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Forwards Contractor License Fee Info
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1984
From: Greher E
To: Miller W
Shared Package
ML082420195 List: ... further results
FOIA-90-162 NUDOCS 9102070312
Download: ML20067A595 (7)


{{#Wiki_filter:. jetnog# e, o UNITED STATES - [. ',j. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g. 9 t WASHING TON, D. C. 20555 - .....p 8lplW MEMORANDUM FOR: William Miller, Chief Licensee Fee Management Branch Office of Administration a FROM: Elliott A. G_reher, Program Analy,ct Program Support and. Analysis _ Staff-Office of.. Inspection =and Enforcement


REQUESTED LICENSE FEE INFORMATION-I We have reviewed available records on IE 4taff effort -- staff or IE consultants ' assigned to. IE headquarters or to the Technical-Tra;nin, Center -- devoted to license fee-billable efforts for the reactor license hrn h 1 A.2 - docket number so-49v. - Y 9 9 ol11)rv during the period i z/u /vr - to-i f ( ) There is no record of IE str.'f effort. '( ) .There is IE staff. effort and it'is all devoted to IE functions. A total of ~ hours of effort'ist recorded. -~See: enclosed computer run for the details.= ( ) There is Il staff effort and it is allidevoted to1 regio' al functions. 1 n -The appropriate computer run has been mailed to region ( ) There'is IE staff effort and it is devoted in.part to IE functions. A total of hours of effort is recorded.. See-enclosed. computer run for details. -There is also~ IE-staff effort devoted to regional functions. The appropriate: computer runLhas been = mailed to region ( ) We are still. searching available. contractor cost records and expect .to provide that infonnation to you andito.the. regions, as appropriate within three weeks. ( )' no record;of-IE computer costs. l (-)() There are IE contractor costs. See -enclosed 'information.

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} L iott A'. er, Program Analyst I Progt wn Support and Analysis-Staff Offit.a of Inspection'and Enforcement. V -Enc 1o w rrv: 9102070312 90092.1 Y -Asistated @ y fi$-162 PDR f "cc-w e enclosures: iJ.dL.Bl.aha,1IE N b% 6 1 r C,3urda, IE',,,,,,....* <2 a -

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l. South Texas 1. Summary -

F. ~IE Headquarters and Regional Offices Professional. Staff Hours By Activity Codes Exclude From Fee Recovery - FY 1976'.~FY 1977-FY 1978. FY 1979 FY 1980- FY 1981 FY 1982 FY 1983 FY 1984 Totals ~ 1 IE Headquarters PSI 84.0 34.0 .RTI 28.0 -~ 28.0 lL STA 1.0

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~ BRI -~ 151.5-151.5- _PR1 ^- 182.0 182.U; COO 11.0 66.0; 77.0 -~ PE1 308.0 52.0 360.0 PDA 24.0-24.0 10v: 39.0. 39.0^ PTG 4.0 69.0 73.0 PCI 90.0 90.0 1 PPT 34.0 34.0 DR1-40.5 140.5 Subtotal IE Headquarters: 4.0 624.0 56.0 443.5: 1.0 68.0 1,196.5- % samp no., rm as e ' Act 5" 451* 441. %4'L*

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I't.c ' 25W 42L4 1, ess9 GRAIED TOTALALL HOURS: 286.0 1,037.0 1.227.0 1,928.7 5,836.5 2,725.0. 2,113.5' 1,937.5 Y470.4 18,161.6 g- .. ? ) 'i e e ,.w,, g. g 4,.g.,-g p ,..,.p_.,,._,..,e y q,e, g g ygr 4 gw w. 9


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PARAMETER INC. CONTRACT NO NRC-05-82-249 TASK ORDER NO. 57 SCOPE OF WORK Provide liRC, Regior, I, assistance and services in independent nondestruc-tive examiantions at South Texas #1 Nuclear Power Plant. The examination requirea.ents inclube liquid penetraDnag'netic particle, and radiography per requirements of ASME. B&PV Code, Section 111. i CM KGROUtJD The 11RC van is completely equipped wich X-ray film cessettes, penetra-1 reters, leao shielding, isotope storage cabinet, and all items nece s: ry to oerforrt radiography, The van includes a prod method - 90 f*agnaiviux machine and two Y-5 and Y-6 yokes to perf orm rnagnetic particle examina-tions. The van also includes the necessary liquid penetrent materials and equipment to perform both visible solvent removable fluorescent liouid penetrant e>:aminations. The van is outfitted with water storage, water heater., cooier and neces-sary hold tanks for the radiography neeos, it is-equipped with 6.5 KW generator to operate all of the equipment, includii.9 necessary heating and cooline of the van. As a part of the routine inspection program appliec to nu; lear power olants auring construction, NRC fepion 1 plans to use this NDE van' to examine a sample of welos anc tese materials at South lexes el; site. Ine NRC will provide detailed work procedures for each type of I;DE cescribed above. The NRC will provide the neces ;ary person (s) at South lexet (1-site who will have the authority to direct the operations; contact the licensees, AE or contractor; revise the procedures, and issue adoence as necessary and essume overall responsiblity for the inspection activity. NRC will make the necessary arrangements for moving _the van and NRC supplied equipment to South Texas #1 site and the return back to Region 1. NRC will issue the final report to the licensee. . 1 i t aA M er t .h .N#1L., W C ma-e .y

\\ \\ 3. STATEl1ENT OF WORK l Supply the following personnel and equipment at South Texas il .te, Tentative plans are to accomplish the inspection during January 9 through i Janua ry 19, 1984, i j a. Iridium 192 isotoca source with camera. The source should 5 ave an F activity of appr.,.ately 100 curies. i b. An indiviNa1 who is qualifieo to s ransport and expose the source. ) i Tnis inoivioual will oe qualifieo to hano process fiim and interpret the findines. Cualifications should be to SNT-TC-1 A, level 11; c. A second technician who must be ou6lified (SkT-IC-1 A) level 11 to l l set-up, examine and interpret the results for methods in licuid pene-trant,, magnetic particle, ano visual examiantion. l c, Perform MT, PT. and visual ey6minations as directed by t he NRC on welds, and base materials usinc t!ie van, eouioment enc p'roceoures supplied by the l'RC. Preliminary results of the exam;cntion are to be supolied to the on-site NRC individual daily, a 2. Perform radiography, as directed by the NRC. on ' welds. The source is to be f.rovided by tne contractor,: who retains the responsibility for the safe application of the source. Safe storage curine non-use uiil be provided by the I!RC. Expose film, develop anc interpret the results usinc the van and i.RC su;;oleic eouionent, (exctc.-the 1scim scur:e). l ,Frovide NRC F,egion I with c copv of eacn indivioual's cualificatior f. [ oct ore cmmentint wort. g. Provide the above listed qualified people an .auipment at South Texas el site to perform inspections daily for eipii hours 2 cay, any shift f or a period of two (2) ween, includin one veeekend. 4. REPORT RE0VIREMENTS i The following repor'ts are required: Daily progress report of inspr,.t ion findings. a. b. A. report containing final.exemir.ati n results for all requested examinations shall be suppliec et rempletion of the on-site inspec-tion before leaving site. .N.,,, .7. .5.-s-+.. ,,,,-.ew-nr-- ---*v

5. PLACE-Or PERFORMANCE 'o South Texas !) Nuclear Power Plant I? miles SSW of Bay City, Texet., J 6. L I ABill TY The contractor will make tne necessary arrangements to cC,.@ly with I licensee insurance and liability requirements for site accer.s of his employees, The contractor is responsible for compliance with local tax and employment reculation. l 7. C,ost Amount - CPFF Task Order Total Estimated Amount of the Task Order shall be $16,854.22, of which $16,454.22 represents the estimated costs and $400.00 represents the fixed fee, a l l l l 1 4 j i 1 ~

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