MONTHYEARML18011B1361994-12-13013 December 1994 Responds to NRC RAI Re BWR Core Shroud Generic Safety Assessment Re Conductivity by Fuel Cycle.Ge Rept Providing Info W/Alpha Designations in Place of Plant Names Encl.Ge Ltr,Also Encl,Provides Plant Names.Encl Withheld ML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20059M8421990-06-13013 June 1990 Forwards NRC Performance Indicators for First Quarter 1990. W/O Encl ML20151V9791988-07-28028 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plant.App a Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20206F3261986-06-13013 June 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Facilities.App a Documents Available in Pdr.App B & C Documents Encl.Documents Also Available in Pdr.W/O App B & C Documents ML20206F3301986-06-13013 June 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Facilities.App a Documents Available in Pdr.App B & C Documents Encl.Documents Also Available in PDR ML20099J8141984-04-25025 April 1984 FOIA Request for Documents Re Electrical Relay Failures Including Class 1E Relay Failures at Listed Plants & Utilization of GE Type Hfa 51 Series Ac Relays or Other Relays Using Lexan as Coil Spool Matl ML20027A8911982-09-22022 September 1982 FOIA Request for NRC Preliminary & Final Calculations of Reactor Accident Consequence Results for Facilities ML20086Q7091982-07-28028 July 1982 Forwards Analyses of Antirotation Pin & Impeller Ring Wear, Per Request.Encl Info Should Be Treated as company- Sensitive ML20055A2601982-05-28028 May 1982 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Requests by Licensees for Exemption or Extension Beyond 820201 Date Specified by Final Rule,Commission Analysis,Comments,Or Actions Re Emergency Planning.Forwards App a Documents ML20051P0041982-05-0707 May 1982 Advises of Util Position Declining to Pay Charges Asserted in NRC .Charges W/O Regulatory Basis.Other Reasons for Declining Asserted in Pending Case of New England Power Co Vs NRC ML20054C9951982-04-15015 April 1982 Requests Fee Be Remitted for Review of Withdrawn Application ML20042B4561982-03-19019 March 1982 Ack Receipt of Response to .Requests NRC Evaluation of Revised Emergency Plans & Any Addl Public Documents Re Communications Between Util & NRC Concerning Emergency Plans ML20042B7141982-03-19019 March 1982 Forwards Endorsements 66 & 67 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML20042B7091982-03-16016 March 1982 Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binder EB-31 & Endorsement 65 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML20041B2091982-02-17017 February 1982 Forwards Endorsement 50 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20010J4681981-09-30030 September 1981 Forwards Endorsements 47 & 48 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20010H7411981-09-25025 September 1981 Advises That NRC Is Not Filing Response to Intervenors Contentions Re Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Issues ML20031A9921981-09-23023 September 1981 Forwards Listed Documents in Response to Cleeton 810814 Request for Production of Documents ML20010H2041981-09-23023 September 1981 Forwards Gh Patrick Resume ML20031A3171981-09-21021 September 1981 Forwards Documents Responsive to Commonwealth of Ma 810825 Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning.W/O Encl ML20031A1191981-09-17017 September 1981 Responds to Commonwealth of Ma 810819 First Set of Document Requests Directed to NRC Re TMI Issues.Documents in Response to Interrogatory 10 Will Be Provided Once Witnesses to Be Offered Are Identified ML20033C5341981-09-11011 September 1981 Responds to FOIA Request for Eight Categories of Documents Re Emergency Planning for Facilities.Forwards Documents Listed in App ML20010G1131981-09-10010 September 1981 Forwards Documents to Aid in Preparing Testimony.W/O Encl ML20010F8911981-09-10010 September 1981 Forwards Documents Supplementing NRC Prior Production Per Util 810701 Document Request 1 Re Emergency Planning. W/O Encl ML20030D2381981-08-28028 August 1981 Forwards NRC & Commonwealth of Ma 810820 Agreement, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC 810827 Motion for Protective Order ML20030C9761981-08-27027 August 1981 Forwards Commonwealth of Ma Emergency Planning Contentions for Use in Preparation of Testimony.Direct Testimony Must Be Filed by 810911 ML20030C5511981-08-25025 August 1981 Forwards Bk Grimes Affidavit for Attachment to NRC 810824 Response to Commonwealth of Ma Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010D1151981-08-20020 August 1981 Confirms Ground Rules for 810820 Informal Questioning of NRC Personnel.Also Confirms Agreement That All Motions Re First Set of Interrogatories Are Moot & Essentially Withdrawn ML20030B8861981-08-18018 August 1981 Requests to Be Excused from Participation in Oral Argument Scheduled for 810901.Issues Have Been Joined & Briefed & Oral Argument Is Not Essential.Request Partially Due to Budgetary Restraints ML20010C1211981-08-14014 August 1981 Requests That ASLB Defer Any Ruling on NRC 810710 Motion for Protective Order & Commonwealth of Ma 810724 Response to Motion.Nrc & Commonwealth of Ma Are Consulting Informally Re Interrogatories & Document Requests ML20010B3281981-08-0505 August 1981 Advises of Issue Raised in CP Proceeding Re Feasibility of Developing Adequate Emergency Plan by OL Stage of Proceeding.Fema Testimony Will Be Needed ML20009H6841981-08-0303 August 1981 Forwards Updated Population Data & Description of Road Network Improvements Projected During First Yr of Plant Operation,In Response to NRC 810724 Request Re Evacuation Time & Population Estimates ML20010C2431981-07-28028 July 1981 Forwards All Matl Re Evaluation of Facility Evacuation Time Estimates Per Request ML20009E2861981-07-24024 July 1981 Forwards Document Referenced on Page 20 of SER Suppl 6, Which NRC Made Available to Applicants at 810408 Meeting.W/O Encl ML20031F3231981-07-22022 July 1981 Summarizes 255th ACRS Meeting on 810709-11 in Washington,Dc Re Safety Research Program Budget for FY83,TMI-1 Restart, Rept on New Safety Concepts for Future Const,Subcommittee Activity & Future Schedule ML20009B7911981-07-15015 July 1981 Forwards SER Suppl on Emergency planning,810715 Interrogatory Answers & Affidavit to Be Notarized.W/O Encl ML20009B5061981-07-15015 July 1981 Forwards ACRS Re Application of TMI-2 Action Plan to Facility ML20009B3301981-07-10010 July 1981 Requests That NRC Notify N Reynolds That 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline for Compliance w/CLI-80-21 Has Been Retitled.Svc Should Be Made of All Subsequent Papers on Parties to Proceeding,Including Ucs ML20010B5371981-07-0909 July 1981 Confirms 810701 Conversation.Licensee Has Revised Population Data Used in Evaluation of Evacuation Time Estimates ML20033C5451981-07-0101 July 1981 Forwards Review of Facility Equipment Air Locks as Described in Util 810401 Emergency Plan ML20005A3991981-06-29029 June 1981 Forwards Advanced Copy of SER Suppl 6 Per 810624 Request. W/O Encl ML20030D6581981-06-29029 June 1981 Advises That Toledo Edison Co & IA Electric Light & Power Co Should Be Included as Petitioners in Licensee 810622 Petition Requesting Commission Extension of Deadline Imposed by CLI-80-21 ML19350F0001981-06-22022 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 6 to Facility Ser.W/O Encl ML20037D2811981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 6 to SER for Facility.W/O Encl NUREG-0718, Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl1981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl ML20004C9141981-06-0404 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 5 to Facility Ser.W/O Encl ML20009B1301981-06-0303 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 5 to SER for Facility.W/O Encl ML20010C5851981-05-27027 May 1981 Advises That Because of M Cleeton Medical History,Any Extra Radiation Would Pose Risk.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20004B6901981-05-19019 May 1981 Forwards AR & MW Cleeton Exceptions to ASLB Partial Initial Decision 1994-12-13
MONTHYEARML20010H2041981-09-23023 September 1981 Forwards Gh Patrick Resume ML20031A3171981-09-21021 September 1981 Forwards Documents Responsive to Commonwealth of Ma 810825 Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning.W/O Encl ML20031A1191981-09-17017 September 1981 Responds to Commonwealth of Ma 810819 First Set of Document Requests Directed to NRC Re TMI Issues.Documents in Response to Interrogatory 10 Will Be Provided Once Witnesses to Be Offered Are Identified ML20033C5341981-09-11011 September 1981 Responds to FOIA Request for Eight Categories of Documents Re Emergency Planning for Facilities.Forwards Documents Listed in App ML20010F8911981-09-10010 September 1981 Forwards Documents Supplementing NRC Prior Production Per Util 810701 Document Request 1 Re Emergency Planning. W/O Encl ML20010D1151981-08-20020 August 1981 Confirms Ground Rules for 810820 Informal Questioning of NRC Personnel.Also Confirms Agreement That All Motions Re First Set of Interrogatories Are Moot & Essentially Withdrawn ML20009E2861981-07-24024 July 1981 Forwards Document Referenced on Page 20 of SER Suppl 6, Which NRC Made Available to Applicants at 810408 Meeting.W/O Encl 1981-09-23
MONTHYEARML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20059M8421990-06-13013 June 1990 Forwards NRC Performance Indicators for First Quarter 1990. W/O Encl ML20151V9791988-07-28028 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plant.App a Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20206F3301986-06-13013 June 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Facilities.App a Documents Available in Pdr.App B & C Documents Encl.Documents Also Available in PDR ML20206F3261986-06-13013 June 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Facilities.App a Documents Available in Pdr.App B & C Documents Encl.Documents Also Available in Pdr.W/O App B & C Documents ML20055A2601982-05-28028 May 1982 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Requests by Licensees for Exemption or Extension Beyond 820201 Date Specified by Final Rule,Commission Analysis,Comments,Or Actions Re Emergency Planning.Forwards App a Documents ML20054C9951982-04-15015 April 1982 Requests Fee Be Remitted for Review of Withdrawn Application ML20031A9921981-09-23023 September 1981 Forwards Listed Documents in Response to Cleeton 810814 Request for Production of Documents ML20010H2041981-09-23023 September 1981 Forwards Gh Patrick Resume ML20031A3171981-09-21021 September 1981 Forwards Documents Responsive to Commonwealth of Ma 810825 Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents Directed to NRC Re Emergency Planning.W/O Encl ML20031A1191981-09-17017 September 1981 Responds to Commonwealth of Ma 810819 First Set of Document Requests Directed to NRC Re TMI Issues.Documents in Response to Interrogatory 10 Will Be Provided Once Witnesses to Be Offered Are Identified ML20033C5341981-09-11011 September 1981 Responds to FOIA Request for Eight Categories of Documents Re Emergency Planning for Facilities.Forwards Documents Listed in App ML20010F8911981-09-10010 September 1981 Forwards Documents Supplementing NRC Prior Production Per Util 810701 Document Request 1 Re Emergency Planning. W/O Encl ML20010G1131981-09-10010 September 1981 Forwards Documents to Aid in Preparing Testimony.W/O Encl ML20030C9761981-08-27027 August 1981 Forwards Commonwealth of Ma Emergency Planning Contentions for Use in Preparation of Testimony.Direct Testimony Must Be Filed by 810911 ML20030C5511981-08-25025 August 1981 Forwards Bk Grimes Affidavit for Attachment to NRC 810824 Response to Commonwealth of Ma Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010D1151981-08-20020 August 1981 Confirms Ground Rules for 810820 Informal Questioning of NRC Personnel.Also Confirms Agreement That All Motions Re First Set of Interrogatories Are Moot & Essentially Withdrawn ML20010B3281981-08-0505 August 1981 Advises of Issue Raised in CP Proceeding Re Feasibility of Developing Adequate Emergency Plan by OL Stage of Proceeding.Fema Testimony Will Be Needed ML20009E2861981-07-24024 July 1981 Forwards Document Referenced on Page 20 of SER Suppl 6, Which NRC Made Available to Applicants at 810408 Meeting.W/O Encl ML20009B7911981-07-15015 July 1981 Forwards SER Suppl on Emergency planning,810715 Interrogatory Answers & Affidavit to Be Notarized.W/O Encl ML20010B5371981-07-0909 July 1981 Confirms 810701 Conversation.Licensee Has Revised Population Data Used in Evaluation of Evacuation Time Estimates ML20005A3991981-06-29029 June 1981 Forwards Advanced Copy of SER Suppl 6 Per 810624 Request. W/O Encl ML19350F0001981-06-22022 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 6 to Facility Ser.W/O Encl ML20037D2811981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 6 to SER for Facility.W/O Encl ML20009B1301981-06-0303 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 5 to SER for Facility.W/O Encl ML19345G3031981-03-0303 March 1981 Forwards Request for Addl Info & Commitments Re Onside Emergency Facilities Needed Prior to Determining That Amend 40 Meets Requirements of 10CFR50.Responses to Comments & Questions to Be Amended in PSAR by 810318 ML19345B0601980-11-18018 November 1980 Requests Review Re Local Level of Emergency Planning Around Facilities to Determine Adequacy of Support & Cooperation from Util.Town of Plymouth,Ma Encl ML20062J3251980-09-30030 September 1980 Discusses Emergency Planning Regulations,In Response to Re L Boyd Concerns.Fema Is Responsible for Adequacy of Emergency Preparedness in States & Communities Around Nuclear Plants ML19338D0581980-09-0404 September 1980 Responds to FOIA Request for 15 Documents Listed in Bibliography of NUREG-0625, Rept of Siting Policy Task Force. Documents 6-8 & 13 Are Available in Pdr.Forwards Remaining Documents ML20136B3411979-06-29029 June 1979 Forwards Feld Supplemental Testimony & Ws Chern Affidavit Re NRC 790625 Responses to Commonwealth of Ma Interrogatories ML20062F5341978-12-0808 December 1978 Refuses 780623 & 30 Requests for Withholding Financial Info from Pub Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790.Appeal Period Is 30 Days ML20147J3981978-12-0606 December 1978 Emphasizes Importance of Submitting Accurate & Complete Info to NRC by Licensees & Applicants.Info Submitted Must Be Substantiated by Data & Calculations.Licensee Must Notify NRC of Any Inaccuracies or Enforcement Action Will Result ML20062E8391978-11-24024 November 1978 Forwards from D Vassallo of NRC to R Butler of Beco Requesting Addl Financial Info ML20062D8961978-11-21021 November 1978 Ack Receipt of 781026 Request for Info Re NRC Position on Recirculating Sections of Environ Impact Statement of Facil Re Alternative Sites.Indicates Litigative Risk in Not Recirculating.Forwards Related Correspondence ML20062A5491978-10-10010 October 1978 Responds to from Scientists & Engineers for Secure Energy Re Extreme Delay in Issuing Cp.Public Interest Served by Extensive Review of Application ML20062E8431978-07-14014 July 1978 Requests Beco Provide Addl Financial Info Re Deferred Taxes, Depreciation & Deferred Fuel for Subj Facil IR 05000293/19770311978-05-12012 May 1978 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violation Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-293/77-31 on 771128-30 ML20136B3021978-03-14014 March 1978 Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-293/77-31 on 771128-30.Enforcement Correspondence Will Be Forwarded Separately 1993-04-12
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[N5'!b4 September 23, 1981 s
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Jo Ann Shotwell, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection Division Public Protection Bureau One Ashburton Place,19th Ficor Boston,flA 02108 in the !!atter of Boston Edison Company, et al.
(Ptit,ria llucicar Generating StaTfois Unit 2)
Docket No. 50-471
Dear lis. Shotwell:
Enclosed is the resune of ifr. George lh Patrick III.
Sincerely, 5/
Jack R. Goldberg Counsel for flRC Staff Enclosure As Stated cc: See Page Two 7
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2-cc w/cocl:
Thomas G. Dignan, Jr., Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Cleeton cc w/o encl:
Andrew C. Goodhope, Esq.
Dr. A. Dixon Calli, tan Dr. Richard F. Cole C. K. Gad III, Esq.
Henry Herrmann, Esq.
The Board of Selectmen William S. AMott, Esq.
Mr. Lester B. Smith William S. Stowe, Esq.
Francis S. Wright, Esq.
Patrick J. Kenny, Esq.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Appaal Board Panei Docketing and Service Section Dist NRC Docket Fiie PDR LPDR Shapar/Eregelhardt Christenbury/Scinto Olmstead Rutberg Chandler Vogler Goldberg Chron FF(2)
Blume Lewis Wright-EAdensam i
\\jN DScaletti BGri:.1es TMc.tenna N
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NRC FORM 3tde10/80* NRCM O24*
George H. Patrick III Professional Experience During the last twenty-nine years I have been involved in Emergency Planning cnd rolaied programs that provide fiscal resources and guidanco to other cr0snizstions in developing emergency plans.
The following is a chronoTogy of my professional experience:
Fcbruary 1981 to Present - Director, Plans and Preparedners, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Region I.
Boston, MA As the Director I am responsible for the development of policies and overscoing the managemont of tho Plans'and Preparedness (P&P) Programs within the States.of Region I.
These progrmns involve Radioingical Enwpen'cy Plans. Comrchensivo Emergency Planning (war and natural),
and the various Civil Preparedness Programs such as Nuclear Civil Protection, Radiologica? Nonitorin0, Emergency Broadcast System, and the various Grant Programs that support the organizations to imploment those functions.
April.19?9 to January 1981 - Director. Disastor Rospanon and Recovery, pv FERA. Region I. Boston, MA As the Director I uns responsible for the overall system development to implement the Disaster Assistanco Act of 1974. Public Law 93-208 Under this Law the President providos assistance to State and Tocal communities when a natural disaster r.trikes an area.
This assistance normally supplements the state and local nnvernments efforts to protect and oileviate the suffering.
Moreover, we provide guidance to the Statos in developin0 fiatural Disastor Emergency Plans.
Rovember 1975 to March 1979 - Deputy Regionni Ofrector/0frector. Field Operations, Defense Civil Preparedness Agency (DCPA). Regic9 I, Haynard. HA Responsible for the development of policies and managenent techniques l
to' implenent the flational Civil Prc9aredness Progreas within eight North-j costern States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. To accomplish these i
tasks, it 1 volved the establishment of fiscal and planning requirements n
te meet the preparedness needs of the States.
The programs were all encompassing in that manpower. equipment and financial requirements were developed to ensure that the State and local jurisdictions were These provided the resources to sustoin a viable Preporodness Program, programs were dovcloped by frequent discussions with executivos of State l
cnd local governments and Federal Agencies, t
E September 1074 to November 1976 - Specf61 Assistant to tha Director. DCPA, WashinD en. DC t
Responsibic iar the overall comr unicetion utth the Hattonni Association of Stato Directors for Disacter Preparedness and the Unitet States Civil Defense Council.
These ornanizations represent Stato and local Civil Preparedner.s nationwide, and they influenco approximately 4,400 jurisdictions which are tctally involved in preparedness planning.
Further, acted for the Director in orcviding tha Executive Committees of thoso National organizations with policies and general guidance relating to the National civil preparedness. Also, acted as a focal point for quertes concerning problems and other assistance required to perform civil preparedness functions.
Further, the Special Assistant was required to attend meetings and address these organizations to convey the general thinking and discuss thn operational prdgrams devcloped by the OrDanization.
Also, advised the Executiva Committees on the Congressional views of the Agency's annual authorization and legislation and corresponds with the Cxacutive Committoos on changes in policies and 1cgislation which concern the numerous programs involving civil preparedness.
Collateral responsibilities involved the Agency's Congressional
,' relations, which ontailed keeping Congressional Ccamittees current
$' on the requirements and policion of the Agency; informed the Congress on the financiol assistanco providad tha Stato and local go'vernments to support the preparodnoss efforts within their.fursidiction; provided i
officials of the Department of Dofenso (DoD) and other governmeat agencies avith the requirements of the Civil Preparedness organizations.
Internationally, acted as the Alternate DolcCato to the UATO Civil Dofense Committen meeting held annually in Bruscels, Ucicium.
This involved developecnt and articulation of the United States position before the representatives of tho IMT0 nations.
Also, explained the I;gency's operational functions and ensured that U,5, Emergency Preparedncss was compatibio with NATO plans.
Rfrther, developed and revicend cmaracncy assistanco operational l
planning requiremonta for the Director's dissomination to the field.
Alco,. use involved in coordinatin;7 the UCPA Ibhfitzation Dat.f once Progrett uith tho riflitary services on overali policy matters to ensure the Agency's proqram ws supportive of tha propsrodness responsibility.
In this rogard, tho !!ilitary Support to Civil Authority requirements were also a matter of planning, developing and coordinatfi.g throughout tho Doportment of Dafenso.
t f
3 April 1973 to August 1974 - Ellitcry Assistant to the Director. DCPA.
UashinDton, DC Principsl assistant to tho Otrector on policies and programs relat:ag to the use of the Dapartment of Onfenso assots in support of the Civil Propr,rc? ness nationa) role.
Represented the Director at intra-governmental agency racetinas on the uso of the Military Dapartments' support to civil preparedness.
Participated in end expressed the views of the U.S. Government and Arency policios et international conferences.
Briefed and discussed with foreign and other govertusental officials the role of the mtif tary in civil preparedness.
J:rne 1969 to March 1973 - Assistant fw Vietnam for Strategic and Economic Affnirs, Offico of the Secretary of Defensc, The Pantagon, Washington, DC 1112 !>ecrotary of Defenso catabliched [ thirteen-tcan office to consolidate the DoD management. of the planning, financial and materiel N4af rcments for our withdrauni from Vietnam. Uss responsthic for the forswlotion and triplc.1cntation of plans and financial requirements to rnintctn the economic t.tability of the nation.
This required a thorough I.nowledge of tho economt; steucture and the international mwirement for financini crd materfol needs to acccuplish and maintain c;on;mic stability.
Meda frequent tripn.to Southcust Asia utth numerous Dafcaso offfetals cnd reported firdings to tha Secretary of Dafcaso.
Acted as the Secretary of Ocfenso's representstivo baforo Congrossional Ccomitteau, interagancy confcc%cos and ctedy groups, Orchestrated the DoD participation in the Sonate Foreign Relations Hearinas regarding th9 U.S. involvement in Vietnse.
Janucry 1960 tc ray 1909 - Assistant Systems Staff Officer, United States Anny Gonaral Staff, Departmnt of' the Anqy, Tho Pontacon, Washington, DC flosponsiMc for the conitorinD and mnagunat of the development of an automatic data procccsing nystent,for tactical applicction.
These rocponsibilitics involved providing guidan'co and supervising numerous contractors who ucrc developing tha harduaro und coftuare for the syntom.
(bintairmd nctivo ucrhing relations with other services regarding the system appliention ord cc:apalability utth thcir nystms.
Presented formal briertnes on the systcan to U.S. Govctmant officials, Congresstor.a1 official s, anti fcNicn represcatetivos.
Responnible for the budgot Has the fortwintion and predntation hofore Darenso representatives.
Departaent of the Army reprennututivo far the cystem applicability in the Eurorce.n environment.
novicued the European plans, contractor performance, financial and inotorici requiremento.
I 4
November 1966 to December 1967 - Seritor Prmines Advir.or in South Vietnam h
Responsible for the pionning and nanancttont of the Provf rr0f al Reconstructfon tmd Defon::o Procrea, which enecr. passed the dovolop.
ment of fin:n::in1, hoalth, agriculturni, heu:fng, cducation programs and clie corral functiorn of a Stato Ret.ourcon tuc%er for an arcs of 70 squaro miles of opricetural pinins nn:' n9untalr. arcas inhabP,cd by'175.000 peoplo.
DeveJo;od tectical on<t cccurity plans for the cmplor:aent of tho'6.000-man ; t;avir.cfal ni.ctretty forces,
Octermined, planned, and evaluated the recuirementn for foms) trufatng for the Vietnncoso railitary and civilian offtetuis. Directed DO U.S. military and civilian c:nployces who f r,picmented the provincial operations plans at4d economic, socini sud environ?,entui p m ycas.
P.espannible for the utfitration and nudit of the stitterv'esn;rtanco cateriel used by the Prcvincial Covoroacnt.
Conducted formal brfcffags for U.S. Gavenant and foreign officinis.
Tha carlfer years censisted of orftccr development.