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Part 21 Rept Re Problems W/Elma Power Supplies Bought as Spare Parts for Two Mods.Defective Wiring,Cold Solder Joints & Overall Poor Quality Workmanship Found.Parts Installed Only in Reactor Protection Sys
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1984
From: Parris H
To: James O'Reilly
REF-PT21-83-108-000, REF-PT21-84 PT21-83-108, PT21-83-108-000, NUDOCS 8401240254
Download: ML20079J214 (3)


-_ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _

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- TENNESSEE VALLEi AUTHORITY CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE 374o1 500A Chestnut Street Tower II January 11, 1984


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Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region II 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:


DOCKET NOS. 50-259 AND -260 - FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES DPR-33 AND 10 CFR 21 REPORT During receipt inspection of items bought on contract No. 341119, it was discovered that numerous problems existed with ELMA power supplies (part No. 164CS261P004). These were bought as spare parts for two modifications.

Among the problems fcund were defective wiring, cold solder joints, and overall poor quality workmanship. The power supplies have thus far been installed only in the reactor protection system and are in a " fail safe" .

co7 figuration. Of those installed, eight in unit 1 and eight in unit 2, j all have been checked and defects repaired.

This problem is reportable under 10 CFR 21 and was reported to me on January ' 10, 1984. The enclosed part 21 report contains additional information about this matter.


H. G. Parris Manager of Power Enclosure 8401240254 840111 PDR ADOCK 05000259 fs (ol 8 PDR An Equal Opportunity Ernployer \ k

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- 'Tennbssee Valley Authority Form BF 119

' Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Page 1 of 1 BF 15.2 BF 15.23 Enclosure APR 271983 EVALUATION LOGIC FOR PART 21 De{; l

~ PROBLEM: h feu Oua , i uc,w A:pniffA It.Ll'icycs3gi roei P-y IDENTIFIED BY: kejof L,.dt, s JffL, -

a GLt# 341l19 1

A. Does the problem involve:

1. Failure of goods and services to comply with applicable NRC requirements (regardless document) .of-Yes whcther

/ these

, No req / //uirements (If yes, are goincluded to C) in the procurement

2. A procured basic component failure resulting in a cmdition or circumstance j itE65/l!~e' fined by plant that technicalcouldspecifications.

contribute to exceedingYes / V/3No safetyp/p/-

/- - (If yes, go to B)

3. Departure of a delivered component or service from the technical requirements of a procurement document. Deliverypccurs upon acceptance by NUC PR (e.g. , at receipt inspection). Yes /r / No / / ' (If yes, go to B)

- ^

  • AnTwcFail 3 qu'isTioi1F'al)ov6.- TfTil *NFs i ,"ff'dP $Ilis~~1T any~3ieis 3-""--""

cestin_u g_ g s_in_ dica _t_e_d_ _Q_ thg_ app _lic ab_1_e_ "_GQ,_T_Q" s t3,t

_ e_mggh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

B. Is component necessary to ensure:

1. The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary Yes / / No / /
2. The capability to shut down th: reactor and maintain it Yes T8 No / /

in a safe shutdown condition

3. The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences Yes /vf No / /

of accidents Is security system deficiency involved? Yes / / No //

[ { f Q ['[ $ )[{'[ [ [ @ $ [>[ [I X 6 5[ } ] [{ 6 { [ f f s} }(( }[ j{Q _ 7 ,Q _ { _ [ _ _ [ ^_ Z _ [_ [ _ { _ _ _T ___[

C. Could the defect have caused a substantial safety hazard? Yes / [No / /

(By definicion, item A2 constitutes a substantial safety hazard. )


~ - -

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D. Is this item reportable by NUC PR under Part 21?

Yes / do / /

Submitted: hbARevi 'er

/ /S/2/83 Ifats Reviewed: m f/ .d_ / /

_ _ dfj'eM uality 'Assura e Supervisor Dat >

Approved: dhuhqI/j / // M PORC Chairman Dat'e cc: Compliance Supervisor Retention: Pe;iod - Lifetime; Responsibility - Document Control Supervisor

  • Revision: W

_ . K

e. / * ', Tennessee Valley Authority page r

.. Jrowns Ferry. Nuc! car- Phmt Form BF 115


+ B F 15. 23 --

7/26/82 Attachment 1 Part 21 Report #.

PART 21 RF.POltT Plant J F N P References ,Jr &ls 2 o A *I 1d_1./ -

Component or System Identific.etion elm A & del *MEEI/.lfooi fowlyply .

Supplier of Component }]p--((E'RM Nature of Defect or Noncompliance and Cause Qe[e.cbc_Miele , (., // .

~ .S o ev. blob- An QY.cN .nor ve.[I ..LJacEm if-Extent of Safety lla2a i _ C,ou( b drj h e_d _[ h yy

,_ E l. C b S_y.s. %s p. 6 i!Uv.c-.cs>v.$ .f (Lu.c. $.1 albs W Date Which Defect o brner ance Was Discovered ]_1 &3_

Number of Identical _$_l.g A l[Components in Usb _/4. _f//

Location of Components 1 Aux l _ _ bfcs%f f[


  • M An O In.Un (l AvxiEt9.Eutcvne& .&an ]!

Corrective Action and Recurrence control Taken or To ne Taken 1// j W.A. s'c.5. C.vfY e-K . lWAsr1L&L.-.ta i ll En e-- .

. i tt s p e f c k 5 y 3. h l P t s -. ba w C v x y y lLc >. l v. i l{_ h e in $ l LRcA'>1szonLm! i Lew i nw E~cc1 vith nLdap sp] fens ae~.Elese.fowec.Svyybe:.s Q

.-.M.-- .md ou [/,;[

Expected Completion Date .fu3gecff..u_ty;//de_

.JpcinLLd~up_aJhad;esGypodau:.p t.snJ&it2-y Has defect or noncompliance been reported previously? Yes / / No / //

If yes, by what means? m ,

Submitted by

/ 83 Date hbJ/4

PoitC Iteview

/hhfDate l

. MA^v Super'. endent Approval I.hI ate


Rete _ntion : Pc etime , Responsibility - Document Control Supervisor j

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