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Responds to 820107 Request for Addl Info Re Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys.Flow Diagram Schematic Encl
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1982
From: Mardis D
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
3F-0282-23, 3F-282-23, GL-81-14, TAC-43647, NUDOCS 8203040319
Download: ML20049H849 (5)


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Florida Power C 0 m P O R A 7 e 0 8e February 26,1982 N

  1. 3F-0282-23 o D File: 3-0-3-a-3 C

RECBVED 9 Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief 8 >

Operating Reactor Branch #4  ; MAR 0 31982> QL Division of Licensing It herd erzxt asseus ' '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission S "U" g*"N 88 Washington, D.C. 20555 /



Crystal River Unit 3 - ".

Docket No. 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary (Emergency) Feedwater Systems

Dear Mr. Stolz:

Florida Power Corporation hereby submits the response to your request for additional information on seismic qualification of Auxiliary (Emergency) Feedwater Systems, dated January 7,1982.

Question 1 Define the emergency feedwater system (EFW3) boundary from suction to discharge (including the water source and heat sink).

(a) Provide a schematic sketch of the EFWS boundary.

(b) Include description of those portions of the system required to accom-plish the EFWS function and connected branch piping up to and including the second valve which is normally closed or capable of automatic closure when the safety function is required.

(c) Include any portion of branch piping that is structurally coupled to the EFWS boundary such that the seismic response of the branch piping transmits loads to the EFWS. As a minimum, include the branch lines outside the EFWS boundary to a point of three orthogonal restraints.

(d) Include all mechanical equipment and piping which are necessary or contain items which are necessary for the operation of the EFWS.

(e) All structures housing or supporting the EFW components.

8203040319 820226 D N

PDR ADOCK 05000302 d 6\

p PDR \

General Office 3201 Thirty fourtn street souin . P O. Bax 14042, st. Petersburg, Fiorda 33733 813-866-5151

' P" Mr. John F. Stolz February 26,1982 Page 2 Identify any branch piping associated with the EFW system that does not fully meet the boundary requirements specified in items (b) and (c) above.

Response (a) A schematic sketch of the EFWS boundary from suction to discharge is provided herewith.

(b) The schematic clearly shows each seismic class change. All portions of the system required to accomplish the EFWS function are within the seismic Class 1 boundary. The EFWS piping interfaces with the Main Feedwater, Main Steam, Auxiliary Steam, and Condensate systems. Of these interfaces, only the valves ASV-5 with FWV-33 and 34 or ASV-5 with FWV-35 and 36, require powered, automatic actuation to initiate either tain of the EFWS function. Automatic steam generator level control is provided through the Integrated Control System to control the Startup Feed regulating valves FWV-39 or 40 and high nozzle selection valves FWV-34 or 35 to open and FWV-33 or 36 to close. All other isolation is provided by check or normally positioned valves. In addition, fully qualified manual bypass control is provided through FWV-161 and 162.

(c) Excluding the EFW Steam Supply drain tank vent connection to the turbine exhaust line, all branch piping that is not seismic Class !

qualified and is structurally coupled to the EFWS boundary has been analyzed out to the third orthogonal restraint such that all transmitted seismic loads have been considered in the EFWS qualification. The above excluded vent line is one item under review as one of the original walkdown items (reference our July 14,1981 letter).

(d) All mechanical equipment and piping which is necessary or contain items which are necessary for the operation of the EFWS are included in the above-mentioned sketch.

(e) All structures housing or supporting the EFWS components are identified in the above-mentioned sketch.

Question 2 Provide the following information for the EFWS:

(a) Whether the EFW system was included within the scope of IE Bulletins 79-02, 79-04, 79-07, 79-14, 80-11, and IE Information Notice 80-21.

(b) Mention what vertical seismic input was used for floors with funda-mental frequency less than 25 cps.

(c) Provide a ' description of load combinations (including safe shutdown earthquake (SSE), acceptance criteria, allowable stresses and/or engi-neering evaluations for the structures supporting or housing the EFWS items.

I Mr. John F. Stolz February 26,1982 Page 3

(<i) Provide proposed corrective actions for the following walkdown items:

i) A 12 inch drain line routed to turbine-driven EFW pump is supported for dead weight only by rod-type supports.

ii) Suction line from condensate hotwell is routed close to emergency feedwater suction line from condensate storage tank; there appears to be no clearance between the two lines.

iii) Bronching off the turbine-driven pump steam exhaust line was anather line not appearing on drawings.

Response (a) The EFWS has been included within the scope of IE Bulletins 79-02, 79-04, 79-07, 79-14, 80-11, and IE Information Notice 80-21.

(b) The vertical seismic input that was used for floors with funda-mental frequency less than 25 cps will be provided by March 31,1982.

(c) See FSAR Section 5.4.

(d) Corrective actions for the above walkdown items are currently under review. Identification of the resolution for these items will be provided no later than completion of overall EFWS upgrade (see our letter dated March 3,1981).

Question 3 Provide the completion date(s) of seismic upgrade proposals for the EFWS.

Response Currently, projected completion of seismic upgrade proposals for the EFWS is scheduled concurrent with the CR-3 refueling outage in the first half of 1983.

Question 4 Table 1 of your response indicates that certain power supplies and the initiation and control system for the EFW system are not seismically qualified:

(a) Identify those non-seismically qualified items.

(b) Describe your program and schedule for their upgrading or justify why upgcading is not required.

(c) Describe the results of your walkdowns of these items, along with the scope and schedule of any resulting corrective actions which were

' identified.

'O Mr. John F. Stolz February 26,1982 Page 4 Response Identification and evaluation efforts are currently underway. A report on the power supplies and the initiation and control system walkdowns will be submitted by March 31,1982.

Should you have any further questions or comment, please contact this office.

Very truly yours,

.QA *A David G. Mardis Acting Manager Nuclear Licensing Enclosure cc: Mr. 3. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator Office of Inspection & Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, GA 30303 f


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