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Responds to NRC Re Violation Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-334/79-20.Corrective Actions:Checklist to Aid in Tracking Maint Surveillance Test Records Developed & Put Into Use
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 11/23/1979
From: Dunn C
To: Brunner E
Shared Package
ML19270H747 List:
NUDOCS 8001030058
Download: ML19270H752 (2)


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November 23, 1979 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:

Mr. Eldon J. Brunner, Chief Reactor Operations and Nuclear Support Branch Region I 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-334 License No. DPR-66 IE Inspection Report No. 79-20

Dear Mr. Brunner:

In response to your letter of October 17, 1979, this reply addresses the deviation which was discussed in the referenced Inspection Report. The noted deviation was identified with respect to a previous lice-1see commitment to the NRC.

This commitment was made in our reply, dated April 4, 1979, to a noncompliance identified in IE Inspection Report 79-04 (failure to maintain records of maintenance surveillance testing). The reply had stated, under

" action taken to prevent recurrence", that a checklist for document transmittal to aid in the tracking of maintenance surveillance test records would be developed.

A similar commitment regarding the tracking of maintenance work request documents was made in response to an internal QA audit finding during this same period. A checklist was developed for the tracking of maintenance work requests, however, due to some misunderstanding on the part of station personnel, the checklist was not also incorporated for the maintenance surveillance test records.

The similarity of these commitments also led to the erroneous listing of this item as completed on the Station's status of NRC open items.

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Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 Reply To IE Inspection Report No. 79-20 Page 2 The checklist is presently being used for the maintenance surveillance test records as well as maintenance work requests.

This action should correct the deviation and permit the close-out of the noncompliance item.

If you have any questions concerning this response, please contact my office.

Very truly yours, C l\\ Aw C. N. Dunn Vice President, Operations 1678 111