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Affidavit of Co Gallina Responding to Aslab 820601 Order Question 1 Re Update of NRC Incident Response Plan.Current Regional Suppl to NRC Plan Coordinated W/Licensee.Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1982
From: Gallina C
Shared Package
ML20054G070 List:
NUDOCS 8206210051
Download: ML20054G073 (11)


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) (Restart)

(Three Mile Island, Unit 1) )


I, Charles 0. Gallina, being duly sworn, do depose and state:
1. I am employed as Emergency Response Coordinator, Region I, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A copy of my professional qualifications is attached to this affidavit.
2. The purpose of this affidavit is to provide a response to certain of the matters raised in Question No.1 of an Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Order, dated June 1, 1982 in the above-captioned proceeding. Specifically, I am responding to that part of the Order that requests an update of the NRC's incident response plan and implementation thereof as well as the status of coordination of this plan and its implementation with the licensee and state and local agencies. (Order, Question 1, p.3). I have coordinated my response with Mr. Joseph E. Himes, Incident Response Planning Specialist, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and it is intended that my affidavit should be read in conjunction with his affidavit dated June 17, 1982 in this proceeding (Himes affidavit) for a complete answer to Appeal Board Question 1. In addition, this affidavit provides certain information which, as noted by the 8206210051 820617 PDR ADOCK 05000289 0 PDR

Appeal Board in its Order (Order, pp. 2-3, items a., c., d.), Staff witnesses testifying at the hearings in the TMI-1 restart proceeding were unable to provide at the time they appeared.

3. Since the TMI-1 restart hearing, additional measures have been taken to coordinate the NRC Incident Response Plan, NUREG-0728 (NRC Plan) and its implementation with licensee. The Regional Incident Response Supplement (Regional Supplement) was officially implemented on March 28, 1982 although the basic planning structure was in place for over a year prior to this date. The Regional Supplement contains region-specific information to complement NUREG-0845 (Agency Procedures for the NRC Incident Response Plan, March 1982), which details implementing procedures for the NRC Plan that are common to


all Regional Offices and Headquarters. (See Himes affidavit at 14).

The Regional Supplement defines the responsibility of regional personnel and provides logistical information and other guidance to implementation of the NRC Plan. In addition, the TMI Program Office has had a site-specific subpart to the Regional Supplement in place since May of 1981. The latest revision to that site-specific plan is dated November 25, 1981. The basic planning concepts have not changed over this time period.

4. Licensee has been kept updated on all NRC Plan and implementing procedure revisions. An exercise was held on June 2, 1981 which not only involved the response of the licensee but also a full response by the Region I Office and the TMI Program Office. No

significant deficiencies were identified during this exercise.

Representatives from the TMI Program Office have routinely observed drills conducted by the licensee.

5. Regarding coordination and implementation measures with state

, agencies, it should be noted that at the time of the TMI-1 Restart hearing, the staff had negotiated with the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania and had comitted to undertake certain coordination with it. During 'the preparation of the Regional Incident Response Supplement, there was contact between the Region and Ms. Margaret Reilly, Chief of the Division of Environmental Radiation, Penn-sylvania Bureau of Radiation Protection. Discussions included what kind of information should be included in the Supplement, the exchange of business and personal telephone numbers of individuals with a role in an emergency, and other measures for interaction between the NRC and the Comonwealth. The NRC Plan (NUREG-0728) and Implementing Procedures (NUREG-0845) have been provided to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Bureau of Radiation Protection. On April 12, 1982 a meeting was held with representatives of the Commonwealth at the NRC-Region I Office. The NRC Plan was discussed in general and the Regional Supplement was specifically Ciscussed.

In May of 1982 the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania Bureau of Radiation Protection was provided a Controlled Copy of the Regional Supplement.

On June 16, 1982 the NRC and the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania will exercise this plan during their joint response being conducted in conjunction with an emergency training exercise at the Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Station. The Comonwealth of Pennsylvania has not identified any problens, as of this date, of coordination with the NRC-Region I.

6. All coordination beyond the Bureau of Radiation Protection personnel of the Coninonwealth of Pennsylvania is handled by the state agency itself and not by the NRC. Although the NRC will provide any assistance possible if needed by local agencies, all such assistance shall be coordinated through state Radiation Protection personnel.

To this end, the NRC has exchanged personal and business telephone numbers with the state Radiation Protection personnel. Generally, NRC involvement with local agencies will be very limited, and no specific actions have been taken to coordinate NRC plans with local agencies.

7. As stated above, the current Regional Supplement to the NRC Plan has been coordinated with the licensee. The June 1, 1982 Order specifi-cally questions whether the placement of NRC personnel at TMI during an incident has been coordinated with licensee (Order, p. 2, item a.).

The TMI Program Office Supplement specifies that 18 individuals will report to various preselected locations both on and off site at TMI.

These preselected locations have been cleared by licensee. The team will be supplemented by various Regional personnel until the prescribed staffing has been accomplished in accordance with the Regional Supplement. The licensee hao been consulted throughout the development and implementation of these procedures. A training exercise conducted on June 2, 1981 evaluated the coordinated implementation of both licensee and NRC response plans and no significant deficiencies were identified.

8. The June 1,1982 Order also noted a lack of information on where in the control room the NRC inspector would be located and how he would get his information (Order, pp. 2-3, item c.) Current NRC Incident

Rc ponse Plans (Regional and TMI Program Office) designate that three (3) inspectors are to report to the TMI Control Room .(two resident inspectors and a health physicist). All infonnation can be acquired in their respective areas of expertise either by airect

. observation or direct comunication with the licensee, including, where appropriate, the operators. NRC inspectors have free access within all areas of the control room and are provided with two separate and dedicated means of communications which are capable of connecting them to the Technical Support Center (TSC), the Emergency Operations Facility (E0F), NRC-Region and NRC-HQ simultaneously.

Regional procedures provide guidance to the resident inspectors as to the types of information to obtain and other general observations to be made. Licensee has told the Staff that it agrees with these procedures and has no problem with direct observation and questions by NRC inspectors. Licensee and the NRC are in agreement that the inspectors will use discretion in asking questions directly of operators, so as not to interrupt critical operations by those operators. Specific information requests under emergency conditions are incident-related and generally come from the TSC, E0F, NRC-Region I or NRC-HQ.

9. Specific lists have been provided in the Regional Supplement to designate the " minimum" desired emergency response equipment which should be uniformly available in all Regional Offices (Order, p. 3, itemd.). At the present time, NRC-Region I either meets or exceeds all of the minimum requirements of this list. Calibration and inventory aspects of this equipment list are covered in the FRC Regional Supplement.


10. With respect to the availability of technical expertise within the Region I Office (Order, p. 3, item d.), as of April 30, 1982 the following technical personnel were available:
  • Division Directors ........................................ 3
  • Branch Chiefs ............................................. 6
  • Section Chiefs ........................................... 14 Investigators ............................................. 3 Reactor Project Inspectors ................................ 5 Fuel Facility Inspectors .................................. 2 Reactor Engi neeri ng Inspectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Radiation Protection Inspectors (health physicists) ...... 14 Safeguards /Securi ty Inspectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Emergency Preparedness Inspectors ......................... 5 At the TMI Program Office, the technical compliment consists of the following:
    • Resident Inspectors ....................................... 4 Section Chief ............................................. 1 H e a l t h P hy s i c i s t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The above-listed personnel constitute adequate available technical expertise at the NRC regional level for NRC incident response at the regional level.

Supervisory personnel having technical experience in the areas of reactor operations, reactor engineering and emergency preparedness.

All four resident inspectors have technical expertise both in reactor engineering and in reactor operations.

The above statements are true and correct to the best of my personal knowledge and belief.


O. a}& --

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Charles 0. Gillina~ ~ ~ ~

Emergency Response Coordinator HKL KeglDT; 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me i this /'1tf day of June,1982.  !

L by b. (_rY, Notary Public My Comission expires: d.'/.'9,/9/,';



DR. CHARLES 0. GALLINA PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS I am currently a Radiation Specialist for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Inspection and Enforcement. I am part of the Region I stafflocated in King of Prussia. PA, where my principal rc-sponsibilities are that of Eetegency Response Coordinator within the Divisten of Emergency Preparedness and Operational Support. In this position I am responsible for all NRC ..

activities related to the Regional Office preparedness for and response to incidents involving licensed materials and facilities.

I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry from Fordham University in New York City in 1965 and a Master of Science Degree in Radiological Health

!; from Rutgers University in New Brunswick NJ in 1967. Following a year of graduate ctudy in Nuclear Engincoring and Biophysics at the University of California at Berkeley, I returned to Rutgers University where I received a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Environmental and Radiation Sciences in 1971.

From January 1971 through March 1972. I was employed by the Consolidated ~ ~

Edison Company of New York at an Environmental Radiation Specialist where my responsibilities included the evaluation of Physics operations at the Indian Point site, supervision and evaluation of radio-ecology studies on the Hudson River at Indian Point, training of engineers in environmental control, and tha coordination of the Environmental Reports for Indian Point Unit Nos. 2 and 3. I also served as Consolidated Edison's representative on the New York Power Pool Environmental Committee.

In April of 19/2, I jo1ned tne U.S. Atomic Energy tommtssion as a Radiation Specialist, where I inspected all types of Commission licensed byproduct material programs and determined program compliance with AEC regulations and their overall safety status. I was then assigned to the Environmental- ~ ~~

j Protection and Special Projects Section of the Fuel Facility and Materials

? Safety Branch where I conducted inspections of nuclear power plants from

" the standpoint of their environmental monitoring and emergency planning programs.

I- In June of 1976. I was assigned as an Investigation Specialist in the Safeguards Branch where I plannt' conducted, coordinated and reported the results of i investigations concerning alleged or suspected violations of NRC regulations and Federal laws which occurred at or were related to NRC licensed facilities and activities. These investigations involved all aspects of NRC related activities in the areas of reactor construction, material fabrication, reactor operations, health physics fuel fabrication, security, environmental poni_t.oring and transortation. I was a member of the initial NRc responso, tpam fo the incident at Three Mile Island in March of 1979 and involved in several aspects of the NRC Investigation which followed.

In April of 1980. I was assigned to the position of Emergency Response Coordinatnr for Region I with collateral duties of Senior Regional Duty Officer and Emargency Communications Coordinator.



METROPOLITAN EDIS0N COMPANY, ET AL. Docket No. 50-289 (Restart)

, (Three Mile Island, Unit 1) 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of "NRC STAFF RESPONSE TO APPEAL BOARD'S '

JUNE 1, 1982 ORDER REQUESTING ELABORATION ON CERTAIN EMERGENCY PLANNING ISSUES" in the above-captioned proceeding have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, or, deposit in the NRC's internal mail system, or, as indicated by a single asterisk, by hand delivery, or, as indicated by a double asterisk, by delivery to special courier for delivery this 17th day of May, 1982:

  • Gary J. Edles, Chairman Dr. Linda W. Little Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Administrative Judge Board Panel 5000 Hermitage Drive U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Washington, DC 20555 6 George F. Trowbridge, Esq.
  • Christine N. Kohl Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal 1800 M Street, NW Board Panel Washington, DC 20036 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Uashington, DC 20555 4A Robert Adler, Esq.

505 Executive House

  • Dr. John H. Buck P. O. Box 2357 Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Harrisburg, PA 17120 Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Honorable Mark Cohen Washington, DC 20555 512 D-3 Main Capital Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Ivan W. Smith Administrative Judge 4sMs. Harjorie Aamodt Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel R.D. #5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Coatesville, PA 19320 Vashington, DC 20555 Mr. Thomas Gerusky Dr. Walter H. Jordan Bureau of Radiation Protection Administrative Judge Dept. of Environmental Resources 881 W. Outer Drive P. O. Box 2063 Dak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Harrisburg, PA 17120 l

. _ _ _ . _ . m...__ .

l l

l Mr. Marvin I. Lewis William S. Jordan, III, Esq.

6504 Bradford Terrace Hannon & Weiss Philadelphia, PA 19149 1725 I Street, NW Suite 506 Mr. C. W. Smyth, Supervisor Washington, DC 20006 Licensing TMI-1 ~

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station John Levin, Esq.

P. O. Box 480 Pennsylvania Public Utilities Com.

Middletown, PA 17057 Box 3265

. Harrisburg, PA .17120 Ms. Jane Lee R.D. 3; Box 3521 Jordan D. Cunningham, Esq.

Etters, PA 17319 Fox, Farr and Cunningham 2320 North 2nd Street Gail Phelps Harrisburg, PA 17110 ANGRY 245 W. Philadelphia Street Louise Bradford York, Pennsylvania 17401 Three Mile Island Alert 1011 Green Street Thomas J. Germine Harrisburg, PA 17102 Deputy Attorney General Division of Law - Room 316 Ms. Ellyn R. Weiss ,

1100 Raymond Boulevard Harmon & Weiss Newark, New Jersey 17102 1725 I Street, NW Suite 506 Allen R. Carter, Chairman Washington, DC 20006 Joint Legislative Comittee on Energy Post Office Box 142 Mr. Steven C. Sholly Suite 513 Union of Concerned Scientists Senate Gressette Building 1346 Connecticut Avenue, NW Columbia, South Carolina 29202 Dupont Circle Building, Suite 1101 Washington, DC 20036 Robert Q. Pollard 609 Montpelier Street Ms. Frieda Berryhill, Chairman Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Coalition for Nuclear. Power Plant Postponement Chauncey Kepford 2610 Grendon Drive Judith Johnsrud Wilmington, Delaware 19808 Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power 433 Orlando Avenue

  • Judge Reginald L. Gotchy State College, PA 16801 Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Gary L. Milhollin, Esq. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 1815 Jefferson Street Washington, DC 20555 Madison, Wisconsin 53711

-Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555

Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Chief, Docketing & Service Branch Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Henry D. Hukill Vice President GPU Nuclear Corporation Post Office Box 480 Middletown, PA 17057 Michael McBride, Esq.

LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & McRae Suite 1100 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036

'f David E. Cole, Esq.

Smith & Smith, P.L.

Riverside Law Center 2931 N. Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 Dr. Lawrence R. Quarles Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

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