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Testimony of Sh Leach Re Contention 4(a) on Security at Plant.Prof Qualifications Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1982
From: Leach S
Shared Package
ML20049H587 List:
NUDOCS 8203030333
Download: ML20049H590 (12)



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Docket No. 50-341 Enrico Fermi Atomic Plant Unit 2)



March, 1982 8203030333 820226 PDR ADOCK 050003gg T


4 4


My business address 2

is 2000 Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226.

As Senior 3

Administrator for Security I have been assigned by the 4

Director for Security of The Detroit Edison Company

(" Edison"),

5 the responsibility for managing the security activities at 6

Enrico Fermi 2.

This overall responsibility encompasses the 7

hiring, discharge, training and certification of the security 8

force as well as the budgeting, planning, and management 9

direction necessary for such a function.

I have held the 10 position of Senior Administrator since 1977 and was assigned 11 overall responsibility for security at Fermi 2 in September, 12 1978.

13 I have been requested to respond to Intervenor's 14 Contention 4 (a) which alleges:

15 There has been an appalling lack of physical security at the construction site since.the 16 inception of construction.

Given the need for extremely close quality control in the 17 erection of a nuclear power plant, this failing could well lead to flaws in the 18 structure, through deliberate sabotage or unintentional injury to components.

19 All security at Edison comes under the responsibility l

20 of the Director of Security.

Edison policies, routine i

21 instructions and administrative letters establish the respon-22 sibility and authority for the Security Department.

Various 23 department policies and procedures complement Edison's 24

4 1

policies by providing specific direction to members of 2

the Security Department.

3 In addition, security officers at Fermi 2 have a 4

list of procedures to follow which act to guide them as 5

they are assigned to any one of the many posts or patrols 6

on the site.

During any 24-hour period of the day and 7

at any time during the year, officers are instructed and 8

assisted by supervisors and experienced senior officers, 9

who work along with them.

A member of the Security 10 Department management team is available by phone or radio 11 to assist in any security problem which may occur, and 12 they can be reached by " beeper".

13 While Fermi 2 is under construction, Edison has 14 had both contract guards and Edison security officers 15 providing site protection.

Applicants are interviewed 16 and background investigations are made on them by 17 supervisors of the Security Department prior to being 18 assigned to work on any security task. Fingerprinting 19 clearances are obtained through the Michigan State Police 20 to help ensure they have satisfactory backgrounds.

21 Since the onset of construction at Fermi 2, 22 security has received management attention.

Uniformed l

23 security officers have been present on the site and directed 24 by the Security Department since early 1971.

Security 25 at the undeveloped Fermi 2 site prior to that time was 26 a joint venture between the Construction Department and 27 the Security and Investigations Division of the Edison 28 Legal Department.

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1 When ground was broken et Fermi 2 on June 14, 1969, 2

Security was on the job at nearby Fermi 1 and controlled 3

site access into the construction area.

The number of 4

security personnel at any given time fluctuated during the 5

early 1970's from three or four officers on an afternoon 6

or midnight shift, as well as weekends, to about eight on 7


These officers were responsible for patrols and 8

manning the various gates on site.

As the level of construc-9 tion activity increased, and as more sophisticated plant 10 components were delivered to the site and installed, the 11 level of security was increased accordingly.

12 For example, prior to 1976, construction act.vity 13 at the Fermi 2 site included ground clearing, excavation, 14 and the construction of the major plant structures on site.

15 The drywell foundation construction was completed in July, 16 1973 The turbine foundation was completed in August, 1972.

17 The reactor pressure vessel was set in place in October, 18 1974.

The cooling towers were also completed in 1974.

The 19 electric generator was received on site in July, 1976.

20 Thus, a logical time to make major additions to the Fermi 2 21 security system was around 1976, as more sophisticated 22 plant components were scheduled for installation.

23 Improvements made during this period in our 24 security operation included:

manning a security checkpoint 25 at the intersection of Toll Road and Fermi Drive; installing 26 a perimeter fence along the western boundary from the dike 27 near Pointe Aux Peaux Road all the way to Swan Creek;


1 lighting improvements; and requiring strict identification 2

of individuals.

3 The watch tour system was also improved.

Originally, 4

a security guard on patrol would utilize a hand-carried 5

clock device which, when inserted with a key located at 6

any of a number of checkpoint stations, would record the 7

time at which the guard made his patrol.

This device is 8

called a " Simplex" system.

It was replaced with a more 9

sophisticated version made of stronger materials, called 10 the "Detex" system.

The "Detex" system was considere.d 11 more reliable than the " Simplex" system and was implemented 12 as construction at the Fermi 2 site progressed.

13 Initially, Edison had contract guards supervising 14 all shifts.

However, shifts are now supervised by Edison 15 security personnel.

In addition, new vehicle specifications 16 were developed by engineers from the Edison Stores and 17 Transportation Department, and pickup trucks were replaced 18 with modern four-wheel drive, highly visible security 19 patrol vehicles.

A new communication system was also 20 installed to give Security a dedicated frequency rather l

21 than sharing the one used by the Construction Department, l

l 22 and the total perimeter of the site was posted with l

23 "No Trespassing" signs approximately every 75 feet.

24 Numerous meetings were held with both the Monroe 25 County Sheriff Department and the Michigan State Police 26 to discuss and obtain written commitments from them for 27 their support when requested.

Edison Security officers l

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have attended numerous training sessions on such topics 2

as legal liability, first aid, self-defense, and Edison and 3

Department policies.

4 Certain areas within the building that were desig-5 nated as needing high security, such as the torus, turbine 6

floor, control room, and clean room, were manned with 7

security officers with the specific responsiblity of 8

controlling ingress and egress and allowing only those 9

persons authorized to enter because of their need.

Also, 10 perimeter and site access locks were replaced and put under 11 the complete control of the Security Department.

Investi-12 gators from Edison's Investigation Division frequently 13 augment the security force on site both during special 14 situations as well as follow-up on investigations.

15 Edison Security representatives met with business 16 agents of the various trade unions performing work on the 17 site and informed them in advance that security was going 18 to be improved as plant construction progressed toward the 19 fuel load date.

Hand-held metal detectors were placed in 20 use to assist security personnel in searching inbound and 21 outbound personnel.

A master antenna was installed giving 22 Edison the capability of communicating directly with the 23 Monroe County Sheriff Department during emergency situations 24 when Edison would work closely with them.

Tool losses and 25 fire hazards were reduced by instituting extra security 26 patrols, which are followed up with written reporte to 27 Edison construction management personnel with responsibility

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for the areas concerned.

The b:cch crea near the plant was 2

illuminated at night with new sodium-vapor lighting.

New 3

controls were instituted for visitors and vendors whereby 4

Edison personnel in those plant areas being visited would 5

be responsible for the visitors on the site.

Edison 6

instituted a new procedure which required gate passes for 7

all items leaving the site as well as a personal inspection 8

by security officers of all tool boxes being shipped off 9

the site by contractors.

10 These are just some of the many steps taken to 11 elevate security to match the plant contruction progress.

12 Security will continue to escalate during the next 12 13 months, peaking at a time when fuel is loaded.

Future 14 security plans will meet all the requirements of NRC 15 regulations, and the Fermi 2 security system will include 16 an intrusion system capable of notifying security personnel 17 when intruders attempt to gain access.

A computer system 18 will be employed to insure personnel accountability.

19 To the best of my knowledge and belief, no serious 20 intrusion has ever occurred at Fermi 2 which would compro-21 mise the integrity of any structure or safety component.

22 Like any construction site, Fermi 2 has experienced 23 tool thefts and vandalism, including broken windows, cut 24 padlocks, broken street lights, etc.

Whenever possible, 25 the responsible individuals have been identified and 26 disciplinary action taken.

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To the best of my knowledge no one has ever attempted 2

to circumvent site security with the intention of damaging 3

the Fermi 2 plant.

Of the several site intrusions, most 4

have been by rock collectors, bird watchers, hunters and 5


These people are not intruders with criminal 6

intent, but are individuals who have ignored property 7

access restrictions, or who have been forced to seek haven 8

from a storm, fog, or ice on Lake Erie which may 9

suddenly shift.

On occasions when people have ignored 10 the security officers or presentet a potential hazard to 11 site security, local law enforcement was requested to 12 respond.

Violators have either been counseled and released, 13 or, if the situation warranted, they were processed through 14 the criminal justice system.

Instances of individuals 15 breaching the site perimeter are reviewed to see if compen-16 satory steps need to be taken to improve the security system.

18 Finally, it is important to understand that regard-19 less of the high level of success of the Fermi 2 security 20 program, prior to plant operation all safety systems and 21 components will be reinspected before the plant is turned i

22 over to operating personnel.

This additional protective 1

23 action is designed to insure that any flaw or damage which 24 may have occurred during the construction period, whatever 25 its cause, will be identified prior to unit operation.

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My name is Stuart H. Leach and I am Senior Administrator 2

for The Detroit Edison Company Security Department, 2000 Second 3

Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226.

In this position I have the 4

responsibility for the security of the Enrico Fermi 2 Plant.

5 I graduated from high school in 1952.

From 1953 to 1956, 6

I served in the United States Navy where I held the position of 7

Security Inspector handling criminal investigations.

I al o 8

served as a Security Duty Officer for the Tacoma, Washington 9

Naval Base, and on shore patrol assignments under the Provost 10 Marshall at Norfolk, Virginia.

11 From 1959 to 1977, I was employed by the Green Oak 12 Township Police Department where I served in various duties as 13 a patrol officer and a juvenile officer.

From 1974 to 1977 I 14 was the department training officer.

I left the department in 15 1977 at the rank of Lieutenant and Second in Charge, having 16 served for 1-1/2 years as Acting Chief of Police.

17 During the period that I was working for the Green Oak 18 Township Police Department, I was also employed by Edison.

19 Initially I was employed in Edison's Marketing Department.

20 In 1966 I was assigned by Edison as an investigator 21 with the Legal Department to investigate criminal violations.

22 In 1970 I was promoted to Senior Investigator, with the respon-23 sibility of reviewing all criminal investigations including


24 those related with the Fermi 2 site.


1 In 1977 I was given my present assignment as Senior 2


In this position I have responsiblity 3

over all investigations, training, administrative 4

staff and nuclear security.

I am second in command of a 5

department with a complement of 170 Edison and 139 contract 6

employees and a budget of approximately $6 million.

7 I completed a Certificate in Law Enforcement with 8

Honors from Oakland Community College in 1974.

In 1976 9

I received an Associate of Science Degree in Criminal 10 Justice, Summa Cum Laude, from Oakland Community College.

11 In addition to my formal education I have received the 12 following special training:

13 1967 Criminology Industrial Security Management 14 Univeristy of Detroit 15 1971 Arson Control School University of Michigan 16 1971 Explosives and Sabotage Device Course 17 Southeast Regional Criminal Justice Center 18 1973 Bombs Seminar Motorola Teleprograms 19 Detroit, Michigan 20 1973 Explosives Response Training School Department of the Treasury Bureau of 21 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 22 1973 Jail Administration United States Department of Justice 23 1973 Security and The Law 24 Macomb County Community College Criminal Justice Training Center 25 1973 Jail Management 26 Highway Traffic Administration Lansing Community College 27 1974 Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Law 28 Enforcement United States Department of Justice

1 1975 The Comprehensive Asset Security Course American Society for Industrial Security 2

Institute of Learning 3

1975 Advanced Interrogation American Institute of Polygraph Technology 4

and Applied Psychology 5

1978 Meeting the Clandestine Threat International Association of Chiefs of 6

Police, New Orleans, Louisiana 7

1979 Law Enforcement Terrorism Seminar Lansing Community College and Mid-Michigan 8

Law Enforcement Center 9

1980 Power Plant Security A featured speaker at the American Nuclear 10 Society Technical Workshop, Oakbrook, Illinois 11 As a security expert I have lectured and conducted a 12 number of law enforcement training programs. My professional 13 affiliations include:

International Chiefs of Police Assoc.;

14 Southeastern Michigan Chiefs of Police; Oakland County Law 15 Enforcement Assoc.; American Society of Industrial Security; 16 and Special Agents of Greater Detroit.



My name is Donald G. Bluhm and I am the Director -

2 Security Department for The Detroit Edison Company.

My business 3

address is 2000 Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226.

4 I was graduated from high school in 1041.

During the 5

period between 1941 and 1946 I worked for The Ford Motor Company 6

a'd served in the United States Air Force (1943-1945).

n 7

In 1946 I was employed by Edison in the Underground Lines 8

Department as a construction laborer.

From 1946 until 1951 I 9

worked in the Edison Customer Relations Department as a meter 10 reader.

In 1951 I became a customer business representative.

11 In 1954 I became an Investigator in the Edison Legal Department.

12 From 1959 until 1961 I received training as a public liability 13 adjuster, after which I returned to my position as Investigator 14 until 1966.

15 In 1966 I was promoted to Senior Investigator.

From 1971 16 until 1973 I held the position of Administrator of Special 17 Investigations - Legal Department, and was responsible for all 18 criminal investigations concerning Edison.

19 In 1973, the Sepcial Investigations functions were 20 transferred from the Legal Department and placed under the con-21 trol of the newly established Edison Security Department.

In 22 1976 I became Director - Security Department.

As Director, I 23 am responsible for all corporate security matters and personnel 24 including the security program for Fermi 2.

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