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NRC Licensed Operator Requalification Program, Revision 4
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 08/01/1980
From: Olsen W
Shared Package
ML19330C759 List:
PROC-800801, NUDOCS 8008110435
Download: ML19330C762 (10)


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t Revision 4 August 1, 1980 l

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/Nf?/ r- wh' Approved by: M Prepared by: //

,,P. J. McGuire W. F. Olsen Senior Nuclear Station Manager Training Specialist 8008u0935

1. INTRODUCTION The Pilgrim Station Requalification Program is a specialized retrain- ,

ing program designed to maintain an organization fully qualified to safely operate the reactor and its associated auxiliary equipe.ent. It is the in-tent of this Requalification Program to satisfy the NRC requirements as set forth in Appendix A of Part 55, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations.

The primary objective of the Requalification Program is to maintain licensed operating personnel at a high level of proficiency in their normal operation of the facility and to maintain their capability to respond to unexpected operating conditions.

The Requalification Program shall not be significantly deviated from without prior approval of the appropriate authority in the U.S. NRC.

II. S CHEDULE The Requalification Program is conducted for a continuous two year 4 period, September to September. Upon its conclusion, a successive Requal-ification Program is immediately initiaced.

1 The formal lecture series of the Requalification Program is divided into two periods. These periods are from Labor Day of one year until Mem-orial Day of the following year. With the exception of special activity periods, such as refueling' outages, the lecture series will be spread rea-sonably evenly throughout each year.

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III. LECTURES During the Requalification Program, licensed operations personnel will attend formal lectures either live or on videotape or film. Videotape or film presentations shall be used for not more than 50% of the lecture series.

The Requalification Program covers the following subjects: -

1. Theory and principles of operation
2. General and specific plant operating characteristics
3. Plant instrumentation and control systems
4. Plant protection systems
5. Engineered safety systems
6. Normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures
7. Radiation control and safety
8. Technical Specifications
9. Applicable portions of Title 10, Chapter I, Code of Federal Regulations
10. Principles of heat transfer and fluid mechanics (for RO's;
11. Theory of fluids and thermodynamics (for SRO's)

Abnormal and Emergency Procedures will be reviewed during each segment of the lecture series.

l IV. ON THE JOB TRAINING Each licensed operator shall, during the term of his license, perform a minimum of 10 reactivity control manipulations which demonstrate his skill and/or familiarity with reactivity control systems. Each licensed senior l-l

operator shall either manipulate the controls or direct the activities of others during 10 reactivity control manipulations. These may consist of any combinations of the following but reasonable effort will be made to provide a variety of reactivity changes for each operator.

1. Shutdown to Cold Critical
2. Cold Critical to a moderator temperature _ 350 F
3. A temperature change from 400 F to 10% power
4. A heatup temperature change _ 150 F
5. Shutdown to Hot Critical
6. 10% power to a temperature _ 400 F
7. A temperature change from _ 350 F to Cold Critical or Shutdown
8. A power change _10% with manual operation of the reactivity control systems.
9. A gradual manual recirculation flow change _ 10% balanced by control rod movement to hold reactor power steady.
10. Refueling equipment manipulation which results in one or more fuel elements, control rods or control curtains being installed or removed from the reactor core.
11. A startup of the main turbine generator up to and including plac-ing the control valves on pressure control.

t The Chief Operating Engineer provides a timely review and observation of the operation of apparatus and mechanisms by licensed personnel to as -

sure, or provide additional training to assure their satisf actory under-standing of the equipment and the associated operating procedures.

A system to assure that all licensed operators and senior operators l

become cognizant of facility design changes, procedure changes, and facility l

license changes have been implemented. Review of these changes will be documented.

The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist also receives copies of Station design changes, procedure changes, and Station license changes, and con-ducts of important changes during each lecture series. All licensed opetators and senior operators shall participate in these lectures regard-less of their performance on the annual written examinations.

Abnormal and Emergency Procedures are reviewed annually by the licensed operators and senior operators and a form has been provided to document this review. When this form is completed, it becomes a part of the per 2nent records kept by the Training Department.

The annual Requalification Program will include the use of a Simulator Program for all licensed operators. The following control manipulations and plant evolutions will be performed by all licensed operators, the star-red items shall be performed on an annual basis; all other items shall be performed on a two-year cycle. The use of Technical Specifications will be maximized during the simulator control manipulations. Personnel with Senior Reactor Operator licenses are credited with these activities if they direct or evaluate control manipulations as they are performed.

  • l. Plant or reactor startups to include a range that reactivity I

l feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticable and heatup rate is established.

2. Plant shutdown
  • 3. Shnual control of feedwater during startup and shutdown.
4. Any significant ( 10%) power changes in manual rod control or recir-culation flow.
5. Any reactor power change of 10% or greater where load change is per-formed with load limit control.
  • 6. Loss of coolant including:
a. Inside and outside primary containment
b. Large and small, including leak-rate determination
7. Loss of instrument air (if simulated plant specific) .
8. Loss of electrical power (and/or degraded power sources) .
  • 9. Loss of core coolant flow / natural circulation.
10. Loss of condenser vacuum.
11. Losc of service water.
12. Loss of shutdown cooling.
13. Loss of component cooling system or cooling to an individual component.

14 Loss of normal feedwater or normal feedwater system failure.

  • 15. Loss of all feedwater (normal and emergency).
16. Loss of reactor protection system.
17. Mispositioned control rod or rods (or rod drops).
18. Inability to drive control rods.


19. Conditions requiring use of standby liquid control system.
20. Fuel cladding failure or high activity in reactor coolant or offgas.

21 Turbine or generator trip.


22. Malfunction of automatic control system (s) which affect' reactivity.
23. Malfunction of reactor coolant pressure / volume control system.


24. Reactor trip.
25. thin steam line break (inside or outside containment) .


26. Nuclear instrumentation failure (s) .

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. o V. EVALUATION Th'e Requalification Program shall include annual NRC type written

' examinat ions. . Passing grade for this examination is 80% overall and 70%

per section.' These examinations shall be graded and the candidates in-formed of his test results and areas where improved knowledge is required.

A minimum grade of 80% correct on any section shall exempt an operator or i

senior operator from required attendance at requalification lectures per-tinent to that section. Each licensed operator and senior operato'r shall be encouraged to attend 50% of the lecture series regardless of his exam-ination performance. A grade of less than 80% correct on any lecture series examination shall require an operator or senior operator to be re-scheduled for lectures on that subject the next time such lectures are scheduled.

i j' The written examinations shall provide a basis for evaluating the i licensed operator's and senior operator's knowledge of the subjects cov-ered in the Requalification~ Program along with their knowledge of abnormal and emergency procedures. The written examinations shall be given prior

to December 17th of eacia year.

4 j An Employee Development Report shall be made out yearly for evaluation of licensed operators and senior operators by the -next highest management


l supervisor who has prime responsibility for supervising said licensed operator.

An. evaluation of each licensed operators performance on shif t coverage, attendance in formal classes, and examination grades will be reviewed an-nually by- the Station Manager or his designated alternate.

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Annually, the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist or a technically qual-ified person from an operating BWR facility or simulator, will administer

' a plant walkthrough examination to each licensed operator. The results of this examination will be reviewed by the Station Manager and the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist. Special emphasis is given to operator response l to abnormal and' emergency conditions during the plant walkthrough examina-tion of each licensed oparator.

If it is determined through written examinations or plant walkthrough examinations that a need exists for further training in selected areas, the training will be scheduled within sixty days.

If a licensed operator or senior operator fails to achieve an overall examination grade of 80% of 70% per section on his yearly requalification examination, he will be removed from licensed duties and he will be requir-ed to satisfactorily complete an accelerated training program and pass a makeup examination prior to resuming any licensed duties. His performance will be immediately reviewed by the Station Manager or his designated al-ternate, who will approve of the accelerated training program. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will establish the accelerated training program based upon the individual's needs.

I Licensed staff members will participate in the Requalification Program f

to the extent that their normal duties preclude the need for retraining in specific areas. Thos licensed staff members who are actively engaged in l

l the implementation of the Requalification Program will be required to com-plete those sections of this program for which they serve an active function.


. As a minimum, each licensed staff member will participate in the Requalifi-l cation Program to the extent indicated below:

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1. Be administered the annual written examination and participate

in the lecture series based on the results thereof.

2. Manipulate the controls, or supervise the manipulations of the controls through 10 reactivity changes.
3. Systematically review design changes, procedure changes and facility license changes.
4. Systematically review the contents of all abnormal and emergency procedures on a regularly scheduled basis.
5. Be systematically evaluated regarding actions to be taken dur-ing simulated abnormal and emergency conditions b, a walkthrough of the procedural steps in the Control Room.

If a licensee has not been actively performing the functions of a licensed operator or senior operator for a period of four months of longer, he shall pass a requalification examination and receive NRC approval prior to resuming licensed activities. This examination will be broad enough to determine the licensees knowledge of any license changes, facility de-sign modifications and procyttre changes that may have occurred during his absence.

VI. RECORDS The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will establish and maintain re-cords of the Requalification Program to document each licensed operator's

! and senior operator's particiapation in the Requalification Program. The f

f training files shall contain copies of written examinations administered, the answers given by the licensee, results of evaluation and documentation of any additional training administered in areas in which an operator has l


' exhibited deficiencies.

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. , c, VII. ALTERNATE TRAINING PROGRAMS It is the intention of the Station management to evaluate requalifi-cation services from outside agencies and purchase their services whenever they would be beneficial to the Pilgrim Station Requalification Program.
