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Responds to IE Bulletin 83-04.Util Uses Contactors in Reactor Protection Sys Rather than Reactor Trip Breakers & Associated Undervoltage Trip Devices.Latest Vendor Recommendations on Preventative Maint Obtained
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/21/1983
From: Vandewalle D
To: Crutchfield D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
REF-SSINS-6820 IEB-83-04, IEB-83-4, NUDOCS 8303280026
Download: ML20069G549 (5)



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& Maclear Licensmg Administrator General offices: 1945 West Pernall Road, Jackson, MI 49201 + (517) 788-1636 March 21, 1983 Imanis M Crutchfield, Chief Operation Reactor Branch No 5 Nuclear Reactor Regulation US Nuclear Regulatory N mmission Washington, DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT - RESPONSE TO IE BULLETIN 83-04, DATED MARCH 11, 1983 Consumers Power Company's response to IE Bulletin 83-04, " Failure of the Undervoltage Trip Function of Reactor Trip Breakers," is as follows:

Item 1

" Perform surveillance tests of undervoltage trip function independent of the shunt trip function within 5 days of receipt of this Bulletin unless equivalent testing has been performed within 10 days. Those plants currently shutdown should complete this item before resuming operation or within 10 days, whichever is sooner. Those plants for which on-line testability is not provided should complete this item at the next plant shutdown if currently operating."


The Palisades Plant uses contactors in its reactor protection system (RPS) rather than reactor trip breakers and associated undervoltage trip devices.

Thus, the RPS failure which is the subject of this bulletin could not occur at Palisades.

Item 2

" Review the maintenance program for conformance to the latest manufacturer's recommendation, including frequency and lubr: cation. Verify actual implementation of the program. If maintenance does not conform, initiate such maintenance within 5 days of receipt of this bulletin or provide an alternate maintenance program. Repeat the testing required in item 1 prior to declaring the breaker OPERABLE."


oc0383-0167a142 8303280026 830321 PDR ADOCK 05000255 G PDR

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Dennis M Crutchfield, Chief 2 Palisades P1,nt Response to IE Bulletin 83-04 March 21, 1983


The Palisades Plant uses Allen Bradley contactors for undervoltage protection in the Reactor Protective System. As a result of IEB 83-04, the vendor was contacteu and their latest recommendations concerning preventative maintenance (PM) were obtained. These recommendations only call for the centactors to be inspected at unspecafied intervals. There are no lubrication and/or cleaning recommendations specified. While the vendor recommendation: are being reviewed by the Maintenance Department, no further action, including the initiation c. a formal FM program, is required.

Item 3

" Notify all licensed operators of the failure-to-trip event which occurred at Salem (see IE Bulletin 83-02) and the testing failures at San Onofre Units 2 and 3 described above. Review the appropriate emergency operating procedures for ;he event r failure-to-trip with each operator upon his arrival on-shift."



A memo was issued by the Operations Supervisor on March 18, 1983 to Shift Supervisors, Control Operators, Shift Engineers, and the Training Department.

This memo ensures that the following information will be reviewed by licensed operators upon their arrival on-shift.

. The events at Salem and San Onofre conrarning failures in the RPS (IE Bulletins 83-01 and 83-04).

. Palisades Plant Emergency Operating Procedure E0P-1,

" Reactor Trip:.

. Palisades Plant Off-Normal Procedure ONP-7, " Control Rod Trip Failure".

Item 4

" Provide a written reply within 10 days of receipt of this bulletin:"

I a. " Identify results of testing performed in response to item 1. Plants without on-line testability should report the date and results of the most recent test." Response Not applicable

b. " Identify conformance of the maintenance program to manufacturer's recommendation and describe results of maintenance performed directly as a resul; of this Bulletin in response to item 2."


Dennis M Crutchfield, Chief 3 Palisades Plant Response to IE Bulletin 83-04 March 21, 1933


The Palisades Plant uses Allen Bradley contactors for undervoltage protection in the Reactor Protective System. As a result of IEB 83-04, the vendor was contacted and their latest recommendations concerning preventative maintenance (PM) were obtained. These recommendations only call for the contactors to be inspected at unspecified intervals. There are no lubrication and/or cleaning recommendations specified. While the vender recommend &tions are being reviewed by the Maintenance Department, no further action, including the initiation of a formal PM program, is required.

c. " Provide a statement that provisions are in plane to notify license operators of the Salem and San Onofre events and bring to their attention appropriate failure-to-trip emergency procedures upon their arrival on-shift."


. The events at Salem and San Onofre concerning failures in the RPS (IE Bulletins 83-01 and 83-04).

. Palisades Plant Emergency Operating Procedure E0P-1,

" Reactor Trip:.

. Palisades Plant Off-Normal Procedure ONP-7, " Control Rod Trip Failure".

d. " Provide a description of all RPS breaker malfunctions not previously

, reported to the NRC."


Not applicable

e. " Verify that procurement, testing and maintenance activities treat the RPS breaker and UV devices as safety related. Report the results j of this verification to the NRC."


Not Applicable oc0383-0167a142

Dennis M Crutchfield, Chief 4 Palisades Plant Response to IE Bulletin 83-04 March 21, 1983 Item 5 "Any RPS breaker failure identified as a result of testing requested by this bulletin should be promptly reported to the NRC via the emergency notification system, regardless of the operating mode of the plant at the time of the failure."


Not Applicable T h David FVandeWalle Nuclear Licensing Administrator CC Richard C DeYoung, Director of I&E Administrator, Region III, USNRC NRC Resident Inspector-Palisades l



j CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 - License DPR-20 RESPONSES TO IE BULLETIN 83-04 At the request of-the Commissicn and pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 anl the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, and the Commission's Rules and Regulations therarcder, Consumers Power Company submits our response to IE Bulletin 83-04 dated March 11, 1983 entitled

" Failure of the Undervoltage Trip Function of Reactor Trip Breakers."

Consumers Power Company's response is dated March 21, 1983.



R B DeWitt, Vice President Nuclear Operations Sworn and subscribed to before me this 21st day of March 1983.

O V Sherry L Durfey, Notary Public Jackson County, Michigan

  • My commission expires November 5, 1986 SHEiiRY LYNN DURFEY Notary Miie, Jackson CouMt, 'Sici.

My Cerrmission Expiras Nov. % 1986