MONTHYEARML20205N9871999-04-14014 April 1999 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 990308-11 ML20203G0081999-02-12012 February 1999 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 981102-06 ML20211M5671997-10-0303 October 1997 Forwards Regulatory Documents Comprising Regulatory History of Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Entitled Financial Assurance Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors, Which Amended 10CFR50,published in Fr on 970910 ML20149D7851997-07-14014 July 1997 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 970731 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Case Studies (Response Time & Reactor Feedwater Pump Trip Test) & Common Themes ML20137C9201997-03-20020 March 1997 Forwards Documentation of Meeting Conducted in Region 4 Office on 970225 to Discuss NRC Enforcement Policy as Applied to Nonescalated Enforcement ML20134P5931997-02-21021 February 1997 Forwards Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication.W/O Encl ML20132F5421996-12-19019 December 1996 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 961007-11 ML20134E9191996-10-29029 October 1996 Forwards Rationale for Inital Plants Selected for Design Insps & for Plants Considered for Second Quarter FY97 Design Insps ML20203B9891995-11-20020 November 1995 Discusses OI Rept 4-95-032 Re Alleged False Statements by Fire Watches to NRC Inspectors.Oe Will Consider Matter Closed from Enforcement Perspective Unless Different View Received within 3 Wks of Date of This Memo ML20211M6231994-11-30030 November 1994 Provides Info to Commission on Status of Rulemaking Activities Re Power Reactor Decommissioning Cost Issues,Per 930714 SRM ML20236L5631994-08-10010 August 1994 Responds to Former Region V 930422 Request for NRR Evaluation of WPPSS Practices Associated W/Testing RHR Sys While Aligned in SPC Mode ML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20079R9231993-10-0606 October 1993 Forwards SE Accepting Amend to Plant Tss.Amend Would Temporarily Suspend Surveillance Test Requirement to Perform Instrument Channel Response Time Testing for Certain Protective Containment Isolation Functions ML20056E5141993-08-12012 August 1993 Submits SALP Schedule for FY94 Per Mgt Directive 8.6 ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant ML20099D1091992-07-16016 July 1992 Forwards Listing of Assistant Director for Environmental Projects (Adep) Project Instructions (Pis) Issued to Environmental Projects Personnel on Variety of Issues & Set of Adep PIs ML20033E2411990-03-0505 March 1990 Notification of 900307 Meeting W/Ge in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential Power Reactor Upgrades ML20011F7171990-03-0202 March 1990 Notification of 900313 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans by Util to Request Tech Spec Change to Increase Allowable Unidentified RCS Leakage Rate from 1 Gpm to 3 Gpm ML20012A9351990-02-28028 February 1990 Advises That Ja Hammer Sucessfully Completed All Requirements for Certification as Operator License Examiner & Is Qualified to Perform Operator Licensing Exams at GE BWR Facilities ML20055C3521990-02-26026 February 1990 Notification of 900305 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Activities for Facility ML20011E6591990-02-12012 February 1990 Forwards AEOD/E90-02, Crosby Low Pressure Relief Valves Nozzle Ring Problems, & Proposed Info Notice Recommended to Be Sent to All Licenseees to Inform of Benefits of Proper Maint of Valves ML20006D7831990-02-0808 February 1990 Advises That Board Concluded That Holding Prehearing Telcon Re Scheduling Considered Premature Due to Lack of Record,Per .Request for Future Scheduling Suggested to Be Submitted.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900209 ML20006C4491990-02-0101 February 1990 Requests Telephone Conference Be Set Up at Board Convenience Due to Author Not Being Able to Reach Licensee Counsel ML20006C7501990-02-0101 February 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 90-13 on 900208 W/Licensee in Region I Ofc to Discuss Nuclear Safety Concerns Program Enhancements ML20006C7931990-02-0101 February 1990 Documents Verification of Close Out of Multi-Plant Action G-01, Reactor Coolant Pump Trip, for Plants,Per 891219 Memo ML20006C4621990-01-26026 January 1990 Responds to 900117 Joint Request on How NRC & Applicant Counsel Expect to Move Proceeding on Hearing Calendar in New Yr.Applicant Has Expressed Desire to Have Proceeding Held in Abeyance Indefinitely Although NRC Does Not Agree ML20006A0231990-01-17017 January 1990 Requests Info,Within 10 Days,On How to Move Proceeding on Hearing Calendar in New Yr.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 900118 ML20005E6701989-12-29029 December 1989 Forwards Technical Review Rept AEOD/T927, Followup on Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps (Afw). No Backleakage Events That Occurred After Issuance of Bulletin 85-001 Resulted in Steam Binding of AFW ML20248E9391989-09-29029 September 1989 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept on Debris in Containment Recirculation Pumps.No Occurrences Found to Involve Actual Accumulation of Debris in Containment Sumps.Immediate Corrective Actions Completed ML20248C8311989-09-20020 September 1989 Request for Hearing by Alchemie.* Forwards Response & Request for Hearing,In Response to NRC 890818 Order Modifying License & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked,For Appropriate Action ML20247H9261989-09-0909 September 1989 Advises That SALP Meeting for Facilities Scheduled for 891115.Assessment Input Should Be Submitted by 891016 ML20245E8501989-08-0707 August 1989 Advises of Reassignments in Project Mgt Duties Due to Recent Reorganization of Standardization & Life Extension Project Directorate ML20245H6451989-08-0404 August 1989 Requests Closure of Outstanding Action Item 87-0198,per 870617 Request Re Review & Evaluation of Acceptability of Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Generator Bearings.Action Completed W/Submittal of Transfer of Lead Responsibility to NRR ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML19332F7431989-07-21021 July 1989 Provides Summary of Station Blackout Responses & Staff Review Schedule Per Request.Cursory Check of Licensee Responses to Station Blackout Rule Has Been Performed in Order to Provide Overview of Industry Approach ML20247B7541989-07-19019 July 1989 Confirms That Licensee 880711,890221 & 0630 Responses to NRC Bulletin 88-004, Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss, Acceptable.Licensing Action for TACs 69886,69887,69893 & 69894 Considered Complete ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20246K5991989-07-12012 July 1989 Notification of 890725 Meeting W/Util in Birmingham,Al to Discuss Status of Current Licensing Activities & Corporate Initiatives for Plants.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20246L6801989-07-10010 July 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 89-101 W/Util on 890718 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Util Engineering Reorganization ML20247A9561989-07-0606 July 1989 Notification of 890717 Meeting W/Lead Plant Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of Revised STS ML20042D1901989-06-0808 June 1989 Memorandum Forwarding Partially Deleted Summary of Discussions During NRC 890517-18 Mgt Meeting Re Problem Plants & Addl Topics.Task Assignments & List of Attendees Also Encl ML20247G1561989-05-15015 May 1989 Forwards Directors Decision 89-03 in Response to 2.206 Petition Re BWR Stability.Petition Filed by Hiatt on Behalf of Ocre Expressing Concerns Re 890309 Power Oscillattion Event & Requested Action W/Respect to All BWRs ML20246H3771989-05-12012 May 1989 ALAB-913.* Advises That Time Provided within Which Commission May Act to Review Aslab Decision ALAB-913 Expired.Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final on 890501.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890512 ML20246P9601989-05-10010 May 1989 Discusses 890413 Meeting W/Rosemount & Industry Re Malfunctions of Rosemount Transmitters.List of Attendess, Agenda,Nrc Info Notice 89-042 & Viewgraphs Encl ML20246C9811989-05-0303 May 1989 Provides Update of 881122 Low Power License Recommendation for Plant,Reporting Closure of Technical Issue Associated W/ Agastat 7000 Series Relays.Advises of Plant Readiness to Conduct Initial Criticality & Low Power Testing Operations ML20245E9781989-04-17017 April 1989 Forwards Regulatory History AC83-2 Re Licensee Action During Natl Security emergency,10CFR50 (54FR7178) ML20245B6191989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept Re BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.All Events Included Reactor Depressurization Followed by Uncontrolled Condensate or Condensate Booster Pumps Injection or Both ML20245B6421989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.Though Little Actual Damage Experienced,Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6531989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Events Determined to Involve Deficiencies in Control Sys ML20245B7501989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart 1999-04-14
MONTHYEARML20205N9871999-04-14014 April 1999 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 990308-11 ML20203G0081999-02-12012 February 1999 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 981102-06 ML20211M5671997-10-0303 October 1997 Forwards Regulatory Documents Comprising Regulatory History of Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Entitled Financial Assurance Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors, Which Amended 10CFR50,published in Fr on 970910 ML20149D7851997-07-14014 July 1997 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 970731 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Case Studies (Response Time & Reactor Feedwater Pump Trip Test) & Common Themes ML20137C9201997-03-20020 March 1997 Forwards Documentation of Meeting Conducted in Region 4 Office on 970225 to Discuss NRC Enforcement Policy as Applied to Nonescalated Enforcement ML20134P5931997-02-21021 February 1997 Forwards Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication.W/O Encl ML20132F5421996-12-19019 December 1996 Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 961007-11 ML20134E9191996-10-29029 October 1996 Forwards Rationale for Inital Plants Selected for Design Insps & for Plants Considered for Second Quarter FY97 Design Insps ML20203B9891995-11-20020 November 1995 Discusses OI Rept 4-95-032 Re Alleged False Statements by Fire Watches to NRC Inspectors.Oe Will Consider Matter Closed from Enforcement Perspective Unless Different View Received within 3 Wks of Date of This Memo ML20211M6231994-11-30030 November 1994 Provides Info to Commission on Status of Rulemaking Activities Re Power Reactor Decommissioning Cost Issues,Per 930714 SRM ML20236L5631994-08-10010 August 1994 Responds to Former Region V 930422 Request for NRR Evaluation of WPPSS Practices Associated W/Testing RHR Sys While Aligned in SPC Mode ML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20079R9231993-10-0606 October 1993 Forwards SE Accepting Amend to Plant Tss.Amend Would Temporarily Suspend Surveillance Test Requirement to Perform Instrument Channel Response Time Testing for Certain Protective Containment Isolation Functions ML20056E5141993-08-12012 August 1993 Submits SALP Schedule for FY94 Per Mgt Directive 8.6 ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant ML20099D1091992-07-16016 July 1992 Forwards Listing of Assistant Director for Environmental Projects (Adep) Project Instructions (Pis) Issued to Environmental Projects Personnel on Variety of Issues & Set of Adep PIs ML20033E2411990-03-0505 March 1990 Notification of 900307 Meeting W/Ge in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential Power Reactor Upgrades ML20011F7171990-03-0202 March 1990 Notification of 900313 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans by Util to Request Tech Spec Change to Increase Allowable Unidentified RCS Leakage Rate from 1 Gpm to 3 Gpm ML20012A9351990-02-28028 February 1990 Advises That Ja Hammer Sucessfully Completed All Requirements for Certification as Operator License Examiner & Is Qualified to Perform Operator Licensing Exams at GE BWR Facilities ML20055C3521990-02-26026 February 1990 Notification of 900305 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Activities for Facility ML20011E6591990-02-12012 February 1990 Forwards AEOD/E90-02, Crosby Low Pressure Relief Valves Nozzle Ring Problems, & Proposed Info Notice Recommended to Be Sent to All Licenseees to Inform of Benefits of Proper Maint of Valves ML20006D7831990-02-0808 February 1990 Advises That Board Concluded That Holding Prehearing Telcon Re Scheduling Considered Premature Due to Lack of Record,Per .Request for Future Scheduling Suggested to Be Submitted.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900209 ML20006C4491990-02-0101 February 1990 Requests Telephone Conference Be Set Up at Board Convenience Due to Author Not Being Able to Reach Licensee Counsel ML20006C7931990-02-0101 February 1990 Documents Verification of Close Out of Multi-Plant Action G-01, Reactor Coolant Pump Trip, for Plants,Per 891219 Memo ML20006C7501990-02-0101 February 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 90-13 on 900208 W/Licensee in Region I Ofc to Discuss Nuclear Safety Concerns Program Enhancements ML20006C4621990-01-26026 January 1990 Responds to 900117 Joint Request on How NRC & Applicant Counsel Expect to Move Proceeding on Hearing Calendar in New Yr.Applicant Has Expressed Desire to Have Proceeding Held in Abeyance Indefinitely Although NRC Does Not Agree ML20006A0231990-01-17017 January 1990 Requests Info,Within 10 Days,On How to Move Proceeding on Hearing Calendar in New Yr.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 900118 ML20005E6701989-12-29029 December 1989 Forwards Technical Review Rept AEOD/T927, Followup on Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps (Afw). No Backleakage Events That Occurred After Issuance of Bulletin 85-001 Resulted in Steam Binding of AFW ML20248E9391989-09-29029 September 1989 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept on Debris in Containment Recirculation Pumps.No Occurrences Found to Involve Actual Accumulation of Debris in Containment Sumps.Immediate Corrective Actions Completed ML20248C8311989-09-20020 September 1989 Request for Hearing by Alchemie.* Forwards Response & Request for Hearing,In Response to NRC 890818 Order Modifying License & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked,For Appropriate Action ML20247H9261989-09-0909 September 1989 Advises That SALP Meeting for Facilities Scheduled for 891115.Assessment Input Should Be Submitted by 891016 ML20245E8501989-08-0707 August 1989 Advises of Reassignments in Project Mgt Duties Due to Recent Reorganization of Standardization & Life Extension Project Directorate ML20245H6451989-08-0404 August 1989 Requests Closure of Outstanding Action Item 87-0198,per 870617 Request Re Review & Evaluation of Acceptability of Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Generator Bearings.Action Completed W/Submittal of Transfer of Lead Responsibility to NRR ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML19332F7431989-07-21021 July 1989 Provides Summary of Station Blackout Responses & Staff Review Schedule Per Request.Cursory Check of Licensee Responses to Station Blackout Rule Has Been Performed in Order to Provide Overview of Industry Approach ML20247B7541989-07-19019 July 1989 Confirms That Licensee 880711,890221 & 0630 Responses to NRC Bulletin 88-004, Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss, Acceptable.Licensing Action for TACs 69886,69887,69893 & 69894 Considered Complete ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20246K5991989-07-12012 July 1989 Notification of 890725 Meeting W/Util in Birmingham,Al to Discuss Status of Current Licensing Activities & Corporate Initiatives for Plants.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20246L6801989-07-10010 July 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 89-101 W/Util on 890718 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Util Engineering Reorganization ML20247A9561989-07-0606 July 1989 Notification of 890717 Meeting W/Lead Plant Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of Revised STS ML20246D8841989-06-19019 June 1989 Staff Requirements Memo Re 890601 Briefing on Operating Reactors & Fuel Facilities in Rockville,Md.Commission Expressed Disappointment in Long Term Operating Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant ML20042D1901989-06-0808 June 1989 Memorandum Forwarding Partially Deleted Summary of Discussions During NRC 890517-18 Mgt Meeting Re Problem Plants & Addl Topics.Task Assignments & List of Attendees Also Encl ML20247G1561989-05-15015 May 1989 Forwards Directors Decision 89-03 in Response to 2.206 Petition Re BWR Stability.Petition Filed by Hiatt on Behalf of Ocre Expressing Concerns Re 890309 Power Oscillattion Event & Requested Action W/Respect to All BWRs ML20246H3771989-05-12012 May 1989 ALAB-913.* Advises That Time Provided within Which Commission May Act to Review Aslab Decision ALAB-913 Expired.Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final on 890501.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890512 ML20246P9601989-05-10010 May 1989 Discusses 890413 Meeting W/Rosemount & Industry Re Malfunctions of Rosemount Transmitters.List of Attendess, Agenda,Nrc Info Notice 89-042 & Viewgraphs Encl ML20246C9811989-05-0303 May 1989 Provides Update of 881122 Low Power License Recommendation for Plant,Reporting Closure of Technical Issue Associated W/ Agastat 7000 Series Relays.Advises of Plant Readiness to Conduct Initial Criticality & Low Power Testing Operations ML20245E9781989-04-17017 April 1989 Forwards Regulatory History AC83-2 Re Licensee Action During Natl Security emergency,10CFR50 (54FR7178) ML20245B6191989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept Re BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.All Events Included Reactor Depressurization Followed by Uncontrolled Condensate or Condensate Booster Pumps Injection or Both ML20245B6421989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.Though Little Actual Damage Experienced,Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6531989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Events Determined to Involve Deficiencies in Control Sys 1999-04-14
[Table view] |
D. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing FROM:
R. J. Mattson, Director, Division of Systems Integration
TRANSFER OF DSI MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION FUNCTION FOR NTCP-TMI ISSUES REVIEW GROUP Because of the recent reassignment of Dr. Cecil Thomas to the CRBR Program Office and the impending assignment of Don Lasher to serve in an IAEA advisory capacity in Mexico, DSI must transfer the managerial and technical coordination function that it has performed for the NTCP-THI Issues Review Group to the Licensing Project Managers for the one active and the two in-active plants that remain.
DSI has successfully performed this function for all the active NTCP plants except Black Fox 1, 2.
This last active plant is currently scheduled to i
submit PSAR Amendment 17 addressing these issues by October 5,1981. We have developed a proposed schedule for the review of this submittal that is similar to those we have successfully used on the preceding plants.
It is included as Attachment 1.
We anticipate no difficulty in meeting it.
Don Lasher will be available until October 1 to assist in accomplishing a smooth and effective transfer of this function to the Black Fox LPM.
If suitable alternative arrangements cannot be made, Dr. Thomas will be available as his schedule permits to provide testimony on NTCP-TMI Issues at ACRS and Licensing Board hearings for Allens Creek, Pilgrim 2. FNP, Skagit/llanford and Black Fox plants.
Oricinn131cnca by: ),4,*h-t>
.A Roger J. Matt son Roger J. Mattson, Director Division of Systems Integratio,ng
,,4 cc:
H. Denton P. Check fNs b
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E. Case W. Kreger
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- 5. Hanauer U. Johnston DISTRIBUTION:,Q./,
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C D. Grimes, IE L. S. Rubenstein CP/ML R/F R. Tedesco D. Lasher ca%f/-[j
-8 d
R. Purple C. Thomas RMattson f
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Ec~ro~u m nomo, %c u,,uo OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing FRON:
fattson, Director, Division of S s ems Integration
Office and the impending assignment of Don Lasher,ho/
Because of the recent reassignment of Dr. Cecil T mas to the CRBR Program to serve in an IAEA advisory capacity in Mexico, DSI'must transfer the managerial and technical coordination function that it has'p'erformed for' the NTCP-TMI Issues Review Group to the Licensing Project Managers for th'e one active and the two in-active plants that remain.
DSI has successfully performed this func< tion for all the active NTCP plants except Black Fox 1, 2.
This last active'jlant is currently scheduled to o
submit PSAR Amendment 17 addressing these issues by October 5,1981. We have developed a proposed schedule for.the ' review of this submittal that is similar to those we have successfully used o'n the preceding plants.
It is included as Attachment 1.
We anticipate no difficulty in meeting it.
s Don Lasher will be available until October 1 totassist in accomplishing a smooth and effective transfer of this function to the Black Fox LPM.
Dr. Thomas will be available as his schedule permits to provide testimony on NTCP-TMI Issues at ACRS and Licensing Board hearings for FNP Skagit/flanford and Black Fox plants.
Roger J. !!attson, Direc, tor Division of Systems Integration cc:
H. Denton P. Check E. Case W. Kreger S. Ilanauer W. Johnston R. Vollmer J. P. Knight DISTRIEUTION:
B. Grimes, IE L. S. Rubenstein Central Files R. Purple C. Thomas CP/ML R/F R. Tedesco D. Lasher RMattson omer)
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our) 9/ / l /81
/81 9/
/Bi Ec rosu 3in,io,*omacu ndo OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
h WASHINGTON D. C. 20555
D. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing FROM:
R. J. Mattson, Director, Division of Systems Integration
TRANSFER OF DSI MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION FUNCTION FOR NTCP-TMI ISSUES REVIEW GROUP Because of the recent reassignment of Dr. Cecil Thomas to the CRBR Program Office and the impending assignment of Don Lasher to serve in an IAEA advisory capacity in Mexico, DSI must transfer the managerial and technical
coordination function that it has performed for the NTCP-TMI Issues Review Group to the Licensing Project Managers for the one active and the two in-active plants that remain.
DSI has successfully perfomed this function for all the active NTCP plants except Black Fox 1, 2.
This last active plant is currently scheduled to submit PSAR Amendment 17 addressing these issues by October 5,1981.
We have developed a proposed schedule for the review of this submittal that is similar to those we have successfully used on the preceding plants.
It is included as Attachment 1.
We anticipate no difficulty in meeting it.
Don Lasher will be available until October 1 to assist in accomplishing a smooth and effective transfer of this function to the Black Fox LPM.
If suitable alternative arrangements cannot be made, Dr. Thomas will be available as his schedule permits to provide testimony on NTCP-TMI Issues at ACRS and Licensing Board hearings for Allens Creek, Pilgrim 2 FNP, Skagit/Hanford and Black Fox plants.
hoger J. Mattson, Dir ctor
Division of Systems Integration cc:
H. Denton P. Check E. Case W. Kreger S. Hanauer W. Johnston R. Vollmer J. P. Knight B. Grimes, IE L. S. Rubenstein R. Purple C. Thomas R. Tedesco D. Lasher I
- p WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 f
w NOTE FOR: NTCP Review Team Members e
Cecil Thomas
BLACK FOX 1 AND 2 REVIEW Attached is a copy of Public Service Company of Oklahoma's (P50's) initial submittal responding to the NUREG-0718, Revision 1 requirements for Black Fox 1 and 2.
Our review schedule is as follows:
Applicant's initial submittal received 10/05/81 Additional informiation requirements identified by reviewers 10/09/81 Meetings with applicant, as needed, to resolve issues 10/19/81 - 10/23/81 Applicant's revised submittal received 10/28/81 l
Draft SER inputs to Technical Coordinator for review 10/28/81 SER inputs issued to DL 11/06/81 If you have any problems with either PS0's submittal or being able to complete your review in accordance with the above schedule, please let me know immediately.
E r
Cecil Thomas
As stated cc w/o attachment:
R. Mattson i
L. Rubenstein i
D. Lasher H. Faulkner b
,, -... -