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Lists Actual Expenditures for Prof Effort & Contractual Support Sys from Filing to Withdrawal.Money Collected Should Be Put in Deferred Account Since Authority to Collect Fees for Withdrawn Applications Challenged
Person / Time
Site: 05000471
Issue date: 04/15/1982
From: Miller W
To: Manion W
Shared Package
ML20054C996 List:
NUDOCS 8204220233
Download: ML20054D006 (1)


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APR 1 a 1982 E -

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DocketFile50-41.(k; Docket No. 50-471 rc PDR LPDR

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License Fee File PNorry, ADM RFonner, OELD Boston Edison Company M

er, B

ATTH: Mr. J. Edward Howard CJHolloway, LFMB Vice President - Nuclear B

800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 LPTremper, LFMB LFMB R/F (2)


By letter dated October 23, 1981, Ropes and Gray, counsel for Boston Edison Company, and Boston Edison Company jointly requested termination of proceedings and with-drawal of the construction permit application for Pilgrim 2.

On January 15, 1982, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel granted the motion to withdraw the application and terminate the proceedings for Pilgrim 2.

Under 10 CFR Part 170, it is Comission practice to recover the review costs using the procedures of Footnote 3 to 10 CFR 170.21 when the review of the project is complete. The review of this project was completed as of January 15,1982, the date that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel dismissed the proceeding.

Accordingly, we have determined the actual expenditures incurred for professional effort and contractual support services from the date the application was filed to its date of withdrawal. Actual costs incurred for Unit 2 were $986,764. Under the Commission's regulations, we limit the charge for review to that which would be applied to the construction permit under 10 CFR 170.21(a)A.1, that is, $986,764.

$70,000 has already been paid as an application fee.

The balance due for the review of the construction permit application is as follows:

Unit 2 Actual Cost

$986,764 Less Application Fee

-70,000 Balance Due NRC

$916,764 We have notified the NRC Office of the Controller te issue an invoice to Boston Edison Company to cover the Comission's review costs for the withdrawn construction permit application.

Sincerely, Gr N "Amed hf w o.: m r William O. Miller, Chief 8204220233 820415 License Fee Management Branch PDR ADOCK 05000 Offjce o pinistration

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