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Forwards Supplemental Info to 790731 Response to NRC 790629 Request for Info Re Technical Qualifications of Mgt & Resources Available to Handle Events Such as TMI-2 Incident
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/15/1979
From: Stewart W
To: Haass W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7910180389
Download: ML19259D375 (29)


{{#Wiki_filter:. . eece ehk,e wwn a e O CM lC? t3 es oa r3 c-? c1 JQ:n, e opo&o g sosco Florida Power C O R PO R A T IO N October 15, 1979 Mr. Walter P. Haass Chief Quality Assurance Branch Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Hanagement & Technical Resources

Dear Mr. Ibass:

On July 31, 1979, Florida Power Corporation responded to your letter of June 29, 1979 requesting technical qualifications of management and technical resources available to handle an event such as the Three Mile Island-2 accident. Attached are:

1. Additional alphabetized " Technical Qualification" sheets for management and technical personnel, and
2. An updated summarization table showing:
a. College education,
b. Nuclear experience,
c. Management experience,
d. Utility experience,
e. Nuclear General Review Committee (NGRC),
f. Offsite Radiological Support Group (ORS),
g. Crystal River Unit #3 plant staff, and
h. Emergency Training Operations Group (ETO).

It should still be noted that, in addition to the information which has been provided, additional management and technical expertise, regardless of departmental lines and position, could be utilized, if needed.

                                                                                                                  }l       -  -
                                                                                ? 91018 0.3 f '7 General Office 3201 Tnirty fourtn street soutn . P O Box 14042. St Petersburg. Florida 33733 813 - 866-5151

Mr. Walter P. Haa ss Page Two October 15, 1979 Should you have any questions or need additional information concerning this subject, please contact this office. Very truly yours, FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION

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W. P. Stewart Manager, Nuclear Operations WPSemhF06 D47 File: 3-0-3-a-3

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33 ,J I; _-

STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS W. P. Stewart states that he is the Manager, Nuclear Operations, of Florida Power Corporation; that he is authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the information attached hereto; and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.


t - ~0 t O A W. P. Stewart Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above named, this 15th day of October, 1979. Notary Public Notary Public, State of Florida at Large, My Commission Expires: August 8, 1983

                                                                }1    '1 i n . .

CameronNotary 3(D12)

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Florida Power CORPORAT'ON October 15, 1979 Mr. Walter P. Haass Chief Quality Assurance Branch Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Management & Technical Resources

Dear Mr. Haass :

On July 31, 1979, Florida Power Corporation responded to your letter of June 29, 1979 requesting technical qualifications of management and technical resources available to handle an event such as the Three Mile Island-2 accident. Attached are:

1. Additional alphabetized " Technical Qualification" sheets for management and technical personnel, and
2. An updated summarization table showing:
a. College education,
b. Nuclear experience,
c. Management experience,
d. Utility experience,
e. Nuclear General Review Committee (NGRC),
f. Cf fsite Radiological Support Group (ORS),
g. Crystal River Unit #3 plant staff, and
h. Emergency Training Operations Group (ETO).

It should still be noted that, in addition to t he inf o rmation which has been provided, additional management and technical expertise, regardless of departmental lines and position, could be utilized, if needr.d. 11

                                                                                                                       'O" l i        s  *J General Office 3201 inirty founn street soutn . P O Scx 14042. st PetersDurg Fiorica 33733 813-866-515 t

i Mr. Walter P. Haass Page Two October 15, 1979 Should you have any questions or need additional information concerning this subject, please contact this office.. Very truly yours, FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION (d . . t W6d W. P. Stewart Manager, Nuclear Operations WPSemhF06

   *D47 File:   3-0-3-a-3
                                             ,o, i ,   , -- >J

4 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS W. P. Stewart states that he is the Manager, Nuclear Operations, of Florida Power Corporation; that he is authorized on the part } of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the information attached hereto; and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. h g vb-(- ]'s kN SU W. P. Stewart Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above named, this 15th day of October, 1979. Notary Public Notary Public, State of Florida at Large, My Commission Expires: August 8, 1983



                                                                   !; -     t CameronNotary 3(D12)

9 TECHNCAL QUALIFICATIONS Mr. Laurence Bayer - Quality Control Specialist

1. Job Responsibilities Control the receipt, inspection, storage and preservation of quality materials. Insure that all quality materials released to the plant, for use, meet all applicable Company and industry requirements.

Identify and coordinate the problems resulting from, and the disposition of, non-conforming materials.

2. Education Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Michigan State University, E. Lansing , Michigan - 1943,
3. Nuclear Training None
4. Nuclear Experience None
5. Summary -

Mr. Bayer, Quality Control Specialist, started his employment with Florida Power Corporation on April 4, 1979. He started his main career as Chief Engineer at Morris Paperboard Company in Paterson, N.J., which position he held for thirteen years. His responsibilities included the engineering and maintenance of the mill to insure the uninterrupted continuous operation of the mill. Following this, he worked as Project E1gineer, Field Project bbnager and Staff Proj.ct Manager with Parsone, and Whittemore Corp. , New Ycrk, N.Y. , an international engineering fi rm engaged in the construction of turn-key pulp and paper mills world-wide. Responsibilities included the design coordination, purchasing, supervision of construction and erection as well as the start-up and operation of these mill.s. Immediately prior to assuming his position with Florida Power Corporation, he spent eight years as Consultant to the Algerian Government for the establishment of a pulp and paper industry in Algeria, working for Joseph E. Atchison Consultants, Inc., New York, N.Y. Responsibilities included the establishment of design concepts, preparation of Calls for Tender, analyzing bids, and controlling the performance of the successful contractor in the building and operation of the mills. t

                                                                               'q ETibbs(T.SpecLB)D88                                                           U

TECHNCAL QUALIFICATIONS Mr. W. James Brown, Jr. - Manager, Power Plant Inventory Control - Purchasing

1. Job Responsibilities Responsible for managing the Company's General Supplies and Spare Parts Inventory in our Power Plant Storerooms. Develop and maintain up-to-date catalogs of these parts. Establish procedures and review recommended changes to our Materials Management Information Systems for Power Plant Parts.
2. Education BSEC, University of Florida,1961
3. Nuclear Training None
4. Nuclear Experience None
5. Summary W. James Brown, Jr. was employed by Flor da Power Corporation in February 1961 immediately following gradiation. Experience with Florida Poweer has been in the areas o' u1~ iribution Engineering, Power Sales, Industrial Development, Personnel, ?roduction Cost Control and, at present, Inventory Control 1 1^ l ')

l i ETibbs(WJB)D88

TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS Mr. Michael H. Kleinman - Project Manager - Combustion Turbine Projects

1. Job Responsibilities Direct and manage the Combustion Turbine Projects as outlined in the Generation Expansion Plant; insure that these projects are completed on time and within the authorized budget, while providing units de-signed and constructed compatible with company operating requirements.
2. Education A. BME, New York University,1952.
3. Nuclear Experience A. Engineering and Construction -- For a major Engineer-Constructor, he was responsible for the installation of the piping anc mechan-ical components including field design changes at two large three- and four-loop pressurized water nuclear plants. This in-cluded direct and indirect supervision of tho mechanical crafts, planning, scheduling, and development of construction proce-dures. Participated in design activities in the engineering office during various periods while assigned to these projects during a four-year period. -

B. Startup & Testing -- For two years, he functioned as Lead Startup Engineer at a four-loop pressurized water nuclear plant, culmi-nating nine years as Startup Engineer for a major Engineer-Cnnstructor. Supervised the development of the required preoper-ational test procedures and functioned as a member of the Utili-ties Joint Test Group. C. Quality -- Since early 1971, he assisted in the fomulation of and implemented the present FPC policy regarding its Quality Pro-gram. This program encompasses all activities related to the de-sign, procurement, construction, startup, and operation of all generating facilities. Activities associated with this function as related to Crystal River Unit 3 are the responsibility for:

1. Liaison with the AEC/DR0 and for FPC's compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B.
2. Development and implementation of F'C's Quality Program and Quality Manual and other similar procedures.
3. Perfomin'; the managemant functions associated with the im-plementation of the Quality Surveillance level of the FPC Quality Program, such as review and audit of vendors, con-sultants, and contractor's Quality activities.

ETibbs(T.SpecMHK)DN-88 l,: _ v

Mr. M. H. Kleinman (Continued)

4. Fomulating and administering FPC's policy with regard to Quality functions.
5. Direct the mariagement of Quality Program, Quality Assurance Consultants who perform the Quality Assurance level function for FPC.

1,1 i

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TECHNCAL QUAI.IFICATIONS Mr. W. O. May - bbcager, Generation Projects Design

1. Job Responsibilities Responsible for the establishtynt of generation projects' design and performance criteria, the coordination of engineering standards, policies and procedt.res, and the coordination of engineering staffing cad training to accomplish the design for major generation projects.
2. Education Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida - 1953 Master of Engineering, University of South Florida - 1976 Coteses only:

Georgia Tech - Public Utilities Executive Course, 1969 Florida Power - Professional Management Seminar, 1968 Ceneral Electric - Numerical Methods and Computer Applications, 1963

3. Nuclear Training A. B&W Nuclear Plant Indoctrination Course - I week, 8 hours / day, 1968. Included study and review of all aspects of nuclear plant design and operation.

B. "MIT Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Safety" Course - 3 weeks, 8 hours / day.

4. Nuclear Experience A. Engineering 1967-68. Control Engineer and Staff Engineer responsible for the design review and construction coordination for mechanical and control systems on all power plant additions, including the establishment of design criteria of Florida Power's nuclear project.

1968-71. Manager of Power Engineering Department and Assistant Nuclear Project !bnager. Florida Power Corporation. Respo nsible f or the direction of engineering activities, scheduling and cost control activities, enviroamental activities , training activities, and quality program activities related to all cajor generation projects, including Crystal River 3 Nuclear Project.

                                                                           ,,9 i             '

ETibbs (WAS)D88 > -

Mr. W. O. May (Cont 'd)

4. Nuclear Experience B. Quality 1967-68. As Control engineer and Staff Engineer, responsible for quality related design requirements of Crystal River #3 relative to control systems for this project.

1968-71. As >bnager of Power Engineering and Assistant Nuclear Project bbnager, responsible for establishment of the overall quality program design for Crystal River #3 as reflected in the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report. C. Testing 1967-71. Responsible for developmental work related to testing requirements and testing programs for Crystal R'.ver #3. D. Other 1971-77. As Ibnager of Economic Research, participated in corporate strategic plans relative to the evaluation of the economics of nuclear power generation as an alternative to fossil base load generation for Florida Power's projected energy

          . requirements.
5. Summary Mr. >by's experience on a nuclear project (Crystal River #3) is preceded by 14 years (prior to 1967) of experience in the design, construction, startup and testing of 10 Florida Power Corporation steam electric generating plants.

a ' l1

                                                  . .      . a ETibbs (WOM)D88N

TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS Mr. C. R. Pope - Production Administrative Service Manager

1. Job Responsibilities Direct, Control and Administer
2. Education Three years - University of Florida 1951-1953 - 1955-1956.
3. Non-Nuclear Experience Class Time
1. Julf 1958 - March 1962 Intermediate Clerk 192 weeks
2. February 1962 - January 1963 Senior Clerk 52 weeks
3. February 1963 - March 1971 Chief Clerk 416 weeks 660 weeks 12.69 yr.
4. April 1971 - August 1974 Administrative Supervisor CR #3
5. September 1974 - June 1976 Administrative Manager - Generation Test
6. September 1976 - present Production Administrative Service Manager
4. Summary Mr. C. R. Pope, Production Administrative Service Manager, graduated from Orlando High School in 1951 and attended the University of Florida, majoring in Business /dministration. He attended vat *ous training schools while in the U. S. Army and served as an instructor in Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare at Fo rt Benning, Georgia. In 1958 he was employed by Florida Power Corporation as an Intermediate Clerk in the Eastern Division's Engineering Department.

He progressed through the various stages of responsibility until in

 .      1963 he was named Chief Clerk. As such, he was responsible for building services, clerical operations, security, accounting functions, and record keeping in one of the company's largest divisions. On April 7,1971, Mr. Pope was named Administrative Supervisor CR #3. While their, he was involved in staffing, organizing, and planning the Administrative Sectica of the Nuclear ETibbs (T.SpecCRP)DN88

j i '* 4 i , - r

Mr. C. R. Pope (Cont'd)

4. Summary (Cont'd)

Plant. In September of 1974 he assumed the duties of Administrative Manager Generation Test De par tment. The f unction of this position was to plan, schedule, supervise and direct the duties and training of testing personnel involved in administrative services, document control and test data collection. Mr. Pope was promoted to his present position of Production Administrative Service Manager in July 1976. In this position he provides the oversight, direction and management of the Production Department administrative and cost control function.

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J an ETibbs (T.S pecCRP)D88

TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS [+ . Donald W. Richmond - Director of Safety and Security

1. Job Responsibilities
1. To provide safety training and engineering for all operating departments of Florida Power Corporation.
2. Provide security service on a system-wide basis -- includic.g Crystal River #3.
3. Coordinate all liaison with law enforcement agencies in the event of an emergency.

6 Qualifications Licensed Professional Engineer in Safety, Certificate #0647, State of California. Electric utility industry experience since 1949. First position was in the Transmission and Distribution Construct' 'n area in Phil adel phia , PA, in 1948.

3. Nuclear Training None
4. Nuclear Experience No formal nuclear experience, but is knowledgeable of power plant operation, construction, and maintenance.
5. Summa ry Has been saployed at Florida Power Corporation since 1956; served as journeyman-lineman in Distribution Department prior to becoming Registered Safety Engineer. Entered field of safety officially in 1964; has held tie posizion of Director since 1968.

Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, American Society of Industrial Security Agents, and American Law Enforcement Officers' Association. Also serves on the Board of Directors of the National Safety Council, West Coast Chapter, Clearwater, FL.

                                                                        - a 11            <

l , a J ETibbs(T.SpecDWR)DN-88

TECHNCAL QUALIFICATIONS Mr. W. A. Szelistowski - Project Manager, Mid-80's Coal Project

1. Job Responsibilities l The function of this position is the management of the licensing, design, procurement, construction and testing of two 800 MW coal-fired ge-eiating units scheduled for operation in the Mid-80's.
2. Edt cation Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, Milwaukee School of Engineering - 1956.

Courses only: University of Florida - Management D,velopment Program.

3. Nuclear Training A. B&W Nuclear Plant Indoctrination Course - I week, 8 hours / day, 1968. Included study and review of all aspects of nuclear plant design and operation.

B. "MIT Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Safety" Course - 3 weeks, 8 hours / day.

4. Nuclear Experience A. Engineering 1967-1971. As Senior Power Engineer was in charge of electrical and control engineering criteria, design parameters and review of all system designs. ,

1971-1974. As Director of Generation Engineering was responsible for all areas of Engineering Design and equipment procurement for Cry: cal River Unit 1/ 3. B. Quality 1967-1971. As Senior Power Engineer was responsible for all quality aspects of Crystal River Unit #3 relating to the electrical and control portions of the project. 1971-1974. As Director of Generation F- .neering had the overall responsibility for quality program - related to Crystal River Unit #3 Engineering. 11 *7 i . . , ETibbs (WAS)D88

Mr. W. A. Szelistowski (Cont'd) C. Testing 1967-1974. Ilad the management responsibility for the setting up of the test programs for Crystal River Unit i!3. D. Other Past member of the IEEE Nuclear Science Group, Power Engineering Society, that are responsible for reviewing and approving standards applicable to the utility industry. Past member Sub-Committee II of the J.C.N.E.S. that are developing qualification standards for nuclear plant equipment and systems. Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Florida.

5. Summary Mr. Szelistowski's direct nuclear experience is preceded by 11 years (prior to 1967) involvement in design, construction, startup and testing of seven Florida Power Corporation steam-electric generating plants. He was responsible for the engineering ef forts involved on two major (fossil) generating units for Florida Power Corporation.

{1 _'U7 i, , ETibbs (WAS)D88


 !!r. W. R. Watts , Jr. - Manager, Power Plant !bterials
1. Job Responsibilities Primary f unctions of this position are to direct the procurement of materials and services, as well as the inventory control and storage of material required for the nuclear plant.
2. Education Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management, Georgia Tech, 1961; Master of Business Administration, liniversity of South Florida, 1967.
3. Nuclear Training Ile has received corporate level training on the Florida Power Corporation Quality Program, and has par:1cipated and directed training sessions on Quality Operating Procedures for the purchasing a nd s to rage of quality material.
4. Nuclear Experience 1975-1977 - Purchasing Agent with responsibility for procurement of variety of utility materials, including supplies for Crystal River #3.

1977-Present - Manager, Power Plant Materials

5. Summary
       !!r. Watts was employed with Florida Power Corporation in 1970. Prio r to this, he worked as a Contract Administrator for Honeywell, Inc.,

St. Pete rsburg, Florida, gaining several years experience in the procurement field. Af ter a variety of field assignments for Florida Power, he assumad a Purchasing Agent position in the Purchasing Department where his responsibilities included obtaining procurement data for initial supplies for Crystal River #3 nuclear plant, and establishment of procedures for procurement of maintenance parts to be carried on the Material Management Information System (MMIS). In his present assignment, he has directed the implementation and necessary updating of the Company Quality Operating Procedures which cover procurement of materials and supplies for the nuclear plant, as well as the receipt of aaterials and storage at the plant site. 1

                                                                         .    /

ETibbs(T. S pecWRW)D83

TECHNICAL QUaulFICATIONS Mr. Sidney G. Webber - Senior Risk Analyst

1. Job Responsibilities Respnsibilities of this position as they relate to this particular NRC Review and the nuclear facility are to supervise the processing of property and liability claims, assist in the measurement of risks associated with the operation of the plant, and maintaining liaison with insurance company engineers relating to plant inspection, and the follow-up on all inspection recommendations to ensure implementation.
2. Edu-As 4 . o af Arts Degree - Business Administration - St. Pe te rsburg Jr. Lu ge.

Bachelor of Arts Degree - Accounting - University of South Florida. Graduate Studice - Business, Administration - University of South Florida.

3. Experience Accountant with the Plant Accounting Department of Florida Power Corporation - 4 years. In present position since July 1979.

ETibbs(T.SpecSGW)D84 51 >,

Table 1 Page 1 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Exper. Ex pe r. Exper. NGRC ORS Staff ETO Agee, J. W. EE 11 Al berdi, J. ME 7. 0 21 X Allegood, R. L. X Allen, II. L. ME 23 Allen, L. E. ME 1 9-1/2 Averett, M. W. NS NE 4 4 Bairagdar, M. M. ME 10  ; 10 Baker, J. A. Special 1 X Ed. Baker, K. B. EE 5 5 Baker, T.L. Ball, A. M. E 9 Barbour, C. G. 6 6 Barrett, J. E. ME 6 6 X X Baumgardner, J. S. EE 1 5 Bayer, L. CE Baynard, P. Y. -- Chem. & Bus.Adm. Nuclear 6 6 X X X

                             !!a th           Chem.

Beat ty , J r. , G. P. ME 13 4 21 X X X Becker, G. A. i. , ME 6 1 1 ; RBrigh t (Ex pe r)D79 - - -

Table I Page 2 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Exper. Exper. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO Bennet, C. A. X Bingliam, T. R. Business Black, D. B. Indus- 7 7 tr ial Boldt, G. L. E 11 6 X Bonner, R. C. EE 9 2 11 X Borgerson , R. K. , X Bourne, T. A. Account- X ing Breaux, P. L. 9 29 X X Breedlove, P. D. X B riglit , R. M. NE 8 8 X X Br illi, C. 11 11 , X llros clie , IIL, L. A. ME 2 5 Brown, Jr., U. J. EE Buckner, J. L. X Buell, D. T. ME 9 Burns, Jr., R. S. ME E 6 4 21 Campbe11, D. l.- CE 8 8 1 i Riir igh t (Ex pe r)D79 rO .

Table I Page 3 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS  !!S PhD Ex pe r. Exper. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO Cannon, 11. I. Carr, R. E. Carter, R. P. Manage- 6 3 ment Cason, J. A. 3-1/2 27 Clapp, J. C. Archi- 6 6 tecture Clark, B. W. X Clardy, J. B. Chemistry 12 1 22 X Claar, C. L. X Clauson, R. E. ME 18 4 X Clauss, R. J. Business 4 6 Colby, J. E. E 9 9 Collins, M. E. NE 4-1/2 4-1/2 X X Coo pe r , J. 9 9 X X Crane, B. E. ME 9-1/2 9-1/2 X X Crockett, D. C. E 13 Cronin, J. F. Cross, W. A. -' NE 7 5 X X s i RBright(Exper)D79  ; , va

Table I Page 4 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Exper. Ex pe r. Ex pe r. NCRC ORS Staff ETO Dagostino, P. EE 7 5 Dawson, J. E. ME 4 5 21 Dean, P. E. BA - - Dorrie, R. S. Construc- 7 9 tion Doyel, C. B. Du Bo i s , Q. B. NS NE 10 6 9 X X Phys ics Dudley, W. E. Dumas, Jr., 11. E. Elder, K. M. ASE ME 2 4 Embach , i!. M. 9 29 X X Evertz, III, 11. A. Business 17 X Farless, D. !!. 7-1/2 22 X Feldhusen, R. L. - 5 X Fergusson, D. E. EE i-1/2 Flynn, D. 1. 10 22 l


Foley, M. B. __ E Business 12 Forte, C. M. ME 3 1 RBr iglit (Ex pe r)D79 j

Table 1 Page 5 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Exper. Exper. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO Fraze, R. O. ME ME 6 9 Freitag, J. D. Engr. Business 1/2 X Admin. Friend, A. E. EE 10 12 X Fuller, R. E. X Froats, E. E. CE 11 7 16 Garrison, G. N. 31 Cates, R. W. 21 Goaring, C. G. ' X Colden, W. L. X Gomez, A. L. EE 20 22 Good, E. M. EE 13 15 Griffith, P. E. 17 11 X X llancock, J. A. Physics NE 16 X X liarrison, J. L. ,Architec- Biochem. 5 5 X X ture liebb, G. P. 15 15 X X liebb, Jr. , M. F. _ _ , BEE 21 liedlund , R. C. 22 i . RBr igh t (Ex pe r)D79 > t.i

Table I Page 6 of 13 , Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Ex pe r. Ex pe r. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO llenry, P. C. EE E 7 20 lienson , M. C. 4 X lierbert, W. II. X llerring, R. A. 2 X !!icks, J. C. Metal- 5-1/2 X lurgy liiggins , !!. E. ME 5 llines, Jr., A. II. ME 28 Ilocket t , J r. , O. 11. CE 17 Ilobbs, Jr., J. C. NE EE 16 15 X 1101 t , J . E. EE 1 llo r ton , C. O. 28 liudson, F. O. 35 X llurley, L. D. ME X Jackson, E. C. 12 21 Johnson, S. W. ME 4 g X Johnson, W. C. Ka r rh , C. J. 4 6 cs RBrigh t(Ex pe r)D79

Table I Page 7 of 13 Nuclear Mgot. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Ex pe r. Exper. Ex pe r. NGRC ORS Staff ETO Katterhenry, A. A. EE NE 19 19 X Kelley, L. C. 13 3 X Kempe r , W. E. 12 6 X Keppeler, J. G. ME 8 X Klein, W. R. EE NE 11 11 X Kleinman, M. 11. ME 13 10 X Kraiker, J. R. 8-1/2 21 X X Kulik, J. EE . 3 LaBorde, D. J. EE - 7 Leigh, A. B. ME 2 27 Lucas, II. B. 9 !4 X X Lucas, I. B. X Lutkehaus, T. C. EE 9 18-1/2 X McClure, III, J. A. McGee, J. A. X McKee, P. F. NE ME 11 15 X X McLaughlin , R. L. Physics 7 7 X RBrigh t (Ex pe r)D79  ; 3


Table 1 Page 8 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Exper. Ex pe r. F2pe r. NGRC ORS Staff ETO Mack, J. E. CE 5 6 X Maloney, J. V. ME Business 8 !!arsliall, B. J. EE 38 Marshall, G. W. Mathew, !!. W. X May, W. O. ME t. 4 11 13 Megahan, F. N. Chemistry 16 17 Miller, !!. S. Chemistry 5 !! iller , T. A. 19 6 X X Miller, T. S. Montemayor, R. 4 2 26 Moore, C. C. IE E 8 22 Morea, E. M. ME 3 3 Morneault, A. W. EE 9 12 Morrison , J r. , D. A 16 16 X !!ount , T. N. X Neiser, R. W. _ Law 1 13 RBr igh t (Ex pe r)D79 ' L

Table 1 Page 9 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Ex pe r. Ex pe r. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO Nelson, A. T. Nichols, W. R. 19 21 X Nisula, W. W. CE 5 7 Nusbickel, Jr., D. C. EE 10 2 10 0'Brien, W. S. ME NE 5 16 Obmann, R. G. Math 14 X Odom, R. E X Ohanian, M. J. X Olson, D. D. X Ormston, A. J. ME 15 40 0'Shea, D. !! X Pachos, C. CE 11 24 Padilla, A. A. ME i 4 , Parker, J. L. liigh X School . Parnelle , Jr. , R. E. Forestry ME 4 10 Parrish , J. J. x Pedrick, IV, D. W. _.- X 5 X RBr igh t(Ex pe r)D79 ,



Table I Page 10 of 13 Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MJ PhD Ex pe r. Exper. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO Perkins, G. D. 11 17 X X Perrey , II. M. 13 2 Peterson, N. A. E 3-1/2 Pe yi ng haus , R. R. X Pittman, W. C. 6 11 X Pluebell, F. W. 7 21 X X Pope , C. R. 5 21 Porter, D. E. EE 5 10 X Reeder, 11. E. 9 31 X X Reilly, III, W. P. EE 7 Richmond, D. W. O 11 23 Robinson , Jr. , M. X Rogers, R. E. Rottloff, R. II. E 7 7 Rowland, D. J. ME 18  ? 18 Ruppel, J. G. EE 1 6 Ruszala, G. 11. 15 12 15 X RBr igh t(Ex pe r)D79 d

Table I Page 11 of 13 , Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS EL> PhD Expe r. Exper. Ex pe r. NCRC ORS Staff ETO Schmiedel, R. P. E 2 6 Shook, D. A. EE 9 12 X Simpson, E. C. X X Smith, R. 11. ASEE 15 13 Smith, T. L. BA-Mass 6 X Comm. Sn i ge s , C. R. S pa ke , N. B. IE 5 23 Stanbrough, S. L. 12-1/2 Stewart, W. P. Stocky, D. G EE 29 Sudduth, N. L. 20 Sullivan, W. J. Business 17 X Swyers, W. A. ME 10 Szellstowski, W. A. EE 12 8 23 Takami, R. S ME 6 Taylor, B. A. _ EE 6 6 Thompson, D. L. Math 5 3 X RBr igh t (Ex pe r)D79

Table 1 Page 12 of 13 e Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Ex pe r. Exper. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO , Tierney, D. J. Chem. E 5 Tittle, L. B. ME 4-1/2 5 X X Triplett, T. E. Indus- 7 5 X t rial Turner, L. G. ME 9 Ulm, S. F. EE 3 5 Vattamattam, J. V. CE 1 11 Vogt, A. P. X Vogel, K. O. EE 5 11 X Voigts, D. K. Biology Zoology Zoology 1 X Ward, W. D. X Wareham, J. G. Watsey, S. E 22 Watts, Jr., W. R. IM r, 9 3 9 Wayble, T. II. 8 21 X X Webber, S. G. A 4 4 Welch, E. E. __ EE 5 3 X Weller, III, G. !!. EE 7 X West, D. W. ME 5 5 15 RBright(Exper)D79 IJ

Table 1 Page 13 of II'. Nuclear Mgmt. Utility Plant Name BS MS PhD Ex pe r. Ex pe r. Exper. NCRC ORS Staff ETO , Westafer , G. R. ME NE 9 9 X X Widell, R. C. HE 6 1 Williams, C. M. X Williamson, R. II. Business 2 Wright, J. R. 25 25 X W i w^ RBr ight (Ex pe r)D79 j}}