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Responds to ASLB 810219 Order,Providing Dates to Assist in Devising Schedule.Nrc Will Complete Review of Applicant Proposed Emergency Plan by 810430.SER Suppl Re TMI-2 Related Issues Should Be Issued by Jul,1981
Person / Time
Site: 05000471
Issue date: 03/02/1981
From: Goddard R
To: Calihan A, Cole R, Goodhope A
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8103040481
Download: ML19341C911 (2)



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March 2, 1981 Andrew C. Goodhope, Esq.

Dr. A. Dixon Calihan Administrative Judge Administrative Judge 3320 Estelle Terrace Union Carbide Corporation Wheaton, Marylarie 20906 P. O. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

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Dr. Richard F. Cole Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board C P)

,T U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission


f Washington, D. C.

20SSS nbn0SY" 9"Q gt sec" In the Matter of

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Boston Edison Company, et al.

n (Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2) h@._.

Docket @.60-471

Dear Members of the Board ano Parties:

In response to the Licensing P -

s Order Requestinq Advice on Future Hearings, dated February 19, 2o1 in tne captioned proceeding, the NRC Staff (Staff) provides the following dates to assist the Board in devising a schedule:

(a) Based on our request that the Aphlicant provide response to our request for additional information by March 18, 1981, the Staff expects to complete its review of Applicant's proposed Emergency Plan and related information for Pilgrim 2 by April 30, 1981. Preparation of testimony saould take 2-3 weeks after resolution of item (b), infra.

(b) Upon receipt of this review, the Comonwealth of Massachusetts may seek to modify, or update, its presently admitted contention on emergency planning, and file further interrogatories with the Staff. This information was transmitted by Counsel for the Comonwealth.

(c) With respect to Staff advice on TMI-2 related issuas, the Staff expects to issue an SER supplement on these issues by approximately July,


1981, provided that the Applicant furnishes its responses to the Comission's requirements for construction permit applicants no later than April 1,1981.

Sincerely, E

5 9 5 Ricnard J. Goddard Counsel for NRC Staff f[

cc: See page 2.

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. cc: Thomas G. Dignan, Jr., Esq.

Dale G. Stoodley, Esq.

Henry Herrmann, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Cleeton The Board of Selectmen William S. Abbott, Esq.

Michael B. lieyer Mr. Lester B. Smith Francis S. Wright, Esq.

Patrick J. Kenney, Esq.

Laurie Burt. Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Pa.ul Docketing and Sery1ce Section ilRC Central 0 ELD FF (2)

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