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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures EPIP 1.1 Re Initial Classification,Epip 1.3 Re Estimation of Source Term & EPIP 1.4 Re Radiological Dose Evaluation
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1982
Shared Package
ML20053C448 List:
PROC-820430-01, NUDOCS 8206020174
Download: ML20053C451 (100)


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Revision Date 1.0 CLASSIFICATION & ASSESSMENT 1.1 Initial Classification 2

04-30-82 1.2 Plant Status 0

03-31-81 1.3 Ettimation of Source Term.

1 04-30-82 1.4 Radiological Dose Evaluation 4

04-30-82 1.5 Protective Action Evaluation 3

04-30-82 1.6 Radioiodine Blocking & Thyroid Exposure Accounting 1

02-26-82 1.7 Evaluation of Core Damage.

0 04-30-82 1.8 Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimations.....

0 04-30-82 2.0 UNUSUAL EVENT IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES 2.1 Unusual Event - Immediate Actions..

0 03-31-81 2.2 Unusual Event - Plant and Company Personnel Notification 1

07-01-81 2.3 Unusual Event - Off-Site Agency Notification 1

02-26-81 V

3.0 ALERT IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES 3.1 Alert - Immediate Actions.

0 03-31-81 3.2 Alert - Plant & Company Personnel Notification 1

07-01-81 3.3 Alert - Off-Site Agency Notification....

0 03-31-81 4.0 SITE EMERGENCY - IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES 4.1 Site Emergency - Immediate Actions 0

03-31-81 4.2 Site Emergency - Plant & Company Personnel 1

07-01-81 Notification 4.3 Site Emergency - Off-Site Agency Notification 0

03-31-81 5.0 GENERAL EMERGENCY - IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES 5.1 General Emergency - Immediate Actions....

0 03-31-81 5.2 General Pnergency - Plant & Company Personnel Notification 1

07-01-81 5.3 General Emergency - Off-Site Agency 0

03-31-81 Notification...............

6.0 EVACUATION 6.1 Limited Plant Evacuation 1

04-30-82 1

02-26-82 6.2 Plant Evacuation g

0 03-31-81 6.3 Exclusion Area Evacuation.

6.4 Energy Information Center Evacuation..

0 03-31-81 8206020174 820525 PDR ADOCK 05000266 F.



Page 2


Revision Date 7.0 CHEMISTRY & HEALTH PHYSICS RESPONSE & PREPAREDNESS 7.1 Internal Chem & HP Group Personnel Notification /

Initial Response 7.1.1 Chem & HP Group. Personnel Notification

& Initial Response when chem & HP Personnel are On-Site 2

04-30-82 7.1.2 Chem & HP Group Personnel Notification

& Initial Response when Chem & HP Personnel are Off-Site..

1 03-17-82 7.1.3 HP Protective Actions by Operations Personnel Prior to Arrival of Chem

& HP Group Personnel........

1 05-15-81 7.2 Health Physics Facility Activation 7.2.1 Activation of HP Facilities at Site Boundary Control Center 2

03-17-82 i

7.2.2 Activation of HP Facilities at Operations Support Center 1

03-17-82 7.2.3 DELETED 7.2.4 Health Physics Communications 1

03-17-82 s

7.2.5 Control & Use of Vehicles 1

03-17-82 7.3 Radiological Surveys 1

7.3.1 Airborne Sampling & Direct Dose Rate Survey Guidelines......

3 03-17-82 7.3.2 Post-Accident Sampling & Analysis


of Potentially High Level Reactor Coolant 3

12-30-81 7.3.3 Post-Accident Sampling of Contain-ment Atmosphere 3

12-30-81 7.3.4 Movement of Required Chemistry Equip-ment & haterial to the Technical Support Center Counting Room &


0 12-30-81 7.4 Emergency Equipment 7.4.1 Routine Check, Maintenance, Cali-bration & Inventory Schedule for Health Physics Emergency Plan Equipment 5

04-30-82 7.4.2 Emergency Plan Equipment Routine Check, Maintenance & Calibration h


3 04-30-82


7.4.3 Use of Baird Model 530 Single Channel Iodine Spectrometer to Determine Airborne Iodine Activities.

1 05-15-81 l

. ~, -





d' Page 3-N Revision Date Use of Canberra Model 3100 Series 30 Multichannel Analyzer to Determine Airborne Iodine Activities 0

02-26-82 7.4.4 AMS-2 Air Particulate, Iodine &

Noble Gas Sampler / Detector...

0 03-31-81 8.1 Personnel Assembly & Accountability.

2 04-30-82 9.1 Security 0

03-31-81 l

10.0 Firefichting 0

03-31-81 11.0 FIRST AID & MEDICAL CARE 11.1 On-Site First Aid Assistance 2

02-26-82 11.2 Injured Person's Immediate Care.

1 05-15-81 11.3 Hospital Assistance.

1 04-30-82 11.4 Personnel Decontamination.

0 01-29-82 12.0 REENTRY & RECOVERY PLANNING 12.1 Reentry Procedures for Emergency Operations 1




12.2 Personnel Exposure & Search & Rescue



2 04-30-82 12.3 Recovery Planning..............

0 03-31-81 12.4 Personnel Monitoring Expo 3ure Guidelines 0

01-29-82 13.0 PRESS 13.1 Crisis Communications............

1 09-04-81 14.0 COMMUNICATIONS 14.1 Testing of Communications Equipment.

0 03-31-81 15.0 IRAINING, DRILLS & EXERCISES 15.1 Employee Training..............

1 09-04-81 15.2 Off-Site Personnel Training.

0 03-31-81 15.3 Drills & Exercises 2

04-30-82 16.0 WISCONSIN ELECTRIC GENERAL OFFICE PROCEDURES 16.1 Nuclear Engineering Section Notification &

3 09-04-81



04-30-82 TABLE OF EPIP FORMS EPIP EPIP Form Title Procedure 01 Emergency Plan Airborne Radiation Survey Record Site Boundary Control Center (03-81) 7.3.1 02 Emergency Plan Survey Record Site Boundary Control Center (09-81) 7.3.1 03 Dose Factor Calculations for Specific Noble Gas Analysis Results (03-81) 7.3.1 04 Status Report on Plant Systems & Controls for Affected Unit (03-81) 1.2 05 Worksheet for Status Report on Radiation Monitoring System for Unit (03-81) 1.2 06 Worksheet for Status Report on Radiation Monitoring System for Plant (03-81) 1.2 07 For X/Q Determination (09-81) 1.4 08 Estimated Whole Body & Thyroid Projected Doses (09-81) 1.4 09 Estimated Whole Body Dose Calculation Parksheet for Specific Noble Gas Releases (09-81) 1.4 i

10 Estimated Ground Deposition Calculation Worksheet for Particulate Radionuclide Releases (09-81) 1.4 v

11 Summary of Radiological Dose Evaluation Calculations (09-81) 1.4 12 Unusual Event Incident Report Form (03-81) 2.1 4

13 Alert Incident Report Form (03-81) 3.3 14 Site Emrgency Incident Report Form (03-81) 4.3 15 General Emergency Incident Report Form (03-81) 5.3 16 Event Data Checklist (03-81) 5.3 17 Accounting Short Form (04-82) 8.1 18 Assembly Area Roster (03-81) 8.1 19 Drill / Exercise Scenario (03-81) 15.3 20 Drill / Observation Sheet (03-81) 15.3 21 Drill / Exercise Evaluation Report (03-81) 15.3 22 Plant & Company Emergency Call List (02-82)

Call List Tab 23 Offsite Agency Emergency Call List (02-82)

Call List Teb 24a Site Boundary Control Center Emergency Plan Inventory Checklist (04-82) 7.4.1 24b TSC, ESC, South Gate & OSC Emergency Plan Inventory Checklist (04-82) 7.4.1 24c Emergency Plan Health Physics Supplies at Two Rivers Community Hospital Inventory Checklist (09-G1) 7.4.1 24d Control Room Emergency Plan Equipment Inventory Checklist (09-81) 7.4.1 24e Emergency Vehicle Inventory Checklist (04-82) 7.4.1 24f Emergency Plan First Aid Kit Inventory Checklist (02-82) 7.4.1 24g Emergency Plan Burn Kit Inventory (02-82) 7.4.1 24h Emergency Plan First Aid Room Inventory (05-81) 7.4.1 p/

24i Emergency Plan Stretcher Inventory (09-81) 7.4.1

a e

Page 2 b


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Forms Title Procedure 25a Emergency Vehicle. Checklist (10-81) 7.4.2 25b Monthly Health Physics Instrument.i Air Sampler Functional Test Checklist (04-82) 7.4.2 25c Quarterly Emergency Plan Checklist (04-82) 7.4.2 25d Semi-Annual & Annual Emergency Plan Checklist (04-82) 7.4.2 26 Quarterly Communications Test (03-81) 14.1 27 Monthly Communications Test (03-81) 14.1 28 Emergency Plan Instrument Calibration Schedule (05-81) 7.4.2 29 Emergency Plan Counting Equipment & Frisker Calibration Schedule (07-81) 7.4.2 30 Reactor Coolant Post-Accident Sampling Analysis Report (09-81) 7.3.2 31 Containment Atmosphere Post-Accident Sampling Analysis Report (12-81) 7.3.3 32 Search & Rescue and Emergency Operations Checklist (04-82) 12.2 33 Estimation of Core Damage (04-82) 1.7 -

34 Calculation of Xe-133 Equivalent Release Rates (04-82) 1.8 35 Dose Calculations (04-82) 1.8

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n m


6 4

EPIP 1.1 MINOR Revision 2


04-30-82 INITIAL CLASSIFICATION 1.0 GENERAL The purpose of this procedure is to provide a means of classifying an event or condition at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant into one of four emergency classifications as described in the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan. Each emergency classification requires emergency organization noti-fications, mobilizations, and actions to be performed in order to appropriately react to the situation and provide for the health and safety of plant and public personnel. They are listed in order of increasing severity.

1.1 Unusual Event An unusual plant condition which either has occurred or might occur.

l This condition could possibly lead to a degradation in overall safety.

This condition does not represent a significant radioactivity release, (h

involves no offsite response, and may require no augmentation of


V plant personnel.

In spite of the above, prompt notification of the.

counties and state is required.

1.2 Alert l

l Plant conditions in which events are in progress or have occurred which involve an actual or potential degradation of plant safety.

l Radiation releases are not likely to cause an offsite hazard. Prompt offsite notification is necessary and the plant organization may have to be augmented.

1.3 Site Emergency l

Plant conditions in which events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or probable major failures of plant functions.

Potential radioactive releases may have an impact on offsite people.

Prompt notification of offsite agencies is required. The plant organization must be augmented and the technical support center, onsite operations support center, and emergency support center will be operational. An evacuation may be necessary.

1.4 General Emergency l

Plant conditions in which events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation and a l


potential for loss of containment integrity. Potential radioactive g

releases may have an impact on offsite people.

Pronipt notification i


EPIP 1.1 Page 2 O

of offsite agencies is required. The plant organization must be augmented and the technical support center, onsite operations support center, and emergency support center will be operational. An evacu-ation may be necessary. The emergency news center will be opened.

The Shift Supervisor has the responsibility and authority to take humediate action to mitigate the consequences of the emergency. He will consult with the Duty & Call Superintendent and assign the appropriate emergency classi-fication and initiate the necessary Emergency Plan implementing procedures.


2.1 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-0654, Revision 1, published November, 1980.

2.2 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan Sections 4.1 and 5.1.

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 All actions and notifications should be appropriately logged.

3.2 Emergency Plan implementing procedures are not to be used to respond to security threats. One hour notification of the NRC is required using the red phone for security threats.

3.3 Certain events require notification to the NRC within one hour. These items are included on Table 1-1.

Those items which are noted as "NRC Only" means that there is no classification for the events and no notification other than the NRC is required. These notifications are not considered as starting the Emergency Plan.

3.4 The " Indications Used" in Table 1-1 are those which one may expect if that level of emergency occurs very quickly.

For more slowly developing situations, other indications may be judged appropriate.

For example, a primary system leak rate of 40 gpm is an Unusual Event. Subsequently, charging may be lost and, in addition, the leak may worsen. One may not see charging fire 50 gpm greater than letdown flow when in fact an Alert should be declared.






4 EPIP 1.1 Page 3 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Call the Duty & Call Superintendent for consultation to establish the initial classification.

If he is unavailable, the Shift Supervisor is responsible for classification.

5.2 Select affected categories related to plant events or conditions at this time. Check (J) all applicable categories.

Refer to Page Category in Table 1-1 1.

Safety System Functions 1


Abnormal Primary Leak Rate 1


Abnormal Coolant Temperature /

Pressure 2


Abnormal Primary / Secondary Leak 2


Core Fuel Damage 3


Secondary Coolant Anomaly 4


Abnormal Effluent 5


Major Electrical Failures 5


Control Room Evacuation 6


Fire 6


Plant Shutdown Function 7


Abnormal Radiation Levels at Site Boundary 8


Fuel Handling Accident 8


Serious or Fatal Injury 9


Security Threat 9

l 16.

Hi.zards to Plant Operations 9


Natural Events 10 18.

Reactivity Transient 10

EPIP 1.1 Page 4 v

Refer to Page Category in Table 1-1 19.

Load Transient 11 20.

Other 11 5.3 Beginning at the indicated page in Table 1-1 (attached), review initiating conditions for all categories checked above.

5.4 Record most severe emergency classification at this time.

5.5 Record date/ time of initial classification (subsequent columns for reclassification at a later date and time are provided if reclassifi-cation is required).

Initial Subsequent Subsequent Date/ Time Date/ Time Date/ Time s





i 5.6 If events or conditions are classified as an Unusual Event, perform EPIP 2.1, " Unusual Event - Immediate Actions."

5.7 If events or conditions are classified as an Alert, parform EPIP.3.1,

" Alert - Immediate Actions."

5.8 If events or conditions are classified as a Site Emergency, perform EPIP 4.1, " Site Emergency - Immediate Actions."

5.9 If events or conditions are classified as e General Emergency, perform EPIP 5.1, " General Emergency - Immediate Actions."


"Gae hour" refers to the requirement to notify NRC within one hour (10 CFR 50.72).

"One hour - Open line" refers to the requirement to notify NRC within one hour and maintain an open line for continuous communication (10 CFR 50.72).


g g




Notes: DCS

- Duty & Call Superintendent DSS

- Duty Shift Supervisor TABLE l-1 FFDSAR - Final Facility Description &

i Safety Analysis Report MASP

- Modified Amended P8NP Security Plan EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION 1

Emergency Category Initiating condition Indication Used Classification 1.

Safety System Functions Unplanned initiation of emergency core cooling Any of the following first-out reactor trip Unusual Event with injection to the primary system panel annunciation with indicator confir-mation noted:

1. " Containment press hi",

lPI-945, PI-947, PI-949 (2/3 >5 psig)]


2. " Steam line loop A lo-lo press"

[PI-468, PI-469, PI-482 (2/3 <530 psig)]

3. " Steam line loop B lo-lo press"

[PI-478, PI-479, PI-483 (2/3 <530 psig)]

4. " Pressurizer lo press SI"

[PI-429, PI-430, PI-431 (2/3 (1735 psig)]

5. Wide range pressure-<l500 psig i

Loss of containment integrity requiring When shutdown commences as determined by DSS Unusual Event.

shutdown by Technical Specifications and DCS i

Loss of engineered safety feature requiring When shutdown commences as determined by DSS Unusual Event l

shutdown by Technical Specifications and DCS l

1 Loss of fire protection system function When shutdown comumences as determined by DSS Unusual Event i

requiring shutdown by Technical Specifi-and DCS cations (i.e., both fire pumps inoperable)

2. Abnormal Primary Exceeding Technical Specification primary system When shutdown commences as determined by DSS Unusual Event Leak Rate leak rate (10 gun) and DCS

'i e

~s 3

7-I I

l I





EPIP 1.1 Table 1-1 Page 2 Emer gency Category Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Leak rate >50 gpm All of the following:


1. " Volume control tank level bi-lo"

[LI-141 and/or LI-ll2 <8%)

2. Decreasing pressurizer level lL1-426, LI-427, LI-428]
3. Charging ptanp speed hi"
4. Charging line flow (F1-120) >50 gpm more than letdown flow (FI-134)

Leak rate in excess of available pump All of the following:

Site Emergency capacity including charging, high head SI and low head SI

1. " volume control tank level hi-lo lLI-141 and/or LI-ll2 <8%]
2. No pressurizer level indicated

[LI-426, LI-427, LI-428]

3. All available pumps running as indicated by the red light at the switch
4. Increasing core exit T/C temp as indicated by P-250 and confirmed on local readout.


Abnormal Coolar.t Unexpected decrease in subcooling margin Both of the following:

Unusual Ev?nt Temperature / Pressure

1. Alarm on P-250, if operable
2. Confirmation by manual calculation Pressure >2735 psig Pressure >2735 psig on PR-420 and NRC only

" Code, safety or PORV not closed" l-hour open lins (2)

DNBR <l.30 4.

Abnormal Primary /-

Exceeding Technical Specification priaary-secondary When shutdown comme'ces as determined by DSS Unusual Event Secondary Leak leak rate and DCS






f I

~ _l x

i EPIP 1.1 Table 1-1 Page 3 Emergency l

Ca tegory Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Gross failure of 1 SG tube (>400 gpm) & loss of All of the following first-out reactor panel Elert offsite power (FFDSAR 14.2.4) annunciation with confirmation indication:


1. " Pressurizer Lo Press SI,"

l lPI-429, PI-430, PI-431 (2/3 <!735 psig)l

2. a.

" Steam generator A level hi"

[LI-461, LI-462, LI-463 (2/3 >70%)) or b.

" Steam generator a level hi"


[LI-471, LI-472. LI-473 (2/3 >70%)l i

3. a.

d4.16 kv bus undervoltage" l

& 0 volts on A03 & A04 voltmeters, b.

XO4 to A03 asumeter on CO2 (0 amps) c.

XO4 to A04 ammeter on CO2 (0 aura)

4. SI flow >400 we indicated by FI-924 &

j F1-925 and pump discharge pressure l

corresponding to flow.

j T

Site Emergency 3 of the folivaing first-out reactor panel Rapid failure of >10 SG tubes (4000 gpm) with or without offsite AC annunciation with confirming indication 1

1. " Pressurizer lo press SI"

[PI-429, PI-430, PI-431 (2/3 <1735 psig)l

2. a.

" Steam generator A level hi" lLI-461, LI-462, LI-463 (2/3 >70%))

or b.

" Steam generator B level hi" (LI-471, LI-472, LI-473 (2/3 >70%))

3. SI flow >4,000 gpm indicated by FI-626 &



Core Fuel Damage Gross fuel damage in core indicated Both of the following:

Unusual Event

1. Letdown line radiation monitor (R9) 100 x alarm setpoint.
2. Sustained offscale & chemical analysis shows fission product concentration increase by 100X.



EPIP 1.1 Table 1-1 Page 4 Emergency Category Initiating condition Indication Used Classification Massive fuel damage 300 pCi/cc iodine-equivalent as determined by Alert by chemical analysis

1. Massive loss of fuel clad integrity Initiating Condition Nos. 1 & 2 exist and No. 3 General Emergency
2. With simultaneous loss of primary system integrity is possit,le
3. With potential loss of contairment integrity chemical analysis
2. Primary system leak >1000 p m indicated by SI flow >1000 g o (FI-924 & FI-925) and pump discharge pressure corresponding to flow
3. Miniasm contairment pressure suppression equipment is not available (any of the following):


No fan cortlers operating and <2 spray Pumps.


No spray pumps operating and <2 fan coolers c.

<2 fan coolers running with I spray pump

4. " Containment press hi"

[PI-945. PI-947. PI-949 (2/3

>5 psig)]

5. " containment spraya with 2/3 + 2/3 >25 psig

[PI-945, FI-947, PI-949]

[PI-946, PI-948, PI-950) 6.

Secondary Coolant Reduction in feedwater enthalpy incident

1. a.

Decreasing feedwater temp indicated by Unusual Event Anomaly (FFDSAR 14.1.7)

TO-418A & 70-438A on P-250 g b.

confirmed by local temperature indicator on outlet of No. 5 feedwater heater.

2. Unexpected increasing power on excore nuclear


instrumentation A l of the following first-out reactor trip Alert Steam line break with primary-to-secondary leak l

rate in excess of 10 go panel annunciation with confirmation:

(FFDSAR 14.2.5)

1. Either:


" Steam line loop A Lo-Lo press" (PI-468, PI-469, PI-482 (2/3 <530 psig)]

or b.

" Steam line loop B Lo-Lo press"

[PI-478, PI-479, PI-483 (2/3 <530 psi-)

,,m '\\ ) --/ / \\ EPtr 1.1 Table 1-1 Fage 5 Emergency Category Initiatir.g Condition Indication Used Classification

2. Confirmed primary-to-secondary leak rate of at least 10 gpe.
3. Either:

a. " Steam line loop A isol channel alert" [FI-464, FI-465 (1/2 >3.9x10' lb/hr)] EE b. " Steam line loop B isol chana:1 alert" [FI-474, FI-475 (1/2 >3.7x10s ib/hr)) Secondary Coolant Transient initiated by loss o' feedwater, followed All of the following: General Emergency Anomaly by loss of auxiliary feedwater for >l hour (FFDShR 14.1.11)

1. Decreasing SG levels -

"A" SG [LI-461, LI-462, LI-463]

  • B" SG lLI-471, LI-472 LI-473)
2. No auxiliary feedwater flow -

lFI-4002, F1-4007, FI-4014] lFI-4036, F1-4037] 7. Annormal Effluent Radiological efflues.t Technical Specification limits Airborne effluents only Unusual Event exceeded but <10 times the limit (FFDSAR 14.2.3) Radiological effluent Technical Specification limits Liquid effluents only Unusual Event exceeded (FFDSAR 14.2.2) Radiological effluents >10 times Technical Airborne effluents only Alert Specification instantaneous limits. (An instan-taneous rate which, if continued for >2 hours, would result in a dose of about I mR at the site boundary under average meteorological conditions.) 8. Major Electrical Sustained loss of offsite power >l5 minutes All of the following : Unusual Event Failures (FFDSAR 14.1.2)

1. "4.16 kv bus undervoltage"

& 0 volts on A03 & A04 voltmeters.

2. XO4 to A03 ammeter on'CO2 (0 amps).
3. XO4 to A04 ammeter on CO2 (0 amps)


+ s, s - s y. EPIP 1.1 Table 1-1 Page 6 Emergency Category Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Sustained loss of onsite AC power capability Both of the following: Unusual Event (>15 minutes)

1. "4.16 kv bus undervoltage" &

O volts on A05 and A06 voltmeters and " Emergency Diesel Starting System Disabled

  • for both Diesels Loss of all vital onsite DC power >l5 minutes Both of the following:

Site Emergency ]

1. " Annunciator 5swer failure" on C01, CO2, C03, and C04 4
2. <100 volts on the voltmeters for all batteries Loss of offsite power and loss of all onsite AC All of the following:

Site Emergency power for >l5 minutes

1. "4.16 kv bus undervoltage" 0 volts on A03, A04, AOS, A06 & "Emerg Diesel starting system disabled" for both Diesels
2. XO4 to A03 ammeter on CO2 (0 amps)
3. XO4 to A04 ammettr on CO2 (0 amps)

Loss of offsite and all onsite AC power with loss er All of the following: General Emergency all auxiliary feedwater for >2 hours

1. Unit aux W meter -XO2 on CO2 (0 W)
2. Station aux W meter XO4 on CO2 (0 W )


3. XO4 to A03 ammeter on CO2 (0 amps)
4. XO4 to A04 amater on CO2 (0 amps)
6. XO2 to A01 ammeter on CO2 (0 amps)
7. a.

No auxiliary feedwater flow lFI-4036, FI-4037] b. Decreasing SG level - "A" SG [LI-461, LI-462, LI-463] "D" SG [L1-471, LI-472, LI-473] 9. Control Room Evacuation Evacuation of control room >l5 minutes & As required by DSS Site Emergency no control at remote shutdown station 10. Fire Fire in vital area or on the controlled side of plant As reported by Fire Brigade Chief Unusual Event lasting >10 minutes after initial use of fire extinguishing equipmenc.

A f'*w s / j s l ( ) EPIP 1.1 Table 1-1 Page 7 Emergency ] Category Initiating Condition Indication Used classification Fire affecting 1 train of safety systems. As reported by Fire Br,igade Chief Alert Fire affecting 2 trains of safety systems As reported by Fire Brigade Chief Site Emergency 11. Plant Shutdown Function Nonfunctional indications or alarms in the control Both of the following: Unusual Event room on primary system parameters requiring plant

2. Failed indication as determined by DSS.

Turbine mechanical failure with consequences

1. Annunciator " Turbine supervisory."

Unusual Event

2. Indication on TR-6019 of bearing vibration

>7 mils.

3. Bearing vibration alarm on back of C03.
4. Visual confirmation of turbine housing penetration by a blade or disc.

i Significant loss of effluent monitoring capability &

l. Loss of LW16 during a release Unusual Event meteorological instruments which impairs ability to or perform emergency assessment. Loss of effluent
2. Loss of R18 during a release monitoring may/may not require plant shutdown.


3. a. Loss of wind speed indication or wind direction indication and
b. Loss of R14 and RMS II channel 1 or
c. Loss of R15 and CR9 and RMS 11 Channel 5 or
d. Loss of R21 and RMS II channel 2 or
e. Loss of GWil2 and RMS 11 Channel 6 Failure of reactor protection system to All of the following:

Alert complete a trip which brings reactor suberitical Unplanned first out annunciator on C04 with confirmation from associated indicator and intermediate range detector output not decaying and >l RCC RPI indicates fully withdrawn

( \\) { q L) EPIP 4.1 Table 1-1 Page 8 Emergency Category Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification 4 All alarms (annunciatcrs) lost >l5 minutes while unit

1. " Annunciator power failure" on Col, CO2 &

Alert is not in cold shutdown 1(2)C03, 1(2)C04 Loss of functions needed for cold shutdown for >4 Any of the following: Alert hears while at cold shutd m

1. Loss of service water Unit 1 = south & west header Unit 2 = north & west header
2. Loss of both trains of RHR
3. Loss of component cooling 12.

Abnormal Radiation

a. Effluent monitors detect levels corresponding to Airborne effluents only Site Emergency Levels at Site any of the follewing:

(1) >50 mR/hr for \\ hour (2) >250 mR/hr for 4 hour for the thyroid (3) >500 mR/hr whole body for 2 minutes (4) >2500 mR/hr to the thyroid for 2 minutes at the site boundary for adverse meteorology b. Any of the above doses measured in the environs As reported to DSS by HP Supervisor c. Any of the dose rates projected,'ased on plant o parameters a. Effluent monitors detect levels corresponding to Airborne effluents only General Emergency either: (1) 1 R/hr whole body (2) 5 R/hr thyroid at the site boundary under actual meteorole gical conditions b. Either of the above doses measured in environs As reported to DSS by HP Supervisor c. Either of above dose rates proiected based on other plant parameters 13. Fuel Handling Accident Major damage to irradiated fuel in containment Both of the following: Alert

1. As reported to DSS by Core Loading Supvr.
2. Alarm on Victoreen on manipulator & alarm on Rt!

N (p) (m j <N N., v EPIP 1.1 Table 1-1 Page 9 Emergency Category initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Fuel damage accident with release of radioactivity Both of the following: Alart to auxiliary building (FFDSAR 14.2.1)

1. As reported to DSS by Supvr in charge of fuel handling & drumming area vent (R21)
2. Alarm on Victoreen on spent fuel pit bridge.

Unusual Event 14. Serious or Fatal Injury Transportation of seriously or fatally injured Reported as judged by DSS individual from site to hospital (expect hospitalization for at least (Reference EPIP 11.1) 48 hours) Per MASP & Appendices 15. Security Threat Security threat or attempted sabotage Per NA5P 1-Hour Red Phone only or (open Line) (4) Ongoing security compromise 16. Hazards to Plant Unusual aircraft activity over facility Visual observation of Operations Supervisor or Unusual Event security force Operation Near or onsite explosion or flammable or toxic gas As reported to DSS by plant personnel making Unusual Event 1 observation release Missile impacts from any source on facility Visual observation by Operations Supervisor Alert Missile impact causing damage to two trains of visual observation by Operations Supervisor Site Emergency safety systems A'ircraft crash in protected area (within the fence) Visual observation by operations Supervisor Alert Known explosion damage to facility affecting plant Visual observation by operations Supervisor Alert operation. Toxic or flammable gases in facility environment excluding normal process gases Toxic or flammable gases entering into vital areas Visual observation by Operations Supervisor Site Emergency (control room, auxiliary building, etc.) excluding normal process gases

r R i \\, \\s x EPIP 1.1

  • Table 1-1 Page 10 Emergency Category Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification 17.

Natural Events Any earthquake Activation of >2 accelerographs and verified by actual physical ground shaking or by con-tacting Dr. David Willis. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Seismic Center at 1-414/963-4602. Unusual Event Any tornado visible from site Verification by Operations Supervisor Unusual Event Low Lake Michigan water level With no CW pumps running, water level is 3.9' Unusual Eveat below O' on surge chamber level & confirmed by measuring forebay level at 10.9' below pumphouse floor (7' level) Earthquake greater than operating basis earthquake Earthquake with attendant structural damage of Alert containment or spent fuel pit Any tornado striking the facility Visual observation by operations Supervisor Alert Seiche near design level >6" of water in turbine hall Alert Winds in excess of design levels Wind speed indicated as >100 mph Alert Wind with damage Structural damage to containment Site Emergency Failure of protection for vital equipment at low Any of the following: Site Emergency le;vels (i.e., caused by seiche > design levela)

1. >3' water in both EDG rooms.
2. >2' water in vital switchgear room.
3. >2' water in auxiliary feed pump room.

18. Reactivity Transient Uncontrolled rod withdrawal (FFDSAR 14.1.1 & 14.1.2) Unusual Event CVCS Malfunction (FFDSAR 14.1.5) Unuaual Event Accidental Criticality NRC Only (3)

O s trh G)r (m r ~ \\ = LJ %) iPIP 1.1 Table 1-1 Page 11 Emergency Category Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification 19. Load Transient Loss of Electrical Load (FFDS&R 14.1.10) Unusual

20. Other condition that warrants State and/or local official DCS & DSS concurrence unusual Event awareness Condition that warrants establishment of technical DCS & bJS concurrence Alert support center & emergency support center l

Condition that warrants use of monitoring teams DCS & DSS concurrence Alert Personnel contamination Health Physicist & DCS concurrence NRC-only 1-hour (10) Any unplanned reactor trip DCS & DSS concurrence NRC-only 1-Hour (7) Strike by employees or guard force DCS & DSS concurrence NRC-only 1-Hour (~2) Loss of red phone (ENS) DCS & DSS concurrence NRC-only 1-Hour (13) Personnel or procedural error DCS & DSS concurrence NRC-only 1-Hour (6) 10 CFR 20.403 DCS & DSS concurrence ' NRC-only 1-Hour (!!)

4 EPIP 1.3 MINOR Revision 1 [) 04-30-82 v ESTIMATION OF SOURCE TERM 1.0 GENFRAL The purpose of this procedure is to estimate the source term (stack release rate in Ci/second) using the low range operational stack monitors, the Eberline RMS II Radiation Monitoring Systems or direct contact radiation measurements on the plant effluent vents. The plant effluent vent stacks are: 1.1 Auxiliary Building Vent (ABVNT) 1.2 Drumming Area Vent (DAVNT) 1.3 Unit 1 Containment Purge Vent (CONT 1) Unit 2 Containment Purge Vent (CONT 2) 1.4 1.5 Gas Stripper Building Vent (GSBVNT) 1.6 Combined Air Ejector Decay Duct (CAE) 1.7 Main Steam Safety Valves and Atmospheric Dump Valves 2.0 REFERENCE 2.1 EDS Report to Wisconsin Electric Power Company concerning NUREG-0578, March 7, 1980. 3.0 PRECAUTIONS 3.1 If fuel damage or loss of reactor coolant system integrity has occurred, some or all of the following would be present: 3.1.1 The letdown radiation monitor (R9) may be unusually high or offscale. 3.1.2 The containment radiation monitors (R11 and R12) may be unusually high or offscale. 3.1.3 The containment area monitors (R2 :.nd R7) may be unusually high or offscale. 3.1.4 The charging pump area monitor (R4) may be unusually high or pd offscale.

EPIP 1.3 Page 2 V. 3.2 Health Physics procedures and requirements must be followed when applicable (i.e., entering a high radiation area). 3.3 Evaluation of the radiation monitoring system readouts and radio-logical hazards must be completed prior to any attempt to enter the auxiliary building or facade to take a contact reading on any stack. 3.4 If this procedure is being used for determination of emergency classi-fication, use EPIP 1.8 " Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimations" for determination of projected dose off-site. EPIP 1.8 is a shorter, however more conservative procedure for determination of projected dose. 4.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Applicable portions of EPIP 1.2, " Plant Status", is completed. 5.0 PROCEDURE FOR Xe-133 EQUIVALENT RELEASE RATE ESTIMAIE - WORKSHEET NO. 1 5.1 Chemistry / Health Physics Supervisor or Designated Alternate / 5.1.1 Obtain EPIP-05 and EPIP-06 of EPIP 1.2, " Plant Status," for (f-~ the radiation monitoring systems. NOTE: IF EPIP-05 AND EPIP-06 IN EPIP 1.2, " PLANT STATUS," ARE NOT COMPLETED, OBTAIN THE METER READINGS FOR EACH PLANT EFFLUENT VENT STACK FROM THE REMOTE CONTROL ROOM READOUT AND RECORD THIS ON WORKSHEET NO. 1 AND THEN PROCEED WITH STEP 5.1.3. 5.1.2 Enter the meter readings and flow rates in the appropriate columns on Worksheet No. I for the indicated vents. If the readings are offscale, not monitored, or the monitors are inoperable, enter the appropriate word "offscale," "not monitored," or " inoperable" in the meter reading column for the vent affected. 5.1.3 Designate individuals in accordance with ALARA concepts to obtain meter readings of the vents whose Eberline RMS II data is not available and the main steam header by performing Section 5.2 of this procedure if required. NOTE: IF STEP 5.1.3 NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED BECAUSE EBERLINE RMS II DATA IS NOT AVAILABLE, OR IF A STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE IS BELIEVED TO HAVE OCCURRED WHICH PRODUCES THE POTENTIAL FOR RELEASES, OR RELEASES ARE IN PROGRESS FROM THE MAIN STEAM HEADER OR THE ATMOSPHERIC STEAM DUMP, THEN PERFORM SECTION 5*.3 0F s,) THIS PROCEDURE AFTER APPROPRIATE MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN SECTION 5.2. 5.1.4 Perform Section 5.3 of this procedure to determine the gross Xe-133 equivalent release rate estimate.

EPIP 1.3 Page 3 a 5.2 Direct Stack Survey Team Designees NOTE: THE FOLLOWING SECT.!0N WILL NOT BE INITIATED UNTIL THE EVALUATION DISCUSSED IN PRECAUTION 3.3 HAS BEEN COH?LETED AND THE SITE MANAGER (DUTY & CALL SUPERINTENDENT), THE LUTY & CALL HEALTH PHYSICS SUPERVISOR, AND THE DUTY SHIFT SUPERVISOR HAVE APPROVED INITIATION. THIS SECTION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HEALTH PHYSICS SUPERVISION. 5.2.1 Determine the most direct and desirable route to the plant effluent stack to be monitored. 5.2.2 Determine the Health Physics requirements to be met for the passage to the vent areas. 5.2.3 Determine the appropriate survey instrument to be used for the plant effluent vent to be monitored. 5.2.4 Proceed by the route determined in Step 5.2.1 to the stack and record the survey instrument reading in contact with the stack in the columns provided on Worksheet No. 1, Part C, Plant Effluent Vent Stack Contact Readings. (/3 ('_) NOTE: IN THE CASE OF THE MAIN STEAM SAFETY VALVES AND ATMOSPHERIC STEAM DUMP VALVES, THE READING WILL BE TAKEN IN CONTACT WITH THE CENTERLINE OF THE MAIN STEAM HEADER, THREE FEET FROM THE MAIN STEAM LINE. SHIELD THE PROBE (WITH A MINIMUM OF.25' INCHES OF LEAD) ON THE SIDES FACING THE MAIN STEAM LINE AND THE CONTAINMENT. 5.3 Chemistry / Health Physics Supervisor or Designated Alternate 5.3.1 Choose the appropriate vent stack readouts in Part A, B, or C of Worksheet No. 1 to convert readings to a Xe-133 equivalent release rate. That is if the low range monitors go offscale, use the high range monitors. Conversely, if the normal monitors are onscale, use the normal monitors, or if both normal and high range monitors are offscale or inoperable, use the vent stack contact readings. 5.3.2 Use the appropriate attached conversion curves for each of the plant effluent vent to convert the chosen vent stack readout, (cpm or R/ hour) and flow rate, from Step 5.3.1 to an Xe-133 equivalent release rate in Curies /second and record the value on Worksheet No. 1, Part D, Estimate of Gross Xe-133 Equivalent Release Rate. Enter the appropriate word "offscale," "not monitored," or " inoperable" for the i cases where the plant effluent vent was not monitored, s) offscale, or inoperable.


1. If the actual flow rate is different than the conversion curves flow rate, a ratio of:

Actual Flow Rate Conversion Curve Flow Rate should be applied to determine the release rate. (Ratio) X Conversica Curve = Adjusted Xe-133 Release Rate = Equiv. Release Rate

2. If the main steam header vent release rate needs to be determined, the following steps must be applied.
a. Obtain from the shift Supervisor an estimated flow rate through the main steam header in Ibm / hour of steam being dumped to the environ-ment and the specific volume (v) of the steam.

At 1000 psia, specific volume is 0.446 ft.3/lbm. A, At 500 psia, specific volume is 0.928 ft.3/lt.n. } c lbm/hr x v x 7.86 eb ft

b. Convert contact reading obtained at the main steam header to pCi/cc using the appropriate attached conversion curve for the main steam header.


c. Multiply flow rate obtained in Step (a) by the concentration obtained in Step (b) to obtain the release rate (Xe-133 equivalent) from the main steam header.

Flow Rate Concentration _ Main Steam Header (cc/sec.) (pCi/cc) Release Rate 5.3.2 Sum the values (1) through (7) on Worksheet No. 1, Part D, to determine the gross Xe-133 equivalent release rate. ' O



.n. ,.___c~-.-.,_-.n

WORKSHEET NO. 1 Xe-133 EQUIVALENT RELEASE RATE A. LOW RANGE OPERATIONAL VENT STACK READOUTS 1 Meter Reading Flow Rate Conversion Curve Vent (cpm) (cfm) Attachment No. Auxiliary Building 61400 1.3-1 Drumming Area 43100 1.3-2 Unit 1 Containment Purge 12500/25000 1.3-3 and 1.3-4 Unit 2 Containment Purge 12500/25000 1.3-5 and 1.3-6 Gas Stripper Building 13000 1.3-7 Combined Air Ejector Decay 1.3-8 .e B. EBERLINE RMS - II VENT STACK READOUTS g Meter Reading Flow Rate Conversion Curve Vent (R/ hour) (cfm) Attachment No. Auxiliary Building 61400 1.3-9 Drumming Area 43100 1.3, i Unit 1 Containment Purge 125C0/25000 1.3-11 and 1.3-12 Unit 2 Containment Purge 12500/25000 1.3-11 and 1.3-12 l Gas Stripper Building 1.3-13 l Combined Air Ejector Decay 1.3-14 i i J. ~ n J l , _ + -. ~,. _ _..,,, _.. -., _,...,,.. - _ _ _.... _ _ -..

4 4 O C. . PLANT EFFLUENT VENT STACK CONTACT READINGS Meter Reading Flow Rate Conversion Curve Vent (mr/hr or R/hr) (cfm) Attachment No. Auxiliary Building 61400 1.3-15 Drumming Area 43100 1.3-16 Unit 1 Containment Purge 12500/25000 1.3-17 and 1.3-18 Unit 2 Containment Purge 12500/25000 1.3-17 and 1.3-18 Gas Stripper Building 13000 1.3-19 Combined Air Ejector Decay 1.3-20 Main Steam Header 1.3-21 D. ESTIMATE OF GROSS Xe-133 EQUIVALENT RELEASE RATE O Xe-133 Equivalent Release Rate Vent (Curies /Sec.)

1. Auxiliary Building i
2. Drumming Area
3. Unit 1 Containment Purge
4. Unit 2 Containment Purge
5. Gas Stripper Building
6. Combined Air Ejector Decay Duct
7. Main Steam Header
8. Sum (Gross Xe-133 Equiv. Release Rate)


9. Grab Sample Results =

Ci/sec. Completed By Time Date

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4 EPIP 1.4 MINOR (g Revision 4 Q 04-30-82 RADIOLOGICAL DOSE EVALUATION 1.0 GENERAL The purpose of this procedure is to provide a method to quickly estimate (1) X/Q using meteorological overlays, (2) thyroid and whole body dose using X/Q and (3) ground deposition using an approximation of D/Q.


2.1 U. S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Release of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, Revision 1," October 1977. 2.2 U. S. EPA, " Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents," EPA-520/1-75-001, September 1975. See Appendix D " Technical Bases for Methods that Estimate the Projected (bT Thyroid Dose and Projected Whole Body Gamma Dose from Exposure to k _,) Airborne Radioiodines and Radioactive Noble Gases." 2.3 U. S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.4, " Assumptions used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss-of Coolant accident for Pressurized Water Reactors,d Revision 2, June 1976. 2.4 TID 14844, " Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites," March 23, 1962. 3.0 PRECAUTIONS & LIMITATIONS 3.1 Ensure that all PBNP maps to be used by this procedure and their corresponding meteorological overlays are based on the same scale. 3.2 This procedure will be accomplished in the technical support center by a person designated by the Shift Supervisor or the Technical Support Manager. It will usually be done in conjunction with the Chemistry / Health Physics Supervisor when available. 3.3 This procedure will also be accomplished in the ESC by a person designated by the RadCon/ Waste Manager. 3.4 Wind speed and wind direction must be average values obtained from the analog recorders in the control room. O NOTE: DO NOT USE INSTANTANEOUS VALUES. U

EPIP 1.4 Page 2 f'i G 3.5 If the radiological release duration is unknown, assume a duration of 8 hours. 3.6 If the meteorological parameters cannot be obtained from the control room, obtain the data from the following priority backup list. 3.6.1 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant. 3.6.2 National Weather Service in Green Bay. Ask for Two Rivers Coast Guard information, if available. 4.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 A release of airborne radioactivity has occurred or a release is anticipated. 4.2 An emergency or potential emergency condition is anticipated to have offsite dose consequences. 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Determination of X/Q. Atmospheric Dispersion Factor , r-.) 5.1.1 Obtain the following information from the indicated source I '~' and enter this data in the appropriate space on form EPIP-07 (attached). Source Data EPIP-04 (a) wind speed in-mph EPIP-04 (b) wind direction EPIP-04 (c) time of reactor shutdown EPIP-04 (d) time of release to containment EPIP-04 (e) time of release from the plant Health Physics or Operating (f) duration or expected duration logs or projected estimate of the release in-hours (see EPIP 1.3 results note) (g) gross Xe-133 equivalent release rate in Ci/sec NOTE: IF RELEASE DURATION IS UNKNOWN, ASSUME 8 HOURS. 5.1.2 Visually check cloud cover and incoming solar radiation. With this information, use Attachment 1.4-1 to ascertain the appropriate stability class. Enter the stability class (h), on form EPIP-07. NOTE: IF INCOMING SOLAR RADIATION IS STRONG AND WINDS ARE O, FROM THE EAST OR SOUTHEAST, IT IS A POSSIBILITY THE WIND IS PRODUCED BY A LAKE EFFECT. CALL THE GREEN BAY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FOR AID IN THIS DETER-MINATION. IF A LAKE BREEZE IS SUSPECTED, OFFSITE SURVEY TEAMS MUST BE REMINDED TO PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WIND DIRECTION.

EPIP 1.4 Page 3 -~s 5.1.3 Place the overlay corresponding to the stability class on the map. Using the plant location as a pivot point, align the centerline of the overlay to the downwind direction from the plant. NOTE: THE " TICK" MARKS ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE OVERLAYS ARE ONE MILE APART. s.l.4 Determine the distance (i) to the dose projection location if different from the standard centerline distances listed on form EPIP-07. Note the location description, sector, and distance on form EPIP-07. Enter the Xu/Q value (j) for the distances of site boundary, two miles, five miles, and ten miles on EPIP-07. The Xu/Q values (j) can be obtained from the overlay in the table in the lower righthand corner of the overlay. If a possible location other than the standard specified location is on a line, enter the Xu/Q (j) value for that line from the overlay on form EPIP-07. If the location is not on a line, move to the next inner-most line (toward the centerline) and enter the Xu/Q (j) value for that line on form EPIP-07. r'N a s_,/ Example: 6 2 Class "C" Xu/Q for 5 miles equals 1.21 x 10 m 5.1.5 Calculate the X/Q value from the Xu/Q value by using the equation: = 2.24(sec./m) X Xu/Q (m 2) X sec. Q m" (hrs./mi) Wind Speed (mi/hr.) Enter the X/Q values on form EPIP-07. 5.2 Whole Body Dose Estimate NOTE: IF THE NOBLE GAS SOURCE TERM IS DETERMINED BY GRAB SAMPLE RESULTS WHICH GIVES AN INVENTORY OF SPECIFIC NUCLIDES, THEN A CONSERVATIVE WHOLE BODY DOSE ESTIMATE CAN BE MADE BY COMPLETING FORM EPIP-09. 5.2.1 Enter the gross Xe-133 equivalent release rate (g) on form EPIP-08 from form EPIP-07. 5.2.2 Enter the expected inhalation period, EIP, in hours (f) on form EPIP-08 from form EPIP-07. ) . w/

EPIP 1.4 Page 4 s 5.2.3 Calculate the projected whole body dose on form EPIP-08 by using the equation: (k) (g) 3 3 D(Rem) = X/Q (sec/m ) x Q (Ci/sec) x Kr (Rem m /Ci - Hrs) x EIP (Hrs) where: D = whole body dose (Rem) X/Q = atmospheric dispersion coefficient 3 determined in Step 5.1.5 (sec/m ) (k) Q = release rate (Ci/sec) (g) I 3 Kr=DoseFactor([*ihs) Attachment 1.4-2 EIP = Expected Inhalation (Exposure) Period (Hours) (f) b 5.3 Thyroid Dose Estimate 5.3.1 Calculate the projected thryoid dose by using the whole body dose calculated in Section 5.2 of this procedure. 5.3.2 Record the projected whole body dose on form EPIP-08 in Section 2. 5.3.3 Choose the appropriate figure based upon the type of accident which has occurred. a. Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) - Figure 1.4-1. b. Gap Activity Accident - Figure 1.4-4. c. Fuel Handling Accident - Figure 1.4-4. d. Steam Generator Tube Rupture - Figure 1.4-5. NOTE: IF THE TYPE OF ACCIDENT IS UNKNOWN, USE THE LOCA FIGURES. l 5.3.4 Obtain the ratio factor + hat relates the whole body dose to a thyroid dose from the figure chosen with the corresponding appropriate time after the accident and record on form l EPIP-08, Section 2. ,-_s ( ) N/ 5.3.5 Calculate the projected thyroid dose my multiplying the whole body dose by the ratio factor obtained in Step 5.3.4 on form EPIP-08, Section 2.

4 EPIP 1.4 Page 5 V} I 5.4 Radionuclide Ground Deposition Estimation NOTE: FORM EPIP-10 CAN BE COMPLETED ONLY IF IODINE GRAB SAMPLE RESULTS OR PARTICULATE RELEASE RATES ARE AVAILABLE. IF FORM EPIP-10 CANNOT BE COMPLETED, PROCEED WITH STEP 5.4.5 0F THIS SECTION. 5.4.1 Enter the Xe-133 equivalent release rate or the specific particulate release rate on form EPIP-10 from grab sample results or from environmental monitoring results. 5.4.2 Enter the duration of release expected inhalation period (f) from form EPIP-07 on form EPIP-10. 5.4.3 Enter the value of X/Q (k) on form EPIP-10 as determined in Step 5.1.5 5.4.4 Complete Section 2 of form EPIP-10 to calculate the ground deposition using the equation: 2 6 3 Dep (pCi/m ) = F x.05 (m/sec) x 3600 (sec/hr) x 10 (pci/Ci) x X/Q (sec/m ) x Q (Ci/sec) x EIP (hrs) lm i (k) (g) (f) d Dep = F x 1.8 x 10 x X/Q x Q x EIP 3 I Dep = ground deposition (pCi/m ) X/Q = atmospheric dispersion factor from 3 Step 5.1.5 (sec/m ) (k) Q = radionuclide release rate (Ci/sec) (g) EIP = estimated release duration (hrs) (f) F = fraction of isotope subject to deposition (unitless) 3600 = conversion (sec/hr) 106 = conversion (pCi/Ci) 0.05 = assumed deposition velocity (m/sec) 5.4.5 Complete form EPIP-11 from available data and calculations just performed. y

EPIP 1.4 Page 6 5.4.6 Enter the date and time of these calculations and sign form EPIP-11. 5.4.7 Forward completed attachments to the Technical Support Manager for review. The Technical Support Manager will relay results to the Site Manager. f .I 4 i

4 (3~ \\s / ATTACHMENT 1.4-1 DETERMINATION OF ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY CLASS Surface Wind Speed, Day Night (at 50 meters) Incoming Solar Radiation Thinly Overcast mph Strong Moderate slight > 1/2 low cloud < 1/2 cloud <4 A A-B B 4-7 A-B B C E F 7-11 B B-C C D E 11-13 C C-D D D D >13 C D D D D The neutral class D, should be assumed for overcast conditions during day or night. " Strong" incoming solar radiation corresponds to a solar altitude greater than g-60* with clear skies; " slight" incoming solar radiation corresponds to a solar s'- g altitude from 15*-35* with clear skies. Cloudiness will decrease incoming solar J radiation and should be considered along with solar altitude when determining solar radiation. Incoming radiation that would be strong with clear skies can be expected to reduce to moderate with broken (5/8 to 7/8 cloud cover) middle clouds and to slight with broken low clouds. Night refers to the period from one hour before sunset to one hour after sunrise. i 1 'f l

ATTACHMENT 1.4-2 WHOLE BODY DOSE RATE CONVERSION FACTORS ,m ( 1 \\ / v 30. _. _ _ _ _ i t i ______.-t-i i --~ ..L.. 25 A_ _ _ ____._j \\. i _ _ _4 K j-x 1 1 i g j i g___ -- - - - - + - - - - i L 1 y 3 e x i O \\ k,._ - _.__i- \\ i i t ) ) v 15 x 3 m _4 \\l I i i %W A i i D i- -- \\ l j i i \\ 1 \\ U 3 i N + - - - W m i i i e, c i-e e.i 10 a W % v .__..l__._ } M i i i ~ . x, O I ~i C i m . _ _ _ _ - ~. _ _ -. _ p _. a . _ _ _r _-- _.- o =

== a-____ __-- r i l l i i I i 09 l l i 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 TIME POST ACCID!.NT (HRS) d j \\v

-:3 ,/ m l a / I { l \\. \\.. / \\_,/ FIGURE 1.4-1 TiiYROID DOSE RATIO FACTOR IDSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT 7 j, l il ., g ; }; i l' 2.00 X 10" ~ ,4 i. 1.00 X 10" 9; l p '~ t j ii ~~ ! j-l -}; l ll! ~ J}. . j !? j [ . 5-r 1 4 l' t IJ l l-d'- 3 5.00 X 10 v 8 / ~ .f H N ,7 { .--.F-l- z o p,. nm / ---.-.] a: ____-. y' i E3 / G / r^ 3 O 2.00 X 10 y i, j 3 1.00 X 10 / p l f f l '/ j II / 6 2 g 5.00 X 10 O 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 3 TIME POST ACCIDENT (IlOURS)

.yj_ { Q ( I 1' i .i t i k 1 4 i 2 i I J i j 4 b i ) FIGURES 1.4-2 AND 1.4-3 HAVE BEEN DELETED 1 t ] i 1 ( 4 Y l l l 1 l l l a 1 j

FIGURE 1.4-4 m THYROID DOSE CONVERSION FACTOR ) FUEL llANDLING ACCIDENT OR GAP ACTIVITY ACCIDENT e -so_ !! i .Ii ,i I. !, !: i! l 'i I.( l ll - Ii f I il'l fI' .lt lI! l!


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/ / / I 20-I l )/ \\ / ,/f _._ __.__f q. q _.... m,. ,_i_ l'! i 1 I I 'I L i i 0 0' 4 8 12 14 20 24 28 32 36 TIME POST ACCIDENT (HRS)

0 e* ? M 9 -, 7, e. _4 j 4 - +. + _t,_____ t M __.{ - __ j = L, N _C ~~ _y wf.'*e= -} 1 ___. i t -Me--W N.W hw .,-_.eS e-. p I 4 l N _--3 W eW. u_ i i i y--. _ y i p. 3 t- ^ i i g l m M -- p _ - g l z .-7-- w y -_-- q_ __. z. .a i _A=_=- -.g . _4. w eg Ca - N O gg ... __ j. a y o I

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n s-l EPIP 1.5 MINOR I Revision 3 04-30-82 PROTECTIVE ACTION EVALUATION f 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this pro <:edure is to provide a basic guide to determine ) protective action recommendations to be given to the public authorities and j to provide a method to transmit these recommendations and other essential I data for assessment to the appropriate public authorities.


2.1 NUREG-0654, Revision 1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Flants," November, 1980. 2.2 NUREG-0654, Appendix 1, " Emergency Action Level Guidelines for Nuclear-Power Plants." f 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Ask for the name and title of the person or agency being contacted i prior to transmitting any information. l 3.2 If unable to contact an individual or agency, continue with the transmi::sions to the other individuals or agencies and then attempt to contact the persons or agencies who have not been contacted. 3.3 All actions and recommendations should be appropriately logged. 3.4 If the radiological release duration is unknown, assume a duration of 8 hours for use during an evaluation of the need for a protective action recommendation. 3.5 When protective action recommendations are made, consider the recom-mendation over a 90* sector centered on the average wind direction and a full 360* area near (2 miles) the plant. 4.0. INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Applicable portions of EPIP 1.2, " Plant Status," completed. 4.2 EPIP 1.3, " Estimation of Source Term," completed. 4.3 EPIP 1.4, " Radiological Dose Evaluation," completed. 4.4 Site Emergency or General Emergency has been declared.

EPIP 1.5 Page 2 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Technical Support Manager 5.1.1 Obtain the completed attachments of EPIP 1.4, " Radiological Dose Evaluation," from the person completing them. 5.1.2 Review the results of the dose projection calculations and deposition calculations for all affected areas. 5.1.3 Review Attachments 1.5-1 and 1.5-2. 5.1,4 Based on actual plant conditions, expected plant conditions in the future, weather conditions, local protection avail-able to the public, evacuation times and any other constraints, determine the most appropriate Protective Actions to reduce exposure to the public and relay the information to the emergency support center. 5.2 Emergency Support Manager NOTE: THE FOLLOWING STEPS MUST BE DONE BY THE EMERGENCY SUPPORT (Q' MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNATED ALTERNATE. UNTIL HE ARRIVES IN y THE EMERGENCY SUPPORT CENTER, THE SITE MANAGER IS ACTING AS EMERGENCY SUPPORT MANAGER. 5.2.1 Review the recommendation of the Technical Support Manager and/or Rad / Con Waste Manager. 5.2.2 Complete Section 2 (follow-up message) of the incident report form contained in the appropriate offsite agency notification procedure, (for example, if the incident is classified as a Site Emergency, then Section 2 of the Inci-dent Report Form of EPIP 4.3, " Site Emergency - Offsite Agency Notification," would be completed). 5.2.3 contact the NRC and the persons and agencies notified on NAWAS of the emergency and provide the information contained in Section 2 of the incident report form to them. 5.2.4 For a General Emergency, form EPIP-16 in EPIP 5.3, " General Emergency - Offsite Agency Notification," shall be used as the basis for followup messages to offsite technical per-sonnel such as NSSS vendor and corporate engineering staff. OO

C bv V v ATTACHMENT 1.5-1 Recommended protective actions to reduce whole body and thyroid dose from exposure to a gaseous plume Projected Dose (Rem) to Individual in General Public Recommended Action (# Comments No planned protective actions.(b) Previously recom.nended Whole body <1 or State may issue an advisory to seek protective actions may Thyroid <5 shelter and await further instructions. be reconsidered or terminated. Whole body 1 to <5 Seek shelter as a minimum. If constraints exist, special or Consider evacuation. Evacuate unless consideration should be given Thyroid 5 to <25 constraints make it impractical. for evacuation of children Monitor environmental radiation levels. and pregnant women. Whole body 5 and above Conduct mandatory evacuation. Seeking shelter would be an or Monitor environmental radiation levels alternative if evacuation Thyroid 25 and above and adjust area for mandatory evacuation were not immediately possible. based on these levels. Control access. (a)These actions are recommended for planning purposes. Protective action decisions at the time of the incident must take into consideration existing conditions and the dangers associated with certain protective actions. (b)At the time of the incident, officials may implement low-impact protective actions in keeping with the principle of maintaining radiation exposure as low as reasonable achievable.


Abstracted from EPA 520/1-75-001, " Manual of Protactive Actions Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents," Table 5.1 (Revised 6/79) l

1 N [] J L) ~ ATTACHMENT 1.5-2


OF PERSONNEL IOSE PATE/PIOJECTED (10SE COMMt1HE7tT ACTION LIMITS De*clare Evacm te R/hr - Dose Rate Action Lireits Consider Limited or Plant se e Ev.scuation - Monitor and Control an Em Wency R - Projected N se Commitment Action Limits 2 l s m e Evacuation Workers wo8 x m ax 8 $ x. " Maximusn e 2 dO Non-Volisit a ry U. >stPC J.5 R 1.imi t for qb *2 5p111 Cen. Areas (or 3 R Beta Emergency Workers 5dS d Fire >40 MPC/ hrs 0.1 R/hr Skin Dose) ~ l l I l t I I I 5l R t-0.01 R/hr 1R 25 R Y v @y ( Advise Pog%1ation to Seek Shelter ) / Recomunend Evacuation of General g ,R$ 0M L Public in Effected Area h 4w#% 4"6 Consider evacuation of Q j ,Y 3 , women and children ec3 o$N ~ gay uww 3 c. m ( Manitor and Control - ) M h D - r-Q y4y Consider Evacuate p" E Consider Limited or evacuation of (- -- Emergency h $ ( Plant Evacuasion - ) o "a y emergency m>rke rs u, W M)nitor and Control

  • "g workers.

O Nwu 2 3 7, "w 25 M a gj g,og Maxim m. 0h h =260 MPC - Hr. d Ed go d 2 * (1-131 MPC = 9E-9) A-Enw=rgency Workers d >MPC >40 ftPC/ hrs .9 R JR ~ l I I I I I I I .oR 5R 25 R 125 R [ Advise public t seek / Recomunend Cvacuation of General y v of r shelter. Consider i Public in Effected Area oe Workers only evacuation of women age em4 and children.

  1. ec 5S gue8

$$u ( Monitor and Control 8$5 NOTE: EXPOSURE t.INES NOT 10 SCALE

EPIP 1.7 MINOR Revision 0 04-30-82 EVALUATION OF CORE DAMAGE 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to estimate core damage using a mathema-tical model based on an actual primary coolant sample activity, estimated volume introduced into the primary system through safety injection and a correction factor based on the time since reactor shutdown. This evaluation should be performed by the Core Physics Coordinator or a Duty Technical Advisors and routed to the Technical Support Manager and Site Manager. 2.0 REFERENCE Calculations performed by the Nuclear Engineering Section of Wisconsin Electric Power Company documented in a report to G. A. Reed dated October 5, 1981 "C & HP Items Related to NUREG-0737." 3.0 PRECAUTIONS [\\')- 3.1 If fuel damage or loss of reactor coolant system integrity has occurred, some or all of the following would be present: 3.1.1 The letdown radiation monitor (R9) may be unusually high or offscale. 3.1.2 The containment radiation monitors (R11 & R12) may be unusually high or offscale. 3.1.3 The containment area monitors (R2 & R7) may be unusually high or offscale. 3.2 Health Physics procedures and requirements must be followed when applicable (e.g., when entering a high radiation area). 3.3 Evaluation of the radiation monitoring system readouts and radiological hazards must be completed prior to any enter the auxiliary building to take a primary sample. 4.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Applicable portions of EPIP 1.2, " Plant Status," are completed. (v) v

EPIP 1.7 Page 2 O V 4.2 A reactor coolant sample has been taken and a contact reading of the sample bomb has been taken or a final total sample activity has been completed by implementing EPIP 7.3.2 " Post-Accident Sampling & Analysis of Potentially High Level Reactor Coolant." 4.3 A contact reading of the. sample bomb in R/hr was taken and listed on form EPIP-30 or an actual sample activity has been received from lab analysi~s. 5.0 PRIMARY COOLANT SAMPLE ACTIVITY ESTIMATE PROCEDURE '5.1 Note the time of the sample contact reading taken in Section 4.3 on form EPIP-33. 5.2 Determine the amount of time.since reactor shutdown to sample contact reading using the equation: Reactor Shutdown Time - Contact Reading Time = Time Since Shutdown 5.3 Convert the R/hr reading obtained using the teletector to Ci/ml using the following conversion factors. f Time Since Shutdown (Hr) Ci/ml per R/hr (Conversion Factor) (O 2.31 x 10"2 \\s_,) 1 _2 8 5.93 x 10 _1 24 1.77 x 10 _1 148 4.24 x 10 _1 720 2.05 x 10 5.4 Interpolate conversion factors for times between those values listed. 55 Enter the conversion factor from Section 5.3 on form EPIP-33. 5.6 Determine the estimated Sample Activity using the equation: Estimated Sample Activity (Ci/ml) = Ci/ml i Sample Bomb Contact Reading * (R/hr) x Conversion Factor R/hr

  • Contact reading is on shielded sample bomb which incorporates 3 inches of external solid lead shielding.

I ( ) 5.7 Enter the estimated Sample Activity on form EPIP-33. I l l l l 1

e EPIP 1.7 Page 3 6.0 EXAMPLE Coolant Sample Activity Estimate (Shielded Bomb) Teletector reading = 2.75 R/hr Reading time = 1700 Reactor Shutdown Time = 0900 Time since shutdown: 1700 hours - 0900 hours = 8 hours Ci ml 2.75 R/hr x 5.93 x 10 = 1.63 x 10-Ci/ml p 7.0 CORE DAMAGE ESTIMATE PROCEDURE 7.1 Calculate the estimated percentage of core damage using the following formula and table of correction factors. Interpolate correction fac-tors for times between those listed. Use best estimate for safety injection volume. 7.1.1 Estimated Sample Activity (ESA) Ci/ml lf k 7.1.2 Estimated Safety Injection Volume (ESIV) gallons Available safety injection dilution sources are: Accumulators: 2 at 1,000 gallons each Refueling water storage tank: 275,000 gallons Boric acid storage tank: 1 of 3 at 5,000 gallons each Spray additive tank: 2,574 gallons 7.1.3 Correction Factor for Time Since Shutdown [CF(t)] hours O md

-n 5 > g ,%)- g, i 7 g fr e, b y s i v 4-f. [, a s "2 EPIP 1.7' i r a ,.' N ,, / 4 Page 4 ~ ( '[' ~[, lH j .u ,. v c g. 7.1A Enter the values from Sedtiens 7.1'.1, 7.1.2, and 7.1.3 on i\\ - fom EPIP-33. Calculate the percent core damage using the 7 g


following fdrmula and table and enter the result on form '~i EPIP-33. , c "" " i ,f ff" Percent. Core-Dan. age (%) = ESA ~x (32,500 + ESIV) CW-1 .) i t; 4 . q l, ,u su y. 1 4 +. 1 v 4 .i i. Time (Ho'urs) Since Shutdown ~ - ' Correction Factor [CF(t)] I .I i u k p h 1 958 q p ", - N" 4 .669-s 1 i,h 8 547' 1 .f 1. l i 12 483 ^ s ' 24 - 4-383 g 148 167 100 211 ( N ',296 38.0 88.7 i-544-E@ 720 24.9 i3-f Y, 7.1.5 Route form EPIP-33 to the Site Manager and Technical s Support Manager. 3 ;,, ^l }{ a - i [ 8.0 EXAMPLE .s s Percentagd.CereDamageEstimate" 4 h. ,. ~ EstimatedSdh>1eActivityY.is63x10 Ci/ nil' e 4 t Time since shutdown.= 2,63 hours s 4 s .._ 1 Estimated safety injection volume = 2,000 gallons '~ <d l ,,1 [ . Percentage core' damage.(%) = 1.63 x 10 Ci/ml x (32,500 + 2,000) 6 547 4 g. j - f.%[ "'-. Percentage core _damacen(%)g = 9% t s, .. s i; 4 ,}. g 4' f.9

  • ^~

e T5 t r.' q.. '.i t D i j] . ' :3.. 's e t .ss 1 r s f3 - ). $L [ s

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7 1, r w 1 .( u t i. ,e f 4 .it } 4 } a -t g } 9 f,,

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'Q' : \\ T t f

'y EPIP 1.8 HINOR Revision 0 O 04-30-82 EMERGENCY OFF-SITE DOSE ESTIMATIONS 1.0 GENERAL The purpose of this procedure is to permit the expeditious classification of an accident or event based on estimated off-site doses. The procedure provides a methodology to quickly estimate (1) stack release rates (source terms) and (2) off-site wnole body and thyroid doses.


2.1 U. S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Calculation of Annual Dose to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evalu-ating Compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix I, Revision 1, October, 1977 2.2 U. S. EPA " Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents," EPA-520/1-75-001, September 1975, Appendix D 2.3 TID 14844 " Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor f )s C Sites," March 23, 1982 2.4 EDS Report to Wisconsin Electric Power Company concerning NUREG-0578, March 7, 1980. 2.5 Point' Beach Nuclear Plant, Final Facility Description & Safety Analysis Report (FFDSAR) 3.0 PRECAUTIONS & LIMITATIONS 3.1 This procedure is primarily intended for use in the control room by a person designated by the Shift Supervisor such as the Duty Technical Advisor. i 3.2 This procedure is to be used only for immediate initial dose pro-jections. The initial dose projections are to be refined using i EPIP 1.3 and 1.4 once more data becomes available, i.e., meteoro-logical data, air samples, and off-site survey dose measurements. 3.3 It is recognized that the RadCon/ Waste Manager, in conjunction with the Chemistry & Health Physics Supervisor, is ultimately responsible for off-site dose assessments. However, the initial projections will normally be done by the Shift Supervisor or assigned designee for purposes of classifying the event or accident because of augnentation time. v i

~ t, uS" EPIP 1.8 Page 2 O \\ t V 4.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 An emergency or potential condition is anticipated to have off-site dose consequences. 4.2 A release of airborne radioactivity has occurred, or a release is anticipated, requiring a conservative estimate of the off-site dose consequences. 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Calculation of Xe-133 Equivalent Release Rates (Source Terms) 5.1.1 Airborne effluents may be discharged from PBNP through the following vent stacks: a. Auxiliary building vent (ABVNT) b. Drumming area vent (DAVNT) c. Unit I containment purge vent (Cont. 1) d. Unit 2 containment purge vent (Cont. 2) fO e. Gas stripper building vent (GSBVNT) f. Combined air ejector decay duct (CAE) g. Main steam safety valves and atmospheric dump valves 5.1.2 The source terms (vent release rate in Ci/second) may be estimated by using any of the following monitoring systems. a. Low range operational stack monitors (designed to monitor low-level releases). b. Eberline RMS II radiation monitoring system (designed to monitor high-level releases). c. Contact readings using a hand-held survey meter (to be used when other monitor systems are non-operable). 5.1.3 The decision as to which monitoring system is to be used to estimate the source terms is dependent on the level of release and the operability of the monitor. 5.1.4 Meter readings are to be entered in the appropriate column on EPIP-34. If meter readings are "off-scale" or " inoperable," enter the appropriate comment in the meter reading column on 'v) EPIP-34. A source term estimate must be made for each vent which is exhibiting readings above normal operating readings.

r l EPIP 1.8 Page 3 O N, / 5.1.5 Direct contact readings using a hand-held survey meter are required under the following conditions: a. Meter readings from the low range monitoring system or the RMS II system are not available. b. A steam generator tube rupture has occurred necessi-tating a hand-held meter reading at the main steam header. 5.1.6 Direct contact readings using a hand-held survey meter are not to be initiated until the following conditions are accomplished: a. An evaluation of the radiological hazards must be com-pleted prior to any attempt to enter the auxiliary building or facade to take survey readings on any stack or vent. b. Before the surveys are done, the proper survey meter and the most direct and desirable route to the stack to be monitored must be chosen. [f-s c. The surveys will be accomplished under the direction of i the Health Physics Supervisor. The surveys must be approved by the Site Manager, Duty & Call Health Physics Supervisor, and the Duty Shift Supervisor. 5.1.7 For surveying the main steam safety valves and atmospheric dump valves, the reading will be taken in contact with the centerline of the main steam header, three feet from the main steam line. The survey probe is to be shielded with a minimum of 0.25 inches of lead on the side of the probe facing the main steam line and the containment. 5.1.8 The following data must be obtained from the Shift Supervisor in order to estimate release rates from the main steam header: a. Estimated flow rate of steam through the main steam header in lbs/hr. 3 b. Specific volume of the steam in ft /lb. At 1000 psia, 3 specific volume of 0.486 ft /lb. At 500 psia, specific 3 volume is 0.928 ft /lb. Enter this data on the appropriate column in Section 3.0 of EPIP-34. (} 5.1.9 Sum the values on EPIP-34, Section 4.0, to determine the (,/ gross Xe-133 equivalent release rate.



} EPIP 1.8 Page 4 O 5.2 Whole Body Dose Projections 5.2.1 Off-site whole body doses may be calculated at the site boundary using the following equation: D(REM) = X/Q x Q x Kr x EP Where: D = whole body dose (Rem) a X/Q = atmospheric dispersion coefficient (sec/m ) Q = gross Xe-133 equivalent release rate (Ci/sec.) 3 Kr = Dose Factor (rem-m ) Ci-hrs EP = exposure period (hrs) (conservatively 8 hours) Projected off-site doses may be calculated by entering the total Xe-133 equivalent release rate calculated on EPIP-34 in the appropriate column on EPIP-35 and multiplying the variables in the equations. / I, Q 5.2.3 Enter the expected exposure period in the appropriate () column on EPIP-35. (A dose per hour is calculated by entering an exposure period of one (1) hour.) NOTE: THE X/Q VALUES LISTED ON EPIP-35 ARE ESTIMATED BASED ON CALCULATED ACCIDENT METER 0 LOGY FOR 0-2 HRS. AS GIVEN IN THE FFDSAR. IF REAL TIME METEOROLOGICAL DATA IS AVAILABLE, X/Q VALUES CAN BE CALCULATED AS OUTLINED IN EPIP 1.4 SECTION 5.1. REFINEMENT OF THE PROJECTED OFF-SITE DOSES MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED BY SUBSTITUTING THE REAL TIME X/Q CALCULATED VALUE FOR THE ESTIMATED X/Q ON EPIP-35. 5.3 Thyroid Dose Projection 5.3.1 Calculate the projected thyroid dose at the site boundary on Section 2.0 of EPIP-35 by using the'following equation: Thyroid Dose = Whole Body Dose x Conversion Factor 5.3.2 The corversion factor is depent nt on the type of accident which has occurred. Conversica ' actors are tabulated for the following accidents: a. Loss of coolant accident (LOCA) b. Gap activity accident c. Fuel handling accident d. Steam generator tube rupture

r l' EPIP 1.8 Page 5 O 5.3.3 Choose the appropriate type accident and calculate the thyroid dose in Section 2.0 of EPIP-35 by multiplying the whole body dose calculated in Sectin 1.0 by the conversion factor. NOTE: IF THE TYPE OF ACCIDENT IS NOT KNOWN, USE THE LOSS OF COOLANT CONVERSION FACTOR. 5.4 Classification of the Event Based on Estimated Off-Site Doses 5.4.1 The event is to be classified as a Site Emergency if the projected off-site doses meet any of the following criteria: a. Effluent monitors detect levels corresponding to any of the following doses at or beyond the site boundary: (1) >50 mR/hr whole body for \\ hour (2) >250 mR/hr for \\ hour for the thyroid (3) >500 mR/hr whole body for 2 minutes (4) >2500 mR/hr to the thyroid for 2 minutes f b. Any of the above dose rates are projected, based on plant parameters. 5.4.2 The event is to be classified as a General Emergency if the projected off-site doses meet any of the following criteria: a. Effluent monitors detect levels corresponding to any of the following doses at or beyond the site boundary: i (1) 1 R/hr whole body (2) 5 R/hr thyroid b. Either of above dose rates are proj2cted based on plant-parameters. 1 n ~ v

e' EPIP 6.1 MINOR N Revision 1 ] 04-30-82 LIMITED PLANT EVACUATION 4 1.0 GENERAL This procedure describes the steps to be taken in the event of a limited plant evacuation.


None 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 All actions and notifications should be appropriately logged. 3.2 Health Physics personnel may require evacuation of rooms, areas,. or 4 the affected portions thereof to prevent the unnecessary spread of contamination. g 4.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS A limited plant evacuation will be considered when any of the following conditions exist. 4.1 Unanticipated radiation level increase at any area radiation monitor in excess of 100 mr/hr. 4.2 A non-scheduled containment evacuation alarm 4.3 Unanticipated airborne activity at any area gas or particulate monitor which indicates activity in excess of the maximum permissible concentrations specified in Appendix B Table I to 10 CFR Part 20. 4.4 Excessive radioactive surface contamination levels due to a major spill of radioactive materials. 4.5 Other emergency conditions, such as fire, that may endanger human life or health as deemed necessary by the Duty Shift Supervisor or Health Physics Supervisor. I s

m.. w EPIP 6.1 Page 2 OO 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Shif t Supervisor / Designee 5.1.1 Identify the areas that have to be evacuated. 5.1.2 Choose the assembly area where personnel will be relocated. If possible use the following areas: a. Health physics station, if evacuation is from areas within the controlled area or b. Plant cafeteria, if evacu? tion is from areas outside the controlled area. 5.1.3 Fill in the underlined announcement. blanks in Step 5.1.4 with the appropriate information determined in Steps 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. 5.1.4 Sound the plant evacuation alarm (and fire alarm if appro-7 '~ (f priate) and announce over the PA system: (NOTE: AN ( ANNOUNCEMENT CANNOT BE MADE WHILE THE ALARM IS SOUNDING.) " ATTENTION, ALL PERSONNEL: THERE ARE CONDITIONS AT THE PLANT THAT WARRANT A LIMITED PLANT EVACUATION IN THE AREA (S). ALL PERSONNEL IN THE AREA (S) (Specify Area) EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY AND REPORT TO THE AND AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS." (Specify Area) 5.1.5 Repeat the alarm sounding and announcement two more times. Repeat the alarm and announcement again after an interval of two to five minutes. 5.1.6 Notify the Duty & Call Superintendent and Health Physicist of the limited plant evacuation. 5.1.7 Initiate EPIP 8.1, " Personnel Assembly and Accountability," if not already done. 5.1.8 Initiate EPIP 7.0, "CHP Radiological Response and Prepared-l ness," as required. 5.1.9 Reevaluate the ability to re-enter evacuated area (s) and attempt to isolate affected area (s) as required. O h

.~.. w e EPIP 6.1 Page 3 5.1.10 Consider the initiation of EPIP 6.2i " Plant Evacuation," if the hazard continues to increase in severity. 5.1.11 Work may resume in evacuated area (s) when it has been deter-mined by the Shift Supervisor and a CDemistry & Health i Physics Supervisor that no significant radiation hazard or other hazard to. personnel remain. 5.2 Health Physicist / Health Physics Supervisor 5.2.1 Determine the scope of the radiation and contamination problem by implementing radiation surveys of affected-area (s). 5.2.2 Specifying appropriate protective devices, commence a decon-tamination operation and set up appropriate health physics postings of the affected area (s), if required. 4 l i a- .i i a 1 ,.-,-.---,--.--w ,, -, -.. - + -.. - e ..,,e-.--, ---m,

a e EPIP 7.1.1 MINOR _p3 Revision 2 i ) 04-30-82 %J CHEMISTRY & HEALTH PHYSICS GROUP PERSONNEL N0fIFICATION AND INITIAL RESPONSE WHEN CHEMISTRY & HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL ARE ON SITE 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to establish guidelines for the initial response of the Chemistry & Health Physics group in support of an Alert, Site or General Emergency which may require Chemistry & Health Physics response during normal duty hours while Chemistry & Health Physics per-sonnel are on site. A rapid and organized response by the Chemistry & Health Physics Group is necessary to facilitate early assessment of site radiological conditions. The three major areas of concern are as follows: a. The area within the protected area including the plant buildings. b. The area outside of the protected area but within the exclusion area (site boundary perimeter lines). (('~'g c. Those areas off-site (beyond the exclusion area). V 2.0 PRECAUTIONS & LIMITATIONS 2.1 Assigned personnel will wear the prescribed protective clothing, dosimetry devices, and other prescribed protective equipment when on their job assignments. 2.2 Whenever possible, standard health physics procedures are to be followed. 2.3 It is to be understood that these are implementation guidelines and that the existing plant and radiological conditions may necessitate-changes to these guidelines and/or the sequence in which they are implemented. Appendix "A" should be used to verify completion of procedural steps. 3.0 CHEMISTRY & HEALTH PHYSICS GROUP INITIAL RESPONSE 3.1 Upon notification that an Alert, Site, or General Emergency is in effect, all Chemistry & Health Physics group personnel on site not already assigned an emergency function will report to the health physics station.

EPIP 7.1.1 Page 2 l 3.2 Upon arrival at the health physics station, the Health Physics Director and Radiochemist will take a roll call of Health Physics and Chemistry l personnel, respectively. Personnel not accounted for will be paged. j If an evacuation has been ordered, the Shift Lieutenant will be notified of missing personnel. 3.3 The Health Physics Director and Radiochemist will appoint a Senior -l Health Physics Supervisor and Senior Chemistry Supervisor, respec-l tively, to assist the Chemistry / Health Physics Supervisor direct group operation in event of an escalation to a Site Emergency. l 6 1 3.4 The Health Physics Director will establish a communications link with i the TSC. l 3.5 The Health Physics Director will assign one Health Physics Supervisor j and two Radiation Control Operators to the OSC/TSC to implement EPIP 7.2.2. The Radiochemist will assign one chemistry Supervisor and two Radiochemical Technicians to the OSC/TSC to help implement EPIP 7.2.2. They should obtain the following equipment: I i Dosimeters (0-500 mR) As available j Dosimeters (0-5000 mR) 25 ea. } [p Dosimeter Chargers 2 ea. 'd Teletector As available PIC 6A As available Other Instruments { and Equipment As available 3.6 Under direction of the Senior Health Physics Supervisor, Health Physics personnel will collect and make ready the following equipment i 1 or their equivalents. This is for SBCC. }i Rad Owl One 1 ea. i Mini-Scaler battery ( pack 1 ea. 2 HPI-1010 1 ea. i Self-Contained Breathing Units 4 ea. 3.7 The remaining Chemistry & Health Physics supervision and personnel i will remain alert for further instructions from the Chemistry / Health j Physics Supervisor in the TSC. j 3.8 In the event of a limited plant evacuation (EPIP 6.1), the Health Physics Director will direct health physics response from the health physics station. The Radiochemist will direct chemistry response from the health physics station. The Chemistry / Health Physics Super-visor in the TSC will be kept informed of these actions. p (x 3.9 In the event of the need for protected area /off-site surveys, the Health P Nsics Director will make assignments as necessary and inform the Chemistry / Health Physics Supervisor in the TSC.

4 i EPIP 7.1.1 Page 3 O 4.0 - CHEMISTRY & HEALTH PHYSICS GROUP RESPONSE FOR A SITE OR GENERAL EMERGENCY 4.1 The Health Physics Director will report to the site boundary cor. trol center utilizing the site emergency vehicle. The balance of Chemistry & Health Physics personnel will report to the health physics station. 4.2 The Senior Health Physics Supervisor will assign two (2) Nuclear Plant Specialists - Health Physics and two (2) Radiation Control Operators to report, using personal vehicles, to the site boundary ' control center to assist the Health Physics Director. 4.3 In the event of a plant evacuation, the Senior Health Physics Super-visor and Radiochemist willt 4.3 1 Assign personnel as follows: OSC/TSC SBCC + Health Physics Supervisor (all) Rad Control Operators (2) Nuclear Plant Specialist - Nuclear Plant Specialist - Chemistry (all) Health Physics (all) Radiochemist (1) A0T's assigned to HP (all) { 'N Rad Control Operators (2) ) Rad / Chem Technician (all) 4.3.2 Assign one site boundary control center individual to get a carryall vehicle equipped with a radio, KRQ-717 (other than the assigned site emergency vehicle), and wait with the vehicle at the west entrance door near Ready Stores. This vehicle will be used to transport equipment to the site j boundary control center. i 4.3.3 Assign one site boundary control center individual to acti-vate Chemistry & Health Physics facilities at the emergency j support center and then report to the site boundary control } center. l I 4.3.4 Upon completion of the above procedure guidelines, the Senior Health Physics Supervisor will direct the Health Physics personnel assigned to the site boundary control 1 center to report utilizing private vehicles and/or health j physics assigned Company vehicles (maximum of two). l ~ l i i ) y--. .-..,,.-,.y ..m. ,,.,_.---_y.--% .u. -, -. _-, _ _.. ~ ,...,m -,,7

.= 4 APPENDIX "A" EPIP 7.1.1 CHECKLIST s \\s - CHEMISTRY & HEALTH PHYSICS GROUP PERSONNEL NOTIFICATION AND INITIAL RESPONSE WHEN CHEMISTRY & HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL ARE ON SITE Date INITIALS TIME 1.0 ALERT STATUS 1.1 Chemistry & Health Physics group personnel report to the health physics station. 4 1.2 All Chemistry & Health Physics group personnel on duty present and/or accounted for. l.3 Shift Security Lieutenant notified of missing personnel. 1.4 Communications link with TSC established. k(bi ,/ 1.5 Personnel assigned to OSC/TSC as per Sections 3.5 and 3.6. 2.0 SITE OR GENERAL EMERGENCY STATUS 2.1 Alert status procedural steps complete. 2.2 Personnel assigned to the SBCC as per Section 3.4. 2.3 Equipment listed in Sections 3.5 & 3.6 assembled. 2.4 For a plant evacuation, acting Health Physics Supervisor will: (Section 4.3) 2.4.1 Assign personnel to the TSC/OSC and SBCC (Section 4.3.1). 2.4.2 Assign one SBCC individual to get a carryall vehicle and wait at the west entrance-door by Ready Stores (Section 4.3.2). 2.4.3 Assign one SBCC individual to l\\ activate the ESC (Section 4.3.3). \\s-i i . ~.

4. i 1 'Page 2 3 s i { INITIALS TIME j 2.4.4 Monitor loading of equipment (Sec-l tion 4.3) into carryall and direct l driver to-proceed to the SBCC. d 2.4.5 Direct Chemistry & Health Physies j personnel to proceed to the SBCC or i TSC/OSC as assigned (Section 4.3). } i 4 l 4 i e I i !l' e i i t i S i 1 . _ - - -,. _, - _. - _ _.. _ _ _ - _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ~ _.. _ _.. _ _. _ _. -. _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _..... _. _. _ _ _.. _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ -.

-t t EPIP 7.4.1 MINOR Revision 5 [,_ 04-30-82 ROUTINE CHECK, MAINTENANCE, CALIBRATION & INVENTORY SCHEDULE FOR HEALTH PHYSICS EMERGENCY PLAN EQUIPMENT 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to establish the routine checks, mainte-nance, calibration and inventory schedules for health physics related material and equipment applicable to the Emergency Plan. 2.0 EMERGENCY PLAN EQUIPMENT STORAGE LOCATIONS 2.1 Emergency Plan equipment is normally maintained in a state of opera-tional readiness at the following locations. 2.1.1 Health physics stat'.on 2.1.2 Emergency support center (ESC) { 2.1.3 Operations support center (OSC) gb s 2.1.4 Site boundary control center (SBCC) 2.1.5 Control room 2.1.6 Two Rivers Community Hospital (NFAR and triage area) l 2.1.7 Point Beach Nuclear Plant first aid room (see EPIP 11.0) i 2.1.8 South gatehouse. I j 2.1.9 other items of Emergency Plan equipment such as first aid l kits, burn kits, stretchers, and the emergency vehicle are j maintained at specified locations throughout the plant. 3.0 ROUTINE CHECK, MAINTENANCE AND CALIBRATION SCHEDULES l Routine checks, maintenance and calibration of Emergency Plan equipment will be consistent with the schedule outlined in Attachment "A" and the instructions contained in EPIP 7.4.2, " Emergency Plan Equipment Routine Check, Maintenance & Calibration Instructions." 4.0 INVENTORY SCHEDULE 4.1 Inventory of health physics related Emergency Plan equipment will be consistent with the schedules provided in Attachment "A". I

N~ EPIP 7.4.1 Page 2 0 4.2 Inventory of Emergency Plan equipment will be accomplished utilizing the inventory checklists listed below and attached to this procedure. Missing or deficient items noted by the inventory will be promptly replaced by personnel assigned to accomplish the inventory. The results of all inventories will be reviewed by the Health Physics Supervisor who will ensure that all discrepancies are corrected. The completed inventory forms will then be forwarded to the Superin-tendent - Technical Services and the Health Physicist. 4.2.1 Inventory Checklists a. Site boundary control center (form EPIP-244)* b. OSC, ESC, and South Gatehouse (form EPIP-24b)* c. Two Rivers Community Hospital (form EPIP-24c)* d. Control room (form EPIP-24d)* f e. Emergency vehicle (form EPIP-24e) [ f. First aid kits (form EPIP-24f) I 'O g s g. Burn kits (form EPIP-24g) %/ h. PBNP first aid room (form EPIP-24h)*

i. Stretchers (form EPIP-24i)
  • The form needs to be filled out with an item by item count on an annual basis.

Quarterly checks can be accomplished by verification of administrative controls such as seals. f l l l ( \\ v

} ,~ i i \\~ / ATTACHMENT "A" EMERGENCY PLAN EQUIPMENT ROUTINE CHECK, MAINTENANCE, CALIBRATION AND INVENTORY SCHEDULE i b a N k c a 5 t 2. 3 Cross e c g s e No. Item Reference S S 6 S E 1. Emergency Vehicle a. Radio operational test X b. Vehicle visual inspection and engine start x c. Emergency equipment inventory X 1 2 d. Vehicle test drive x x f

1. November through March i
2. April through October 2.

First Aid Burn Kits and Stretchers 3 a. Inventory x

3. January, April, July, September 3.

Vamp Portable Area Monitors a. Functional check x b. Calibration x 4. Emergency Center Air Samplers (115 V AC) a. Functional test x b. Preventive maintenance (where applicable) x c. Flow rate calibration x 5. SBCC Air Sampler (Battery 12 V DC) a. Functional test x b. Flow rate calibration x O f

5 O ~ b a N M c H 2 5 t 4 8 E C Cross 8 No. Item Reference 3 E O 6. AC Generator (Gasoline Powered) a. Functional test X 1 b. Spare gasoline changed X c. Maintenance X 7. Batteries - Replacement w a. Traffic warning lights o X b. Survey / counting instruments ,o X c. Flashlights X d. Portable radios (KRQ 717) S X e. Dosimeter chargers X p lk

4. Alkaline type batteries to be used where possible and to be replaced yearly.

Standard carbon cells, if used, to be replaced quarterly. 8. Potable Water (Stored) a. Water changed X 9. Counting Instruments a. Functional test X b. Calibration X c. Counting efficiency determination X 10. Frisker Type Instruments a. Functional test X b. Calibration X c. Efficiency determination X 11. Portable Survey Instruments a. Functional test X Q b. Calibration X

a h' b\\ U 1 b a N k o M 5 t 4 8 6 0 k" No. Item Reference cx 12. Pocket Dosimeters and TLD's a. Dosimeter drift / response check X b. TLD's changed X 13. Respirators a. Inspection X 14. MSC SCBA Units a. Inspection X ( s b. Functional test X 15. Bio-Paks (Oxygen Rebreathers) a. Inspection X b. Functional test X c. Periodic maintenance X 16. Inventory of Emergency Plan 4 3 Equipment - Complete X

5. This inventory includes all equipment listed for each center on forms EPIP-24a, b, c, d and h.

17. Portable Radio (KRQ 717) Functional Check X 18. Traffic Warning Light Functional Check X 19. Technical Support Center AMS-2/RM-14 Air Monitoring System a. Calibration X 20. Silver Zeolite (AgZ) Moisture Indicator Check X

p i EPIP 7.4.2 MINOR Revision 3 04-30-82 v EMERGENCY PLAN EQUIPMENT ROUTINE CHECK, MAINTENANCE AND CALIBRATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructional guidelines for the performance of routine checks, maintenance, calibration and inventory of health physics related Emergency Plan equipment. 2.0 PRECAUTIONS 2.1 Personnel handling radioactive sources or other radioactive material will use remote handling equipment, shielding as appropriate and common sense to prevent unnecessary personal exposure. 2.2 A calibrated survey meter will be used when working with sources of radioactive material. I -~s 2.3 Appropriate personnel monitoring devices (TLD, high and low range \\f ; dosimeters) will be worn. 2.4 General safety precautions will be adhered to at all times. 3.0 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Shortages of material or equipment found during inventory will be noted on the appropriate inventory form. Restocking of all missing items will be accomplished expeditiously as possible and noted on the inventory record. 3.2 Items of equipment requiring repair or calibration by other than Health Physics requires the initiation of a maintenance request. The words " Emergency Plan Equipment" will be written in bold letters in the " Defect / Request" block of the maintenance request form. 3.3 Equipment removed from an Emergency Plan location for other than short periods (one day) for calibration or routine maintenance will be replaced with a similar item from the health physics station unless otherwise directed by the Health Physics Supervisor. 4.0 PORTABLE SURVEY INSTRUMENTS AND AREA MONITORS (VAMP) 4.1 Portable survey instruments and area monitors normally assigned for Emergency Plan use (forms EPIP-24a-h) are scheduled for routine calibration consistent with HP 13:2, " Portable Survey Instruments and \\ Calibration Procedures," and form EPIP-28, " Emergency Plan Instrument Calibration Schedule."

i EPIP 7.4.2 Page 2 A 4.2 Functional checking and testing of portable survey instruments and vamp area monitors will consist of response testing each instrument with a radioactive source placed in a known and consistent geometry. Results are recorded on form EPIP-25b. i 4.3 Functional Check and Test 4.3.1 Eberline PIC-6A, Rad Owl Two, Radector III, Mini-Rad, HPI-1010 and VAMP Area Monitors These instruments do not have an installed check source. A small Cs-137 check source, serial number CS-11, will be utilized for response testing of these instruments. 5.0 FRISKER-TYPE SURVEY INSTRUMENTS 5.1 Frisker-type survey instruments normally assigned for Emergency Plan usage (form EPIP-24a-h) are scheduled for routine calibration and efficiency determinations consistent with HP 13.3, " Personal Friskers and Portal Monitor Description and Calibration," and form EPIP-29, " Emergency Plan Counting Equipment and Frisker Calibration Schedule." ff-~s 5.2 Functional checking and testing of frisker-type instruments will ('--} consist of exposing the instrument to a known source in a consistent geometry. Results are recorded on form EPIF-29. 5.3 Functional Check and Test 5.3.1 Install fresh batteries and verify that the battery check position operates where applicable. 5.3.2 Thyac III, Model 490 Retract the beta shield and expose the GM tube detector. Place the detector opening directly over the uranium beta source that is attached to the instrument case. Record the results. 5.3.2 GSM-5 Attach a HP-210 detector to the GSM-5 and place the detector on the SH-4 holder for reproducible geometry. Use the Sr-90 check source, serial number S-23, for the response check. Record the results. 5.3.3 RM-3C Attach an HP-210 detector to the RM-3C and place the detector ('T on the SH-4 holder for repioducible geometry. Use the Sr-90 (_,) check source, serial number S-23, for the response check. Record the results.

9 f a EPIP 7.4.2 Page 3 x ) a 6.0 COUNTING INSTRUMENTS 6.1 Counting equipment normally assigned for Emergency Plan use (form EPIP-24a-h) are scheduled for routine calibration and efficiency determinations on form EPIP-29, " Emergency Plan Counting Equipment and Frisker Calibration Schedule," and will be completed consistent with HP 13.5, " Counting Equipment Efficiency Determinations." 6.2 Functional checking and testing of counting equipment will consist of response testing each instrument with a known radioactive source in a consistent geometry. Results are recorded on form EPIP-29. 6.3 Functional Check and Test 6.3.1 Nuclear Chicago Counter Scaler Attach an HP-210 detector to the instrument and place the detector on the SH-4 holder - Jroducible geometry. Use. the Sr-90 check source, seriat number S-23, for the response check. Record the results. 7.0 AIR SAMPLERS ,h) 1 7.1 Air samplers normally assigned for Emergency Plan usage (form \\' ' Nos. EPIP-24a-h) will be maintained and flow calibrated using the procedures in HP 13.6, " Maintenance and Calibration of RAP-1 and RAS-1 Air Samplers," and HP 13.10, " Maintenance and Calibration of High Volume Air Samplers." Record results on applicable forms listed in the above procedures. 7.2 Functional checking and testing of the various types of air samplers is described below. Record results on form EPIP-25b. 7.3 Functional Check and Test 7.3.1 115 V AC Power Air Samplers Install filters and operate air samplers for five minutes. 7.3.2 Battery (12 V DC) Powered Air Samplers a. Check electrical leads for damage. The battery clips should not be bent and should engage the battery terminals firmly. b. Install air filters and connect the electrical leads to a vehicle battery and operate the vehicle engine at a fast idle rate. l' (. c. Operate the air sampler for approximately two minutes. Any overheating of the sampler is an indicatic, of a problem.

a e EPIP 7.4.2 Page 4 v 8.0 DOSIMETRY DEVICES 8.1 Dosimeters normally assigned for Emergency Plan use will be drift and response checked consistent with HP 10.1.3, " Dosimeter Calibration / Response and Drift Check Procedure." Note the required entry on form EPIP-25d. 9.0 RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Respiratory protection equipment assigned for Emergency Plan use will be inspected, tested and maintained consistent with HP 12.1, " Respiratory Protection." Note required entry on form EPIP-25c, and d. 10.0 FIRST AID KITS, BURN KITS, AND STRETCHERS 10.1 First aid and burn kits found with the lead seal intact do not have to be physically inventoried. Kits found with the lezd seal broken will be inventoried and the missing items replaced. Note required entries on EPIP-24f, "First Aid Kit Inventory Checklist," form EPIP-24g, " Emergency Burn Kit Inventory," and EPIP 24-i, " Stretchers." [ 11.0 EMERGENCY VEHICLE Visual inspection of the emergency vehicle will be accomplished per form EPIP-25a, " Emergency Vehicle Checklist". The test run, when required, should follow the route from the plant to Highway 42 via Nuclear Road, then right to Tapawingo Road and return to the plant. The radio operational check between the vehicle and the control room will be made from Highway 42. 12.0 SILVER ZEOLITE FILTER MOISTURE CHECK Visual inspection of the moisture indicating devices should be performed annually. Check each filter's indicator. If it is blue, the filter has no moisture in it. If it is pink, moisture is present and the filter should have the excess moisture driven off. (Reference file HP 9.6, RadeCo Company letter to R. S. Bredvad from Francis S. Smith, dated 5-29-81, for procedure.) 13.0 GASOLINE POWERED AC GENERATOR 13.1 Functional Test 13.1.1 Check oil level at full mark. 13.1.2 Ensure all loads are disconnected from the alternator and install grounding stake. /N (,) 13.1.3 Add a small amount of gasoline to the fuel tank. l t 13.1.4 Open the fuel valve. i

? j. f 4 EPIP 7.4.2 Page 5 13.1.5 Make sure the stop switch is away from the spark plug. 13.1.6 Choke the engine. 13.1.7 Start, by pulling the starter cord. j 13.1.8 Run for at least 30 minutes, place a small load on the unit i during the test (high volume or low volume air sampler). 13.1.9 Remove the load from the unit and shut'the fuel valve. Allow the unit to stop on loss of fuel. 1 13.2 Maintenance i Annual maintenance to be done according to Haintenance callup pro-l cedure by Maintenance group. r f [ i + i l 1 4 l' i Y i ? I 4 e 4 -,w.,, ,,-..,..,_..-.,m,.- .-,.m_~- .. -m- ,.-,..._.--,___...,,m,-,_.,--

r Y' EPIP 8.1 MINOR n ( ) Revision 2 \\s./ 04-30-82 PERSONNEL ASSEMBLY AND ACCOUNTABILITY 1.0 GENERAL The purpose of this procedure is to detail a method for (1) the assembly of personnel on the plant site in the event of an emergency situation and (2) the subsequent accounting of personnel. The goal of this procedure is to account for all personnel within 30 minutes of the evacuation alarm. 2.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 2.1 Personnel accountability roster sheets (forms EPIP-17 and EPIP-18, attached) must be completed quickly and accurately and forwarded to the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible. 3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 3.1 An emergency has been declared as a result of plant conditions. ,_s) \\s / 3.2 A limited plant, plant, or an exclusion area evacuation has been ordered requiring the accountability of all personnel on the plant site. 3.3 The Shift Supervisor has determined that personnel assembly and accountabil4.ty is necessary. 4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Shift Supervisor 4.1.1 Determine and communicate as required any special instruc-tions necessary for safe evacuation of personnel in the plant (for example, verbally ccmmunicate the assembly areas, designate any assembly area not to be used, designate certain areas of the plant to be avoided, etc.). Assembly Areas for Evacuation: Control Room

  • Technical Support Center *

{ _.-m-- ,7.,


EPIP 8.1 Page 2 I v Site Boundary Control Center

  • Emergency Support Center
  • Security Building (Extension Building)* and Gatehouse For Limited Flant Evacuation:

i Health Physics Station Cafeteria For Plant Evacuation: Operations Support Center *, El. 8', TSC Building Evacuation Assembly Area El. 18.5', TSC Building For Exclusion Area Evacuation: Two Creeks Town Hall

  • Center for emergency operation.

/~'} 4.2 Security Shift Lieutenant s-4.2.1 Designate an individual to perform Section 4.4 of this ~ 4 procedure for security posts. 4.2.2 Obtain a list of all personnel currently on the plant-site from the appropriate security systems (badge checks,- computer printouts, etc.)- 4.2.3 As attendance is reported from the assembly areas (see Section 4.1.1), indicate on the list obtained in Step 4.2.2 that the individual has been accounted for. 4.2.4 After the assembly areas and security personnel have sub-mitted their rasters, compile a list of missing. personnel using form EPIP-17. 4.2.5 Attempt to contact missing personnel using the Gai-tronics system. 4.2.6 If unable to contact the missing personnel, obtain from the missing person's supervisor the 'last known or probable location and/or job assignment. Enter this data on form EPIP-17. 4.2.7 Transmit copies of form EPIP-17 to the Maintenance Super-(g N_ J visor. t 4.2.8 Update form EPIP-17 as changes to rosters arrive and as missing personnel are located.

e 'EPIP 8.1 Page 3 -4.2.9 . Transmit any changes in form EPIP-17 to the Maintenance Supervisor immediately. 4.3 Designated Supervisor at the Assembly Area (Including Centers for Emergency Operations) 4.3.1 Upon arrival at the assembly area, one supervisor should compile a roster of all personnel in his group who are present and accounted for using form EPIP-18 (attached). At each in-plant center, there should be a roster of persons who are to report to that center. Each person present should be checked off. 4.3.2 When it is felt that the roster is completed a" well as possible, notify the Security Shift Lieutenant at the central alarm station (CAS) or at the site boundary control center of any missing people by badge number. 4.3.3 Update the respective group roster as personnel arrive at or depart from the assembly area. r 4.3.4 Report changes of the roster to the Security Shift Lieute-ia nant periodically or as determined necessary by the Security Shift Lieutenant. 4.4 .Securi_ty Officer / Designee 4.4.1 Compile a roster of all security personnel using form EPIP-IS. 4.4.2 Upon completion of the roster, notify the Security Shift Lieutenant. rAlert hi.: to any missing personnel. 4.4.3' Haigtain the roster current as personnel arrive at or depart from the security building or security posts. m =e -_m-p, 4 ge

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J EPIP 11.3 MINOR ,/ 3 Revision 1 04-30-82 v HOSPITAL ASSISTANCE


As outlined in EPIP 11.1, this procedure specifies plans to be used in the event of serious personal injury or illness at Point Beach. Since the possibility exists that treatment of an injured person may be complicated by radioactive contamination, a fully equipped, isolated. and controlled access treatment room, the Nuclear First Aid Room or NFAR, has been pro-vided at Two Rivers Community Hospital in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. This room is equipped with filtered ventilation, sink, decontamination supplies, protective clothing, signs, radiation monitoring equipment, and other necessary equipment. The Health Physicist and the Company Medical Director are responsible for the training and retraining of hospital and plant personnel involved in offsite medical plans. 2.0 PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING SERIOUSLY INJURED PERSONS / ) 2.1 General Description (Detailed instructions and responsibilities in {,! subsequent subsections) 2.1.1 Injury or Sickness Resulting in Loss of Consciousness or Nobility in the Clean Area Control room personnel and the Shift Supervisor will be notified of the apparent nature and extent of the injury and location of the injured person. If an injury occurs in a " clean area"; i. e., an area free of contamination, first aid should be administered by trained plant personnel and the injured person should be transported for medical treat-ment as necessary. 2.1.2 Injury or Sickness Resulting in Loss of Consciousness or Mobility in the Controlled Area Although an injury in a contaminated area is not likely to involve gross radioactive contamination, special procedures are to be used for handling an injured and potentially contaminated person. The Shift Supervisor is to direct first aid measures and have the injured person moved to the health physics station where, if call out time allows, health physics professionals will take charge. The v

.-y_-. f ' 3 1 EPIP 11.3 g Page 2 l Q t 1 l& ^ circums,tadees of the injury and the condition of the injured 3 i infit3ence action with respect to decontamination of the f6 intere'd, removal of protective clothing, and transport to ' ( the hospital _. e j, In any case where a victim sustains 4 serious injury, medical .l (4 'l aid takes precedence..over decontamination procedures. 2.1.3 Subsequent Action I NOTE: IF THE TSC IS ACTIVATED, THE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR SHOULD AS$i.95 THE DUTY SHIFT SUPERVISOR RESPONSI-BILITIES IROM.EELOW. ~

  • , {

~ a. The Duty Shift Supervisor is to' assign an individual to drive the emergency vehicle to transfer the injured person to the hos/f tal. He will inform the driver as to which entrance la 'uW. IT the victim is contaminated, r 4 ~ 'the west entrance at tae,NFAR will'be used. Otherwise the regular emergency entrance will be used. An employee 4 ~ 4 0 Physics Supervisor'on day shift) should accompany the trained in first aid (normally a Chemistry & Health i ~ ((T injured, tie emergency vehicle. h / I ysiis;presessionals are to be notified and 3 4.l'The health h assist proceed to the Two nivers Community Hosp'd. t 3 in decontamiration procedures as require (./ ; f. '1 NOTE: I/JIMERE ',IS MORE THAN ONE SERIOUS INJURY C0'IPLICATED. BY CONTAMINATION, THE FIRST VICTIM TO' ARRIVE Ari,THE HOSPITAL SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE NFAR. SUBSEQUENT VICTIMS SHOULD BE DELIVERED 'TO THE NORMAL EMERGENCY ROOM ENTRANCE. 4 / c. The Shift Supervisor is to notify the Two Rivers Community Hospital (see Attachment 11.1-1 to EPIP 11.1) of the i nature of the emergency, if contaminated or clean, and 4 ^ + expected time of arrival at the hospital. I d. The Shift Suparvisor will notify the Site Manager of the injury. i

e.. The site Manager or his designated alternate should-n'otify the injured person's family.

b.8, " Injuries, Acc. dent Report'.ng & Industrial l I ,f.,<PBNP [ 4 4 sho 1 for documentttion and followup of i . Safety"'ury.uld be use: s

  • /

thd inj i a 9. 4 2.1.4 Responsibility of Hospital Personnel Upon being no':ified that a seriously injured, contaminated person irsbeing transferred, hospital personnel in charge of emergenci'es,will assure that a physician and sufficient s r. t ... _. \\,, ~;1 i

4 1 EPIP 11.3 Page 3 personnel are available, evacua h the NFAR of all persons and materials not deemed necessary and assist in moving the injured person upon arrival. Any person or item leaving the treatment room will be monitored for radioactive contami-nation. All items leaving the treatment room will be contained in sealed plastic bags if found to be contami-nated. 2.1.5 Following Emergency Treatment After emergency treatment is completed, the patient will be decontaminated with the assistance of Point Beach Health Physics personnel. The NFAR and all supplies and equipment involved will be thoroughly decontaminated by Point Beach personnel. In addition, surveys will be made in areas nearby to ensure that radioactive contamination has not occurred. All liquid and solid wastes accumulated as a result of treatment and decontamination will be transferred to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant for disposal in the plant waste disposal facilities. 2.2 Person Discovering the Injured Person [\\g\\ 2.2.1 Immediately notify the Duty Shift Supervisor of the injury and the location of the patient. 2.2.2 If the patient is in a radiation field greater than 25 Rem / hour, or if serious airborne contamination is present, move the patient to an area with lower radiation dose rates, if possible. NOTE 1: IN ALL CASES ANY ACTIONS TAKEN SHOULD !!INIMIZE THE POSSIBILITY OF FURTHER INJURY TO THE PATIENT. IF MOVING THE PATIENT WI'.L CAUSE EVEN MORE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE P.tIIENT, THE RADIATION EXPOSURE IS OF SECONDARY IMPORTANCE. GET ADDITIONAL HELP BEFORE MOVING THE PATIENT. NOTE 2: IF THE PATIENT IS IN AN EXTREMELY HIGH RADIATION FIELD (500 REM / HOUR OR GREATER) MOVE THE PATIENT IMMEDIATELY, REGARDLESS OF HIS INJURIES. 2.2.3 Remain with the patient. Perform emergency first aid and assist in transferring him to the emergency vehicle as directed by the Duty Shift Supervisor. 2.2.4 Accompany the patient to the hospital and assist the emer-O gency vehicle driver in radiation control and monitoring if b required.

M EPIP 11.3 Page 4 O 2.3 Duty Shift Supervisor 2.3.1 If the injury occurs on day shift, notify the Point Beach Industrial Safety Coordinator or a Chemistry & Health Physics supervisor of the injury and the patient's location. 2 3.2 Assign an emergency vehicle driver frob available Operations personnel or from the Chemistry & Health Physics Group and dispatch the driver and vehicle to a suitable exit. NOTE: IF THE PLANT EMERGENCY VEHICLE IS NOT AVAILABLE, CONTACT THE TWO RIVERS FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR ASSISTANCE. NOTIFY THE PLANT GUARD AND DIRECT THE TWO RIVERS VEHICLE TO THE APPROPRIATE BUILDING EXIT UPON ITS ARRIVAL. SEE ATTACHMENT 11.1-1 FOR TELEPHONE NUMBER. VERIFY APPROPRIATE USE OF PERSONNEL HONITORING DEVICES AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4.2. 2.3.3 Assure that first aid coverage is provided and instruct the person 'dministering first aid to accompany the patient to the h jital. 2.3.4 Notify the Two Rivers Community Hospital and inform them of: a. Nature of the injury or illness, if known. b. Condition of the patient. 1 c. Whether or not patient is radioactively contaminated. d. Means of transportation and expected time of arrival. REFER TO ATTACHMENT 11.1-1 FOR TELEPHONE NUMBER. 2.3.5 If patient is radioactively contaminated, notify Health Physics personnel. 2.3.6 Assure that radiation monitoring instruments are placed in i the emergency vehicle if the patient is radioactively contami-1 nated. NOTE: FIRST CHOICE INSTRUMENTS ARE THE EBERLINE PIC-6A AND THE EBERLINE RM-14 WITH HP210 PANCAKE PROBE. 2.3.7. Notify the Duty & Call Superintendent. 2.4 Emergency Vehicle Driver O 2.4.1 Upon being assigned, obtain the necessary radiation moni-toring instrumeats from the Health Physics Station, if required.

O EPIP 11.3 Page 5 2.4.2 Stand by with the vehicle at the designated building exit and assist persons in handling the patient. 2.4.3 After receiving the patient, proceed directly to the Two Rivers Community Hospital. a. Noncontaminated patients will be taken to the emergency ambulance entrance, b. Contcminated patients will normally be taken to the entrance on the west end of the hospital. 2.4.4 Enroute to the hospital, call the control room via the vehicle radio to establish contact for relaying information on changes in the patient's condition or other pertinent information. 2.4.5 Upon arrival, assist in transferring the injured person to the treatment room and if the patient is radioactively contaminated, maintain radiation control and monitoring until relieved by Health Physics personnel. f 2.5 Health Physics Personnel J 2.5.1 Upon notification, proceed to the Two Rivers Community Hospital to assist in patient decontamination procedures. 2.5.2 Upon arrival, identify yourselves to hospital personnel and provide assistance as requested. 2.5.3 Insure that radioactive contamination is not being spread into hallways of the hospital or outside the entrance door. Maintain restricted areas and post as necessary. 2.5.4 Monitor hospital personnel (refer to Section 4.3) and equipment entering and leaving the restricted area. NOTE: POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT PERSONNEL SHOULD REMEMBER THA? THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN'S ORDERS MUST BE OBEYED AND ONLY THE PHYSICIAN IS IN DIRECT CHARGE OF THE SITUATION. i l 2.5.5 Following the emergency treatment, monitor the patient prior l to transferring to another area. 2.5.6 Monitor equipment and personnel and decontaminate as l required. O ! U i

EPIP 11.3 Page 6 O 2.5.7 Bag all disposable or radioactively contaminated items and place bags in the plant emergency vehicle. Note items of hospital-owned equipment which may require replacement. 2.5.8 Decontaminate the treatment room and adjoining areas as necessary. 2.6 Health Physicist As soon as possible following the emergency, the Health Physicist wil? have the treatment room surveyed and insure that decontamination of any hospital facilities used is complete. 2.7 Duty & Call Superintendent 2.7.1 Notify the Manager - Nuclear Operations Section of the emergency. 2.7.2 If the Two Rivers Fire Department emergency vehicle was used to transport a radioactively contaminated patient, notify the Fire Department and request that the vehicle remain at the hospital until plant personnel check for radioactive { contamination of the vehicle and/or its equipment. 3.0 PROCEDURE FOR HOSPITAL PERSONNEL The information obtained from the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Duty Shift Supervisor will determine the actions of hospital personnel. 3.1 Patient Not Contaminated by Radioactive Material These patients will be handled by standard Two Rivers Community Hospital emergency procedures. 3.2 Patient Contaminated by Radioactive Material 3.2.1 The hospital will assure that a qualified physician and sufficient qualified personnel are available to administer-treatment to the injured person. 3.2.2 The NFRA will be evacuated of all personnel not involved in the treatment of the incoming patient. 3.2.3 Those hospital personnel needed for treatment or handl'_,g of the injured will don protective clothing. 3.2.4 After the victim is in the NFAR, all persons exiting, and items being removed from, the NFAR will be monitored for contamination. 3.2.5 All contaminated items will be sealed in plastic bags and deposited in the NFAR for further disposition.

9 EPIP 11.3 Page 7 i ~'s 3.2.6 After treatment has been completed, the patient will be transferred to another location. Point Beach Health Physics personnel will then decontaminate the NFAR and transfer all contaminated material to Point Beach Nuclear Plant for ultimate disposal. NOTE: ALL ITEMS SUCH AS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, ABSORBENT PAPER, ETC., NECESSARY FOR USE BY HOSPITAL PERSONNEL IN TREATMENT OF CONTAMINATED PATIENTS WILL BE SUPPLIED BY WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY AND WILL BE KEPT IN THE NFAR. 4.0 MONITORING OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL Assisting personnel will be provided with monitoring devices whenever contamination is involved or whenever such personnel are required on site or within any evacuated area. 4.1 Plant Emergency Vehicle Use of plant emergency vehicle with plant personnel in attendance requires no additional personnel monitoring devices during the } transient from the plant to the hospital. 4.2 Two Rivers Fire Department Emergency Vehicle Use of the Two Rivers Fire Department emergency vehicle with Fire Department personnel in attendance requires personnel monitoring devices for all non-plant personnel. A self-reading pocket dosimeter and a TLD badge will be issued from the unused TLD supply stored at the south gatehouse. A Visitor TLD Badge Issue Report will be completed as soon as practicable. Upon releasing these personnel, their pocket dosimeters will be read and recorded on the Visitor TLD Badge Issue Report. The TLD badges will be retrieved and processed as soon as possible. 4.3 Hospital Personnel Self-reading pocket dosimetry devices and TLD badges will be issued to all hospital personnel assisting in the treatment of an injury which has been further complicated with significant radioactive contamination that could pose as a source of exposure to those per-sonnel. These devices will be obtained from the supply stored at the south gatehouse and taken directly to the NEAR at the Two Rivers Community Hospital by the Health Physics personnel dispatched to the hospital. A Visitor's TLD Badge Issue Report will be completed as soon as practicable. As soon as hospital personnel have completed their treatment of the injured person, the pocket dosimeter will be s (% \\ read and recorded on the Visitor TLD Badge Issue Report and the TLD will be retrieved and processed as soon as possible. i 4 -e,-- ,-e .-n ,-+- -,r- ~-r -,v -n- ~

d EPIP 11.3 Page 8 ) V 4.4 Additional Facilities If there are requirements to transport an injured employee with significant radioactive contamination to additional hospital facilities or to another hospital, all personnel in the proximity of the injured person will be issued self-reading pocket dosimetry devices and TLD badges. These devices will be retrieved and processed as soon as practicable. 4.5 High Whole Body Exposure Incidents For those incidents where personnel may be transferred to the hospital due to a high whole body exposure (greater than 25 R), personnel monitoring for non-plant personnel is not necessary unless the high whole body exposure is complicated by radioactive contamination. In this case, personnel monitoring devices would be issued as outlined in preceding sections. 5.0 ARRANGEMENTS FOR OFFSITE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR SERIOUS INJURIES OR CONTAMINATED INJURIES 5.1 Two Rivers Community Hospital ,9,m ( ) Arrangements have been made with the hospital for treatment of Point Beach Nuclear Plant patients. Hospital personnel have been instructed and trained with regard to potentially radioactive patients and contamination. Hospital personnel are periodically retrained by plant personnel and Company medical representatives. Refer to 1.1-1 for telephone numbers. The following health physics supplies are available in the nuclear first aid room at the Two Rivers Community Hospital. O(h.

e EPIP 11.3 Page 9 ,b) NFAR Triage Item Quantity Area Absorbent paper 50 feet Bags, plastic, assorted sizes (need garbage can size) 50 50 Bucket, plastic 1 1 Decontamination supplies: Cotton applicators, pkg. I 1 Decon soap, 1 qt. bottle 1 1 Hand brush 2 2 Potassium permanganate, 7 cap. pkg. I 1 Sodium bisulfite, 7 cap. pkg. I 1 Filter paper for smear surveys, pkg. and envelopes 2 2 Gloves: Cotton pall bearers, pair 8 8 Rubber, pair 8 8 Half-face respirators with particulate filters 4 4 Marking pens, pkg. 1 1 Hops, sponge, with spare sponge 2 2 Protective clothing: Lab coats 6 6 Surgern's cap 6 6 ' (~'N Plas'lc shoe covers 25 25 \\,) Medical Assistance Plan 1 1 Emergency Call List 1 1 Radiation warning signs and tags, assorted 10 10 Radiation warning tape, roll 1 1 Tape, masking: 1" roll 2 2 2" roll 2 2 Victoreen Thyac survey meter with end window, GM probe 1 1 D-cell batteries, box 1 1 Masslinn mop 1 1 Barrier tape 1 1 Dosimeters: 0-500 mrem 10 0-2 Rem 5 Mini-rad survey instrument 1 1 Scissors 1 1 Tuck tape, rolls 2 2 Miscellaneous forms CHP-21, Survey Form (Blank) I pad CHP-34, Dosimetry Rezero Sheet 5 5 CHP-39, Personnel Contamination Report 5 5 CHP-82, Quarterly Inventory Hospital 5 5 CHP-83, High-Range Dosimeter Issue Sheet 5 5 /^x, s

A o EPIP 11.3 Page 10 n I i \\ / x. 5.2 Area Physicians At least two area physicians have taken radiological health instruction courses under full or partial sponsorship of the Company and are on the Two Rivers Community Hospital staff. 5.3 Two Rivers Fire Department Emergency Vehicle Arrangements have been made for the City of Two Rivers emergency vehicle to respond in the event of injury to persons at the Energy Information Center or in the event the plant emergency vehicle is already in use. Refer to Attachment 11.1-1 for telephone numbers. 5.4 Backup Hospital - University of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison Arrangements have been made with the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, to provide backup services in the event that the services of Two Rivers Community Hospital become temporarily unavailable or that additional services are required. The University Hospital provides its own training and equipment; Point Beach Nuclear Plant has no maintenance obligations in these areas. t(-~\\ \\ t i \\,.

o EPIP 12.2 MINOR Revision 2 04-30-82 PERSONNEL EXPOSURE & SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAMS 1.0 GENERAL The purpose of this procedure is to provide the guidance and requirements necessary to conduct efficient search and rescue operations. 2.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 2.1 Proper radiological controls are to be maintained during search and rescue operations. Proper health physics practices must be adhered to in accordance with EPIP 12.1, " Reentry Procedures for Emergency Operations." 3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 3.1 EPIP 8.1, " Personnel Assembly and Accountability," is completed or persons are known to be missing or in need of help. 3.2 Review EPIP 12.1, " Reentry Procedures for Emergency Operations." 4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Maintenance Supervisor 4.1.1 Assemble a search and rescue team or teams, each team con-sisting of at least two persons. Of the two personnel, at least one will be trained in first aid. At least one will be qualified in health physics and both will be familiar with the plant. NOTE: FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS PROCEDURE, THE HEALTH PHYSICS QUALIFIED PERSON WILL BE CALLED THE HEALTH PHYSICS REPRESENTATIVE. 4.1.2 Appoint the most qualified team member as the search and rescue team leader. The search and rescue team leader will be in charge of the team while conducting search and rescue operations. 4.1.3 Coordinate all search and rescue teams so that duplication of effort and unnecessary radiation exposure does not occur. 4.1.4 Work with the Plant Operations Manager and Chemistry / Health ,_s (v) Physics Supervisor,

e e EPIP 12.2 Page 2 4.1.5 Use a map of the plant to mark off aress which have been searched. 4.1.6 Recall the search and rescue team (s) when search and rescue operations are no longer necessary or when all missing persons are accounted for. 4.2 Health Physics Representative 4.2.1 Ensure that all team members meet the personnel dosimetry, protective clothing and respiratory requirements of EPIP 12.1, " Reentry Procedures for Emergency Operations." 4.2.2 Ensure that no team member receives a whole body dose greater than 100 Rem while conducting search and rescue operations. 4.2.3 The Health Physics representative will have the authority to secure search and rescue operations of the team and to order the tean out of contaminated or radiation areas. 4.3 Search and Rescue Team Leader , N 4.3.1 Obtain the following information prior to performing search ((\\s_j) and rescue operations: a. Identification of each missing individual. b. Last kr.own location of each individual. c. The job each individual was working on. d. Any significant plant status known that may affect the search. e. Allowable radiation exposure limits for each team member. 4.3.2 Ensure that the team is equippe'd with a first aid kit and knows the locations of stretchers. 4.3.3 Proceed to the last known location of the missing individual and if necessary expand the search to adjacent areas. 4.3.4 Maintain close communications with the Maintenance Supervisor on all team actions including notification when any personnel are located. NOTE: TEAM MEMBERS SHOULD NOT SEPARATE WITHOUT THE DIRECT PERMISSION OF THE, MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR AND TEAM LEADER.

EPIP 12.2 Page 3 4.3.5 Provide first aid and medical care as necessary and transport or escort the located individual (s) to a safe location as l, soon as possible. 1 1 I ll l l l l 'O O

l Er.IP 15.3 MINOR sj Revision 2 04-30-82 DRILLS & EXERCISES 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Purpose To describe: 1.1.1 Responsibilities of the Manager - Nuclear Operations, Emer-gency Planning Coordinator, Superintendent - Training, and Health Physicist as associated with drills and exercises. 1.1.2 Types of drills and exercises which must be conducted. 1.1.3 Frequency of drills and exercises to be conducted. 1.1.4 Procedure to be followed in order to conduct a drill or exercise. 1.2 Definitions 1.2.1 Drill Supervised instruction period aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular operation. A drill is often a component of an exercise. 1.2.2 Exercise A test to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan and the capability of the State and local personnel and resources to adequately respond to an accident. Exercises will be scheduled in accordance with Emergency Plan Section 8.2.2. 2.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 2.1 All announcements over the public address system, notifications of any agencies and messages associated with the drill or exercise should be preceded by and terminated with the words, "This is a drill." 2.2 If a drill is in progress and a real emergency or casualty situation arises, the drill will be terminated immediately and appropriate announcements will be made stressing that an-actual emergency or casualty situation exists. r vr--...-,.- .ry.-

r-EPIP 15.3 Page 2 s 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Manager - Nuclear Operations 3.1.1 The Manager - Nuclear Operations has the overall respon-sibility for the drill or exercise. All Emergency Plan drills or exercises conducted must have the approval of the Manager - Nuclear Operations. 3.1.2 The Manager - Nuclear Operations shall assign personnel to correct any deficiencies in the Emergency Plan or EPIP's noted during drills and exercises. 3.2 Superintendent - Training, Emergency Planning Coordinator & Health Physicist The Superintendent - Training, Emergency Planning Coordinator and Health Physiciit have the reponsibility to: 3.2.1 Coordinate efforts with other appropriate emergency organi-zations and agencies. h) 3.2.2 Schedule a date and time to conduct the drill or exercise. 3.2.3 Develop and prepare scenarios for drills and exercises to meet the frequency requirements of Section 4.0 of this procedure. 3.2.4 Obtain approval for the drill or exercise from the Manager - Nuclear Operations. 3.2.5 Conduct the drill or exercise. 3.2.6 Critique the results of the drill or exercise. 3.2.7 Retain critique results to facilitate training and Emergency Plan /EPIP changes. 4.0 DRILLS - TYPES & SCHEDULES NOTE: WHERE APPROPRIATE, THE FOLLOWING DRILLS AND EXERCISES SHOULD BE UNANNOUNCED AND SCHEDULED AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY. 4.1 Communication Drills 4.1.1 Communications with Federal, Nisconsin, Manitowoc and Kewaunee County governments within the plume exposure pathway EPZ fN will be, tested monthly. This drill meets the requirements j t to annually test communications with Federal and State emergency response organizations within the ingestion pathway EPZ. l t

r EPIP 15.3 Page 3 7mU 4.1.2 Communications between PBNP, Wisconsin, and Manitowoc and Kewaunee County emergency operations centers, and field assessment teams will be tested annually. 4.2 Fire Drills Fire drills will be conducted in accordance with the PBNP Fire Pro-tection Manual. 4.3 Medical Emergency Drills 4.3.1 Medical emergency drills will include at least one simulated contaminated victim. 4.3.2 Medical emergency drills requiring participation by the Two Rivers Community Hospital will be conducted every two years. Point Beach conducts its drill in odd numbered years, while Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant conducts their drill in even numbered years. 4.3.3 Medical emergency drills requiring the participation of the Two Rivers ambulance service will be conducted once every four years. See Section 4.3.2 for arrangement with Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant. 4.4 Radiological Monitoring & Health Physics Drills 4.4.1 These drills will be conducted semiannually. 4.4.2 There drills will include analyses of, and measurement of simulated airborne radioactivity and direct radiation measure-ments in the environment. 4.5 Chemistry Drills Chemistry drills consisting of coolant and containment atmosphere sampling exercises will be performed annually. 4.6 Site Accountability &' Evacuation Drills Site accountability and evacuation drills will be conducted annually. 4.7 Seach & Rescue Drills Search and rescue drills will be conducted annually.

EPIP 15.3 Page 4 s 5.0 CONDUCTING DRILLS & EXERCISES 5.1 Superintendent - Training, Emergency Planning Coordinator & Health Physicist 5.1.1 Prepare a drill or exercise scenario using form EPIP-19 (attached). Schedule the date and time the drill or exer-cise is to be conducted. Submit the drill or exercise scenario and schedule to the Manager - Nuclear Operations for approval. 5.1.2 Assign drill observers and perform the following: Brief drill observers on the scenario, including any a. details or information they are to provide to the drill participants. b. Assign drill observers to specific locations. Provide each drill observer with a drill observation sheet form EPIP-20 (attached). NOTE: OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS MAY SUPPLY THEIR OWN OBSERVERS. iQ 's / 5.1.3 As determined for each drill or exercise, notify offsite organizations of the drill or exercise in advance to confirm their level of participation. l 5.1.4 Scenarios for the major annual exercise should be provided, for review, to FEMA Region V and NRC Region III at least 45 days prior to the date of the exercise. Any exercise l controller documents associated with the annual exercise l should be provided for review to FEMA Region V and NRC l Region III 30 days prior to the date of the exercise 1 5.1.5 Conduct the drill or exercise using the following guide-lines: a. Announcements associated with the drill or exercise shall be preceded and terminated by the words: "THIS IS A DRILL, THIS IS A DRILL." b. During a drill or exercise, any action to alter actual plant operating conditions resulting from the drill or exercise will be simulated unless otherwise approved by the Manager - Nuclear Operations. 5.1.6 Collect the drill observation sheets from the drill observers. ( Critique drill or exercise with the drill observers and participants as soon as possible after the termination of the drill.

l l EPIP 15.3 Page 5 i i. 5.1.7 Complete the drill / exercise evaluation report (form EPIP-21, 3 i attached). 5.1.8 Submit the drill / exercise evaluation report to the Manager's Supervisory Staff for its review. 5.2 Manacer - Nuclear Operations 5.2.1 Review the drill /exu. 1se evaluation report and note any apparent deficiences. i

ACCOUNTING SHORT FORM Accounted Name & Search & For Badge of Last Rescue Found Group Yes No Missing Lycation Sent (Time) Operations j Duty Shift (including Duty Technical Advisors) i Chemistry & Health Physics Operations Support Center (Mustering Area) i Maintenance & Construction t i Operatians Relief Crew r Administrative & Engineering - Quality & Regulatory Services Technical Services (Reactor Engineering, I&C, Training) j Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Support Center I 1 EPIP-17 (04-82) i i

r POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT SITE BOUNDARY CONTROL CENTER EMERGENCY PLAN INVENTORY CHECKLIST t Item No. Item Required On Hand Sampling Equipment and Supplies 1. AC generator (5,000 watt) 1 3. Electric high volume air sampler 1 4. Poly gas sample bottles 12 5. Charcoal cartridges for air sampler, high volume 48 6. Charcoal cartridges for air sampler, low volume 50 7. Silver zeolite cartridges for Sir sampler, low volume 5 8. Filters for air samplers (pkg. of 100) 2 9. Gasoline for AC generator (gallons) 2 10. Sample tags 50 11. Plastic bags 50 12. 100' extension cord 2 13. Planchets 20 Respiratory Protection Equipment 14. Full-face respirators 2 015. Half-face respirators 2 16. Full-face filter cartridge 12 17. Half-face filter cartridge 10 Fire Protection Equipment 18. Fire extinguisher, dry chemical 1 Radiation Survey and Monitoring Instrument 19. Victoreen Radgun (.01 mR/hr - 10 kR/hr) 1 20. Radector III (.1 mR/hr - 1,000 R/hr) 1 21. Victoreen Model 490 Thyac III 1 22. PIC-6A survey instrument (1 mR/hr - 1,000 R/hr) 2 23. RM3C personnel survey frisker 1 24. Johnson Associates, GSM-5, 0-50k cpm, 0-200 mR/hr 1 25. MSC-1 sampler holder for GSM-5 1 26. Check sources 2 - Cs-137 and 1 - Sr-90 3 27. Filters for smears (pkg. of 100) 2 28. Nuclear Chicago counter scaler 1 29. Coin envelopes (box) 1/2 30. HP-210 probe 2 31. SH4 probe holder 1 32. Earphones for Thyacc III survey instrument 3 33. Side window probe 2 34. Cord, BNC-BNC connector 2 35. Cord, amphenol - BNC connector 2 EPIP-24a (04-82) - -=.. -. -

Page 2 Personnel Monitoring Equipment 36. Personnel Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD) 100 37. Radiological dosimeters, 0-5 R 12 38. Radiological dosimeter charger 2 First Aid and Decontamination Supplies 39. First aid kit 1 40. Burn kit 1 41. Emergency drinking water tablets (bottles; 50 tables per bottle) 5 42. Water (gallons) 20 43. Decon soap, powder (5 lb.) 1 44. Decon soap, liquid (qt.) 1. 45. Hand brush 4 46. Cotton applicators (box) 1 47. Potassium permanganste (4 oz.) 1 48. Sodium bisulfate (1 lb.) 1 49. Kim towels (box) 1 50. Masselin (pkg.) 1 51. "409" cleaner (btl.) 2 52. " Spic'n Span" (box) 2 53. Masselin mop 1 54. Regular sponge map 2 55. Rag mop 1 56. Wringer 1 57. Large mop bucket 1 58. Kim wipes (box) 1 59. Bucket, plastic 2 60. Cotton swabs (packets) 5 61. Gauze sponges, 2" x 2" (100 per pkg.) 1 62. Nail brushes 4 Radiation Hazard Signs and Supplies 63. Radiation warning tape (roll) 1 64. Radiation placards 10 65. Radioactive material and radiation hazard signs 10 66. Radiation contamination hazard tags 10 67. Contamination, high radiation, racioactive material, and radiation area inserts (ea.) 10 68. Yellow / magenta ribbon (rolls) 8 69. Yellow / magenta rope (roll) 1 o O EPIP-24a (04-82)

l Page 3 Required On Hand Communication Equipment and Supplies 70. Portable 2-way radio KRQ-717 1 71. Telephone, plan PBX-extension with outside line capability 1 72. WE telephone book 1 73. Two Rivers /Manitowoc telephone book 1 Traffic Signs and Equipment 74. Traffic cones for barricades 20 75. Traffic lights for barricades 8 76. Chains and padlocks for barricades 4 77. Traffic flashlight 4 78. " Closed Area" placards 6 79. Traffic warning light batteries (spare) Clothing and Toiletry Supplies 80. Coveralls 25 81. Rainwear 6 82. Rubber boots 10 83. Shoe covers, plastic 25 'N 84. Overshoes, winter 6 .,,) 85. Gloves, rubber disposable 6 86. Gloves, cotton disposable 6 87. Mittens, winter 6 88. Towels 12 89. Washcloths 12 Stationery and Miscellaneous Supplies 90. Desk table and chair 1 91. Writing paper (pad) 1 92. Pens and pencils Assortment 93. Tape, masking (rolls) 2 94. Tuck tape (rolls) 10 95. Logbook 1 96. Absorbent paper (roll) 1 97. Paper cups (bag) 1 98. Plastic bags 50 99. Scissors 1 100. Pocketknife 1 101. Screwdrivers (set) 1 102. Plastic funnel 4 103. Flashlight 1 104. Batteries (for flashlight and survey instruments) 50 105. Flashlight bulbs 6 OV EPIP-24a (04-82)

s Page 4 Required On Hand Stationery and Miscellaneous supplies, continued... 106. Bulbs, incandescent 8 107. Electric clock 1 108. Electric heater 5 109. Wet / dry vacuum cleaner 1 110. Metal drum (55-gallon) 1 111. Dzl-lene (quart), gasoline stabilizer 1 112. Lead bricks 12 113. Safety solvent (low) 1 114. Metal funnels 2 115. Pencil sharpener 1 116. Chalk 1 117. Bulletin Board 1 118. Chalkboard 1 119. Table (reg.) 1 120. Picnic tables 2 121. Calculator 1 Emergency Plan Documents 122. PBNP Emergency Plan 1 123. Health Physics Administrative Control Policies h and Procedures Manual 1 s,,,/ 124. Dose Isopleth/ Map Package 1 125. Personnel Roster 10 126. Potassium Iodids Approval, Use List 1 127. DOE, Region V, Radiological Assistance Handbook 1 128. State of Wis. Peacetime Radiological Response Plar. 1 EPIP Forms 129. EPIP-01, Emergency Plan Airborne Radiation Survey 5 130. EPIP-02, Emergency Plan Survey Record 5 131. EPIP-03, Dose Factor Calculation Sheet 5 132. EPIP-04, Status Report on Plant Systems and Controls 5 133. EPIP-05, Worksheet for Status Report on RMS for Unit 5 134. EPIP-06, Worksheet for Status Report on RMS for Plant 5 j 135. EPIP-07, X/Q Determination 5 i 136. EPIP-08, Estimated Whole Body and Thyroid Projected 5 i 137. EPIP-09, Estiraated Whole Body Calculation Worksheet 5 l 138. EPIP-10, Estimated Ground Deposition Calculation 5 139. EPIP-17, List of Missing Personnel 5 140. EPIP-18, Assembly Area Roster 5 141. Xe-133 Equivalent Release Rate, Worksheet No. 1 5 l s i l l EPIP-24a (04-82)

Page 5 Required On Hand y EPIP Procedures 142. EPIP 1.4, Radiological Dose Evaluation 5 143. EPIP 1.5, Protective Actior Evaluation 5 144. EPIP 7.1.1, Chemistry & Health Physics Personnel Notification and Initial Response when Chemistry & Health Physics Personnel are on-Site 5 145. EPIP 7.2.1, Activation of Health Physics Facilities at Site Boundary Control Center 5 146. EPIP 7.2.2. Activation of Health Physics Facilities at Operations Support Center 5 147 EPIP 7.2.3, Activation of Health Physics Facilities at Technical Support Center 5 CHP Forms 148. CHP-02, Iodine Airborne Survey (pad of 50) 1 149. CHP-21, Hiscellaneous Survey (pad of 50) 1 150. CHP-31, Radiation Work Permit (pad of 50) 1 151. CHP-34, Dosimeter Rezero (pad of 50) 1 152. CHP-37, Irregular or Offscale Dosimeter Report (pad of 50) 1 153. CHP-22, Air Particulate Sample (pad of 50) 1 154. CHP-25, Counting Log Sheet (pad of 50) 1 155. CHP-33b, Visitors' Monitored per 10 CFR 20 v (pad of 50) 1 156. CHP-33c, Visitor Personnel Monitoring Record (pad of 50) 1 157. CHP-35, Dosimeter Summary Sheet (pad c,f 50) 1 158. CHP-38, Lost or Damaged TLD Report (pad of 50) 1 159. CHP-39, Personnel Contamination Report (pad of 50) 1 160. CHP-40, Visitor TLD Badge Issue Report (pad of 50) 1 161. CHP-44, Timekeeping Log - High Radiation Work Location (pad of 50) 1 162. CHP-56, Personal Bioassay Evaluation (pad of 50) 1 163. CHP-106, Occupational External Radiation Exposure History (pad of 50) 1 Emergency Plan Sampling Kits 164. Emergency Plan Sampling Kits - Each kit contains the following: 2 1. Battery powered air sampler 1 2. Scott cartridge holder 1 3. Silver Zeolite cartridge holder 1 4. Stop watch with batteries 1 5. Air Particulate filters (env.) 1 6. Silver Zeclite cartridge 5 7. Scott charcoal cartridge 5 8. PIC-6A survey meter 1 9. Water filled gas sample bottle (1 liter) 2 EPIP-24a (04-82)

Page 6 Required On Hand 10. Liquid sample cubitainers (1 liter) 2 11. Scissors 1 pair 12. Plastic suit 2 sets 13. Gloves (surgeons) 6 pair 14. Dosimeters (0 - 5,000 mR) 2 15. Dosimeter charger 1 16. Plastic Bags 12 x 18 inch size 6 5x8 inch size 6 3x5 inch size 12 17. Flashlight with spare bulb and batteries 1 18. Smears (100 each/ box) 2 19. Tuck Tape (roll) 1 20. Sharpie, Flair pen, grease pencil and pencil 4 21. Sample ID tags (pad) 1 22. Sampling Procedures EPIP 7.3.1 Airborne Sampling and Direct Dose Rate 5 ea Survey Guidelines EPIP 7.3.1 Atmospheric Radioactive Iodine Sample 5 ea Attachment Collection and Counting 23. Sampling Forms EPIP-01 Airborne Radiation Survey Record 5 ea EPIP-02 Emergency Plan Survey Record 5 ea Sample Identification Survey Map 5 ea 2 and 5 Mile Sample Identification Survey Map 5 ea 24. CHP-34 Rezero Sheet 5 ea By Date Reviewed By Date (Health Physics Supervisor) h \\ EPIP-24a (04-82) c ,,,. -, - -,, + - - c. -e r--,

I POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ('~ 3 TSC, ESC, SOUTH GATE & OSC ( / EMERGENCY PLAN INVENTORY CHECKLIST V Date Item Suggested Inv. No. Item Inventory Check Air Sampling Equipment 1. Low volume air sampler 1 2. High volume air sampler 2 3. AMS-2 cart mounted air sampler 1 4. Particulate filters, low volume, box 1 5. Charcoal filters, low volume, box 1 6. Particulate filters, high volume, box 1 7. Charcoal filters, high volume, box 1 8. Silver zeolite filters 15 9. Plastic bottles, 1 liter 12 10. 50' extension cord 2 Dosimetry Equipment 11. Dosimeters (0-5,000 mR) 40 12. Dosimeters (0-200 R) 6 f' 3 13. Dosimeter charger 2 ( ) 14. Batteries, Size AA, pkg. 1 Survey & Monitoring Equipment 15. Victoreen Vamp 1 16. Rad Owl II 1 17. Thyac III - side window probe 1 18. Batteries, Size D 24 19. Batteries, Size 9 volt 6 20. Smear filters, box 20 21. Smear envelopes, box 2 21a. h" lead detector shield (teletector) 1 Signs 22. Three-pocket placards 24 23. " Radiation Area" inserts 24 24. "High Radiation Area" inserts 24 25. "RWP Required" inserts 24 26. " Airborne Area" inserts 24 27. " Contaminated Area" inserts 24 28. " Radioactive Materials" inserts 24 ,- 3 l ) / EPIP-24b (04-82)

T-1 Item Suggested Inv. No. Item Inventory Check N Respiratory Protection Equipment 29. Clear-Vue respirator 6 30. Ultra-Vue respirator 6 31. Filter cartridges, box 1 32. Smoke test kit 1 33. Bio-Pak 60 7 CHP Forms 34. CHP-02, Iodine Airborne Survey, pad 1 35. CHP-21, Hiscellaneous Surveys, pad 1 36. CHP-31, Radiation Work Permit, pad 1 37. CHP-34, Dorimeter Rezero, pad 1 38. CHP-37, Irregular or Offscale Dosimeter Report, pad 1 39. CHP-22, Air Particulate Sample, pad 1 EPIP Forms 40. EPIP-01, Emergency PL n Airborne Radiation Survey 10 41. EPIP-02, Emergency Plan Survey Record 10 0 42. EPIP-03, Dose Factor Calculation Sheet. 10 43. EPIP-04, Status Report on Plant Systems & Controls 5-44. EPIP-05, Work Sheet for Status Report on RMS for Unit 5 45. EPIP-06, Work Sheet for Status Report on RMS for Plant 5 46. EPIP-07, X/Q Determination 5 47. EPIP-08, Estimated Whole Body & Thyroid Projected 5 48. EPIP-09, Estimated Whole Body Calculation Work Sheet 5 49. EPIP-10, Estimated Ground Deposition Calculation 5 50. EPIP-17, List of Missing Personnel 5 51. EPIP-18, Assembly Area Roster 5 52. Xe-133 Equivalent Release Rate, Worksheet No. 1 5 EPIP Procedures 53. EPIP 1.4, Radiological Dose Evaluation 5 54. EPIP 1.5, Protective Action Evaluation 5 55. EPIP 7.1.1, Chemistry & Health Physics Personnel Notification & Initial Response When Chemistry & Health Physics Personnel i are On-Site 5 'i s sl EPIP-24b (04-82)

\\ Item Suqqested Inv. 1 No. Item Inventory Check 1 (^ EPIP Procedures, continued... ' 56. EPIP 7.2.1, Activation ~of Health Physics Facilities at Site Boundary Control Center 5 l 57. EPIP 7.2.2, Activation of Health Physics Facilities at Technical Support Center / Operations Support Center 5 Miscellaneous ~ 59. Barricade tape, yellow / magenta, rolls 5 1 60. Tuck tape, rolls 2 ^ 61. Hot spot tags 50 62. Radiation material hazard tags 50 63. Radioactive material contamination tags 50 64. ' Yellow / magenta tape,. rolls 6 65. Yellow / black warning tape, roll 5 66. Plastic bags, 3'x 5 50 67. Plastic bags, 5 x 7 50 68. Potassium iodine use (personnel list) 1 Protective Clothing (O)74. Coveralls 20 pr 75. Cotton gloves 20 pr 76. Rubber gloves 20 pr 77. Pallbearer gloves 20 pr 78. Cloth hoeds 20 79. Canvas tooties 20 pr 80. Plastir suits 20 sets 81. Shoecosers, white-plastic 1 cs 82. PBNP Emergency Plan 1 83. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 1 84. PBNP HP Administrative Policies & Procedures Manual 1 85. Air sample number assignment list 1 86. Bio-Pak 60 manual 1 87. Log book 1 88. CS-137 Check Source 1 i EMERGENCY SUPPORT CENTER 1. Coveralls, cotton 12 pr 2. Gloves, cotton-12 pr 3. Hoods,' cloth 12 4. Low volume air sampler 1 5. Filters, charcoal 6 r-'s 6. Filters, air particulate 1 box \\ ,i EPIP-24b (04-82) , ~,.. -

r Item Suqqested Inv. No. Item Inventory Check Emergency Support Center, continued... 7. Rad Owl II survey instrument 1 8. Cs-137 check source 1 9. Dosimeters, high range (0-5,000 mR) 12 10. Dosimeter rezero unit 1 11. Shoecovers, white plastic 50 pr 12. Victoreen Vamp 1 13. Respirators, clear-vue 6 14. Respirators, ultra-vue 6 15. Filters, respirator particulate 1 box 16. PBNP Emergency Plan 1 17. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 1 SOUTH GATE Air Sampling 69. Low volume air sampler 1 70. Particulate filters, box 1 71. Charcoal filters, box 1 Radiation Survey & Monitoring Instruments 72. Vamp area monitor-1 73. Extension cord, 50' 1 By Date Reviewed By Date (Health Physics Supervisor) O EPIP-24b (04-82)


o i

DATE a i e .a 4-Item Required On Hand 1. First aid kit

  • 1

/ 2. Burn kit 1 3. Oxygen resuscitator 1 e i 4. Stretcher 1 ] 5. Pillow I 2 1 + \\, 6. Scott foam ambulance bla uet 2 7. Miscellaneous medical forms 1 pkg. 4 i 8. TLD's and TLD issue forms 10 ea. ~6 +9. " Mini-rad survey instruments 2 e' ',10. 'hhyac III 2 + .t i

  • If the lead seal ~is broken, the centents of the i

first aid kit must be inventoried. 1 .x / Inventory By Date l l r i l . Reviewed By Date i Health Physics Supervisor i ,t a l i i [ \\O l l t / - r l l EPIP-24e l (04-82) .. -. ~. ~..,.,,.. -. - -.

i. -



EPIP 7.4.1 - Routine Check, Maantenance, Calibration and zaventory Schedule of Health Physics Emergency Plan Equipment EPIP 7.4.2 - Emergency Plan Equipment Routine Checks, Maintenance and Calibration Instructions SITE BOUNDARY CONTROL CENTER INSTRUMENTATION Check Source Item Type of Serial Source Check No. Equipment Number Used Criteria Results 1. Thyac III Installed cpm cpm 2. GSM-5 S-23 cpm cpm O 3. RM-3C S-23 cpm cpm 4. PIC-6A Cs-ll mR/hr mR/hr 5. PIC-6A Cs-11 mR/hr mR/hr 6. PIC-6A Cs-11 . mR/hr mR/hr 7. PIC-6A Cs-ll mR/hr mR/hr l 8. Radector III Cs-11 mR/hr mR/hr 9. HPI-1010 Cs-11 nR/hr mR/hr I 10. Nuclear Chicago S-23 cpm cpm AIR SAMPLERS Item Satisfactory l No. Tm Functional Test NOTE: SOURCE CHECK CRITERIA l 1. High Volume TO BE ENTERED FROM CURRENT CALIBRATION STICKER ON EACH l 2. Battery (12 V DC) UNIT. RESULTS MUST BE WITHIN i20% OF THIS VALUE. O EPIP-25b Page 1 of 4 (04-82) ( --

OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER INSTRUMENTATION Source Item Type of Serial Check Check No. Equipment Number Source Criteria Results 1. Rad Owl II Cs-6 mR/hr mR/hr 2. Thyac III Int. cpm cpm 3. Thyac III Int. cpm cpm 4. Vamp Area Monitor Cs-6 mR/hr mR/hr AIR SAMPLERS Item Satisfactory No. Description Functional Test 1. Low Volume (115 V AC) 2. High Volume (115 V AC) 3. High Volume (115 V AC) 4. AMS-2 (cart-mounted) i l Check Source Check Source i Criteria Criteria a. AMS-2 cpm cpm b. RM-14 cpm cpm Use check source CS-6. ( EPIP-25b Page 2 of 4 (04-82)

EMERGENCY SUPPORT CENTER INSTRUMENTATION Check Check Item Type of Serial Check Source Source No. Equipment Number Source Criteria Results 1. Rad Owl II Cs-5 mR/hr mR/hr 2. Vamp Area Monitor Cs-5 mR/hr mR/hr AIR SAMPLERS Item Satisfactory No. Description Functional Test 1. Low Volume (115 V AC) SOUTH GATE INSTRUMENTATION Check Source Item Type of Serial Source Check No., Equipment Number Used Criteria Results 1. VAMP Monitor Cs-6 mR/hr mR/hr AIR SAMPLERS Item Type of Satisfactory No. Equipment Functional Test 1. Low Volume CONTROL ROOM INSTRUMENTATION Check Source Item Type of Serial Source Check No. Equipment Number Used Criteria Results 1. Radector III Cs-3 mR/hr mR/hr O EPIP-25b Page 3 of 4 (04-82)

FIRST AID ROOM INSTRUMENTATION Check Source Item Type of Serial Source Check No. Equipment Number Used Criteria Results 1. Thyac III Internal cpm cpm EMERGENCY VEHICLE INSTRUMENTATION Item l No. Equipment Number Used Criteria Results 1. Thyac III Internal cpm cpm 2. Thyac III Internal cpm cpm 3. Mini-Rad Cs-3 mR/hr mR/hr 4. Mini-Rad Cs-3 mR/hr mR/hr Checked By Date Reviewed By Date Health Physics Supervisor i l EPIP-25b Page 4 of 4 (04-82)



EPIP 7.4.1 - Routine Check, Maintenance, Calibration and Inventory i of Schedule of Health Physics Emergency Plan Equipment EPIP 7.4.2 - Emergency Plan Equipment Routine Checks, Maintenance t and Calibration Instructions SITE BOUNDARY CONTROL CENTER RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Item No. Tm Serial No. Inspection 1. Full-face 2. Full-face 3. Half-face 4. Half-face COMMUNICATIONS Portable Radio KRQ-717 Functional check with control room WARNING LIGHTS, TRAFFIC Traffic Warning Lights All traffic warning lights functioning AC GENERATOR (Gasoline Powered) Functional Test 4 l i EPIP-25c Page 1 of 4 (04-62)

l l ( Q DRY CELL BATTERY REPLACEMENT NOTE: If Alkaline batteries are used, battery changeout is required annually rather than quarterly. Item Battery No. Type of Equipment Type Quantity Changed Date Due 1. Traffic Warning Light 2. Survey /Frisker Instruments 3. Flashlights 4. Portable Radio 5. Dosimeter Charger CONTROL ROOM RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Item Type of Serial Functional No. Equipment Number Inspection Test 1. Bio-Pak 2. Bio-Pak 3. MSA-SCBA 4. MSA-SCBA 5. Supplied Air Mask 6. Supplied Air Mask 7. Supplied Air Mask 8. Supplied Air Mask 9. Supplied Air Mask 10. Supplied Air Mask 11. Supplied Air Mask Hose 12. Supplied Air Mask Hose 13. Supplied Air Mask Hose 14. Supplied Air Mask Hose 15. Supplied Air Mask Hose 16. Supplied Air Mask Hose 17. Supplied Air Valve 18. Supplied Air Valve 19. Supplied Air Valve l 20. Supplied Air Valve 21. Supplied Air Valve 22. Supplied Air Valve EPIP-25c Page 2 of 4 (04-82)

Control Room Respiratory Equipment, continued... Item Type of Serial No. Equipment Number Inspection 23. Supplied Air Hose 24. Supplied Air Hose 25. Supplied Air Hose 26. Supplied Air Hose 27. Supplied Air Hose 28. Supplied Air Hose 29. Spare Mask 30. Spare Mask 31. Spare Mask 32. Spare Mask TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER /0PERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Item Type of Serial Serial No. Equipment Number Inspection Number Inspection 1. Clear-Vue 1. 4. 2. 5. hg 3. 6. ( _,/ 2. Ultra-Vue 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 3. Bio-Pak 1. 3. 2. 4. I GATEHOUSE l COMMUNICATIONS Portable Radios KRQ717 Functional Test with (2 units) Control Room 1 4 i t EPIP-25c Page 3 of 4 i (04-82)

s l EMERGENCY SUPPORT CENTER RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Item Type of Serial Serial No. Equipment Number Inspection Number Inspection 1. Clear-Vue 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 2. Ultra-Vue 1. 4. 2. 4. 3. 6. 3. Bio-Paks 1. 3. 2. REMARKS: NOTE: Include maintenance request numbers for all items requiring repairs. Inventory By Date Reviewed By Date EPIP-25c Page 4 of 4 (04-82)



EPIP 7.4.1 - Routinc. check, Maintenance, Calibration and Inventory of Schedule of Health Physics Emergency Plan Equipment EPIP 7.4.2 - Emergency Plan Equipment Routine Checks, Maintenance and Calibration Instructions SITE BOUNDARY CONTROL CENTER AIR SAMPLERS Item Preventive Flow Rate No. Tm Maintenance Calibration 1. High Volume (115 V AC) 2. DC Battery Powered DOSIMETERS Pocket Dosimeters Drift / Response Checked Date Last Completed Date Due TLD's 1 TLD's Changed

  • Date Changed Date Due
  • Includes TLD's from emergency vehicle.

I r l i \\ I EPIP-25d Page 1 of 5 (04-82) li.

s ANNUAL BATTERY REPLACEMENT \\ NOTE: If regular carbon batteries have been used, they should be replaced quarterly. Item Battery No. Type of Equipment T Quantity Changed Date Due m 1. Traffic Warning Light 2. Survey /Frisker Instruments 3. Flashlights 4. Portable Radio 5. Dosimeter Charger MISCELLANEOUS Item No. 1. Potable Water (20 gal.) a. Date Changed b. Date Due 2. Gasoline a. Date Changed b. Date Due 3. Fire Extinguisher Serial Number Date Last Inspected 4. AgZ Filters Moisture Indicator Checked 5. AC Generator Periodic Maintenance TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER /0PERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER AIR SAMPLERS Item Preventive Flow Rate No. Maintenance Calibration 1. High Volume (115 V AC) 2. Low Volume (115 V AC) a 3. AMS-2 Cart Mounted EPIP-25d Page 2 of 5 (04-82)

s s l DOSIMETERS l Pocket Dosimeters Drift / Response Checked l Date Last Completed Date Due MISCELLANEOUS l 1. AgZ Filters Moisture Indicator Checked RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Item Serial Periodic No. Number Functional Test Maintenance 1. Bio-Pak 2 EMERGENCY SUPPORT CENTER AIR SAMPLERS Item Preventive Flow Rate T Maintenance Calibration No. m 1. High Volume (115 V AC) i 2. Low Volume (115 V AC) DOSIMETERS Pocket Dosimeters Drift / Response Checked Date Last Completed Date Due RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Item Type of Periodic No. Equipment Functional Test Maintenance l 1. Bio-Pak i EPIP-25d Page 3 of 5 (04-82)

m MISCELLANEOUS 1. AgZ Filters Moisture Indicator Checked SOUTH GATE AIR SAMPLERS Item Preventive Flow Rate No. Equipment Maintenance Calibration 1. Low Volume CONTROL ROOM DOSIMETERS Pocket Dosimeters Drift / Response Checked Date Last Completed Date Due RESPIEATORY EQUIPMENT Item Type of Serial Periodic C No. Equipment Number Inspection Functional Test Maintenance 1. Bio-Pak i 1 2. Bio-Pak 3. MSA SCBA N/A 4. MSA SCBA N/A 5. Supplied Air / N/A (Comp. Unit) / N/A 6. Supplied Air / N/A (Comp. Unit) / N/A 7. Supplied Air / N/A (Comp. Unit) / N/A 8. Supplied Air / N/A (Comp. Unit) / N/A EPIP-25d Page 4 of 5 (04- ?,2)

. - _ - _ - =.. - - =. s Item Type of Serial Periodic No. Equipment Number Inspection Functional Test Maintenance 9. Supplied Air / N/A (Comp. Unit) / N/A 10. Supplied Air / N/A (Comp. Unit) / N/A REMARKS: Checked By Date Reviewed By Date Health Physics Supervisor EPIP-25d Page 5 of 5 (04-82)

e POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT SEARCH & RESCUE AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CHECKLIST Consider the following items during final briefing of search and rescue team in the operations support center: 1. Dosimeters 2. Protective clothing. 3. Respiratory protection and projected time to depletion. 4. Thyroid blocking agent. 5. Radio communications include spare batteries. 6. Keys 7. Information as to intent of team, suggested routes, dose rates, and precautions. 8. Backout areas. 9. Portable survey instruments. 10. Exposure limits. 11. Existing personnel exposures. i 12. First aid qualification. 13. Answer any questions. l l 14. Procedural checkoff. l l i s EPIP-32 (04-82)

POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ESTIMATE OF CORE DAMAGE WORKSHEET l \\ l 1. i j 1. Sample Bomb Contact Reading (R/Hr) Time of Reading 1 Time Since Shutdown (Hr) -l 2. Reactor Shutdown - Contact Reading = l = 3. Estimated Sample Activity (ESA): Sample Bomb Conversion Factor ( ESA (Ci/m) = ( Ci/ml Contact x Reading (R/Hr) R/hr x = (1) Section 5.3 of EPIP 1.7. 4. Estimate of Core Damage ESA x (32,000 + ESIV( }) Percent Core Damage (%) = Correction Factor [CF(t)] ( x ) = ESA 32,000 + ESIV CF(t) = (2) Section 7.0 of EPIP 1.7 CALCULATIONS PERFORMED BY: TIME /DAIE: SIGNATURE: REVIEWED BY: ( Route this form to the Technical Support Manager and Site Manager upon completion. EPIP-33 (04-82)

t ) POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT CALCULATION OF Xe-133 EQUIVALENT RELEASE RATES i 1.0 LOW RANGE OPERATIONAL VdNT STACK READINGS ) Flow Rate Meter Reading Conversion Factor Release Rate (CFM) (CPM) Curies (Curies /sec) 1 sec-cpm Auxiliary Building 61400 X 5.8 X 109 = Drumming Area 43100 X 1.2 X 10 8 = l Unit 1 Containment Purge 12500 X 2.1X10[6 = 25000 X 4.2 x 10 6 = Unit 2 Containment Purge 12500 X 2.1 x 10~6 ~ = 25000 X 4.2 x 106 = Gas Stripper Building 13000 X = j Combined Air Ejector 25 X 7.8 X 109 = ] 2.0 EBERLINE RMS-11 VENT STACK READOUTS i Flow Rate Meter Reading Conversion Factor Release Rate (CFM) (CPM) Curies (Curies /sec) i sec-cpm Auxiliary Building 61400 X 3.0 X 103 = Drumming Area 43100 X 2.2 X 108 = Unit 1 Containment Purge 12500 X 1.6 X 104 = 25000 X 3.2 X 104 = Unit 2 Containment Purge 12500 X 1.6 X 104 = 25000 X 3.2 X 104 = Gas Stripper Building 13000 X 6.2 X 102 = Combined Air Ejector 25 X 3.6 = 1 i Page 1 of 3 EPIP-34 (04-82) i

h /- r { ( s ( t C 3.0 PLANT EFFLUENT VENT STACK CONTACT READINGS Flow Rate Meter Reading Conversion Factor Release Rate (CFM) (R/hr) Curies-hr (Curies /sec) sec-R Auxiliary Building 61400 X 3.0 X 102 = Drumming Area 43100 X 2.3 X 102 = Unit 1 Containment 12500 X 8.0 X 101 = 25000 X 1.6 X 102 = Unit 2 Containment 12500 X 8.0 X 101 = 25000 X 1.6 X 102 = Gas Stripper Building 13000 X 8.0 X 104 = Combined Air Ejector 25 X 1.6 X 102 = Estimated Steam X Specific X Conversion X Meter X Conversion Release Rate Release Volume Factor. Reading Factor = Ci/sec (1b/hr) (fta/lbm) hr-cm3 (R/hr) Curies-hr sec-ft3 cn"-R l Main Steam Header X X 7.86 X X 8.0 x 101 = i Assume 1000 psia steam which will give conservatively small specific volume. 3 j At 1000 psia specific volume =.446 ft /lbm. l l Page 2 of 3 i EPIP-34 I (04-82) l w

i 'N s j i I i 4.0 ESTIMATE OF GROSS Xe-133 EQUIVALENT RELEASE RATES Xe-133 Vent Equivalent Release Rate (Curies /sec) 1 Auxiliary ?uilding l Drumming Area Unit 1 Containment Purge Unit 2 Containment Purge j Gas Stripper Building i Combined Air Ejector Decay Duct I Main Steam Header i l TOTAL i l Completed By Date Time 1 l i f / i i Page 3 of 3 EPIP-34 i (04-82) i i.

l _. POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT DOSE CALCULATIONS 1 1 1.0 ESTIMATION OF SITE BOUNDARY WHOLE BOD 7 DOSES l l Whole Body l X/Q X Release X Dosa Conversion X Exposure = (sec/m ) Rate Factor Period Dose 3 (Ci/sec) (REMS-m ) (Hours) (REMS) 3 Ci-hr ~4 2.6 X 10 X X 26.9 X = 2.0 ESTIMATION OF SITE BOUNDARY THYROID DOSES Type of Accident Conversion Whole Body Thyroid Dose Factor Dose (REM) 1. Loss of Coolant (LOCA) 5.02 X 102 X = 2. Gap Activity Accident 4.84 X = 3. Fuel Handling Accident 4.84 X = 4. Steam Generator Accident 6.25 X = Completed By Date Time 1 EPIP-35 (04-82) j _}}