MONTHYEARML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20054D0061982-04-15015 April 1982 Lists Actual Expenditures for Prof Effort & Contractual Support Sys from Filing to Withdrawal.Money Collected Should Be Put in Deferred Account Since Authority to Collect Fees for Withdrawn Applications Challenged ML20054D0081982-04-15015 April 1982 Advises of Costs Incurred in Review of Withdrawn Application ML20055A2751982-02-10010 February 1982 Forwards Info Re Current Status of Exemption Requests for Alert & Notification Sys ML20151H1561982-01-0505 January 1982 Advises of NRR Position Re Hydrogen Control Sys.No Suggestion Made That Analysis Provided by Util or Sys Installed at Plant Were Adequate or That No Further Work on Sys Needed or That Work Should Be Held in Abeyance ML20010H7411981-09-25025 September 1981 Advises That NRC Is Not Filing Response to Intervenors Contentions Re Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Issues ML20213D8121981-09-19019 September 1981 Advises of Div of Sys Integration Transfer of Mgt & Coordination Function for near-term CP-TMI Issues Review Group to Licensing Project Managers ML20030D2381981-08-28028 August 1981 Forwards NRC & Commonwealth of Ma 810820 Agreement, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC 810827 Motion for Protective Order ML20030C5511981-08-25025 August 1981 Forwards Bk Grimes Affidavit for Attachment to NRC 810824 Response to Commonwealth of Ma Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C1211981-08-14014 August 1981 Requests That ASLB Defer Any Ruling on NRC 810710 Motion for Protective Order & Commonwealth of Ma 810724 Response to Motion.Nrc & Commonwealth of Ma Are Consulting Informally Re Interrogatories & Document Requests ML20031F3231981-07-22022 July 1981 Summarizes 255th ACRS Meeting on 810709-11 in Washington,Dc Re Safety Research Program Budget for FY83,TMI-1 Restart, Rept on New Safety Concepts for Future Const,Subcommittee Activity & Future Schedule ML20009B5061981-07-15015 July 1981 Forwards ACRS Re Application of TMI-2 Action Plan to Facility ML20031E1711981-06-26026 June 1981 Forwards Table Depicting Comparability Check of 0-10 Mile Population Data Used in Alternative Site Study & Evacuation Study for Facility NUREG-0718, Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl1981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl ML20004C9141981-06-0404 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 5 to Facility Ser.W/O Encl ML19343D5221981-04-29029 April 1981 Forwards Draft Ltr Forwarding NRC Comments on Emergency Preparedness Program,Based on Review of PSAR Amends 40 & 41. Program Meets Requirements of Part II of App E to 10CFR50. Evacuation Time Estimate Needs Revision ML19345G9551981-04-22022 April 1981 Notification of 810420-24 Meetings W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Licensing Requirements Re TMI Lessons Learned ML20031E1561981-04-22022 April 1981 Discusses Review of PSAR for Facility Re State & Local Plans.Licensee Must Expand Conditions on Which Predetermined Protective Action Will Be Recommended Offsite to Include plant-specific Conditions ML19347E0351981-04-0909 April 1981 Discusses Safety Evaluation Schedule Re Util Submittal Responding to Proposed CP Rule on TMI Requirements. Evaluation of Technical Input Should Be Submitted to Div of Licensing by 810508 ML19345G4791981-04-0202 April 1981 Notification of 810408 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss NRC Activities & Plans for Review of near-term CP Plants Considering Proposed Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications ML20003D6711981-03-23023 March 1981 Requests Confirmation of 810424 Amend 41 to Psar.Based on Util 810227 Memo,Understands Emergency Preparedness Licensing Branch Will Complete Review by 810424 ML19341C9111981-03-0202 March 1981 Responds to ASLB 810219 Order,Providing Dates to Assist in Devising Schedule.Nrc Will Complete Review of Applicant Proposed Emergency Plan by 810430.SER Suppl Re TMI-2 Related Issues Should Be Issued by Jul,1981 ML20003C7171981-03-0202 March 1981 Requests Review of Population Data in App 13A of Amend 40 to Psar,Sumitted 801010.Review Should Determine If Data Provides Adequate Basis on Which Evacuation Time Estimates Can Be Developed ML20003C3751981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards Projected Target Dates for Pending CP Applications. Schedule for CP Issuance Is Heavily Dependent on Scope of TMI-related Requirements ML20003C2001981-02-0404 February 1981 Notification of 810203 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Hydrogen Control & Associated Containment Pressures ML20002B7061980-11-0606 November 1980 Forwards Tabulation & Summary of IE Survey on Low Level Waste at 51 Reactors.Low Level Waste Storage Facilities Have Been Expanded at 37% of Reactors Surveyed w/71% Planning or Considering Increasing Storage Capacity ML20062H2961979-06-18018 June 1979 Forwards Stipulation by All Parties,Except Applicants, on Emergency Planning Contention.Applicant Position Re Contention Is Contained in Burt to Bh Smith ML20062G9911979-03-0101 March 1979 Forwards EA Licitra Affidavit Indicating That NRC Reconsideration of Reactor Safety Per Lewis Committee Recommendations Will Have No Impact on This Proceeding ML20147F2231978-12-11011 December 1978 Forwards from LP Downing,Town Clerk of Provincetown,Ma.Requests That Ltr Be Considered as a Limited Appearance Under 10CFR2.715 ML20147C7621978-11-22022 November 1978 Forwards Recent Memo Discussing Problems W/Pipe Support Base Plant Design Applicable to Subj Facil.W/Encl ANO: 7811020332,7811020343 & 7811020336 ML20204C6861978-11-0909 November 1978 Responds to 781106 Request for Info Concerning Licensee Reg Performance Eval for Region 1 Plants by Nrc.Provides Details ML20148E9781978-10-25025 October 1978 Forwards 780929 Memo Re Recent Fire Protection Tests Performed by Ul for NRC 1994-03-24
MONTHYEARML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20054D0061982-04-15015 April 1982 Lists Actual Expenditures for Prof Effort & Contractual Support Sys from Filing to Withdrawal.Money Collected Should Be Put in Deferred Account Since Authority to Collect Fees for Withdrawn Applications Challenged ML20054D0081982-04-15015 April 1982 Advises of Costs Incurred in Review of Withdrawn Application ML20055A2751982-02-10010 February 1982 Forwards Info Re Current Status of Exemption Requests for Alert & Notification Sys ML20151H1561982-01-0505 January 1982 Advises of NRR Position Re Hydrogen Control Sys.No Suggestion Made That Analysis Provided by Util or Sys Installed at Plant Were Adequate or That No Further Work on Sys Needed or That Work Should Be Held in Abeyance ML20010H7411981-09-25025 September 1981 Advises That NRC Is Not Filing Response to Intervenors Contentions Re Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Issues ML20213D8121981-09-19019 September 1981 Advises of Div of Sys Integration Transfer of Mgt & Coordination Function for near-term CP-TMI Issues Review Group to Licensing Project Managers ML20030D2381981-08-28028 August 1981 Forwards NRC & Commonwealth of Ma 810820 Agreement, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC 810827 Motion for Protective Order ML20030C5511981-08-25025 August 1981 Forwards Bk Grimes Affidavit for Attachment to NRC 810824 Response to Commonwealth of Ma Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C1211981-08-14014 August 1981 Requests That ASLB Defer Any Ruling on NRC 810710 Motion for Protective Order & Commonwealth of Ma 810724 Response to Motion.Nrc & Commonwealth of Ma Are Consulting Informally Re Interrogatories & Document Requests ML20031F3231981-07-22022 July 1981 Summarizes 255th ACRS Meeting on 810709-11 in Washington,Dc Re Safety Research Program Budget for FY83,TMI-1 Restart, Rept on New Safety Concepts for Future Const,Subcommittee Activity & Future Schedule ML20009B5061981-07-15015 July 1981 Forwards ACRS Re Application of TMI-2 Action Plan to Facility ML20031E1711981-06-26026 June 1981 Forwards Table Depicting Comparability Check of 0-10 Mile Population Data Used in Alternative Site Study & Evacuation Study for Facility NUREG-0718, Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl1981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl ML20004C9141981-06-0404 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 5 to Facility Ser.W/O Encl ML19343D5221981-04-29029 April 1981 Forwards Draft Ltr Forwarding NRC Comments on Emergency Preparedness Program,Based on Review of PSAR Amends 40 & 41. Program Meets Requirements of Part II of App E to 10CFR50. Evacuation Time Estimate Needs Revision ML19345G9551981-04-22022 April 1981 Notification of 810420-24 Meetings W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Licensing Requirements Re TMI Lessons Learned ML20031E1561981-04-22022 April 1981 Discusses Review of PSAR for Facility Re State & Local Plans.Licensee Must Expand Conditions on Which Predetermined Protective Action Will Be Recommended Offsite to Include plant-specific Conditions ML19347E0351981-04-0909 April 1981 Discusses Safety Evaluation Schedule Re Util Submittal Responding to Proposed CP Rule on TMI Requirements. Evaluation of Technical Input Should Be Submitted to Div of Licensing by 810508 ML19345G4791981-04-0202 April 1981 Notification of 810408 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss NRC Activities & Plans for Review of near-term CP Plants Considering Proposed Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications ML20003D6711981-03-23023 March 1981 Requests Confirmation of 810424 Amend 41 to Psar.Based on Util 810227 Memo,Understands Emergency Preparedness Licensing Branch Will Complete Review by 810424 ML19341C9111981-03-0202 March 1981 Responds to ASLB 810219 Order,Providing Dates to Assist in Devising Schedule.Nrc Will Complete Review of Applicant Proposed Emergency Plan by 810430.SER Suppl Re TMI-2 Related Issues Should Be Issued by Jul,1981 ML20003C7171981-03-0202 March 1981 Requests Review of Population Data in App 13A of Amend 40 to Psar,Sumitted 801010.Review Should Determine If Data Provides Adequate Basis on Which Evacuation Time Estimates Can Be Developed ML20003C3751981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards Projected Target Dates for Pending CP Applications. Schedule for CP Issuance Is Heavily Dependent on Scope of TMI-related Requirements ML20003C2001981-02-0404 February 1981 Notification of 810203 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Hydrogen Control & Associated Containment Pressures ML20002B7061980-11-0606 November 1980 Forwards Tabulation & Summary of IE Survey on Low Level Waste at 51 Reactors.Low Level Waste Storage Facilities Have Been Expanded at 37% of Reactors Surveyed w/71% Planning or Considering Increasing Storage Capacity ML20062H2961979-06-18018 June 1979 Forwards Stipulation by All Parties,Except Applicants, on Emergency Planning Contention.Applicant Position Re Contention Is Contained in Burt to Bh Smith ML20062G9911979-03-0101 March 1979 Forwards EA Licitra Affidavit Indicating That NRC Reconsideration of Reactor Safety Per Lewis Committee Recommendations Will Have No Impact on This Proceeding ML20147F2231978-12-11011 December 1978 Forwards from LP Downing,Town Clerk of Provincetown,Ma.Requests That Ltr Be Considered as a Limited Appearance Under 10CFR2.715 ML20147C7621978-11-22022 November 1978 Forwards Recent Memo Discussing Problems W/Pipe Support Base Plant Design Applicable to Subj Facil.W/Encl ANO: 7811020332,7811020343 & 7811020336 ML20204C6861978-11-0909 November 1978 Responds to 781106 Request for Info Concerning Licensee Reg Performance Eval for Region 1 Plants by Nrc.Provides Details ML20148E9781978-10-25025 October 1978 Forwards 780929 Memo Re Recent Fire Protection Tests Performed by Ul for NRC 1994-03-24
[Table view] |
s APii 151982 FEMORA?IDUM FOR: Files THRU:
William 0. Miller, Chief, License Fee Management Branch, ADM l
C. James Holloway, Jr., Assistant Chief, License Fee Management Branch, A m
PILGRIM 2 C0:lSTRUCTIO?1 PERMIT REVIEW COSTS Boston Edison Company filed a construction permit (CP) application on June 7 1973 to build two nuclear power plants at the licensee's site in Plymouth County, Massachusetts. These plants were designated as the Pilgrim t{uclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3.
Boston Edison withdrew their application for Unit 3 on August 15, 1974.
On October 23, 1981, Ropes and Gray, counsel for Boston Edison Company and Boston Edison Company, jointly filed a " Motion to withdraw application and terminate proceedings" (Enclosure 1) for Pilgrim 2 with the Atomic Safety and Licensing Coard Panel (ASLBP). By Order (Enclosure 2) dated January 15, 1982, the ASLBP dismissed the proceedings.
In accordance with LFMB established guidelines concerning the assessment of fees for withdrawn applications, we have reviewed the actual costs incurred by the various program offices from the date the application was filed to the date of withdrawal of the application. is a sumary of the review costs as well as the supporting documentation from the program offices. Enclosure 3 i shows that $986,764 was expended for the review of Pilgrim 2.
The CP application was filed and reviewed as a custom design. Therefore, for purposes of assessing the costs of Pilgrim 2 review, we consider the CP fees in 10 CFR 170.21(a)A.1 as the maximum allowable for recovery. The maximum that can be assessed for the review of Unit 2 is $1,069,000 ($125,000 + $944,000).
Since the costs of the review for Unit 2 are less than the maximum allowed, then
$986,764 would be applicable. Since Boston Edison paid an application fee of 8204220235 820415 PDR ADOCK 05000471 A
F S/
Files Ippa,g g 19.,
$70,000, this amount has been deducted from the total cost leaving a balance due of $916,764 for review of the Pilgrim 2 application. We plan to notify the Office of the Controller to bill Boston Edison Company for the Commission's cost of reviewing the withdrawn construction permit application.
sigec,c. e $ " - n,J.
C. James Holloway, Jr.
Assistant Chief License Fee Management Branch Office of Administration
10/23/81 Motion to Terminate Proceedings 2.
1/15/82 ASLBP Termination of Proceedings 3.
Sumary of Costs and Supporting Documentation u
i DISTRIBUTION: w/ enclosures License Fee File Docket File 50-471 /
'N x
LFMB Manpower File CJHolloway, LFMB RMDiggs, LFMB j
KLKohler, LFMB LFMB R/F (2) 1
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. nne rORM 318 00-80) NRCM 0240
' OFFICIAL RECORD COPY usoeo. i9si-saiseo L
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C..., -; m,:n:etarf 2
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In the Matter of
Docket No. 50 471 M/
(Pilgrim Nuclear Generating
g Q,g
<f Station, Unit 2)
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Now come the Applicants and say as follows:
On September 24, 1981, the Applicants moved the Scard to continue generally all matters currently on this docket
A dyt pending the filing of a further motion with this Board respect-g jy ing the cancellation of the Pilgrim 2 project.
[/* )
s 2.
As a result of the allowance of that motion, matters pending in this docket have been continued generally.
///7 fp 3
On october 22, 1981, tihe cancellation of the Pilgrim 2 proj ect became final.
RC i'iN 071.F.?.m Q$0 5
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e WHEREFORE, the Applicants move the Board to enter an order-allowing the withdrawal of the application herein and terminating I
the adjudicatory proceedings before this Board.
By their attorneys, Thomas G.
Dignan, Jr.
Thomas G.
Dignan, Jr.
Ropes & Gray 225 Franklin Street Boston, MA 02110 (617) 423-6100 1
Stowe W.
Stowe Boston Edison Company 800 Boylston Street Boston, MA c2199 (617) 424-2544 October 23, 1981 h
i i
a 1
7 5
Andrew C. Goodhope, Chainnan Dixon Callihan.
e Richard F. Cole C
In the Matter of
Docket No. 50-471
(Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station,
January 15, 1982 p t ! i G, Unit 2)
Oy 4
!!?C q.
(Granting Request To Withdraw Application and Closina Record) p<
dii o On December 10, 1981 this Board requested advice from the Applicant as to any pre-construction activities undertaken at the Pilgrim 2 site which might require cond'itions to be imposed in this order.
The Applicant has replied and informed the Board and parties as to pre-construction activities undertaken at the site which might require conditions to granting Applicant's request to withdraw its application.
The NRC Staff has reviewed the Applicant's reply and states that any activities are environmentally insignificant and no restorative con-ditions are necessary at this time. The Board concurs.
96 1
9 Q
s.~ c w m a
2 Accordingly, it is this 15th day of Janu:
1982 0'RDERED That Applicant's request to withdraw its tation and terminate proceedings in this case is granted and the r:
before this Board is closed.
i3ARD 0ub
Anarew C. t se, Chai man /f I
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j l-r 9
I 4
BOSTON EDISON COMPANY Pilgrim 2 CP Application Withdrawn 1/15/82 Custom Design 170.21(a),A.l.
Program Office Professional Staff Cost Per Professional Cost Of Contractual Total Review Hours Expended Staff Hour Staff Effort Support Costs E
$947,692 NRR 19,828 IE 464.5 36 16,722 16,722 NMSS 38 - ACRS 447 50 22,350 22,350 i
ASLBP Contested Case ASLAP None Total Incurred
$986,764 The total cost for Unit 2 is $986,764. 'Since this is less than the maximum fee as provided in 170.21, and since only an application fee of $70,000 has been paid, the balance due NRC is $916,764.
Unit 2
$986.764 Less Application Fee:
-70,000 Paid 8/13/73 Total:
$916,764 y We have not included 20,397 professional staff hours incurred by NRR for the contested hearings.
We have included 300 hours0.00347 days <br />0.0833 hours <br />4.960317e-4 weeks <br />1.1415e-4 months <br /> which represents the NRR normal effort for the required mandatory hearing phase of a CP review.