values were higher than the historic maximum, so there was not an overall negative h             effect, especially considering that relative proportions of the dominant taxa                                                    .

changed little in the operational year. There was also little change in the taxa collected annually from 1977 through 1984 a't the sublittoral locations , (Table M-1), which-would indicate that the indigenous benthic community was not altered by the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station. _The total densities and biomasses-at the discharge locations (3.9 and 4.0),

              -where effects of the station's thermal effluent would be greatest, were compared

. to those of the other sublittoral locations, (3.0, 5.0, and 8.5) combined (Figure M-12). . Data from Locations 3.0, 5.0, and 8.5 were pooled because i

sediment temperatures (Figure M-11) at these locations were highly similar from y the entire preoperational period through the operr.tional year,_ indicating negligible thermal impact in the mixing zone and control areas. Data from O Locations 3.9 and,4.0 were pooled because both locations were subject to the VI-M-4

maximum impact from McGuiret the discharge canal was essentially isothermal

                -while.the plant was operating (i,e., pumping), so sediment-temperatures at the

discharge stations were nearly identical to the overlying water temperatures (figure 4-15). The operational-year biomass-at the discharge locations was lower than the minimum at the other sublittoral locations in April; all other operational year density and biomass values at the discharge locations were within or above the range found at the mixing-zone and control locations during the operational year. Also, all operational year density and biomass values , for the ' discharge locations were within the range of values for the other locations during preoperational years, indicating that there was no substantial effect of McGuire Nuclear Station on the benthos at sublittcral depths in Lake Norman. O  :^m exe ieetioa or i norteot beataic texe (taoee co nosimo sx or more or the density) revealed that there were few changes during the operational year at , the mixing-zone and control locations. At the control location (8.5), the exceptions were that oligochaetes and the midge Tanytarsus, both important in _ most preoperational samples, did not compose 5% of the density during January and Uctober, respectively, of the operational year (Table M-2). The taxa most prevalent during the preoperational period at tha mixing-zone locations (3.0-and 5.0) were also important during the operational year. Exceptions were

                  -Hexagenia in January 1984 and Manayunkia speciosa in October 1983, April 1984, and July 1984; however,.neither taxon was important in all preoperational samples,(Table M-3), so their low numbers in some samples during the opera-tional year are not necessarily due to station operation.                                       The composition of important benthic macroinvertebrates in the operational year was similar at
          .O        mixing-zone and control locations, indicating that the operation of McGuire VI-M-5 I

Nuclear Station did not adversely affect the benthic fauna at mixing-zone


There were also changes apparent at the discharge locations (3.9 and 4.0) during the operational year (Table M-4). Manayunkia speciosa, Chaoborus, and oligochaetes were among the most numerous organisms during the preoperational period, but were relatively less abundant during the operational year. Corbicula, which was an important taxon in the majority of preoperational quarters,


increased in abundance and composed from 48 to 79% of the discharge locations' density in the four quarters of the operational year. Corbicula may have been favored in the immediate discharge area during the operational year because they are primarily adapted to flowing water (Britton 1982); more food may have been available for such filter-feeding organisms in the flowing water of the

   .O  discharge canal th:n in other areas of the lake.

None of the macroinvertebrate taxa collected in Lake Norman are considered rare endangered, or threatened (Department of Interior, Fish and 'ildlife Service - 1984), nor are any coumercially important. Profundal Locations Oligochaetes, chironomids, and chaoborids were dominant at both profundal locations (Figures M-13 through M-16). The only consistent difference in the benthic communities at the locations was that chaoborids tended to compose a larger proportion of the density and biomass at Location 8.0, the control-location. There was no apparent difference in the relative proportions of the O VI- M-6

_ major taxonomic groups at either location during the operational year. There was also no appar:ent change in toe composition of the major taxonomic groups

          -throughout the period of.this study; the chaoborids were exclusively Chaoborus punctipennis, and the chironomids were primarily Chironomous and Coelettnypus, with Procladius collected less frequently.

The mean density at the mixing-zone location (2.0) was low ir in each quarter of the operational year than the minimum values for that location during the preoperational period (January 1977 through October 1981), and the mean biomass values were lower in January and October of the operational year (Figure M-17). The outlying density values in January, April, and July of the operational year , were all.within the 95% confidence limits associated with the preoperational means for those quarters; the density value in October and the two cutlying h biomass values were outside those limits. At the control location, al opera-tional year values were within or higher than the range of preoperational values (Figure M-18). The densities.and biomasses at Location 2.0 in the operational year were all lower than those_found at Location 8.0 during that year; and the Location 2.0 values in the operational year were generally lower than the preoperational values for both profundal locations (Figure M-19). This apparent decline at Location 2.0 is probably due to factors other than temperature, since the sediment temperatures at that location during the

          ; operational year were within the range of temperatures for corresponding quarters of the preoperational period (Figure M-20.) Also, density and biomass values for Location 2.0 were relatively high in 1979 and 1980 (Figure M-19), a priod when sediment temperatures were higher than those in the operational year.


_. _ _ __ _ . . - _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ ~ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - _ . _ _ 4 Dissolved oxygen is an important factor in determining benthic distribution (Brinkhurst 1974; Wetzel 1975). However there were no' consistent differences indissolvedoxygenconcentrationsoranyotherofthephjsicalorchemical l parameters measured at profundal mixing-zone and control locations in the  ! operational year (Table M-5). The production of phytoplankton is one of the major determinants of factors (particularly food supply) which affect the i benthic fauna both qualitatively and quantitatively (Wetzel 1975). However, i there was little difference in phytoplankton abundance in the mixing zone and at Location 8.0 during the operational year (see Phytoplankton section of this chapter),_so the differences in the benthos at Locations 2.0 and 8.0 are probably not attributable to changes in the phytoplankton community. The major factor which affects the abundance of oligochaetes, clearly the dominant organism at both profundal locations, is the nutritional value and availability O of food - specificeiiy the eroeaic cerben. ceieric. totei nitrosen, end micre-bial contents of the sediment (Wetzel 1975). It is not known whether the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station influenced any of these factors. Summary The. benthos at sublittoral locations was dominated by chironomids, chaoborids, Corbicula, Hexagenia, and oligochaetes throughout the period of this study. Operation of McGuire Nuclear Station had little effect on these major domi-nants. The mean total densities and biomasses of sublittoral discharge, L mixing-zone, and control locations during the operational year were usual!y within-the minimum and maximum range of preoperational period. Examination of prevalent taxa du?ing the preoperational and operational periods indicated little change at the mixing-zone er control locations. At the discharge VI-M-8

  . m .,     ___           _ _ _ _ _ _ - -         . .        _ . - _ _ - .      _..          . _ _ . _ _ _

T llocations, Corbicula-were more numerous in the operational year, perhaps because-theyLare better adapted to the flowing water. At the profundal mixing-zone and-control locations,.oligochaetes, chironomids, and chaoborlds were dominant throughout the preoperational-and operational i

            - periods. The mean density at the mixing-zone location was lower in each                        .

quarter of the operational year than the minimum values for that location Tduring the preoperational period, and the mean biomass values were lower in two quarters of.the operational year.- The reason for this decline (which was not seen at the-control _ location) is not clear, although it is apparently not due to changes in temperature, phytoplankton production, dissolved oxygen, or any

            -of the other physical or chemical parameters monitored.

() LNo endangered,-threatened, or commercially important macroinvertebrate taxa

            - were collected from Lake Norman.                                                                ,

f e C:) VI-M-9

 - ,,     ,     . . . .  =                 , _ _ .          ,

d r O - OL J Table.M-1. take Norman benthic macroinvertebrates present at discharge (Disch) locations 3.9 and 4.0 end at other downlane subitttoral (sublit) locations. Data from four quarters (January, April. July and October) were esamined for each year encept 1994 when samples were collected in only three quarters (January, April and July). Three subilttorel locations'(3.0. 5.0 and 8.5) were poofed on the basis , of similiar sediment temperatures (Figure M-II). P 9, 3 or 4-1971. 1978 1979 19a0 1981 1982 1983 1994 "i Disch Subilt Disch Sublit, Disch Sublit Disch Sub11t Disch Subitt Disch Subtit .Disch Strbilt Disch Sublit

 'Meeertinea innpla Hg fonemertea Te trastematidae                                                                                                                                                     l l        Prestoma spp                        M       X       X      X.       N       N      1      N      N              N             N
  • N fctoprocta -;

Plylact01semata t Plumatellina 1ophopedidae Pectinatella magnifica X R' M X X X X X X X X X N' X X N 1 Nematoda 'N R X X X X X N N N R- f Annelida Oligoc haeta R X X X X N N X. X X X X X N N X Polychaeta Sedentaria Sabellida. M_a g untia speciosa X X X X X X X X X X N N N X N N Hollusca Pelecypoda

Heteredonta Corbiculidae Corbicula.spp N R N N
  • X N N I I X X X X X N Castrepoda Puisonata lyenaaidae benaea spp 3 Arthropoda Arachnida Acarifermes Prostigmata Hvdrachnellae X X X X X X X X X X X R R N N 1
                                                                                                           .,m-- ,... ,        -          c.,   --a ~.         ___.___J -

O Of 102  : i Table M-1 Continued Page 2 of 4

                                         '1971 -           1978      1979          1980         1981          1982          1983          1964 Disch Sublit Disch Sublit Disch Sublit Disch Subilt Disch Sublit Disch ' Sublit Disch Sublit .Disch 'Sub11t Insects Aptery gota iphemereptera fphemeridae Hemagenia spp                    X         X       X      X  X      X-    K'      N    N       X     R       R      R          X  X      'R B W da T Baetis spp                                                                                                                                X Ca5EIdie                                                                                                                                          ,

Caents spp N R TrTEh7o era

  • Hydreptilidae A9Ladeaspp X OrthotrRhia spp X X X X Oy ethira spp X leptoc eridae Jstacices spp P R X-Decetis X X X N, E X X X X X- X X X' N F Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis spp X X Folycentro g spp X X Odonata Anisoptera Gomphidae Drrmogoegshus spp N N X X G W hus spp I K X Megaloptera 51alidae Stalls spp I X X X 3  % N X N N Diptera i Chaoboridae Chacborus punctlpennis N X
  • X X X X X X- R *
  • R N R R Chironomidae '

Chironominae t Chironomini Chironomus spp X X X 5 I X X N M X R. s a C3 ptochironomus spp X X X X X X R X X X X X X X R y r l



t Table M-1. . Continued Page 3 of 4 i

1911 1918 ~ 1979 1990 1981 1982 1983 1984=- '

Disch Subilt Disch Subtit ' Elisth Suhlit Disch subtit : Disch Sublet Ulsth Subilt- Disch Subtit ' Disch Sublit Cryptotet.ypes coorus k k 2 N N N N X X cuneatas . X x X X  ! Dicrotendipe s, spp I R N N t Endochironomts spp X X 3 l Gi ptotendirei spp g , 2 X X X N' { , Harnischia spp N N N X X X X X X N' N ' It curtilamellata X X N M N N N N N' 'N - hicrochironomus spp .X X X' R  ? X X R R N X ! sIlothauma spp X X , W X X X X  ! Pa ' g asiTeTla spp x .N N x n x P. ostansa . X N .X R X X X X 'D R R Earacladopelma sp R R Paralauterbornlella spp. N P. nigrohalterale I N N N N Ehsenopsectra spp -X Folygedilum spp a n s a N N N N , [.islinolense N j Stenechironomus spp X t $ilctochironomus spp. N R R X k R I N I R R R R R N 'N , 4 kenothironomus spp N 3 N N N N

  • lany ta rs ini [

Cladotan3 tarsus spp R R N 2 I *

  • R X X X 'N N .X' Earatanytarsus spp R

[ 3tempellina spp I E R W N N 3 N N f S n. sp. 2 cr. bausel N X R * * 'L lanytarsus spp. R R X X R R X X X N R 3 X X X l lanyportinas c Coelotanypodini  ! y g a3 pus spp C X X X N N X W N R R R N N y N x .; J L, tricolor N N R R R N N N N N Ncropelopiini Djaleabatista pulcher R R Erocladius spp N N N K X 2 K N N N X X R X W 3 i Fentancurini j Ablabestyia spp I N N N 3 P N N X- N k R N R R [ 0,thocladiinae ..i Cricotepus N N l 4 i 4

                                                                                                                                  -f     r- m:-


,' q' Table M-1. Continued. Page 4 of 4
                                                           '1911           1978          1979            1990       1981           1982           1983 .                     196a .           ,

, Fpolcettadius spp- Disch Sub11t Disth Sublit : Disch Sublit Disch Sublit Disch Suhlit - Disch Subitt ' Disch Sublit ' l y Nanacladius spp X r 2 N. alterr,anthereae X 'I EarifieferIell E pp. I I i fseudosmittia spp , .X K

T5lutschia 2alutschicola X X X
                                                                                                                                                                                         'f Ceratopogonidae                                                                                     X              X              X                          R         '

[ Dasyheleinae i Dasybelea spp j A l Ceratopogoninae i

PalpomyIini. '

l'alpomyla complex A R R- X X A I R R' N N F R R R R Total Number of Tata 28 37. 26 33 30  ! 31 22 32 31 29 28 30 28 29 30 2F i i 1 i t


L , L f h [ l , v b 4 r


O O LO i Table M-2. Percent occurrence of tan. Norman benthic macroinvertebrates that composed 5% or more of. the density , at sublittoral control tocation 8.5 f rom January 1977 through July 1984 ' Density (No./m2) is given in..(). Page 1 of 2.

                          -ianuary-                                   April                                                       July.                             October:

lanytarsus 35% (5/3) lanytarsus 26% (1214) Oligochaeta 54% (2248) lanytarsus 31% (336) Procladius 19% (465) Cladotanytarus 18% (853) lanytarsus 14% (581) Oligochaeta'19% (206):  ; 011gochaeta 16% (388) 011gochaeta 17%-(788) Cladotanytarsus 8% (323) Corbicula 11% (116) 1977 Palpomyia 10% (245) Palpomyia 13% (633) Chaoborus 7% (78) Coelotanypus 6% (155) Procladius 8%-(361) Coelo'anypes Chaoborus 5% (116) tricolor 6% (64) Procladius 6% (64) - Hexagenia 5% (52) lanytarsus 31% (1098) lanytarsus 261 (362) thaoborus 57% (155) Coricula 25% (284) Oligochaeta 10%'(374) Chaoborus 20% (258) Oligochaeta 29% (76) Chaoborus 17% (194) Cladotanytarsus 9% (336) Oligochaeta 11% (142) Coclotanypus 5% (13) Coelotanypus 14% (155) 1978 Pagastiella 9% (323) Coelotanypus 10% (129) Palpomyia 5% (13) 011gochaeta 13% (142) Palpomyia 8% (297) Palpomyia 8% (103) Procladius 5% (13) Procladius 9% (103) Procladius 8%'(271) Coelotanypus . Tanytarsus 8% (90)  ! Coelotanypus 7% (245) tricolor 6% (78) Microchironomus 6% (64) 1 Tanytarsus 41% (788) Tanytarsus 46% (3940) Oligochaeta 39% (1072) Oligochaeta 43% (1408) l Oligochaeta 13% (245) 011gochaeta 16% (1382) Tanytarsus 23% (633) Chaoborus 40% -(1292)

  • 1979 Palpomyia 9% (180) Chaoborus.6% (543) Tanytarsus 5% (155)

Corbicula 5% (103) Pagastiella 5% (400)

                                                                                                                                                                                     .i ianytarsus 22%.(207)                           lanytarsus 26% (543)                      Oligochaeta 50% (233)                               Tanytarsus 45% (1059)             5 011gochaeta 16% (155)                          Corbicula 21% (439)                        Tanytarsus 14% (64)                               011gochaeta 11%'(258)

Corbicula 15% (142) -011gochaeta 8% (168) Coelotanypus Chaoborus 10% (245)  ; 1980 Procladius 15% (142) Cryptochironomus 6% (116) tricolor 11% (52) Corbic ala 9% (219) i Palpomyia 10%-(90) Procladius 6%'(116) .Chironomus 8% (39) Chironomus 8% (181) l Coelotanypus 5% (52) Chaoborus 6% (26) Coelotanypus 6% (142) l

                                                                                                                                                                  +                     ;

t l .

                                              . . . .                        _   _      ~    __ _. _____ _ -__- -________- - -_                                                .

O O O - Table M-2. Continued.' Page 2 of 2.. April ' July October January lanytarsus 24% (310) Oligochaeta 46% (219) lanytarsus:40% (529) Ianytarsus 19% (181) Oligochaeta 14% (181) Corbicula 15% (142) Coelotanypus 21% (271) Chaoborus 32% (155) Procladius 19% (245) Coelotanypus 11% (52) Coelotanypus Coelotanypus 12% (116) Oligochaeta 11% (142) tricolor 10% (129) 1981 Chaoborus 11% (103) Chaoborus 6% (77) Oligochaeta 8% (78) Corbicula 8% (103) Palpomyia ZE (64) Cryptochironomus 5% (64) Corbicula 6% (77) Chironomus TE (64) Procladius 6% (52) lanytarsus 31% (388) lanytarsus 50% (4405) lanytarsus 50% (116) Corbicula 26% (413) Cladotanytarsus 8% (698) Zalutschia 17% (39) Tanytarsus 24% (388) Palpomyia 12% (155) Oligochaeta 9% (142) Coelotanypus Harnischia 5%-(465) Coelotanypus 11% (26) Coelotanypus 5% (400) C. tricolor 6% (13)' Chaoborus 7% (116) 1982 tricolor 6% (78) Zaluts9- hia 6% (90) Corbicula 51 (64) Procladius 6% (13) Oligochaeta 6% (13) Corbicula 20% (207) Chaoborus 56% (388) Corbicula 32% (581) Chaoborus 32% (2959) Oligochaeta 18% (32?) Cladotanytarsus 18% (1667) Palpomyia 18% (194) Oligochaeta 11% (78) Procladius 16% (168) Cladotanytarsus 6% (39) Chaoborus 13% (233) Manayunkia 15% (1408) Coelotanypus 8% (142) 1983 Oligochaeta 9% (827) Stictochironomus 9% (90) Procladius 5% (39) Coelotanypus 7% (78) Zalutschia 6% (39) Palpomyia 5% (90) Tanytarsus 8% (736) Oligochaeta 5% (52) Chaoborus 7% (78) Tanytarsus 6% (64) Oligochaeta 5% (52) lanytarsus 27% (426) Chaoborus 28% (349) Chaoborus 46% (1537)

                                            .Tanytarsus 23% (284)      Tanytarsus 22% (736)

Chaoborus 14% (219) Oligochaeta 12% (413) Chironomus 10% (155) Coelotanypus 10% (129) 1954 Procladius 8% (129) Chironomus 8% (103) Coelotanypus 6% (90) Oligochaets 6% (78) Corbicula 5% (78) Coelotanypts tricolor 5% (64) Palpomyia 5% (64) Procladius 5% (64) --_-_ . {


O O O-W Table M-3. Percent occurrence of Lake Norman benthic macroinver'ebrates that composed 5% or more of the density at

                             'sublittoral mixing-zone Locations 3.0 and 5.0 from. January 1977 through July 1984      Density (No./m r y is given in'(). Page I-of 7 January                             Apri!                             July                         Octaber Cladotanytarsus 25% (646)           Manayunkia 37% (930)             lanytarsus 20% (135)           Manayunk'n 'rt (504) llexagenia 20% (529)                Cladotanytarsus 15% (387)        Procladius 11% (77)-           Oligoct La 2% (387)

Procladius-16% (413) Palpomyia 13% (316) Cladotanytarsus .10% (71) Corbicun. 45% (265) i 1977 Tanytarsus 8% (207) llexagenia 6% (155) Oligochaeta 10% (11) Hexagenia 10% (168) Palpomyia 7% (194) lanytarsus 6% (142) Manayunkia 8% (52) Manayunkia 7% (187) Stempellina 8% (52) t Oligochaeta 19% (891) Manayunkia 66% (5956) Manayunkia 50% (988) Chaoborus 46% (25e) Tanytarsus 18% (885) Tanytarsus 10%'(878) Oligochaeta 15% (291) Coeiotanypus 7% '39) Pagastiella 8% (388) Corbicula 5% (472) Procladius 7% (39) 1978 Hexagenia 8% (368) Tanytarsus 7% (39) Manayunkia 6% (284) Palpomyia 6% (32) Palpomyia 5% (232) flexagenia 5% (26) toelotanypus 5% (228). lanytarsus 46% (2151) Corbicula 34% (1822) Manayunkla 68% (3242) Manayunkia 551(1563) Corbicula 15% (710) Tanytarsus 33% (1744) Stictochironomus 6% (303) Chaoborus 20% (568)

Hexagenia 9% (413) 011gochaeta 6% (336) lanytarsus 6% (297) Oligochaeta 6%'(181) 1979 Palpomyia 5% (266)-

i Manayunkia 23% (562) Manayunkia 55% (3766) Manayunkia 64% (2067) Ianytarsus 51% (827) Tanytarsus 23% (555) Tanytarsus 22% (1550) Oligochaeta F (303) Corbicula 13% (207) Corbicula 15% (362). Corbicula 6% (387) lanytarsus 8% (245) Coelotanypus 12% (194) 1980 Palpomyia 6% (155) Corbicula 7% (232) Hexagenia 6% (90) Procladius 6% (148) llexagenia 6% (135) Oligochaeta 5% (116) __ l

 ~                                               .

O- O O < Table V 3. Sentinued. Paga 2 of 2. July October January Aprii


Hanayunkia 24% (156) !anytarsus 40% (485) Manayunkia 76% (741) Ianytarsus 28% (697) Cladotanytarsus 18% (510) Corbicula 14% (355) Coelotanypus 23% (130) Corbicula 9% (110) Coelotanypus 11% (284) Tanytarsus 21% (652) Stewpellina 7% (90) Corbicula 15% (426) Procladius 9% (291) Oligochaeta 7% (84) Tanytarsus 9% (265) 1981 Procladius 10% (252) Chacborus 6% (148) Corbicula 7% (219) Chanborus 5% (!.8) Stictochironnems 5% (58) Corbicula 387% (278) Corfq:ula 32% (232) Tanytarsus 34% (1798) Tanytarsus 36% (1486) Oligoch. eta 24% (988) Oligochaeta 22% (200) Oligochaeta 11% (17) Cladotanytatsus 32% (1654) Coelotanypus 10% (71) Corbicula 10% (510) Cladotanytarsus 8% t 342) Cladotanyt$rsus 8% (71) Corbicula 6% (233) f anytarsus J. (65) Tanytarsus 10% (71) 1982 Oligochaeta 6% (340) Prociadius 6% (45) Coelotanypus 5% (207) Manayunkia 6% (58) Stictochirornmus 6% (58) i lanytarsus 27% (156) tarwtarsus 325 (#13) Oligochaeta 23% (355) lanytarsus 26% (801) Coelotanypus 18% (278) Corbicula'18% (536) Coelotanypus 12% (336) Chaot.orus 17% (220) Procladius 10% (291) 78 - ~mkla 15% (194) Corbicula 16% (252) Procladius 10% (316) ;anypus 6% (IT) Chaoborus 16% (245) 1983 Coelotanypus 6% (174) Chaoborus 10% (284) Cladotanytarsus 10% (278) Tanytarsus 9% (142) Cladotanytarsus 6% (168) Corbicula 7% (213) Tanytarsus 22% (381) lanytarsus 3d% (988) Chaoborus 51% (704) Corbicula 9% (232) Oligochaete 13% (174) Chaoborus 18% (303) Tanytarsus 10% (135) Procladius 18% (303) Procladius 9% (226) 1984 Corbicula 9% (148) Coelotanypus 8% (207) Procladius 5% (71) Coelotanypus 6% (103) Oligochaeta 6% (168)

                                                     ,                                     .                        ~

4 I, ,  ;}  ;!! l'  ; is [ij, :f,[: };!f;  ! ,!l!! t l  ! t at o


yn ) ) )6 t )) 6 3 )) )61 i s r 90) 2) E 98 021 sa e 299 ( 6 I 27) 1 2() nw - O b 1(3 I 327 5( 2 e d9 t o ( ( 1 6 (2 ( ((7 ( ( %5

                                                                                                                                     %1 (

c %11  %  %% %11 h e3 O 729sr%6 2 uo 3 72% 339 82  % t n o s s pl s suuyou 9 s saa i 4auea's a5 t f i usmnci u ul l sai ot a rroaid r run urhn oant r a o oce bi g cace

             ?c                    bt ootl                        b                                                             it og r o                    oyri                c          o                                    oba                     byga oL                    anic                o          a                                    ar x                      rnim m(                   hwho                 r         h                                    hoe                        oal e r


            %8 59 1                                                                                                                                           .

dey sl . u2 ) .. 4

              +J cgh o f


                                                       )              )        )


                                                                                                       )9 33)

7) u1 161% 9 )2)9)1 4 46 226) t o y 21 (8 3 5361 3( 9(1 5( 1 1 ar e l (( ( 6(2(1 ) ( 1 2 6 hh g tt a J u

                                            %s                    (

( (%3 61 11

                                                                                                           %(                   (    %(1 3%(

P 821 s25 %5%9% ( 42% %28 s7 22 r5 51 2 6s 1 5 6 1% e7 aa( a 2' 1 m u% a 2a 8 t9 . ssl t n s usp6 t s t a1 uul y sual uy eu a1) r b y ( sien%i rdi a 7l l uiiimna rdndoad dn ss h r l aei ak a uh nm ern aat t se tl soip oaeent o bl gpoot t yet ca c. oc ytu e t ai ru ycadl w ocayrl a aey bgas enn v ae nogaa-ar el i t aozl h ra oh oe i em nin al a rino ol ar i nJv i l PPCsS CPHPCCN MOl COMf omu ro crs af i ) O m 2 5 c 0. ?m ( ) 9 i h 4 /. 1 2 ' t do 0 1 nnN ) . ) 1 ( ea( 3 4 ) ) )) b ) 0) 6 ) ) a 5 )5% )22 2 767 565) n 9. ty 31 8 ()9 2)l ))) l 3(7) 43 44l 966 ( 1 2 )) 7 322 a3i i 2 (4%6( 16 e322) 7( s70 5((2) m s r (% 69( ((i (((6% ( u99 ( 14 r nn p 4%( *, n 25 %m((  %%(8 ( ooe 'A %1 1 s%5  %%r%%%( %4 o %15 NiD 2 1% p u7 72 o755 s 71 n%% 421% t 3 a 9 a 21 b %u 3 o55 3 7% ea t s osl rsas5p y sr as 5 k c) aeusrul saeuiu auias aiua ao . i asuti e uit ski an i urcyrshi u l k si a unrym Ll8 yirrndi rnurndma 7 mdaoeat oeaauaot b gl t yl t o caomo cuamo f e9 oatbcl s pgyoyce itt ob e bayps yt ot o g1 oaayecsl bycpo eay r l inal og al ah ora axrnnooe h eaaorr o rnil a oat ah rnnl o oaaar chl POTCPPP CHP2 MPPC CTSPC CMTPP ncu esJ ri rdl u i


cl t can 9 oru o


2 2 1 ttd 4 ( nt e  ; ) 1 ) ) eil )9)5 ( )8  % 2 cl p 4304 76))0 2) )) rbm y 1402)%) 01521)1 27 11 eua r 8(4(752 2(54 04 12 07)) P ss a ( ( 0 4 ( 11 s96 (8 6(54 u  % %2s1  %(( u(( ( ( 66 n %4%d( u( %3 m  % E 4 J a 613 2 1 s%r% s 61%%n75 1 21 o%% J% 80


3  %%

               -                          a     u7 a5                  a11 o                                1                    6a77 M                        at sp              t          st                rss                 a                            t i euyaya                         uesaiuu                            i ;

aeaa e k aininl saul hi m l aii kn 'u ' rh rucd o ccem' i nhd ayau uh ny b ucat mt c acocoan uc a ogo O yol oooi t obitl o yi i T agcl pdb ygobccr ab bgap nioel ar niari oi nr rixl al roal o a1 h ot rh ao ol ea MOPCPCC I 0CC5PC MC COHP 7 8 9 0 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1

                                                                             ,lj1              i 1l!)              '       ;II?          lj'          <!i i

l O O O L t i^ 1able M-4 Continued. Page 2 of 2. January Aprii J31y October 7_ Corbi ula 49% (2099) Corbicula 54% (2384) Manayunkia 37% (620) Corbicula 55% (924) l Manayunkia 34% (1429) Manayunkia 23% (1027) Corbicula 15% (265) Oligochaeta 151 (245)

Oligoc'iaeta n.(323) Tanytarsus 7% (310) Oligochaeta 14% (239) Manayun6 ia irt (142) 4 1981 Oligochaeta 7% (303) Chaobarus 13% (213) Chaoborus 5% (00)
j. Tanytarsus 10% (174) l 1

! Corbicula 70% (1085) Manayunkia SU'*,(20/2) Manayunkia 45% (639) Corbicula 41% (1221) Palpomyia 6% (97) Corbicula 39% (1621) Diigochaeta 22% (316) Manayunkin 33% (945) { Oligochaeta 6% (90) Corbicula 15% (207) Oligochaeta 8% (245)

;    1982 Tanytarsus 6% (90)                                                                                  Chaoborus 7% (97)                              Xenor.hironomus 5% (155) i l.

i i f i ! Corbicula 60% (2235) Corbicula 65% (3424) Manayunkia 62% (3281) Corbit.ula 48% (542) i Tanytarsus 15% (607) Manayunkia 18% (943) Corbicula 18% (956) 011gothaeta 28% (310) Oligochaeta 6% (213) Oficochaeta 8% (452) Chaoborus 12% (135) 4 1983 I i i I i ' Corbicula 79% (2364) Corbicula 5% (1014) Corbicula 64% (2687) Manayunkia 15% (211) Oligochaeta 1% (659) Coelotanypus 8% (1483) 1984 Chaoborus 7% t123) j Tanytarsus 5% (97) i 1 1 1 I i

O Table M-5. Physical and chemical parameters measured near the lettori of profundal mixin<*-ront* Location 2.0 and e)ntrol location 8.0 from Septoter 1933 through Autist 1934. See Chanter V f or Methods.

                                                                              % IIIf              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ E'; G D e -                   (#r tw
i. i s w t .e4 f recee n t wee c.yne* (% t eme Twetldit, A16ettait, mat,ete %te g4.csrhmte tet et r $6 f te a f r+= telc 8 eve mov este gW /e = Nt?9 e-ti f ( *f e, aws f-M P

e 3/ f - 88 awg/f 4 agit-F *=1/f 48 e*p/ F M/F ""2 ' F P et e t et et tw 'C og/F c8*


13 ~ n en e 33 e ens c wm f? O4 ) I s2

             % ret +e             1.9       84.J           pe         Es         st      75 ap               }}        1,7 I?nt              #0         14.5          C0         s.7        El      sq             37                e ese       n e9        e.ent      o ett          .c 3
1. e 14.1 e@ s6 11 )*f f7 " 11 e7I -

9te 30 0T J$ 83 ft 0 14.6 n0 6P F1  ?# ** r tai e 19 - o ets )c e7 76 1 1 14.6 90 65 87 4 '77 ~ 'E W.~ ~ 6~ff -si tes - 9 e% $3 J_i 3m 3e J.e 10- 1.1 12 g , M9 15 5 0.7 5.6 97 14 l', e f**' 9 l' + 9 0s 9TN 47 6.2 64 51 4 14 Mi e st 0. te, 0 e:5 46 02 2.9 42

1. 0 AL7 ee 1. I R0 13.3 m.7 1.8 $4 ' IF 33 n te e er ,o ce$ g.cer 96 7. 7 J am.e< y J_o J.2 10 7 1. 4 51 A it '^~i 7i o ir) . e ens e c36 4 ' s, 5T 25 T
r. : ** ts er n in a ni o eio e es* e3 e 2.5 i +=1 . a.o 5.s it.o
                       ~   ~Tir              6.)         11. ]        f7          -

J it n 7i~1 M . o tW e stG 44 og 74 fe

            '*'""**r             n.o         3.7         tt ,         5s          -       ,            in                oe          e c4 ., m               o car   ee      oa      r3         ie 70.3                     51      if            id ^~ ~ 's M - e e4                      +9 49,     7 E69     T2      e2      26        TI gg                   1.6          1. 4                    6./

e: o en o cr= o wo e ,i r: a.n 7. 7 te. fs s si n sa i e eM e 34 < 0 tw$$ e 978 4i e7 25 g3 Ar-87 '20 1.5 73 5.5 57 10 19 ge 54  % to 4 it a tre 9.073 o mg e3 c.e 7.5 PO 7.8 99 $4


Ie H7 1,2 6J $T~ Ni~~ ' is ~ ' 6 U ' ~ 5 53 ec. em nsh 4';

                                                                                                                                                                     *I e T~~"3 ^4 ce      f.,

33 ta

            ""Y                 ao          13.9          s,9         57        si       a             si                nu          a et .
  • fwf> e et*

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                         ~T o               12.8          48          6.7       %                        1 g                                             e.e                   ss        e            is                o w.        e ci         o ver*. e one   3a      ee      ti        3 ae          17.7                      s.t 1e          1) 2           A. }       6.1       (0      Jf         3                     # II        ** U2        e twat     O MJe   4 )     9.4     79        I I
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m-O O O iable M-6 Blomass'pi ,crtions (%) of major twnthlc tawa (ewctMing Cerbicula) collected guarterly at taba mirma, minirig rene tocations 3.0 and 5.0 frvar January 1977 throwgh Jwly 1984 1977 7978 1979 1W IMI 19at? IM3 IM4 JAmtARY Chaoborus 1. 2 2. 2 2. 6 1.0 9. 0 13.6 1.6 27.7 Chirono=Idae 6.6 16.6 19.5 5.1 40.0 52.4 67.7 60.9 Hesagania 63.1 61.6 76.3 45.1 46.1 25.5 24.6 8.4 Ot tgochaeta 2.1 4.3 0.6 5.4 3. 6 6. 7 3. 3 0. 4 Others 27.0 15.4 1.0 13.5 1. 2 1.8 2. 7 2. 7 trRit Chaoborus 0.9 3. 3 . 15 2 3.7 62 1.9 24.5 8.8 Chironomida. 8.4 15.2 44.9 34.4 51.8 65.9 61.1 48.1 He=agenia 65.6 47.6 28.7 10.3 22 6 12.1 of 33.0 Oligochaeta 2.2 7. 3 5.3 56 7. 2 16.6 4.3 8.4 others 23.1 26.5 5.8 46.1 12.0 3.6 7. 9 1. 7 JUtV. Chaoborus 2.9 2. 8 1.0 5.0 7. 2 1. 4 19.3 33.1 Chironowidae 40.5 17.0 52.5 39.3 84.2 52.2 76.2 57.7 Hawaganta 03 70.5 1 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 e0 0.0 01Igochaeta 5.7 1.8 5.1 32.6 6. 8 37.6 2. 3 8.8 Others 50.6 78 41.4 23.1 1. 8 88 2.3 0. 5 OC TC'BE R Chaeborus 0.0 33 0 12.8 7. 6 0.0 6. 7 15.8 Chironomide* 8.9 55.4 23.7 52.3 42.0 38.7 57,3

                           % agenta                      23.7               3.7       3. 0  34.0      47.1       24.2      0.0 011gacheeta                   14.5               4.1      13.3    0.1          2. 9    7. 8    M. 5 ethers                        52.9               7. 9     47.2   11.0          8.0    22.7      0.4 w--__ - - _ _ _ _ _            _          . .~                     . - . _ .              ~            . , .    .       .,         . , - _ . - .      - - , . , ,, .  . - ..-

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         % ,aq*efa                      77.7         75.3        17.1        97.7       6'84    6 7 . 81    61.5      58.9 OligM hmeta                      14.7         1.8        11.5         0.7       77.4      1.0        4. 6     11.7 Others                          70.3          7. 3       63.5         7.9         5.5     7. 3       C. 9       1. 8 Artit Chaoborus                       71.5         55.8         7. 3        95          ?O      7. 9      14 9      37 3 Chirvanoldee                    73.1         75.3        13.9       77. )         71      90        77.5      79.7 Hexaganta                       36.4          6.8        3M.9        3n 7       43 6    54.e        73 9      19 7 0; igoc haeta                     5. 9        00          0.1         7.7       13.1    11.1        75 0       64 Others                          13.1         17.1        39.8       29.4        37.1    77.7        13 7      17.5 yny Chaert s                          0. 0        4.5        57.1       48_3        77.8      64         7.1       4.8 Chiecaneida.                    62.6         11.5        75.3         8. 0      10 7      T. 7      17.9      45.5 H =agonia                         00         8? 2         0. 0        0. 0      47 9      00        44 3       0.0 O f igoch.aeta                    D.0         0.7         8.9        15 8         81    41 8        10 5      47.7 Others                          37.4          0.1         8.7        31.9       11 0    47.6        75.7       5.9 CCO?f #

C54*oevs 14.1 $2.0 15.7 1.8 to 4 7. 2 18.9 Chi remoei d== 69.1 1.7 4. 0 7. 3 77.7 E7.1 35.4 H+=eo**1a 7. 7 46.7 73 8 74.7 9.6 16.9 3. 3 011g* Saeta 7.5 0.0 0.0 7. 7 30 3 9.5 47.7 Others 6.7 0.7 6. 5 90 17.5 93 0.1

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