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Rev 1 to Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/06/1982
Shared Package
ML20071E340 List:
0212T, 1104-28I, 212T, NUDOCS 8303140202
Download: ML20071E366 (51)





Presently, a TCN (No. 1-82-0152) exists which incorporates the most recent changes to OP 1104-28I, the Hittman Process Control Program.

The following outlines the changes to the PCP since the last submittal to the Semi-Annual Ef fluent Report, August 31, 1982.

Procedure Changes

1) Section 2.1.4 System Description (Other Waste Streams)

Section 2.0 System Description, provides some background as to the various liquid waste streams generated by TMI 1, which require solidification.

Section 2.1.4 has been included to identify additional liquid waste streams which are not suitable for evaporation (concentration) and are solidified directly.

The additional waste streams identified are detergents and sludges.

The detergents are generated principally from OTSG repair work or other types of decontamination activities which generate sufficient quantities of liquid.

Sludges are generated as a result of cleaning activities of sumps.

The sludges are typically sediments that have collected or built up due to normal plant activity and are removed f rom the sumps periodically to pre-clude damage to the liquid radwaste system.

2) Section 2.2.2 Cement Feed Subsystem (Anti Foaming Agents)

This new section provides for addition of anti-foaming agents to the solidification liners prior to filling with waste. Working with detergents creates significant foaming when the waste is agitated. Anti-foam is pre-loaded into the liner (in quantities established by this PCP) to climinate foaming problems.

3) Section c Collection of Samples This new section establishes sampling and analysis requirements for the additional waste stream required to perform the PCP verification test.
4) Section Collection of Samples Additional words are added to this paragraph to agitate these additional waste streams prior to sampling.

It should be noted that these wastes are stored in drums or containers while awaiting processing.

5) Sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 Waste Conditioning l

The addition of these sections establishes the mechanism for adjusting the pH to condition the newly identified waste streams prior to verification testing.

8303140202 830228 PDR ADDCK 05000289 R


6) Sections 4.2.7 and 4.2.8 Test Solidification These two sections are included to establish the parameters for the verification testing. These sections refer to Table 1 which has been expanded to include parameters for the new waste streams (i.e. Immunol and sump sludge) as well as for an oil and concentrated waste solidifica-tion. All volumes included on Table 1 are in terms of loose uncompacted material.
7) Note after 4.3.2 Solidification Acceptability This note provides for a range of combinations that can be used for the final solidification parameters. Table 1 identifies lower and upper ranges for the verification test.

A final acceptable product within these parameters will allow for final parameters to be a ratio of admix-tures that fall within the range.

8) Waste Solidification Data Sheet for Immunolond Waste Solidification Data Sheet for Sump Sludge.

Work sheets have been included in this PCP to document performance of the verification test for the additional waste streams of Immunol (detergent) and sump sludges. These work sheets and calculation sheets are used to identify the admixtures used for the verification test and establish the final quantities of the admixtures required for the liner solidification.

These changes will remain as part of the procedure when a PCR is submitted.

A copy of the TCN is attached for reference.


" TEMPORARY CH ANGE' j/pga ggd k) s Threo Mib isl:nd Nucl:ar Station Tcmparcry Ch'/ange Notice (TCN)


NOTE instructions and guidelines in AP1001 A

12. TCN No. b"[ (From TCN Log indeal must be followed when Completing this form
13. implementation Date /N 5'2 SS/SF Signature b


Procedure CU NM i

k n-unh Mc'.P - To:.m.tE"2 >T>4sc.MM I

No Present me No T. tie 2.

Change Dnclude page numbers, paragraph numbers, and exact wording of change. (Attach additional sheets if necessary and provide the genene nature of the change on this sheet) b57 WA CtWP ~ % v1.C" 5 t5bs35 TW G>


Reason for Change:

44 c.HWcn G EVRA 73 L. p.M-*.,

T?.62A /NT;2, t W2, TM

.".e M O S :C A~i~i DU 0;: T N M. M i

@ h 42 e,e o p(c 4.

Duration of TCN. No longer than ninety days from implementation date of TCN or as in (a) or (b) below whichever occurs first.

(a)TCN will be cancel:ed by a procedu te ~ so sued as a result of a Procedure Change Request to be submitted by



(Submit PCR as soon as possible)

'ad*'aual Swbenit6ng TCN (b)TCN is not valid af ter O

Gdiin circumstances which was result si TCN Deing cancened) 5.

is procedure "important to Safety *7 yes Grno O If "Yes" a safety evaluation is required (side 21.


Is procedure "Environmentallmpact Related"?

yes d o O If "Yes" an environmentalimpact evaluation is required (side 21.


Does the change effect the intent of the onginal procedure?

yes O no G.--

NOTE:If answers to #5. 6 and 7 are "no" the change may be approved by the Shif t Supervisor.

NOTE: If answer to #7 is "yes" the change must be reviewed and approved in accordance with Table 2 pnor to implementation.

NOTE: If answer to # 7 is "no" and answers to #5 or 6 are "yes" change may bC either (a) two member reviewed or (b) reviewed and approved in accordance with table 2.

Review Signatures:



Change Recommended By:

Date C ~'Y t


  • Procedure Owner Concurrenced I^-

Date /dsp e Respor sibie To:hncal Reviewer. Respons b6e Offee rtment Hess, or5s Designee may concur if Procedure Owner a[unavaita'ow

  • May be by Tescon M f/uAn *4G
10. Tech. Functions Rep. Notified Of read.


11. Approval (s):

mal Route Wr C 001 Ah (a) Two Members of the GPUN Mng.

l Staff Route f

f., [4 3'9"8'"'e oste

, A :=> q g jg j

s-e S gnature

' Date Within fourteen (14) days: (Approval per AP 1001 A must occur)

(c) SS Approval Only. (This approval only used if anwers to questions er5. 6 and l

7 are ah "No".)

S gnature Date l

SS Signaiure Date l

S.gnature cate 14 TCN is Cancelled SNf t Swoervisor & Sniti Foreman Date e.82 Accot 132 A

t "EVALU ATION" Sida 2.

Thrca Milo Island Nuciar Statlan yeu u..}WH i ! t i Safety / Environmental impact Evaluation s

Procedure #~0 IIN-MI N i TT?J da " Yt.P-Eh,3-r A.S c:,.0 h. TM:.c.a7 1.


Title i


Safety Evaluation Does the attached procedure change:

  • (a) increase the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or yes O no f malfunction of equipment important to safety?.
  • (b) create the possibility for an accident or malfunct:en of a different type than any yesO noF evaluated previously in the safety analysis report ?-
  • (c) reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical yesO no specification ?.

Details of Evaluation (Explain why answers to above questions are "no" Attach additional pages if required.)

b SAM @

Evaluation By Date

  • 1f any of these questions are answered"YES" the change must be reviewed and approved by the NRC pnor to s




Envir nmentalimpact Evaluation Does the attached procedure change:

(a) possibly involve a significant envircnmentalimpact?

. yesO no (if 3(a) is "yes", answer cuestions ib) and (c) and fill in " Details of Evaluation" below. lf no, state why by filing in tne "Deta'is of Evaluation" below )

yes h

  • tb) have a significant adverse effect on tb3 environment?
  • (c) involve a significant environmental matter or question not previoue y reviewed yes l b and evaluated by the N R.C Details of Evaluation (Attach additionalpages if requireo)

YC Pdd Fed 9.>t2 J 5 MW


MCd80 I0< Wd 1


  • "~ p [.e4l(@M't3T MD WM L.


37 ?f(J.eQ m

$ L "tL Date Evaluation By

  • !f any of tnese cuestions are answered"YES" the c must be te ed and approved by the NRC pr.or to implementation.
4. (1) Normal Approval (s)
4. (2) If **Two (2) members of the Within fourteen (14) Days (Per AP 1001 A)

GPUN management staff route:

Approval per AP 1001 A S.gnasre Oa:e Sqnaivre cate S.grature care S.g srure ca:e S cratve cata S.casure er, 8 32 Acco11325



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  • MN818 8


Table of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision a

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9 92 Signature Date f

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/O-20 -C2-v Sigr.ature Date Document ID: 0212T FOR USE IN (JNIT i ON Y



HITTMAN NUCLEAR AND DEVELOPENT CORPORATION PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM Incontainer Solidification 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of the Process Control Program (PCP) for incontainer solidi-fication is to provide a program which will assure a solidified product with no free liquid prior to transportation for disposal.

The program consists of three major steps, which are:


Procedures for collecting and analyzing samples; i


Procedures for solidifying samples;

' c.

Criteria for process parameters for acceptance or rejection as solidified waste.

2.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The systems described herein are designed to handle the solidification of liquids, evaporator bottoms, other concentrated liquids, contaminated oil spent resin, filtar sludge and other miscellaneous waste. Concentrated liquids are processed at elevated temperatures as required to keep the salts in solution. The various operations are as described below.

2.1 Waste Feed System l

2.1.1 Concentrated Waste (Evaporator Bottoms)

The waste feed system consists of pemanent plant pumps and piping for the recirculation of concentrated evapora-tor bottoms from the concentrated waste storage tanks and permanent transfer piping teminating at the Hittman Building. The concentrated waste being recirculated with the CWST transfer pumps (WDL-P-12 A/B) is diverted to pump waste to the Hittman disposal liner.



FOR USE IN UNIT I ONLY 1 m -2Bt Revision 0 The pumps and the valve lineup is manually controlled and flow is discontinued when a predetemined level is reached in the liner.

2.1.2 Bead Resin and Powdered Resin The waste feed system consists of THI-1 resin recircula-tion hoses attached to the resin disposal and dewater return connections on the outside wall of the Auxiliary Building. Resin may be directed either to the disposal liner or back to the resin tank via the dewater return connection. The resin flow the liner is stopped when the resin slurry reaches a predetemined level. A dewatering pump operating during the fill cycle dewaters the ifner until loss of flow is detected. The dewater pump, a positive displacement air operated diaphragm pump, is stopped. The resin flow is restarted and continued until the predetermined level is reached. The dewater pump is restarted. The fill and dewater procedure is repeated until the dewatering cycle no longer brings the resin level down below the predetemined level. Based on liner size used, a predetemined quantity of water is added back into the liner through the dewatering element to fluff the bed to relieve any bed packing.

Liners used for powederd resin have special bottom designs to preclude plugging of the dewatering elements.



2.1.3 Oily Waste Due to tre low activity lewis associated with oil wastes, the liners in which the oil is to be solidified c an be filled by hand o r with a small pisap. The liner is filled to a preset lew1 (dete rmined visually). Tte quantity of e vapo rato r bottoms determined by tre wriff-cation test is added as described in section 2.1.1<.


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2.2 Cement Feed Subsystem Cenent and chemical addities are batch loaded into the shipping containe r, whe re the actual mixing occurs, by means of a screw co n veyo r.

This subsystem consists of:


Cement toppe r with discha rge adapto r b.

Se mw feede r and d ri ve moto r c.

Container inlet valve As a function of waste volume and container size, tre appropriate anount of cement and additives for a single batch are pre-loaded into the cement topper which, though the discharge adaptor, meters the cement to the screw feeder.

Cement is conveyed through the flexible screw feeder to the top of the container, where it passes through the container inlet valwe and falls by gravity into tie radwaste while the mixing blades are tuming.

Dusting is minimized by pre-loading the cement lopper with a krown volume of cement, as deteruined Dy the Waste Solidification Data Steet, and by tfe use of a dust collector as a featum of tre wnt air filter subsystem (see 2.4).


r OR USE IN UN!T I ONL 2oj;28;,



The cement container inlet vale and tha wnt line am in integral part of the container fill head assembly.


':aulsifier Feed (Oily Waste Only)

Liquid emulsifier is added using a small posittw dis-placement pump prior to the addition of other liquid L

waste. The quantity of emulsifier required is detenained through w rification testing.

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2.3 Mixi ng Each liner is supplied with an internal mixing device designed to pm vide tho mugh mixing of the entirs liner contents. A mixing moto r counted on the top of the liner prior to the filling opera-tion is sta rted prio r to tre addition of cement. Mixing continues for appmximately twenty minutes o r until the motor automatically trips off due to high resistance to mixing. The mixtum will be completely firm within 4 inurs and be suitable for transport.

2.4 Vent Air Filter Subsystem The fill head also ircludes an elbowed vent line. The vent line is hard piped to the edge of the cask whem roses can be connected to allow the air being vented from the cask to be conveyed to the ventilation system. The vent line on the fill inad is connected with flexible hose to a sealed 55 gallon drum used to detect an inadve rtent o ver flow of the liner. A liquid level sensor in the drum will activate an audible alarm in the event that liquid enters the drum. Tre drum prevents r:oistura intrusion into the air filtration system. The filtration system consists of flat fabric filters to recove pa rticulates (especially cement dust) from the 4.0 FO : U5E ll UN;T I ONLY

OR USE IN UN T I ONLY 1104-2B1 Revision 0 vent air. Tne vent air then goes through a HEPA and a charcoal filter before being discharged to the TMI-1 Auxiliary Building. An auxiliary blower in the TMI-1 Auxiliary Buiding installed at the discharge of the vent line is installed to allow th'

. t line to be operated urder a slight negative pressure.

3.0 COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF SAlfLES 3.1 General Requirements 3.1.1 As required by the Rs o'

fluent Technical -

Specifications for PF s eWR's the PCP shall be used to verify the solifidir.ation of at least one representa-tive test specimen from at least every tenth baten of each type of wet radioactive waste (e.g., evaporator bottoms, boric acid solution, sodium sulfate solutions, resin and precoat sludge).

3.1.2 For the punose of the PCP a batch is defined as that,

quantity of waste required to fill a disposable liner to the waste level indicator.

3.1.3 If any test specimen fails to solidify, the tatch under test shall be suspended until such time as additional test specimens can be obtained, alternative solidifica-tion parameters can be determined in accordance with the Process Control Program, and a subsequent test verifies solidification. Solidification of the batch may then be resumed using the alternate solidification parameters detennined.


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FO:i USE !N UNIT l ONLY g,gt 3.1.4 If the initial test specimen from a batch of waste fails to verify solidification then representative test speci-mens shall be collected from each consecutive batch of the same type of waste until the three (3) consecutive initial test specimens demonstrate solidifications. The Process Control Program shall be modified as requires to assure solifidication of subsequent batches of waste.

3.1.5 For high activity wastes, such as spent resin or used precoat, where handling of samples could result in personnel radiation exposures which are inconsisent with the ALARA principle, representative non-radioactive samples will be tested. These samples should be as close to the actual waste and chemical properties as possible.

Typical unexpended mixed bed resin shall be used to simulate the spent bead resin and the appropriate mix of anion to cation powdered resin shall be used to simulate used precoat.

3.1.6 All Chemicals used to condition or solidify waste or simulated waste in solidification tests shall be repre-sentative of the actual chemicals to be used in full scale solidification.

If chemicals of a different type or from a different manufacturer are used, the new material shall be tested to verify it produces a solid product prior to full scale solidification.


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FO:! USE !N UNlT l ONLY ila-za Revision 0


3.2 Collection of Samples 3.2.1 Radiological Protection Comply with applicable Radiation Work Permits. Test samples which use actual waste shall be disposed of by solidification in the disposal liner. A Waste Solidification Data Sheet will be maintained for each test sample solidified. Each Data Sheet will contain pertinent information on the test sample and the batch numbers of wastes solidified based on each test sample.

3.2.2 Waste Solidification Data Sheet The Waste Solidification Data Sheet will contain perti-nent information on the characteristics of the test sample solidified sc :s to verify solidification of subsequent batches of similar wastes without retesting. a.

The test sample data for concentrated waste will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the type of waste solidified, major constituents, percent solids, pH, volume of sample, awaunt of oil in sample and the ratio of the sample volume to the final volume of the solidification product, b.

The test sample data for spent resin and used precoat will include, but not necessarily be limied to, the type of waste solidified, volume of sample and ratio of sample volume to the final volume of the solidified product.

7.0 C'::. USE IN UNIT I ON _Y

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FOR USE IN UN;T I ONLY 2doj;2Bl,, The Wasta 211dification Data Steet will include the s

Batch Number, Batch Volume, and Data Solidified, for each batch solidified based on sample described.

3.2.3 Collection of Samples Evaporator dottoms shall be kept heated or reheated to 130 7 prio r to testing.


If the evapo rato r bottoms had previously been neutra- :

lized prio r to solidification to pnewnt bo ric acid pmcipitation the sample may be tested at ambient tempe ratums. Two samples shall be taken for m1ysis. One sample shall be compatible with tre standard size sample used for the radioactivity analysis and the second for the ctemical analysis.

If the radioactivity levels are too high to pemit full size samples to be taken then smaller samples shall be taken with tre results corrected acco rd-i ngly. Sample sizes shall be detemined by the p1 ant Radiological Contmls staff. Samples stould be drawn at least six tours prio r to tre planned waste solidification procedure to allow adequate time to complete the required testing and verification of solidificatio n.

l, The tank containing tre waste to be solidified stould be riixed by reci rculating the tank contents for at least one volume change prio r to sampling to assure a representa-tive sample.

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FO:i USE IN UNIT l ONLY 2o4;281 dg If tre contents of nu re than one tank are to be solidi-fied in the sane liner then mpresentative samples of each tank srould be drawn. Tiese samples stould be of su:h size that wten mixed together they fo rm samples of standard size as pescribed in Section

If the contents of a particular tank represents X pement of the total waste quantity to be solidified tren tin sample of that tank stould be of such size to mpresent X percent of the composite samples.

4.0 TEST ' LIDIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 4.1 Waste Co nditioning 4.1.1 Fo r boric acid (up to 14 weight percent) prior to solidi-fication, the pH of the sample stould be adjusted to a range of 7.4 to 9.0 or greater than 11.6 with sodium tydmxide (NaOH). Tre quantity of sodium tydmxide added shall be reco rded.

4.1.2 Fo r bead o r powdemd resin, prior to solidification the pH of the sample stould be adjusted to a range of 5 to 8 if let,k Beads are used o r to a range of 8 to 10 if they a re no t used.

Tre quantity of sodium tydmxide used i

shall be reco rded.

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56l1 be re c o t' If foaming is apparent during the solidification testing the sample should be treated with an anti-foaming agent.

The quantity of anti-foaming agent required shall be reco rded.


FOR USE IN UNIT I ONLY 1104-282 Revision 0 4.1./e If a floating oil film is present in quantities greater than 1 percent by volume, the oil should be broken up with Maysol or other emulsification agent. The quantity i

of emulsification agent added shall be recorded.


If oily waste is to be solidified, an emulsifier shall be added to pretreat the waste sample as follows:


Allow one sample to stand undisturbed until the water / oil interface is clearly discernible and detemine the percent by volume of the oil.

If this volume is greater than 40 percent add a sufficient quantity of waste (or other aqueous liquid to be solidified) to reduce the percent of oil by volume to less than 40 percent. Use the Waste Calculation Data Sheet to detemine the quantity of liquid to add. When the correct oil to water ratio is reached, measure and record the pH (pH paper may be used if a measurement cannot be made with a meter because of oil fouling).


Prior to the test sample solidification, the oily waste is treated with a predetemined quantity of emulsifier.

For this application, Maysol 776 is used at a ratio of 1 part emulsifier to 5.1 parts oil by volume. The emulsifier has a density of one.


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FOR USE lN UNIT I ONLY 1104-281 Revision 1 3.

After the emulsifier is thoroughly mixed into the san:ple, a quantity of Metso Beads the weight of which is twice the weight of the emulsifier used, is mixed in thoroughly until the Metso Beads have completely dissolved.

4.2 Test Solidification 4.2.1 Any sample to be solidified shall be pretreated as specified in Section 4.1.

4.2.2 Test solidification should be conducted using a 1000 ml.

disposal beaker or similar size container. Mixing should be accomplished by stirring with a rigid stirrer until a homogenous mixture is obtained, but in no case for less than five (5) minutes.

4.2.3 For the test solidification of resin, measure into two mixing vessels 90 ml of water each and add a sufficient quantity of dewatered resin to yield a 390 mixture. The degree of compaction of the resin will detennine the volume of msin mquired. Measure out the required quantities of cement and Metso beads as shown in Table 1.

4.2.4 For the test solidification of precoat sludge, measure into two mixing vessels 300 gms of dewatered powdered a

resin each and add 100 gms of water. Measure out the required quantities of cement and Metso beads as shown in Table 1.


FOR USE IN UNIT I ONLY 1104-287 Revision 1 j

4.2.5 For the test solidification of Concentrated Waste (Evaporater Bottoms), measure into two mixing vessels i

i 400 ml of pH adjusted waste each. Measure out the required quantities of cement and Metso beads as shown in Table 1.

4.2.6 For the test solidification of Concentrated Weste and Oily Waste measure 320 ml of waste and Maysol No. 776 into a mixing vessel using the following proportions:

(128 ml. oil,167 ml. concentrated waste and 25 ml.

Maysol). Stir mixture for no less than 5 minutes.

Measure out the required quantities of cement and Metso Beads as shown in Table 1.

d.1. 3 i~cc Ab e. kesk so\\sd 9s'cAson of una \\

,mm enes > < c.

32.o o,t.

cf paste Info bo an4' f'ou m h eni v.nj ve e3e.\\s 4d3 an 4he b S,.c.g. eni :ced 40 b re c.t. o p ca nj u.,s cewra em sud,b osect. n earnre o ;t -the, re q u ired cg v a n4.' + i e.s of cement and IAc4so Wds c~ s shown t n Tcate I-

'l.2.b For %c -tes soliiEccd th cf s.mP skd e 3

en en., r c

'h o mt.

cf aase ln% ka nmiViog veosel3 rc o v4 Oc r e q s c e ci goc.n4, &;ei s cement o.nct o

Meb 7Ms c~ s oLoan

n ~ tc9e L.


_ Table 1 i

Cement (grams)*

Metso Beads (grams)*

Waste Sample A Sample B Sample A Sample B Bead Resin 189 236 19 24 Filters Sludge 230 2 60 46 52 Evaporator Bottoms 440 505 63 84.2 Oil and Conc. Waste 373 W/A 50 N/A E m a o) qm D3 40 53 3 ime Sud c.


524.B n?-

62.r 3

  • Volumes are for loose uncompacted material.


Omit the following step if Metso Beads were pre-viously added.

4.2./i Mix the cement and Metso Beads together and slowly add this mixture to the test sample while it is being stirred.



,9, Revision 1 4.2.gc After ten (10) minutes of mixing and a homogeneous mixture is obtained allow the waste to stand for a minimum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

4.3 Solidification Acceptability The following criteria define an acceptable solidification process and process parameters.

4.3.1 The sample solidification is considered acceptable if there is not visual or drainable free water.

4.3.2 The sample solidification is considered acceptable if upon visual inspection the waste appears that it would hold its shape if removed from the beaker and it resists penetration by a rigid stick.

uvii :

% A.w pic wl.d'ELJt-w e.hg bl.ib c canye &c %c c a lo oC camea4 So sy e LA-Ja\\

cesa % h as cecep%b\\e.

pock d.


ww w


l l

l l

i l

4.4 Solidification Unacceptability 4.4.1 If the waste fails any of the criteria set forth in Section 4.3 the solidification will be termed unaccept -

able and a new set of solidification parameters 'will need to be established under the procedures in Section 4.5.

4.4.2 If the test solidification is unacceptable then the same test procedure must be followed on each subsequent batch of the same type of waste until three consecutive test samples are solidified.

4.5 Alternate Solidification Parameters l

4.5.1 If a test sample fails to provide acceptable solidifica-tion of waste the following procedures should be followed.


Mix equal volumes of dry cement and water to ensure that the problem if not a bad batch of cement.



,,,,,,,3 Revision 1 2.

Add additional caustic solution to raise the pH above 8.


If the waste (other than waste oil) is only par-tially solidified, use lower waste to cement and Metso ratios. Using the recomended quantities of cement and Metso Beads, reduce the waste sample volume 25 ml untti the acceptability criteria of Section 4.3 are met.


If the waste oil mixture is only partially solidi-fied try using lower waste to cement ratios. Reduce the quantity of waste by 20 m1 and the emulsifier by 1 m1, (This will result in a slightly higher concen-tration of emulsifier in the waste) and proceed with the test solidification.

Continue with similar reductions until a satisfactory product is achieved.

4.5.2 If the test sample fails to provide acceptable solidifi-cation of waste following the actions of Section 4.5.1 the following sample analysis should be performed. The waste should fall within the acceptable range.

l l

l l

l l


OR USE IN UNIT l ONLY a,#;28;,



Fo r Eb ric Acid 114 Weicht Pe rcent (24000 ppm as B) pH 7.4 to 9.0 o r > 11.5 Pe rcent Bo ric Acid 1 14 ppm as !b ron 1 24000 De te rgents Ib appreciable foaming during agitation Oil (floating)

< 1 pe r:ent by witrae Fo r Be ad and Po wde red Re sin pH

>5 Dete rgents tb appreciable foaming during agitation Oil (floating)

< 1 percent by m1ume


Oily Waste Mixed with Evapo rato r Ebttoms pH

>5 Percent Ib ric Acid 114 (prior to mixing) ppm as Ib von 124000 (prior to mixing)

Oil 140 pe :ent by m1ume Dete rgents 2 appreciable foaming during agitation 15.0 FDP. UjE IN UNIT I ONLY


=OR USE IN UNIT l'ONLY J2f;2BI Batc h W.:

Sample No.:


WASTE SOLIDIFICATION DATA SHEET to r 80 ric Acid Sample Volume, m1:

Sample A Sample B (1) pHl:

Quantity of 011 pen:ent:

Quantity of Cement Added:

Cement Ratio 2

(ifo./f t3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (2)

Sample B gms Sample B (3)

Quantity af Additive 3 Adde d:

Additiw Ratio 4 (No./ft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (4)

Sample B gms Sample B (5)

Final Waste to Pmduct Ratio: Sample A Sample B (6)

Pmduct Acceptable: Sample A Ye s 2

(If no, refe r to Section 4.5 and pmceed as directed)

Sample B Ye s 2

Radionuclides Present:

(Isotopes and Co rrentrations)

Additional batches solidified based on this simple solidification:

l Batch Batch Batch Batch Batc h Batc h No.

Vo l.

Date No.

Vo l.

Date No.

Vo l.

Date 2

5 B

i 3

6 9

4 7

10 l

Test Salidifications Pe rfo nned by:


PCP Samples Appm ed by:


16.0 C' f_i Q l t C Cv - 1

)..,' 1 1 't : T

woi I O h!:t. i U


=OR USE IN UNIT I ONLY 22#18lo NOTES 1 If pH adjustraent is mquimd, note chectical used, quantity used and pH after adjustment.

2 Fo r the ratios giwn in Section 4.2.4, cement-to-waste ratios am 70.9 to 81 pounds cement per cubic foot of bo ric acid.

3 The addittw used in this pmcess is anlydrous sodium metasilicate as efe mnced in the text.

4 Fo r the ratios giving in Section 4.2.4, additiw-to-waste ratios am 10.1 to 13.5 pounds additie per cubic foot of bo ric acid.

17.0 Cf % ' 10 0 )>' { in I l O4%,V l


.v--t, s' :.:




3 Waste Volume, ft.

(1) 3 Cement Ratio, No./ft :

Sample A (2A)

Sample B (28)


3 Additive Ratio, No./ft :

Sample A:


Sample B:

(38) 2 Cement Quantity (1)1 x (2A) =



(1)1 x (2B) =


(48) 2 Additive Quantity (1) x (3A) =



(1) x (38) =


(SB) 1 The quantity of waste to be solidified in a single liner cannot exceed the maximum waste volume listed on tne attached Solidification Data Tables.

2 4A and 5A define the minimum quantity of cement and additive respectively that must be mixed with the waste to assure solidification. When these quantities of materials are mixed, additional cement and additive are to be mixed until further mixing is not possible or the values in 4B and 5B are reached.

t i

18.0 cr r.

. or1:..

lJ.3,1 i I O y v.

f m

COR USE IN UNIT l ONLY m 4-281 Revision 0 Batch No.:

Sample No.:



percent (Maximum of 40 percent ey volume)

Sample Volume, ml:

Major Composition of Non-oil Component:

Quantity of Emulsifier Added, al:


Quantity of Cement Added, gm:

Quantity of Anhydrous Sodium Metasilicate Added, gm:

Final Product to Waste Ratio (Volumetric) percent Product Acceptability:

Acceptable Unacceptable If unacceptable note wny:

Radionuclides Present.

Isotopes and Concentrations 1.

If the percent of oil in the sample exceeds the maximum allowable quantity the sample shall be diluted as required (See the Waste Calculation Data Sheet). This new mixture will be thoroughly mixed, tested for percent oil and a new sample taken from this mixture as per Section 4.2.3.

The volume of dilutant required will be recorded.

19.0 00=.151 it' UTOT I ON Y

FOR USE !N UNIT I ONLY 1204-281 Revision 0 WASTE SOLIDIFICATION DATA SHEET FOR OILY WASTE Complete Section A only if the initial samples shows oil in excess of 40 percent by volume, otherwise go to Section B.

SECTION A Step 1 Original samples volume al.


Volume percent oil in sample 0.

(as decimal fraction)


Step 2 Sample volume (ml) multiplied by (2):




(ml) X 0.


Step 3 Divide (3) by 0.4:

+ 0.4 =


Step 4 Subtract original sample volume (1) from (4) to get quantity of liquid needed to dilute sample to 40 percent oil by volume:

(4) -

(1) =

ml (5)

SECTION B Step 1 Volume of waste in liner, gallons:


(HN-100 liner contains 17.62 gallons / inch). The maximum allowable waste depth is 42 inches.

Step 2 If the volume percent oil is greater than 40 percent it is necessary to detennine the amount of liquid (i.e. water) that must be added to the liner to reduce the percent oil to less than 40 percent (If the fluid level in the liner is close to 42 inches such that the addition of any liquid would raise the fluid level above the 42 inches level proceed to Step 3).

Take the quantity of liquid (5), added to the test sample in Section A and divide it by the original sample volume (1).

Multiply this decimal fraction increase by the volume of fluid in the liner to obtain the quantity of liquid needed to dilute the contents of the liner to less than 40 percent oil by volume.

( 5)ml - 0.

X (6) gal =

gal (7)

(1)ml l

l 1

l 20.0 CO USE IN UNIT I ON Y c.

OR USE IN UNIT I ONLY p,g;g o Calculate new fluid level in liner. Add (7) to (6) and divide by 17.62 gallons / inch and add this increased depth to the s

original fluid depth.

(6)+(7) callons =

inches (8)

U.62 gallons /inen (8)must not exceed 42 inches. 'If it does do not add any liquid to the liner but proceed to Step 3.

If the fluid level (8) is less than or equal to 42" add the quantity of liquid calculated in (7) to the. liner and proceed to Step 4.

Step 3 This step is to be completed only when the quantity of oil in the liner exceeds 40 percent by volume and diluting with water would raise the fluid icvel above 42 inches.

Multiply the original samples volume (1) by 0.4:

(1)(ml) X 0.4 =


Subtract (9) from (3) above:

(3) -

(9) =

ml (10)

Divide (10) by the original sample volume (1) to obtain the decimal fractional decrease in sample oil volume to bring the pen:ent oil down to 40 by volume.

(10) =




Multiply the volume of waste in the liner (6) by this decimal fraction (11).

(6) X (11) =

gallons (12)

This rephasents the quantity of oil that must be removed from the liner, and replaced by an equal volume of liquid waste, to bring the percent oil down below 40 percent by volume.

To do this first allow the fluid in tne liner to stand undisturbed for a period of 15 minutes and then pump oil out using a rubber hose extended into the liner to a level just below the top of the oil layer.

Step 4 If the lab sample showed less than 40 percent oil by volume proceed without an additional sample and enter below the volume percent oil in the liner.

Vol. percent oil 0.

(13) 21.0 COR USE IN UNIT I ONi_Y


OR USE IN UNIT I ONLY 2204-281 Revision D If liquid was added to dilute the oil (Step 2) or oil was t

removed (Step 3) mix the contents of the liner for 15 minutes and resample to confim the volume percent oil in the liner and enter below.

(If not applicable enter N/A).

Resample Vol. percent oil 0.


Measure the fluid level in the liner. Again this level must not exceed 42 inches.

Fluid level inches (15)

Calculate the quantity of oil in the liner by multiplying tne fluid level (in inches) by the gallons per inch (17.62 gallons per inch) by the percent oil by volume from either (13) or (14).

gallons inches (15) X 17.62 inen X


(13 or 14) -

gallons (16)

Step 5 With the mixing motor "0N" add the emulsifier Maysol 776 at 1 part emulsifier to 5.1 parts oil by volume. To obtain the quantity of Maysol 776 required, divide the gallons of oil (16) by 5.1.

(16) gallons =

gallons of emulsifier (17) 5.1 gallons oil gallon emulsifier Continue mixing until the oil is completely mixed and the contents of the liner is a unifom milky white in appearance.

Record the mixing time.

minutes mixing Note that mixing times of up to 120 minutes may be required to completely emulsify some oils.

Step 6 For every gallon of fluid in the liner add 11.2 pounds i

of uncompacted cement. This is equivalent to 83.3 pounds of cement for every cubic foot of waste.

To calculate the quantity of cement required multiply the fluid level (15) by 17.62 gallons per inch by 11.2 pounds cement per gallon of fluid.

(15) X 17.62 X 11.2 =

pounds of cement (19) 22.0 COR USE IN UNIT l ON Y

FOR USE IN UN!T i ONLY 22#;28;,

Conw rt this to cubic feet of loose cement by dividing (19) by 94 pounds per cubic foot.

(19) pounds =

ft3 94 pounds per f t3 This is equivalent to the number of one f t3 bags re qui red.

Add the cement slowly while mixing continually until all the cement is added.

Step 7 Calculate the quantity of anhydrous sodium metasilicate to be added to the line r.

From Section 4.1.3, the might of the antydrous sodium metasilicate is twice the weight of the emulsifie r.

The density of the emulsifier is approximately equal to that of water, 62.4 pounds per cubic foot, (8.34 pounds per gallon). The refo re the anh/drous sodium metasilicate will weigh twice as much as the emulsifie r.

pounds 2 X 8.34 gallon X (17) =

pounds (18)

Add the Metso Beads slowly and continue mixing the contents of the liner until all the anh drous sodium


metasilicate has been added and the motor trips due to high resistance to mixing or for 20 minutes after the last bag is added.

i I

j 23.0 1

FO U SE l!; UN!T I ON _.Y

f FOR USE IN UNIT i ONLY 2dof;2B;,

Batc h No. :

Sample No.:


WASTE SOLIDIFICATION DATA SHEET fo r Powoe md Resin Sample Vo lume, al:

Sample A Sample B (1) l pH :

Quantity of 011 pen:ent:

Othe r Majo r Constituents:

@antity of Cement Added:

Cement Ratio 2 (No./ft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (2)

Sample B gms Sample B (3)

Quantity of Additive 3 Adde d:

Additie Ratio 4 (No./ft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (4)

Sample B gms Sample B (5)

Pmduct Acceptable: Sample A Ye s b

(If ru, refer to Section 4.5 and pmceed as dimeted).

Sampie B Yes No Radionuclides Pmsent:

(Isotopes and Concentrations) l Additional batches solidified based on this simple solidification:

Batc h Batch Batch Batch Batc h Batc h No.

Vo l.

Date No.

Vo l.

Date No.

Vo l.

Date 2

5 8

3 6

9 4

7 10 l

24.0 C {' ~

! ' ?*. l i '

  • j !.,' '. T, l V,p l V

h e a 1,,, a



FOOTNOTES 1 If pH adjust is required, note chemical used, quantity used and pH after adjustment.

2 For the ratios given in Section 4.2.4, cement-to-waste ratios are 37.39 and 42.26 pounds per cubic foot of powdered resin. Note that the cement ratio for powdered resin is per cubic foot of waste; i.e., powdered resin plus water.

3 Tne additive used in this process is anhydrous sodium metasilicate as referenced in the text.

4 For the ratios given in Section 4.2.4, the additive-to-waste ratios are 7.47 and 8.45 pounds per cubic foot of powdered resin waste.

5 The following table shows the minimum and recommended mix ratios for a 300 gms sample size of 5 to 27 dry weight percent powdered resin:

Minimum Slurry Concentration, Gement Additive Gemen Addit Dry Weignt percent (gms)





5-12 330 33.0 68.7 6.9 13-21 270 27.0 56.2 5.6 22-27 180 18.0 37.5 3.8 Recomended Cement Additive Gemen; Aodit (gms)


(1b/ft )

(1b/ftjve 3


390 39.0 81.2 8.1 330 33.0 68.7 6.8 270 27.0 56.2 5.6 25.0 CO'


i FOR USE !N UNIT I ONLY i,2do' O 8


Waste Volume to be Solidified :

Cement Ratio, 2./f t :

Sample A (2A)

Sample B (2B)

Additie Ratio, Ib./f t : Sample A (3A)

Sample B (36) 2 Cement Quantity (1) X (2A) =



(1) X (28) =



Additive Quantity (1) X (3A) =



(1) X

( 3B) =



QJantity of Water to be added:

(1) X 2.36 =

gallons (8)

Divide the Quantity of Water to be added (8) by the supply flowrate (9) to detennine tow long water stould be pumped to the disposal liner or use a premeasu red quantity of wate r.

(8) +

gal / min (9) =

minute s (10) l 1 The quantity of waste to be solidifed in a single liner can not exceed tre maximum waste wlumf. listed on tre attaled Solidification Data Table.

2 6A and 7A define the minimum quantity of cement and additie respectinly that must be mixed with the waste to assure solidification. Wien ttese quantities of materials are mixed, additional cement and additiw are to be mixed until further mixing is not possible or the values in 6B and 7B are re ac hed.

l l

26.0 JE IN UN!T I ON Y.




Usable Liner Volume, ft3 65 57.

Max. Solidified Waste Vol. ft3 55.75 55.75 Max. Waste Vol., ft3 42.4 42.4 Cement added at Max. Waste 2532 2532 Vol.:

Poungs 1 ft bags 26.9 26.9 Anhydrous Sodium Metasilicate Added at Max. Waste Vol.:

Pounds 253 253 100 bags 2.5 2.5 Max. Radiation Level R/hr Contact 100 800 Based on 18" maximum depth of filter sludge in the liner and maximum cement and additive quantities.

Based on 34" maximum depth of filter sludge in the liner and maximum cement and additive quantities.

l l


i l



APPENDIX A CDNCENTRATION OF POWDERED RESIN SLURPJES FOR PCP SOLIDIFICATION In o rde r fo r powde red resin slurry samples to be solidified in acco rdarce with this PCP, these samples must be concentrated to a higher weight percent so lid s.

The simplest, easiest, and most accurate procedure to use is decanting, i.e. pouring off excess liquid until only a thin layer of liquid remains on the settled solids laye r.

Decanting is to be pe rfo rmed after tte sample has been alloed to sit undisturted for te hours. The excess water is then poured off, being careful not to lose arty solids.

If there is rot enough sample to perform the PCP, the procedure is to be repeated until the required quantity is obtained.

If the radiation level of the sample is too high for such handling, a decanting apparatus may be assembled much like that stown in Figure 1.

The materials used depend upon availability and H.P. requirements. This set up wuld allow fo r less plysical handling of the sample by the person perfo rming the test. The decant beaker stould ham the tube located at tre 400 ml.

mark. A two to u r settli ng time is re qui red. At that time, the stopcock (o r clamp) is opened to allow the liquid to drain off of the solids layer.

If mo m than a thin lee r of wate r remains on the settled laye r, tre sample will haw to be decanted as described abo w.

Also, if less than the required slurry quantity results, additional waste must be decanted in the same manner to tie p re scribed anount.

Following this procedure will result in the proper weight percent slurry as required by the PCP.

H.P. requi rements wil1 go we m which of the two procedures stould be used.


4 3

21 cw I

~Il e

TTI ii0 r

n z


z i

i ;i Excea..



Liqu.I i



  • 4rg f

O Sett1ed

'7 Waste 2,

OT' n9s

^ ' ' '


1000 ml.



Decant Beaker O

to Z


l p Drain

. -.f I

Figure 1.

Decanting Apparatus Schematic

o w tb s a 3


  • IN3 O 00 2
3 e-o O

4 1



Batch No.:

Sample No.:


WASTE SOLIDIFICATION DATA SHEET for Bead Resin Sample Volume, ml:

Sample A Sample B (1) pH(1):

Quantity of Oil Percent:

Quantity of Cement Added:

Cement Ratio 2 (No./f t3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (2A)

Sample B gms Sample B _


Quantity of Additive Added:

Additive Ratio 3 (No./ft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (3A)

Sample B gms Sample B (3B)

Final Waste to Product Ratio:

Sample A Sample B (4)

Product Acceptable: Sample A Yes No (If no, refer to Section 4.5 and proceed as directed).

Sample B Yes No Radionuclides Present:

(Isotopes and Concentrations)

Additional batches solidified based on this sample solicification:

Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch No.


[ ate No.


Date No.


Date 2

5 B

l 3

6 9

l 4

7 10 PCP Performed by:


Approved by:


30.0 C f...,:~~ :s T T '11i;3 t

_ n. i.i O FJ.LV i


- - - ~ _ - - - _,...




1 pH is taken fo r inforuation o nly. This my be useful in detennining additional steps to be taken in the ewnt the sample solidification is unacceptable.

2 Fo r the ratios giwn is Section 4.2.4, cement-to-dewatered resin ratios are 38 to 47.6 pounds of cement per cubic foot of dewatered resin for samples A and B respectiwly.

3 The weight of anh/drous sodium metasilicate is 10 percent of the cement mi g ht.


!f"..C : ' C 7.

l \\.','}i.:'~1 1V


t ^



4 :


FOR USE IN UNIT i ONLY 12pj,82 o


Re sin Volume,:


Cecent Ratio, 2./f t :

Sample A (2A)

Sample B (2B)

Additi e:

Ad diti e Ratio, No./f t :

Sample A:


Sample B:

(3B) 2 Cement Quantity (1)1 x (2A) =

l bs.


(1)1 (28) =

l bs.

(48) x 2

Additive Quantity (1)1 (3A) =



,x (1) x (38) =



Quantity of Water to be added - gallons (ksin only):

(1) x 2.25 =


Divide the Quantity of Water to be added (6) by the supply flowrate (7) to determine tow long water stould be pumped to the disposal liner.

(6) +

gal / min (7) =

minutes (8) 1 The quantity of waste to be solidified in single liner canrot exceed the maximum resin wlume listed on the attacted 211dification Data Tables.

2 (4A) and (SA) define the minimum quantity of cement and additie respec-tiely that must be mixed with the waste to assum solidification.

Wien these quantities of materials are mixed, additional cement and additiw are to be mixed until fu rther mixing is rot possible o r the values in (4B) and (5B) are mached.



F423-P-002 Page 7 of 11 Batch No:

Sample No:



Sample A Sample B (1)

Sample pH:

Volume NaOH solution used to adjust pH, ml:


Quantity of Oil %:

Temperature at Solidification, "F:

Quantity of Cement Added:

Cement Ratial (#/ft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (3)

Sample B gms Sample B (4)

Quantity of Additive Added': '

Additive Ratio 2 (gjft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (5)

Sample B gas Sample B (6)

Quantity,of Anit-Foam Agent Added:

Anti-Foam Ratio 3 (#/ft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A ges(7)

Sample B gms Sample B gms(8)

Packaging Efficiency: Waste to Product:

Sample A Sample B (9)

Product Acceptable: Sample A Yes No (If no, refer to Section 4.5 and proceed as directed)

Sample B Yes No l

l l


T421-P-002 Page 8 of 11


Additional batches sol id i fied has<d on this sample solidification:

Rntrh Ita Leh llatch Ita t ch Ibit ch lintch No.


Unte No.


Date No.


Date 2

5 8

3 6

9 4

7 10 PCP Performed by Date 1The cement ratio is defined as the pounds of cement required to solidify one cubic foot of waste.

Ratios in this PCP yield cement ratios 3

3 of 78.0 lbs/ft and 103.9 lbs/ft for samples A and B respectively.

2The additive ratio is defined as the pounds of additive required to solidify one cubic foot of waste.

Ratios in this PCP yield additive 3

8 ratios of 7.8 lbs/ft and 10.39 lbs/ft for samples A and B respectively, a

3The anti-foam ratio is defined as the pounds of anti-foam required to solidify one cubic foot of waste. The ratio in this PCP yields an anti-3 3 waste).

foam ratio of 0.025 lbs/ft waste (0.0034 gallons /ft e

e I

O 32.2

+ - - - -.



--,y r_

l F421-l'-002 Page 9 of 11 l'



3 Waste Volume, It (1)


3 Anti-Foam Ratio, #/ft : Sample A (2A)

Sample B (2B)

Anti-Foam Ratio, gallons /ft : Sampi'e A (3A) 3 Sample B (3B) 3 Cement Ratio, f/ft :

. Sample A (4A)

Sample B (4B)


Additive Ratio, (//f td:

Sample A (SA)

Sampic B (SB)

Anti-foam Quantity (2A) =

lbs (6A)

(1) x (1) x (2B) =

lbs (6B)

(1) x (3A) =

gallons (7A)

(1) x (3B) =

gallons (7B) 2 Cement Quantity (1) x (4A) =

lbs (8A)

(1) x (4B) =

lbs (8B) 2 Additive Quantity (1) x (SA) =

lbs (9A)

(1) x (SB) =

lbs (9B) 1The quantity of waste to be solidified in a single liner cannot exceed the maximum waste volume listed on the attached Solidification Data Tables.

28A and 9A define the minimum quantity o cement and additive respectively that must be mixed with the waste to assure solidification. The recommended quantities of cement and additive to use are represented by BB and 9B.



F421-P-003 Page 6 of 10 Liner No:

Sample No:


WASTE SOLIDIFICATION DATA SHEET For Sump Sludge Sample Volume, al:

Sample A Sample B (1)

Sample pH:

Volume NaOH solution used to adjust pH, al:


Quantity of Oil %:

Quantity of Emulsifier (20% of vol. of oil), al :l Temperature at Solidification, 'F:

Quantity of Cement Added:

Cement Ratio 2 (pffts Waste)

Sample A gas Sample A (3)

Sample B gas Sample B (4)

Quantity of Additive Added:

Additive Ratio 3 (#/ft3 Waste)

Sample A gms Sample A (5)

Sampli B gms Sample B (6) d Packaging Efficiency: 8{' ]

Sample A y,3, Sample B (7)

Product Acceptable: Sample A Yes No (If no, refer to Section 4.5 and proceed as directed)

Sample B Yes No Additional batches solidified based on this sample solidification:


  • Waste Liner Waste Liner Waste No.


Date No.


Date No.


Date 2

5 8

3 6

9 4

7 10 PCP Performed by Date i


6 F421-P-003 Page 7 of 10 NOTES:

2If emulsification is not accomplished, call HITTMAN.

2The cement ratio is defined as the pounds of cement required to solidify one cubic foot of waste. Ratios in this PCP yield cement ratios of 3

75.0 lbs/ft and 80.0 lbs/ft3 for samples A and B respectively.

8 The additive ratio is defined as the pounds of additive required to solidify one cubic foot of waste. Ratios in this PCP yield additive 3

ratios of 7.50 lbs/ft and 8.0 lbs/ft8 for samples A and B respectively.


i f

I l

l I

e 325

i t

F421-P-003 Page 8 of 10 s


Waste Volume, ft3:

(1) l 3

Cement Ratio, #/ft : Sample A (2A) 3 Sample B (2B)


Additive Ratio, #/ft3: Sample A (3A)

Sample B (3B) 2 Cement Quantity (1) x (2A) =

lbs. (4A)

(1) x (2B) =

lbs. (4B) 2 Additive Quantity (1) x (3A) =

lbs. (SA)

(1) x (3B) =

Jhs. (SB) 1The quantity of waste to be solidified in a single liner cannot excedd the maximum waste volume listed on the attached Solidification Data Tables.

24A and SA define the minimum quantity of cement and additive respectively that must be mixed with the waste to assure solidification. The recommended quantities of cement and additive to use are represented by 4B and 5B.

6 l

l 30.0


NOR USF IN UN!T I Oh!LY y f;2g,


.HAAY For beac resin, the licensed cask payload is limiting for Ine HN-100 Series 1 and HN-100 Series 2.

Weight is not a limiting fa: tor for tne HN-fDO, HN-Series 3, HN-100S, and HN-200.

Bead Resin HN-100 HN -1005 HN-200 HN-600 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 le Liner Volume, ft3 142 144 142 142 60 tis Solidified Waste Vol. ft3 125.4 120.3 142 142 60 66 Resin Volume Dewatered ft3 103.0 98.8 115.o 126.6 48.3 53.4 o Added at Max. Resin Vol gal 223.5 214.6 253.2 253.3 106.9 116.9 it Added I f t3 bags 52.1 50 59 59 26 27

> Added Pounds 10010. bags 4.'

4.7 5.5 5.5 2.4 2.s Radiation Level R/h. Contact 12 12 12 5

800 100 33.0 FOR USE IN UN7 i ON Y

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