ML20078E022 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Three Mile Island |
Issue date: | 09/08/1983 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20078E016 | List: |
References | |
PROC-830908-01, NUDOCS 8310050334 | |
Download: ML20078E022 (60) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:. 1004.22 Revision 1 09/08/83 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY NON-ENVIR0thENTAL IMPACT RELATED THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 EhERGE!4Y IMPLEMENTING PR(4EDURE 1004.22 TORNAD0/HIGH WINDS ( Table of Effective Pages Page Revision g Revi sion Page Revi sion Pa e sion
- 1. 0 1
2.0 1 3.0 1 4.0 1
- 5. 0 1
6.0 1 0 O v O s / "(/ 51 gnatt(re Date W-51gnature Date Document ID: 0014W h$R DO OO 9 yz e m
- 1. 0 PURPOSE To provide guidelines for initiating protective actions when warnings of high wind indicate the possibility af damage to the plant or n any tornado strikes the facility. The Emergency Director i s le for.
implementing this procedure. 2.0 ATTACINENTS 2.1 Attachment I - D s ht tures Designed to 2.1' Attachnent II i m of Unit 1 Pla withstand T oading. 2.3 Attac II - Diagram of Un t Structures Designed to wi thstand rnado Loadin / 3.0 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS 3.1 An Unusual Event ha eclared due to r hurricane force l winds Q 75 mph ng). l 3.2 An Alert ha d lared due to d striking the facility. 3.3 When the y Director deems 17 4.0 EMERGE!EY ACTIONS Initial 4.1 In the event of a Tornado /High Wind Stonn Warning, proceed as L follows: 1.0
1004.22 Revision 1 Initial 4.1.3 Conddering the severity of the weather and its impact on plant safety, determine whether the reactor should remain at power or be shut-down. 4.2 If a tornado strikes the site, ensure Operations Coo or dispatches Emergency Repair / Operations teams to d he extent of the damage and effect repairs as nece ry 4.3 When the extent of the damage is known, as mpact of this damage on plant nd, if the react not shutdown, determine i f tor should remai y wer or be shutdown. 5.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 5.1 Torna W nds have passe t rning has been cancelled .,.p.irqf,_p. O v 0 s l l l l l o l l ~ l l l 3.0 i
1004.22 Revision 1 ATTACHENT I DEFINITIONS (As applicable to tornado, hurricane or high wind stoms) mTCH: The meteorological conditions are correct for a torna other high wind stors. I...., t.... th. -t,. ,..i. 4, s.... ,1,h.i..sto,. gays,,htee. a 0 ? v l 4.0 1 . ~... _.... _, _
.._......f....__i_._..._..,.. .s-1004.22 Revision 1 ATTACHMENT H G _3_ g) h N (RW2 ~ ~ IW CIOR W \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ BUIIDING BunDmG (hi\\ \\ \\\\ \\\\ \\mue pm GENERMDR oemD_ BUIIDING g INIERMEDIME RTTTn N MMER M b r,_ _ __ y l InmKE SCREEN AND PUMP HOUSE TORNADO KEY PROTECTED s AREA h l UNITI mm:s assIaNen m wrmse sauco IrmomGs L 5.0 L
Revision 1 h. A-~~~A C' V E N -~ ~ cm_raOI, ANDx s V yync r 'IURBriE BUHDING ING ~ E ) ING DIESEL i mvEa m=a - ausE . TORNADO KEY P ROTECTED AREA UNIT 2 N DESIGED 'IO WIESTPN) N mm l 6.0 g-e wwv. ..,.y,. --w._. ,._.,,y.w,,,..,.p.m,.
^ Q'- 1004.28 Revision 2 09/08/83 ~ IMPORTANT TO SAFETY NON-ENVIRONMENTAL IWACT RELATED THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO. 1 EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.28 ACTIVATION OF THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER Table of Effective Pages ,Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page __v ion a 1.0 2 2.0 2-3.0 2 4.0 2 5.0 2 w ~ 0 g YO N3 1 "V ~ Signature Date c Signature ~; Date Document ID: 0016W b 3 - .{ 4 3' '3' ~~ ~
I, ,(,;.?.-,- 1004.28 Revision 2 THREE MILL ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.~1 EMERGENCY PLAN IW LEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.28 ACTIVATION OF THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Procedure is to provide guidelines for the Technical Support Center Coordinator to activate the Technical Support r (TSC,) (322'. Elevation-Remote Shutdown-Panel Room). r-lementing The Technical Support Center Coordinator is responsibi -this procedure. 2.0 ATTACHMENTS 2.1 Attachment I, Support Center lan V 3.0 EMERGENCY ACTIOL L U 3.1 This p e is to be initia declaration of any of the following: 3.1.1 Alert as det e the Alert Proce 004.2. 3.1.2 Site Emer 4/keterminedby e mergency proced 04.3. 1~, 3.1.3 G 1 gency as"deti b the General Emergency oc re, 1004.4. o 3.1.4 As rected by the Emergency Director. 4.0 EMERGENCY ACTIONS i I Initial 4.1 If an accountability has been ordered, collect or have collected all security badges of personnel at the TSC and send them to the Operations Support Center (OSC). 4.2 At the TSC, set up the tables and chairs as required. ~ 4 1.0
2 1004.28 Revision 2 4.3 Arrange the prints, technical manuals and other infomation sources to make them available when needed. (Keys to the file , cabinets will be maintained in the Control Room / Shift Super-visor's Office). 4.4 Using the Operational Line, obtain information p i to the emergency and plant status from the phon the Emergency Control Center (ECC) and update tatus board. 4.5 Contact the Pa )any Technical Func o. C r (PTFC) upon declaration mergency, Gen Eme ency or upon notifica om the ECC; and nfo he PTFC that activation per P .34 is require g normal work hours 08 hours Monday y use the Parsippany/TMI dedicated line, or if ble, use a e ial line and ~ dial 76-86-2164 -2 77. If conta is ne ed during off-normal wo h all the Jerse" - ower and Light dispatcher t 74-1 (201) 455-8 5 request that TMI Emergen P 111 be activat or e beeper of the Parsi uty Member. Ensure t the PTFC is informed, record the name of the person contacted and the time of the call. g.6 Contact Babcock and Wilcox upon declaration of Site Emergency, General Emergency or upon notification from the ECC, use the B and W/TMI line and dial 3413 or, if unavailable, use a connercial line and dial 74-1-804-384-3413. Notify the .B and W duty person as follows: "This is name/ title at Three . Mile Island Unit 1. We have declared a (Site / General) Emer-2.0
- I 1004.28 Revision 2 gency at (time) hours.
(Give a brief description of the emergency using the TSC status board as a reference, as needed); record the name of the person contacted and the time of the call. l 4.7 Assign a phonetalker to man the Operational Line o og emergency _related connunications sent and r the Telephone Connunication Log Sheet (Attac the Connunications Recordkeeping proce e, .5). Copies of these log _re available the 4.8 Activat it ode Ray Tube (CRT) I connence performing l acc sment functions itoring present plant par rs and conductin r nalysis of Key Parameters. 4.9 Infom the Emergency , via the Connun c tor, that the l TSC is operation t te manpower status. NOTE: In t nt at the Technt. upnort Center be.i inhabitable, move t nical Support s 5.0 FINAL CONDITIONS Initial 5.1 The Technical Support Center is operational with work areas set up for the Technical Support Staff. i b.2 The Operational Line is established to the Emergency Control Center, the Near_ Site Emergency Operations Facility and the Operations Support Center. 3.0
t. 1004.28 Revision 2 5.3 The Parsippany/TMI Line is established between the Technical functions Center, Support Center and'the Parsippany Technical Functions Center. J 5.4 If applicable, notify Babcock and Wilcox (74-1-804-384-3413 or use dedicated B and W line and dial 3413) of close-of the emergency. D o@ P O v C ~ g ~ 4.0
1004.28 . Revision 2 TECHNICAL. SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN ,r. V A~ X (dw S %D {- Desk p'\\ k +1 NRC HPN line Desk +2. Operational ^ line +3. B&W line +1 +4. Parsippany/TMI +5. Telecopier Phone h +2 Desk Degk, g Table Table 3 E. 'E T.8 m hm MM Et3 Ac 23? w+ i u 5.0
1004.27 Revision 6 09/08/83 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY NON-ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT RELATED THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 ENEr1GENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.27 ACTIVATION OF THE NEAR-SITE EMERGENCY OPERATION FACILITY Table of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page _ k vision 1.0 6 2.0 - 6 3.0 4 4.0 6 5.0 6 ~ 6.0 - 6 7.0 6 8:0 6 9.0 6 Q 10.0 6 11.0 o 12.0 6 13.0 6 w 14.0 6 15.0 6 16.0 6 17.0 0 O I h 7Md 7 Date G Sf'gnature C/ i <i Signature Date Document ID: 0015W ~ v -, e --a y..-- 2-n.- ) --w-..--ew - - - + -w,- n.--w- .+=w.,--e-v-
e -w %--w
a. 1004.27 Revision 6 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION dNIT 1 NO. EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.27 ACTIVATION OF THE NEAR-SITE EMERGENCY OPERATION FACILITY 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for.the Emergency Support Director to activate the Nearsite Emergency Operations Facility (NEOF) in Room 118/119 at the TMI Training Center. The Emergency Support Director is responsible for impi is procedure. 2.0. ATTACHMENTS v 2.1 Attachment I, E upport Direct Che list 2 1.1 At t A, Emergency upp Directer Turnover he t 2.2 Attachme , Emergency Su unicator's Checklist 2.3 Attachment III, Group Lea istry Suppor kiist 2.4 Attachment IV,'Techni, port Representat Chec ist 2.5 Attachment V, Assi. an ironmental Asse ntdoordinator's Checklist i 2.6 Attachment Leader - Admi i ve. Support Checklist -2.7 Attachment Activated) NEOF Floo lan and Comunciations 2.8 Attachment VIII, (Inactive) NEOF Floor plan 2.9 Attachment IX, NEOF Data Link Operating Instructions 3.0 EMERGENCY' ACTION LEVELS 3.1 This procedure is to be initiated upon declaration of any of the following: 3.1.1 Site Emergency 3.1 '. 2 General Emergency 1.0
1C04.27 Revision 6 3.1.3 Whenever the NEOF is decided to be activated by the Emergency Director or Emergency Support Director. NOTE: OFF_ hours, the key for the Training Center and HE0F classrooms and the key for the storage closet (Attachment VII, Station 8) will be with the Duty Sergeant in the Unit 1 Processing Center. 4.0 EERGEldCY ACTIONS INITIALS 4.1 - Coordinate the activation of the NEOF as f ow 4.1.1 E Preparedness Represe tive/ Staff Advisors: @o to the HEOF and the Emergency Support ctor in impleme t tnis procedure and in performing the E cy Support Director's Check - list (Atta and Emergency port Director Turnov ck st (Attachmen IA). 4.1.2 Eme pport Communic R to the NEOF and co the Emergency up rt Communicato e klist (Attachment II). 4.1. oup Leader - Chemis Support: Report to the NE0F and complete the Group Leader - l Chemistry Support Checklist ( Attachment III). 1 4.1.4 Technical Support Representative: Report to the NEOF and complete the Technical i Support Representative's Checklist (Attachment IV). 1 l-l 2.0 l l-
1004.27 Revision 4 4.1.5 Assistant - Environmental Assessment Coordinator: [ Report to the NEOF and complete the Assistant Environmental Assessment Coordinator Checklist (Attachment V). 4.1.6 Group Leader - Administrative Support r t to the NEOF and complete the Group Leader. rative Support Checklist (Attachment VI). 5.0 FINAL CONDITIONS INITIALS 5.1 The NEOF is oper a with the desi itions manned and functional. ications are es bli d among the necessary
- organtz n
agencies. __________\\__ ~ NOTE: When the NEOF tivated, ensure at telephones : -f are returned ne lockers, statg _rds are re. A turned t. ge closet and tabica vid chairs are arra shown in Attach I. 3 1 ( 3.0 l-I,~,
J ~ 1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT I EMERGENCY SUPPORT DIRECTOR CHECKLIST IllITIALS NOTE: The Emergency Support Staff / Emergency Preparedness Representative should complete this Checkli and Attachment IA. 1. The Emergency Support Director shall, after conf n i h the Emergency Director, brief the Emergency Suppor el at the NEOF on the plant s an,d any major ev ns in progress. 2. Assign personnel the followi itions, as necessary, \\ and direct t e sonnel to repor to NEOF and complete the required ck s (locate'd in ), refer to Attachment VII): ~ a. Emergency Support unicator b. Group Leade e istry Support c. Technic p Representati d. Assi ironmental Ass e oordinator e. Gro er. Administra e port 3. Start the ncy Support Directors Log (Attachment III of EPIP 1004.5, Comunications and Recordkeeping) by performing the following: a. Log the date, time and shift in the upper left-hand corner., b. Complete the title of the log and the name of the person assuming tpe responsibility of the Emergency Support Director. 4.0
1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT I (Cont'd) INITIALS c. Log the names of the personnel assigned to the positions listed in the upper righthand corner. d. Make an entry by logging the time, and~ descri ng the emergency, plant status, and any ma,jor evo t n
- progress, e.
Ensure the Emergency Support Comun signs someone to act a logkeeper to mainta is og. 4. When the Emergen t Communicato urns the completed checklists assigned Offst E ency Support Organization po.sition i the Emergency that the Offsite Emergency Organiza is operational 5. If TLD issuance is necessa fy the Person nitoring NAME A TIME A 5_ Emergency Su ifector \\ 5.0
.a-1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT II EMERGENCY SUPPORT COMMUNICATOR CHECXLIST INITIALS 1. Ensure telephone comunications are readied as follows (refer to Attachment VII): Phone storage lockers (marked by @ label a ocked a. (Stations 15, 16, and 17). b. Hardwired phones are removed from w age lockers (Station 5, and 6). c. Phones removed from pho er (Station 9) and 9 pl ge nto correspondi wa recepticals (Stations 10, and south wall. d. ne ringer volu justed (adjus nt wheel is on ~~ bottom of teleph e 2. Assign personnel for e lowing positions p essary: NOTE: Inst the phonetalkers t all emergency r 11s on the Tel munications Log-tachment II of AR,0 .5, Communications ordkeeping). 'U a. Log eper (to maintain the Emergency Support Director's Log) b. Status Board Keeper c. Phonetalkers to answer the conventional telephones on the Phonetalkers table, f 1 I i l l 7.0 l l I i
1004.27 Revision 6 4 ATTACHMENT II (Cont'd) INITIALS d. - Phonetalkers, as necessary, to man the following lines of communications (If the cognizant Group Leader / person doesn't have personnel available to man the p ner. ). 1. Radiological Line 2. Operations Line 3. Parsippany/TMI Line 4. rgency Director's 5. onmental Asse t Command Center Line D 3. Ensure all p ers have a sup o elephone Communications Logsheet A nt II of the 4.5, Communications and Recordkee ). 4. When completed, collect ch s s from the fol' personnel and report to the Emergen ort Director. ( a. Group L er emistry Suppo V .b. Tech a pport Represen v b c. As s Environmental nt Coordinator d. Leader - Administrati Support 5. Develop a watchbill for persons under your direct control. G. Notify the Emergency Support Staff / Emergency Preparedness Repre-santative that the duties of the Emergency Support Communicator have been assumed and return this form, along with the checklists collected in Step 5 above, to them. NAME TIME DATE Emergency Support Comunicator l 8.0 ,ve -r-w ---n,- --<m, ,------e ,--m---g ,.m ,a -wgw, w -, --w., ,-m, ,oa -w-
\\ 1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT III i GROUP LEADER-CHEMISTRY SUPPORT CHECKLIST INITIALS' 1.. Set up the Chemistry Status Board and work area as illustrated in Attachment VII. 2. Start the Group Leade.r-Chemistry Support Log (Attach n of EPIP 1004.5, Communications and Recordkeeping). 3. Communicate with the Chemistry Coordinator to e the man-power and chemist ipment needed to s t t e emergency. 4. Contact otner fa and request ona assistance as D needed per 4.6, Additional ssi nce and Notification. l 5. Notify E cy Support St ency Preparedness Repre-sentativ t the duties o p Leader-Chem stry Support have been assumed. (Forwa s completed fo he Emergency Support Communicator s,, ,s _p <e s,,,,po,t s 9.0 -.,v e .----1
1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT IV TECHNICAL SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVE CHECKLIST . INITIALS 1. Set up Technical Support work area. f
- 2..
Start the Technical Support Representative log (Attac t III of EPIP'1004.5, Communications and Recordkeeping). 3. Assign a phonetalker to comunicate on the Farsi n Line with the onsite Communicator. in the TSC (Technical Center) and the Parsippany Tec 1 Functions Center str ct the phone-talker to log al nt informati he telephone Comunica-D tions Logshe s tachment II of IP .5, Comunications and Recordke ng 4. Activate CRT (Refer to NE0F Data Li k Operating ~ Instructions) and comence o ing accident ment functions by monitoring presen parameters and c g trend analysis of_ key l S. - Obtain prints, al manuals, re n , aterials, etc., and -set-up as re i in the area of nical Support Representa-ti ve. 6. Develop a watchbill for your organization. 7. Notify the Emergency Support Staff / Emergency Preparedness Repre-sentative that the duties of the Technical Support Representative .have been assumed. (Forward this completed form to the Emergency Support Communicator). NAE TIE DATE Technical Support Representative 10.0 l i t
1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT V ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORS CHECKLIST INITIALS -1. Set up EACC work area as illustrated in Attachment VII. 2. Start the Assistant Environmental Assessment Coordinator's Log (Attachment III of EPIP 1004.5, Comunications and R e ing). 3. Assume the position of phonetalker to maintain c on on the Environmental Assessment Comand Center Line nvironmental Assessment Comunic r at the Environmen 1 sse ment Comand Center. Log all ire t information the elephone communi-cations log ( ttachment II of EP 004.5, Comunications and Reco ee 4. Ensure t the Environment ss ent Comunicator provides the NE0F with the proper radi c cations. b. Notify the Emergency Staff / Emergency epare ness Representative an h ronmental Asse m t mand Center that the duties of e istant Environme rdinator have been assumed. ( r this completed the Emergency Support Communicat NAME DATE TIME Assistant Environmental Assessment Coorainator l l 1 l 11.0 l l
1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT VI GROUP LEADER - ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CHECKLIST INITIALS 1. Ensure that tables are arranged as 'shown in Attachment VII. l (Additional tabies thould be stored behind the divider the soutn-end of the room). 2. Ensure that the lecturn (used by the Site Protec n ficer) is moved to the hallway and the nearby door is 1 ation 13). 3. Begin Group Leader inistrative Suppo At achment III of EPIP 1004.5, Cc a ons and Recor ). 4. Determine wh following serv s be performed, or ob-
- tained, ry a.
d Processing ~ b. Typing c. Reproducti d. Transp ans, buses, a , shuttle serv .) e. Tr-1 et-ups f. orial service g. Telephones l h. Meals l 1. First Aid J. Lodging 1 k. Sanitation facilities l 1. Data Processing 12.0
~. 1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT VI (Cent'd) INITIALS 5. Establish a watchbill for the offsite emergency organization, as appropriate. 6. Contact the AEOF to ensure that the AE0F is being prop ly uctivated. 7. Notify the Emergency Support Staff / Emergency Pr s Representative that the duties of the Group L inistrative Support have been med. (Forward thi e fonn to the Emergency Suppor icator). NAME. A TIME \\ TE a (Group Lea e nistrative Sup r we v O s 13.0
- Station N'o.
Comunications (3) (1) - Unit 1 Emergency Director's Line (circuit 3 PLNT 750090) - Unit 2 Emergency Director's Line (circuit 3 PLNT 750089) - Two commercial lines (948-8902, -8906) on 5 button key-set phone (see note 1) ( -Corresponding (2) - Operations Line (Circuit 3 PLNT 750084 Phone Lockers - NEOF/TSC Line (Circuit 4 PLNT 580106) - Parsippany/TMI Line - Two commercial lines (948-8902, - note 1) - All five lines above on 5 buttoh t hone (3) (3). - CRT monitor, hard copier, A (4) (4) - TeJegopier ical Line (Ci t NT 750085) Corresponding (5),(6) Pnone Lockers echnical Line (4 Pt;N 25106) .v ronmental Ass sme t Command Center Line o commercial li (9 -8913,-8917) l ff adiological, ical, EACC and the two comer-(M cial lines on keyset phone (9) (7) - BRP Techn (4 PLNT 82510 - Two c nes (948-8904 _5; see note 2) M 7 N L e_ A v (Radiological) N n Line (Circuit 4 (9) (11) 580108) and Au i comercial 1 8914, -8909, -8907) (12) A\\ o commercial linss 8-8916, -8918) (9) (15) Room C122 - Five commercial lines (948-8901, -8903, -8905, -8908, -8910) (16) Room C123 - Unit 1 Emergency Director's Line (Circuit 3 PLNT 750090) - Unit 2 Emergency Director's Line (Circuit 3 PLNT 750089) - BRP Technical Line (4 PLNT 825106) - Three commercial lines (948-8904, -8906, -8911) on 5 button keyset phone (see notes 1 and 2) I (17) Room C124 - HPN Line - ENS Line - Three comercial lines (948-8912, -0128, -0132) l NOTES: ~ Status boards and keys for phone cabinets are in storage closet (8). 948-8906 has extensions in room 118/119 (ED and Technical Support areas) and room C123. 2. 948-8904 has extensions in ro,om 118/119 (BRP area) and room C123. l 14.0 .-.--,-,,,nr,.,,, -,,,, -. ,,,,,.n_.,..n,., +~.,,w- -n-,
1004.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT VII (Page 2 of 2) ACTIVATED NEOF FLOOR PLAN AND C0mVNICATIONS WinWMA VM//MfL EE (13) Room 122 (in) Adminis ive / (/ 4,,7 Manage Ce ter
- sea geis y
A gsg/ 9/ n ///A (3) I W
- f (i) l *l 3j (ii3 X
Room C123 (4) i A V ESD Ccnference Room ? ~ I (s) m 't s ). Y am (1o) (e) ~* PEMA
- [ f,'['7(()
e4s-soos Rocm C124 v
- e4s-eoor NRC Conference Room i
..... s, 2 IN I M el $bIII % (s) '[ I (1) Emergency Support Director area (11) Emergency Support / Emergency Preparedness -(2) Technical Functions area area (3) locker: CRT, phones (12) Public Information (4) locker: Tech Manuals, telecopier (13) Doorway (5) Environmental Controls area (14) SP0 Lecturn (6) Chemistry, Rad Con area (15) phone locker (7) BRP, FEMA area (16) phone locker (8) storage closet (17) phone locker ( (9) phone locker
> phone jack (10) NRC area room divider folding table 15.0
~ 1004.27 Revision 6 ) ATTACHMENT VIII {, (INACTIVE) NEOF FLOOR PLAN ( 4 8%w" h N CN V47r KW 000 'O 1 h ~ ur,y g air ~~~' W OOO ( ,,rsx v $w W R s=v %F h ODO 0000 l a BOO 0000 i r l 444 l l i ( 16.0
~ 10M.27 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT IX NEOF DATA LINK OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - 1. Turn on main power switch (top right side of wooden cabinet). 2.- Turn on power to the Tektronics terminal-and hardcopy unit. 3. Ensure that baud rate is set to 9600 (check the (2) thumb whe switches on the back of the CRT cabinet and also ensure that the pu to on the RACAL.- MILGO modem is pushed in). 4. Place the T-bar selector switch on the black box to ("B") position. 5. If the data link from process comp is ot activated, notify 9
- computer personnel 0 SC.
Execute " Cont A and (push "CN A" keyboard keys i 6. i simultaneously f the tenninal c ted, the system will respond. 7. Choose the appropriate function on the screen tain data required by the Group Lead ical Support. B. Refer to TMI-1 Prucess stem Remote iWUsers Manual for further. instruction 0 l' 17.0
. l.. 1004.31 Revision 7 08/23/83 IW ORTANT TO SAFETY ~ NON-ENVIRONIENTAL IWACT RELATED THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.31 AIRBORNE RADI0 ACTIVITY SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Table of E*fective Pages Page Revision Pg Revision Page Revision Page Jktvision 1.0 7 2.0 - 7 3.0 7-4.0 7 5.0 7 6.0 7 7.0 7 8.0 7 9.0 7 10.0 7 9 11.0 7 12.0 7 13.0 7 14.0 7 '15.0 7 16.0 7 17.0 7 18.0 7 l 22.0 7 23.0 7 24.0 7 25.0 7 26.0 7 27.0 7 28.0 7 l $Y_ dY.Mb'3 y gnat.ure (/ Date Signature Date ( Document ID: 0018W l- =
w: 1004.31 Revision 7 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION ' UNIT NO.1 EMERGENCY IPPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.31 AIRBORNE RADI0 ACTIVITY SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS 1.0 Pt;RPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to define'the method of air sampling and . analysis for Airborne Radioactivity in the areas of 1) in-plant
- 2) out-of-plant and 3) plant effluent pathways during an ese The Radiological Assessment Coordinator is responsible f nting this procedure.
2.0 ATTACHMENTS 2.1 Attachment I, Ai ioactivity Samp n I-131 Analysis Data Sheet. Q 2.2 Attachment I ne Air Sample N ap. 2.3 Attac II, Particulate Air omograph. 2.4 ' Attachment , Minimum De diciodine Nomo aph. 2.5 Attachment V, Contai A heric Post Acci ling System Schematic. 2.6 Attachment VI, S tic of Catpass R mple Panel. 2.7 Attachment VI s Sample Data. 5 Sample Pane h tic. 2.8 Attachmen V 2.9 Attachment MAP-5 Sample Data Sheet. 3.0 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS t 3.1 This procedure shall be implemented as directed by the Emergency Director, Radiological Assessment Coordinator or their designee. i a. 1.0 w vN-'- T +~- gp rv 3 v "Mg -ea-wee ".----5-----t+---mmm--------wvwW------r&-?-a*- --w-w-4-'--+w ww Tr -w r-w
1004.31 Revision 7 4.0 EMERGENCY ACTIONS 4.1 Emergency Equipment Required to be available for use Tur out of ~ plant air sampling: INITIALS-4.1.1 SAM _II/RD19 Detector Probe 4.1.2 Radeco H-809 Air Sampler or equivalent l 4.1.3 Stopwatch 4.1.4 GY_130 Silver Zeolite Cartridge 4.1.5 Particulate Filter 4.2 Sample Collectio $_0f_ Plant Areas 4.2.1 For iculateandradioiodi,@ ling, insert a l ne cartridge (s v z lite) with the arrow in e direction of air d particulate filter in the ,j r Sampler uni ith the fibrous lass backing side of the e filter faci t the samp. 1er. The i ate filter mus u eam of the . cartri 4.2.2 Wi fYiters in place h flow selector switch l air sampler unit t ble and adjust the flow l so not to exceed 2 CFM (-60 liters / min). Run the sampler unit for sufficient time to obtain a minimum of ten (10) cubic feet (-3E5 cc). Record the sample time and volume on the data sheet. Periodically check the air l flow indicator while the sampler is running. l i i NOTE: A minimum of ten (10) cubic feet (-3E5 cc) is re-quire to obtain an MDA of IE 8 uCi/cc. The larger the sample, the lower the MDA will be. 2.0 w 4-+- e y .w-9 -w, mg..--g.- ,,,-,,,egy,qh-ey--e-o w-y-,y-y-+*-gea -w -p+miy w---+>-.yg,yn-.w-g:wvy--w.ey.w-wc+vg39wi-- ye-~ wm wy ,g >-W i w--Mv
l-L ' 1004.31 Revision 7 4.2.3 .To set up the Sam II, perform the following steps. l a. Check' settings on the SAM-II unit to comply _with' the calibration label except that the ihreshold must be set at 3.60 for both sample and source counts. ~ b.. Set the Scaler display switch to "0N", Co nt Mode to "2", "XI", " timed". s NOTE: This will set the SAM _II for a 2 min t. For high radioiodine sample count r_ ate 'a ated on the count rate meter, lower coun i may 4 be used kE the detector to t ht panel of the c. Co fII. rn the power s and the stabilizer "0N", and allow un s ilize for appr ximately five (5) minute 4 NOTE: Do Not source, the b or a sample : I wn11e e ampler is ru hfle counting the : l sam background ensure't. check source is : a ive (5) feet fr t _II probe. 4.3 Sample Anot s 4.3.1 PrM to counting the first sample, count a background j with the SAM-II set-up in the mode defined in step 4.2.3. Count background wnenever radiological conditions have changed or are suspected ta have changed N Y w f \\ 3.0 m b P .--....,-,..,-9,-v 9 ---.,,..._,...,,an .m .-.-s._.m ,.-.,,c ~ ._.m.sw.-p-.,,.# e,,, .p.- .,m-,-.
'il s 1004.31 Revision 7 ' at the counting location. Count background after changing locaticns. NOTE: If the SAM _II unit is stable and not located in the i plume or a high background area, the background counts: should be less than 100 in a two minute count. 4.3.2 Label a coin eavelope with the necessary inf io, 't i.e., date,' tjpeIlyclume, location, and ing sampl e. ihen remove the radioiodine and a ~~- particula - ilter from the air s er t and place the. par fd1ter disc i +he co envelope for s I la t g and analysis i dance with RCP 1605. l e air samples w en be saved for subsequent s Li analysis 'at U-a Lab orf:he EACC. x L NOTE: A more rapid de nation of Airbor a ticulate radioactiv made using th AIRB y . PARTICULA S E NOMOGRAPH, ATT F III. ^ ..y. 4.3.3 Place (iioiodine cartridg i SAM _II shield c te the upstream' cing thd detector, and 4Qx e semple for two ( [g@nutes2 (Or less if the lj high/ count fake ^is indicated for the _ sample.) l NOTE: If problems are encountered with the Sam II while counting, check the following: s r-Power supply and connections.cs 1. ,2. Physical damage and proper probe connections. 3. Adjustments and settings per 4.2.3.a. 4. Response to provided source. s 4 1 I ~$ 4.0 S' l_-i "N --U.. ~
.l 1004.31 Revision 7 4.3.4 Record the serial number of the SAM-II, counter factor (as indicated on the SAM-II), background counts, and s counting time on the sample data sheet. (Att. I). NOTE: The " Count Factor" posted on the SAM II incorporates : ,., counting efficiency,' geometry factor and activity
- conversion factors.
4.3.5 .'After counting sample, record the iodine unts l and counting time on the data sheet. 4.3.6 Report the following information th /EACC (as appropr ) ler/ flow rate an( ime a. b. I1 ample counts A,s, F. i Total backgroun, Time and,i, f sample l i i NOTE: Analysis d samples may ba,, rfome by use"of odilancewith the TMI anberra syst n the ap@ 990 procedure,
- TMFUnit 2 l
GeLi/)Cf>un, or the GeLi/ i operated by the Enxi tal Assessment Sec NOTE: f ring sample analysi, 4 e sample activity eeds the ability of the instrument being used, (i.e., high count rate), one or all of the following : l alternatives may be used as directed by the RAC: l a. Reduce the sample volume b. Utilize different counting geometries c. Utilize counting instrumentation with lower efficiency / sensitivity l 5.G - 4- / -p W- +' e ... t ~ .a l. 2 ,i' s -.------...:-e- < ~ ~ l' k' { ,,e ,O g,.,., [, n, , -,.,,n, ,t. W.
1004.31 Revision 7 4.3.7 Place all samples in separate plastic bags and label the l samples with sample date, time, location and calculated o activity and return all samples to the Rad Con Coordina_ tor at the OSC or other location as directed by the RAC. 4.4 In-Plant air sampling for Radioactive Gas (except for Reactor Building) shall be performed in accordance with RCP 16 ~ attention to the problems expressed in the note be 4.5 In-Plant air sampling for Radioactive Iodine sh I e rformed in accordance with RCP 1605 with attention to p ens expressed in the note belo Jgu NOTE: rapid determinat no adiciodine concen-may be made us he IRBORNE IODINE SAMPLE : H. ATTACHME 4.6 In-Plant a sampling for e Particulates hall be per. formed in accordance w R 05 with attenti e problems expressed in 4.3.6. NOTE: A id determination o rne particulate r ity may be mad e AIRBORNE PARTIC- : E MPLE NOM 0 GRAPH NT III. ( 4.7 All air sam shall be handled in accordance with RCP 1605.1. 4.8 When directed by the RAC, obtain post accident samples of Reactor Containment outlined below. CAUTION: Obtaining a Reactor Containment atmosphs-1c semple l after an accident may involve high levels or gaseous : and particulate activity. Special precautions as outlined in EPIP 1004.9 should be observed. 9 6.0 l i l 4 c,. .-+,r. v*,>w- -m---- vw--v-----..v,--rn -r --ew-+-w<*-----w----,--w-ev vi-----
,=~enr -r--- -, -.. - - - - - - - - - + -
x 1004.31 Revision 7 NOTE: Personnel performing this portion of the procedure are required to initial each step upon completion and prior to performing the next step. 4.8.1 Containment Atmospheric Post Accident Sampling System (CATPASS). Contact the Control Room and request current Building pressure. If Reactor Building xceeds 30 PSIG, samples shall not be taken. Before proceeding to the sampling t request that the Co isolate RM.A2 by s ing valves CM-V-1, V2 4 if not already\\s ue to ESFAS actua_ i o request wheth r s ument air is available the Intermediate Bu for sampling operations. ] NOTE: If instrument
- s. ot available i Inter.
mediate.Bu ttled air must be ted at the sampi n area to the fi ng t reducing valve CM. 2. i Dete i bitability of th samq gng area prior to s 1 y:
- 1. Setting a
tinuous air monitor in v inity of the sample ion and 2. Taking dose rate readings in the sampling area. l l NOTE: If a sampling system line ruptures, close valves CM-V-12 and CM.V-13 and switch valve CM_V_10 to the recirc. mode at the remote sample panel. Notify the : RAC to have the Control Room close valves CM_V_1, V2, V3, and V4. A rupture may be indicated by an abnormal or unexpected change in flow or pressure. i 7.0
- -me e m s-
1004.31 Revision 7 The Radiological Controls Coordinator shall conduct a briefing with those personnel directly involved in the sampling evolution. Attachments V and VI should be used to familiarize sampling personnel with the sampling system and sample panel. Heat insulating gloves will be needed for handling the sample flask after s Switch heat tracing "0N" at the remote s Install the sample flask at the fitti hn valves CM.V.12 and CM.V.13 at the sample t if not already in plac e that the 2 iso at valves attached to ask are open and ten he septum valve is the e ht V are quarter turn ball NOTE: alves CM-V.11 alves. These re open when th andle on the valve is a ith the syste n and shut when is at a 90 ang he ^ system tur If not dy closed, close t e 1 . ing valves: l Y CM- - CM-V.14 (at th le tation),CM.V.16, , and CM.V-18 (at trument/ bottled air st on), and CM-V.12 and CM-V.13 (at the remote sample panel ). Place valves CM.V_7, V8, and V10 in the sample mode at the remote sample panel. Switch valve CM-V.9 to " COOL SMPL" position at the remote l sample panel. 8.0 ,.>e9,e se - - ee e. em.-
- eww+
e'= 6 ,,_,n-
1004.31 Revision 7 If bottled air is used, open the valve on the supply l bottle and adjust the reducer (CM.V.32) to achieve 90-100 psig on the regulator outlet guage, then open CM.V.16. NOTE: The following step can be more easily accomplished if : 2 people are used, one to manipulate the valves, and : watch the pressure gauges. " Crack" open valve CM.V.17 to obtain a r 25 to 30 psig on PI.997 at the sample stati h immediately shut CM.V 17. Then crack open va 18 to obtain a 4 readin o 30 psig on PI. he sample station, th tely shut CM.V.1 t? R 1 pressure gaug ic tions at the sample l tion. PI.995, PI.997 - it 2 minutes a ocord pressure auge indica-l tions. Pl. , PI.996, If there i o nge in pressur i ons, the l press tegrity is accepta I pressure integrity is e ble, notify th NOTE,: pp ximately 3 hours wi apse before heat tracing : t warmed the system to operating temperature (-200*F). e 9.0 3 ...w. , = = 4 -4 y _. ~_ ..,.,,,7 c., w_,,.,,, y-, ,...,.,,,,.,,.,.,my.m_.. _,,,,,. _.. ~. -,,,..,.,
1004.31 i Revision 7 4,8,1.15 When the heat tracing indicator light on the remote l t sample panel goes off, ensure that valves CM-Y.7, V8, and V10 are in the sample mode. NOTE: CM-V-9 may be placed in either " COOL SMPL" or "ISOK SMPL" position dependent on whether the RAC desires a sample from the RM-A2 Isokinetic P or the Cooler Discharge. Note the positi n sample data sheet. l Request, through the RAC, to have the C com override the ESFAS function of va s -1, V2, V3 and V4 (if actuated) and o n es CM_Y_1, Y2 V3, and t? u t' n valve CM-V.17. b tied air is used, also n CM-V.16. n valves CM_V V.14 at the s le station. Switch valve -V. and CM-V 13 to t the remote sample pan i a .ree positions: NOTE: V Cg.V-12 and CH_V_1 Open", and "O a The "Open /~v'" mode bypasses. ective pressure s es that normally -V.12 and CM.V.13 over pressure situ tten. Do not use this ition unless directed to do so by this procedure. : Verify that the temperature on TI.992 at the remote l sample panel indicates at least 215'F and that FI_838 at 4 10.0 l l i l l
1004.31 Revision 7 the remote sample panel indicates that flow exists in the sample system. Flow is indicated when the needle on FI-838 is to the left of the center mark. NOTE: The sample flask and other exposed metal. portions of : the sample system will be HOT. Heat insulating gloves should be used to handle any exposed a1 portion of this system. After 5 minutes verify that dose rates t ample station are within acceptable limits ples may be drawn f e system by the fo'.~. sequence:
- a. Open the sep varve J.nd insert Mo a syringe through se
- b. Wichdraw red mined volume of on nt atmospher syringe; c. Remove the inge, then clo e
tua valve and record the sample time on t e data sheet, e steps may be repeated a ary, to obtain f er a ples while the sys ues circulation. 'Upo tion of syringe s p or if syringe samp-1 g t desired, pla CM. O in the recirculation the remote sample p Switch valves CM_V-12 and CM_Y_13 to "close" at the I remote sample panel. ( If it is desired to remove the sample flask for analysis. l l verify that dcse rates at the sample station are within acceptable limits, then close the valves on the sample flask. Remove the sample flask from the sample station i for further analysis. Record the time rencved as sample l time on the sample data sheet. 11.0 f w .e en eege-e-e -s
,-re---- mman.,.--er,,y... .,-,.,-9c-.v-.-,--,e--+w-- d e--,y.---y----g.--. ,w., w n,,-y9,ww--r-e-w,yy--w+ wp.-w ,,,,%a -w--- = wee ,.y
1004.31 Rcvision 7 If removed, replace the sample flask with the spare l fl ask. Ensure that the septum valve is closed and that the 2 isolation valves attached to the sample flask are open on the newly install,ed flask.' To purge tne sample piping of Containment air, switch l valve CM-V-10 to " SAMPLE" and switch valves and CM.Y-13 to the "Open Bypass" mode. Swi M-V-9 to " COOL SW L". Slowly open valve CM-V.18 to flush I es with instru. l ment /bo .lp,__ _he sample mode ves CM_V.7 and -V. nt . NOTE: ir respective a le ines are depressurized : ctor Building as indicated on PI-995 and PI-997. At the completi minute purge close valve l CM-V-18 the h valve CM-V 12 t "Close at the remote p el. Requ t the Control Room c Ives CM-V.3 and l C-hen these valv ar s ut, switch valve CM-V-8 A2" position at the te sample panel. At the completion of an additional 2 minute purge, close j valve CM-V-17. If bottled air was used, also close valve CM_V-16 and the valve on the bottled air source. Switch valve CM-V.13 to "close" at the remote sample panel. l Request that the Control-Room close valves CM.V.1 and l CM-V-2. When these valves are shut, switch valve CM-V-7 to "RM-A2" position at the remote sample panel. l ~ 12.0 ,e---n-- -.,n--,.c, . ~ - -,, .--,,.,-y ..,,e.,,,. ,.-n,e e ---,nn.. -.---,,,v--e,,-w-,e,w yp-y,..y
i 1004.31 Revision 7 1 Turn off heat tracing at the remote sample panel. Shut valves CM.V-11 and CM-V-14 at the sample station. The sample (s) should now be analyzed per the applicable 1990 Chemistry Procedure. Relay the results of the gamma analysis to the Radio-l logical Assessment Coordinator to be used 1 004.7. 4.9 Post Accident Sampling of Condenser Vacuum Exhaust Build. l ing Purge or Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildi g using the NRC MAP-5 Sampling Stations in automatic MAP.5 Sample l Panels) by the Radiologk sessment Coordinator, 4.9.1 Who aple media from ap opriate sample panel (s) 11owing automatic a i on as follow 2. (Refer to tachment VIII) l = NOTE:- Radiolog ditions may warr i eration of : irator the need elding, stay t thing.y The prot metry and prot v RM-sample pane nt fan should b during samplin (s liQF'1" on the right, e the door) to evv noble gases y leak the mon rs. ose rates at the door : e sample station s e monitored and relay. : the Radiological nt Coordinator. CAUTION: When the MAP _5 panel front is open, avoid contact ~ ith any live electrical components due to shock w hazard, also avoid touching the green solenoid i l valves as they may be very hot! e 13.0 ..emme===-=*-- ~
1004.31 Revision 7 4.9.2 Perform a lamp test upon arriving at the sample station by pressing the lamp test button. All digital display segments should light. If lamp test is unsat, inform the RAC. ( 4.9.3 Open the sample panel and survey the two cartri ge holders and the lead shield. Enter the con o rate for each cartridge holder / lead shield on sheet (Att. IX). Inform the RAC of the sur ts and request th he determine which c rid older (s) are to be U _ _____ ________ ___ 3? _________________.__... - NOTE: e from channels an r 2 may interfere or dose rate from e 3. If this is u ted, sampling .4 through 4.9.9 should : e performed for all is and then a more accurate: ~~ ontact dose ra ed by removin the individual car 1ders to in low ekground area. .._____s____ 4.9.4 Record fl ) on desired c on the sample data s Att. IX). (Flow r e - g sampling should b i tely 3000 cc/ lose the panel. 4 4.9.5 r the "0FF" button o desired channel (s). The e "0F light should go on, the "AUT0" light should go off. NOTE: Channel 2 and 3 will complete a purge cycle before turning off. l 14.0 I _ _ -. _. _ _ ~ ~., _ - -.. _.
1004.31 Revision 7 4.9.6 Depress " PURGE" button on desired channel to remove any noble gases which may have been present in the ambient air. The " sample" light should go off and the " purge" light should go on. The elapsed purge time indicator for channel No.1 should start to increment. 4.9.7 Depress "0FF" button on desired channel afte ast one (1) minute. 4.9.8 Record elapsed time (in minutes), flow cc/ min), l for the appropriate channel number le data sheet (Att. I 4.9.9 .0pe 1 and remove car KDd holder (s) by releas-l 1 u & disconnect fit n o sample line. NOTE: "artridge holde el 1 is enclosed inside an 80 lb. lead s eld and cartri holder should be r e unit, if p , if the cartridge ld present a si t exposure : hazard i 1 ? NOTE: Ra o al conditions will ic e how filters and : c t are to be han u g transport end a s 4.9.10 I ditional sampling is necessary, insert new silver zeolite cartridge (with the arrow pointed toward the blue l t half of the cartridge holder) and particulate filter into l the cartridge holder. 4.9.11 Insert cartridge ~ holder into place while ensurin,g sample flow is through the particulate filter first (blue end of the filter holder should be on top). 15.0 -w y p m ---a-s w- ,m ,.e e, -e-,e -me,,- w w.
1004.31 Revision 7 4.9.12 Ensure quick disconnect fittings are securely attached and close panel. 4.9.13 After cartridge holder (s) are installed, verify sample flow rate by depressing sample and purge pump, "0N" button, then depress the channel "SAWLE" button. Verify 3000 cc/ min flow rate on the applicable flow for approximately 5 seconds. If flow rate i 3000 cc/ min., adjust flow rate by ro t knob at the bottom of the flow meter. Th dep s Sample and Purge P " button. 4.9.14 Wai i i three channels topped cycling then e ampie and Purge u 0" button. 4.9.15 press "AUT0" button three channels, and then press " RESET" r all three cha is. The "AUT0" butto h ould be on and t readouts should rea This now plac -5 sampling statio in automatic sta y o ermit response to RM-9 low channe thatthesamplean( D times have not been 4.9,16 s di rbed (Normal settings are: Channel 2, sample - l 4 sec., purge - 36 sec.; Channel 3, sample - 4 sec., purge - 396 sec.). = 16.0 e.+ , - -. - -, =.,, -
~ 1004.31 Revision 7 4.10 Post Accident Sampling of Condenser Vacuum Exhaust, Reactor Build-ing Purge or Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Building Exhaust using the NRC MAP-5 sampling stations in manual mode. 4.10.1 When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator obtain samples by manual operation as follows: (Refer to . Attachment VII). 4.10.2 If sample panel is currently operating r present filter media with new filter 4.9.2 through 4.9.12 above, for all cha s 's proceed to 4.10.3 4.10.3 Dep "RfJET" on all three s to clear display. 4.10.4 e ON" button for p ump "0FF" light should go f. Pump "AUT0" lig Id be off.- Pump "0N" light s ould go on. 4.10.5 Depress chan " button on the d channel control. light should apsed time indica ould begin count r at channel. Record th o Pirte for the appr e annel(s) on the m data sheet (Att. I 4.10.6 Whwdesired sample time is reached, depress the " PURGE" button, the purge light should go on. If using Channel 1, elapsed time display should begin incrementing in seconds. Purge all channels for at least one (1) minute. 4.10.7 To stop sample operation, depress "0FF" button for the desired channel. " PURGE" light should go out. "0FF" ( light should go on. 17.0 i _ ~,_.
4 1004.31 Revision 7 i 4.10.8 When sampling is completed, depress pump "0FF" button. Pump "0N" light should go off. Pump "0FF" light should go on. 4.10.9 Record elapsed sample time (in minutes) on the sample data sheet (Att IX). Open the panel and survey the two cartridge holders and the lead shield. Rec contact dose rate for each cartridge hol e shield oa the sample data sheet (Att. IX). n e Radio-logical Assessment Coordinator of e ey results before ng. 4.10.10 R idge holder (s) by 4 ing quick disconnect f on sample line. i 4.10.1 additional samplin i essary, insert new silver lite cartrid the arrow poin toward the blue half of tne r1 holder) and pa filter into the cartri r. a 4 e ensuring sample l l 4.10.12-Inser ridge holder into f1 ugh the parti ter first (blue end of l e ridge holder sho n top). 4.10.13 E e quick disconnect fittings are securely attached and close panel. l 4.10.14 Depress " RESET" button on desired channels to clear accumulated time. All displays should read zero. l l. 18.0 a e e.e -.e e-6 e ,,.,m.em, e,+M-p_e-4.. e h--g. e sow.wy -e - w
== l.,- _ - -, ~_...... ~. _. - _ _, _. _. _ _ _.
~ 1004.31 Revision 7 4.10.15 Ensure that the sample and purge times have not been disturbed. (Nomal settings are: Channel 2, sample - 4 sec., purge - 36 sec.; Channel 3, sample - 4 sec., purge - 396 sec.). 4.10.16 For additional manual sempling proceed back to Step 4.10.4. 4.10.17 Follow steps 4.9.12 through 4.9.15 to p1 ng station back in automatic mode after mpling. 4.10.18 Sample anal ses will be perfomed a dance with the applic Chemistry procedure 4.10.19 Re1 e uits of the g sis to the Radio-10 ssessment Coordi a r o be used in EPIP 1004.7. 5.0 FINAL CONDITI g 5.1 All samples taken after re been teminate 5.2 All monitoring teams o d return to base. 5.3 All samples given to i gical Controls o si s. 5.4 Post accident sa of the Containme a s here and MAP-5 processor st complete and anal e ts reported to the RAC. 19.0 ,9 y e -v -,---,-----44, w y -m---n
1004.31 Revision 7 ATTACHMENT I AIRBORNE RADI0 ACTIVITY SAMPLINFa AND IDDINE - 131 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Sample Collection lodine Sample Counting 1) Time on , Time off
- 1) Serial No. of SAM-II Run Time min.
- 2) Counter Factor
_k 2) Sample Flow CFM, T za 3) Location:
- 3) Background co
- 4) Background me min 4)
- 5) Sample ts 5)
- 6) Sa Coun Time min.
6) Sampler Type: o 7) at d Tira of Counting: Serial No.: ( \\ _U 7) Collected by- ) ted by: y 9 0 20.0 B e og .g eee-, w me wee 4 -w
/ 1004.31 ATTACHMENT II Revision 7 A-. AIRBORNE IODINE SAMPLE NOMOGRAPH < Nec CPM (Grecs CPM-Bkg. CPM) Note: This nomograph is to be used for Iodine 131 10= air samples counted with a SAM II. This nomograph C-assumes an ave. counter factor of 16000 for SAM II's. l3l I I Airborne Activity 3 ample Volume (uci/ml A1 S 2g (Ft ). (m1 or cc) -5 40, -s - E3 7k E-6 -2E3 100- ,1 .4E3 2-2M. ,4 f-2E4
- 0:
-r 400, -4E4 -6
- 2. 0-{7E4
~# ~ -1ES 700- >E-7 -= 100C2 h 2d ~ 00 _ N
- H 7
- 2E6 -e -1 4000,,, -s 4 7000' -' *E-8 10000 " 20000, 14 j Instructions: Draw a line through Net CPM (A) ~. l and Air Saga Volume (B) using a straight edge -7 -6 40000, and read I Airborne Activity (C) on the line. -s '""U 103 NI NOVOGRA?- ~'
- E-9
= 100000 21.0 =ls g em e- +m ~-' y-p y .-e---cp--- --,,.w w +g--
- wt--y,,e#.g.%
pg. - - --gry y -y9----
~ - - 'A ATTAO# TENT III 1004 31 C Revision _ 7 ~ NET CPM AIRBORNE PARTICULATE SAMPLE NOM 0 GRAPH. Note: This nomograph is to be Airborne Activity (Gros's' CPM-Bkg. CPM) used for particulate air samples (uCi/ml) 10 counted with an RM-14/HP-210 -1E-6 Beta-Gama Count Rate Meter. This nomograph assumes a counting J 15 efficiency of 10%. .20 4 8 Y >E-7 ~ Air Sample Volume .40 3 (alorcc) (Ft) 2 -1. 5 .70 .D.1 1 ~100 4 .0.2 4 7 x10 .150 0.4 .200 2.0..D.7 D 4 4.0~ .1. 0 -3 >E-8 ~ 2. 7.0. 400 5 2 [ lx10 - -1.5 .'700 2.k 1 21000 q f -7 6 .1500 1x10 .2000 2.0. JO -4 -100 4 0-3 >E-9 4000 7.0. 7 -2 1x10 - .1. 5 .7000 f4 10000 INSTRUCTIONS: Draw a line through Net ".7 15000 CPM (A) and air sample volume (8) using y astraifhtedgeandreadairborneac- >E-lO tivity C) on the line. .20000 3AT CL _A~~E \\ OVOGRA3-2 .40000 i -50000 ~ 22.0 l - - - ~ l
c. ~~~ 1004.31 Att:chment IV Revision 7 MINIMUM DETECTABLE i'DIOTODINE ACTIVITY NOMOGRAPH . Note: This nomograph is to be used for determining the minimum detectable activity of airborne iodine samples counted with the SAM II. This nomograph assumes an ave. efficiency of 0.72% for SAM II's. A Min. Detectable Activity (gei/ml) A l2E-8 Background CPM 5, B AirSampleVolup) (al or ec) (ft 7E4 C D 1E-8 $9E-9 h 1ES - ,4 .8E-9 20<. ~ 30 2 ~' 40 "10 SE-9 50 60' 4E5 15 4E-9
- 80..
.20 100< 7ES - 30 ,3E-9 1E6 -..40 2E-9 INSTRUCIIONS Draw a line through background CPM (A) and air sample volume (B) using a. straight edge and read MDA (C) where the line intersects the right hand scale. V J A. \\0V0G 1A?- ~ 23.0 -- := - . :. _ r: n
r 1004.31 ATTA b U Revision 7 Containment @ ospheric Post A_ccident Sampling System (CATPASS) M = 47 "D*" n t. / surrr.t rr s er,s n; tm;cton h ,f W essv7 v26 pe v21 4 v24I o 'f' jyao h I "" R W n ~ het! 1' OF) L'10 vieX o t ors: H o g vai vi [ vas l \\ '2fg D ",, "e" o 727 noses ) g ]i ,"g. a _ _A ) b?" _1 _ Q v7 L W t vt v n v3 ISCH. \\ D ng r A. m TN KD) N LEGEND m M Globe valve (manual) Regulator Relief valve Three way valve (pneumatic) Four way valve (motor) l Pressure gauge Temperature gauge Solenoid valve -4>- Disconnect fitting l 24.0 1
i o 1004.31 ATTACHMENT VI R2 Vision 7 SCHEMATIC 0F CATPASS REMOTE SAMPLE PANEL CM-V18 N AIR n n l ~~~~ ,CM-V / TO CM-V7 [ lIS0K. 4 j y ,Ima21ss' PROBE CM-V9 l 'A 4 I RM-A2l pent 4EACTOR \\ l LDG. TI 992 M-Cool TO lC00LEF DISCH. \\ h CM-V3 CM-V4 / %)L / FI sy, \\ n REfIlt SMPLl V b ~ [ ON HEAT TR NG Y % v10 hn M-A3 D Ag ) OPEll[MSEMEN /BYP ' 0 PEN CLOSE OPEN/BYP a .3Pu't g D s- @ m-e cc + >ci x x: CM-V12 , CM-V13 \\,,j/ t i e 25.0 -*t gv7y -* sg y-pww g -sqg a-eyr.3-,- y-g.,+-g---w---p%+4..-ww.--+-a va ^=---*8e e 9-+*'w e*-m 4 w*w---'e--r-me t-9-W r-w -rw-% -=
1004.31 Rivision 7 ~ - ATTACHMENT VII CATPASS Sample Data Sheet Sample Time: Date: Type Sample: 50 cc Sample Flask / cc Syringe (circle one) CM-V9 Position: ISOK. SW L./ COOL. SMPL. (circle one) Tech Remarks: /> A &~ X %~ Results: Con t rate r. NUCLID ACTIVITY k CONC. (uci/Q() % (s g w: m . b /> k l l //N i ANV l l NP CCU l - :v
- v
( l i l TOTAL
- ~
- 6 0
g .v -p w W,- g oem ayw.g eeim -* ' wew=6
- =
de -"m*'N**'6* me y -c ,s.--'wey---'e-e----=- e p---y---.-*--w.,-. --w r -w ep. .w-y m-w,,- ,e- =.,... - -e -. + - - - -w-. p
== 27.0
t n' 1004.31 Revision 7 ATTACHMENT IX MAP-5 Sample Data Sheet RM-AS, RM-A8, RM-A9 (circle one) Sample Time: Date: Technician: l Sample Results Sample Data
- Nuclide : Activity (uci)
Concent M /cc) o' N T ~
- Channel No. 1
, W JJ 4 (N N._/
- 1. Sample Flow Rate
- /> NN
~ (cc/ min) = a: yN
- Av/ N
" N3
- 2. Elapsed Sample
- NN' m
Time (min) = ptN N) \\ 0,,,J !:N T \\(
- 3. Sample Volume //
- A/
\\\\ v (cc) (1 x 2) = ~\\ K3 : V Nw~: i
- 4. Contact Dose n N3 Rate (mR/hr) =
- Total
- ,y ) L
^ \\\\ I Channel No. 2 v -Am
- A
- 1. Sample Flow Rate
(( :/)
- s N N/7 l
(cc/ min) =
- /> N V
.N N N/
- /( n mN N(
y x7
- 2. Elapsed Sample Time (min) =
kN v (iN : V lL > D N:
- -3. Sample Volume A N Y:
(cc) (1 x 2) = \\\\:M v : NJ:
- 4. Contact Dose Rate (mR/hr) =
- Total
- Channel No.'3 l
- 1. Sampie F1ow' Rate (cc/ min)'.
- 2. Elapsed Sample '
Time (min) = i
- 3. Sample Volume (cc) (1 x 2) =
- 4. Contact Dose Rate (mR/hr) =
- Total 28.0 l
'--e o---.-m- .v -w, w.w,e m. --w,e ,-%,,e -w.g---,+,-w ,e-mm--w-- -,,--.-g% ,-,9-,-swap-m ..w.-ey pm,*w--c------e w --*--tm--w y-w'-}}