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Application to Amend License NPF-8,revising Tech Specs to Permit one-time Extension of Limiting Conditions for Operation from 6 to 9-h to Insert Group 1 Control Banks. W/Class III Fee
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/1982
From: Clayton F
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20052C303 List:
NUDOCS 8205040590
Download: ML20052C302 (2)



Malling Address S

g'e Al;bima Powar Company 600 North 18th Street Post Office Box 2641 Birmingham. Alabama 35291 Telephono 205 783-6081 F. L Clayton, Jr.


Alabama Power

!!M Souff M 9n f?!t%:InC Sy$lern April 28, 1982 l, ~ (%

p Docket No. 50-364 A

5m M c,'

-g Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j

' " r '*

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j

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'# v 2

Washington, D. C.

20555 4

c sU Attention:

Mr. S. A. Varga cn p

Temporary Change to Operating License No. NPF-8 Technical Specifications Gentlemen:

During performance of a scheduled surveillance test required by Section at 11:35 P.M. on April 27, 1982, Shutdown Bank A Group 1 could not be inserted.

Subsequently, it was determined that Group 1 of Control Banks A and C could not be inserted in accordance with the surveillance requirement.

Action Statement (b) of LC0 was invoked at the time of initial test on the Shutdown Bank A.

The status of the problems described above and the intended corrective action were reported via phone to the NRC Staff.

After evaluation, a three (3) hour extension to Action Statement was granted on the basis that, at all times, Shutdown Banks A & B and Control Banks A, B, C and D could be fully inserted if required by any reactor trip condition as described in.

During troubleshooting, it was revealed that the slave cycler step counter encoder card was defective.

The card was replaced and the applicable surveillance test was successfully performed h/

resulting in all rods being declared operable at 5:53 A.M. on H j April 28, 1982.

The original LCO period, had it not been extended, would have required the plant to be placed in hot j [

standby at 5:35 A.M.

Alabama Power requests confirmation of a one-time extension of the LCO from six (6) hours to nine (9) hours as indicated in j/.

It is the judgement of Alabama Power Company, as # N000'0D outlined in Attachment 2, that there is sufficient justification to support a one-time extension with no adverse affects to the safe operation of Farley Unit 2.

8205040590 820428 PDR ADOCK 05000364 P


Mr..S. A. Varga April 28, 1982 Director of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Alabama Power Company's Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Operations Review Board have reviewed this proposed change for the Technical Specifications and have determined that the change does not involve an unreviewed safety question as shown in the safety evaluation (Attachment 2).

The class of this item in this proposed amendment is designated as Class III for Unit 2 according to 10CFR170.22 requirements.

Enclosed is a check for $4,000 to cover the total amount of fees required.

In accordance with 10CFR50.30(c)(1)(1), three signed originals and thirty-seven (37) additional copies of this proposed change are enclosed.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Yours very truly,


. L. Clayt

, J r.g



2 cc:

Mr. R. A. Thomas


j Mr. G. F. Trowbridge i

Mr. J. P. O'Reilly


Mr. E. A. Reeves M A / 7 2 12 /

Mr. W. H. Bradford Rothry PubTic ~

My Commission Expires:

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