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Advises That Util Intends to Apply Rules of Subsection NB-4436 as Stated in 1976 Addenda to ASME Code Re Const of safety-related Piping Sys
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1980
From: Fahrner W
To: James Keppler
EF2-49-278, NUDOCS 8008190442
Download: ML19331C724 (2)


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.uqust 5, 19
0 EF2 - 49,27 '

Pr. Jrres G. .L~cppler Pegicnal Director Directorate of Fcquiatorf Cirraticns Fegion III U. S. !'uclear F.~_nilaterf Ccrrlissicn 799 P.ccsc/ cit Pecd Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Feference: 1. D'.rico Fer.i Pcwer Plant - Unit 2

2. US.NRC Licensing Cocket 50-341
3. EF2 - 33,247 dated Parch 24, 1976


Ipplicatien of Inter Code Fequirments to tPc Ccestraction ef Safetv reletM Pimna ryste s

Dear Fr. Keppler:

Is indicated in Foference 3, the public Safety Folated Pipirc Syste~s on Fe c. 2 are designed, constrac ed and tested in accordance with the Im Boller .;d Fressure Ccde,Section III, 1971 Editicc including /ddenda thra the Winter 1971. "?.at Code Editien dces not 3;ccifically address the subject of welding of per rent structural attach ents (lups, tr.mnions, saddles, etc.)

to piping systers after condu-t of the System Hydrostatic Test.

2 e subjec~ of welding pacanent structural attachaents to piping after it has been hydrostatically tested was first addressed in the Su rer 19 6 /ddenda to the AS'E III Ccde, wPen Subsectic .s t3, NC, t.W 4436 were ed& d.

Subsecticns 23, SC, SD specify definitive requirements which must be adhered to wS2n welding stractural attach ents to pressure bour.daries subsequent to tre conduct cf the 5 fdrostatic test.

2.ese incit9.e limitaticns en weld and attachTnt size r.d the definiticn cf specific exannatten recuirerents. There are no suppleme:.tal reqT.ure ents e:cernal to the texc of Subsections 53, NC, :.w4416 which :n:st be adhered to in applying that sub- go /

Sect 1Cn. 5 Edisen has reviewed Subsec-icns 23, NC, 5D-4436 r.d eter.i .ed that as Icr as all the supple-ental and/cr restric 1ce require- /O rents incinter.: in the stisec icn are adhered to, there would te no reduc 1 c ir enseratis . if thi subsee-icn were applied to tre

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Jecc.; C. Ectpler

.it 5, 1980 P2 p 2 EF: - 49,278 ccnstructicn of piping syste s desig.ed in accordr.m with the 1971 Edition of the Code. We have revie-ed tre stove with cur Authorized Nuclear InsWcter, and have rem 1wd Pts ccncurrenm.

Picase te advised that Edisen intends to apply the rules of Sub-secticn NB-.4436, as stated in the Su rer 1976 Mdenda to the M92 Code, to the construction of Safety Related Piping Systcrs on Ferni 2.

Please also note that this letter does not constitute a waiver application, but is cerely intended to keep ycu infonmd of cur activities.

Should you require further infocaticn, plee:#: advise us.

Yours verf truly, sj . .,


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W. J. Fahrner, d'rager Ehrico Fen-i 2 9

WJFMriC/op cc: Mr.-Victer Stello, Jr., Director Office of Ins,metico and Enfermrent Division of Peactor Insmction Progra-3

! U. S. Nuclear Fcqulatory Coctnission l Washingtcc, D. C. 20555 Mr. G. Fiorelli, Chief A:acter Ccnstruc icn and Engineering Suppe.n Branch U. S. Nuclear Fegulatory Ccxrissicn Pegion III 799 Rcosevelt Road Cicn Ellg., Illinois 50137 l

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