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Metallurgical Investigation of Cracking in Reactor Safety-Related Piping Sys,ANO-1, Final Rept Prepared for Bechtel Power Corp
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/11/1975
From: Burghard H
Shared Package
ML19326B551 List:
NUDOCS 8004160341
Download: ML19326B554 (109)


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('3 U - -- - ,en w ww Appendix B i




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SwRI Project No. 02-4082-017 Final Report .

to Bechtel Power Corporation P. O. Box 3965 San Francisco, California 94119 July 11,1975 ,

Prepared by: ,

H. C. Burghard, Jr.


800416oyy l






METALLURCICAL EXAMINATION OF PIPING SAM PLES 10 A. Chemical Analysis 10 B. Metallographic Examination 14 IV. METALLURCICAL EXAMINATIOM OF CROSSOVER PIPING SAM PLES 20 A. Description and Identification of Samples 20 B. Radiographic and Liquid Penetrant and

  • M2croscopic Examination 20 C. Chemical Analysis 36 D. Metallographic Examination 38 E. Fractographic Examination 50 F. Electron Microprobe Analysis 52 V.


AND CONCLUSIONS 59 VI. REFERENCES 62 APPENDIX A - Microstructure of Piping Samples 63 APPENDIX B - Ring Sections from Crossover Piping and Macrographs of Weld Sections 73 APPENDIX C - Setes ted Radiographs of Crossover Piping Samples 78 APPENDIX* D - Sciected Examples of Liquid Penetrant Crack Indications 83 APPENDIX E - Photomicrographs of Sections from Crossover Piping Samples 87 APPENDIX F - Scanning Electren Fractographs of Cracks in Crossover Piping Samples 94 11 96 m9

LIST OF TABLES Table Pace I Safety Related Schedule 10 Piping 6 H Piping Sample Identification 11 ,

HI Chemical Composition of Pipia.g hmples 12 IV Crossover Piping Sample Identification 22 V Chemical Composition of Crossover Piping Samples 37 o

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- * = w ,mm mw LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Flw re Page

! Photomicrographs 111astrating Intergranular Crevice. Network on Pipe Surface 4 2 Microstructure of Pipin.: Sample 4-4 15 3 Microstruct .re of Piping Sample 2 , , 16 4 Microstructure of Pipin t Sample 4-3 ,

18 5 Simplified Isometric of Portion of Reactor Iluilding Spray Piping System ,

,21 6 Inside Surfaces at Welds FW-7A and FW-8

  • 27, 7 Inside Surface at Weld FW-5. 29 8 Inside Surfaces at Welds FW-6A and SW-F . 30 9 InslJe Surface of Weld FW-36 31 10 Macrographs of Sections Through Field Weld FW.8 39 II Section Through Weld FW-8 40 12 M.icrographs of Sections Through Field Weld FW-6A 41 13 Section Through Weld FW-6A 42 14 Micrograph of Section Through Shop Weld SW-F 43 15 Section Through Weld SW-F 44 16 Photomicrograph of Section Through Crack No. 5 48 17 Photomicrograph of Section Through Pitting at Weld 51 FW-36 18 Inside Surfaces of Microprobe Analysis Specimens 53 19 X-ray Spectrographic Traces from Inside Surfaces of Crossover Piping Samples 56 20 X-ray Spectrographie Traces from Calibration Specimens 58 i

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On November S,1974, a leak developed in a section of 10-inch Schedule 10, Type 304 stainless steel pipe in the reactor building spray

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The leak was located adja.

system at Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit One.

cent to one of the original field welds in the system. This leak was re-paired and the plant returned to operation. On November 12. a second  !

_.- eveloped at or.: of the repair welds and a third leak was detected in a different part of the system. These two new teaks were also re-paired and the plant returned to operation. Subsequently, new leaks ,

developed at one repair wels and other original field welds. Also, a radiographic inspection of the piping system revealed internal cracking at ce rtain i.rhi,a! field welds.

All Icaks and cracking detected to date have occurrad in 10-inch, Schedule 10 pipe in the reactor building spray system. Information as to l

the identity of the material in th- saf tty-related piping system indicates that all 10-inch, Schedule 10 pipe, with the exception of one 18-inch lonc piece, is from }{ eat No. 800201 (see Table I,Section II).

A metallur::icalinvestigation of the first three leaks was conducted by the MFhQCS Lab ratory at Bechtel. San Francisco. A report of the re-sults of that investigation was issued on December 5,1974.

In view of the extent of leaks and crackin; in the safety-related pip-ing system and the repeated cracking at repair welds, further investigation ,

of the problem was initiated. This pro;; ram was coordinated with the .


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2 i scheduled March 1975 pisnt shutdown and was organi::ed to i clude the fol-lowinit items.

1. In-plant inrpection of the piping system to establish the surface condition of va-lous sections of piping.
2. Metallurgical examination of piping samples taken from various locations in the reactor building spray system. ,
3. Metallurgical examination of ring sections taken from the 10-inch, Schedule 10 crossover piping and aelected ,

to contain representative welds ar.d cracks.

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II. IN-PI. ANT INSPECTION In the initial metallurgical investigation of three pipine samples con-ducted at Bechtel, San Francisco, a network of shallow, inter::ranular crev-ices was observed on the outside and inside surfaces of the pipepamphs.

This surface condition was evident over the entire surface of eachfample and was not confined to the vicinity of the weld or to the locations at which cracking ha d occurred. An example of this surface condition is iIldstrated


  • in Figure 1. .

The fact that the intergranular network w2s present on both the out-vide and inside surfaces is an indication that this condition was An inherent feature of the piping material which existed prior to service. The observed surface condition probably resulted from intergranular corrosive attack in the picklina operation perform. d after final heat treatment of the pipe.

There was no direct evidence that this condition is related to the cracking problems encountered, but the presence of shallow surface crev-ices may be considered as po*entially detrimental to the serviceability of stainless steel piping, particularly with regard to susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking. Also, the particular samples in which thic surface con-dition was observed exhibited microstructural features indicating that the ma-terial was not completely solution annealed.

In view of them e factors, an in-plant inspection was performed to oe-termine the extent of the intergranular network pickling attack on the outside surfaces cf the various piping components in the safety-related piping system.

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. . . _ _ . _ _ _ -- ww-S The particular material heats and pipe sizes employed in the safety-related systems, as identified by Bechte! personnel, are given in Table I.

Oa the basis of this identification, 37 primary locations were selected as representative of the various het numbers and pipe sizes. These locations s

are listed in Table I. Three areas on the particular pipe section at each primary location were selected for examination, marked wgh an gdentifi-cation number, and cleaned by swabbing with acetone. Each individual area

< s.

was then examined with a portable microscope at a magnification of 100X to '

r establish the surface condition as compared to that illustrated in Figure 1.

A record of the locations examined and the surface conditions observ*ed was maintais.,

to provide for correlation with individual heat numbers and pipe sizes. .

At 28 of the 37 primary locations all areas exhibited intergranular i

network surface pickling attack comparable to that illustrated in Figure 1. l The material heat numbers and pipe sizes represented by these locations are as follows (see Table II.

Location Heat No. Pipe Size 2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 26 800201 10 in.

27, 28 F79284 14 in.

12, 14 8072416 14 in.

15, 16, 17, 18 20038s 6 in.


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TABLEI SAFETY RELATED SCHEDULE 10 PIPING Carbon Pipe Wall In-plant Heat Content.

  • Size Thk, Lineal No. of Inspection No. Wt. % in. in. Feet Spools - Iso. No, MlOI Location e

' 25 3 BS-6 '

-17 2. 26 117 5 5-BS-7' -18 49 2 7-DH-5 -25 37 5 7-DH-6 -26 300201 0. C8 10 0.165 55 5 7-DH-8 -28 3 62 4 7-DH-9 -29 4, S '

69 7 7-DH- 10 -30 28 4 7-DH-il _31 6, 7 17 3 7-DH-12 -211 8, 19 24705

  • 068 4 0.120 3 in. 1 7-DH- 13 -212 9 14 1 17-MU- 16 -188 10 -

F79284 .065 Id O.250 10 2 7-DH- 16 -215 27, 28 143 11 7-DH-12 -211 8072416 .065 14 0.250 89 5 7- DH- 13 -212 43 4 7-DH- 16 -215 12 14

1. 5 2 5-BS-3 -14 46 4 7-DH- 14 -213 15 16 200380 .064 67 3 7-DH-15 -214 6 0.134 17, 18 13 3 17-MU- 17 - 189 11 1 17- MU- 18 -190 10 3 17-MU- 19 -191 8744115 .06,2 10 0.165 6 1 7- DH- 11 -31 2P-3352 .058 4 0.120 1. 5 1 7-D H- 12 -


.'P-4068 102 5 5-BS-8 -19

.055 4 0.120 20, 21 82 4 5-BS-9 -20 l

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7 TABLE I' (cont'd)  ;


Carbon , Wall Inspection at Content. ' Size Thk, Lineal No. of Feet Spools Iso. No. M 101 Location s i

o. Wt. % in. in.

50 4 5-BS-3 -14 22, 23 6 0.134 19 1 7- DH- 12 -211 27 5 5-BS-1 -12 l

60 6 5-BS-2 -13 24, 25 91 9 '5-BS-4 -15 l 2004 0.05 8 0.148 5-BS-5 -16 e '

7 1 1 1 5-BS-6 - 17 3 5-BS-5 -25 I

- 31 e

l 0.120 14 2 17-MU- 16 -188 9780 0.041 4

  1. u 4 5- BS- 104 - 5 5 y 30. 31 0.120 '39 1359 0.058 4 0,120 99 7 28 -C A- 101 1 -367 1343 0. M 0.120 79 5 28-CA-10 A~ -368 32. 33 45 3 7-DH-7 -27 l 34, 35 0.058 4 0.120 7-DH-9 -29 I 36. 37 3}52- 21 1 0.134 12 1 7-DH-6 -26 1 2354 0.076 6- 18 2 7 - DH- 11 -31 ? 38 0.134 0.143 80 3 7 - DH - 102 -94 l 39 60 0.080 8 0.145 43 3 7- DH- 103 -95 0.052** 10 0.16S -- 1 5 - B S-6 -- 1 0929 1

l Carbon content indicated by mill test reports.

Replacement pipe installed in repair of leak. Carbon content from analysis of trepan sample 4-3 (see Section III).

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Heat No. Pipe Size -

22, 23, 24, 25 8 in.

~2P-3352 4 in.

36 9T-2354 6 in.

38 8 in, 39 343860 e c 8050929 10 in.

3 The surface condition at locations where intergranular detwork attack was not observed is described as follows: ,

Size Description Location _

  • Heat No.

20, 21 2 P-4068 4 in. Mechanical finish. Bright smooth 37 2P-3352 4 in. surface wit! fine.circumferential sc ratche s. i 9 24705 4 in. Visual appearance of pickled sur-face but no intergranular attack.

10 24705 4 in. Visual appearance of pickled sur-face. Light intergranular attack.

'One area with mechanical finish.

30, 31, 32, 33 M-4359 4 in. Matte finish suggesting sand-blast cleaning. Similar finish observed at shop welds.

The results of this inspection established that the intergranular net-work pickling attack was a characteristic feature of the majority of the safety-related piping and is not unique to the singic neat of material in which in-service cracking has been encounte red. Since this surface condition was observed on several sizes of pipe from several different heats, it cannot

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3 be attributed to the bulk carbon content of the material. Also, it is evide,nt ,

j that the surface condition is not uniquely associated with the particular mi-crostructural features of the piping in which cracking occurred.

The intergranular network attack could be due to slight surface con-tamiriants present during the solution annealing treatment or could result from over-pickling of normal material. There are no requirements in 1 ASTM Specifications A 240 or A 358 governing the surface condition.

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10 IlL METALLURGICAL EXAMINATION OF PIPING SAMPLES After completion of the in-plant inspection descrit,ed in the previous section, samples were taken from various locations in the safety-related paping system representative of the various material heat numbers and

  • pipe sizes. The samples taken from the 6-inch, 8-inch, and 10-inch pipe consisted of 4-inch diameter trepanned discs, and the samples from the s
  • inch pipe were taken as full ring sections. The locations of the piping samples were selected by Bechtel personnel, and the samples were re- l se l moved by APL personnel under Bechtel supervision. The piping samples l furnished to SwRI for metallographic examination are listed in Table II.

,, The piping samples identified ar.1-3, 4-4, and 4-6 through 4-10 were decontaminated at the plant site and fcrwarded to Bechtel, San

  • Francis co. Specimens cut from each of these samples were forwarded to SwRI, and the balance of each sample was retained for analysis by l Bechtel.

The piping samples, identified as 36-2, 37-2, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, could not be decontaminated at the plant site to a radioactivity level low enough for unrestricted handling. These samples were shipped directly to SwRI to be handled as radioactive materiale.

A. Chemical Analysis Chemical ana. s a were performed on specimens from each of the I piping samples submitted to SwRI. The compositions determined are listed l

in Table III. The compositions determined for u .he samples conformed to

.A ,

. . _ - -- . . _w ww I1 TAB LE II .

PIPING SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION In- plant A s- received Ins pection Sample Heat Pipe Identification Location Type No. Size 4- 3' (S- 1 ) 1 1/2 Trepan 8050929 4 f0-in.-

!: 4-4 (S-26) 26 1/2 Trepan 800201 * .10-in.

>o jj 4-6 (S-23) 23 1/2 Trepan 7T-2004 6-in.

.u *

>$ 4-7 (S-21) 21 1/2 Ring 2 P- 4068 f 4-in.

.m 8

e 4-8 (S-31) 31

  • I/2 R8ng M-4359 4-in.


4-9 (S-33) 33 I/2 Ring s M-4348 ,


4-10 (S-24) 24 1/2 Trepan 7T-2004 8-in.

, 36-2 (S-36) 36 Ring 2 P-3352 4-in.


2 37-2 (S-37) 37 Ring 2 P-3352 4-in.

5 1 1 4 or 6 Trepan 800201 10-in.

E o ,

IIT 800201 4 or 6 Trepan 800201 10-in.

C 3

h HT 8744115 Trepan 87 m 15 104 n.

  • Replacement pipe installed in repair of leak.
    • In .lecay heat pump lischarge line near Location 6. Not examined in plant inspection. ~

J l


IIcat No. Siz e C Mn Si Ni '

Cr' Mol Pl S 4- 3 8050929 10- is: . 0.052 1.83 0.54 8.79 18.69 0.47 ,0.031 0.008 4-4 800201 10-in. 0.084 1.48 0.69 10.24 18.50 0.44 0.018 0.006 I 800201 10-in. 0.075 *

  • 9.40 19.47 *
  • 2 800201 10-in. 0.078 1.50 0.65 9.10 18.37 0.44 0.020 0.008 4- 6 7T-2004 6-in. 0.040 1,43 0.48 9.36 19.37 0.29 0.040 0.010

,-10 77-2004 8-in. 0.048 1.35 0.42 9.71 19.04 0.37 0.029 0.012 4 4- 7 2 P- 4068 4-in. 0.064 1.67 0.49 10.26 18.92 0.34 0.026 0.016

  • l 3 8744115 10- i n . " 052 1.75 0.47 9.55 18.24 0.49 0.028 0.009 4- 8 hi-4359 4-in. 0.053 1.89 0.45 10.48 20.09 0.29 0.030 0.017 4- 9 hi-4358 4-in. 0.062 1.89 0.45 10.49 19.75 0.27 0.030 0.020 36-2 2 P-3352 0.058 1.70 0.45 10.44 18.27 0.24 0.024 0.019 37-2 2 P-3352 4-in. 0.050 1. 71 0.43 10.17 18.74 0.23 0.024 0.016 Heat No. 800201 Swepco check analysis 0.057 1.53 0.39 8.89 18.29 --

0.011 0.012 liest No. 800201 per Bechte, analysis 0.075 1.49 0.65 9.43 18.38 0.39 0.016 December 74 0.008

. f ASTM A 240 .

0.08 2.00 1.00 8.00 18.00 Max Max 0.045 0.030 Max 10.50 20.00 Max Max

  • No analysis made.


  • =a A ^

13 I

- l the requirements of ASTM A 240*, but the compositions of the three samples I identified as Heat No. 800201 (Samples 4 4, No. I, and No. 2) were noted to be si;tnificantly different from the remainder of the samples. The carbon 1*

content of each specimen from Heat No. 800201 is at or near the maximum l

allowed by ASTM A 240. Also, the chromium content for these three speci- i-mens is either significantly lower or comparable to that of the cther material e

heats represented by the piping samples. The composition determined for material from Heat No. 800201 is consistent with previous analyses pe r- e formed by Bechtel and with the re. ported results of the Armco ladle analysis (see Table I). It should be noted that results of the Swepco check analysis

'of this heat of material, as reported by Lechtel personnel, are significantly s

different from the composition determined in this investigation and_the earlier a

Bechtel analyses. .

In view of the results obtained in the analysis of specimens from Heat No. 800201, it should be noted that high carbon content and low chromium content in austenitic stainless steels both ,sromote increased susceptibility to sensitization during any heat treatmer.t or welding operation.

l l

o The reported carbon content for Sample No. 4-4 is slightly higher than the allowable maxim 2m, but this difference can be attributed to normal limits of accuracy or variation among different samples of a single heat.

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14 B. Metallographie Examination

,, longitudinal metallographic sections of each sample were prepared i 1

and examined so establish the microstructural features of each material heat and pipe size. These sections were first examined after light electro-lytic etching in 10f. oxalic acid. Subsequently, each section was etched in accordance with ASTM A 262, Practice A, to reveal sensitization,,,and re-examined. l l

Sample Nos. 4-4, No. 2, and No.1, each identified as m[aterial from 1 l

. 1 Heat No. 800201, exhibited unique microstructural features distinguishing these samples from all other samples examined. The microstructure of these three samples is shown in Figures 2 and 3, and Figure 'A-1, Appendix A. .Each sample was characterized by . large grain size (> ASTM No. 1) at the inside and outside surfaces and a significantly smaller grain size (ASTM 3-4) at midwall. In addition, these three sample exhibited a limited degree of grain boundary carbide precipitation. This grain boundary precipi-tation was evidenced by short grain boundary segments which etched more readily than the general structure under normal etching. conditions, see Figure 2c. In the case of Samples 4-4 and No.1, the partial sensitization was confined to the ce.nter one-third of the wall (see Figures 2 and A-1).

Sample No. 2 exhibited a slightly higher degree of sensitization, and grain boundary carbide precipitation was evident near each surface, as shown in Figure 3.

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l Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a). (b). (c) Normal Etch.

(d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM- A262. Practice A. 100X.



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(c) Mid-wall (d) Mid-wall Figure J . Microstructure Of Piping Sample .. IIcat No. <. ( .). e t . t e-hi. '

Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b). (c) Normal Etch.

(d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM-A262, Practice A. 100X.



'u w ww 17 ..

t The Streicher s. nsitization etch (ASTM A 262, Practice A)iccented he 4 rain boundary cartide precipitation, but the structure as observed after ,

he Streicher etch was chsracterized by disconnected segments of heavily

> ched grain boundaries. There were no locations in the areas examined e a ehe re the etched grain boundaries completely surrounded any single grain On the basis of the observed Itrlfp-(" ditched" structure, s< e ASTM A 262).

H5w-ture, this particular material may be classified as partially sensitized.

ever, it should be noted that the degree of sensitization would not consthute ,

cause for rejection or additional testing in accordance with the requirements of ASTM Specification A 2P..

The partial sensitization observed in these three samples is evidence that the neat treating procedures employed for this particular pipe (10-inch Schedule 10, Heat No. 800201) were not adequate to produce a fully solution anne. led structure for austenitic stainless steel with a carbon content of ap-proximately 0.08% Either the holding time at the sotation treating tempera-ture was not long enourh, or the cooling rate was too slow.

It should be ncted that microstructural features similar to those de-scribed above were also observed in the metallographic examination of ring samples of 10-inch Schedule 10 pipe from No. 800201 which were cut from the crossover piping as described in Section IV.

All other piping samples, with the exception of sample 37-2, exhibited a normal solution annealed microstructure (Figure 4.tnd Figures A-2 through A-8). Some variation in grain size was evident among these samples, but each

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2-23137 2 .;3.; 3 g (c) Mid wall (d) Mid- vail Figure 1 . Microstructure Of Piping Sampic 4-3. Heat No. 80! O129, w -in. - Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b), (c) Normal E:ch. (d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM- A262, Practice A. 100X. w .m e y

a e,

                                                                        . ~. ~                           _m       ,,

19 sampic exhibited a relatively ' uniform grain size, and the grain size of thia group of samples was' generally smailer than that observed at tne inside and outside surfaces of the three samples from Heat No. 800201. In this group of specimens, no evidence of partial sensitization of the material was observed. Banding was evident in some of the samples, see Figtres X-6 and A-8, but this feature is not uncommon in wrought, Type 304 stainless steel. Sample 37-2, 4-inch pipe, Heat No. 2 P-3352, exhibited a completely sensitized throughout the wall thickness after the Strefcher etch, see Figure A-9. Thi's was the~ only sample examined for which the sen'siti-v..ation was e.vtensive enough to require further tests for acce,ptance under ASTM Specification A 262. Specimen 36-2, also from 4-inch pipe, Heat No. 2P-3352, exhibited a normal structure indicating that the observed sensitization is confined to particular individual pipe sections and is not a characteristic feature of all material from this heat. i l 1 1 1 NL T Y M '? t u! Q / p *,w <v ae ys. w m ,&.c y _ 1

1 4 20 IV. METAL .URGICAL EXAMINATION OF CROSSOVER PIPING SAMPLES A. Description and Identification of Sample _s_ - All known leaks and cracks in the safety-related piping system oc-curred in 10-inch Schedule 10 pipe in that portion of the reactor building apray piping shown in Figure 5. This portion of the piping incl 6 des Ihe coop at elevation 319'-5" connected to Pump P-35-B and the crossover piping between Pumps P-35-A and P-35-B. Those welds designated as ' FW-31, FW-32, FW-34, and FW-35 were made in the repair of the leaks which develooed in November 1974. During the March 1975 shutdown of the plant, the crossover piping be.wcen Pumps P-35-A and P-35-B was removed from the system. Seven rine sections, selected to provide samples of wclds at which cracking had occurred, a typical field weld, and a typical shop weld were cut from the crossover pipine end shipped to SwRI. No decontamination operations were t performed prior to shipment. 1 i The identification and description of the samples are given in Table IV, and photoeraphs of the ri..g sections are shown in Appendix B.  ! l B. Radiocraphic and 1.iouid Penetrant Inspection and Mscroscopic l l ' Exa mina tion Each of the intact ring sections were radiographed to establish the I e xtent of cracking and provide a basis for selection of metallographic sections. The radiographic examination was performed with a Baltospot 200B l l

   .                            . . . ~ . . _ . _ . . . . . _ . .    .

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                    $ 'a M 1 M M M T1L. M %.VibL                d %LO  b ~M* A YS               AMM &


  • i
                                                                                                     , ._                          -..-\

M v- p FW-5

                                                                      %       SW-G 1

, LV I FW-7A - l SW-I F W - 36 SW-F , FW-35 S M FW-6A / o'3.bp 4 0 SW-J FW-7 e

                                   ,,0 Y


  • SW-X FW-8 .

l l l l o Ngv S 1 l q > 1

                                                             / ',.?                                                                                        I f
              %                                        /

N s Figure 5. Simplified Isometric . N Spray Piping. Compi 5-BS-6 and 5-BS-7. 9 l / i de A ' _% _

                              %-&9 gg'g h

_ gj gg dy

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BLAiU/C PAGE [ l i e T l l 1 l l l l

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i l 3W-E

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..,O L6 l 6

                                               \                                   '

s.$ s ;,,.s s-S $. / / I. s- 1 . I FW-31 FW-34 SW-C  : O,$ h gv-

                                .                FW-32 SW-B Portion of Reactor Building I from Isometric Drawings 2

__m - -m-- H -m

44 22 TABLE IV CROSS-OVER PIPING SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Weld Is o. Basis for SwRI No. Dwu. Removal Description Sample No. FW- 7A 5- BS-7 Crack No. 4 Pipe to 1 IICB-6 7A 90*E1. FW-8 Crack No. 5 Pipe to 5- BS-7 H C B 6 4 5

  • El. 2 e

FW- 36* 5- BS-7 Crack No. 6 Pipe to pipe 6 IIC B 6- 36 FW-35 8 5- BS-7 ----- Pipe to

  • IIC B 35 6 9 0
  • E1.

FW ; 5 BS-7 RT crack indi- Pipe to IIC B e.- 5 cation, in-plant 90

  • El. 7
       *i                                      inspection F W- t> A 5- BS-7           Typ. field weld       Pipe to pipe                         5
     ,    llc H 6- e. A SW.F            5- BS-6           Typ. shop weld        Pipe to 90*El.                               4 Weld 14 F W- M              5- B S-7             -----             45' El. to Spool 32**                                                 9 0
  • E1. 3
  • Fairnished as one piece consisting of segment of original pipe, replacement spool and segment of 90* elbow with two welds. See Figure B-1(c) Appendix B.
           ** Identity and reason for removal uncertain. Probably 45' elbow to 90* elbow wel<l between FW-6 and SW- K, Iso. 5-BS-7. See F.igure 5.

i l l

               . . - ~ ~ -        s--   - - - - ..           -  - -.     . . . . . . .     , _,_ ._


23 .


N-ray unit and with the film on the inside surface. The sections were marked with radiographic stations at 3-inch intervals on the outside circumference. The parameters for the radiographic inspection were as follows. Voltage: 160 kV Tube current: 4. 5 mA e 4 Source-to-film dist. 36 inches a  % Exposure time: 3-1/4 rnin. Film: Kodak Type M

  • The inspection was perfoymed to meet or exceed the requirements of ANS'I B31. 7. Penetrameters were employed to assure Z-ZT radiographi sensitivity.

The radiographic inspection identified cracking in all of the ring sections furnished except for the elbow-to-elbow weld adjacent to FW-8 (SwRI Sample No.

31. Also, no cracking was detected at weld FW-35 (one of two welds in SwRI Sample No. 3 ). The results of the inspection are tabulated below and selected radiographs are shown in Appendix C.

Samole Identification RT Crack Indications _ FW-7A Sta. O to Sta. 6 (Crack No. 4) Sta. 9 to Sta. 21 Sta. 24 to Sta. 26 Sta. 30 to Sta. O FW-8 Sta. O to Sta.1-1/4 (Crack No. 5 Sta. 5 to Sta.16-1/2 S:a.18-1/2 to Sta. 27 Sta. 30-1/4 to Sta. 32 l

24 Samnle Identification RT Crack Indication, FW Sta. O to Sta. 4-1/2 (Crack No. 6) Sta. 7 to Sta.11-1/2 Sta.13-1/4 to Sta.17-1/2 Sta. 22-1/2'to Sta. 23 Sta. 24-1/2 to Sta. 28-1/2 Sta. 29-1/2 to Sta. 30 . FW-35 (Replacement spool field weld) No crack indications FW-5 Sta. 2 to Sta.14-1/2 ' (In-plant RT indication) Sta.17 to Sta. 30 FW-6A .

                  . Pipe-to-pipe field weld)         Sta. O to Sta.1-1/4 SW-F f Pipe-to-cibow shop weld)         Sta.15-1/2 to Sta.17                                 -

It should be noted that the laboratory radiographic inspection verified the RT crack indication previously noted at Weld FW-5 in the in-plant inspection. Also, the laboratory inspection identified segments of cracks in the half-ring sections removed as typical field welds and shop welds (FW-6A and SW-F). No crack indications were reported at these locatiems in the in-plant inspection. Each of the ring sections was cut into segments and examined with fluo-rescent liquid penetrant. The liquid penetrant inspection of the inside surfaces revealed crack indications consistent with the radiographic inspection. Selected examples of the liquid penetrant crack indications are shown in Appendix D. The location and extent of through-wall cracking as determined by inspection of the outside surfaces were as follows: E-

                                                                                                      --          s --

25 Sample Identification O. D. Crack Indications FW-7A (Crack No. 4) Sta. 32 to Sta. 33 FW-8 Not detected . (Crack No. 5) FW-36 (Crack No. 6) Sta.15 to Sta.17 FW-5 * (In-plant RT indication) None FW-6A (Pipe-to-pipe field weld) None e SW-F (Pioe-to-elbow shop weld) None The ring sections of the crossover piping were examir.ed visually i

   ....d   a.

w maenification (10-60X) to e stablish *.he general features of the b welds, the macroscopic character of the cracking, and the condition of the inside surfaces in the vicinity of the welds. The observations made in this examination .are described below. In caeh of the ring sections some mismatch was evident at the welds over portioan of the circumference, and considerable diametral shrinkage had occurred. In some cases, mismatch up to 1/2t-It was observed. The observes mismatch is an undesirable condition but is not uncommon in field wet.*ir.4 of large diameter, thin wall pipe. The diametral shrinkage is com-monly e r.counte red in this type of pipe weld. The re was no direct correla-tion be xeen :ne mismatch or shrinkage and the extent or severity of crack-t ing among th. various ring sections. i


I r

                                                      -- ~                        m ==s,   ww 26 The outside of each of the field welds presented a very clean and uniform appearance . In each case the weld crown was low and smoothly faire lintothe adjacent pipe surface. No undercut, porosity or other macroscopic defects were evident in any of the field welds. The re was no evidence of any post-weld grinding or other mechanical surface treat-t        6 ment on tr.c outside of any of the field weld samples. The general features i

of the ou*siJe of the' field welds are apparent in Figures B-1(a) throu'gh B- 1(c ), Apoendix B. , The weld configuration on the inside surface was similar in all sam-ples of the field welds. In each case the weld bead was very uniform over the major portion of the circumference with minimal drop ,thrdugh and no evidence of macroscopic defects was apparent. The typical features of the root wela beads are evident in the macrographs of the inside surfaces shown in Fi,:ures 6 through 9. Certain portions of the field weld root beads exhibited excessive drop-through. In each case this condition was associated with a location of mismatch and is attributed to field fitup prob-lems rather than to improper welding technique. Although the extent of drop-through observed is undesirable, there was no evidence that it con-tributed directly to the cracking. In ,:eneral, the configuration and appearance of the fie:d weld samples is indicative of careful technique and good workmanship. The appearance of the outside of the shop weld (Weld SW-F) indicated i - a generally satisfactory weld, and there was no evidence of any macroscopic

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a 2-24050 (12 ) Weld FW->4 Crack No. 5. Radiographic Station 14. Figure 6. Inside Surfaces at Welds FW-7A and FW-4 4X.

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2-24052 (c) Typical crack path in ground area adjacent to weld. Same area as central portion of (b). 10X. FI;:ure 6 (c ,nt'd). Inside Surface at "Neld FW-8. i eb ,

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L 2-24063 Y' 'l ' bk$ h (b) Typical crack path in lichtly polished area adjacent to weld. Area at left aide of (a). 10X. Fi::ure 7. In side Siiri ic e at Weld F'.'i- 9. In-plant RT indication.

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w K,v:u" :; e.w. e m. .w; .y:n , . _ . c;;;; .wy_ d*;: '5 l l 2-24053 (b) Weld SW-F. Shop Weld. Station 5. Figure 8. Inside Surfaces at Welds FW-6A and SW-F. 4 X.

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y . h.m 2-23801

r. ,

(b) Crack at Station 26. 10X. W~Z, L -

                                .* , ,. . . , c. .

2-23802 (c ) Elongated pit s at Station 23. 10X. Figure 9. Inside Surface of Weld FW-36. Crack No. 6. Radiographic Stations 23 to 26. r-  % ,* , m _.. ._ __ _


      de fec ts. The weld crown was noticeably higher and more irregular than those of the field welds, but there were no features indicating poo.r tech-t        nique or workmanship. The weld crown had a polished appearance indi-eatind some form of post-weld mechanical surface treatment, but tnere
,       were no grihding marks or coarse scratches.

The inside of the root pass of the shop weld was relatively n[rrow 4 and uniform in width and profile with minimal drop-through over the rna-jority of the sample (a half-ring section). Excessive drop-through was evident in a short portion of the weld. As in the case of the field welds, chis condition existed at a location of mismatch. The drop-through was not as severe as that observed in the field welds as would be expected due to better fitup conditions for shop fabricated spool pieces as compared to field weldina conditions. Comparison of the general configura'. ion and macroscopic features of the irarious samples did not indicate any significant differences in quality or workmanship between the field welds and the one shop weld. It was observed that the extent of weld preparation grinding on the inside surfaces varied among the samples. The pipe surfaces at Welds FW-7A FW-8 and FW-36 exhibited moderate grinding extending approxi-mately one-half inch from the edge of the weld, see Figures 6 and 9(a). At Weld EW-s only ligh: polishing was evident, and there were no definite grind-ing marks or scratches. This area exhibited a textured appearance with

  ,'      polished high spots and features characteristic of the original pickled surface s-               -         -



in the low spots, see Figure 6(b). There was no evidence of grinding or other mechanical surface preparation on the inside surface at Weld FW-6A (Figurc 6(a)). The ares immediately adjacent to the weld exhibited the in-tergranular network pickling attack observed on most pipe surfaces in ,

    ,    examinations in the laboratory and in the plant, see Figure 1(a). In the case of the shop weld, the ground surface extended I to 1-1/2 inches from the' enge of the bead. Also the grinding at this weld was more severe than
  • at the field welds as evidenced by coarse grinding marks and scratches, see Figure 8(b).

Evidence of corrosion in the heat-affected zone of the welds was observed on the insi'e surfaces of all of the crossover piping samples. Definite rusting, as evidence by a loosely adhering, light colored rust

     ,   deposit, was apparent at Welds FW-7A FW-8, FW-36 and FW-5.              The rust deposit extehded almost completely around the circumference at Welds FW-7A and FW-5, but was present along only pcntons of Welds                               l FW-8 and FW-36. A darker, more tightly adherent rust deposit was present at Weld FW-64 and extended ove r the major portion of the cir-                          !

cumfe re nce. Definite pitting attack was observed in heat-affected zones of the welds on the inside of all but one of the. ring sections from the crossover pipinc. . Numerous, rounded, shiny pits were present at Welds FW-7A, FW-36 and FW-6A. In the case of FW-7A and FW-6A the larger of these l pits occurred in cluste rs distributed around the circumferene.e. Examples l l l

                                                                  -       . . _ .        . . ~ - .      --  -
                                                                                         --          -war w 34
     +r, m thts type of pitting attack are shown in Figures 6(a) and 8(a). In addition to tne clusters of larger pits, numerous smaller pits were present and more uniformly distributed around 'the circumference. In the case of Weld FW-36, this type of attack was limited to small pits uniformly distributed around the circamfe rence.

At Welds FW-5 and SW-F a few isolated deep $its w$re present as ' shown in Figure 8(b). These deep pits were generally rounded with a shiny surface but were more irregular in shape than those of the t ree samples described above. These isolated pits were the only evidence of pitting at-tack at FW-5 dnd SW-F. The particular cause of the pitting described al ovel cannot ue ue.Initely s stablished, but such pitting has een observed in steels exposed to aqueous i environments with low chloride concentrations. III It should also be noted that the shape of the pits (rounded or irregular) is dependent on the relative concen-tration of chlorides and other anions such as sulfates. The appearance of these pits suggests active corrosive attack. This factor, together with the depth of some of the larger isolated pits, indicates that this type of pitting attack may be devere enough to result in eventual penetration of the pipe wall. Several irregular elongated pits were observed at Welds FW-7A and FW-36. These pits were located in the same areas where the rounded shiny pits were present. Examples of this type of pitting are shown in Fig-are 6(a) and Figure s 9(a) and 9(b). Subsequent metallographic examination established that thia type of patting developed by intergranular corresion or i cracking (see Section IV. D). I

         .- .~_ - . . . . . . - - -                   .-

a mh= 1 j

1 35 The observed rusting and pitting in the crossover piping samples was confined to the immediate vicinity of the welds indicating that the sus-ceptibility to corrosive attack is associated with the heat-affected zones. In e ich case representing a pipe-to-elbow weld, the corrosion occurred only on the pipe . side. In the case of the Weld FW-6, an original pipe-to , pipe field weld, corrosion was present on both sides. Weld FW-36 was a repair weld joining a portion of the original 10-inch. Schedule 10 pipe to a new replacement spool from a different heat of material. In this case the cracking and corros've i attack occurred only on the original pipe. These factors indicate that the unusual corrosion susceptibility of the weld heat-affected zones was unique to material from Heat No. 800201. , The general character of all cracks, as observed in the macro-scopic examination of the inside surfaces of the crossover piping samples. was similar and completely

  • nsistent with the radiographic and dye pene.

trant ins pections. All observed cracking was located within the dissolved zone adjacent to the welds and occurred only in the pipe material from Heat No. 800201. There was no evidence of cracking in the elbow por-tions of the samples or in the replacement pipe at Welds FW-35 and FW-36 (identified as Heat No. 8050929). All of the cracking exhibited an irregular path and in some places consisted of numerous, small, apparently discor.nected segments. The typical appearance of the cracking is shown in Figures 6(b), 6(c), 7, 9(a), ar.d 9(cl. The character of the crack paths on the inside surface is indicative i i

                     . - . . . . . . . . , ..                                                             l
                                                      -~                - - - _ . _ . _

36 of intergramilar cracking. Subsequent metallographic examination verified that all of the cracking was in ,2ct completely intergranular. Cracking was observed at locations with all types of inside surface finishes (neavy and light grinding and as-pickled). No correlation between the extent of cracking and the type of surface finish was indicated; in fact, Weld SW-F, at which the inside pipe surface had been heavily ground was one of the samples which exhibited the least extensive cracking. 4 s C. Chemical Analvsis . Samples of the pipe from each ring section were analyzed to establish , the composition and verify the identity of the pipe material. The results of the analyses are elven in Table V. All specimens from pipe sections in which cracking was observed were determined to be high in carbon content (at or near maximum specified by ASTM A 240) and the compositions are consistent a with the composition of IIcat No. 800201 as determined in other analyses. (Sce Taole ill. Section III). Two chemical analyses were taken from the ring containing welds FW-35 and FW-36. The composition of the specimen from the section be-tween the wolds (SwRI Sample 6-B, Table V) is significantly different (es-pecially in its lower carbon content) than the other pipe specimens. The short pipe section was installed as a replacement spool in the repair of a leak and it was established by Bechtel personnel that the replacement spool was from IIcat No. 8050929. The composition determined for Sample 6-B is consistent with that of other specimens from this heat (Sample 4-3, Table III).

       ~ ~ * ~ '       :. . .      *
   .6   ,

o _

                                                               -             * .e

Sample location No. C Mn Si N' Cr Mo P S 1A (a FW-7A 0.070 1.43 0.69 9.18 18.62 0.45 0.020 0.005 (Crack No. 4) , a 2A @ FW-8 0.083 1.4ajo.68 9.00 18.64 0.41 4).018 0.006

                         - (C rack No. .> )                  ,                                        o
    . '.                  6 FW-36            0.074    1.52 0 64
                                        .                                8.80     18.52  0.44,   0,.020     0.005 (Crack No. ti) 6- D                   Between*
                                            *0. 047   1. a l   0.43      8.62     18.54 0.47 0.032          0.010 FW- 35 k FW- 36
7. A 4 FW 0.075 1.56 0.69 8.93 18.49 0.43 0.020 0.007 RT Indication 5- A 4 FW 6A" U.067 1.52 0.65 9.06 18.53 0.41 0. 021 0.005 Crack Side
5. B 80 FW ' A** 0.081 1.43 0.65 8.83 18.43 0,42 0.020 0.005
                         - Sounel Siew 4- A                   Shop Welt!

0.073. 1.46 0.65 9.10 18.33 0.43 0.019 0.007 SW-F llcat No. H00201 0.057 1.53 0.39 '8.80 18.29 -- 0.011 0.012 Swepco once k analysis

  . licat No. 800201                         0.075    1.49 0.65          9.43     18.38  0.39 0.016         0.008 per Bechtel analysis                                     ,

December 1974 l ASTM A 240 0.08 2.00 1.00 8.00 18.00 -- 0.045 0.030 Max Max l Max -.10.50 l 20.00 -- Max Max

  • Replacement spool installed in repair of leak at original weld at location of FW- 3 5. See F:sure B-1(c).
  • Pi pe- t o- pi pt field weld. Crack detected on one side after removal of ring section.

t l f

                                                                                             ~                       , - . -

38 The portion of pipe: beyond FW-36 (Sample 6-A, Table V) is part of_the oriuinal pipe and its composition is consistent with that of Heat No. 800201. Tne results of the chemical analysis of the crossover piping sections su viort the piping material identification determined by Bechtel and sup-port the observation that all known cracking is confined to pipe frbm '4* cat No. 800201.

0. Metalloeraphic l xamination '

Metallographic sections of the welds and adjacent base metal were cut fro.n cach of the crossover piping samples and prepared for macroscopic and microscopic examination. The location of the sections were selected to provide for e valaation of the structure and configuration of the welds, examination of the encrostructural characteristics of crccking and pitting in the heat-affected zones, and Jocumentation of the microstructure of the pipe material. A comparison of the various field welds with the shop weld is provided in Figures so enrou h 15 and by the additional macrographs shown in Fleures B-2 and B-3, Appendix B. The macrographs and micregraphs in Figures 10 throuch 15 are seltcted as representative of the three cypes of weld joints sampled: '.. : . , pipe-to-elbow field weld (FW-S. Figures 10 and 11), pipe-to-pipe field weld (PW-6A, Ficurer 12 and 13), and pipe-to-elbow shop weld (SW-F. Figures 14 and,151. In general, examination of the metallographic sections established that r.Il welus sampled were full penetration, uenerally sound and free of defects.

     . In each sam,21e, the weld profile is uniform and symmetrical at those locations e
w. . 4

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2-23517 (a) Section 1-1. Radiographic Station 17. l 1 1

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2-23605 (b) Section 2-2. Radiographic Station 2. Figure 10. Macrographs of Sections Through Field Weld FW-8. Pipe-to-elbow. SX. ew l t -

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Lf _' . _ - - 4: ~ 'M-_ w-h%sT&&* !U.. .-- - Figure 11. Section Through Weld FW-9. Pipe-to-elbow. Section radiographic station 17. See Figure 10(a). Dotted lin. dicates extent of HAZ. Etchant: Electrolytic oxalic a. 25X. 1 i l l l  ! l l 1

i I l l l i m, V' - , ;Jy ,, .

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                                         .Y, Y Eb,                                                   E                                kk bn,,wf;g ipe-to-elbow. Section 1-1, gure 10(a). Dotted line in-Electrolytic oxalic acid.

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2-23522 e (a) Section 10-10. Radiographic Station 0.

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2-24003 (b) Section i1-11. Radiographic Station 15. Figure 12 Macrographs of Sections TF. rough Field Weld FW- 6A. Pipe-to pipe. 5 X.

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Fi::ure 13. Section Through Weld FW-6A. Pipe-to-pipe. Sectio radiographic station 15. See Figure 12(b). Dotted 11 dicates extent of HAZ. Etchant: Electrolytic oxalic 25X. i9,

                                                                                                                                                                       -, 4 l

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    \* - 6 A. Pipe-to-pipe. Section Il- 11.

See F'igure 12(b). Dotted line in-Etchant: Electrolytic oxalic acid. 2


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W s ..e 2-23521 Section 9-9. Radiographic Station 17. Figure 14. Macrograph of Section Through Shop Weld SW-F. Pipe-to-elbow. SX. i 1 r s h h - __ _ __

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AP.r a- c'%.: y p - L' '_ , Figure 15. Section Through Weld SW-F. Pipe-to-c1 bow. Secti radiographic station 17. See Figure 14 Dotted line extent of HAZ. Etchant: Electrolytic onlic acid. i I r I t I

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iW-F. Pip e -to-elbow. Section 9-9.

    '. Sec Figure 14. Dot.e.1 Line indicates
    .t: Electrolytic onlie acid. 25X.

9 d

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              %             where the good fitup existed between mating components. A common feature of all of the we Ids is that the weld crowns are relatively wide as compared to the pipe wall thickness. This feature is not necessarily detrimental, but the ' size of the weld (in cross section) is indicative of a higher heat input than necessary. An adequate joint could be made in this size pipe with a narrower                 '

weld and correspondingly lower total heat input which would minimize the de-gree of sensitization in the heat-affected zone. 4 The root passes of all field welds are consistently wider than the shop weld root pass, see Figures 10(a), B-3(b), and 14, a situation which may be e expected on consideration of fitup conditions and accessibility associated with field welding. Also, it was observed that the penetration of the filler passes g into the root pass war deeper in the case of the field welds than for the shop welds (compare Figures 10,12, and B-2 with Figure 14). These latter two e features indicate that, for the particular welds sampled, the heat input as-sociated with the field welds was higher than that of the shop weld. This situation is not considered as unusual or as a major difference between the shop wrld and the field welds. l The mismatch of mating components in portions of each weld, as noted  ! in the visual examination, ia apparent in several of the metallographic sec tions,  ! see Figures 12(a), B-2(b), and B-3(a). It should be noted that these sections l i show that the only cases of appreciable or excessive drop-through were asso- ' ciated with locations of mismatch between mating components as c ser' ved in the visual inspection. The worst case of mismatch observed is shown in f

                                                                                                -   ^~'"
     .9    ,

46 Figu re B-2(bl. Excessive drop-through occurred at this location, and the ~ weld profile is markedly unsymmetrical. The weld configuration at this t portiun of the joint is undesirable but the weld is sound an.1 free of defects indicating that the condition is the result of fitup problems and does not rep-resent poor welding technique. l The microstructural features of the heat-affected zonee are illustrated in Figures 11,13 and 15. The extent of the HAZ in the shop weld and field

  • i welds is comparable. Also, tne degree of sensitization is comparable in each case. It may be noted that sensitization in the HAZ emphasi{zes the microstructural featurbs which characterize pipe material from Heat No.

400201, i.e., extremely large grain size at each surface with smaller grains at mid-wall. The metallographic examination of the welds and heat-affected zones established that all welds were generally sound and free of defects and that there were no major differences 'ia structure or bead configuration between 1 the field welds and the shop weld. The only undesirable features noted were mismatch in portions of each joint and the associated excessive drop-through i at locations of mismatch. The metallographic sections taken to characterize the microstructural features of the cracking were selected on the basis of the radiographic and liquid penetrant inspections. The locations of the various sections were selected to be representative of varying degrees of cracking and are indi-  ;

                                                                                         -        l cated in the ficures included in Ap:endi es C and O and in Figure 9.                 '

I e i l l t t

                                                                                       '.              ~.

47 e + Typical examples of the rnicrostructural features of the cracking a re shown s. Figure 16. Additional microcraphs of the crack zones-in each ring section are included in Appendix E. ' The metallographic examination established that all cracking was completely intergranular. The two examples shewn in Figure 16 represent extremes of the degree of cracking observed in the various sections. Section 4-4 (Figure 16(a)) was. taken in the central portion of a major crack indication 6 and represents a case of a nearly through-wall crack which is relatively open at the inside surface. Section 3-3 (Figure 16(bs t was taken near the end of-one crack indication and exhibits an extremely tight crack extending through I approximately one-half of the pipe wall thickness.

 ,                         Most sections exhibited a single crack at the inside surface with mul-~

tiple branchine as the crack progressed throuch the pipe wall. In those cases where there were multiple cracks at the inside, the several cracks were to-cated very close together, see Figures B-3(c), E-I(a), E-4(a) and E-6(a). These situations represent either multiple cracking around several adjacent grains in the early stages of crack growth or overlap of separate crack segments. In two cases the early stages of cracking resulted in the loss of several grains at the surface and tne formation of an intergranular pit, see 1 Figures E-1(a ) and E-6(a). There were no cases where multiple cracking i occurred over

  • the length of the heat-affected zor.e. In each case all crack- 1 i

ing was confined to a very narrow band within the heat-affected zone . Also,

 .              the cracks were observed to be located approximately the same distance s._-


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y'.. s , ) I ' c- YN[ 5khN iTN UTSL Nr . . 2-2350! 2-23490 (a) Section 4-4. Radiographic (b) Section 3-3. Radiographic i Station 15. 50X. Station 6. 100X. l l Figure 16. Photomicograph of Section Through Crack No. 5. Weld FW-8. . i 1 Etchant: Electrolytic oxalic acid.

m. ,,


   .o                                                                                  .

from the fusion line of the root pass in each weld sample, and the degree of sensitization was essentially equivalent at all crack locations. In each of the metallographic sections the base metal beyond the heat-affected zone exhibited the characteristic microstructural features ooserved for material from Heat No. 800201, see Figures E-3(b), E-5(b) and E-6(b). None of the metallographic sections exhibited any fndica[ ions of a unique or unusual surface feature which served as a crack i#2tiMor. Also, it should be noted that the microstructural features in these sections (tight cracks and sharp crack tips) clearly indicate cracking mechanzstn as op-posed to simple intergranular corrosion. The metallographic character of all the cracks is ty.pical of inter-granular stress corrosion cracking. This mechanism of cracking has been encountered in sensitized stainless steels in a number of situations in reactor piping systems under varying conditions.(2-5) It should be noted that this cracking mechanism is not necessarily associated with extraneous contaminants such s as chlorides. Such cracking can occur in high-purity water with a critical oxygen content. The exact nature of this cracking mechanism is not fully understood, but it is known that such cracking is promoted by a sensitized ^ structure, high oxygen content of the water and stagnant conditions in the piping system, and stress levels near or ir. excess of the yield strength. In .

      . this particular case, the compositional and microstructural charac ter of ma-j terial from Heat No.

800201 (high carbon content and large s.irface grain ::ize) are additional factors favoring intergranular stress corrosion . racking.  ! l


50 The microstructural nature of the pitting observed in the heat-aff[cted zones of some of the welds in shown in Figure 17. The rounded, smooth-ap-pearin;t pits re clearly transgranular in nature and are typical'of direct pit-ting attack, such as may be induced or chlorides, without cracking. The lone, irregalar pits, on the other hand, are clearly the result of intergranular attack. In the case shown in Figure 16, a significant degree of intergranular corrosion - I has occurred around a few small grains at the surface and intergranular crack-A ing has initiated from this location. Apparently, some locations within the heat-affectec. zones are susceptible to localized intergranular corrosion with the result beine the formation of isolated intergranular pits. It should be noted - that the pitting occurred only in the heat-affected zone in pipe material from Heat No. 80G20 3. This observation is evidence that the heat-affected zone in this material is highly susceptible to both types of corrosive attack in com-parison to unaffected base metal of that heat or to heat-affected zones and base metal of other heats. E. Frac oeranhic Examination Specimens were cut from representative regions of cracking and broken open to expose the crack surface. These specimens were examined o' n the scan-ning electron microscope to establish the fine-scale topographic features of the crack surfaces. The specimens were selected to represent the following weld samples and cracking cor.ditions.

1. FW-7A (Crack No. 4) - Oren continuous crack between station 18 and station 19. 4


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2-23806-07 _m - . t_ . :t . -._ _ M +'e E.,W,.vg- . Sh - . u.Y Figure 17. Photomicrograph of Section Through Pitting at Weld FW-36. Section 14-14 see Figure 9. Etchant: Electrolytic oxalic acid. 100X. b

                   .s 9                                  .
                                                                                          -w   ww 52
2. FW-8 (Crack No. 5) - Region with tieht, segmented crack n at st.itinn 14.
3. FW-6A (Pipe-to-pipe field weld) - End of crack at station I.
4. FW-5 (In-plant RT indication) - Open crack at station 6 and a region of very tight, secmented cracking at station 7.

All of the crack surfaces examined were charactertaed byT!eard defined intergranular facets verifying that all cracking was completely *., intergranular. Over the majority of the crack surfaces, these facets were flat and smooth indicatina that crack propacation occurred without appreciable

                                                             .he various spe. imens a're corrosinn. Representative SEM fractographs fron included in Appendix F.

In general, the observations made in this examination sophrted those of the metallographic examination, and no additional evidence of unique crack initiators 'at the insice surface was observed. i F. Elcetrnn Micronrobe Analysis One specimen was cut from each of the ring sections containing Weld No. FW-36 (Crack No. 6) and Weld No. FW-7A (Crack No. 4) to provide for The specimens analysis for surface con.;aminants on the inside pipe surfaces. were approximately 1/2 inch by 1 inch and were rerr.oved from the rir.g section Special care was

      -prior to any cleaning operation or dye penetrant inspection.

taken to prevent contamination of the serface in the cutting and handling ope rations. The microprobe analysis specimens are shown in Figure 18. b'

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v - '[] bhk A)*.~s;.y T M 5,,..-,:;.'.-T'.'.x:.'.,;;;,*,,7:t 2-23045 (a) Weld FW-7A. Crack No. 4.

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w v :e 1 , , ,,, a,.L., ;j . 2-24046 (b) Weld FW-36. Crack No. 6. Figure 18 Inside Surfaces of hiicroprobe Analysis Specimens. 2X. h -e

54 4 Selected areas near the crack and in the clean area beyond the dis-colored and scaled zone were examined fo: the presence of chlorine and sulfur utilizing the wave-length dispersive spectrometer attachment to the Etec Autoscan scanning electron microscope. Analysis for fluorine could not be performed since the fluorine Ks emission lire is obscured by one of the chromium x-ray emission lines. , In this examinatica definite evidence of chlorine and stilfu,r was ob-served in the discolored zone at the crcck in the specimen f,ron Weld FW-7A (location 1. Figure 181. Sulfur was detected at a location in the clean

  • zone of the same specimen (location 2, Figure 18). The intensity of the sulfur x-ray emission peak at the location near ,the crack was higher than the respective peak in the clean zone indicating a higher concentration of that contaminant at the crack.

In the case of the specimen from Weld No. FW-36, sulfur was definitely 4 present at the crack (location 3, Figure IS), but no chlorine could be dc&cted at this point. Neither chlorine nor sulfur was detected at loca-lons within the clean area (location 4 Figure 18). It should be noted that the clean zone of each specinten exhibited the surface intergranular network pickling attack observed in metallographic sections of vacious piping samples and in the in-plant inspection of the safety-related piping (see Section II). The gene rally rou/.1. c-scale topography of the suriaces prevented differentiation betwem :cA lants within the crevices and on the surface. The qualitative results e4 this analy;.is are summarized z.s followu: f

                  ~.             '



S mple Location Contamir .tnts FW-7A At crack, Location 1 ' S and Cl Clean zone, Location 2 S only FW-36 At crack, Loca*. ion 3 S only Clean zone, Location 4 Neithe r The intensity vs 26 t-aces for each location where conta' min nts we re detected are shown in Figure 19. 5 In order to provide a basis for semi-quantitative interpretation, specimens of pipe material were prepared and exposed to solutions of known chlorine and sulfur contents. The calibration specimens were cut from clean i zones of pipe samples at locations which exhibited the intergranular crevice network. Each sample was thoroughly deg. eased and washed with deionized' water and with ethyl alcohol. i Individual specimens were soaked in separate solutions with 100 ppm Cl,1000 ppm C1 and 1000 ppm S, respectively, for a period of one hour. At the initiation of the soak period, the specimens were ultrasonically agitated in the solution to assure wetting of the surfaces. The specimens were then removed from the solution in a flat position, concave side up, so that a film of solution was retained on the surface, then dried at approximately 120*F. These specim-ns were then examined for the presence of chlorine and sulfur in the same manner as the service pipe specimens. An uncontaminated spec-imen cleaned in the same way as the calibration specimens was also examined to verify the absence of extraneous contaminants. No chlorine could be de-tected on the specimen exposed to the 100 opm Cl solution, but both C1 and l l k_

a . i j (.e s * *

                                                                    ,                         ,     ers                      e,0 fe
                                ; t,   -

500 -

                                                                                                   .00   -

500 - i l 40 - 400 - 400 - 40s) - 30 - 300 - 100 - 300 -


20 l 200 - 200 - f( j 200 -

                                     -- l#li 0 lt      id                                                          I ff   I l                                                             l

, 10 - 100 - 100 100 - l EU 0 ( l! 0 0 0 i 20 _., 20 --a. m.- 20 .-. -- 20 -. Cl line at crack. S line at crack. S line in clean zone. S line a t c FW-7A. Jocation 1. F W - 7A . Jeca tion 1 FW-7A. Iscation 2. F W - 36. loca tion 3. Figure IH(a ). Figu re 18(a p. Figure 18(al. Figure IH(a). p , Figure 19. X-ray Spectropraphie Traces from Inside Starface= of Crossover Piping Sarnples. , 20 vs intensity. Note :liffe rent sca?es. E:...- 9 .

l l l l

                                 - - -                                                                                  l

_ .m. ww J l l 57 S were readily detected on the samples exposed to the 1000 ppm solutions. Intensity 28 traces for the latter two specimens were shown in Figure 20. The peak intensities for each element are lower than the respective peaks observed in the examination of the service-pipe specimens. The amount of solution retained on a sample soaked in the manner e 4 of the calibration specimens was determined by weighing the samples be-fore and after exposure. From this value and the known concentration, the amount of contaminant per unit area was determined., T,he results of this determination are as follows: ' 100 ppm solution: 6.21 gm/cm2 1000 ppm solution: 62.21 gm/cm2 [ Since the x-ray emission peak intensities for tne 1000 ppm calibration specimens were less than those from the service-pipe specimens, the lower limit of concentration of the respective contaminants can be considered as approximately 62. 0 pgm/cm2'. The presence of sulfur on the inside surfaces is to be expected since it is known that the piping is exposed to a sodium thiosulfate solution during certain plant operations. However, the presence of chlorine indicates that the piping was exposed to a chloride contaminated solution. 4 8 L l

l 60 60 (.1) O i.fiti 50 - 50 _ ;00 - Suf>- 40 - 40 . 400 - 400-30 - 30 - 300 - 300-i f 20 - 20 200 200- L

                                                                                                                                                    'l l

10 3

                                                                                                     -                       10  _.

lj 100 - jf. 100- l

                                                                                                                                                                                   \fb                               .


                                                                                                         =-- 20                      ---        20 --=                             =-- 20 -=                    --     20   --=

Cl line from clean Cl line from spec- S line from clean S line from specip s pecimen, imen exposed to s pe cimen. men exposed to 1000 ppm Cl solution. 1400 ppm S solution. Figure 20. X-ray Spectrographic Traces from Calibration Specimens. 20 vs intensity. Note :liffe rent scales. i ,

                                .                                                                                                  -   .  .a .  .
                                                                        .                                    .   ._,,..s_....,-                   -.

59 V.



                           - The principal. observations made in this investigation rr2y be sum-marized as follows.
1. All samples of pipe material from Heat No. 800201 were characterized by a very large grain size at each surface and relatively small grains at mid-wall and exhibited par- ,

tial sensitization. Samples from all other heats of ma-terial in the reactor building spray piping system (with a the exception of one piece of 4-inch pipe) exhibited a nor-mal microstructure consisting of a smaller, uniform grain size without evidence of sensitization.

2. Intergranular network pickling attack was observed on the e

surface of the majority of piping examined and was not unique to any single material heat or pipe size in the safe.ty-related piping system.

3. Chemical analyses established that the material from

. Heat No. 800201 has an unusually high carbon content (0. 067 to 0. 080%). The carbon contem of all other ma-terial heats was determined to be in the range of 0. 040 to 0.064%

4. All cracking occurred in pipe from Heat No. 800201 and was confined to a narrow portion'of the heat-affected

zones adjacent to welds.

   .6    ,

I _w - ww 1 60 ) l

     .                                                                                                     l S. Cracking, occurred in at least one shop weld within the build-               -

Ing spray piping system. 1

6. All cracking is completely intergranular and was not associ-I ated with any unique or unusual crack initiator.
7. Relatively severe pitting was obse rved in the heat-affected zones e a of some of the welds. This pitting was confined to pipe mate- ,

1 rial from Heat No. 800201. This fact indicates th'at4pe com- ,

                                                                                   .               I position and structure of Heat No. 800201 contributed to a higher than normal susceptibility to corrosive attack.      .

1 e i 8 Microprobe analysis of the inside surface of service piping' samples provided evidence of chloride contamination.

9. One sample of 4-inch pipe from Heat No. 2P-3352 exhibited a sensitized microstructure.


10. Mismatch of mating components and considerable diametral l shrinkage existed in all weld ssmplest indicating conditions  !

l of relatively high residual stresses at the welds. 1 l On the basis of the observations made in this investigation, it may be ) concluded that the failures encountered in the reactor building spray system piping occurred by intergranular stress corrosion cracking. The failures are attributed to the cumulative influence of the following factors: 1 l

1. Carbon content and microstructure of the piping material; j
2. Residual welding and fitup stresses; 3.

Degree of sensitization in the heat-affected zones; i l 4


                                                                                                                        .n I

i 61

4. Oxygen content of the water and intermittent stagnant -


5. Chloride contamination. ,

E.ach of the above factors, considered separately, is probably not a sufficient ec..dition for intergranular stress corrosion cracking. In view of thi fact that ) I all cracking was confined to material from a single heat and that all of the pip- ) ing welds are sub8ect to similar conditions of residual stress and environment, J 1 the abnormal composition and microstructure of Heat No. 800201 is considered l l as the most influential single factor contributing to the failures. Since the ob-  ! served partial sensitization of material from Heat No. 800201= ;. conttnect to the mid-wall position, this factor in itself canno't be considered as directly as-sociated with tn( racking. The partial. sensitization in the pipe material is an indicator of tne. mgh carbon content of that parricular heat and of an increased susceptibility to sensitization during welding or heat treatment. The chloride contamination may have been involved in the failures, but , there is no evidence that the presence of chlorides was a necessary condition for cracking. Since this cracking mechanism has been identified in other cases involving high-purity water environments, it is likely that cracking would have occurred even in the absence of any chloride contamination. Other possible results of chlo3ide contamination are transgranular stress-corrosion crack-ing and pitting attack of normal solution annealed material. No evidence of cither of these conditions was observed indicating that the degree of contami-nation and the stress levels are probably not suificient to initiate such crack-ing or pitting. a.

62 Normal Type 304 stainless pipe has been employed in other systems  ; mvolving service conditions similar to those associated with the safety-  ! related piping at Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit One without significant

        . roblems. In view of this factor, and the fact that all cracking observed to date in the building spray piping system has been confined to a single, abnormal heat of ma't erial, cracking in other piping with normal composi-                                                 ,
 ,                                                                                                                                                         e tion and microstructure is not considered as a likely occurrence.


1. S. Szklarska-Smialowski, "The Pitting of Iron-Chromium-Nickel Alloys," Localized Corrosion, National Association of Corrosion Engineers,1974, pp. 316-317.
2. H. C. Burghard, E. B. Norris, and R. D. Wylie, " Examination of Upper Liquid Level Line from Elk River Reactor," USAEC Report SwRI-1228-P9-16, February 1969.
3. H. C. Burghird and F. F. Lyle, " Metallurgical Investigation of Cracking in LACBWR Feedwater-Inlet-Nozzle ' Safe Ends',"

Final Report, Project No. 17-2757-06, USAEC Contract No. AT(ll-1)-1288 (USAEC Document No. SwRI 1228-P12-1), March 1970. Also see H. C. Burghard and F. F. Lyle, " Investigation of Cracking in Nuclear Reactor Primary Paping System," Paper No. 71-PVP-33, American Society of Mechanica1 Engineers, 1971.

4. C. F. Cheng, "Intergranular Corrosion Cracking of Type 304 Stainless Steel in Water Cooled Reactors," Reactor Technoloav, y 13, 1970, pp. 310-319. .
5. S. H. Bush and R. L. Dillon, " Stress Corrosion in Nuclear Systems " Report to USAEC, Pacific Northwest laboratories, Richiand, Washington, Msrch 1973.

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2-23547 2-23548 - t (a) At outside surface (b) At inside surface

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6 g - 7 . %._ _ _ .... _ 2-23549 2-23550 l (c) Mid-wall (d) Mid-wall . I f Figure A-1. Microstructure Of Piping Sample 1 . Heat No. 800201, 10-in.

  • Etchart: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b), (c) Normal Etch.

(d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM-A262, Practice A. 100X. 4 e ed

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 ,       2-23445 2-23470
 .                                              (c) hild-wall (d) hild-wall Figure A-2. hilerostructure Of Piping Sample 4-6.

Heat No. 7T-2004, 6-in. Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b), (c) Normal Etch. id) Sensitization Etch per ASThi-A262, Practice A. 100X.

l l l

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Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalle Acid. (a), (b). (c) Normal Etch. (d) Sensiti ation Etch per ASTM-A262, Practice A. 100X.

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Etchar.t: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a ), (b), (c ) Normal Itch. (d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM- 4262, Practice A. 100A. l l

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2-23541 2-23542 (a) At outside surface (b) At inside surface

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  • 2 .3513 2-23545
  .                                                   (c) Mid-wall                                                                                                             (d) Mid-wall Figure A- % Microstructure Of Piping Sample 3                                                                                                 .          Heat No. 8744115, 6-in.

Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b). (c) Normal Etch. (d) Sensiti=ation Etch per ASTM- A262, Practice A. 100X.

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2-23441 2-23442 (c) Mid-wall (d) Mid-wall Figure A.6 Microstructure Of Piping Sample 4 8 Heat No. M -4 3 5 9, 4 -in. Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b). (c) Normal Etch. (d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM- A202, Practice A. 100X.

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                'C (4 k'[i.%=.                      k:                             ;' .
                                                                                                                    .    h
                                                                                                                       '.z-c.c                  ==T~\.'

r. 4 + ~. -C.'c <$~f~  ? 'k'N: . T 5 Z-D** 2-23169

      .                                                           (c) Mid-wall                                                                                                                  (d) Mid-wall Figure A-7                                  Microstructure Of Piping Sample 4-9.                                                                                Heat No. M-4358, 4-in.

l Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b), (c) Normal Etch.

                                                                  . (d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM-A262. Practice A.                                                                                                                        100X.

i *

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                                                                                                                                                                                                          -*                              f.                           e                                                      (,. *
                                                       . , . ,                                                   --~_.                            -                                                                                                                                                                     -

2 23529 2 23531 (a) At outside surface (b) At insid; surface s' *

                                                                                                                                                                            . -.-. . ,,n; . ' - f.


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2 23530

                                                                                                                                                  &b_4                                                    Yr r, b.i.'WIA.
         ..                                                                                                                                            2-23532 (c) Mid-wall                                                                                                                            (d) Mid-wall Figure A-8                                     Microstructure Of Piping Sample 36-2. Heat No. IP-3352, 4-in.

Etchant: Electrolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b), (c) Normal Etch. (d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM-A262, Practice A. 100X.

z . , ,,, w m . . w

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                            .r v                  ~ .sQ  s.                               ,

wn .r 3Es%f %TE'Ji4MiTI-ea'.t& 2-43533 2- <.3 - 3 4 (a) At outside surface (b) At inside surface . j E: >~ *

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y -_9.,. , ..-

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2-4353 2 23540  ! (c) Mid-wall (d) At outside surface. Typ'al 4

                                                                                                                .I throu.;h wall after Stra.ccher etch.

Figure A-9. Microstructur(e Of Piping Sample 37 2. Heat No. 2P-3352, 4 in. ' Etchant: Elei:rolytic Oxalic Acid. (a), (b), (c) Normal Etch. (d) Sensitization Etch per ASTM-A262, Practice A. 100X. 5 l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . . . b 1

1 k

73 - e


A PPEN DIX B RING SECTIONS FROM CROSSOVER PIPING AND MACROGRAPHS OF WELD SECTIONS e l 1 O go .%M .* 6 4 aWM. umg e g, e. ., , , , _ _g_ 76 eh hem ye g ,m,,g,, , , , , , _ _ _ - p . a se ,

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i 5 J 2 23400 2-23401 , (a) FW-7A. Cracic No. 4 (b) FW-8. Crack No. *5

                               . a Y" Uv. .                      .
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u. u ,:,

h'.f 3' kNNb

                                            .s 2-23398                                                                                      2-23403 (c) FW-36, Crack No. 6                                                                        (b) FW-5. RT indication F w - 3 5, bottom.                                                                            in plant inspection.

Figure B- 1. Ring Sections From Crossover Piping. W hite indicate radiographic stations. e N= -

                                                                                              .'-M      =g     ,


                             .. . e-~,            .
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2-23401 (e) FW-6A. Typical Field Weld. + t

                             ~ . . , .

b ( p . _ ., . Y.t. , . . . .h ', , ,.. .. ding! t'. .3 6;k,.:. c; ..

                                                                                . > , 't..@..a* 4e-

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                                               ~%y hK:l$%il'"&q' ;;J5                            . .." ."

1 f.w:.:.a.2 8 c; .,gy


z 1.; :- 2-23405 (b) SW-F, Typical Shop Weld Figure B- 1 (cont'd). Rine Sections From Crossover Piping. White numerals indicate radiographic stations. 1 I i l 1 1 e h . w


                                                                                                                                                                                           +3 t.

4 I" y - RV};- - 5 flf. ~j k Cu: e'N8 -

                  $'                                     A                            w                                                                                             ,

45 Z, c n h 2-24044  : ,, (a) Weld FW-7A. Section 13-13. Radiographic Station 15.

                 !Wg!A                        _

a s  ; *

                                                                                                                  .3p                                                              g Y'NW-                                                                                     t l
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ch g.g$ T.,*

                                                                          '4 W                                                                                                       '

t'{!$Nk<Lx dfW'Q*YY 2-24043 (b) Weld 7W-7A. Sectic,n 12- 12. Radiographic Station O. 1

                                                                             .r                                                                   51'                                                    l
              ' un_. G.p D.
                                        &r q.7:,w h ;T** ' ; . .,R
                                                                   ' ,.      *"aA, yfu4            yp*T5.,;

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W ~C

                                                          .,e M '

p ,c. 7 _ . s.p. 1p_am .. W. u.%s j' ',' . re. . a;W', .. :h.f' pLtg

               & ~n D. 2Ei";c:. .* U%g.. -w. n gy;J,s.:?%!M %r                                                        3%21; U} n,ppSMWh!!?V-?q 2-23836 (c) Weld FW-36. Sectiva 16- 16. Radiographic Station 25-1/2.

i Figure B-2. Macrographs of Sections Through Weld FW-7A (Crack No. 4) and Weld FW-36 (Crack No. 6). , SX. i

                                                                                                                                                                          ..g ,


tr y b

                                                                                            ..                                                                  _w     ww l

1 1 4 m9 p-

                                                 @           [W. \~ %4h .                                                                           -7
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                                        %.~      y-
                                                                                                                                                           . n; n :a +.

L - $,*- 1, % g?

                                                                e.s y .=s-2-23606                                                                            -

(at Section 5-5. Radiographic Station fl. I

                                                                                                                                         .   %                                 1 k
                          ,9.;*  ,.
                                                          ; .c g r s l:.'"

m q q' A 7

  • f:jEiPM;.1,$.GMS?Ms'W jM 8 d r % d kf- Q v. @ u.* .
  • 9DJ'NE$f) g;gqN6P6?/.W'l .p %, ., ,

A M talTr+ m,. .& M 9$ 2-23604 (b) Section 6-6. Radiographic Station 15.

                       ?iin..;v.:;M*.%rHM' X.v.:GM:F                      ',.'mf4"1 >3 cL[" ~$>;e.E,?.*I.Q'.$Q
                                                             +n                                               .bj . a bh .                       k                kM'.-:'4;ta b                                 ;$5se. oe -* e ' g4f, ~e- eg


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                    > .Q,tiU;"J.k1;&p.               P'.:.  . , n 9 r.u ._.y        N_ d *
A D N % & W 15's:'l;+Q mmc L.?d*:-n % % lkl%@l % L,??t b._.y Aff 2-23525 (c) Section 7-7. Radiographic Station 8.

Figure B-3. Macrographs of Sections Through Weld FW-5 (In-plant RT indication). 5X.

       - ., " ~~*
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r ~., '- J 1:- , s 2-23721 e i l 30 0 i v --

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                           ;               .,g svra'. a,                      .-                       u                       WI
                           '             Q,                     _                                                        M ^ ..J
                                          d                      ' $ 't                      _
                                                                                                  -.a 1                       h5 2-23724 Figure C- 1. Radiographs of Weld FW-7A (Crack No. 4).

Arrows indicate ends of crack indications. Section markers indicate locations of metallographic secticns. A ob , L


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[ ah a 4 h k' +  ; 2-23558 '.' 1


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                                                                                                                 , &, 9m , y =            *                  .                                                                                                              ,

h - :. .;.?,,f:$E,h.

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                                                                              . :k$'hY.?h.,.h&..,%s,                                                          ..

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P,. ;.-l,. g .

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7-.-t>T .c: .. D. 4 ,, . N [ 5 ,AT- M'I.S.r'.R. . h.-dQ Pj'S d

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                                                                                                                                            -i .

p u l i k, ,m .Nb; Nfi' ~~~ ~ .c,:f@.W. -['M9; . i n%. s ., p,4Ww ' g.. m%;h.- m -i.:fty

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,L                              ,
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w  %,+ '.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ;e             y .                                   i, sn . . ; a, . ,. .mem.f, -QW.n                                                                        :

gs.a Yf ,2....s-. e

                                                                     ; p%:gzy:,C ~ W .g.J Yr ;.%a ,.y
,hyw +%g.: %c.=* s~ a .n,. .h : ~* s.
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                    ;R m                                  -

i 2-23560 . A j Figure C-2. Radiographs of Wcld FW-8 (Crack No. 4). j Arrows icdicate ends of crack indications. 1 Section markers indicate locations of ' metallographic sections. l 1 2 i M 1 l l l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .)*  l i


--.-r..--.,-~,.-_... __ ,,,,,,,,,.,_,,,,,,.,..-.,;. re n
                                                                                           - . -                                   --r*                                                                                            !
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W.'h.t vty. L - QQ,.:- .- - .. 2-23730 l l

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2 . f, r,

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v,onP .a, 1 1.~ C k rp(&,% l

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Mn 4.?s. wl G'= cW*%;;4e

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4 Q .a....uc.::o.m.. A1.v > % ' 2 y.?%.  : L :.v,k@f.?. g f'a n &w:=vlim m*c..,7,g.,Ig.v.G.;:/

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a _;-{. { pg4;39;g ,, . . p~ ~t ' ;%>;p .n g;p.,,c.w,q:a. 7.c %.2,'w";,;. a 3 c

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Ri LT~~Wg.q - :


l -Qch _&,h,&kc ; pm g , g


2-23731 t, Figure C-3. Radio;;rr.phs of Weld FW-36 (Crack No. 6). Arrows indicate ends of crack indicatior.s. Section rnarkers indicate loc.u:ons of metallographi< << etinns. -- s W

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             =  .s.a..
                                                                                           *                    ""          ~-                                                                   - = amp  --w w               ar m
    .k                                    [)    ;
                                                                     ' s,  dN.J3 ,s                  fB,.                  +a@~     ..

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n,,,.r W 02.' ,c w  : *r,.

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                                                                                                                                    % .-.a nL. ; ;In:.

g- (e . .. y... . ~ , .., p eg. y% - ;-:s -

                                                                                    '.4,c%c . E W ';:p A. v.,) *- -' 4 m?v :.e . , .. &. .'.,y-6..y        ,~. .,

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          .          e.e. oc%.'... ,. j:? .p.;1...
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h t%. ( l . s;.I'k.

g. :p + n o.y.c.w p,,.
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y +. .,, y.,\;W V s q.,y;M.W)(X,.imffy9$frib~QRWXQ%A.ij.E::.v 4:. I  : b k g

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                                                                                                                                                                      -_a h;mpfeki$f                                                                                                                              Sg[h.c,\.,fb                                        ~

h fik,.bhi. 'I?". e.d/ y ,a,

                                                                                                                                                   ,,.. .'tMi?yQn
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                                                         .; . :.wp
-L*-W n d %,,h.'.v llc= M .a h;'m!.432a.$W;,

c -9,M- ,1 2-23566 (a) Weld FW-6A. Pipe-to-pipe field weld. m - . ~ ,:~ y . .

i.=,9 y.".T : : q
                       '  $ ' S.M,2. ]                 o
                                                                                                 ;[ p.._. ~ h 8                        Y., .
.: s..,1 1,u. c.a) n .- .: .- <
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                                                                                            . , ,            .           9. g . i.h . ' '


                                                                                                         .a; ..,. .%c    ' h c(u *;" -v,       .                                    . < ,1
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A.'. . :.,,.4,...;o. ,4

                                   .p!                                                                                                   f                                            .'
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l . q R k';:, .': g :y.R..c?;?:Q * :\'.,*

                                                                 - ; *,r k ; c ~c                                      ,
                                                                                                                             ;& , Ws .
                        '4                .lK N                              ,5 2.t 7 " eTf -                               i-                                .'?


               .. $ y;.,!N[                                        min &a{.W;NW5&,                                                            hu&-Jj nap;@$'h.                                                             r..f/f..
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h. .d
                                ~ vv                                                  .

Qr,4 m;;.c <-~. .. - ;:W.*:ad>.y-y,Q. ,' ;7;f; c;.n:p? an~y-m S

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y a v 'a yy.  : . g.c , c

y!' ??
};; j .-

ry<:, .;g

                                                                                              .+'                   ,       g g .: j ;r. r .,J 'f,'y;f_.%iff
                                                                                                                      .>. , zA-w ' ; pc W          :
                                                                                                                                                                                   .v.e .2 L .: .%.L : .-f
                                                                                     ,5 - .n, %. t . g.:;...m,,, - m . 7 *m v-7
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A. ,,q

                             ,           . v ..             7.r A,fp   ,.1-
                                                                       . b, .,

s -

a,j.3 a-
          & :* , . . %. 7,d,6:4:t % z.; , n & .ms.@ ?,V,..g:                                                                                 g4e2.?
              . , ~ , .                        - .

a.D;_4.' <'.gh eje.& a-r.. . -g 2-23565 (b) Weld SW-F. Pipe-to-clbow shop weld. Figure C-4. Radiogrr.phs of Field W Id and Shop Weld. Arrows indic.'.te enas of crack indications. Section markers indicate locations of . metallographic sections.


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- e e n

a l i l D '

                   $ Y(-yg'?N.'. $ ;, - ws.r.s Mgh .
                                                                              ~Mh           hN$'-f <.
                                                                                                                .g 7   .

N P 2-23478 ,,

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3 m. t.,..., . .



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                                                   . +_y-g%. . n,. .s
z. 95.~..n,w:x. ~ .%. -

n m,, v.g - w.3, es 4 h ! ?. Ar f ;,. % .]:=7 . - $. ,Sf5hki?. %Q;Y$

. .me;p-;h 9 e,.,Q : .e . . . ' , - v ;, g, :.. . j, v:..r..,:g -F, .\. '='[.+:-Q z'. 4se ,

v . . ; . -y. s w-s

                                                                                                                                          ,.< p, 'q. .

c4 3 -


h !$N **f . . ' Z.-

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                                           .' . X. g        W.%'.*       i
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i.' L}in . :. y.- '$W'

                                                                                                         *g.       K T*%.

Q:,w , . 1 tg .'[,lW,. pl; f. .i o .< J' h = Abd 34% %d.. . 5.s.,: . . .?,.Ei.m'?; w.M g q'B;?WW W<* 4 re < - s..

d**: .n,. b'_.3i' TD ,.
                                                                                                                                   -    '*'.Ed..a 2-23430 Figure D-1.               Liquid Penetrant Indications - Weld FT-8, Crack No. 5. Numbered arrows indicate radiographic stations. Section markers in-dicate locatians of rr .allographic sections.                                                                  ,


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_mw w ev.

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g. tg
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t Rn- e . . idh(k[%%MV@h8M%L 2-23-Itf 2 .

vy rwm: F-
-5 m ;>- @., ,. 5 a m c q : , . -
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r s. m

                                                  ***. eg, -                                                                               -: .               ,$;.~.y w.a      -
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[f.,R,y :y5.m , . , 7:g4*;G.. ,R'yf.%*? 1- * .

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c, r . %;. )

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s.... : -; .d.; . .'W:e f.%.

m. :i.,,L
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                                                                                                              * " p b: .: ,- e"y+l* *sl p .s.<
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                                                     < ~' a;_,'

e._ $. .; , ,:2 i: l.._: .1Q.Y: ~ _ . rit,b.Q 1;,

                                                                                                                                                          . l ";,'f   h:
                                                                                                                                                                  .f.?b     Y N.,.,.,     Q*~,5%. .hc." _,~nen \,M 2-23-183 Figure D-2.                   Liquid Penetrant Indications - Weld FW-5.

Plant Inspection RT Indication. .\~um be red arrows indicate radiographic stations. See-tion nurkers indicate location = of metallo-graphic sections.

P .a.r2 i M,3 7.< 1W h M ,,TQL  % de i M 4 b N D N-id~.:3 m 3 p g* 4 f h h*h Sk T W R W M, .f3W>e V' g ch


n.:.. Y,.

5. 7f..Q 4b.y.x ,,6;g .T ' ' : '- Es%ka j; .<: t . ss
                                                                                                                     ' W 'c ~ . ' - .' <
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                                                     ..a       ..
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                                                                                                                                                                    .it,. . ?
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  • y.z,.. y%,u >n%<W-~ycm:a
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1: % v %j$' ' ' 5 &bs. M.e .d;;4'us 5,W.g.

                              .~                                                                             -                       >M y@c -'k s .%
                                                                                               !. ,w:-,1 : -f y                               t...                                                       j e>rf...; W.       . ,, yl Q r ws                                      h<.':**/gj;d;2                   nv +y@y9,.            ,

y- y . s --. kh\r~hY,,sb<r.i- kI c' Y. $f~% hlhNk.$k

                                                                                                                                            ~&w he%.W                                                                 Go 88 264;                                                                                              '

m'Q;h b- .

              ?,,5.J W : >;w i w ;n%s W'
                                                                           -- w 4 m %s
                                                                ...s. e.f.. . r. .e.. .r .

a m, .pq 7.W.h,krk.. S b C,s.:.W: M, e W- ,m,. ? ,.2 m < .. .r+.t .s.-,.w. e

                                                                                                  ., A, . &.. . ..'u~.       a.. . .,tp.ya .Ap s .or. -rlg                    .

2-23484 (a) Weld FW-6A. Field weld, s r,.-'. -- r .2 . s, Tc.;f,, j'e -

                                                                                                                   .'s.-r,' w,4.~         r'.q~yTT:l1
                                           .      w,. . a
w. .- .:gy..

ga. . - r

                            .                  *64 w.,;
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                                                             - ,~, ,. .-.4' . . 7,e.r=n           .*,.
                                                                                        , . < .. a.rt.,.A.             . ...r.f,psx."..,;.
                                                                                                                 . , ;-.            . ..,'- - ,4., p . .
                                    . ~ r~nf.,'l.                          : .. ;.r.~ ' ~ - .                           '
                                                                                                                                                    .j.- . *f
                                                                                                                           '.;! .*;r* ' '.r
                         . . , . *.-:s                    . .,,.-                                                                e.
                                                     .;p;                    ...                      e-i
                                                                                                                    . .g p-*. *.           ,
                                  ..;vs-                                                                      #
o. +%. .
                  . l{=l>;;;W '. WW;,1;f.,e.-e,                                               -*W W?%3,                 E N:':=;.k. hY .
                                . y.yn ,. s -                                                                                                  . ; .eM .

A -  %.-.3 %  %. Mjs </ r , .. .4 f

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                                     . .n1                    ..
                                                                    < %.    .    .:-ap?,,,.,J , "13;.'
                                                                                       ,. e.%;.

c -*., s.m"

                                                                                         .- . .                          u
                                                                                                                                                 <~;4..                    v,$'.

t*Q .c Prv . pr. .oqJ .yq.~ r , v. mpgf %s ..n. q.*. 2 ,. y- ~ .

                    .~ . r:.

u.' , ." : > 7.a R ; y ' : ,y. a'. ; ^ -

s; .4 ; ;*:p.j A; .. :p a:s.
) g . kT m
                                                                                                                                                               );g       m'n
                                                                                         ;;, % ,1, ; j
  • q .. 4
                                                                   *f , f.O                                                                f&

_ . l_.*

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                                                                  - 2 . me.:.      r. . . . y , .,w, .. qc. * . .,_-e                           , gl1:l.. . ... -


                            ..nei:-:,m {q.px.
s.  :;.,' , <

p; j . , . - + ' y., . .:.3,, . f ,.?,'lf _- p.  :. . ..~ f.',:9 - c .;c . - _

                           ,L f*; ,x;;s ,., . W.r.. L ' * - *y 1.2. *?h: eJ.Q- .y:;                                                                 .; ;. . ;d ic , k y y.2.;er.s'e                                                                                                                ,..;
           .        j- .                                 w s_ . ;.. a u , MW,, i .gc-(. e.w . E t .;n - ,. m 2-23486 (b) Weld SW-F. S'..op werd.

Figure D-3. Liquid Fenetrant Indications - Half-ring Sections. Numbered arrows indicate ra:iiographic stations. Section markers indicate locations of metallographic , sections. ) L


h?ff,h.'{DMS ~l . l~ 5. ,,5 W T &, s [ ,& % R... C.j$

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Section 16-16, radisgraphic station 25-1/2. Etchant; Electrolyic oxalic acid. 50X. d J e I

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2-24070 2-24072 (a) Section 7-7. Radiographic (b) Sectior. 8 8. Radiographic l Station 3. Station 2-1/2. Figure E-4. Micrographs M Sections Through Weld FW-5. In-plant RT indication. Etchant: Electrolytic oxalic acid. 50X.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,             J Pipe-to-pipe field weld. Section 10-10, radio-                                                                                                                                                                          '

craphic station 0. Etchant: Electrolytic oxalic - i acid. 50X. l ... l


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                     '3818                                                                                                                                 2-23320 (a) At c ra,-k                                                                                                    (b) Base metal beyon-i l'AZ Figure E-6.                                         Mic ro;;raphs of Sec. tion Through Weld SW -'.

Shop Weld. Section 9-9, radiographic staticn

17. Etechant: E'ectrolytic oxalic acid. 50X.

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(b) Large grain zone near inside

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Figure F 2. SEM Fractographs from Crack at Weld FW-7A. (Crack No. 4). Station 18- 19. Note smooth facets indicating minimal corrosive attack. 500X .


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b. Q,Ndb'ubi.

b hb (c) Mid.vall . 150X Figure F l. SEM Fractographs from Crack at Weld rW-5. (In plant RT indication). Station 7. l l
