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Application to Amend Ol,Increasing Storage Capacity of Spent Fuel Pool.Class III Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1981
From: Clayton F
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20039B400 List:
TAC-47523, NUDOCS 8112220666
Download: ML20039B399 (2)



M;mng Addr:s3 Alabama Power Company 600 North 18th Street Post Office Box 2641 Birmingham, Alabama 35291 Telephone 205 783-6081 F. L Clayton, Jr.


Alabama Power g

the soutten electrc system December 18, 1981 Docket No. 50-364 o>

Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 9

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 8

12 02.71!O Washington, D. C.

20555 DEC 211981>

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Attention: Mr. S. A. Varga u g//

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\\h Gentlemen:

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool Modification Alabama Power Company plans to install high density spent fuel storage racks at the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 2.

The installation of these racks will increase the storage capacity of the spent fuel pool and thus require a revision to the plant technical specifications. The proposed technical specification revisions are enclosed (Attachment 1) along with a supporting safety evaluation (Attachment 2), which includes a response to the NRC guidance paper dated January 18, 1979.

In order to provide the remainder of the final calculational results, this response will be supplemented by additional information no later than January 31, 1982.

In order to avoid any unncessary personnel radiation exposure and to eliminate the generation of additional large quantities of l

radwaste, Alabama Power Company has established a schedule for re-1 racking the Farley Unit 2 spent fuel pool prior to the first refueling outage (currently scheduled to begin November 1,1982). This schedule will allow the pool to be re-racked under dry conditions utilting con-ventional construction practices without the possibility of radiation exposure to installation personnel. Re-racking prior to the first refueling will also eliminate the remote possibility of a fuel handling

.c l mishap or damage to a spent fuel assembly.which could occur during wet o

re-racking after the first refueling due to the necessity to shuffle

'5 fuel within the pool.

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In addition. Alabama Power Company believes it may be possible for Ed

the existing Farley Unit 2 racks to be used at another utility if they can remain uncontaminated. Alabama Power Company is currently negotiating) q,ob.*

the sale of the existing Unit 2 spent fuel racks contingent upon the in-stallation of the new poisoned spent fuel racks.

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Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation December 18, 1981 Page 2 Alabama Power Company's current schedule calls for delivery of the first rack todule on June 7, 1982, with delivery of the last rack module on September 15, 1982, and all installation, clean-up, and check out to be completed and the pool ready to be flooded on October 15, 1982.

It is therefore, requested that NRC approval be provided by June 1, 1982, prior to initiation of the work.

Alabama Power Company's Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Operations Review Board have reviewed this proposed expansion of the spent fuel pool and change to Section 5.6 of the technical specifications and has verified that they do not involve an unreviewed safety question as defined by 10CFR50.59 based on the fact that scoping calculations have been perfonned and the results of these calculations meet current NRC criteria for spent fuel storage. This l

conclusion will be validated upon completion of the detailed calculations to be performed prior to January 31, 1982.

The class of this item in this proposed amendment is designated as Class III according to 10CFR170.22 requirements. Enclosed is a check for

$4,000.00 to cover the total amount of the fees required.

In accordance with 10CFR50.30(c)(1)(i), three signed originals and thirty-seven (37) additional copies of this proposed change are enclosed.

Should you have any questions, please advise.

Yours very truly, h

F. L. Clayton, /Jr.

J FLC/awm cc r

R. A. Thomas (w/ enclosure)


Mr. G. F. Trowbridge (w/ enclosure)

THIS /8 DAY OF Dc%L.,1981.

Mr. J. P. O'Reilly (w/ enclosure)

Mr. E. A. Reeves (w/ enclosure)

Mr. W. H. Bradford (w/ enclosure)


kb h U $4mJA /


Notary Public My Comission Expires:

/o 21 Br


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