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Public Version of Rev 7 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 1004.1, Unusual Event & Rev 8 to 1004.3, Site Emergency. Revised Indices Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1983
From: Giangi G
Shared Package
ML20072K227 List:
PROC-830228-01, NUDOCS 8303300451
Download: ML20072K242 (66)


{{#Wiki_filter:. o' 1004.1 s Revision 7 02/28/83 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY NON-ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT RELATED QC THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.1 UNUSUAL EVENT Table of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Pa vision 1.0 6 31.0 6 2.0 6 3.0 6 4.0 7 5.0 6 6.0 6 7.0 6 80 6 9.0 6 O 10.0 6 11.0 6 12.0 6 13.0 6 14.0 6 15.0 6 16.0 6 17.0 6 18.0 6 19.0 6 20.0 6 21.0 6 22.0 6 23.0-6 24.0 6 25.0 6 26.0 6 27.0 6 28.0 6 29.0 6 30.0 6 E$ ,2 __ _ _ >l9 J/dU ~ i./ signature ( ~ Date ~ g signature Da t_e Soof[o!oO$$g9 Document ID: 0023W F PDR s ^ good \\ L

e. 1004.1 Revision 6 ( THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION tfNIT NO.1 EERGENCY PLAN IMPLEENTING PROCEDURE 1004.1 UNUSUAL EVENT 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to define the conditions that shall be regarded as an Unusual Event for Three Mile Island Nuclear , tion (Unit 1) and to: Ensure necessary. actions are taken to protect tS@h^ 0 ' s a. of the pubife. O b. Ensur_e necessary ons are taken to n Gru and offsite eme response organ c. Mobilize t ap priate portion t


. onse organi-zatio n ate appropriat y actions. The Emer3.ency DQector is respo implementing his procedure. ( NOTE: Emerg encMet responsibilities th may NOT be delegatM include: a. o notify offsi e ncy management l b ng protective acti ndations as n sary to offs y management encies. A assification of M y Event. s Detennining the,n(ecess' ty for onsite evacuation d. based upon potential exposure to non-essential personnel. e. Authorization for emenjency workers to exceed 10 CFR 20 radiation exposure limits. 2.0 ATTACHENTS 2.1 Attachm4nt I, Unusual Event Notifications 2.2 Attachment II, Emergency Status Report. 2.3 Attachment III, Checklist _for Notification of Significant Events Made in Accordance with 10 CFR ff0.72. ( 1.0 l

l i i 1004.1 Revision 6


{ INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION 3.1 Reactor trip followed by an Reactor trip alam (F-1-1) -7 ~ unplanned automatic ECCS followed by HP Injection Flow initiation. alam (E-2-6 and/or E-3-6). 3.2 Radiological effluent technical As indicated by a lid Alert specification limits being alam on RM-AS, RM-A9, approached. or RM-L7. 3.3 Reactor coolant total [activ'ty As indicate y er: > 50 uCi/mi but < 3850 uCi/ml a. Reactor 01 t activity and/or Dose Equivalent' Iodine-131 as d by sample > 4pC1/ml but <300 uCi/ml a an is.* Tndicating possib el damage. b. o > 6.35 x 104 < T x 106 cpm.3 -L1 igh > 1.11 3 10 te but < 23 x 105 cpm. 3.4 Abnormal emperature and/ y ondition whereby the or pre nomal fuel t fthnical Specification Safety perat utside of technical imits 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 are specifi n limits. exceeded with ut a reactor trip and confime y an engineering ( analysis. 3.5 Exceeding primary s ak As indi either: rate technical sp n. a. or coolant - 10 gpm as mea-y daily leak rate entified reactor oolant leakage > 1 measured by daily leak rate test. 3.6 Failure of a safety or relief Failure of the following to valve in a safety related system close: to.close following reduction of a. Pressurizer Safety applicable pressure. Valve (s), Power Operated Relief Valve (s) or OTSG safety valve (s) as indicat-ed by the accoustical val'v~e ~ monitoring or flow measur-ing equipment.* . b. OTSG Atmospheric Relief Valve (s) or Decay Heat System relief valve. ( 2.0

7,. =- e \\ 6 1004.1 Revision 6 (' 3.7 A eloss of On-site AC power As indicated by a loss of the resulting in a technical Specifi-ability to meet any of the cation shutdown. conditions of Technical Specif-ication Limiting Condition for l Operation 3.7.2. 3.8 A ' sustained loss of offsite power As indicated by a reactor trip resulting in a reactor trip. caused by loss of wer. 3.9 Loss of contairmient integrity As indicated by a s f the requiring shutdown by technical ability to ne of the specifications. conditiens n al Specif-icetion Li

ondition for Operatio 3.10 Loss of engineere fety As i ate y a loss of the features or fire ion abi meet any one of the

' system function 1,41,9 shut-ion requiring shutdown i down by tech .cifications ical Specification (e.g.'beca

function, Li ng Conditions of.0pera-personnel procedural 1

3.3 or 3.18. inadeq ) 3.11 Fire i ermanent plant Shift Supervisors judgement, t ture whic annot be con based on adv e of the fire by the firc brigade with brigade le r ( minutes of discovery. 3.12 Fire outside plant c es Shif ors judgement, i requiring offsit i ting ba r est of the fire assistance, b a er for. offsite i ng assistance. 3.13 Indication o s on process 'As i dicated by a. loss of orleffl ters not cations, assessment or function ontrol room to an nications cability extent req ng plant shutdown requiring plant shutdown as - or other significant loss of detennined by the Shift Super-assessment or connunication capa-visor. bility (e.g., plant computer. Safety Parameter Display System. all meteorological instrumentation). 3.14 Security. threat or attempted entry Shif t Supervisor's judgment, -- or attempted sabotage. based on advice of the Security Duty Sergeant. ( 3.0

.\\- /- \\ s 1004.1 Revision 7 3.15 Natural phenomenon being exper-As indicated by any one of the tenced or projected beyond usual following: levels. a. A valid alam on PRF-1-2 (>- \\ .01g) "Theshold Seismic s ' Condition" indicating an s earthquake. b. A projected river stage > 302 ft. at the River Water In-take Struc re (50 year flood level). c. High winds as indicat Speed Record

1) or Nation her Service pro f tornado or r

fort:e winds. 3.16 Other hazards b erfenced As d by any one of the or projected. owin as judged by the htf upervisor. 0 a Onsite aircraft crash outside the protected area fence and not impacting pemanent plant structures. b. Train derailment within the Exclusi Area. c. Unan d explosion detect r or onsite. d. N site toxic or gas or liquid which could affect bitability required nomal plant operability. Turbine rotating comporient failure causing a Reactor trip. 3.17 Transportation of any injured or As judged by the Shift Super-ill and contaminated or poten-

visor, tialTy-contaminated personnel

( from the site to an offsite medi-cal facility. t 3.18 Valid, unanticipated ALERT alams Any two or more radiation ~ on any two or more area and/or monitor ALERT alams are process radiation monitors at the received in the Control Room same time. simultaneously. 4.0 I

v + 1004.1 Revision 6 3.19 A reactor trip caused by As indicated by reactor trip (. either: caused by a validated low-flow a. Any reactor coolant pump trip or'by a total loss of failure. feedwater.' b. Total loss of ability to feed OTSG. 3.20 Va~11d Reactor Building Evacuation Receipt of a valid Reactor Alarm. Building.Evacuatio Alarm. 3.21 Unanticipated positive reactivity As determined b ift insertion potentially degrading Supervisor o cated by the level of safety of the plant. any one of wing: a. An unc .ed operating reac ange resulting i high reactor t tiet temperature u ticipated y icality. l c. n inadvertent rod with-rawal at power operations t resulting in a reactor trip. An inadvertent moderator dilution resulting in a valid hi reactor coolant ( outle erature alarm and/o tor trip. 3.22 Stuck-Out, Stuck-In iped As. i a loss of the Control Rod re tdown abi ' t any of the by Technical S ations. c of Technical Specif-a Limiting Conditions'.of a ,n for one co i rod. 3.23 Other pla onditions are in enever p1' ant conditions progress or ave occured which warrant it, as judged 'by the may indicate a potential Shift Supervisor / Emergency i degradation of the l'evel of Director. safety of the plant. NOTE:- In exercising the judgment as to the need for declaring an Unusual Event, uncertainty concerning safety stattTs of the plant, the length of time the uncertainty exists, and the pros-pects for early resolu-tion of ambiguities should be considered; ( i.e., uncertainty dbout the level of safety of 5.0 \\ =

] 1004.1 Revision 6 l ( the plant extending beyond a reasonable time period is a sufficient basis for declaring an Unusual Event. These indications may be determined via instrumentation that will be installed or expanded as required by NUREG 0578 prior to re rt. 4.0 EMERGENCY ACTIONS Initial s 4.1 Upon recognition that any of the action bove have been reachd5 ore ed, the Shift Supe r s all assume the duties of Director. ( ven should be ass'essed 9 and d within ten (10) inu of the occurrence.) 4.2 A nc the Control R nnel that Name has a sumed the duti f ergency Directo. The Gnergency. ( Director shall p i ly (approx. every consult with-the lead per o each area inv e i he emer)ency, and discuss: a. each area b. ate actions to be by each 16ad person c. P lem areas d. Recommendations on course of action l 4.3 Announce, or have announced, the following message over the Public address system (merged): NOTE: Turn on Whelen siren switch. s' 6.0

i 6 1004.1 Revision 6 ( ~'N " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL; ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: AN UNUSUAL EVENT HAS BEEN DECLARED IN UNIT ONE. ALL EMBERS OF THE ON-SHIFT EERGENCY ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. ALL s .OTHER PERSONNEL SHOULD CONTINUE WITH THEIR NORMAL DUTIES UNLESS FURTHER INSTRUCTION IS GIVEN. Give a bri scription of the event and repeat the announcement.) NOTE: Turn off Whelen siren switch. 4.4 Assign a C or to make noti c ns to persons and/or agencie r achment I, Sect O 4.5 Assig C unications Ass t t nd direct him to perfonn l p11 cable steps of 0 4.6 Cont t the Duty Se ~o erintendent and iscuss: l ( a. Plant stat b. Which m the Duty Sect quired to augment the. ' Emergency Organi ti 4.7 Depen e emergenc'y a v 1 which was reached or exes e nsure that th'e ap ate Emergency Operating ~ Proced s have been implemented. 4.8 If local services (fire, ambulance, police) are required, direct the Comunicator to notify Dauphin County Emergency Operations Center and request the appropriate assistance.

  • ~

t ( 7.0

s, 1004.1 Revision 6 ( Notify security (N/S gate) to begin preparations to expedite *~x entry of responding emergency personnel (Police / Fire Ambu-lance). Security should be advised to Dosimetry Badge Issuance. NOTE: If the Emergency Response personnel are e d to respond outside the protected area 'a ya radioactive plume, the Emegency Di or his designee will direct the issuanc from the North or South gate. __..______________.._______________________.....Q________.__ 4.9 If the eme volves radiolgical blems, direct the Radiol essment Coordina implement Radiological ng Emergencies ba4'. Con 1 4.10 nges in onsite or o radiation-levels are expected, direct the 'Radiolog ssment Coordina .to: ( a.- Dispatch o a /or onsite ra f ation sonitoring teams t l in acco h Emergency P nting Procedure t 1004. b. t Onsite Of'fsit o. rojections procedure 4.11 If pers nnel/ vehicles are, or are suspected to be contamin-ated, have the RAC initiate the Personnel / Vehicle Monitoring and Decontamination procedure (1004.20). ,4.12 If additional resources or notifications are required, refer.. I to Additional Assistance and Notification Procedure (1004.6). l 4.13 Assign an individual to complete Attachment II, Section I and give to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator to transmit to (. the Bureau of Radiation Protection. 8.0 l

1004.1 ~ Revision 6 ( 4.,14 Direct the Radiological Assessment Coordinator to complete l N Attachment II, Section II to transmit-to the Bureau of Radia-tion Protection if a radioactive release has occurred or is occurri ng. 4.15 Stop all liquid and gaseous discharges that are rogress l until an assessment of their impact is perfo e specific approval is g'iven to continue the release Emergency Di rector. 4.16 Verify that unications and doc t ion are maintained per proc u unications an keeping (1004.5). 4.17 If ap ca 1, direct the o 'e ti Coordinator to dispatch - ncy Repair /Operati s nnel to investigate the iderttffied problem a i accordance wi Emergency ~ ~ Repair / Operation ro re 1004.21. 4.18 After 30 minut fr initial conta MA, confirm that BRP verif n. s been made. rification, instruct i the C to proceed t c erit I, Section 1.2.(d). -4.19 If-r are injured or are in' a radiologically contr d area or are potentially contaminated, or if person (s) have received radiation exposure greater than 25 REM; direct the RAC to implement Emergency Plan Implementf ry) Procedure 1004.16, Contaminated Injuries /Radittion Over-Exposure. 1 1 ( 9.0

e 1004.1 Revision. 6 131 ( 4.20 If personnel have been exposed to 1 sufficient to cause a thyroid dose of greater'than or equal to 10 RAD, direct the RAC to implement the Thyroid Blocking procedure Emergency Plan Implementirn Procedure 1004.35. 4.21 Based upon assessment of plant conditions, eit e out the Unusual Event or escalate to a higher c

ergency, a.

If Recovery Phase criteria hav t (see Recovery Procedure 1004.24 bu ng term recovery r s are-not necessary, lose out the Unusual by directing the nicator to perfonn'the I

ifications in A ta nt I, Section II.

If emergency ac eyels exceed those for an Unusual E alate to a high class, notify ( BRP o o ical Line and make r ining notiff-ca accordance wit he ropriate emerge 6cy dure as specifled 5.1. 4.22 If ne ue to -potentij nation of. nonna11y ^ no t nated' sumps and/or s, or the need to closely ~ monitor liquid releases, initiate procedure 1004.14, I Monitoring / Controlling Liquid Discharges For Nonna11y Uncon-taminated Systems.

  • On 10.0 3

\\ l -m m m-

e 4, o 1004.1 Revision 6 (. 5.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 5.1 ' A higher class of emergency has been declared by the Emergency Director after meeting or exceeding an emergency action level 'of one of the higher classes and one of the following proce-dures is being implemented: a. Alert (1004.2) b. Site Emergency (1004.3) c. General Emergency (1004.4) 5.2 The Unusual t.has been closed nce no recovery operations utred, or D 5.3 The U ua vent can be shi ed a recovery mode by imple - m ng procedure Re rations (1004.24). 5.4 At close of the - e , ensure that i logs, check-( lists' procedures an er documentatio n ated in the Control Room a d with the even e thered and sent to the Eme paredness Dep r review and filing. O Date Signature of Person Responsible for Implementing Procedure N k 11.0

~ t ~ e 1004.1 Revision 6 ATTACHtENT I SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT INITIAL The Communicator shall notify the' following agencies and .' personnel, and update the Attachment I, Section II checklist for each notificatiorr. 1. , DAUPHIN COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER (If this is a reclassification notificati t notify BRP on the radiological line or c go to Item 3, Unaffected. 1 Room). i a. Te f-b. hi is at the Three Mile Island (name/ eQ Nuclear Statioi ' calling. We declared an Unusual E

hours, d (bas d upon (time)

Eme D rector judgemen

i. r one of.the follow-in t ents):

~ e have not h'ad a tive release

  • OR 2.

We have had a radioactive release, but do not expect this situation to result in detectable charges in offsite radiation levels, OR 3. We have had a radioactive release, but do not know if there will be detectable changes in offsite radiation levels. We will be keeping the Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP)infonned of the results of ( our inv.estigation, OR 12.0

i i ~ 4 1004.1 Revision 6 / ATTACHENT I SECTION I \\ s, INITIAL CONTACT INITIAL 4. We have had a radioactive release and expect to be able to detect changes in offsite radi n levels but they are expected to be less evels calling for an alert. We will b k ing the Bureau of Radiation Protec ' n omed. c.. Give a non-technical de r 'on of the emergency an y entially affect y ation and areas. k A w g A n ( Y k PENNSYLVANIA Eh MNAGEENT AGEN MA) 2. (If this i sification n i a , go to Item 3, Unaffec o 1 Room). / eiter for'ard's this cal'1 a... Te one-w 'PEMA duty orriceh after working hours.) t NOTE: If unable to contact, proceed to step 2.d. m 13.0

p -

1004.1 Revision 6 ( ATTACHMENT I SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT b. Message: This is Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 cal-ling. We have an emergency. Give me the 0 tons Duty Officer. (When Duty Officer answers:) This is at the Three s ile sland (name/ title) Nuclear tion Unit I calling e have declared an Unusu ' at es. e request you (time) c ac Bureau of Radia i P tection. Bureau of adiation Protectio (a ck should be made on the adiolgoical Li k rt w ( (Based upon rg y Director judge eliver one of the folio sJtements): 1. ve not had a radio c e elesse, OR 2. e had a' radio r ease, but do-not expect his situation to in de'tectable chanjes in v offsite radiation. levels, OR 3. We have had a radioactive release, but do not know if there will be detectable changes in offsite radiation levels. We will be keeping the Bureau of Radiation Protection infonned of the results of our investigation, OR ./ 14.0 l

~ r-.- 1004.1 Revision 6 (' ATTACHENT I SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT 4. We have had a radioactive release and expect able to detect changes in offsite radiation levels, but they will be less than the levels ing for an Al ert. We will be keeping the Bu adiation Protection infonned. c. Give a short non-technical desc of the emergency, and a tially affected p fons and areas: m R7 ~ NV edP M a ( d. If PEMA wa be contacted, t Dauphin County; a se em that PEMA n contacted and dire m, o notify PEMA, a Lancaster, York,. L nd Cumberl'and e. e.s e verification: ~ ct Bureau. of Radiation Protection (BRP) contact after PEMA notification. If no BRP confinnation is received within 30 minutes, notify PEMA of the situation. If unable to contact PEMA (line busy), call Dauphin County and notify them that BRP has not verified initial con 7 l N tact. Request Dauphin County to contact PEMA and/or BRP. i ( ( 15.0 \\ l

g s 1004.1 Revision 6 ( ATTACHE NT I SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT INITIAL ~ 3.' UNAFFECTED CONTROL ROOM a. Telephone: -inter Con om Hot-Line b. MESSAGE: Give a brief description of Pla S to Shift Super-4. INSTI AR POWER OPERA (Do n y if this is a s fication notification.)- elephone: Contact TMI Site Operator v - or assistance '( b. MESSAGE: This is v Mile Island Nu r. tion Unit 1 ca e'have declared an vent at rs. (Give a br'ief. j (time d j de cription of the emergency.) 5. Notify the followin) personriel/agenctes if the emergency situatio'n-l is such that notification is deemed appropriate: _ 'Ask for Duty Nurse) a. Hershey Medical Center ( Notification to be perfonned per procedure 1004.16. l 16.0 l

1004.1 Revision 6 ( ATTACHE NT I'SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT INITIAL . ~.. s s b. Pennsylvania State Police MESSAGE: This is at the Three Mile uclear (name/ title) Station Unit I calling. We have d n Unusual Event a 6 hours. W had a f ime) V(hghave not) I ra c release. We re tsjr ssistance as follows: ny assistance e adiation Managemen Corngration xx Emer i, ( \\ ESSA ~ Thi e ree Mile Island Nuclear name/ title) n Unit 1 calling. ave declared an Unusual Event at hours. (Give a brief description of the (time) emerg ency). ~~ ..+m-N ( 17.D

s 1004.1 Revision 6 ATTACHWNT I SECTION I ( m INITIAL CONTACT ' - INITIAL We had a radioactive release. We require (have/have not) the following assistance: (State any assi required.) d. American Nuclear Insurers. 4 or ~ f N [after a working hours) MESSA D TM s 'a he Three Mile Island a (name/ti tle) uclear Station Unit ~ ' i ng. We have declared an nusual Event hours. (Give brief ( t ime) e emergergy)b. descripti s M M ~. D)~ '6. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE Bethesda, MD. (Cocinunications with the NRC will be continuously maintained following contact.) a. Telephone: Emergency Notification System (ENS) (RED PHORE) (If ENS Phone is inoperative, refer to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 1004.6, " Addition Assistance and Notification" for alternate methods). ( 18.0

1004.1' Revision 6 { ATTACH!ENT I SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT b. MESSAGE: This is at Three Mile Island Nuclear (name/ title) Station Unit 1 calling. We declared an U 1 vent i at hours. (time) 1. We have not-had a radioacti , OR 2. W had a radioactive se, but do not expect ituation to res etectable changes in site radiation el OR e have had a ve release, but do not know if there wi d ectable chang in offsite ( radiati l

s..We will be the Bureau of Radt on otection jnfo e results of our t

ion, OR 4. e had a radio ease and expect to be e to detect cha offsite radiation levels' but they will be less than the levels calling for an Al ert. We expect these levels to be less than 10 mrem /hr (ganna) and less than 50 MREM / hour child thyroid dose connitment. We will be keeping the Bureau of Radiation Protection infomed. l l 19.0

-~ 1004.1 Revision 6, ( ATTACHENT I SECTION I ~ INITIAL CONTACT' f' Give a short non-technical description of emergency and c. e. potentially affected populations and areas: .= g _h . ~. chV DATE TIE OF COMPLETION COMP NOTE: Aft 1 NRC notift i complete per t I, Section I fer to the NRC ion Checklist, A nt III. This 1st'contains i a n desired by the NRC be helpful in iding follow-up ormation. ~ 3 a / W . a. i ( 20.0 l \\ 1










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: N/A : N/A :

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1\\'l 3 1004.1 V Revision 6 ,1 ATTACHMENT I SECTION III e L SECONDARY CONTACT s ' INITIAL The Communicator shall notify the following agencies and N personnel and update the Attachment I, Section I ecklist: 1. Announce or have announced the following messa the plant page after turning on whelen sirens ' ION ALL PERSONNEL, ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL. T'1 Event has been termina (Give a brief de ion of the work s I restriction any)". Repeat me e and turn off whelen \\Q w siren. b. Burhad.o adiaton Protec F 'l { i a lephone: Radi ine or \\( b.x MESSAGE: JY This is O at the Th M' Island Nuclear ( g tie) 'Stati it'1. We have clo d ' the Unusual Event h hours. T me) se notify. PEMA, Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Lebanon and s v Cumberland counties. s 3. Unaffected Control Room s ,, '. a. Telephone: T ~' b. MESSAGE: '~ p. Notify Shif t Supervisor / Foreman of close-out of the 4 Unusual Event. N ..~ t 0 \\ U N g 'T. 22.0 .s _.q-, e N; a l'w

s 1004.1 Revision 6 ATTACHENTISECTIONIkI (- s SECONDARY CONTACT INITIAL 4.- Huclear Regulatory Commission Office - Bethesda, Md.

a. Telephone: Emegency Notification System (EN b.

MESSAGE: This is at th fieIsland (name/ title) Nucle r on Unit I. W ve c sed-out the Unusual E hours. (time) 5. I'f ap 1e, notify the fol w p rsons and/or agencies of e close-out f the Unusual a. Hershey Medisa] n_er: r Dutp Nurse) l Pennsylvah b. e Police: ~ c. Radia Je>M ement Corpora MC): megencies Office I d. American Nuclear Insurers: e. Others: As directed by the Emergency Dirictor. E ~ ~ ~ DATE' TIME COMPLETED BY ( 23.0

1004.1 Revision 6 ATTACHMENT II f \\ EERGENCY STATUS REPORT SECTION I yk - 1. Description of Emergency: ~ ? /> 2. Has the Reactor tripp Yes / No 3. Did the. Emergency s Systems actuat Q es / No If so, which one a. High re Injection Ye ~ o b. Low Press e Injection No ( c. Core Flood / No d. 4 psig Reactor Buil i lation Yes N e. Reactor Buildi ay Actuated Yes 4. 'What is the stat e plant a. ,At-power b. Hot standb c. Hot Shutdown d. Cooling down e. Reactor Pressure psig f. Reactor' Temperature

  • F

( 24.0

1004.1 Revision 6'- { ATTACHENT II' EERGENCY STATUS REPORT SECTION I 5. Is offsite power available Yes / 'No 6. Are both diesel generators operable Yes / No 7. Have any personnel injuries occurred Yes / No What are the approximate radiation and/or contaminatio 1s If so, is the injured person (s) contaminated' Yas o 0 9 8. Are there e ve adiation level a, contam'ination levelsu Yes / No ( If so, list below: Radiation Lev,els: k _ b /> a. b. Contamination L DPM/ m at location: b G Completed Daa Ti%~ SD - 9 ( 25.0 \\

1004.1 Revision 6 [ ATTACHENT II EERGENCY STATUS REPORT s SECTION II ~ Fill out if a release has occurred or is occurring. Provide BRP all available information for verification call. 1. What is the approximate radioactive soun:e term d a rate from the plant. (As detennined by the Projected Do c lation procedure [1004.7]). Noble gasesM Ci/sec a. b. Iodine _ Cf/sec p - 2. What is th imate meteorol a. pe mp - b. Wi frection ( c. Stability Class Sta Neutral / le 3. 'What is the project body dose ra ine concentration at the nearest te ownwind point b mR/hr-a. b.. uCi/cc v. c. (Location) 4. Estimated duration of the release a. If the release is terminated: Start time Stop Time Duration 1 ( 26.0 O e. e

T 1004.1 Revision 6 ( ATTACHENT II EMERGENCY STATUS REPORT ~ SECTION II b. 'If the release is still in progress: Start time Estimated duration (hrs / min /s 4%..... e.......P ... o q l4 4@@ 4 v

  • GB a

(. 27.0

x 1004.1 . Revision 6 ( ATTACHENT III ~s CHECKLIST FOR NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 CFR 50.72 A. Identification: Date Time Name of Person Making Report b, Licensee Facility Affected n Applicable Part of 10 CFR 50.72 k n B.

== Description:== Date of Event //") ime Description of Wha d type o'f event) C. Consequences of (Complete depe o Injurt hs Fatali 6~ Contamination rsonnel) (propert a Overexposures (known/possib Safety Hazard (describe - tu / potential) Ab Offsite Radiatio .O .Ints3 rat'ed Dos h - Loc ~ Meterology (win eed) From (direction) Weather Conditions (rain, clear, overcast, temperature) ~ Equipment / Property Damage D. Cause of Event: 28.0

~, 1004.1-Revis. ion 6 ~ { ATTACHENT III 'N CHECKLIST FOR NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 CFR 50.72 E. Licensee Actions: Taken A Planned v Emergency Plan Activitated {Yes/No) Classificat o mergencyl ^ v Resident Inspector Not (Yes/No) St ified (Yes/No) Press Release Plan No) News nterest (Yes/No) oca / National F. Current Sta (Complete dependi on of event) 1. Reactor tems Status _k /\\ ( Power Level Before Event Aft t Pressure k emp. (t I hot cold ^ RCS Flow (Yes/N Pumps On / ^ . Heat' Sink: St ump Other i ample Taken (Ye Activitf Edvel 'l ECCS Opera (Yes/No) ECCS Operable (Yes/No) -ESF Actuation (Yes/No) PZR or RX Level Possible Fuel Damage (Yes/No) S/G Levels l. Feedwater Source / Flow Containment Pressur'e Safety Relief Yalve Actuation (Yes/No) 1 See Emenjency Action Levels, Appendix 1, NUREG-0654, Revision 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants. $J 29.0 ,.,e. g.

~- - 7,. 4 1004.1 Revision 6 ( ATTACHENT III CHECKLIST FOR NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 CFR 50.72 Containment Water Level Indication b Equipment Failures Normal Offsite Power Availabe (Yes/No) k Major Busses / Loads Lost a Safejuards Busse Source D/G Running ( L9 Yes/No) 2. Radioactiv h Re_.ase Liqui s> J. ation/Sourte Release _k Duration A ( Stopped (Yes/No) k\\ Release M (Yes/No) Amount of Release k Tech p its Radiation Level Ar v uated 3. Security /S'af Bomb Three rch Conducted ( Search.Results Site Evac (Yes/No) Intrusion: Insider Outsider Point of Intrusion Extend of Intrusion Apparent Purpose Stri ke/ Demonstrations:- Size of Group Purpose 2 See 10 CFR 73.71(c), effective April 6,1981. ( l 30.0 l

~ ~ ^ 1004.1 Revision 6 ( ATTACHENT III N CHECKLIST FOR NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS \\- MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 CFR 50.72 Sabatoge: Radiological (Yes/No) Arson (Yes/No) Equipment / Property Extortion: Source (phone. letter. etc.) Location of Letter m Demands // General: Fire ved (Yes/No) folence (.Yes/No) Control of ompromised or Th ed (Yes/No) Stolen / s erial ot,,,ed(,1. a, tat. g n _e,,o>, A,._ n -( Media Interest (present ipated) l@~ ~ ~ l '~ 31.0 ,, ~ - -

e 1004.3-Revision 8 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY ^ NON-ENVIRONMENTAL IlfACT RELATED THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 ENERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE 1004.3 SITE EMERGENCY Table of Effective Pages, Page Revision Page Revision' 'Page Revision Page evision 1.0 7 31'.0 7 2.0 7 32.0 7 3.0 7 33.0 7 4.0 7 34.0 7 6.0 7 o.0 7 7.0 7 d.0 7 9.0 8 9 10.0 7 11.0 7 '12.0 7 13.0 7 14.0 7-16.0 7 '16.0 7 17.0 8 'O 21.0 7 22.0 7 23.0 7 .24.0 7 .25.0 7 26.0 7 27.0 7 28.0 7 29.0 7 J0.0 7 l i hP ~ o?!df/# l V 51gnature' Date ~ Signature-Date Document ID: 0025W

s s-1004.3 Revision 7 ( THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION ~ N-UNIT NO.1 EMERGENCY PLAN IWLEENTING PROCEDURE 1004.3 SITE EERGENCY 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose'of this ' rocedure is to define the conditions that shall be p rega rded as a Site Emergency fo r Three Mile Island Nuclear tion 4 (Unit 1) and tot Ensure necessary actions are taken to protect lth and safety a. of the public. b.- Ensure necessary Lons are'taken to GP Nuclear management and offsite ese sponse o r5an ns. V c. Mobilize t ency response o ani ions to initiate approp ency actions. The Emergency cto r is respon implementing his procedure. ( NOTE: EmergencyAftqtc responsibilities t may NOT be delegateW1 Aide: a. to notify off e ency management ncies. ng protectiw n coranendations as essary to off ryency management 1 gencie s. j c. Cl assification of ency Event. t Determining the necessity for onsite evacuation. : Autho rization fo r emergency wo rkers to exceed 10CFR20 radiation exposure limits. j 2.0 ATTACHIENTS 2.1 Attactment I, Site Emergency Notifications. 2.2 Attachnent II, Emergency Status Repo rt. 2.3 Attactment III, Checklist for Notification of Significant Events Made in Acco rdance with 10 CFR 50.72. (

1. 0

~ 1004,3 Revision 7 (' 3.0 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS \\ x INITIATING CONDITION INDICATION 3.1 Known loss of coolant accident '_.As-indicated by automatic ECCS greater than makeup capacity initiation due to both highs leading to RCS saturatio n, containment pressure (4.0 psig) and low reacto r. coolant pressu 0 psig) o r reacto r co stem pressu re/te curves o r g / monito r* e satu ra

  • tio n s.

3.2 Prima ry to Seconda leal: age As ica by makeup tank > 50 gpm.' I reasing at 2 ncte nute o r makeup flow eg ing letdown by 50 gpm 0 K njunction with R14-A5 h alarm (8000 cpm) o r team line monito r high l a rm.

  • 3.3 o f a offsite power Continuati of condition in incident with a loss of Ale rt EAL-o r mo re than 16
  • (

Diesel Generators fo r th minute s. 15 minute s. ~ ~ 3.4 to ss of all vital Go of condition in powe r fo r mo re nute s. -6 fo r mo re than 15 i a s. 3.5 (bmplete lo(s y, functio.n indicated by a. complete-needed f r hot shutdown. % ss of any of the following All means to feed OTSGs. b. All means to control Reacto r Coolant Pressu re l c. Makeup pumps or makeup l flow control. d. Control Rods. 3.6 Majo r damage to spent fuel in Caused by either: co.ntainment o r fuel handling a. An object, weighing mo re-building. than the Technical Specification Limiting Condition fo r Operation 3.11.6 limits, impacti ng o n spent fuel. ./ . / 2.0

^ 1004.3 Revision 7 b. The water level in the ( reacto r vessel or spent fuel pool dmps below the to p o f the spent fue l. 3.7 Fire compromi. sing the functions As judged by the Shif t of arly safety system. Supe rvi so r. 3.8 mst o r all Annunciato rs lost and As ' judged by the Shif t plant transient initiated o r in Supe rvi so r. pmgress which may inwlve actual o r 1ikely majo r failures of plant functions needed fo r pmtection of the public. 3.9 - Actual o r pmjected doses at the As in i Exclusion Area boundary greater a. id nt rate of > 1.0 than 1/20 of the-limit EPA 5 cpm on the gas-Protectise Acti nes but c l-o f RM-AB.

  • less than the 1 it EPA b

lid count rate of > 3.0 D 105 cpm on the gas-Pmtecti ve line s. c hanne1 o f RM-A9.* . A valid count rate i nc rease o f > 1.0 x 104 cpm / min on tTe~ ' iodine channel f RM-A8.* l d. A vali ount rate inc > 3.0 x 104 c i n. the iodine c f RM-A9.* e. v dose rate of >- .8 104 mR/hr o n 8. O monito ring repo rts.or fsite radiological ~' dose projections of > 50 mR/hr (gamma) but <1REH/hr (gama) o r > 4.2 E-08 pci/cc~ but < 8.T E-06 aci/cc airbome 1 1 31 acti vity. ~ 3.10 Iminent loss of control of Shift Superviso r's judgment, the ptysical security of the based on the advice of the pl ant. Security Duty Sergeant. ( 3.0

c. -? i 1004.3 ~ ' Revision 7 3.11 Severe natural phenomena being Plant is cold shutdown ( experienced o r pmjected with and ary of thenfo110 wing plant not in cold shutdownA phenomenon are experienced o r N projected: 1 a. An ea rthquake o f ' magnitude > 0.12g to rizontal and/o r > 0.08g vertical acceleratTon (Safe Shut Ea rthquak b. Ri ve r Sta feet at the R Intake St c. Su rricane winds s > 75 as di d on the Wind d Reco rtie r (NDS-501). 3.12 Other hazartis xpe rienced is not in cold shutdown o'r pmjected plant not of the following. in cold s nomenon are experienced o r )rojected: L._ Ai rcraft crash which, in t the judgment of the Shif t Supe rvi r affects vital struct s by impact or ( fi b. losio r missile d hic h, i n the of the Shift rviso r, causes seve re ~ ge to safe shutdown ipment. . Ent ry o f toxic o r. flannable gases into vital areas which in the judgment of the Shif t' Supe rviso r, affects operation of safe shutdown equipment. 3.13 Evacuatlon of the Q)ntrol Room Control ibom is evacuated and where control of the shutdown control of all of the rot established following systems o r equipment within 15 minutes. is not established within 15 minutes: a. Energency Feedwater System b. Turbine Bypass Valves o r Atmo sphe ric Steam Dump Val ve s. c. Makeup Pumps. I d. Makeup Flow Control Valve. \\ i e. Letdown Flow Control. 4.0 .n

. - ~ s 1004.3 &! vision 7 (- 3.14 Reacto r Building pressure As indicated by Reacto r ).30 psig. Building Spr6y initiation and on Reacto r Building Pressure Indicato r. 3.15 Reacto r coolant activity As indicated by either: > 18,300 pci/mi and/o r Do se a. Reacto r coolant activity Yquivalent Iodine-131 > 1430~ as determined by sample uci/mi indicating possTble loss and analysi of coolable geometry. b '. RM-L1 - Low ( ale High) c. RM-L1 Hi f ale High) 3.16 High inco re thermocouple readings Any two he rmocouple following a reacto r trip. readi following a rea r 3.17 Failu re of any Eme rgency .S f ervisor judges that Co re Cboling Sy ludes HPI, se point is exceeded but LPI and Co re start and s not initiated. run follow ic system initiatio n t the number of com ilable is bel the mi assumed for accide t analys ( 3.18 Other plant conditions a Whene w r a t conditions war-progress or have occu h rant it, ged by the may inw1w actual y majo r Shif so r/Eme rgency failures of plant f needed Di fo r protection o ic. NOTEi is'ing -the jud the need fo r-ng a Site Ese ny unce rtainty. concern. i ~ 1 he status of pla tions needed fo r p rotec- : on of the public, the length of time the uncertain- : exists, the prospects for early resolution of i ambiguities, and the potential degradation of the plant functions needed fo r protection of public sinuld be considered; i.e., significant uncertainty as to the reliability of plant functions for protec- : ting the public extending beyond a reasonable time i period is a sufficient basis for declaring a Site Eme rgency. These indications may be determined via instrumentation that will be installed o r expanded as required by NUREG 0578 prio r to restart. ( 5.0

1004.3 Revision 7 ( 4.0 ElEEENCY ACTIONS 4.1 Upon recognition that arty of the above action levels have been reached o r exceeded. the Shift Superviso r/ Duty Section Superintendent shall assume the duties of the Eiaersency Di recto r. (The event stould be assessed'and dec d withi n L 10 minutes of the occurrence). 4.2 Announce to Q)ntrol Room personnel that k has assumed the. duties of Eme rgency Dire e rgency Di recto r s odically (appro e.w ry tour) consult with t rsonnel of each w19ed in the emerg d discuss: tatus of each area b. mediate actio taken by each ad ;pe rson ( c. Problem are 4 l d. Reconssend n n course of a ( 4.3 Announce, we announced,. the 1 message o ver the publi system (merge __.u_____.. NOTE: m on Whelen siren switch. ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL; ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: A SITE EFEEENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED IN UNIT I. - ALL NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL IN ifNIT I REPORT TO UNIT I WAREHOUSE. ALL NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL IN THE UNIT II AREA REPORT TO THE UNIT II WAREFOUSE. ALL PERSONNEL IN H.P. CONTROLLED AREAS PROCEED TO THE-H.P. ACCESS CONTROL POINTS. ALL EMBERS OF THE EERGENCY~ ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. THERE WILL BE NO SM0 KING, DRINKING OR EATING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. (Repeat message slowly). ~ / I ( 6.0

10' 4.3 0 Revision 7 g If emergency is radiation-o riented,grect that the Radiation i 4.4 Emergency Alann be sounded. NOTE: Tu.rfnf-Whelen siren after alann has been sounded. 1 4.5. Assign a Communicator to make notifications to pe ns and/o r agencies per Attachaent I, Section I. 4.6 Assign a Communicatioris Assistant and di pe rfo m all applicable steps of 1004.8. 4.7 Dimet the E ncy Assembly Area ina r to implement the Wa reh) r Procedure 10 0. 6. 4.8 Co ntac u y Section Su rin nt and discuss Plant' St s nfo rva him tha t ite and offsite Duty Section pe nel are being c d. '( 4.9. Depending on the e ction level w was reached or i exceeded, ensu the appropriate rye Ope rating i Procedu res implemented. 4.10. 'If loca s (fi re, ambul ice) are required,. t - direc t unicato r-to fy uphin Q)unty Gneryency q Ope s Cente r and request t appropriate assistance. I Notify security (N/S Gate) to begin preparations to e'xpedite entry of tesponding eneryency personne1-(Police /Fi re/ Ambulance). Security should be advised to ? implement EPIP 1004.19, Emergency Security / Dosimetry Badge. *,. _ ' Issuance. NOTE: If the Eme rge ncy Re spo nse Pe rso nnel a re re qui red to respond outside the Protected Area' affected by,a ,$( j radioactive plume, the Emeryency Di recto r o r his designee will direct the issuance of TLD's f rom the No rth a r South Gate. 7.0 .-,>,,-,_-.,-,----m -...-,n -ewe--,,,,--.---~--a. -+=eo-s---~-w-*w- + + - = - ~

1004.3 Revision 7 4.11 If the emergency inwl ws radiological problems, direct the [- Radiological Assessment Coortfinato r to implement Radiological (bntrols During Emergencies procedure (1004.9). 4.12 ~If changes'in onsite 'o r offsite radiation levels are expected, . direct the Radiological Assessment 0)o rtiinato r to-a. Dispateh offsite and/o r onsite radiation ni . tearas in acco rtlance with EPIP 1004.10 and s to r to the Emergency Assembly Areas. b. Implemen site /Offsite Ibse P cti procedu re (1004. 4.13 If pe ve cles a re, o r a re spected to be c , have the RA the Personnel / Vehicle M) ng and Decont t procedure (1004.20). ( 4.14 Activate the Technic rt Cente r (10 and the Operations Sup te r (1004.29). 4.15 If additio es o r notific a requi red, refer to A.ddit a sistance 'and No ic ns procedure (1004.6). 4.16.. Assi n vidual to' compl achaent II, Section I and gi w the Radiological Assessment Coo rtiinato r to transmit to the Bureau of Radiation ProtTection.. 4.17 Direct the Radiological Assessment Coortiinator to complete Attachment II, Section II to transmit to the Bureau of Radiation Protection if a radioactiw release has occurred oI is occurring. (

8. 0

1004.3 Revisiqn 8 4.18 Stop all liquid and gaseous discharges that are in progress until an assessment of their Iinpact is performed and specific \\ .\\ approva is given to continue the ' release by the Emergency Director.' 4.19. Verify that. communications and documentation are aintained per procedure Comunications and Recordkeeping

4. )..

4.20 If applicable, direct the Operations Coord' t dispatch - Emergency Repair / Operations personnel t ga'te the identified pr em area (s) in accor wi Emergency. Repair / Ope rocedure 1004 9 4.21 After from initial cona t with PEMA, confirm that BRP e ion has been a f no verification, instruct th mmunicator to pr Attachment I., Section 1, 2.e. 4.22 Instruct the Radiolo i sessment Coor

  • or to provide ongoing dose es e for actual rele t e Bureau of Radiation Pr ec o.

4.23 If a rep t the'accountabili h ot been, received within I hou fr e time 'it was ere contact 'the Security - Coor or at. or a status report. 4.24 If personnel are unaccounted for, direct the Operations Support Center Coordinator to initiate the Search and Rescue Procedure (1004.18). 4.25 If person (s) are injured or ill and are in a radiologically '~ controlled area or are potentially contaminated, or if person (s) have received radiation protection exposure greater than 25 rem; direct the RAC to implement EPIP 1004.16, Contaminated Injuries / Radiation Overexposure. 9.0 i

1004.3 Revision 7 131 ( 4.2,6 If personnel have been exposed to-1 sufficient to cause a thymid dose of greater than o r equal to 10_ RAD direct the RAC to imple. ment the Thymid Blocking. procedure EPIP 1004.35. 4.27.Upon completion of a' muste r at the wa_retouse, an o rderly ' evacuation by private whicle shall be o rde red by following message owr the public address sys ( ed): NOTE: Tu rn on Whelen si ren switch. ATTENTION AL SONNEL; ATTENTION RSONNEL: ALL NON-ESSEN NEL IN UNITS I PROCEED TO THE (MIDDLETOW 10N/500 KV S N) USING THE NORT (DEPENDING ON PATHWAY). UPON ARRIVA UPERVISORS WIL S E AND LOG IN THEIR PER N PROVIDE FURTHE I T IONS. (Repeat message s l l l NOTE: Turn off Whel switc h. ( 4.28 Evaluate dose jec ns and estimate d f necessa ry, . recomend t. actions to t nsistent with the guideli n. tachment I, Se 4.29 Ba u assessment of pla tions, the Emergency ' Di rectbe hall either close out the Site Emergency, escalate l to a General Emergency o r downgrade to a lower class as follows: a. If Recoery Phase criteria haw been met (see l Reco w ry Pmcedu re 1004.24), but lo ng te rm reco ve ry l r operations are not necessary, close out the Site i Eme rgency by pesfo rming the notifications in Attactment I, Sectio n III. 10. 0

1004.3 'Re visio n 7 f b. If Reco ve ry Phase c ri te ri a ha ve no t bee n met, ' bu t i Site Emergency action levels are no longer exceeded, i ,de-escalate to a lower emergency class by notifying BRP on the Radiological Line and performing the remaining notifications in acco rdance the applicable emergency procedure as in Step 5.2. c. If-emergency action levels se fo r a Site Em , escalate to a Eme rgency, notify' o the Radiologica y and raake the remaining i fications in a c a e with the General I ergency proc u ( .4). 4.30 If ssa ry,. due to a contaminatio f no rmally non-( contaminated sump n tanks, o r the n clo sely monito r liquid lea s,- initiate p e 04.14, Mo nito ring 1 ing Licpid Di s 5.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 5.1 A 'h ss of emergency ' declared by the Emergency Di recto and the General Emergency procedure (1004.4) is being implemented, o r 5.2' A lower class of emergency has been declared by the Emergency Director and one of the following procedures is being implemente d: a. Unusual Event (1004.1) b. Ale rt (100'.2) ~ 4 ~ l 11.0 --y--- - +

] - 1004.3 . Revision 7 ( 5.3 The Site Eme rgency ha(been closed out with the concurrence of the Emergency S tpport Dirdcto r, since no recowry operations a re' required, o r ~ 77 ~ 5.4 The Site Emergency can be shifted to a recowry mode by implementing procedure 1004.24. 5.5 At the close out of the Emergency, ensure that 1 s,. checklists, procedures and otheh scumenta ~ n ne rated in the Control Room, asociated witfi the e Mar gathered and sent to the ency Preparedness nt fo r review anc! filing ~ 9 A Date V atu re o f Pe rson Responsible Implementing Procedure ( O v 0 g ~ _w-12.0

.1004.3 Re visio n - 7 [ ATTACHFENT I SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT I INITIALS The Corraunicato r shall notify tie following agencies and pe rsonnel and update the Attachnent I, Sectio n II checklist'af ter each notificatio n. i 1. Dauphi'n County Emergency Operation Center j (If this is a reclassification notification, fi t i fy BRP o n the radiological line o r Stren g t . 3, unaffected Co'ntru l' Room). \\, t \\ a. Te le.,tu n -

1or, g

l (1) no, ntact, activate uph County radio system. N at the Three Mile b. T s (name/t' leg-Island Nuclea r Stat' I calling. W w declared a Site ( Emehency at s@ to u rs. a se'd n Emergency t1m - Di recto r j nt, deli w r.o ne o f fo lowing stateraents).: 1. We had a radioac ~ re se OR '2.. e had a radioacti ase, but do not expect this s ation to result in in detectable changes in offsite radiation leml s, OR 3. We ham had a radioactim release, but do not knas if i there will be a detectable change in offsite radiation lewis. We will be keeping the Bureau of Radiation Protection info rmed of the results of our inestigation, OR s i f l l 13.0 l

s 1004.3 Revision 7 (, ATTACHFENT I SECTION I s \\ INITIAL CONTACT s N, ~ INITIAL .4. We haw had a radioactiw release and expect to be able j to detect changes in offsite radiation leve , but they will be less than the' lewis calling f a ral Eme rgency. We will be keeping the Bu reau o f a ion Protection I info I (Gi rt non-technica ption of the eraergency t extent of radio i lease including otentially affecte o o a ions and rea s). _k A ( \\ (LN ~ k~ 2. Pe nnsyl vania Era nagement Agen (If this is a ification not go to ' Item 3, unaffeetq l Ibom). NOTE: Wten protectiw actions are to be recommended, the Emergency Directo r sinuld refer to the contents of Attactment' I, Sectio n IV. a. Tele pione: I ( A di e rte r fo rwa rd s thi s call to PEMA duty o f fice r af te r wo rking tours). NOTE: If unable to contact, proceed to Step 2.d. ( i i 14.0 7 - ~ -

~* 1004.3 Revision 7 ATTACHFENT I SECT.ON I (- INITIAL CONTACT INITIAL b. lESSAGE: This is at the'Three Island (name/ti tle), Nuclear Station Unit I calling. We have e cy. Gi w me the Ope rations Duty Office r. (When cer answers): f This is le me 14fle I'sland n / title) Nuclear Unit I calling. Wp declared a Site l. 'Eme rg ur. We request that you contact l (time) + t reau of,Radiati ro tio n. Bu reau o f Radiatio n i Protection call bac s be made on t a fological Line ( l i or (

  • t d o e njency Di recto r's ' g deli w r o ne lowing statements).

l 1. We

t. hadJa radioac ase, OR

'2. ad a radioagti , se,.bu.t do not expect this ation to result in detectable changes in offsite radiation lewl s, OR 3. We haw had a radioactive release, but do not krow if there will be detectable changes in offsite radiation le w is. 'We will be keeping the Bureau of Radiation T Protection info rmed of tie results of our inwstigation, OR ( l i 15.0 \\,

~ 1004.3 Revision 7 ATTACHlfNT I SECTION I ( INITIAL CONTACT _INI_TIAL .4. We haw had a radioactiw release.and expect to be able - ~ .to detect changes in offsite radiation.lew , but they will be less than the levels calling for a 1 Eme rgency. We will be keeping the Bu Radiatio n Pmtection info rmed. c. Gi ve a sho rt technical descript the emerhency and, if applic f te r release, st tg direction of the p tme pathway and nt 11y affected populations. S A ( d. If PEIM was be contacted, Dauphin County; a se m that PEMA c n ontacted and notify PE!%, ,. an Lancar.ter; York, di rec Le b Cumberland c e. a ve rificatio n: E ct Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP) contact after PEMA notification. If no BRP confirmation is receiwd within 30 minutes, notify PEMA of the situation. If' I unable to contact PEMA (line busy), call Dauphin County and notify them that BRP has not verified initial contact. Request Dauphin County to contact PEMA and BRP. ~ 16.0 A*3. W

  • L..-
  • 1 i

m 1004.3 "~ Revision 8' 1 ATTACHMENT I SECTION I . a. INITIAL CONTACT INITIAL .,. - ~ J. Unaffbeted Control Room a. Telephone: .ar inter Control Ro

hotline, b.

MESSAGE: 'Give a brief description of plant st tua Shift Supervisor. 4. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (Do not. notify if s is a reclassifica not fication). Telephone: (. 'wr c the TMI Site operator g a. 9 Q for as e by dialing ~ ^ b. ME G Thi C at Three M le Island Nu'elear,. (narae g Station Unit I c g.v e have declar.d a Emergency,.. at hours. ( ef description of m (t1 v the emer c m M V v 5. Babcock and Wilcox This is ~~ at Three Mile Island (name/ti tle) Nuclear Station Unit I calling. We have declared a Site Emergency ~ at hours. (Have a prepared Attachment iI (name/ title) available for reference while giving a brief descriptfor; of the s. emergency'). t 17.0

..= w.~ ,_c m 1004.3 i. Re visio n 7 ATTACHFENT ! SECTION I' INITIAL CONTACT 1. INITIAL NOT E': From 0900 to 1700 fbnday thr0' Friday the 8 and W trunk of the Operations Line my be used. 'See 0)mraunications Plan). 6. Ame rican Nuclear Insu rers - - egal w rting tours) _ s, su-MES SACE P ~ i A . 'a e Mile Island Nuclear k- / title (i Statian Un' I ling. We haw la a Si te Eme rgency d tour. a b rie f desc riptio n o f the ji [--{ w me) at s eme rgency). ( A ~ n n %_U M t V' .g We k had foactiw release. ~ (hawJhave no t) .n '7. If the Site Emergency ineles radiation releases, notify tie sw followthg agencies:' 'd. Radiation Management 00 rpo ration Eme rge ncie s. y ,y ( s W g.+ Office I. ~ ~ 18.0


  1. ~~

MESSAGE: This is at the Thme Mile land Nuclear (name/ title) Station IJnit ! calling. We haw declamd a Site Er4 y j at to u rs. (Gi ve a b ri ption of the (tirae) { eme rge ncy). i i N A ^ SW M i cNT T ( f We ham had a iw miease. We d m istance at,this time. N no t) ( De sc assistance m f any). i 8. -If polic e ical assistance is md, notify the following agencie s: i a. He rshey Medical Cente r ,. g Ask fo r Duty Nu rse) j htification to be pe rfo nned per procedum 1004.16 b. Pennsyl vania State Police ( 19.0 m ---m +.

~ ~ I' 1004.3 Revision 7 ATTACHENT I SECTION I ( INITIAL CONTACT INITIAL . ESSAGE: This is at the Thre le Island (name/ tit? - Nuclear Station Unit I calling. We haw Site i Eme rgency at tou rs. A i -(time) (haw / ham not) ' ha'd a radio release. We re sistance as follows: (State tance re qui red). p 9. Nuclear Re a (bmmissio n (N hesda, MD W~ith the NRC (Comm ions w 1 ontinuously maintained , followin ntac t). a. Telephone: NRC ency Notification Sy & NS) '(RED [ PWNE) (If ENS s inoperatiw EPIP 1004.6, " Additiona istanc.e and Notiff t r alte rnate methods. ) - b. ESSAG. Thi at tihe Three Mile Island (name/ title) Nuclear StatforrUnit I calling. We haw declared a Site Eme rgency at ho urs.. ( Base d upo n Eme rgency (time) Directo r's judgment, use one of the following statements): (1) We haw not had a radioactiw release, OR ( 20.0

~ 1004.3 Revision 7 ATTACHIENT I SECTION I ( 'N x INITIAL CONTACT (2) We. haw had a radioactiw release, but do not expect this situation to result in detectabl.e changes in offsite radiation lewi s, OR (3) We haw had a radioactiw release, but do w if there will be a detectable change in radiatio n i l lewis. We will be keeping the Radiation Protec info rmed of the re f our inwstigation. (4) We ha a radioactiw g and expect to be able { t changes in of te diation lewi s; but they i less than t calling 'fo r a General e rgency. We e t le al s to be 1 Rem per tour / (gama) and < 5 per tou-child t do se comitmen. W ill be keeping t au of Radiation Prote 1 imed. l Gi ve a technical de of the emergency and l' c. ,the ten o the radio'acti ase, including affected pop ns and areas. Date Time Completed Completed By ( 21.0

.,r 1004.3 Revision 7 ATTACHENT I SECTION I INITIAL CONTACT NOTE: After initial NRC notification is complete per Attachment I, Section I abow; Refer to tie NRC htification Checklist, Attachment III. This Check 11st contains inforuation desired by NRC-and may be helpful in providing follow-info rmatio n. 9@ ~ t v g 9 l I e y e ( 22.0 s\\ \\ l l l







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Dauphin Gaunty A:
.(N Xf l " /-

L/ k y: b;:


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Unit 2 Q)ntrol Ibom

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/A f // ~



  • y

] s

Hershey Medical Center ::

a/*A: m v(,' f: ,f

State iblice

(/ :: A ~ RMC A %d ' /

V ff-Q
  • :If

(/: /> J)$. .// f. (

B and W
N/A : N/A

.V .C\\ y:: t y-j

5 Affected Q) unties N/A :

N/A : N/A s

  • Optional e

1 F 23.0 s l

1004.3 Revision 7 'N ATTACHENT I SECTION III SECONDARY CONTACT INI'TIAL .F. The Coraaunicato r shall notify tre following agencies and personnel and update the Attachnent I, Section II checklist 'after each rutificatio n. 1. Anrounce o r haw announced the following message ow lant page after turning on wielen 'st rens " ATTENTION ONNEL," ATTENTION ALL PERSONNkl. The Site Eraergenc n te nninated. (Gi w a b rie f des io n o f tre wo rk re ~ fons, if any)". I Repeat message a rn off whalen si g. 2. Bu reau o f R[diat Pro tec tio n [ a. T Radiological b. MES ( This is at the 1111e Island Nuclear Stat c alling. We d out tie Site Eme rgency a inurs and i i ed reco w ry operations. W ime) l ' Pl'ea y PEMA, Dauphin, a 5'r, Yo rt, Lebano n and' i Cumbe r countie s. l 3. Unaffected Co ntrol Roon l l a. Te lephone: b. ESSAGE: No tify Shif t Supe rvi so r/fo reman o f clo se-o ut o f tie Site Eme rgency. l ( i 24.0

1004.3 Re visio n 7 ATTACH!ENT I SECTION III ( '~ SECONDARY CONTACT INITIAL 4. If applicable,' notify the following persons' and/o r agencies of close out o f the Site Eme rgency: 4. Ib rshey Medical Center:

! Ask fo r Duty Nu rse) b.

Pennsyl vania State Police: c. RadiatiManagement Co rp.: nJerries (080 0) 7 ( 700-( 0) i Office 1700) d. erican NucleartfTrsurars: e. Babcock and Wi i- ~J ( Q j f. Othe rs - ted by the Eme recto r. y_


l i l k 25.0 l l

,'). \\ 1004.3 . Revision 7 ( ATTACHENT I SECTION IV . ss \\ PROTECTIVE ACTION REC 0ffENDATION GUIDELINES THESE RE(X)MENDATIONS MY BE DELIYERED ONLY BY THE EIERGENCY DIRECTOR 1. (b nsideration shall be given to sheltering if: a. Release time is expected to be sto rt (Puff releas urs'. ) (AND) b. Evacuation could not be we11' underway prio to ected plume arrival 'due to s mi ng time, hi g h eds, and/o r foul wea the r. p 2. (b nsideration s be t ven to e vacuat o i f. a. A rele expected to occu 1 jected do se s approac hi ng o r exceeding. ~ ( 1 Rem Wtole Ebdy And o 5 Rem Child Thy AND ) ~ b. Release tim ted to be lo to rs) (AND) I c., Evacuation c 'be well underw.y prio r to plume arrival fo r abo w l release, based uoon wind speed and travel conditions. .O e 1 l k 26.0 l

4 1004.3 Revision 7 ( ATTACHENT II SECTION I EEEENCY STATUS REPORT 1. Desc ription o f Emergency: A -n%" M o 4& " 2. Has the Reactor tri Yes / No 9 3. Did the Emergene a rds Systems ac te Ye s / No If so, which (a) High Pre Injection Ye s / No ( (b) Low Pressure Injection / No (c) Co re Flood Ye s / No (d) 4 psig Ibacto r n solatio n. Ye s / No (5) Reacto r Buil S Actuated Ye s ' / No 1 4. -What. is the st s t pla' n't (a) At power V (b) lbt' Standby (c) Ho t Shutdown (d) Cooling swn l (e) Reacto r Pressure psig (f) Reacto r Tempe ratu re 7 5. Is offsite power available Ye s / lb ( l 27.0 N \\

b. D 1004.3 Revision 7 -( ATTACHlfNT II SECTION I EERGENCY STATUS REPORT 6. Am both diesel generators operable Ye s / % Haw any personne1.ihu' ries occurred 'Ye s / No 7. ,(a) If so, is the irijured person (s) contaminated Ye sN % (1) What are the approximate radiation and and/o r contamination levels mR/hr W100 cm n 8. Am there excessiw on levels and/o c mination V @w: le vel s. Ye s / No (a) If so (1) Ra ion levels (Who a ' ( (2) Contamination leels DPW100 Location: /7 b /> W V -Q y _e e p 4 m m es - ,.Y 28.0

1004.3 Revision 7 ( N ATTACHENT II SECTION II EMEEENCY STATUS REPORT Fill out if a release has (1s) occurring. Pmvide BRP all available i nfo reation fo r. w rificatio n' call. 1. What' is the approxiraate radioactie source tem disc rate f rom the plant ( As dete rmined by the Projected Ibse n' l Pruc'edure (1004.7). (a) 'lbble gases Ci/sec Io ' ine M Cf/sec (b) d ' 2. What'is the te meteorology 9 (a) Wind ph I (b) W on (c ) Sta ty Class-Stab 1 / Unstable (- 3. What is the projected dy dose rate an concentratio n at the nearest offs do ind point (a)

  1. r (b) b Ci/cc Iodine

~ ~ <(c) i .( Loc 5tio n) 4. Estimated tion of the mlease (a) If the miease is te rminated: Start Time Stop Time Duratio n (b) If t'he miease is still in pmgress: Start Time Estimated Duration ( hrs / min /sec) / \\ 29.0

~ 1004.3 Revision 7 { ATTACHENT II SECTION II ~~- EERGENCY STATUS REPORT 5. a. Based on pmjected dose rates, iodine concentration and duration o r estimated duration (if still in pmgress) of the release, will the lower limits of the EPA 'Pmtec Action Guides be exceeded (i.e.,1 Rem Wiole Body., 5 d Thymi d)/ Ye s/No b. If'yes, esti time to exceeding PAG: 9 ' hou rs' a jected wlule bo do Resa and c t id dose Rem. Y ( A oate use m ny s

  • W l

( 30.0

,~ ~ 1004.3 Revision 7 ATTACHIENT III ( '\\, CHE0(LIST FOR NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS NE IN ACQ)RDANCE WITH 10 CFR 50.72 A. Identiffi:atio n: Date - Time Name of Pe rson Haking Repo rt b Licensee Facility' Affected n Applicable Pa st of 10 CFR 50.72 k l B.

== Description:== Date of Eventi Time v\\\\ Description of Wha d C. Q)nsequences of (Complete depe type of ewnt) Inju ries Fatali e' lontaminatio n rsonnel) k (prope rt m ( Overexposures (known/possiblek Safety Hazard (describe - / potential) A 4 ex Offsite Radiatio. Ah ~ ' Integrated Dosh Lo'c Meterology (wind ed) From (direction). Weather Conditions (rain, clear, ourcast, temperature) Equipment /Pmperty Damage D. Cause of Event: l ( 31.0


  • Licensee Actions:

Taken A ~ P1 anned Emergency Plan Activitated (Yes/No) Cl assific ryencyl Resident Inspecto r hti (Ye s/No) St t ed (Yes/No) Press Release Planned ) News - Interest (Yes/No) Loc National F. Current Stat ete dependi of ewnt) 1. Re acto r tems Status O a '( Power Le el Befo re Event Af t v Pressu re mp. (tht) cold t RCS Flow (Yes/No Pumps On Heat Sink: Ste m ump

  • Othe r _

pie Taken (Ye v Acti vity Le wl* ' V ECCS Opera (Ye s/No ) ECCS Operable (Yes/No) ESF. Actuation (Yes/No) PZR o r RX Lewl Possible Fuel Damage (Yes/No) S/G Levels Feedwater Source / Flow Co ntairmient Pressure Safety Relief Valve Actuation (Yes/No) 1 See Emergency Action Levels, Appendix 1, NUREG-0654, Revision 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in. Support of Nuclear Power Plants. '( 32.0 \\

.s 1004.3 . Re visio n 7 ATTACHENT III CHEO(LIST FOR NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS MDE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 CFR 50.72 Q)ntainment ' Water Lawl Indication A Equipment Failures No rmal Offsite Power Availabe (Yes/No) o Majo r Busses / toads Lost h Safeguards Busses r Source D/G Running (Ye s/No). 2. Radioactivi ase Li qui ation/So u rce Release O Duratio n ( Stopped (Ye's/No) Release Ma d (Ye s/No ) Amount of Release A Tech Sp Li its Radiation Lewls A u ted ~3. 'Secu rit'y/SafedlNL Bomb Threat rch Conducted ( . Seart h R' sults e Site Evac (Yes/No) Intrusion: Inside r Outside r Fbint of Intrusion Extend of Intrusion Apparent Purpose ~~ Stri ke/D'enonstrations: Size of Group Pu rpose 2 See 10 CFR 73.71(c), effectim April 6,1981. ( 33.0

/ i + .O 1004.3 Revision 7 ( ATTACHENT III CHEO(LIST FOR NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS teDE IN ACCORDANCE WITH id CFR 50.72 Sabatoge: ' Radiological (Yes/No) Arson (Yes/No) Equipment /Prope rty x Ex to rtion: So urce (p h'one, lette r, etc. ) / Location of Lette r A Demands A Ge ne ral: Fi rearm ' ml ved (Ye s/No ) V ence (Yes/lb) Control of Faci romised o r T ne (Ye s/No) Stolen /His al m Agencie (FBI, State i cal Police, etc.) n (. Media Interest (present, t ted) v N t l l l l i ( 34.0 -}}