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Forwards Addl Info Re 931123 LAR 93-18 Re Wide Band Operation & Core Design Enhancements,Addressing Questions Raised by NRC in 940609 Meeting.Proposed Enhancements to Bases of TS 3/ & 3/ Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/1994
From: Feigenbaum T
Shared Package
ML20072G028 List:
NYN-94094, TAC-M87849, NUDOCS 9408240171
Download: ML20072G024 (4)


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E wi, North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation NOriI1 P.o. nox 300 joiY Atlantic se br- ' N" oaa7+

(603) 474 9741, Fax (603) 474 2987 The Northeast Utilities Systern Ted C. Feigenbaum NYN 94094 Senior Vice President &

Chief Nuclear Officer August 15,1991 l

United States Nuclear Regulatory Conunission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Doctunent Control Desk


(a) Facility Operating 1.icense No. NPF-86, Docket No. 50-443 (b) North Atlantic I.etter NYN-93160, Dated November 23, 1993, "l.icense Amendment Request 93 18: Wide lland Operation and Core Design Enhancements (TAC No. N187849)". T. C. Feigenbaum to USNRC (c) USNRC 1. citer Dated July 21, 1994, "Wideband Operation and Core Enhancements - Sununary of Niceting on June 9,1994 (TAC NO. Al87849)",

A. W. De Aga/io to T. C. Feigenbaum


Response to Request for Additional Information (TAC N187849)


North Atlantic Energy Sersice Corporation (North Atlantie) has provided in the Enclosure additional inibnnation regarding I.icense Amendment Request 9318. This intbrmation addresses questions raised by the NRC Staff in the June 9,1994 meeting [ Reference (e)]. North Atlantic belieses that this intbrmation will support the completion of the review of 1.ieense Amendment Request 93-18.

Should you hase any questions regarding this matter, please contact Nlr. Terry l.. Ilarpster, '

Director of 1 icensing Services, at (603) 474 9521, extension 2765, Very truly yours,

/ Af Ted C. Feigenbaum l i


l Enclosure

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n , , O, L (O (i0k 9400240171 940013 gg PDR ADOCK 05000443 P POR l

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United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission August 15,1994 Attention: 1)ocument Control Desk Page two cc: Nir. Thomas T. Ntartin Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of I' russia, PA 19406 Nir. Albert W. De Agazio, Sr Project Ntanager Project I)irectorate 1-4 Disision of Reactor Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Ntr. Antone C. Cerne NRC Senior Resident inspector P.O.lios1149 Seabrook, Nil 03874 Nir. George L Iverson, Director Office of limergency Ntanagement State Oflice Park South 107 Pleasant Street Concord, Nil 03301 l

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I North Atlantic August 15,1994 ENCI.OSUllE I TO NYN-94094 Section 1 - N1oderator Temperature Coeflicient Section 2 - Incore Detector System Section 3 - Flow Aleasurement Uncertainties Section 4 - Proposed Technical Specilications Section 5 - YAEC 1871: " Safety Analysis in Support of Wide-Iland Operation and Core Design Enhancements ihr Seabrook Station" Section 6 - 10CFitSOA6 LOCA N1odel Assessmentson the PCT N1argin Utilization Section 7 - Seabrook Station Fuel Upgrade Program Safety Analysis Iteport 1

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Section 1

! MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT Ouestion Explain the methodology to be utilized to ensure that the moderator temperature coeflicient (MTC) will be less positive than the maximum upper limit required by Technical Specification


Prior to initial operation abme 5% of R ATED TilERM AL POWER atler each fuel loading, the moderator temperature coeflicient (MTC) will be measured as required by Surveillance Requirement 4.1.l.3a. A measurement bias is derived from the difference between test measurement and test prediction. All predicted values of M FC for the cycle are consenatively corrected based on the measurement bias. The corrected predictions are then compared to the maximum upper limit of Technical Specification 3.1.l.3.

Control rod withdrawat limits are established,if required, to assure all corrected values of predicted MTC will be less positive than the maximum upper limit required by Technical Specification 3.1.l.3.

A proposed enhancement to the Bases of Technical Specification 3/4.1. l .3 MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT utilizing the information provided above is included on the following pages.

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